Sean dedicates the show to the news that North Korea likely has nuclear capabilities that can hit our shores. If you're surprised by this news you have not been listening to The Sean Hannity Show very much! "I've been saying that the threat to freedom and the thing that will define the Trump presidency is North Korea," kicked off Sean, "I so wish I was wrong today." The liberal media won't tell you but the Trump administration pushed through the most significant economic sanctions in history just last week. It's our last best shot at stopping Korea! The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been eaving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code, Hannity, you will love this pillow. You know it puts life into perspective. And uh, I don't know when I first predicted, didn't I say, Lauren, I know Linda's on vacation this week that my greatest fear worries the type of thing that would keep me up at night, that that it might actually end up. What defines the Fox News Channel, I'm sorry, not the Fox News Channel reading something. What defines in every way, um, the threat to freedom, humanity, in everything else, And what will define the Trump presidency is in fact North Korea. And how I've said it a whole bunch of times, and I wish I wish it was one of those days I'm wrong. I wish I so wish I was wrong today because what we have now developing is not a good situation. Now we did have last week, I thought it was really really good news. If you get news from the Russian gate media, you you probably don't even know the Trump administration. They'll never tell you. The destroy Trump media want a big victory diplomatically over the weekend. And it offered, frankly, the last best hope to stop North Korea without going to war. And I've been telling you there's no good answer as it relates to North Korea. And I'm not kidding when I say war. You've had the last three administrations, especially the Clinton administration, the Obama administration, you know, literally kicking down the can for a total of twenty four years what was an emerging, obvious danger. And now we're on the verge of a major conflagration with with the North Koreans and the Democratic press and the destroy Trump press, all they want to talk about Russia Gate. Russia Gate doesn't matter today. And if what I think can happen ultimately happens, it's even worse than you think now, Investors Business Daily. On Saturday, the U n. Security Council voted new sanctions on the emerging nucleus out of North Korea great even at China and Russia going along with it. It was a not unanimous fifteen zero vote imposing sanctions against North Korea for their recent intercontinental ballistic missile tests, including one just last week, followed by a week of pressure by Trump on both North Korea and its main allies China and Russia. Last weekend, Trump signed the bill that imposes penalties on North Korea's shipping industry, along with new sanctions on Russia and intelligence agencies for their meddling in the election last year, which they've done in previous elections, which we're told they'll do in future elections. And Trump also recently got the EU to go along with other sanctions, you know, against Russia for their interference in the Eastern Ukraine. So he's taken a tough position against the country that's supposed to have so much on him. Meanwhile, Trump also ratcheted up his war words against China, which is the right thing to do. It's it's in there geopolitical area. It's their bigger problem, not our bigger problem. And he tweeted out a little over a week ago and very disappointed China. In China are foolish. Past leaders have allowed them to make hundreds of billions of dollars a year in trade, and yet they do nothing for us with North Korea, just talk. Well, we'll no longer follow allowed this to continue, He goes, China could easily solve the problem. Well, they could in the sense that they have the ability to put all of this economic pressure on North Korea. Now, if it was treated as just more than you know, crude bombast um, in some senses, it really work when the President tweeted that out, because on Friday, the US delivered the proposal to the UN Security Council. On Saturday, Trump got the fifteen to zero victory, including Russia and including China. And it's no secret out Trump did it now to show our potential foes that he means business. Well, he threatened or actually imposed sanctions on a number of countries, which I would which I thought, was, you know, very smart. Anyway, one, Shauna is our number. I want to play Bill Clinton from back in what year was this? Lauren? I forget that? What's that? Two thousand four? I was gonna say, what night? And by the way, when you talk, you gotta talk on the air like Linda does or else. I don't know if it's in my ear or it's on the air, because it sounds the same in my ear. Yes, boss, all right, stop, alright, So here is Bill. It's a it's a good deal for America, good deal for America. Before I take your questions, i'd like to say just a word about the framework with North Korea that Ambassador de Lucy signed this morning. This is a good deal for the United States. North Korea will freeze and then this mantle it's nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons. It's South Korea, with support from Japan and other nations, will bear most of the cost of providing North Korea with fuel to make up for the nuclear energy it is losing. And they will pay for an alternative power system for North Korea that will allow them to produce electricity while making it much harder for them to produce nuclear weapons. The United States and international inspectors will carefully monitor North Korea to make sure it keeps its commitments. Only as it does so, will North Korea fully joined the Community of Nations. Only then, and it's going to prevent them from getting nuclear weapons. And we paid a fortune, a total and complete fortune to get that deal. By the way, does it all sound familiar, Because it should, because that's exactly what Obama did with billions of dollars, plainloads of cash and other currency that were handed over to the Mullahs in Iran as part of the please, please, pretty please, let's have peace in our time, Please please don't build nuclear weapons, and that that that's gonna work out about as well as what happened with Neville Chamberlain and Bill Clinton in the sense that you cannot appease evil radicals, dictators and despots that don't care about truth and shaking hands, signing agreements and literally stealing money and making false promises is just par for the course. Remember in the lead up to World War Two, there were people like Winston Churchill warning about the the insanity, the evil that lurked, and Adolf Hitler, and then there was the great meeting with Neville Chamberlain, we have peace in our time. You know that lasted long well. The same thing Bill Clinton believed the North Koreans. He thought he made a deal, he thought they'd never developed nuclear weapons. It costs taxpayers billions and billions, and it didn't work out. It's the same thinking that went into the rainy and deal with the Mullahs in Iran that have promised to destroy America and have promised to destroy Israel and burning American flags, burning Israeli flags twenty five days noticed before inspections. They're not even American inspectors. And we don't even know if we have all the sites down. You know, at times we could be really dumb and naive and really stupid, and now we find ourselves this is now the consequences of stupidity here, because if you watch the Washington Post, for example, North Korea is now making missile ready nuclear weapons according to US analysts, and the Washington Post reporting that North Korea can now mount a nuclear warhead on an I CBM. And remember the news that we've had in just the last week that they're also building the capability that they can fire these nuclear weapons out of a submarine. Okay, we better take really close track of the submarines. And then on top of that, we know that they can also fire nuclear weapons that can meet that can literally reach the continental United States. We better help our that anti ballistic missile technologies working. All the tests have so far been really good, but I had shudder to think that that's what we're counting on. I've always predicted that Ronald Reagan's quote Star Wars that he was mocked for or Strategic Defense is gonna end up being as great as legacy. But now we know that according to the Washington Post, North Korea has now crossed that final technological threshold, and that is they're now able to to hit the United States. And a report last week that they can hit New York City, that's right, with an intercontinental ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead, and that they can hit Boston mass with a nuclear warhead. Now, if that's all true, you now are beholden to a madman named Kim Jong un like his father, Kim Jong ill, would now have the ability if we don't stop it, to incinerate New York City with the push of a button. This is not a game here, and there's no good options here. What are the options unless there's somebody that is deep inside North Korea, which is very difficult to penetrate, that could take this guy out. There's there's no option there. Nor do you know who's gonna take his place if you did take him out. Okay, Option number two. Let's say even the world aligns China, Russia, UH, the United States, Israel, our Western European allies, Great Britain and others, and we all align and we all take out the nuclear sites Okay, that doesn't mean he couldn't put one of these nuclear weapons on a scud missile and fire it into South Korea and Soul and god knows how many thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people will be dead. And on top of that, when you if you have to take out their nuclear sites, you're gonna incinerate it. It'll be gone, it will be obliterated North Korea. And then on top of that, does he fire Does this madman fire at Japan? Is he stupid enough to fire at China? Who knows what this guy is capable of. He doesn't seem to be governed by the rules of mutually assured destruction. For as evil as the former Soviet Union was, they understood they were gonna die, and that prevented war. You know. And can Donald Trump even make phone calls now with all the Deep State leaks leaking conversations with presidents and prime ministers, how does he have a private conversation when the Deep State is now monitoring and leaking the conversations. How does he have a real discussion with the world leader over this? But there's new analysis completed last month by the Defense Intelligence agency comes on the heels of another intelligence assessment that really raises the official estimate for the total number of bombs in North Korea, and they're atomic arsenal. And they calculated last month that up to sixty nuclear weapons are now controlled by Kim Jong un, and some independent experts believe the number of bombs is smaller. Okay, he only has thirty, say cut it in half, but it's got a deep in the world's concern about an evolving North Korean military threat that appears to be advancing far more rapidly in spite of all the bribes and assurances they'd never get nuclear weapons. Now, maybe it's years before the country's weapons scientists designed the compact warhead, but it's coming. If it's not here, if the Washington Post is not exactly right, if our intelligence is not exactly right. The problem with the intelligence community is very hard to grab intelligence out of North Korea that they produced nuclear weapons for ballistic missile delivery to include i cb M class missiles well that hits New York City and the continental United States. And this guy has now become increasingly confident in the reliability of not only the nuclear arsenal but of the ability to deliver that arsenal, and that's why we saw what happened on Saturday. President has promised and vowed that North Korea will never be allowed to threaten the United States with nuclear weapons. Hr McMaster actually said the prospect of a nuclear armed North Korea with nuclear tipped I C b M s would be intolerable. From the President's perspective. We have all you know, we have to provide all options, and that includes the military option. But I'm I'm just warning you that military option there's no good option, and we have the best military on the face of the earth. All Right, we'll continue, It's says everything else now goes in a perspective, as far as I'm concerned, the world better be on alert. And if you don't think evil exists, look at the last hundred years of human history. In a hundred million, hundred million human souls destroyed by human evil and governments and wars. This isn't a game. This could be the defining moment in all of our lives. Coming up here, Covert operative Mitch rap is ready for anything, but this time the enemy is ready for him. Read order to kill the explosive new novel in Vince Flynn's number one New York Times best selling Mitch Rap series. Because of unscrupulous members of the Pakistani secret Service, Rap finds himself chasing false leads in an effort to keep Pakistani nukes from falling into the hands of terrorists. Soon, it becomes alarmingly clear that the forces in Moscow are bent on fomenting even more chaos and turmoil in the Middle East, and Rap must go deep into a racky territory, posing as an American ISIS recruit. There, he uncovers a plan more dangerous and insidious than he ever expected, one that could have far reaching and catastrophic consequences. Written with the same relentless action as Vince Flynn's greatest novels, Mitch Rap's latest adventure is as timely and provocative as ever. Ordered to Kill a Mitch Rap novel by Kyle Mills, is now in paperback wherever books are sold. Donald Trump and North Korea makes more threats, they will be met with fire, fury, empower. There's there's no other option. But now, imagine if you're South Korea, imagine if you're Japan. You know now you know China better be paying very close attention, and they've they've allowed this problem to grow out of control by not confronting him Jong and up to this point, and now they're very close in terms of proximity. What if this guy is like a suicide bomber in this sense. What if he's a leader that doesn't care about mutually a short destruction. What if he just wants to go down with the ship. There are people that have that mindset. I'm not saying he does, but what if he does. You have to assume the worst if you don't. And and so if you can't take him out internally because nobody can get in there internally, what are your options here? Okay, analyze this. So let's say we can build a world coalition. Let's say the the fifteenth to zero vote is an indication of a world coalition of some of the biggest best armies in the world, coupling with the lone superpower of the United States. Then we could bring Israel in. Then we can bring in Let's say the communist Chinese want to come in. Let's say even Russia wants to come in. Let's say Great Britain comes in, and all of our Western European allies. And let's say we come up with the biggest, best, hardest hitting campaign to take out every single nuclear side of North Korea. Okay, well, all right, let's assume we do that. Now for a second, let's assume we're successful. We take out all of those nuclear sites, the biggest military operation in the history of the world. Okay, what if those bombs burst? Now you've got you will have in your lifetime the obliterate ship. I mean obliterating an entire country. And I don't check, Lauren, what the what the population of North Korea South Korea is. Then you have nuclear fallout issues from that. And let's say that he's able to launch in the interim as the attack is coming in, He's prepared to launch on South Korea Japan in the interim, and we can't stop it, even with our thad anti ballistic missile system. Well, then how many tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands can die there and the nuclear fallout from that, and then you can't not factor in that, Well can he? He can hit China a lot more easily than the continental United States. No good option here, That's what happens. You appease dictators. Before I take your questions, I'd like to say just a word about the framework with North Korea that Ambassador to Lucy signed this morning. This is a good deal for the United States. North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons. South Korea, with support from Japan and other nations, will bear most of the costs of providing North Korea with fuel to make up for the nuclear energy it is losing, and they will pay for an alternative power system for North Korea that will allow them to produce electricity while making it much harder for them to produce nuclear weapons. The United States and international inspectors will carefully monitor North Korea to make sure it keeps its commitments. Only as it does so, will North Korea fully joined the Community of Nations. Over a year ago, we took the first step towards today's framework with a deal to stop the progress of New Iran's nuclear program and roll it back in key areas and recall it. At the time, skeptics argued that Iran which cheat and that we could not verify their compliance and the interim agreement would fail. Instead, it has succeeded exactly as intended. Iran has met all of its obligations. It eliminated its stockpile of dangerous nuclear material. Inspections of Iran's program increased, and we continued negotiations to see if we could achieve a more comprehensive deal. Today, after many months of tough principal diplomacy, we have achieved the framework for that deal, and it is a good deal, a deal that meets our core objectives. This framework would cut off every pathway that Iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon. Iran will face strict limitations on its program, and Iran has also agreed to the most robust and intrusive inspections and transparency regime ever negotiated for any nuclear program in history. So this deal is not based on trust, it's based on unprecedented verification. Not really, because you got twenty five days notice of inspections, enough time to prob they clean up the mess. Well, the the radioactive material will will linger around, so we can pick it up. They'll they'll they'll purposely put in there's something that will will give some fake phony rationale for the radioactive activity picked up. You know, I don't think most people really understand the threat of all of this and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. But you know, North Korea is now on the path to becoming a full fledged nuclear power. And as I keep saying, there's no good option, do you know in big cities all across the world, And I'm assuming that a lot of you don't know that. But my years around law enforcement intelligence people uh FBI, friends of mine and and just all these people they've shared, especially in the last number of years, about leaking an intel and unmasking and surveillance, and I've learned so much and I just want to share it all with you, which is why we keep putting all these experts on because it's number one on fascinated by it all, and it's very little in life that keeps me up at night. I'm not a person that has ever consumed with fear. I'm not a warrior. I don't sit in my hands, and I have enough faith that Okay, what's meant to be is meant to be, and and I'm willing to go down with the ship of the things that I deeply believe in. And that's it really is that simple. And I'm a fighter and I fight back and if I win, I win. If I lose, then I'll shake hands and say goodbye. That's how I live my life. I have very deeply held core beliefs that guide me so. But it's one of the things that keeps me up at night. And big cities all across the world you probably don't know, are monitoring every square inch to see if they pick up any radioactive activity. There are people that I know in New York City where the monitors they just get out of some type of proceed jer. Maybe they were getting radiation to deal with the cancer treatment, maybe a thallium stress tests. I know somebody that's had a thallium stress test with a kind of shoot tallium. I've had these tests a number of times to make sure I don't have a heart attack. And uh a little people warm you all handed. Do you keep getting getting worked out, You're gonna have a heart attack, According to my doctor, I'm not. And it's a it's a great test. But you have these tests and then you walk around your radioactive and then the detectors pick up on it. B bi bi bi bi bi bip bip bip bip, and all of a sudden, a couple of cops come up. And you know, if they see it's an older gentleman or a woman, that probably not going to confront them. But if your younger person and you have a backpack, they might thinking you have a dirty bomb because of the amount of damage that can be done, I mean human beings. And this gets to my whole focus of deliver us from evil. What what we're now facing with North Korean and if we're not smart, what we'll face down the road with Iran is when it's a squared B squared C squared. If you take radicalism, take the Mullahs in Iran for a second, that want to annihilate and have repeatedly threatened to wipe Israel off the map, repeatedly threatened the United States of America and burning our flags, death to America, the Great Satan, the Little Satan, on and on and on. And you couple it with a belief system as they have that this is the will of of their God to destroy innocent men, women and children. And it's taken to such an extreme point that some of these people will actually strap bombs on their own kids and send them off into you know, public places for maximum amount of damage and let them kill innocent men, women and children. Okay, telling them that their God I'll awaits them in heaven and that they're gonna be rewarded with seventy two virgins for the average person. You just can't comprehend that evil. You know, it's let me see if I can explain it better. If I don't know why, I guess because I'm a loser. I mean, there's the answer that's gonna be the headline somewhere someplace that Hannity admits it. Finally, it'll be on Mediaite. Hannity admits he really is a loser. Breaking really, you guys, you in the middle of a serious discussion. You guys have to distract me. But what I mean by that is I spent a lot of time watch the History Channel. I watched the American Heroes Channel. You know, there's old saying that if you don't learn from history or doomed to repeat it and if you just watch, just observe. You know, they got all these series because they there is a lot of footage that over the years has come off Hitler in his final days, Hitler's Rise, Hitler's Fall, Hitler is this, Allied forces this and you just learned so much that there was every indication that this was the rise of evil in Germany at the time. And then you could see this. It's very interesting to watch mass hypnosis and like, how is it that good people, otherwise good people can be so indoctrinated, they can so compartmentalize any form of goodness and conscience and right and wrong within them that their job And I described this scene in my book where it was the job of these murdering Nazis. You know, all these people would be put on trains, they'd be brought to the concentration camps. And the first thing that the the those that were doing the deeds of Hitler would do. Okay, now, is anybody here that's a carpenter? Oh would you? How good? We need carpenters. Anybody here that's a nurse, Oh great, but you please step forward. Anyone here that is involved in I don't know, steelwork or whatever. Anyone here that can do plumbing, any whatever it was. And these people what they were doing is they were trying to prevent fear, panic and chaos, and those people would step forward, and those people were given hope, false hope, and then their clothes were taken off, They're told of going into a shower, and they were all slaughtered. How does one human being do that to another human being? How do you do that? What do you go home and eat dinner with your own kids? How do you do that? That's evil? Mass hypnosis and docronation. How do you explain the killing fields in Cambodia? How do you explain Bolca Haram? How do you explain Stalin's Russia? How do you explain man's in humanity to man on a on a micro level? Rape, incest, hurting children? How do you explain murder, rage, whatever, hurting old people? There's a lot of evil. I tried to explain that. I think for most good people, they have a hard time comprehending wrapping their minds, their good minds around the fact that evil exists. And I think world leaders also similarly put their heads in the sand. The classic example is is Churchill and Chamberlain. Another exact. I think Bill Clinton really believed he made a good deal with with North Korea. I don't think it was nefarious. I don't think he thought this day would come. I believe he wanted to believe they could be good and good people have same with Obama and the wrong And I'm telling you that there's not good all good in this world. There is evil, and evil needs to be defeated. And if your mindset, you're national, your thought process drives you two strap bombs on your own kids and tell them you're going to heaven. That's evil in our time. So the challenges here are unbelievable. Here's another just to add to our collective paranoia today and and genuine concern. I don't worry, you get concerned. Well, just last month, North Korea was caught surveilling one of our ground based missile defense sites. Reuters are suspected North Korean drone had taken photographs of an advanced US anti missile battery in South Korea before it crashed while apparently on its way back home. I was reported by the South Korean military. Drone mounted with a camera was found last week in a forest near the border with North Korea, similar in size shape to a North Korean drone that was found back in on an island near the border. We confirmed that it took about ten photos of the anti missile system known as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense. That's a TAD missile system that we we've been successfully now testing. According to South Korean Defense Ministry, drome was suspected of obviously being from North Korea. South Korea is deploying the U S anti missile defense system, you know, literally from about a hundred and fifty five miles from the border with North Korea to counter this growing missile threat from North Korea. Let me get to some other news here and then we'll check in the next hour. J Secular a weigh in on that, on the varying scandals and what do you do about Rosenstein and everything else. But you know, it's um And by the way, during the Obama years, it's been thirty four years since President Reagan unveiled strategic defense, and he was mocked and he was ridiculed. Past star wars. We may end up saving hundreds of thousands or millions of lives at some point plast star wars. I've said it since that time that it may be his greatest achievement through the prism of history. The Obama administration, by the way, canceled. Some of the most important missile defense programs started withdrawing the US and their Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty in two thousand and two, when Obama's missile defense policies shift cost the nation precious time and capabilities at a time where you can see the emergence of more and more new enemies. This is not going to make the anti Trump media happy. But anyway, Donald Trump's approval rating, according to Zogby, is now at It's interesting. Maybe it's the new comeback kid, driven by gains among Hispanics, union households, and voters in the West. Zogby also said more men approve of Trump than don't, and the president's approval rating is rebounded from their July pol so pretty significantly. That won't be reported on fake news. I promise you it'll be avoided at all costs on fake news. Uh, we do have Well, Pat Buchanan's gonna talk, Well, what about the coup? What do you do after that? Because they are trying to take the president out. The New York Post has a piece today. Intelligence community insiders claim that the NSA has Hillary's deleted emails. Well, if that's true, we're ever gonna get to see them, considering they wore under subpoena, you know, that would be that would be an important development. We also have the New York Times blaming the plunging summer temperatures and global warming. Turns out that it's a long time old in terms of the reports they're putting out. So we've got more fake news out there every single day. You know, talk about bad timing. The New York Times reporting that America is already suffering from out of control global warming. Meanwhile, the temperature in New York City has been struggling to get out of the sixties. For the last week, it's been the coolest you know days of summer we've had this year. How is it? You know, if it ains global warming, snows global warming, if it's storms, global warming, if it's cold, global warming, everything global warming. No, actually, it started out as the Coming Ice Age, then global warming, and now it's just climate change. To anything happens, you just blame it on man made disasters. What are we gonna ride bicycles and live in tents? I don't think so. Human beings advance and these are renewable natural resources. Alright, We've got a lot coming up with the course of the program, Pap you can and Jase Secular at the top of the next hour, we're more breaking news on this North Korea situation. The UK expresses now reporting, uh, I didn't see it, but apparently this broke before the Washington Post bombshell about North Korea being able to make their i CBMs war ready, their warhead ready more particularly, but anyway, there's a big headline as that North Korea has deployed to anti ship cruise missiles onto a patrol boat. As tensions now in the Korean Peninsula now reach a breaking point. President has now spoken out and the President is being very strong in in his comments and he's now out there saying Okay, I'm ready, let's go game on. And he said that if they will be met with fire and fury if they make more threats against the U. Well, I did see the President at the Phoenix airport the other night as I was landing he was headed out. He did come over and say hello and speak to my husband and myself and um talk about his grandchildren and his travels and and things like that. So that was the extent of that and no discussions were held in any cases or anything of that, and he didn't raise anything about that either. Let me go back, if I can, very briefly to the decision to publicly go out with your results on the email. Was your decision influenced by the Attorney general's tarmac meeting with the former President Bill Clinton. Yes, in in an ultimately conclusive way. That was the thing that kept it for me that I had to do something separately to protect the credibility of the investigation, which meant both the FBI and the Justice Department. Where there are other things that contributed to that that you can describe in an open session, there were other things that contributed to that one significant item I can't I know that committee has been briefed on. There's been some public accounts of it, which your nonsense, but I understand that committee has been briefed on the classified facts. Probably the only other consideration I guess I can talk about an open setting is that at one point the Attorney General had directed me not to call it an investigation, but instead to call it a matter, which confused me and concerned me. But that was one of the bricks in the load that led me to conclude I have to step away from the department if we're to close this case credibly. The Attorney general previous Attorney General asking you about the investigation on the Clinton emails, saying that you've been asked not to call it an investigation anymore, but to call it a matter, and you had said that confused you can you give us additional details on that? Well, it concerned me, and I want to know what was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, yes, but don't call it that, call it a matter. And I said, why would I do that? And she said, just call it a matter. And again, you look back in hindsight, you think, should I have resisted harder? I just said, all right, isn't worth this is an hill worth dian on And so I just said, okay, the press is going to completely ignore it. And that's what happened. When I said we have opened a matter. They all reported the FBI as an investigation open. And so that concerned me because that language track the way the campaign was talking about the FBI's work, and that that's concerning it gave the impression that the campaign was somehow using the same language of the FBI because you were handed the campaign language and told to be able to use the campaign whether, and again I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but it gave the impression that the Attorney General was looking to align the way we talked about our work with the way political campaign was describing the same activity, which was inaccurate. We had a criminal investigation open, as I've said before, the Federal Bureer of Investigation. We had an investigation open at the time, and so that gave me a queasy feeling. Alright, our to Shawn Hannity's show, toll free telephone number eight nine one, Shawn, We'll watch him very closely. The dangerous evolving North Korea situation, as I've been saying, I do not think there is any good answer here. And in spite of the huge victory by the President, the fifteen to zero vote including China and even Russia on sanctions from North Korea, well, the fact that North Korea now has many nukes and making missile ready nuclear weapons according to analysts, and they can mount a nuclear weapon on a I CBM. This is beyond a clear and present danger to this country, including their capacity to reach the continental United States and New York City and Boston, Massachusetts. And I don't see a whole lot of good options. It's got to really scare anyone that that loves human life that the potential catastrophe that this this madman can cause it is beyond frightening. Jay Secular is with us. He is the chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice. He's also a counselor to the President. UM. And before I get to the issues involving the sound we just played from Loretta Lynch and James call me and the tarmac meeting. UM, I don't see a whole lot of good options here, Jay, I really don't. Look this is We had some of our lawyers and legal team that deal with military affairs, both of them which are former colonels in the United States Army. Both were stationed actually UH in Korea multiple times. And the options are not pleasant because the reality is that a military option, which may be necessary here, will probably result in significant civilian casualties in South Korea. Because the DMC is such a small area, it's easy to log right into the major capitals of South Korea, major populization centers, and then you have the difficulty of a regime that's so unstable you don't know what they're gonna do, and you can't allow that kind of type of capability, nuclear capability to reach the region, but also the United States. So I mean, I think the world has changed drastically in the last two hours with this information coming forward, and I think that the President, I'm sure, in conjunction with his National security team and Secretary Maddis, I'm sure engaged in discussions on I can't imagine they're not engaging discussions on This is a This is a serious threat to the United States and a serious threat to world stability. You know, it's so scary. I mean, this is the great danger, and I guess there's no point unless we learn from the mistakes of the past. I mean, North Korea would constantly play the United States, and I know Bill Clinton, so we got a deal. This is good for America, good for the world, and you can't buy peace from a radical dictatorship. Well the dictatorship that thinks. I remember, the people unfortunately in North Korea have been led to believe for literally decades and decades that their leaders are actually deity. So you know, you're we're dealing with a step beyond even the Ayatolas and Iran the populace there and in the way it's projected is that that that Kim Jong un is a form of deity, so they're gonna follow the deity. And while the regime is repressive to the people, the maps of electricity show that the reality is a nuclear warhead on a missile from North Korea will the UH not only could well would wreck havoc around the globe, but it also would be both an international threat to US and a course of regional threat. But you got asked the Chinese and the Russians, I mean, and they voted for that sanction, but they got the capability if there is some leverage there sewn, and I think that's the they have not come to the table, so to speak on that other than voting for the sanctions. But they could be brought to their knees economically, but it's gonna take the Russians in the Chinese to do that. Well, I agree in China. You know, the one good thing about the president meeting with the Chinese premier and President, I mean, it was apparently they really hit it off. And you remember when they stopped the shipment. If you're a call I believe of of coal, and I thought it was a very big step. And then the Chinese imported American call instead, and apparently there's been subsequent conversations, which is on a side note, another reason you can't be leaking private conversations from the deep state when an American president talks to presidents of prime ministers and so, I think there's certainly a relationship and certainly some progress there um. But at the end of the day, ja I mean, if you try and take out the best option to me would be if you have somebody withinside that could take them out. Then you don't know who's gonna what the next person is gonna do. And that next person now has access to nuclear weapons with I CBM capability, Then if you try to take them out militarily, you don't get all the sites at once, and it would need to be a worldwide effort. It would need to be a coordination with China, Russia and and Israel and Great Britain. And then if you try to take out the sites, what if the guy puts it on a scud missile and nuclear weapon and hits it right into Soul or Japan. Well, that's the great you know, the great military risk here is uh the regional risk is Soul is an easy distance, as is Japan. So the when you're dealing with the situation like this, as I've talked to our military uh official and listen lawyers with the a c l J. That that's where the options here are rather limited. But you cannot allow Kim Jong un to take this kind of action or threaten this kind of action. Uh. So again, as you just said, it's going to take a partnership of willing countries to engage and to engage in the North Koreans directly with the threat of force if necessary, and it is necessary uh and would be necessary if this kind of provocation takes place. But there's a lot on the obviously, a lot on our defense officials, a lot on the president. Right now, all right, let me let me ask you this question. So we have all of these variant scandals that exist out there, including the issue that the a c l J was was able to get through a Freedom of Information Act request. You were first told by then that BI Director James called me that there was no interactions, when in fact, there were furious interactions somewhat for fifty some on pages of interactions, including a desire and talking points that were built the well, they never sent them to you, right, So the FBI came back and when we put the initial request and you do it in a letter first, and they said there were no documents responsive to your request. And then we did the same requests over to the Department of Justice. They didn't even respond. This was under the Obama administration. We then filed suit in October and got a got a document demand on the court issue in order requiring a document demand which showed not only emails between the FBI and the Department of Justice, which was contrary with the FBI sent but also and the alias involving the Attorney General using the alias, and the media corroboration in all of this trying to kind of craft the story. But today, as we are continuing to go through these documents shown and trying to trace who's who, we found two interesting, very significant developments. One is there's an email actually from the Office of Public Affairs who the White House Assistant Went House Press Secretary at the time was Brandy Hafein regarding the statement that's going to be made. And this is despite the fact that the then White House Press folkesperson said we're letting the Department of Justice response to this, We're not involved in this at all. Well that that ended up not being correct. And then interestingly, the senior Counsel to the and this is we just got this today as we're checking each individual. The senior counsel to the Attorney General, Page her Wig. She was a counsel to the Attorney General. She's on the original email chain about this whole situation involving the President Clinton and Lauretta Lynch is now the jeopardy general counsel to the Senator Diane Feinstein, who is the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. And remember the Senate Judiciary Committee sent out the letter saying that they are investigating this whole Lauretta Lynch, Bill Clinton, and the entire way that Clinton email candle was handled in the first place. So that's her commitment. She's the ranking minority member of the committee. And her lawyer was the debut was the counsel to the Attorney General when all this was going on. You talk about conflicts of interest, I mean and their multitude. And then we have a situation. Also, as we're checking who the people are, there was an email to a Matthew axel Rod, a principal associate, a deputy Attorney General, was basically an assistant to Sally Yates. We checked on on Max Matthew Axelrod's background, on what he's known for and in his law firm that he's with now bio. They note that he was a senior official overseeing all department operations that also took the lead in advising on crisis management within the d o J. Which clearly this became crisis management within the d o J, but then it was also Sean went to the FBI Chief of Staff and and senior counsel to James Comey. James Comy says, well, the reason I had to go public on this was because Loretta Lynch had done and he was worried about the integrity of the ffort. That was never true anyway, because there is a processing place that does not include the FBI director if in fact an attorney general needs to be recused, like in the case of Lauretta Lynch. Correct, of course, she never recused herself. Despite all of this, she never recused her to stay right there. We are waiting and watching. The world is on edge today. This North Korea threat is real. It is a clear and present danger. There are not a lot of good options. We'll get to all of this. We'll get to your calls. We have our news round up information overload, and we will also be checking in with Pat Buchannon on that issue and the other issues of the day. And as we continue. He is the Chief council of the American Center for Law and Justice. Uh and that's Jay Sekulo is with us. We're following a lot of stories. Does the Attorney General now he announced that he's really digging down deep into the deep state leaks, which are about one a day, all of them probably illegal. But there seems to be a need for a lot of other special counsels. And then that would deal with the emails, that would deal with uranium, one that would deal with Ukrainian Russian interference, that would deal perhaps even with Debbie Wasson and Schultz, that would deal with, you know, the leaking itself. Having a special counsel? Um does he have that authority? And and why is it that Rosenstein only called this special counsel when there's a lot more evidence on these other scandals. Well, you may not need a special counsel for these others because of the Department of Justice, within its own agencies can investigate this. The FBI and the Department of Justice could investigate, open up and reopen these investigations based on newly discovered evidence or an incomplete investigation. I have no basis to know whether they've been were closed with prejudice, and those investigations could be going on right now as we speak, and we wouldn't usually know about that. So we know that, for instance, that the Senate Judiciary Committee is looking at a lot of these, We know that the Senate Intel Committee wants to look at these. But the question of the Department of Justice, they don't need a special counsel in order to do an investigation of these matters and to come up with a conclusion, whether it's the foundation, whether it's uranium one back on the email scandal, whatever it might be. That is something that could be handled within the framework of the Department of Justice as it is. There's not a need for special counsel. No one would be recused from handling those matters. Okay, So do you think that there's no way we'll ever know if these investigations are going on. There's no way we'll ever know if grand juries are impaneled. You know what I mean showing we don't like leaks, So I mean in the in the perfect we don't want leaks. Look, I mean here there's a unit we now know according to the uh Rod Rosen seen and also according to Attorney General Sessions that they've got a union instant, which is what we were calling for, an union inside d o J that is, and I guess FBI as well as part of that task forces to to stop these leaks and to handle these leaks aggressively and assertively. So that's existing. And again I I don't like leaks, so I don't want to hear about it going on. When they have something to announce regarding a leak, for instance, a indictment on a person that was has been accused of leaking, or an arrest or whatever it might be, that's appropriate, but the investigation itself should be going under quietly and not with a lot of fanfare. Hopefully that's the case on these I think that the there's no question the Attorney General said that they are making this a top priority. Clearly the president wants of the top priority. Look, you mentioned this earlier last segment. I mean, you had the conversations with the President and conversations you had with the leader of Mexico and Australia. Those were leaked for batim. Now you've got the situation going on right now with North Korean and nuclear threat that poses a test for everybody in the region and around the globe, and you sure don't want to see those leaks. So I think the leaks have to be clamped down. I think this is a you situation shown the whole leaking nature of the bureaucracy, and it has to be dealt with firmly. And I'm hopeful that the Attorney General is gonna do that. Do you think as I do, that probably the biggest scandal if we ever got to the hundred and forty five million dollars and where it came from and the signing off on on up to of uranium as in the case of the uranium one deal, is that the biggest scandal in your minus our last question of about twenty seconds. Yeah, I mean, look, I mean, how do you explain it? I mean, that's why it's a scandal, I mean of your ranium going into Russia. I mean, what's the justification for this? So sure? I mean and and you don't have to look that in the totality of circumstances. Just look at what happened, what transpired, what we know transpired, and you ask yourself, how is that deemed to be okay, appropriate and not a violation of laws, rules or statutes. And I think that has to be looked at very seriously. I think you're right in a lot of different ways. All right, Jay Sekulo, thanks for being with us. We'll see you tonight on Hannity. We'll have more on this thread of North Korea, more on the deep state, more of the politics of the day. Will also get your calls in, and when we get back at the bottom of the hour, we're gonna check in with Patrick J. Buchannan see what he thinks of all this. And your call is coming up straight ahead. This is the Sean Hannity Show, holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress. My question is, does that mean that there are no red lawns that Mueller or any Special Council can investigate under the terms of your order anything he finds, Chris. The Special Council is subject of the rules and regulations of the Department of Justice, and we don't engage in fishing expeditions. Now, that order that you read, that doesn't detail specifically who may be the subject in investigation because we don't reveal that publicly. But Bobby Mueller understands, and I understand, and uh, the specific scope of the investigation. And so, no, it's not a fishing expedition. I understand, it's not a fishing the expedition. But you say, any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation in the course of his investigation of the issues that he is looking at, if he finds evidence of a crime, can he look at that well, Chris, if he finds evidence of a crime, that's within the scope of what Director Miller and I have agreed is the appropriate scope of his investigation that he can If it's something outside that scope, he needs to come to the Acting Attorney General at this time me for permission to expand his investigation. But we don't talk about that publicly. And so the speculation you've seen in the news media. That's not anything that I've said. It's not anything Director Mueller said. We don't know who's saying or who credible, how credible those sources. People ask about this, of course, because you have ten Star and Whitewater and began with a failed real estate deal in Arkansas and ended up with Monica Lewinsky to to to expand, he would need to get approval from you to expand the nature of the investigation. That's correct, just as did ken Starr. You know, ken Starr received an expansion I believe was initiated by the Department of Justice by Janet Reno that resulted in that investigation. All right, that was Chris Wallace and uh Rod Rosenstein. And you know, of course this is mission creep, investigative creep, everything that I told you it would end up being. And of course, so a lot of this is now the deep state. There's so much correction and and how is he not recusing himself? If if you start at Russia Trump collusion, you moved to finances, then you moved to obstruction as relates to James Comey. Then you're moving into other issues, and then then all of a sudden, you're now in conflict as Rod Rosenstein is, because Rod Rosenstein wrote a memo that Trump should fire James Comey. It's it is just the biggest cluster I've ever seen. On top of the eight of the sixteen people that Robert Muller put on his team have donated to Obama or Clinton or Democrats, and none have donated in any way to any Republican. And he even hired one of Hillary Clinton's attorneys. My friend Pat Buchanna with a provocative column out today after the Coop What then, anyway, how are you, sir? During fine sean? How are you? I got to talk to you about this, and I've got to talk to you about North Korea. Uh, let's start with this, Let's start with Rosenstein. Let's start with investigative creep. Well, I think what's happened is when the Chris Wallace did a good job at mushy verbiage on where they can go. I think it's really a carte blanche to Muller and these folks. And he's not hiring these folks because he wants to find out if Donald Trump communicated with Wiki leaks. They're doing this they're going into the finances, They'll go into Trump's finances, any connections with the Russians that will require tax returns and going back and the rest of it. And then you come into any other mistakes, I think or something, and I think it's this is really a hostile organism inside the executive branch, targeted primarily on the White House and the resident that is going to grow and grow and grow. And I've never known one of these special prosecutors special prosecution sean to go home without taking some scalps. Well, you even said the smell of blood is in the nostrils of the sewer and swamp that's known as Washington d C. I think you're right. I was happy to see the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions talk about there's basically been a deep state leak a day. Every one of them are illegal. Now think about how deep this goes. Pat You've now got the General Council of the FBI being investigated for intelligent leaks. You've got James Comey, the FBI director, purposefully leaking to the New York Times government information, some of it were told classified to get the Special Council, who ends up being his friend. Then you've got Susan Rice. Then you've got how is it possible for Samantha Power, the UN ambassador to unmask hundreds of Trump people during the last year of this campaign or in the election year, and then Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, uh, Samantha the Power. And it looks like Brennan and Clapper may have questions to answer as well. I mean, this is as as much of a coup, to use your word, as anything I've seen, you know, I agree, Shawn, And it needs to be investigations if they can, if they can connect the dots. What it looks like is that they took all of these phone calls trans of Trump people with Russians or in any way transcribe them, then unmasked the Trump people, and then they took these uh, these transcriptions, and they sent them out to all seventeen intelligence agencies. I don't know whether it was on the order of Susan Rice or the President of the United States, but clearly it seems designed to leave all these secrets or these these revelations and have them leaked constantly. As soon as the President of the United States takes office, you take that operation ongoing with the deep State doing the leaks and the hostile media publishing the leaks and hammering, hammering the president United States every which way every day. And you've got this new powerful organism that is growing inside the White House or inside the administration and under the Justice Department with enormous freedom to rome that's moving on the White House and moving on Trump campaign association and Trump family and Trump himself. I mean, the writing is on the wall here, Sean. And what I wrote in that column is, look, if they succeed in doing what was almost done with Clinton, was done with Nixon and bringing down a president, Uh, what's the reaction going to be as the American people? And I think it will be utter disillusionment with democracy. The folks out there in Middle America. We gave it everything we could, and we elected the man and they threw him out, and the deep state that we wanted to throw out took over House to the president we elected and the Committee. You know, I don't even want to think of the consequences of that. I don't want to if we had divided now, I can't imagine how how betrayed people are gonna feel, and how angry and how divided. This country is gonna be I can't even imagine this. Well, I think that I agree with you, and I don't know how we would come together after that, because I think the reaction in Middle America among a lot of us who support him, would would not be you know, we're gonna you know, take up arms or something like that, would be disillusionment to spare cynicism. Probably see States wants to succeed from the Union, they'll feel like America, you know, is it's the Republic has gone. Well, that's exactly right. They said that that we are. Look, we're just being led. We're being led with the fraud. When we want we won and then they overturned our victory. And that's exactly what they're trying to do. Um. I know, we cannot ignore what's happening in North Korea. Now. The one good piece of news fifteen to zero, and that includes Russia and China, these sanctions against North Korea. Okay, that's all fine and good, but here's the bad news. The bad news is Bill Clinton allowed this lunatic, this and his father to get nuclear weapons. Now we're seeing North Korea saber rattling and firing. I c b ms that we're told can reach New York and Boston. They're now making, according to the Washington Post, missile ready nuclear weapons, which is bad. And they have now the ability to mount the nuclear warhead on an I C b M now pat short of sending in a hit squad and taking this guy out, which both you and I know is next to him possible. I don't see any good option here because if you try to take out this guy's nuclear sights, and this should be a a warning to everybody about the mulas in Iran. Once they have nuclear weapons, your options are limited. You try and take out the nuclear sights. How do we know he doesn't launch against Seoul, South Korea? How do we know it doesn't launch against Japan. How do we know he doesn't even launch against China? For crying out loud, He's such a lunatic. There's no good options in Hannity's playbook. What do you have? I think you're you're pretty much correct. I think I don't think he's at the point where he can mount this miniaturized nuclear weapon on top of a missile and targeted on a city in the United States. Both the last two ib I CBM tests the nuclear the nose cone collapsed, they broke in book collapsed apart when re entry, But there's no doubt he's headed that way. Sean. Secondly, I agree with you. I don't think the Chinese and universal sanctions fifteen to zero. I don't think that's going to get any movement in time. I think Kim Jong on is determined this. His only way to deter the Americans and prevent any kind of American attack on him is to be able to hit the United States with a nuclear weapon, and that's where he's gone, and he's not going to be dissuaded. And he probably has right now the ability and a scud missile to put a nuclear weapon on South Korea. So you're very very close to the point where the only option is military or no option. My view is basically this, uh. I think we ought to consider, frankly um allowing South if he continues moving this way, allowing so of Korean Japan to develop their own nuclear weapons with short range missiles. But we already have with him. When you really think deeply about it, he knows mutually a short destruction exists. It does whether Japan has it or South Korea has it, and I've thought through this a lot. You know, the only thing that I think we can hope for is that their agents inside that can get close to them. That's the best case scenario. Once I mean, whoever takes over from him, true, you don't know, and they're going to have the missile Sean and Ye and if you take him out or you fail, or you take him out, there's no guarantee that they won't launch all those conventional weapons. They had at one point eleven thousand artillery pieces and missile emplacements on the d m Z. You know what, I'm afraid Pat Buchannon, and We've been friends a long time. We've had arguments over the years, but overall we have a lot of agreement. You know what I'm afraid of. I am afraid that North Korea now will define the Trump presidency. And I'm beginning to think almost it's a certainty. Well if only way you would define it I think is I think it's Trump takes us to war against North Korea. I think there's real reluctance in the military and the Pentagon to do that in the absence of an absolute proof that is putting nuclear warheads on top of missiles and emplacing them to to target the United States of America right there, that's very scary, no good option. And as we continue, Patrick J. Buchanan is with us, we're talking about the deep state talking about really no good options in North Korea. So the threshold for Pat Buchannon if this these reports are true, which we have no reason to believe they're not, even though it comes from the Washington Polists'm always skeptical, Pet, But if North North Korea is now making missile ready nuclear weapons, in other words, that they can now mount a nuclear warhead on an I C b M, and we're told the I C b ms can reach the continental US even as far as New York City in Boston, Massachusetts, that it's the tipping point for you, Well, yeah, I don't know that you can. I mean, if you can tolerate that, I think that they can hit your country, I mean I would start taking my thought of this Shan is basically look, I would have been years ago pulled the American troops out of Korea off the d m Z allow South Korea if the North builds a nuclear weapon, to build its own nuclear weapon and to have missiles capable of reaching the Yalu River, moved our nuclear weapons on two ships are off shore, maintain the alliance with South Korea, and told the you know, the North Koreans, Uh, you know, if they launched one of these missiles, are going to annihilate the country. And uh, I think, I think we're going to get there. But I frankly I would not start a war. I mean, we have lived under I hate to say it, we had we had a thousand Soviet nuclear weapons could hit the United States at one point sean and we didn't go to war. And thank the Lord, Jack Kennedy was a cool, calm customer in missile crisis. Well, not disagreeing in any way. I think I just don't know about the mental stability here. I mean, as nuts as Krushchev was, and as nuts as former Soviet Union leaders were, they seem to understand mutually a short destruction. I'm not sure this lunatic understands it. I think, I mean, I do think I think he's very rationally. What do you do? What do you say? What gives you the indication he's rational? I love you to death, but he doesn't seem it to me. Helped me out. Past man. He uses our killery pieces to kill us, to kill members of his family, but he's rational, that's a really nice quality killing marginal or a missile that can hit the United States. He has a real turn to turn against us doing to Pinyang what we did during nineteen fifty to fifty three under MacArthur in the Successor General, which was smashed Pinyang with more bombs than we dropped in World War Two. He is deeply worried about the United States, these these maneuvers were having in the US and Korea, that they may be proud one day to a dash across that border to finish him off in the one thing he's got that can deter that is the ability to strike the United States with a nuclear missile. And he ain't going to give that up, and he doesn't think we will attack him to prevent him from getting that, And that's why he's pursuing it, and that's why he's not a madman. He's an evil man, but he's not mad and he's not stupid. Well, I hope you're listen. I think he's mad, and I don't see any I don't get any sense he represents everything evil in our time. Even you're right, he's killing his own, his own family, and he reminds me of a lot of destre that there are military men in North Korea who if he actually said let's gear up a nuclear weapon and fired at the United States one of their bases, saying in on Okinawa or something, I'm sure some of those military men would say, he ain't going to do that and get us blown to Kingdom come and our families and our country and everything else, because the Americans will counter attire with nuclear weapons and they would step in an act against him. I would think we appreciate that Patrick J. Buchannon has always eight hundred nine one, Shawn will lot more in the North Korea and threat and how do you handle this very dark, bad situation. Also, we'll have our news round up information overload, the latest on the deep state, these NonStop investigations and how they're trying to take the president out and much much more in this busy breaking news edition of The Sean Hannity Show. Straight Ahead. You know, this is a president who has never ever been capable of being shamed for hypocrisy, self contradictions, any of that. So it's really not surprising. It fits this sort of pattern of uh, you know, Trump being I've called him at times a sort of a goldfish in the sense that he seems to forget what happened ten seconds before. He's always in the moment, just sort of reacting um and trying to get reactions, and he doesn't really worry about whether or not to contradict something he said before UM or a broader point. I don't like criminal investigations to start on the hoping that you have the target. Maybe you will find the crime, Maybe we'll find a statute. If we can't find the statute, will stretch the statute to fit the person. That sounds like the Renty Barrier and Joseph Stalin. Show me the man and I'll find you the crime. I don't want to ever see that come to him. That's Alan Dershowitz, of all people who have not always agreed with politically, but he's actually been really amazing on how abusive these special counsels can be, especially in light of all of the conflicts as it relates to Robert Mueller, all of the conflicts he's hiring. What people that donate to Clinton Obama Democrats, even Hillary's attorney, one person with ethical issues eight of them eight that have not donated to anybody, so no Republican donors. And then of course Robert Muller, he gets at the job because his best friend James Comey actually leads to The New York Times and James call me using government information, some confidential information. On top of that, now the General Council, the FBI is now being investigated for potential leaking. Add add to that, what do we know Ben Rhodes being investigated for unmasking leaking, Susan Rice unmasking leaking investigation, Samantha Power. Really, why would the un ambassador be unmasking in the year twenty six? Hundreds of people associated with the Trump campaign and others. It's beyond the pale, all right? Joining US now News round Up Information Overload. Our our friend Jeff Lord is with US, former associate political director in the Reaguan administration and the author of the book What America Needs The Case for Trump. Jessica Tarlow is with US and she is also a Fox News contributor. She's the senior director of research at Bustle. Whatever that means, what is Bustle sounds like hustle, bustle? What is that? What is what is bustle? It's the feminist epicenter of the millennial generation. Well, the feminist epicenter of the millennial generation. You know what I mean? I just made that up. That's not our official Taglie know, Jeffrey Lord, No, wonder I didn't know. I mean, I'm so close to the millennial generation of this point in my life. I'm like, really, I'm wondering. I'm wondering if Jessica works at Google. I'm holder if she word Yeah, did you see that? Oh my god, what a nightmare, jeff Why don't you explain it to our audience could get up to speed. Yeah, I mean, Google apparently prides itself on diversity and tolerance, etcetera. So some Google employee wrote a memo that basically said that conservatives feel like they're in the closet and they're discriminated against, and then put out his views on women in tech and all this sort of thing. So the memo went viable, and the firm that private university intolerance of different points of view is immediately fired him. Oh my god, So well, we've known this forever. How many years have we we talked about this. I mean, it's hilarious, there's no time. I mean we'll laugh at this, but this is serious stuff. And you know what's being done to you this minute, what is being done to all kinds of people all across the board. And it frankly doesn't make any difference other than whether their profile is high or not, whether it's being done to people on television and radio, whether it's being done in universities across the country, whether it's being done in Google. This is outright fascism. And you know, until weeks enough people speak up and stop this in its tracks, this kind of thing is going to continue in it's deadly well. I went over earlier today. I mean, you've got this David brock Leak of the American Bridge Playbook, which describes what is a well orchestrated plan to impeach the President of the United States. This was discovered and I think printed by the Free Beacon, and it goes on page after page after page, the coordination media matters, American Bridge crew, Share Blue and how they want to a take down the president, get him impeached before he ever enters office, and delegitimize him, go after anybody that tries to support him or legitimize him. And then of course we see their tactics, which are boycott, attack advertisers, silence, concern pervatives. You know this is their you know five run at me again, Jessica, and well, I know you disagree with me. I know that you would never support a boycott of those programmers. I mean, I've I've given you tons of hours of to voice your opinions, which I love you to death, but I don't agree with chagrin of yours. And listen, it's not to the sugrin. I can handle opposition. I just meant your your fans don't love me that much, but it's okay. I still love them anyway. No, I don't. I mean, obviously, I want you to stay the er and I enjoy our discourse, and I don't think that people should at all try to stamp out free thought. Right. Everyone has the rights to their opinion and to express Because the issue with a Google memo, with some of what that guy wrote in there was offensive, specifically about women attack, but that doesn't mean certainly that it doesn't have a right to exist. It should be debated and discussed as with anything that isn't you know, I guess putting anyone in immediate danger clearly what I said about your When they on and on and on about a strategy that their goal is to, you know, for example, describe him as an unhinged narcissist, or that their goal is to go out there and impeach the president of the United States. That do they not care that there are other Americans that actually like the president, fought for the president's win, a freely elected president, and for them to go out there and to stop him quotes Trump will be defeated either through impeachment or at the ballot box. Why would they want to impeach somebody that at that point hadn't taken office. Well, I think that that the underlying principle of that memo and what's going on with the resistance is that Donald Trump is not fit to be president um and that he is going to be a disaster for the nation over the next four years, not just for those who didn't vote for him, but for those so the the the illegal league day by day from the deep state, the umasking of Americans. When you have former top Obama administration officials now that are involved in unmasking Americans picked up incidentally in intelligence. Hangwa, well, why would Samantha Power, un ambassador, as is reported, need to unmask hundreds of people in an election year, and many of them Trump associates. I don't know, and I mean, hopefully will send out, but you don't seem too concerned. Hopefully we'll find out. You don't seem overly concerned about it. Well do you think, I mean, honestly, do you think that there weren't memos? And I'm sure that we could find that about how to take down Barack Obama, how to discredit him, how to go after Hillary Clinton? What's to talk about? To talk about? Oh, maybe she has Parkinson's disease to bring up constantly when she collapsed outside the Yeah, because of exhaustion. Okay, but I mean we shouldn't be speculating that. People don't want to speculate. Well, they tried. Well wait a minute, I mean she passed out before everybody the whole world could see. Is it not fair to question what made her pass out before that? Okay? But not exactly known for telling the truth, Jeffrey, I mean, I think the fact that we question their veracity is frankly par for the course. Well that's right, And again, son, this is the government. And what makes this frightening is what we were talking about a few seconds ago in terms of private groups trying to take people off the air and shut down you know, for somebody Google and all of this. This is that version of that done by the government with power. I mean, what in the world is the United Nations ambassador doing looking at anybody like this? This is ridiculous. But what they what they want to do, which is what makes us so dangerous, is use government power to shut down dissent or to sow what smear people, whether it's Donald Trump or anybody else. This is what's dangerous about it. And it's a very serious thing. And I would certainly hope. I mean, I'm no fan of special prosecutors, but if we're going to have one, then we ought to have one who starts looking into this question. Just throwing it out there about boycotts, because obviously there's a long history of boycotts bringing out bringing about a good change, right like during the civil rights movement, right that people shouldn't go to establishments that don't allow black people, right, I despise as Jeffrey does any discrimination at all. Well, absolutely, I mean I was all for that. I mean, that's that's fine. If you want to go out there and publicly demonstrate, good Lord. When I was in college, I demonstrated a time or two. I mean, go to it, have at it. But trying to shut people off the air, using your your missing ower to to shut down people and to ruin their reputations, that is beyond the pale. No, I'm not missing that. And obviously it was Caroline, it was happening a Rachel matt I as well, and I know Sean talked about that. What I'm saying is that, But Sean, here's the difference. This is important. The difference between Hannity and Mattow is Hannity said, let everybody have freedom of speech. What Hannity said is stop trying to silence voices. What Hannity has done over the course of his long career is he hasn't supported boycott's because it's a roundabout way of getting shows canceled. In this piece me, media matters. Literally, when you you just read through it, I don't think you've taken the time, but you really ought to read through it because they actually brag about their success in hurting conservatives and and literally getting it says, over the years, Media Matters has one or assisted in a number of tangible victories from getting Glenn Beck off of cable news exactly. John Hannity supports Rachel Maddow's right to express any conspiracy theory she wants, which he does every night. I don't care, I don't watch it. But on one thing here that makes this so particularly dangerous. I'm looking right this minute, and I've started to read what you're talking about there this handbook, but I'm looking right this minute at a story for Media Matters, and what is the headline. CNN's voting rights coverage demonstrates its Trumps sycophant problem. In other words, they're now turning on CNN, who, you know, according to the popular deal, is liberal. What's going to happen here? But by the way, if they think CNN's they're going to go after their friends. If it wasn't for you, it would be the Rachel Mattow network over there. And I say that now that you lost what's her name, yeah, I mean now she's much good for her. I mean there's only so much abuse you can take from David Axel rod And and Van Jones and Paul Begala. I don't know how I I don't know how much you get paid. But it's not enough, Jeffrey, it's not it's like combat pay. I have a great time over there, but you know it is. It is amazing to me. I mean, and this is, of course, the eternal lesson of people on the left and their insistence on going after people, is that once they once they get their enemies, then they turn it on themselves. Good lord, this was going on in the French Revolution. All right, stay right there, we gotta take a quick break. Eight nine one. Shawn told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program right as we continue, Jessic guitar love and are good friend, Jeffrey Lord ere ing for one Sean. By the way, the folks over at CNN don't get mad that I'm poking at them when you're on the show, because I'm actually promoting them to fifty million people. They should be happy that I let them know. You're a friend of mine, and I'm not gonna I will not back down from my friendship, which which all of your friends know and love before and uh, there are people over network that hate you. Know that there are people over at that network that don't like me. Well, I know, but I will I will say this, Sean, that when the subject is relevant, I certainly have mentioned you favorably on air, and I am not censored. Well that no, And by the way, that's all credit to you, and and we have a deep, abiding friendship. And and I'll be honest, even Jessica, who I disagree with, is such a nice person. I find it very hard to be mean to her. And there are times to infuriate. For this part of the conversation about your reputation, Sean, I obviously people and you know I hang in liberal circles, have views about were views. But I have not heard one person actually say that you aren't nothing but an incredibly nice guy. And people are always asking you that too. They're like, oh, I heard Sean Hannon. He's actually super amazingly Yeah. I hate that. No, no, no, that's ruining my reputation. I want to be viewed as mean and horrible. I can't. I can't do it, and I do it well. The only thing I want is this you know what's sad about all these attacks on our president. This is the saddest thing is that the forgotten men and women, and you should agree with this, Jessica, the ones in poverty, on food stamps, the one out of the ones out of the labor force, the ones that can buy their first home. I was so happy when I was in my thirties and I could buy my first house. I loved it. I've had a passion for it. I wish I kept it, and I got to be honest, I feel that was my life, that was my background, that's who I am, and those opportunities are now fewer and far between, and they won't let this president fix it. That's a sad part. One of the things that strikes me. I mean, you've doubtless had the six fars since you've been on television for so long, but it's relatively new for me. And as I walk along the streets of Manhattan, when I'm in New York, or or no matter where I am, I get stopped by people. They're clearly working folks, and they are thanking me for standing up for the president because they believe clearly that he is standing up for them and they don't want, you know, they don't want me in that case, to back down, but they don't want him to back down. And I think that is so significant. These are the people who elected him, and uh, they're gonna stick with him. Yeah. Well you can see that in West Virginia. And if anything, I think they're creating such a backlash. And the Democratic Party is nothing but a new bumper sticker in a new way or a better way, whatever that is, and a a platitude. But it's not an agenda to win on that. You just hate one person. That's that's not going to help the life of anybody. So I think the Democrats too are in disarray and they've got their own issues to deal with. Yeah, that's the story that goes untold, I think here with all the Trump coverage. Yeah, he wrote a not at about this for Files on Friday exactly calling out, yeah, check out, calling out the Bernie Sanders wing of the party for going after Kamala Harris and Corey Booker. And they're going to do exactly what they did uh to Hillary last time, and we will remain deeply divided, which is problematic. Um, But to your point about the everyday man, Yeah, Trump support. We saw that poll showed in the counties he one, He's still around fIF But the new CNN numbers from this week that shows that his support is depressed within his key backers, right of those who strongly favor Um is drinking, and amongst Republican voters generally. So I don't know, I mean as approval, I think no, I don't think so. It's really the I think the Republican Party is in far bigger trouble than anything. Donald Trump at least has an identity and agenda, and he's fighting. Republicans are weak and pathetic and they're doing nothing. All right, I gotta let you both go. Thank you when we come back, wide open, telephone, straight ahead. We don't do fake news news. We want the truth and we're gonna get it. What happened with uranium one? Thirty three thousand Hillary emails gone by using bleach bit? What about Susan Rice Ben Rhodes, Samantha Power unmasking innocent people? And don't forget Loretta Lynch and her tarmac meeting. Was it a cover up? Her instruction to James called me just call it a matter. Then there's Cally leaking classified information to the New York Times. We won't stop until we get the answers, and we'll bring them right to you. Sewan annity is on right now, really scary North Korea threatening nuclear retaliation, and you know, beyond the sanctions, which I thought was a big win, not only for the president, but you're beginning now even China and it was a fifth teamed a zero vote, and even Russia are now aligned. And with this new information today that North Korea can now mount a nuclear warhead and on an ICBM, that is beyond frightening. In other words, North Korea is now making missile ready nuclear weapons, in other words, ready to roll, in other words, ready to be fired. Now we were told, and I think this is an abject lesson that you cannot trust radical mad men with their promises, and there's no amount of money or bribery that is going to prevent them from their pursuit of nuclear weapons. That's why the that's why the Iranian deal was so bad. If mos and Iran get nuclear weapons, we will be facing this threat like we're facing this threat today with North Korea. Now, there's no good option. I've been saying this all day unless there's somebody deep inside North Korea that sees the danger themselves, and if they, they risk taking this guy out. But even then, who gets in charge? Then who would be in charge of these nuclear weapons? Done with I CBM capability, perhaps they can reach New York, in Boston and the continental United States. We were told at the time by then President Bill Clinton, don't worry, this is not this is a good deal for America. Remember this. Before I take your questions, I'd like to say just a word about the framework with North Korea that Ambassador Glucy signed this morning. This is a good deal for the United States. North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons. South Korea, with support from Japan and other nations, will bear most of the costs of providing North Korea with fuel to make up for the nuclear energy it is losing, and they will pay for an alternative power system for North Korea that will allow them to produce electricity while making it much harder for them to produce nuclear weapons. The United States and international inspectors will carefully monitor North Korea to make sure it keeps its commitments only as it does so well. North Korea fully joined the Community of Nations. All right, as I promise, really really scary times eight nine for one, Shawn is our number. You want to be a part of the program. All right, let's go to Vinny is a New York City listening on the all new A M seven ten w O R the voice of New York, New Jersey, Long Island. How are you, sir, Hi Sean? How are you, Joan? I'm listening to speak with and watching your last night in regards to all these scandals that for months and almost a year and a half, Republicans quiet no comment, not on on the radio, not on the news talking about the scandals under the Obama administration. Now they do nothing to help President Trump. And now you're dealing with North Korea, and where are they now? They better get behind the president no matter and and stand fast with him, because we have a madman who potentially can want a rocket at us. And and I better hear guys like McConnell and McKean and Lindsey Graham, and how about Collins who turned it back on the President and mccawski. They bet to get front and center were President Trump and and defend him and whatever acts and he's going to need to take against North Korea. I actually think that there's no doubt the You know, it's funny. I had planned a very different program today, but it's just, you know, when something this serious now confronts the country and confronts the world. And I've been talking about this. I even said a while back that I'm really worried that North Korea is going to define the Trump presidency because I I just been watching this guy launch after launch after launch after launch. I'm whilst watching he now wants to load nuclear weapons and the submarines. We now see that he has the ability, which is I think the most frightening thing is that he now has the ability to mount a nuclear weapon on a I CBM. So what are your options? Your options are none. You go in, you take out all the nuclear sights. You're destroyed North Korea. North Korea will be obliterated. Does he launch weapons before he gets taken out? Does he launch at South Korea? Does he launched at the United States? Does he launch at China? Does he launch at Japan. You just don't know. It's not a good situation, No, not at all. But again, the president will take strong action. He will need world leaders to back him, and he will lead his own party to back him, which they haven't done since he's taken office with the ridiculous repealed in the place where is the wall taxes? They've done nothing, Sean, and they really bet to stand behind him now because this is this is probably the most serious problem will still face in his in his for your presidency and hopefully eight years. So I you know, you gotta really here's Mike Fear. You know, I wrote this book when I wrote Deliver Us from Evil years ago. You know, I went through a history actually spent a lot of time researching and studying for that book, more than any anything I've ever done in my life. And I made it my my research project. And I spent all these hours watching you know, if you watch the History Channel, the American Heroes Channel, and you watch the Rise of Hitler, and you're like, how is it possible for a population to be indoctrinated? How is it possible for for people to go to work and kill their fellow human beings? And that's what they want to do every single day. And that's what And then you go home and what do you eat dinner with your own kids and your own family. How can you have such a a mental, emotional, spiritual disconnect that you're dead inside? You know, that's pure eve, full on on somebody's part, and you're participating in pure evil. But it's happened, you know, the killing fields in Cambodia, Evil, Nazi Germany, fascism, stalin Russia, and in the last century alone, way over a hundred million human souls destroyed in the name of evil. And then you can look on the micro level and then you can see, right, how does somebody kill an innocent person? How does somebody How does an animal rape a woman an innocent woman? How do people you know, how does how do people physically assault old people? How do you ever harm a child? There is throughout human experience, evil after evil after evil. I'm not trying to be dark here, I'm just facing truth and facing reality. And this is evil. Like for example, we've got evil in our time, the Mulas and I ran or evil. This dictator in North Korea is evil, not to be trusted and unhinged you've got you know, rat kil is Lamist, You've got Isis, You've got al Qaeda, Bolca, Haram, all of these different groups. There's a lot of dark evil in the world, so I you know. And for those that think, and this was the point about mentioning the book, those that think they can't happen again, you're not even looking at modern history. You're not looking at the last hundred years of human history. You're just you're lost and you are the the you know, look at nine eleven who that's human evil. It exists. It's real. You can't negotiate whether, you can't bribe it, you can't talk to it, you can't think, you know, well, they'll do the right thing. They're just evil and you got to defeat it. And that's the only way to win. And where now are back is against the wall. The world's back is against the wall. We allowed him Madman and his father to get nuclear weapons. Now they have them, and now they're holding trying to hold the world hostage. And the options we have are few, and none of them are great. And the loss, the potential loss of life, is severe. A catastrophe that maybe gets seen once a generation or two generations. It's chilling, actually, and it's real anyway, he appreciate it. Montreal, Canada. Richard is next. Richard join the Sean Hannity Show. Hi, Yeah, Hi Sean. This is very disappointing that the previous administrations did nothing about this huge problem. Obama has done nothing for eight years. With North Korea. He basically gave a hundred and fifty billion dollars to he Ran, and he Ran is now an ally of North Korea, North Koree. He recently went to visit with with with Iran. It's unbelievable what's going on that? And they watch CNN blame President Trump for this. Okay, President Trump is not responsible for Kim Jong un acquiring nuclear weapons and nuclear capability. And I didn't see that Barack Obama did anything in the last eight years. You know, look, this is one of these moments to be perfectly blunt. I mean, I could focus on how stupid Bill Clinton was, a naive was and you know, it's the same ment lality of peace and our time, peace and our time. And if I'm nicer to you, you're gonna be nicer to me. But you can't negotiate with people at that level of evil. You can negotiate with people that are evil on some degree, but you really can't because if they really want to do something horrible, they're gonna do something horrible. It's scary. Appreciate it. Uh. Dave in California, Dave High, How are you welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Amazing? I love your work. I'm transplanted from New Jersey years. Had to vote for Trump because I thought he could maybe change things. How do we get rid of the two biggest squirrel brats there is, which is Paul Ryan and miss McConnell. How do we get rid of those people? You know, I just think that if they can't get their job done, and to one extent, you know, Paul Ryan told me that an awful lot of things would have been accomplished by now, and they're not. I mean, there's no other way to describe this except that he made a promise we even have built in question he told me, and the job is not done. Mitch McConnell, on the other hand, is just pathetic. He didn't even get anything done for the most part. And if if you know, and then I don't know, it's just really weird. It's uh, it's I don't understand what they're doing beyond everything else. If they think they're hurting the president, the president slamming them, ripping them, tearing them up. Republicans rank and file are lived at them, and this is going to hurt them at the ballot box. They've got a very small window now when they get back in September to get the job done. And if they don't get the job done, then then there's really they'll pay the consequences, and there are you know, there's a price to be paid, and broken promises are broken promises, and I think all bets are off for and that hurts the country, and that hurts the people that believe their lies because as of now, their lies and that's you know, a real sad disappo. Waitman, I mean, people disappoint us in life a lot, but this is probably the biggest political letdown, at least in in my lifetime. You know, as I say, Republicans don't have an identity. Donald Trump has an identity, has passion. He's pushing, he's driving, he's fighting. Republicans they're they're just a mess. There was no talk of any real creative narrative solution paradigms for health care. They're they're out there. We've discussed them for fifteen plus years about health savings accounts. I guess you know they've they've lost their identity, and we ended up with a vote on oh, repeal light or whatever they call this thing. It just it was pathetic. You know. I keep putting on dr Umber about health cooperatives and nothing gets called to Washington a few times, waste his time and nothing. So I don't know how they get out of the mess they're in. And if they you know, now mark our Rubio, Oh he's not going to pass the wall in the Senate. Great, isn't that wonderful? All? I appreciate it. Eight nine one Seawan is our number. If you want to be a part of the program. We're gonna have all of this tonight on Hannity ten Eastern. We got New king Ridge and so many others that are going to join us, so we hope you'll join us on that. I'd like to say just a word about the framework with North Korea that Ambassador the Lucy signed this morning. This is a good deal for the United States. North Korea will freeze and then this mantle it's nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons. With a deal to stop the progress of New Iran's nuclear program and roll it back in key areas. We have achieved the framework for that deal, and it is a good deal, a deal that meets our core objectives. This framework would cut off every pathway that Iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. He has been very threatening beyond a normal state, and as I said, they will be met with fire, fury, and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before. Thank you, all right, that's gonna wrap things up today. We got a very very important Hannity tonight ten Eastern on the Fox News Channel. How do you deal with a nuclear arm North Korea that has missile capacity? It's a it's a worst case scenario. New Ingridge ways in, John Bolton ways in Tonight. Also the latest on the Lynch tarmac meeting controversy. Will get to that. Stephen A. Smith, J. Seculo, Greg jareded Tonight Insuriff David Clark. You can't have a better line up the latest breaking news. Ten Eastern say d v R. Thanks for being with us. We're back here tomorrow