Jeff Pravato, Receiver of Taxes for Oyster Bay, was out in New York last night for a family event, when their car was attacked. There were a group of pro-Palestinian individuals who decided Jewish people did not have the right to pass. They damaged the car, jumped on it, threw something that looked like blood on his wife, and all the while his children were in the back seat. The police did nothing, and the protestors taunted them saying, “nothing is going to happen.”
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And thanks Scott Chatting, and thanks to all of you for being with us. Right down our toll free number. It's eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I saw this on pripart today. I hope this isn't true. Forty three percent of millennials don't know, care or believe that God exists. How could you not want to know at some point in your life? I mean, I understand you're wrapped up in your social life and discovering who you are and waking up and going to school and responsibility, But I don't know. Can you look at the majesty that is creation and universes within universes within universes and say that just happened randomly, that somehow that there was a explosion of some type, and that you know, a big bang theory. Okay, it's not necessarily exclusive of something that God have created, because where did the energy come from? To Bang's got to be a source of energy, and we can't get nothing something out of nothing? Can you? Anyway? That would not be good for the country, because the whole premise of this country is that we believe in natural law, that we're endowed by our creator with inalienable rights, among which life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Yeah, but you can't do that if you're not safe and secure. All right, a lot of ground to cover today. I will tell you this. This is now very very interesting to me as it relates to COVID and the Democrats and their reaction. I mean, we showed video last night Nancy Pelosi at the White House with war Knock and a bunch of other Democrats, no social distancing, no masks on whatsoever. Now meanwhile, the House of Representatives, now the CDC, they issued guidance last week saying masks are not necessary for fully vaccinated people. Now, remember we've been getting mixed messages. Joe's been fully vaccinated, Joe, you know Jen circle back sakis as well. Then why is he wearing his mask? Do you not have confidence in the vaccine that you're telling everybody they should get? And her answers, No, that's just an extra layer of protection. Well, why would he need an extra layer of protection? Didn't make sense? Or Joe and Jill Biden socially distanced both fully vaccinated walking into Jimmy Carter and Rosalind Carter's homes. Ninety six year old former President, ninety three year old former First Lady with their masks on outside socially distant, fully vaccinated, go inside around old and vulnerable people, and they take off their mask and then they get in close contacts so they could take pictures together. And they leave the residence and they're back outside, socially distanced, fully vaccinated. They did they put the mask back on. Well, you know, we hear vaccine and hesitancy. I'm telling you to take everything seriously. Take the virus seriously. I know people had had horrible, horrible cases of this, many of you know people that have gone through that. I know two people that survive ventilators. The odds are not great. You get out a ventilator sucks anyway, So take it seriously. Do your research. No, they learn the difference between Maderna and Visor's vaccine versus Johnson and Johnson, read the efficacy numbers that they put out, and then consult with your doctor that knows you're very special and unique medical condition and there are doctors, and then talk to other people in the medical field that you trust that you think really are smart. And then based on those discussions, they make your decision. You know. What they would say is, you know, and always be thought full and want to protect other people. It's a good thing to do. Anyway, So we now have Nancy Pelosi is now on record as saying in Gavin Newsom's Another Month the masks. I thought they were telling us follow the science CDC new guidances. Masks are not necessary if you are fully vaccinated. Okay, well that's pretty clear. That's not ambiguous Nancy Pelosi, this is what she said. I mean, this is never gonna happen. This is gonna be masked in perpetuity if she stands by what she said. And anyway, she and the Capitol attending physician guy by the name of doctor Brian Monahan stood on the House floor talking about the masked mandate is entirely consistent with CDC guidlance. No, it's not endorsed by an expert CDC panel, Monahan wrote in a statement, the House Chamber mask requirement will remain unchanged until all members and floor staff are fully vaccinated. Now, I probably would have talked about what my personal decision is, after my research, after my consultation with my doctor, understanding my medical condition what I did. But you know, then they started demanding I tell them. I'm not telling them. I'm not going to tell you what to do either. You know why, because I'm not a doctor. I don't know you, and I don't know a single thing. I love my listeners, I don't know a single thing about your medical condition. I don't know about maybe I have asked doctors, are there's certain people you wouldn't recommend the vaccine too. And I've had a couple of doctors say hey, yeah, if you have this specific commune disorder, and explain it all to me. Again, I'm this is a layman speaking here. I'm not a doctor, but for most people, they do recommend it. Okay, but what does your doctor say not I'm not doctor, Hannity. I'm telling you to be responsible to it's seriously research, you know, talk to your doctor, doctors, medical professionals, and make a right decision, but always think and be considerate about other people, so that God forbid, you get this thing that you're not a risk to other people, and other people then have their responsibility to make their decision about what they want to do. And I do believe in medical privacy. We are the civil Libertarians and the Democratic Party or you know the government does not have a right to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body. Well, apparently they're now demanding that you disclose it in the halls of Congress. Now, what they're doing is they're finding Republicans five hundred dollars if they don't wear their masks in the House chamber. Now. Meanwhile, last night, Nancy Pelosi, all these Democrats there at the White House, no masks, no social distancing. You want to talk about mixed messaging? That was it last night? This happened. They say, well, conservatives are creating vaccine hesitancy. No they're not. You are, Joe Biden is do you believe in the science? Do you not believe in the science? On a second offense, by the way, it's going to be twenty five hundred bucks. Kevin McCarthy, author of resolution demanding House comply with CDC guidelines. You know, this is unbelievable, and out in California the United Socialist Utopia Gavin Newsom. By the way, if you're in California, congratulations, two thirds of you are going to get a check from Gavin just prior to the recall election. How convenient? How do we give a state? How do we take money from red states that are fiscally responsible, that don't tax their citizens into oblivion, that balance their budgets and fund their pensions, and hand over forty billion to a state with the highest income tax in the country soon to be outpaced by New York, so that Gavin, in a lead up to his recall can then write checks to people. Oh sounds like you're giving something of value, hoping people will vote for you. Anyway, Their mask mandate will last another month. Texas is banning mask mandates and schools. You know, it's it's It's just pretty fascinating here because I'm just trying to understand. You want to talk about COVID confusion. How does Nancy Pelosi go against the CDC mandate that everyone in the house wear a mask or you're gonna get fine and then saying she didn't want the halls of Congress to turn into a pet Petree dish. Well, she certainly was in one at the White House last night. Anyone call it without a mask? He had a fine. Second offense goes from five. I don't know what the tenth offense is I mean, whatever happened to the lectures about following the science? You know, because the CDC, Nancy Pelosi, Senator Warnock, all these others packed in a tiny room in the White House without one of them. I didn't see a mask in sight. And it's critical, critical, critical, critical that they follow the science. We have followed the science, and what I've insisted on from day one is that we have to follow the science. You know, my faith has no chloral with science. We've got to be patient, we have to exercise sound judgment of follow the science. Everything else we're talking about is will just continue and perhaps worsen unless we crush the virus. So follow the science. We want to follow medical expertise and science over political considerations. I think. Yet Joe Biden has said that over and over, and I agree with him. That should be the standard. When convenient Democrats trust the experts, they say we're all going to trust the science, and then the times they don't. Sometimes they believe in vaccines and sometimes they clearly don't have confidence in it. Now there have been according to the CDC website, we've chronicled this for you. The last time we looked Earlier in the week, around ninety three hundred fully vaccinated people, including eight New York Yankees and Bill Maher, that contracted COVID. Of the ninety three hundred, about one hundred and thirty two had died. I had not updated the numbers in the last couple of days. I don't know if it's higher. We'll watch that number for you. Why does it, Nancy trust the CDC? Why aren't they following the science? I think every every members a right to sue Nancy Pelosi. We're not following the science. You just you can't even make this up. You really can't. It's sad. I don't know. I mean, then you read these articles that people are afraid to give up their masks. The only reason I might still wear it is for a little bit of an amity a little longer, which is, you know, anonimities not something that you realize is kind of a cool thing. When you lose it, it's not as great as you think. Trust me. White House says they won't say if there's evidence of to disprove the COVID Wuhan lab leak theory, because now a House intelligence Republicans say there is a significant evidence that COVID nineteen originated in that lab in Wuhan Province. Now, hold on a second here, I thought that was a conspiracy theory. Well it made sense. You see the one question, and I keep bringing this up, and I'm going to bring it up until for as long as I can. The one question, why did China put a travel ban in effect in their country? If you lived in Muhan Province, you couldn't travel anywhere else in China. If you lived in anywhere else in China, you couldn't travel to Wuhan Province, but you could travel from Wuhan Province to the rest of the world. China knew. That's what that tells me. That's that's my um conclusion. The Trafalgar Group, great polling company, our friend Robert Kaheley, along with convention of the state's action, they commissioned a poll oney ninety three respondents. In this poll, has your confidence in doctor Fauci gone up or down in the last year decreased significantly? Thirty percent? Decrease twelve point one percent, Yeah, decrease forty two point two percent is the final number. Has your competence, you know, gone up or down? If you look at you know, break it down demographically, Democrats have more faith in Fauci decreased significantly fifty point eight percent of Republicans. Faucie needs to go. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. To be fair, A lot of people made a lot of mistakes. You know, a lot of people didn't know. But now it's so obvious. He loves himself on TV, loves being political. He's not been on the front lines like a lot of the people we put on this program that happened on the front lines. A lot of the doctors we interview five thousand patients that they've seen with COVID. I want to hear what they have to say right as we roll along eight hundred and ninefold one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Joe Scarborough lost at this morning. I think he was talking about Stacey Abrams, though I'll explain that's coming up at the top of the next hour. There is a lot going on, Arizona Senate leader. Now, I keep saying we need integrity and elections. Every state needs signature verification, voter ID, chain of custody control. We need partisan observers being able to observe, and you need to make sure the voter roles are cleaned before every election. Why would anybody be against that? Why? It makes no sense to me anyway, because we know that there was a dual signature verification standard in Georgia voter id standards. One was rigid if you voted in person, more lacks if you've voted by mail. We know Pennsylvania didn't follow their constitution. We know the laws of Wisconsin and Michigan weren't followed. This all has to happen, but there was no partisan observers observing anything. By the way out in Arizona. Because they're doing this I guess Maricopa County and we're just watching it. You know, why is everyone afraid? Okay, let's just make sure that everything went the way it's supposed to. Anyway, The Senate leader as leading the audit in Maricopa targeted by a white powder envelope. That's scary. The Senate President, Karen fan Pennsylvania election officials discovered some coding error. I know nothing about this stuff. That counted only Democratic votes. According to Washington Examiner that look into that and what happened, they are Luzerne County voters issued a ballot that only indicated if it was for the Democratic part primary, regardless of their indicated party affiliation. We need, we need to fix problems like they fixed them after two thousand in Florida, twenty sixteen in Florida. We need integrity and confidence in election results. Georgia. It's a court case. Superior Court judge their ruled today that absentee ballots in the twenty twenty presidential election can now be unsealed in Fulton County to stored in Polton County. Nobody's looked at him since the election ruling. Need you know he's issuing an order for the process to do it? Okay? Why Democrats hate that? Thanks Scott. Twenty five till the top of the hour. Happy Friday, Thank god it's Friday. I love Friday's. We all love Friday's. Live for the weekend. Finally we're getting some decent weather. Thanks Forever. There's an interesting later on the program. Great bookbook by Alex Marlow, Breaking the news, exposing the establishment media is hidden Deal's secret corruption. One thing he revealed Chucky Todd was Amy Klobachar's landlord, apparently, but doesn't disclose it during any coverage or interviews with her. Look, I told you journalism is dead. But the latest examples, there's a lot of deep ties. There's a really deep dive book about, you know, these corporations and their strategy to control the news. It's there. It's all an extension most quote, news isn't news, it's propaganda. It's lies, it's agenda driven. We're talking about literally the Pravada propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, an extension of their press departments. That's all it is. What do you think the candidate protection program is all about? The presidential protection programs all about Oh okay, we're gonna let Joe do all is you know, confused, confounded, bumbling, mumbling, stumbling, but there's nothing wrong. We just act like there's nothing wrong. Bricks, frocks, bottles, you know, you name it, Molotov cocktails, three thousand injured cops, they're not riots. We'll redefine the word infrastructure. That's daycare is infrastructure free. College's infrastructure free, daycare, free, free babysitting, infrastructure. Unbelievable. I see that the Washington d C mayor may of Bowser last year authorized the painting of Black Lives Matters Street signed mural near the White House apparently agrees in supports Mayor Lightweight and the ban on giving interview to any reporter that is not Hispanic or African American. DC mayor said to Fox five DC she's making a point. When she made her announcement, Mayor congratulated Lightfoot on her second year in officeing she also discussed making newsrooms more closely resemble the cities they cover Now. Democrat and former presidential candidate former Representative Tulsi Gabbard, she blasted the Chicago mayor today called for her resignation. Following the revelation, She said, Mayor Lightfoot's blatant anti white racism is abhorrent. I call upon President Biden, Kamala Harris, other leaders of our country of all races to join me in calling for Mayor Lightfoot's resignation. Our leaders must condemn all racism, whatever former takes. Chicago Tribune went so far as to cancel an interview with the mayor on Wednesday protest of that decision. Good for them, Now there there are people, you know. One of the reasons Democrats use the playbook every two years and four years Republicans are racist, They're sexist, they're misogynists, They're xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, now transphobic. They want dirty year in water. They want grandma and grandpa to have nothing, eat dog food, cat food for a couple of years. Than a Republican will come with a wheelchair and throw them over a cliff so they can die. Now it's every day. What do you think? Jim Crow two point zero by Joe Biden. Joe Biden's been in the Senate representing Delaware forever. He never lifted a finger one time, not once to make voting in Delaware more accessible. There's far more restrictive voting laws in Delaware than the new law in Georgia. You have seventeen days early in person voting now in Georgia. I don't even like the idea of my said, why don't we just have one election day? But anyway, I'm just making a point. That's what the Georgia law provides for. How many early in person days of voting in Delaware? None? Not one. Drop boxes in every precinct in Georgia. None in Delaware. Voter id needed in both Georgia and in Delaware, and Delaware. If you want to vote by mail absentee, you've got to give them an excuse that's acceptable to them, not Georgia. You know, how dare the guy that partnered with the man that Philip Bus did the Civil Rights Act to sixty four Voting Rights Act to sixty five former klansmen that he partnered with to stop the integration of schools and school busing because he didn't want schools to become racial jungles. That's Joe Biden. Why do I say it? Kamal Harris said at once. According to a new book, you know, Jill Biden is quoted as saying about Kamala Is she can go f herself to be a blood sport politics. I'll tell you that I like Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz says this nationwide wave of anti Semitism and anti Semitic violence is being encouraged by left wing democrats in Washington. He's on Fox News this morning. He said it's reprehensible the anti Semitic violence that we're seeing, and we've been seeing a rise of anti Semitic violence both in America and Europe, and he said, unfortunately it is encouraged. He goes Further, it's encouraged by radical Islamic terrorist it's encouraged by the angry left, the far left that regularly traffics and anti Israeli rhetoric and anti Semitic rhetoric. And it used to be that that was just the fringe on the extremes. We now see some of the most prominent members of Congress vocally repeatedly traffic in these anti Semitic tropes and attacking and denigrating and lying about Israel. It's disgraceful. He's right. What we should be doing is standing up and saying unequivocally we stand with Israel. Instead, you got Bernie Sanders, AOC squad members House Senate. They've introduced legislation of block arms sales to israel I thought the United States of America stood against the evil of radical terrorists. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Their charter calls for the destruction of Israel. They unprovoked have fired thousands of rockets into Israeli cities, and nobody wants to help out our closest ally the only democracy in the Middle East. Bernie Sanders Bolshevik Bernie, you know the guy that honeymooned in the former Soviet Union. Yeah, the murdering regime Soviet Union. That one praised the murdering regime of Fidel Castro. The same with the Sandinistas and Danielle Ortega Venezuela's Hugo Chavas. That those are Bernie's friends. Yeah, he's now he wants to scuttle any arms sales to our ally under fire. What would he do if if rockets would be and fired thousands of him into Vermont. I'd like to think that he would fight back. You have another congresswoman, member of the squad from Washington suggesting Thursday that Israel was the party responsible for the ongoing rockets. We condemn Hamas's firing those rockets, but I think you have to look at what prompted. No, that's that's that's bull that's a ball. Is a big problem Democrats have, and that is that Pelosi is afraid of the squad in AOC because if they decide she's out a speaker, she's out. The New Green Deal is their agenda, and they're all bragging how they got Joe to go along with every single solitary bit of it. The real Speaker of the House is Congresswoman Alexandria Cassio Cortez Pelosi speaker in name only, which is why she rarely criticizes them. She doesn't want to take him on or condemn even you know, you know, virulent anti Semitic statements of some Where's Chuck Schumer? Where's Joe Biden? These are members of their party. Trange story today in the New York Post about Senator Widen. You know, he's been pushing legislation to boost the nation's semiconductor industry, while simultaneously, the story goes on, is his wife, who happens to own the Strand bookstore in New York City, has been cleaning up on shares of chip makers who have stood to benefit. Wow. Sure, it's just a lucky coincidence, Ryan. Since last year, Ron Wyden has push legislation to bolster US chip companies, co sponsored the America Leads Act, spoken favor of the Chips Act, two bills designed to promote semiconductor design and production in American soil amid rising competition from China. Widen's efforts to get a leg up on Wednesday, and blah blah blah blah. Yeah, let's see one company they invested in. They bought in at forty six fifteen and sold out at one hundred and thirty three seventy three. It's up one hundred nine profit. Another one they bought in at in April of twenty one hundred and forty fifty. Well that wow, that went up a whopping, went up to three hundred thirty three bucks. Broadcom two hundred and fifty two. They bought in at sold out at four hundred and eighty three. Nice, nice gig if you can get it. Linda, You know how I told you I've had hours and hours and hours and hours of conversations on the issue of cryptocurrency. Remember, yes, I remember, you can tell this audience it's okay, be honest. What is my technical abilities on a scale? Yeah? Graded on a scale. I didn't even bring the scale out for you. Is not really a thing. Yeah, it's not my thing. I can download an app anyway downloaded. I thought. You know my two friends who they are. They have worked on me probably one hundred hours explaining cryptocurrency in bitcoin and how bitcoin it's an algorithm. Well, it's an algorithm, it's a math equation. Okay, And I'm like, okay, I understand that's math equation. Okay, is crypto curren. There's only so much a bitcoin out there, and then that's it, and you can use it as a as a currency, as a means of exchange. Okay, I get that part two. And then as the algorithm builds out, you know, you start adding zeros to it, and and many are anticipating it's going to go to this number, this number, this number, this num. They have me looking at charts, they have me looking at predictions, they have me looking at columns. That just hammering me. And I'm like, well, I don't understand, because I always figured math problems end at some point. Oh no, no, no, it's this like no answer to the algorithm. That was the part I have a hard time understand. They broke me down. I finally actually bought something. Now, by the way, I'm not recommend that anybody do anything. I just did it for fun. I'm not betting the milk money on this, but I did it for fun. And he's just surprised. They broke me down. They just would not let the to me about it. You've never liked that. I don't know why that changed. I don't know because they wouldn't they were so now they're so smart. They're both engineers, and one's an engine you're a lawyer. One's an insanely great inventor. Brilliant people and they just every question I had they had a good answer for. I said, I'll do it for fun anyway. I you know, I know people back in the day when it was like next to nothing. Everyone that told me was a little crazy, like in other words, people that we know that we like, even that are you know, a little bit awful little bit turns out they were pretty smart, a lot smarter than us. Oh man, you're never gonna do it, are you? Never in a million years, Never in a million years, never gonna do it. And just whenever there's this many people like people that that you know give out advice. I'm not giving you financial advice. You guys have to decide. I prefer item. It's a big deal, that's all. No, just for me now, it's just fun. I just did this for fun, and with at every expectation, no expectations at all, even have the money in the end, but I just I just did it because I'm just reading it all the time. Right. But that's the thing, right, Why are they pushing so hard? Why are we talking about it so much? Now we have people saying that when you have their salary and bitcoin, I'm like, okay, no, that's true. I think that's a little it's a little weird to me of their yea, exactly, it's weird. I don't know. I mean, I just I find it fascinating. And then when you think of inflation and currencies and the dollar, it makes sense. Now people have to pay their taxes on it. There's gonna be government regulation because I think probably there are people that think that they can do it under the radar, pay for it, buy it, make a profit, and not report it. That's dumb. End you up in jail. During what they took a hit, China made, you know, regulations and sanctions against the use of bitcoin and various business infrastructures in China, and now they can't do a lot of the trade that they were doing via cryptocurrency, and bitcoin had a bad week. But this is if you look at these charts, it fits the exact pattern. That's the fascinating thing about it. Right hour two on this Friday, Sean Hannity's show Toll Free eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Joe Scarborough lost it today morning. Joe, he lost it, And it's kind of shocking because you know, he lost it, and it's telling you if you don't like it, leave it, meaning the country. And he's talking to Stacey Abrams supporters. Now you might remember that in the past that had been all these Democrats. Stacey Abrams still has never conceded her loss in twenty eighteen. Well, anyway, here is morning Joe losing his mind. This morning. This is about you playing in to what every one of our enemies wants you to play into. That American democracy is not worth being trusted, That American democracy is no different than Russia. If you believe that, I will say to you what many of you said in the nineteen sixties, America, love it or leave it. If you don't have respected American democracy anymore, if you don't respect Madisonian checks and balances, if your guy doesn't win, if that's the new rules of engagement for this great republic, then just leave our country because you're unworthy of it. You said it's so perfectly Joe. All right, Now, remember all the Democrats remember Stacey, she says she won that election in Georgia, and she won't concede to this day, and all the Democrat Hillary Clinton, the medium, they all defended her. Listen. I don't know if anybody who believes that Stay Abrams did not win Georgia. It was stolen from her because of what you just described. We have functionally disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of our fellow Americans. But for what you've just described, Stacy Abrams would be the governor of the state of Georgia right now. There's a kind of cynical decision, and it's happening across the country. Whether it's the racially motivated patterns of voter suppression that are responsible, I think for the fact that Stacy Abrams is not the governor of Georgia right now, we are three steps forward, two steps back kind of country when it comes to democracy, going all the way back to reconst government. And we've seen it right now. I don't need to tell Georgia about Stacy Abrams ought to be the governor of Georgia. Let's say this loud and clear. Without voters suppression, Stacy Abrams would be the governor of Georgia, and you can lose the electoral college and therefore the election for these four reasons. Number one voter suppression. We saw what happened in Georgia where Stacy Abrams should be governor of that state. I know Stacy well. She was one of my really strong surrogates in the campaign. If she'd had a fair election, she already would have won. I'm saying this from a perspective where I have not been in the weise, but I think that Stacy abrams election is being stolen from her using what I think are insidious measures to disenfranchise certain groups of people. If Stacy Abrams doesn't win in Georgia, they stolen, It's clear. It's clear, and I would say I say that publicly it's clear. Of next, have the branch stole Christmas aka the elections down in Georgia. The elections stolen, people do enfranchise she should be governor. No consent sounds like Joe Scarborough. I never heard him say love America or leave it back in the day. Now, at different times in our history we have come up against problems with elections. Let's start with two thousand. Can anybody in this country say, with absolute certainty that the vote count in Florida with swinging, dimpled, pimpled, hanging, perforated chads, the mess we went through ultimately decided by the Supreme Court. Can anyone really say with any confidence that we know the exact number of votes that that one that made the difference for George W. Bush in two thousand. Answer to that questions, No, we had problems in Florida again in twenty sixteen, Palm Beach County, Broward County. Thank goodness that Ron descent has cleaned it up. No problems at all in twenty twenty. Now, then you ask a question, Okay, if you calmly, intelligently look at the lawsuit by the Democrats in Georgia, the Democratic National Campaign Committee Senatorial Campaign Committee, and this consent agreement that allowed two standards in terms of voting. Mail in standards were lacks. You didn't need signature verification voter ID, but if you voted in person you needed voter ID and your signature was matched to the state database. That's a problem if you have two separate standards in voting. Pennsylvania's constitution is very clear, very very specific, limited examples where they allow in that constitution for mail in balloting, but the state legislature didn't go through the process of amending the constitution. They just thought they'd bypass that difficult process. And then of course the four three decision, the stinging descent by the Chief Justice in the state of Wisconsin their Supreme Court, because yeah, they've got restrictions on mail in voting as well, that would adhered to same of Michigan. And so these problems, I say, we need five things fixed. Voter id's gotta be standard, signature verification standard, You clean the voter rolls after every election and make sure they're up to date. Very simple stuff, not that difficult. Partisan observers. Statutory language says they should be able to observe the vote count, not from one hundred feet away, thirty feet away. Got to be able to keep the integrity, chain of custody, those things. Anyway, here to weigh in on this, Mark Simone. He is my fellow host on our affiliate New York AM seven ten wore and we got Betsy McCoy, former Lieutenant governor New York, chairwoman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Debts. Thank you both for being here. Mark Simone will start with you. I'm sure you're a big fan of Joe Scarborough. Why wasn't he saying this in twenty eighteen. Well, he's yelling him, screaming, I blame you. Actually in Fox Snooth, he didn't wipe this guy out in the ratings. He wouldn't have to pull these kind of stunts and try to get him. He actually went up head the head against me once. It didn't work out well for him. Oh that's right, nine o'clock Scarborough Country. How many people do you wipe out? There's a blast from that. I think we counted once that i'd been through between fake News, CNN and an MSDNC, maybe like twenty five or thirty hosts in the twenty five years i've been there. It's pretty funny, you know. I was on Scarborough Country once the topic was why you shouldn't have to show driver's license to vote and how that was terrible and disgusting. I swear to god, I get to the NBC building Rockefeller Center. You have to have a driver's license to get in to be on this show. Oh you can't make that up. That is too funny. Is there anything onerous? Difficult? Unfair? Betsy McCoy because when I'm buy my jewel pods which I like, or six pack of beer which I like, or are you know, maybe Tito's once in a while that I like. I need a picture. I D when I go to the DNC Democratic National Convention, I need a picture. I d IF anytime I've been at the White House, I need a picture. ID anytime I've been in the Capitol, I need a picture. ID. You need a picture I D for everything in life? Why are they so resistant to picture ID for voting? To insure in part, they're not interested in voting, They're interested in cheating. Take a look at Nancy Pelosi's bill HR one. This is not a bill to improve voting or make voting easier. It's a bill to make cheating easier. That's the Democratic strategy. They know they cannot win unless they make cheating easier. I mean, it's pretty phenomenal. I mean, I would think this is bipartisan. Mark Simone. Doesn't every American deserve integrity in elections, in the process, and shouldn't every American want confidence in the results that we get. We know how to do it right, because many states do do it right, even with mail in balloting and case in point, They've had their problems over the year, but they had no problems this year down in Florida because Rhonda Santis. You know, they have a lot of the large elderly population, a lot of mail in balloting. But it was done very, very, you know, securely. What those simple things guarantee integrity in our election. Why would any Democrat oppose those simple things? I'm mentioning, it's the dumbest thing of the world. You have to show an idea to get a vaccine. You have to show driver's license to get That's true. People get vaccinated. And it's the most racist things I've heard. Joe Biden others say this, Well, you're among minorities. They can't get it. They don't have a driver's license. Of course they do. They go to work every day. They Even if you didn't, if you live in New York where some people don't drive, it's so easy to get a government id. But the racism of thinking that, well, I'll never figure out how to do that, it's it's ridiculous. Yeah, I'm glad that Marks, you go ahead. I'm glad that Mark brought up racism because in fact, the Democrats are becoming the party of reverse racism. Another good example, Laurie Lightfoot, I'm saying that you would only do interviews with journalists of color. Let me ask you about this question. I'll ask you both the same questions. So, the new law in Georgia makes voting far more accessible than it's ever been. Seventeen days in person early voting. Georgia has drop boxes in every precinct, more accessible than New York voting. Okay, And interestingly, Joe Biden never once lifted a finger to improve accessibility to the ballot box in his great state of Delaret. They don't have any early in voting in person voting days, they don't have any drop boxes. You need to provide an excuse to get an absentee ballot. You don't need that in Georgia. And yet he's calling the new law far more accessible, his state far more restrictive. Jim Crow two point zero Mark, Yeah, well, yeah, you can get away with anything when the media, mainstream media backs you up, and we'll whatever crazy narrative you come up with, they'll back you up. You know, It's like he's also talking about white supremacists. Mean Oliver New York right now, there are riots going on Time Square yesterday. Jewish people are being beaten up, Asian people are beaten up. This is not white supremacists. Maybe there are some white supremacists, a handful of them in around some campfires somewhere. But they always make up these fake problems that don't exist, trying to get whatever they want, and the media backs it up until you break that of collusion. I don't know how we're ever going to get over this. Yeah, you read hypocrisy possible. They make the hypocrisy possible. You are pointing out that Biden says that we need more lenient voting rules, when in fact Delaware doesn't have them. Here's another good example. He's pushing hard to force every suburb in the United States to give up local zoning so that he can locate place high rise buildings in leafy suburbs that are zoned for single family housing. So I took a look at where he lives. He lives a little suburb Greenville, Maryland. No affordable housing, no multi family housing, no housing vouchers allowed. What kind of hypocrisy is that, Well, it's just typical hypocrisy. To be very blunt about it, just like pretty much everything else that we deal with in the media. All right, quick, Frank, we'll come back more with Mark Simone Betsey McCoy. Next half hour Wide open Phones on a Friday, eight hundred and nine for one Sean if you want to join us, all right, we continue with Mark Simone and Betsy McCoy. Why do you think Joe lost it? You know him, Mark, You've known him for years. I used to know Joe and back in two thousand, I remember a phone call. We had him calling me saying they're stealing this election in Florida. That's what he said to me. I remember exactly where I was. I remember the exact conversation. What's happened to Joe? I really don't think Joe lost it. I'm not kidding. Fox and Friends wipes him out in the ratings of ratings have plunged in life. But he used to be way more conservative. He'd become a radical new Green deals, you know, socialist squad mess and you know apparently loves you know, Sippy cup, Joe, who's out of it. You want to talk about weakness projected to the world, Look at Joe Biden, Well he was the biggest Trump lover on Earth. A minute later, he's the biggest Trump hater on Earth. I think he just he's like a weather vane. And I guarantee after that rant, he just looked in the control room said, how was that? Was that good? Just hoping it'll go viral? Is that what it is? Petsy? Do you think have you ever been on a show? I haven't, but I have to say when he got to the point where he suggested that illegal immigrants coming across the border would fight for this country, That's when I really got to me. I couldn't believe it. The Democrats like AOC. Why don't we even allow the MS through Team Gang members to be here? Well, not no fighting for our country. Well I love states like New York and New Jersey. Now California facing a recall election. Two words of Californians are gonna get a check just prior to the recall vote, man, And it's forty billion taxpayer dollars from the NASH from our federal government. And they have a seventy five billion dollars surplus. So why are responsible red state citizens that elect politicians that balance their budgets fund their pensions are fiscally responsible. Why are they paying a state like California where he's going to give out checks to Californians to vote for him pretty much, and including illegal immigrants. I can't wrap my mind around that easily at all. Well, I think again, the collusion, the media covering this up. They should be asking every second, why did you need a seventy billion dollars bailout? They should be asking Governor Cuomo, why did you need one hundred billion dollars bailout? And doesn't that make you the biggest welfare case in history. I'm glad you mentioned Cuomo because I've identified a sentence in his new book. Now, this book was listed as nonfiction, but you read the sentence and you know that they should have put it over on the fiction column. Actually should be in the true crime section. I think right said quote, I have accomplished, by any objective standard, more than any governor in modern history. Oh yeah, yeah, okay, roll by that one. All right, I gotta roll. Thank you both, have a great weekend. Mark Simone, Betsy McCoy eight hundred and nine for one Seawan Tolfree telephone number, quick break right back at twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one Seawn, if you want to be a part of the program violence between just the violence we see, defunding, dismantling the police is it is out of control. I mean, cities now are just it's untenable. It's not safe for you and your family to go there, you know. So we have this conflict, thousands of rockets fired into Israel by Hamas, you know, a terrorist organization, and Joe and he's taking credit for brokering the piece. I think, yeah, Joe, whatever you say, you've got a pro Palestinian protesters. We're now seeing hate crimes against Jewish Americans all across this country. We now hear virulent anti semitism from elected officials, top Democratic leaders in Congress, you know, criticizing the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee over an ad that shows some of the radicalism of Congresswoman Omar. You've got now Foxnews at a piece on foxnews dot com. And these incidents of anti Jewish hatred erupting across America. And you know, I haven't heard word one from Joe, Nancy, Chucky Schumer. They didn't even criticize the Democrats that are involved in this. You know it is I can't even believe New York, California, Illinois, Utah. You know, so much is happening. Stop telling me this is about Israel and Gaza, said a New Yorker. You know, my people are being targeted across the US in broad daylight, textbook antiseism. That's true. Congresswoman to Lead recently attends a fund raiser hosted by a rabbit anti Semite, I mean a pro Palestinian activists hosted called the Jewish people satanic, among other things, Biden giving You know, it's just it's beyond anything I've ever seen Biden claiming credit. You gotta be kidding me. He didn't deserve credit for any of this. And then I look at some of the other things that are happening. You know, all these hay crimes anyway, violence against Jewish Americans now are erupting all across the country. You got a pro Palestinian mob throwing fireworks at pro Israel supporters in New York City, injuring a woman fifty five, screaming f Israel. Wow, this is our country where this is happening, and you have all the other incidents of how defunding. How's that working out? Anyway? There is a tape that has come out of an incident out in New York last night. A gentleman was there with his family. Their car was attacked. I actually have the video. We're putting it up on Hannity dot com. A group of pro Palestinian individuals who decided Jewish people don't have a right to pass. They damaged the car, They jumped on it, through something that looked like blood on this man's wife, all while his children have to watch this in the backseat of the car. Police show up and they did nothing. Why because they're afraid to This is now you know it's the inmates are running the asylum. The police did nothing. Protesters taunting them path they're not gonna do anything. Ha ha. Listen, come on, guys, hit my car, breaking my car, hit my car. I want these guys arresting right now. Yeah yeah, Now, we can't go, We can't go anywhere. Where are we going anywhere? I told you so, I told you not stop it. I missed blood on your word until I Now, let's catching these guys. These guys are hitting my car, We're damaging my Cloe, Can I back up? Please back up? Please? And the police. You can hear them, Peff. The police are right there. They're not gonna do anything. They're not gonna do anything. Pro Palestinian individuals deciding Jewish people don't have a right to pass, damaging the car with children in it, the man's wife in that car, jumping on the car, damaging the car, throwing something that looks like blood on on this man's wife. Please do nothing because they have handcuffs on now. Because the woke canceled culture. You know, last year during the summer, riots aren't riots? Remember that we don't call them riots. Three thousand cops hurt, rocks, bricks, bottles, molotov cocktails, and worse, knives and guns. We've lost on one hundred and twenty some on cops already this year in the line of duty. Can you name one of them? Anyway? The person that was in that car, Jeff Pravado, was the one that was out in New York last night with his family. I watched this video. I am I feel so sorry for you, and I really feel horrible for this country that this is now what this country's becoming. It was it was the scary moment, Sean. You know, we were following our ways to try to get out of the city. We were celebrating my wife's birthday at my son's rooftop apartment, having a great time, and then we come upon you know, the traffic light. Wise, it keeps stopping. You know, it's green, it's red. We haven't get through. And next thing you know, they're sitting on the street in front of us, and then all of a sudden, it's surrounding the car, and that's withing the flag up, and that's throwing stuff and spitting on my car. And you know, hey, listen, I am I right too, of Israel forever. And they kept it up, kicking the car, ended it. Um. I got the stuff that we found out was hot sauce that they threw at us. You know, I had it all over us, my wife. It was It was horrible. You know, this has become you know, Joe Biden, build the Blasio as America. This is the way they wanted. They handcuffed the police and unfortunately, listen, I love the police, New York City police to think of the best, um And unfortunately they don't wait minute. They did not they did not help you last night then they were there. Yeah, but they're they're handcuffed by the politicians. They don't want them to do anything. And it's horrible, horrible, horrible. How did a day it ended where we finally were able to the cops got enough police around us, um and we were able to they're able to help us turn around. We had to make a U turn, headed back down Water Street and got got on the SDR down you know, further down south. Well, you know, I don't even know what to say, because that's not the America that I know. No, no, And I was like, you know, I was like, I want these guys arrested. And if you've seen the video, the guys like, no one's gonna arrest us. No one's gonna arrest us. They know they're not going to get arrested and if they do it, back on the street in a couple of hours because of these because these cash baill laws that they passed in this state are horrific. They're doing nothing, letting me the way, they're no bail laws. You get arrested, they let you go with no money, no bail, and you're out back on the street in hours. Yeah, and here you go here his appearance, tickets show up in two much ye okay, goodbye, have a nice day. And then they go out and create another twenty crimes. So you know, we need and we need. I'm out there supporting Israel. We need to support the only democratic country in the Middle East. Meanwhile, you have Yea to leave boc Elian Omar, she's I think she's the spokesperson for Hamas. That's what she sounds like when she gets out there to leave. Grabs Biden on the tarmac the other day and starts talking to him, and he praises her. I mean, what is the matter with Joe Biden. He's a puppet. He is a puppet when you listen to him when he comes to these news conferences. Oh, they don't want me to take questions. Who's today, right? You know, Jeff listen, I'm glad you and your family got out of there with your life without real severe injuries. But that was a mob and the police were afraid to deal with it because of the circumstances created by Comrade de Blasio, the governor of New York the state legislature. By the way, this is why I'm telling people get the hell out of here. You don't want them be in these cities. It's not safe to be in these cities. How old are your children? I mean when we drove in, I was so mortified. I haven't driven it to the city in a couple of years. We came up to Williamsburg Bridge. Everything is graffitied. It's disgusting, disgusting. Did you see the video yesterday if they were chasing Jews in the Diamond District they threw a bomb at them. I did unbelievable. What is this? How old are your children? My son is fifteen and my daughter is thirteen. I can't even imagine what they think of this. My daughter was crying half the way home, half of course. And I will look at the police officer, you know, he's got community service t shirt on. Is this what the funding the police is? This is what sending social work is out is going to do. No, you need cops there with bats and you know, shields and everything to protect the people. But no, they just it's their handcuffed. They love these guys. The politicians have and cuff them so bad that it's almost like they're not even there. Jeff, thank you for I'm so sorry that you and your family had to go through that. Thanks for sharing the story, because I think people need to beware and be aware because this is You've got to be careful where you are, and we appreciate it. I'm glad it wasn't worse. But I can't believe this is the America that we that that has come into being and it's acceptable. But thank you, sir, and all the best from this program to you. Thank you all right, quick break, we'll come back more on this. I can't believe this is the country we're living in. On the other side, eight hundred and nine for one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. News Round Up, Information Overload. At the top of the next hour, they we're talking about this incident that took place in New York City last night. That's really smart. Box News had a piece about New York City Jewish residence attacked by pro Palestinian protesters. Quote they wanted blood. That was on that video. You know, one car was burned, one burned by fireworks from cars. Pro Palestinian mobs physically attacking Jewish people in Canada and the US Right barted an article about pro Palestinian rioters appear to attack and spit on people they believe to be Jewish in New York City. His video of Good Samaritans rescuing a Florida deputy because he was under attacked during a traffic stop and they had the public had to help protect the cops. You want to be a cop today, listen. I always ask this question, what are you going to do? Okay? Meaning what will you do if God forbid? Now? I know what I'm gonna do. I have my plan wherever i am. You know it doesn't matter. But most people, you know, I've spent eight years training an hour and a half a day, five days a week in situational self defense and mixed martial arts and street fighting. And we two situational training with firearms and blades and sticks. I mean I've broken every finger on my hand a couple of times on some of them. And I know how to defend myself, but not against fifty people. This was a mob that surrounded this family. Who thinks this is a good idea? Who thinks this is ever gonna end well? Because the answer is it's not gonna end well. But they keep doubling down on stupid. Now, if they go forward and take away the indemnification of police officers, meaning in other words, if there's an incident, they get sued that they're responsible for paying their lawyers, it's over. There will be no policing if we don't. If we don't take the handcuffs off police and let them do their jobs, somebody resisting arrest, I can promise you there's never gonna be a case of somebody resisting arrest that's gonna look good on any videotape. Ever. Now, if there's bad cops, you gotta get rid of them. We will talking about less than one percent most of these big cities you now have majority minority police departments. Who are you gonna call? What are you gonna do? You know, I will tell you for myself that you know I would strongly urge every American that is so inclined. I'm not trying to force you into do any learn firearms safety the number one defense weapon i'd recommend for somebody's home. But you can talk to your professionals that you know. Well, first you've got to be trained in the safety and use of it. I'm gonna get those big shotgun and no you gotta learn safety first. That's my advice. I've been handling firearms since I'm about eleven years old. And then you shotgun, that's probably gonna that would be the gunn choice. God forbid. Somebody breaks into your house wants to bring harm to you and your family. There are a lot of states that allow concealed carry, but don't carry one until you got trained in the safe use and proficiency of that weapon. It's my advice, so our second or you have a right to defend yourself, although in New York you have to retreat. First retreat, Sean, can I interrupt for one second? Can I just add something As somebody who commutes in and out of New York City, I have had my car jumped on, I have had people spit I have had people smash my windows, call me a white devil, horrible other names that I can't say on family friendly radio and police standing right there and saying we're very sorry, We're unable to help you. Very So it's this is the new normal, and you can't carr a lie because they got the upper hand last summer, and look at what they did to ops last summer. They destroyed their vehicles. They take huge, massive buckets of water and douse these cops, and these cops couldn't lift a finger. It's unbelievable to me. That should never happen to anybody. What happened to you or what happened to this man, or what's happening to these cops. Listen, I walk out of the office sometimes during these protests, walk down the street. People throw things at you because you're by yourself. It's it's more of the mob mentality. It's like, oh, that person's by themselves and they look like they might not be thinking what we think, so we're going to attack them. Like how could you tell that that family was Jewish? Inside of their car? How could you tell? What? What was it about them? I mean, no idea. It's it's absolutely revolting, it's outrageous, it's racist, it's it's ethnophobic, it's anti semitic. And I'm like, and where's the Blasio. He's a shake shack. That's what he's doing right now, get your shot. You know, I can't even standing to where stuff in his face. He's a dope, pross, disgust, disgusting. I'm telling you everyone, we just gotta you just gotta get out of these cities. Gotta get the hell out of here, all right, eight hundred and nine four one sean. If you want to be a part of the program, Alex Marlow is going to join us from Brype Bart Coming up, Quick break, right back, coming up next, our final News round Up and Information Overload Hour. All right, News Round Up, Information Overload Hour on a Friday, eight hundred and nine four one sean. If you want to join us. You know the medium mob in this country. I said in two thousand and seven, I said journalism's dead. I don't think I was wrong then. As a matter of fact, I think I'm proving right pretty much every day. There are a few of us out there that will get information to you that you're not going to get from the rest of the media mob. Let me give you just a small taste of the mob, the media and their echo chambers. Let me play a little bit of this. This idea propagated by the President and others that it is a fake dossier that's just not true, Steel dossier, dossier of alleged dirtsier dossier, impeachment, impeachable, peach, impeach, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, peachable, peachable. The presidency is effectively a Russian up A dizzying twenty four hours in the Russia Investigation, Russia, Russian, Russia, the Russian Russians, Russian Russia, Russia, Russia, Russias, Russia, Russia, Russians. The Stormy Daniels, Stormy Daniels, No, Stormy Sagar, Stormy Daniels affair. They'll film star Stormy Daniels teas cooler. Is there a difference if the President said, holler House, do you think these countries are coals? Donald Trump has turned the old law offace into hope. Donald Trump's war on elements of his own government, Trump's wore on absolutee ballots, Trump's war on fauci, President Trump's war on face masks, Trump's war on world order, Donald Trump's war on women, Trump's war on science, trumps war on chill folks. The President has manufactured one heck of a political crisis for himself, is manufacturing a national security crisis. He will hear them say, is that I can keep going. All the mainstream media outlets they peddled conspiracy theories and lies about Trump Russia collusion. Everything we told you has now been proven true. Not expecting to get a Pulitzer, I promise you. You only get that if you write fake news stories for the New York Slimes. And it's just it's it's so bad, the dirty Russian You know, this is an interesting point. I want to know who sucked up to Putin? Tell Vladimir more flexibility after the election, Vladimir, don't let anyone else know. That was Obama. What did they do with crimea Ukraine? Nothing? Nothing? Then of course Hillary Clinton. Yeah, remember Hillary Clinton. She paid for the dirty Russian misinformation dossier that was unverifiable, filled with lies that the media pedled, the Democrats pedaled, and was three long years of this lie. She paid for the Russian disinformation, not Donald Trump. It was Hillary Clinton signing off on we have a shortage of uranium, signing off on our uranium going to Vladimir Putin's Russia hostile actor, hostile regime. How does that happen? And then of course the money people involved. Now we had an FBI insider I've interviewed him that was actually with Putin's operatives in the US that was chronically right back to Robert Muller, then FBI Director bribery, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering, and Hillary signed off on it. And oh magically, millions show up in the Clinton Foundation from the people brokering that deal. You know, who would ever give uranium when we don't even have enough the foundational material for nuclear weapons to putin? How stupid is that? It's inexplicable to me? A dirty dassi Hillary paid for it. Now we got Joe's taken away high paying career jobs in the energy sector with a stroke of a pen, stopping construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. And then five days after Russians hacked the colonial pipeline that shut off the spicket and the supply of gasoline to the entire Eastern United States seventeen states impacted. Then he signs off on a waiver so Vladimir can build his pipeline and control the lifeblood of Western European allies of ours by giving them the energy that they need. Well, what if the hostile actor putin one day wakes up in a bad mood turns the spicket off. All that's gonna do is push our allies into the arms of Russia. Forget about America. This is America last Let's make let's putin rich. Let's make Russia rich. Those are democrats making bad decisions on Russia. We have a crisis. Alex Marlowe is brepe bart News's network editor in chief. Come out with an amazing book. I know he's on with the great one our friend Mark Levin last night, but I wanted to get into some of the things that they discussed and some of the things that I see in this book. I just got my copy. I was able to look at it today and it's breaking the news, exposing the establishment media's hidden deals, secret corruption. It's just out in bookstores now this week. It's on Amazon dot com. We'll put it up on Hannity dot com. Alex, thank you for being will us Sean. It's such a thrill. I've been listening to you for twenty years and it's such a great introduction. You really some up so many of the worst news items in the last few years. Let me go through. You immersed yourself in research on America's media conglomerates for over a year. You really he did a deep dive. Here. Tell us what you found out. Yeah, I was very lucky to get on loan a couple of the best guys from Peter Schweizer's shop. Peter is in between projects. He's one of our senior senior contributors at Breitbart. I love Peter. He's awful, like he's an amazing guy. So and the book is really in that spirit. But Peter looked at the government, and I was looking at the media. So it's got twelve hundred end notes, chun So this is for all the Soros funded freaks who monitor your show and my show and Breitbart. If they want to fact check me, go ahead. There's twelve hundred end notes for them to sift through. And I was really stunned at what I saw in terms of how the corporate media establishment has weaponized the news against Donald Trump his supporters, folks like you and me, but in particular Shan our audience. And it's not just the usual players in NBC and CNN, though NBC is even worse than I could have imagined, which is which is stunning. But it's the tech oligarchs, and it's really a lot of these unknown folks out in Silicon Valley as well. Michael Bloomberg is one of the huge villains of the book. It's pretty remarkable what I found. I'm happy to get into any of it. All right, let's let's look you talk about the multinational corporations. I mean, okay, with the exception of some conservative websites, of which you're a part of one bright part foxnews dot Com. You've got me and a few others. Not everybody on Fox things like Sean Hannity, by any stretch, but at least I have a platform there. You know, fake news CNN wants to deep platform any conservative. We still have at least a few of us in talk radio, right, but we don't have enough. They own i'd say ninety nine percent of pretty much everything when you include big tech and the media conglomerates go into that relationship. Yeah, this is one of the things that I think is one of their keys to success is that the big money is in being a woke left wing journalist right now. And so not only is the crop of journalists people are selecting from at this time, they went through our university system, which has been totally destroyed by the radical left, and then into our journalism schools, which are somehow even worse than our regular capes. In twelve and colleges, and then they they're getting in the working world now, Sean, and they're trying to create this climate that makes it a good working environment for easily triggered far left millennials. And I am a millennial, so I don't mean to disparage them, but I do mean to disparage them because they're so sensitive and they do believe in wild speech controls. And these are the exact type of people who are at the very top of some of these Silicon Valley corporations, which is why you see things like Google shutting off all of Breitbart's traffic to Joe Biden's stores in May of an election year last year, Facebook shutting down the president of the United States, Twitter shutting down the president of the United States. All these things you would think are impossible aside from a third world country. Yet they're being done, and our government is apparently two fact less to do anything about it. I mean, it's really really scary exposed in this book, and I was intrigued by it and I want to read it more detail. What you describe as deep ties between the Chinese government and the elite American media. One of the most underreported stories in the last week is the fact that Russia and China are providing arms to Iran, which is transporting them for the proxy war they are waging out of Yemen with the rest of the Middle East. That would be an unholy alliance reminiscent of some alliances in World War Two. To me, Yeah, certainly. And you see for China's tentacles in almost every sort of organized crime element in American life, and you talk about Chinese drugs coming through our southern border. It's really happening. It's not a conspiracy theory. I went down there with a group of my colleagues at Breitbart the end of twenty nineteen, especially specifically talking about Fentonolle because we've covered that too, absolutely you have, and this is something that it is happening. And we were down there and the legal aliens were crossing. Many of them were from Central America, but a lot of them are from China, and we saw it with our own two eyes. It's happening. And the establishment press is totally uninterested in the story. But the deep ties are pretty clear. Because this is why I make the case about corporate media, because if you think about things like NBC News, for example. It's just one branch on a giant tree that is NBC, Comcast Universal that has movies, and it has entertainment and as theme parks, and these are all over the world. ABC is part of ABC Disney, one of the biggest plant corporations on the planet, with theme parks open throughout China, movies that are shown throughout China. Why would ABC want to poke the bear of the second largest media empire. And I'm sorry that the media market in the world. Well, for you and me, it's because we believe in American values and we believe China is a threat. They don't see it that way. They stop it what's good for our bottom line, and that's the end of it. The worst example of this at all of all I think, though, is what I found with Michael Bloomberg, and we all post funded him, calling him Mini Mike because he's small and got this fascist streak and he wants to take our big gulps. It's very amusing. But he is one of the biggest employers of journalists in the history of the world. He's got twenty thousand employees at Bloomberg, which is more than the Wall Street Journal, CNN, and The New York Times combined. I want you to tell I want to ask one very specific question on this, because he's been associated with Chinese military, and we're not talking about a meeting, We're talking about many, many, many, many get togethers. Absolutely, and this happens on a consistent basis, and it happens even in Beijing. And there's been some more reporting on some of his meetings. For example, I have a pretty funny, though very dark anecdote in the book where he went to Singapore and he was lavishing so much praise on the Chinese. They actually made fun of him. They said he was blowing smoke. But their place is in the world that have no free press, like Beijing, where we don't really know what is being said. I went through the actual Chinese propaganda documents from their Ministry of Propaganda, and you see the photos of Bloomberg himself and his top executives routinely having smiley faced apparently joyful meetings with the top propaganda people from the Chinese executive branch. Lo and behold, his access to the Chinese market gets extended, and he has had better access to the Chinese people and to be able to distribute his product within their company than his competitors. Right quick break, We'll continue more with Alex Marlowe, editor in chief of Breitbart Breaking News, exposing the establishment media is hidden, deal's secret corruption. It's in bookstores everywhere, Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com. All right, ladies, head and gentlemen, Summer is only a couple of weeks away, longer days, fun and son and yeah, we all deserve it. Life hopefully getting back to normal. And right now, our friends at Shamoee they're celebrating with a sale that you deserve now during Genuine Cells Summer blowout, you're gonna get their brand new Zotique Deep correcting Syrup absolutely free. Bobby from Fresno, California, says, three days before my doctor's appointment, I started using Zotique, and what have you changed? My doctor asked, your skin looks great. I told her about Zotique. It's truly a miracle worker. I mean, all the guys at Chaminade, George and everybody, they work so hard, they formulate so many companies have tried to duplicate their products and they can't do it. They fall right on their face. Linda's probably their biggest and best customer. You use all of their products. Yeah, and I have to say, you know, for the summertime, you have to do a lot more exfoliating, so you can actually use the crystyles, microdermabrasion exfoliate your face, your legs, your skin. You know, your whole body's out there in the sun and the summertime. So this is a wonderful product among all the other awesome products they have. Alex Marlow's new book is out, Breaking the News, Exposing the Establishment Media is Hidden Deals, Secret Corruption just out. As we continue with Alex, all of this combine when you add big tech and their censorship of conservatives, the media mob they speak in one new green deal, radical socialist appeasement voice, contacts with sworn enemies and hostile regimes. It scares me. I'm gonna let you let people save it for the book. By the way, if you're joining us, Alex Marlow is with us, Breaking the news and exposing the establishment Media is Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption just came out. We have it on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. I'll leave this for people to read in the book. The fake news story that belongs in the fake news Hall of Fame, as you call it. But I want to bring up a question about how the media, you know, the tricks that they use to basically contort every story to fit their radical agenda. How do they do it? Yeah? So what I do. What I go through here is it's a cheat sheet. I askly encourage people to take a photo of it, and I explain some of the tricks that the media use. For example, their heroes all get a really glamorous shot on the front page, their villains all get a very dark and shadowy photo, or no photo at all. If there is news that confirms their left wing globalist agenda, that will go on the front page and the good news will be at the top of the article. If there's news that refutes it, it either goes in the back page, deep in an article, or they don't feature it at all. And these are all things. There's probably a dozen rules at all, and I encourage people to contemplate them, but even come up with your own. Because we're all in this together, Sean, I know that I rely on my audience, rely on yourth is it We need to be very diligent in terms of what's the latest tricks they're using to hide their propaganda within establishment news. Well, I'll tell you it's a must reading the news. Exposing the establishment media is hidden, deal's secret corruption. Just out this week Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, Breitbart dot com, bookstores everywhere. Um, Alex Haspentel too long. We appreciate you coming on, and I urge everybody to get a hold of this book because it's eye opening. Thank you, sorry for your hard work and for being with us. We appreciate it. I can't thank you enough. Thanks. Sean eight hundred nine four one Sean our number, quick break right back twenty five to the top of the hour. Glad your with us. Happy Friday. It's Friday. I know Monday's coming, but it's Friday today, So enjoy the day. Yeah, and try and stay away from the craziness, the madness, the insanity in the in the cities all across the country. By the way, now, the Washington DC Democratic mayor's supports, Uh, let's see mayor lightweight in Chicago's ban on certain reporters. Oh okay, well, only do interviews with people that are African American or Hispanic. Wow, where I grew up. That's called discrimination. That's what I always used to know. I gotta give a shout out to our friend Chris Rock. Now Chris Rock is funny. I like Chris Rock. You know why I like Chris Rock because he says anything that comes into his head. You know, we all have a disclaimer. If you don't like this show, if you don't want to watch a TV show, if you're gonna go to a comedy show, you're going to be offended. If your little sensibilities cannot handle people telling jokes, they're jokes. He's right, he's saying you can't be funny. Award shows aren't funny. A lot of sitcoms aren't funny. Comedians are afraid to be funny today. I'm not offended. And by the way, even when people make jokes about me, I've seen memes of me on Twitter. They're hilarious. Are we really that woke? Are we really that sensitive that you really care about words? You cancel everybody? Everyone's scared to death because the cancel culture maniacs out there. Why can't people just turn it off? If you're so offended. I want comedians to be funny. I like them irreverent. I like them unfiltered. I like funny. I don't care what their politics are. You want to know these late night shows suck and why their ratings are awful, it's because they're not funny. They just play. You know, I hate Trump all day, and that's not why people watch Johnny Carson or Leno or let them in in the early days. They watch to be you know, entertained. You know now you can't go to a sporting event without okay, but professional sports, NBA, major League Baseball, let's see NFL Colin Kaepernick. You know what the beauty you're in the stands with strangers. You want to talk about inclusiveness. You have people in the stands that are from all socioeconomic backgrounds. You have people in the stands you're not asking if you're a Republican or a Democrat, or a conservative or a liberal. But they have one thing that unites them, and that is the passion they share for a team. And you're strangers. You're at a football you're high fiving a stranger. Maybe it's a liberal, you don't care. That is about as inclusive as you can be. Now we're gonna politicize baseball, MLB, NBA, NFL. What's level? Okay, so far? I guess we got MMA, which I love, of course, the octagon, the cage, and you know, I don't want to see politics at sports. I want to be entertained. Take us away from the everyday lives that are tough for everybody. It's unbelievable, unbelievable. We have a school, says in the Washington Times. Parents rights groups filed a federal complaint accusing a Massachusetts school district of engaging in racial discrimination by banning white students from an event on hate crimes against Asian Americans. Well, how does that do anything but divide us? If discrimination is wrong, I believe it's wrong, then you don't end discrimination by discriminating. It's really simple if you believe as I do in natural rights. What are natural rights? Oh, that we're endowed by our not thing you know, oh, you know the thing, the things that you know. We're endowed by God. God is the creator of everything. That means every man, woman and child. So if we're all creating by God, now the human experience has the factor in one other thing that's called evil and people human beings free will, choice of making good decisions or bad decisions. And but the bottom line is you have good people. Majority of people I think fundamentally, especially Americans, are generous, kind and good. We're not perfect, but if you start with we're all created by the same God, and that the word education in Latin means a ducare to bring forth from within that God put talent in every man, woman and child. That's why you need a good school system, so that talent can be brought out of young people. Passions can be found, talents discovered, and then it can be shared with the rest of the world. Goods and services you provide the people want, need a desire. It's not good anyway. Eight hundred nine one, Shaun is a number you want to be a part of the program. Daniel is in New Joysy. What's up, Daniel? How are you doing? You have the Jersey shore. No, so I'm actually working today. But thank you for having me. It's a real honor to be thank you where honored you're called. You know, Linda has like a mixed New York Philly New Jersey accent. First of all, all, there is absolutely no New Jersey in my accent. Okay, do you do have any coffee today, Say coffee. I did have coffee today, Say coffee. I did not have enough coffee today because I had say talk radio maker, say talk radio. Now, this is not to make fun of Linda Hour. All right, Daniel, what's on your mind? No, And what I was gonna say too, is whatever happened. I've never abandoned judging somebody by content of character, and I believe that should be absolute standard across the board every where you go, no matter what. I've been a lot of places overseas, in a lot of different states, and I've never been in that value of judging somebody strictly by content of character. Very very upsetting that that's being abandoned by people, very very upsetting. I just want to start with that. Well, it's the left that is institutionalizing this madness and dividing us all. Then they blame conservatives. I'm like, let this be very clear. Racist people. And this is why it's it always stays in the in the playbook of the Democratic Party. I've always talked about every two years four years, right, Democrats Republicans are racist, exist misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, now transphobic. They want dirty air and water, and they want grandma and grandpa to eat dog food the final years of their life. Told a Republican puts them in a wheelchair and throws them over a cliffs. A lie, Jim Crow two point zero by Joe is a lie. It's all total lie. I really don't think that Republicans constitutional that served as across the border on federal and state levels are doing enough at all period to fight against us. We're losing our country. It's happening right before our eyes. And I really don't think they're doing enough at all. You know, Democrats, when they want something, they can be really nasty if they don't get it and mean, like Joe doesn't want voter id and his state. He served the state of Delaware as by the way, thank you for the call as an elected official for five million years, never once lifted a finger to create more accessibility to voting in Delaware. And so I believe you know member as a kid, what did you hear as a kid? Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can never hurt me. I get called every name in the book. I have been called canceled, you name it. There are losers now in their underwear in their basement that are being paid. This is their job to monitor this show, tape it every day, tapeanity every night, hoping that I say one thing, one phrase, one sentence that they can use to get me fired. And that's every conservatives, not just me. All right, back to our phone, Sam in Nebraska. What's up? Sam? How are you glad you called? Sir? Nothing? Thanks, thanks, thanks my son. I just want to touch on effect that up? What do you think hooting? And then think of American people for electing incojugate leader like Joe Biden and all the propaganda they put in doos And I want to know if I'm right, and I believe I am that. Look, I don't even have to make the case. Look at the tape of Joe Biden in twenty sixteen and twenty twelve and compare it to Joe Biden today. You know, I call him sippy cup. You know. Look, Joe Biden gets in the office at nine thirty, He has less than one event on average scheduled every day, doesn't work weekends, and he goes up to the residence. He gets warm milky in his sippy cup night night time. If he's been a good Joe, he might get a book read to him that is not good. Now, the question is if I see it, You see it. Many Americans see it, So does Putin and President Chi and Kim Jong un and the Mullahs in Iran hostile regimes to the United States. And I think it's it's why we're we see a lot of what we're seeing. But I guess I'm the only one that seems to have the courage to point this out. You know, I want to know who knew what went about? Is whatever is going on with him? And you got the mainstream not even meeting. It's more like maidenstream daycare. Because they babysit him every day. They don't push him like they pushed Trump. Trump couldn't walk out of the White House or off their force one or anywhere without fifty questions thrown at him for an hour. And they just let him walk by and ask him how his coat feels or something ridiculous. No, he's told by I'm not allowed. I'm told I'm not allowed to answer questions. You're the president, for God's sake, answer questions when he has to go to meet with the world leader, like say Prutin or he's meeting with South Korea's president today, What if them leaders want to ask him hard questions? Is there are people they're handling him telling him no, he can't answer that today ever, showing that. I mean, how is that going to work out? I'm telling you it's not gonna work out. Well, they see what I see, and you know and the I'll tell you why the media doesn't attack me on it, because every time they want to attack me on it, I'm willing to take that fight to them. And I've got all the hits, and I'll play Joe Biden. Probably, I probably can run thirty uninterrupted minutes of him mumbling and bumbling and stumbling and confused and confounded. Now, if you're a Democrat or you're part of the media mob, the President's protection program, like the candidate protection program, do you think they want me to run that tape for thirty minutes? Definitely? Not, definitely not. I don't think so either. I think they're afraid I will keep doing it. How does he you know, even go have a conversation with the leader of South Korea when he's going to ask what are you going to do to help me with this? Hostile Gabor King Jong Noon. I mean, he can't get asked a basic question, let alone something complicative like how is he going to support our Oh, we've all seen how that went with the whole Israel fiasco. And then they're all Trump at herd on Russia. Trump isn't herd on Russia. But yet Yeah, actually that would be Obama. That would be Obama more flexibility, Hillary the dossier, Hillary Uranium, And that would be Joe the waiver for a pipeline while shutting down pipelines and killing American jobs here anyway, good call the United Socialist utopia known as California. Chris's next, Chris, we got about a minute for you. Thanks for calling. Hey, Sean, thank you so much for taking my call. Thank you. So, I have a kind of a funny story about how crazy people can be out here in California. There's this guy in my building who just can't stand the fact that I won't wear a mask in the common spaces of our building. Now, the CDC Guidance on Community Exposure does say, and it has said that since almost the beginning of the pandemic, it's being within six feet for more than fifteen minutes with or without a mask on. So to me, passing someone in the hall doesn't really come close to the CDC guidance on community spread. But anyway, this guy has just been going crazy every time he sees me. He's trying to get a picture of me or what. You know, He's always yelling at me to put on a mask. Anyway, finally he I walked in the building with my daughter and she's one, and she kind of starts walking over to the pand the lobby's really big, and this guy's like twenty feet away. I see he's filming me. So I approached him. I'm like, what are you doing? And he's you know, I could tell by the accent it's the same guy that's been harassing me for almost a year now, So you know, I he goes up to the fourth floor. I'm on the third floor. I see where he's going. So I wanted to see where his apartment was because I wanted to file a complaint with the building. So and I had a baby with me, so I wasn't going to be like sneaking around, so you know, I mean, in my presence not And then I kind of got in his face to leave me alone, like, stop filming me and my daughter in our It's a private building, it's private property, and people are nuts now, so COVID freaked out. Then the vaccine is available for him in the CDC says that if you're fully vaccinated, that you don't need a mask in doors around tours, and I would just remind them of that now, Gavin Newsom is not following the science and his mask mandate just like Pelosi's mask mandate by the way, only for the chamber, because we have videos we showed last night of Nancy Pelosi and all these Democrats with no social distancing and no masks. But you're gonna find until everywhere every single person is vaccinated. Not I can tell you right now, not every Republican is gonna get vaccinated. They choose, and they make their decision based on their unique medical condition and their consultations with their doctors. That's how their decisions are made. Look, I mean, I don't do you rent the place that he owned the place he rented or own it. I rent it all right, Get the hell out of there, find a place it's better. You don't want to be around crazy. But the problem is, like in New York. It's crazy people everywhere. All right, that's gonna wrap things up forward today. But let not your hearts be troubled because we will be back here on Monday. Finally we get some good weather, finally, And it's just that's another reason of the five thousand billionth reason why New York is not the place to live. California is not the place to live. But if you move, don't bring your liberal policies with you. Anyway, that wraps things up for today. Have a great weekend. We'll be back Monday, and as always, you make this show possible. Thank you for making it possible. We'll see you Monday.