Is Free Speech Under Attack? - 8.31

Published Sep 1, 2017, 12:34 AM

As Sean takes a much needed break, guest host Jonathan Gilliam fills in. David Horowitz sits down with Jonathan to discuss his book, "Big Agenda: President Trump's Plan to Save America," and just how violent the Antifa movement has become. Is Free speech under attack? The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawn Hannity Radio Show podcast Hey with optimism once again on the rise in America. The working people of this country are more important than ever. On the Job from Hired to Retired also new podcasts from our friends that Express employment Professionals that digs into the lives of men and women at work and explores their journeys as they fight to make the American dream of reality. I'll check out the new podcast on the Job from Hired to Retired on I Heart Radio, iTunes or wherever you download your favorite podcasts, or just go to Express pros dot com slash podcast for more information. This is Jonathan Gilham filling in for the almighty Shawn Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Literally billions and billions of people, and I guess if you believe in Martians, they're out there listening as well, somewhere out in the universe. And it's great to be back here. Those of you that don't know me, I'm a former Navy Seal, Federal Air Marshal, security contractor, and f BI special agent here in New York. I'm also a serious x M, Patriot Channel guest host or pill and host, however you want to say it. And one of Shaun's go to guys when he is out. And now I can add to this the uh, the title of author of Sheep No More, Uh, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. You can find that on Amazon. It is just went on sale yesterday. It's going that's for pre sales. It's going to be shipped December twelve. Don't wait. We gotta get this book pumped up. And I'll tell you why, folks. What we're gonna be talking about today, what we're talking about today on this show is awareness. Now, I am a targeting expert, a an expert in terrorist tactics and unconventional warfare, but overall, one of the things that I've developed a real expertise for is the one thing that America is lacking, and that is awareness. We have an epidemic of unawareness in this country. And Sheep No More I wrote this book specifically to help people develop their awareness and think outside the box and start looking at and targeting themselves and understanding where, uh, the attack could come from, when the attack could happen, Who might attack you, why they would attack you and what type of attack it would be. And they're actually a set of UH of tactics, techniques, and procedures that are used by threat assessors and UM targeting analysis experts that I'm going to give to you, not for the purpose so that you can go on plan attacks, but so that you can actually look at your life from an attacker's point of view. Nobody's ever done this before, and UH, I think this is gonna be It's gonna be a little controversial, but at the same time, it's gonna be very beneficial and empowering to the American people and anybody else in the world that wants to read it so that you can understand, UH, where your critical areas are, what are the critical times for those areas, what vulnerabilities could be exploited in your life, and what are the attackers avenues of approach. I'm gonna talk a little bit more about this throughout the show, but the way this kind of milks in with what we're talking about today and today excuse me, is communism is on the rise. Communism is something that people I've been talking about this for years on my UH show on Facebook, Live, Twitter, and YouTube by simulcasts. It's called the experts to do it every night at nine pm. And I've been talking about the real realization that communism is on the move for several years and people just don't get it. Now all of a sudden, uh, main even mainstream media and many politicians that you would never have thought would be going against groups like antiphil like uh, Nancy Pelosi is talking about there's violence on the other side, um. The Diane Feinstein was talking about how she does not agree with what's going on uh in Berkeley. Now they don't go as far as to condemn it and say it's communism, but they are recognizing it. And and Antifa is getting the cajones uh that they think they have, uh, these cohones, but they really do not. They're gonna see that they're gonna wake up a giant. It's already being woken up. Um. But they are not as mighty as they believe that they are. So I'm gonna bring on a group of experts today to talk about all the different areas where communism has seeped into this country, not just recently. This has been going on for literally over a hundred years, but recently it has increased exponentially, probably and most likely because of the use of social media, the use of um our, cell phones, the use of computers, and so on and so forth. So it's just gotten easier for people to actually communicate and spread whatever special interests they have. Communism has definitely been able to use this stuff and increase the speed at which they subvert this country. So that's the That is uh why I thought. You know, when I get to host these shows periodically for Sean, I like to bring in some type of a subject that I can quickly give to people and they can take away from the show and say, wow, this this three hours changed my life and now I'm gonna see things completely differently. So I'm here to plant seed, some Johnny apple seed today, planting some seeds in you. So that is directly how the book Sheep No More, Uh The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. It's available on Amazon now, this is for pre order. This is why I wrote this book for the sheer reason of teaching everybody, uh from to think like an attacker, to look at your life and how it could be attacked, but from an attacker's point of view, so you can turn around and defend properly. But it also applies to all this, not just your individual life, but also who's attacking the country, who might attack your work? Um, are you will you be caught up in some area with some group that you've never heard of before because you did not have the awareness of the changing events in this country. That's very possible, folks, It's very possible. So we're gonna do our best today to help you see, um, who these enemies actually are and how you can counter these people. So go to Amazon, pre order the book. Get ready December twelve when it ships. You are going to be empowered. And I would advise if you have a daughter in college, get the book. If you have a son in college, get the book for him. You have a church that likes to send missionaries down range, get the book for all of them. If you want to just secure your life and your own homeland, get the book. If you're a chief of police, get it, a mayor get it a senator, congressman, or Mr. President. If you're if you're listening right now, which I know that you do, sometimes preorder this book. You will not be You will not be mistaken for ordering this book. Um, it will help you see things from an unconventional warfare attack or point of view. Now we're gonna take a break here in just a second. But what I actually two minutes. But what I want to stress is that if you're tuning into this showed in, you're like, where is Sean. Sean is on vacation. That guy works like nobody I've ever seen before. So when he goes on vacation, he calls in the Warrior Crew to come in here and handle the studio for him. So that's what we're here today for. So don't go away. This is just gonna be you know, you tune in on your way home or you're hopefully if you're driving because you're getting ready to go on your vacation early, you're gonna be able to tune into this and actually listen for three hours and get a full course crash course on how communism has seeped into this country and how the things that you're seeing every day on television are signs and symptoms of subversion, whether it be the mainstream media, whether it be uh politicians who claim to be conservatives but yet do not back the President of the United States when he's trying to do effective things, whether it be the generals who have all been politicized and refused to get in step with the way the president thinks and the way that we can effectively fix our military. We've got ships going all over the place crashing into other ships. I don't get it. We have still to this point not turned our our strategic thinking and the way we're fighting terrorism, for instance, we have not completely come to a point where we're looking at it from a full strategic point. It still has too much politics involved. And I don't blame the president for that. I blame the politicization of the d O D, which has been happening since nine when Are the first UH Secretary of Defense was was created and stepped into that role. And from that point forward, we've never won about a war. We've won battles, We've never won a board a war. The only reason we win battles is because men on the ground that know exactly what to do tactically are stepping up and taking command. But when it comes to the overall strategic picture, we failed. All of this goes back to the point that I'm trying to make here. The way that you secure your life, the way that you secure your homeland, the way that you secure your job, your family, everything, your entertainment, where you go out. How do you secure these things? I'll tell you how you do it. You become aware. So stay tuned. You need to stay tuned for the whole show. I America will not let you down. It's John Nanguil. I'm filling in for Shaun Handy on the Shawn Handy radio show. You can find me every night nine pm Eastern Standard Time on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. I do a simulcast of the show called The Experts. We have all the real experts on there to talk about what's going on. And don't forget about my book. I'm gonna keep pushing this, folks. I'm gonna get you to buy this book because you it will change your life cheap no more, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. Go check it out. We'll be right back to talk about some more of what's going on in this country. All right, So I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. 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This is Jonathan Gillen filling in for Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. And you you yourself. You can call in eight hundred nine one seven three to six. And I always say this for those of you that like the spell numbers eight hundred nine for one sean so you can call it given it again a D nine one seven, three to six. You know, folks, Uh, I am constantly, constantly talking to people about the reality of natural disasters. Now, what happened in Houston, I think, well, we can't say that it's any different than any other hurricane that's come in and just uh laid the smack down on places. I mean, this one just seemed to be hanging around for a little bit longer. But the reality is with all these natural disasters, the biggest problem that we have really is that we think it's never gonna happen to us. I mean people even though they've lived in a flood zone or because they've lived in here's like New Orleans for instance, you just get comfortable. And look, I'm not putting anybody down. This is human nature to become complacent with whatever threat maybe against you. That's the way it works. Um, It's happened now in Houston, and as you can see, the widespread flooding and people's homes are being destroyed. Here's what I want to talk about today. Everybody's talking about what's happening right now, and and that's good. The news is covering it. Uh, people are going out there. You have the Cajun Navy. I my heart. I get a little flustered in my heart when I watch how many people are responding to this. I think this kind of of outpour of response should be done anywhere that there's a natural disaster in this country. I do want to point out though, that, as I've been talking about awareness from the beginning of this show, I believe that people and I've lived in rural areas. I grew up in the ozarks of Arkansas, in the middle of nowhere, extremely poor. I live in Manhattan now extremely poor. I'm not Rick Oner, I'm not Sean Hannity. I'm you know, I have a real income coming in. These guys have gone to a level success I hope I to get to one day. But um, there's a big difference in living in the city and living in the country. When you're raised in a rural area, you are just more self sufficient. Now, I'm not putting people down that live in the city. I'm not. This has nothing to do with liberal conservative When you live in a city you become i uh less self sufficient because everything is there that you need. If something happens, law enforcement will respond in a matter of sometimes seconds, sometimes minutes, but they're gonna be there. You need an ambulance, it's gonna get there quick. When you live in a rural area, you may not have police response for ten minutes, thirty minutes. Police themselves may not get back up for uh an hour in some locations, and if you want an ambulance, you could be dead before the ambulance arrives. It may take that long if it's a serious enough injury. Living in the South, you have to be more self reliant. So why am I saying this, Well, that's where awareness comes from. Just because you have you have not had anything happened to you, and you live in a flood zone or you live in an area that's ravaged by hurricanes or tornadoes, you should realize that the potential is always there. Now, don't worry about the numbers when it comes through preparing yourself. Don't worry about the the probability. That's a numbers game that you will lose if you play the probability game, because the prob the the possibility is gonna be a hundred percent that it will eventually happen. It may take five years, it may take a hundred But if you're live in a flood, zona, hurricane, or a tornado zone, those things or even a we which we haven't had in a long time, an earthquake zone, these are natural disasters and you have to be somewhat prepared on how you're going to act, not react. As we say in law enforcement, military action always beats reaction, and so you have to prepare yourself. Now here's the other thing. Real quick, I want to say, this outpouring that we're seeing in Houston is phenomenal. The the smaller towns, we need to make sure that they are also getting the outpour because what what A lot of what I see is going directly into the cities, into the larger towns, and that's great, they need it. There's more people there. But the rural areas, the law enforcement, the police departments, the first respond uns and aiblans, they're not as robust as they are in the big city locations. So we need to remember that, and as people respond that, we need to make sure that they are being task organized and if they have enough in the big city areas that they are also that those resources are being allotted to the smaller towns that can be affected. And also you have to realize, America, that when the floodwaters subside and and all of a sudden you see greenery again and the trash is cleaned up, that is really where the real work starts, and that's where people are going to need you. That's when the money is gonna need to pour in. That's when a lot of people should be going down there and volunteering. Volunteering doesn't just take place, or shouldn't just take place the second that something happens. It should also take place long after the initial uh incident or disaster where people are now living in pain. You feel that immediate pain, but you can't kind of relieved because you're a lot five, because you got your dog, your kids. But after all that people are gone and all that subsides of thank the Lord, I'm alive, you're now stuck with I'm alive and living in Squalor. It's John the Gill and filling in for Shawn Handy on the Shawn Handy Radio Show, Don't Forget to Call In eight hundred nine four one seven, three to six, and you can find me on Twitter, Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam And don't forget my book Sheep No More The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. We'll be right back us. No white media, get to the back where you left. Media, come to the front word white mediacus meio completely, sirbodying person to get out of that hill. Somebody to selling boking into the back, put it into the back, out from the morlet. You're not a break to pu people out something. You're not a break when people out white people to the back, white people to the cut that in cluse my media. Go home, Hillary, go han, Hillary go home. Don't Hillary. She's killing blood people, do hillery. She's killing blood people and a white baby blood that white baby flood after you, we got both blood is on the white babies. Kill them all right, now, kill them, kill your grandkids, kill yourself cough and laying a coffin. Wow. Wow. You know, Folks's John and gill And filling in for Shawn Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. That is a perfect example. You know, listen, I come on this show. A lot, and all the different shows that I fill in host for, and I tell my resume, I don't do it because I have an ego. There's not an ounce of ego in here. I do everything that I've done for this country because I love this country. I love the freedom, I love the constitution. I love what we went through to get to this point. I wish that nobody would have ever suffered. But we had slaves in this country, and they because of the Constitution, we're able to. Their legacy is what we live on now. Because of the price that they paid, we are for everyone is free. I can't understand why people don't get it. At least I did for a long time, and then I started realizing that the majority of people that are angry in this country now based on race has very little to do with racism, and it has more to do with believe it or not. And I know there's gonna be people that disagree with me on this, but the reality is it doesn't come down to daily oppression. It comes down to daily indoctor nation from the mainstream media and groups like Black Lives Matter that, ultimately, when you dig into their background, have communistic ties and so I just happened. Um. I know he's a friend of the Hannity Show already, but somebody gave me a contact last week that I was looking for somebody to talk about Black Lives Matter because I don't like digging into this stuff unless I know everything that there is to know about it, and that I just don't know the background of this group. So it's interesting because Uh, Lauren and myself both were thinking who we could bring on, and I just talked to Ron Dr Ron Martinelli last week. Uh. The more I learned about Dr Ron Uh, the more I'm so glad that he's my contact for this because uh not only is an attorney, but he's also UM a former San Jose police detective. He is an expert in forensic UH services and UM and and all around UH in depth expert, which he wrote a book about it, Black Lives Matter movement and the war on police. Uh. Doctor, I couldn't think of anybody else to come on here and talk about this. The more I look at your qualifications, the question I have for you is there, uh doctor, are is Black Lives Matter steeped in communism to the point where it's starting to look like they are like the rest of these groups, Antifa and and the other groups. Well, first, Jonathan, thank you so much for for having me on my program and on your program. And for full disclosure. Listen, I'm not an attorney, but I stated a holiday and why I thought you were an attorney, stranger. No, no, okay, you just went up a level. You just went up a level in my eyes. They listen, uh, you know, to answer your your questions. Specifically the black and I've traced the Black Lives Matter to their roots. I've spoken with the the the actual real founding UH members of the Black Lives Matter movement. It's so interesting that I'm seeing a lot of people on television claiming to be a founding member. They are not. The founding members are Patrice Colour's, Opal Tomati, and Alicia Garza, and they are from a combination of New York City and UH Berkeley, California, out there in the People's Republic. They are the people that started Black Lives Matter back in as a result of two things, UH. Number one the self defense shooting George Zimmerman UH and also later Michael Brown, which was an officer involved shooting. Specifically, I've traced them to different parts of the world. I've done completely vetted research all in the book, and they are a militant Marxist organization that gets funding from a variety of sources. One of the biggest funding sources is George Soros and some of the sub funding groups he has because he's kind of a secretive guy, but backs a number of socialist, anarchists and revolutionary groups throughout the world. And uh there Uh, their treatise goes back to the Black Guerrilla Family, the Black nationalist movement of the of the sixties, the police killers from the sixties and seventies. Uh, it's a very anti law enforcement, anti democratic government, militant Marxist without a doubt, even if you read their own doctrines. So I you know, I think people are going to be very surprised in hearing this. Um, how do they? So you have these three, these three individuals that started this. How did they get to a point? Of course, funding always has something to do with it. How did they get to the point where they are as big as they are? Was it? Um? Was it? Because they were able to quickly go in and stir up the Obviously they're not telling everybody that their Marxists. Were they able to go into these UM community activists, did they link up with people like the Saul Lensky Heights? What exactly did they do to spread so quickly? Well, I think the primary reason that they spread is because, first of all, these three women are all extremely intelligent. Uh. They all have master's degrees, one has master's degree in communication UH. And social media has a really help them. That's how the group really sprung into life by a actually a text on Instagram UH and also on Facebook from one of the founding members to to the other founding members after the George Zimmerman shooting and uh and and they said one of the comments that was made is black Lives Matter. And then they went ahead and put a hashtag to that uh and subsequently used their communications and social media skills to start an organization, and then that organization spread the different parts of the country in various chapters. But those people that say that their founding members are not they're not telling the truth. I think everybody's trying to, you know, claim a little bit of um uh notoriety by saying that. And by the way, the thing that's very interesting about Alicia ople and Patrice is. You almost never see them on television opining about anything. However, they go out to uh to community meetings. UH. There is another lady who is a professor at cal State Los Angeles and her name is Professor Abdullah, and she is very prominent UH in the Los Angeles um activist community, and she's very much against law enforcement and the people in the corrections field, and she's constantly advocating for them. And as a matter of fact, I think she is involved in the Human Relations Commission for the County of Los Angeles. So these people are very active, but they get they get other people to do their work for them. Right, No, No, I'm Graham Agreen with you. So in saying that, you know that they do get other people to do their work for them, how do or where do they reside? How do people start to focus in on these three individuals. Well, you know, let me say this, because there's so many people in primarily the mainstream media, knows nothing about Black Lives Matter, and they think it's a socially conscious group UH that are there to provide you know, community oversight the law enforcement and and really that's not the goal of this organization to provide oversight or anything. And there are The way the organization breaks down, uh is that there are the founding members, and then there are people that are chairs or chapter presidents, and then the rest of the people are basically just anybody that would support or encourage Black Lives Matter, and that could be anybody, um, but the Black Lives Matter is a black nationalist Marxist organization and there's no doubt about it. And if you listen to their lectures, you can. You don't have to pay you know, believe me. All you have to do is start doing some Internet research and listen to their videos, watch their videos, watch their television, and listen to their radio interviews. UH, get on their websites and see what they're all about. There is absolutely no doubt. And I call it, with regards to law enforcement, the four d s. They want to disenfranchise and disassociate law enforcement from the from the mainstream community, and then they want to uh defund law enforcement, and they want to dissolve law enforcement. So I call it the four d S. And if you watch everything that they're doing, they do not want to participate in remedies to bring the community and law enforcement closer together. They want to completely defund it. And if you go into Black Lives Matter, uh, they have a and you all you have to do is google campaign zero. And I write about all of this in my book. You can see the ten objectives of the Black Lives Matter movement with respect to law enforcement, and almost all of it is negative. There was only a couple of things that I agreed with out of a ten. What was the other second you said, disenfranchise, defund, dissolved. I'm missing one of the these. Uh, let's see disenfranchise, disassociate, defund, and dissolve. Interesting. So they need they need to separate the community from law enforcement, right if you're gonna and and and how they do that is with a lot of fake news. You know, I wrote about many cases, the Michael Brown case, uh TA Mere Rights, which was which was a case that I that I personally was involved in, uh Freddie Gray. There's been a number of cases, and they put out a lot of fake news about how law enforcement has responded to those things, and they get people believing in the Black Lives Matter movement. And let me tell you something, it has nothing to do with all black lives. Only in black lives for instance, all of the shooting deaths in Chicago, they could care less about it. You never see them protesting, you never see them marching. Uh, it's never about you know, black lives in the black community. It's only certain black suspects lives that they care about. And again, anything to separate the community from law enforcement. Do you think we got about a minute and a half left? Do you think that um. Similarly to all these other communist groups that try to divvy up and dissect the country into different agitators, do you think that these people truly understand uh, the way communism works, that they will be the ones the first ones killed if there was ever a communist government in this country. No, you know, here's the here's the problem that we have nationwide with Americans. They don't teach civics in school anymore. They haven't done that for years. Okay, So nobody knows what the rights are, how their government was found in, how the government works. They don't know anything about law enforcement, how law enforcement of the criminal justice system works. Number two, they have no history. They don't teach history anymore, so there's no context to what we remember as the black Shirts, which were the fascists and the brown Shirts, which were the National Socialists or the Nazis, or they don't know anything about communism. So these people gravitate towards these organizations for what they refer to as social justice. And it's very vague and ambiguous as to what social justice is. But all you have to do is watch what they do and listen to what they say. And these people are communists, anarchists, national socialists, and fascists, is no doubt. Gotta go, doctor, Thank you very much. I sure to appreciate it. I'll tell more. Dr Ron Martinelli. I can't thank you enough. We're gonna go to a break right now. We get a heartbreak coming up. We'll be right back on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. This is Jonathan Gillham filling in on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. You can call in eight hundred nine one seven three to six nine one Sean and uh. For those of you want to know my background, let me just tell you this is my mom wrote this. These big mouth protesters need to go to Texas and Louisiana right now and see what depravity living is all about. Now their homes have been destroyed. And jobs washed away, every little possession is gone. Don't tell me Mr and Mrs protester that you have a legitimate reason for what you are doing. Your lips are moving, but all I see is hate and radical destructive noise. My mom is a true American. She just texted me that listen call in six six. Excuse me, that's the wrong number. Eight hundred nine one seven, three to six. I fill on on too many radio shows, eight hundred nine for one. Sean, We're gonna come back. We're gonna have some more discussion on communism, and I'm telling you folks, what you're gonna walk away with today from this show is more of an expert insight understanding of how communism has infiltrated. Will be right back. This is Jonathan Gill. I'm filling in for Shawn Hannity Shaan Hannity Radio show. Yes, the man actually takes vacations and he calls in his warriors. Former Navy Seal, Federal Ator, Marshal Security contractor, FBI Special Agent and now author of Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and and Attack Survival. And I want you to go to Amazon pre order that book. Get it ready, so that you can give it to your family and friends when it comes out December twelve, so that they can immediately empower themselves and understand who, why, where, when, and how an attack can happen, so that they can avoid those attacks. It helps him think like an attacker so that they can then turn around and defend against themselves. Because what I teach you, and I'm gonna reveal this today in the book, is how to build a target package on every sector of your life from an attacker's point of view. It's controversial. People are gonna say, this guy is teaching people how to attack, but I'm not. I'm not giving you tactics to attack, but I am giving you the tactics that you need, the technique that you need to target yourself. I teach you about how an attacker thinks, what an attack actually is, how you build a target package, the information that you look for that an attacker would look for. And you can literally systematically build a target package for every sector of your life so that you can turn around and defend yourself, so that you can know not how to run, hide, or fight, but how you can learn how to escape, evade, or fight cheat No more. The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival on sale now at Amazon dot com. And you won't be sorry that you that you get this book. Folks, trust me. Can you find me on Twitter Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam And don't forget to call in the number here eight hundred nine four one seven three to six one Sean. Now let's get back we we already had an incredible discussion in the last hour with Dr Ron Martinelli. Incredible guy. You can look him up online if you want to know more about him, and I suggest that you do in his book Black Lives Matter in the War on Police. But I've I've interviewed our next guest many many times. I interviewed him about a week and a half ago or two weeks ago on news Max, interviewing before on this show. And I think now that you understand, hopefully if you've been listening to this whole show, you'll understand that even groups like Black Lives Matter, that claim could be had to have the best interest for um, a specific group of people in this country. The reality is it's just another way for Marxist to get in and secrete themselves into uh, every aspect of this country to subvert it. David Horowitz, Um, he is I think probably the voice that everybody needs to be hearing right now because of the fact that communism is rising as fast as it is. He's the author of the Big Agenda, President Trump's plan to save America and a former communist. David is great. Is always to have you on this show. He's having me. So I had earlier in the show, I had some of you talking about Black Lives Matter and the reality of the three people who started it, how they're Marksist, separatist. UM. I went back and watched the show today that was actually from news Max UM. I watched one night and I recorded. It was about the creation of how communism came about, how Marks Hagel, Lennon Stalin, Um, all the different individuals that brought it to where it is historically. But what I've noticed through all this, and I think the people and even though you, you know, you're speaking a lot, and we we have you and other voices out there, I think people are disconnected from the point of the Marks Stallin Lenen types the Cold War to today. They don't understand how it continued to grow and got to the point that it's at well, it never went away. That's that's the important point. I did you know? For thirty years I've been warning about the nature of this left, and it's only with the election of Barack Obama that conservatives are finally seeing these are not liberals, um, but they are communists. Uh. And what happened was after the sixties they infiltrated the schools, universities and unfortunately that Kate Well schools are kind of wide open spaces, um. And they became professors and teachers and um. They never gave up their views, but they didn't until recently a little bit. They tried to mask them. And that's what left us do. They lie all the time about their agendit. Uh. You have to remember uh that in um, when I was a young man, in the height of the Cold War, when Joseph Stalin was alive, the communist slogan, the official slogan was peace, jobs in democracy. Unfamiliar crap about social justice or peace or whatever it is. Equality. Um, that's all just a mask for communists. They don't tell you what they're real agenda is, but now they're showing it. It's to shut everybody down and disagrees with them. That's what the that's what the Sylviet kind in the state they called their opponents fascists. They accused, for example, Leon Trotsky, who was one of the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution in nineteen seventeen, of you know, including uh with the fashions, so with the nasties, that's what they said. And then put my part and said that everybody and shut them down, of course, and in communist Russia they executed You believe me, that will happen here if the antipop people ever get power. So the other thing I noticed when I was watching and going through this show the history of communism, was that they were using the term democratic socialists all the way back then, and uh, go ahead, yeah, well the social democrats. Actually Lennon was a social democrat. Um, it's a contradiction in terms, you can't have socialism and democracy. Democracy is based on the rights of the individual, independence of the indivi a dual. Those elucidents about government controlling every day. So I mean, just just take something that's everybody is aware of now, which is the Democratic Party's plan to socialized medicine in America's personal Obamacare, but ultimately through single payer. What does that mean? That means the government has control of your life. Yeah, you know, your health is your life and it be ration and controlled by the government, have all your information. So there's no democratic socialism. But yeah, they use any camp progressive. My parents were card carrying communists. They are never referred to themselves as communists because they were aware that people were hostile and communism in those days who was always they were progressive. You know what you're seeing now that Nancy Pelosi for instances condemning Antifa for violence in California. Um, there's pressure the Democrats, UH to from for Antiva movement to be canceled for free speech rally in San Francisco. Um, you've gone and said that the Charlottesville and I agree with you. Here is the biggest fake news story of the summer. Uh. Do you think people like Nancy Pelosi, UM actually are seeing what's going on? Or are they? No? No, no, no, no, no, no no no. Nancy Pelosi is a communist. Nancy Pelosi actually gave a speech on the floor. There's something congressmen are allowed to do, honoring our hero, you know, creating a day for him or something. Her hero was Harry Bridges, who was a Soviet agent. He was ahead of the West Coast Long Storm and in the United States, he was in Australian said, trying to deport him throughout the Cold War, and he always lied and said that he wasn't um Soviet agent and he wasn't a communist, he said, but he was actually on the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Nancy Pelosi is a very smart political operative where you don't forget her her vision, her moral political vision, but just tactically, she's a very smart woman. I think she's done this late. I think they should have The Democratic Party should have condemned Antipa long before. But it's of course it's not just antipap. What did Black Lives Matter? They burned up, you know, a black city Ferguson, they killed cops. Uh, they organized violence and then and I mean, how is that different from Antipa said they weren't stupid enough to get dressed up in black, and well they did wear a mask. Um, but the fact that Black Lives Matter is black and you know, makes them somewhat untouchable. No, but nobody wants to Uh, there's no equality in our public life. If black people get a free pass for violence, uh and and for racism, black Lives Matter is also a racist organization. So what I think you know, Nathy is just signaling to the Democratic Party. These people have become a big liability. Let's but there's Black Lives Matter, there's by any means necessary, the head of the mayor of Berkeley is a member of by all means necessary, exactly. And actually on my website front Page magazine we did a profile of uh Polark I forget her first name, as a leader. She's a raising communist. I don't want to say anything else. She's a horror psychopath. And the Democratic Party is in bed with all these people. So do you think David David Horowitz joined us? And just in case you're a just tuning in, do you think David that um that these leaders that we see I've heard rooms of this before. And this is the way that I know that the Communists did it in the Soviet Union. That people are cultivated for these leadership positions. It's not like Barack obamagists sprung up and became this great politician, or Nancy Pelosi came out of nowhere. It's that they were literally cultivated for this leadership. That sounds very conspiratorial, but is that the case with many of these people. That's the case. I wrote a book called The New Lebias, and the first chapter is called the Making of a President. It shows how Barack Obama, and it's because he was black, but because he was also very articulate, uh and um that all these left wing foundations and organizations promoted him and groomed him for you know, leadership. The fact that he was elected president shows how, you know what Abraham Lincoln said, you can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can't throw all of the people all of the time. Let me Barack Obama got like this, if I can say. I've done a series of books at the website called Black Book of the American Left and volume one it's really about how the communist movement didn't go away when the Soviet Union failed. Some of the union was exposed. It was a horror. They killed forty million people just in Russia, um uh, and they impoblished the whole continent. It was a complete catastrophe. And what the left at the time said was, oh, that wasn't real socialism, as though they're smarter than uh, you know whatever, Lenin and Trotsky and all these people, that wasn't real socialism. And so they just went on with the same views and they were you know, there were a few of us who got out, but the bulk of them stayed. And in this first that's called My Life and Times, Volume one, um I described it. Let me let me ask you this, right, and we only got about a minute and a half. Um. The whole premise of my show today is to teach people how to be aware of these things. That's the new book that I wrote, um sheep, no more. How do people what are some key things? Real quick? Got about a minute that they can look for that they will know this person is a communist when they're talking. Well, as I thank sin sale liars, that's not so easy what they've done here. Here's what's happened. They took Marxist model, which said that society has divided into oppressors and oppressed, and for him, the oppressors were capitalists and the oppressed were workers, and they transformed it into a racial thing. Uh, this is what identity politics is. About. Um. Nobody is oppressed, and you hear people talking about oppression, they're deluded or they're just taking to it. I mean, there are a lot of people who just foolish. There are sixty five million refugees in the world today of people who are fleeing oppression. Not one of them is fleeing oppression in America. Mexicans and Haitians are risking their lives to get to America. And why is that? Because they have more rights, more privileged, more opportunities in America than they do in Mexico or Haiti, which have been run by Hispanics and blacks for hundreds of years. It's because of the genius of the American founders that this is the case. But when you hear people going on about oppression, uh and white supremacy, anybody who says that should be in the mental institution. America is not a white supremacist nation, and the number of white supremacists are is minuscule. They are marginal people. Lessons always talking about marginalized groups, well, neo nasty's and white supremacist marginalized. They can't put your heads up listen. I gotta cut it right there. Um, again, David Horwitz. I'm a huge fan. I think your voice needs to be out there. You're the author of the Big Agenda, President Trump's plan to save America and I can't thank you enough. As always, David, thank you, Thank you got it. This is Johnathan gill And filling in for Shawn Hannity on the Shawn Handy Radio Show. Call in is eight hundred nine four one seven, three to six. Sean, We'll be right back. This is John and the gill And filling in for Shawn Hannity on the Shawn Hannity Radio Show. All over the Universe, the best show in the world. You can call in eight hundred nine four one seven, three to six. We're gonna take another break, but I want to give a quick shout out to all the detectives from the NYPD that I used to work with when I was in the FBI. What an amazing group of men and women and those that are retired. We thank you for all your service. Go find my book, Sheep No More, The Art of Aware Earness and Attack Survival. It's available for pre order right now on Amazon. Get in line and pre order. We'll be right back. You know what that this is Johnathan Gillam filling in for Shawn Handy on the Shawn Handy radio show. And you know what that reminds me of? That that reminds me living in New York. I used to take my dogs to dog parks when I first came here, but they end up getting Kenel costs, so I never went back to those. But when you go there and uh, it gets a little overpopulated, and then there's one dog that comes in there and raises a ruckus uh, the other dog's feed off that frenzy, and then it will just turn into if you don't have good owners, into a fight, a big frenzy of a fight. They worked themselves up into that. And this this is so controlled animalism. That's what this is like. These people when they get to these protests, not really protests or disruptives. I don't know what you want to call him, but you know, I'm I'm gonna bring on just a second. Dr Paul Kanger. I interviewed him yesterday on the Andrew will cow Uh show willcal Majority on Serious X and Patriot Channel, and I just thought I didn't get enough out of that interview. I needed to have more and I thought bringing him on after David Horowitz, who we actually talked about yesterday, is perfect. But the thing that I am puzzled with is at what point does America move understand and start looking at the difference between free speech and violent action. Um. And so what we talked about yesterday with the doctor is about how communism secreted itself into the educational sector. So Dr, welcome back, your professor political sign an author of over a dozen books. I gotta tell you, I just got through writing one book, Sheep No More. It's available now on Amazon. But when I went on your website, you are a very busy writer. You've written an amazing amount of books, including the communist Frank Marshall Davis untold story of Barack Obama's mentor UM. So let me ask you. We talked yesterday about how communism got into the educational sector. I was very surprised, and I guess it really boiled down to this that Columbia University was where and I forgot with the group. I wrote a whole list of stuff you said to inderstrand I threw it away when I walked out by accident. But university Columbia University here in New York. Um is where this kind of secreted itself in and then went from Ivy League down all the way into grade schools. Now, well that's right, Jonathan, and and and thanks and and the reason I write so many of these books is it's therapy, right for try for trying to uh to deal with it. I feel tormented by this stuff, you know. I sometimes I say to myself, I wish I didn't know what I know, right, um. But but every day, you know, I check UM. I check the websites of Communist Party USA, People's World, which is the flagship publication for Communist Party USA. It's the successor to the Soviet controlled Daily Worker. UM, I checked the Workers World Party. I check Revolutionary Communist Party USA. And you know, people think that, well, that's kind of kookie that I do. Well for for one thing, it's it's just what I do. It's what I follow, it's what I write about. But you know, if you type in like right now, Revolutionary Communist Party USA, which has been around for a long time, and they are always they specialize in racial agitation. In particular, they were at Ferguson, they were at all these other different places, and they actually have a branch and Arlettsville, and in fact they have I mean, anybody's sitting at their website right now, type in the words Revolutionary Communist Part of USA, Charlottesville, and I think you're gonna be pretty stunned by by what you see there. You're gonna get, depending on which page you get, you're gonna get propaganda posters of Lenin, propaganda posters of Stalin and uh. And it's kind of ironic Lennon in Stalin because that's actually a malist organization. And and in fact, the founder of Revolutionary Communist Part of USA is a guy named Bob Avakian who goes by the name Chairman Bob. And if and if you go to that website, he's got a piece up there right now posted in the lead window on Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison all called out and the American founders on racism, slavery, and white imperialism. So you know, this might sound like kind of esoteric, fringe stuff, and it is, but these people are now out there with social media, and you're right, they've been educated in the universities, so they're they're able to get a mob together really quick, and sometimes the mob doesn't need to be more than twenty or thirty people to to get the kind of explosion that they need to get to get the battle that they need. I mean, that's exactly what happened in Charlottesville. So you ended up with neo Nazis and the so called alt right clashing with um the far left, and then pretty soon, you know, everyone in America is talking about Charlottesville. So just when you think that these guys don't really matter, well, you know, in in today's society, with social media, they're able to wield a power and an influence that they haven't been capable of in decades. Really going back to probably that speaking of David Horowitz, right, the New Left in the nineteen sixties, and even you know, kind of the heyday of Communist Party USA in the nineteen thirties, and they're all descendants of that group. Because because they are, they are quite literally proud, um you know, abashed, you know, no apologies, they they're communists. So you know, listen to the tactician and me says that this organized movement and subversive movement in this country, it's it's really global. First of all, I think people need to realize that. But it's you cannot see organization like this without somebody pulling the strings. In other words, there's there's a hierarchy. There's got to be a hierarchy. Where does this lead? You know, George Soros always comes up. But George Soros, to me, um represents having worked around organized crime. I was never never fully worked an organized crime case like the mob case. I would hit gangs and things like that on the street, but there was always a money man. George Soros reminds me of that money man. Um. But where is this leading? Who is pulling the strings? Because there's unknown figures has to be and I don't think it's the Russians, like all these weirdos like this person that wrote me here on Twitter says, talk about this guy realizes that Putinin and the oligarchs have all the money and power in Russia. Right, um, And and that's the way Trump wants it. Well, what's the reality? Who is controlling this? By the way, is it finally great to have the Democrats hating the Russians? Right? You know? You know, hey, you know the hey, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, you know the the eighties are calling they went their foreign policy back right, yuck, yuck, yuck. I don't think they really hate him, though, is that David Horrors was saying a minute ago. He thinks Nancy Pelosi is one of the UH is an operative for the Russian or for not for Russians, toeing me for the communist and that she is a very well trained UH communist politician. Yeah, I heard him in the last half hour. He's great, he's fascinating, he knows knows this stuff unlike anybody else. In fact, he pointed out that his parents, who have been card carry members of the Communist Party, called themselves progressives. That's another common thing that they do. And what he said about Nancy Pelosi, Um, she did indeed exactly as David said. She went on to the floor of the House of Representatives and gave a tribute to Harry Bridges, who she called her hero. And you couldn't have gotten farther to the left and Harry Bridges and a flat out admire of Harry Bridges was a guy named Frank Marshall Davis, who actually you know, worked at you with those guys in Hawaii, which is exactly where Harry Bridges was and and Frank Marshall Davis was Barack Obama's mentor. So so you you you can't make this up. But on the sort of you know, who's behind it and the global roots of it, I mean, there's in a way. This is what's kind of frustrating, Jonathan is it's hard to pinpoint. You know, I heard your guests a couple of segments ago talking about the kind of founding people in Black Lives Matter, and and that was good stuff. It's good. It's good that somebody's trying to pin that down. Um Antifa is really hard to pin down. It's really hard to figure out exactly who's behind that. You know, Revolutionary Communist Party USA. You can point to people like Bob Avakian, but but it's really just this sort of web, this wider group of of leftists. And give you an example of this, Uh, if if you go to and again, sorry, but this is the kind of world that I have to deal with. If you go to the publication Workers World, and I know people again are gonna think this is really fringe stuff. Well, Workers World, that group was actually involved in fact, three activists with ties to the Workers World Party were arrested and charged with felonies for their roles in the toppling of the Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina. And and and yeah, and if if you go, if you go to the website of Workers World May eleven, the editor there wrote an editorial, and I'm I'm quoting right right here in front of me. Quote Workers World stands in solidarity with the DPRK. That would be North Korea. It's people and its leaders in defense of their sovereignty and social system unquote their pro North Korea. They're pro Kim. That's Workers World, and that's a group that was agitating in Dorham to topple the Confederate statue. Now this doesn't mean and you know, I hate that we always have to say this, but we should. It doesn't mean that, you know, every cirt, every single person who was in favor of tearing down the Confederate statue and dorm is a pro Kim, pro North Korea communists right associated with the Workers World Party. But what's always frustrated me, this is why I talk about about dupes, is people on the left, the sort of general wider softer left progressives as David Horrwich says, and even liberals, you know, genuine good hearted liberals who aren't far left radical leftists, how easily their buttons can be pushed, how they can be brought into the rallies. And and communists have been doing this in America since literally the nies and nineteen thirties, to the point where you could turn out a rally of you know, ten thousand people in the nineteen sixties of pro protests the Vietnam War, and nine thousand, eight hundred of them are just everyday college kids. They're looking to smoke some pot and pick up girls, and and and and protests going to the war. But the other two hundred are working for the weather underground SDS have some association with Communist Party USA. So it's always these kind of uh, really truly conspiring behind the scenes, um forces even farther to the left that are really good at organizing and turning out these wider mobs among the wider left. So do you think when I look at this globally and we look at how groups like are not groups but leaders like Trudeau in Canada, we have, uh, we have we have leaders in Australia in Spain and France, in Great Britain that have they don't, you know, build their resume and climb the ladder to get to the top. All these people came to power at the same time Barack Obama did, and they just boom boom boom, and all of a sudden, communists who call themselves socialists are at the top of all these countries. That cannot happen without money and coordination. And when you see the movement, especially if Antifa all across this country and all across the globe, I just cannot. Guy, can't, for the life of me get past the thought that there's somebody at the top. There has to be a chain of command that is organizing this. It's just to the guy. A couple of segments back, was it was that Martinelli, Ron Martin, Dr Ron Martinelli. Yeah, and he he was. He was pointing out, I think this is exactly right. It's it's sometimes it is people with money that are behind it, at George Soros type and so forth. But but really, Jonathan, the biggest problem has been that we have failed to teach in our colleges, in our public schools or government schools. You know, we we we failed to teach this history of the Cold War and the communist movement. And I mean, I'm not I'm not making this up when I say that for a lot of people on the left, James Burnham, the the the the late great ex communists said, for the left, the preferred enemy is always to the right right. They never denounced the people on their own fringe. Which is why when Donald Trump held that press conference a couple of weeks ago and tried to blame both sides for this, you know, the reporters in CNN and the New York Times and the others just lost their minds because the left doesn't do that, right, the liberals, they don't condemn their far left. They don't even see it. For them. I'm not exaggerating in this. To them, Joe McCarthy is a bigger villain than Joe Stalin. And and you know, you could probably press them and say, okay, come on, come on, come on, you really really who's worse. Let's say, okay, alright, alright, Stalin killed thirty million people and McCarthy jailed some people. Maybe didn't kill anything, but but you know, one hundred times, you know they're gonna drop all over McCarthy, not Stalin. Listen, I gotta break it there. I cannot thank you enough. Two days in a row. I'm gonna have you on my show, The Experts That Do One, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube every night, nine pm. I gotta have you on there as well. Dr Paul Kanger, Professor political science and author of a dozen books, Go and you'll see him. His latest one is the Communist Frank Marshall Davis untold story of Barack Obama's mentor. Thank you very much, Dr. This is Johnthan Guillen will be right back. This is Jonathan Gillen filling in for Shawn Hannity on the Shawan Hannity Radio Show. I hope you all are seeing where we're going with this today, because there is a a fine line that that links all these different groups, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, the Communist Party by all means necessary, which the uh, the mayor of Berkeley belongs to. Nancy Pullo see being called out as a communist by David Horrow. It's the one man who would know if she's a communist, Um all these people that they worship, Harry Bridges. She spoke about her here hero Harry Bridges, on the floor of our Congress talking about how he is her hero. Harry Bridges is a known communist. Obama Frank Marshall Davis, that's his hero, Hillary Clinton, Slowinsky another communist. All these people love communists. Listen, you need to go and get my book. Look at it for on Amazon. It's called Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival pre Order. It handed to all your family, all your friends. It's all about developing this awareness is which is what we're talking about today. Six to eight, seven four, will be right back. This is Jonathan Gillham, your resident Navy Seal and FBI special Agent, here on the show today, guest hosting and filling in while Sean is out relaxing. Hopefully call in number which I gave the wrong one earlier. See I fiell in on Serious X and Patriot Channel as well. And I get these numbers mixed up all the time. Eight hundred nine four one, seven, three to six. I should just say at eight hundred nine for one Seawan, that's as easy as it gets. I keep forgetting they still have those uh those uh the letters on the phones. But um, listen, we've been talking all day today about the reality of communism and the creep of communist house now sprint. They're actually have been embedding themselves all over our country, secreting into the educational sector, the entertainment sector, um, even in sports. You've got them in politics on both sides of the aisle, at your local, state and federal level. You've got them in media, big time, in media and activism. Look, community organizers. Salo Lensky, who was a communist, was also Hillary Clinton's mentor. She wrote her college thesis about him, and he is the modern day creator of of community activism. So these people are all uh bred this way. Uh A lot of them fell into it, but a lot of them were brought up by communist parents. Is David Horowitz was talking about earlier. And it's very important. As I've been saying, I just I'm gonna bring this up again. I just wrote a book. It's just went on sale yesterday on Amazon. It's called Sheep No More. The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. And although that's a very tactically sounding um title, and it is a tactical book that teaches you how to target yourself from an attacker's point of view, so you can build better defenses and awareness in your life. It plays right along with what we're doing today, teaching you the reality, the history, the insights in the thinking and where the how to identify these people so that you can defend the country again. To remember when you swear an oath, for all those of you out there that swore an oath law enforcement and military whatever else, that you swore an oath for intelligence work, you swore an oath to this country to suspend it, to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and wait for it, and domestic. And we are faced now with the domestic enemy in this country. So I'm gonna round this up. I'm gonna round this show up with a little bit of discussion about the Muslim Brotherhood. Now, how does everybody saying, how are you Lincoln to Muslim brotherhood with communists? What's called the Red Green Alliance, and the Muslim Brotherhood has always attached itself to communist entities. It's been going on for a very very long time. We've known about it in this country is at least since the seventies. But even Hitler had connections UH with UH Muslims that hated Israel. For instance, back in the World War two days. So reach out to Patrick Pool. Patrick is a national security correspondent for PJ Media. And you've done some significant studying of the Muslim Brotherhood, have you not? Yes, Jonathan, thanks for having me. You got it. So what I'm talking about communism today, But there's this side fringe. Some people believe it's bigger than communism. I think it's not bigger. I think it is uh either parallel or where they use each other um for the same purpose, which is um to overthrow freethinking in the country. But how prevalent is the Muslim Brotherhood in our government and how closely related are they with communism? Well we uh. Back in two thousand seven, two thousand eight, the largest terrorism financing trial in American history, the wild Land Foundation trial, the Justice Department went into federal court and late out and said, here are all these organizations and individuals associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. And the Justice argued that the Hoyland Foundation funding HAMAS was a Muslim Brotherhood operation here in the United States. So the Justice Department identified these organizations and individuals in federal court, and what we see is some of those same organizations, like the Islamic Society of North America, like the Council for Islamic Relations, are some of the same groups that are government agencies and personnel turned to to advise them. And as Congressman Louis Gohmert once famously um interactive with Janet to Politano, the former d h S secretary, he said, you know, making a play on there see something to say something. He said, I can see a moss right at my office window, you know, on New Jersey Avenue to block from Capitol Hill. UM, and I see him running around the hill, you know, constantly. So yeah, I mean they're they're prevalent, They're very influential and um, as I said earlier, the Justice Department said in federal court that these people are Muslim brotherhood and these organizations. It's very interesting. I think people don't realize that. For instance, with the Blind sheik Uh, they found information during that investigation that was closely tying this Muslim brotherhood UM to the Communist Party. And I don't think also people realize exactly who these people are in Washington c. As far as uh the threat that they have, I think a lot of people have an image of them as being and that's one of the reasons when they're in Washington, sen You're looking out and you're seeing these groups. Um. They they have portrayed themselves as uh, the the spokespeople for Muslims, which is absolutely And we saw this immediately after the World Trates inter bombing, where you had the Muslim Brotherhood who have particularly back then they were flushed with money from Saudi Arabia Cutter. They still get a lot of money from Cutter and Turkey, and and they presented themselves to the US government and said we can be your mediaries, um, to the Muslim world. And they basically positioned themselves and and both you know, I'm a bi person critic in this regard. You know, we saw them beginning to work with the Clinton administration, but they were also making inroads into the Republican Party as well. And uh, and what we see with we see a lot of overlap, and particularly with the BDS movement trying to attack Israel. We see this overlap between the Communists, you know, the International Workers Party and a lot of these Muslim Brotherhood groups. And probably the person that you know embodies this problem is Linda Sarsuwer to all the media outlets are out pushing around is is the face of Muslims in America? And I hear from a lot of Muslims like who, you know who when was there an election for this person? I mean, who who has admitted that she's got family members in Hamas, back in Israel and the West Bank, um to to represent us? And you know yesterday where she was um you know, sending people to for Harvey relief, you know, to a political action committee. I mean, she's just a detestable human being, but she's the face of it. And and that's where we begin to see the overlap between this leftist movement and the Muslim Brotherhood. They actually have documents UM after after nine eleven Swiss authorities rated basically the Muslim Brotherhood foreign envoy use of not his home in camp you own in Italy, and they found a document called the Project, which I translated here several years ago and published it UM front Page magazine. And and that document, which was dated from about UM identified that they were going to use these leftist movements to be to basically be able to to mainstream themselves and give them cultural credibility, and with the full intention that when in fact they were able to get into power, they you know, they would cast them out, just like what happened in Iran in nineteen seventy nine where you had the Two Day Party. You know, who were the prime movers in the Iranian Revolution and then you know, as soon as COMMANI caught into power, he killed them all. So, uh, you know, we we've seen this working model in operation in the recent modern history. Yeah, I'm no a fan of Linda's stars hours most people are not. I had a little running with a little friend of her his name to Mika Mallory on a radio show. Who is has to be? I would say the most racist person I've ever met in my life, and uh, just a pure propaganda person. And this is where Black Lives Matter and the Muslim Brotherhood have a connection through this. Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory and all these people are part of these organizers for like the Women's March, which people don't even realize what they're getting involved with when they attend these things. And this has nothing to do with the Muslim Brotherhood. But this girl that was killed in Charlottesville, who was ran over by a white supremacist and There's a reason why I had purposely not talked about white supremacy today, because I'm wanting people to see the reality of how big this group of hate actually is, these communists, and how they spread all across these secretive groups where you can clearly see and sorry for this little rant here, but you can clearly see the stupidity of of of white Supremacis and neo Nazis. They don't hide how stupid they are. This girl goes out and marches with Antifa and gets killed by one of these neo Nazi people when she got hit by a car, but she was still marching with Antifa, and I can't It drives me crazy when I see these marches and people have no idea who they're who they're identifying with, and they don't even understand that like the Muslim Brotherhood or Black Lives Matter, any other Communists or Jehidah's group, is their linked together. Absolutely. And I think even more disturbing is how even in the Trump administration, we have some of these Muslim Brotherhood tied individuals and organizations who are still influential and are still being sought. You know, I think the um Muslim public Affairs Council, which was founded by an admitted the apol Fassan Albana, the founder of the Muslim brotherhood. UM and and the they're just not just people. They've defended his ballack killings of American soldiers. They've they've engaged in blood libels against Jewish people. And and here they are, um, you know, getting invited into the State Department, you know, under Obama, getting invited into the White House. And they're still there. That's the troubling thing is they're still there. Well, that's the thing. I think that's troubling. A lot of people and Americans are standing behind the President Trump, but I think there needs to be a reassessment by people. I would love it if the President would do this, if he would slow down, get together a group of people that are not from Washington d C. Experts. There are experts that aren't from Washingt d C. There are experts that are not generals and deputy directors and all these political types. Um and there there we're waiting. We're waiting for the President to call us, put together a group and then start picking these people out and getting rid of them. Well, that would be nice, um, you know, a lot of the people who were in the administration have been given the the right foot of fellowship already, and um, you know how we go about that now? You know, the first wave you know, landed on Omaha Beach and and and they got you know, they got wiped out. And so I think now we need to you know, how how exactly can can we influence the administration to say, hey, you know, this was this was a problem under Bill Clinton, this was a problem under George Bush, this was you know, accelerated exponentially under Obama. You know, how do we begin to roll this back? You know, Jonathan, I spent a lot of time in the in the Middle least, particularly in Egypt. Um, you know where I've been researching the Brotherhood and talking with experts over there and and their mystify, um, and at at the influence of these organizations. And I'm talking about devout Muslims who are just mystified at how the Muslim Brotherhood is able to influence and they know who they are over there, you know, uh, you know, they tracked these people too, and um, they're they're just like, how how how did this happen? And I have to you know, I spent about the first year of my trips back and forth the Egypt trying to explain to them, you know, this is how it happened. You know, it wasn't some grand conspiracy. You know, it was just you know, the frog in the pot and you know, suddenly it's um and and here we are. Yeah, it's interesting. Listen. Okay, so we've linked now Black Lives Matter, Antifa, communism, uh, the Muslim Brotherhood. Um. So I think now we're going to wrap this up over the next thirty minutes or so in a show. Um, but we'll have you back on again. Patrick Paul, I can't thank you enough for coming on. This is the This was the the cream on top of the whole thing to show people how these connections are happening. So thank you very much. Pat Pool, national security correspondent for PJ Media, Thank you very much. This is Jonathan Gillham filling in for Shawn Hannity on the Shawn Hannity Radio Show. I'm gonna give you the right phone number this time, eight hundred nine four one seven three to six, eight hundred nine four one sewn call in. Now I'm gonna start taking some of your phone calls when we come back and go to Amazon. While you got a chance, pick up my book Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. It goes on. It went on sale yesterday, It's gonna ship on the twelfth. Don't wait, order it today. We'll be right back. This is Jonathan Gillham filling in for Shawn Hannity on the Seawan Hannity Radio Show. It's his show. They should name it after him. So you can call in eight eight d nine one seven three to six eight hundred nine four one Sean. And work does not stop around this studio when things are going on. It's a break. You gotta do it, okay, So you all call in. I'm gonna come back after this break and I'm gonna start taking phone calls. I really want to hear what you think about the show day. If you don't agree with this, which on Twitter there's quite a few people that don't, not that I really care whether or not you agree with or not, but I would love to sit and debate this with you a little bit. Also, you can find me on Twitter Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. Uh Like my page, follow me and don't forget about my show The Experts every night, uh nine pm Eastern Standard time. And go get my book. Go order it. I just wrote it and it's going to went on sale yesterday. Sheep no More. The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. It will change your life. This is Jonathan Gillham filling in for Sean Hannity on the Shawn Hannity Radio Show. Listen. It's coming up on a holiday weekend. I know you guys are gonna be relaxing, and it's gonna be very important for you to remember what I'm teaching you today, because when there's natural disasters going on, or when there's things that are getting everybody riled up, these communists, uh, and the Black Lives Matter and the Antifa people and the Muslim Brotherhood people who have all kind of banded together, they are working, and they have been working in a very covert manner, and not just overt, they're actually covert as well. And they're spreading very quickly. In your educational sector, your kids are getting indoctrinated faster than you can tell them the truth. So it's okay to have a discussion with them. Hopefully this show today has helped you out a little bit. Have a discussion with them when you're sitting there and they're looking at their phones because they're bored over the weekend, have a talk with them. Let's go to Jay in South Carolina. Jay, What do you got? Jay? Go ahead? All right, John Brother? How you doing? What's going on with? What? What? What scares me? Man? Is? When is? When? Isis? And uh, you know, pretty much helpful of trade Antifa because they all wear black. You know, they got the black flags and and and um. You know, I'm uh a Democrat, Republican or whatever. I'm surprised, you know, just Americans. I mean, that's something we all should be concerned about. Well, you know, here here's the thing like we are like um, the guests was talking earlier about um about the Muslim brotherhood over in Egypt and how even hard line Muslims over there are like where are these people coming? What are they? What is this thing that they're spewing. I think Americans here in the United States are so accustomed, because of media, to believe you are left, or you are right, you are gay, you are straight, you're a woman, you're a man. Um that they have they don't know how to look past uh the definition of who they are or who that person is. And I agree with you. If if the Muslim Brotherhood UH and isis team up with Antifa and BLM, there's gonna it's gonna be a problem because already we're seeing violence increase. But even Antifa and these people don't have the guts because they're a bunch of whims. They don't have the guts to go out and do the horrific things that ISIS does, right right, right, Okay, Yeah, well I appreciate it. Man, Uh you got the job. Man, you gotta thank you very much. And listen, you all in South Carolina, you know you you all be safety. Sure we haven't had any hurricanes come up that way, but it's that season. And I just pray for all you guys uh in those areas because of the rural areas in South Carolina, all up and down the East coast down in Florida, and pray for all those people that haven't been hit yet that they'll be spared this year. Um, let's go to uh is it? Min Mendale Mendel in Miami, Florida. How do you say your name there? Hey? It's Mendel. Mendel, go ahead, Mandel. Hey, um, you know I find that uh, you know, Black Lives Matter and the Muslim Brotherhood have the same m O. You know, they use the media to try to prom um you know that their agenda. For example, the Black Lives Matter they the attack cops and Muslim Brotherhood attacks Israel, which are both a light in the dark um where it is. And uh, you know, they create sort of like um uh, they take away the ability to debate because they say that debating is bad. Meanwhile, debating actually promotes growth. Not only do they take it away, but they're assisted in that um by what happened again in Charlottesville, where you know, you have two groups. You have Antifa, which is a communist party that hates the constitution chance um no more USA. You have white supremacist on the other side, who are separatists and who are idiots left over from the era of of Nazism. And they all show up there and the media only reports that neo Nazi showed up. They don't report that communists were on the other side. And what happens when you do that, you are legitimizing a group of people that globally over the past hundred years alone, have killed more than a hundred and fifty million people. I know, we allow their agenda to thrive by not standing up. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, listen. I'm I'm glad. And this is one thing that's warming my heart a little bit is that people like yourself mental um uh the gentleman that just called I think it was j from South Carolina. It really does uh make me feel good that there are people all over this country that are seeing what's going on. Of course, you know, people just need to start uh standing up besides for seeing. Yeah, listen, God bless you, Mendel, and thank you very much. Great name. Uh, let's gonna go. Let's go to Mike in New York. Go ahead, Mike. Yes, I think what the show you did today is the most important show I've heard in a long time. One of the groups you mentioned, Revolutionary Communist Party. They're working among street gangs, and they're inside prisons, and they have to acts exempt status and they're soliciting funds. They want to get more of their inflammatory literature into the prisons. Now. I've been studying the communist movement for more than half a century, mostly from within. So when I was a kid years ago, the Communists said, what they want to do with American youth, mostly minorities, particularly minorities, politicized, radicalized, militarized. Now that this group has tax exempt status and they're recruiting prisoners and they're working among street gangs. When they get those people who are already militant, armed and violent, and some of them are killers, when those people get in politics, that's a revolution. Uh. We have some mutual friends. I believe you're a friend of Mike Waller. Yes, yes, so I'm a friend of Mike Waller two and Frank Affney. I participated in national security symposiums with Frank Affney. I have Soviet publications where they brag about training Muslim leaders, and those Muslim leaders put out fatoise on those who opposed socialism. Let me ask you this for Quiesce already interrupt you. I got a limited amount of times, and I want to ask you this because I think one thing that you said, out of everything I've heard you say, it's all important, But you said you've been studying this for a long long time. How do Americans study this? I think that's a problem is people don't know where to look beyond the TV clicker? How do you how do you suggest people go out and and educate themselves on the reality of what's happening. Well, what I did. I went to various Communist meetings. I got involved. They thought I was a Communist that was among them for fifty years. I have their training manus, and then I've been going on the radio for thirty years exposing it. Uh. There's a documentary with some whistleblowers called The Enemies Within. I'm in that with Mike Waller, Frank Affney. Very important stuff to work you're doing. I'm gonna try to reach you on your other show. I'm gonna see if I could get the touch with you who perhaps Mike Waller, because I have a lot I'd like to tell you you're doing a great job. You're guessed doing a great job. This is my heart and soul for fifty years. I mean I've lost income and everything trying to h to alert people to this. We're in a big mess. It's a world movement, just like you said, It's the Popular Front, the All People's Front, the United Front, Afro Landinists and Viral Landinist. This Lama Leninist there in the Christian religion liberation theology. Let me ask you, so, let me ask you this. I asked this earlier of of one of the other guests. Do you think that there's a hierarchy? Is there is there a chain of command in which this organized movement is being controlled? Well, it's a Russia is still the people in charge of Russia are still Soviets. They work with the Red Chinese. But this is such a large mass movement they don't need the direct control anymore. But it's anybody. It's so organized. I don't know. Listen to you and I both know and myself having worked in federal government, nothing is this organized without a higher archy. Nothing right. They got the schools, they got the media, They're into the religions. Every group is being taught to hate America. I have Soviet publications with a brigg about helping Hitler. Anybody who's going to tear down the West. I gotta go, my friend Mike. We'll be in touch. But let me go right now, and let me go real quick to John and New York. John, I got about a minute go ahead. I just want to comment on your last guest. Uh Before the callers came in, he made a comment about how it's contacted the Middle East. They're are mystified at how groups like uh, you know, Islamic Sciation of America and care can have such access to uh Capitol Hill and the and the whole our our capital and lawmakers. And it's just it's not really mystifying at all. It's pretty obvious that just the way any lobbyists has access, they have access through their millions of dollars that you know they get from Saudi Arabia. Cutter, absolutely listen. You know what they say, if you want to if you want to find the people behind it, you all of the money. That's basically what you're saying. That's absolutely correct. Listen, John, I'm gonna take a break, thank you, And it's already to cut you off there, but I gotta go to a break so I can have time when I come back and say a few words you Uh. You can find me on Twitter at Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. If you don't follow me, follow me. I do a show every night on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube called The Experts, and it's called that reason for or it's called that name for a reason because we only have experts in the field in which they cover. Come on the show, and don't forget I'm now an author. Go out and pick up a book that is a long time coming from my experience as a Navy Seal, Federal Air Marshal security contractor, and FBI special agent. It's called Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. It's available now for order and will ship on December twelfth. Go get it. We'll be right back. This is Jonathan Gillen filling in for Shawn Hannity from Seawan Hannity Radio Show. If you've been listening for the whole three hours, don't stop. This next five minutes are gonna be very important. But real quick, before I go to my closing statements, I want to bring on Dale from Missouri. I was gonna go ahead and just close these out, but Dale has something real important to say about what we started talking about, and it kind of leads right into this about being prepared about being aware. But Dale, what are you all doing in Missouri when it comes to preparing for these national natural disasters? We went over a week without electricity in the middle of winter, I got together with some of my other veteran friends and we started a local group. We've morphed into the Montauk County Crime Watch, and we basically have the sheep dogs in the community getting together on a regular basis to deal with these problems proactively. Now there's millions of sheep dogs in America. You guys need to get out from underneath the porch, fight the normality bias, the hours later than we think. You guys, you need a good continuous source of clean water for your families. You need what's the big three? The three that you were saying, You're still there. You need, you need. You got three minutes without air, you got three days without water, and you've got thirty days without food. So get your food together and you'll sleep better at night. Look at them people walking through the water with the trash bag over their head. You don't want to be a victim. Don't be that. You know there's still time, you got it. There's um. And the other thing is, like I said, go to the FEMA website. They be infiltrated. Justice infiltrated. The Justice Department said, we can infiltrate FEMA there's the community emergency response teams. The guidelines are there. Let's get these sheep dogs out here in America and start dealing with this because it's later than we think. You got it, lest I gotta cut it right there, my friend. Thank you very much, Dale. That is absolutely correct. And here's the thing, this is the biggest thing that he just hit on right there. I think everybody can be a sheep dog, but there are people who are veterans, people are former law enforcement, current law enforcement. I know a lot of you are listening right now to this show. I want you to think about this and seriously consider it. If things start to speed up even more in this country, how are you going to be organized? How are you the sheep dog going to be able to lead a bunch of people as day I was saying there with trash bags over their head in a natural disaster because they're not prepared, do you realize? And World War two because people did not realize what was happening. Not only were people led to a train and ultimately to their demise, but people allowed them to be led to that train. And it is up to the sheep dog, those that have served this country, you that have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, not just foreign but domestic. That enemy is here, and you must be prepared. And the way you are prepared is if you have dialogue and you unify, and you do it now. Don't wait until the day comes when there's a hurricane, or when Antifa is at your doorsteps, or when Black Lives Matter has come into your impoverished area in a city and have convinced people to stand against law enforcement. Don't wait until then. Start regrouping your families, your churches, having dialogue. I know it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, gay or straight. If you want the freedoms that have allowed you to be who you want to be, good or bad, lazy or active, you better be ready to stand against these enemies because they are on the move, and they've been on the move for a lot longer than you've been alive. I know what I'm talking about when it comes to this, because I'm trained asn't an attacker. I'm also trained as a defender, and I'm telling you, in order to be a defender, you have to be able to think like the attacker. You have to understand who they are, who threatens your country, who threatens your freedoms, and you have to be willing to stand against them now, not just then, not just in the future, because it's going to be too late. If I send one of you sheep dogs off the war, you're gonna get killed and lose the war. But if I send ten thousands of you, highly trained, there's a chance you may actually defeat the enemy. And it's the same thing here at home. If you stand alone, you're going to be overwhelmed by these groups who have been training for over a hundred years. If you try to save a community on your own that's been overwhelmed by a hurricane, people are gonna die and you'll drowned. It's the same no matter what. You need to stand together, you need to have dialogue, and you need to unify against these forces. This is John mc gill and you can find me on Twitter at Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. I do a show every night called The Experts on Facebook Live. It's a simulcast on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. And now I'm an author and you can get my book Sheep No More. The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. It's on Amazon for preorder. Don't wait until December twelveth, Go get it now and get the presents ready so that you and your family can be aware and your homes and your lives can be secured

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