Is Attorney-Client Privilege Dead?

Published May 4, 2021, 10:00 PM

David Schoen, Civil Liberties Attorney and former Board Member of the Alabama Civil LIberties Union and Gregg Jarrett, Host of the “The Brief” Podcast, Fox News Legal Analyst and author of Russia Hoax and Witch Hunt, discuss the news that there will be no indictments in the Durham investigation, while the news is breaking that a former POTUS and his attorney were surveilled. Where did attorney-client privilege disappear to?

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All right, thanks Scott Shannon, and thanks to all of you for being with us. Right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this Extravaganza's eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be with us, We're going to get into the raid on Rudy Giuliani's apartment in his office. And the fact that apparently Google same well sorry not Google, Apple, the same Apple that wouldn't allow the FBI or help the FBI to get into the iPhone of the San Bernardino shooter, you know, didn't seem to have any problem at all allowing the investigators from whatever bureau get to Rudy Giulianni's eCloud. And apparently they did this in twenty nineteen while he was representing President Trump, at a point when presidential privilege and attorney client privilege was in full exist, and they knew everything that was going on, at least everything that's uploaded to the cloud, which a lot of people I think is everything. What the hell do I know about a cloud? Don't come to me for computer advice. I'm the worst guy to ask. Barely can download an app. Still, this is not gonna be good. This should be concerning to everybody here. So we all followed the case of Officer Chauvin and the guilty verdicts in the George Floyd case. Now he's waiting. It was about what I think we were going to wait eight weeks till setting thing. If I recall correctly and anyway, there might be a new basis for an appeal of that murder conviction because a juror failed to reveal to the court that he was a supporter of Black Lives Matter, and a photo recently emerged online of one of the jurors in this case wearing a Black Lives Matter T shirt. It has now sparked questions about his impartiality and the juror, Brandon Mitchell, could be seen in the photo wearing the T shirt emblaze him with a picture of Martin Luther King Junior and the phrases get your knee off our neck and BLM. And he's also wearing a Black Lives Matter hat in the photo. Now, during the jury selection process, each prospective juror is required to answer a questionnaire and that includes questions about participation and demonstrations and protests. Did you or someone close to you participate in any of the demonstrations or marches against police brutality that took place in Minneapolis after George Floyd's death. That was one of the questions. Another one was, other than that you have already described above, have you or anyone close to you participated in protests about police use of force or police brutality now? He told the Star Tribune that he replied no to both questions, but he also admitted that his t shirt the photo was actually taken at a rally in Washington, d C. Last summer commemorating mlk's famous nineteen sixty three I have a dream speech. I think I was being extremely honest, he says, regarding the jury selection process, I gave my views on everything on the case on Black Lives Matter. Jury consultant that was questioned by The Washington Post that his answers could lead to an appeal for Chauvin's attorney and the judge could also call in this particular juror for questioning and yeah, quote, this could change the outcome of things. If there's anything that makes him seem that he was not forthcoming, it could absolutely be an avenue for the judge to reconsider the case. I Meanwhile, civil rights attorney Brian Dunn told The Washington Post that the photo was undeniably suggestive of a possible bias in this juror. He said a more detailed review would be needed. At the worst part of this is that means, oh, this may not be over. There's an Axios piece out there. What's next? A violent summer on America's streets? They're writing, it appears to be likely given the homicides already that appeared to be trending above last year's record highs. Homicide rates historically spiked during summer months when the hotter weather puts more people on the streets, and vaccination coverage is increasing. In the pandemic and all its knock on effects won't be finished by then, Summer at twenty twenty one is going to be abnormally violent. I hope to god that's not true. John Roman, a senior fellow at the Economics, Justice and Society Group at NRC at the University of Chicago, writing, it's the new normal. Why do we have to accept that as the new normal? Why? Why should you know dozens of shootings every weekend in Chicago be acceptable? Why don't we hear? I mean, why isn't we only hear from the high profile cases or the case that involves the cop, which is the slimmest majority of cases. Why isn't there a focus like a laser bead on the most violent cities in America and the weekly statistics, the daily statistics. Sometimes you should have seen this video that's out there, woman randomly sucker punching and robbing, you know, someone in the New York City subway. I mean it was a harsh sucker punch and robbery caught on video. And you know, it's just none of this is good. You get all these videos that are out there. There's a video out there of a woman spewing horrible verbal attacks against an La County Deputy sheriff. The driver tell in the La County deputy calling him a murderer and a racist attack. Han on video. You'll you'll you'll never be white because you're a murderer. Yes, I started to record because you can't be on your cell phone while you're driving. Phone. I was recording you because you can't use your cell phone while you have your driver's license. It's it's at my apartment and I'm perfect legal and I'm a teacher. So then congratulations, you're a murderer. It's only citing you for using your cell phone and while you're driving. That's it for him being a Mexican racist? What is that name? Gas on the citation? Man? Here you go, Mexican racist. You're always going to be a Mexican. You'll never be white, you know that, right? Well, what is wrong with people? I mean, who wants to who wants to be a cop? Today? Get an employee in Seattle fired after refusing to serve a police officer at a chocolate chop. An employee fired for refusing to serve the officer last week, The store's owner said, in an about face after initially backing the worker's freedom of speech, good grief. Now you got this this image of this black lives amount of a a T shirt in the show case. That's just awful. Now we do have some numbers Chicago shootings and murder murders and now outpacing the record high of twenty twenty. It's unbelievable. And you know, you think, just when they can't get worse, it's getting worse. Now, just for give you the facts. The murders and shootings are outpacing twenty twenty eight hundred and thirty two shootings in Chicago eight hundred and thirty two as of April thirtieth, from which nine hundred ninety seven people were wounded. In other words, eight hundred and thirty two shooting events and ninety seven wounded. Police set announcing the statistics. The year to date figures show a stark increase compared to the last time this time last year, where there was only seven hundred and eighteen people that were struck, only six hundred thirty six and twenty three shootings. Don't you think that's record high? Is high enough? Now we're now we're up by a third, one hundred and eighty seven people so far killed from January first to April thirtieth in Chicago. Here's a question I have. Can any of you ask yourself? Do you know the names of anybody shot and killed in the city of Chicago? Can you think of anybody? Can you think of one name? Can you remember one name? Because we only hear about the names when it advances a political agenda. Doesn't every life matter many case? I'm sure some of these names are African Americans, Every life does matter. Chicago police have taken more than three thousand, six hundred guns, including one hundred and fifty so called assault weapons, off the street as they call them. You know the number of murders reported in April, I mean fifty three. Look, I'm just giving you the numbers. Most Portland Riots suspects won't be prosecuted, according to a US attorney, David Bouchard, admitting he put a Customs Border Protection officer in a chokehold and lo and behold. Charles Comfort was indicted by a grand jury of civil disorder for twice charging at the Portland Police Bureau officers, hitting number the makeshift shield, and then kicking a third officer while being arrested. Both men faced federal charges stemming from their actions during the summer of more than one hundred knights of violent protests. But Bouchard and Comfort, oh, they're just among dozens of Portland federal arrestees whose cases are dismissed, being deferred. Not a day behind bars, not one day for attacking a police officer. Want to be again? You want to be a cop? And then the obvious question, God forbid it happens to you who are you going to call? And what are you going to do? You ask me that question. I'm going to keep my answer to myself except to say that I take I will defend myself and people that I care about, and it's some people. It's unbelievable. I just can't get over this. We'll play this tape again of this woman. Why would this teacher? Now, if I was the head of a school district and this teacher is on tape talking to a cop this way, I would think that maybe that teacher is not qualified a teacher. But maybe I'm maybe I'm overreacting here. You you decide. I pulled you over because you're a murderer. Yes, I started to record because you can't be on your cell phone while you're driving. Phone. I was recording you because you can't use your cell phone while you have your driver's license. It's it's at my apartment and I'm perfectly legal and I'm a teacher. So there, congratulations, you're a murderer. It's only citing you for using your cell phone and while you're driving. That's it for him being a Mexican racist. What is that name? Gas on the citation man? Here you go, Mexican racist. You're always going to be a Mexican. You'll never be white, you know that, right, A murderer, a Mexican racist, you're always going to be. I don't even know what to say. I feel so bad for that cop. Guy's doing his job. What what? What is wrong with people? Right as we roll along eight hundred and nine one sean you want to be a part of the program. Apparently hot mic moment, and it may be an indicator that Liz Cheney's days are numbered as a member of the House GOP leadership. Anyway, the newer report that is out says that Kevin McCarthy has done defending Congresswoman Cheney, signaling that, you know, the anti Trump lawmakers days as House Republican Conference chairwoman may be numbered. I know from a lot of people that I know in Congress that are Republicans, they don't want her in that position. And he said that he's lost confidence in Cheney during an off air hot mic moment with Steve Doocey on Fox and Friends. According to Axios, I think she's got real problems. I've I've had it with her, you know, I've lost confidence. Someone just has to bring emotion, but I assume that will probably take place. He stated in the interview that with do see that House Republicans are concerned about whether Cheney can continue her leadership duties as she continues to drive a wedge between Republicans with her critical comments regarding former President Trump. Look, I don't really care that much. I've never got too involved in this whole. You know, if you want to call yourself a Republican and you're not and help elect Joe Biden liked the Lincoln Project, I'm actually okay with that. I wish you'd be a little more honest about it. You can't say because Donald Trump governed conservatively, or say I like his policies, but I don't agree with this style. Just be honest. But they try and run around I wear a Republican, they're not Republicans, and I think this is where a lot of people. Well, what's frustrating, though, is Liz Cheney seems to just have her own agenda over that of the position that she holds. She may run for president. I don't even think she can get reelected. I don't think Mitt Romney can get reelected. I'm not I don't even think Lisa Murkowski, she's in trouble in Alaska. Not that I disliked them, I'm just saying that they're not where the base of this party is at this moment. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program, here's what I say. And some people want me to be worked up, want me to be angry, want me to be upset over the Lincoln Project and Mitt Romney's of the world than the Liz Chenneys of the world. You know. The sad thing in the case of both Say Romney and Liz Cheney is that the base of the party, you know, they went all in to support the Cheneys and the Romney's. They went all in, and many people that knew, for example, that maybe Mitt Romney wasn't as conservative as them, they still saw that he was a better option. In twenty twelve, I was the same option as two thousand and eight with John McCain, and you just you just don't have a choice. You go all in. And I was warning of the radicalism of Obama and his background and his associations and his black liberation theology is the chum gang Frank Marshall, Davis Olinsky And you know what is a community organizer The Church of g D America airs dorn unrepentant domestic terrorists. Yeah, I'll support anybody over that. That wasn't that hard and uh and it was amazing because the people that ran that campaign didn't have the smarts, the wherewithal, the fight in them to do these things. You know, when you know at the time, I've still to this day believe that the battle in the war on terror was justified and needed and necessary and based on the images of weapons of mass destruction it used on their his own people of Saddam Hussein, I still believe in the lead up to the war is probably moved, but I can't prove it. So it's it's a long ago discussion. And the good news for our military is military technological advancement has made has transformed future conflicts and how we're going to fight them with pinpoint accuracy. Guy in Tampa, Florida, can you know, take out anybody any place anywhere in the world at any time. I may look at the operation against Solomani, the world's biggest terror from the world's largest terror state of her own. It's a pretty amazing thing. So I don't get worked up. I do think that there is a disconnect. It's sort of like, and if Liz Cheney wants to run for president, let to run for president. But if she's going to make it about her and her agenda and her agendas at odds the rest of the caucus, then at that point I don't think she warned some position and leadership. Well, you conservatives are intolerant, you don't take people of different points of view. I have no problem with that. The agenda being a Conservative, I keep telling people, is very simple, keep it simple, stupid. The party of liberty, freedom, capitalism, and our great Constitution, including the First and Second Amendment. It's the party that believes in law and order and safety and security for every town and every city in America. Conservatism is about choice in public schools and breaking up the unholy alliance of teachers unions with the Radical Democratic Socialist Party. It's also about free market solutions for healthcare and yes, protecting preexisting conditions. In case you were wondering. We believe in people that will won't legislate from the bench, that are constitutionalists that they will serve their role only as defined by what it means to be in the judiciary. Original Ism constitutionalists. We believe in lower taxes, limited government, less government bureaucracy is possible so that we don't stifle and put a stranglehold on business. Same with taxes. You know, high taxes prevents investment. We believe in safe and secure borders and legal immigration. We believe in energy and dependence. We believe in peace through strength, the biggest badass military on the face of this earth, and free and fair trade. Tell me what I'm missing, because if you say you are a conservative, then those are the things that I have pretty much supported my entire career, thirty three years on radio. I can now just break it down into less than a minute. And that is what conservatism should be about. And yeah, you're gonna have variations. Reagan once said, if we agree eighty percent of the time, you're not my enemy. But they're making it personal now. If they have a problem with Donald Trump's style, state it fine. You have a problem with his style. He tweets too much, he's too combative, not presidential, whatever you want to say, I don't care. But he also fought and fought hard, something that prior to Trump many Republicans did not do. Being nice to Barack Obama and his campaign and ignoring Jeremiah Wright and airs En Dorn didn't really serve the McCain campaign. Well neither did you know? What happened to Hurricane Sandy did not help either. If you remember, the economic down turn at that time was rough, and that man, it became inevitable as a bit of a movement. Okay, they have wave elections all the time. That happens. Twenty twelve could have been one. I don't whoever advised Romney or if he's following his own council, to take his foot off the gas in that second and third debate. Especially the third debate, I remember screaming at his staff saying, what the hell have you done here? You just lost the election. It was such a bad debate performance and he was not aggressive enough, and that's what happens in elections. I have no problem whatsoever with some disagreement within the Republican ranks. So there's this three minute ad. We're gonna show part of it tonight as a preview because we'll be in California tomorrow. Caitlyn Jenner is running. It was a it's a fascinating Linda. Can you put that one? I sent it to you guys earlier today. Put it up on Hannity dot com. We'll tweet it out at Sean Hannity. And it's three minutes long, and it's very reminiscent in the lead up to this interview tomorrow night. And I know, I'm guessing, I don't know for sure. Caitlyn Jenner could have had an interview with anybody. And I think the reason is is because Caitlyn Jenner is serious about substance policy governance. And what really caught me in this ad that they put out. It's really well done. I mean this this thing was killer. It was a great and I look, I've looked at campaign ads my whole career, and it's actually worth playing. I wish you could see the images of it. Will show it tonight on Hannity. But again, it's three minutes. I'll run as long as I think you might be interested. But I thought it was a phenomenal ad. But just to finish the circle here is I think the reason that she decided to come and do my show is because she wants us to be about substance, about political substance and specificity in plans for a state that is way off course. The state with thirteen and a half percent income attacks is the highest in the country, a sanctuary state, a state that was basically shut down by a governor that was having his own fun times and restaurants when nobody else could listen. I've always been a dreamer. California was once the envy. We had what everyone else wanted. The American dream grew up here. Politicians and their policies have destroyed that dream. It's been locked away, closed, shut her, left in the dark, burned down. The government is now involved in every part of our lives. They've taken our money, our jobs, and our freedom. California needs a disruption, a compassionate discruction. I came here with a dream forty eight years ago to be the greatest athlete of the world. Now I enter a different kind of race. Are you agree my most important one yet? To save California. I don't care if you're a Republican Democrat. I'm ready to be governor for all Californias, to reflame our true identity, to bring back the gold, to the Golden State. Now is the time to achieve that something, to be the shining city on the hill, and together we'll restore and renew the California dream. It's about what happens you're here. It's not person it's about all of us. So it's it's well done. We'll put it up on Hannity dot com. Um a couple of interesting lines that she makes in this head. California needs a disruptor, a compassionate disruptor. I came here with a dream forty eight years ago to be the greatest athlete in the world. But when you're when that the cathalon that makes you the gold and you you become the greatest athlete in the world. There's so many different aspects to it. Um. One thing I've known about every athlete I've ever met in my life, any serious athlete, is the amount of work, the amount of commitment, what it takes to be to take even if you have natural talent to take it just even a notch higher where you need to be to be a super excelling athlete. It's unbelievable discipline and work. And you know I'm saying I came here forty eight years ago with a dream to be the greatest athlete in the world. Now I'm entering a different kind of race, arguably the most important one yet to save California. So I'm actually very interested. And I guess maybe thinking out well, the people of California recall Gavin Newsom and can Caitlyn Caitlyn Jenner win that race. There's probably gonna be a lot of people that get in. She must have what you know, name recognition, and it's but it's the substance. And and that was the interesting part of you know, we had a short call. I said, I'd love to interview you and um and I said, I want this to be about real issues and anyway, so I hope you'll too in tomorrow. It's gonna be interesting. I'll show you some of us tonight on TV. Oh, by the way, they see a horrible video that came out, another beating, brutal beating of two Asian women, which has now become it's been happening way too often, and this time in Baltimore. A guy's now behind bars. I guess we should be thankful it didn't happen in New York because they'd be out of jail by now anyway, showing and pummeling two female Korean store owners with a cinder block. How could people treat other people like this in life? What the hell is wrong with them? How does that happen? So sad? By the way, is that picture, I'm sure it is if it's in the daily mail. It's a daily mail picture of Joe and Joe Biden maskless while sitting, you know, on top of like, right next to former President Jimmy Carter ninety six years old and his wife, Rosslyn ninety three years old. It's such a it's so phony, all of this coronavirus Joe stuff. I'm wearing to be extra careful outside. By the way, only thirty six percent of Americans Rasmussen called Biden's policy successful, that's it in his first hundred days of office. Forty one percent say they've been a failure. By the way, school kids, this was an interesting thing on Fox news dot Com. Students at a Virginia fifth grade classroom telling President Biden Joe Biden Virtual learning gave them the chance to eat, take naps at even fake technical glitches in order to avoid answering questions. Wow. Basically that Zoom calls schools were a disaster, not good at all. You have This is the most interesting thing I saw today. Top Biden economists urging the whole world to raise corporate taxes. Now, this is the second Biden appointee. Remember Janet Yellen said it. In this case, it's Cecilia Rouse, chair of the Council of Economic Advisors Biden administration, urging trading partners to adopt a global minimum tax on corporations to offset the effects of Joe Biden's domestic corporate tax increase. You know what that is, Let's conspire government to government against the people of all of our countries so that we can take as much money as possible from one group of people and redistributed to a larger group of people who become dependent on us, so we can stay in power and perpetuity. That's what that proposal is about. Another pole that Americans believe the country is more divided under Joe Biden. I thought everyone loved Joe Biden. Yeah, I guess not, Popsie Daisy. Sorry, didn't work out that way. And he's still lying. Anyone making less than fourter a thousand dollars a year will not pay a single penny taxes lie. If one economist, University of Maryland professor penning On op ed Biden's woke economics will lead to a disaster, I actually believe that too. And Hunter Biden still has a holdings in a Chinese investment firm in defiance of his father's promise. That was in biz Pack Review right an hour two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. By the way, amazing out. Three major news organizations got a story about Mayor Rudy Giulianni wrong, you know, incorrect information supposedly from government sources that led let's see New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News to all get it wrong as they reported that the FBI had briefed Rudy Giuliani that he was the target of a Russia disinformation campaign during his efforts to dig up unflattering information about Joe Biden. You know the worst part of all of this, Unless you listen to a show like this, or watch Hannity on Fox and a couple of or listen to a couple of other shows, there's not a lot of US and maybe watch a couple of other shows, not a lot of us. You wouldn't know that the person that bought and paid for a dirty Russian disinformation dossier was Hillary Clinton. I know, maybe it just sticks in my crawl a little bit bit. The other utter hypocrisy of all of this. So we had Rudy on last night, and we spent a lot of time talking about these federal investigators that rated the apartment any office of Rudy Giuliani, America's mayor. And now we have as we move forward with all of this, a lot of unanswered questions that really need to be resolved. You know, another pre dawn raid. They're saying, well, Rudy's under investigation for a potential violation. A fairer violation is when you don't register fill out the proper government paperwork for foreign work with the US federal government. And I asked Rudy last night, I said, well, my understanding is is that most of your work, if not I found all of it had to do with the legitimate investigation into zero experience Hunter. We played it yesterday, you know, on Good Morning America. Any experience in oil, energy gaspe Nope, Nope, any experience in Ukraine. No, and then Joe bragging, You're not getting the million dollars unless you fire the prosecutor I got. Let's see you got. You got six hours to fire that prosecutor, and son of it be they did it? Who was the prosecutor? Why would it a vice president in the United States want a prosecutor in freaking Ukraine. I bet most people can't even find Ukraine on a map, except you might know it's next to Russia. Why would they want or Ukraine a Ukrainian prosecutor to fire? Because they're investigating Hunter Biden and Barisma Holdings, that's why. And Joe's leveraging taxpayer dollars to get it. So that raises questions, Well, what about zero experienced Hunter? How is that possible? Remember the grass Lee Johnson Senate report. We have gone into great detail on this program because Barisma, with no experience, was paying Hunter Biden and his company millions of dollars zero experience. Hunter made money from them Ukrainian oil gas giant owned by a sketchy Ukrainian oligarch. Remember you got the three and a half million dollars wired transfer to his company from the Russian oligarch no better known as the First Lady of Moscow. Five million dollars from a state backed Chinese company with ties to the Chinese military. Got the hundred thousand dollars shopping spreegue courtesy of a prominent Chinese national. Hundred thousand from a Kazakh oligarch earmark for a brand new car. You know, doesn't have any experience any of this. Never mind the one point five billion dollar deal. Nothing ever happens, and I keep bringing up this issue. Is there a dual justice system? Now? Let me play Rudy Giuliani reacting to The New York Times, Washington Post, NBC retracting stories about him The New York Times, Washington Post, and NBC. I believe they had to attract stories about you, your reaction, my reactions the headline of the Washington Post. Shuliani briefed on Russian connection. They've been trying to make me a Russian Asian for about three years, which is totally nuts. I'm probably the biggest anti communist you've ever met. There's no way that I'm a Russian Asian or anybody else's agent. I was a lawyer who was representing a client who was innocent. The biggest burden a lawyer can have is to represent an innocent man. And I did it damn well, and I have exposed that our president as one of the biggest criminals in the history of the country. All Right, So there you go. That's Rudy's answer. Now you might remember the San Bernardino shooter case. Remember the FBI is asking Apple if they can get into the iPhone of the San Bernardino shooter. This is Apple's Tim Cook answering that question, do you really want to plant the flag on privacy and safety on side for Ruke's iPhone? I think safety of the public is incredibly important, safety of our kids, safety of our families is very important. The protection of people's data is incredibly important. And so the tradeoff here is we know that doing this could expose people to incredible vulnerabilities. This is not something that we would create. This would be bad for America. Bad for America. Now here's the question. Rudy was pointing out that apparently, while he was representing the president of the United States, that in fact, investigators were reading his iCloud messages in twenty nineteen. This is all in the lead up to impeachment. Well, how is it that it's it's bad for America when it's the San Bernardino shooter, but not bad for America. Again, you're supposed to have privilege with your doctor, you know, patient client privilege, attorney client privilege as the President of the United States not afforded that. Apparently not Donald Trump. David Shone Civil liberties attorney Greg Jarrett hosts the two number one best selling books and also hosts of his podcast The Brief. Welcome both of you back to the program. Greg, I'll start with you. It's a lot to unpack there. Yeah, in terms of accessing Giuliani's iCloud, I would hope that the government followed the law, and that means they asked to obtain either a subpoena or a search warrant or some other court order, take it to Apple and demand they comply by opening up that account. Apple would then have two courses of action. They could capitulate and it could have been done covertly so that Giliani didn't even know, or they could contest it in court. We have no evidence that they ever did that. So the question then becomes, well, if they already access to his iCloud. Why would they seize his electronic devices and cell phone. Well, the answer is not everything on your cell phone goes to the cloud. It depends on how much you upload and when you last uploaded it. So you know they as I said to you last night on your television program, this smacks of political persecution masquerading as a potential criminal prosecution. And you can't do it against a lawyer who's not getting paid by Ukrainian sources, but rather his client is President of the United States. He's acting at the direction that behest to the president, making him a de fact a member of the administration, which means Ferret is an apply and also as a lawyer, he's duty bound to conduct investigations, fact finding, obtaining of evidence, collection of information from sources, including sources abroad, then conveying that to his client. He's the president's advocate, not a lobbyist. Well, let me get to that question with David shown here and to me, I think Professor Dershowitz's analysis and Greg I think agrees with this that a subpoena would suffice in this case not going to somebody's eye cloud or not a pre dawn raid on Rudy Giuliani, the president's attorney. Yeah right. And by the way, there are special subpoena rules when an attorney's involved, and there has to be a tank team in place to make sure they're not getting privileged materials when they do it. But let's take a look at the bigger picture. The bigger picture here is shameless vindictiveness. Talk about turning things on their head Hunter boden of evades meaningful investigation when even the Wall Street Journal had called for that, had talked about the scandal years and years ago. But I'm going to suggest this to you. This administration is simply shamelessly vindictive. You know, President Trump had every right and through his Attorney general, to really thoroughly investigate and go after Hillary Clinton when he came into office. One would suggest that she certainly committed a crime with the destruction of the emails and the hard drive and all that. But they made a decision, whether political or otherwise, not to do that. This administration is taking the opposite tack. And I'm going to say this to you. You know, I don't want to be a Johnny one note, But we've talked in the past about Andrew Weisman, you have now in place the Deputy Attorney General who signs off on things now like surveillance, warrens and that sort of thing. Lisa Monico, who was an Andrew Weisman colleague, she worked at the FBI under Mueller as counsel like Weisman did. She was on the Enron Task Force. These are the sort of folks now being loaded into this administration. And when we talk about you know, surveillance tactics and now this partnership for domestic terrorists, surveillance supposedly circumventing the FIS accord and that sort of thing, you have a cabinet and other administration officials who were singly the most anti ally, especially anti Israel and pro Iran figures we've ever had in government. Probably this is a very scary situation we're facing. Well, it's beyond scary. Now you have to wonder where do you think they're going with this? It doesn't sound like Farah to me, Greg Jarrett. If Verdi Giuliani as the President's attorney is looking into what I thought was a slam dunk case about leveraging a billion dollars to fire a prosecutor investigating Joe Biden, then vice President's son, for getting millions with no experience. That kind of sounds a syndicate to me, it does. It sounds corrupt, doesn't it, which is a classic you know, FBI Department of Justice. It's as if James Cummy, Andrew McKay and Peter Struck never left the vindictive actions. As my friend mister Shawen describes, it is apparent for all to see where are they going for it? I frankly think that this, you know, the seizure of the electronic devices, they were using Farah as a pretext. Farah doesn't apply to Giuliani under these circumstances. So what are they doing. They're trying to dig up dirt. So they used Farah as a pretext to get their hands on Giuliani's electronic communications, hoping to find some other lawlessness that might be evidence therein. Look, I've known Giuliani for you know, twenty five thirty years. He is a careful, scrupulous law You may disagree with his politics, some people do. I haven't agree with his politics, but I doubt that they'll find any evidence of wrongdoing on those devices. Well, I don't think so either. I mean Rudy's a good lawyer on top of everything else. And you know, this goes back to a lot of the other cases too. I mean the pre dawn raid with mantaphor, guns a blazon, pre dawn raid for process crime, lying to Congress, Rogers Stone and uh, you know, guns drawn frogmen in the backyard, fake news, CNN cameras tipped off for the I mean the whole bit for lying to Congress, the very same referrals that went to top officials in the FBI, in the in the Horowitz report, David Show, that's right, and same people. And again you know Weisman's behind that. Now you have this, Lisa Monica, as I say, but there are a number of things driving this. And by the way, remember we saw these opinion pieces by Weissman and others a couple months ago already saying how the government could should go after President Trump, go after Roger Stone. It's never any battle. Instead of coming forward with positive policies, it's this vindictiveness. It's taking people out of the game. It's disenfranchising voters who would have voted for President Trump. That sort of thing. That's what the impeachment was about, you know. And that's what the effort to bar him from ever running again. But you have here with Giuliani, you have a couple of motivating factors. You have his former clients to leave Parnis. I spoke on a panel with his lawyer, talking on two different subjects, but his lawyer was telling the group about how actively his client is trying to so call cooperate with Congress to stick it to Giuliani. So people have different political motivations here all coming together. You know, well, you do, people, I understand now. The Biden administration, also, by the way, is considering using outside firms to track what they define as extremist chatter by Americans online. That's a little bit chilling to make. Greg Jarrett, Yeah, it's idiotic and a corrupt idea. It's classic Joe Biden. I say corrupt because Biden is deliberately seeking to circumvent the law that limits the government from covertly surveilling citizens online, like assuming false identities to gain access to private messaging, hacking encrypted apps to spy and tea people. Under the law, the Feds can only browse unprotected social media conversations. They're not allowed to infiltrate private messaging without a warrant based on probable cause. So what is the Biden administration now thinking about doing well? Outsourcing delegating the surveillance outside groups who were not legally constrained by the Constitution under the Fourth Amendment search and seizure rules. This is a sleazy maneuver. It violates the spirit of federal law prohibits that prohibits domestic spine without a valid warrant. This is another appalling example, Sean, of the devious, malevolent tactics that our intelligence agencies employ against its own citizens, violating their privacy rights and their civil liberties. It's smacks of facism, all right, powerful words. David Show and Greg Jarrett will continue to follow this. It's amazing though none of the people that got referrals, none of the people involved a premeditated fraud, and the fires a court, no consequences whatsoever. Really sad and it makes you, you know, feel like we don't have equal justice or application of our laws. At twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. You know, I've said this before. It is amazing the anger that has come out against James Carville. James Carville, I've had actually I've had fun debating him a number of times. He's actually a fun guy to be around. He loves I mean, he loves LSU Tiger football. Oh my gosh. Actually, there was a speech before for a championship game was supposed to be a debate between me and him one year, and all he talked about was football, football, football, and that's all the crowd wanted to talk about. So I'm like, all right, I give up. I just sat down and I got entertained and paid at the same time. It said, fine, I don't have to work. It was It was pretty funny moment. And but one thing that he is not is stupid. The one thing that I think Bill Clinton did that was smart his entire campaign and his entire presidency and his entire post presidency is he had a kitchen cabinet not people I agree with, some of whom I don't even like. But it included carvillho I do like. It included Begala, and it included ram Rambo, Deadfish, It included Georgie Stephanopolis. And every day they went over the message of the day and had a deal with whatever controversy might be emerging, especially during impeachment Monica Lewinsky. I did not have sex with that woman on a single time. I'm gonna get back to work for the American people and all that sort of thing. Here's Carvill. It's fascinating to me because I think this is going to be far bigger in the minds of the American people in terms of the backlash against woke ism. Cancel cultureism. Listen. In my view, if you want to in politics, you should speak the language of the people. You should speak clear, direct English and address people as they address each other, not like the Humanities Department at Amherst wants you to address everybody. Is this the kind of an issue? Is this the kind of an issue, James? That is impossible to poll because people are gonna lie to a poster, But when they go in there and they close that curtain, they're going to do what they want to do. I don't have to poll all right. After the twenty twenty congressional elections, it was a huge eruption in the Democratic Caucus where people correctly pointed out that this whole defund the police cost US congressional seats I can look at the voting results and the Rio Grand Valley, I can look at the voting results in Miami day, I can relate conversations that I have with people every day. People want to live like they're scared to address an issue because it might come out the wrong way, and no one is using their language except for you know, some of our people on television. If you go to and if you need Walton, let's just go listen to NPR. Yeah, I'll leave it out of my truck radio so I'll never fall asleep. You gotta admit that's pretty funny, and James Carvel's not dumb, and I think, but it's only getting worse. You know. It was very very telling as we were leading into the joint speech before Congress of Joe Biden, how every squad member, led by Congresswoman Actio Quartez Alexandria Cossio Quartez, the real Speaker of the House, Pelosi speaker in name only, is that they all took credit for jose agenda. And the reality is the truth is she's right, and so is Congresswoman Omar and Congresswoman Pressley and other squad members, and they're all patting themselves on the back because they know they're setting the agenda. Bernie Sanders knows probably he couldn't have gotten his agenda this far had he been elected. And I think they're actually shocked by it. But the backlash to it, all the reckless spending, the policies that are job killing, it's never going to work, and it is a guarantee whiplash in terms of a political earthquake in the other direction. That's what the result of all of this is going to be. By the way, Linda, you know what everyone keeps asking me about, why does Why is Linda? Why won't she let her child be normal and have a happy meal? Everywhere I go everyone's asking about little Liam and why poor little Liam? And it doesn't get a happy meal. Never had a happy meal. It's five years old. Little Liam wants a happy meal, and they're actually asking me to see if I can have an intervention with you, an intervention. First of all, who wants to be normal? Can we start there? Nobody wants to be normal. My child is he's exceptional. Well, exceptional child does not when heat chicken nuggets from McDonald's. He wants to eat my air fryer chicken. Okay, but he's never he has nothing to compare it to. There's no baseline comparison. He's never had a McDonald's French fry in his life. This poor kid. So do you remember this from your parents When you were a kid, they used to say, be happy with what you got, and then when you get older, you realize that you were content with those things because you never had the other things. So if he makes a decision when he's, you know, a teenager, that he wants to fill his body with toxin, that's his decision. Okay, So you're not going to let this kid wat till he's twenty one make the decision that he can have McDonald's. Basically, yeah, an informed decision. See, I know what goes in those chick and nuggets. I've cut them open. It's disgusting. I'm sorry. I think that the audience agrees with me. They're just afraid to say it out loud. No, that doesn't mean no, no, no, the audience did not agree with you. We had a pole upon Hannity dot Com. I want eighty five to fifteen percent. I think that that pole is biased. Do you want to know why the poll was not biased. The pole was on the Sean Hannity website based up show. Okay, you know against me. Remember when I wanted to run the tape of Leo two point z Terrell. Oh that's true. You did lose that one time? Lost it. I mean I wanted to run out of the tapes when Leo used to I used to piss him off so much that he would rip off his mic and rip out his earpiece and he'd walk off the show. So funny story. So you know, Leo and I are good friends. We've known each other as long as he's been coming on the show, as long as I've been working here almost seventeen years. Scary and uh, it was really funny. I was talking to him the other day and he goes, remember when I hung up on you. I'm like, oh, yeah, I remember those days. I mean I used to like he'd have guest thing that's he gets so many He's like, I can't even talk to you, Linda. He'd hang up like so many times. And now he's like, I'm so sorry I did. I'll never do that again. Well, I mean it's such a good dude. I bet you he doesn't need McDonald's I bet she probably does he McDonald's. I bet you he does not. Look we'll do a quick poll here, all right, now, don't hang up after we ask one question. John and Missouri, do you like McDonald's Do you like fast Wendy's? You like fast food? I try not to, but it's not a matter of try. I try not to too, but you do like it. I should come to it, and I enjoy it when I ask you. All right, John, stay right there, we'll get back to it. Tony and Iowa. Do you like fast food? Do you like McDonald's. Well, I eat a one that it has all emo teenagers working there. They call it the unhappy meal, but a special No, I don't, but you know that's funny, right. Do you like a quarter pounder which cheese once in a while French fries? Yeah? Yeah, I do. Well, I don't know why everyone's so apologetic. It's not a big deal. I'm admitting I love it. Lou in Florida, do you like McDonald yay? Sean? Yeah, As a kid, I loved it. I got a chance to eat it. But now I'm a vegetarian. Oh, she's probably side. Now. I'm so sorry to hear about that. Hang on, LOUI, we'll get back to you. Thomas in Texas, do you like McDonald's fast food Wendy's because I liked them all. I'm a physician, part of the obesity pandemic and wish i'd never eating fast food? Do you really want that? For little Liam, who seems I think I didn't ask about talking about an obesity problem. I'm asking. He's a physician. You can't argue with him. Do you like to eat an occasional quarter pounder with cheese or a single or double with cheese from Wendy's. We all like things we shouldn't have. Thank you, doctor likes it. That's another vote for me. Becky in Michigan? Do you like fast food like Wendy's, McDonald's pizza, all the fun stuff? Yeah? Absolutely? And Kentucky Fried Chicken original recipe? Right, that's right? Yeah, all that off once in a while. Thank you. That is five for five. I'm not gonna go any further. I can, but I won't because I already won't. It's a different question. Nobody asking the questioning puke green shakes that you're eating every day or the disgusting orange shakes that you eat every day. They're as discussed, they're just as disgusting. First of all, you're not asking the right question. The question is not do we like you know, fast food? The question is not you know, do we like constant politans? Do we like beer? This is not the question. The question is is it good for you? And would you give it to your kid? Well, it's a different question. Well, hang on, it's not. It's not a big deal for a kid to have a stupid happy meal once in a while. Yes, it is because your body. Did you ever see that documentary Supersize Me? Yeah, okay, I see. That means I'm right stupid, but it's stupid. That's the one where the guy ate McDonald's morning every day for thirty days. Okay, I'm not talking about every meal every day for thirty days. I gained forty five pounds if I ever did that, right, So, what I'm saying is, though, is if you can keep your kid's body pure and not give them these things, their body never ever wants it. They never acclimate to it. You know, my son has no idea what the stuff is. It's the best thing in the world. Okay, quick break, we'll come back on the other side. And now I'm in the mood for a quarter pound of a cheese French fry and a coke. All right, as we continue, or a little discussion about McDonald's. Here. One day, when you're not looking, I'm taking that kid. I'm gonna I'm gonna snatch did you air really? Uncle Sean's gonna snatch the kid for an hour and get him a happy Meal and just just gonna say, just don't tell mom, and he'll be home playing with his happy Meal toy of Ronald. See. Look, this is the difference between you and me. Like when we were down and we were in West Palm and we were doing the interviews, and I was like, okay, I want to buy one toy for my son. And you go in and you're like pulling the whole shelf you and sweet baby Book. No, that's not what happened. It was me and sweet baby James and we had finished the trip. I'm exhausted, and you say, and I said, you guys, stop a Target and go get a toy for Liam. And I said, I said, I'm stopping at Target. You said you were, You said you wanted to stop at Target. You had promised to get Liam a toy get him a toy train. We stopped at Target. Okay, we all go in, all four of us. Me. You No, you're leaving out the part. Wait a minute, you leave it out a critical part, which is where I said, please don't come in with me, go by. I like to go shopping. No, you like to rush people, just like you rushed inside. We find the toy section. Then when we find the toy section, it's got like twenty different styles of trains, and Linda has to pick up and touch and play with and price out every single freaking train to that's right. Forty minutes and finally I had had enough and I've got a cart, and I bought all the trains and I threw them in the basket and I said, let's go. You can decide later give them all to the kid. Just so you know, America, forty minutes in Sean Hannity Land is like about three minutes. And everyone else's he has the patience that I named my daughter with Daddy Daughter Day. Of course, I know, why don't you remind the audience? Okay, the deal was she got to eat anywhere she wanted. Daddy Daughter Day right, and then we then we go to the mall. I say, now you can pick one store. I don't care what store it is. You have ten if I was very patient that day, fifteen minutes, get whatever you want. Then we're leaving. We're getting out of here. You knew patience is a virtue, right, that's patient. Some days I had fifty, I gave fifteen minute and now it was funny. She was like agonizing over picking out one toy, one whatever it was, and it would be like then finally one day I brought her friends and said they can do it too, and they're like, well, if you're gonna give them fifty's full of crap and that like loading up. They're not looking at anything except just as much as they can touch in ten minutes. They should have just gotten a gift card and maxed it out. That that's not fun, Yeah, but it was. It's the fun part that they get to hand. You should just make a Hannity happy meal, just buy gifts, sent it to Linda's house and she can give a gift with actual edible food to Liam. She always wanted to go to Subway, and Subway's okay. I don't love a way. But every time I'd be like, no, but they have healthy options nothing. She'd order a real meal, I don't know, maybe a steak or whatever she's eating. And then I said, well, what do you want for dessert? She goes, Dad, They're too expensive. I'm like, good grief. Did you eat McDonald's when you wear a kitchln? Yes? Of course I did. Did was opened in Franklin Square. The local Penny Saver had a free large McDonald's french fries. And this is terrible. I'm gonna confess these statute of limitations along past. But me and my friends we walked around the neighborhood and stole every penny Saver we could and we used that Oh he did that freak large McDonald's french fry. I mean, I'm probably in the course of three weeks that's all I lived on was McDonald's french fries. And it was great. I loved it. I have to say, I'm looking up the stats on chicken nuggets McDonald's chicken nuggets. Excuse me, this is h stirical. The burger happy meal. No, kids, my son doesn't eat cheeseburgers. He eats chicken nuggets. I don't know a lot of kids who eat burgers, not at least not in my neighborhood. Not with my kids. I mean they love chicken nuggets and French fries and or pizza, pizza, and that's it. And that's that's all my child is eating. Occasionally I get cheesy broccoli in there. So we're doing the interview with Caitlin Jenner tomorrow and uh, are you gonna offer a McDonald's. No, No, it's it's all in and out burger. How long have you worked for me for crying out loud? Too long? Well, you didn't know it was in an outbreak. I'm gonna get off the plane and just say, can you take me to the nearest in and out burger? Please? You know it would be a great video, you and Caitlyn going together and ordering together. I'd be glad, Tod that's good. Then I'll get get accused of the media paying for an interview. Did you watchnes Caitlyn Jenner? And what's that? Where's the fec when you need him? Right? Well, that's true, All right, Well we wasted a lot of time anyway. All right, we're gonna get to these calls. I promised John, Tony, Lou Thomas, and Becky. We're gonna get to you. I promise. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean is our number. Quick break right back, all right, duds, found up information overload our Sean Hannity Show. I promise your calls bottom of this half hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sean. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. Joe Concha is with us? Well? I mean when the Washington Post, NBC News, New York Times get this same story on Rudy wrong, and they got it from the same source. What does that tell you? Joe Concha, media expert columnist at The Hill on the media, and of course Fox News, a fellow Fox News employee, Sir amazing Sean, that again and again we have the Russian narrative rearing its ugly head. We saw it, as you said, for three years, with all those allegations of Russia collusion, and even right before election day remember that story about bounties on US soldiers by the Russians and the Taliband carrying that out. And then later, only later, only after all the votes were casting, did we actually see any sort of retraction, Because what does it matter at that point, right, Joe Biden was able to use it as ammunitions during that first debate and bringing it up repeatedly as if it were fact. And of course now we see this here with Juliani again. The same media outlets only make a mistake when it overwhelmingly is negative towards Republicans or conservatives or those who's appoint the support the president, right and in this case, obviously Rudy Giuliani. And here's the thing, the juice. The allegation presented as absolute fact always gets one hundred times the coverage as the exoneration. And do you think the other cable news networks who went apocalyptic and reporting the allegations against Rudy Giuliani marinated in a healthy dose of piousness, by the way, and sidenfreude, do you think that they're going to now get on the air and cover the retraction, the correction as much as they did the allegation. It's rhetorical Tuesday. You don't have to answer that, John, Okay, I won't answer. I won't take debate. But it's but it's so typical, you know, I noticed that fake Jake Tapper over at fake News CNN is out there sanctimoniously declaring that he's never going to interview Republicans because they don't tell the truth. That I'm like, do you have any level of self awareness about how screwed up your network is and what a propaganda outlet it has been exposed as? Are you that out of touch with truth and reality? Well, Jake Taffer, then therefore never interview anybody on his show again who pushed the Russia collusion narrative for example, Right, So you know, you better have some pretty consistent rules across the board. And look, this is what CNN has become. It's maybe to even the left of MSNBC, which is a very hard thing to do. But I think they think by being a cheerleader for this administration, in the Biden administration, and continuing just to be the thesis dons against Republicans, that that's somehow a winning formula. And then I look at their ratings. They are down since January sixty percent in primetime. That means six out of ten viewers who are watching your network just earlier this year are gone because they see through the BS. Well, I mean that's all true, and you know there's always a little dip after an election year, and that was predictable. It's always predictable. But these things are now heating back up. Pull it and you can see that the audience is back faster than ever. So I had this interview tomorrow with Caitlyn Jenner. They came out with a three minute ad, and political ads, generally speaking, don't capture my attention. They just that kind of rolls off me. I don't know if he saw the three minute ad, but I thought it was phenomenal. Well, you know, here we have somebody who is obviously very in tune with how to connect with people, right, I mean, I think Caitlyn Jenner is something like three million Twitter followers. Just to put this in perspective, Davin Newsom doesn't even have two million, and he's been the governor of California for a couple of years. Right, So there's definitely the name recognition in Caitlyn Jenner. I mean give her credit in terms of being true to her principles, knowing that if she's transgender that she at least according to the rules, the unwritten rules, she absolutely has to support Democrats. And she's saying, no, this is who I've always been in terms of how I look at the world and policies around X, why and Z, primarily being conservative. So yeah, if there's a runoff, remember Sean in California, you just need the most votes. It's not like Georgia where he needs like a majority. That's how you win, whoever gets the most votes. If Newsom is recalled wins the election, that makes the crap shot there is. But there's two questions. It's if he is recalled. That means on the ballot enough people have to vote to recall him, right, and then then it gets the question two, which is, Okay, of this list of people, who would you like to be governor? Now you start out, Kaylin starts out of my opinion with high name recognition. The thing that was interesting to me m and I called asked about the interview, and I had a long discussion, and I said, for me, this is about this is about policy politics. California is broken. You know, where's your level of commitment here? Now I don't want to give away too much of what the answer was, but the answer, let me just put it. The was a very good answer. And I think I think, like, for example, if if this was about anything other than really wanting to serve as a governor. I don't think I would be that interested in that interview, but I believe it is about wanting to be the governor of California and correcting this draconian, radical left wing wokeism, you know, disaster. I mean from everything from the environment out there. They won't even allow these controlled burns to stop the wildfires. They won't even allow farmers to have water. They put the priority of a little fish called the delta smelt, which is not even an endangered species, over the rights of farmers to have water so that they can raise their crops. It's about a thirteen and a half percent income tax. It's about illegal immigration as out of control as any other state, the sanctuary state of California. I mean, these are real issues here that you know, I think every candidate that is running for office is going to have to answer. And there's so much to attack right if you're a candidate looking to seeking this office right in California, for your leaders are think about the murderers row they have here. It's not exactly the forty nine Yankees. When Gavin Newson is your governor and Nancy Pelosi is one of your congresswomen who happens to be the Speaker of the House. And then you have Swallwell and Shift Boy. That is quite the lineup, isn't it. And you don't forget Diane Feinstein. Feinstein too right, and just think about everything that's going on out there, the record, homelessness, the exodus. The two states that have the biggest exodus by far by a country mile, is California and New York right now, that's according to United dan Lines who did a big survey on this and looked at their own data in terms of people moving out of places, and the states that are getting the most influx Idaho, Kentucky, and Florida. What are those all have in common? The red states? So yeah, people are getting taxed out of a zoo. They don't feel safe anymore. The migrant problem is a huge issue. So Caitlin Jenner is going to have a lot of targets that she can nail in this situation in terms of this is what's wrong and here's how I'm going to fix it. I'm telling you you haven't need some serious trouble either way. I don't disagree at all. I think, I think, really serious trouble, and and it just makes you wonder, is it now possible that California could go back to a more fiscally conservative policies. Now I'm not sure, and I'll find out when I do the interview whether this the ad that came out said, this isn't about Republican a Democrat. This is about what has happened to this great state of California. That needs to be open, that needs regulations to go away, that needs taxes to go down, that needs common sense environmental policies. But I think the radicalism of California, you know, will it now begin to adjust back to a more conservative state now, one that a presidential candidate can win. That's a stretch, but maybe on the local level, I actually think it might be possible. I'm loving enough to remember a guy named Arnold Schwarzenegger who came from the entertainment world. Everybody gave him zero chance whatsoever. If I heard one more joke in two thousand and three, get to the chop off like everybody thought. It was like a big joke, like come on, got please. The guy from Terminator is going to be the governor of California. And he won and that was a recall election that you may recall, Sean. So that's interesting. And we've had what Governor Jesse Ventura, We've had Mayor Jerry Springer, We've obvious had President Donald Trump. Yes, you can come from the entertainment sector and do quite well here because again, you don't have to worry about brand recognition or marketing yourself. For people getting to know you, they know already basically who you are. And that gives her Hitlin Jenner a huge head start here. So yeah, I don't see why she couldn't win in this situation because the competition is just so blode, seems at this point. Unless our friend Rick Renell jumped in, then we got a whole new conversation. He's been reluctant. I've had him on TV a number of times, and I happen to like Rick a lot. I think he did a great job as Director of National Intelligence, and he's a real warrior. He's a fighter. Um. I think he's smart, principled. I think he'd do a great job out there. But he's been reluctant to even give me a hint that he has any interest in running. Yeah, and that's a shame too, because you tell me who has better teeth in any political sphere, right? I know he was an acting director of Director of National Intelligence right before. That guy has some tremendous choppers. I mean I'd kill for those and not alone I think could help him in this situation. Oh of course, Jeff. And when do you get in your media show on Fox? I am advocating this now openly and publicly. I think you deserve a media show on Fox because you get that last last week, on last Friday on the on the netigin, I got more text by it have since I don't know, I think senior year, right, I mean, so you doing that situation, we'll take, you know, I take anyhow at this point, all right, quick break more with Joe Concho on the other side than your calls final half hour eight hundred nine four one sew on our number. If you want to be a part of the program, And as we continue with Joe Concho, then we'll get to your calls eight hundred and nine four one Sean. You know you follow. Look when I used to be on social media, which now seems like an entire lifetime ago. When I used to be on it, and I would, you know, engage with my public feuds with the likes of Jimmy kimmel um or Alec Baldwin, a couple of them that I had, By the way, they went down in history some of the best Twitter brawls ever. But when I had them, and it does take too much of your time, I noticed that there was this little cabal of all these blue check media people and they live in their own little bubble. Have you noticed that two on social media and they tweet out what the other one's doing, and what this one's doing, and that one is doing. And if you tweet my article or my piece on TV, I'll tweet your piece on TV. It's like they've got this left wing LoveFest never ending, and it's all rooted in the same radical left policies that Trump is bad, Republicans bad, Conservatives suck and we are the enlightened ones, we know better than the American people. It's like, you know, in journalism, it's more important for not just the media reporters and commentators that are out there, but just journalists in general. They are tickled if they could get just one retweet from Maggie Haberman or if you're like a Nicole Wallace on MSNBC, or you're a Don Lemon on CNN. It's not about winning an Emmy or a politiczer or anything like that. It's oh boy, you think that Stephen colbertil or Jimmy Kimmel will have me on their show and we get so excited about that. Yeah, so how is that possible? Considering their ratings are atrocious? On the worst night rating night on Hannity, we like double these people, And I'm trying to understand, you know, where are the media articles that actually analyze, Like I noticed that who what's that guy's name, Seth Myers? And I noticed that, you know, I mean, I started, I took a good shot back at him after he said something about me I don't even remember, and then I had my team pull up his ratings. He gets under a million viewers a night, and I'm like, why am I even talking to this guy? Why am I wasting my time? That's the old NBC Letterman spot before Letterman became really political, right twelve thirty NBC, and he would have millions more people watching because you got the escapism, you actually laugh, You watched stupid pet tricks and Paul Schaefer, and he always had great guests, and he just like it was a good thing to fall asleep too when you were in college. And now it's just like I'm hearing Seth Myers and Stephen Colbert arguing that the filibuster should be abolished and why we should have fifty one states and adding DC, and I'm like, wait a minute. If I wanted this, I'd watched the banners. The problem is hust Listen. If they were funny, I'd say they're funny. Like I can tell you that some of the people on social media that make fun of me for whatever reason, and some of the memes and some of the things they say, I mean, they literally they crack me up. They're clever, they're funny, they're smart, they're spot on in terms of they're making a point with however they're attacking me. And I look at it, and you know, I kind of on my hand, good job. I really like it. It's funny. These guys don't make me laugh. Jay Leno made me laugh. Letterman in the old days he made me laugh. Then Letterman became kind of a hardcore lefty leto stayed down the middle, kind of more in the tradition of Johnny Carson, and I thought that served him well all of those years. And what a mistake it was to get rid of Jay Leno. In my view, you'd still have a fastball Leno at this point, right and now, Jimo, I'm sorry, Jimmy Fallon. I mean, not even like one point five million viewers with Trust me It on the network, all the promotion that they give it at eleven thirties, they're not paying them all that money to bring in that sort of cash. And that's the shame about Falon. Falon used to be somewhat down, not down the middle, but he just did more entertainment. That's right, because he has a lot of talent. But then once Colbert and once Kimmel went completely and totally political, balance felt like he had no choice. And now he should have stuck to his guns. He got he panicked over the ratings for a short period of time. He needs to get back to that if he wants any chance in my view, All right, Joe Concho, thank you as always eight hundred and nine four one sewn you want to be a part of the program, quick break right back. Your calls on the other side straight ahead. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour. All right, let's get to our phones. John Missouri, you've been very patient, sir, thank you for being with us. Glad you called. I'm glad you like McDonald's. Well, thank you much for this opportunity. It's great honor to be able to speak with you today. Yeah. So I'm a teacher here in Missouri, and you know, after hearing all the things have been going on, it's it's really kind of struck a fire within me about why people aren't wanting to bring their chea it's back into the classroom. Well, I think it should for a lot of different reasons. Um, you know, I noticed Biden is telling younger kids that they need to get vaccinated. Now, I'm not sure if this was a real picture or not. It's in the Daily Mail. I trust the Daily Mail, but they have a picture of Jill and Joe Biden with Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalind. Jimmy Carter's ninety six years old, Rosalind's ninety three years old. They didn't have a mask on. Um. Look, I think you know there's so much damage that people aren't really even factoring in now these kids, you know, wearing masks for eight hours a day. Um, they're getting rashes number one, number two. Um, that's so that's a problem when they're even in school, but being home they missed their friends, that they don't have the socialization. Uh, it's putting a stress on families. It's it's it's it's not helping anybody. And we've already proven in Florida because schools they have been open since August that it can be done safely and successfully. I don't know what, Well, that's the same thing we've gone on here. We've we've been open since August, and we knew on the onset that that we were trying to set improve a point that you don't have to go full distance learning. I mean, we have absolutely offered it as an option. But when we know what it takes to teach children, it takes relationships, It takes building academic success through giving them the accouragement, showing them what they can achieve. And especially in these middle school age groups, if you don't connect them to academic success, you put them on a whole complete path to failure later on down the road. Even in which but that said, though I'm not against online education for people to choose it. I know, for example, a lot of athletes do it so they can pursue their their sports ambitions. I'm fine with that, and that's but it's got to be a choice, and it's got to be a rigorous academic program. You just can't, you know, skate on through school and life without getting an education, because it's the latter to success, and an athlete's one injury away from you know, needing that education, but badly well. And one of the things that studies show is is, you know, like you said, distance learning, when you have the support at home and then things are available, it can be a very productive thing. But when you look at some of the statistics, you know, when it comes to you know, fostination, a lot of times schools are having problems promoting reading in the classroom. Kids are coming in the classroom about fifty percent of the time not being able to read at grade level. And even the studies on dyslexi, it's not something that can easily be done over line. It takes it takes that chance to meet with the kid to see where that that hitch is. The prison statistics and even in Texas show that forty eight percent of the prison population is dyslexic, with two thirds of them struggling with reading in the first place. And so when you have these kids that have struggled at home and can't really connect online or they don't have that added support, they very well take that path that really sets them up for failure throughout life. And this was a big part of broken communities. And so when these teachers and these teachers unions aren't wanting to be in the classroom, you know, I mean that is the same. I mean, you know, it all depends to the outcome. There are great teachers and great school districts, and they are allousy teachers and a lousy school districts, just as a matter of where you live. But you're right. The ideal situation with all the money we spend per capita pursudent on education with the worst results in the industrialized world. It's mind numbing. But you sound like one of the good ones. John, Thank you, my friend, and keep up the good work. Chance our kids need good teachers. Tony is an Iowa. Hey Tony, thanks for being patient. Hey Hendy, thanks for getting me in. You're going to condense this the best they can, and hope I don't end up on a watchless for seeing this. But if any department has warranted defunding and restructuring, it's got to be the FBI, not the police. I mean, this goes all the way back, well way back. But I'm just gonna go back to the Hillary email, hard drive, Oh we lost our hard drive and Kobe saying out we don't got enough to prosecute him, you know, that kind of thing, And it's just the one thing after the other where it seems to be the FBI at the heart of the Oh yeah, this is a ballot investigation, and hopefully you know, twenty twenty twenty twenty two, excuse me, take back the House and the Senate, then maybe we can make that possible, where we you know, shake down the and restructure and start some investigations about, hey, what's going what's really going on the FBI, Like when they were farming out surveillance the third party, what was it two thousand nine or ten when Obama comes on and says, hey, everybody, we're gonna protect you for whistle blowing, and then about a week later, Snowdon Snowdon drops the bomb about how you know, he was one of the party people who was being put on the you know, watching people and going, hey, this isn't right. You know, we shouldn't be doing this. This isn't this isn't a private thing. This should be you know, we're closely guarded. This is way too loose for security. It's sad to me that we had our opportunity and Director Ray had his opportunity to clean up the FBI, which I think is one of the greatest law enforcement institutions in the world. I still you're never going to convince me that it is the rank and file, because I know too many rank and file FBI guys, special agents, and they are appalled at what some of the upper echelon seventh floor folks have been engaged in. And we missed our opportunity, or so it seems. Unless Dorham is up to something that none of us know, I have very little faith and hope that he's capable of doing the job that should be done, that needs to be done to clean it up. But you're right, it's dangerous for the country anyway. Good call, Tony, Appreciate it. Lou and Florida, Hello, Okay, Sean. Listen, my mother was a delegate Coronald Reagan in Arizona and at a young age in the fifties, we learned a lot about communism and what's happening right now in DC at the tip of the iceberg. I'm not talking your rank and file if you just said, but all the institutions, the intelligence, communities, law enforcement, and certainly our congressional bodies are all being headed as a will to power government. Okay, this is all will to power for a globalist pay to play agenda. That's exactly what this is. And there was a story today that will back up what you're saying. And it may not sound like a big deal or one that you want to pay attention to, but it really caught my attention. You have a top a cost for Joe Biden urging. Now this is on top of Janet Yellen the whole world to raise the corporate tax rate. And her name is Cecilia Rousse, chair of the Council of Economic Advisors for the Biden administration. And what they're trying to do is get every nation to engage in redistribution socialist policies. This way, there'll be no place for the rich to go to hide their money or save their money, and that they'll have access to it. When they have access to the money and they have people dependent on them, they have all the power. And that's what this game has always been about. That's never going to change. But see now they have the power and the prize of the United States now once they take the United States down, but dominoes go global all the way. What happened in Venezuela was the playbook of our twenty twenty election. That's a fact. And you can look at Cuba right now, which is on a very bad state. You look at all these totalitarian governments. And my sister, who's completely you know, she's a conservative, but she's like, oh, with the pendulum, it'll switch the other way. And I said, why does it switch the other way in China? How about Cuba. Let's run down the list. You think it's going to switch the other way in Venezuela. My proposal is that there'd be a name change today to the Democrat Party in this country to the Communist Democrat Party of America, because that's what Levin's new book is. You know that they're Marxists, and you know American Marxism. And I'll tell you what. I got criticized in the Jerusalem Post for calling Bolshevik Bernie Bolshevik Bernie. And I'm like the guy honeymooned in the former Soviet Union. He's praised, you know, regimes, murdering regimes like in the Soviet Union and Cuba's Castro and Nicaragua and Venezuela. I mean that that's it. I'm just speaking of fact. But anyway, good call Low. We appreciate scary times. Thomas, Texas Next Sean Hannity Show, It's up, Thomas. I'm a huge fan. Tried multiple times to get you. I want to segue off of Joe Biden. First, I think, how are he gotten office? In my opinion, should never be removed to show all Americans than the emperor's new clothes. As we say in Texas, he must ride that crutter to the ground. He placed an unconstitutional executive fiat regarding mask on federal property. He is the White House federal property. Now the other reason I called I have also a martial arts background as well as being a physician. And you mentioned thumbholes, you know, but humans on mind, body altering chemicals don't respond to painful stimuli and they don't behave Actually the police drop him off. And you know, we've discussed this in the past. That and that's a very good point that other you know, students, So I add one grand master actually call one day and bring that point up, and I agree with you. And and there were people that aren't feeling pain because they're on so much of this crap whatever is out there, pain killers. But in the what I saw, specifically in the case of George Floyd I was speaking specifically to, that was a guy that clearly was feeling pain and and being compliant and hadn't already been handcuffed. And you know, if you or how long have you been involved in martial arts, that was that was back in college. I didn't go all the way to black belt just because of what it carried with it. And I don't want to do the work to be a black belt. It's too much work, too much studying, too much, it's too hard. I'm going to get the crap beat out of me for eight hours. Yeah, I was one stripe away. But for us, the police pick up these people, they drop them off with us to either defeat the Graham Reaper or detox them. They put out arrest lawrants for them, and then when they're detox or sober, we've released them. Is there something that we can do to help the police in hospital? D Crowdy? Yeah, you got you gotta elect conservative politicians, conservative governors, conservative legislatures. You got conservatives to Congress, conservatives in the Senate, and yeah we need a conservative president. There you go, It's the only answer. Amen. Appreciate your brother, Iron Sharp, appreciate it. Becky Michigan, Hey, Becky, how are you? Thanks for being patient? Oh hey Sean, thanks for having me here. I'm just up here in lockdown, Michigan with Whitmer, and I just wanted to let you know that Fox seventeen put out an article today announcing that Governor Gretchen Whitmer is going to be receiving a Profile and Courage Award for her service during the COVID nineteen pandemic. So I went online to just do a little research to find out where the JFK Profile and Courage Award comes from. It comes from Massachusetts, so I was not surprised to see below it that Tom Romney also got the award for being the Republican to commit or to convict President Trump, and anyway, that's neither here nor there. I just wondered if they actually asked the people who live in these states about this type of thing in a face he think that she should receive this type of award, and what the people would say here in our state, because I know most people would not excuse me. Is this the same you know, Whitlas Whitmer that was out there lying to the people of Michigan saying she never left the state, but she did go down to Florida. The same governor whose husband at a time when nobody was allowed to get out on their boats, whose husband was out on his boat. Is this the same person that that screwed up this whole thing from start to finish. You know, it's sort of like, you know, Andrew Cuomo gets an m and Barack Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize. I don't know what to tell you. Unbelievable. Yeah, I don't even have words for it anymore. So I just wanted to tell you because I know you feel our pains. Oh I do, and I have a lot of friends in Michigan. I'll tell you it's rough. There anyway, I appreciate the call. Thanks for your patients, Becky eight hundred and nine for one. Sean, all right, that's gonna wrap up things for today, Hannity. Tonight. We got a lot to get to tonight, including breaking news. We have let's see Congressman Jordan Ron Johnson all asking demanding the FBI for answers on these Fizer violations after new FISA court opinion has been issued. And of course the latest on the grass Lee Johnson memos slamming intelligence for partisan information leaks, and the CIA recruitment videos slammed as Wolke propaganda. I can't even believe we have to debate these things. We'll get into the horrible treatment of police officers as well. We'll show you the videotape, this horrible tape of a woman just vicious to this cop. So we'll get into that. We'll have Josh Holly on as well. He'll join us, Eric Trump from the Trump Organization, and we'll give you a preview of everything from California tomorrow in our interview with Caitlyn Jenner. Thanks for being with us as all you always see it tonight from the Golden State Tomorrow,

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