Sean digs into who Robert Mueller actually is and how the Deep State is doing everything it can to break down Donald Trump. It's time to investigate the investigator and have a 2nd special counsel dedicated to ending the charades. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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And another Express associate said, Express called me to come in for an interview right away and then sent me to interview with the company that same day. So don't go it alone any longer in your search for a job. Find your local Express Employment Professionals office at Express pros dot com. All Right, glad you with us a lot of news today that we are gonna get into. We're doing a deep dive and this will be for the rest of the week, both on radio and TV. Robert Mueller's beyond reproach. He is a man of the utmost integrity, and he is beyond beyond the beyond. But that's what you hear, we're discovering. Never made sense, did it? That he would hire his merry band of Democratic and Obama and Clinton donors the way he did. Never made sense that he'd hire a guy like Andrew Weissman, who put tens of thousands of Anderson Accounting people out of their jobs and literally sent them into bankruptcy and then ended up getting overturned nine zero in the Supreme Court. Didn't matter that Andrew Weissman, who The New York Times says as Mueller's pit bull. Didn't matter that he ended up putting four Meryal executives in jail, and those Meryal executives they were, that that was overturned in the Fifth Circuit Appeals Court. It didn't matter that he had withheld on numerous occasions exculpatory evidence, and I'm thinking, well, who is this guy, Robert Mueller. Well, um, it turns out he's not the man that people have been telling us that he is. And we're gonna explain all of this in an investigative report that we have with Sarah Carter and David shown today, and all the information has been out there and available the whole time. I'm kicking myself in the ask for not doing it earlier, to be honest, because I can now I know I hired Andrew Weissman because he's just like him. His background is that much similar, just like I can't understand how is it that Rod Rosenstein gets to sign off on Muller as the special counsel and then on the other hand, Rod Rosenstein is signing off, you know, with on one of the five applications and Faizer warrants despy on the Trump campaign as Deputy Attorney General of the United States, and then he's appointing Mueller. I mean because in that case he used Hillary's bought and paid for Russian dossier, which was the bulk of the application in all cases, and he never questioned it. Remember, not only is it unverified and and un corroborate, it's debunked. It's a lie that hill Arey paid for and they never told the court, and he never did his due diligence. How does he get to pick Mueller. The whole thing is now beginning to deep state crumbling before your very eyes, if you can believe it or not. I'm gonna get back to this in a second. One other thing we're getting to today. We have an update on Debbie Wasserman Schultz and that whole imron in one issue, and there are new developments today. Luke Rosiac the investigated of a reporter that's doing the mainstream media's work again. He'll have a full report in the course of the pro Graham today. It's amazing how the rest of the country is not doing it. We also have, finally, everything that I told you at the beginning of the year, everything we told you last year, is now beginning to come to fruition. Now we're expecting a big monumental report from the Inspector General. And I'm pretty confident that that Inspector General report, if the America would ever take the time to read it, based on the evidence of what we have now, you're gonna see that Hannity was right, and people like Kennedy and Sarah Carter was right, and Greg Jarrett was right, and Jay Sekulo was right, and Tom Fitton was right, and Sebastian Gorka was right, and Michelle Malkin was right, and Rush Limbaugh was right, and the great one, Mark Levin was right, and the rest of them, corrupt news media in this country was wrong. And then after that, now, uh, finally I saw and I tweeted out last night in artic all that came out as I was getting off a TV. It literally broke, Like why do people break things at nine fifty eight every night? It happened on Friday, and it happened last night. I'm beginning to think they don't want Hannity to cover it, That's what I'm thinking. I'm just guessing maybe that's a little bit, maybe my Eagles a little out of control on that claim. But um, it did happen two nights in a row on Friday night, remember, but Cave didn't get fired till nine thirty nine, And I'm like, goodbye, here's Laura, And I was waiting all night for it. Well, last night, it's the same thing except this article from the political GOP close to issuing a subpoena for the Department of Justice records that are linked to the Clinton probe. Oh Top House Republicans preparing to subpoena the Justice Department for records gathered by the Inspector General and his review of how the EPIO handled it's twenty sixteen investigation of Hillary Clinton, and according to two g OP sources familiar with the congressman's plans, they have now they want to get their hands on one point to million documents that the Inspector General, Michael Harrowitz, has gathered in the investigation, which has already led to the ouster of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on the eve of his retirement. So far, Republicans have complained the Department of Justice. Remember, Rod Rosenstein doesn't want anything turned over. There'd be no neons memo. If rod Rosenstein had his way, we'd have no knowledge about how the fiser warrant well that they never told the judges that, in fact, Hillary had paid for it. If rod Rosenstein had his way. If rod Rosenstein had his way, all would have been a big secret because he waited till the last minute, didn't want to hand him over to Devin Newness, begging Paul Ryan to in Rvin and it didn't happen, thank god. So what we're discovering is I want to I have a lot of questions for Rod Rosenstein, the guy that pull pointed Mueller and a guy that literally used and was part of the reauthorization of the FISA warrant against Carter Page Trump campaign associate without any evidence, any verification of what had the materials and Hillary's bought and paid for Russian dossier. Rod Rosenstein has a conflict of interest. Why does Jeff Sessions have to accuse himself? And Rod Rosenstein gets to a point as buddy Robert Mueller. That's another big problem these people have. Well, look, if it's it's the last act I do on this earth, I'm getting to the bottom of this. I'm not gonna stop. I'm not I mean, and unless I have a stroke on the air and can't talk or function, I'm gonna keep going. Why are you people laughing? Does that make you well because you'd have a free day office at it. No. No, First, you're going down the conspiracy route that everyone they're gonna say that everyone's waiting for your show to be over, and now you're saying you're gonna have a stroke on Erand it was mostly playing about the show. But it is a little odd two nights in a row. I'm not saying it was done on purpose. It's very odd, but it is odd. That's now, it's really what it is. More than odd. It's annoying. You know, I'm waiting, I know, I'm getting all my sources are telling me McCabe's getting fired tonight. McCabe's getting fired tonight, And I'm sitting there waiting, watching, thinking, hoping, praying the right thing it's done, and finally it happens. So anyway, now that GOP is now stepping up there, and by the way, they should have asked for this crap a year ago, because it takes about a year. Rod Rosenstein, I have no doubt, is gonna try and probably prevent that information from getting handed over. But a lot of it, hopefully will be laid out in the Inspector General's report. At Harwitz does a halfway decent job, and that we don't know now documents by the FBI. We're learning to has documents as relates to the Lynch Clinton, Bill Clinton tarmac trip, and are trying to cover that whole thing up because under James comey. James call me, I am convinced is the dumbest human being on the planet. James call me doing this book on the eve of the Horowitz I g report he must be so arrogant and egotistical that he honestly thinks he's the most righteous man in the world. I've never seen such self righteousness in an end of it, Well I have. I can name a couple of TV people. I know. I know, I'm not naming names. It's not what you think, No, I'm I'm There are people that think you know that they are it. You know, people don't realize that you know what we do and what everybody else does. Basically, all doing something that serves other people ours just happens to be public, which means we've got you know, if you do it publicly, you have a bullseye in your forehead, on your back, on your back side, and basically, you know people wanted to destroy you every day. That's the only difference. But everybody performs a service. Whatever you do for a living, you're performing, you're providing goods, of services for other people. Ours is obviously news and information that your fake news, phony news media, lying news media will never give you. That's my job every day, and that's the job of a few of us every day. Anyway, So that was carefully planned. Apparently that was orchestrated, and they tried to cover that whole thing up. Tom Fitton over Judicial Watches pointing out the FBI and the d o J are in full cover up mode and sitting on a lot of these scandal documents, and you know, the FBI sitting on them there in cover up mode. They're trying to protect McCabe and call me and obviously Robert Mueller has his feelings. He loves his buddy's McCabe and call me and Rosenstein. He doesn't want all this coming out. And anyway, Judicial Watch has been facing the same sort of stonewalling that you know, the varying how committees, the Judiciary with Bob Goodlad and the House Intel Committee with nonez. And you know what Fitnon is saying is that they've sued the FBI for records about the Clinton e mail investigation and it's all been slow walking all these records. They've been doing it the whole time, and they because they know that every time that we see something, it's gonna reveal something huge. And I'm gonna tell you something, Rosenstein is that I am convinced now is is right there at the tip of the spear of all of this. And I don't know why he even has a job. Why hasn't he been refused? We gotta do after we do this week on Robert Mueller. If I'm not arrested, if I'm not if I if I don't disappear somewhere, if I'm not taking hostage someplace. Now, I'm just saying this, by the way, I'm saying this all for fun. By the by the way, that's what people now say to me. Keep doing what you're doing. By the way, I don't know they're coming after you. Like I'm not paranoid. When people say that to me all the time, I don't. Well, Okay, so we're doing an investigation into Muller, then we're gonna do one into Rod Rosenstein. Who are these people with their deep state powers? Who how did they get these deep Why are they all connected? Rosenstein, Mueller, Andrew McCabe call me the whole bunch of them, the whole things nauseating. And you know, I'll tell you the people that have been most helpful in these investigations, and everybody's gonna be surprised. The people that are most helpful are people within the FBI, people within the d o J. There's a few brave souls that are risking everything because they know about all of the efforts to basically help Hillary Clinton a avoid going to jail, being charged with a felony, exonerating her even though everybody knew within the FBI that she had committed crimes and Comey led the way. They're more disgusted about all of this than I am, except they don't find themselves in a position where they can say it because they're not allowed. But some of them are doing it anyway. They're telling the truth because they love their agencies and they don't want their reputations tarnished, nor do they want their life's work destroyed because of the actions of just a few people. We know that there are one point two million pages of texts. How many of those texts those documents? Have you seen? Yeah? They're more than texts. Are other documents as well in the one point two million, but we've only seen a tiny percentage of that, uh, and that's regrettable because, quite frankly, while the work of the Inspector General is important and we're looking forward to seeing his report, his responsibilities and the Congress's responsibilities in conducting oversight over the nation's most important premier law enforcement organization is also important, and we need to have those documents. The Department and the Bureau have been slow, I would say, now very slow in getting them to us. The last time I was on your program, I express confidence that we would have those documents forthcoming, and here we are several weeks later, still don't have them. So this is coming to a head. Well, one of the things he's going to have to provide the answers. But I really see he even seemed to in his statement implicate James Comey. Did you catch that as well, that he knew about the leaks in the media. Yeah. I mean that's why this is, this is becoming so difficult, right, There's so many witnesses now who have testimony all over the map, which is why I think you continue to see this call for somehow d o J and FBI are going to have to have somebody who can actually investigate them and put all of this out there, because we're continuing to have problems in Congress just getting the information that we need the latest the l This example of that, Sean was the text messages that emerged on Friday night. We did not have those text messages, and we had asked for those tex text messages back in October, November, and December. So it's it's very difficult for Congress to get to the bottom of this. I mean we every day we find out something new. However, I think at this point there's so many crimes that have to be investigated. Uh, they need to get somebody over there who's gonna who's gonna run I through an investigation and maybe worked with the i G. When that report comes out. Congressman, let's be clear, there are one point two million documents. You've only seen three thousand of them. You've been stonewalled for five months. We have seen some documents, We've seen more than we saw from the Obama administration Justice Department. But we need more documents, and we need them now, and we need them unredacted. By the way, Maria, Uh, these latest revelations about Peter Struck and Lisa Page talking about a federal judge, a Judge Control Harris, who was appointed to serve on the fives a court. Uh, and they're talking back and forth about how good that is and how Peter Struck needs to be catching up with him and talking to him. That was made available to us earlier in a redacted form, and it was only just recently that we had the opportunity to see that text unredacted. That clearly does not draw any conclusion about what that judge and Peter Struck may have done or not done, but it's clearly material to what was going on in the FBI regarding how they were treating this course. It seems to me that the timing is a little suspicious, given Paul that the President had said about Andy McCabe. If you have an Attorney General of the United States, if you run the damn Justice Department, you know, and you've got to have the guts to look at the President every now and again and say no al to the top of the hour. We're monitoring what has happened again in Austin, Texas. We'll get to that in a second. Also the latest on deep state gay But first, apparently a late winter's snowstorm like two ft apparently are heading to the northeast, which means that the official weatherman of the Sean Hannity Show job starting WeatherBell dot Com, is on our newsmaker line. How are you, sir? How bad is this thing gonna be? Well in the New York City, by the way, and for all those people listening in Florida, the Carol Loin is in California and Texas, right, just just just suffer through a three minute weather report because half the country is about to get bombarded with snow. As you're out there in your shorts playing golf today. Go ahead. Well, you know what's interesting is that a lot of this uh, these bad storms, you can see them coming from February in the way the pattern was setting up, you know, at the brutal cold in Europe. And you know, I've got the I've got the book out, the Climate Chronicles, And when you hear the excuses being made, it's almost like allways say to people, just go read the book, because it's predicting what they're going to say. It's actually easier predicting the excuses they're making then it is to predict the weather. But in this particular case with this storm, I think it's pretty much downpat that this storm is going to be very nasty in the Washing d C. Baltimore area of Philadelphia. I think that is as far as the big cities, those are the areas that are likely to get it worse shan where you're looking at three six eight snow eight inches of snow downtown, but a foot to two feet in the suburbs in New York City proper out through Long Island. And the bulk of this storm around New York and Long Island comes tomorrow afternoon into Tomorrow night. I think it's a six to twelve inch storm, local amounts to fifteen, which is a big deal. That may make it one of the biggest, biggest spring snow storms on record around the New York City area in Long Island. And the problem we've got here is tomorrow morning in the quarter d C towards Philadelphia, it's gonna be snowing one to three inches an hour, and then that's going to try to spread up the New Jersey Turnpike right into New York City and Long Island for several hours. So we got a big mess there because of the time of the year, folks, the snow is wet, so more power outages coming, more tidal flooding, beach erosion, the whole nine yards with this storm, and it's all part of a pattern that we we'd actually see a lot of this stuff back in the nineteen What is the you know what, what is the total we're talking about? Where does he get hit the worst? Well, I think I think as far as big cities go, there'll be a uniform six to twelve inches from d C to New York City. But I think the suburbs around Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, those places, those suburbs I think are going to get hit the most. You folks that have had this snow around New York City, you know, and up in the Boston and Providence. You know what goes on downtown It doesn't it's snowing, but it doesn't stick as much. You take that one storm, we had three four inches in New York City, twenty inches in Morristown, New Jersey. So there's in March storms there is a bigger gradient because of those temperatures. So we're talking to a lot of people live in the suburb So what happens is coming into work tomorrow morning. A lot of these places are going to get shut down. So let's say, let's say, Joe, how much snow is going to fall in Central Park? I say nine inches? How much is Sean Hannity's house. I'd say nine inches is a good good forecast for those areas. Say that, is there any other storms coming this week? Because you said there might be two? Yeah, well there's another one that is going to cut through. Uh it looks to me like a Chicago But it looks like I don't care about Chicago. I don't live in Chicago. I mean, if I'm not, I care about our listeners everywhere. Sean too. But I mean I'm more interested about my house because I'm selfish. I think I think your house is gonna be okay this weekend. But the great one, Mark Levin, I don't think he's talking to me right now, Is that right? We were talking about you, We were talking about you last night, and uh no, he now the start he says it's gonna be bad. Well I I upped I upped them from three to six to six to twelve. Yeah, he lets marking to do. He's not gonna get out and shovel for crying out a lot of it does. I'll kill him, no, But what I almost I almost hate like warning him because I'm afraid he's gonna yell at me or something. He's going to get another one this weekend. But I don't think you are in New York. Okay, Alright, this, this pattern, this cold pattern gonna last right passage. Nobody cares what's what happened in the nineteen fifties or the pattern. Nobody understands that. I know you do and your family does, but nobody says this is following a pattern in the nineteen sean Sean. It helps us out when we have to combat the nonsense. And you know what that's well, you did write the climate Chronicles Inconvenient Revelations. You're not going to hear from al Gore, which is a great book, and we put it up on Hannity dot com and I give you a credit for it. But but most people they want all they want to know is is it gonna snow? How bad is it gonna be? When is it gonna happen? And uh, you know, am I gonna have to hire the plow guy? That's what everyone cares about. It. You're going to have to hire Mr Plow or the plow King, depending on which episode of assimptions you like with that. Remember when Homer was plowing. So I don't know if Homer is going to plow for you, But folks, you'll need to plow tomorrow and it's gonna be I'll tell you what. But this time of the year, it's going to be a magnificent storm. I mean, you just don't see it this late in the year that much. All Right, we do appreciate you and your book is phenomenal. Jovis starting WeatherBell dot com. Thank you, Joe. We love you. You know that we're just messing with you. Uh, I'll talk to you to borrow maybe buy. All Right, my friend by Jove starting works out harder than I do. I mean, he's like a workout animal. He's you know, he did some serious bodybuilding in his life. I mean he's bulked up. Um doesn't mean my Ninja isn't more effective, but it means, but he's got Really he's such a good guy and he really has a passion for what he does. All Right, I left when we were talking about the GOP. Now they're going to issue the subpoena for all of this, and this is where we should be. And I'm gonna tell you something. We're gonna get into this with Sarah and David shown at the top of the next tour. We're learning that Robert Muller is not the guy that everybody said that he was. I told you about Andrew Weissman, He's Mueller's pitbull. But it seems Mueller is Mueller's pit bull, and that picking Weissman and company and all of these other Democratic donors was not an accident. But it appears that Robert Muller's actions and a lot of people apparently think he has caused nothing but chaos and havoc wherever he's been in the time he's spent in Boston as a criminal prosecutor, raised a lot of questions about his role in one of the most controversial FBI cases involving the use of a confidential informant. Sarah Carter reporting that, you know, when the president went out against Robert Mueller over the weekends, and it never should have. Why did the Mueller team of all these you know, hardcore Democratic donors and Hillary supporters and zero Republicans, why did he not report, Why does he have Does he not care about even the appearance of impropriety in any way? Does he care about the appearance of fearness in any way? Well, apparently he doesn't, and obviously he's got his own agenda in this. And then his buddy Rod Rosenstein again another guy that you know, what did Rod Rosenstein know about Hillary's exoneration without investigation? What did Rosenstein? Why did he sign off on the use of Hillary's dossier and and allow the fies of war and extension when in fact it was paid for by Hillary Clinton and it had lies from Russia and Russian government sources. You know. Then he gets to a point, Mueller, there's a massive conflict there. But anyway, with all the you know, McCabe's firing, it does raise questions, well, where's Mueller's investigation going? And if you look at his past involvement in other cases, it gets very very dicey, as you're gonna find out at the top of the next hour. You know, I think, as David shown was quoted in Sarah's article, we all have a right an obligation to demand fundamental fairness in the process us and not the least bit fair, and the investigations lacking integrity, integrity, and I think the fact that Muller picks all these Democrats that donate to Obama and Hillary in the d n C is problematic. You know, this whole thing seems to be at least you know, large part based on unverified, untruthful, circumstantial evidence from the get go, and it was tainted because of the appointments of Muller himself. You're gonna tell me nobody in the destroy Trump media would be upset of a special council only had Republican donors, Trump donors on it, no Hillary donors, no Obama donors. You know, I can't believe that everybody's lauding. You know, Robert Muller is a well respected former FBI director, but they know nothing about Robert Mueller's past and his criticism from his years in Boston when he was a U S attorney in the U S. Attorney's Office in Boston and acting US Attorney. And it was there was Mueller's actions during that time that raised a lot of questions about his role in one of the most controversial cases where the FBI used a confidential informant. It led to the convictions of four innocent men. Did you hear that he used confidential informants and that case led to the convictions of four innocent people who were sentenced to death for murders that turns out they did not commit. This is Robert Mueller's background. Local law enforcement officials, the media, and some you know criticizing Mueller for what they believe is the bureau's role in covering up the FBI's dealings with this mobster who was also a flipped informant by the name of Whitey Bulger. If you haven't seen the Netflix on on Whitey Bulger, you need to go and look at it. It's actually fascinating. He was a kingpin. He was a mobster and a murderer and a confidential informant for the FBI, and uh anyway, you know, supposedly he was gonna be used to take down some mafia people in Boston. Boulger's relationship with the FBI and his handler that became toxic guy by the name of John Connolly was later discovered. Connelly went out of his way to protect Boulger and aided the crime boss against investigations conducted by the Boston p d and the Massachusetts State Police, and apparently the FBI informant would inform Boulger of wire taps surveillance conducted by law enforcement. Well, that seems to be problematic. You know. There was one article on Boston dot com about the FBI's involvement with Bulger and and a case that Kevin Cullen wrote about UH in eleven and the Boston UH and one of the Boston Papers. And after Obama asked Congress to make an exception to allow Mueller to stay two extra years as the FBI director. Anyway, I think this does raise a lot of questions. And he said the story that Mueller, who was the first Assistant U S Attorney then acting US Attorney in Boston, had written letters to the Parole Board and Pardons Board opposing clemency for more men framed by FBI lies. According to this guy in Boston, Muller was also in the position in that position while hide Bulger was helping the FBI supposedly card off criminal competitors, but he at the time was burying bodies in shallow graves and in parts of Massachusetts. In two thousand and one, those four people who were convicted of this guy, Teddy Deagan's murder were exonerated by the courts. It just sounds like Andrew Weissman's record, doesn't it. You know, tens of thousands of people lose their job, Anderson accounting Nino decision. Supreme Court wipes out the whole thing for meryal executives away for a year. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals wipes it out again. And in all the cases involving Weissman, you have exculpatory evidence withheld. Anyway, at the time, the Bureau buried the truth apparently from the case to protect you know, one in Warman by the name of Vincent fle Flemy, who was the brother of Steve Flemy, was a partner of Whitey Bulger. Anyway, former FBI agent from the Minneapolis Division Legal Council the FBI wrote an op ed last year in the Huffing and Post. No, Robert Muller and James Comey are not heroes, starting with when the truth about Bulger was finally uncovered through investigated reporting and persistent and honest judges and US taxpayers. Having footed a hundred million dollar court award to the four men that apparently were framed for the murders committed by the Bulger gang, in other words, the gang that the FBI had thought they had him as a cooperating gangster. Anyway, Muller was never asked by Congress what do you know about Whitey Bulger? When did you know it? That seems to have been a logical question that was missed. So maybe this narrative that everybody here is beyond reproach. He has vin questioning he is. There's nobody better than a relevant Muller said, I've heard everybody say it. Apparently it's not true. Well, we're investigating the investigators. This is why we need a special counsel, a second special counsel, investigate the investigators. And I look at this whole team and it's just corrupt. It stinks from the head down. And if the President, God forbid says okay, there's no evidence inclusion, well, who's trade gouty to tell him? We'll start acting like an innocent person. Well, if you're an innocent person, you want to scream from the rooftops that you're innocent. You want to sit there, Okay, I am, I am going to I'm going to very very calmly, uh say that these charges against me all false. I'll just you keep doing your witch hunting and your investigation. I will sit here, calmly, knowing that I'm innocent. I will not I will not state my opposition to be an investigated for another eighteen months. Why should I care because I'm innocent. That's not the way innocent people act. Innocent people say hell no, I didn't do it, which is kind of what Donald Trump is doing. Oh, he needs to be more presidential. Okay, well, let's see the rest of you deal with it. If eighteen months of your life, you and your family are turned upside down and you know, damn well, you didn't do anything. Oh and by the way, we have evidence of real crimes, real collusion with Russia, a real cover up, the fixed being in for somebody that really committed crimes. Oh and by the way, the phony Russian information that your opposition party candidate paid for was used to spy on you because they didn't tell the judges four separate times the truth. Welcome to the United States of America today and the deep state right as we roll along Sean Hannity Show. All right, lot coming up, we'll have a report of what's gone on in Austin. Today, a second another bombing has taken place, this time out of FedEx and a second bomb has been found. Will update you on that, will investigate who is Robert Mueller and as the president right to think that a there's something wrong with him, appointing all Democrats to look into all of this. The latest on Debbie Wasson and Schultz and Imron no Juan, we'll get into that today and we'll actually have the person that found the unit bomber, will explain the serial bombing that's going on in Austin. And that's why this is this is becoming so difficult, right, There's so many witnesses now who have testimony all over the map, which is why I think you continue to see this call for somehow. D o J and FBI are going to have to have somebody who can actually investigate them and put all of this out there because we're continuing to have problems in Congress just getting the information that we need. The President's absolutely right, this investigation never should have begun, and the question is now how does he deal with it? And I think what he's doing is he's playing good cop, bad cop. He has some of his lawyers cooperating with Mueller, and some of his lawyers attacking Mueller us. He wants to be ready to attack in the event there are any recommendations that are negative to the president. Director Comy, have you ever been an anonymous source in news reports about matters relating to the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation? Never question to one relatively related. Have you ever authorized someone else at the FBI to be an anonymous source in news reports about the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation? Now, has any classified information relating to President Trump or his association associates been declassified or and shared with the media, not to my knowledge? All right, we know that's a lie, just based on Andrew McCabe's statement that, in fact, oh he did it with the approval of the director. So what did Comey know, when did he know it? And who's lying at McCabe or is it Comey who we know has been caught in lies, just like we know Brennan has been caught in lies. Anyway, we as I've been telling you our to Sean Hannity Show, let me stay organized here One Shawn is at free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program and one of the things we want to do. Everyone keeps saying, well, Robert Muller is a man of integrity, He's a man of Caesar Republican in spite of the fact that he appoints the most radical big donors to the Democrats, to Obama, to Hillary Clinton, and oh interestingly enough, not to any Republican, not to Donald Trump. And it's clear that this is a witch hunt, this is a fishing expedition. And with this wide mandate that was given by Rod Rosenstein, the same Rod Rosenstein that signed off on the FISA warrant in one of the renewal applications, he signed off on, yes, an application that the bulk of information was from Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for dossier with phony Russian information, with Russian lies, is what it is. You know. I say, it's uncorroborated and unverified. A friend of mine last night said to me, no, it is corroborated, it's debunked. It's not true, and that's the whole point of it. And they knew it wasn't true, and they knew she paid for it, and they never did anything about it anyway. Joining us now, Sarah Carter is an investigative reporter. She's been in the forefront of all this Fox News contributor and David shown is with US criminal and civil rights attorney. And one of the questions we're starting, and one of the questions we're starting tonight on Hannity and right here on this program, is who is Robert Mueller? What is his past? Like? Well, we've been doing a deep dive into all of this, and it culminated last night with Sarah Carter's investigative report about who Robert Mueller is and what about his Bosston past. When I read this, I was as stunned as I was when I learned about the background of Mueller's pit bull, as described of The New York Times Andrew Wiseman, And that's a guy that lost tens of thousands of jobs for Anderson Accounting employees. This is a guy overturned nine zero in the U. S. Supreme Court. That was a guy that put four Meryl executives in jail for a year, overturned by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and on at least two separate occasions, was excoriated by judges for withholding exculpatory evidence and we see a similar background in Robert Mueller as I read through your piece, Sarah Carter, Yes, I mean the here are And I think David Shone explained this very well because he was very tight, much tight into UH the Wiseman case early on with Devaccio, who was at that time being accused of being a bad apple inside the FBI and whose involvement with his informants led to the led to murders of numerous people. So now you know, you come to Mueller and and you see that he was also involved in a city station in Boston where you have you know, Whitey Bulger, mob guy, you know in Boston, huge case back then, whose FBI agents were also involved. At that point in time, Mueller was not with the FBI, but he was overseeing. He was the attorney General at the time in UH in Boston, and he's overseeing all these cases and you have Whitey Boulger here involved with with FBI agents. It was probably comparable, they said, the two biggest cases ever involving corruption in the FBI. Both Weissman and Mueller were connected to. Now I had issues with I mean, this is will explain the whole Boston case and how this whole thing screwed up as it relates to Whitey Bulger. I mean, it sounds like a total and utter fiasco. And we have a case also which I can't believe where evidence apparently is withheld again. So yeah, well you have Mueller. He was at one point in time in Boston. He was the assistant U S Attorney in the U S. Attorney's office in Boston. Then he became the acting U S Attorney in Boston. That was from eighty seven, And if you look at the case, you know it was Mueller's actions during that time that raised questions about him. The role in one of the FBI's most controversial cases, and this was with Whitey Bulger. And what happened was a Mueller basically there was Whitey Boulger had been very much involved with a guy by the name especial agent by the name of John Connolly. He was his FBI handler, and Connolly was toxic. Connolly was basically passing information onto Boulger. They were utilizing Bulger as this informant against all of these other bad guys in Boston, but Boulger in effect was the worst of them all. Boulger was continuing to basically kill people, run operations, UH, do everything that he could. It ended up four people ended up being accused based on false information and put it put on death row basically based on false information about somebody's death because of Boulger and because of Connolly, and when Mueller, who was in charge of all of this, I mean, this was a huge mess at the time. Mueller basically denied over and over again although information was being provided. He was writing letters to the parole board against these four men. Um what happened was Whitey Boulger got a tip from Connolly at one point in time that he was going to be arrested, and he skipped down and Boulger basically disappeared for sixteen years. He was on the run. He was not arrested then until two thousand eleven. And I believe Sean will be able to explain this case in more detailed than what I've given Sean. But that was when Mueller had come back and he was now the director of the FBI. And this was years later, So basically everything quieted down in Boston. A lot of journalists were up in arms about this because the fact that Boulger disappeared meant that no questions were being asked, no questions were being answered. So for sixteen years this kind of hungover Boston. And then sixteen years later he's arrested in California. Bulger is and I caught this really interesting interview with Mueller. Sixty minutes. Did this really short interview with him. They kind of caught him in a hallway somewhere during that time and said how do you feel about this? And he seems kind of caught off guard, and he he was like, well, you know, this is somebody we've wanted for a long time, and we're glad we have him back in custody. But there were a lot of questions that went unanswered that Mueller never answered. What did he know about these informed the informant Bulger, what did he know about the FBI agents who were handling him? And he never answered those questions. And it seems very similar to Wiseman. And remember Wiseman was reprimanded for withholding exculpatory evidence in a case that was very similar to this, where you know, people were charged with things that they shouldn't have been charged with and then all of a sudden, you know, he gets reprimanded by a judge and then has his friends in his legal friends, his buddies there. The Attorney General Zachary Carter basically forced the judge to pull his name out of that reprimand so that he can continue being an attorney. These guys are all very close, and they're very tight. And you know, Wiseman and Mueller are great friends. Komy, Mueller and Wiseman are friends, and Rosenstein. They're all in the same little groups, all in the same little boat, and uh and and they protect each other on the way up and apparently even now on the way down, as we can see, you know, with it with a lot of the stories that have been coming out on comy, and you know, this whole story about who the real Robert Mueller is David shown and yet the media always portrays him as he's a go to guy, he's a real blah blah blah, and it's just a talking point. But I'm reading in terms of the research and some old articles from the from Boston dot com and elsewhere, I am not particularly impressed. I'm a little nervous that he seems very much like Andrew Weisman. I mean, there's an incredible parallel. You've hit it right on the button, and Sarah wrote the definitive piece on this frankly, and there's a lot more to it that I'm sure Sarah is going to find out and write about. Um. But I say that these two are if our numbers one and two on the Parade or U S News and World Report UH list of overseeing the single to most corrupt scandals in FBI history, both scandals involving murder and corruption, both scandals involving prosecutors who either knew or should have known. And in the case of Andrew Weissman, of course, we have a lot more evidence. We know that in the case of corrupt FBI agent Linda Vikio, which I say is the single most corrupt incident in the history of the FBI, and I think everyone who knows the case would agree, we know that Weisman learned that Devechio was using a mob underboss, Stone Cold Killer as a top echelon informant. And we also know from another US assistant U S attorney that Weisman told the other prosecutors there was no reason to disclose this corrupt relationship, despite the fact that they were putting on contrary evidence in every case. There are two men sitting in prison right now serving life sentences who were convicted through Wiseman's prosecution um using evidence with Lynda Vechio testifying, and at the end of the case, the prosecutors came up and said, if you have any reason to believe this agent is lying in the conviction of Michael Sessa, for example, you should set him free. They knew he was lying at the very time. It's unbelievable, but there are more parallels. Mr Mueller, Uh was FBI director when Devechio was indicted for murders. An FBI agent indicted for murders. Hang on, right there, we gotta take a break. Uh, stay there, Sarah Carter David shown with us. Where we continue. We're gonna do this all week. We'll have more on Hannity tonight. Are deep dive Who is Robert Muller? Well, apparently he's not the person that everybody portrays him to be. We'll give you the full rundown tonight, Hannity and all the breaking news from today. All right, as we continue our start of our deep dive into what is who is Robert Mueller? We continue with Sarah Carter and our friend David Shona's with us today. Uh, Sarah, I don't even know what to say. Give everybody a preview because we're running out of time today. The types of things that they're going to learn about Robert Mueller in the rest of the week, well, I think we're gonna learn about a lot of questions that Congress had with regard to the FBI that they posed Mueller when he was a director of the FBI. We're going to learn about his past and his connections in the in the Boston case, as well as his future after he retired and went to William Hale to work there as a partner. I think those are some of the things that we're going to look at. I mean, there was a lot of complaints from people from the Anthrax case, uh, to the Boston to this Boston case way back in the eighties when when Mueller was was was an attorney there. There's a lot of things about Robert Mueller that the American people just don't know about Sean that they should. And I think a lot of the talk about Mueller, you know, in recent time, has been very superficial, very surfacing. We've seen people on both sides like, just let him do his job. There's no reason to question him. He's a he's an honorable guy. But if you look back at the past, he's not perfect and there's a lot of stories that raise questions as to how he's going to handle this special counsel and what would you tell people to look for David Seun Well, she's a under present, right and everything she said as usual. Let me give you this question, Mr Hannity. This is what the Buston Globe said. The Buston Globe said that they questioned Mr Miller when about what happened in the Whitey Bulger case, because it's never come out what he knew or should have known. Well, we know what he should have known, and we believe what he knew. And his answer to the newspaper to the American people was, well, the people should understand what happened back then, happened a long time ago. Would that satisfy you? Does that satisfy you as the person chosen to be the special counsel? That's not nor does it. Nor does Andrew Weissman as the pitfall of Muller satisfy me either. But at his answer, it does begin to at least answer the question. You know that that, Oh, now we know why Andrew Weissman and his ILK were appointed because they seem to be two pit polls. Uh. And maybe the New York Times should call them both pit polls, considering they love that adjective. I think that's right. You're gonna see also even more significant connection. You're gonna see that after Miller presided over the Bulger matter in Boston, then becomes FBI director and approves the attorney's fees for Lynda Vecchio, the corrupt FBI agent in the New York case, to the tune of four hundred to five hundred thousand dollars. Ultimately it was approved by Alberto Gonzalez. But that's one of the things that Mr Muller's questioned about by the by Congress. After a federal judge found that Devekio was not acting in this capacity as a federal agent, his fees were still approved. Al Right, guys, I want to thank you both. Uh. We will continue to investigate who is the special counsel, who is Robert Mueller, what it is his background, what is his past, and how is it possible that the image painted by the media could be so far off from what reality is. Don't worry. We'll continue to do their job. Will investigate that tonight. All right, we've got to take a break. We're gonna update you on the case involving Debbie Wasserman Schultz in the A Wand case with Luke Rosiak, and then we'll take it a deep dive into this Austin bomber and all that's been going on. We had another bomb set today and another bomb found, alright, so we'll find out what's going on there and more of all of this tonight on Hannity nine Eastern on Fox. Under my understanding, the Capital Police is not able to confiscate member's equipment when the member is not under investigation. It is their equipment and it's supposed to be returned. Well, I think there's stanuating circumstances in this case, and I think I think that you know, working through my council, and you know the necessary personnel if if that in facts the case and with the permission of through the investigy issue and will return equipment. But until that's accomplished, I can't try to equip I think you're violating the rules when you when you conduct your business that way and should expect that there would be consequences. Well, he's not my staffer. He no longer works for me. And when he was arrested, I terminated him. I kept him on the payroll during the time that he was not arrested and not charged with anything, And that was because, as I said that I was concerned about the violation of his due process rights and also that there were racial and ethnic profiling concerns as well. I have maintained that it was important and will continue to maintain that when someone's due process rights are are potentially being violated, that I'm going to stand up and make sure that that that people's rights are protected in this country. That's the oath that I swore to uphold when I swore to uphold the Constitution. And when he was arrested and do process was established, then I terminated him finally, even though they knew that im ron Awan had double built for a long period of time and had family members on the payroll, uh that had no experience seemingly and as it relates to anything technical, you know, one worked at a McDonald's, another work at a some used car place selling cars there's no evidence they had anything involving I T in terms of their background and experience. And that was Debbie Wasson and Schultz, and of course that was her attacking the the police department because they happened to have a copy of what turned out to be I believe it was her laptop. And interestingly, so im Ron Awan got to stay on. He had access to congressional secrets, including top secret and and classified information that we believe was probably sold overseas to somebody. And then of course im Rona Juan actually left out and made available Debbie Wasson and schultz laptop and a boone booth somewhere in Capitol Hill. And this case is not been resolved since the only person in the news media that is brave enough and tough enough and diligent enough to stay on the story is from the Daily Caller. Luke Rosiak is another piece on the Hwan case. And it's sad that it's not getting as much attention, but we've got to pay attention to this because soon after the House of Representatives found that im Rona Juan and his family made unauthorized access to congressional data, well, imron was literally racing to vacate his house that he was renting in February is running into a former marine and angrily told his new tenant that he was homeless and refused any certified male in Imron's home. Anyway, what's going on, Luke Roziak, we need an update. Thanks for having me, Sean said, these guys, im Ron Juan and his family. The House Inspector General found that before the election they made unauthorized access to house data. They were impersonating members of Congress. They were following data off the network, and that looks bad. Obviously, the Pakistani borne we all noticed howber security, the riffs that we're facing, that they had an access to so much information. They were working for one in five House Democrats. They could read all their emails and that data was being funneled off the network is unauthorized access. They got the server lives showing it, so that all looks bad enough. Now, the reason you're not hearing about this in the media that much is because the members who are the victims aren't talking about it. So most people think if the if the Democrats were to get hacked yet again, they'd be clamoring for justice. And that's the issue here is the Democrats have been quiet as a mouse. They refused to address this. Now they don't deny it, they kind of skirt the issue and they changed the subject. And it's really weird because why would they not be the ones who wanted justice more than anyone. So it's been over a year now and I've been delving into both aspects of these guys, every aspect that came into their history on the House side, but also in their personal business. And so these guys have been involved in more than a dozen lawsuits, interviewed more than a dozen people who knew them very well personally, and what every single one of them said is that these guys have an m o of sen to the extortion. That's what they allege is that they use information against people to threaten them, bully them, silence them, and to manipulate the wheels of justice. So when you have Democrats who are inexplicably refusing to call for justice for the people that, according to the i G hacked them, you put two and two together, a background and of extortion, the access that they had, and the silence of members, And it seems very very likely that members of Congress are currently being blackmailed by these I T guys. The only other explanation, uh, is that it's basically just as simple as a threat to the Russian narratives, that there was this actual hack at the same time as the DNC, and they caught the guys and they weren't Russian, they were Pakistani. So that's the only other thing I can think of is that it comes down to allowing themselves to be hacked because they prized this narrative more than the prize national security. So it's one or the Why why do we not hear anything about this case? But for you and as Debbie Wasson and Schulza legal jeopardy, I think, Um, she appears to have possibly allowed him to continue to access house data after he was banned by the police. Remember that he had that laptop, which was her laptop, two months after he was banned. Why would he have a laptop a member of Congress's laptop when he was not allowed to be on the house network. What's good is laptop in the standates that's not connected to the Internet. If Wasson Schultz let him do that, she really jeopardized her fellow members. Uh. And I think that this is a case of obstruction of justice by uh the wands do we know? Do we know? And and Debbie Wasson and Schultz right, she knew he had to exactly. I mean, the members were protecting these guys for many years. As you mentioned, they had no I T. Training for the most part. Uh. They were violating rules left and right, had every red flag in their background imaginable, and these guys protected them and offered them into uh to the House. Yeah, alright, listen to keep us up to speed, because I don't think this this issue should uh just go dark. I don't know where the police and the FBI are as it relates to this. Do you know that there's an ongoing investigation. There is an ongoing investigation, And I think that for the media that's ignored it if they're going to be pretty embarrassed when this finally does come home to rooster. Next court date is March fourth, And I think there is a lot of efforts that obstructing. But at the end of the day, I think it's going to be a tough sale for them to make this go away because you have the House Democratic Caucus server stolen um around the election, and that was Javier Bsara, now Attorney General of California. His server was stolen. Unbelievable for the I g identified it is evidence. So what is going on here? I mean, this is one of the most frightening things I've ever heard in my life where you've got a member of congressive server physically stolen. Wow, there's a cybersecurity investigation going on and he doesn't even uh say a word about it. All right, thank you so much, Luke Rosac will continue to follow it. Eight nine one, Sean, you want to be a part of the Graham Let's get back to our phones. Jason is in Maryland, Jason High, how are you glad you called the Sean Hannity Show. What's going on? Sir? I just wanted to call to kind of raise the point from what we know about McCabe. Um. It would seem to me just kind of a logical progression would be they should really start to scour over emails and communications that have to do with his wife. If he was able to abuse his power, and if he established a pattern, I would say most likely he used the resources at the FBI to look in basically too. Her opponents listen, I gotta tell you right now, why is it seven thousand dollars number one is a huge amount for any Senate race in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It's an obscene amount of money. Then you look at, well, who is that connected to? Well, that's connected. That money is coming directly from the Clinton's best friend in the world, Terry McCullough. Uh. Then you add the other Democratic money thrown into the race. Now, she didn't win the race, but this amount of money is unheard of, It's not it's not ever that high. And then you think of the power that McCabe had in particular, McCabe call me struck Page and the rest of them, and you've got those are the people that are looking into Hillary Clinton and the email server scandal. Now, finally, as I have said earlier in the program today, finally Republicans seem to be getting their act together. And that political article that I tweeted out last night and mentioned earlier, you know, they're now going to issue a subpoena for records that a link to the Clinton probe is over one point two million documents that the Inspector General Michael Harrowitz had gathered Now what we're gonna find out is what I've told you. Crimes were committed by Hillary, and that is, she put a server in an unauthorized location, and she mishandled classified information, destroyed classified information, tried to cover the whole thing up, and obstructed justice in the process. But even more importantly, the top FBI individuals that took over this investigation, they covered for her. They rigged the outcome for her so she could remain the candidate for the Democratic Party. It's all now being exposed. That is what is now coming. That's the next step. That's what these documents are gonna prove. The Inspector General report is pure TNT according to somebody that has knowledge with about it. You know, McCabe didn't happen in a vacuum. McCabe was not fired by Donald Trump either. This all happened because of the FBI zone ethics and the laws of the land. And he lied on the oath repeatedly, numerous times. And I guarantee you that there's gonna be a lot of other people to fall as well. And arrogant as James Comey is. I mean, he's probably the dumbest human being in the country right now because he's he's coming out with a book, he's bragging about his book, and meanwhile he's being criminally investigated, whether he knows it, wants to admit it or not. And you would think somebody with his background would have figured all of that out by now, but he apparently is not. All Right, back to our phones, Mike and Denver, Colorado on K how what's up my carreer you as I want your morning guy the other day at a great time one on one on honor. Thank you for everything you do. And I don't say that as a as a greeting. I sincerely, sincerely appreciate from the bottom of my heart and my family. UM, thank you for what you're doing and what you're doing specifically on schedual light on the government corruption. You're welcome. Your colleagues who worked tirelessly, UH, folks like Steve Hilton are are really exposing this this deep entrenched government across the board locally and nationally. UH. Corruption and all stems a lot from the lobbying and the influence that that gives certain people. And you've highlighted everything and I could never even begin to say it as as eloquently as you do, but keep repeating yourself, Mr Andy, and you're being you're being a very kind. Look, I'm gonna tell you something. I it this, This is so much more complicated than I ever knew when we discovered a year ago, on March eighth of last year, that in fact the Trump Tower had in fact been surveiled and that affies warrant had been issued, that that goes back a year ago. Everything that we have learned in this year now points to everything that I was saying yesterday and last night on TV about a a very powerful deep state, high echelon operators that thought they knew better than the American people, and the deeds they were involved in clearly were meant to prevent Donald Trump from getting elected, to help Hillary Clinton, to allow her to continue in the race, and by whatever means necessary, destroy Trump and then hurt his incoming administration. It's that profound, it's that deep, it's that sick, it's that criminal. It is that you know, it's everything you think cannot happen in America. Everything we learned about Hillary's crimes, everything we learned about the cover up, everything we learned about her fixing a primary, trying to fix a general election with Russian lies that she paid for, you know, all leading to the supporters in the deep State allowing a FISA warrant that is phony with Russian lies to be used and presented before a FISA judge to get a warrant on an opposition party. Kennedy, that's it. That's it in a nutshell, we'll continue, all right. Let's we have time for one quick call here as we now check in. Let's see Eric is in Vero Beach in Florida. Eric, Hi, how are you glad you called? Sir? Oh? Thanks Sean, thanks for taking my call. And it's a perfect step. What you just said is a perfect segue into my call. I was calling about the two thousand eighteen mid terms, and I actually believe that the Republicans are pretty much a shoe in because I don't I look at I look at a guy like Trump who was the only he was the only Republican if he wouldn't if he decided he didn't want to run in two thousand sixteen. That I guarantee you that we've got Speaker Pelosi and and UH Senate Majority Leader Schumer right now, he's the only one we have that could have beat them, and he's he's the only chance we have. And if he goes to these, if he goes and rallies at these um close house races and close Senate races where we have a chance to do pick ups, I'm pretty sure we can prevail. But what is there after he leaves? Sean? I mean, I mean, we constantly hear that the Republic that Democrats have no bench. What do we have. Who's going to stand up to the press, Who's going to stand up to the people that the Trump stands up to? That guy's are one and a billion guy. I think the answer is obvious. It's got to be you know, we the people, we got to do our part. You know, at the end of the day, um, we all have you know, Reagan warned that freedom is always just one generation away from being imperiled. And with that, I think every generation has to at some point pick up the torch and put up with the crap and the bologna and the bs and and put your personal life aside. And if you do that, then you know, odds are pretty good that we can preserve, protect, and defend. Now, people don't know what freedom liberty and the Constitution is and we're in deep trouble and there's way too many people that don't get it yet. Right when we come back, an update on the horrific bombings out of Texas. That's next going up next our final news round up and information overload our Well, you know, that's been the question all along, is is this terrorism? Is this hate related? And we're early on in the investigation. Today, we've only gotten into the preliminary phases, and as today moves on, that is something that we're going to analyze. We're clearly dealing with what we expect to be a serial bomber at this point, based on the similarities between now what is the fourth device and again, as we look at this individual and the pattern and what we're looking at here, we will have to determine if we see a specific ideology behind this or something that will lead us, along with our federal partners, to make that decision. The bombings in Austin are terrible. Uh, local, state and federal of working hand in hand to get to the bottom of it. This is obviously a very very sick individual or maybe individuals. These are sick people and we will get to the bottom of it. We will be very strong. We have all sorts of federal agencies over there right now. We're searching. What's going on in Austin, a great place, tremendous place, is absolutely disgraceful. So we have a lot of power over there. We're looking. It's not easy to find, but these are sick people and we have to find them as soon as possible. We have to find them really immediately. I will say working with Texas, working with the local governments, has been great, but we have to produce. We have to find this very sick person or people. All right. That's the President and law enforcement commenting on what is now a second bomb found at a Texas UH Federal Express facility, and the second package bomb had been found in the facility where a bomb engined a worker earlier today. Now the first package exploded shortly after midnight last night, and this is taking place at a facility in shirts, Texas, and it had been shipped from and sent to Austin, Texas. And now everybody understands, I think what's happening. We have a serial bomber on the loose. If you look at the timeline of all of this, the first explosion unfolded on March the second, it killed a thirty nine year old man named Anthony Stephen House after a device exploded on the front porch of his Austin home. That blast was investigated initials, initially as a suspicious death, later a homicide. Ten days later, similar incident reported twelve miles from this particular first places home House Is Home, a seventeen year old identified as Draylan Mason was killed his mother injured after a package exploded inside of their home. Hours after that second explosion, police reported yet a third blast, confirming that at least one elderly woman was injured, and the night of March eighteenth, around eight thirty, a fourth explosion, possibly triggered by a trip wire, had occurred and two men in their twenties suffered what in their case was non life threatening injuries because of the blast, including one who had his had nails and his legs. When they put that type of shrapnel inside these bombs, that's from maximum damage UH and injury and death. If the explosion was the result of a bomb using a trip wire technology, that would be a different level of skill above that which they already were concerned about. That the suspect possessed, according to the Austin Police Chief. Anyway, joining us now, somebody that knows a little bit about the serial bombers, Uh Terry Turchy, is with us, and he's a former deputy Assistant Director of counter Terrorism in the Division of the FBI. And this is what I say when I mean the of FBI guys are great. Rank and file guys are great. They do the you know, very difficult job for us every day. Not the top echelon deep state actors I've been talking about. To make a distinction. Anyway, it was under his leadership he was the driving force behind the capture of the two most elusive and solitary domestic terrorists in history. Now. Between nine and Terry directed the UNI Bomb Federal Task Force and they finally caught and convicted Theodore Kazinski for an eighteen year long string of terrorist bombings. And Robert gray Smith, an author who wrote about the case in a book Union Bomber Desire to Kill, called Turchy the heart and the spirit of the investing ation. And after Kazynski pled guilty to the UNI bomb crimes and ninety eight, Turchy was promoted to inspector and was immediately tapped by then FBI Director Louis Free to direct the Southeast Bomb Task Force in the North Carolina hunt for the Olympic Park bomber, Eric Robert Rudolph. I know a lot about that. I was down there in nine and I was there, and of course Richard Jewell became a great case in point where the media rushed to judgment. And it turned out that in that case, Richard Jewell was listening to my show the very day that the Atlanta Journal Constitution was referring to him as well, he fits the profile of the soul bomber because he lives with his mother, and I was saying, okay, he lives with his mother, so what, that doesn't make one a bomber. In the end, it turned out he did not do it, and the media had pretty much convicted him by that time and ruined his kid's life. Anyway, joining us now is Terry Church. He is with us. Well. First of all, I needed to thank you. You're resume is beyond impressive, and uh, obviously we find ourselves in a situation you know, well, well, so on personal, let me also thank you, and I have to tell you, and I really appreciate the way you got into that because I'm really kind of humbled to be here and talk to you on behalf of and and uh, along with all those hundreds of people that worked on both of those cases, because you and I both know that it's always a team and nobody is any more important than anybody else. So I I it was. It was a great experience of my life. And that's exactly what's going on today. There's a lot of really dedicated people down in Austin dealing with this and it's it's almost the worst thing son you can get your hands on, and that is an ongoing bombing. In this instance, it's almost like a like a killer on the loose and you don't know where he's gonna hit next. And these people, uh or this individual that's doing this was well aware that once he finished probably building all these bombs, he was ready to deliver them and he was going to keep doing it until he got odd. And I am afraid that, uh, they're gonna be working with something that's it's constantly of vowing and changing and in many ways is even more significant than what we had to deal with as far as danger than the UNI bomber or even Eric Rudoff, because you know, they got they got scared off every time they got seen or something happened, and then they would stop and uh and come back later. But this guy is not going to stop and U and going to keep doing the still he's caught. So they have their handsful down there in Texas well. And again I know that I remember back in the Kazynski case. Wasn't it his own brother that said, you know, I got my brother that lives in the wild and the woods, and he's a little weird, and he said things over the years, and I'm beginning to think he may be a suspect, you know, Sean, the Univond case is the perfect example of everything working right, law enforcement, the public and the rule of law all coming together. And uh, what ended up happening is, you know, we had a strategy that went on for a couple of years as we were together as the you know, Bob task. Once we played that strategy out, by the time we were able to get uh, the the Manifesto, which was a piece of luck on our part from the UNI bomber, we had put enough together and discovered enough new facts about that case that we needed the missing piece. Well, the missing piece turned out to be the UNI bomber's desire to have the manifesto published. And when that came across, we had this great clinical psychologist special agent. Her name was Kathy Puckett, and uh, we had a great group of people who looked at each other as we were meeting in a conference. We had a conference every morning for two years together to go over all the facts and the new facts in this case. And we decided that this is the piece, is the passion that is expressed over years by someone, and if we get this out there and publish it, somebody's gonna recognize it. And so it was published on September nineteen Washington Post in the New York Times agreed to do that. The Attorney General at the time, Jannarino, the FBI director or leuis Free agree to do that, and so it got out there, and in that period of time between September ninete in the middle of February, people online and it was the day because inty call that was significant. He and his wife, Linda Patrick were the missing piece of the UNIFON case. And in less than three days after his call to his attorney, Anthony Besegley. We had agents who essentially formed a significant relationship with them, and we interviewed them. We got set up in Montana, we turned the entire if we used to call it the UNI bomb ship in the direction of one person, and on the morning of April three, served that first warrant. I remember, well, I mean, because there had been such a long time coming. I mean, I'm an amazing, amazing job that you know. Listen, these guys don't leave a lot of clues, did Do you remember the case of the Olympic Park bombing. I mean, the radio station that I worked for in Atlanta at the time was the you know, official news station of the Olympics, and we did our broadcast right from Olympic Park. And uh, I don't know if you remember the day that the A j C came out and said, oh, he lives with his mother. He fits the profile of a loan bomber, meaning Richard Jewell. It wasn't Richard Jewell. I know. And you know this is why I gotta tell you, Sean, this is why in uniform and when when we had kind of the new arrangement in the Southeast tom Task Force. Uh, we stayed with the facts, and we we operated at one principle. You separate the facts, the fiction and the theory. And everything we did and all the investigative projects we did were designed around facts. Now, profiling is great, but uh, and I'm a bit prejudice on this, but you know, profiling can be way overblown because it can actually cause him a lot of problems if you're if you're not careful in how you use it, if you close your mind, it does, right, I mean you have to have an open mind. And yeah, exactly. Well, let me let me ask you this, At what point did you figure out in your head? And I don't think it's this guy meaning Rich. Well, that's an interesting story. I was. We were working unibom at the time and betting ready for the trial actually, and uh, we got a call from back east and somebody was very close to that. He said, we we've got this lick, we know who did this, and so we still will tell us well the security guard and I said, well why and he explained it as you kind of explained it before we started talking. And uh, Kathy was actually looking at that point. I looked at her. She looked at me. We off the phone, and we shook our heads like that could be trouble and uh and by gosh, you turned out to be trouble within about twenty four hours. And so those kind of things makes make me squeamish. I like facts, and I like to be really careful because any of these cases sean, it's very easy to go sideways on off the track, and sometimes you can't get yourself back on the track. Uh. You know, I just remember because I I don't know why, but it taught me a lot that case from from my perspective of my job. I mean, I actually think I've gone a very different direction than the news media in this country as it relates to Trump Russian collusion and a lot of what I have been digging up with some friends of mine and what we've been reporting. And sadly, because I'm like the biggest law enforcement person you'd ever meet, and my family was in law enforcement, and I just feel that there were a few bad apples at the top of the FBI. I'm not trying to drag you into this, but um, I just it taught me to be you know, to look at the counter narrative to look at other look at other places, and it has served me well. I mean, while everybody else was convicting George Zimmerman, I went down and interviewed and when everybody else, you know, was was quoting on television hands up, don't shoot. I wasn't sure that ever happened because the guy that had said it was the guy that was also involved with the robbery with Michael Brown. And and the same thing, you know when, uh, in the case in Baltimore when Freddy Gray ran away, I'm like, who runs away from a cop at eight thirty in the morning if it's not trouble? So I just sorry, Yeah, that's exactly right, Sean. And one of the most painful things going on today for former FBI agents, and let me tell you, for current wins and for FBI non agent people, is that, uh, this whole narrative that's coming out about McCabe and Cony. I mean, there is no one that I know in the FBI that is thinking anything other than what the heck is going on at the top of the bureau. Cony and McCabe corrupted the FBI from the top, and uh, their departure, if anything should have come a lot sooner and as to hear Congressman and senators say some of the things are saying, it makes me spratch my head and wonder what happened to the FBI that I left behind? Well, well, what I am trying to point out this way, every FBI agent I know, everybody that works in the all the rank and file guys are are shocked. But we'll take a break, we'll come back. Terry church he is with us. He's a former deputy assistant director FBI counter Terrorism Division, and he headed up the UNI Bomb Task Force. UH. Now that we have one bombing going off again in Austin, will ask him when we come back, does this spread elsewhere? His thoughts on that what we have to be vigilant about. One Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program your calls in the final half hour of the program today. All right, as we continue, and Terry Churchy is with those, former deputy assistant director FBI counter Terrorism Division, former head of the UNI Bomb Task Force, and in large measure is it was his hard work that helped us helped us find the UNI bomber. Also worked on the case with down in UH. The Olympic Park bombing or the Olympics in ninety six. I want to ask you now that we you know, we see this basically contained an in and around the Austin area, are you worried that this spreads out elsewhere? Well? I think you always have to worry about that, But I have to say I was gratified today that if they can link these bombs at X that that's a big jump or a quantum leap in this case, and especially the one, the package that did not detonate. If we can have a pristine ball that didn't go off, that's like a big bonus. Is there is there a fingerprint to somebody's bomb making abilities? I remember years ago we did a big show on I forgot the name of the book, but there's a book out on how to make bombs. Oh no, no, it's called the Anarchist Cookbook. If you that's what it was called. Sure, Uh, there are there are sources of people can go to. But I have to tell you everybody makes their bombs differently, and the people in the FBI lab, the a t F lab can tell you they can distinguish literally one Middle Eastern bomber from another, and they're that good. And uh, they can they can tell if a bomb has been made by a person before the UNI bond cases. Another example of that, the first three bombs. Of the first two bombs, Uh, we're kind of uh, you know, anonymous. We didn't know really who was involved in that at all. But by the third bomb, the FBI lab examiner put the first three together. And uh in this case, when they if they can link these bombs by the you're looking at everything. You're looking at switches, wires, getting in, electrical charges, the main charges all. But what about the trip wire? Why does that define this differently? I only have about twenty seconds. The trip wire is different because it's so much more random and refal. Any anybody, a mother could have been coming by with her her daily carriage and and set that package off because of the trip wire. So it shows you the kind of person you're dealing with. It's called evil in our time. Uh, Terry Turchy, thanks for the good work. I'm sure they're probably gonna be calling you, if they haven't already, uh to help him out on this case. I'm sure you could add a lot. Thank you for all you've done, and thanks for all you doing. We appreciate it. To the top of the hour, the beginning of the end for the deep state. I want to go back. I want to play some audio for you because the comments of people like Lindsey Graham at one point, although he's you know, you never know where he's gonna end up on any issue, or Alan Dershowitz uh and things that he's been saying, or you know, Eric Holder and all these other people. I want to play some of this for you because it's really important that you understand what is going on and what is at stake here, and the idea that deep state members are involved in a plot to fix the election by first allowing Hillary to keep going and then try and fix the election itself and then undermine an incoming president that you voted for is pretty I don't think it gets any more corrupt than what we're seeing and discovering President Trump sharpening his attacks, really taking aim directly for the first time at Special Counsel Robert Mueller, calling him out by name. Of course, all of that raised a lot of questions about whether the President was trying to undermine his credibility move to have him fired. Big players in this investigation covering this feel like attacking us personally. The way the President is active at the weekend is a step toward firing Muller. Do you think that that the President is laying the groundwork to fire Muller. We've seen this series of tweets right now, that statement from the Trump lawyer suggesting the entire investigation should be shut down. What would happen if the president made that move. The FBI's outgoing Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe, four days from retiring his pension now at stake. So, in other words, Jeff Sessions can fire him before he gets his pension, and then after all these he was startling one nine days, he won't get his pension. He will not if they're focusing on how they can prevent a twenty year veteran the FBI to prevent him from plutting his pension, and if they're talking about how they can McCabe, who was let go a little more than twenty four hours before he was eligible to receive his pension, ousted less than two days before he was set to retire, his benefits stripped. I think many people were surprised by the harshness of it. And the timing, especially the loss of his pension. Could anything be done about that. The people who are going to pay the price here are McCabe's wife and children, and that seems horribly unfair. Seems to me that the timing is a little suspicious given all that the President had said about Andy McKee. If you have the Attorney General of the United States, you run the damn Justice Department, you know, and you've got to have the guts to look at the president every know and again and say no. You have said in the past that if President Trump were to order the firing of Special Counsel Muller, that would quote be the end of Trump's presidency. Are you worried or concerned at all that he's preparing to fire Muller. Let me be really clear about this. Uh, what Mr McKay did has absolutely nothing to do with the Mueller investigation. The Doarcier I think was mishandled by the FBI. I think was inappropriately used and presented to the fires of court. That's a separate issue. Uh. Then the Mueller investigation of the Trump organization regarding Russia, they're separate in time, they're not connected in any way. The only reason Mr Mueller could ever be dismissed is because is for cause. I see no cause when it comes to Mr Muller. He needs to be able to do his job independent of any political influence, pledged to the American people as a Republican to make sure that Mr Mueller can continue to do his job without any interference. I think he's doing a good job, and everything about McCabe and uh the FBI handling of the docier has nothing to do with the Russian investigation regarding Mr Mueller. Are you worried that the President is preparing to order the firing of Mueller? It sure looks that way from his tweets. Well, al, as I said before, if he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency because we're a rule of law nation. FOKS. First, your take on the firing of the Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and the statement of the Attorney General. Well, as you know, we've had the investigation by our committee for a long time on FIES abuse and other matters, so it doesn't surprise me that Mr McCabe went. However, our investigation still is ongoing. Mr McCabe still owes US answers no matter where he's working, and eventually he's going to have to come forward and from those answers. And then you can't forget James Comey lying through his teeth and the president, Oh how dare he remind everybody that everything he says we'll play it for you contradicts what McCabe said. Director Camey, have you ever been an anonymous source in news reports about matters relating to the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation? Never question to one relatively related. Have you ever authorized someone else at the FBI to be an anonymous source in news reports about the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation? Now? Has any classified information relating to President Trump or his association associates been deep classified or and shared with the media, not to my knowledge? All right, joining us now, Mark Meckler. He is with the Convention of States Convention of States dot com, and we've and talking to him a lot, and we've been obviously he's been trying to get everybody to assign this petition on Convention of States dot com. Everyone's asking, well, what do we do you know if if you've got a plot by deep state operators to help Hillary Clinton literally obstruct justice for Hillary Clinton, allow her to continue in a race, allow Hillary Clinton to pay for Russian lies, but you only looking at Donald Trump allowing those lies then to be presented to a FISA cord to get a FISA application approved, So then you can spy on a Trump campaign associate and visa V through that associate the entire campaign because you want one candidate to win over another. It does make the case that a convention of States would be a pretty good answer because if you look at the FBI, the c i A, the n s A, and all these practices, it ought to make your you sick to your stomach because they are not following constitutional principles. Mr Meckler, welcome back, sir. How is how is this all connected? Well, you know what we've got, Sean, and you've been doing an incredible job of exposing it is the deep state is much deeper than any of us ever thought. And it's not going to be rooted out by anyone president. I think we've seen conclusively. It's not going to be rooted out by Congress that is supposed to be providing the oversight and the way that all times together. Is that Thank goodness, the founders anticipated this and they gave us away an Article five to go in and put a chokehold on the federal government, to restrain it and to push it back in the constitutional box. H Well, I mean, and that is the bottom line. They they have certain limits on them, We have checks and balances. I think the greatest danger in all of this is if killery Clinton has one set of standards and she's not. We don't have equal application of the under the law for her, And we don't have equal application under the law because she's friends with these deep state operatives and they cover for her and rig her investigation, allow her to continue. And yet we're able to then use vault and paid for what we now know to be lies to get FISA warrants to spy. By the way, not telling FISA judges the truth Despy an opposition campaign. I don't think it gets any more unconstitutional or post constitutional than that. It doesn't. Then you know you've covered it, and I wish what you said was it right. But we also have McCabe apparently lying, you have Stroke and Page lying and conspiring to bring down a president to support another presidential candidate. We obviously have muellers all kinds of conflicts of interest in his involvement and potentially in uranium one. We've got a long term deep state mess on our hands. One of the most telling things I saw was humor when Trumps first started attacking this whole precess. Humor saying openly, look, you know, if you mess with the f behind the CIA, if if you mess with the intelligence apparatus, they have seven ways to Sunday to get even with you. That's a pretty scary statement coming from a Democratic, critically elected representative. How is the effort going in terms of how many states now have have have come along with Convention of States and and in other words, and uh, because this comes right out of Article five of the Constitution, where states have the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments, and it takes thirty four states to call the convention thirty eight to ratify any amendments. Where are we now in that process, Well, the people are rising up. There three point two million people involved, now, many of them your listeners. Twelve states have passed the resolution so far, so we're over a third of the way there. I'm a feeling this week shown we're gonna be at number thirteen, a fortuitous number because of course the original thirteen colonies. Iowa is literally on the verge. I'm expecting that vote this week that will take us to thirteen states, and there are a couple of more following close behind. Yeah. So all people have to do if they really want to help this in this situation is do what we've been telling them to do, and that is just go to Convention of States dot com and sign up, right know? I mean, this is the real deal, Sewan, because the bottom one is you've been exposing all these problems. You've done such an incredible job. And I hear over and over, well, okay, great, it's bad. We know that. Sean's telling us that the exposure is there. What do we do about it? We're electing people that doesn't seem to be enough and the answers is not enough. The founders intended that you and I people like us would step up and use Article five to restrain the deep state. And so that's what they can do. They can go to Convention of States dot com, they can sign the petition, they can get involved in their own state and we can restrain the federal government. We don't need the permission of Congress or the courts or anybody. All right, well, I urge our listeners to go there as they have been. All right, Mark Mecheler, thank you, my friend. We appreciate it, and keep us updated. Shawn is our number. You want to be a part of the program. Genie is in Clearwater, Florida, Gennie, Hi, how are you glad you called? Hi? Sean, Listen, I love you, Thank you and your staff for all the wonderful work you do. And this um well, it's a true you know, and the truth will come out all the way around. But with McCabe and all them, they don't understand the truth. They're in such denial because they have such a massive agenda which has nothing to do with the American people or the great of our country. And he's not totally losing all his pension. He may lose some of it, but I but my understanding is he will still get some of it. In the real world where we live, we would lose all our pension and we would have been fired a long time ago. Because these people don't care whether they're under oath or not because their void of integrity and their void of decency and morals, which is what most American people live by. Not all, but most listen, we all try to. I mean, that's the thing. I mean, I mean people are generally good. That's that's my take. Now there are evil people. They're all cold blooded killers and rapists and radical Jihadis and and Nazis and and vicious bizarre people out there. That the vast majority of people are good. They're overworked, they're busy, and they're basically all gulping water, you know, trying to take care of their lives, their kids, their responsibilities, make a living, you know, get a house in a safe neighborhood, nice car, and they just don't have the time. Most people, I know, they just it's not realistic for them, you know, to go out there and understand that the deep state is doing all of this. But now it's gotten so bad that people are paying attention like never before because there's a lot at stake here. If these people can lie and manipulate, these people can go about their business of of fixing elections and protecting the political class and not the average citizen. Where we've got trouble as a country anyway, Thank you, Jenny, We appreciate it. Uh. Atlanta, Georgia News Talk WSB. Nancy is next, Nancy? How are you glad you called? Good? Thank you, Sean Um. I want to get your reaction to something I've been quote unquote mulling over since the election. Donald Trump told us right after he won that he was not going to pursue investigating Hillary and her legal activities. So had to Dems not tried to pursue false allegations against Trump, probably none of the illegalities, the sadacious dossier, etcetera. Would have come to light. So it's a hunt. What you're saying is a true if the Democrats didn't going to blame Trump, you're right, you are a thousand percent right. What then that's why I call it the Year of the Boomerang. You know, it's there is no Trump Russia collusion. And that's why the the team that Muller put together, the reason why we're investigating Muller now is because you know, he does not seem to be the guy that everybody told us that he was. You know, it's it's unbelievable to that every Mueller is a good guy. He's his his integrity is impeccable, beyond question, beyond question. You know, it's just like the liberals telling us that climate change is real, all the sciences in and if you don't believe it, you're climate change denier. Um. But there the same people that were telling us the ice ages coming and that the earth was gonna melt but from all the heat, and now they just put into one general term, which is climate change. Um. But there's not the science that they say that backs it up. There are differing opinions and uh, what we're looking at is a lot of politics behind that agenda. Well, it's the same thing here. You know, if the Democrats didn't have their agenda, you're right, we we wouldn't be where we are today, pretty fascinating, and we wouldn't have known about what they did with the FISA application. We would have known the fix was in for Hillary. Um. We learned an awful lot because of their stupidity and their desire to take down Trump, and it's all backfired and whom rang back on them? All? Right, Hannity, Tonight, we're gonna break through who is Robert Muller Investigation as we check in with Sarah Carter, Sebastian Corker, Greg Jarrett, and also David Show. Also New King Ridge weighs in with us tonight. We've got Haraldo Rivera is going to join us, Dan Bongino, Jessica Tarlo versus, Jesse Waters. That's all coming up tonight Hannity ninetiestern on Fox News Information you will not get anywhere else, and don't forget tomorrow Part two as we investigate who is Robert Mueller? Is unimpeachable, highly respected, No one questions is honesty and integrity? Al right? Part two tomorrow, Part one on Hannity Tonight. Thank you for being with us. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. Thank you for being with us,