Peter Schweizer, Host of the Drill Down Podcast, Head of the research think tank, The Government Accountability Institute and author of his latest bombshell book, out today, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.
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All right hours to Sean Hannity Show eight hundred nine point one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Well, Peter Sweitzer has done it again and he with the Government Accountability Institute, has come out with his latest bombshell book. This is not a book that we're going to be able to interview him, whether we gave him the whole three hours of the show and get to the bottom of everything that's in this book. It's called red Handed, How American elites get rich helping China win. So we're going to do a series of interviews with Peter to get to the bottom of all of this. We'll start with the bidens as much as we've known about, for example, the Bank of China, the one point five billion dollar deal. You know, why go to Goldman Sachs or a Deutsche Bank or any of the big banking you know firms of New York City in Wall Street when you can go to the zero experience Hunter the crack addict, right, I mean, who do you want to do business with? And of course this was what ten days a deal that started ten days after Hunter Biden accompanied his father on a trip to Asia that includes stops in China. The book is red Handed How American elites help get rich helping China win. Now it's on Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, and bookstores everywhere where. Now we're going to begin with the Bidens, because remember Joe said, I don't know anything about my son's foreign business dealings, nothing at all. We've never discussed it. He said, how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings. I've never shoken my son about I have never discussed with my son, or my brother or anyone else their business period. Well, then, of course we find out through the laptop from how that Hunter's whining and moaning and complaining that he has to pay for daddy's bills and we got to put put put a percentage aside for the big guy. That would be Joe Biden. If in fact he didn't know anything about his foreign business dealings, meaning Hunter, why would he demand that a prosecutor in Ukraine get fired before a billion taxpayer dollars I handed over to the Ukrainians, and son of a b they fired that prosecutor. This new book takes us to an entirely new level. Anyway, Peter Schweitzer is with us. The book is phenomenal. I'm not wrong in saying, and I have my copy in front of me, that this is not a one and done interview. This has to be a series of interview so we can really dig down deep into the substance here. How many pages of footnotes do you have? How many sources do you have? There's a thousand and seventy three footnotes in the book, Sean. And you know, you and I have been on this story from the beginning we first broke the Biden Ties to China story back into eighteen together. What's happened is we knew about the deals, We talked about the deals. We used the laptop and other sources to figure out to retrace the steps of how did these deals actually happened? Who made them happen in China? And what we found, Sean, is that there basically were five individuals in Beijing that opened the doors for the Bidens, and those five individuals arranged around thirty one million dollars to flow to the Biden family, primarily through Hunter. But the studying revelation was that all five of those individuals who we name in the book have ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence, including the Minister for State Security, the head of the Foreign Espionage Section. So when you and I first talked about this in twenty eighteen and broke this story, it was a corruption story and an important corruption story. This now is becoming an intelligence an espionage story that demands attention on Capitol Hill, from the media, from the FBI and everybody. Let's let's let's go into you describe in the book you ask a question, rhetorical question, but who helped Biden's son build these global companies? And you talk about a scene, you give the date. It was November twenty eight, twenty twenty, only weeks after the US presidential election, And how openly they talk about the access they now have to the highest levels of the US government, and literally Paula Bureau members, ambassadors, you know, are almost laughing at the at the fact that basically they have the United States of America's highest elected official compromised. Yeah, that's right. Um, Yeah, This was a meeting in Beijing that was held shortly after the election. An academic who's also been involved in some foreign influ operations in the United States in Washington, d C. Stood up in front of this group and talked about all the friends that Beijing now had in the United States, and talked about Wall Street and of course I've got a chapter in the book about the Wall Street Titans that are in cozy with Beijing. But two thirds of the way through the speech, he says, oh, and we have the new president's son, Hunter Biden, who has started all these businesses, who helped him start all these businesses. And it's an amazing see sewn because this large crowd of hundreds of senior executives in China and government officials start laughing. They know the answer to it, and it really is, you know, quite extraordinary. And the fact that you have this concentration of five individuals who are again linked to, you know, the former Minister of State Security who runs the entire spy operatus in China, another one of these businessmen as partners with a vice Minister for State Security who's in charge of foreign recruitments. These are the guys that are opening doors for Hunter Biden. And of course we all know Hunter Biden has no background in any of these areas. And the fact that this did not set off alarm bells within the Biden family. You know, it is pretty clear indication that they frankly didn't care. The money was good. You could spend with any modicum of expertise, you know, forty five minutes on Google and figure out who these people are that he's meeting with, and nobody bothered to do it. And if they bothered to do it and found out the intelligence ties, the Bidens apparently just didn't care. Let's let's give a broad overview because you spent a year and a half at least now researching this book, and I want to give it. I want to give due diligence to this book because it gets deep and in many ways it's not that it's complicated, it's that it's there's so much information in it. I want I want to keep it. I want to break it down to its simplest terms. Here. So let's talk specifically about and give a broad overview of who is benefiting from their connections with China. Because you mentioned Wall Street, you mentioned the Bidens, we'll get into more specifics on that. The NBA is in there, talk about specifically who benefits from financially from their connections with China. Yeah, So the first chapter in the book talks about the old quote from Vladimir Renn and Lennon who said the capitalists will give us the rope by which we will hang them. And there are other quotes in there as well, laying out the fact that you know his prediction the capitalists would be deaf and blind to what's going on. In order to make a book, and so the book is broken down in nine chapters. One chapter is about the Bidens going through a great detail all the new revel elations. We have a chapter on Congress. We have people on both sides of the aisle. That would be Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, all who have very strong financial ties in Beijing. And the important thing to remember, Sean, is that and again I quote this in the book, the Chinese approaches. They don't expect American elected officials to tow the line on everything. There's a saying in Chinese intelligence which loosely translated says big help with a little bad mouth. In other words, if you're doing good things that are helping Beijing's biggest agenda items, if you criticize them for the leaguers, you criticize them for human rights. Beijing is totally happy to tolerate that. So we look at Washington, d C. The Biden family, We look at members of Congress. We look at the lobbyists. They're more than twenty former senators and senior congressmen that are now lobbying for either Chinese military or intelligence linked companies. These are people from both sides of the aisle. And then we move on to the places outside of Washington, DC. We look at Silicon Valley, we look at Mark Zuckerberg, elon Musk. These guys go over on China state television and say the most outrageous things because they want deals in China, and they get those deals in China. So people are going to learn a whole new perspective on how these tech titans really view Beijing and the deals that they have with them. We then go to Wall Street. We look at the biggest firms on Wall Street, whether that's black Rock, black Stone, the biggest hedge funds, and again you find the same things, the most ludicrous statements in favors that these big Wall Street titans are prepared to do in order to get access to the Chinese market or to maybe do underwriting for the Chinese government that kind of thing. So it is a portrait that that is going to frustrate and anger people. But we really have to rip the veil off of it because Lenna's prediction is proving to be true. The Soviets, Sean, you and I are old enough to remember the Cold War. The Soviets didn't have the money to do this. China has the money to do this, and they are literally getting people, elites in the United States to sell them the rope by which they are going to hang us. It's a pretty chilling and frightening scenario. Quick break more with Peter Schweitzer's brand new book just out today. It's called Red Handed, How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win. We continue with Peter Schweitzer's brand new book is out. It's called Red Handed, How American Elites Get rich Helping China Win. I mean, you go through all of this. Let's start with the Biden family revelations. They they had some thirty one million dollars that they were able to get with direct ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence. Now to me, that would be number one. Not only is it corrupt and influence peddling, and all the things that are obvious. But it also means that we're now compromised because you know, when we saw the Libyan dossier on Hunter Biden, they knew everything about his drug addiction, his proclivity towards uh, let's say, prostitutes in a nice way, and everything else. I would assume that they have a dossier on the Bidens that if they ever release, would probably end in Joe Biden being impeached and convicted. Am I wrong? I think I think you're right, Sean. And here's the other stunning revelation that we that we make in the book. Uh. They start getting these big deals in China with these individuals that are linked to Chinese intelligence, and then in the middle of it, Hunter Biden does something truly bizarre. He goes to the United States Secret Service and says, I don't want Secret Service protection anymore. Now you know that means he goes to China, he goes anywhere in the world. There is nobody with the Secret Service there to protect him. And it's pretty clear why do you do that. You don't want the Secret Service and the federal government to know what you're doing. The other point is when you see the concentration of senior intelligence officials and organizations in China that are connected to these five businessmen that open the door for the Bidens. There's no question this is an attempt to co opt what the Chinese would call elite capture the Bidens. And if they're going to pour thirty one million dollars into this family, they would view it as a catastrophic intelligence failure if they did not succeed in gaining some leverage and influence over the Biden family. So those are the cold, hard realities that we have to look at. And all the denials you played the tape, Joe Biden has made all kinds of denials. They've changed their stories over the years. You simply can't trust what they say. That's why this needs to be thoroughly investigated and vetted, and the media needs to really look at this. We know they're probably not going to you and I've been on this story for three years, but it has now taken a turn that I think demands immediate action by our authorities because we have somebody in the White House whose family has deep commercial ties with a foreign intelligence service, or individuals linked to a foreign intelligence service that are our chief rivals on the global stage. I don't recall any time in American history we've had anything remotely like this. And not only are we talking about a massive amount of money thirty one million on top of the one point five billion dollar deal, but also five specific deals that the Biden family made in China, and every one of them were with individuals with deep ties to the leadership of their intelligence apparatus. So we're gonna get into this. We're going to do regular segments now. The reason if the media cared about the truth, if the last name was Trump, it'd be a very different reaction to your book. And it took quite a long period of time for the issues involving zero experience Hunter in Ukraine and Russian oligarchs and the China deal that he had to really penetrate into the public consciousness. And I assume that's going to happen here as well. But this is only part one of what it's going to be a series of interviews with Peter Schweitzer. His book is called Red Handed, How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win. It's in bookstores everywhere Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. It is a must read. And the more people get aware of this, and the more outrage that builds, hopefully something gets done, because if it was Trump, it would get done. Great work, Peter, I know you put a lot of your heart, mind and soul into this. You did a phenomenal job here. Well, thank you, Sean. You were with me on this story in the beginning, so thank you as always for your support of this. I'm not giving up on it because it's too important. We're we're talking about selling out our country and it's happening right before our very eyes, and the highest people in power are involved in this. We need to get to the bottom of it. Anyway, eight nine Sean our number. You want to be part of the program. We'll get your calls coming up next quick break, right back, more Hannity, last Big Government. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Let's hit the phones. Eight hundred and nine for one, Seawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. South Carolina. Apparently Paul's heart is troubled over Hillary. Come on, Paul, what are you worried about? How you doing so great? Great test? Talk to you wait to talk to you. What's going on? Well, I've got a question. You know, we all know Hillary doesn't like to lose. M She lost to Trump, but there's rumors now all day she may be the front runner for the twenty four elections for the Democrat Party. With all of the problems that we had with mail and voting ballot stuff, and you know, center we got stuck with Biden. How about how about Hillary's responsible for three and a half years of dragging the country through hell with her dirty Russian dossier full of misinformation and lies about Donald Trump. Uh, that she's still perpetuating today. I mean the great irony of the January sixth Commission, you know, saying well, Donald Trumps a selection lies caused this, the biggest purveyor of election lying on the committee, and every person on the committee already voted to impeach Donald Trump. I mean, it is a predetermined outcome. It's all the things that I said it is, and they won't even interview the people. Donald Trump signed off on up to twenty thousand National Guard troops, as required by law. Why didn't Nancy Pelosi use them? Why didn't the Sergeant of Arms use them? Why didn't Muriel Bowser use them? Why didn't they listen to the Capitol Police chief who wanted them and requested them six times. They're not willing to go down that road, then it's a it's a bas committee. That's right, Michlerson is if she is the front runner, does should we assume that the fix is already in for her? It got Biden elect it didn't. No one's been held accountable to this point. You know, was to keep them from doing it again. I mean, especially if Trump runs again, because we know she would really love to lose to him twice. I honestly think this is the Clinton's trying to get relevancy. Do I think she's gonna run? No. Um. There's actually more chatter and speculation I hear about Michelle Obama. I don't see it, but I think she'd be more formidable uh than Hillary and uh but I don't think she likes Washington. That was my impression when she was first lady. I don't think Melanie and Trump loved it either. I think it's very hard for spouses and family members when you know you're when you're right there front and center in the highest office of the land. I think it's I think it's hard on families. Basically, if your especially if you're a Trump then then then it's outright persecution and criminalizing political differences. Let not your heart be trouble, paw. I don't see it, um not yet. If I do, I promise we'll talk about it. Christina is in Georgia. Christina, Hi, how are you glad you called? Hey? I'm good, thank you. I am calling from Georgia where we're a bit three and I'm a homeschool mom, so this doesn't affect me and my children personally, but calling kind of an exasperation. I've got relatives in New York State, niece and nephew in school. They've been masked forever, and the judgment came yesterday from the New York State Supreme Court Judge Thomas Raidmaker that they could not enforce mask mandates any longer. My nephew went to school armed with the judgment and no mask, and he's been wrangled up by the administration told the mask, mask or go home. I called the superintendent's office myself. The principles are lying to the students saying it's their authority per their reopening standards, which is which is not true. I mean it unconstitutionals unconstitutional, right, yeah, I mean the judge, the state Supreme Court judge, his name is raid Maker, said the state Department of Health that don't have the legal authority to implement the mandate and should have been approved by the state legislatures. He's talking about separation of powers. I would actually expect that state legislators in New York will probably go along with her. And only a few days ago, the Governor Hokel was unhinged about the pushback she was receiving for the school mask mandates. You know, the problem is at this point and it's it's many faults here, but you're right about all of it. I think you're smart to be homeschooling your own kids, but most people don't have the ability to do that, or many people don't. I shouldn't say most. And I'm glad my kids are older, even though I still have one in college. And look, their demands are unbelievable and they are they and they lie. I mean they're saying that that there's a stay, that the Board of Education for the state is saying that there's a stay, and there isn't a stay and a board of education. The superintendent's office told me that they've been told that there's a stay by the state by the board of Education, which is a lie that comes from a judge, not from a board of education. Right, So, I mean they're all pretending they have some authority behind them to be defying it, but they're what they're doing is illegal. Ethan a least iphonic just recently tweeted about it that this is illegal, there's no stay on the court ruling, and that kids they're being kept from entering schools unless they're wearing masks. I mean, they're so emboldened, even against a court order. They're not following the science here. What they're missing is, you know, fully vaccinated people, boostered people, natural immunity people are still getting COVID and it is it's just unbelievable. Now Florida has to close their monoclonal antibody treatment sites according to the US Food and Drug Administration and their decision. Now, when did I first mentioned this. I think when I first got back from vacation, I pointed out something that was obvious, and that was I'd been anecdotally hearing from my doctor friends around the country that were general Eli Lilli's monoclonal lantibodies were not as effective on amicron as the Gladstone Smith Klein monoclonal lantibody known as Cetrova BAP, and we knew that early and anyway. But I do know people that still got regeneraon because the GSK wasn't available, This trauma wasn't available, which is by in and of itself it was approved in May is unforgivable to me, but it was that just happened to be more effective against omicron. But I know people that took regeneron and said they did fine with it. It's just sad that they're not following the science, forcing kids five to eleven to get shots and boosters and everything in between, and even kids now they're going for kids younger than five. I just can't believe the utter stupidity of all of this and how wrong they have been, and how they only follow science when science is convenient for them and their political argument. They're one size fits all medicine, you know, never adjusted to the fact that breakthrough cases are now the norm, and it's kind of sad um and I don't think it's going anywhere. Hanging there, Christina. It sucks for these kids. I'll tell you that. Dave and Iowa, what's up, Dave? Glad you called? How are you doing, Sean? It's an absolute honor talk to you, honors mine, sir glad you called. I started listening to you Russ Russ early and then when you come on board. I love you, guys, Um, thank you. I was one to mention about Monico and a antibodies. I have a disease called mg I esteemed graveness and it affects your muscles and nerves. That communications and Miname's lungs were down to forty percent, down to forty percent with just on a normal without COVID, just without COVID, and that's rough. Yeah. And I right after Christmas, I was scheduled for a four day I go every month and get a four day infusion and blood infusion where they put the medicine right in my blood. And I was scheduled for that well right after Christmas. That Monday, I was feeling rough and I went in for the treatment and I started coughing and told him I was feeling rough, had a fever and they tested me for COVID, and then on Tuesday they found out it was COVID. They finished the four day treatment of the antibody or the medicine that I was getting, and then on the fifth day they wanted to do monoclonal antibodies. I said, okay, and so I had five days of treatment and I went in coughing my head off when I was doing that monocle and antibodies, I went in coughing my head off and it was a thirty minute treatment. By the time I got done with monacola rantibodies, I hardly cost it all. By the way that I've heard that anecdotally from almost everybody. Now we were right in the science showed us that the GSK citromabab is what it's called. Monoclonal's work better on amicron and re genera on eli. Lily worked great on the original COVID and more great on the alpha, the beta, the delta COVID, and is less effective on omicron. And now the FDA is now literally shutting down the centers in Florida. If the choice were mine and that's the only one available, I would take it in a harpy because I believe I've seen such success like you're describing, And I don't understand how in society that anybody with the right mind thinks that medicine is a one sized at all. You know that everybody responds different to certain things, and and other people have unique medical conditions, rare conditions like you apparently have. Yeah, exactly, you know. I've had I've had eleven back surgeries, you know, and it's I've my health is not the best, and I wouldn't. It was ten days of being, you know, not feeling good, but I think it was three days after getting antibodies, I was pretty much over it is. It is what I hear from everybody that got them. Now, the answer is this, if if, as we have mentioned many times before, ask your doctor about monoclonal antibodies now specifically and ideally would be great if you test positive, if they can break down the sequence of your test and find out what variant you have, and if it's delta or if it's delta, you'd want Regenera on or the Eli Loy version of Regenera on, and if it's amicron, you'd want the gsk SO troma MAB. And unfortunately, they don't. They usually don't go that far. Now, what we do know is about ninety five. So we're told, you know, how much can you trust the CDC right of all cases in the US now, are amicron? Uh? Definitely more contagious, less lethal, But I you know, look, look, Jobs already lost both his parents to this thing, and granted they were older, but it still doesn't matter. I know other people that have really struggled with amicron. It's not usually the case. It's it's less virulent this particular variant, it's less lethal. But still that goes back to you know, nobody's the same father in law been vaccinated everything, got it a couple of months ago and wasn't feeling that bad. And he's the one that gave it to me over Christmas and it hit him like a brick. That's that's why I'm recommending therapeutics. You know, immediately go to your doctor and ask them about monoclonals and more specific. You want to get more specific. You know, what variant do I have? What is the best monoclonal antibody for me? If you have amicron, which is the predominant variant. Now you want to ask about the gsk stropha MAB and if. But the problem is there's a shortage of it. And then this is where it drives me nuts. Um they've approved this thing since May. Um, you can mass produce it. It's where's operation warp speed for the new monoclonals. I'm sure that Regeneron and Eli Lilly will get up to speed and recreate a new group of monoclonal antibodies that are very specific that work better on homicron. They've done so it's a great job up to now. And but there's no reason that we should be short on tests, short on anti virals, and short on monoclon lantibodies. That's all Joe Biden's failure. Yeah, not at this point. One more quick thing that I was listening to Peter Schwicer renew and I you know, for the life of me, I don't know what happened to our vetted vetting system. How a person that's that compromised can be the most powerful man in the world. Now, you don't know. And if I can promise you this based on this book and my reading of it, and based on Hunter's laptop and what I know is in it, and what was revealed the Miranda Divine's book The Laptop from Hell, that if the name was Trump, not only would Trump be impeached, he'd be found guilty and taken away from office. And that is the Biden family. And that's how corrupt American government now is. That's how corrupt the media mob is. That's how corrupt big tech is. The saddest thing when you when you dig deep into Peter's book, you find out, Yeah, well a lot of these big tech companies, uh, they want all the money they can make out of China as well. You know, forget about the wagers, the you know, the forced labor of the Islamic Mayan nardies in China, forget about what they did with COVID, forget about the repression, forget about the territorial ambitions. The only thing that matters for a lot of people, unfortunately, including Wall Street and others, the NBA is money. And you know, for me personally, I have no interest of ever doing business with Russia, China, Ukraine. I believe they're all hostile nations run by hostile actors and they're corrupt from the head down. Anyway, Eight nine is a number you want to be a part of the program. The final hour of the Sean Hannity Show was up next. Hang on for Shaun's conservative solutions.