Inflation Skyrocketing - March 31st, Hour 1

Published Mar 31, 2022, 10:02 PM

The new Green Deal and a lack of energy independence is sending inflation skyrocketing! The answer is to release nearly 32% of our energy reserves. Where is the leadership?!

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Where We're coming to your city, seeing you cons will I'll be there jail and if you want a little banging, ain't come along. Time is flying by. But look at the havoc and look at the destruction that they've done to our country in such a short period of time. Ukraine will never be a victory for a Russia. For God's sink, this man cannot remain power. So let's give this peace project the focus and the commitment and the resources of a wartime effort. Our Marshal Plan. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Yeah, I'm coming to your city, going to play, I get fist and saying you a conscious Sean Show, I'm the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trapped Behind Enemy Linesday number two, twenty nine, twenty nine, Day two forty two. Since Joey promised not to abandon Americans, now they're all trap behind enemy lines, screen card holders, even military family members and of course Afghan allies that we promised we did help get them out. Yet a lot of them are dead. A lot of them are dead. Um I gotta start with the economy today. It is an unmitigated disaster. And I am not a financial planner, just like I say, I'm not a doctor. I'm not going to play a doctor on radio or TV. I'm not going to play financial advisor on radio or TV either. But everything that I see shows the inflation, recession, tough economic times ahead, and the impact is going to be real and it will reverberate. Everybody's going to feel this, and it should concern every single American in the sense that this for those of there are people listening to this program, you don't remember the seventies, You don't remember Jimmy Carter, twenty one and a half percent interest rates, double digit unemployment, you know, through the roof, I mean really really recession after recession, tough economic times and anyway, the key another key inflation gauge. Yep, we're still at eight forty year high gas prices, etc. Anyway, the inflation gauge that is closely monitored by the Fed. And remember they're predicting at Goldman Sachs maybe as many as eleven rate hikes in the next two years over the next two years, three or four this year alone. But if you look at the comparison, the inflation gauge now is up dramatically and at a forty year high. And anyway, you look at this gas prices, everything is costing more and it's it's impacting all of us. Anyway, the Commerce Department put out was the largest year over year increase since nineteen eighty two. All right, so it's not good and it's going to impact all of us. A lot of this is tied to this climate alarmist religious cult, new Green Deal, socialist agenda that is now the Democratic Party. A lot of it is tied to that, but there are other factors as well. Rightly, Quinnipiac poll just outshows Americans, Yeah, Biden deserves the most blamed for the soaring gas prices. That is an accurate assessment. The American people is smart. Biden now, as a means of putting a band aid over the high price of gasoline, he now wants to deplete our strategic petroleum reserves by a whopping thirty two percent. Those reserves were filled up by Donald Trump. He inherited all of that when oil was at record low prices. Anyway, it's supposed to be used strictly for national emergencies. Biden now wants to deplete that reserve by thirty two percent to deal with his own personal political emergency, which is the electoral bloodbath that he and his party are facing because of their idiotic policies. And according to Reuters, the strategic reserve currently tanes five hundred and sixty eight million barrels of oil, which is what we had left after Biden released fifty million barrels back in November. It's not gonna have an impact on price. If it does, it's so short term, it's it's just not gonna matter in the end. Now. On top of all of this, one thing they never talked about is how do I all we suspend what the federal gas tax? What was that gas time? I think it's eighteen point four cents a gallon? Why don't we start there? God forbid, democrats ever think about cutting taxes? And who is most disproportionately impacted by this transitory that's not inflation that they talked about. Those transitory, it's transitory. We don't need to give COVID tests. They're going to be here very long. Here meeting in one of Biden's cages for kids we're gonna We're gonna put them on an airplane, flame in the dark a night, land them in an obscure airport, and then dispensed them all over the country. Dispersed them all over the country, and then we'll let the state's handle them from there. Good luck. Now Biden is threatening to target the oil industry with new fees, which is going to inevitably, you know, bounce back to you. What do I always say, corporations, they don't pay taxes. They're gonna raise the cost of their products, and they're gonna pass that cost onto the consumer, and this will inevitably drive pump prices even highered. This is how dumb Joe is, and this is how radical these new Green Deal socialists are, the climate alarmist cult religious cult members. Rather than open up, so let's say anwar where we have these incredible reserves, you know, we have, rather than pracmore to help our Western European allies or NATO allies. Now, we're not gonna do any of that. We're gonna have a task for us looking into how to wean themselves off of Russian oil and gas. Okay, by the time the task force is finished with the obvious, which is to start drilling and fracking immediately. Who knows how much territorial territory that putin might take. Anyway, Biden wants Congress to impose fees on oil companies, fees for not using their permits and drilling on public lenda. Again, we've gone over this in detail. Just because you have the lease, and just because once you shut down auctions and exploration, as they did, once you shut down the Keystone XIL pipeline, as they did, once you close off and more like they did, they have drastically reduced the ability of our own energy companies to do their job, which is exploration and extraction of energy at that we can bring into the open marketplace. He has artificially reduced the world's supply. And when you do simple economics, which is supply and demand crisscross and dictate the price of a product, he artificially reduced the supply. The demand has remained constant or even increased, and as a result, that's why we're paying record high amounts for a gallon of gasoline. None of this is good. Now, this is how bad it is. At this point, Bloomberg points out inflation alone means that the average US household has to spend the extra five thousand, two hundred dollars this year. That's four hundred and thirty three dollars a month just compared to last year. Things weren't great last year either, for the same consumption basket, in other words, the same things you buy year to year. According to Bloomberg Economics, the excess savings built up over the pandemic and increases and wages, it might cushion some of those costs. But there are now Last week we told you almost sixty four percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. There's another study out today. I think fifty percent of American households are running out of money before they get their next paycheck. It's that bad for American citizens. But anyway, it's a fifty two hundred inflation tax, a Biden inflation tax. And it's not Putin's fault because all of this was happening long before Putin invaded Ukraine. Gary Friedman is a CEO of our Age formerly known as Restoration Hardware, went off a bit off script when asked about the current macroeconomic environment. He made comparisons between today's economy the Great Recession, and warned about the threat of rising inflation, and even referenced the scene involving the now defunct investment bank bear Sterns in the subprime mortgage crisis in the movie The Big Short A bear Sterns moment question mark the most difficult time since the Great Recession, A canary in the coal mine for US economic demand, runaway inflation, the shipping rate dilemma, oil prices, you name it, and tapping the the oil reserves is not going to solve this problem. If you look at food prices alone, meat, poultry. And I'm speaking from my own experience as somebody that eats pretty much paleo. I eat meat, and I eate eggs, and I eat spinach, and I eat onions. I mean, there you go, that's pretty much my diet. I don't eat that crap that Linda eats that looks like that green vomit that's projectilely vomited out of Linda Blair's mouth and the Exorcist, I don't know how she gets it down, but anyway, meat and poultry prices, I'm so mean, right, uh. And if the scene yesterday, is it true or false? Green crap you drink every day. It looks exactly like the projectile vomit green puke in the Exorcist? Is that true or falls? First of all, I'm still no no, no no, no, no, no no no. First of all, I have definitely had things to drink that are that shade of green. There's no question, there's no question. When you grind up green vegetables, you get varieties of green meat poultry prices, which I can know because I go shopping every week myself to my own little check out. I have my little routine. I can get in and out of the grocery store usually within ten minutes, and get everything I need for the week. I know where everything is. I like race through the aisles, and I like to do it. I have fun doing it. Anyway, they're already up dramatically. Now they're about to get higher steak forget it. I mean it's very, very expensive. Well that's also gonna hurt ranchers. We know farmers are getting killed with the cost of fertilizer more than tripling, so we're gonna put higher costs for vegetables and fruits, etc. All that stuff. Anyway, so a lot of this is substantially due to higher energy costs, feed costs, chicken breast reaching now a seventy percent year over year in the first half of twenty twenty two, pork and ground beef, which I like, you know, they can climb as high as as twenty percent year over year during the same period. That's how bad this is. That is that we are crushing the poor in the middle class in this country were and everybody else is getting hurt. But you know, Democrats claim this monopoly on compassion for the four They're full of crap. I'm sorry, I said it wrong. I said fifty percent. It's one in five workers now are running out of money before pay day according to the survey. I mean that's that's twenty percent of Americans. That's not good. And tapping the oil reserve to get it's stumb So anyway, one of Wall Street's favorite indicators of impending recession is flashing read there are you know, It's like a five alarm fire and sirens blaring everywhere. The spread between the five year thirty year treasury yields briefly inverted on Monday for the first time since two thousand and six because of fear that the Federal reserves. Aggressive reproach to tackling inflation could lead to a substantial slowdown and all growth. Yield curve inversions, which are rare, are viewed as a good recession predictor because it suggests that investors believe with the interest rate on long term bonds lower than the rate on short term bonds, I mean the economy is slowing. Every recession in the past sixty years was preceded by an inverted yield curve, according to research from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. And markets are fixated on the Treasury, but you look at this indicator and it tells you everything you need to know. Steve Forbes to give him credit, he's right. He literally urged Biden to just get out of the way. Just get out of the way. Let the free market correct itself, stop making everything worse. So anyway, it's and they didn't wage more on fossil fuels, we wouldn't have a forty year record in the plation. But they don't listen the likes of Sean Hannity, and they will never admit that they're wrong and go back to the Trump policies that gave us the lowest prices in forever and made us energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. All right, doctor Roz, Mike Kent's coming on the program today. Look, if you have trouble sleeping, you suffer from insomnia, well I get I fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. 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The sleep you want, need, crave, desire, and deserve will be yours my pillow dot com, Sean Hannity Square, Sleepy. Joe just signed more executive actions in one week than most presidents did in their entire term. So much for democracy. Looks like Joe is the new dictator. Entities on right now we roll along eight hundred nine one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, Well, I doubt the media is even going to cover this. Hillary Clinton Member twenty sixteen presidential campaign member sheet, Democratic National Committee. You know they paid all those they paid one hundred and thirteen grand to settle an FEC investigation into whether they violated campaign finance laws by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the Dirty Russian disinformation Christopher Steele dossier. Now that's according to documents sent Tuesday to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation, which had filed an administrative complaint twenty eighteen accusing the Democrats of misreporting payments made to a law firm Perkins Cooee during the twenty sixteen campaign. To obscure the spending, the Clinton campaign hired Perkins Cooee and then they hired Fusion GPS, a research and television op research firm, to conduct op research on Donald Trump and has ties to Russia that never existed. The only one that had ties to Russia in twenty sixteen was Hillary Clinton that paid for the Russian disinformation Dasier. When are we ever gonna get a Durham report ever? Because it doesn't look like it. This is the saddest thing I ever have to tell you that we do not have. You know, Mark Levin would set it in one of his books. I forget which one. This is a postconstitutional America. He's right, he's a constitutional expert. He's correct. That's why his books are phenomenally successful. And we now do not in this country have equal justice under the law. That is a fact. If you're a Democrat, Liberal Clinton, if you're a Obama, if you're Biden, you get away with everything. Your name's Trump. Forget it. We don't equal application, equal justice under the law. We have a two tiered justice system, one for the powerful left, elite, and then one for the rest of us. And then Donald Trump has his own separate you know, go after him for spitting on the sidewalk and jaywalking. You know, justice system holding them accountable. Sean answers, No one else does. America desserts and know the truth about Congress? All right, twenty five to the top of the hour. I love Linda. I don't know if you saw this. Maxine Waters, Joe Biden's president, Maxine Waters no longer urging supporters to hunt down White House officials in the street, getting their faces and the stores and restaurants well, et cetera, et cetera. But she had words of wisdom the other day. While lecturing a group of homeless people, frustrated over the predicament that they're in, she urged them to quote, go home. Can you say I'm sorry? Can you say that one more time? She She urged the homeless people to go home. You can't make this shift of Adam shift on my time. I can't reclaim here, we reclaiming might do you remember that time time? Okay, reclaim her the secretary chasing down, get in their faces store. Oh my god. Anyway, she warned a journalist not to report the story regarding an event she attended to do. This homeless encambmin in Los Angeles, where tensions boiled over. I guess there's some confusion over Section eight housing vouchers, and the New York Post reports Waters was present at a chaotic event hundreds of homeless people showed up because of inaccurate social media reporting. Just a question, if you're homeless, does every homeless person have a phone? Do we still give out Obama phones? Well? You saw that. You saw that reports, didn't you. In uh in California, they were saying that these homeless guys were like, well, this is awesome. He's like skid Row is like the new place to be. It's like it's like the Beverly Hilton. He's like, I get my crack, I get my pipe. They come and they give me alcohol swaps and then they give me a phone prepaid. They said, well, it's mostly alcohol swaps. Okay, home anyway. At one point, when it was clear that staff at the event we're being overwhelmed, Waters says to the crowd, I want everybody to go home. She said it, he said it. The homeless people. I'm official little homeless I feel bad for people that are homeless. You know, I actually think that I must. I have had so many people over the years, and they're all over New York that asked for money. Panhandling is called, and I usually look the person over and try to make a determination if they're sober, if they're on drugs, you can't always tell. Some people hide it well, and I'll ask them. I said, if I give you money, what are you gonna use it for? And I'm I'm hungry, I need to get something to eat. Okay, you're not gonna I'll say to them, You're not gonna use this for to buy booze or drugs, right swear they'll promise every time. Never has anyone said, yeah, I'm gonna buy drugs. And if they seem sober to me, I always give people the money because I think, I just I just I feel for people. I just can you imagine in the middle of winter and Adam schiphole like New York and it's freezing cold out. I mean, they don't want to go to the shelters because they're not safe the shelters. It's awful. But anyway, I'm like, how do you tell homeless people to go home. We've got no home. That's why we're here. One member of the crowd shot back, what home are we gonna go to? Waters then gets frustrated and said, excuse me, there's nobody in Washington who works, but there are people any effing harder than I do. I don't want to hear this. No, no, no, what is she talking about? She doesn't know what she's talking about. The whole idea of know your audience, I mean, it is a captive audience. They got nowhere to go, so I figured, you know, she goes there, they can't leave, she can practice talking. You know, it all works out. The last twenty four hours, New Pole NBC low for Biden. New inflation numbers forty year high again, so much for transitory inflation. Now releasing gas reserves to put a band aid over the disastrous energy policies Joe Cause with his new green deal ism. Mortgage rates hit a four year high. What have I been saying about American financing? Dot net? Now, if Goldman Sachs is right and this is a four year high for interest rates, Goldman Sachs is right, and what they're predicting eleven potentially eleven Federal Reserve interest rate hikes in two years three to four. This year, you haven't refinanced. I'm telling you, friends of mine just got a new home in Chicago and they got a great rate. Do it now. It's higher than it was last three weeks ago. But I'd still lock in now. Anyway, Democrats, you know they're leaving in Joe's because they see a massacre coming in the midterms. Europe is about to have their energy natural gas cut off from a war that started on Joe's watch. Oh and by the way, COVID Amicron two point zero it's here now. If it's anything like the pattern in Europe and the past patterns amicron two point zero, you're gonna see massive numbers in the next few weeks. And it did seem to dissipate more quickly this time in Europe, which means it might be a shorter duration. But there are people dying from amicron. Don't let anybody fool you about that. Oh and did you hear Kamala Harris's remarks, I'm gonna read it verbatim now. That means I'm not adding or subtracting anything. So just don't blame me for this. We also recognize now she was let me give you some background on it. She hosted the Jamaican Prime Minister the White House, and anyway, it's part of you know, the US's efforts to reach out to other nations in the Caribbean, etcetera, etcetera. Anyway, so he's now the second Caribbean leader to visit Kamala Harris. Is it her full quote? True to form? Now I'm reading verbatim. Don't blame me. We also recognize, just as it has been in the United States, for Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that has been economic in the way of its impact has been the pandemic period. So to that end, we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in COVID recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to I believe what is next necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health, but of the economy. Okay, did you get that? Hear that? All? Right? Now? People want cognitive tests for Nancy and Joe. I want to put Kamala on the list. If I have any say, listen all his screw ups this week. You know, you guys will see in Ukraine yourselves, to our soldiers, not been a good week. Russian President Vladimir Putin now hinting that a nuclear response is possible of NATO directly intervenes in Ukraine or threatens Russia itself. Anyway, biden Is misstatements couldn't have come at a worst moment. We all know that we've gone through it now for a number of days, and it just apparently had a bad day again today. We'll have that for you on TV tonight. Add libbing the remarks to American servicemen in Poland, you'll see for yourself. And then of course will respond in kind if Russia uses chemical weapons and then calling basically for regime change in Russia, then that gets cleaned up. And then he did it again. You can't make this, you can't make any of this stuff up. He has not been straight with you, the American people, from the get go. You know, he claimed, for example, on deficit reduction this year, we are on track. Where did I see this article? It was in roll call. We are on track to cut the deficit by more than one trillion. Three hundred billion dollars one trillion, three hundred billion dollars. That would be the largest one year reduction in the deficit in history. What he doesn't say is that much of the spending reduction actually reflected the scheduled sunset of the one time emergency pandemic expenditures, not a determined effort to cut spending. As a matter of fact, it's just the opposite. Then, he claimed about the fiscal mess, compared to twenty we're reducing the size of the deficit relative to our economy by almost two thirds, reducing inflationary pressures, and making real headway cleaning up the fiscal mess. I inherited Biden. You can't have it both ways on the one end, they write in Roll Call. In his prepared remarks Monday, the President admitted that early in the pandemic it was right to give people to help to make ends meet and keep their economy going. It was his policies. So he doesn't know what the hell I could just go on just it's one lie after another. All of the problems were facing are solvable. All of them were also preventable. He solved them by going back to the Trump policies. You caused them by going away from the Trump policies. I don't care if it's the border. How do you run out of COVID tests? You stop warp speed? How'd he run out of monoclone landabodies? He stopped operation warp speed. He screwed that up. Look at the price of energy. Screwed that up. Screwed the economy of forty year high of inflation, record high prices for gasoline because of his adherence to climate alarmism, religion, this religious cult of his and New Green dealism. Our friend Kerry Picket over the Washington Times, top Democrats insist Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation. Still they're still saying it. Stenny Oyer, I think it's as bogus as it was before. It doesn't matter what the truth is. And she goes through a list of Democrats that just won't believe the truth. House Republicans, they're demanding Hunter Biden, the White House release communications records with Hunter. By the way, they need to release the visitor logs in Delaware where he spends twenty five percent of his time. Who's seeing him any medical professionals. I had a source tell me that in the beginning of the Biden administration, Hunter was almost living in the White House for a while. I don't know. I only have one source that said that, but pretty reliable source. Anyway, Republican members demand that they released these communications with Hunter Biden, which I think they should. House Republicans have launched a new probe into Big Tech. Big Tech's Laptop from Hell cover up. That was on just thenews dot com. That's John Solomon's site. Chinese banking record show Hunter Biden was paid by companies with links to the Chinese intelligence. That's right, the communist Chinese intelligence. It was in bizpack Review and we had Chuck Rassley confirmed this and Senator Ron Johnson confirmed this on TV last night. Our investigation has exposed extensive financial relationship between Hunter and James Biden and Chinese nationals connected to the communist regime. More precisely, these were Chinese nationals connected to the Chinese government, military and intelligence services. Hunter Biden, James Biden served as the per vehicle by which the communist Chinese government could gain in roads here in the US through the CEFC, China Energy and its affiliates. Between that and the Uranium One deal of Hillary. I mean they are compromising our security. I guarantee you it's one hundred percent certain that they have dossiers on Hunter, Joey, his brother, everybody, part of the family syndicate Fake news CNN claiming there's no evidence tying Joe Biden the Hunter's corrupt business deals. Excuse me, you couldn't be any more wrong. What about the big guy? What about the complaints? I have to pay my dad's bills, putting aside ten percent for the big guy who do this? Is the big guy, just like Joe Biden lied. We showed pictures last night. He said, I never had any discussion with my son Hunter and his arign business dealings over and over again. But we have pictures of him with Hunter and Hunter's foreign business partners. Does that count. The only reason they're mentioning this is because the damn is about to burst and it's gonna it is. It is going to be egg all over their face. It was funny that when when Congressman Matt Gates handed Jerry Nadler the hard drive of Hunter's laptop, he didn't want to accept it at first. Now if with the Hunter laptop pretty much now corroborated. Even the mainstream media has to get on board because they know that Adam Shifts about to hit the fan anyway. Hunter Biden's laptop story raises concerns if Joe Biden was compromised. In other words, what does the communist Chinese? What does China have on Hunter? Joe Biden and the Biden family sendicate? What does Russia have on them? What does Ukraine have on them? What does Kazakhstan have on them? Libya we discovered had a full dossier on zero experience. Hunter, that's Libya. Let me tell you Russia, China, Ukraine, what do they have on Joe? Because I guarantee you it's extensive. And Donald Trump is you know he does what he does, He takes up more space and more people's heads than any human being on earth. Maybe Vladimir should release the information he has on these guys. Oh, he's supporting Putin. Interesting, Vladimir Putin didn't invade Ukraine when Donald Trump was president. You have fake news NBC, MS DNC, Andrea Mitchell says Hunter Biden saga has a lot of smoke, but calls it all Trump conspiracy theories. She would know all about it because our network is full of them for three years about their lies over Trump Russia collusion, CNN saying, Juliani tried to generate media attention with the laptop of Hunter, and twenty twenty they spiked the story. And what about all these intelligence officers, fifty one of them, What about all these guys with no knowledge whatsoever? He looks like Russian misinformation on us. They just lied to help joe get out of trouble two weeks before an election. And if it was Donald Trump, you know they would have gone in the other direction. You know, Biden revealing let's see secret training mission for Ukrainian troops. My guess is that's probably happening, but we shouldn't know about it. That's called the covert operation with plausible deniability. But Joey can't keep his mouth shut. You guys will see in ukrain yourself well with responding kind with chemical weapons. I agree, I'll call for a regime change. No I don't. I call for it again, all right. 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Off right now, All right, when we come back, Doctor Rozz former vice president Mike Penson, your calls eight hundred and nine four one sewn our number

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