Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy of California is prepared for the impeachment articles to be sent over tomorrow, but while Pelosi continues her left wing pandering, McCarthy is working on supporting the people of Iran in their quest for freedom. Leader McCarthy joins Sean to talk about his efforts to work on what really matters.
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All right, glad you with us loaded up on the program today. Right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. It is eight hundred and nine four one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. Mitch McConnell impeachment trial likely to start next Tuesday. House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy. Remember, not one Republican, Nancy Pelosi. This must be bipartisan. Yeah, not one Republican went along with this shift sham show that went on in the US House of Representatives, you know. And we'll get into all the details of that, but what to expect. It will be solemnly walked over into the Chamber of the United States Senate Sergeant at Alms will received the auticles of impeachment and whatever, and now the impeachment managers will take their role in all of this. I'm gonna get into detail and all that in a second. Steve Shabbitt from Ohio Congressman, former Clinton impeachment manager. And by the everything that they did for Bill Clinton, every consideration, all the due process, everything was never happened in this case at all. So we'll get to that. Um, these Poles with African Americans. These are not outliers. Thirty four and a half percent support Donald Trump thirty four percent, thirty three percent, twenty percent and sixteen is the lowest. Um. I met this guy through a mutual friend, sat at dinner with him one night. I just I just sat there shocked. What an amazing guy this guy is. He gonna meet him today, Vince Ellison in the course of the program that's all coming up. Uh yeah, I am getting a kick out of Everybody is just so passionate and so worked up over this this meg sit as they call it, Harry and Meghan and where they're gonna move to LA And I feel so sad. I feel bad for the Queen. I've never been a big somebody that cares about the royals a whole lot. Um. We'll get to that. We got other news today like Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar pretty much suggesting that the reason one hundred and sixty seventy six people were killed in a ran when they shot down the jetliner. Of course it's Donald Trump's fault. Why wouldn't you expect that everything dog bites, beast things. The best thing that happened there's two moments last night at the National Championship game. But I don't even want to see the my TV ratings. They always stink on National Championship Night. But any it was a great game. LSU Clemson and LSU wins. But there's two freakouts. First, if I'm a Democrat and I'm running and I won the nomination for twenty twenty, when the president and the first lady walk out just prior to the singing of our national anthem, well, I'm gonna let it play out. This is the first the cheering, then the chanting of four more years, and then the chanting USA. Oh I thought Donald Trump was supposed to be hated anyway. Let me play it all for you that now. If you're a Democrat, Oh, I thought Donald Trump was hated and impeached. They have managed to take Donald Trump as tough as he is and turned him into a victim. And he is a victim. There's never in my lifetime in anybody has had to take more crap, more lies for more people, with more knives in his back, more attempts to take him down than this president. But in the process, every single thing the guy ran on, everything that he promised. He's done. He is doing everything he said he'd do, got the biggest tax cut in history, and did more regulation than you know the last hundred years of accumulating it. He gave us the judges for the bench that he promised he would give originalist constitutionalists, free er, fairer trade deals Canada, Mexico, Japan, Western Europe, even a mini deal with China. Nobody expected it. Yeah, he went back and he got the money for the wall, just like I told you. He was just changing strategies. By the way, now with this court ruling that came out, he may get another what seven point six billion, because he wants to four hundred miles done, the first four hundred miles done by the end of his first term. It'd be great. Promises made, promises kept. Look at the Look at the economy. He's shattering every record. Oh, let's hope for a recession. I mean Trump cheering at a football championship game and in the media can't handle it. And there is such a hatred of all things Donald Trump that I don't I'm not sure they could stop even if they wanted to stop. They're just so fixated on this psychosis this rage, this madness of theirs. You know, you got I mean everybody in the media. I'm watching all of this. The President's gonna get another additional seven point two billion in Pentagon funding. He's reallocating the funds like past presidents have done. Court ruling was in his favor again. You know, I noticed the media. They love to protect themselves. You know, NewsBusters found out, ABC, CBS, NBC, fake news, CNN. They all ignored the settlement with Nicholas Sandman. After Lynnwood, his attorney filed to two fifty million dollar defamation suit against see And that's only the start. Then we got, of course, to Washington Post and an Area fifty one Roso, Rachel Maddow's conspiracy channel ms DNC. They're all gonna have to pay too, NBC, and then there's gonna be others, according to I guess a partner in the lawsuit, another lawyer saying, yeah, we're going after everybody else. Two and you got this passion. Linda is so worked up. We'll get to it later. The over this whole mexit thing. It's making me laugh because I think it's funny. But but but Alec Baldwin, he'd rather I guess go back to the thirteen million additional Americans after eight years of his fellow Democrats Biden Obama, thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate. I'd prefer to have the best use six number employment number that we've ever had since the keeping of that record. I like the fact we have the best employment, lowest unemployment, best employment situations in the nineteen sixty nine record law unemployment one after another. African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment. Alec Baldwin noise blaming Trump. Donald Trump is responsible and Trump's supporters have caused colossal destruction in America. We the irredeemable deplorables that cling to God, our Constitution, our faith, our religion, and our Bibles and shop at Walt It's it's pretty unbelievable because that's what they do think of us. They have contempt for we the people, the American people, and how we voted. That's why in two hundred ninety four days, your life matters. Well, Hannity, what can I do? If you vote? You're doing a lot. If you're in a swing state like Florida. North Carolina is important, Ohio's important, Minnesota is now one play. I'd say you're important, Michigan's very important, Wisconsin's very important, as is Pennsylvania and night add New Hampshire and Mexico and Arizona and Nevada and every other red state including Louisiana with US was held the National Championship Game yesterday, So every one of them is important, every single solitary one. You know, we're now at a point. You got people in this country in two hundred and ninety four days want Trump out so bad they're praying for a recession. Well, I know that won't impact the bill Mars of the world, or if we have new great economic numbers, or even if we kill a terrorist at the world's biggest living terrorist in this case, it would be slomni Um. You know, I don't know which button you want me to fix here, Linda, Are you gonna have to all right? We have to take You want me to try and switch it now or no, you can't do it. I want you to to take a break. Sorry, all right, we gotta take an early break. Having some difficulties. I apologize to all six hundred and twenty five stations and everyone else in between on the Sean Hannity Show netwhere we'll get it worked out. We have more redundancy in the studio than you can and shake a stick at. Stay with us. I got so much to get to Kevin McCarthy, Steve Shabbitt, Vince Ellison eight hundred nine one. Shaun is our number will continue all right as we roll along, Sean Hannity, She'll sorry about that little little technical glitch. We have so much redundancy thanks to the great engineers here. Um, but what they do we just flipped. If that doesn't work, we got to flip Plan B. Plan B doesn't work, we have Plan C. We have been a like Armacgeddon plan with like an I SDN satellite signal that we could beam out to you know, God forbid or horrible, whatever happens to France, and have the ability to beam it back here into every station picking up on the satellite that way. Um, anyway, occasionally get a little hit, you know, little little things in the atmosphere go on. So I'm watching all this unfolded, and they're obsessed. What if Democrats done in the Trump years? What have they done to make your life better, your family's life better? What have they done to give us more prosperity, opportunities, happiness? We know the horrific record of eight years of Biden Obama, and it's still let's go back to that. What And we're gonna go with Medicare for all fifty two trillion in ten years and the New Green Deal and screw up the great life we love, you know, turn us into you know, Fred Flintstone era. You know, we'll all have Dino the dinosaur and we'll be pushing cars with our feet. Of course, it's a joke for you mob people in the media that have zero sense of humor. But that's pretty much it. If you get rid of oil and gas, it is the lifeblood of our economy, it will result in a disaster. Never a ninety four trillion dollars ten year price tag, Medicare for all fifty two trillion dollar price tag. What do we get? Nothing? Nothing but phony, fake, fraudulent claims and promises. You know, keep your doctor plan and save on average average family twenty five dollars per year. Family Millions lose their doctors, millions lose their plan. Almost forty percent of Americans now have only one Obama exchange option, just one, take it or leave it, That's how bad it is. And then everybody paid more money, you know, on average, one hundred and seventy four percent more. What happened to saving all that money? Now we take out a guy that has killed Americans left and right, with the most sinister IEDs, worse than the usual IEDs in Iraq, the leader of the number one state sponsor of terror and all the terrorists efforts funding his Bulah. He was there for the founding of it, Solomoni was. And you get the guy finding proxy wars like in Yemen and all over there. And he's in the Baghdad, in Baghdad on an airport. We took him out. Can't even get a good word about that from any anybody in the mall or the Democratic Party. Now they want to move full more impeachment. How to get there you have to ignore the real quid and pro in quo with Joe. You're not getting the billion, you know, the whole routine. And what are they going to do for we the people? What have they done? They left us with thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate ever since the seventies, worst recovery since the forties. What did they do well? Now? Trump has gotten almost eight million off of food steps off free, not dependent on government. He's kept all these promises, everything he said he do under the most difficult circumstances. So what do we get? More madness, more insanity. Let's go back and maybe get another impeachment article. Let's make the Senate to our job because we did such a crappy job and it's going to be dismissed after the House managers present our awful case because there was no evidence of anything. You go through the entire timeline of this entire Pelosi shift show, and what do we got. Just look at the timeline, the mob bolstering their support. You know, we've got nothing but hatred and contempt for the American people. Out Look bald when the American people did this to us. Oh, you want to go back to the Obama years. I got it, you know. Now finally some Democrats are getting it. They bought as a political stunt. Pelosi announcing the inquiry before the transcript of the call with the President of Ukraine's even released. She wasn't supposed to know what was in it. She criticized the call in question before the transcript ever got to her. Authorized the impeachment inquiry without a vote. That's new, never offered due process, presumption of innocence, eat, the same accommodations that were given to Bill Clinton by New King Rich and every other Republican, letting them bring forward evidence, cross examined witnesses, bring in witnesses, every consideration. None of that for Trump, altered the impeachment inquiry without a vote. You know you wanted the whole inquisition here, appointing a corrupt, compromised in this very issue. Guy, the congenital liar for three years telling us Trump, we have all the evidence Trump Prussian collusion and the shift sham investigation, auditioning witnesses, hiding their testimony, selectively leaking only part of it in order to shape public opinion. That's called propaganda. Star witness, the so called whistleblower that blew up in their face, he was gonna testify, he or she gonna testify after it was discovered. Well, yeah, it was hearsay whistle blower who apparently it had a lot of contact with Shift's office from the get go, like to get to the bottom of that corruption. Opinion witnesses, hearsay, witnesses, one fact witness with exculpatory comments of the president. I want nothing, no quid pro quo. They passed two bs articles of impeachment, zero Republican support. She told us that, oh that was crucial. There was such urgency. You got to do it now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now now. The second articles based on, well, the executive branch in conflict with the legislative branch doing what articles? You know what our constitutional founding fathers and framers said, you know, literally, oh, seek remedy in the courts, just by doing that which past presidents have done. Anyway, eight hundred nine four one sewn, toll free telephone number. What have they done for you in two hundred and ninety four days? You decide, two hundred and ninety four days you get to shock the world again. I hope you do, all right? Twenty five nouns at the top of the hour. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. The weakest articles of impeachment. There is no reason that this had that this happened, except they can't accept the election results of twenty sixteen in two hundred and ninety four days. You know the normal questions come up during elections. Are you better off than you were four years ago? Well? I think the answer is dramatically better off in every category. Peace, prosperity, the economy. Daddy dead, Solomani dead. We got promises made, promises kept eight almost eight million new jobs, almost eight million fewer Americans on food stamps, the best labor market, employment market since nineteen sixty nine. Some of you aren't alive then, so on every measure, what if the Democrat's done nothing? So are you better off than you were four years ago? Yes, I'd say we're all better off. See any Democrat you trust? All of them support some version of the New Green Deal madness? Why so they can mess up the lifeblood of our economy. We finally become energy independent under Donald Trump for the first time in seventy five years. We're a net exporter event energy, the lifeblood of the world's economy. You watch the events in the straits or horror moves that is less geopolitically strategically important to this country than it's ever been. Third of the world's oil supply passes through those narrow straits. Matters little to us, doesn't matter to our allies in Great Britain. Oh and the president's even keeping his promise he doesn't want to get involved in foreign entanglements. Boots on the ground, Noop doesn't want any part of it. But you kill Americans, you're gonna die. He even accepted something I don't think I could accept. Two drones. American drones want eighty million a piece shot out of the sky. I wasn't too happy about that. I don't know if I wouldn't restrained myself if I was president. Then of course the tankers, you know, pirated being held hostage, Well, that's to impact the flow of oil at market prices. I didn't like that either. I didn't like that, but the President showed restraint. I thought he was going to get us in all these foreign entanglements, and this was his Benghazi. Well, then we watched the Saudis an unprovoked attack against their oil facilities. Why to impact the free flow of oil at market prices? President didn't act. Then either they killed an American contractor they heard American soldiers, and he acted and then of course he wasn't going to allow Benghazi to happen. And at the embassy in Baghdad, and thank god he went when he did, because Solomoni was not there at Baghdad airport to pick up any you know, I don't know, real estate or vacation home. Maybe we want to buy a time share. Who knows. He wasn't there for that. He was there to kill Americans and go after because they've they've gotten away with it, the Iranians, you know, they figure. You know, one of the most fascinating things that is unfolding that nobody seems to ever want to talk about is the fact that, holy Moley, this is incredible, this is real. Is that, you know, Donald Trump's you know, his whole strategy is now working because what's happened, Well, the sanctions, He's not going to pay one hundred and fifty billion, he's not going to try and bribe the Mullahs in Iran, the chant death to America, death to Israel, and threatened to wipe us both off the face of the earth. Did say they're not getting a nuclear weapon. Well, we can't allow that to happen because with their sick, ugly, twisted, evil ideology. If you arm them with nuclear weapons, guess what happens? Then then the world is at real risk of a potential modern day holocaust because that's sick ideology. Might actually allow them to think they're doing the will of Allah and launch these missiles at parts of the world. We can't have that. That would be bad. But what are the democrats now? They can't stand it now, we see, and there'd been a lot of rumblings. Nobody was reporting on it. There'd been tons of protests going on all throughout the country of Iran. Nobody reported on it. Why because the sanctions are working. So now the Iranians that feeling the pressure. So they're now ratcheting up their hatred of America and death to America. And they'll always have their sycophants, you know, pounding their heads and you know, and full compliance to act like they're the most loyal to this corrupt theocracy and regime in Shariah. How fascinating the video though when you watch, you know, the American flag is rarely flag. The majority of the Iranians protesting over the weekend, they weren't stepping on it. And then it was a dozen or so that did and they were getting jeered. So that tells you where the American people are. Foxnews dot Com today an unbelievable encouraging report out of Iran, at least to Iranian journalists at state owned Iranian media at an outlet, they're resigned from their jobs, with one of them apologizing to viewers for the thirteen years I told you lies whoa pray You might want to pray for that person. I don't think they're in good stead right now now, knowing this regime and what they're capable of, and how corrupt and evil and insane, and that in the ideology that they buy into, never understood why here it is conservatives, we're the most outspoken against Sharia law, the oppression of women. You know, in these some of these Sharia county, marital rape isn't a crime. Women are told how to dress, whether they can leave the house. Saudi Arabia, a woman couldn't leave the house without a male relative with them. And then you got these enforcers out there, the morality enforcers. You know, if they're not dressed exactly right, you know what they're even being beaten for that, and they're being You know, if, if, oh God forbid, you get accused of adultery, go watch the movie The Stoning of Whether is it Sariah Mum put out by a good friend of ours. You watch it, you know, it's an incredible story, real life, true story. Woman stoned to death for adultery. I kind of remember Jesus in the Bible picking fishermen, and eleven of the twelve married, by the way, and I would assume fisherman might have had salty language occasionally, But I also remember Jesus saying, Okay, you are out sin. You cast the first stone. He starts riding in the sand all the sins of the so called establishment leaders of their time and his time. Pretty interesting phenomenon, isn't it. Anyway. Tayron is now grappling with the fall out of the protests. It's going all over the country because of their cover up the downing a Ukrainian airliner and the poverty because of sanctions. Now here's even a better part of the news. You want to talk about more. Donald Trump's success under Biden Obama, they got one hundred and fifty billion in cashing of the currencies and they drop it on the tarmac Tehran Airport for the mullas that hate us. Brilliant and even, as the President pointed out in his Ohio rally, Yeah, they did that, and they were chanting death to America when they're taking the money. Well, now the President's been calling out Europe for their appeasement and their weakness. Well, and beho Washington Post today I read from the Washington Post. I can't believe I'm doing it, but I am, and it talks about European countries. On Tuesday, triggered a dispute mechanism in their nuclear deal with Iran, a move that could lead to the return of UN sanctions on Tehran. Britain, France, Germany said that they have been left with no choice but to make the move, given a Rand's announcement on January fifth that it would no longer be bound by limitations on its nuclear energy program following the killing of the terrorists Solomani, leader of their elite military force, the cud's force. Now, okay, but it was pretty naive, dumb, and stupid, led by Obama and Biden, of them ever to think bribing dictators was gonna work, and bribe Mullers was gonna work. Now Donald Trump is now impacting the thought process of our very weak minded, appeasement oriented so called allies that are dumb enough to buy into bribing mullahs in Iran, the dumbest deal I've ever heard. Secretary Pompeo, bar everybody. Here's something fascinating, little interesting tidbit we got. Bernie Sanders is apparently the favorite of Iran state media and mouthpieces. I'm sure they like probably fake New Ciena and probably love the area fifty one Roswell, Rachel Maddow, Conspiracy Theory Channel ms DNC. That's pretty much state run media here in the United States, because all it is is an extension of all things. Hey Trump and socialist radical that's where they stand. Anyway. I guess they like him because Bernie Sanders is counting his criticisms of Donald Trump's order to kill the terrorist Solomoni Oh. Even the international print edition of the Tehran Times. Never heard of this paper, but I guess there's an international print edition describes itself as the voice of the Islamic Revolution, describes Sanders as wiser than most American politicians. An article denigrating Israel saying the Jewish state's umbrella of American support is not likely to go away significantly, and less people wiser than most in the US government now somehow managed to win in the upcoming elections. I think it says a lot about the world. Let's see, we now know that, according to The New York Times that the Dirty Dacia there was likely Russian misinformation from the beginning. The New York Times finally caught up with US two and a half years late, after they were pushing the conspiracy theories too. And now Iran is still not taking responsibility for killing one hundred and seventy six people. But let not your heart be troubled. It could always turn into the hard hitting news show The View, where apparently they're floating conspiracies and blaming Donald Trump for one hundred and seventy six souls lost after the Iranians shot the Ukrainian Boeing seven thirties heaven out of the sky. You know, okay, Well, left with no choice European allies. Oh, they're now going to move to hold Duran accountable. Remember the Iranian deal that gave these guys one hundred and fifty billion in cash another currency it expired in ten years, they could begin pursuing a nuclear weapon again. They never agreed to any place, any time inspections of their nuclear facilities. No, they were controlling all that so they can keep their programs going deep underground. Oh, I mean, we couldn't inspect it even we still gave them the money. Yep, that's how dumb that deal was. No American inspectors at all. Even dumber by the way, the Pentagon expelled twenty one Saudi military students for ties to jihadism and child pornography. Remember what happened in that case. We suspected it at the time. It talked about it a little bit at the time, but we've always with whole judgment. But you had this Saudi Air Force second lieutenant. This is the one that took place in Pennsylcola, if I remember correctly. Yeah, that was bad in the US now is officially called the Pensylcola attack terrorism, and that anybody associated with this guy goodbye. See why we may need to vet people that come into the United States of America. Make sure you're coming in with the right reasons, you don't have an unsavory background, and it would be nice not to be a burden on the American people. If you're one of the few chosen to get into our family, be a part of our country. We're willing to take anybody. I don't think it's so bad to say, we just need to do a background check, and you should pay for that background check. And I think you should be able to, you know, show that you can handle yourself and support yourself financially. You know, the media eager, you know, to wrongly say Iran unified after Solomoni's death. No, that's a lie. You killed our geniuses. Regime crackdown as intensifying as Iranians of flooding the streets. Third day of protests, not against Donald Trump, that would be against the Mullus. And they're now making arrests, trying to blame everybody, but that to punish those responsible. On the other ones responsible Boris Johnson, the you know, he just wanted a landslide in Great Britain. He's welcoming the replacing of these stupid Obama Biden appeasement, Iranian nuclear deal. Apparently Trump gave the according to one report, he gave the okay to kill him. What seven months ago, President was on his game. Yes, you know, but look what happened. Oh, we had outrage over the president with Vince Vaughn talking to him in a box last night. Poor Vince Vaughn. I think he's like a Ron Paul Rampaul libertarian guy. But he talked to the President, seemed to get along with him. That's horrible. We'd be able to blame him for these one hundred and seventy six lives lost, the dog bites, beast things, feeling sad. It's all Donald Trump's fault, all of it. In the minds of the left in this country, it's how sick Democrats that they haven't done a thing for anybody, not a single thing to make you more secure, to make you more prosperous. That's their job, public servants. By the way, I don't blame the Wall Street Journal. They've called for an abolition of the pies a court. I am now going to have to very reluctantly agree with them. We need to be able to spy on America's enemies. But now that the director of the FBI is doing nothing, and now that we had this corrupt appointment that we told you all about yesterday, and you know, the hiring of somebody that said every bad thing possible about Trump, what and believe and attacked Evannunas who turned out to have told us the truth. You got a hack picked by the FISA court to reform their abuses. That literally you know, this guy, David Chris Nonnez tried to deceive the American people. He wrote, like, what why do we appoint this guy? Dj offishel appointed by Baraco Pomas serving under Eric Holder, a partisan hack spending the last three years excusing FBI abuse. Well, that doesn't help the world's premier law enforcement agency get better like we need, just like we needed our intelligence, the greatest on the face of the earth, not to turn those powerful tools on the American people, which we've prodicled while everybody else in the mob and the Democrats were pursuing a phony narrative on Trump Russia collusion. These are insane times. Your country needs you. In three two hundred and ninety four days. What can I do? You can vote, Thank you, tell your friends to vote. Be informed. Panity dot com we're we're building an interactive map so you know when to register. Many of you have to register in March. Register so you can vote in November, you know, so the radical left doesn't take over the country with their new Green Deal insanity. By the way, you have the DCC chair. Everyone's afraid of AOC in the squad. Can't believe it. Frankly, you know, three quarters of the impeachment coverage get this, according to our friends at Media Research Center, three quarters nine negative negative. They lie, they have an agenda. The only people that can fix this are we you, the American people. In two hundred and ninety four days, Just imagine the feeling when you hear the words we can now project Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth president of the United States, and then watch the mob melt. You can shock the world. I hope you do, for the sake of the world and the country. We're on the tipping We're on the brink here all right. Joining us now is the Republican House Leader Kevin McCarthy of California. At the bottom of the hour, we're gonna talk with Congressman Steve Shabbat. He's gonna walk us through exactly what we can expect. But this, you know, shift show, sham trial, impeachment that Mitch McConnell now telling us will start sometime on Tuesday, and Congressman, welcome back to the program. Thank you for having me back. Sean, I appreciate it. I want to have a little long introduction here and then I want you to take the ball and run. But we know they have been out to impeach this president. I have played montages Congressman from twenty sixteen, all through twenty seventeen, all through twenty eighteen, all through twenty nineteen, the media mob and of course the Democrats impeach, impeach, impeach, goes on that this has been their goal. They've done nothing for the American people. Nancy Pelosi actually announced an impeachment inquiry before we knew anything about the phone call with Zalinski or the transcript was ever released. She criticized the call in question before she ever read the transcript. She authorized the impeachment without a vote. They gave no due process, no consideration whatsoever. All of the considerations fairness, due process the Duke Gingrich and Republicans gave Bill Clinton in the ninety eight and nine none of that was given to Donald J. Trump. She appointed these single most corrupt compromise congenital liar. Guy's been Oh, we've got all the evidence of Trump Russia collusion. A guy by the name of Adam Schiff to head this all up Shift runs an audition sham investigation, auditioning witnesses, trying to groom their testimony, selectively leaking the material to shape public opinion. There's only one fact witness, and that would be Ambassador Sonlin. Everybody else was a hearsay or a opinion witness. The so called whistleblower turns out not to be a whistle blower because we find out it was hearsay and that apparently there's some type of coordination contact that was first denied by Schiff, which Schiff's office and the hearsay whistle blower. The only fact witness is exculpatory for the president. He wants nothing, no quid pro quo. They passed two bs articles of impeachment. They're in a rush to do it with a sense of urgency, as we've been playing over and over again. And then the urgency is okay now and go on vacation, and now we're just gonna withhold it, and we're gonna we're gonna tell Mitch McConnell what they should do when the House of Representatives as the sole power to impeach the Senate runs a trial. Now it's all backfired. Walk us through what happens from here. Okay, so you have done before I start a fabulous job of educating America because every point you make is one hundred percent true. The only things I would have add to it that you had Jerry Nadler campaigne for the position of chairman of Judiciary Committee that is always the responsibility of impeachment, where the final vote goes on the basis that he'd be best for impeachment. You had new freshmen come in and get sworn into office and that night telling their group that they're going to impeach the mother. Remember all that. So this is two and a half years of everything they've been doing. So they don't care about facts. So what happens next tomorrow we'll have to Congress will have to pass what is called managers. They're the prosecutors. They're the ones who brought this forward, and the Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, will name them. Inside the Clinton there were thirteen. But this is where the difference will lie. Because Clinton had a fair impeachment, meaning his attorney could be there, they could announce any witnesses that they wanted to come, they could cross examine, and it all happened in the Judiciary Committee, and so it was thirteen people who did the work. One happened to be Lindsey Graham. You're gonna have Steve Shabanton. He was one two centson Brenner. And they went over to the Senate. Because you are a thousand percent correct. Here is where impeachment happens, and in the Senate is where they decide is the case merit or not. They are the jury. So she has to name a number. I don't know how many she's going to name. There's no time to how many she's going to go. But I will guarantee you she'll have Adam Schiff and she'll have people from Intel, she'll have Judiciary. She'll try to pick all different makes within her conference. Not quite sure who's going to be the lead of it, but that's what they'll bring forth on the floor. Once that goes to the Senate, then the Senate has rules, and this is where I think Mitch McConnell has been very smart and fair, and this is where Nancy Pelosi is so wrong in such hypocrisy. When she announced she wanted to move and remember she made that announcement, she waited forty eight hours and heard that transcript. She never would have moved forward. She never could have moved forward. But in there, that's when I sent her the letter and you played it to all your listeners and viewers before I took the ten points that Bill Clinton got the things that are fair in American judicial system. And this is where Adam Schiff should not even be a part of it, because he told us and he started this all with the idea that he had a whistleblower, that he was fearful that the administration would stop this person from coming forward. If you are a federal prosecutor and you have a witness like a whistleblower, they have to actually confront who they're going through in the trial. They cannot move through it. He never brought them forward. He lied and said he didn't know them. That makes him a fact witness. So he's the judge the jury and he'd stop people from even answering questions. But he will be involved. They will make opening statements. On the Senate side, Mitch McConnell has now gotten fifty one votes to have a fair process over there, meaning that it will be the Clinton style impeachment right where you have a fair process going forward. In the past it was one hundred percent vote. Everything was done by unanimous consent. The Vice President, who is the president of the Senate, will not oversee the Senate. Why because if someone was being impeached, the vice president is the next person in line for the job. You could have an impartial person, even though Adam Shift gets to be there, who's impartial even though people on that jury. You take Kamala Harris, there are a number of senators in this position, was back in October November said she would impeach the president before any impeachment process started or anything else. So the jury's already tainted, which in American judicial system would never be allowed to. They cannot have their phones, they cannot talk, They've got to sit in their chairs, and they got to go six days a week. The Chief Justice will preside. They will write questions down if they have them, the Chief Justice will pick them up and they will he will ask them in that process. I believe they'll have opening statements. What's happened in the bill Clinton and it's fifty one votes is always the magic number here. And remember the makeup. So if the Democrats all stay together, it'll take four Republicans to go change the course. I do not believe they should have any new witnesses. The House had all the power. That's the role where witnesses come. They did not allow the minority to have witnesses or anything else. They have their case. The role of the Senate is to judge the case based upon what the House put forth, and they did all the trials. They didn't let anything else. Why do you have to open anything else up? They don't do that in the judicial system. The jury doesn't or others. They should hear the arguments and make a decision, and we should be able to move forward. But there won't be other business going on. And this is the real tellings little story, because a lot of people wonder why Nancy Pelosi did all this, Why would she say that she would? It had to be so fast. They wanted to impeach this president. We know it. They said it for two and a half years. All the cases you make are true, But this is what you don't really quite realize. February third is the Iowa caucus. I think history will show and I could be wrong, but anyone comes in within the top three normally becomes the nominee. Remember four years ago what they did to Bernie Sanders. The night before the DNC convention, the nominating convention, the chairman of the convention, w Washerman Schultz resigns. Why because truth came out and showed they had cheated to give advantage to Hillary Clinton. The Democrats have something called superdelegates, which is their insurance policy of people who get a vote, not just those who won in the process going forward. Well, that's the way that Hillary won. It got so bad that they removed the superdelegates on the first round this time. So if you're one of the four senators who are running for president, you are now disadvantaged because six days a week you have to be sitting over there in the chair. You can't be on your phone, you can't be doing anything else. And by her holding it, if the Senate is now taking it up next Tuesday, that's thirteen days away from Iowa. Now who's advantaged. Joe Biden, who does the establishment one and others. They're back to doing the same stuff to Bernie Sanders that they had done before. They're in chaos, and then we have a jury that's already predetermined what they want to do with this president without listening. But there are no facts and merits to this case. If you took the two articles in which they impeached from every president that had already been in office would have been impeached. I think Jonathan Turley, who is probably one of the most respected constitutional attorneys, said it best. Now. He didn't vote for President Trump, he is not a Republican, but he said the only abuse of power is if the Democrats move forward with this, they're abusing the president and those who they want to call from going to the courts, from the three branches of government to have a say whether they come and for Nancy Pelosi to have this hypocrisy of thinking she could dictate it in the Senate, because if it's anywhere fair, there's no way this would stand. And this is the fastest senatest impeachment in the history of America, and I'm telling you it's an embarrassment. I want to ask this question because and this is a very very key and important question. It is the sole power of the House of Representatives to impeach. Now the Democrats, without any reason, have done so. Now it's the role of the Senate to hold the trial. Their obligation, I think, is to protect the Senate uphold the Constitution of the United States, their constitutional duty. It is not their role in the Senate to do to make the case for impeachment because the House didn't make it, and for any Republican to sign on to that with new witnesses and we'll try and figure it out. You guys messed it up. There's nothing here to impeach, momm but well, to me, oversteps their authority. And yet there seems to be the Romneys of the world. Oh, I'd like to hear from John Bolton. I like to hear from John Bolton too. I'm John Bolton for years. I like John Bolton. I highly recommended him to be working for the President. And I know they had different foreign policy views, but I knew he had a lot to offer, and he's a patriot. And that to me is repugnant because it's not their job to clean up this mess they've created, meaning the House, meaning the Democrats, meaning your colleagues on the left. You were a thousand percent correct. And what they need to do, I guess at the very beginning, because maybe this doesn't happen all the time. Understand what your rules are in the Senate. It's not to go make another case that has already happened. It's to judge the case they sent you. And yeah, I like John Bolton too, But if the Democrats really wanted John Bolton, they could pick anybody they wanted. You know who they did in subpoena. They did not subpoena John Bolton over here. And you know what else they did. They interviewed everybody before they even brought him for a witness down in the basement. They did everything corrupt that you could. Why would you do anything different in the Senate. That's not your role. And those senators that are saying that they need to understand what their role in the Senate is. The House will send you what the impeachment is, and you judge it based upon what the House said, whether it's up or down, whether the president should be impeached based upon that. You know, this is the funny thing. Then why are Republican senators so hell bent on this idea? Now, look from what my understanding is they just going to adopt the same rules Dashville and Lott agreed to and all one hundred senators agreed to with the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton. All right, I'm fine with that. Incomes the compromise. Congenital liar Adam Schiff. Let him be part of the House manager team that presents their case. They have no case. We know they have no case at that point. You know, Roy Blunt say, I don't think we have the votes to dismiss it. I'm not asking you to dismiss it without a trial. Let them make their case. And if they don't make the case that they were high crimes misdemeanor bribery, high crimes misdemeanor misdemeanors committed by the president, then they have an obligation at that moment to call the role and it's all. It should be over at that point. But it seems that there are some Senate Republicans that just hell bent on a peering fair But what they're doing is lending credibility to a corrupt system and trying to do the House's constitutional job. We got about forty seconds. You're again a thousand percent correct. It is not the role of the Senate to the House of jobs, and it's not the role of the House to the Senate's job. The House to their job. They're sending to the Senate through the opening statements, through the case, but then you can have with fifty one votes if there's no case, they're dismiss it. Now I've seen the case. I don't believe there's a case there. They can sit and they can listen to the case, but when there's nothing else that it's not the it's not their rule to try to go make a case. The Democrats took all advantage, did not give this president due process, did not have any fairness, and they still have no case. Read it, see it, and then make your decision. You know. Last, I do have a little more time. Let me let me just ask another question here. Sure, so the Senate's pretty much going to be quiet. We'll have the Chief Justice John Roberts presiding. They're going to present their case. At that point, I don't see a single fact that works in their behavior. If the federal rules of evidence are applied, there's no hearsay witnesses, no hearsay evidence, no need for an opinion witness because everyone has an opinion, so at that point it should be over. But why why when they bring in as soon they bring in other people, what happens then? Now it becomes a total news Shift show exactly. It takes fifty one to start doing that, and that's not their rule. Um. I think they should hear the case. But remember what happened in the Clinton one. At the very beginning of it, they made a motion before they started to dismiss it, and they failed. I don't hear every money talking about a motion to dismiss it right off the bat. Here the case, they had all advantages. Shift had said from the very beginning ten seconds a lie. I have proof beyond circumstantial evidence. I don't know who the whistle blower is. Everything this man has done has been a lie. And I gotta let you go. A Republican leader, I'm not trying to cut you off at all. That's Kevin. Member McCarthy. I know you're busy, but I think people need to hear all of this, and we appreciate all you're doing. And you know, House Republicans have been amazing up to this point. Good for them, good for you. When we come back, we'll get the full process laid out Steve Shabbat. He was one of the House managers in the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Next, what is an issue here is whether the present withheld military aid, withheld official acts like a White House meeting in order to course a country to announce investigations, not even conduct them, but just announce them to help smear's opponent. And there's not much light that Joe Biden or Hunter Biden can shed on the President's conduct. So yes, the centators, why not have them show up and just say, if you have nothing to hide, then come out there and tell the American people that because they want to. It would it would convert the Senate trial into the same kind of a sham proceeding that the presidents sought to have Ukraine undertake. There's been no factual basis for these allegations against the Joe Biden, no factual basis for the allegation that Ukraine, not Russia into fere to the twenty sixteen election. That is a Russian propaganda talkie point. And to ask the Senate to these investigations that the President fraudulently sought to get Ukraine to conduct would merely turn the Senate trial on its head. Now, that's something the president would love, but that's not a fair trial. That's a sham trial. And so I think what the centers ought to do is they should take their oath to be impartial series and it makes this a serious and fair trial. Fair to the President, yes, but also fair to the American people. All right, that was the corrupt compromise. Congenital liar Adam ship I love how he goes on comedy shows and he goes on the view. I mean, it's stunning, but he won't come on this program because he can't answer the questions. The only guy that got that we have on tape literally conspiring with the Russians to get dirt on Donald Trump to impact an election. You can't even make this stuff up. Just like that backfire now the whole Ukrainian issue, Oh you've got Well, we can't have a quit and a pro and a quo. First, we'll have audition. We'll have audition hearings behind the scenes, and we'll only leak out secretly what we want to leak out, but we're not going to be honest with the American people. And then we'll bring the best people forward to make the case, and we're trying to basically stack the deck and run a pr propaganda campaign. That is how pathetic this has all been. And then they only have one fact witness in the end anyway, just one everyone else here say everyone else's opinion, Well, opinions nice here says nice. But federal rules of evidence allow fact witnesses. And as I keep saying, the Senate ought not give credibility to this corruption. The Senate their role constitutionally is very clear. They hold the trial the House. Well, they have the power to do what they have the sole power to impeach. The Senate's number one obligation is to protect the Senate uphold the institution and our constitution. Now, if you have the other body conducting itself in an antique constitutional way, well don't participate in this sham, the shift sham show that we've got. It's unbelievable to me. I mean, you talk about a mob, you know, and you got Joe Biden. You're not getting the billion dollars unless you fire the secutor invest that he knew was investigating his zero experienced son hunter who's being paid millions with no experience. You get them, You have six hours. Son of a bee, they fired him. Unbelievable. All right. So with the announcement by Pelosi, the impeachment chif sham show that they're going to put on the point, these impeachment managers. They'll go over. You'll see great solemn you know, the impeachment articles in a box, walked over to the Senate. You know, you would think it's like, I don't know the inauguration for the Democrats, I guess that they think it is. But what really happens from here, Well, somebody that would know is Congressman Steve Shabad. He's with Ohio's first district. He was one of the impeachment managers and senior member about the House Judiciary Committee, in the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the lack of support. None of the due process that the Republicans in New king Ridge are afforded then President Bill Clinton and his attorneys was ever afforded Donald Trump. They were allowed to cross examine witnesses, they were allowed to bring witnesses, they were allowed to present evidence. They got to pick the time in which this would all take place. There were no auditions going on behind the scenes. None of this has happened anyway. From an article that Congressman Shabbitt wrote with Representative Senson Brenner about the impeachment effort, tensions ran high twenty years ago as we stood in the well of the Senate before the Chief Justice, then William Renquist, all one hundred Senators in the nation. As House impeachment managers, We've presented our case against Bill Clinton, then President Clinton. But where we were somber but confident, knowing that we had afforded mister Clinton every due process right to defend himself. Well, now we find ourselves on the verge of another presidential impeachment. But this time the process is so fundamentally unfair that justice and not be served. And for the past two months, House Democrats, led by the Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, have conducted a sham investigation with predetermined conclusions. It will do unthinkable damage to the credibility of the House and to the nation. And since the president took the oath of office, Schiff has had a quest, He's led a quest to overturn the twenty sixteen election. Now we have both worked with mister Ship on the Senate, on the House Judiciary Committee, and one of us. Mister Senson Brenner has managed two judicial impeachments, one Sam B. Kent and another G. Thomas A. Porteus Junior alongside him. While in those cases he was fair reasonable, and he has led his blind hatred of the president, poisoned his conduct and destroyers credibility. For more than two years, mister Schiff has misled the public about having clear evidence Trump colluded with Russia to steal an election. Robert Muller found no such evidence. That mister Schiff set his eyes on the next scandal, too good to be true report accusing the President of improper action. Mister Shift took to the cable news to propagate that new narrative, but it soon began to crumble, and we learned from the biased non fact. You know, hearsay whistle blower had contacted Shift's committee and staff before filing his report, and Schiff flight about that anyway. Congressman Steve Shabbitt, Ohio's first district, Sir, you were there, Welcome back. You're right about everything you wrote. Now my question to you is simple. Now we know it's been a sham, a Shift show, if you will, now, the question is all right, they passed their articles. Tell us how this has walked into the Senate with such seriousness and what's going to happen and what people can expect. Well, Nancy Flosi unfortunately has poisoned the will because essentially bosage to work together on these things, as the Senate did under Clinton, and as you indicated, Sean, we bent over backwards to make sure that President Clinton his due process rights were protected. His lawyers got to call witnesses, cross examine witnesses, present evidence. You know, relative to the president. There was no attempt to give him a fair shake at all. This was there. There are people that have been bound and determined to impeach this president from day one, probably even before day one and h and they've just proceeded down this road. Now what will happen from here? As the articles of impeachment are supposed to be walked over, they should have been walked over three weeks ago. Well, hang out. I thought there was such urgency that they had to do it before Christmas and they oh, then they went on vacation. That's right, Yeah, that was so urgent, they went on vacation. Yep, she should have walked over at that time, but she thought. I think that she would you know, she would get get some power over Mitch McConnell over in the Senate. Um, you know, she would have some ability to determine how the Senate would would rule over there, what the rules would be. Um, it's a Senate matter once it gets over there. Yes, there are House impeachment managers, and the rumor is that we're going to hear who they are tomorrow. There were thirteen of us we were under Henry Hyde. He's of course passed away at one of the I think one of the greatest members of Congress uh in the in that censury. Really, Henry Hyde was a truly uh, just a tremendous person, uh intellect one of the great orders in the House probably in its history. Um. But uh, we'll see what happens. But you know, she has really set it up to be a sham, you know, as it was in the House. There's no there's absolutely no reason this president and ought to have to go through this impeachment. The facts were just not there, um, you know, when they weren't able to get him in. The Muller investigation proved Russian collusion. Obviously, it was determined that there was no Russian coclusion, and then the Attorney General determined that there was no obstruction of justice, so they came up with this this fraud of an obstruction of Congress. Well, basically that was based upon the president, allegedly the executive branch not cooperating with what the legislative branch wanted. So when there is a disagreement, what's supposed to go Those are two branches. You go to the third branch, you go to the court. But they skipped that branch because, as you indicated, Sean, time was of the essence. They had to act on this, so they had to get it done before Christmas. There wasn't time to go to the courts, so they just impeached him rather than go to the courts and let the courts rule. It's just the whole thing has been a sham from the beginning, and it's too bad that, you know, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have put the country through this, because there's so many other things we ought to be working on together, like infrastructure, like the fact that about seventy thousand Americans each year die due to opioid overdoses. There's our southern border that's something we ought to be able to work on together to make sure that people come into this country legally. But rather than work on those things, here we are wasting the American people's time and tax dollars on impeaching the president. The American people deserve so much better than this. They really do. I mean, this is what they're doing is so dangerous and so awful and so horrible. All right, quick break more with Congressman Steve Shabbitt giving us the insight into what happened in ninety nine verses today with impeachment. Looks like the trial starts next Tuesday. According to Mitch McConnell, we'll watch the madness unfold, but just giving you a preview of what's coming. As we continue with Congressman Steve Shabbitt, he was one of the impeachment managers during the Clinton impeachment and what a different time that was. Leads me to the question as discussing with Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, and that is okay. The Senate's role is to have a trial. The House has the sole power to impeach. Senate doesn't have the power to impeach. They have the power to convict. Now when they bring over this pathetically weak case you mentioned, for example, the obstruction article. Well, when there is a conflict between the executive branch of government and the legislative branch of government. Well, our founders are framers, you know, all were very clear that remedy could be sought in the court. Well, they didn't want to wait for the court to decide on the issue of executive privilege. Well, that's their choice. They felt their case was so compelling they didn't need to get these other witnesses. Now they're trying to get the Senate to do their job, which is our case is pathetically weak. Maybe the Senate will pressure them to do it for us, and they can call witnesses that we didn't call ourselves. I would say the Senate absolutely should not do that if they want to call the one fact witness in the case. As per the federal rules of evidence, the one fact witness was ambassador silent. Everybody else hearsay is not admissible in a federal trial. Fact witnesses can be used, but frankly, their opinions are just their opinions. I can get opinions on all side, all sides of this, So My question is what about the Senate and this idea that they should call witnesses new witnesses. Yeah, well that's up to the Senate to make that decision, just as it was, you know, twenty years ago in the Clinton impeachment. And from everything we hear, the Senate at this point will essentially let both sides present their cases. As you indicated, Sean, at least from the Democrats side, they presented all the witnesses they wanted. They wouldn't let the president present the witnesses that he wanted. For example, as you indicated earlier, this whole thing started with Hunter Biden and his activities, his behavi aavier in Ukraine. Yet they keep saying, oh, there's there's no there there. Well, let's see if there is. So, if you're going to call witnesses against the president, let's make sure that you allow the president's side to call witnesses as well. But that's a decision for the Senate to make. And what it appears is that the Senate is going to let both sides present their evidence and then make a decision as to whether witnesses are necessary at a later point in the trial. Now, whether that's actually the way they'll do it or not depends upon how the Senate votes. It just takes a majority in the Senate to make that decision. Now, back in the Clinton impeachment, they actually got together Trent Lott and Tom Dashel, the leaders on both sides, and came to one hundred to zero agreement on how the trial ought to be handled. And McConnell has said this will likely start next Tuesday, said he's gonna follow those rules. I do have to let you go only because of the constraints of time. But Congressman, honestly, what a powerful case you have made about how different this process is now and how corrupt it is, and how it lacks fundamental fairness to process any any reason or common sense, because those same people that want to do this to Trump ignore, You're not getting the billion dollars unless you fire the prosecutor investigating my zero experience. Son. That is beyond intellectually dishonest, lacking reason, common sense. And I appreciate you telling everybody, given everyone a heads up in a windows view into what's gonna happen, because this is important to get right. Congressman Steve Shabbat, Ohio eight hundred ninety four one Sean. Oh wow, I went to dinner with this guy, Vince Ellison. You're gonna meet him next. He's gonna blow your way. He will blow you away. I'm telling you, we'll get to that and much more. But think of this. African American unemployment is the lowest it's ever been in the history of our country. Their poverty levels at a horrible poverty level in the negative sense. Now their poverty levels are the best they've ever been in the history of our country. Same with Hispanic Americans, the best unemployment numbers and employment numbers, and the same with Asians, the best unemployment. All right, that was the president from the other night. Well, let me go back because you cannot. You cannot dismiss what happened at the National Championship Game last night. I don't even want to look at the ratings for TV every National Championship game. They're just pathetic. And that's the one night I got to give everybody a pass, right, Linda, I got to It's like when I did Hannity's America on Sunday nights, I was like, all right, nobody's gonna watch me on Super Bowl Sunday so you know, and I don't blame people. You know, we need to break every once in a while. But in all honesty, and it was a good game, and you had the number one, number two ranked teams in the country. And I thought, listen, I think both teams are phenomenal teams. And LSU just were. They were unbeatable last night. Nobody was going to beat them like a professional team. They were so good anyway, So the president, but he walks on the field holding the first lady's hand just prior to the national anthem. Listen to the thunder of applause and the chanting of four more years and the chanting of USA. That was the introduction that the President got. Now, if we're just gonna compare and contrast, I have said every two and four years, what have I said to you? It drives me, as a conservative nuts, absolutely insane that the race card gets played. Republican is a racist, They're sexist, They're misogynist, they're homophobic. Xenophobic is homophobic. They want dirty air and water. Obama actually said that they want Grandma and Grandpa pot to eat dog and cat food before Paul Ryan look alike throws them over the cliff Well. Under Biden, Obama and Democratic rule eight years, what do we get Thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, worst recovery since the forties, lowest homeownership rate in fifty one years. And he doubled the debt, took on more debt than every other president before him combined. Which, by the way, the president's changing now that economic boom. When I was shrinking the deficit, thank goodness, and he said he'd be dealing with that in a second term. He didn't need to increase our defense spending dramatically. But and I'm not making excuses, that's probably the one thing that he's got to really dig his heels in on in the second term that he had every other promise he kept. Hour freshing. Is that record low the best employment use six number ever since they started recording, the best unemployment or employment situation since nineteen sixty nine. Some of you weren't born by then. And three point five percent record low unemployment for African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, women in the workplace in youth unemployment eight million new jobs, eight million, fewer people on foodstamps, wage growth dramatically increasing every measure, every economic measure. I won't mention anymore, but you get the point. I noticed when Kanye West came out as a Trump supporter, people furious. Now that we have eight poles where African American support for the president is at one poll thirty four and a half percent thirty four in another pole thirty three, and another pole twenty eight, and another pole twenty two, and another and low is to sixteen. He only got eight percent of the African American vote in twenty sixteen. If he got sixteen percent, it's came over. And this narrative, this false narrative, Republicans are racist. I can't stand it because it's a lie, racist, sexist. They even didn't admit Romney because he had resumes of women. Vince Ellison is joining us. He's a columnist, lecturer, author of the book The Iron Triangle, which discusses, you know why African Americans, you know, have traditionally historically supported the Democratic Party. I have met through a mutual friend, and I sat there in awe listening to Vince go off for over an hour. But I think this is not an outlier. I think it's transformational. Why because conservative policies and I promised everybody. Nobody believed me at the time. A lot of Republicans and conservatives hated me because I kept telling everybody, now he's going to govern as a conservative, because I've known the guy I don't know. I believed it to be true, and I told the audience the truth and I was right. But some people hated me. Some still do hate me anyway. Vince has a fascinating background. Vince Ellison, Welcome to the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Great job on TV last night. Well, Sean, thank you for the opportunity, and I'm glad to be here with you today. I want to get a little background on you. You I sat, I don't. This is kind of hard for me to do. I think I sat at dinner with you and a mutual friend for ninety minutes and I didn't say a word because I was fascinated listening. Man. I was one of one of the best nights in my life. I enjoyed you a grand host, and I tell you, man, we've cold a lot of ground no but listening to you. You got a chance to see your show when you were Great. You were born on a cotton plantation in Tennessee. You studied at Memphis State University. You talked about your father, your family, your background. Just give us a little background on you with Sean. You know, with the book behind Try and Go covers this one question you were talking about. It talks about you answer the question why do Christian African Americans vote for the anti Christian atheist ilmral Democrat Party? And my background in my life to experiences are and by the way, you say things a little more harshly than I ever would. I'm just saying I'm just preparing people. But I find you're fascinating. You're like, you have no filter. No, I don't have any filter because I've seen that these people tried. These people have for two hundred years, have tried to kill my people. Uh, they've they've they've done terrible things. I have written my book house over the last two hundred years, they they've killed over sixty million African Americans here in America. That's more than mild, it's more than stalin. They're talking about abortion specifically, you know, abortion and what they did doing slavery and doing the passagen and and during Jim Crow. Yes, all of it. They they they weren't one. They were the drivers of slavery, succession, abortion, the lynching, all of it. It It was the Democrat Party and today they're still doing it. The prison system is theirs. Every time you see a black man locked up, he's gotten locked up by probably a Democrat prosecutor a Democrat judge, by a bunch of Democrats owned juries and their own own communities that decided to grab them, arrest them and lock them up. And they want to talk about prison reform. Those Trump's letting them out to see. I learned this begaud growing up on a boy have been born on the cotton plantation in Hayward County, Tennessee, and my father was a share cropper at the time, and he worked hard in the insurance industry. He found his niche and dad he worked hard about his seven children and his wife out of poverty. I'll owe everything to my father, everything, the best man I ever met. And we had a gospel singing group. He was very religious family, and we went throughout the South singing gospel music. And this is how I got to learn about the black preacher and later on in my life, I went to Memphis State University and then I started working had a prison, and that's when things shanged for me because I lived this middle class life and I thought that black people had overcome. But when I heard this was doing the nineties doing the Clinton Crime Bill, and Bill Clinton and the Democrats were locking up black men all over America. In South Carolina, we started out in the eighties with only three prisons. Before the end of the nineties we had over forty and they were locking them up. But I was being told that they were being locked up because the dirty white Republicans, And I said, wow, man, this is wrong. So if I quit, did you did you ever believe that was it? You know? Did you think, oh that's true? Oh yeah. I mean everybody that has any authority in your community was telling you the same thing. The preacher, the politician, the undertaker, the school teacher, everyone was telling you the same exact thing. So I decided to start a nonprofit organization to go and confront these dirty white Republicans and nail them to the wall to stop this. Right, So I did, said, but something happened strange, Sean. When I went out there in the black community. I didn't find any white Republicans. Found a lot of Black Democrats, you know, white Republicans. I found a lot of Democrats. I will tell you the thing that frustrates me if you look at every big city that we talk about a lot, and we've sent Lawrence Jones was our twenty twenty special traveling correspondent All Things twenty twenty investigative reporter. You know, we've sent them to San Francisco a couple of times, la a number of times, Chicago, Baltimore, and all these cities that have been run for decades by liberal Democrats. Poverty, misery, addiction, crime, you name it. Where are the Democrats that claimed of this monopoly to help the minority community. None of their policies ever work. Thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty under Obama, and they claim that, you know, they have a minority a compassion. I don't define compassion as you know, creating dependency. I like, well, what Trump has done eight million new jobs. They don't have even compassion. What they did here they want power. So what they did, what ideas find was that we had three elements in the black community that was always around. They had means more than motives and opportunity. I call them the Iron Triangle. They were the black, most black preachers, most black civic organizers, and most black politicians. Wherever you found trouble, wherever you found some stuff being stirred up, they were the ones doing it. You remember GB America. You know about Jesse Jackson and Nile Sharpton and all of them and the stuff that they do down they you know about Black Lives Matter, and you know about the black politicians down there and the stuff they stare up. Well, their job, and their job is to make sure that Black people vote for the Democrat Party by hook or back crook, period, point blank, full stop. That's their job. Their contractors for the Democratic Party and white Northeastern liberals pay them. You've brought the souls to the polls. You've heard of street money, all of that, and their goal is to make sure they get the black vote. Now they found out how they can get it. Keep black people ignorant, keep them part, keep them addictive, and keep the black man out at home. If you do that, you have absolute control. They care nothing about the Black community. They care about control. And I can tell you how you can how we can prove this. Jesus Christ said that these false prophets will come when his disciples ask them lower. How will we know them? He said, you will know them by their fruits. You say anything about their works, the fruits are the results. And if you judge these people buy their fruits, they are rotten to the core. Jesus said, you will not be able to get good fruit from a rotten tree, or rotten fruit from a good tree. The tree will the fruit will be like the kind of the tree. Since the Black community is at the bottom of every economic statistic America, the tree and the fruit are both rotten. The iron triangle hold that thought, I gotta take a break and I want to come back. Do you believe things are now gonna change? And in terms of there's been a monopoly African Americans, Hispanic Americans, minorities, and I know every two for years that told Republicans or something they're not. I find racism repugnant, repulsive in every way. And I don't know any conservatives that are like this, and if I did, I wouldn't want anything to do with them, or if they called themselves a conservative that's not conservative to me. Stay there. Vince Ellison with US eight hundred and nine for one sean you want to be a part of the program. Will put his book up on Hannity Dot comments of fascinating His life is so amazing to me, and I think things are changing right as we continue. Vince Ellison is with US and I had the opportunity to meet him recently find out he wrote this book and it just, you know, everything he said. I was like dazzled and amazed that everything he was saying. Do you think this that there is a real shift that African Americans, historically voting Democrat, is that now ending? I have absolutely no doubt that an ending. Donald Trump did something that very few Republicans have been willing to do that and he took the message straight to the people. And he's been doing it since he's been president. He gets up every time he gets up to talk, he will tell the black community what he's doing for them, what he's done, what he's gonna do, how he's fighting for them. And and you know a lot of Republicans are like they would they'd be ashamed to say these things. But Donald Trump will tell you you have the lords unemployment rate. I'm I'm keeping these easy illegals out of your community, so he's gonna be safer. He'll He'll tell you that I'm gonna make sure I believe in a culture of life. He tells you, I want to give you the right to defend yourself in these places that are so dangerous. He tells you, I'm gonna trying to stop, try to make sure what the borders are security, to keep the draws out of your community. He tells you, I'm gonna try to give you a school choice so you can pull your children out of schools that are out educating nothing. And with each one of these jess who's fighting against them, the Iron Fraanal and the Democrat Party, why would And they're fighting it for one reason, Sean, they're getting ninety five percent of the Black vote. Why would they change the thing? That is an enormous amount of pressure to conform. And I want everybody. We're gonna have you back, phenomenal speaker and passion. It has all get out. I think you were born to be a preacher. Myself. Author of the book The Iron Triangle, Vince Ellison, what a great opportunity to meet you, and you blew me away, and that does not happen a whole lot in my life. I'm gonna be honest, just absolutely stunning, how bold and outspoken you are. And I believe these polls are not outliers. And I think something's going on, and we won't know until November third, but we're looking forward to it in two hundred ninety four days. We'll have you on soon again. Vince, thank you, Happy New Year to you and our mutual friends. Well, Sean, thank you very much and thanks for having me. I'm looking forward to coming back. Okay, all right, the Iron Triangle. We'll put it up on Hannity dot com. You want to get a copy eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Linda's losing your mind, just like Alec Baldwin is losing his mind. The women of the View have lost their mind. Everybody's obsessed with the royals and the passion in which they speak with it is fascinating. All of that, and your calls A hundred ninety four one Seawn, straight ahead, all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour. Boy, we got a lot of reactions. Didn't we to Velma yesterday? Wow, it's so she cracks me up. Well, and somebody writes me she has your credit card, and I'm like, I think she probably does. I have no idea. Everyone else does, apparently in my orbit, you know what I'm I'm really surprised. I am about to say to you. Now, there's by the way, there's crazy media stuff stories out there, like there always is. I mean, you've got Alec Baldwin. The guy is just out of his mind. I mean, it's my favorite tape in the history of all of radio, him trying out to be a talk show host. But maybe we'll play it in a minute or two. Maybe we won't, but um, you know he's now. He sees a near moral collapse in America and blames it on we the people. Trump supporters, we smelly Walmart shoppers and irredeemable deplorables that cling to God, guns and Second Amendment and are constant tuition and our religion. American democracy has always been a struggle between the misaligned protections of specific freedoms and arrange, raging at times intoxicating twelve cylinder economy, and I tweeted that out. It demanded vigilant, consistent regulation, compassion for the disenfranchised. How do you define compassion? Thirteen million more Americans on food stamps under Biden Obama, eight million more in poverty. Is that compassion is a compassion to create dependency? Trump's created nearly eight million jobs, got an eight million people off of food stamps. You know, wages for the working men and women are far exceeding wage increases for those in the top ten percent. That to me is a good thing. Record low unemployment for best employment situation in fifty years. Demographically record low unemployment African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment. Wow, but they know better, liberals know better than we the people. I mean, it's so full of rage at all times. You had both Whoopie Goldberg. Why aren't you joining him with joyless beihar? I don't know. Trump's the reason one hundred and seventy six innocent lives innocents lost their lives. Uh, what you gotta be kidding me? Right, But the risk I think to our personnel has gone up, not down. And I don't think it was justified by the intelligence at least not the intelligence that I've seen. Okay, right, the Ukrainians that the Ukrainian planning would still be a lot. That's still be a lot today. Uh yeah, that's all Donald Trump's fault, because they took out a terrorist that you would think that that would be the one little etsy bitsy thing we can all agree on. President Trump now says he believes Solomoni was planning to attack for embassies. Oh, POMPEII was confirmed it, and bar has confirmed it, and our intel and our military of all confirmed it. But I guess you know that we're there's just looking for the next reason for impeachment. I love that the congenital liar shift gets to go on these programs. It's humble and just never questioned. And did you see the freak out by the way. It has got to drive the mob nuts. The reaction the president first lady got at the National Championship game elos U and Clemson. Oh gotta drive them nuts. Yeah, Chanting USA in four more years if you're one of these low energy, boring, dull green new Deal destroy our way of life, and oh Medicare for all Obamacare worked out great, and you're watching that any of these Democrats running. I think it's okay. I'm going home now. I'm gonna I'm gonna not embarrass myself at the end of this process. Now, I don't take any of that for granted. I cannot tell you with any certainty what's gonna happen on election Day. Nobody can as a as a Republican candidate. Trump's got to get North Carolina. He's got to get Ohio. He's got to pick off hopefully Minnesota this time, along with Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania. I'd like to see New Hampshire live free or die go. Trump, then you got a whole George of Florida, hopefully you bring into play. You gotta get Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada. No, it's not easy. The President also going for he got another apparently going for an additional seven point two billion for the border wall to even get it built faster. I told you that was gonna work. Here's the thing. I'm most surprised, Linda that I even I ever even thought I'd care about at all. I don't care about the Royals. I have no interest in the royals. You know, I thought Princess Diane was a Diana was a beautiful woman of sad tragic story Oho Camilla Parker Bulls. You know, Prince Charles drama I could live without in my life. Who cares, it's you know, it's just you know. Now we've got Megan Markle. I actually felt bad for the Queen. I felt bad for her. I mean, now she's got a convene, a family meeting and deal with the fact that they want to now be separate, which, by the way, financially, if there's going to be a transition, that's fine. Today my family had very constructive discussions on the future of my grandson and his family. My family and I are entirely supportive of Harry and Meghan's desire to create a new life as a young family. Although we would have preferred them to remain full time working members of the royal family, we respect and understand their wish to live a more independent life as a family while remaining a valued part of my family. Harry and Meghan have made clear that they do not want to be reliant on public funds in their new lives. Good. I like that people of Britain should like that part of it. And it goes on It has therefore been agreed that there will be a period of transition in which the sussex Is will spend their time in Canada. In the UK. There are complex matters for my family to resolve, and there is some more work to be done, but I have asked for final decisions to be reached in the coming days. Uh, there's something off here, don't you think there's something off? Apparently William his brothers said, you know, you may be moving a little too fast, maybe slow it down. Apparently that didn't go over. I think his family thinks he's an idiot, because he is, and I think that, why do you think he's He's always been the red headed child. He's always been the second together. He's at the party's, the clubs. Let me stand up. Listen this whole air and the spell. He's not an air or a spare. Oh my god, there he was glad to see him. He was the spare. That's the point. His whole life he was the spare and the pecking order was not him. He's like sixth in line. Now he's never gonna be the King of England because now William is next gonna be William, not Charles and then it's gonna be his kids are in line. I'm angry. Are you angry? Why? Why are you so angry? Why do you care? I don't like this guy. This is why. First of all, you know, at the end of the day, all they want to do is make noise about things that don't matter, because they don't matter. So they figure will like a little noise about something we'll be important for like you know, thirty seconds, and then the news cycle will recycle you and then bye bye. So this woman, what is she one hundred and night? Now? I mean, how many more years does she have? You know? Now now you want to leave the family. You want to hurt your grandmother. You know, if my grandmother, God rest her soul, was still with me, I would do whatever she said. I would do whatever I could to make her head could they didn't have to do it so publicly. But but what I didn't like in this whole thing, I'll say one thing I didn't like. I didn't like that Megan didn't even get on the phone as she was in Canada and she was invited to be a part of that meeting. That I didn't like that that she's up, she's one of those liberal status you know, well, I know it. They're big liberals. I don't care about their politics. I really you know, you want to be liberal, fine, you want to pay all your money in taxes, and you want to believes people are dying. Doesn't She's one of those liberals who doesn't work. Her hardest job has been writing reading lines that other people wrote for her. You know what, my heart does not believe for you, sweetheart, It just doesn't. You get money from the taxpayers. You get money from people that pay for your way. You live in somebody else's house. You're not paying for anything. You know. The hardest job she's ever gonna have right now is motherhood. God help her. That's the hardest job. I hope she does a great job with her child. But at the end of the day, don't cry to me. Crime a river somewhere else. So the world's smallest violin, I don't want to hear it. I do like the fact that they're gonna, you know, break away financially. Good. I want you to break away financially. Yeah, she's gonna breakaway financially. They said, Okay, listen, I got a nice cube in for you know, I ask him as I want to sell you too, give me a break. You see, this is what fascinates me about this whole topic. This is not a Hannity topic. I don't really give a flying rip about the Royals. It just, you know, on the one hand, it's sort of like I became friends with Piers Morgan. I like Piers Morgan. Piers Morgan is, you know, straight shooting, iconic, clastic. You know, he's not one of these phony media people that act like, oh tunnel Trump's so offensive, because no, the guy's real and he sticks up for him. He doesn't agree with everything, but he sticks up for the guy. And I just like it that he says what he means, means what he says. He's very controversial in Great Britain. His morning shows number one. He went up against me on fake news CNN. Every time he was telling Americans how they shouldn't have guns. I was like, yes, he has no idea how the American people feel about their Constitution and their Second Amendment. I'm like a brit lecturing. It would be like me an American lecturing. Our friends, the Brits, and they are friends. They're one of our closest allies. We love our friends in Great Britain about the royal family. I'm saying, I don't get it, guys, why he's so obsessed with this. It would be the same thing as me going on television night after night and telling people that that would be dumb, wouldn't it. I used to love it when he did that. We've joked about this a whole bunch. But he's extremely talented and gifted, and I'm glad he's he's doing so well. It's also with the Daily Mail is an amazing Oh my gosh, what a tabloid that is. You know, it's like, but all this, but I never thought I'd even be remotely interested. I'm interested because you're so emotional about it. You know why I'm emotional. Let me tell you why I'm emotional. I don't like it when people show up and they're like, oh, I love it so much here, right after I change everything. You know what you're coming here, be reverend. Not everything has to bend to your will. Sometimes when you show up, you're just polite, your respect. This is what's fascinating to me. Everybody is like you. They're emotional about this issue because it just is a culture hold on. One second, you don't understand this because you're fifty eight. The thing is is that this is a cultural thing. Wow, he is fifty eight. Wood. First of all, I'm not the one telling you to go die in the woods. You're you're doing that all by yourself, all right, No, No, it's not the woods. I'm gonna be a resort. Well sold out about the one thing about the general consensus, Hannity poll. No data to back it up, but I'm pretty sure it would show up in polls if they pulled her. She's hated. Everybody hates her, and I'm not sure. Now Kate seems like she almost seems like a princess Diana like figure. Lovely sweet, right sweet, take care of her, and Williams say to each other, behind closed doors, that's where she can be her. That's where you're supposed to be her. But you know you're going into the royal family. You know what comes with that, you know, Mega Markle, I don't this woman, My god, she just comes with I mean some people come with luggage, you know, she comes with an entire travel ensemble. It's ridiculous. You know, she's just it is sad if if it's true, and I hear it is, and my TV staff is obsessed with this. If it's true that William said to Harry's brother, hey, you might be moving a little quick here, I would think that that's his brother looking out for him. Absolutely. Now, if that happened, apparently that pissed off Harry so much that they didn't talk anymore. Yeah, because Harry is dumb right now, you know what I mean. He thinks that the world is beautiful, love is real. We all have our hearts we're sharing. Love is a bunch of boulogney. It's not love. Love you can have that with anybody here we go. It's how much of somebody else's beep beep you can It's who's crap you can put up with? Because you know what, you can love a lot of people in your life, but to be able to go home at the end of the day and the list of the things that you like about that person are longer than the list of the things that make you want to throw them out a window than you're doing all right? See, Linda, This is why it fascinates me, because everyone's fascinated by it. Everyone is obsessed with this story, obsessed and It's a kind of nice diversion from the crap we're dealing with every day, um, the impeachment madness. But I am all right. Let me just does everybody in there, Katie? You agree with Linda? Katie? Katie is not as obsessed as I am. All right? And where's Ethan and jacone on us? Where are you guys standing on it? They want to talk about LSU and Clemson, that's it. But do they care? You don't stand. I care nothing for the royals. I care nothing. Well I'm supposed to feel bad for people who are called the royals? No, thank you. We've brought a whole war to not have to deal with these people. Come on, that's all true. You see. I'm with you guys until I hear Flynda and Tiffany over a TV and our whole staff go nuts over this thing. And that's the passion in the fight that comes out about it. I don't know. Megan has made a lot of enemies. All right, all right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Amazing Hannity Tonight, Ninetiestern will preview the impeachment madness insanity, and we have a message for Republican senators do your job. We have Senator Rick Scott's gonnaway in tonight, Doug Collins away in, Steve Scalise ways in. We'll look over the campaign with Carl Row. As of tomorrow, two ninety three days to go until you have the finals. Say see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. As always, thanks for being with us,