Is Bernie Winning?

Published Feb 27, 2020, 11:00 PM

Donna Brazile, former DNC Chairwoman and author of the book, Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House, gives us her take on the election, the party and the DNC. Will Bernie get his shot after all for the White House? 

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Right as we get started. Here we are in the swamp or in the sewer. We are in the nation's capital, and we're here for a good reason, as we will have an interview exclusively with the I don't know, I don't like the terms are that's Russian. I mean, probably they're going to impeach Trump for calling Vice President Pence a czar, Which is how sick this has all gotten. I've never ever it as predictable as it is. It still shocks me, and it still surprises me. And it shouldn't surprise me, and it shouldn't shock me because this is all that we have dealt with now for the last three years, with the mob and the media and the Democratic Party and and anything. If Donald Trump, if the dog bites beastings, you're feeling sad, it's Donald Trump's fault. If he cured cancer, they would impeach him for curing cancer because he talked to a scientist in Ukraine or the or Russia. I mean, that's how sick this is. And if you don't believe me, and you don't see a race to politicize the entire coronavirus, which has been minimal in the United States, let's be honest here. Now, the president when he took the steps to say no, when you're not allowed to come into the country if you're from a country that actually has a high percentage or incidence of this virus. Oh, he was roundly criticized by Democrats. That's unfair, that is prejudiced. You're being bigoted. This is discrimination. Oh. But now that they can politicize it weaponize, they're weaponizing a virus for political means. It's that sick. Okay, look at this New York Times opinion page, Gail Collins. Let's call it Trump virus. If you're feeling awful, you know who to blame. Of course, Donald Trump in New York Times goes on further. You know, is the mob and the media that trying to blame the president for the virus. Now you would think that Donald Trump and Vice President Pence actually got in a laboratory and manufactured the virus and they delivered it to China, and they did it knowing that it would come to this country and it would cause a pandemic and millions would die. Because that's what they want you to believe. It's it is that sick President Trump. Is you know, what has he done, what is he not done? What do you expect him to do? And then you've got the added issue pressure, etc. Etc. Of you know, trying to solve the problem, trying to calm the markets. But think about this. This is how sick this is, and this is what we've gone through now for the last three plus years. This is now rapid instantaneous politicizing of what is a serious, significant, real public health issue. Now, when there's a public health issue, you would think that might unite Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals, Bernie supporters, Trump supporters, Biden support. No, it doesn't work that way, does it. In rapid, almost instantaneous glee. You see the mob in the media that has never ever ever said a good thing about Donald Trump and his presidency. They have never talked about the success many of these Democrats, many in the media mob, they couldn't even find it within themselves to praise the president for killing Solomoni. Here it is the number one state sponsor of terror Iran, the guy that led the terror, the proxy wars, by the way, killing Americans in Iraq. The guy's dead. We get them at Baghdad Airport. A huge success you barely get a mention of it. You know, when he took off the handcuffs, the rules of engagement in the Obama era, what did he do? Okay, he beat back the Caliphate in Syria, which Obama and Biden couldn't do. He didn't get any credit for that. Kills bag daddy, No credit for that. We have eight million new jobs, no credit for that. Record low unemployment African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. They don't praise that either. He kept promises. How many politicians actually keep their promises? They don't. Here's a guy, all right, I'm gonna choose from this list, and I'm gonna put these people on the Supreme Court. Check the largest per dollar in terms of real dollars tax cut in American history. Check ending burdensome bureaucracy that is stifling, putting a stranglehold on job creation and business in America. Yeah, we can check that off too. New trade deals that are free and fair. Okay. We got a two hundred and twenty billion dollars two year deal with China. Nobody thought that was gonna happen. That helps American farmers, oh, you know, the ones that are in need of more gray matter, according to a farmer mini Mike Bloomberg. And that helps our manufacturing industry, It helps our auto industry, helps our service industry, helps our energy industry. Two and twenty billion in two years. That's a significant amount of money in the pockets of Americans and means more jobs for America. Then you've got a trade deal with Japan. Then oh my gosh, Mexico, we got out a NAFTA, and now we got a better deal with Mexico, and that means more money from Mexico, which means maybe Mexico is actually paying for the wall that the president, by the way, couldn't get Congress to support because there was a manufactured crisis where only a couple of years ago when Obama was in his second term. Oh, it was a real crisis then. And he got that done and we became yeah, Keystone pipeline, Dakota Pipeline, and war energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. Oh, you would think you ever get credit for any of these things. He gets credit for nothing. All it is is never ending attacks now we're going to politicize a illness and a virus, and we're gonna do it in record time, because that's exactly what's going on here. You know, I hate to say this, but I'm really believing it. I'm watching the mob and I'm listening to the Democrats. It's almost like they're hoping and they're praying that this virus, which you know, it's about one to two percent of people die from this virus it is. It's a difficult virus because you don't even during the incubation period you are infectious. You can transmit that disease. It's also airborne. Now, we did have a lot of hope. I told you about the Wall Street Journal article yesterday. Thankfully, we've got the most brilliant, the best, the greatest scientists on the face of the earth, and they now think they are on track to get a vaccine. I think they said human trials might begin as early as April, which means that, oh, we might be able. We might be on course now to stop this thing and to save lives and inoculate people to prevent them for getting sick. That may not be what's in the best interests of Democrats and the media that hey, Trump. Though, you think about this, it's almost like, well, if this virus, if it really spins out of control, we can blame Trump because again I'm looking at the New York Times, let's call it the Trump virus. If you're feeling awful, you know who to blame. That's a pretty sick statement from the paper of record, the old gray ladies, they say, the New York Times. You've got to have a pretty sick mindset to believe that this is the Trump virus. But in a way, think about it, if this does get worse, if fears are generated, if more people get infected with the virus, if the market continues to react negatively out of fear that the world's economy is gonna stumble because of maybe work shortages, output, etc. China and other places, we want to get out now because they're easily panicked, while we could score cheap political points against Trump there too. If more Americans are sick, we can blame Trump. If the economy tanks, we can blame Trump. We can blame Trump for everything. They've never given them credit for anything, but they're gonna blame him for any everything. And it's almost like I would never want to be in this position in life that you almost have to cheer and hope and pray and want and desire people to get sick and the economy to take a hit for your biggest and only hope at getting your power back, Because isn't that what it's really all about? Do you think that does the media really seem to care first and foremost about the health of we the people? It doesn't look like that to me. You know, is the media really caring about all the money that you have invested in the stock market? That is your retirement, that is your future, that is that's important to you, you know, would they prefer that everyone's four okay retirement plans go down? In other words, if this goes through a period perhaps even where it's bad, as long as it lasts through the election, well then oh we can get our power back, you know, Would they prefer that more people contract this virus? Because by the sounds of it, they don't seem particularly helpful. By the looks of it. They're politicizing this in what is a really ugly, very sick, very twisted, and frankly unfortunately predictable way. Because this is you know, this is their lust for power, This is their overwhelming, overriding desire, and that is what to defeat Donald Trump in two hundred and fifty days. And this might be the trick because nothing else is working. Joe Biden didn't work out. He's running for the Senate. That didn't work out particularly well. Mayor Bloomberg turns out that made a lot of racist comments. Uh, that's not working out. And he's nothing like the marketing ad campaign, the five hundred plus million that he's spent. You know, you see him in the ad campaign, you're saying, Wow, this guy might be good. And you watch him and you say, wow, what a dud. And then you look at his record and you say, wow, that's even worst. And then you look at his comments about African Americans and you're like, you can't believe it. And then you hear the condescension and the attitude of this guy about farmers, which are the best and the brightest, the level of sophistication and science that goes into farming today we feed the entire country, in the entire world with it. But is your lust for power more important? When the president kills Solomoni? Can you not say, you know what, that's great for the world. Number one state sponsor of terror. No, I don't remember many good words from either the mob and the media or the Democratic Party when the president beat the Caliphate. I don't remember them saying good job as the president. Wow, that's great. Caliphate's dead. ISIS is evil. Maybe I'm one of the few people that was stupid enough to watch Isis cut off the heads of individuals and then put it on tape and burn people in cages. Or what about killing Baghdaddy and associates, or what about killing the al Qaeda leader in Yemen? Have they done a single thing in the last three years to help the president create jobs and prosperity in America? Because I can't think of anything. Have they done anything to make us more safe and secure? Now, if we flip this logic back on them, it turns out a very different way because there for open borders, ninety percent of the heroine in this country crosses that southern border. Well, if we're gonna follow their logic, not mine, there's a squared B sc or at C squared. They keep the borders open, the heroin flows in, people die, We lose three hundred people a week, and I guess we can say that's their fault. With more people die because open borders or sanctuary policies that release even violent criminals, we could say, oh, they have blood on their hands and we can blame them and I and if we want to score cheap political points, hope more people die because of their idiotic sanctuary policies that even lets violent felons go free. All right, as we continue, we're in the swamper in Washington, d C. I mean, the facts matter? Does truth matter anymore in this world of let's just hate Donald Trump for breathing, let's hate that he's president. Let's call it the Trump This is the New York Times the Trump virus. If you're feeling awful, you know who to blame. Does it matter that from the get go the President at a proactive response allowed the US to stay ahead of this, That the President formed a Coronavirus task Force, that the President took unprecedented steps to prevent travelers from spreading the virus here, which, by the way, he was roundly criticized for expanding screening, suspending entry of certain foreign nationals. Criticized for that too. Who would pose a threat of transmitting the virus. You know the fact that the president he only is spending two point five billion, okay, and he said yesterday and we'll start there and when we need more, we will be ready for whatever happens however this develops. We're ready declaring a public health emergency, utilizing reserve funding to support response efforts. And does it matter that we have the world's greatest scientists that are reported yesterday that they think they have, they think they have what will be the vaccine that will be shared with the world as usual, because that's who we are in that is what we do. Well, but you put in um but you, but you put Mike Pence in charge. And when he was against the needle Exchange program and then flipped, didn't it Okay, he doesn't believe in science. AOC is saying, you know, the Trump administration has left critical positions in charge of managing pandemics at the National Security Council, Department of Homeland Security vacant. President. Basically, what they're saying wants Americans to die. That sounds like the playbook. Every two years, every four years, Republicans want dirty year water, racist sexist, misogynists. I want to throw granny over the cliff. Sound typical. This is who they are, all right, thanks Scot shown in twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one seawn if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. But it's it's all over. That's all the predictable people, you know, politicizing now a virus, Chuck Schumer, you got Nancy Pelosi Acasio Cortez, genius that she is. Mike Pence literally doesn't believe in science. Mike did this from the woman who went to school for economics and literally cannot add. Can we talk about AOC for a minute? No, because I don't want to get destroyed. I mean it is it is never ending. Of course the presidential candidates, uh, they're all weighing in, and you know, it's it's kind of amazing the rapid response, the instantaneous. It isn't it is a reflexive, automatic, instantaneous politicizing in this case of a virus. When the president did all these things and none of them wanted to do the things that he did about none of you come from that country. We're not letting you. And they didn't particularly like that part. Now, if you take this to its ultimate conclusion, and I'm really serious about this, and we are going to now use their standard um. They've never celebrated any of the president's success I can't name a single thing that the President has done that they thought was good, not one. It has been never ending lies, slander, conspiracy theories, hoaxes, never ending falsehoods. They never dig deep like we do and actually get to the truth, and then we get criticized for it. Would you would they support closing the border to keep Americans safe? Would they support a temporary ban on foreign travel. I don't think it's going to be good for the economy, nor do I see the necessity of it. But if you think about it, why have they been so reluctant to close the southern border? Now, if we're going to follow their logic? And three hundred American deaths a week from opioid addiction and opioid abuse, and ninety of the heroine in this country comes across that border, A lot of fentin al comes across that border, A lot of americ Organs are dying. They say it's a manufactured crisis, or even worse, they want the borders open. Well, can you at some point say, okay, when people die from the drugs that are coming across the open borders that they support, do they not bear the responsibility of those on average three hundred deaths a week, or the fetanol cases. Same thing? What about sanctuary states and sanctuary cities. They won't hand over even violent felons that they have in custody. And then when those sometimes we've had a number of high profile cases, then when those violent criminals go out and kill again, are they responsible? Do they have blood on their hands? Because based on their logic, I think we could argue their policies created the scenario under which that happened, and it's happened. A lot two and a half billion is not enough. Well, what if he didn't spend billions of dollars on healthcare for illegal immigrants, we might have more money to fight the coronavirus. Can we make that argument? It isn't another layer of depravity. Mike penns didn't support a needle exchange, which by the way, was against the law in Indiana at the time. Slight duance that you got to talk about here. Duances matter actually in life, and he doesn't believe in so how could you put him in? That's their latest argument. Let's call it the Trump virus. If you're feeling awful, you know who to blame. All right, let's go to the mob and the media, and let's play just some of the nice kind words that they have about President Trump on this one. So actually I found most of what he said a little incoherent. And you know, he's a guy who admitted that he surprised at twenty five thousand to sixty nine thousand people each year die of the flu. That just tells you how little he actually knows about public calpe and about the health of the American public, because every doctor knows that, and lots of health policy experts know that. And he told you. He just revealed how ignorant he is about the situation. Here's the thing, mister President, pandemics don't care about politics. Remember the Chinese impulse to cover up may have helped lead to this outbreak. And here in the United States, the Trump administration's war on science has left us vulnerable. Remember, the Trump administration has been shutting down research committees and silencing scientists and making climate crisis denial a matter of public policy. But it should still shock you that Trump slashed the government agencies that would have been responsible for handling an outbreak. We have talked any number of times on this show and all of us more broadly as a press corps, about the need for credibility by an administration. Not every administration has some official who has said something that isn't true at one time or another. But the sheer volume of things that are not true that have been said by this president and by some of his aids does not inspire credibility, and it's why they are being questioned on it at a time when they need it. You also have the president appointing Mike Pennce saying he's really good on health. We all remember that as governor of Indiana, he struggled to cope with a public health crisis on HIV by delaying needle exchanges that had real consequences in terms of lives loss. So, uh, the administration has not gotten its act together. I don't have a problem if a guy says he wants to pray on it. In fact, now hope he does. I hope they all do. I don't any praying, I don't anybody praying I have a problem with someone who's who's allowing people to die because he doesn't want to look at science and to save lives. And I don't have a problem with anybody praying on anything, but if you're another science and people are dying because they're not looking at a science, I have I do have a problem with that. He wants They basically saying he wants people to die. Now, why are they doing it? Why is this happening because we're two hundred and fifty days away from an election and it's not looking good on their side, must be blunt. I mean, you've got this this total complete utter shift show. They don't have anything to run on. They haven't done anything except hey Trump, and we're at a point now where and you know, the mob in the media just doesn't understand and they don't want to understand, and they take on breathtaking hypocrisy. To me, I call it the bifurcation compartmentalization. Mentally, there's no intellectual honesty, no common sense supplied, no reason, there's no truth in their world. And I go through the list because the list is important. Imagine if Donald Trump had a private server with top secret classified information on it. How would the mob react? Imagine Donald Trump deleted thirty three thousand subpoena emails, forensically cleaned the hard drive with bleach pit, broke up devices with hammers, and remove sim cards. What do you think the media reaction would be if Donald Trump funneled money in his campaign through a law firm and hired an op research firm, hired a foreign national. They put together a Russian dossier turns out full of lies, totally debunked. And he did that, And as the and The New York Times concludes, very late in the game, was likely Russian disinformation from the get go that was leaked to Donald Trump's media friend Sean Hannity shead it on television and radio and he likes Donald Trump. Okay, I'd be forget it. I mean, they bludge in me, but they do that as a matter of course daily anyway, And then it became the basis. Now it says at the top of a FISA warrant verified. Now we know it was unverifiable. The author, Christopher Still, I have no idea if any of its true. When the FBI finally looked into it, none of it was true. They couldn't find anything that was true in there. And imagine if that they and the warnings that they were warned repeatedly that Donald Trump's dirty Russian dossier is political. The guy that put it together for him hates Hillary, he paid for it, and then it became the basis of a faizer warrant to take away the civil liberties and constitutional rights of some big liberal, not carter pay, some a liberal, and that it became the basis of a means to spy on Hillary Clinton's campaign, and then if she won the presidency, her transition team and Donald Trump's dirty dossier was then used to spy deep into the Clinton administration her presidency. I know a little far fetched here. For a second, imagine if these things happened, what do you think the rei she would be. Imagine if Donald Trump had an RNC operative working with his campaign that went to the Ukrainian embassy and colluded with the Ukrainians for the purpose of digging up dirt in twenty sixteen against Hillary Clinton and those that work for Hillary Clinton. What do you think the mob's reaction would be. What do you think if the Ukrainian court determined that they worked with the Trump campaign to get dirt on Hillary. What do you think the mob's reaction would be if there was a political article that identified the person that Donald Trump sent to the Ukrainian embassy to get dirt. What do you think the reaction would be if Donald Trump was ever a vice president. I know he wouldn't like the demotion he was ever a vice president and he goes to Ukraine, he's in charge of Ukrainian policy under some administration, and and he says, I'm not giving you a billion dollars unless you fire a Ukrainian prosecutor that we learned later that then Vice President Trump knew was responsible for investigating his son being paid millions. Let's say Don Junior with zero experience with Ukraine oil, energy, or gas. What would the mob's reaction be, Oh, this is nothing and no serious person has ever taken Yeah, come on, this is ridiculous. There is This is political warfare at a level you have to take on such breathtaking lies, hypocrisy, a double standard. And now it's accelerating because they went from zero to a thousand, as it relates to the virus, to see how quickly they could politics size the virus. Now they didn't like what Donald Trump did in the beginning, because Donald Trump, he actually took some action. Donald Trump actually went out there and you know, they've been pretty aggressive about all this, and they said, yeah, you know what we have to we have to get on top of this, and we have to do it really quickly. And he got criticized at the time for doing it. But but this is this is Trump de arrangement syndrome because the President led the way. Remember the President formed that Coronavirus Task Force early to coordinate all government branches approach. Then he took the steps to prevent travelers from spreading the virus in the US. What did he do. He expanded screenings and suspended the entry of certain foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the virus. The administration declared a public health emergency, utilized reserve funding immediately. Now the president's trying to do more, and the President's out two and a half billion is not enough. We didn't more. It's not fair. This is outrageous. It shows he's callous and it's madness. Have they ever done a thing themselves to help make this country more safe and secure? No, they didn't kill the caliphate couldn't even praise killing the caliphate, beaten the Isis Caliphate, or Salomoni or Baghdaddy and associates, or the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. They never praised his trade deals with China. Two and twenty billion in two years. Wow, a lot of Americans are gonna benefit. They never praised the eight million fewer Americans on food stamps. They said he's taking food out of the mouths of him because they have jobs, because the economy is growing, because nearly eight million new jobs have been created, record low unemployment. Now the stock markets down. This is Trump's fault. No stock market is always jittery. What do I always say about the stock market. I'm not a big stock market guy. Stock market to me, Nope, never been comfortable with it. Know everyone will tell you otherwise, and but that's my own personal point of view. Can I say one point to your point? Would you like to say one? Linda would like to make a point. I just literally make one point that no one has brought up, which is that he never said this is the only amount of money he's giving. He just said, let's start with this, let's do some research, let's find out. He never said no, that's it. Why wouldn't you take what he offered and then said we need more? We figured out we need more. That's it. That's it. Now we got everything that is going to happen in the next two hundred and fifty days. Everything the Mob says, everything the Democrats say, everything that they do, is all seen and has to be seen through the prism of how do we get our power back? Because they can't run on what they did. They can't run on Russia, Russia, they can't run on Ukraine, Ukraine, impeachment, impeachment. So they don't want to go up against Trump's record. So they got a manufacture something. They gotta both something out of their their hat. And then we're gonna give you everything for free, and we're gonna take everyone else's money. That's what we'll do. And it's such a great job with Obamacare keeping those promises. All right, we got a lot coming up today, Devin newnez Oh. Donna Brazil is on today for a very specific reason. Donna Brazil made the phone call to Bernie Sanders after she had a couple of glasses of wine. Was terry eyed, didn't want to make the call. Hey, yeah, you got screwed. They rigged the election against you. He's gonna explain that story, and we have Doug Collins's gonna check in with us as well, Chuck shooting where he went to the Senate Floriday. I can't, but the President needs to get his act together on coronavirus. What do you want me to do, Chuck? Did you support the band that he had in any way? Months of public warnings and the President was caught completely flat footed. No, you're trying gonna make this, Katrina, because you're playing politics with a virus. Chuck. That's what you're doing. It's what you always do. It's what you're only capable of doing. Because you're not capable. You haven't done anything for the American people. This is the only thing you're good at, which is lying and hype. Devin Nunist, Donna Brazil, Doug Collins, straight ahead, all right, as we continue, we are in our nation's capital. We're in the swamp or two hundred and fifty days away, and that means two hundred and fifty days away from you, the ultimate jury, having an opportunity to shock the world once again, which is why you see this. Oh, the president, the president, the coronavirus. This is I'll look up with the president, honey, did what are you gonna do? They will politicize a virus. Now, think about this, What can they run on? What if Democrats done the last three years to make you more safe and more secure? What have Democrats done to create prosperity and jobs for the American people? They haven't done a thing. There's nothing except lies, slander, besmirchment, conspiracy theories, one after a hoax, one after another. And it is now okay. They got this cast of characters that are vying for the nomination radical extreme democratic socialists where they want to offer everything's for free and we're gonna take it from this group of Americans. We're gonna give it to you and trust does you know the math doesn't add up or anything, But don't worry about that anyway. Eight hundred nine four one, Shawn told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program here to talk about this the deep state, whether or not, equal justice under the law will apply, Equal application of our laws will apply. Devin Newness he told the America the truth when he came out with his memo and the congenital compromise. Liar Adam Schiff knew better and purposely lied. He just lied in his report. Not hold accountable as usual. Congressman, how are you glad? You'm glad you could be with us today? Hey, Sean thinks it's great to be on the radio show of fun, being on last night on the TV show and it's back to back. Yeah, like you become. I think we're going to call you the co host here. Well, I'm interviewing the vice president today. I don't like the words are because now they're going to impeach the president. See that's how much he's in love with Russia. He has to call Mike Pence, the vice president is zar. Well, you know, if you notice though last week it was Russia Hopes nine point zero, whatever number we're on, and then all of a sudden, nobody's talking about Russia Hopes anymore, and we're onto the coronavirus, right, So they throw out a narrative, they build it up, the media falls for it, and look, this is all done to sway the American people. That's all this is about out. You know, President Trump, if you think about it, when when he took office, he started you know, especially when Michael Flynn went down and then you know, you had the Mueller hoax begun. All of that happened in his first in his you know, the first few months, and I think his numbers then of like his hardcore support dropped into the into the thirties, and he's had to just slowly climb his way out. It's been very, very difficult, with very little help in the media. There's maybe I think you've said probably twenty people in the whole United States that that that helped, and you've got thousands on the other side of all these media orcs. That was that was actually a private conversation. I mean, if you really look at those of us that dug deep into the Espionage Act and Hilary Server and deletion of emails and the dirty Russian dossier, uh, and the multiple warnings that were ignored and premeditated fraud on a FISA court, denying one American of civil liberties and constitutional rights, a back toward to spy on a presidential candidate transition team and president. Yeah, there weren't many of us out there saying all of that, and we were being told the opposite from the mob and the media ninety nine percent of him and Democrats were spreading one lie after another about Trump Russia collusion. That was a lie for investigations later. Yeah, and it's but it's really think about that though. It's actually amazing that the president with very few people helping, right, and very few people, I should say, in Congress too. You know, the Republicans didn't throw the president under the bus. But you know, there for a while, there wasn't very many of us in Congress who were actually willing to stand up and say, wait a second, let's not talk about Russia. Hope, that's all nonsense. What the hell are you guys doing it? And the poor president, you know, went down into the thirties and now he's gradually climbed his way back up, still with the media attacking him and buying off on these narratives every single day. And I just tell people, Sean that you look, you can't get frustrated these socialists. I mean, they don't die, they don't quit, they never stop, and you know, they have to be smashed. I've just come to that realization dealing with them over the last three and a half years. And you know that's why that's why I've started this Defend the USA dot com a place where Americans can go to join in and sign up to help, because we have to do everything in our power to get rid of the Democrats in Congress. Because if President Trump, if he can win in November, and I think he can, I think he's got a great shot, but it's not. Everybody should not think it's going to be easy. Even though they're likely going to nominate some form of a socialist, we don't know which one yet, but they've got varying degrees. This is not going to be easy, and we have to get out there and fight every day in the media. You know, we'll probably try to lull us to sleep again, and you know, the president should be at a lot higher approval rating than he is now, but you know, you just can't just can't catch a break, and because there is no media, fair media left in this country anymore. And I was glad to see that the President's campaign is suing The New York Times. It's long, you know, I've I've I started doing that in the last year because I couldn't clean my name up. And I'm glad to see the President in his campaign do that these news media organizations have to be held accountable. I'm glad you're suing two fake news CNN and we can get into that. You said something that really caught my attention, and this was a two part question. You said, the deep state is much worse than I ever thought it was. I will say to you every damn discovering it was far worse than I ever suspected. And you know, now we had the inspector generally had the confines of only being able to investigate that which was in his purview, the DJ and the FBI. He made referrals. Nothing has come of it, even people that lied, which then kind of highlights the twenty nine guys in tactical deep gear and frogmen and the CNN cameras there for Roger stones arrest. I mean, all he had to say was, your client's going to be charged with lying? Can you have them report at eight am? But that's not how they did it. And then question is everyone asked me, when is anyone going to be held accountable? When are any the every If you're a conservative, you get charged for lying. If you're a liberal, nothing happens. If you're part of the deep state, nothing happens, it seems, well, think about what you said at John even you even you, you know, one of the most conservative talk shows in the country, if not the most, and even you're saying that it was much worse than even you thought it was. So So, I mean, that's really what we're dealing with. But we have to as as Republicans and conservatives across this country, we have to stay united. We cannot, we cannot just to fall under the trap of easy solutions, because it would be funny, It would be funny if it wasn't so damn dangerous. Right, the whole thing they did with Roger Stone, right, I mean, I mean just I mean clearly that was a leak. CNN shows up there, you know, of automatic rifles and frogmen, as you said, just totally ridiculous, you know. And then the whole sentencing guidelines, you know, goes this goes on and on and on. There's example after example. So I always have to tell people as I'm going around the country, and I'm going to spend the rest of this time all the way to November going anywhere and everywhere, that people want me all over the country to get the word out. Um, you know, of what actually is happening in the swamp and how bad it really is, and and once to see, I am here's the thing everything, all of this. You know, let's politicize a virus. You know, you'd think that we maybe we all agree, all hands on deck, let's make sure everyone's okay. Number one, they didn't want the president to put the pan in place from people coming to this country from countries that were impacted by the coronavirus. They didn't like that part of it. And now that they can weaponize it. Almost immediately when the President said I'm going to spend money, we got all our guys on it. We created a task force. It goes back this far. We've been offering our help to China. We have the best experts. Oh in the Wall Street Journal says yeah, oh, we we think we're on track to have a virus and human trials in April. I mean, how great are is our medical community. They're almost as great as all the gray matter farmers that farmer Mike talks about. And you happen to be in farmer, Yeah, many many Mike, the farmer, Yeah, that was as you know, you've been in my district before and we we we got quite the amusement out of out of farmer Mike's view of the Well, can I tell people I was in your district because they were denying farmers water right for a little fish like a minnow fish called the delta smelt that wasn't even an endangered species. Is that correct? Yeah? And you know what, you know what, what's what's great about the story that you're gonna tell right now that I think as an example of why you can't give up and you can't stop. You came out about a decade ago and you stood there and said, what the hell's going on? There's water going out to the ocean. You know. Obama comes in there and says, oh, it's global warming. You know, meanwhile billions of gallons of water being flushed out to the ocean, and you were out there in those dry fields. It took ten years sean from the time you went out there and we started fighting this fight. And then last week the President United States went to the samulcane valleys nearby where you were and said, enough of this nonsense. And it was the first water that we got back into the valley of water that was just being wasted dumped out to the ocean in fifty years, and it took us ten years to fight these guys. They just don't die. Maybe that's why, you know, I'm kind of used to this, and I just I know it's frustrating for conservatives, But you can't quit because they don't quit. Well, no, no, no, Well do you think bar and Durham get the job done because one thing they have that Michael Harowitz did not have. Well, they can investigate all the way near, far and wide, but they can also convene a grand jury and bring indictments. Yeah, I just don't see how. Uh look, if you, if you all Durham's history is doing really tough work. He's got he's you know, he's got a phenomenal background in this um. What I really want to see. I don't want to see the Roger Stone stuff. Like I'm not interested in the Pitoly stuff. Although though people still should be prosecuted for lying to Congress and and uh lying to the FBI and all the other things, does any does any liberal in the country want a jury four person that had publicly spoken out against you and your people with your views. That sounds like a tainted jury to me, well, well, for sure, there's a there's a problem there. But my point that I was making is is that of course I want all there's several people that broke the law there, okay, but the big, the big issues that Durham should you know, I assume is looking at is looking at whether people conspired and can he prove a conspiracy. So so I know that Gaudy Ratcliffe, myself, we were lied to numerous times about the FBI not being involved before the opening of Crossfire Hurricane in July of a July thirty first of twenty sixteen. I know that's a lie. So now the question is is who conspired delight to us, Who conspired delight to the fis of court, who conspired with the Clinton campaign. That's really what Durham has to figure out. This started as a dirty campaigner. Do you know the answer to that question? Well, I know, damn well, it started before July thirty first, and I suspect it started in two thousand and fifteen, but I know for a fact it started in early twenty sixteen. That I know for a fact. So so Durham's gotta do you think they know that? And Durham Durham has to know that. Yes, they have to know that. So I'll tell you if it wasn't for you and Radcliffe and Meadows and Jordan, and you know I can't. I'm not gonna mention every Louis Gohmer and Gates. There's not a lot of you. There was not a lot of you. And it is the greatest abuse of power corruption scandal. And I'll be honest. If they don't hold him accountable, it's gonna happen again. All right. Devin Nunas is with us. He's actually a real farmer. I want him to analyze the twenty twenty race and many Mike the farmer from New York who thinks he can teach anybody farming because you dig a hole, you put a seat in it, and you cover it with dirt and put some water on it. I can't tease anyone to do that. You don't need a lot of gray matter for that. All right, As we roll along from our nation's capital, the swamp the sewer, Devin Nunas is with US Congressman Devin Unas to California. All right, your assessment of this group of twenty twenty extreme radical Democratic socialists and the election shaping up. It seems like their only hope now is hopefully Americans get sick and start dying in the economy tanks because of the coronavirus. That's pretty sick thinking of my view, but it sounds like it to me. So here's how I sum it up. Let's put Bloomberg off to the side. Farmer Mike, he's just an authoritarian guy that admitted that he bought Nancy Pelosi the speakership right quietly. The media didn't cover of it. You could tell under his breath what he said. So let's put him aside because he's just an authoritarian. I don't think he has a belief in his body other than he just wants to have the power. The rest of him are all varying degrees of socialist communist, and ironically, the only honest one is Bernie. Bernie's the only one that's actually, you know, actually believes everything that he's saying. Now. He is a communist and his policies are very dangerous, but the rest of him are essentially espousing socialist policies, but they're being covered up for by the media. I mean, one of the obvious examples of that is the mayor of UH, the Indiana mayor, Buddha Judge. He's a guy that that is clearly a socialist, but of course the media term him, oh he's a he's a moderate, and of course you know the senator from Minnesota, Oh, oh, the moderate. There's not a damn thing moderate about any of these people. So I think that's really uh. You're you're left with, you know what is it? A fake Indian? A guy going senile, authoritarian UH and A and a socialist. That's how I sum it up. How's that? So? So who do you think gets it? Does Bernie get it? We'll find out from Donna Brazil if they're going to try and rig it against them again, I have to believe Sean that he is going to go into at a minimum, he's going to go into the UH, the UH convention in July with the most delegates, but I don't know that he's going to have enough to win it outright, So then what happens? And then if they try, and Donna Brazil be the right person to ask, we have ten seconds happens? I think holy hell's gonna break loose, because you're gonna have the hard left. I mean, Bernie clearly has you know, he has support, you know, and I've said this on your show many times. But Congressman, thank you very much. I gotta break thank Devin nounis Donna Brazil next? All right, twenty five down till the top of the hour from our nation's capital, the swamp the sewer, Washington, DC. Eight hundred nine for one. Shaun is a number. By the way, at the top of the hour, we will be joined by Donna Brazil and well, I have the whole story here, and she wrote this piece in November of twenty seventeen inside Hillary Clinton's secret takeover the DNC, when I was asked to run the Democratic Party after the Russians actor emails, I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign. So we'll get to that. Hey, I want to remind you, by the way, our friends at Shamonie genu Sell they've done it again because the latest skin treatment, the brand new genu Sell r rex it delivers what is the next generation retinal anti aging effects, zero redness, zero irritation, and the r H complex. It provides the hyaluronic acid crucial for superior retinal results. Susan from Tom's River, New Jersey, is a game changer. Bags under my eyes history feels soft, luxurious. I even use it to get rid of at redness on my left cheek and my laugh lines. Thank you Shamani a home run. Look, this is what they do at Shamani, leading the industry. They make bags, puffiness, hyper pigmentation, redness a thing of the past. You look your best the new jaw line treatment. You'll get that with when you order their brand new Genius LRH. You're gonna get the jaw line treatment and their immediate effects, and you're just gonna look better and you're gonna say, wow, why don't they sell this in stores? Because they can't duplicate it, that's why. And Shamanie sells direct to you. That means you save money eight hundred skin five zero nine and Genius dot Com. All right, um, let me just get into this just a preview. What Donna Brazil said before I called Bernie Sanders, I lit a candle in my living room. I put some gospel music on. I wanted to center myself for what I knew would be an emotional phone call. I had promised Bernie when I took the helmet the DNC after the convention. Remember, Debbie Wasserman Schultz out that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton's team had rigged the nomination processes, cash of emails stolen by Russian hackers, posted online, etc. Etc. She goes on, I had my suspicions from the moment I walked in the door of the DNC a month or so well earlier, based on my the leaked emails, but who knew if some of them might have been forged. I needed solid proof, so did Bernie, So I followed the money. My predecessor, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, had not been the most active chair and fundraising at the time when Obama's the elect had left the party in significant debt, and as Hillary's campaign gained momentum, she resolved the party's debt and put it on a starvation diet. It become dependent on her campaign for survival, which she expected to wield control of its operations. Debbie was not a good manager. She'd been interested in controlling the party. She let Clinton headquarters in Brooklyn do as it desired so she didn't have to inform party officers how bad the situation was how much Brooklyn control Brooklyn had and for how long? Well, it was something I was trying to uncover for the last few weeks, but then I called Bernie and it broke my heart. Donald will join us. But the rest of the story at the top of the next time, that's pretty evil, isn't it. Anyway, Let's get to our phones from our from the swamp. Let's say, hide a Randall in Tennessee, the great state of Tennessee. What's going on? Randall? How are you, sir McCall. I do have a question for you that I haven't heard anybody asked. Maybe you can answer the question, have the Cubans come back with their results and findings on the coronavirus? And the reason I asked this because Pelosian humor have been slamming the Trump administration saying that we're not doing enough, and the front runner in the Democrat Party to become president has been telling us for years that Cuba has a healthcare system that's far superiors to two hours. So my question again is that the Cubans come back with their findings. Yet. Thank you well, listen, I love your sarcasm. You fit perfectly into the mode of the show. I think you know the idea. I mean, there's such a serious side as well. The literacy program was great, and their healthcare system is amazing, and you know, it doesn't matter that they actually murdered people. And let's see Cuba and Nicaragua and the former Soviet Union where this guy took his honeymoon. I don't know what to tell you, because whatever he swallowed, he actually believes this crap. And that's the scary part. And what's even scarier is he wants to implement this madness here and if that ever happens. Look, I don't know. Maybe maybe it's just me. I'm too wrapped up in all of this and I have been my whole life, and I can't help it, and I can't stop it. It's like an illness and I'm just amount of control. But I can tell you this is a tipping point. This is literally America on the brink because of these policies are ever implemented. America as we know it is done, and I don't see how you recover from it. Now. Think of it this way. We lost, we got Obamacare. It's ten years later, we still have Obamacare. Now we got rid of the individual mandate thanks to Trump, thanks to John McCain in the Senate, we didn't get rid of it there where they were, you know, thanks to seven other senators. Theydn't even vote for a straight repeal that they voted for the exact same bill. You want to know where my criticism or Republicans came from. That it came from Republicans sixty five show votes. But then they get a president, they didn't get it done. I'm hoping that that Republicans will now learn that being a courageous politician like the president is, and fulfilling promises like the president is, will result in good politics. And I'm beginning to see that maybe their spines are stiffening, and I'm beginning to see that, you know, maybe they realize there are things worth fighting for. And maybe if you're gonna politicize a virus, and you're gonna take on breathtaking hypocrisy and accept dirty dossiers and accept quid pro quote Joe, and accept the leaded emails and bleach bitten hammers and excuse all that away and put forth lies in conspiracy theories. There's a lot at stake here and I'll tell you Randall you're in Tennessee, it will impact you too. You get the last word, Well, the last words really is yours. But Thomas from Noon has nailed it. Everyone on that stage is a socialist communist. It's failed everywhere, and that's the reality of it. And you're you've nailed it. And so you know, God speak, God bless you, and thanks for taking a call from a deplorable Take care. I'm a spelling Walmart chopper who believes in Jesus and God and my Bible. Two hundred and fifty days. You know, it's funny because people people they like to they always say, well, these guys on talk radio Hannity's audience and power that if I had the power, Obama never would have been president, if I had that much appeal, if I was that persuasive. So I can't tell you whether or not. In two hundred and fifty days you will hear the words. We can now project that Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth president of the United States. The only thing I can tell you is it matters. The only thing I can give you is news and information in a very dire way about what the consequences would be if we choose wrongly. I know that this is working. I'm happy to see Americans getting back to work. I'm happy that government deregulation is happening. I believe in manufacturing in businesses, and better trade deals and secure borders and conservative justices that will impact the country for generations. But ultimately you have all that power, not me. I am one voice. I'm on radio and TV. Thanks to you. Every day you make this, make this possible. I can't do it if you don't listen. You want to fire me, stop listening, you want to fire me, stop watching, I'll get fired. I'll be done. My voice will be silenced. Why do you think these these groups monitor conservatives every word, every sentence, every phrase. Why do you think they target advertisers because they want to destroy the business model, to silence the voice, because they don't like the opinion. Why do you think I've taken a steadfast principal position. I don't support boycotts because at the end of the day, the people decide. You will decide in two hundred and fifty days the direction of this country and frankly the world. Because as goes America, so goes the world. There's a lot at stake here. Things. You know, your vote matters, you know, I like to look at all of us. Is okay, We're all spokes in a wheel here. There's no one most powerful spoke. I guess the most important spoke would be the president. Maybe is the center of the wheel because these were all the actionists and that's where it's gonna happen. But if you don't put them back in office and you don't see the danger of what it is they are offering this country, we will end up with the government that we deserve. J C is in Texas. J C. Welcome to the swamp the sewer. How are you? Thank you guys, I always well, thank you for taking my call. I it's been a while. The first time I spoke with you was out of WSD in Atlanta and two thousand and six and nown him at Footballage Texas, pretty excited and I had some talking points for you, needing some help, yes, sir, and it's about the delivery message for minority conservatives. I wanted to think your team and foremost, and I really want to look at the fight here. And this is what I have when I talk to my family my friends, my compadres. I'm a veteran entrepreneur, and I asked him. I say, okay, you say social injustice. If an illegal in the sanctuary city's picked up released, you do the same thing, you go to jail. How is that fair? They say it's not. I say, so, who do you think these policies are coming from? They say it's the Republicans fault. I know it. You can't say it, oh you Rush can't say it all. But when I look at Senator Scott, I don't hear him speaking up and putting it out to in a message or way that makes sense to people who look like me, sound like me, and are from the communities like me. That's what I'm not sure I agree with. It's a rock star, he's awesome, Yes, sir, I agree with that. But I'm just the delivery of that to say, I'm here for you, guys, I have your back, and this is what I'm gonna do for you right now. And I'm gonna call him out on it because it's not right and it doesn't make any sense, and it's not our policy. It's liberal policies. You gotta understand something. It is a very powerful weapon. Why do you think the Democrats are weaponizing the coronavirus and politicizing it because if they can ends people, Donald Trump's not keeping you safe and secure. Now they think, okay, we could take a political advantage over this, and when they should be saying, well, this sought to be something the country agrees on. Why do you think they say Republicans are racist and sexist and misogynistic. What is the purpose of that? It is to garner power and votes. Give me an example of what you would like other people to say. How do you think people what do you want people to say that you think would resonate? For instance, where President Trump he did an awesome job with prison reforms. I think it's okay to say, you know what, the first group that was released was primarily African Americans, and it was because of me and my policies, not because of them. And it's okay, it's okay that I can talk to you like that, and I'm gonna show you that I'm here and I got you back because I'm gonna fight for your vote. Don't believe what they have to say. Believe what I'm doing, and I'll show you that. And remember what he said in twenties sixteen. Though he goes, I got nothing else to lose, can't get any worse, because what he was addressing was the decades of liberal ruins and big cities that have neglected minorities. Now they'll go into minority neighborhoods every two and four years and say Republicans are racist. But the guy, you're right, they got prison reform laws done, the one that released Alice Murray Johnson and many other people. The guy that opened opportunity zones, the guy that's funding historically black colleges, the guy that has created record after record of low African American, Hispanic American unemployment, African American youth unemployment, is Trump. So they can say he's racist. Everyone's everyone's racist. Why because it's a political weapon, just like the coronavirus. They now weaponizing the coronavirus, the politicizing it. And it took them seconds. Oh we can jump on Trump of these people and now scared, let's go. It's basically what they did. I agree with you as far as a political weapon, how do we fight that? When when I'm sitting at the table, the round table, and I'm talking with folks from church and from other business for you know, meetings with other minority veteran business owners, and they're saying, well, how come we don't hear more fighting or combating with the same type of war tactics that the Democrats are doing To say they, Hey, this isn't our policy that stairs, this is what we listen. This is where, exponentially, if everybody that listens to this radio program can talk to ten, twelve, fifteen, thirty people and explain this to them and convince them and show them and and I'm working on a project to actually create this information and make it available to everybody so you will have the tools to make those very arguments. I can just say that exponentially, I think Americans are getting it. The polls are showing the African American community and the Hispanic communities. These are record numbers. These are not outlier polls. But listen, I gotta run. I could talk to you all day. JC. God bless you, Thank you for being with us. Wish you all the best. Eight hundred and nine four one shuns a number Donna Brazil on what Hillary did to rig the twenty sixteen primary that's coming up. I'm glad you with US News round Up Information Overload. Thank you, Scott Shannon. We are in the swamp. We are in the sewer. It's called Washington, d C. Vice President Mike Pence will be on Hannity tonight because of the matt How you politicize a virus within seconds? But it just takes seconds. Oh, we can't win any other one. Let's do that. On to some twenty twenty news. There is a foxnews dot com article. I read it earlier today A B. Stoddard, an associate editor columnist Real Clear Politics. The President wasn't happy with comments she made the other day reporting that the Democratic Party leaders at the highest levels are trying to come up with ways to stop Bernie Sanders from being nominated for president by the Democratic Party. The establishment is in full fledged official panic, she said. And anyway, then she went on to say that they have found themselves now with a strong movement leader who's amassing a lot of support, is marching towards the nomination. She continued, It's clear they're making plans to stop him, but it's going to cause chaos, a much more division than the party is suffering. Now, Now what does that mean? Well, we can go back maybe perhaps as oh to twenty sixteen. There was a point, if you remember, just before the convention when Debbie Wasserman Schultz was out and they brought in Donna Brazil. Donna Brazil had run Al Gore's campaign and she became the DNC chairperson, and she wrote a book, by the way, about this whole endeavor and you know, the inside story of the break ins and breakdowns that put Donald Trump in the White House. And uh, and actually I can say very publicly, and I've said it before that Donna and I have been friends for a lot of years. And when we see each other, I mean, Donna, is it fair to say you usually give me a nice hug and say how are you doing? And how's your family? And I'm praying for you. You usually do, I do, and it's good to hear your voice. I wish you were here at how University campus. I would introduce you to some of my students, and I'm sure you and I love to go wonderful conversation. Look, Sean, I've known you for a long time and I actually I knew you before your hair story turned in white like my hair. But really, really, Donna, you gotta go there really. Oh yeah, come on, I know, more gray hair, all right, I got more gray hair. But you know, the good news is that you and I have always been able to agree to disagree, but we could do it with civility. And I have a great deal of respect for your point of view. We disagree, but we can still talk to one another. And that's why. Then the other night when you call me, you you you picked me up. I don't know if you even knew that, right, you picked me up? So I did you? I mean, I just accept it. I just accept that we don't agree on politics. I just accept that. I mean, and I have a lot of respect for you. Let me tell you something. You came within five hundred and thirty seven votes of getting Al Gore to be the president, and thank god you didn't win that one, but it was close. It was swinging, hanging, dimpled and pimple chance. So you write in your book the whole story. Yes, I did. Before I called Bernie Sanders, I lit a candle in my living room. By the way, I know you, so I know this is true. You put on some gospel music. I know you, so I know that's true. I wanted to center myself. What I knew would be an emotional phone call because you had promised, Bernie when you took the helm of the DNC that you would get to the bottom of weather. Hillary's team had rigged the nomination process. Pick it up from there. What happened. I still keep the text message step Bernie and I shared. I have a great deal of respect for Senator Sanders. And by the way, let me just say this up front. I don't think there's a movement gone on. I think there are a lot of individual Democrats who are worried about their candidate, are some of the contributors and some of the activists. But this is a very healthy process, as you recall from twenty sixteen and watching what happened on the Republican side. Bernie Sanders has been running for over five years. He has a healthy amount of support out there. But there's a lot of Democrats who are looking for someone other than Bernie Sanders. So I'm not ready to do the coronation dance right now. I think next Tuesday will have a better idea. Of course, Sarah, it is important South Carolina, but next Tuesday, one third of the delegate Sean I hope you and I could talk on Wednesday of next week and take a look at the field once we've been able to have a substantial number of voters cast their ballots. So let's listen. We'll see what happens. Bernie certainly is the front runner, there's no doubt about it, and he gave Hillary a run for money, and a lot of rules changed as a result of what had happened. But what did you discover when you took over as DNC chair person as it relates to the election the primary with Bernie and Hillary. Well, first of all, there were no problems with the primary contest. Hillary won the primary. She had more pledged delegates, and she had more support from the party leaders and party officials. What I found out is that internally at the DNC, because the party had run out of money, the Clinton team, in exchange for providing the DNC with the payroll or the expenses of the research staff and some of the calm staff and maybe some of the fun raising staff, they were able to essentially you get involved and putting together a general election campaign before the primary ended. Remember, Hillary had sufficient delegates to win, but Bernie decided, and a sand has decided to go all the way until the last contest in June, and as a result of that, that's when the DNC was able to get resources from the Clinton campaign to begin the general election operation. I said that violated the spirit and letter the rules, because ultimately we want to make sure that all the candidates are able to compete until the last delegate is cast. But during that moment, I found that to be a very that was an irregularity that we should have prevented. I iregularity where basically the Clinton campaign controlled the DNC, and they did it by because Debbie Wasserman Schols didn't raise money, and they did it by loaning the DNC money, and they did it by doing things that they should never have done that gave her an edge that Bernie didn't have. You actually said, I was in agony as I dialed him. Keeping this secret was against everything I stood for and I valued as a woman and a public servant. Hello, Senator, I've completed my review of the DNC, and I did find the cancer I did. Those are your words, It was a cancer. I mean, Sean, I have been involved in democratic politics since the age of nine. I didn't get him active until I was in my twenties, but I've been knocking on doors and really doing voter registration for the party since I was a kid. What I saw when I took over this chair bothered me. It disturbed me, and I wrote about it because I wanted to make sure we changed it. The rules have been changed for twenty eight twenty. None of the rules that applied in twenty sixteen would have given Bernie Sanders a delicate lead or the nomination. Let's be very clear about that. Bernie has to earn it the same way Hillary earned it after losing in two thousand and eight. But this time around, the rules have been written so that Bernie and every candidate who sound up to run, they know the rules. The rules are crystal clear. You have to have a majority of delegates one thousand, nine hundred and ninety one. I think as of today, Senator Sanders has over one hundred delegates. So he is the leader and the delegate race, and he may be leader and some of the polls, but as you well know, this is a state by state game, not a national game. When it comes to winning delegates. Well it is and it isn't. And you know, one of the things I do like about you personally. By the way, I meant to tell you, I didn't know that I had picked you up the other day. I did not know all of that. And you know, I want to tell you that I'm praying for the people in your life, your sisters and everybody else and your whole family. Um, it's you're You're an amazing person in terms of you know, it's so interesting that like God can bring so many people of political points of view together, isn't it. I mean, I find I mean, you go to church, You're not really thinking about are you a liberal? You know you're a conservative? Nobody nobody really gives a rip. Do you believe in Jesus? Yes? By the way, I'm one of the smelly Walmart chopper, irredeemable deplorables that clings to God, the Bible, my Constitution, and my religion. So I'm you know, I know that Obama one said that, and Hillary one said that, and Peter Struck one said that, I'm a descended produce this whole country that also believed that we are Americans right now as we speak. Let's be very honest. I want to make the way there's a ton of places in the world. You don't want to grow up. Don Let's be honest. Oh yeah, but we're blessed to grow up in the United States of America. I grew up on the Bayou, and I am just as proud of my birth and my background as I am of your birth and your background. Let me just say this, because you started off with the virus I saw to dial the day tumble twelve hundred points people like me. That impacts my full one K. Yes, I have a full one k. I've been working just the age of thirteen. But the coronavirus will have a significant impact not just on our health, but businesses and our politics. I've been looking at this virus across the world from hand. Whether they're thinking about closing down schools, the Olympics, they want to know until May. Look, we all have to come together. Last night I was tweeting when the President was talking, I'm like, hey, guys, get the politics out of this. This damn virus doesn't have a da R. It is a virus that's going to impact millions of people across the globe, and so we all need to come together. Get a vaccine. If it takes two point five if it takes eight billion, we should do whatever it takes to make sure that everybody remains healthy. Well, you know, I agree wholeheartedly whatever that you just said. But what is the New York Times put out? Let's call it Trump virus? If you're feeling awful, you know me for what the New York Times says. They don't they hate me over there, Sean, don't take it personally. Trump virus, coronavirus is Trump? A bolavirus was Obama. I mean, look, if everybody comes after the president, he's the president. Don't take it personally. I mean, you talk to the president them, don't take it personally. I live three points. Make you think I talked to the president? I keep reading that I talked to the president. Does anybody ever know if I really talk to the president? Ask you a question. I hope he talks to you, because at least you keep your nose to the ground and you know what people are thinking out there. And he should talk to people who are living outside to this so called bubble that we live in Washington, DC. And if he doesn't have you know what the irony is, though, Donna, When the when the president's in the from the very beginning, said, you know what, we're closing our borders to people from countries where this is impacted greatly. He got crucified for that. I mean, so you can't win for losing here. He spends two point five that's not enough. If people are gonna die, I put Mike Pence in charge. Mike. Mike Pence doesn't believe in science. I mean, this is the kind of crap that's going on today. So what so what. We live in a country with three hundred million people, so five of them have an opinion. You know what, I have admir in your party. They're your leaders in the Democratic Party. You know who my leader is. My leader is Jesus Christ. Okay, let's be very clear about who who. I bowed my head too. I don't bow my head to anybody but the Lord. I was in church yesterday after class on Ellen Georgetown campus with my kids. So I believe that we need to get the science for it. This is if this becomes a public health emergency and the President calls me up and say, Donna, I need you to help me. I will help the president because I did the same thing when George W. Bush I wrote a letter in the Washington Post, say, mister President, how can I help you? When katrinamate landfall, Katrina was looking for Democrats or Republicans, she didn't give a dog on where you live. She just wiped the hell off the map. So I want to help. I just want to help right now, That's all I want to do. I'm at the same place in my life that you are. I really am. You know. One of the things I'm happiest about what the president is. Like. Okay, we got eight million new jobs. We got eight million fewer people that need food stamps. We got record low unemployment for every demographic We the guy kept every promise he ever made, and it's been never ending, which on hoax conspiracy theories. All Right, Donna Brazil is our guest. You see, this is why I like Donna Brazil. This is the real Donna Brazil. And if and if President Trump, and you know, I know a Vanka, I know Kelly and Conway. You know I'm one of these people. I've been around the belt Way. I know you call it the swamp. I'm actually from the swamp. So I know a real swamp. It's a sewer. Well, don't say that about the Bayou worst worse. No, this is not the sewer I've been the places that I've seen open, I don't know. It's pretty America. Well, here's what I want you to know. We are stay right there. I gotta I gotta pay bills so they can pay my expensive hang on, all right, Donna Brazil eight hundred and nine four one sean our number from the swamp DC. All right, Donna Brazil is with us? And what do you think of the movement that is among the establishment. This would be Hillary Clinton's camp, It's teams Barack Obama's camp, meaning, you know, the different varying power of coalitions in the Democratic Party trying to stop Burnie? Why why did they hate him? As you well know, Bernie has served in both both the House and the United States Senate. We have well over two hundred and fifty so called automatic super delegates who are members of Congress. Senator Sanders tried to lobby them in twenty sixty, but to Neaville. This time around, they will not be able to vote on the first ballot. Now will people like myself? I'm a member to DNC, I'm a distinguished former party official. I only have ten seconds do you think he's going to get this nomination out right? And if he has the most delegates, does he deserve the nomination? No, sir, you gotta earn one thousand, one hundred and ninety one delegates and let's talk next week at the Super Tuesday. All right, Donna Brazil, thank you. And by the way, I'm praying for your family and I mean that with all my heart. Eight hundred nine for one Seawan to free telephone number. We'll get to calls and Collins next. Alright, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sean are toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Congressman Doug Collins is with us. I think he shined like such a bright light during the impeachment insanity and madness, and anyway, he's done such a great job. And anyway, he's out there now saying this to say about FISA because now they're talking about getting rid of the FISA court, which, by the way, if they can't fix it, we're gonna have to because you can't have the powerful tools of intelligence that we entrust to people that the ninety nine percent are amazing. They keep us safe and secure and they risk their lives for us. Same with you know, we have the greatest intel agency in the world, the best we have the best the greatest law enforcement agency, the FBI, in the world. And in order to restore America's faith in our premier law enforcement agency, we must reform FISA to a sure our intelligence community, our FBI are deterred from ever wielding their significant power to spuy an American citizens. Uh, that's from Congressman Doug Collins. How do we do that? Carressman, good to talk to you. Hey, Sean's good to talk to you. Well, we start off by not accepting the premise of the Democrats who don't want to talk about the fact that when they when they want to talk, when we say we've got to reform files, that they don't want to go there because they didn't they have to admit what actually happened, and they're not willing to admit that this files process is broke, that it didn't attack the president, and not only when he was a candidate, but after he's a president. And so we've got to get back to this place where if you can't just bring information to the court without it being verified, without it having you know, a certain level of scrutiny, and also making sure that we're not violating in the car in the essence of Carter Page, you know, having lawless warrants out there that violate Fourth Member principles. These are the kind of things that have to be in there right now. There's a push from the some of the Senators who just want to reauthorize it with no with nothing, you know, change that can't happen in the House. That's some of us fighting for it and says, look, the provisions that need to change, that need to be extended. We're fine with that, but we've got to change the fis the process itself or otherwise. I can't support these other extensions without getting some real change that the presidents asked for and that we've asked for. If we can't protect I mean, these tools are so powerful. Look, I have friends in the Intel community. I've interviewed many people over the years that tell me, if they want to pick up your text, your phone conversations, you're this, you're that, they can do it simply. It's easy to do. It's not hard for our guys to do any of that they can spy on every American And I've interviewed people that say that they do it as a matter of course, and that would be every text, every email is and every phone call is literally transcribed in real time and metadata stored. I don't know what's true and what's not true, but it wouldn't surprise me if we're able to do that for every call, text, and email, every second of every day. And the problem is is that we're also a country that believes in privacy. We have a constitution, we have a right not to be spied on. But all of this happened. And the question I get asked most often, Congressman, is are any of these people going to be held accountable for their actions? And I can't give them one hundred percent answer. No. I do have faith in the Attorney General. I do have faith in in durham Um. But it's so slow. People are beginning to like roll their eyes when I say that. Well, look, you and I both have Sarah Carter, and I was with Sarah today at feedback. We've talked about this. We do believe there's there's things coming. I do believe that's the way that it's been handled. Even if it's floor. I would much rather have Durham take an extra week or even extra two weeks, or even in whatever it takes to make sure that when we get the case, it sticks and so that nobody can get out of it. Nobody can, you know, go around saying no, we didn't do this and they can't prove it. I have faith that that's gonna happen. Look, it's just a situation at this point where you had many years of an album administration in which you politicize our intelligence community and our top not even one percent half percent of the top level of our FBI who distermined it. It It was up to them to determine our next president and to also stop them. So we've got to put these things in place so that people can feel good. Remember, FISA came about because of abuses from the intelligence communities and law enforce cauners in the sixties and seventy own American citizens. This came into being so that we could actually have a place where those powers are checked. We've got to now make sure in the updated in twenty twenty, after what we've seen for the last four years, is those sufficient to make the changes and we're going to put those in place to make sure people can feel number one, confident that we're getting the bad guys overseas and number two that we're protecting American rights. Well, you think we get there. Do you think the people that abused power and we're corrupt get held accountable? A? And do you believe we can do this way with checks and balances that guarantees as never happens again. On the first one, yes, I still have faith in the system, because if I didn't have faith in the systems, then we've got we've got a bigger problem. And I don't want Americans to believe I think they should be rightfully concerned. And I'm rightfucker. That's why I'm fighting, is why I've been screaming is allowed about this, you know, for so long. And it was really just again disgusting that the chairman, instead of wanting to talk about the real problems of files, that we'll just call it off the hearing yesterday. So we're working to fix that number two. And the longer picture is we get people and working, this can be fixed. It can be something that can work. And as the President has said, it doesn't matter you know, who it is. It should never happen to another president. It shouldn't frac it up, it shouldn't happen to anybody. That's why we're that's why we're with all that we've been through, and Democrats haven't done a thing to help the American people. And it took like seconds to politicize the coronavirus. So you know, we can't get along on the coronavirus. We can decide that, Hey, the President of taking measures and steps to beare event people from those country countries from where the outbreak was that he made the right call, even though he was widely panned and criticized for it. The President now putting forth, you know, the commission as early as he did, now the Vice President and the Moneys that he said, whatever's going to be necessary, will spend towards it. But that's not enough because Democrats want to bludgeon this president on any issue. They couldn't even praise killing Solomoney. No, no, And then that's that's the problem you're seeing, Sean. Look, they revealed their true colors. You know, if you want to see what will happen if you elect the Democratic if the American people will elect one of the clown cards Democrats that they've got out running for president or if they recapt the House in the in Pelosi's hands, you've already seen what they're going to do. They have nothing else except the decision that they want to attack this president. So look, they've got no agenda, they have nothing that they're doing, and it's it's sad when you get out you just come off with the Shamon peachment, which you fail miserably. Humer's first reaction is is the president's doing nothing. The president is failing. And Pelos, who doesn't even have an excuse, she just said that the president is doing bad. We've got to get past it. This is once important for you and for us in Conservatives to be out there sharing the message of what can happen when we do it right and when we support a president who has their best interests in heart. Congressman Doug Collins, always great to have you, Thanks for all you've been doing and your strong voice in DC. It's well needed and we appreciate the update, and we'll continue to watch your race for the Senate in Georgia very closely and I look forward to having you back well. Sean I look forward to. You've been a big supporter for the Senate. We're going to continue to fight for it. I appreciate it, all right, sir, Thank you. Keith is in Pennsylvania. Oh, we'll be watching Pennsylvania closely in two hundred and fifty days. How are you, Keith? What's going on? Good? Sean good? Thanks for taking my call, long time listener. First, I'm calling, thank you, Thank you yours um your DVRT every night. So let me tell you what I love the most in life to eat. I love Philly chies stakes love them, love love love love love Philly chi stakes. Well. I live right outside Pittsburgh, so it's parochies. Okay, Um, what's going on? What's on your mind today? I just wanted to give a you know, a good vibe from Pennsylvania. Because Donald Trump has been in office, my business has doubled. Okay. I was a long time Democrat. Okay. You help me by listening to your not radio program for TV program program turn me into a conservative? Okay. And I do believe um that Donald Trump will get reelected. One thing, what is your business? What is your business? Ganitorial cleaning? That's awesome, good for you yes, and the economy is just dynamite, okay. But one thing that scares me is that everybody thinks that if Bernie gets the denomination, that couple will automatically win and we'll catch the down ballads. What scares me is the amount of crowds that Bernie attracts, the amount of young people, and how they've been corrupted through our educational system. And I think your fear is valid. I share your concern. I take nothing for granted. And if anybody thinks this is a slam dunk, you are deluding yourselves. For a Republican to win, you gotta I keep reminding people. Now, maybe it's a blowout, that'd be great, that'd be icing on top of the cherry, on top of the cake. But you gotta win North Carolina, you gotta win Floriday, you gotta win Ohio. You gotta pick off your state of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota. Then you gotta take Arizona. Never easy, sometime you know, it's kind of difficult sometimes. Uh, then you got uh, let's see, you want to maybe put Nevada in play in New Mexico and play and New Hampshire and play, and I think it's all possible. But if you this is how I look at the election, tell me if you agree with me that. Look, it's two minutes. It's the two minute drill in football. You have no timeouts. You're down by six, and to win, you gotta you gotta cross the plane, you gotta get in the end zone, and you gotta get the extra point. And that's how we have to look at it. And if anyone, if if you don't take this as seriously as it needs to be taken. That's why we built on Hannity dot com information. You know, when you when do you have a registration? Where to regis? Who's your congressional candidate? Did you send it candidate? Uh? When does early voting start? When does it stop? What about absentee boat vote balloting? It's all on Hannity dot com. But I'm with you. Don't take it for granted and you stay home and then the president loses, You're gonna ask yourself why didn't I vote? Absolutely? Absolutely? And Sean, like I said, I'm a long time fan. I think you're a patriot. Keep up the good work, thank you, sir. Right, let me ask you a little bit about your worker seconds. So you have janitorial services, you have businesses doubled? You said, um, now one of the can I ask you a question? What do you pay your workers? Or do you do all the work yourself? Now we have thirty three employees. Now we've moved. What does a person get? Yeah, what do you pay your people? They've average anywhere between forty two to fifty five thousand a year. That is amazing, because I'm gonna tell you something. You know what nobody wants to do clean. I hate cleaning, you know, I like cooking. I don't like cleaning part. I'm a good cook, but I do it. I mean I washed dishes all those years. I'll tell you a quick story. And I'm only because you know, you're the heart and soul of America. We're all in the service business. We create goods or services that people want to need and desire and as a result that we can get an apartment or a house in a car and you know, and that's the way the our economy works. And the harder you work, usually the better you do. I met this guy once. I was painting an office when I was a painting contract. The late at night, it was a guy comes in at like two in the morning, scares the crap out of me, and he's there to clean whatever the office was. And I talked to the guy who put our feet on the desk, you know, took a break. Guy came from a country like Russia, you know, somewhere Eastern Bloc country, and he built businesses in five years. This guy owned two homes, had all these trucks, all this big company and is out there with his sun at night cleaning offices. And it blew me away at how great he took advantage. He got a breath of freedom, man, and he was not going to let it go. Incredible, right, that's America, That is America. Keep up the good work, Sean, And thank you again for taking my call. Thank you, sir. Wish you all the best. All right, we have a minute Florida and Bill is standing by Bill. How are you welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Hi, Sean, thank you so much for getting me on. This is amazing, Thank you, We got a minute. It's all yours. Go all right. I just wanted to say I thought it was amazing just having Donna Brazil on in the conversation you guys had and how what a great opportunity it was when she said, Hey, tell me how I can help, and I would love to see maybe somehow you encourage this to happen where she actually becomes part of the solution and as showing America how we are united and together in defeating anything, whether it's it might happen or it could happen, or even tragically if it does happen. And I think this would be a good opportunity just to have you reach out an inviteer and bring her in, even though I know you've got part actually the one. Maybe you could consultate it. What do you think? You know, everybody seems to think that I have a direct line of the Oval Office. They just think that. You know. One thing I'll never do in my life, and we've done a lot of investigative reporting in the last three years. I will never confirm or deny a source who I talk to, if I talk to them, when I talk to them, if I talk to him, what did I talk about. I'm never doing that and I've never done that. But I will say this, there are good people in this country. Even though we have political disagree there are Unfortunately, the mob and the media and the Democratic Party for the most part, sadly, they are bitterly, psychotically anti Trump. And to be honest, if they had the choice of whether or not America succeeds or fails, if it means they can win, I think they probably pick failure. That's how sick it is. It's really sad, all right, Hannity Tonight from the Swamp the great One, Mark Levin, Vice President, penns Nuke, Gingrich, Dan Bongino, and Haraldo, Kevin McCarthy, Ari Fleischer, Matt Gates. I can't do any better than that. I'm gonna try, though. We'll see it tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for giving us this microphone. We can't do it without you.

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