Ami Horowitz, Satirist and Documentarian, is out visiting the locals that have become a part of CHAZ, which has now renamed itself as CHOP. He brings us some of the latest information he has on the movement from the scene of this autonomous zone. This is on the heels of his last video where he asked people in NYC about the data behind the claims they were marching for - he was not received kindly.
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All right, glad you with US eight hundred and nine four one sean you want to be a part of this extravaganza. And some good news on the economy. I love good news on the economy. Spending in May, consumers spending expected at some point rebound. I didn't think we'd see this. I didn't think we'd see this till we got July's numbers, and when I we're seeing it from May. In other words, spending numbers, consumers spending in May, retail sales posted stunning gains showing growth which, by the way that are so dramatic described by one news outlet, is massively, massively better than expected. Oh bad news if you're a radical leftist, extreme socialist, because you want Donald Trump out. No matter what. Anyway, the rebound was so strong, so good, so big, so powerful, with various parts of the economy reopened. And again maybe at this point we're thinking about what twenty States twenty not a lot Bank America's real time credit card tracker suggesting strength in the airline's restaurant furniture stores, and according to zero Hedge, the actual data was massively better than expected. The Commerce department they have now set Overall retail receipts rose seventeen point seven percent last month, after falling the month before by a record fourteen point seven percent. Now that game exceeded the previous record increase of six point seven percent only in October two thousand and one, as Americans resumed spending. And that was after you know what happened to America on September eleven, two thousand one. Retail sales anyway, an amazing jumped, amazing rebound. Also strong auto sales. I got anecdotally. I actually have friends that are in the automobile business. I had a problem with my car. I needed a guy to fix it, and I just happened as so, you know, I bet it's things are probably really slow for you guys right now. I goes, No, just the opposite. I can't keep enough cars in stock. And I'm like, what it was? Yeah, people that have been holding back waiting there at home, and they're they're calling us up. We're bringing cars out to them. We're given you know, And he says, actually, we've had a phenomenal a couple of months. I said, oh, that's awesome. Anyway, So they closely watched retail control figure which further excludes building materials, food services, gasoline sales, as well as setting aside automobile automotive related sales that was up eleven percent. The report showed, just I mean, it's such a big news. It is the biggest jump ever. What else can you say? The biggest jump ever? And uh, you know, consumer optimism is rebounding a whole lot faster than expected as well. I mean that's all good news. Why, because we want to get this country up and working again, America. You know, it's kind of funny, you know, I know so many people that have retired, friends of mine, people that I know that are older than I'm friendly with. And I'll die and I retire, they retire, they retire, they are another six weeks and I retired, another through four years, two months and seventeen days and I retire. Then they retire, and the next thing that happens is, you know, I'll check in with them house retirement. In the beginning, it's uses the same answer, Oh it's great, retirement is awesome. Love retirement. UM. I'm like, wow, okay, that's that's that's pretty cool. Um. And then you talked to him a few months after that, and what do you here? Uh, yeah, that's okay. You know, I kind of never thought i'd say this. I might be missing work a little bit. You know. Then you talked to him months later, and they can't stand it. They've done all the fishing, they've done all the golfing, they've done the whatever they love to do, thing, hunting, fishing, traveling. You know. The only person, Linda, you'll like this and appreciate this, you know, who loves his retirement more than anybody. And I never would have expected it is Neil Boorts. Yeah, but Neil boards is out there on the boat, he's in the beautiful watering. No he's not on the boat. No, he's on that Boorts bus. He has the bus still. I thought he went back to the ball. He keeps turning in the old bus and gets like a new bus every year or two. And he says me, no, what do you mean. It's the coolest thing I've ever seen. It's a big, huge, massive, tricked out bus. I mean it's got TVs and every luxury you can imagine all and even drives the thing. And I'm like, and his wife, Donna drives the thing. I'm like, I don't know how you drive that thing. And a couple of times earlier I expected Barts was gonna be sick of vacation. He's not. He's like, I'm loving it. Doesn't life suck being retired. He always says to me having a good day, He'll send to me in a bad day. I'm like, you know, all right, if you're having a great time and you know, and you know, it's a total sh if Adam Schiff show, oh yeah in my life. And I'm like and I'm like, really, really, sports, I love you, but really, you know, you gotta shove it right in my face. He's like one of the few though everybody else that they I think I might get back part time and they're gonna do consulting and they're gonna do this. I'm gonna open a new business. I'm um, you know, I say to myself all the time, I can retire. Just forget it. This moona needs this. That sounds like an old person, right, but well, I mean, I'm just waiting for the conversation to take its way into the woods. I'm just waiting. I'm counting down until we get to the woods again. You really want to go there? I mean, I was assuming you were, because that's what happens. We always thought what I was. I was not planning on the woods at all. We're staying out of the woods, saying, okay, where are we going? No the woods, I was, well, the woods is simple. If I ever got to a point where I was conscious and I knew it was over, I would throw one hell of a big party again, assuming I'm physically able to do it, and I would then say my goodbyes. I want to be remembered alive, not you know this, this synegrade person in a bed that you know needs his diapers change, and that happens to people you know. And I was involved in taking care of elderly people in my life. It's I don't mind. I didn't mind doing it at all. And it's hard, hard on families, et cetera. I don't want to be a burden at that point, nor do I want to be remembered that way. That's why I'm against open caskets. I want my casket closed, thank you very much. I want to closed. I want you to remember me as I was when I was alive. A picture that you want framed on top of the think they're gonna be any pictures of me frame, no pictures are they gonna know it's you. You just have to guess. You'll have to have faith in the faith in the people that you don't have, uh, that will have knowledge of it. Oh, even as a great idea, we'll have a picture of you and you do Joe sitting on top of the casket, you and your finest moment. Okay, I don't I'm hoping this doesn't happen anytime, So I'm not planning on this. I don't want anybody to die. Um, but it is I don't know. Uh, all right, let's go. What you're really saying is for Father's Day, you want, you know, people to go out and get yourself. You want a boards bus. No, I don't want any of that. I just can't imagine that he really likes it. But a lot of people I know, they think it's gonna be the greatest thing ever, you know. I listen, I go fishing usually once a year when I go out fishing, and my kids like the fish, and I'll go on that one long trip and I just can't wait to get back home. I hate and they always want to do the full day and now we'll do the half a day, all right, half a day plus. That's it. I'll pay for the full day, but really make it like a little over half a day. I can't imagine you wanting to do it in a hurry, considering how relaxed and how calm you are all the time. You know, I know people get enjoyed. I'm guilty. I don't know what it means to relax. I have no idea what that means. Huh. I think, on the right boat and the right trip, a full day you would enjoy personally. No, I no, I wouldn't. I'm just telling you I could. One of those, one of those big marlin you would enjoy. You would definitely get the physical listen. I am the big, biggest fan of Deadliest Catch and Wicked Tuna. Love those shows. I watched those shows, man, Yeah, I just especially lately it's been more Deadliest Catch. I watched a lot of seasons of Wicked Tuna, and I mean, it's a dangerous job. I don't know what that was James screaming in there somewhere. What happened? He's laughing, So it's okay anyway. So I honestly, I just want to, you know, that would fascinate me getting one of those. Where do they go fish in the Bearing sea? I guess somewhere and I forget deadliest catches the bearing thing? Yeah yeah, okay, So and they dropped their crab you know what do you call those crab and not not pages pots? Okay, yeah, dropping in the water. And then they come back and I mean you're getting swells twenty twenty five feet. Man, this thing is rocking and rolling and it's dangerous. Some people die on these boats, and they actually, you know, tell you about the people that died. And and then you then you have the frustration. You get nothing. You go out there, you put the pots out, you go back later and you get three crabs they have to throw back, and then all of a sudden you hit the jackpot, and then you hit the jackpot again. Then you hit the jackpot again, and then you're on a roll. I mean it is it is so cool what they do. And then you find out at the end who made what? How many how many pounds is it in wicked tuna? You know what's the color? And then you sit there the guy that takes a look it cuts the you know, cuts the tuna, all right, looks at its color or oily da da da da, they look at Yeah, that's uh, not the greatest. You're only getting fourteen or twenty four dollars and then you hit the jackpot on another one, and and it's about the quality. The demand is there. Um, there's been I guess a shortage of tuna. But um, I don't know if I could do it. I don't. I don't think Linda's cut out for that either. But you're so much younger you can't even be thinking about that ever, and none of you can. I mean, you lost me a crab pots. This is worse than football. I have no idea what you're talking about. Literally, do you like to eat crab I like my crab cakes, not a picky eater. Do you like crab legs? Like everything? Do you ever have colossal crab legs? No? Never, No, I've never been on a fishing boat. I've never been fishing. Have to be on a fishing boat. You can actually buy them in the store. No, I've never bought them in the store. I don't like to see them moving in the case. It freaks me out. I don't like that very frozen you can actually get them frozen. Okay, yeah, alright, Um, anyway, all right, let me get back to the shop anyway, so we have good news there. Um. It's but now I think I got off on this tangent because every now things are coming back. You don't appreciate work unless you're not working. You don't appreciate how good the economy is until you go through a hiccup like what coronavirus did when we shut down the whole economy. It's kind of and I know everybody I know is like dying to get back to work, dying, and they seem to be coming back. Now. We're in essential business. We never shut down. A lot of New York shutdown, so I would say not really essential, but whatever. And but everybody on our team radio and TV, they all worked and they worked hard. But I know people that you know can't work. I talked to Buddy my mind, that's a waiter just yesterday, and he's dying to get back to work, dying. I have other friends of mine dying to get back to work. Then you get back to work and it's like, oh thank god, they going back to work with an appreciation because now you know what it was like not having a job, and it sucked, you know, because you also have in those cases the added anxiety of Okay, I gotta survive. Now I'm in survival mode. I know. My local food bank was literally and you know, begging people to help. And I was glad to do it in my case, but they were so many families that, you know, and somebody who's made an observation, well, they're coming into nice cars. I said, okay, they're coming in nice cars, but they don't have any money. So that's why they need the food to just temporarily get them over. Or maybe it was while Nancy Pelosi was busy funding the National Endownmard for the Arts and the National Endownmround for the Humanities and the Kennedy Arts Center, that she didn't have. You know, she wouldn't she was playing politics, and otherwise people could have gotten money earlier that was meant and designed to help them, and the money, for example, the loans that were given small businesses in part were so that you keep your employees working, even if maybe they're not doing the same amount of work, just to get over the hump. You'll level the curve a little bit and then you have the decline, and slowly we're getting back to normal. We're gonna have to deal with the hot spots when they happen. But everybody I know has an appreciation for work that they didn't have before. Now my team doesn't know anything else. But if you work for me, there's certain rules. I buy lunch radio, I buy TV for dinner. Why because I'm generous. No, it is a sinister trick. So they don't leave their desks. And the stuff that Linda orders is the weirdest crap you've ever seen in your life. Disgusting, orange soups and green like yes, everything because I'm not ready to go into the woods yet. Disgusted a little, Okay, I'm not. If I meant not eating that crap that you eat, I'd rather die. Hey, I'm starting. I'm starting to eat kale too, so calm down. Okay. Well, I don't know what you've been influence, A bad influence. Okay, whatever, you guys have fun anyway, if we roll along eight hundred and nine four one, Sewan, you want to be a part of the program. You know the level of ignorance among the holly, among Hollywood's celebrities Chelsea Handler, Jessica chess Stain, let's see, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Gardner, Michelle Pfeiffer. They're actually praising Lewis Farracon. Leisur Comnation of Islam is a virulent anti Semite. God teach teaches me that the in his stupid newspaper whatever it's called. Uh, you know that the white man is the skunk of the planet Earth. The comments he's made, the anti Semitic comments, are just they're so well known, you know, you know, I mean, it's just unbelievable. Did they know anything. He's a virulent anti Semitic, homophobic, you know, racist. I don't even know what to what to say about it. White folks are going down, and Satan is going down, and fur Con, by God's grace has pulled a cover off of that Satanic jew and I'm he'd a saying your time is up. Wow, sounds like the guy. I wonder if Donald Trump retweeted somebody like that, how would people feel anyway? Eight hundred nine four one shot. All right, we'll get to the news promise when we get back. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean want to be a part of the program, Ammy Horowitz impltrates the autonomous zone also coming up. On the night of September the seventeenth, nineteen eighty five, I was carried up on that mountain in a vision with a few friends of mine. As we reached the top of the mountain, a wheel, or what you call an unidentified flying object, appeared at the side of the mountain, and I was called from the wheel to come up into the wheel. Three metal leggs appeared from the wheel, giving me the impression that it was going to land, but it never came over the mountain. Being somewhat afraid, I called to the members of my party to come with me, but a voice from the wheel spoke saying, not them, just you. I was told to relax, and a beam of light came from the wheel, and I was carried up on this beam of light into the wheel. I sat next to the pilot, However I could not see him. I could only feel his presence. As the wheel lifted off from the side of the mountain, moving at a terrific speed, I knew I was being transported to the Mother Wheel or the mother plane, which is a human built planet a half a mile by a half a mile, which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us of for over sixty years. Okay, let's praise that guy. The mother Wheel, the mother shift ship hovering above here. I was, I was, literally, I don't even want to go over. It's just nuts. Um we have uh well, Joe Biden I mentioned this earlier. Apparently not only did he praise Robert KKK Bird and lie when he said the naacp endorsed him, and not only said you can't go to a seven eleven dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. And for the first time ever, first time you'd have an African American who's bright, articulate and clean that storybook man. Wow, Okay, now he's uh oh. He honored the Confederate Army as fine people moving an elegant speech. Is a son of the Confederacy, you know what. And then he praises Robert KKK Bird, former head of the clan. Imagine if any of these things were about Donald Trump, where we'd be. Um. Now, Maxie Waters, police reforms not enough. She's said, Okay, what's your idea, because defunding the police is in gonna work. It's not gonna happen. Uh, you have the mayor. The Seattle thing is just fascinating to me. You have the mayor out there in Washington. Cheryl Selby vocal supporter. I remember there's there's a distinction, and I think you have to make it Black lives matter. The group that chanted what do we want? Ted cops? Why do we want them now? And pigs in a blanket, priam like Bacon. The peaceful protesters, you know, they don't know anything about that part of Black Lives matter. They just say it black lives matter, and and there is a distinction in terms of it. I think it needs to be pointed out anyway. Her home was vandalized during demonstrations and called it domestic terrorism. She said the apparently The Olympian reported late last week two groups converged downtown Apia and some became destructive, burning flag, smashing windows, spray painting businesses before moving into Mayor Selby's neighborhood and vandalizing her home. And they chanted abolish the police outside of her home while some people were spraying painting Black Lives Matter on her door and porch. Nearby man reportedly got the protesters to leave I'm really trying to process this. She said, it's like domestic terrorism. It's unfair. It hurts when you're giving so much to your community. She said, well, what about the businesses inside of the Autonomous Zone or the what she calls the free Love Zone where you have pot luck spaghetti dinners and the Summer of Love Zone chaz Chop whatever they're calling it now, because those are all things she has said. There are businesses and there are homes there, and many of them have been vandalized. Now. Shelby Talcott works for the Daily Caller. She did a report on it. Let's play what she got from being inside the autonomous you know, free love Zone. Listen happened? Yeah, somebody broke into our shop and letter on fire. Really, yes, did as the guy. They seem to think that the guys you've detained the person, thank you. Yeah, you can stop for here over here right here, he's gone. We let him told him to leave. They really care the d I mean, if they really care, I mean, maybe they'll show up and talk to me tomorrow, but they probably won't. Okay. I can't even get the police to show up. I can't get the fire department to show up. Okay, I mean I had to put the fire amount of myself and the fire departments, one fire departments and this kind of mob stuff that doesn't work men, and you're not doing any stuff. And six I got sy I with my property. So police saying they don't cover unless as mass causanty. The police are said they're not going to cover this M trying to let him, get him, to let us frisk him to see what he had of our property. Still and you wouldn't let us frisk out. So you've got all these people out here saying that we had him at gunpoint. We didn't have him at gunpoint. There's an attorney that was here, Yeah, that we let in here to make sure he was safe there, that he wasn't eating hurt. Thank you for that, B And this is what I get. Thank you for keeping him to say there was there. If your district representative comes here tomorrow because Thomas I want, would you meet with her? Absolutely well, that's happening in time inside the Chad Zone, chop Zone, Autonomous Zone, Free Love Zone, Summer of Free Love, One Big Street Party Zone, pot Luck, Spaghetti Dinner Zone, as described by the mayor who doesn't do a thing to restore order for that guy, because that's his business inside the zone that's taken over where. But when our own home is vandalized. Oh, I'm really trying to process this. It's like domestic terrorism. It is so unfair. Well, what about that guy? Is that unfair? Mayor? It's unreal. President keeps saying we're set to go, And in reality, the president has all the authority to go in. He does, he can, he can go in, he can absolutely positively take control constitutional authority to do it. He's letting the mayor and the governor figure out their own problems. And I guess if it gets to that moment, will probably know exactly when that moment is. But Summer of love, mayor tells Trump Seattle's fine, don't be afraid of democracy. Apparent she didn't like democracy would ended up on her doorstep. And the president, you know, taking some shots. Obviously, the mayor and the governor's impotent. He's useless. Summer of anarchy is more like it likely. And they're aiding and abetting law breaking an anarchy. They're literally helping all of this happen. And they are. And I'll tell you then you're trying and you see other cities now they're trying to have these chop zone, chaz zones, etc. Ammy Harrowitz will join us at the top of our news roundepower. He's actually infiltrated the autonomous zone. Cops have been completely abandoned by the mayor is the Seattle radio talk show host Jason Rants was on Fox and Friends saying that officers with the Seattle Police Department feel like they've been completely abandoned by the city's mayor, adding that they are right to feel that way. Made the comments the day after the Seattle Police chief now that she had empathy that policing will never be the same following the national outcry. Now we could make improvements, you know, absolutely can we can make improvements. The President outlined them today and President went into great specificity, in great detail. Now, unless somebody's life is in Jeopardi's banning chokeholds. He's also talking about new training. The President also talked about, by the way, unless there's a life threatening situation and you've got to fight for your life, then it's whatever you got to do to save your life, which everybody would understand. And also the President what I like the most is he said. You know, we can come up with other ways that that police can defend themselves and defend cities that are non lethal but actually work. I've never been a fan of these stupid stunt guns. I think they're awful, you know, with the wires flying out of it. It's just the dumb. It can work at short range, but that's it. It can't work at long range. It just doesn't work at long range. Oh, you got one of the ms DNC reporters Conspiracy TV blasted on air by protesters for describing chop as a street festival. Yeah, so you have this ms DNC reporter in the autonomous zone anyway and describing it as a street festival, and then all of a sudden, you know they are listening to this while speaking with the protesters. Well, one of the persons said that it's been peaceful following a clash. No, it's not a street festival with a very intentional purpose, and it's not a street festival. Not a street festival, don't say that. Shame on you for saying that. I mean, okay, obviously you can't call it a street festival if you're in the peace zone. The Summer of Love Zone. I mean, it's madness. Um. Multiple Atlanta officers have resigned. We had conflicting reports last night. First it was yes, then it was now anyway. A lot of people. We see this now going on around the country, Minneapolis, elsewhere. They're getting out, they don't want to do the job. These are people, by the way, that earlier Monday, the Atlanta Police Foundation reported nineteen resignations in the past week. They took back that claim, affirming that they've been eight resignations. Other officers that are in a place where they can retire and get their pension, they get out. They would otherwise probably stay with all their experience where they want to. They love their jobs, they want to continue to serve and protect. They're leaving in Let's see Detroit's recent move to to fund the police. That's that's had serious consequences that has been reported on. In one case, no better case study than the city of Detroit, one of America's you know, they have a lot of violence issues which cut back their police force and funding or in their bankruptcy settled in twenty fourteen, police for the funding for the police has fallen twenty percent since then, wages were cut ten percent, never recovered even accounting for inflation. Health benefits for retired officers were stripped away, Pension payments deferred. You work your whole life, you get your pension. They get to steal it. Because that's what it sounds like to me. They've been a hundred homicides so far this year, twenty five spike over last year. Two hundred and seventy one non fatal shootings. You know, we had thirty four shot in Chicago. I wonder if anybody has ever heard the names of any of them. Two died. You have the you know, other people. The Democratic Party is just owning this and they're not being pressured to Morale in these police departments has just plummeted, you know, rioting, looting, fallout, you know, from the arson. I mean, we're talking about billions of dollars when you've put everything together. Remember that Vegas cop that was shot in the back of the head, Yeah, during the protest, paralyzed and remains on a ventilator. We're now over eight hundred officers that have been hurt. Bottles and molotov cocktails and bricks and rocks. Great Florida Wildlife conservation officer was shot in the head three in custody there. According to Fox thirteen, he was off duty at the time responded to the scene. I don't know what the cause of that was, but shows you how dangerous life is, and it chose the need for cops, And who are you gonna call if you need cops? Congresswoman Omar clammed up when apparently when asked who investigates crimes? Who's going to arrest the criminals? You know, do we really need to hear from any politician in Chicago? Congressman Bobby Rush, Chicago Police Union and the KKK are kissing cousins. Cops aren't taken this, you know, whatever happened, we don't sweep to make broad, sweeping generalizations. We don't do that. I could tell you that Daily Caller had a very sad piece about what we know about the officer now paralyzed in Vegas, and it's just so well. He lives on a ventil later now paralyzed from the neck down, unable to speak. Four year veteran, comes from a law enforcement family. He's twenty nine years old. Shot in the head. Oh that in compassion for him, I have it? Did we forget about cops on nine to eleven. A lot of people seem to have done so, and it's just sad. The whole thing in New York's not really any better. Also in Detroit, they're moved to defund police had serious consequences. According to one report foxnews dot com, children are dying multiple land officers. I told you resigned, Comrade de Blasio. Now they have the best picture on the front page of the New York Post today. This is fine. You have all these people, no social distancing. This is dangerous. And then they have people just hanging out in the streets a little more social distancing, not quite the concentration by any means, such hypocrisy. Deblasio rips the quarantine by quarantine New Yorkers. But he was marching in East Harlem, really, but everybody else can't do what he does. He also had he cut locked up some of the parks where kids play, and people just took out the bolt cutters and said, no, we're gonna do what we're gonna do, all right, eight hundred nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, we'll take a quick break and we'll get into the legal side of some of these things. We'll talk about the president's reform measures as well. President Obama and Vice President by never even tried to fix this during their eight year period. The reason they didn't try is because they had no idea how to do it, and it is a complex situation. Under the executive order I'm signing today, we will prioritize federal grants from the Department of Justice to police department said seek independent credentialing, certifying that they meet high standards and in fact, in certain cases the highest standard that's where they do the best on the use of force and de escalation training. For example, many believe that proper training might have prevented the tragic deaths of Antoine Rows and both of them jan As part of this new credentialing process, choke calls will be banned except if an officer's life is at risk. And I will say, we've dealt with all of the various departments and everybody said it's time we have to do it. Additionally, we're looking at new advanced and powerful, less lethal weapons to help prevent deadly interactions. New devices are being developed all the time, and we're looking at the best of them, and cost is no object, no object. Under this executive order, departments will also need a share of information about credible abuses so that officers with significant issues do not simply move from one police department to the next. That's a problem, and the heads of our police department said, whatever you can do about that, please let us know. We're letting you know we're doing a lot about it. In addition, my order will direct federal funding to support officers and dealing with homeless individuals and those who have mental illness and substance abuse problems. All right, glad you with us our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a part of this program, joining us now. David Shown, civil liberties attorney. By the way, he's also now working on Roger Stone's case. And former board member of the Alabama Civil Liberties Union. Horace Cooper, legal commentator, co chair Excuse Me of the Black Leadership Network Project twenty one, author of a soon to be released book, How Trump Is Making Black America Great Again. Welcome both of you back to the program. Eliminating choke holds, more training, looking for new technology, these non lethal options for police that are effective, and hopefully that means less death in these encounters that obviously wouldn't have helped. In the George Floyd case, none of that ever should have happened. We all agree on that. But let me start with you, Horace and ask you about the president's reforms today. I think the database idea is good too, because we keep binding out cops involved in a lot of these incidents have a long history of this. Transparency. Information gathering is always good. It's great for local communities, it's great for the media to put in context what's happening. I am a big fan of it, and I know the President has been striving as much as possible to demonstrate that this federal government is interested in the lives and livelihoods of Black Americans as just as much as it is for the risks. Just another good example of that. And you know, I just think a lot of it's overdue. You know, David always talk about we learned a lot of things. We learned a lot with coronavirus. You don't put COVID nineteen patients in nursing homes and long term care facilities like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and you know, Governor shut down with her. They made a lot of dumb decisions, very different down in Florida, where they literally used every agency and the National Guard early to go into those facilities to protect the most vulnerable. So we learned things, you know, for example, it infuriates me that the Gardner case ever came about why why are we why are we wasting you know, precious police time going after a guy selling a lucy cigarette. It's stupid. The whole thing was totally, completely, utterly stupid and unnecessary. What this cop did in the case in New York was horrific. You get different circumstances different times. I like bodycams, I like more training, I like the some of the ideas that the president accountability, a national database on cops if they're having incidents of accusations of misconduct, etc. And again, new technologies that are non lethal, like all of that. David's yeah, well, you're right on I've I've read about some of your suggestions. You're right on track. The president is on track today. This idea of outside accountability is key because only so much though a president can do, so much of this is on a local level. It matters that he cares and that he's acting. Let me give you real quickly, a case that's a paradigm for the kinds of problems he's identified and that hopefully would be fixed. Jermaine McBean is a young thirty three year old information technology engineer African American living in Broward County, Florida. He has for a hobby, he gets an air guns. Walking home with it, he's stopped by three cops who end up shooting him and killing him. As that case develops, we see the cops lying about it. We find out that the Broward County Sheriff's Office under Sheriff Israel, has sixty six officers charged or investigated for crimes like kid napping, robbery, rape, assault, all sorts of things law enforcement officers. One officer on that department killed a man, put back on the force, three weeks later killed someone else. Accountability and outside investigation would matter. There were one hundred and sixty seven civilians killed in Broward County in the thirty years that the prosecutor as a prosecutor leading up to this killing. Not one officer ever was disciplined or indicted until the killer of Jermaine McBean was indicted Peter Parazza. He gets indicted, and now the police union takes over. These police unions are incredibly powerful. They helped put the judge in office. He gets indicted for killing Jermaine McBean, and he claims stand your ground. There's no business for a law enforcement officer to have stand your ground immunity. So the case gets assigned to a local state judge put in office by the union, moonlights with the defense lawyer in the case and he undoes what the grand jury did. He dismisses the entire case on stand your ground with phony findings. That's what inferior infuriates the public. And that's what a greater accountability does. And by the way, the Obama Justice Department did nothing in that case, so let's not, you know, let's not talk about what could have been. I contacted them. They are fully aware of what happened. They said, well, they would watch and monitor the prosecutor caught the lead chief investigator committing perjury in a case no consequences. There only so much national can do. The accountability the president talks about is key. I think the accountability issue and I think to become a more perfect union. Horst. There's what we do. We see what we do right, we see what we do wrong. Banning choke holds. You know, I went into this and I was watching Dan Bongino earlier on Fox Today and he was talking about a tray hold. Very different. You know, if I put you in a tray hold, you're gonna die. I mean it's if I'm doing it and I know how to do it right, it would not. I would never do it unless my very life was in imminent danger. I wouldn't go near it. A karate chokehold rear naked choke as they call it, and in the octagon, Yeah, under the right circumstances you would use it. That's but the person would pass out and then you just let your hands free and the person is likely just gonna try, not feel good for a day, but get stand up and be fine. So there are ways to do it, but I don't think the training is there and exists for them for every cop to do it right. And so just only under you know, real danger or is it going to be allowed. And I think that's actually a good idea because there's no other outcome if you put a guy, your knee on a guy's neck like George Floyd and pound his face into the pavement. That person will die every single time, every time, And the fact that he even lived as long as he did is a shocker. Yeah, well that's there's no doubt about that. And we absolutely are benefiting from being able to see this circumstance in this situation and see what reforms we need to make with regard to things like chokes and and a database that will track. But there are conversations that we might want to have that I once had actually on a program. You may remember it was called Handy and Combs way back when Bill Clinton was president and we were talking about this issue of giving law enforcement more responsibilities. Since the nineteen nineties, we have expanded the kinds of things and the scope of responsibilities of law enforcement, and this requiters to have more manpower needed, and that has meant that we have in many instances had a lower level of skill. Why do we need police officers to enforce a tobacco tax when the Mayor of New York says that you can't have a large sugary beverage? Is that something for law enforcement? Why is this gendering something that we bring law enforcement in. Let's let law enforcement handle rapes and robbery and the kinds of things that are traditionally associated with it, and you can then maintain a high caliber, quality level of law enforcement participation. But if law enforcement is going to be the tax collector for the welfare state and we need ever more amounts of revenue, you're going to have to have more and more people, and that means, by natural nature, that you're going to lower the standards. You know, I will tell you, Look, I'm not getting into I think that the real issue, and it's not all these guys spend time in the range when they're going through school, but then they have to requalify, for example, for their shooting part and license part. David, Well, first I want to respond to horrors, and then I want you to say, you know, why aren't they getting continuing education all through their careers, like every three months, every six months, every twelve months. The new technologies out there, David, and I put it on TV and radio this week in one case, But go ahead, No, you're right. First of all, you want me respond to harras He's absolutely right, and you can make the same case for some of what's going on in the schools. You know, none of the cops are in the schools particularly want to be there, and they're you know, treating like a crime at times disciplinary problems. So yeah, they've gone beyond their scope. Let me make this point first though, which I know is very important to you, Sir Hannity. Cops are still our hero There's nothing new about what's going on today. This stuff's been going on for a long time, and it's going to happen in any kind of institution, either out of panic, lack of training, or simple you know, bullyism. It happens, and there's only so much again, we can do about that. There have been show cold cases and c Los Angeles versus Lions thirty years ago and more. But the cops remain our heroes, and that's very important. With all of this talk lately with Antifa and the defunding, we've got to remember that at all points. Now, you're right about the training. There are programs for regular training, regular requalifying and all of that, but not enough. New Orleans Police depart has some pioneering programs going on now with social services type training, psychological type training, but all you need is one incident to have this blow up, and so it's not unimaginable that there can be one bad officer on one police department in the country and we see a bad incident that's caught on video now and again it does remind us of what happens. It also must remind us of all of the good ones out there too. Let me ask you, David on a legal side, because you know, I went over the law in Georgia in very great detail. You're familiar with it and you know defining. You know, they're looking to charge this officer with either murder or felony murder. Prosecutors often have this tendency to overcharge and then they create expectations of a specific verdict that's never going to come. What are your thoughts on the law specifically based on what we went over in great detail on radio and TV yesterday. Yeah, well, you know, this case is still unfolding. I personally think the idea of charging felony murder in this case is a big mistake. That means a murder committed in the course of a felony. In this case, they're claiming he assaulted the man first and then the murder. That's not what happened here. What happened here is an absolute tragedy, and the forensics indicate the man was shot in the back. That's not permitted under clearly established law, under the criminal law or civil law. That's clear. We don't know yet whether he actually fired a taser or didn't fire a taser. If he fired a taser, a taser can be considered a deadly weapon. There's a case going through the circuit right now in the US Court of Appeals to the Eleventh Circuit where a man grabbed a taser and the police officer got qualified immunity because he feared for his life and that sort of thing. You know, politically, they're gonna end up charging murder in this case. Obviously some bride of homicide, but probably murder because of the shots in the back. We just have to see how it plays out. Let's not the criminal justice system is a very blunt instrument. It's not the most effective incident instrument for dealing with these problems. I think we've got to protect our cops, we got to protect the people at our streets. What do you do about what's happening in Seattle? When they take over streets. Has well, let me just echo a little bit about the criminal justice system. I'm really really troubled, really quick to just say it has been troubling to see that prosecutors be looking at the facts of the case and bringing them forward instead responding to pressure. When we get to that point, and I have a piece out on Newsmax talking about this one, we get to that point, we're jeopardizing everyone because at any point any of us can become unpopular. Now, I was very, very dismayed by the fact that the governor and the mayor in Seattle decided that if you are upset and would like to protest, that it's okay to occupy property that is not yours to occupy, whether it's gover at owned or whether it's private persons that own it. In no way should the governor or the mayor allowed that to take place. Now, did he need a swat team within the first hour. No, we didn't. But what we didn't need is to quote let it play out. That is sending a terrible signal and that will likely have consequences. Come. Well, I agree, but you know it's the and it's the governor mayor's call president, just keeps offering help. Rightly, all right, David, Sean, Horace Cooper, thank you both. When we come back wide open phones. At the top of the next hour, Ammy Horowitz infiltrates the Chaz Chop Autonomous Summer of Love, block parties, spaghetti you know Pop. What do you call him? Pop? Lunch pot, lunches or something. I don't know. Anyway, we'll get to that, he infiltrated. He'll tell us what's really going on next right twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza, I gotta I can't even explain the urgency I'm feeling about what we're all going to be doing in one hundred and forty days. This is it, This is the this is the moment, This is the tipping point. This is where, you know, I think America now is at a crossroads, and I don't want this great country to descend into what is the predictable failure of socialism, radicalism, you know, radical environmentalism. You know these are this is a real, clear present danger to the country. And as much as the America we know now that we grew up in will no longer exist. It will be unrecognizable. And I've been warning about. You know, the left used to hide where they're coming from. They don't. They're not hiding anymore. You know, they argue conservatives are radical. That's actually not true at all. You know why, because we believe in what the constitution. We believe in protecting our borders, We believe in a strong national defense piece through strength, because we believe in free and fair trade deals. Because this president doesn't want to get us entangled in foreign conflicts. But nor is he going to back down as he's beaten Isis and el bag Daddy and Solomani and the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. I mean, he gets credit for nothing. You know, look at what they've done with the phony Russia hoax. Look at that abuse of power this president has had to live through. You know, then the ridiculous phony, hypocritical impeachment, all while ignoring quid and pro and quo and Joe and zero experience. Hunter, what does the Democratic Party one? Everything's going to be free, free, free, free, free school, free pre garden, pre k, free college, free, free, free, free healthcare, free guaranteed student loans and jobs and government healthy food and retirement and medicare for all, and you can't. It's unsustainable. You know, the history of socialism is this history of failure. It's chapter four when my book comes out, Live Free or Die. This is it. I mean, I've written a definitive case. I'm not going to spend a lot of time on it today. But we do have a special first edition box set if you want to give a special gift to dad, and you just gotta go to Hannity dot com and it's it's actually pretty nice. It's very nice gift. You could even get it on Sunday if you're like me and procrastinate. And if you don't, didn't get your dad something. Get your dad something. It doesn't have to be my book. Get them something. I mean, we always celebrate Mother's to day. We always seem to forget Dad's Day. Um, but you know what they You know, I was explaining this to somebody, Linda, you might be interested in this. It's like most of the my guy friends. Right, we all have guy friends. You have girlfriends, right, I got all kinds of friends. Oh, you have friends with everybody. I mean, the whole world talks to you. I talked to talking to people. It's my favorite talking. I know you talked to everybody talk all morning or afternoon in all my talk talk talk, talk talk, And I seem to be in the right business then right, And I want to talk. You don't want to let it. You don't want you don't even want to talk to me, which I can't. I'm talking, y'all. I'll talk to you all the time. You'll talk to you all the time. You have a tendency to talk over me. But other than that, you're fine. Uh But anyway, Hannity dot com. By the way, if you'd like to get this for your dad for Father's Day and you can get even get it last minute. Now here's the thing, um, And I was talking about the idea. I always feel that it's my job. I feel the urgency. You know. I have this little scale thing that I tell Linda about once in a while. There's certain you know, some of my friends, family members, they don't have any urgency in life. They have low blood pressure. They're the ones that are never gonna get sick. They're the ones that you know, okay, well, hold, I don't get that done, you know, four hundred days from now. I'm like, now, we gotta fix it. Now, that's just the way role. I think you're a lot like me in that way. Other people are more chilled, and I admire that they're chilled, but I just don't know how to do it. I've never been that way, can't be that way, never will be that way. It's just never gonna hamp it no matter what. I feel urgency, And you know, I just think that like Father's in particular feel and at least most like my guy guy said, I know they feel an urgency about Okay, I gotta pay for college. You gotta. I gotta put money away for this. I gotta try and save for that. I gotta do this. It's a really good point that you make, which is, you know a lot of people I agree with you that there seems to be more of a focus on on Mother's Day than Father's Day. And I think a part of that is just, you know, it's like you always go to your mom for all the things, like I gotta boo boo, I'm hungry ever since you're a kid, right, this is what you do. Um at least that's the way. It isn't my house. But I think, you know, we have to remember our dad's and you know, I know the one thing that I got from from my dad and my mom grown up at my dad especially. You know, he was really into politics, he was really into history. And you know, he's like, you got to know where you come from to know where you're going. You know, you got to learn from your mistakes. He's like, if you make a mistake, that's fine. If you don't learn from it and you do it again, that's not fine. And I think that's what lived for your diet is all about. It's like, you guys got to know the history of this nation. Oh my god, it's it's scaring the it's speaking of urgency. It's just I'm feeling it, right. And you look at the Autonomous Zone, right, and we look at a lot of the people in the Autonomous Zone. It's a lot of young people, like they haven't really gone out into the world yet and done a lot of the work. They don't have kids yet, Like they don't even like once you have a child, you know, all bets are off because you're a wreck. The rest of your life. You're a wreck. You got an achilles heel because you're always worried about your child. So it's the one thing that is the only one thing in life that I can really genuinely say I worry about you always worry about your kids. And but but the thing is is, you know, I hate My kids hate when I talk about my past. They're like, their eyes roll over, you wash dishes? You did you know? They don't want to hear it. I realized they just don't want to hear it. They don't care. It's not the life they've lived. They've they've made great achievements on their own merits. They don't need to hear Dad's story again and again, and about their grandparents and about their great grandparents and about uh, you know, they just don't need to hear it. My mom and dad always say that when I when I was a teenager, they got very stupid. When I was around twenty five, they got real smart again. My father had a similar line. My father's line was, how did I survive all these years without you? Actually became a big family joke. How did I ever see? Well? I tell my kids all the time, I'm not your friend. Maybe later in life I'll be a friend. I'm not your friend, I have no I am here to tell you. This is it. This is what the reality is. This is what the truth is. These are what the consequences will be. Don't like it? Tough? Tough? I have a slight soft decide. I'm not quite as soft as you. But that's it. I'm just but it's um the hardest job you'll ever doing, the most important job you ever do. It certainly is. And you know we've got Ethan on our show, Who's Who's Got? He's got a little baby's getting big just over one. Yep. I remember a year ago, it's very interesting day. Yeah, that was a unique week. That was a unique week on the program. I think all of us will remember that to the day we die. We're actually preparing like a metavact, if I remember correctly, Well, you were. The rest of us were living in normalcy, saying uh no, my idea would have worked. Oh yeah, the only one wasn't you you know? And maybe, of course you just can't ignore. Oh the wife didn't care. She wouldn't. Oh she'm a card. Might have now you tell me, because you were sucking up to me a year ago, telling oh, I'm always sucking up. First of all. It is not sucking up. It is being a team. So he sucks up to you. If we're gonna be really honest, he sucks up to you. First of all. Nobody sucks up to me. Okay, let's have a vote. Ethan, you suck up to serious Honestly, I will voice I think that this is a for the young team. No, I think Jonn suck up to Linda. Tell the truth. No, nobody does that. I don't know where you're hearing these things. It's all in your head now right this moment, you're being so thin. One works their ass off on this team and everybody. We all appreciate each other, so if something goes wrong, we're gonna try to help each other no matter what. See that it's a good thing you wrote this book last year because you know you're starting to lose it. I don't know. Oh yeah, I'm losing I am losing it. I'm feeling since since you are, I'll take it over for you and just remind the audience that Father's Day is five days from today, so you know, get online, get on Hannity dot com, get a gift that matters that you can have a conversation about with your family. You know that you can bond with that over and get his perspective. You know, this is this is the definitive book on what is at stake our history, the democratic agenda? What what? What exactly? Because I don't even think most people, because this is not what you do full time. It's hard. It's hard to buy for dad. You know how many socks and ties and golf balls and I don't know whatever else. You know, I'm always it's always a struggle. You know. By the way, my family hates me because they can buy me nothing. Now, Okay, okay, a nice shirt here, Uncle James, first of all, because you don't like to be surprised. It's actually very annoying anyway. So we're gonna go through the history of what made this country great. We're gonna go through the failures of socialism. We're gonna give you a chapter and verse on the Democratic twenty twenty agenda. We're gonna show you how bad the deep state was and how we got it right, and why it matters impeachment that failed attempt to destroy the president, the mob, the media, We go after them full force. Uh, the real oppressive underpinnings of ism, extremism, radicalism, the president's what the president accomplished comprehensively, in other words, what he's done and when you see it, it's like a long list. And then how we will come back from coronavirus and what it means and what's at state for the country. It is if you need a guide, it is it to know everything. You can't even possibly get it in four hours a day. I can't do all this material. It took a book to do it. It really did. And it's also good to have a book because you can reference. I mean, there's a lot of information you know, and say, oh wait, what was that again? When was that? You know, it's a heavily researched book. It's all backed by facts, it's all sourced. You know. This isn't opinion. This is you know there's opinion in there, well there is, but it's based it's based on a lot of truth. Just this is what this is what they want, This is what the President's going to do. This, this is where your choice is. This is how we grew into the greatest country God gave man. You know, this is what will preserve liberty and freedom future generations. This is now the Republic. Can you keep at moments it matters? It's why freedom, as Reagan said, is just put one generation away from extinction. Where I think we're at that moment, I agree with you. It's a scary time. Yeah, I'm beginning to feel the urgency. I'm feeling a big time all right. Time for a quick call here, Sure, dude, get a couple in, uh, doc in uh Florida. Doc, how are you? Are you a real doctor, Sean Hannity, You are the voice of the Republic. My friend, what's up? My friend? My name is doc doctor Drake. But I am Trump's number one African American fan. I am winning over Democrats by walking them past their emotions. And for instance, if it's about Confederate or slavery, I ask them questions like, if it's about Confederates, why do most black people name a lot of their kids Robert Lee? You know what I mean? Uh, If it's about slavery, why are a lot of black people joining fraternities that comes from getting branded and slaves and Greek Greek societies they had they had slaves. I just keep walking them past their emotions. You know, I'm winning them over. I promise you. I'm winning them over. And then I talk about when we say nineteen ninety four crime bill, that's talking over our demographics. Heads. I say, you know the nineteen ninety four crime in what's that? I say, well, let's the three strikes law. They but, oh, yeah, Joe Biden wrote that. So you have to talk. I talk in their language so they can get it. Just telling them what Joe Biden did means nothing unless you explain to them what it is. And then I talk about, say, Robert Bird, They'd be like, who is that said? I showed him that he was a clans member. I showed him all that, and then I tell him whose mentor it was. I break up down so well so they can see what the real deal is. And then I show them what Trump is doing for this great country. Trump is the perfect person to have in office right now, because who else would you want to have in office to get this country back on track. Sean. I appreciate what you are doing. Thank you for being the voice of the Republican. Every situation, I show them that Trump is actually for America, and I really appreciate what you're doing. Sean. Thank you for being consistent and being the voice. All right, doctor Drake, you're you're a good man. I appreciate the call in your kind words as well. Is it? And Jimmie, every time I just try to have a normal conversation with you just goes back to INSS. Is that against the law? Is against the law to insult a man in blue at a normal conversation. You guys get called, and you get and you take down the blacks and you get video. You really have a good day, Jamie. Really, I want to have arrested for physical assault. We're here to have our demands met. So every single day that I show up here, I'm not here to peacefully protest. I'm here to disrupt until my demands are met. If you cannot rebuild until you break it all the way down, respond to the demands of the people, or prepare to be met with any means necessary, by any means necessary. That's not just a slogan. No, no, no, it's not a slogan. It's not even a warning. I'm letting people know what comes next. A response to violence is not violence itself. The Seattle Police Department turns in their badges, will have made a move forward. Do you in other words, not defund the police, abolish, abolish the police. Stay. So, speaking of the criminal justice systems, do you think that it's so inherently biased, so inherently racist, that the criminal justice system, the courts, all of that need to be taken away absolutely without question? And then once again you're asking a question that cannot be answered. The unraveling that happens to that system is also exactly what will fuel the black minds and the black bodies that will recreate a new world. And should should we abolish the prison system thing? Yes, we should get rid of it as we know it today, get rid of it. Yes. Okay, I don't understand why more journalists are not asking those questions. We run to black people the minute that they're killed, and we have been seeing them be killed for so long that the PTSD from that is unbelievable. You have people still bitching about nine to eleven, unbelievable one act of terror because you're not considering me as a human, You're not considering me as an American citizen. You are still looking at me as an enslaved individual. Do you feel like an American? I am an African brought to America than you think about it all right. That first cut gladuate with us by the way, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean Tolfrey telephone number. We'll get back to your calls a final half hour of the program today. The first was this woman that is having well, really attacking the police. Police are being very cordial when you please not curse at us, we can have a civil conversation. And nobody's near her, nowhere near her, it just starts screaming. We showed it on TV last week. The second is our friend Army Ammy Horowitz, satirist documentarian and he's the guy that you know he goes in Honduras and all the people that are traveling the migrations. He just joins in the crowd as he's just does crazy work. But we like him a lot and he's funny. Um. Anyway, that was him. Apparently you made it inside of Chatz or we got a new name for it. Now, what's the new name. The new name is Chop, which if you ask me, it's a little bit on the nose for what will ultimate results like the French Revolution openly ended in so yeah, they were from Chats to Chop. I don't know why I don't care why. They're a bunch of little jerks. Oh out all right, So why were you there? And how long were you there? Let's start at that point. Well, I went there, as you know, is there's something interesting going on the world, I gotta go all right, all right, now, let's even backtrack. Explain just a few of your little adventures, oh, interviewing Hamas and isis. My favorite was probably going on the raft with the Syrian refugees across the Age and c into Greece. That was probably my favorite and definitely my wife's least favorite thing that I have done, so I'm kind of on her side on this, but keep going. It's Father's Day week, so yeah, so this doesn't rank quite as high. Although we were met with very armed guards with rifles and all a military kit who came up to us and gave us a very stern warning on what our behavior was like, and of course we were threatened, and that was before they recognized me. When they recognized me, all hell broke out loose and we had to just take off. But what I found, well, yeah, let's talk now, what specifically, what do they want? What are they saying? There's a report today. They might be negotiating. They probably need food, water, and all sorts of other things. But and beer. I hear beer is high on the list. But I'm assuming they're going to give up some blocks or some area back if in fact, I guess their demands are met, what are they telling you? Yeah, So here's I had the opportunity, the rare opportunity to interview that woman you just played. Her name is Jake. She's one of the founders and one of the main organizers of BLM Seattle and this autonomous zone that they took over in Seattle, and they have a very specific list of demands which is wholly unferious, although being taken quite seriously by the mainstream media that I have to find out if this is something she was involved in the agrees with. Okay, first of all, we all know, right, well, this thing is almost past say at this point they want to abolish the police, not being fund right, she was clear, abolish the police, no police force whatsoever. But then they go on they double down. They said they want to abolish the court system because to them, judges juries even they're black, are inherently racist because they are part of the slave culture. Of this country behind that they want to They want to take down the prison system. They want every prisoner out and free because we don't have the means to try them any fair way, so therefore they should be free their views. Look, at the end of the day, you look to yourself, you go, you don't make any sense. Well, they do make sense when you understand what they want. What they want, Sean is a descent into chaos, and they want to guide us down there because only when you have chaos, only will we burn the s down. And they say repeat like you said, not a slogan, because they've done it and they continue to do it right, They've done that Wendy's in Atlanta. They want total destruction because it's not I'm not putting words in there in their mouth, because only then could they recreate what we have here in their own warped image. That's ultimately what they want. SHN. So you're talking to all these people and for a time you're not recognized. How long we able to stay there without being recognized and how many people are armed inside of chas or chop or whatever they're calling it though, well, thank god, the left doesn't care that much of the Second Amendment. So most of the people that are not armed, but there are roving, you know, I don't know if they're official, they're unofficial, you don't know, but I would say that I saw at least eight or nine guys. It's not a particularly large area. It's not really sick a six block radius. It really is about three, three or four block radius. So it's not a took be large neighborhood. They took over or portion of the neighborhood. But there are a number of very armed people there. We were there all day until out of the last hour when somebody you know, recognized me and the gig goes up. So we got really to get real, able to get under the covers in this place. I want to point something else out which I think is really important. Okay, And as you can tell, I'm fired up, and I'm not going to let these tataltarian you know, neo Bolshevik revolutionary cancel culture jerks, shut me up. But you want to be honest, you want to be real about what's going on there. Not only is this crazy town and they hate America, there's a real undercurrent, we undercurrent of anti Semitism that's going around me. It goes hand in hand. Okay, you know you saw ice Cube tweeting multiple and Semitic tweets me he's looked upon as a hero. And I was interviewing people and the Jews came up quite a bit. The Jews Israel, Black lives a lot of people don't know this. Black Lives Matter, which you would think would be focused completely on black lives and in their view, the brutality of the police onto black people. They took precious space and their manifesto talk about one thing, one thing other than black lives. They've spilled ink on the canard that the one Jews state Israel's committing genocide. They needed to pause from their main mission to protect black people to attack Jews. This is the ugly undercurrent of this organization and this is why it drives me nuts that people are looking at them like a real heroic, mainstream organization. I don't think that they are not really one group, is it. I mean there, I'm assuming that many of them are probably just meeting each other inside the autonomous zone, the summer or free love zone and pot luck spaghetti and you know, street celebrations and one big block party as the mayor. It keeps describing this. Is there any one group that you can see or identify as actually leading or organizing this thing? Yeah, Seattle Black Lives Matter is the group behind this whole thing. There is one organizer. Now, now, what did you have to do? Because they noticed that the left doesn't like walls, but immediately they built the wall. And then I'm very inclusive. It's not open borders inside of chop or has in the summer or free love. So what did you have to do with the process to get in there? They love big beautiful walls, big high, beautiful walls. They love it. The truth is it was it's not hard to get You can go in and go out pretty freely. You didn't have to I didn't have to apply for a visa at the Chats consulate in New York before it came out here. There is relative freedom that there are people there, kind of scary looking people who are looking at you come in coming out their eyeballing you. The moment you get in. They radio to people if they think you're you know, like me when I first came into my camera crew, They quickly radio people say hey, we've got people here coming in. I'm not sure what their what their agenda is, Like I said, within a few minutes, these armed guards, the rifles came sauntering up to us, whole military kit and started interrogating us, really interrogating us a while we were there. So it's not hard to get in and out, although if you're a resident, I mean, it's hell on earth you're resident, because the whole the whole building is grafeedied, windows are busted. You need you need somebody to guide you literally when you leave, you have to have um these chats chop guys come to you and guide you out because you really can't leave the place otherwise. So look, well you mean it's easier to get in than to get out. Yeah, if you're a resident, yes it is. Well yeah, if you're a residents, hard either way. But if you're if you're going to visit the Land of Utopia, and yeah, you can go in and out pretty easily on foot. But they are watching everybody. Okay, where where are they getting all their supplies? Their food? What are they doing with the trash? You know? Um apparently, I mean is there enough supplies? Food? Everything? They have pot like pot luck, spaghetti dinners, this seemed like a street festival to you, or a block party, as the mayor says, Does this look like a place of you know, the summer of love as she has described it. Look, there's a veneer of a very dirty u festival. Yes, does it seems like there's a lot of a lot of corporate sponsors. Ben and Jerry's was there giving out free ice cream. A lot of people came out to get to create these boots to get free Oh yeah. Oh by the way, when they were seeing Ben and Jerry, people took the time to mention me, you know, yeah, it's great Ben and Jerry here. They support Israel. Okay, they have to, they have to throw that at me. But yeah, no, there's a lot of people who are sponsored them giving the food. Keep in mind Black Lives Matter. We don't know how much money they've raised. I mean, I imagine they've raised a lot of money. But but there is a distinction, isn't there or is there not? Between the group Black Lives Matter? You know, they're the ones we heard on tape say what do we want dead cops? When do we want them? Now? Pigs in a blanket fire and like Bacon and those that maybe are chanting Black Lives Matter, that are not part of any organized group. There's a difference, is there not? Absolutely? Of course, the vast majority of people who are support I support black lives. Black lives matter to me, of course they do. Obviously, we don't want to see anybody who shouldn't be killed, or who wasn't committing a crime ending up dead in the street. Okay, But I am making a distinction between you organization and the flaws of the organization versus the people who are supportive of them. Of course. Now, if you ask me again, when I was in New York and in Seattle and Minneapolis, I was all over these places. The people who are protesting, when you ask them, do you support the violence, the vast majority. And I spoke to hundreds of people, the vast majority of the people I spoke to, white, black, young, old They told me that the violence is justified, over and over again, on camera, off camera, exact. Stay right there, Ammy Horowitz is with us, and he infiltrated the chop zone, the Chazz location, the autonomous zone. Will get more details on the other side than your calls coming up. All right, final minute and a half, Ammy Horowitz is with us. He made it into and chronicling and interacting with folks at the Autonomous Zone, chazz chop, whatever you want to call it. All right, So you gave us what their mission statement is, that's all well and good, I guess. And their list of a man's that's fine. Where are they getting their support from? Where's the food coming in from, where's the medicines coming in from? Have you seen any violence within the walls of the Autonomous Zone? So I didn't see any violence while I was there, although people were threatening us while we were there, but I didn't see any actual violence. Although I'll say a funny quick story. There was one guy who was trying to explain to me how love and pieces places and was mentioning, Hey, some Christian came here. I was spewing Christianity. You know this hate because Christianity has hate these guys. And we let him talk. Man, it was cool. And a guy walking by and he said, no, no, no. That guy was choked out, almost beaten to death. So yeah, again, it's this whole thing. I keep going back to this idea of it looks all fun and great, the veneer is all happy and street party, which you just scratched the surface man, and the ugliness comes out. As far as the funding goes, we just don't know. It's totally opaque. We don't know where their money is coming from, how much money they have. I do know, like I said, they had a ton of people coming in and don't eating food and creating these like, you know, these sidewalk grills for people and it was all free. You know. They've tried to they literally trying to create their own, you know, a co op farm, but they're not really good at it. So they had like a had like a box, they put some dirt on it and they try to grow stuff out of it. All right, listen, it's amazing stuff. We're gonna try and show this tonight on Hannity. We can turn those tape around ninetiestern on Fox. I'm a great job, as always, appreciate you and thanks so much for being with us. When we come back, final half hour, Wide Open Calls, straight Ahead. I wish I could say that hate began with Donald Trump will end with him. It didn't and it won't. But I tell me, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're FORMI or Trump, and you ain't black. I'm running for the same exact reason when I started to restore some dignity to the office, to make sure that African Americans and minorities get treat it well. The two party system is good for the South and good for the good for the black in the South. The pandemic is unleast familiar forces of hate, fear, and xenophobia that he always flames and fans the flames. You cannot go to a seven eleven or a dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not jugging. This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria, xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, unchained Wall Street. You're gonna put y'all back in chains. There has never been a president in American history so openly racist and dimissive as this. Mean. You got the first sort of maltream American who is articulate and righting clean bicycle guy. I mean, that's a story all right there. It is. Biden makes attacks and it bounces back on Biden shocking. I honestly don't think this guy can even remember at this point, you know, his positions on a whole variety of issues. I just don't think he can. And you know, when you start going through he says all of you know, now, whatever the issue is, he just tries to go out there and sound like the radical, extreme socialist, no matter what his past policies once were. Um. Recent video clip resurfaces showing Biden calling members of a quote Confederate heritage group. Fine people, Um you saw, I mean, if what is your position? Joe sounds to me Joe will do and say anything that he needs to say or do that he believes will get him elected president. And we've seen this with a lot of Democrats, you know, all these Democrats, including him, praising Robert k K K Bird, you know, the former Grand Pooba whatever you call that idiot leader of that that you know, racist organization, you know. But nope, if it was forget it. There's always that if what if Donald Trump did it? What if you did it? We'd go to jail. They always seem to get away with things, meaning the left. Um, the double standard is palpable, quid and pro and quo and Joe And here's the you don't get a billion unless you fire the prosecutor investigating zero experience Hunter. You know then, of course zero experience, we find none, none, no experience whatsoever. Banka China billion later becomes a billion five Wow, great ride worth it getting on Air Force two and Dad the vice president. Um so it's it's you know, it speaks volumes. I keep going back to Terry mcculoff. I'm fine. I'm fine with him in the basement, absolutely fine, you know, And the reason I'm fine with him in the basement is because he always sees two people a day all the time. Oh, we got to get the vice president of the basement. He's fine in the basement. Two people see him a day, his two bodied people. That's it. And let Trump keep doing what Trump's doing. It's hard for the Vice prest to breakthrough. One update by this Baris Beholdings gonna be a problem at some point when we have a real campaign. I doubt the mob and the media will ask him any questions. Yeah, but I see that Boris Beholdings now where they paid zero experience Hunter millions of dollars now being accused of attempting to bribe Ukrainian officials with more than five million bucks in order to end a corruption probe into that company. Whoopsie, daisy Ah, what does Hunter have to say about this? Can't go running into John Kerry like he did the last time. What else? It's just everything we know about Joe Biden, and you know what, eventually he's gonna have to come out of the Basement's America's got to take a look. And I think the single defining issue on top of his horrible track record. You know, they didn't make any reforms after Ferguson, They didn't make any reforms after Cambridge, they didn't make reforms after Baltimore. You know, in all these cases, they rushed to judgment and they were wrong, and then it turns out being wrong, and then in the aftermath they don't do anything. Well. President Donald Trump today he's doing well what he usually does. He ends up fixing the mess that all the Obama administration, Biden administration left for him. That's it, you know, He's he gave a statement acknowledging law some law enforcements some gravely misused their authority and have caused communities, particularly African American communities, to mistrust them. They're going to order the establishment of a national certification and Credentialing system for law enforcement agencies in order to create a federal database base to track officers accused of wrongdoing, like excessive use of force. That might be an issue with some of the cups that we were talking about last night, or one of them in particular. Health and Human Services to work on encouraging police departments to involve mental health professionals more training. Also looking for alternative means, non lethal means of forces. That's something I believed in banning choke olds. Okay, we've been over. Unless your life is if your life's in danger, it's all bets are off, you gotta do what you gotta do to save your own life. It's it's, you know, amazing, What did Joe do nothing? What did Brock do nothing? All? Right? And you know, being a cop, as you know, all these officers now are resigning. All these officers that stay around because they love the job, they're now retiring because it's not worth it to them anymore. They see they're not getting support. Broad sweeping generalizations. You can't forget the ninety nine percent of good cops out there. You can't forget about them. I mean, are we that selfish? Short sighted? Are we such a what have you done for me lately, society that we don't remember nine to eleven anyway, Ray Florida Next Sean Hannity Show, How are you, sir? Hey, I'm blessed. Sean good to talk with you yesterday when you were struggling with would happen in Atlanta? And you asked the question how did it all go wrong so fast? I thought about you because my daughter was killed in two thousand and six bot drunk driver and she was fleeing the police. And here's the thing. They had found her in a parking lot at five o'clock that afternoon, and she was drunk, and they let her go home. They had grace as someone came and guy and they took her home. But then she went out on her on again later that night when my daughter was sitting at a red light. And the thing is is that they could have arrested her and may have prevented my daughter's death. But what happens is that cops make split second decision on the information they have at the time. And what we do is we did the Monday morning quarterback, and we go in hindsight, if we could do it all over again, you know, we would do things differently, but they make decisions based upon the information they have, and a lot of times they do the best they can. But what happened in Atlanta, we immediately saw this as a racial issue. And what it did is it made this an entirely different issue, because you know, racism isn't political, it's not liberal, it's not conservative, it's not a social class issue. It's a spiritual issue. I heard you say many times. You know that we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and that include everybody, regardless of your color. There's nobody and we can't we can't pass the law the sixth of that. We have the ten commandments, but people still kill, they still commit adultery, they still beer fass witness. And the only way we can solve this is is we repent, We forgive one another, and we strive to love our neighbors as ourselves, because you know, we need to look at each other, at each other as God looks at us. As one race. We are one race. We are I agree, we are. We're all children of God, and we're all imperfect, you know, and we've all fallen short. But we also want to be a more perfect union. And it being a more perfect union and helping with relations and with the police and communities means that we re evaluate choke holds, that we look for new greater technology, non lethal that will protect police, protect the community and lead to less death. We can do that. Um, there are so many other things that we can implement as well. I certainly believe that you know, just my limited training, me being a student of the arts, I can tell you looking at both these cases, which are very different, but I'm looking at both of them. It is the lack of training is it's it's so bad. It's let me just be blunt. It's awful. It's just I am shocked at the lack of trains. We can fix that and be a more perfect union. And I think things I like the idea of helping on the mental health side of things. Cops can't know everything, you know. They're there to keep order and put their lives on the line, and they do and the ninety nine percent I don't. I hate when we have broad, sweeping generalizations, but we can be a better people. Best first thing you do is you got to recognize your mistakes. What do we do wrong? We what do we do wrong on coronavirus. Yeah. Well, and by the way, thanks for the call. Right, what do we do We got it wrong in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. We learned. What did we do right? Well, I know there are a couple of cases percentage wise, it's going up in some places reopening, and we're jumping on those hot spots fast. This was the worst pandemic, and it would have been infinitely worse, said Donald Trump, not taking very fast action on the travel band and the quarantines and the subsequent travel bands that bought us a lot of time and saved us likely tens and tens and tens of thousands of lives, and he got criticized for it. All right, let's go to John in Florida, John High, how are you glad you called? Sir? Hey, Sean, thanks for taking my call off first time. Called it a long time listener. I want to talk about the other sazz or the chalk or whatever they're calling it. I'm a thirty year old conservative millennial. I was born in the Dominican Republic, and some of the things that I've seen in that so called autonomous zone are very reminiscent of what I experienced growing up in my home country, where lawlessness and anarchy is part and parcel of living there. I mean, sure, you know, you have a president, you have the government, you have all these you know what you would find here in the United States. But people do whatever the hell they want. It's it's free for all, you know. Traffic lights don't work. Everybody you know, drives like like maniacs on the road. If you unfortunately get shot, don't even bother counting the police because they're too busy, you know. And and they're stationed, you know, twirling your thumbs, you know, playing dominalls do whatever the hell they want. Um. And it's just very scary to see that we in a in a country that's built on law and order, that we allow these things to happen, you know. And I kind of say, I don't want to say that I'm completely disappointed in President Trump no on the country. I understand the dilemma that he's facing, but um, you know, he should realize that neither Governor Insley nor the Seattle mayor or doing anything to quell this problem, and he should invoke the insurrection and say, look, I gave you guys, that give you both of you plenty of time to get your out together. If you're not going to do it, I'm going to do it for you because this is not going to fly here. You know this. They tried it in other parts of the country, in Texas and other Republican states. You know they've tried this and sheriffs and everybody else. We're not having that here. But of course, when you're in a liberal state, you know, law again, lawlessness, anarchy had discounted the rule seems to be the name of the game. Trolld needs to realize, how will they are American citizens and these places that are suffering be because of the of democratic governors and mayors that you know, dis simply allow their citizens do whatever they want and are suffering because of it. So you know it, troll needs to realize, I don't think the president listen when if it gets bad, I'm sure the president will go in. We'll we'll know in that moment is I don't think it's going to be there won't be any ambiguity. In the meantime, the lunatic governor and the lunatic mayor that don't won't and refuse all help from the president and don't believe in law and order, and that are even praising the anarchy and anarchists. You know what, it's their problem. They own it. If it has to get cleaned up, it will. But it's really their job. That is not Donald Trump's job. He's offered help. He offered help again today, He's offered hope yesterday, he's offered help the day before. They don't want it. They don't want it in Chicago either. All I know is thirty four people got out this weekend in Chicago and two are murdered. And you don't. I guarantee you. If I did a poll of this audience, I bet nobody could name one person that was shot and killed, not one. And you know we have weekends before what the biggest, the worst weekend day, single day of killings. You know. Ever, it's been like this all throughout you know, Barack Obama's term and Joe's term, they didn't do a thing. Um. You know, I think you got to be prudent. I think you got to be prepared. I think you keep offering help. You watch you make sure that if things at some moment get out of hand and they still refuse to restore order. The president will do it. The president must do I don't like it for a lot of reasons. He has the constitutional authority to do it. We all know about it. Attorney General's waited in on it. There's no ambiguity. The president has full complete constitutional authority to do it. But if they don't want the help and it's not imminent, you know, let them play it out anyway they want. If coming to the demands of a mob is their way of getting this accomplished. I don't like that philosophy. What message does that send about law and order? But you know they run in their states. You know, I'm stupid because I live in New York. It's mostly been because of my work. I'd like to get the hell out of here at this point. Sick of the taxes, I'm sick of the lack of services. I am sick. And I'm even told by the governor that he doesn't want conservatives in this state. And the Democrats their problem is themselves. Who are they are? They? These extreme conservatives who are right to life, a poor assault weapon? It hi gay? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives. They have no place in the state of New York citizens. That's not who New Yorkers are. Okay, except for the part about anti gay. I'm pro Second Amendment conservative, I'm pro life. Okay, I'm guilty. They tell you they don't have any problem taking my money every year, and they got a lot of it. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today, A lot of news, one hundred and forty days till you are the Ultimate Jury. Kevin McCarthy, Trey Gaudy, Ari Fleischer, Matt gets Amy Horowitz infiltrating the Yes Autonomous Chaz Chop Free love Zone. He has a special report Judge Janine Pierro, Dan Bongino, Haraldo Leo, and Larry nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. Hope you set your DVR se at tonight at nine back here tomorrow. Have a great night. See you later.