Joe Concha, Fox News Contributor and columnist for The Hill, is here to analyze all the news from over the weekend. Not the least of which is the comments by former President Trump about his potential run for 2024, ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.
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All right, news rounded up in Information Overload Hour Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Look, we talked about in the last half hour. I mean, these numbers are chilling. What's happening with the economy is chilling. What's happening on the world stage is chilling. You know, things are collapsing. It's it's Afghanistan as a disaster. Taiwan and China are a disaster. You know, Russia gets Nordstream too, And we're firing Keystone XL pipeline workers that get paid a lot of money, high paying specialty career jobs, hundreds of thousands of dollars. Many of those jobs lost just with the stroke of a pen. And then you look at Okay, well, now a headline on Yahoo financed stakes could soon become a Champagne like luxury. You know, out of stock items are plaguing grocery delivery surfaces. They can't get you now, with the supply chain hiccups that nobody's fixing, we can't have We literally have ships waiting ashore for weeks, if not months, to unload the goods and services that we take for granted are going to be in our stores every day. I mean the component shortage for automobiles and boats and equipment. It is ruining even the farming industry. For example, global food prices now at their highest level in a decade. The cost to meet poultry fish eggs in the US is up nearly twenty percent. Walmart Costco now forced to limit toilet paper sales. Toy companies telling parents that kids are not going to have their Christmas gifts in time because of the back log at ports and rail yards and roads. I mean. Then you have the Chairman of the Fed, Jerome Powell, saying, it's also frustrating to see the bottlenecks and problems are not getting better. Gee you think you think they're not getting better. I mean regulations on the trucking industry have now driven supply chain issues further. Oil prices now up above eighty bucks a barrel. That trol gas prices are setting records of time. You feel it every time you go to the pump. Everything you buy that is delivered by a truck, you're paying more for it. That's pretty much everything you buy period. Inflation across the board. You know now we're getting lectures by Hinds that their CEO that you better get ready for higher prices because this is now the future. Now you're getting one article after another from the Wall Street Journal to Zero Hedge, to the Guardian to axils all warning about stagflation. If you haven't lived through the seventies, trust me, it's bad. You know America's broken supply chain. It's impacting everybody. Now we have Walmart Costco home depot. They're resorting to private charters to keep their store shelves stocked and ready to go, to take care of their customers. I gotta give them a lot of credit for doing that. The shortage of gasoline and energy worldwide, that's worsening as well, by the way, self inflicted by Biden. Supply and demand criss and dictate the price of everything. We have now artificially reduced the world supply. Well, you don't need an MIT degree or Harvard Business School degree to figure out, Oh, you artificially reduced you know, America's energy independence. Now we're dependent. The demand remains constant. You've taken a big chunk of the world supply off the world market. Now prices are soaring. I mean, it's all of this is here to stay. But don't worry. They're gonna want to look at your domestic terrorism tendencies. If you go to a school board meeting because you don't like some of the curriculum or the draconian COVID measures that are being used against kids. Six hundred dollars are every transaction six hundred dollars Biden's irs. They'll be monitoring everything you spend, everything you do, every penny you take out. This is going to be a recession, likely worse if this happens. Cotton. I know you don't think a lot about cotton, but it just hit a year high. How is that? And why would Joe Biden give putin a waiver for his pipeline? Why are we making Russia rich again? As he provides the lifeblood of the world's economy to our Western European allies. We should be providing that anyway. Joe consci is here. He's talked about this and a lot more. But like the Candidate Protection program, the media protects Joe Biden all things Biden. What's up, sir? It's amazing right. I imagine if he had the same press Sean and I'm well, I hope you're well that the previous president had as far as Donald Trump and the hostility, it's more hospitable with Joe Biden. But I don't know if you saw mister Biden's public schedule today, but basically he had one event at eight forty five in the morning. It was virtual, so don't have to go anywhere, and that's it. That was his day after a three day weekend where he also did nothing. So while all these crisis is that you just laid out are happening, the president simply is not working in any capacity. And here are his numbers now, because people are noticing, even with the favorable press covers that we're seeing, Biden coming into office was plus thirteen with independence. In other words, he's thirteen points higher and approval than disapproval. He's now minus twenty three in a matter of ten months. That is a thirty three point swing with the voters that decide elections in places like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. So I don't know even know what to say at this point. I've never seen a presidency go this badly so quickly, where you just laid it out. We live in a more expensive country right now because of inflation. We live in a less safe country because of crime. We live in a country that does not have a border currently at the US southern border, and two point three million people are going to come into this country illegally this year. That's the equivalent to the population of Houston, which is our fourth largest populated city. And then finally, obviously Afghanistan is a big mess. And then put on top of that what's going on in our educational system and the pushing of things like, yeah, you can add Afghanistan, as you said to them, add all of it. There's nothing going well here and I don't see any hope or signs of any improvement, you know, Nancy Pelosi literally telling the press today, well, you could do a better job of selling Biden's economic plan. Did you hear this? Let me play it for you there. Our latest toy as useful shows that only about ten percent of Americans describe themselves as knowing a lot of specific and things that are in the reconciliation package, and that the majority don't know anything at all. So do you think you need to do a better job at messaging and going forward? How do you sell this ultimately, Yet, well, I think you all could do a better job of selling it, to be very frank with you, because every time I come here, I go through the list, family, medical, league, climate, the issues that are in there. But it is true it is hard to break through when you have such a comprehensive package. But it is a vast bill. It has a lot in it, and we'll have to continue to make sure the public does But whether they know it or not, they overwhelmingly support it. Though they don't support it, Joe Concha, polls are showing it's a disaster to the American people. That's the best. She's telling reporters that you should be selling this better for us, like she can't believe that this isn't getting completely and totally favorable coverage. But again, I mentioned that inflations at a thirty year high right now. So the solution is to spend trillions of more dollars new dollars. You put them into the economy. I'm pretty sure it weakens the dollar even further. And you look at the people Sewan that are in charge of certain things in this government. So for example, Kamala Harris is in charge of the border and there's this big meeting with blank in the Secretary of State down in Mexico to I guess it addressed the core problems or whatever. And Kamala isn't even invited or she doesn't go. She's in New Jersey instead, and she's talking about space exploration with child actors. I mean, you can't make this up right. Literally, the name of the production company that put together this YouTube video for Kamala as far as space exploration is called ship Entertainment. I mean, boy, does that capture the moment or what? And then supply chain that is going to be the big story of the last three months from my estimation in the media as far as something that impacts every American like you talked about before. Who's in charge there, Pete Buddha Jedge, right, he is the Secretary of Transportation. You know what his experience was going into this. He was mayor of South then friggin Indiana, which has one hundred thousand people in their population, has no rail, no airport, and something like one bus station. And he's in charge of fixing this problem. And then I look at the media coverage of Buddha Gene and know what they're talking about how we just became a new father. Now how difficult or it is to raise twins. I can't make this up. So yeah, that's why everybody feels so hopeless right now because the people in charge, whether it's Biden, Harris, Buddha, Jedge, Blankin, you name it, no one seems to be capable of doing their jobs. At this point. I have no trust that there's a savior within this administration they could say here's how we should be doing things, guys, because that person doesn't exist. And what happens next. We already have a workers shortage. I mean, there's one interesting statistic that came out. I think it was what four point three billion people, And this was on the cover of Drudge and I'm sitting there, I'm like, this can't possibly be true because four point three million workers quit their jobs in a month. They're not they don't care. Now you've got the mandate issue, which is resulting in thousands and thousands of members of our military. They don't show any interest at all whatsoever in getting the JAB. I forget about the COVID, the right the wrong of it, or what they decide in consultation with their doctor. But It's also happening with police officers. It's also happening with teachers. It's happening. Look at Southwest Airlines and the battle over the pilots. In spite of the comments of the CEO, which I didn't find particularly truthful in my view, it's obvious what's going on here. You've got a massive rebellion. What impact is all that going to have on the economy. I'll focus on the the police part first because it's funny. I was just having a conversation with a friend of mine. He's been a police officer for more than twenty years. He wanted to work into his fifties because he liked his job, and over the last year or two he has become completely demoralized because he sees the way that he's portrayed in the media, he and his fellow police officers. He sees how we allow these riots to happen in these cities, and our leaders don't seem to do anything about it. They almost cheer it on in some level. They march with Black Lives Matter, for example. They never stand behind the cops. I mean, we're not talking about every mayor in every town, obviously, but at least the democratic ones, and he works in a democratic city. So he's going to retire now, He's going to take his pension and go home and try something else, perhaps because he is completely demoralized at this point, because the way he is portrayed and his fellow officers are portrayed. So yeah, that's one big problem. And that's why you see this huge spiking crime and in these cities, and on top of not enforcing the laws in the books. Right, and then as far as our economy, I mean, I would kill for Jimmy Carter presidency right now. It is kind of younger time, but I've read enough about it. The boy does it mirror it? Right? Stagflation, like you mentioned the Middle East, that's a complete catastrophe. But at least the Carter, you knew that you had a president that was coherent and trying to fix the problem. Here you have a president who doesn't appear to have all his faculties about him and isn't even interested in fixing the problem based on his work schedule that we see every day, which is almost non existent. Oh, he's now taken twenty six percent of at the time, and his presidency in Delaware that's where he's I guess, doing everything from Quick Break more with Joe Concha on the other side than your calls coming up eight hundred and nine four one sean our number. If you want to be a part of the program, don't forget Hannity ninetiestern tonight, Fox News Channel as we continue more with media contributor for the Fox News Channel, Joe Concha, also calmness for the Hill. Look at the hype cost to get a gasoline New York City. Now it's over five dollars a gallon in some places, same with cities in California over five bucks a gallon. Now if the supply remains artificially low, because Joe Biden is giving in and caving into the new green deo radical socialists, which he is. And now we have stopped the Keystone XL pipeline, they're stopping other pipelines. They've stopped exploration in anwar. And I never thought we'd see a president once again, after finally achieving energy independence, begging OPEC to increase production. That's exactly what they're doing. And by the way, OPEC said no. Now, now for the first time in years, we'll have to really worry again about the Straits of Hormuz and what the Iranian mullas might do to some of these tankers in the straits. Now we have to worry about countries that hate our guts in the Middle East, providing the lifeblood of every economy, which is energy. So all of this now is going to get exponentially worse as the markets now adapt to these conditions, all of which, just like Afghanistan, just like the border, these are self inflicted wounds of Biden. Now, politically, where does this does this end up? Was set five minutes into this administration, right five minutes after Joe Biden takes office, he signs that order to end the Keystone pipeline in any new construction to it. And that was where exactly where you knew you're going to go, Okay, the Progressives want this, He's going to do it. Didn't even think about the consequences around this. As you mentioned gas prices hitting a seven year high, we talked about raising taxes or lowering taxes on people. Between inflation and these gas prices going where they are, that is a tax on everybody, and the people to get hit the hardest are the lower middle class. Who can't absorb this, they don't have rum in their pot. Well, hang on, Joe, you're not telling this audience the truth because the only people that will pay a penny more in taxes, and you have Biden's word for it. Just like thirteen days before he abandoned Americans, he said he wouldn't abandon a single one. But Joe Biden says only Americans paying four hundred thousand dollars a year or making four in a thousand dollars a year will be impacted by his tax increases. Well, the inflation tax came out. You read the New York Post. I read it every day, and when you average it out for every household in America, that's it comes to a grand total of two thousand, one hundred dollars a year. And the Biden inflation tax, and that inflation tax is about to get bigger. You get the last thirty seconds, you got it. Look, I'm gonna praise at Clinton here. And his name is Bill Clinton. And in nineteen ninety six he did something extremely shrewd, which was he saw what he was doing in his first term. It wasn't working right. So we said, you know what, I gotta change. I gotta pivot. I'll work with new Ingridge. I will end the welfare state and big government as we know it. And Clinton went on to win a landslide in ninety six. Relatively, Cara, a big government is over the end of welfare as we know it. It It was actually ninety five, not ninety six, but it did pave the way for his reelection. That's absolutely correct. Six Joe Bidens showed no ability to hit it or even change course at this point. He's going to go down this rabbit hole with the squad and it's going to be ugly, all right. Joe Concha, Fox News contributor, should have his own show on media. He's the only one that's honest in his analysis of media eight hundred nine for one. Shaun is a number your calls coming up next in the course of the program here today. First, I want to remind you Linda get Ready, she loves Shamanee. It's like our favorite thing to talk about. Samantha from Arcadia agrees with Linda Raving about Shamoonee products. I love genuineell. I love plant stem cell therapy. I've used it all over my face, under my eyes. It's cleared up the flakiness and even reduced my foreheadlines. Someone even asked if I had quote work done. Nope, just genuine Cell by Shamoonee. Thank you. Over a million products sold to women and men, and probably the biggest advocate is Linda one hundred percent. We're coming into the winter months. Your skin is gonna get dry. You want to still look good. 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Yes, sir, calling about fuel prices. All I hear is about gasoline. We need to talk about diesel for the truck drivers. Are you a truck driver? Yes, sir. First of all, thank you, because if we didn't have truck drivers like you, Nicole, our grocery stores would be empty. There'd be nothing on the shelves. There'd be nothing on the shelves. At our local drug stores, we'd have nothing in any store. No stores would be open but for truck drivers like yourself. So thank you for what you do every day. And by the way, you are paying. How much more are you paying to fill up a tank? It just want to fifty cents a gallon within three days? Wow, we're paying. We're paying three dollars and fifty cents a gallon. Well, we're paying a year ago two fifty. By the way, now, I assume Nicole, knowing how hard a job it is to be a truck driver, I've got to assume you're not gonna take less pay. I would assume, I don't know if you work for yourself or you work for a company, but I would assume that they're not gonna make less money for the same work and load. They have trucks to pay for, right or they leased them, so they've got to They've got to pay their bills too. So I would assume that everything you drive up off at every store, or every product you deliver, that what's going to happen is it's going to cost more to ship everything. Is that a fair analysis? Yes, sir, however, and I deliver sand and rock, which is dat products for infrastructure. Do you work for one company? Do you drive for one company? Or do you have your own rig? Or what do you do? Right? Yeah, I am an owner operator, so I have to pay for you? Well, no, I mean, but you also get to deduct it, which is a good idea. I have friends of mine in the trucking business. There's really only two questions truck drivers want to want answered when they're looking at a company. Number one, do you require a vaccine? And number two do you offer a W two? That's what I hear from my friends in the trucking business, and I'm like, no, take the ten ninety nine. You get to deduct things. Um yeah, I'm an owner operator, so I do the ten ninety nine right, which is smart because you get to deduct your lunches, you get to deduct your dinners, you get to deduct you know, if you if you have to stop at a place and stay overnight and get a hotel room, you have to pay for that too, that you get to deduct that. Those are all part of business expenses. I'm not an accountant, but just basic fundamental knowledge. Um so. But the bottom line is you're not charging less, you're not making less, and the companies that you're hauling for, they're they're not going to take the hit also, so that means all of those costs are passed on to we the people. Correct, yes, sir, Yeah. The fuel has has gone up within three days fifty cents diesel fuel. And the reason I was calling you is because I watch I listened to you on one or four point five in Jacksonville, Florida all day long, and I watched Fox News and you all at night. They're talking about gasoline prices they're not talking about Well, I've been talking about trucking a lot, and I just assume people know that it's diesel. But I've been saying that means everything you buy in every store you're paying more for. And I was specifically referring to people like yourself, Nicol, that deliver all of the goods and services to every store we all go to. So I've been mentioning it my way. I can get more specific and say it that way. But the bottom line is every single load is now costing you more and costing every place you deliver more to have it delivered. That's just a fact. Now, next question, has the supply chain issue impacted your work, your job, your industry or because it seems like you have a regular account, maybe it did not. Yes, sir, oh it does definitely. Just say on one particular load that actually we don't even get paid a fuel searcharge on now costs me. It's like I would get paid two hundred and ninety dollars on and you take fuel away from that I would get, you know, after fuel, I would get two hundred and forty dollars. Now it's costing me, or it's only paying me one hundred and fifty five dollars with the cost of fuel. Yeah, that cuts what you're getting paid. Listen, this is now needless suffering. Now understand this supplying demand. I've explained this all day today. Crisscross dictate price. You artificially reduce the supply and the demand remains the same. You don't need to have a Harvard business degree to figure out. Oh, prices are gonna go up, and they're gonna go up dramatically. That's what we're watching. It's simple, it's simple math. It's simple math. Eco one on one anyway, Nicole. I love chatting with you. God plush you please be safe on the road. Thank you for all you do to put food in our stomachs and you know, medicines and our systems when we need it and everything else should deliver. Thank you. Yes, sir, Sean, thank you so much. Thank you. Patty is in South Dakota. What's up, Patty? How are you? Glad you call? Hi? Sean. I'm glad to be on the air. I've never done that before, So glad you called. Thank you, Thank you. What I wanted to bring up, Sean, and I'm sure maybe has been brought up before. But as I talk with people, I'm really concerned about the statement that's being made that talks about the greater good, and like Anthony Fauci, you have to give up your freedoms in some instances for the greater good. The hell with your freedoms, as some people have been saying, the hell with your freedom. No, I'm sorry, I'm not willing to give up my freedom right. And it's such a nice, friendly, little fuzzy statement that makes you feel like normal people are like, oh that, Oh, that's so nice. Oh, we're all gonna contribute. And I talked to them, and every time I mentioned that to somebody, and I say, but don't you think that people have the individual right to choose what happens to them as long as they're not breaking the ten commandment? That that mantra only works it's my body, my choice. That only works if you're a liberal talking about one specific issue. It doesn't it doesn't get applied across the board. But when you really think about it, the greater you should every Americans should give up what they make for the greater good. You can use that argument on everything. I'm not willing to give up my liberty and freedom. I've given everybody every admonition I have about taking COVID. Seriously, I think I've been responsible without playing doctor because I don't have a medical degree, you know. But short of that, you know, we were told and that if we got the vaccine, we were safe. So now it's a choice of every American. Yeah, and you know, they didn't tell us about the breakthrough cases, nor do they seem even desirous to inform people of therapeutics like monoclonal antibodies that have shown to be highly effective, which is I assume why Rhonda Santis set up the monoclonal antibody centers all throughout Florida, and then Joe Biden decides to ration it away when we don't even have a shortage of it. He's playing politics with COVID because they have a one size fits all strategy, and that's everybody vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccine, that's all they say. Well, if if you have a breakthrough case, what do you do? Then that's where I would suggest you talk to a doctor about monoclonal antibody treatments like regeneron. I'm not making the decision for you, I'm just telling you what I would do, And Sean, this is a slippery flow. This is just one item on the docket. I mean goes from there to our bank accounts, to our taxes, to our property rights. I mean, for the greater good. You can just about start picking anything as we lose our personal liberty and right, give up ninety five of the money you make for the greater good. Start the right. Yeah, it's pretty much what they want anyway. That is redistribution and right. That is share the wealth. That is socialism, you know, authoritarianism, statism, communism, whatever name form, manifestation, you name it. Two each according to their need, from each according to their ability for the greater good. You can use it in every capacity anyway. Thanks Patty. Great call from South Dakota. We appreciate you checking in. Good first time call. Call back again. Um, Ruben is in the United Socialist utopias known as California. What's up, Ruben? How are you, Sean the man? I'm doing great? Are you doing, bro? I'm good, Sirry hanging in there. Yeah, yeah me too. Um, big fan of the show. First time calling ever on national radio. So I'm a little bit nervous, so I'll try to try to get this out. Now, you sound great. What's going on here? On the CDC's website, they posted back in July that the PCR test is no longer going to be used come January first, in twenty twenty two. Okay, I did not see that. That's news to me. Yes, and that's the exact test that we're using at I might add higher cycles than even Fauci himself said anything over thirty cycles. The thirty five cycles will give you one hundred percent positive, a negative, a false positive test, and we're using there's definitely instances of a false positive. I mean, look at for example, what happened with the Ladies of the View. You know, in the middle of the show, they were asked to leave the set and they were told they attested positive. Turns out they weren't positive. So that would be, you know, perfect example of what you're saying. I am looking label or changes to CDC PCR stars testing. Hey, you're right about all of that. Yes, Oh of course. Yes. It's an information war, and that's that's our amma. We have to have the right proper info. You know, this is a you know, as far as I'm concerned, it seems like a little criminal takeover. We keep asking ourselves how these people are able to rational all the decisions they're making. It doesn't make sense. Well, we're not thinking quite like they are now, are we. And you know everything your other callers were mentioning and you too about you know, the supply chain issues and all that stuff. It's all you know, the great reset COVID nineteen Cloud Swab the chairman and founder of the World Economic Form. I mean, they had a meeting in Davos last year about this very topic. You know, we're kind of late to the game. They've been on it. No One more point I wanted to bring up about that PCR test is that we're using those numbers to justify all these lockdowns and the destruction of our nation, and they're running the thresholds way higher than the recommended threshold, even by the inventor, Terry Mollis himself. He said his test should never be used to detect for any infectious disease, especially at anything over thirty amplifications. Look is all I know is the PCR test that I know. And you know I've had more tests than I could check a stick at. Like everybody else yeah. But but actually a friend of mine how to breakthrough case and he had to confirmed by a lab, but he used an Abbott home test that it's not FDA approved, but it was accurate in his case. And I've heard from other people that it's about accurate. If you want to look into that, Uh, look the CDC. If if if we're going to go back the last two years and just scour the CDC site from start to finish and all the contradictions and that they have sent out there. One day it's don't wear a mask, the next day it's one mask, two masks, three. You know, it just never stops changing because that they've screwed this up as bad as you can possibly screw it up. And that's why, you know, I think I think this plays a big role in people's vaccine hesitancy and redssistance. Why should we trust you, You've got everything else wrong. I think that's the mindset of many many people. And you know, or I'll take I'll take my chances with monoclonal antibodies only if I need it. Now, you can argue, well, at that point, you're sort of getting the virus within your system, but you would have already caught the virus, which is the only reason you'd get the infusion. So um, it's it's it's going to be interesting to watch what happens. I'll tell you that. I mean, when you have so many people in the military saying no to the mandate, teachers saying no, truck drivers saying no, police officers saying no, everybody's saying no. What's going to happen? Then, on top of the bad state of the economy that we've been discussing pretty much all day today. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. We've got a great Hannity tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. I mean, there's so much of a disaster. Look at the economy, a disaster, the cost of everything going through the roof, supply chain disaster, energy policy disaster, Afghanistan disaster, the communist Chinese in Taiwan, a disaster. Are born a disaster, COVID a disaster, energy independence given up, and that's now impacting the entire world. A disaster. I told you it's a disaster. Anyway, that's nineties Turn tonight. Please set your DVR Nineties Turned Hannity on Fox Lindsey Graham by the way down at the border doing a special report. They tried to clean it up so he would not have a visual of what they didn't want him to see. Don Junior Tonight, Mark Meadows Tonight, Pete Hegseth Tonight, Joe Concha, Miranda, Divine Ninetiestern News. You won't get from the mob, Hannity, Fox News will see them back here tomorrow. You make the show possible. We never forget it.