Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina’s 5th district, recently, introduced articles of impeachment for the Secretary over his handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. Norman is also disgusted by the amount of money that the democrats are attempting to push through. With the reconciliation package and massive tax hike looming,the House Budget Committee is already pre-conferencing in hopes to have a vote on this package this week.
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I News rounded up information overload our day. Forty five Americans abandoned by Joe Biden behind enemy lines. What an interview we just had with the sellers Stu and Kathy and their son, Lieutenant Colonel Stewart Scheller, who said, this is a disgrace what we've done in Afghanistan. Now he's in the brig and they can't even contact their own son. Will continue to follow that story. You know, one of the dumbest people involved in this disaster, and it is an unmitigated disaster, has been Secretary of State Tony Blinkett. I mean you think back. You know, we've got this artificial deadline they're they're adhering to. Now. The Trump plan included never giving up Bagram Air Base. It included that they would again obliterate the Taliban if they didn't follow every dotted, eye, cross tea, comma, and period. They were told over and over again directly by Donald Trump, I will obliterate you like I did the Caliphate, like I did Solo, like I did Baghdaddy and associates and the al Qaida leader in Yemen. Do you understand me? So Ever, before they even did a deal, he made it very clear that they would be consequences if they didn't abide by any agreement. Also, the conditions on the ground would dictate the time and place of withdrawal under President Trump, and he since told me that he probably was going to keep troops on the ground anyway. On top of all of that, the last people that should be leaving are the troops. So Joe Biden thirteen days, you know, speaks before he abandons. Everybody tells George Stephanopolis, we played it earlier in the show, that he wouldn't abandon people. And so we leave hundreds of Americans behind, then their families, and thousands of Green card holders, people eligible to live in the United States now, and then tens of thousands of Afghan allies, and we now see you know the result of that, and that is that they're being killed. And then of course you get the geniuses over at the State Department. You know, we have you know, we have retired Navy seals, we have retired special ops, people that have been willing to go on their own and risk their lives to save Americans. Once Joe abandoned them. Then you have generous Americans that have provided chartered aircraft for example, at Masuri Sharif Airport, and the State Department says, well, if you don't un the proper paperwork, you'll have to get it from another country because the State Department office in Kabbo has been closed. Well that's the whole point, you jackass, is that if it's closed, they can't leave Afghanistan to get the paperwork that's necessary for them to even have a shot of getting out of Afghanistan. And then they're telling the chartered planes, well, you know, you can leave if you get a third party country to accept your chartered flight, but you can't land in America. I'm like, what if it has American citizens on board, they can't land in America. The same people that you know just let in a million and a half plus people in the course of the last year and literally processed them and aided and embedded in their law breaking at our southern border. You just can't make this up. And then they even went as far as to say, and if you do get a third party country to accept the charter flight out of Afghanistan and you're able to take off safely and land, and they you know, that's fine, But if they need our permission, it will not be forthcoming. That is full and complete abandonment. Now we have a Republican congressman. His name is Ralph Norman, is from South Carolina, their fifth district. He introduced articles of impeachment for Secretary Blincoln over his handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. Congressman, welcome to the program. I don't think I've ever heard such ignorance and stupidity in my life coming from our own state department. And to this day, we still don't have an accurate number of Americans trapped behind enemy lines that are hostage to the Taliban. Exactly right, Sean, and uh, you know, Blincoln is just one of a lineup of this administration's choice. It should be impeached or shouldn't have the dignity and the decency to reside. I wish your listeners could have been in an Intel meeting when Lincoln was part of a group merely all stun and others who you would ask them questions. And you know, how many Americans left over there? We don't know how many? What type of what's the dollar amount on the arms left over there? We don't know? And you know it's it's an embarrassment, and you've got to say that it's intentional. There's no way you can be this ignorant and this callous to do what they're doing. And Blincoln is just one of them who and I'm sure you know then I going to listen to us on resigning and then they'll bottleneck the Processum, Jerry Nadler is not going to get anything through judiciary that has to do with holding any of these people accountable by you know, taking them out. But you know it's a tragedy and it's, um, something shouldn't happen. So tell me how you go about the impeachment of Tony Blinkott And have you gotten any support with your colleagues. We've got twenty two that have signed on. We've drafted the impeachment. Doctor Harris and I were the ones that first started this off and we kind of picked I mean, it's kind of a pick your favorite person to day that's incompetent, and uh, you know it goes through the process, should go through judiciary, it won't. It'll be sidetracked like everything else is in this administration. So um, but we've we've got it filed and we'll wait till something develops on it. But it's a This administration is in eight months, has done more to damage this country than any administration in my lifetime, not even close. Well, what part of South Carolina do you represent? I took mc Mulvaaney's place when he went to omb under President Trump's fifth district, adjacent to Charlotte Great District, and it's a conservative district getting conservative after more conservative after what we're facing now. Did you watch any of the hearings today with Million Company, and what were your thoughts? If you did, you know, Sean, I did, and I can't listen to words anymore. It's the actions that speak so loud. I mean, you know, think about it. And I heard your previous guests. I mean the minute they withdrew, they blamed Trump's agreement, and then they blamed Bafghan's quitting. Then they blamed you know, who knows what. And I just can't listen to him anymore. That's why a group walked out of the last Intel meeting that I couldn't go to. They just said we had it and so their words had no meaning and it's just uh, you know, when they asked that the part I turned on is when I think Millie was asked, was the book that Woodwood wrote truth? He said, I hadn't read it. Well, I mean this song and dance we've heard and but I watched bits and pieces. But it's hard with the when you see the effects on the American people that are now taking place, particularly marine that the you know, put in jail, the fifty seven, that with the riots that are held in jail without a trial, that we don't know where they are. I mean, it just goes on and on. You can't think this stuff up. You really can't. Well, we support your efforts, Congressman, keep us in the loop of how far you get with us? Okay, we're sure. Well, thank you so much. On I appreciate it. Congressman Ralph Norman, South Carolina, the fifth District, eight hundred and nine for one Seawn is our number. If you want to be a part of the program, let's say, heid to Ronald Is in Kentucky. Ronald, how are you you called? I'm fine, John, great to speak with you. I was just curious. I know that Soviets were in the Afghanistan and they also Withdrew, and I was wondering if they had anywhere near the debacle that we did. And if they didn't anywhere smooth, why we didn't learn from that? You know, you're asking a smart, intelligent question. You would think that, you know, people might have learned something from that. One of the reasons that they they withdrew and they lost that battle and conflict in the eighties is because we supplied the opposition forces then known as the muja Hadeen with Stinger missiles and they were taken Soviet planes out of the sky left and right. I mean, that is one of the most effective pieces of equipment that you'd ever want for any military you know. One of my biggest fears as the deadline was approaching was as these planes were taken off, that these sting or missiles still exist there. And I was scared to death. And some planes took off and were shooting flares as you know, in case a surface to air missile was shot at it. One of my biggest fears was that was going to happen. One of my biggest fears in America if these terrorists, you know, ever get to this country. It's not the most complicated piece of military equipment to get your hands on and or to develop even on your own. And you know, terrorists by their very nature are defined as evil, and they want to kill innocence, and it's a converter die mentality. And you know, I fear waking up one day and hearing that, you know, planes are being shot out of the sky left and right all over the country, and I think we're going to have to deal with the reality the terrorism we now have created. Joe Biden created a safe haven for Al Qaeda, ISIS and isis K and all these other terrorist groups to now have a safe haven to plot, plan and scheme the next attack against US. I wouldn't even say it's a matter of if. It's when they do it. It's not if they do it. You know, we just had the twentieth anniversary of nine to eleven. There's going to be more incidents. And you know, I wish I was wrong. I pray to God that I am wrong, but I don't think I am Ronald, I don't think I'm wrong. Unfortunately, you know, I wish I was speaking her Biden say he was touting the Afghan army, and he said he even had an air force. Taliban even has control of that air force now. The Taliban has control of all of it. They have control of every bit of equipment. They have more Blackhawk helicopters than eighty five percent of countries in the world thanks to Joe Biden as a gift. I mean that you cannot have a bigger foreign policy disaster than what Joe Biden orchestrated here. All of these guys testifying today, they all need to be fired. And frankly, Joe needs to be fired over this. And you know, we now have to at some point as a country, face of reality that this guy is not awake enough to do this job. He's not capable. And I don't know who the puppeteers are who's pulling the strings here, but it's certainly not him. He's not up to the job. You know. You see him, you know, strut to the podium, he reads a few lines, they rush him away as quickly as possible. He's not allowed to take questions or he gets yelled at, and he's not going to get his ice cream that night. I mean, it's embarrassing. And the worst part is is that our enemy, hostile regime nations in the world, they see it and they want to take advantage of it, and our allies are aghast because they depend on the United States to keep the world safe and free and stable. And the reality is we don't have a strong commander in chief. And that's being charitable me saying it that way. You have somebody that is a cognitive mess and everybody knows it, you know, they just I'm one of the just the dumb people that are just willing to say it out loud. Anyway. I'm not going to be compromised, Ronald, thank you. All right, Let's go to our busy telephones here. Jamie's in Texas. Jamie, how are you hi? Thanks for taking I a call. I wanted to share something with you that I thought you could appreciate. Would I would call him a hometown hero. A young man thirty seven went to Afghanistan, survived Afghanistan, joined the Texas Highway Patrol. When he got back, he was sent to del Rio because Governor Abbott, you know, needed help there. You know, our federal government is not helping. So he was sent to Delario to help out there, which they're rotating our troopers through. So he contracts the COVID there. They know if it was a breakthrough case, or had he been vaccinated. No, he was not vaccinated at that point. He had chosen not to not to be vaccinated. So he contracts it. He comes back home here and he gets pretty sick, so he sent off to San Antonio for more acute care. Well, he talked away about thirty seven. He passed away about two weeks ago. Very so sorry, very sad, very sad. And you know, you know by keeping up with things that in del Rio it's a mess. They're not testing, they're not they're letting everyone. I guess they're losing all these people through so that they have COVID, they give it to other people who are innocent. So before he passed, he convinced his family, well, I'll tell you we can thank for this in large part, my Arcas actually said, well, I didn't. I didn't expect the tragic rise of the Delta variant. And he even admitted yesterday that roughly one in five illegal immigrants are are that they're encountering are experiencing an illness and apparent reference to COVID. So he's basically saying twenty percent of these illegal immigrants and he doesn't call him that anymore, are testing positive. And then Jen Saki's out there lying and saying, well, now they're only going to be here a short time, and that's a lie too. I mean, we're getting lied to, left, right, sideways, you name it, We're getting lied I'm sick of being lied to, and I'm sorry about your friend. I wish you know the reason I keep telling people I believe in proactive medicine. I'm not your doctor, but I want an informed audience. Why do I tell people to research and be informed? Because if you get a positive COVID test, breakthrough or unvaccinated, doesn't matter, the first question you need to ask your doctors about. You know, therapeutics like monoclonal antibodies that have shown tremendous success rates when used. I'm not a doctor, talk to your doctor, but you need to know it exists. You know, the level of ignorance about that one issue alone is unreal. Biden only mentioned it once and then he found out it was working in Florida, so then he starts rationing it even though we have enough for everybody. I'm sorry about your friend. I mean it with all my heart. Thirty seven too young, All of this preventable, Just like all of Afghanistan preventable eight hundred and nine for one. Shaun is on number all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, before we get to your phone calls. I want to play some of the hearing today with these generals and General Million particular, and you know Tom Cotton had a fascinating exchange asking if the recommendations of the generals did they never reach Biden, in other words, that we need to keep a military presence in Afghanistan, and then Tom Cotton criticizing why Biden was recommended the August thirty first deadline to remove troops on August twenty fifth, ten days after Cobble fell, which, by the way, at that point they already knew where the Taliban was. Nobody's ever answered the question, well, were you offered by the Taliban that they'd promised you they'd stay out a cobble and give you time to get out and you turn that down because that was a report that was out there too. And then we'll play for you one other exchange with Josh Hally ripping these generals for telling people they didn't leave Americans behind. Yes they did, and even Joe Mansion expressed disgust to General Austin about the Taliban using equipment that we gave them, and the media by the way, asking Jen Saki and why Biden keeps insulting them. Anyway, if you missed it, let me just play the senators here from the hearings so you get a flavor if you've been working all day of what went on. We'll have a lot of this on Hannity tonight. Joe Biden said that it was the unanimous, the unanimous recommendation of the Joint Chiefs that we not maintained a military presence beyond August thirty first. We've heard testimony that effect today as well. When was that unanimous recommendation sought and presented to the president? Can you're talking about the thirty one August the thirty one August getting On twenty five August, I was asked to make an assessment provide best military advice. I'm sorry, my time is limited here. You just get You gave me the answer that I need to hear. August twenty fifth, correct, couple fell in August fifteenth. That's correct. You were not asked before August twenty sixth. On August twenty fifth, I was asked to provide best military assessment is whether we should keep military forces past the thirty first, Secretary Austin, was anybody asked before August twenty fifth if we should keep troops at the Cobbel Airport. This is the President tasked us to make to provide an assessment on whether or not we should extend our presence beyond August thirty first, And as General Millie just said that assessment was made, we tasked him to make that assessment on the twenty fifth, and he came by and provided his best military advice. Secretary kabble Fell, on fifteenth, it was clear that we had thousands of America. It was clear to members of this committee we're getting phone calls that we had thousands of Americans in Afghanistan behind Taliban lines on August fifteenth, and took ten days to ask these general officers if we should extend our President I suspect the answer might be a little different if you're asking them sixteen days out, not five days out. I'd let me just sum up where I understand that we are, based on what's been a fairly extraordinary hearing. Here's what I've learned so far. Number One, President United States lighted American people about the advice that you gave to him, about the military judgment that you've provided for him. I think you've all testified to that effect now repeatedly. Secondly, the State Department and maybe the White House appeared to have pushed back the evacuation to such a time, but it became a catastrophe, apparently against your advice, although I'd like to learn more about that. And Third, for some reason, we still don't quite understand the Pentagon failed to plan for the potential collapse of the security forces or the collapse of the Afghan government, despite their being quite a lot of warning. Senator Kane referred to this earlier, quite a lot of warning for really frankly years, that the Afghan security forces were ill equipped, ill trained, and frankly not up to the job. I don't understand any of that. I'd like to explore those things with you in this round of the next, but first before I do, Secretary Offten, I have to take issue with something you just said. I know this is an administration talking point. I've heard it out of the mouth of the Press Secretary and others. We are not leaving Americans behind that was your quote of just a minute ago, with all due respects, or you have left past tense Americans behind, we have no presence any longer in Afghanistan. There are hundreds of America, and not just Americans, generally civilians. You left behind, against the President's explicit commitment not to leave until all American citizens were out and to safety. That is not what happened. And now we have people who are desperately, frantically trying to get out of this country coming to me, coming to members of this committee asking for help. They can't get that help. They're stuck hind enemy lines. So please don't tell me that we're not leaving Americans behind. You left them behind, Joe Biden left them behind, and frankly, it was a disgrace. It drives me absolutely insane to see the television at night and see the Taliban and all of them wearing our uniforms, wearing our night vision, doing everything, using everything we have, our m raps and everything else that we left there. I just can't believe, and I can't even get an accounting of how much equipment we really did leave. I know how many aircraft we left, and I know how many basically m raps and all the different things, but not to plan better to take that equipment out. Unbelievable. All right, let's get to our phones here on this Tuesday eight hundred nine for one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Shannon is in Missouri. Hey, Shannon, how are you glad you called? Thanks for being with us. Hey Sean, I'm doing well. Thank you for taking my call. Listen, I went to the doctor last week and I've seen this, been to this clinic for years and seeing this night forever. And as she's finishing me up, she says, hey, Shehan, and I just want to tell you thank you for being my patient, and I probably won't be seeing you anymore. And I just looked at her and I said, oh, are you moving? She said, no, I've got to be vaccinated by the first of October. I'm losing my job. And I just looked at her. I'm like, you see it on the news and you hear about it, but I hadn't experienced it. And I just looked at her, and she said, just so you know, I'm not an anti vaccer. She said, I'm not against the vaccine. I just don't want to be forced to take it. She said, I know you can't. She says, I want you to know, and I said, no, ma'am, I can't. And I said, I'm so sorry. I'm justed this woman with my life, my health care, and her judgment has proven well for me, and she's taking great care of me. And it just broke my heart. I just you could see it by the way. It breaks my heart too. Did you realize in New York now, the governor or the new governor, what's her name, hohcol something. I don't even know the woman's name. She's literally got a plan in place. They're going to fire all of these first responder, you know, hospital workers, the people that dove on COVID grenades and coronavirus grenades in the middle of the worst of this, many of whom got COVID themselves, and the people that were on the front lines fighting when we knew next to nothing about this virus to save lives. And now, for whatever reason, maybe it's a unique medical condition, there are no exemptions whatsoever. Right, it's one size fits all medicine. Or maybe it's they believe in natural immunity. They're following the science on it, which is not complete, but science is pretty indicative that T cell antibodies are real according to the doctors we've interviewed. But I recommend you talk to your doctor. And now we're going to take people that were willing to risk their lives in the worst moment of this pandemic and we're going to fire them. It is unconscionable to me. And they've got plans in place to replace them with the National Guard and people from other countries. Even and I'm sitting here thinking when it was sort of like, you know, when Governor Cuomo was governor and these these nurses and doctors and hospital workers came from all over the country to help New York out, New York City and New York out during the worst moments of this pandemic. And then he sends them a bill for to pay their state income tax. I'm like, Chief, can you give him a break for once? I mean, you want your ten percent. These people didn't have to dive on a COVID you know, grenade every day, because that's what they were doing there. They were walking into pet covid petrie dishes every day, and they did it anyway. And I got to be honest, I don't think i'd want that job. You know, I'd do it if it was my job and I had a passion for me. I do have a passion for medicine, but I don't have a passion to perform it myself. Like I'm fascinated with airplanes, but I've no desire to be a pilot. I've I've sat through surgeries, but I don't want any part of you know, holding somebody's brain in my hand or hard in my hand either. But you know, think about you know, it's just sad to me. There's a service I've been using where they actually come to your house and and you know, they do these tests. And one of the nurses that works there, you know, literally said I probably won't see him, mister Hannity again, And I'm like, why, huh? It goes well, I, you know, for personal reasons. I just decided if I don't get the vaccine, I can't work here anymore. And the hospital system's firing her. I said, what are you gonna do? And she doesn't know yet, And I'm thinking this is somebody that literally has been in front of COVID patients every day since this this shift show started and I'm like this, there's something so wrong about it. And he'd say, well, they just need to get the vaccine. They need to just do it. They need to do what we say. You know, you know, I don't understand with us where everybody feels so compelled to abandon all sense of medical privacy doctor patient confidentiality, and everybody feels a need to play doctor. You know, I'll be honest with you. I never went to medical school. I'm not qualified to tell you eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, let's say hello to Jason is in California, the United Socialist Utopia out there. What's up, Jason? How are you? I know I'm in the epicenter of Liberalville, freaking taking grenades in here. Sean, I don't know how you do it. You may want to get the hell out of there with everybody else. I'm a young business owner. I'm married to it, but I've been thinking about it now. But hey, I wanted to talk to you about that infrastructure bill. You know, we see another twenty six hundred page document coming across the desk. You have voted on you know, our government puts every law and imaginable in the name of protecting us, right, the protecting consumer. For example, when you purchase the home, you're going to sign and see every disclosure on every closing document. You're gonna know where every penny if commission went. You're gonna if there's kickbacks, which is great, right, you don't want you know, you want to prepare for payment shock. Well, nothing's going to prepare me more for payment shock than my representatives when they get presented a bill with twenty six hundred pages three days before they have to vote on it, Like, where are the disclosures? Who's where's the accountability coming from our representatives? Don't you understand you need to pass the bill to learn what's in the bill. That's how you know the swamp. But but imagine if like somebody like Marjorie Green took one from from the Woke book and said, you know, hey, i am just a lady from Georgia. You know, I'm not a sophisticated academia liberal here. Um, I am getting overwhelmed. So we need to see you know, there has to be some kind of you know, you hear people talking about holding each other accountable. You know, just go and vote. But I want to see these representatives come up and say, let's hold ourselves accountable. You know, there's more accountability in a high school yearbook class than there is in the House representative. My only answer to you is, and I'm listening to you, and I'm thinking, it is the most disastrous administration. There's not a single thing I can point to to say, you know what, that's a good thing they did, They're successful there. I can't see it. I never imagine a country could disintegrate and deteriorate on such a level as this in such a short period of time. But that's exactly what's happening now, whether or not cinema. And it's really I think this is going to pass in the House. That's my guess. A version of this will pass in the House. Dancy Pelosi keeps changing her mind, and I just you know, but when you look inside the bill and you see what's in here, and I've gone over this and the amount of money they're spending, it is an unmitigated disaster. We cannot forward this bill. We are robbing our kids blind. And if you look at the analysis of this, it's hiking taxes on everybody. The price of oil just went higher. We're paying more every day for every item we buy. And even the FETE is acknowledging that inflation is here to stay. And that's because of Joe's policies. And I don't even know. If listen, I guarantee you nobody will read this bill. That's why we've been spending the time looking at their spending one point eight trillion America's Famili's Plan. You know, a child allowance increases, then student loan increases, pre K increases for four year olds, two hundred billion dollars with the American Family Plan. I mean, I could just go on and on like I did earlier in the program. It is a lot of money and we can't afford any of it. And the problem is with socialism, it's great until you run out of other people's money. And then they're lying to us and saying, well, we don't have to pay for it. It's not going to cost us a penny. I'm like, okay, I don't know what abacus Joe Biden is using, but we have calculators that actually do real math. And the real math is is that lower income Americans, middle class Americans are going to be paying the bulk of everything. And add to that the high cost of every item we buy because of their dependence now on foreign sources of energy, and everything's going to cost more. And that's the situation they left us. They look at the disaster on the border, look at the disaster with the economy, look at the disaster in Afghanistan, look at the disaster of begging Opec to produce more oil, look at the disaster everywhere. I don't see a single thing I can point to where I say, Wow, they're pretty successful with this policy. Actually, they did a good job here. You know it's bad anyway. We're gonna outline it all tonight. Hannity ninetiestern on Fox. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today, all right, Senator Hawley, Senator Cotton. They were amazing today grilling the generals and the Secretary of Defense. We've got full coverage of this unmitigated disaster. Also Lara Logan, Eric Trump, Joe Concha, Kaylee mckinaney, say a DVR. Hannity Nineties turned Fox News. We'll see you tonight back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.