Jon Voight: Soldiers of Truth - 4.20

Published Apr 20, 2018, 10:00 PM

Legendary Actor Jon Voight joins Sean to discuss just how great President Trump is doing in his tenure so far. Sean praises Voight for stepping out under the hot spotlight of liberal Hollywood to speak out in favor of Conservative thought. Voight, in return, appoints Sean as a General in the Army of Truth. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. If you're like me and suffer from insomnia, you know what, that's not fun. You know I tried everything I couldn't get a good night's sleep. And this is neither drug nor alcohol induced. That's right. It is my pillow. Mike Lindell invented it and he fitted me for my first my pillow, and it's changed my life. I fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and the good news you can too. Just go to my pillow dot com promo code minute and take advantage of one of Mike Glendell's best offers, his special four pack. You get over fifty percent off to my Pillow Premium Pillows to go Anywhere pillows. My Pillows made in the USA, has a sixty day unconditional money back guaranteed no risk to you, and attend you warranty. You don't want to spend more sleepless nights on a pillow tossing in turney that's not working for you. Just go to my pillow dot com right now, use the promo code minute and you get Mike Glendell's special four pack. You get to my Pillow Premium Pillows to Go Anywhere pillows for over fifty percent off, and you'll start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and d appealing in recrupitive sleep you've been craving and deserve my pillow dot Com promo code minute. All right, glad you with us, Happy Friday. I don't even know myself how I'm gonna get all this information into the course of this program. Uh, we made it, and glad you are with us. One Shawn is a toll free telephone number. You know. There's an amazing investigative report we're gonna have later on in the program. This whole um in Wan Iran scandal with Debbie Wasson and Schultz, we now have new information after months of looking for Russia Russia Russia collusion, that we now have information that all of that classified, top secret information on hard drives of Debbie Wasson and Schultz and others were literally handed right over to Pakistani intelligence agents. And nobody in the media has been covering. The only guy that has has been Luke Rosiak, and he's gonna blow it wide open today. Um. Some of the quick headlines. We're gonna get into all of this now. The Justice Department is launching an investigation into Comey. We'll get to that. We have the lead New York Times reporter for the Clinton campaign admits she cried when Hillary lost. I'm like really. Also, we have enraged Democrats now now that there's no Trump Russia collusion, they have launched a lawsuit. This takes cry baby is m to a bigger level than Chuck Todd of NBC. But it's all true, and it's all happening, and this is I guess, the world that we're all living in unfortunately here. But let me let me start with you know what an incredible week this has been, especially in light of so many of you have been saying to me, when's it gonna happen. You keep telling us this, this, this and this. You're showing us the evidence every night, but nothing is happening. Nothing is happening. Well, it's now happening, and as fast as fast as it should know, as fast as we want. No, but it's happening. Now. We have Rhonda Santis criminal referrals for all of these deep state actors and then some including Hillary Clinton, including Loretta Lynch, including struck in page, including Comey, including McCabe, including all those that were involved in the dossier. Then you've got the independent, uh, the Inspector General and his recommendation, his his criminal referral, not Donald Trump's for Andrew McCabe in his case of lying under oath. And now we have today now the Justice Department. And how many times, Linda, did we warn James Comey that he should not write this book. It's not gonna work out well for him. It's not working out well. Yeah, we even have a stager to tell him to you know, we we I tweeted at him. You do have a reminder the right to remains silent. I actually tweeted this to him, and I suggest you use it anyway. Now, Jim Comey, the Justice Department is now probing Comey's memos over classified material. This goes to the heart. Those are the memos that he leaked to his Columbia professor friend for the purpose of launching the special counsel with his other buddy, Robert Mueller. I mean, in other words, it could have been predicated just on a on a criminal act itself, which is unbelievable when you when you look at this on the surface anyway, the Justice Department now their internal watchdog is reportedly looking into these memos containing classified information. Everything goes back to eighteen USC seven. That was the whole reason. Remember, I remember James Carver once said, the reason Hillary didn't want to put her information in the proper server and within the government is because she didn't want people like Louie over going through them. Oh okay, so she's going to circumvent the law and the process of all of that. Well, it didn't help her, And it all begins there. Do you realize this whole mess all comes down to people protecting the corrupt actions of the Clintons. I suspect she didn't want Louis Goldman rifling through emails, which seems to me to be a kind of reasonable position for someone to take. So it amounts to It's like everything else before it, it amounts to nothing but a bunch of people flapping the jaws about nothing. Well, it just happens to be, James, a violation of the law, mishandling classified information and destroying such and and that's why it will play the cuts later. That's why this question that James Coley gets, uh, what about destroying emails. Well, there's got to be intent. Okay, the intent is obvious because the emails she destroyed were under subpoena at that point. She doesn't want people seeing them. And nobody ever heard of thirty three thousand emails just being deleted. And at one point she said they went through them one by one the lawyers went through, which turned out not to be true either. And then no, I don't think anybody had ever heard of bleach bit, which acid washes clean your computer hard drive until Hillary Clinton and her team of obstructors in this case used it. And then whatever and comey trying to explain away, Well, you know, people don't want their personal information getting in the hands of others, so it's you know, we have to see the intent of breaking up those devices. Yeah, we know what the intent was. It was to circumvent the subpoena and all of that. That all rises to the level of obstruction of justice. That's why all of these people now are beginning to find themselves in trouble, and people what and and the oddest thing of all is there's never been any Trump Russia collusion, but there's been Russian interference and Russian collusion, and we know where it came from. It was bought and paid for by UH. Let's see Perkins Cooey funds Fusion GPS because they funnel the money through the law firm right into Fusion GPS. They're paying Christopher Steele. Christopher Steele gets Russians and Russian government lies that they can manipulate the American people, and it gets worse from there, and then it becomes, oh, let's not verify the information the way the law, what the law calls for, or what FBI protocols called for. No, let's just let's just present it to the FISA court judge and a FISA court warrant and let the FISA judge then give the application. UH the approval, so we can spy on an American citizen, a Trump campaign associate, and will lead up to an election. But we're not going to tell the judge we know that it's not verified. We're not going to tell the judge that nobody corroborated it as a matter of fact, even when they knew it was lies. During their subsequent reapplications, they never told the judges that some of this isn't true, and we've never verified a single point in it. And you have all these people out there trying to do this big deep dive as a true as a true hookers, Honker's hooker. I mean, it's ridiculous anyway. So the warrant is granted and they never say Hillary paid for it. This is why we are where we are. So the Justice Department now has launched their investigation on top of a week of criminal referrals that we've now gotten. Now an investigation into James Comey, which we predicted would also happen in this case, and there's probably more coming in this case. It was for leaking classified material in the comy memos to his friend who shared it with The New York Times. Now we have been warning call me day in and day out that this would all backfire against him, and he when he was asked by I think it was Bill Ritter of ABC seven in a local station in New York City. I don't know. I've never heard of Sean Hannity. I've never watched this show. I've heard he says stuff about me, but that's it. I've never you never watched the show once, not one time too bad because it could have helped him. Now, the Justice Department didn't just get these memos. They've had them from day one. This is the sad part. We have been on this now for over a year. They could have launched this probe any time in the last year, but whatever reason, they didn't. And then Comey starts popping off on every TV show that he can find, acting like a rock star that he's out on tour, getting more exposure than Kim Kardashian. And I'll bet, by the way, somebody at the Justice Department probably is not too pleased about this because now he's under an official investigation. I tried to warn him, and the Justice Department Inspector General is now conducting this investigation into the classification issues related to the Coomy memos. According to a person familiar with the matter, it's the very same thing that his number two, McCabe is in trouble for leaking to the media. It's the exact same Now they're fighting each other, Comey and McCabe. And if a cabe, if there's a criminal trial witnessed, number one is gonna be James Comey, who launched the investigation. Now there's great hatred amongst all of them. It's unbelievable. Now it gets even sicker than all of that. What we learned this week was that Rod Rosenstein also told President Trump that he is not any target of investigation in any way as it relates to the Mueller investigation, which is revealing in so many different ways, which means even though we knew collusion was never a crime, but it means there never was any evidence of Trump Russia collusion. The only thing going on now has spread out into the you know, weeds so deep. It has nothing to do with the origin general mandate, and that is problematic with the Special Counsel law to begin with. And now so with all of that, now that realization descending down upon the media and the Democratic Party, they're now in freak out mode. Now we learned from the Coomy memos released last night, I think the biggest revelation, well at one, is I'm not sneaky. I don't leak. Those are the words of Jim Comey in his own memo. Meanwhile, he leaks, and he was sneaky. He was sneaky when he went to the FISA court as part of the application process. And even though it wasn't verified. Well, it was used as the bulk of information to get a warrant to spy on an American, a Trump campaign associate. And three months later Mr Sneaky goes to Trump and says it's unverified and stallacious. Okay, that sounds sneaky, and he did leak to his professor friend. But the other part of the Coomy memo that I think just jumps out at us is the fact that you know, James Comey wrote in his own notes, not only did Donald Trump tell him not to stop the investigation, he said, if anybody associated with me is involved, I want you to pursue it fully. Well, that takes care of a ending wanting him wanting to end the investigation, and be him obstructing any investigation in his own words. It's right there in his own notes. So with all these developments, the Democratic Party is in a meltdown and a panic because they're precious year and a half lie. There, conspiracy theory there, Russia Gate hoax has going up and smoke right before their eyes. Rosenstein tells Trump he's not a target. That Comy memos come out, and the only thing they prove is that there was never any need for a special prosecutor in the first place. Now we got Rudy Giuliani joining Trump's legal team, predicting this is gonna be over sooner rather than later. And the whole fiasco and the whole mountain of lies that they built, you know, is now backfiring in their face. Oh, and Andrew McCabe gets a criminal referral from the I G. And McCabe called me Rosenstein Struck and Page they get criminal referrals from the House and Democrats have been counting on this made up Russia scandal to destroy the president for over a year. Down they're now raging. They're beside themselves because they bet it all the whole farm that Robert Mueller would end up and you know, getting rid of President Trump for them and undoing an election. Well that's what this nutball lawsuit by the d n C that was filed this morning is all about. They have basically given up on Robert Mueller and Roberts so they're now launching another Russia investigation just by liberal Democrats, though not by anybody else. As if we didn't have enough Democrats investigating him on Muller's team, we'll get back to this in what a week this has been, What a week of news. I'll try and break it down more when we get back, and we have a lot coming up in the course of the program today as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, eight d nine four one, I am, this is vindication. This is everything you need to know is true that Trump Russia collusion never happened, because there's no faith that the committees are now finishing up and wrapping up their work. Mueller. I mean, what the admission of Rod Rosenstein talking to the President last Thursday saying, yeah, now we're not looking into you at all anymore on either case, the New York case or the or Robert Mueller. And that means what they didn't find collusion of any kind and because there never was any. Now, when does the media go back and apologize two their viewers and their listeners about the hysteria and the line that took place over this period of time. When do they begin the investigations into let's see unmasking and and literally surveillance and raw intelligence being leaked. When do they begin the investigation did Hillary really commit crimes and we basically uh covered up for her? And we were running defense for her. Meanwhile, if it was a Republican, they would have been all over such a person, if they were acid washing and deleting and beating up devices that were subpoenaed. When when are they gonna go back to that part or when are they going to look at a system or of justice system that says, oh, as long as you're friends with somebody, you can write their exoneration. You can have in a political year, the biggest Trump hater interview Hillary in the investigation, then immediately exonerator because the exoneration was written months earlier, and and not see that that was all rigged, that was fixed. You say that was their candidate, They're candidated at that point in time, had to be in the race or there would have been just massive upheaval. That was their biggest contribution to the Hillary Clinton campaign. And then of course in the lead up to all of this, nobody paid any attention that she fixed the primary against poor Bernie Sanders. Eye. To me, that's a big issue. And then that drags us right back to where we were with the phony Russian paid for dossier, with Russian lies and propaganda. How does this happen? In the United States. And then on top of you got the biggest abuse of power scandal. They missed it. They missed it all, and they're still gonna miss it, and they're still gonna breathe hysteria and they'll probably now just latch onto the Democrats because they've they've failed on such a spectacular level in doing their jobs in the media, which proves a lot of points. Journalism being dead one of them, and number two, they're just an extension not only of the Hillary campaign but all things democratic. Well can to in you alright till the top of the r Thank you Scott Schan and Scott Sean and one of the one of the nicest guys I've ever met in all of radio and one of the best voices in radio. We say, what a great set of pipes. Um. We have new emails out that bolster the claims that the FBI and the d o J have in fact been coordinating on the Clinton case response. Now, these emails have now been revealed and Fox News has a copy of them from February, suggesting the FBI and the d o J together we're working to craft a response to a key development in the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Now, why would the FBI and the d o J be working together to help Hillary Clinton? Oh, that's right, because they're all friends. I forgot. How did I forget that? Anyway? Raising new questions about this concern of coordination because you're talking about two of the top agencies that are supp used to be separate and apart from politics. That's not the case. We now know now the emails concerned the period of after twenty two messages with top secret information we're actually found on the former Secretary of States personal email server. Congressman Mark Meadows in North Carolina cited them in a letter earlier this week, claiming that the former FBI Director James Comey's testimony in which he downplayed the FBI d o J coordination on the Clinton cases at odds with documents suggesting there was frequent coordination. Now specifically Commy, there's more problems for Comey. In other words, Comey specifically said in public testimony didn't coordinate with the do o J for his July public recommendation not to pursue charges against Clinton. Right, that was three days. There was July five, three days after they finally Peter struck interviewed Clinton. But remember Struck and Comey or putting together their exoneration letter in May, long before they interviewed Clinton or seventeen other key witnesses. So the timing is is absolutely crucial here anyway. So that's just this. This is the testimony that he's saying he never coordinated at this crucial time in the investigation. And he said that in a July statement. And the period in February that we're talking about so well, the FBI is part of the Justice Department, and communication between the two agencies inevitable. Meadows letter is suggesting here that some of the FBI were concerned about the perception it was not acting independently in this politically explosive case. Now, the February messages that now have been reviewed by Fox News, it starts on February eight, We're heading into the election year. And when Gregory Star, then the Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security, told FBI Head of counter Intelligence Bill Price staff that the State Department was prepared to punish those responsible for the misplaced messages. Quote, the Department of State is prepared to take appropriate administrative action for any instances of mishandling classified information in accordance with our own internal processes. Now Starr wrote that, However, the official added that the Department did not want to hinder the ongoing FBI investigation, and, if instructed, would postpone any administrative action over the emails until after the bureau's cases concluded. Wait a minute, I thought they weren't coordinating here. Five days later, February, an unidentified senior Justice Department official wrote to FBI Agent Peter Struck, Jonathan Maffa of the FBI's Criminal Division and bureau's Office of General Council, as well as members of the U. S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Virginia. Quote, wanted to make sure the d o J has kept in the loop as response is drafted, wrote the unnamed official in the Justice Department's National Security Division. Quote, we have discussed a bit more here at c E S and have some additional thoughts on the best response on the administration action in question. Can we make sure we discuss as a group as the responses put together, we'll C e S appears to refer to the Justice Department's Counter Intelligence and Export Control Section. Now that section was led by David Laffman, who left the department this past February citing personal reasons. The State Department took no immediate administrative action over the twenty two top secret emails that ended up on clintons server. Remember she originally claimed it wasn't there, and many of the many of those involved the matter that that matter had left the department by the time the FBI investigation closed in July, when Comey said that he's not doing anything and it's it's it's getting very very interesting here the whole thing. I think my favorite part is James Comey. I'm not a sneak, and I don't leak. I don't do sneaky things. Well, of course he did leak to his friend, the Columbia professor anyway. Also Comey and the memos details Flynn's conversation claiming Russian tape reports could be made up. Oh what we still he still doesn't know if they're true, indicating with George Stephanopolis in other words, saying that well, anything is possible. It could be true. It's possible. Honestly, never thought these words would come out of my mouth. But I don't know whether the current president Nited States with with prostitutes being on each other in Moscow in two It's possible, but I don't know. Possible, but I don't know. After Well, then why did you use it for a a FISA court warrant? The bulk of him form ation to obtain that warrant, and your number two Andrew mccape saying they wouldn't have even been an application but for that, you know, Comey's memo indicates the dossier briefing of Trump was a bit of a setup. You know, the thousands of articles you know promoting this was written by Molly Hemingway for the Federalists. Of the thousands of articles promoting the still unproven theory of of treason and collusion as it relates to the president in Russia, few are as significant as CNN's January tenth story intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him. Extremely well placed sources told fake news CNN the Obama administration's top intelligence of pointees had briefed Obama, Biden, and Trump all about a dossier they took incredibly seriously and considered credible, and it sounded really bad. As the headline indicated Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Trump. See then declared now. BuzzFeed then published the actual dossier within minutes of CNN story going live, showing the world that the dossier was riddled with salacious gossip that lacked even a possibility of any corroboration. Now, you know, the whole thing here has been rooted in a lie, and they really were the thing that's so fascinating about this is they want to keep the lie going. You know, House Republicans Committee chairman say the documents proved that Comey never felt obstructed. You know, the Republican chairman of three powerful House committees. You've got Devin NOONESZ, Bob Goodlad, and Trey Goudy. You know they look at this these memos last night. You know, it would be defense exhibit A if Trump were charged with obstruction of justice. And they're absolutely right. We've long argued that the former director Comey self styled memos should be in the public domain, subject to any class ofic Haitian redactions. These memos are significant for both what is in them and what is not. And then the three chairman question, will Comey never wrote that he felt obstructed or threatened while feeling the need to memorialize conversations with President Trump rather than conversations with any Democrats at least two different standards, and his interactions with others. And the memos also lay bare the notion that former director Comey is not motivated by animus. And they added about the memos that were released to lawmakers and obtained by Fox News last night. In his eyes, the real crime was his own firing. They said. The memos made clear that Trump wanted allegations of collusion, coordination, and conspiracy between his campaign and Russia fully investigated, and he said, if it's anybody close to me, I want you to investigate it. The salacious, unsubstantiated allegations were denied by the President from the get go. It's unbelievable. The whole thing has been one huge, massive lie, conspiracy and witch hunt. All right, let's go to Jared Is in Columbus, Georgia. Jared, Hi, how are you glad you called? Sir? Oh? I'm good, Thank you for taking my call. I'm a big fan. No, thank you, sir, glad you called? Yes, sir, I just want to make a quick point. Um, I think you are correct. I think that journalism is dead. Um, But I wish I had confidence in the fact that anything good was gonna come from this investigation. I just think that the corruption is just way too deep. I hope I'm wrong, but you know, I hope that we can get some justice. I just don't I don't really have the faith and the system to get it done. I don't have a lot of faith in the system either. But you know, the good But look what's happened this week. Look at all the criminal referrals this week. You know, look at who got fired this week. Look at the criminal referral today now and literally into James called me himself everything I warned this guy about. You know, if you would have taken my advice, he'd be in a lot better shape today, I'll tell you that. And what lawyer let him write that book is beyond any comprehension of mine. It just it makes no sense. All these interviews, makes no sense, none whatsoever. And that a lot of folks that should have taken your advice probably should have taken it and they'd be better off. But I don't think that's how the least operates. It's amazing that. You know. One of the things we were so confident, and as we have been deeply exposing this every day for over a year now, is that we had evidence, we had information, we had sources for a long time. I've known things that I couldn't even say on the air that we're coming true. And I honestly don't think these so called journalists even pick up a phone any day. You know, they're too busy, you know, taking whatever the you know, rip and read headline is against Trump, and that's that's what they call a newscast. That's kind of pathetic and lazy. That's why I say they're lazy, and they're overpaid, and they are Bob and Boca Raton, Florida. How are you. I'm doing well, Sean. Um. What concerns me is that there's people out there, even though you lay out the case so so clear for people with the facts, that they just hate Trump so much they don't even want to listen to the facts. Um, even when I tell him, listen to to Dershowitz, the the icon of the liberals, and they don't want to hear it anymore. Um. They just hate him so much and they're gonna go to the polls and just vote against and try to give the Congress fact to get him impeached. Well, I think that's all true too, and I also think the fact that we've been so effective is one of the reasons, you know, I mean, what we've gone through this week is like you would think I'm a candidate to running for president in terms of every single aspect of my life has been investigated, every bit of it because that linda true or false ridiculous. I mean, you know, they're they're they're trying to they've been trying to find this. Now, it's just that we can't have this guy on the areas too close to the truth. Pretty amazing, you know, I thought that these are people on the left. Let me tell you, there's well or well paid people and I've I've been very upfront about this with all of you that are being paid to monitor every conservative on the air for the purpose that they say one thing they don't like and then they can figure out ways to start boycott, shut down, silent speech that they don't agree with. And for the media to be so wrong for so long and have so much egg on their face, all it is is ratcheting up their hatred for those of us that actually did our jobs and have been right. The same people that never thought Donald Trump could win, the same people that never vetted Obama, the same people that that never told you the atrocious record of Obama after eight years of his hope and change that didn't work out well. Uh. Donna and Frederick Maryland next on the Sean Hannity Show. Hi, Hi, Sean. You know this country has been waiting a very long time for justice with respect to this, and I really hope Rudy Rudy Juliani, uh can get to the bottom of it in in in a fairly timely matter. What really bothers me is we've had a circle fest of communists masquerading as Democrats, some of them even Republicans, And we look at this cabal and everything revolves around anti Americanism, um and it and it's the cover up for Hillary and Obama and and there them wanting to put an end to America as it is, as it's founded. And also my second point I want to make is there are lots of people out there, Sean that really admire you and support you for what you're you're doing. We will not be silenced as conservatives. We love our country, we want to remain a free name, and by the grace of God, that will happen. Well, I agree. You know what, there's a lot of steak here. It's the greatest country on earth that God ever gave man. And you know what, if they can get away with warrants that are bought and paid for by political opponents to spy on us or spy on other Americans, were in trouble. You know, if we have a two tier justice system, we don't apply the laws equally, no equal justice under the law, no equal application under the law. Then we don't have a constitution. You don't have a constitution, you don't have a country. It's really that's simple. It's complicated on one hand, but it's simple on the other. And I don't know what what happened to the bumper music there was that you now we found some country you decided to change in the middle. Is that it all right? When we come back? Tom Fitt and Judicial Watch fighting to get so many documents, even said the struck page memorandom texts may take three years to get all forty seven. Why don't they just hit send How hard is that? And much more coming up straight ahead, Joshice, Department Inspector General sending a criminal referral to the U S Attorney in d C regarding your former deputy Andrew McCabe. They did this after releasing report concluding McCabe repeatedly lied to investigators and to you about a leak to the Wall Street Journal in which he confirmed or he had people leaked to the Wall Street Journal, uh, confirming the existence of investigation into the Clinton Foundation. If they ultimately bring a case against Andrew McCabe, would you be a witness for the prosecution potentially. I don't know whether the reporting is accurate. I know it's CNN reporting, but I don't know it of my own accord. But sure, given that the I G. S Report reflects interactions that Andy McCabe had with me and other FBI senior executives, I could well be a witness. But isn't that kind of cute? I mean, you don't. You're not saying that you have evidence of it. You're just saying it's possible. I mean, you have evidence that there's the President Trump has been compromised by the Russians. Have you seen evidence of it. No, and I think I've said that throughout. I'm trying to beat transparent as here's my reasoning, here's why an honest answer has to be. It's possible. Now, I'm not saying it's likely. In fact, I've said all along and I'm repeating it to you here today. It's unlikely in my view, but it's possible. Why wouldn't smashing of cell phones and the destruction of thousands of emails during an investigation clearly be obstruction of justice. That's a great question. That's the first time I've been asked that. And the answer is it would depend upon what the intent of the people doing it was. Lots of people smash their cell phones so they're not resold on the secondary market, and your personal stuff ends up in somebody else's hands. But if you smash your cell phone knowing that investigators want it and that they've cut a subpoena for it, for example, that is a different thing and can be obstruction of justice. The law requires intent, Yes, it requires not just intent, but the prosecutors demonstrate corrupt intent. While you were director of the f behind hey was your deputy? Was their clarity under your leadership about talking to the press, about the issue of leaks, about who could authorize people to discuss things with reporters. I think so there were two people who could authorize disclosures, the director and the deputy director. So Andy had the authority to speak to the media and to authorize communications with the media. Do you think he improperly spoke to the media in that capacity then, I don't know for sure. I know that he didn't tell me about it and asked me about it before he did it. I think the Inspector General report is right in that respect, and I would have expected that. But I think he had the authority to do that, and I think if he were here, he might say, well, I didn't need to talk to the boss because I had the authority to do that. And that's a hard one because given all that was going on at that point in time, I would have expected him to talk to me. But I think as a matter of rule, he had the authority a right that. Of course the ongoing I'm the greatest, the most arrogant person on earth. James come a book tour. I love what Newt said that he's shrinking in every interview and it's definitely true. One, Shawn a toll free telephone number. Our two. We're gonna get to your calls in the course of the program today. Also, Luke Rosiak has an amazing new breakthrough as it relates to Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the I T scandal with him on Iran. It looks like Pakistani intelligence were fed uh top secret classified information and our government did nothing. Again Anyway, the Justice Department are other big news today. Their internal watchdog now reportedly looking into the memos containing classified information that James Comey gave to a friend last year, which now is putting the former FBI boss in the crosshairs of a probe, just as his former deputy faces possible criminal investigation over a separate leak. Now we know that two of these Comey memos had material now deem classified, which is now prompting the Inspector General investigation. Look, we will how many times did I warned James Comey writing this book was not gonna end well, writing the book was a dumb idea, and going on the book tour even a dumber idea. Now, with all of this going on, our friends at Judicial Watch have now sued the Department of Justice for Comey Mueller communications, and uh, we're gonna get a deep dive into that as well. Today. So much going on, so much happening in the world as we speak. Anyway. Joining us now is Chris Farrell. He is the director of investigations for Judicial Watch, and Tom Fitton is the president of Judicial Watch. Tom, let's start with you, uh, and the news first, and that is Justice Department's watchdog now looking into James Comey, just like there's been a referral in the case of Andrew McCabe. Yeah, it's an extraordinary development. It puts James Comey in the position that Hillary Clinton was in less of a position because it's only an internal watchdog. But as you know, the prosecutors are waiting for any information from the i G. Before acting. Uh. And and I just can't believe after all of this has come background to James Comey may have improperly mishandled classified information, shared it as part of a vendetta to get Donald Trump, and he's facing as much criminal liability as his number two guy, Mr McCabe. You know, one of the problems I think you need to explain people. We do have a freedom of Information Act. And when I read that, you are told that it's going to be three years just to get the what other forty seven thousand struck page UH text messages to you? Why would why do they keep stonewalling? Why do they slow walk? Why does it take a member of Congress threatening to hold them in contempt to ever get them to move on even little items like the Comy memos for example last night, Because it's Justice Department in the FBI, I think they're above the law. They don't think they answered to the president. They don't think they answered to Congress. UH. These Comy memos. We've been suing for almost a year for them. CNN has also been suing for them. And as you point out, it took threats of contempt and really personal liability from Congress in order for in the turn over the documents, and now we see in the documents themselves, there was no basis sean credible basis for any criminal investigation investigation of the President United States. And that's why they've been withholding the information because it helps President Trump, and the other information they're withholding obviously hurts President at Mrs Clinton, it is corrupt to the core Yeah. Now, tell me, as an investigator or the director of investigations for Judicial Watch, what do you do, Chris, because I assume it's part of your job to get these people to release things they don't want to release. Yeah, Sean, we're the kickoff point within our organization. The investigative and Research Department is really the starting point for a lot of the Free Information Act investigations that we do. We file the requests, we tracked them. When we get documents back, we do all the analysis and then uh and distances where we don't get a response, which is what Tom referred to a moment ago, where they're like the stonewall and double talk. That's where we hand these cases over to our litigation department. They the lawyer is then go into court and sue in US district court to compel the government to bide by the law and turn over the records. And that unfortunately, very often, particularly with these very contentious, high profile cases, we have to get in front of the federal judge in order to get the attention of the particular agency we're looking at. Yeah, well, which agencies of some agencies but more transparent than others, more willing to cooperate than others. These are differences without a distinction or vice versa. It depends when it's some self serving congratulatory thing they raced to get the documents out, when it's sticky or inconvenient or awkward, or frankly, when it when it protects the establishment capital e um, then there's the usual you know, long song and dance about that don't have resources, that don't have staff, they have too many requests. There's a hundred and one reasons why they can't do it when it's something that might be embarrassing to uh the deep state. Yeah, you know, Tom, I just I love the work are you're doing here? But the wheels of justice now all right, So it's finally caught up from McCabe. It looks like also Comy now finds himself in a bit of trouble. Is there any doubt in your mind that what he released was classified and is that now going to be Are they going to prosecute that to the fullest extent of the law. Well, that's the big doubt. Uh, he should he should have taken those documents to begin with. You know, Showan's interesting when we sued for him, the government told us this Justice Department said we couldn't have them, Mueller was using them. And secondly, any any leak to the New York Times, because we're making the point, Wait, the New York Times gets this information, we're not allowed to look at the memos. And the government's response was that leak was unauthorized and they compared at the Wiki leaks and that was last year and they still haven't done anything. And it's only going to be from public pressure from Congress, the American people, and through the media that the Justice Department does the right thing, because if left to their own devices, uh, you will have more books like James Comis and no accountability for the criminality that went into creating the book, which is taking documents he had no right to and using him to write a book, in addition to using them to get this Special Counsel operation which has zero basis going we at the end of the day, I want to get your thoughts on Comey's week because when he when he said why and it's probable it's possible that the dossier, some of the information in the dossier could be true, none of which has been proven, none of it, but we know it was used as the basis for the FISA warrant. We know that Hillary paid for it. We know she funneled the money through Perkins Coup He the Fusion GPS that hired a foreign national, Christopher Steele, who used Russian and Russian government sources to build a a lying dossier against Donald Trump. And not only was that designed to manipulate the American people in the lead up to an election, but then it's used as the bulk of information to get a FISA warrant. The FBI under James Comey never verified it three months later he even said it was unverified. They never corroborated it, They never told the FISA judge that Hillary paid for it, and they got their warrant. Andrew McCabe had actually said without the dossier, we wouldn't have even had a PISA application. What does that mean for America? The American people, that that sub American could go after somebody they don't like, pay for Russian lines through a foreign national, bring that information that's not verified to a court, and get a warrant to spy on an American What does that mean to this country? Tom Finton, Well, it's troubling, obviously, troubling. It's more than trouble. But the crisis is continuing because the more operation. There is no dossier, there is no Moller operation. Without the dossier, you wouldn't have the more special counsel. Remember that ambush interview, that ambush reporting that uh Comy gave to President Trump about the dossier and orchestrated in the Obama Oval office with the top national security officials of the Obama administration. And his reaction to that led the comies firing, and Comey had in vendetta, and he used that as a basis to try to get the Special counsel successfully appointed. And the question I have is is Mr Muller using this dossier. I have no doubt he still is. And if that's the case, then it ought to be. As I've always been saying, either shut down or pause until we get some accountability for the abuse. As you described, what went on too in the Obama administration was history. What's going on now is a crisis because it's still happening and targeting the president and properly. Well, so, all right, Tom Fitton, thank you, Chris Farrell, thank you. We appreciate your information. Eight hundred nine for one. Seawan is our toll free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program. All right, as we continue Sean Hannity Show, let's get to our phones. At the bottom of the hour, We've got a deep dive investigation with Luke Rosiak, who's going to join us. As we check in with Dan Is in Traverse City, Michigan. Dan, Hi, how are you glad you called sir? Uh? Fantastic, Sean Um, great job, by the way, Thank you, Sean. Look how'd your show last night? You said, this is the muler investigation. This has got to add because because it is, the criminals are investigating innocent people. You said, it's got to win. Well, the one person that can end it is Sessions and Sean to and now you have you have shown Sessions a movie for the past year that the cops of the prosecutors are dirty cops, dirty prosecutors, plenty of evidence framing Trump of the people put them through hell, and Sessions turns the movie off that you just showed him over the year, and he doesn't walk out of his office and say this shut down because the police are dirty. It's mind boggling. And now they're starting one more thing. Now they're starting to the police and prosecutors, yet they're letting the innocent people continue to best. Look, we've laid out the case. There's an interesting dynamic that's happening. And at different points as we've been going through this, probably the person that has complained to me the most, that's all actually a good friend of mine, is Mike Myers. And when is it? When is it? When it's all happening? Andrew McCabe was fired Andrew McCabe. Now we have a criminal referral. Now we have the news that the Justice Department is, in fact, uh, the Justice Department Inspector General is now probing Comey's memos because of classified information. And what it's gonna be is it's just gonna be one issue after a day, day after day. It's gonna be like everything we've talked about is now going to happen. And why it has taken this long, why they don't pay attention, why there's no sense of urgency in this the sense that that I have had in many of you in those audience have had, I can't explain. It's inexplicable. I mean, there's a reason that I am being attacked you. You would think you can ask Linda more than me. You would think I have been so vetted in the last number of weeks. It's like I'm running for president. True or false, Linda's very true. Every every single aspect of my life is being vetted in the hopes that they find something so they can shut me up. Well, the problem is is I don't do the things that they suspect that I was doing. But but I mean, the one good thing that comes from it is is if you ever decided to run for president, the hard work is done. Oh No, The latest is the latest is they are trying to track down every business that I have ever been involved in in my life. I mean, it's pretty amazing. Yeah. Well, the problem is now is that you're no longer allowed to have any you know, any businesses, think any other interests. Ever. Are they going to do this to every other anchor? Or? Is it just me? It's just Sean, It's just you, Sean, it's just you. Because they're on the other side politically, they don't get this this type of exam No, definitely not. Well, I mean, I'm you know, at the end of the day, it is what it is. And um. But it's sad because what they really want to do here is shut down the messenger. What they really want to do here is silence those they disagree with. All right, I gotta take a quick break here for one. Shawn to free telephone number will come back and Luke Rosiac at the bottom of this half hour unbelievable new news. Pakistani intelligence actually got into the computers with classified information of Debbie Wasserman, Schultz and others. They have it all and nobody seems to care yet. So probably in about a year from now they'll start doing their job. Quick break right back, we'll continue. Under my understanding, the Capitol Police is not able to confiscate member's equipment when the member is not under investigation. It is their equipment and it's supposed to be returned. Well, I think there's stenuating circumstances in this case. And I think I think that you know, working through my council, and you know the necessary personnel if if that in fact is the case, and with the permission of through the investigation, and we'll return to equipment. But it told that's accomplished, I can't try to equip I think you're violating the rules when you when you conduct your business that way, and should expect that there would be consequences. Not only I believe that I did the right thing, and I would do it again because, as I said at the beginning of this conversation, there were times when you can't be afraid to stand alone and you have to stand up for what's right. And you know, even in the face you have to there are times you have to spend political capital to do what's right. Like I said, the easier thing to do for me would have been to just fire him. Obviously I was the person who's had the most political challenges in the last year, so it would have been much easier for me to just cut and loose and say, you know, I'm gonna look out for my death interests. Then that are then stand up for what I believe in. But I have to be able to look at myself in the mirror every day, and if there's one thing I'm going to make sure that I uh that I maintain is my integrity. Well, he's not my stafford. He no longer works for me, and when he was arrested, I terminated him. I kept him on the payroll during the time that he was not arrested and not charged with anything, and that was because, as I said that I was concerned about the violation of his due process rights and also that there were racial and ethnic profiling concerns as well. I have maintained that it was important and will continue to maintain that when someone's due process rights are are potentially being violated, that I'm going to stand up and make sure that that that people's rights are protected in this country. That's the oath that I swore to uphold, when I swore to uphold the Constitution, and when he was arrested and the process was established, then I terminated him. The public is, rightfully, you know, very upset about how this was handled in the past and that this egregious example that's now being criminally investigated um was allowed to occur. They essentially hold the keys to the kingdom. They can create accounts, grant access, view, download, update, and delete virtually any information within the office. Because of this high level access, an incompetent or rogue system administrator could conflict considerable damage to an office, and the book end to the outside threat is the insider threat. Tremendous efforts are dedicated to protecting the house against these outside threats. However, these efforts are undermined when employees do not adhere to and thumb their nose at our information security policy. Initially, our view was, how do you put as much control internal control and control over access to sensitive networks? UM. So you know myopically we can say, well, we should just control the employee. But uh, knowing that members do want to hire some of their own people, UM, we had to work with that. UM. The key is just ensuring that we have those internal controls uh and sticking to them, and that members respect the CEO's authority to UM in a in a sense discipline employees that may not be abiding by the rules. Does that spill out what penalties are? Um, you can go to jail. There aren't any penalties. We just can't have this ever happen again. All right, twenty four now untill the top of the hour. One, Shawn are toll free telephone number. Now we play these tapes to bring you back, so you understand this entire controversy. Uh. Luke Rosia, investigative reporter for the Daily Caller, is with us. This is the in one Iran scandal, and we have a major update this week at a major discovery because after months of looking for Russia Russia collusion and millions of taxpayer dollars wasted on the Special Council, well, it appears the Democratic Party has their own collusion cover up here. Now. Luke joins us right now to give us an update on all of us. How are you, sir, I'm good, Sean. I think you said it exactly right. I mean, there are some of the worst fears about him Ronowan that we've had for a year now coming true. Is there's evidence that deb Wie Washman, Schultz's own I T guy may have been a Pakistani spy, and that the Democrats brought these guys with connections to foreign governments into the United States. It's also the worst fears for Democrats because they knew this was a possibility during the election, and they intentionally look the other way. They allowed the guy to stay, to stay on the network, stay out of jail. And the only reason they would have done that would be to avoid damaging this Russia narrative, because this is the very time period during the election that they're constantly lecturing us about, uh, you know, cyber security and foreign intelligence and hacking. The Inspector General of the House Representatives come to them and says, there appears to be a necesarious actors on the network. They appeared to be inside threats. The Democrats didn't even ask for a search warrant on them, and so now a year later, I'm doing background on these guys the Daily Call. The News Foundation sent send someone to Pakistan to do some of this research for this latest story. We're fine nownce stuff that the FBI didn't even ask about. So these are very legitimate, very serious concerns time this guy potentially to pakistell. Let's go through some of the evidence because I think so. In one Iran, him and his family, they get caught for double billing. That's where this all began pretty much right right, and then their I T family members that work at McDonald's and another works for a card dealership. So that makes us think that there's no specific uh I T skills involved, that they're being paid for no show work, right right, Well, the double billing is what caught attention, what what made the Inspector General look at them in the first place. But then the Inspector General found that they were funneling data off the network, and they were impersonating members of Congress, and they were logging in although they worked for forty members of Congress, they were logging into other people's service to who they didn't work for. And some of these Democrats who they did work for fired them because there was all kinds of bad stuff going on and they knew it, but the Democrats didn't really tell anyone. They were pretty quiet about it. And what did you, Roniwana do? He kept logging into the people who he had just fired. Presumably he's because they fired and he's still getting in. He's taking that data. So we now know uh im Wan Iran's business partner in Pakistan is now saying the Wands were giving you know, usp uh ports, in other words, transfer of data ports to Pakistani intelligence officials. Is that confirmed. It's not confirmed that it was actually occurring. What we know is that a close friend of the Hwan family, his name is Rashid minus Uh, he had a business with the Hwan's. He's been very close to the whole family for many years. Uh Is He says that the Awans handed over USB drives to Pakistani intelligence operatives, particularly a guy named Raymond Malik and uh he swears that they were handing over these USB s. He says his brother saw it, and he says that immern Uwan Bragg that whatever was on this USB had the power to change the US president. Um, so those are obviously Uh it could just be Imaranawan boasting about how he's using his power to do now who knows what. But you know when we see, wait a minute, didn't didn't he didn't imrona Wan tell people in Pakistan he had the power to change the US president? Correct? And he traveled Pakistan with a motorcade of armed Pakistani government officials. Correct. So we were not able to substantiate one way or another, uh, whether Imron was really handing off these USBs just because I don't know how you would go about confirming that. But the Deli Caller really did a lot of research on this story. We went to Pakistan, and what we confirmed, we know for a fact, did im Ron Juan de Wi Wassman Cholta's I traveled Pakistan with armed guards, with a motorcade of of Pakistani government agents. And that's not the kind of thing that in every day I T guy would do it's not the kind of thing a normal person received. There was some reason why m Ronowan was receiving protection from the Pakistani government. We know for a fact that he was receiving that protection. We also know that he absolutely everyone he met in Pakistan. He would say, you know, I have tremendous sway politicians do. Are at my beck and call I can change the U S. President. I'm so powerful, I has so many connections. He was always bragging about this mysterious political influence that in reality he's just a keyboard jockey. He's supposed to be like fixing people's keyboards or whatever. So when he's over there, and we know for a fact that he was claiming that he his position in the Congress gave him the ability to do all these terrible things. So you combine that with the fact that the i G determined that sure enough data was going off the network, and it's pretty hard to conclude any anything other than um, this is what it sounds like. The whole thing sounds just unbelievable to me. And you know, the idea that you're digging up more information you got you and The Daily Caller travel to Pakistan for the story confirming a lot of the facts that you're now reporting the FB and I I never talked to the partner, even though he's publicly associated with the Yuan's and would be an obvious witness in any espionage case right or investigation. And you know, now the question is what did these members of Congress know? When did they know it? And then you have the father of im Ronawan This I t a to T. W. Wassonan Schultz, you know, who investigators conclude had unauthorized access to these house servers, you know, transferring the USB drive to what a Pakistani senator and former head of the Pakistani intelligence agency. Correct. And you know, remember they played the audio cliff. After the cops ban these guys from the network, Wasserman Schultz still left him on the network. The Democrats were protecting these guys. They were negligent, And I think the Democrats put their own political reputation over national security. I think Democrats may have almost wilfully exposed us to potential I or the at least, yeah, the potential for a spy um because of this, Uh, it's all about the Russian narrative for them, they would rather actually leave a spy on the network than to have the media start writing stories about how it was these un vetted Muslims that they brought into Congress that were the real threats. Um so Wassman Schultz tried to block the FBI from actually seeing the evidence of what him Ronawan was up to, and also after the police finally did ban him from the network over Democrats uh protests, he still had a backdoor in the network through Andre Carson, who was one of two Muslims in the Congress, but more importantly he's on the Intelligence Committee. And so what they did is they blocked off in Rom's email address, but he had a secret email address linked to Andre Carson's office and it was one to three at mail dot house, dot goes. So this was this bizarre secret account that still gave him access to Congress even after he was banned for good reason. But yeah, definitely, all right, stay right there. Luke Roseho has done amazing work deep dive into all of this. It seems very clear now that our security, our national security, our secrets, top secrets, classified information again have been compromised. And there's been very little interests by the rest of the media because it doesn't involve Donald Trump. It's pretty unbelievable to me. All right, quick break, wellcome back more with Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller and his investigative report eight nine for one. Sean is our toll free telephone number. Our news round up. Information overload on this Friday is straight ahead with Eraldo Rivera and Damn Bongino and much more. Right as we continue, Luke Rosiak is with us with a Daily Caller as he continues his deep dive and dig into this I t Imron Awuan, Debbie Wasson and Shultz scandal. Yeah, classified information going to Pakistani intelligence. I just can't believe that this is not a bigger issue and that the mainstream media has ignored all of this. It is really really athetically sad that it could be at this high level. What is your conclusion based on all of this deep dive you have now been doing in this almost single handedly, and I give you so much credit for it. What is your conclusion? Where is this going to end? Is it that this guy was involved with the Pakistani intelligence group and that serious, a very serious security breach has taken place where American secrets were handed over to Pakistani intelligence and it was coming right out of Debbie Wasson and Schultz's office, and she did nothing to stop it in spite of all the signs that we had. Well, one of the possibilities here is that not only was this information going to foreign intelligence services, but also that it was being used to blackmail members of Congress. And so when you look at um, Debbie wasst and Schulzer, remember how she threatened the police officer and said there's going to be consequences. You can see it on her face. Uh So, I think that there's potential that even right now, uh, Democratic lawmakers are having to do the bidding off. This guy has them under their thumb because he's got all their emails and he's gonna blackmail them. Um And I think that Democrats are potentially um doing some criminal behavior here and as far as the cover up of this, and that's the links they would go to avoid disrupting the Russian narrative. And Wassonman Schultz left this guy on the network after the police banned him by claiming that an I T guy didn't need access to the network. Um So I think that was violating a police order if she did let him do that, uh, and putting her colleagues at harm um. But one of the reasons the media doesn't really talk about this is the Democrats pulled the same scam that they did with Fusion GPS. With that, they got the FBI to take this dassier and then they got all the reporters to write about it because they said, hey, the FBI is involved. What they did with this is the opposite. They prevented the FBI from investigating, and then they went around and they said, say, he hasn't even really been charged with anything, so therefore nothing went on because they know reporters are too lazy to either own investigations, they just want to site what the FBI did. So that's the gaping hole here is that the set it ince that I've uncovered is frightening national security breach. And have you talked to the FBI, members of Congress, key members that relevant committees about this. Uh. You know. One of the issues is the committee in Congress needs to do more. The Administration Committee this. That's the same committee that did the sexual harassment slush fund, and they have not been vigorous on this. What you've seen instead is brave members like Louie Gomert and Jim Jordan's and rohnd De Santis and those guys have been all over this. But the problem is where's the leadership and where's the FBI. So you know, those same guys wrote that letter this week talking about the FBI. I think they called it differing degrees of zealousness, Where when the FBI really wants to do an investigation, they're busting that doors, they're putting squat teams, they're going after uh, you know, Trump's lawyer. And with this, these guys literally after the i G found that they have Congress, then the server they had all the evidence disappeared and they didn't even execute a search warrants to talk about differing degrees of zealousness. All right, we gotta wrap things up. Luke Rosiac, thank you so much for being with us. Keep up the good work my front. Thank you put yourself in Donald Trump. Choose for one second you're Donald Trump and you feel this is unfair, this investigation. You find out that Peter Struck, the lead FBI agent, is texting somebody disparaging things about you, and then you find out that he's the one that actually helped conduct the Hillary Clinton interview, UM, and he called you an idiot? Wouldn't you think that this whole thing was unfair and politicized? Sure, I get why he'd be very concerned about that. It's the reason Bob Muller removed Peter Struck, who was an excellent agent, but removed him from that investigation. It's poor judgment and it shouldn't happen. So I get the concern about it. Your book is about leadership throughout. Does it say anything about your leadership that Struck, who was a very high level FBI agent, was doing this? Did you set in any way any sort of tone where that kind of glib insult of of a major political candidate at the time would be not that big a deal. No, but it does say something about my leadership. I mean, I'm responsible for the senior members of my team, and I asked myself the same question. I tried to model a certain way of acting which did not include that kind of behavior. But I asked myself, should I have given them all a speech? But these are grown ups, these are senior people in the counterintelligence division. I don't want to be too tough on myself, but yeah, I'm responsible I'm responsible for their actions and their poor judgment. Why wouldn't smashing of cell phones and the destruction of thousands of emails during an investigation clearly be obstruction of justice. That's a great question. That's the first time I've been asked that, And the answer is it would depend upon what the intent of the people doing it was. Lots of people smash their cell phones so they're not resold on the secondary market, and your personal stuff ends up in somebody else's hands. But if you smash your cell phone knowing that investigators want it and that they've cut a subpoena for it, for example, that is a different thing and can be obstruction of justice. The law requires intent, Yes, it requires not just intent, but the prosecutors demonstrate corrupt intent. Good people lie, I lay out on the book. I think I'm a good person. Where I've lied, I still believe Andrew McCabe is a good person. But the Inspector General found that he lied, and there's severe consequences in the Justice Department for lying, as there should be throughout the government. All Right, as we continue news round up information overload our Shawn Hannity Show eight nine for one Shawn toll free telephone numbers. So we have the criminal referrals by Congress that take place on Wednesday night. That's Rhonda Santis and that includes Struck and Page and Hillary and and call me and McCabe and and everybody else involved in the dossier. Then, of course yesterday we have the I G. Criminal referral as it relates to Andrew McCabe, that coming from the Inspector General. And we even have Comy admitting I started the investigation. Investigation wasn't Trump. Now we have the Justice Department Inspector General now probing Jim Comey as we warned him would happen. We said it over and over again. What lawyer would let this guy right this book and go on a book tour. Not only is he contradicted himself million times, he has now put himself in even more legal jeopardy than even he ever obviously imagined. Anyway, Horaldo Rivera is with us, by the way, his new book is doing phenomenal best seller. It's called The Horaldo Show. And Dan Bongino, former Secret Service agent and r A TV host Horaldo fundamental things that that you and I are gonna disagree on here um, And it's really simple. And I think this question about well intent for obstruction of justice if if you got a subpoena for thirty for all your emails, and you decide to sift through your emails and you're gonna delete thirty three thousand on your own, and then you're gonna acid washer hard drive to clean it up and use bleach pit, which most Americans have never heard about except for Hillary Clinton, and then you're gonna beat up your devices with hammers. You can talk about proportionality, prosecutorial discretion all you want, but the fact is those are all crimes, as it is all so a crime to circumvent congressional oversight by putting top secret classified special access programming information in a mom and pop shop server, bathroom closet that we know foreign intelligence agencies hacked into. Those are all crimes. So why shouldn't they have prosecuted it properly? Well, it could be nice talking to you about friend. Uh, it could be that it was a crime. But as a former director Comey suggests, you need corrupt criminal intent, and he could be, for instance, uh, you know, to be a chauvinist. Uh, maybe they were. They were emails about buying underwear or you know, thirty three thousand of them, thirty three thousand, I think, and this is this is the bottom Let me get to the bottom line. The bottom line is we're talking about criminal intent. The bottom line is this was a rigged deal from the get go, that the Democratic candidate was not harshly treated in the investigatory phrase, I mean until Comey killed her, uh, you know, with his uh, with his late in campaign uh, you know, suggestion that there were more emails to be investigated or poured through, which I think was the single biggest event dooming the Clinton candidacy. But I also think that it is beyond a doubt that your central premise shown is correct that this was a rigged deal. The attitude in the bureau, the attitude in the d o J was that Hillary was the certain winner. We they didn't want Donald Trump to be president. Uh. Anything they could do to stop that within the parameters of legality they were intent on doing, whereas in the Hillary Clinton investigation they were as intent as possible to walk away from it after giving her her a brief spanking. So I think you're right that prejudice will be revealed bias will be yield, the stacked deck will be revealed. But I think the real criminal liability here is in the face of Andrew McCabe. And I look forward to the day when Andrew McCabe is on trial and James Comey is the prosecution's key witness and McCabe and Tomy appointing fingers at each other. Well, it may happen in reverse what I just said. You may have Comey having his own trial here. Uh, Dan Bongino, I think you look at it, look at this from a different perspective, because because it was obviously the intent was there, the fund of the underlying crime was eighteen Usc. Seven ninety three, then it was the obstruction crime. But more importantly then when you have Comy and Struck writing the exoneration and may they don't interview her seventeen other key people until July, the fix was in. The investigation was rigged. Sean, I just have to correct her. Although here for a second, I always loved debating for although a good man, but but I know, I really do. I appreciate your perspective on it, but um, you're you're not correct in this. The laws governing the mishandling of classified information or although the legal standard is gross negligence, criminal intent is not there. It is a gross negligence standard now doubling down. Even if that were correct, criminal intent is evident to her. Although some of the information that appeared in the unclassified Hillary emails was taken from skiffs sensitive compartmentalized information facility, let me just explain quickly how this absolutely even if intent was the standard, then you're wrong too, because they had to go into a facility not connected to the open Internet. Somebody walked in there, took information, either wrote it down or screenshot at it, retyped it on an unclassified system, walked out of there, and sent it over an unclassified system. Even if intent were the standard, which it isn't, there's a lower standard. Hillary Clinton's team was guilty as sin period full. I think that if you were correct, Dan, and I do not believe you are. There is not Sean suggested that this information, this top secret information, was leaked to foreign intelligence agencies. I have not seen one shred of credible evidence that's beaste UM. I have. I have a personal source I worked with UM in my prior line of work who I've written about before. Who um dispute your account strongly a matter of fact, from firsthand information basically, So hold though, I'm just telling you, I like you a lot of man, But if you that's not a hild to die on, trust me, Hillary Clinton Server, there is zero doubt in my mind was absolutely hacked by foreign entities and and and listen to you, guys are free to defend out all you want, but I'm I'm telling you from personal conversations I've had with absolutely unimpeachable sources, that that is not the hild a die on. I can't say anymore with that but that you're you're wrong, You're absolutely wrong on that, or I would I would love somehow to see proof of that. But I think that the war we should be waging, the real front in this case, is that Russia Gate so called, was wholly launched and sustained by the phony Christopher Steele Docier funded by the Democrats. That's the war we should be fighting, we agree, but ever should have existed, we agree, But Coraldo, there's conflicts there too. I mean, think about this, right, and Sean, this is another I love to breaking these connections on your show. Here. This is why you'll never get Hillary will never get locked up. The Moller investigation of the Trump is a smoke screen to cover up for Hillary. One of his lead prosecutors on the Special Counsel Sean a guy by the name of Aaron Zebli. He's on their folks. You can look it up yourself. Aaron Zebli was the lawyer who represented Justin Cooper. If that name is starting to ring a bell, it should's the Clinton stafford who admitted in testimony to smashing the blackberries you referred to when you're opening. So let me get this straight. A guy investigating Trump on the Special Council Muller team is the lawyer who represented the Clinton guy who smashed the blackberries. And we're supposed to believe that the smaller thing is all on the up and up. It's nothing. It's a smoke screen or all the one. I agree on that that this thing is a force, but it's a force for a reason. The reason is to cover up all of the misties in the Hillary and Obama yours. There's no other plausible explanation. The one thing I have to go and correct the historic record. When I was speaking with Sean when they first announced the appointment of Robert Mueller as the Special counsel. I said, great, at last, the air will be cleared. At last, we will reveal that there's no Russia Gate collusion. That the whole premise that the Trump campaign and later the President elect was colluding with the Rush. Now we can reveal that that is false. Sean was right. The trip that we took with the Special counsel once he was appointed and hyper partisanship became apparent, it's been a torture that has sabotaged, attempt at to sabotage the first year and a half of the Trump administration. And I I lament that I approved the appointment of the Special counsel. I was wrong. I will stand against any special council being appointed, almost under any circumstances. Heretofore, all right, I gotta take a break. Eight one sewn toll free telephone number if you want to be a part of this program. Good friend John Voight is with us, actor, winner of an Academy Award and good friend of the program. Great American, a great patriot, loves our troops and just has been doing amazing. Ray Donovan, how big a series did that become for you. Wow. Yeah, well, I'm very fortunate to have you know, uh, this kind of work at the at the age that I am sean. Uh. I know you're in Hollywood. Thirty eight is old. I'm I'm an elderly gentleman. Every time they say something in the scripted about my age or you know, my frailty or whatever it is, I always, you know, I'm reminded of how old I am. But anyway, I'm you know, happy to be working. I love my work and and I'm working with very good people and and we're having some success. So that's good. Let's talk a little bit you. Um, I know you love politics and when we get to talk on occasion as friends, and I'm honored to call you a friend. And I know how much you love this country and and you've been watching with great concern everything that's going on, and I just want to get your observations to the extent you want to talk about them. You know, I know all my anybody I know in Hollywood is scared to death to ever talk politics. UM, but I know that for you, your your country is always coming first. Yes, and you know, think about Hollywood. If you asked me about Hollywood. How why have they been so infected with this propaganda from the left. And I would say that there's a reason. And the reason that I would see is that there's a guilt factor because they these people, who many of them very young, makes so much money for God given gift. Uh, they don't have to work too hard to earn it, and so it helps them to talk against the rich, and so they become a prime you know, soil for some of this, these attacks on capitalism in our country. But anyway, yes, I I am. You know we're witnessing today, Sean, And we've talked about this a little bit just in our last conversation about the destruction of the people of the left were conjuring up lies to bring down our president of the United States. And let me say that, no, I'm out of lies will destroy President Trump has done what he's promised. He's not let the American people down. Uh. The ones who are trying to destroy the truths are polluted with with evil destruction because they can't win this battle that they've so wished for. There's an American oath, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all, and that oath has been honored with our president. God bless America. It is amazing, says a trust that has been given to as long ago, and that will always be our fundamental existence, you know. And and Donald Trump is for our nations relationship to God and the safety of our fellow man. And he's doing an extraordinary job in my eyes. Why do you think they want to take him down so badly? Well, I mean, I think it's the same thing that's going on with Bibby net and Yahu. You know, he's just he's kept his country safe for all these years. He's an eloquent, courageous man who has been a hero in his country in the military and and has been tried and true. And they're now trying to take him down in the same way. And here's what he has said. He said, untruths have to be corrected, taken up by an army of soldiers for truth. And I hope that the people who are listening will become soldiers in the most crucial battle of all the battles for truth. This is what he said. And I and I I say, you know, uh this, these soldiers for truth, I happen to know be be blessed to know this army of soldiers, and you're a general in that army, and you're you know, your little statement at the end of shows when you say let let not your hearts be troubled, is a wonderful healing message that lifts our spirits. As casually and as often as you say it, it always is a helpful thing to people, because we have to know we're gonna overcome this terrible onslaught uh that is against our country and our principles. And you know, sometimes I'm not gonna lie. My heart is troubled, you know, I actually, um, I actually have the whole verse in my in my studio here it says, let not your heart be troubled. It says, believe in God. Believe also in me. In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you into myself. That where I am there ye may be. Also. That's the whole verse. That's so beautiful. Huh. Yeah, it really is. And it does give you a hope because sometimes you think the world's going too crazy. That's exactly right. And but you know, we have an army of soldiers. We have and I'm you know you, and I know these guys like Victor Davis Hands and John Bolton. I've listed a few of them, Mark Levine, who knows more about the Constitution than anyone since the founders, Laura Ingram Judged, Jannine Keeth, Egg's guests, and all the good all the good people at Fox, Marcus Latrelle, Rudy Julian not Nicking, handing my pants, Michelle Batman, David Harrowitz, Bill Bennett, Jamie Glassow, Hugh Hewitt, Ted Cruise, Dennis Pray. I just went went on and on. But they these guys are eloquent. They're prepared for this, almost as if they were sent by God, these guys, and they're fighting every day along with you. But you're really at ahead of the class. Kid. Well listen, I'm not the head of anything, you know. I often say this, People say you have the duck when you get a compliment. I know, but I'm sorry. I shouldn't have I shouldn't have attempted that. You know, no, no, no, But you know, when you really think about it, I mean there's so many great patriots out there that you know. I look at it as we're all spokes in a wheel, and you need the spokes to go around. I mean, when someone of the stature and fame that you have, you know, is willing to step out and say, hey, wait a minute. I really believe in America, in our country and our constitution, and I don't like what I see the way that I see the President is being treated every day, and this witch hunting has been going on. It has a lot of power. I mean, so for we all do our job and we all play that that role of being a spoke, then you know, makes the whole wheel go around. And at the center, I guess right now is the President, and and he's the one that has the power and the authority and and obviously the desire to get a lot of good things done. He I think, but for my show and a few others, I don't think anyone would know any of the success that he's had, which has been tremendous. Yeah, and I don't know anybody who carries all these constant lives better than you, Sean, which is so important. But and I think, you know, I think the destruction of the ignorant is creating hospital, you know, hostible behavior here in in our homes or workplaces on the streets of the United States. But the ones who know that the truth prevails are the ones who are able to stand by our president with much promise and love for our nation as one. You know. And we've got to find a way to eliminate this distructive behavior once and for all and start believing in God's word. Annoying that Donald Trump has sworn in his name for the protection of the country. Oh, I agree, America. I don't know why anybody want to be president anymore. I don't think any any good people are ever gonna want to run. Seeing the atmosphere as it is now, I mean, well, it's it's look look at what happened with under Lincoln. I mean, you would have said the same thing under Lincoln. But in the light, in the light of history, you know, we see that that greatness is uh, you know, stands at the top of the mountains. So the challenges that he had, or you know, in the challenges donald Trump is having right now, carving a portrait that is quite extraordinary. And uh, and and and when Lincoln came to office. He said, I don't think there's any more heroism left after George Washington, and look what happened to him. But anyway, that's the way things seem to go. We have to. I think this is going to carve us as a nation, give us character as a nation, all of us who are fighting and hope, and I'm sure we were going to prevail. I'm certain of it. Yeah, in those those words, I'm so glad you read. Read the whole quote of Jesus, whole quote. You know it is you know, it's so funny. I mean, you know, I was thinking about Barbara bus who passed away this week, and you know, she'd been there for eight years as the wife of the vice president for is the wife of the president eight years her son is president. And I'm thinking, uh, and so she she I knew her, and she had so much grace about her. She had such a gravitas about her, such a good sense of humor about her. She was tough, trust me. Like I remember once I was doing an interview. I don't remember it is either with her husband or her son. Now you you be nice? And I was like, yes, ma'am, like whatever you want I'll be nice, um, and you know, at the end of you know, it is nice to have that hope that at the end of all of this that you know there is you know, if you look at the majesty of the world that's so beyond our human comprehension, and to think that there's something even greater than that out there is Uh, it's a very warm source of comfort, if that makes sense. Yeah. Well, our connection to this, uh, to the truths that have been left for us as guidance is very important. And the attacks on those truths, you know, take take God down as Marx did, you know, and and have people running running their own lines without a compass. It's uh, you see the trouble we get into. Of course, well I'm gonna have to run because we're just out of time. But I will tell you you are a great friend, a great patriot. I think the world do you. Um, You've offered me personal support when I've needed it, and I just I want everybody to know what a great man John Void is, sir. Uh, we love you, thank you, you you inspire us all and uh you're a very courageous American. Thank you, sir. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up at today full complete Deep State dive investigation Tonight, the Decline of the Deep State on Hannity. We start out with Alan Dershowitz and also Joe did Jenneva, and we take it from there. You don't want to miss the show. We break down every lie that Comey has told and the breaking news that yes, now the Justice Department is probing into Jim Comey. That's all coming up to night at nine on Fox News. Have a great weekend. We will see you back here on Monday.

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