Investigating The Investigators

Published Apr 22, 2019, 10:00 PM

John Solomon, Executive Vice President of the Hill is here with his latest on the Mueller probe, Democrat ties and lies to the entire process. This week promises to be an eye opener of those involved in the nefarious actions taken against President Trump. The tables are turning and those who have been doing the investigations are, just now, being investigated.

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That's promo code Sewn seven Sea and seven at mipillow dot com. All right, happy Monday. We're glad you are with us. I hope you had a great passover and also a great Easter weekend and family and friends and whatever you like to do. We hope you got it all. In terrible bombings in Sri Lanka over the weekend, nearly three hundred people killed. Well, a full report coming up later in the program. You have bombs tearing apart, three separate churches, three separate hotels, another explosion at a housing complex. I think they've found eighty four detonators at a particular bus stop that had not been finished. And we know nearly three hundred killed among them, at least four US citizens. Twenty four people in Sri Lanka in custody, and the attacks appear to have been carried out by suicide bombers with a network of radical terror and officials have suggested that there was some advanced terror plot. Intelligence may have ignored it. That's never good, never, I mean, what was the lesson of nine to eleven? You have the Kenya, Tanzania, the first trade center bombing, the USS coal the conclusion of the nine to eleven report, I didn't agree with everything. They were at war with us. We were not at war with them, you know, Yeah, we beat back the caliphate in Iraq, and Syria, no matter. We've taken back all the territory that they had gained, every single bit of it. And but radical Islamic terror is a threat, you know, and it manifests in many groups, different forms, and al Qaeda obviously one isis then you've got you know, his Bolah Hamas, you know, radical Islamic Muslim brotherhood, all these groups that buy into this twisted, sick you know, ideology that believes convert or die, or strapping bombs in some cases even on your own children to advance the caliphate, and telling your own kids that they'll be rewarded in heaven. It's insane, you know. And the hard part is when you see moments like this unfolding. You know, good people have a hard time wrapping their minds around evil. You know, look at it, look at communism, look at the former Soviet Union stallin, look at fascism, look at Nazism, Imperial Japan. We you know, the cost, the human toll the last century was about one hundred million human souls killed as a result of extremism. You know, my biggest fear keep me up at night as radical as lamas with a nuclear weapon. When you know that is a powder keg we cannot deal with. And if you marry that sick ideology, those who have perverted their religious beliefs, that evil that they embrace. If those radicals get ahold of that weapon, what would make you think it would stop them from using it? Especially you know those look at the Mullahs in Iran stated goal wiping Israel off the map. You know, there's a reason why even the Saudis, the Egyptians, the Jordanians, the Emirates, and others have aligned with Israel in the United States because they fear that nightmare, that Iranian hegemony, those radical Mullahs. You know, it's sad to think of a one hundred and fifty billion in cash another currency being dumped on the Tarmacs Muls. You know, by the way, Joe Biden, good luck explaining that if you're going to get in this week You know, I watched this weekend. I really kept distant from it because I was off TV Friday night and I just you know, every time I read some coverage see what was going on. It's like these people on the left. You know, we've discussed this this rage, this psychosis, this mass psychosis, and it is fully and completely and utterly consumed the Democratic Party. The party now finds itself in conflict. You have those that and I am We've got all the articles here. We're gonna get to in the course of the program. Mark Penn, by the way, I wrote a great article Muller's done. Democrats should be too. Trump is not Nixon, you know, but of course Muller and his merry banded Democratic donors. You look at part two on the obstruction why I didn't make a decision. He's basically saying here, if you want to impeach him, go ahead. We don't like him anyway. Well, number you know, if anyone cared about obstruction, how do you not mention the name Hillary Clinton? It the double standard is so flagrant. You have an underlying crime. There was no underlying crime for Donald Trump, who's screaming his innocence. He was as trake out. He said, if your innocent act like an innocent person would act, I think most innocent people would declare their innocence. And the idea that the president, who had all the authority legally to remove Muller and remove Rod Rosenstein and make the changes and stop the investigation, it would have politically been disastrous, but he had the power to do it. He did not, proclaiming your frustration with a witch hunt when you can only say so many ways. We found no evidence of collusion, which is what the Muller report said again and again, but that still doesn't stop them. Hillary had an underlying crime. She even warned the State Department staff underneath her when she was Secretary of State. He said, don't use private email for work related did things exactly like, oh, top secret, classified information. Well, that's what that private server was about. Her. Top AIGs all knew about. Barack Obama knew about it because when we found out the high ranking official that had emailed her, one was Barack Obama and classified top secret special access programming information all on there. And then you have the intent and what was the intent of the deletions of subpoena emails and bleached bit acid wash of the hard drives and the destruction of blackberries and iPhones with hammers and removing sim cards. Oh, the intent was to get rid of the evidence that confirmed the underlying crime. None of these people in the media, none of these Democrats that are out there on television all weekend well, we may pursue impeachment against Donald Trump. You know, the Adam cowardly shift, I mean, just makes it up, lies with abandoned. I've never seen a greater liar than this guy. What part of there's no collusion didn't he understand? But he'd been out there preaching forever that it's there. Listen, it's over. They lost they didn't get with, for example, television, These networks lied over and over and over and over again for two plus years. They created an expectation in their audience and excitement even we're gonna get them. We're gonna get them, We're gonna Now they're they're trying to read after they've deflated everybody because all their hope was in the Mueller Report, and then when it didn't happen, you know, well maybe the House will do it. That's what we need, Vaccine Waters. We have enough information from the Mueller Report to move forward with impeachment, Elijah Cummings. If we do nothing after the Mueller Report, Trump is going to be emboldened. It is it's you had an conspiracy TV. I saw this on media. It over the weekend panel actually debating the strategy on impeachment now, we would be a mistake to start it right away. In other words, it would be clearly politically transparent. Let's just wait a little while then we'll dive back in again. Or one host on the MSNBC just ripping into a congressman for not wanting to impeach Trump. I mean, this is this is now, this is beyond psychosis. And the few Democrats like Mark Penn that say you should be done. No collusion, no obstruction, they did lose. It's like that for them. I told you this last week. It's like it's it's like Election Night all over again. They got so jacked up and pumped up when they saw those eggs and polls at five fifteen on Election Night twenty sixteen. That was the those you know poles were dead wrong like they were in two thousand and four. And I think if there's one politician in the country that is somebody you really can't pole accurately, it's Donald Trump. And the idea that people went in and said, screw you people, I'm not I'm voted for Hillary. They come out, now, who would you vote for Hillary? It is they know people now are so hip to the media, biased they're messing with them. You know, the idea that we are viewed as smelly walmart people, irredeemable deplorables, cling to God, our Bibles, our guns, our religion. That's how these elitist think. They thought in the Deep State that they knew better than us, we the people. And that's why, you know, I got into a huge Twitter fight this weekend. It was some article that came out by The Daily Beast. Oh, some Russia TV show was using Hannity's monologue on the Mueller Report on Russian television. Okay, this is you know. I'm like, really, do I have to now delve into this anyway? I tweeted out, I don't know you actually have access to Twitter anymore or any of any social media have him for a long time, and I just went at him. You know, maybe they should have included my numerous comments about Russia being a hostile regime, putting a hostile bad actor, how dangerous he is to our country. Then I tweeted about, well, Devin Nunez, if Obama had all happened on his watch, had paid attention. Devon Nunez warned about all of this happening in the twenty sixteen election back in twenty fourteen, and of course they didn't lift a finger to help on the devn nuns warning and he knew they did nothing to prevent it. How many times has the hate Trump media mob lied to you, the American people Russia Russia, Russia, collusion, collusion, collusion, you know what about the fights? You know, first of all, we now know the investigation into Hillary is rigg. That's part one. We've got to go back to it. Then we know the phony Russian dosier was never verified and unverifiable, and everybody now knew. We found out from Bruce hours testimony that he warned everybody Steele hates Trump. Hillary paid for it. It's not verified, but still it becomes the bulk of information. And four separate FISA application warrants. Well, those warrants denied a fellow American his constitutional rights, gave Old Pama's government and Hillary's campaign yet another path to spy on the Trump campaign, beyond Stephan Halper, who was charged to go after Page Clovis and Papadopoulos. By the way, you think the media is ever going to admit and be honest and introspective and self reflective and admit they're wrong and retract. You know, no, they're gonna jump on the next sixteen year old kid with a maga hat like they did Nicholas Sandman a coming in high school. They'll doubled down on slander and besmirchment. I love how they just cherry pick your comments. You know, maybe this medium mob can apologize to the American people for the two plush years of lies and conspiracy theories. Maybe they can finally look into Hillary's rigged investigation. If they care so much about obstruction, why did she delete thirty three thousands of pen at emails? Bleach bit de Lesian's hammers? Are you ever gonna ask that? We're gonna ask about the lying Russian dossier that was spread to the Washington Post and elsewhere, you know, full of lies, used as a FIES application to get into the Trump campaign. There's fake news industrial complex in America. They're no better than Russian propaganda. All they know is they hate Trump. Maybe they could look at all the times. How is it We're right? Richard Jewel, Cambridge, UVA Duke Lacrosse Fergus in Baltimore vetting Obama, reporting Obama's failures Covington High School Justice Kavanaugh versus their treatment of Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. How many more times can they get this role? Their track records in the Wreckage in Carnage speaks for itself. By the way, they're all gonna pay as it relates to what they did to these Covending kids, They're gonna pay a fortune. They're gonna lose, so they're gonna lose. They're gonna lose hundreds of millions of dollars. As my prediction, Lynnwood is not gonna stop, and he's not motivated by money. That's that's even worse for them. I want to remind you too, if you're an unhappy time share owner, you want on a vacation you have in the time of your life. Somebody says you can duplicate this every year for the rest of your life, and then you never end up going back, and then you realize there are other nice places I could go too, and I could better use that money. But every year you gotta pay the maintenance fees and whatever other fees associated with it. You wish you never did it. Well, they're the way out. Thanks to my friends at lone Star Transfer Brian and Karen. They were on a family owned business. 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We always tell you about Gang of eight, the FISA applications three h two is all the stuff that we talk about, and James Rosen says it's happening sooner than later, and a lot of this will expose what the media the ninety nine percent missed, which is the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in history, and it will chronicle the abuse again upper echelon. And I'll always put that caveat in because it's not fair to the ninety nine percent of good agents, FBI intelligence people. These people risk their ask for us every single day and put their butts on the line for us. I'm sorry they they're as aggravated as we are. And but you know the abuse, the rigged investigation, the Horowitz report, the Hoover report, now the Bar investigation, and it's basically an attempt to rig an election, rig an investigation, and undo an election after they lost. And all of these items that will be declassified, you know the FISA applications themselves. We know the bulk of information came from Hillary's bought and paid for a Russian dossier, and it's all the names you've heard. Jim Comey, I wrote it way before his book came out. I tweeted out the right to remain silent. I advise you to use it. He didn't. Andrew McCabe still talking. He's under criminal investigation, struck in page an or etc. You know, but the promise of the president to do this is now real, and the President's now saying that they are taking a fresh look at the declassification. It's going to happen, and when it does, it's not going to be pretty, but it's necessary if we are to stop this abuse of power in the future. You know, there are more than thirty four million American smokers. I bet that finding a satisfying alternative to cigarettes is at the top of your list if you're a smoker. Look, I've been there before, but I, after many years of smoking, I finally made the switch to Jewel. 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All right, twenty five to the top of the hour, gladual with US eight hundred and ninety four one sean if you want to be a part of the program anyway, the declassification we expect here's where the psychosis gets runs even deeper than I think anybody ever thought. Because it's not only that the media, the Democrats, they bought it all hook line and sinker. But when did they know, you know, when did they know? For example, one question I have is now that Muller's declared there's no collusion, no collusion, no collusion, no Russia collusion, no evidence of any collusion of any American with Russia, and then we have all the process crimes, and rightly so, I would assume the indictment of these bot companies whoever these people are and these these Russian intelligence figures, I know they're import identifying them, but we're never going to get them extradited to the US because they're the people that was actually responsible for trying to create election chaos, etc. And you know the fact that Ukraine is now offering America an admission that they too meddled in our election, and they're saying, we meddled on behalf of Hillary Clinton, and we're willing to give you all the evidence. And there's not one person just like with the Hillary Clinton, you know, whole case of obstruction. They all care about obstruction, but not her deletions and her bleach bit and her hammers too on subpoena a thirty three thousand emails. They don't care about that. They care about blodgetting justice Kavanaugh, but they couldn't give a rip about believing those that accused the lieutenant governor of Virginia of rape and violent sexual assault. This is all selective moral outrage. And you know, yeah, so they're just trying to figure out how they're they're going to do next, How are they going to deal with this? And the radicals that have now taken over the Democratic Party that this is what they want and they feel that, Well, I think Muller's really pay attention. He's given us a roadmap to impeachment, which, by the way, I mean Levin was right when he was on Thursday. This is a roadmap. This is a political document, especially the obstruction stuff. You see if some prosecutors, if they decide, which Mueller even did. And that's why I took Rosenstein, the Office Illegal Counsel, the Attorney General bar basically seconds because also they were in contact with the Special Counsel's office the whole time. But the fact that you know, if you don't have the evidence, it doesn't rise to the level of indictment, even though maybe you know some things are a little whatever. Usually you never release the information at all unless you're going to indict somebody. And it is a political document that has never but it's you know, Democrats are hoping to use it as a roadmap to impeachment. And if they can't get that, well, this is the whole issh. Well, we got plan B. Plan Let's go after everything Trump related. And you have House Democrats demanding every tax return, charging him with abusive power, and let's get every bit of financial information on the Trump's weekend. Then we're going to go back that way and we'll trying to impeach him that way. Well, finally, I mean, after what is the highest level of cooperation we've ever seen a million, five documents handed over to Muller, the president not one time ever invoked executive privilege. Now Obama did for Eric Holder and fast and furious, and on another number of occasions Clinton did as well. Trump never did. Even the most insane thing in this to me is why was Don McGinn allowed thirty hours before Muller. That's the White House Council. There has to be some privilege somewhere for somebody and attorneys for the president. After this cooperation and exoneration, you know, now the president's lawyers rightly looking at what is a fishing expedition and witch hunt to harass a sitting president have basically now they're suing back the partisan House Democrats demanding all of everything business Trump and attorneys for the President and be like, oh, let's use the irs to get information. Now we're subpoenaing their irs to give us Trump's records. Oh, you want to empower the irs to go after political opponents. Really this has gotten this derangement. There's no constitutional basis for it. But more importantly, there's nobody that is able to get a grip in the Democratic Party or the media saying wow, I mean you have somebody like Mark pennewill join us later and somebody like Alan Dershowitz. Hello, where a party of the believes in civil liberties somewhere? But it doesn't matter anyway. So the attorneys for the President filed the lawsuit today that seeks to block all these subpoenas by Elijah Cummings and Nadler's committee and Maxim Waters and Shifts Committee and the secret memorandum of understanding with Congressman Cummings and the cowardly schiff and Gerald Nadler, And it was filed in federal court. And you know, the Cummings is saying that, well, they have ignored the institutional limits on congress power to investigate. You don't get to go on fishing expeditions by ordering the ai RS to tearn over any citizens tax information. Why because they're gonna fish through it and find now we got them And when are they ever gonna think of the American people in this when did what have What has this group of Democrats ever put forward to lower prescription drug costs like our friend doctor Josh Umber, or to fix the disaster where millions lost their doctors, their plans and were promised they'll save money. Everybody pays more. Millions lost doctors and plans. Some people have one choice in many cities and towns in this country. You know you've got you know, let's look at the scorecard. This was in The Guardian, Elizabeth Warren tweeting out, I read the Muller report. When I got to the end, I realized, this is a point of principle. This verity of this misconduct demands that elected officials in both parties set aside political considerations and do their constitutional duty. All right, She wants to outflank everybody else that's running for president, And she followed, you know Robert Francis Beto Bozo, who was for impeachment before he was against impeachment, but now he's back for impeachment, sort of like Kamala Harris. He's for Medicare for all, but no private insurance. Wait, I might support private insurance, now I'm gonna stick with no private insurance. They're literally flailing, but especially in their attempts to destroy this president. Well Rourke saying over the weekend Senate campaign that he would vote to impeach Trump or recently and I said, well, maybe it's not a good idea. Even Schiff was like, well, I'm not sure if it's not good for the American people. You know, American people have November or twenty twenty is coming. They can decide. Then I'll get into this later. But we have this mayor you know, you think of the New Green Deal plan. Really, we're gonna retrofit every house in America, eliminate oil and gas. Our oil and gas is literally the ticket whereby every American can dramatically raise their wealth and their standard of living. Every single American can profit and benefit financially from the energy and gas resources that fuel the entire world. Because we've got more of it than anybody else. We don't need. We're now energy independent, and we are a net exporter of energy. You get these pipelines on target and flowing, you get you get our oil companies and Anoir, you get all this natural gas, and we are going to be a very wealthy country. Literally millions of career paying life jobs for people. You know, as we've experienced before, we just need to go full more, which this president's doing. But the Democrats plan is no more oil and gas, no more combustion engine, but we'll create charging stations. Everything is free, medicare for all daycare because we'll have a wealth tax, and then we'll get rid of cows and planes. Before it's all done. Good luck getting to Europe or Asia or New Zealand, Mayor, Comrade de Blasio. We'll get to this later. But he's announcing a ban on skyscrapers and retrofitting every big building in New York. This is this is insane his version and doing it within five years. You know, he's have strong mandates. The biggest source of emissions in New York City is buildings, and he wants buildings that will reduce emissions. And if they don't get it done by twenty thirty, we just built the Freedom Tower. We've got to get rid of all the glass and all the steel in the Freedom Tower. We're gonna ban classic glass and steel skybreakers, which are incredibly inefficient. What are we gonna use sticks? No, I can't use them. That would cut down a Tree. By the way, Congresswoman Omarris says laws against drugs are racist. With another extreme part of the party, Matt Gates, actually went on the record. I read his comments in the Washington Examiner today over the weekend that there may be an element of bribery behind the cozy relationship with the fake, fraudulent, obsessed media and the Obama FBI. We're gonna watch listen, Obama's up to his eyeballs and the steep state stuff. It's not if it's when all of this is coming out, there's nothing. I'm just telling you to sit back and watch how wrong they all were, how obsessed they were, you know. The New York Times Steel testified that his dossier might have been fabricated by Russia. This was pretty funny. Based on previously unreported testimony from Steele, New York Times had to report today that Steal's Trump dossier, which Hillary paid for, which Obama's FBI used to justify spying on the Trump campaign, was likely Russian disinformation you think, which would mean the same dossier that was bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign, Which means Hillary Clinton may have bankrolled a Russian disinformation campaign to try and rig the twenty sixteen election. It's always going to come down to this. It's not that hard and it's not that complicated, and whether they like it or not, it's all gonna happen. And I'm telling you that we're gonna get to the bottom of all this, and all this information is going to come out, and the American people are going to open their eyes and say, how, oh my god, how did this possibly happen in the United States of America. And by the way, Joe Biden is up to his eyeballs. All of this happened on his and Obama's watch. The Attorney General was Bamba and bidence. We know were What I want to know was we know special When did the Special Counsel's Office know the truth about Russia collusion? When did they know? Why did Muller wait to answer the collusion question? Michael Mukasey made this observation, I think it's a great question. It was a former federal judge and the AG under George W. Bush. He was on with my buddy Bill Hammer at Fox and you Know, and asked why Muller did not reveal the most important piece of information uncovered until he submitted his report to William barb When did Muller know When did the people who work for him know that there was no coordination because they should have closed up shop and stop with the process crimes at that point, When did they realize that big question? And whenever they realized it should have been why were we told? Why hold it back? Well, you have the eighteen Democrats that wanted to get into the You know, there's no underlying crime. This whole thing is a political witch hunt. President was right, no collusion none. You know, why didn't they reveal it before the mid terms? You know, I'm even a liberal reporter tells us colleague, get off the Russia collusion crack pipe? Where did I see that on townhall dot com? I mean the whole summary here, it's I don't know who said it. I just read the Headline's pretty funny, you know. The New York Post. We'll do this tonight. We have a number of top ten lists tonight. You know, what are the top ten most unanswered questions? What are the top ten documents we need? What are the top ten epic media fails? Byron York had a funny piece for some Democrats breaking up with the dossier is hard to do. There's a lot of truth in that too. My buddy Rowan Scarborough over the Washington Times that Steele made a dozen conspiracy charges against Trump. Robert Mueller's report debunks the Russian dossier. He had a great article about that out there. One former CIA analysts US intelligence may be biased towards democrats. You think and shift. The cowardly liar is literally say, oh, it's all everything I said, It's proven, just the opposite happened. Where is he? What alternate reality is this guy living in? Does make you wonder, you know, I've known my friends at Simply Save Home Security a long time. They're the only ones doing home security right. Your other options, big traditional companies, they try to sell you outdated systems, spensive long term contracts you can't get out of. Or on the other extreme, you have new security gadget companies that you have to monitor yourself. Well, what if you miss an alert or what if an intruder comes through a window not protected by your quote gadget? Well, who's going to call the police for you? That's where Simply Save Home Security comes in. Now. Simply Safe makes it simple and easy to totally protect your home and family and keep you secure. 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Even Stenny Hoyer's looking at this madness as the second most powerful Democrat in the House of Representatives and he's trying to like give a warning guys the same kind of work out, Well, you're losing, you're gonna lose on a greater scale. If you keep giving into this insanity and yet they cannot control or help themselves. It's just it's going to be a fascinating thing to watch, and it will all lead to Donald Trump's reelection. That's the great irony of what they're doing. When did President Trump say, Hey, I go out there and fire Muller. He never did? You know? I was there at the same time that the report says that, you know, I'm again mentioned this, and I was. I was assigned to deal with Muller, and I briefed the president every day and every week I saw Mueller or quarrels for eight months. At no time did the President ever say, you know, John, I'm going to get rid of him. John is not going to do it. It was just the opposite. Here's the message the President had for Bob Muller to me to carry one, you tell him I respect what he's doing. Number two, you tell him he's got my full cooperation. Number three, get it done as quickly as possible. And number at number four, whatever else you need, Yeah, let me know. So that was always the message, and that's exactly what we did. He once described to me on this program that the Trump administration's actions related to the Russia probe our quote of a size and scope probably beyond Watergate. What do you say now, Well, I think it's clear from the Muller report that that's exactly right. The obstruction of justice in particular in this case is far worse than anything that Richard Nixon did. The break in by the Russians of the democratic institutions for an adversary far more significant than the plumbers breaking into the Democratic headquarters. So yes, I would say in every way this is more significant than Watergate. And the fact that a candidate for president and now a president Nited States would not only not stand up and resist Russian interference in our election, but would welcome it goes well beyond anything Nixon did. The fact that the presid Nited States would take putin side of his own intelligence agencies go well beyond anything Richard Nixon did. So yes, I think it is far more serious than Watergate. Of course he's been saying that, just like he's been saying I have all the evidence of collusion and it doesn't exist. I mean, it's really when you have four separate investigations that have all concluded the same thing. How many more times do I have to go back to this Mueller report and read no collusion, just like the FBI struck and page no collusion, a nine month investigation, although it might have even started earlier, which we're doing a deep dive into even as we speak. And they cannot help themselves. It is a level of rage, hatred and psychosis. You know. The big question now is is the left wing radicals of the Democratic Party are they going to override any bit of common sense? You have the new Nest House Intel Report, the Bipartisan Senate Committee report, the FBI report, and the Muller report. Clearly no collusion, no obstruction, it doesn't matter. And then we want your taxes. We want tell me where any of this is good for the American people. What are they doing to serve their constituents. This is not service. And the biggest liar of them all is, you know, Adam, the cowardly shift. And it's like the media cannot give up the addiction that they have anyway. John Solomon is with US Investigative Reporter Executive Vice President of the Hill on the latest on the probe. John has given me a little bit of a preview of more details on this tonight. I don't know how much you can give me, but like we're doing on this program in our own way, you and your own way. You know, you want really specific things answered. And if we don't answer them, and we don't solve the underlying causes, we are risking a system of justice that really does is not predicated on our constitution any longer. It's a dual system of justice, no equal justice under the law or application of our laws, and those that abuse power must be held accountable. We're on the same page on that. Yeah, Listen. I think the American public's on the same page as well. They This concern about dual justice and hijacking of the intelligence and law enforcement community for political purposes is becoming more rooted in the American contest now that the Muller report is out. I think the most interesting thing I've heard the last five or six days, and it was in my column this morning, Sean, is that a growing number of intel people that I'm talking to are beginning to say we may have had the assessment wrong, that when we said that Russia was trying to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton, it may not be that clear. In fact, a lot of people look at the facts that Mueller has put in the report and said, instead of a collusion strategy, it looks like Vladimir Putin was doing what is known in the spy tradecraft as a discoverable influence operation. What does that mean? In Layman's terms, it means he was set up. It was a setup. It was designed to be detected so that people would then question Donald Trump, a sort of the intelligence equivalent of framing someone. So to hear that, and one of the people who said, that's Daniel Hoffman, the former CIA station chief in Moscow. If anyone knows Russian spycraft, it's Daniel Hoffman. When you start to hear the intelligence community talk that way, you realize how wrong the early assessments were, and all the early reporting in my industry was, and how much there's a welcoming of a fresh review of all of these conclusions. When are we talking about going back as far as what you know? I think you have to begin to take a look at the period that begins in December twenty fifteen. If as a lot of the facts seem to suggest this was a political operation, a political oppo research operation, designed to create a breadcrumb trail that the FBI would bite on and then go after Donald Trump. The first key moment seems to her around December twenty fifteen, went as I previously reported last year, Bruce Orr and Christopher Steele, soon to become the oppo researcher of the Clinton campaign, start talking about trying to get dirt on Paul man Afford through a Russian connection they know as Oligdara Posca, one of the oligarchs they were targeting. From that point forward, I believe over the next few weeks and months, we will be able to track a series of events where you can see the Democrats working with foreign powers, foreign people, and they may interrupt you because I think I know what you're saying. In other words, that we might have very high level people within say the intelligence community, that we're farming out things to other allied countries that would be illegal for them themselves to do exactly. I think that's going to be one of the predominant questions. Did we ask the foreigners to do what our law prevented us from doing against American citizens like Trumper or any of his advisers. I think that's one piece of it. I think a second piece of it is the Democrats, the Justice Department under Democratic control, State Department under Democratic control, the Democratic National Committee, Hillary couldn't campaign. Did they work with foreign powers to get information? We have some pretty strong hints of it, right. We know that Christopher Steele and Brusso are targeting Russian old Derek Poska. We know Christopher Steele got the majority of his information from a former Russian intelligence officer, which, by the way, doesn't exist. When you're in the Russian intelligence you never leave. And then we know that there were these contacts with the Ukrainian embassy that Political wrote about in twenty seventeen. I think we're going to be able to fill in a lot of gaps between those different points and show a much more robust effort by Democrats and the Democratic administration to work with foreigners to get dirt on Donald Trump. You go through tonight, and I don't want to give away your story tonight, because we're going to break it on Hannity to the extent that you and I have talked, I'm going from memory here, but and he you know, if mister editor teared down these faults and unproven Russia collusion stories, which is all true, but you go into very specific detail about very specific instances that there was an epic fail at the media and now we have cable TV. That's one aspect of it. The Washington Post, the New York Times is an aspect of it. The you know the other tales about Carter Page and maniporda, snge and Buzzfeeds, unfounded scoop on the Trump Tower, Moscow Project, etcetera, etcetera. Or you know Michael Conan Prague or you know the McClatchy who got so much wrong in all of this. Yep, you're right, you know there's I go back to a very important point in journalism. I remember nineteen ninety eight, that's today, that the Wall Street Journal broke a story about Bill Clinton that turned out and Monica Lewinsky that turned out to be false, and they did the right thing, They did the wrong reporting, but when they were called on it, they retracted it. What we've seen my industry do these last few years, as over obvious information has come out to contradict or debunk a story, instead of correcting and retracting the story, they're just doing appendages. Things that people won't notice, so add a little bit. Oh, Bob Mueller says he doesn't agree with our assessment. Well, in the old days, we used to call that story wrong and we would retract it. And I think the discussion I'd like to have in my own profession is, what are the stories that should be retracted because they're either demonstrably false or now two years in, can't be proven. That standard used to be the standard by which we retracted stories. And I think we'll be able to talk tonight about a whole bunch of those stories that don't meet the test of journalism accuracy, journalism ethics. And I think there's a good discussion for the American people to demand our industry fix and retract these stories. You know, it is an amazing thing. I got to a I've stay off Twitter now. I don't even have access to my accounts. Either Linda or or my TV staff tweets out everything. And I went through a series of tweets this weekend after the was this ridiculous report by the you know, absolutely hardline left wing you know, Daily Beast, and I just I just we just got into it because there's so much that they have not that they have gotten wrong from the very beginning on all of this, and you know, it was time for somebody to call them out. I call them lazy, overpaid propagandists, you know, false politically driven coverage. You know, the only the medium mob is likely lost all credibility forever. I made a list of everything that they have been wrong about in terms of you know, going through the list of small at starting with, for example, Richard Jewell and straight on through Nicholas Sandman and Cambridge and police and Duke Lacrosse, UVA, Ferguson Baltimore vetting Obama. They were you know, or Kavanaugh, I believe, versus the Virginia Virginia Lieutenant governor. They've got it all wrong and they never held accountable. Yeah, we need we need a moment in our profession. And I say this as someone that still revers a profession and still believes it can do good things in the world, that we need to have an inflection point to acknowledge where we've gotten off the rails. There was a quote back from nineteen ninety eight a journalism expert at the time, which is the danger of scandals is that you get so emotionally invested in them that you mistake a bullet for an atom bomb, And I think that a lot of what happened here in the intelligence world. Hey, John, with all due respect, you've been very kind and gracious. They always get it wrong. Well, I can think of times when we got the profession got it right. I know, well, okay, but think think of the extent on Donald Trump. Everything is wrong. They loved Obama, they hated Trump, and they acted as such. And yeah, well, are there exceptions to the rules. Sure, m Cheryl Atkinson is an exception, You're an exception. But generally speaking, they are hardline left that now has gone so over to the other side. They you know, there's an indignation that they cannot admit or retract and apologize. As you said, it's never hell will freeze over, John, It's never gonna happen. It may, it may, and will be an unfortunate thing because I think we have to fix ourselves as an industry. Journalism is dead except for the few people that really care about truth. Yeah, and you know, it's not by accident that I have a track record that I'm right almost all the time when they're wrong. And the same with you and you'll stick to the facts. And I think so much emotion and politics have gotten into the profession that it clouds the judgment of editors and of hell, yeah, thanks, let's go back now, because let's get a big picture the days, the weeks, the months ahead, what's coming. Yeah. I think the biggest dynamic to see is watching the investigators now become the investigated. That is going to be the dynamic that will dominate the next six months, and that will occur on many fronts. It will occur in the intelligence community. It to occur with Attorney General Barr, who's doing his own assessment. It will occur with the Inspector General of the Justice Department. And I believe it will occur in both the House and the Senate. Even Republicans in the minority or you're starting to do some pretty remarkable things digging into some of the issues. And even though they don't have committee power, they still have the power of their office. And I think you'll see House Republicans Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson and Wisconsin who has a very powerful committee. I think you'll see between those five sectors a lot of account of ability coming out and a lot of hard questions, and I think the biggest thing the President the United States can do to help all of those gain transparency declassify the documents that have been identified in those five buckets. Well, you want to remind people. I remind them often, but the way you say it is different, So maybe they'll hero from you better than me where you've had it right from the beginning. So it's the FISI document, it's the Gang of Eight documents. The application. The Gang of Eight would expose the FBI acknowledging failure, yes, and showing the missteps. So when you read those two together, you sort of have the perfect compendium of what went wrong in the FBI. Then there are some emails that show how early on the FBI knew there were problems with Christopher Stiles, an informant. Remember affirmatively they told the court he was in good standing and they knew of no derogatory information. I don't think that declaration is going to turn to be out to be true. You know, I got to give props and kudos to you, and I can't mention every person, but there's maybe twenty or thirty of us that have been on this from day one, and we wouldn't be here honestly without you know, this is too now critical and crucial to the republic that we love, and if we don't solve these problems, it's going to happen again. Anyway. Thank you so much, John Solomon. We'll see you tonight on Hannity nine Eastern Fox News Channel. Have all of this case of obstruction presented in the Mudel report, as you just stated, some might ask why haven't you start, why haven't you opened an impeachment inquiry? Or in fairness, is that what you're doing right now? I don't think we're doing that. We may get to that, we may not. As I've said before, it is our job to go to go through all the evidence, to all the information we can get impact and to matter, and to go with the evidence leads us. You think this is impeachable, Yeah, I do. I do think that this if proven, if proven, which hasn't been proven yet, some of this, uh, if proven, some of this would be impeachable. Yes, a construction of justice, if proven, would be impeachable. And then you're going to go about to see if you can prove it. Well, We're going to see where the facts lead us. The report is out. The partisan divide seems wide, or even wider than ever. What happens now, this document, the Muller document, has now left us with a roadmap to go forward. I think he basically said to us as a Congress, it's up to you to take this further with regard to obstruction and the other matters that might come up. Well, already, mister Chairman, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria A. Caseyo Cortez, Maxine Waters, Julian Castro have said we should again proceedings to impeach the president. Are you there yet? I'm not there yet, but I can foresee that possibly coming. I and my staff began to look very closely at this president early on, and when we looked at all of his allies and the people who were connected with him and with Putin and the Kremlin and with the oligarchs of Russia, we determined something was very wrong and we dubbed them the Kremlin Clan. The Kremlin Clan, as identified has been on my face page on Twitter for almost two years. We know who they are, and this report only confirms that what more do we need to do? Okay, So if we cannot decide if the Democrats cannot decide that they're going to move with impeachment. I guess they're gonna go on with these investigations. How long are they going to go on with them? What more do they need to prove? That's Nadler, Congressman Cumings, Congresswoman Maxie Waters, and you know, look at the headline say Democrats may pursue impeachment against Donald Trump. Shift Dems may take up impeachment proceedings if it's in the best if it's the best thing for the country. Waters, enough information in the Mueller report to move forward with impeachment. If we do nothing after Mueller Report, Trump is going to be embolded. Another headline, and it gets on from there. You know, there's a conspiracy TV MSNBC panel debating over the weekend the strategy on impeachment. Would be a mistake to start the hearings right away, but we gotta do it, you know, Joy read badgering a Democratic a congress person for not wanting to impeach Donald Trump. This is who they have now become. When is there ever somebody tell me an instance where they say, you know, maybe we could work with the president secure our border, lower the prices of prescripts and drugs like we have been How many times has doctor Josh been on this program of Atlas MD and he gets his own negotiations with drug companies at ninety five percent discounts and concierge's care for every American at price fifty bucks a month for adults. It's umbily you walk out of the doctor's office with your prescription and he's duplicated that nearly a thousand times. When are they gonna talk about, oh, how can we be energy independent? How? You know? How what do we do with the vast resources of energy? Is there anything that Democrats are offering that helps forgotten men and women that were so hurt during the Obama years? Anyway, there is one Democrat a lot of courage in all of this. As a new piece in The Hill today, Mark Penn's headline, Muller's done. Democrats should be too. Trump is no Nixon. But how much abuse do you get for saying what is so obvious that they're destroying the Democratic Party? Well, you know, I get a mix of everything. I had people rightly even from the water Gate era thanking me. So you know, look, I know it's a controversial viewpoint, but I was in impeachment in the middle of it in ninety eight working with President Clinton. I saw how destructive these things out of the country. You want to have an election, have an election, you want to have an impeachment, You sure can't have one on the basis of this report. You know what's amazing, Mark is And I said this in terms of Bill Clinton and the difference between him and Obama. And I felt like I was out there on a limb with the smallest twig hanging on a leaf from that was left from last fall and about to you know, Duke Gingrich told me, if I keep pushing so hard and vetting Obama, that I'm probably going to ruin my career. That I can't stop. It's who I am. And I concluded, after Frank Marshall, Davis Olinsky, Acorn Community organizer, and Reverend Wright, and Arizon Dorn that Obama's going to be a radical ideologue and he was. He never changed Bill Clinton. You know, after two years, Republicans take back Congress for the first time in forty comes up with the era of big government is over and the end of welfare as we know it. He governed conservatively as a Democrat from that point on, or at least moderate, moderately working with new Gingridge to solve problems. Well, yeah, I was part of that effort, right, And we had welfare reform, we had a balanced budget, we had an immigration reform bill at a time, we had a lot. We did a lot of good. We said, look, let's put the country first. You know a lot of good. Listen, the last time we had a balanced budget was with new to speaker and Clinton as president. Yeah that's true. Look, right, and Knut and the President would pounded each other all day and they would go and negotiate all night, and it worked and the country was better off. Correct. So you see the headlines, you see the new Green Deal. You hear impeachment, impeachment. You know they're still pushing collusion for crying out loud, even though the Muller report couldn't be any more clear. What does this do? Who wins this battle? If there even is a battle? I mean, stanny horriers trying to pull back. Even Pelosi tried a little, but then she gets hammered from her left flank. I would argue that the radicals have taken over the Democratic Party they win. Well, look, Gingridge at the time went too far and we gained seats in ninety eight. And I think Democrats are on the path of going too far. They're too far because the Muller report showed no collusion. And if it showed no collusion, how he obstruct justice? That wasn't going to happen. Then, in fact, the injustice was the investigation itself. And I've seen how frustrated presidents get when they're investigated for things they did do, let alone for things they didn't do. You know, I love that whole thing on obstruction. Well, he said that I want to fire Muller. This is ridiculous as a witch hunt. He said it all publicly. Or Rod Rosenstein is a bad guy. He needs to go. Or I hope General Flynn doesn't get in trouble. He never took any steps, and he had the authority himself to do all of that. He would have legally, he could have fired Mueller, right, he actually had. He had the constitutional authority to Firebroller. And what did he actually do with Muller? He over more documents than we ever would have never invoked executive privilege one time, not once, not one time. So he did the same thing. He hit him during the day and with politics, and by night he cooperated fully, gave them full access. And you know what, did they find that? Sometimes he got frustrated. Who wouldn't get frustrated. But he didn't step over any lines, he didn't shut down their investigation, he didn't pay hush money. Then there was none of the things that was done like Nixon. This is absurd. This is a president who was continually frustrated that an investigation that should never have happened was plaguing his presidency over something that didn't happen. I mean, it's incredible when you think about it, it's scary. Actually, now I can tell you my last interview with the president, he was very clear that he will declassify he Russia Gate documents, and from all of my sources, and I worked a lot of sources in the two plus years as has been going on, I think you're pretty well aware of this was a team effort. This was not just Sean Hannity. And we know that there's damning information in those applications. I'll quote the Grassly Grand Memo. The bulk of information in the FISA applications came from that Hillary Clinton paid for Russian dossier with lies, and it was also disseminated to the public. And we also know that the fix was in even page and Struck threw it right on the desk of Loretta Lynch, that they rigged the investigation into Hillary's email server, and obvious obstruction of justice. When we get the Gang of eight, those FISA applications, those five buckets that I always talk about, then there's going to be a new narrative in this country. You're you're keenly aware of it as well. And that's the abuse of power that took place, and the effort exactly to undermine a duly elected president. Look, there were three things that that you know that that caught my eye, right, I mean, first, when it came out that the dossier itself was really paid for through an OPO research group that actually was in fact funded by the DNC and the Hillary campaigne So anyone would have would have said, hey, why are we using a document It's not legitimate intelligence. Second, anybody should just read it. It's a joke. When you read it, it's a complete sham joke. If if if you just read actually a dost it's not a joke. Though it's not a joke, right, which the stret page text which said, you know what, the possibility of a conspiracy inside is real. The stuff that you had on was real, that there was more evidence for that than for the opposite, and any objective journalists should have seen that. You know, I went on a tweet storm last night and I don't have access to any social media, haven't for a long time, so I have to I have to ask my staff a row it out, and I sent it to them. I said, can you send this out in a series of tweets? And all the things that they didn't do, all the you know, the fact that they tried to unsee a duly elected president, that there was an insurance policy for such, the fact that the news media was so wrong so often, as we have pointed out, the fact that, you know, all of these things happen, and they get it wrong on Richard Jewell, Cambridge Police, UVA, Duke Lacrosse, Fergus and Baltimore, vetting, Obama, the Covington kids, Kavanaugh. You know, I can go on forever, and they never This is the biggest epic fail ever by a news media. How does this fall out for them? Well, it ranks up there with weapons of mass destruction. So I let's say, you know it. Look in fact, I don't understand how the media hasn't said, look all of these connections with Russia. We didn't. We only looked at this campaign. We didn't looked at everybody's connections. We didn't look at at the Democrats connect We looked at these connect that none of them led to anything that could remotely be called the collusion. And therefore the media should have in effect apologized. And frankly, it's incredible that it went. You know, for any real observer what Muller was doing. He didn't have a single prosecution based on that. He either has it on FARA registration taxes or process crimes related to his own investigation. Without even a single person indicted for obstruction or for collusion. How he's then going to put this at the President's feet, unless you think the president is a magician. I think it's well said, all right, stay right there more with Mark Penn and the former poster for the Clintons. Right as we continue, Mark Penn, former Clinton polster, is with us. Muller's done. Democrats should be too. Trump is no Nixon, But it's not going to happen. Now what I imagine is going to happen at some point based on some of the closed or testimony that we got, especially on the Clinton email investigation, and I don't know where you stand. The evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible. She had top secret classified information on a private server. The law is clear eighteen USC. Seven ninety three. But struck in page referred to the fixed being in on that investigation. Also, that would be an underlying crime. Then if you want real obstruction, well there was a real intent when you delete thirty three thousand subpoena emails, you bleach bit your hard drive to make it clean and it makes it unrecoverable, and have an aid bust up your devices in case there's any evidence on that, So that would be intent. Then you have the whole Fis abuse scandal, and then an attempt to undo a duly elected president. Do you see all of these things now coming to light? And isn't it in the country's best interest to get to the bottom of all of it? Well, you know someone who worked for the Clinton sun I steal away from commenting directly on people whom I respect and I feel did a lot of goods for the country. Item think, let me ask you another way. If you deleted thirty three thousand subpoena emails, hang on me to do that. No. No, If you deleted thirty three thousand subpoena emails, acid washed your hard drive with bleach bit, had an aid, bust up your phones and blackberries, do you think you'd be in trouble. Well, let me put it this way. You don't delete emails unless you really need too, especially if they're other congressional subpoenas. As a general rule, I just don't think I'm gonna be nice and just let that pass by the way, go ahead. I don't think they're going to go back to there. I think the focus here is going to be on the FBI, the CIA, the Obama administration, the listening, then the unmasking the trick that was done against against Flynn by by Sally Yates that was terrible. That's where things are going to center. And I think it is the most explosive scandal really certainly in my lifetime, in American history. You're on the right side of history. It is the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal we've ever seen. They tried to rig an election, they saved one candidate from indictment, then they tried to undo an election, and they knew what they were doing, and unfortunately for those involved. There's the evidence that is coming that proves at all. We already have a lot of it. Mark Penn, thank you appreciate it, and you can thank me later for pulling for saying, okay, that's a good enough answer. I understand. All right. When we come back News round Up Information Overload hour. We had these Sri Lankas bombings over the weekend, very scary and we have now what twenty four suspects and custody. The attack appears to have been carried out by suicide bombers. We'll get an official update straight ahead. What was supposed to be a joyful Easter Sunday was marred by a horrific wave of Islamic radical terror bloodshed. Its heartbreaking that a country which it strives so hard for peace in recent years has been targeted by these terrorists. We warned the loved ones of the victims, some of whom we can confirm war indeed, US citizens. This is America's fight too. I spoke with the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka this morning, and our embassy and other parts of this government are offering all possible assistance to Americans and the Sri Lankan government alike. We urged any evil doers be brought to justice expeditiously. In America is prepared to support that. We also stand with the millions of Sri Lankans who support the freedom of their fellow citizens to worship as they please. We take confidence in knowing that not even atrocities like this one, we'll deter them from respecting religious freedom. Today, our nation grieves with the people of Sri Lanka, and we stand committed, resolved to confront terrorism together. All right. That's Secretary of State Mike Pompeo News round up Information overload. Our nearly three hundred people killed in the Sri Lanka attacks over the weekend, and we know it started at eight forty five am. This is the Easter Sunday morning. Bombs tearing apart three separate churches, three separate hotels. It was another explosion at a housing complex. US Embassy confirmed at least four US citizens killed out of the nearly three hundred. Sri Lanka police now have twenty four suspects and custody appears that they have carried out suicide bombs. But on top of that and the twenty four people in custody, police said they discovered eighty seven detonators apparently abandoned at a private bus stand in the capitol and the government has ordered round the clock security at all churches. We know no claim of responsibility. Wall Street Journal points out and by the way, whenever you see multiple attacks, it has the fingerprint of Islamic militants. They point to. Sri Lanka points to Islamic militants in this easter bombing attack themselves. And we do have apparently some information that would support or suggest an international network is involved in this, an officials suggesting that there was some advanced knowledge of a terror plot in Sri Lanka that intelligence may have ignored why. I don't know anyway, It is just devastating, and yeah, this is our fight. It's always going to be our fight. Unfortunately for the entire world. It's the US that beats back fascism and communism and Nazism and imperial Japan and now radical Islamists that want to kill innocent people. We've seen it happen in this country too often. Three thousand people nine to eleven. We had many attacks, warning us beforehand at the embassy bombings in Kenya, Tanzania, people forget about it. The uss cole the first trade center bombing. All is a lead up to nine to eleven, two thousand and one. And remember the nine to eleven reports said they were at war with us. We were not at war with them. We didn't take it seriously enough anyway. Joining us, Patrick Poole. He is the National security correspondent for PJ Media. Matthew Hyman is with US Senior Fellow Associate Director for Global Studies at the National Security Institute of George Mason Universities, Anthony and Scalia Law School. Thank you both. Patrick. Let's start with the latest and what we know, as we're pretty convinced of who's responsible for this, but the number of church bombings around the globe, especially Christian churches. We had the mosque in set in New New Zealand, but the number of Christian churches is astronomical at this point. Yes, Sean and in fact, and synagogues, and I'd add too, yeah, yeah, because we have Orthodox Easter coming up this coming weekend. They follow a week behind this year, and the Coptic Orthodox in Egypt, which is the largest population of Christians in the Middle East. Half the Christians lived in Egypt, and just two years ago they suffered two suicide bombings at churches, including one targeting Pope toad Rose, the head of the Coptic Church, on Palm Sunday. So there's a lot of concern about something that happened in Egypt. Were you in Syria whereas the Eastern Orthodox churches are coming up on Easter and Sean. It's remarkable how horrific this bombing was. But it could have been worse because we found out that a six foot pipe bomb had been discovered unexploded at the airport, and then this morning they were diffusing a bomb inside a van parked outside a church in Colombo and the bond exploded as they were diffusing that. No one was injured. But this could have been even more worse than what it is. Well, that's even more chilling. Yeah, I mean the bus stop in particular, Matthew, let's get your take on it. Well. I think this also points out, as you noted in your lead up to the story, sean the dysfunction that may well exist in the Sri Lankan government in terms of sharing intelligence and information between intelligence organizations, police organizations, and other security groups, because as you noted, the news reports discuss this intelligence being available to those folks over a week ago, two weeks ago, and it doesn't look like much action was taken, and so, you know, obviously a very unfortunate circumstance, especially when you have this many deaths and this many injuries as a result. I think the other thing that comes out as story is that they're given that they are pointing to this organization which is called National Throwheed Chabat, which is apparently a local radical Islamist organization in Sri Lanka. There's a strong sense that either Al Kaeda or Islamic State must be connected to it, because the scale and sophistication of these attacks is quite remarkable to pull off, you know, multiple sites, coordinated attacks. You know, it takes a certain amount of organization and logistics. But I know you've also been monitoring the attacks on churches and synagogues around the world, and it seems like exponentially now in the last year and a half or so, these attacks have gone way up. Yeah, I think unfortunately, we're in the cycle where houses of worship, whether you're talking about the horrible attacks against the mosques in christ Church, New Zealand or the attacks against Christian and Catholic churches around the world, that seems to be the method of attack right now. And it's a it's a horrific circumstance. Yeah. And know Patrick Hue as well, this is what you do. You've been following it. How how much has it grown? Well? Yeah, I mean we've seen these attacks during Christian holidays, going back to twenty twelves in Buko Haram in Nigeria, when when the Obama administration told Congress that you know, this isn't religious inspired violence when they're bombing churches on Easter, and we've seen it in Nigeria, Kenya, Pakistan, Egypt, Philippines, a whole series of these bombings and Sean. One of the important things and I'm sure that investigators internationally, not just in Sri Lanka, are looking at, is that this group, this national Tahi Jamat also included as we you and I've talked about previously, this group included isis guys who had returned from Syria, and in fact one of the guys is Zala and Hashim who's been identified. He went a active Facebook book account where he was posting pro isis literature literally for years, which goes to the whole intelligence failure question, which they're going to have to answer. Well, we all get that, and I guess you know, we've had this happen before. But from my understanding is, you know, we have intelligence sharing again, even with countries maybe we weren't as closely aligned with over the years like we've never had before. The sharing of intelligence supposedly we were to fix the intelligence in our country. I still can't, for the life of me, Patrick understand thirty years of the ability of hackers to get into our government business and it still happens that we haven't built a defense strong enough yet to prevent it. That to me is a huge national security risk. But it just sounds too much like nine to eleven. It's like they're at war with us. They're doing all these things and we're not. Or maybe it's just that we have to get it right every time and it's hard. Well, one other thing that we've talked about previously are these long series of known wolf attacks, I mean, and virtually all these international heroism incidents. You see that law enforcement had most of these individuals on their radar beforehand, and no one's really willing to address that issue even here in the United States, that law enforcement gets this information and the ability to process it and to be able to accurately gauge the level of threats has just been consistently bad across the board. Well, and I mean, I guess, Matthew, you would think, like, for example, we talk about the Isis Caliphate, I mean, all of that land that they had taken and Syria's gone, it's they have been literally shoved into the ground, and a lot of it took a lot of a lot of intelligence and a lot of bombs to take out those people that will respond. We went right back to the first town that they had captured and we moved them out. They're gone or dead. And it seems worldwide these networks still keep popping up and or you have the lone wolf syndrome. But in this case, it seems like a lot of sophisticated plotting, scheming and planning went on here. Well, it certainly appears that way. And I think the way you just articulated what happened with the geography in Syria and in western Iraq is right in the sense that the Islamic state doesn't control that geography, and the people that control that are either gone or they're dead. Now the people that are gone have either returned home or they are still you know, in spider holes, hanging out, inspiring others to engage in these acts and creating networks that allow these acts to come to fruition. And so that's the problem is the ideology is still around. There are people that still adhere to this view of the world and willing to support local organizations like the one in Sri Lanka terms of pulling off the attacks, which means our intelligence functions have to be, as you noted, almost perfect in terms of stopping every one of these. And that's a tough task. Well it's a very Listen, It's like, you know, after nine to eleven, we have to be right every time. They obviously, you know, they just have to, you know, get that one chance, you know, Patrick, go back to nine to eleven and go back to post nine eleven, go back to I know we had a big debate in the country over enhanced interrogation techniques. People think everybody was waterboarded. In fact, there were only three people. One of them was Khaleed Sheik Muhammad. And one of the great discoveries was that even though bin Laden, as evil as he was, wasn't stupid. And by that we learned about the courier, that he didn't use any Internet, he didn't use any computers of any kind, that he communicated only through that courier. We got to the cur we found the land Well sean going back even further to the Afghan Jihad, where you had the so called Arab Afghans showing up and after the conflict they ended up basically creating the international network we now known Noah's Alt Kata Well, I think we're going to see the same function now with the demise of of ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Is that a lot of these guys have just kind of spread out. All we have isis guys that the FBI knows about who are already back in the United States. Same thing in Canada, you know, and a lot of Western countries are grappling with how do we handle these guys because in a lot of cases you don't have the evidence to be able to convict them. In course, what do you do? And you know there's in fact, there was a report in the Sunday Times yesterday in the UK where they've discovered information about guys who were ice, guys who are moving people in and out of Europe. So this is going to be an ongoing problem, and these places of worship are going to continue to be perceived by ISIS as targets of opportunity, and you know it's it's going to be a serious, ongoing problem. Well that I agree with. Stay right there and we'll wrap things up and what we think the likely outcome is in all of this, and whether we're going to get to the bottom of this coordination terrible attacks. Nearly three hundred killed over the weekend, church bombings, hotel bombings in Sri Lanka. More with Patrick Poole and Matthew Hyman. As we continue on the other side, then we'll get your calls in at the bottom of the half hour. I rapid things up to Sri Lanka tax Nearly three hundred murdered over the weekend. Twenty four suspects in custody now appears to be carried out by a network of Can I say suicide bombers? Patrick, is that the right way to classify that? That's what we understand from the current reporting. Yes, yeah, And Matthew, the best way to stop this in a few seconds we have left, I think it's effective information sharing. So as I said, the news reports show a breakdown and information sharing within the Sri Lanka government. The best way to stop it is to have effective information sharing that's not stovepiped and also good information sharing from country to country. All right, thank you both of being one of those our thoughts and prayers for the people of Sri Lanka. And it is everything that's been happening. We bet we better keep our eye on the ball here. Don't think it can happen again, because he can very scary. These are very evil people that have bought into a very sick evil ideology. And I watched too much of the History Channel to realize we'd be foolish to think evil in mass form with mass death. Can't you spring up its ugly side again? All right? When we come back, wide open phones eight hundred and nine for one Seawan as our news round up information overload, Our continues we're actually making the Green New Deal come alive here in New York City, so we have our own Green New Deal. It's three very basic ideas. One the biggest source of emissions in New York City is buildings. We're putting clear, strong mandates, the first of any major city on the Earth, to say to building owners, you got to clean up your act, you gotta retrofit, you got to save energy. If you don't do it by twenty thirty, there will be serious fines as high as a million dollars or more for the biggest buildings. And this mandate is going to guarantee that we reduce emissions. We're going to ban the classic glass and steel skyscrapers, which are incredibly inefficient. If someone wants to build one of those things, they can take a whole lot of steps to make an energy efficient. But we're not going to allow what we used to see in the past, and the City of New York to government, which uses about as much energy in a year as do the people and the businesses of the state of Vermont. We are going to get all of our energy from renewable sources in the next five years. I'm here at the cafeteria PS one thirty in Brooklyn with these amazing kids. And I been in common with fourth graders, seventh graders, and they are passionate about want to make sure they are healthy and the earth is healthy. They believe in meatless mondays. And I want you to know while we're gonna do it for the whole school system because we need our kids to be healthy and a more balanced diet, more vegetables, war fruits, more meatless options, good for everyone, good for the earth too. We know that we're gonna have to do a lot for quite bold warning that Clue's looking at how our food is produced to me and choosing some other options, striking a better balance. And that's what this is all about. And I gotta tell you when you're talking to a ten year old and they know this is good for their body and good for the earth, that fruits are going in the right direction just a lot. And dus has kids told Beaten that the food taste better now that they have these meatless options, getting a lot of great tasting food that they're excited to eat. They don't want to throw away or pass by. That's want to eat their lunch. And as a parent. That is music to my ears. Always want our kids to eat their veggies. Now they're actually doing it. But I also do need to ask you live on the upperat side and Gracie Mansion. Most days or several days a week, a city suv drives you eleven miles to a gym in Brooklyn as opposed to one that's close to where you currently reside. What sort of environmentally responsible example are you setting there taking this drive in a car as opposed to going someplace nearby. So the example we're setting first and foremost, let's look at this exact question before the plans we have put forward we're acting on will reduce emissions thirty percent in all of New York City by twenty thirty. That's where we make a huge change to the question you ask. Look, wherever I go in New York City, whether I take a subway, whether I go nearby or farther away to another borough, I have a security detail that follows me in their cars either way. So let's be clear, this is just part of my life. I come from that neighborhood in Brooklyn, that's my home. I go there on a regular basis to stay connected to where I come from and not be in the bubble that I think for a lot of politicians is a huge problem. All right, there it is, comrade, build the Blasio. You know Bob Grant ruled the talk radio airways in New York for years. Yeah, you know, I it's sick and it's getting sicker. I gotta get out of here. I gotta get out of here. It's nuts. I honestly, there's nut. Linda's laughing. I heard Stern this weekend saying the same thing. I gotta retire. I got all right, you know, he's probably doing another negotiation. But whatever, it's like, New York is lost it. We're gonna retro fit every big building and eliminate glass and steel skyscrapers. Well, what are we gonna make it out of? Timber? That's not gonna be acceptable either, Plastics not acceptable? What are we gonna make it out of? You know, toothpicks? No, that comes from a tree. Also, the biodegradable steel, good luck with that, I mean, and they've lost their minds. We're gonna be completely renewable. But wait, what are we gonna do with the Freedom Tower that it took them forever to fix? And rebuild after the trade centers went down, you know, I mean it is. We're gonna retro fit every home in America. In ten years, We're gonna ban oil and gas, the life blood of the world's economy. We are sitting on more energy that we could be the richest country, every single American can benefit on the face of this earth. And now ten years we're going to eliminate that. It's then we're gonna make everything free. We'll retro fit every home, every building in America, but you can't use oil or gas. You know, every combustion engine gone, you know, but we'll have charging stations installed all throughout the country. And then we're gonna get rid of cows. The cows and their flatulence are ruining the ozone and contributing to global warming and climate change. And airplanes they're gone too. Basically, I guess you go to Europe just pulling. I could see Linda pulling out of a sailboat. You know, the tiny ship was rough. I'm so privileged. I gotta I got a sailboat. Fantastic. Well, I mean that's also you're gonna get there. You're gonna have electric dance on it. I no man, do you know how many people commented about our discussion on Friday that they all say, what a weirdo you were that you know, no, everybody, no, everybody agreed with me. If you missed that story. We were in Helsinki and anyway, so I take my whole team out and I was hanging out with my brother in laws and Blair, and I remember, sweet Baby James was like me, and We're watching all of a sudden, in the middle of Linda's little dance routeam with with her friends and they're all girls, and I'm watching this guy literally maneuver right into the middle of it and start like grinding against strangers, and I'm I'm fit to be tied. So I just walked over and whispered a little something in his ear, and you know, that was it. He went in the corner where he belonged. But I thought it was so strange that some stranger feels that they have the right to invade your space that way. And every guy agreed with me. And you're the only one that's on the wrong side of this, Sweet Baby James's side, right, sweet baby James, Right, it's true. We're looking at Blair was aghast at that. First of all, you and Blair can't dance to save your life. So the only thing you were a gas that was the fact that you weren't able to shake it like he could, Like, who could listen? This little we actually call he had a name for him. While you're dancing, you just that's the more reason. When he camp clothes, You're like, no, he's like to listen. He's trying to make physical contact with all of you, and I'm like, this is gonna end badly here. Back up, you creepy exactly away from me. It even makes creepy Joe Biden look less creepy. It was so creepy, crazy, creepy uncle Joe. No, everybody agreed with me. You want me to do another test, Steven san Diego, who do you agree with? Does some guy have the right to just drow himself in the middle of a group of dancing girls at a club? No, right, I agree with I always agree with you, Sean. Thank you, Steve. Stay right there, Jimmy and Brooklyn, what do you think. I think we're in big trouble. I think this attack on Trump, he's they trying to top of Trump. Do you realize. In Trump's first presidency, the Democrats. I think I think Jimmy missed the question. You need to get back to you, Jimmy. I was giving them a little space there, just Nancy in California. What do you think, Nancy? I think that pretty soon we're going to live in a nation of single people. Well, said Nancy a minute. I mean she's right, I mean right, what's a man supposed to do? I mean, you look pretty. I'm about saying, do you mind if I if I dance with your group instead of just going in and make me physical contact. His wiggle. His wiggle insinuated a desire to dance together. Okay, okay, you're free, Nancy. Seriously, you're buying into this. Some strangers like he was like a fifty year old guy, you know, with his shirt, and he thought he was I thought it was John Travolta and Saturday nineteen from No, he was not fifty fifty is a short guy that stunk. He was not short either. You mean, Nancy, if you're on a dance floor and some creep comes up to you and starts, you know, grinding on you, you don't, You're not. It's not gonna piss you off. You don't think that's an invasion of your space? Oh no, no, if he grinds on me, he will be facing the floor. Thank you all that. And Nancy, you were you would be able to handle that, right, Oh for sure. See clearly you and your your friends were not able to handle it. Your sister in law, I think was that? Was she there? No, she wasn't there. It was just a group of us that were all on the road for the trip. But the bottom line is this. If a tall, strapping, good looking, somewhat smelly man comes over and he says, hey, I want to dance with you, and he does so in a more physical way as opposed to a more verbal way, it just means that he's challenged and his abilities to vocalize his desires. From my perspective, you know, I made a mistake. It was a restaurant that had a club upstairs. So I'm not into going to clubs, but I was acting like you know, I like to you know, for example, whenever we're out to dinner, I'd like to go walk around and pour the wine and wherever in wine and make sure everybody's happy. Do I not do that at every dinner we have. Yes, you're very good service. Yeah, so I want everyone because everyone works so hard, especially you know, we're in Helsinki, Vietnam. The last day we were there, I took all the crew out. We had a great time, and but this one had a club, so you guys will, oh, let's go upstairs. So I go up and I'm hanging out maybe twenty minutes. That's it. And I'm like watching this and I'm like I gotta get me and James and Blair like, oh, this is awful. We wanted to get out of there, and you know, we just then this happens. Then I feel like I can't. I feel a sense of responsibility. We're not even hardly in there, because you guys were all standing outside on the balcony. Anyway, well, I kept going out on the balcony, and every time I came back, Creepo was working his way back into the circle. I call him Weigels. But what I hope Creepo listens to this show. It would be so great to get a call from Helsinki. There's a huge summit going on in Helsinki, and I got the top fold of the biggest paper in the country. That was amazing. That actually was very nice. Though now I don't want to tell that story. It seems self serving. But anyway, we did get the top fold of the local news of Helsinki's newspaper, a record like the New York Times fake news, except this wasn't fake. Um. That shows how desperate they were for news there. All right, let me get to the phones here, Steve san Diego, Steve, how are you, Sarah? Glad you called, Thanks for waiting. I'm doing great. Sean, Hey, I appreciate you taking my call if I made. There's two things that really bugged me. One is that you know that Hillary was briefed by the State Department on how to handle class our information and she made a conscious decision to circumvent the laws. I mean, if that is not intent, I don't know what it is. She actually sent out a note to her entire State Departments staff warning people not to do the very thing she was doing, and everybody in her col circle knew about it because they were all emailing that, including, as we later found out, even a higher ranking government official that turned out to be Barack Hussain Obama. Right, yeah, And then, if I may, my other thing is now that the adults are in charge in afference of elections, I e. Lois Lion, I mean the only accountability is when a publican is in charge. I mean as the only people ever get fired. Only people said anything. And if we're gonna get a handle on the politization of government, we have to do and we got to do it now. Otherwise we're lost. If we don't get this right, I'm telling you, we're going to lose the country. You can't have this happen again. You cannot have a dual justice system. You cannot have unequal application of our laws. If we listen, if we believe in equal justice, you can't have unequal justice. There's only one way to solve this problem. Those that were responsible for the rigged investigation, those that were responsible for committing a fraud to the FISA courts, Those that were involved in trying to weaponize intelligence and unmasking and leaking. Those that were responsible for all of these attacks against a duly elected president for political purposes, because they thought they knew better than we the people. They got to be held responsible. Nancy California, how are you hi, I'm doing great. Thank you. I'm so pumped to be able to get to talk to Sean Hannity. I kipt Oh, thank you. I'm glad you called. You're amazing. I just want to say that I am absolutely disgusted that these Democrats have not said a word to condemn this attack that we had. And it's just an American. It's unbelievable. Listen, there is it's this is real. I'm not making this up. There is an unhinged rage that is now a psychosis that has taken over the Democrats and the liberal media. They're not going to stop. I wish they were. They're not going to you know interesting in the break, I just saw this at media. I a letter send to congressional Democrats today, Nancy Pelosi says she agrees Trump has engaged in unethical and unscrupulous behavior, made repeated efforts to thwart KO operation, and that the matter of indictment is an open ended question. No one's not Nancy anyway. However, she then tells her colleagues that holding Trump accountable and performing congressional oversight and on his actions as possible outside of impeachment hearings. While our views range from proceeding to investigate the findings to the Muller Report, or proceeding directly to impeachment. We all firmly agree that we should proceed down a path of finding the truth. It's also important to know that the facts regarding holding a president accountable can be gained outside of impeachment hearings, and as we proceed to uncover the truth and present additional needed reforms to protect our democracy, we must show the American people we're proceeding free from passion or prejudice, strictly on the presentation of fact. She's scared, all right, Hannity, Tonight ninety Eastern. We had a great show on the Fox News Channel. Alan Dershowitz, Joe Consa, John Solomon, Lindsay Graham, Nuke Gingrich, Peers Morgan. He's been great in his columns tonight on Hannity. Have a great night. We'll see then. I'm back here tomorrow

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