Sean is joined by the legendary Ann Coulter to discuss her thoughts on why Congress should immediately impeach U.S. District Court Justice James Robart. "He got the facts wrong and for 200 years the Supreme Court has said over and over and over again that the power to exclude aliens is completely in the control of the United State, does everyone remember Elian Gonzalez?" The Sean Hannity Show is live Monday through Friday from 3pm - 6pm ET on iHeart Radio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarrantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to Go Anywhere pillows for forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep peeling and recuperative sleep that you've been eaving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code Hannity, you will love this pillow. You know, there's a lot of fun stories to get this week started, and I think we need a little bit of fun in our lives. But we got serious news today as well. This whole battle never seems to stop, which is of course, the battle over whether or not we're going to protect our country. I cannot believe we're still having this debate, and it just gets more and more incendiary and insane by the minute, by the day, and the level of ignorance out there is spectacular, especially among the media elites, the arrogant, pompous jackasses in the media and their cohorts. Uh. And funny side note on all of this. Uh, there was a report out today Is this true? This might be a come on, this has to be made up? That did CNN really get kicked out of Venezuela after the country's president accused the network of spreading fig news that I can't I've read it and I just died laughing. It was on zero Hedge dot com. And anyway, it goes on to say, well, tensions between Trump and CNE that are dying down, which is not true. A new scandal has erupted, uh in the cable news network after venezuel As. President Maduro said on Sunday, you wanted CNN out of the country, accusing them of spreading fake news. I'm like, wow, maybe maybe the dictators are beginning to get what I've known for a long time too. And uh, there wasn't even another story. Poor Bernie Sanders was on CNN. I don't know what they did to him, but apparently he claimed that there was fake news as well. There's a whole story about this that they pulled the plug. Do you have that tape? No, okay, it is a funny story that anyway. Bernie Sanders was a guest on CNN to talk about Trump's refusable comment on the report about Mike Flynn, which I'll get to him a minute, and his contacts with the Russian ambassador before he was inaugurated. And the interviewer is Aaron burnettos I don't actually one of the few people that seems normal over there, and it's interesting to know without Sanders talking now, she both asked her question and then kind of sock pucketed puppeted the the answer, and it sounds like, you know, it's pretty funny. So they anyway, I don't know if you've heard. Here's what he said when I asked about the report on Flynn on his flight tomorrow lago today and his flight landed about an hour ago. This was on Friday, and he said, I don't know. I haven't seen it. Trump said, and he said the report that he talked to the ambassador from Russia before he was inaugurated about sanctions. He said, I haven't seen that. Burnett says, he says he knows nothing about it. He hasn't seen any of the reports. Is that a problem? Sanders writes, I don't know. Maybe he was watching CNN fake news. What do you think. She goes, I don't buy it. It was a joke. He said. I know, it's a joke. I'm saying, you know, you don't buy what he says, and then Sanders says Aaron, and she goes, yes, says I'm sorry, senator, you obviously don't buy what he said. You believe he has seen these reports? So pause, and then Sanders says, I'm not are we on? It's so funny, and then it looks it looks like they lose the connection with Senator Sanders. Burnett goes just as soon as he's calling, and then fake news. I assume it was an accident. I mean, but the timing couldn't be any better. You don't think it was an accident, Well you can say it. I I don't have any evidence, so I mean, they're they're really getting in trouble. Chris Cuomo stepped all over it the other day on his program when he made a comparison that the worst thing you can say about a journalist, and then backtrack later, by the way, welcome to my world. This has been the world I have lived and worked in my entire career, and there's if they weren't so abusively biased, it wouldn't be that big a deal. I turned on, literally it turned on over the weekend, seeing him for like five seconds by acts at it. It It was not on purpose, And you know, it was around the Fox News channel and I have Dish TV and a turnaround, and I just watched a little bit Andrew Sullivan and like somebody else, they're all saying that Trump's mentally ill. That's like the new thing that they're trying to push. You know, the media is devotion, you know what it's it's their lazy the double standard for America. They now see through this so crystal clear. They spotted like I have spotted it for decades, and Americans can now see, Okay, that's your bias point of view. This isn't news. We don't buy your crap anymore. And they're you know, more and more, these networks do not compete with the Fox News Channel. They do not even get into the same arena. It's like we're up here and you know, they're like, we're one there, forty. This is no comparison, all right, maybe they're twenty five. I don't know. I don't really pay that much at time. And I know people don't believe when I say that, but I don't pay that much attention to it. Um eight nine four one Shawn is a toll free telephone or you know what else? Was a cool story. So I didn't watch the Grammy Awards. Do you watch the Grammy Awards? All right? So there's this singer who shows up in a make America Great Again dress, Linda pointed out, because I don't spend in spite of my Twitter wars. I don't spend a lot of time on Twitter. I don't read a lot of Twitter. I just like to tweet. And you know, that's where I get my my fighting in rather than wasting precious airtime. And I got an hour ride to and from work every day and a board stiff. No, I don't tweet while I'm driving. I wait at a stop light and then I'll throw out a tweet. And uh. Anyway, So this woman and I've never heard of her before, and I'm thinking, wow, that's pretty cool. And I saw it, and you said that she got eviscerated on social media, like beating up really bad, which is too bad. But in the middle of all of this, the left wing performers that were there, she comes up with the make America Great Again. Dress. She looks, by the way, a whole lot better than Madonna or Ashley Judd, even Madonna in our prime. But anyway, the singer songwriter, his name is Joy Villa, and she made a political statement by wearing the dress on the red carpets. Was I think, in that environment was an incredibly courageous thing to do, knowing how off the rails the left is in the country today. So she wore a bright blue dress, really very pretty, really nice, says make America Great again across the front of her gown, going upper gown, and I thought it was really cool, Trump on the back and then on the red carpet. She initially wore a white cover up of the of the gown, removing it to reveal this thing, which is so cool because the you know, whenever a singer or somebody in in Hollywood wants to get famous, they usually show up in like what I call the j Low dress. Because you want to get noticed, you show up in the j Low kind of dress, or you show up with major cleavage hanging out, and that then becomes the talked about item at whatever the awards ceremony let's pat ourselves on the back ceremony that they always have at these things. Anyway, So she wore this thing, and guess what happened. Oh, I have some news to make. CBS News reports that sales of Joy Villa's music has quote their words CBS all left radical media, not me skyrocketed after she wore the pro Trump dressed to the Grammys with the words make America great and Trump on him anyway. She's also climbing the charts on iTunes. She tweeted out her reaction to this newfound fame. She said, quote, I'm speechless. You, my amazing fans and supporters have put me to number sixteen on iTunes top a right, do me a favor. Download some of her songs for me, because you know I'm stupid and night I write you over the weekend. How many times that I write you about technical phone questions? This week? I just go to you because you always have the answer, friend of mine to trying to figure some ountain and then you just helped me, like immediately. On Instagram, she explained the controversial look. She said, go big or go home. Stand for what you believe or fall for what you don't. Above all, make a choice for tolerance and love, agree to disagree. That's like the smartest thing that's ever come out of any actress, actor or singer in the history of the country. Good for her. I'm gonna I'm now gonna listen to her music. If you listen to it, you like it. People can't see you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Yes, I I actually I had never heard of her either, and I just went and looked at her and she's got some some very She's good. I mean, she's better than j Lo, who said during her speech last night that it's time to get to work against the president. And she was showing all of her assets and made plenty of news with them as usual, but made sure to bash the president while she did it. But Joy Villa did it. I'm so glad. I'm so glad I didn't watch it. I literally I went to Michael W. Smith's concert Carnegie Hall. They were I never saw there was two hundred and seventy people on that stage. I tweeted out a picture of it. If you want to go to my Twitter account at Shawn Hannah. I saw that picture of the choir and the orchestra was beautiful. It was beautiful, and it was he did you wear a tuxin? No, get out of here. You think I'm wearing a tuxed. I did wear a shirt and a jacket and jeans, but I didn't wear a tie. I can't stand. A guy gave me a bow tie and I'm like, I've never worn a bow tie in my life. It was a nice kid. I'm like, a nice kid comes up to me, he goes, I make ties and he gives me one. He gives me a bow time, like, give me a normal tie, and I don't wear bow ties. It was nice of him, though, I appreciated it. So let me tell you what's going on. And this is one of our top stories. Of course, the vetting issue is another top story today. But we've got a lot of things that are happening at once. You've got everything and everyone around the president now is going to be vilified. You've got to understand this is not a game anymore. It started with the vicious and vile and cruel attacks against Donald Trump's ten year old son, Baron. Now, I think I'm that probably one of maybe the only people in media that has actually met Barron. And I can tell you that this is a great kid. He literally Milani introduced him to me. This is Mr Hannity's works at the Fox News Channel. And he goes, hi, Mr Hannity, it's an honor to meet you, shakes my hand the way you'd want any ten year old kid to do it, look me in the eye. Great kid. And I've seen him a couple of other times, and what they did to him was beyond cruel and it was widespread, and if it ever happened with Malia or Sasha, I would have been just as angry. Leave children the hell alone, of politicians and public figures. It's none of your business, none whatsoever. And the fact that a kid at four in the morning or three in the morning is tired, that's called being normal. That's I fidget and I'm fifty five. And the things they said about this kid, we're just cruel, And I'm telling you from experience, not true. The kids brilliant, really, really cool, nice, normal, great kid. All right, that's one. Then Avonka really Oh she wore her own piece of jewelry on sixty minutes and one of her assistants, as per usual practice if she's in the public, they tweeted out something that said, oh, you can see her particular line of jewelry. The media made a huge deal about that. All right. Avanca is a big girl, she can handle it. She's in the political arena. You really want to go after Avanka? You really want to beat up on a woman? Huh? Because of a conservative? Did it? That would that would be how it's described. Then Eric Trump, well, I've known a long time. He's so in he's so motivated, motivated by his philanthropy. I think it's Saint Jude's. My mind is going blank here, But he raised tens of millions of dollars over the years, and his father, being a nice guy, would say, go use my ability here or my facility here, And that was his father's donation to help his son. Who cares about other people in the case of St. Jude's children. So now the latest victim in this is Donald Trump Jr. By the way, Donald and Eric and Ivanka, they're adults. They can handle themselves. Guys, you really want to pick on a girl really anyway, So he sends his son to a school, and these people are writing blogs about, Oh, I don't know if I want to send my kid to the school, don't go there, don't go there. It's unbelievable. Now we're attacking ten year old kids, women, and we're attacking the grandchildren of the president, Which is how pathetic this has gotten. Now when we come back, I'm gonna explain how it goes even deeper. Every single person around the president is also being isolated Lynsky one on one and demonized. Kelly Ann's gone through it, Bannon's gone through it. Stephen Miller is going through it, and and General Flynn now going through it, and the level of pettiness is just off the charts. We'll get to that next. Stay up to date with the latest news and expert opinions as Donald Trump takes office. Stick right here with the Sea Show. All right, hang on. Whatever Jamie dupri said something, I gotta pay attention to it. Um, you know, a lot of you ask about Jamie all the time, and Jamie has had voice issues for what about a year now right about that. Jamie still works on the show. He's still in Washington. He's told doing a phenomenal job. We love him dearly. It was my frust ration in life that I could never get an opinion out of the guy. And I tried so hard, and uh, but he's he's actually on the mend and we uh, we have really high hopes that hopefully we'll be back on the air pretty shortly. But um, you know, it's it's difficult. I knew a guy in hunts All, Alabama. His vocal courts froze. I mean I I I early in my career. I got a contract and I got insurance from Lloyd's of London because I'd have to give money back and it was a fortune. Don't ever go there. Lloyd's of London and they're so expensive. Oh my gosh, it's ridiculous. But anyway, I thoughts of prayers are with him. Good thing is he's in great spirits. He's working hard. It's just that his his voice has had some difficulty. And by the way, we don't care if it doesn't have to be perfect. When he comes back, we all know that. You know, when he's ready, we'll put him back on. He says, no appeal to the Supreme Court at this time, which we knew. Uh. New papers just filed with the District Judge in Washington asked for asking for a delay in any proceedings. The d o J wants to wait and see if the full Ninth Circuit will hear the case. No word on any revised order or new executive order being issued this week, which kind of dovetails into what I have been saying is you've got this whole. You now have an infrastructure where the radical alt left is moving into any town hall that any congressman or woman is having, that they are going to try and tie Donald Trump up in knots and in the courts, and they're hoping that the judicial activists like Obama's picks will help them advance and agenda. They can never get done at the ballot box or persuade the American people to go along with legislatively, So that's why they like to legislate from the bench, as we say. And the other thing that's happening, and I'll get into more details after the bottom of the hour news, But the other thing that's happening is anybody that surrounds the president. I mentioned all of his children. Now they're attacking this man's grandchildren. And it also look what they did to Kelly and Kelly and said, um a commercial freak by of Anka's stuff because they were they were brutalizing or and politicized that at Nordstrom, which I confirmed from a great norths from connection. Now they're gone after Steve Bannon, they're hitting Steve Miller is a really smart young man, and then they're gonna go after Mike Flynn and they're gonna try and pick them off one at a time. You know why, because the media is lazy and the media has a radical all left agenda. And I'll remind them journalism is dead. You guys killed it. I just got more data. And by the way, this is the young girl Joey Villa is her name, who went to the Grammys with the make America Great on the front of her side of her dress, I guess, and then Trump on the back of her dress. It turns out that her her c D. I guess, I make the static and you heard some of it there. That was what the song vagabonds? What was the other song that we played. I've never heard her before. I like it might be a slightly overproduced, but she has a beautiful voice. No, I don't know. I think the production value could be just a hair better. Is too much? It is too tinny a little bit. I'm just being I'm giving honest critics. Do I ever not be honest? Seriously? But I liked it. I liked it a lot. I think it was really well done. And I didn't know this, but it jumped to number one on Amazon's Top Digital albums and still number one today. There's a message for you, Hollywood and and new musical nit wits out there that know nothing about politics. Good for her, can you? I'll tell you what else put a link on our website for her. Put it up there. You know, people want to get it, they may not know how, they may be dumb like me electronically, and you know you're not exactly helpful. Put your microphone on. So this weekend, I'm with a friend of mine and he's having a little problem with his with his instant mess what he called um his eye message, no text this text messaging also known as I messaging, because I sent him a text and then he writes me, what's the matter. You won't answer my questions? And I'm like, I send it again and won't happen. So I called, I said, what are you talking about? It sent you for tech to forbid you had to make a phone call as opposed to texting somebody home my word. So I look, I I have my kids download my apps for me. I don't know. I'm shocked to hear that. Well, they got to earn their being funny, I got to earn their their bed and their rent. They gotta pay rent and some capacity. And if dad wants a download, just do it. What's the big deal for them? In seconds, they actually get impatient and they're like, Dad, can just give me the phone, give me the phone, I'll do it. That would be b B be done, b b b b bee done. And then it's actually annoying because I just don't have no interest to try and get beyond the usage of my phone. If I wanted to use more of my phone, I would spend the time I'd read the handbook. I don't ever want to read how to handbook in my life. It's monotonous. And when I have somebody like Linda works for me, who knows all of it, why do I have to bother? But the problem is, so you're saying I'm an enabler. No, so the problem is I can't. He's not getting my message. So I'm like, all right, he's not getting my message. What do you gotta do? And then you start talking about docking, and I said, docking, I'm not talking about a doc I'm talking I'm not talking about fishing. I'm talking about just the iPhone. I wrote you that. I'm not trying. I just was trying to explain to you because you wanted. You know, we were talking about thinking. Remember when I use a PC, I don't use an Apple, I don't use a Mac. It sounded like he used a mac. The way you were describing the problem, you didn't give that information to me. So I had to deduce it through the shaun Is ums and I was able to deduce it. And I said, no, it's on iPhone. We're texting on iPhone, we're not using we're not using a dock. No. But your question was about thinking. So I had to tell you how to because he made he hit a button and it didn't accept my text, and so I wanted all. The bottom line is we got it done anyway we talk about five minutes. What we got it done? Every well? No, because you had an initial question and then you had a follow up question. Because silly me, I had to say, let me know if you need anything else. Stupid woman. That was really dumb dum. That was so stupid. That was really silly, silly, silly girl. Because then that's when the docking starts stuff, cars started taking it. What are you talking about? In thirty seconds we fixed the initial problem. I should have just stopped there. And then he asked one other question. I'm like, all right, I'll ask her, and there was I was like five seconds away from saying can I have his number? And I'll just call him. I would kick you out of it. It would have made my day because I started getting arrogra evated because you give me all these terms and then you finally explain if you have a MAC because I use a PC. Okay, there's a difference. And I used a PC because that's what I know and what there were, like three things is in life that throw me over the edge when something breaks. I hate it when my computer in this room doesn't work our studio. It drives me nuts. And all I keep saying is all masking for is a computer that works. That's not too much. All I want. Now I've got one, two, three, four or five computers and two televisions in the studio, which is perfect because I have a d H D. If I was a kid in school today, I guarantee you when all the other kids line up for their riddle and I would be on that line, they would would have loved to riddle of me as a kid. I don't think it existed back in my day, but if they if I was in school today, definitely on the line, Oh, they would have loved it. They probably would have given me something else, like to calm me down, you know, turn me into a zombie, which I think schools would like to do to some of the kids. Meanwhile, I'm just being a regular kid. That's what kids do. Kids don't They're not interested in your stupid lectures about Paradise Lost or your lectures about Dante's Inferno, which, by the way, since i've read it as an adult, I love it. Absolutely go crazy, I can't, it's so cool. But when I was young, when they were teaching it, I think in ninth grade we had to read Dante's Inferno, I'm like, oh, man, oh, you're killing me. You know. Then the summer before you had to read The Old Man in the Sea, which was a good actually like that one. I got along with They're in a stemming way, Okay. He was pretty cool. It was a great story about the Marlin, about the Long Fight and um and all these you know, all the classics they made us read all that stuff. But then when I got older and I didn't have a TV for five years, that's when I read all the Harvard Classics and I had a whole setu. They were called the Harvard Classics, and I started to get a real education. Once I got out of school, it's so funny. You know. I love I love these stories when they write about me occasionally, and I've gone through this my whole career. Rush Limbaugh drop Sean Hannity drop out. It's this Mike Really Russia is the most successful broadcaster singlehandedly. The guy saved AM radio. I mean it paved the way for all of us in radio. He's a genius. He has a take on things that he thinks at the level. I don't think that he thinks differently than I do. Mark has gifts that nobody else has. I do a show very differently. And but and that's why when they talk about talk radio generally, this election proved more than ever we're not all alike. We don't agree on everything, and I think that's good for listeners. And even if you were never Trump talk show host, whatever, I don't care. They hate me, but I don't hate them. They attack me. I didn't. I only respond, well, I kind of broke that rule earlier today on Twitter. You don't. I don't like bullies. I just don't, and I refuse to. You know, I'll tell you a story. I'm gonna tell you that any story. So there is this kid in grammar school. It was like the smartest, smartest math kid in the whole class. I won't give his name. I don't embarrass him. And then there was this other kid. It was like a rich, blue blood brat, and he punched us kid and I like threw him up against the wall, said, don't touch this kid. What are you doing? What do you don't do that. I met this guy years later when we were in Phoenix, and he remembered it. I was stunned. And of course he's successful because he was brilliant. He was for the smartest cow older are you when that happened? Grade? Mr Schneider hit in my guts. I had her for two grades. Oh, she was awful. She was the worst perfume two. It's horrible. It was just like, oh God, get away with that. Gee, never forget it. She was not She was not nice to me. Why why I have to be nice to them when they're not nice to me. She was not a nice person to me. There's even a worst story that you know. One day when I passed away, John Gomez will tell the whole world what happened In fifth grade. Teacher started hitting all the boys, Yeah, twisting their ears, pulling their hair because apparently the boys were bad that day. In other words, boys were being boys and they were being normal. All of this to me, I put in the category of being normal and I just was not having it. Let's put it that way. Don't put your hands on me. And I stood up for myself. And I didn't get thrown out of school either. I didn't. I'm not letting anyone touch me. I would never never happen. And you guys make fun of my ninja. I was in ninja before I knew what ninja is and martial arts. All right, let me finish my thought. I'm I'm digressing a lot here today and I apologize for that. So everybody around the president is being attacked Kelly Anne, even a ten year old son, now his grandson, then his children of Vanka really would picking on girls and little little kids Eric Trump, Don jrs Son And it's unbelievable to me that that that's happening. What is going on here is a very organized effort to vilify and demonize anybody associated with the president. There's even a really good article by Paul Sperry today writing that you know, Obama's setting up a shadow White House. I have a friend on the down low that thinks that Obama set this up with some executive orders. He told me today. I'm now looking into it. But anyway, the this was from a New York Post story that Sperry did and is setting up a shadow white House for organizing anti Trump protestination wide and rebuilding the ravage Democratic Party. Of course he is. It's exactly what I predicted he would do, because everything he's done in the last eight years is pretty much being wiped out daily. You know. Then now you've got a new narrative emerging here. You know, Jim Webb said, there's a campaign on Capitol Hill, in the media and academia senator from Virginia and to sixteen Democratic presidential vice presidential presidential candidate underway in Capitol Hill, in the media and academia to personally discredit Donald Trump. Then you got guys like Bill Maher. You know, Trump is mentally ill, Al Franken questioning his health. I saw two guys on CNN this weekend questioning his mental health. Al Frankin saying that Pocahontas nickname for Lion Liz Warren, is racist. She's not a minority, you idiot, And they're just the people talking about him running for president. And you have militants. Now, we have people being paid to attack. They're going after Kelly Ann and Steve Bannon and now Steve Miller, and they're gonna rank some shures on the list somewhere there, and they're gonna go after him. By the way, you know who warned everybody about this? Hello me? I told every person that I know this is gonna this is what's gonna happen, and this is how they're gonna do it. Go the Grammys last night, you got bust the rhymes? Is he's still even out there. I haven't even heard from him in fifteen years anyway. Referred to President Donald Trump as President Agent Orange's so creative, and this is what they want to do. They want to demonize they the problem is is what Trump is doing. All of these establishments are being destroyed. Fake news is devastating to the news media. Being called out as often as they are and exposed as devastating. Wiki leaks was devastating for them. So they're upset. Then the good old boys in d C, including Republicans, you know, they don't like it. Either because now they may have to actually work for a living and may have to fulfill a promise even though it's controversial. So you got the Republican establishment against Trump, and then you've got the Democratic establishment obviously against Trump. So they gotta go after everyone around him suggest he's mentally unstable. Meanwhile, he's rolling up his hands, working harder than any anybody with shock and awe and real movement in d C. What vetting refugees from from other countries that have ties in some way to terror, building a wall, but saying you're putting a door in the wall. Jorge Ramos is on Hannity tonight. Yeah, what are you gonna get into it's gonna be fun or the economy to stimulate growth and create jobs for people in Detroit, Milwaukee, Cleveland, or getting rid of the disaster Obamacare five thousand four increase that's before this year's increases, making America energy independent. You know, what do you think the NBA is gonna do when he starts giving local communities choice and education? They're gonna go nuts. This is all predictable, And here's my message to anybody that has a backbone in Washington. They're never gonna like you. You know what I've gotten over being liked. I don't care if these media people are political people like me. I don't like them. I don't like that's I don't like how they roll. They don't like how I roll. I'm fine with. That's why I don't go to Washington Correspondence dinner. You know I gave my Uh you think I should go this year? Why do you think I should go this year and sit in a room of people that hate me and I hate them? Why would I want to do that? This is your year. No, it's not my year. I'm gonna stay home and watch it on TV like I always do. It's not my year. John Hannity, you're from the Department of Justice, if I understand correctly, Um, so you're aware of law enforcement? How many arrests have there been a foreign nationals for those seven countries since even your honor, I don't have that information. I'm from the Civil Division if that, If that helps give me out the hook any mere, Well, let me tell you the answer to that is none, as best I can tell. So, I mean, you know you're you're here arguing on behalf of someone that says we have to protect the United States from these individuals coming from these countries, and there's no support for that. Yeah. I think the point is that because this is a question of foreign affairs, because this is in an area where Congress has delegated authority to the President to make these determinations, it's the President that gets to make the determinations, and the Court doesn't have authority to look behind those determinations. They're essentially like determinations that are committed to agency discretion. And we do think that despite playing its claim that clinding, the Manzell is directly on point um and that if the if the if the four corners of the executive Executive Order off a facially legitimate and bona fide reason for it, which they do here, that that the Court can't look behind that, well, I can soil. I understand that from your from your papers, and you any very force presented that argument. But I'm also asked to look and determine if the executive Order is irrationally based. And rationally based to me implies that to some extent I have to find it grounded in facts as opposed to fictions. We all agree on the need to better secure the border and to punish employers who choose to hire illegal immigrants. You know, we are a generous and welcoming people here in the United States, but those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law. UH, and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants to implications, who are all in leaven Point, Bob doctor, immigrants in discuntry right now. We need you have a power and that's why we're Yeah, here's the problem that I have, Jose, and I've said this consistently. Um, my job in the executive branch is supposed to be to carry out the laws that are passed. UH. Congress has said here's the law when it comes to those who are undocumented, and they allocate a whole bunch of money for enforcement, something that I've struggled with throughout my presidency. The problem is that, UM, you know, I'm the President United States. I'm not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed, and Congress right now has not changed what I considered to be a broken immigration system. And what that means is is that we have certain obligations to enforce the laws that are in place, even if we think that in many cases the results may be tragic. Now, what you need to know when I'm speaking as President United States and I come to this community is that if in fact I could solve of all these problems without passing laws in Congress, then I would do so. But we're also a nation of laws. That's part of our tradition, and so the easy way out is to try to yell and pretend like I can do something by violating our laws. And what I'm proposing is the harder path, which is to use our democratic processes to achieve the same goal that you want to achieve. But it won't be as easy as just shouting. It requires us lobby and getting it done. But if we start broadening that, then essentially I would be ignoring uh the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally. So that's not an option. And I do get a little worried that, uh, you know, advocates of immigration reform, uh start losing heart and immediately thinking, well, uh, you know, somehow there's an out here. If Congress doesn't act, well, we'll just have the presidents sign something and and and that will take care of and we won't have to worry about it. What I've said is is that there's a path to get this done, and that's through Congress. And we've kind of stretched our administrative flexibility as much as we can. And that's why making sure that we get comprehensive immigration reform done is so important. It is gonna require work. It is not simply a matter of us just saying we're going to violate the law. That's not our tradition. He did it anyway, He violated what he said was he illegal and unconstitutional? Anyway? And then you hear him talking about immigration just a few years earlier, and he sounds an awful like like Donald Trump and cultures with us, the author of in Trump We Trust Eat Pluribus. Awesome. What's up, Madame Caulter? How are you fine? Thanks? I'm a little disturbed by the uselessness of Republicans in Congress. Ah, you and me both. Have you heard me ranting about it? Now, what does that mean? This judge ropart immediately? What are they doing over there? This is really I don't think people understand and how outrageous this is. There is absolutely no question but that the President of the United States has the authority to exclude, um, anyone, anyone he wants, including permanent residents. I might add, though, that's not what this order does. UM. And and what you played at the beginning there with the judge, you know, getting into the policy behind what you see on TV of Well, but are they really that dangerous? Okay? Well, besides the fact that factually, UM, these are the seven countries designated by the Obama administration under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as terrorist nations or as the State Department began to call that under Madeline Albright, countries of particular concern. These were the seven countries designated UM by Obama and Hillary Clinton. Um, this is a a two month ban, um or three months whatever it is, UM paused so we can figure out how to let them in the idea that a federal judge would come in and start picking over over what the facts are. And by the way, in the process getting the facts wrong. UM. As you know and probably all your listeners know by now, they have been UM, what what dozens of attacks by people from every one of these seven countries some I've written about UM in the past few years or not not attacks by terrorist convictions at a minimum, that's not only an arrest, that's a conviction. For two hundred years, the Supreme Court has said over and over and over again, the power to exclude aliens is completely in the control of the President of the United States as an extension of foreign policy. And one case that that I wrote about, I was surprised no one else was mentioning UM in my column last week is hey, everybody remember Elian Gonzalez. The Clinton administration policy was to you know, it was an extension of their love for for Stalin and alger His We have to send this kid back to a communist dictatorship, have to send them back, and it did want The administration didn't want to admit that. So first they tried deporting Elion as a matter of a child's custody case, and all the Quinton officials were saying, oh no, this isn't our responsibility. It's just up to the Florida courts on on child custody. Well, the Florida courts under proper child custody laws, I might add, said no, Elion gets to stay in Miami. Um. Okay, so um. Clinton administration goes back to the drawing board. Then they say, well, Elion has applied for asylum. Um, but you can't apply for asylum if you're only six years old. That goes to the courts, and again the courts find, um, actually there's no age restriction here, Mr President. So then how does the Clinton administration force Elion to go back to Cuba by saying this is our policy. And at that point, the federal appellate courts in Florida, and you can read the decisions, say, um, look, we will concede. Elion will be may well be subjected to re education, to political persecution, to living in a horrible communist dictatorship. But ha ha, this is the policy of the president. Our hands are taught. So when the policy of the president is to promote international communism, the courts stepped back and wash their hands of it. No, this is political branches. Um. And And in the Arizona case, Um, under under Obama, Arizona didn't want to enforce any laws beyond what the federal law was. No, they just said, our state is being overwhelmed with illegal aliens. We want to have our law enforcement officers simply enforce written laws on the books, signed, signed by the president, um, you know, passed by both Houses of Congress, and the Supreme Court found at least for those provisions of the law. No, you can't. If the president's policy is we're not enforcing federal immigration law, you have to stand down states. That's how powerful this, this principle of constitutional law that the president controls who comes in, who doesn't come in, how to enforce immigration laws. This is a political matter. The courts, I mean literally, going back to the Chinese exclusion cases probably before that, have said over and over again, this is part of foreign policy, making treaties excluding foreigners, and if the foreigners being excluded, if the leaders of their governments have a problem with that, they deal with the president. You know what's amazing, And I love your your legal mind because you are able to add the context and texture to your comments and I think it's appropriate. But the Constitution is very clear. Judicial activists on the Ninth Circuit or this guy in Seattle did not have the role as commander in chief. The law which is, you know, as there's no ambiguity whatsoever. Eight Uscnight two. And you've heard it, and I've I've read it many times on the program. I won't do it now. But if the President finds that the entry of any alien or class of aliens and the the US is detrimental, he has full and complete authority to take steps to protect the American people and for me, And it comes down on a simple question. Are we willing to inconvenience a few visit hitters and it's only going to be a few for the safety and security of the American people, Or are we just going to be so politically correct we'll gamble with the lives of Americans when we know there's an enemy that wants to destroy us. Well, I think it ought to be a lot more than a few. I think that is the result the reason for this election. The public has been begging for less immigration overall. Forget the ones from from the country's designated bottomed by a Hillary Clinton State Department as terrorist countries for decades. Now you ask Americans whether do you want immigration to stay the same? Go up or be reduced. Nobody wants it to go up. And I believe it's been a consistent majority saying no few or few or fewer immigrants. We've taken in enough. America needs a break. We have taken as I describe in adiosa America um for the past several decades, America has taken in more refugees than the entire rest of the world combine. Our country is not a battered woman's shelter. We're not here to take in all the chair the cases of the world. This was the point of this election. Please help us, the American people, including immigrants who have Communist stay right there. I've got to take a break. We're gonna hold you over and Culter as with us making America first, safe and great again. This is the Sean Hannity Show, right as we continue with uh and Culter eight nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. You mentioned earlier about Republicans and you know, isn't it beyond any comprehension that they don't have a consensus replacement plan for Obama Care that they're talking about. Well, maybe they'll get to the President's economic plan when you have all these people out of work, in poverty on food steps. Well, maybe we'll get to it in the spring. Maybe it'll be in the summer of the fall. And I'm like, Okay, Donald Trump has done more in three weeks, the most president's accomplished in any given two years at least. Why can't they keep up? Why are they so far behind? Why are their articles their article after article saying well, we're not sure if we really want to replace it now, when they voted fifty times when it was meaningless to replace it. No, I know what exactly is the House of Representatives doing? I mean the Senate, not that it requires their their undivided as engine they do have to pass Trump's nominees. But what has the House been? Are all the House members doing just having lunch every day? What is going on over there? Um? And would like to me they're they're eating in our cafeterias that we pay for and the gyms that we pay for, and would like to be able to buy an insurance plan that that will provide cancer coverage. I'm really sick of this. Oh we may we may not get And and by the way, I think, what is what the hold up is I could be wrong, um, but Trump, God bless him, UM was the first Republican in an awful long time to say, no, I'm not cutting Social Security, I'm not cutting Medicaid. UM forget this entitlement reform. And I agree with him. Americans have paid into it. And the reason these programs are being bankruperupted is that we keep dumping millions of poor people on the country who instantly access Social Security, Medicare, and medicaids. That's why the programs are bankrupts. So um, hey, Paul Ryan, instead of cutting back on my Social Security and my Medicare and and completely um destroying health insurance with Obamacare, how about how about you stop signing up poverty stricken foreigners for these programs. That's the point one. That is not what Obamacare is. But they seem to be associating Obamacare as if it's one of these entitlements. And obviously Trump was popular and saying no, I'm gonna save these I'm going to get the economy UM going. I'm going to um stop dumping poor people on the country and deport a whole bunch of them, UM hoping um, you know, illegal aliens of illegal aliens are on government assistance seventy one percent until that number is zero. I don't want to hear about how government's assistance programs for Americans have to be cut back and the retirement age raised and so on and so forth. No, no, no, this is this is your job. This is what got Trump all elected. But they've got to stop thinking of Obamacare as something that is that is the same as Social Security. Moreover, they're so frustrating, these Republicans do. They have no sense of drama and theater. They need to find people, probably more sympathetic than me, but there are a lot of them out there who have had their health insurance destroyed by Obamacare. Get young couples who are both self employed, who can no longer um, who are paying massive premiums and cannot be treated by any doctor who went to an American medical school. I know they're busy, they're busy working. You gotta get them before Congress. They are be calling doctors who will tell you, as any doctor will, of of of all the money spent on on healthcare on a dollar goes to defensive medicine to protect themselves from the trial lawyers. We want tort reform so quick, we're running out of time. But listen, and and we want to buy health insurance on the free market, the hard cases. As said from the beginning, that's a different case. Don't worry, You'll be paid for. But we don't have time to fly to Washington and protests and lobby and how are ex actually to pay for the health insurance of illegal aliens and the education and the criminal justice system. We pay for it all. And always good to have you. I miss seeing you. Hope we'll hopefully we'll get to you, get you back when you're in New York. Let me know. Okay, good to talk to you, Sean A Sean, we'll take a break, we'll come back. You can't believe what d C. McAllister wrote. An awesome column. I'll tell you about that next solid as a rock, honest, truthful. This is the Sean Hannity Show, alright till the top of the hour. Toll free. Our telephone numbers undred nine one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Uh, we're gonna get to the d C. Mccalister's column in a minute. But before I go there, look at what's happening to the Trump family. I've been making the case that anybody that gets anywhere near Donald Trump, all those that surround him, is gonna be vilified and demonized. Let's see, we've gone through Kelly and Conway, We've gone through Darth Vader, uh, Steve Bannon. They're going after Steve Miller and The New York Times and these unwatched cable hosts. I mean, it's just pathetic. It's pathetic. I think the most pathetic thing was, you know, you have a Saturday Night Live writer attacking a ten year old boy. Imagine if this was Malia or Sasha. Imagine if it was Chelsea and you have that Rosie ol'donald making a some type of medical diagnosis. Well, Rosie, I know this kid. This kid is a great kid. He's smart, intelligent, kind, nice, he's he's a great kid. He's ten years old. And they were attacking a little kid. Then you got oh Avonka, Oh what a disaster. She actually one of her one of her assistants, tweeted out when she was on sixty Minutes that she was wearing a particular bracelet she designed. You'd think it was the end of the world. Or Kelly in Conway, you know, said, well, after what Nordstrom did, and you've got now all these chains attacking the Trump's. Eric Trump, great guy, raises millions and millions and millions of dollars for kids with cancer. Doesn't even work with St. Jude's. Okay, he's not working with St. Jude's anymore because of the backlash of the left attacking you know, the fact, well they might be connected to his father in some way when he's giving all the money away that they're trying to curry favor. Now it gets even worse, and it shouldn't shock anybody, But Don Junior sends his son to a particular school in New York and one of some anonymous contributor said their son had gotten into the school when they gave the school, and might as well get It's called the Buckley School. It's a really well known school, very difficult to get into. But she didn't want to send them there because of the son of Donald Trump Junior. Now I have a friend of mine who sends his son there, and he told me, good, you don't belong there because it's such a great place. And nobody is upset that Donald Trump juniors kids and I met them who and they're amazing. Goes to the school. Just it's so disgraceful. Anyway, Emily Shier is joining us as long as from the Federalist and columnists author D. C. McAllister, Welcome both of you to the show. How are you, Thanks so much. I'm pretty well. I gotta believe that if I did what they're doing to the Trump kids, especially the younger ones, that you would, uh. And if I did it to Malee and Sasha, Emily, you'd be pretty you'd be pretty angry at me, wouldn't you. Yeah, you know, the funny thing is, and it's not actually funny. One of Bustles most traffic articles was about how you should not at all go after Baron Trump, that it is completely inappropriate, that the Saturday Night Live joke was wrong. I think there should absolutely be a level of respect and privacy, uh, when it comes to miners, even your miners, in the public eye because their father's president. Yeah. Well, and you know, I just can't believe you could go after a ten year old kid or the grandson of the President of the United States the way this other person did. What's your reaction to this d C. McAlister, Well, they're going after Ivanka and the picture that she had. She tweeted out a picture of her with her son from the White House, and she was immediately excoriated by the way all she said with taking a call in the White House with my personal assistant, Theodore, who was her son, right, And then this actress comedian tweets out, you know, is this a joke. You're making a mockery of women, working mothers and moms, her homemakers without additional careers, making this big fuss about Ivanka's tweet, which was completely ridiculous, And it's just more evidence that feminists do not support women. They have a cause, they have an agenda, they have a liberal agenda. They don't stand by women. They should be admiring Ivanka Trump. She's a great mother, a great businesswoman, she is a faithful daughter. She should be praised about that and not criticized for that. And what is it that we were supposed to leave women out of the associations with their men, weren't we? Weren't we told that Hillary Clinton should not be judged in White of her spend, even though Hillary was complicit and actually um against the women who were accusing him of sexual assault. You know, we don't have that kind of grace that we extend to Ivanka Trump because the feminist movement has become completely corrupted with this liberal agenda. You know you wrote this. I want to read a little bit of what you wrote in your column. You said women can be vicious. Just ask men ouch. Then you said better yet, ask other women, if they're honest, they'll tell you that women could be harsh to their own kind, especially liberal women. That's what makes feminist campaigns like the Women's March a bit of a joke. It's not about women sticking up for one another. It's about liberal women advancing their own liberal agenda, and if you're not on board, your attack viciously. And they did prevent pro life women from marching in that particular. We didn't prevent them from march, yes, them from being sponsored. I interviewed pro life feminists, we interviewed on this We interviewed, I interviewed him on this program right here on this show. A woman who was told not to come. Well, I've interviewed women who went and had a fantastic experience, okay, but that were denied sponsorship, which I think is wrong. But they went and they marched, and they look at that Blum that speaks volumes with the feminist movement today. They stand for a liberal agenda. They do not stand for women. They don't. And you know, to say that, you know that we're misguided, not understanding the feminist movement. We do. The feminist movement has been co opted by status. It is not about semin feminism, it's not about femininity, it's not about women, it's not about freedom. It's about this faux idea of equality, this oppression of women, that women are somehow up held down by men, when it's really what the feminist movement is wanting is bigger government to be invaded in our lives in order to get an agenda across. And we see it repeatedly in these movements and if you aren't on board with that agenda, you're rejected. That's why conservative women, conservative pundits, conservative politicians are just destroyed. I thought that feminism applauded working women. I thought feminism and you know, I thought another good point that you made in your article is that a Vanka's tweet didn't mock other women of back many women would identify with her, I deify with her, and stay at home moms would be like, great, yeah, she's a great mom. Great, bring your kid to work. I mean, there's they're pitting women against one another instead of standing for actually women's free choices, and the right would actually say, you're doing more to pit women against No, I'm not hypocrisy. I'm not saying anyone against anyone. I am calling out the feminist movement, not individual women, and I'm not pitting one woman against another. I am calling out the hypocrisy of what the feminist movement has actually become. What I would say to that is that many women, in fact do admire a Vanka. She is certainly an aspirational role model figure. She did take an active role in her father's campaign, and people who disagree with her father's politics pushed back against her when she took on an active campaign. But in fairness, but stop for a second. In fairness, they're attacking her for the most trivial, insignificant things that they come up with. That's number one. Number two, All right, Ivanka is an adult. And but I'll tell you this, if I attacked Chelsea Clinton the way that Ivanka is being attacked, I would be called a misogynist and a sexist and be disgraceful. Um. So there is a double standard number one, number two, and Eric can defend Himselvin don Jr. But they're also attacking a ten year old kid and the grandson of the president, one who was fired pretty swiftly attacked. I do not see widespread No, actually it was more than one. There was no no, wait a minute. The attacks on Barren were numerous and vicious, including ridiculous diagnosis about his condition because at four in the morning the kid was fidgeting and tired. Good. Agree, I'm from fifty five and I fidgetts against Barren Trump are ridiculous. But if you're holding up one fired a writer and I'm not, you know, I should hold up Alex joneson to represent Okay, Okay, if Alex Jones is going after the children, tell me about it and I'll call Alex Jones actually have gone after Okay. I want when she got caught smoking pot? No, I believe it was before then. And by the way, Chelsea Clinton was made fun of tremendously for her looks as an adolescent. It doesn't it shouldn't go after this, But wait a minute. What I'm talking I want to focus on, like the feminist movement and about what it's going on, what it's doing today to our society and what we're seeing and what we saw at the Women's March, it was just ridiculous. And they're not standing for women, and I want to make that clear. They're not. They're standing for a status agenda. They're clamoring about equality that is not a legitimate claim, and they're talking about oppression that does not exist. And it's causing great divisions, and we're attacking people like Ivanka, We're attacking conservative women, were attacking people because of their ideology. They don't stand for freedom, they stand for oppression themselves. There. It's just not right and we need to call it out. And I think we need to hold the feminist movement to account for its hypocrisy, is double standards and it's uh not standing for women. I think you're defining the feminist movement uh in a misguided way, because feminism, as it's hard, is about political, social, and economic opportunities for women. And you see the feminist movement as an inherently pro choice one. I haven't even missed one choice. I'm sad talking about it. I know many women who identifies them is who don't identifies those values. And if you want to paint the feminist movement in a narrow, narrow way that makes it very part is in you. That's your prerogative. That's fine, but I don't think that's helpful and in fact accurate to paint feminism in such a regard. Now, you're the one who's being dishonest about what actually you think feminism stands for. You think feminism has to do with oppression of women and that them fighting for equality in America. Right, Please tell me what I think. Yeah, well you do because I've read your writings and that's what you think. You think that women are not equal to men before the law in the society, and that somehow women are oppressed. That's why you're a feminist. You want to women, feminists and the face in your opinion in America, and you think they're oppressed. Women are not oppressed before the law in this country. Women have equal rights before the law. There isn't a equal pay gap there, there's only a wage gap there is. You know, you are pushing an agenda that's actually causing greater divisions in this country and is not really standing for women and they're not standing. You're not standing for women's freedom in your in your cry for equality, and you're quiet and across the board in the relation with ships with men. You are actually undermining the freedom of women. You're not standing for them. Okay, So I am, yes, undermining the freedom of women in my writing. I honestly do not know what you're pointing to to get to this. I am a feminist and I do think there are nuanced battles for women in the United States to be tackling. I also, by the way, completely agree with you that the wage gap, the seventy seven cents on a dollar, is not accurate. Let me hold you both, Emily, hold that thought. D C. McAlister, hold that thought one, Shawn, and you want to be a part of the program News round Up. In Information Overload, we'll get back to our top story, which is the need to vet refugees in this country. In the ongoing battle uncovering evil and defending the truth on the Sean Show. Right as we continue with d C. McAllister and Emily Shyer, we're debating a lot of the attacks on the children and grandchildren now of Donald Trump, and I would agree that Ivanka is tough and she can handle herself. I still think attacking her the way she did for being a working mom is so hypocritical though, of the left. And that's what you've been saying for a long time D C. McAllister about about feminism in general. There was one case where you had a congressman's aid that had to resign over he made comments. Dear Sasha and Malia. I get your both in those awful teen years, but you're part of the first family. Try showing a little class rise to the occasion, act like being in the White House matters to you. And I thought that was insulting and rude and inappropriate. Yeah, but the point is that there's a double standard. And we've been saying this ever since the election, as the left has continued to show its true colors. And again, the women's movement today, the feminist movement today is full of double, double standards and hypocrisy because it is not standing for women. And I want to make that point really clear. There this cry for equality, I want to ask Emily, where, what laws, where in our society do women not have equality before the law. And if you're going to talk about equality equal pay, that's a wage gap, and that's built on women's choices, which I thought feminists were to respect that women make separate in different choices for men, and the result is a wage gap. And they also to to bring the lucitions to these kind of things. They want bigger governments, so they're always looking to government to fix things that are just social differences. Instead of, you know, letting people be free to be different, they want a big government to impose its will on individuals and upon women in order to make things equal that can't be equalized, and so they're actually taking away women's freedom. And this is my major problem with a feminist movement state. And if you do not agree with that, you are attacked by them viciously. Well, what I would say is that I agree with you in that a lot of the ways you have is not purely men and women. It's based on the industries that people go into. Though it's also complicated because men and women often go into different industries based on parental responsibilities, child care responsibilities. That's why you know, we need to talk about issues like paid leave because it plays into the roles that people take and does how much money they make. Though I do I agree with you, I don't think it is a black and white sex discrimination issue. Um. I would also say, and especially considering that of all Americans support Roe v. Wade, forget about you're looking separately at how many women and do that when we have laws going on in Oklahoma in Arkansas that say men may be able to may be legally required to sign on for approval if women want to have abortions, I would say that's a discriminatory law as well. There's not a discriminatory law that baby is also half the father. So that's a debate, but it may not be. You don't put it in the realm of discrimination. You can have a discussion about that, but to go to sexism, to go to discrimination immediately. And also I find it always interesting whenever I start talking about discrimination and oppression of women in America and what the feminist movement is really about, they always go to abortion. So really the part of that is is that abortion involve abortion and having control over that many people think is a feminist concern. I think you can be feminist in pro life. Other people don't I think if you say in your opinion on me that all feminists things also all women who want to be feminists are all people who want to be feminists need to be pro choice is incorrect and I don't think that's how people take the movement. But I completely understand why see we gotta go if in this movement just needs to die. Honestly, it is causing greater division in our country, is causing a lot of conflict, and it doesn't stand for anything except for greater I gotta I gotta ended here. Thank you both for being will us D. C. McAlister and Emily Shire always appreciate you being with us. Thank you see right here for our final news round up and information overload that we all agree on the need to better secure the border and to punish employers who choose to hire illegal immigrants. You know, we are a generous and welcoming people here in the United States, but those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law. Uh and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States under tech did undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants. To hold complications for all eleven point immigrants in this country right now, we need you have a power that act, and that's why we're Yeah, here's the problem that I have, Jose, and I've said this consistently. Um, my job in the executive branch is supposed to be to carry out the laws that are passed. Uh. Congress has said here's the law when it comes to those who are undocumented, and they allocate a whole bunch of money for enforcement, something that I've struggled with throughout my presidency. The problem is that, UM, you know, I'm the President United States. I'm not uh, the Emperor of the United States. Uh. My job is to execute laws that are passed. And Congress right now has not changed what I considered to be a broken immigration system. And what that means is is that we have certain obligations to enforce the laws that are in place, even if we think that in many cases the results may be tragic. Now, what you need to know when I'm speaking as President United States and I come to this community is that if in fact I could solve all these problems without passing laws in Congress, then I would do something. But we're also a nation of laws. That's part of our tradition, and so the easy way out is to try to yell and pretend like I can do something by violating our laws. And what I'm proposing is the harder path, which is to use our democratic processes to achieve the same goal that you want to achieve. But it won't be as easy as just shouting. It requires us lobby and getting it done. But if we start broadening that, then essay, truly, I would be ignoring uh the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally. So that's not an option. And I do get a little worried that, uh, you know, advocates of immigration reform uh start losing heart and immediately thinking, well, uh, you know, somehow there's a an out here. If Congress doesn't act, well, we'll just have the presidents sign something and and that will take care of them. We won't have to worry about it. What I've said is is that there's a path to get this done, and that's through Congress, and right we've kind of stretched our administrative flexibility as much as we can. And that's why making sure that we get comprehensive immigration reform done is so important. It is gonna require work. It is not simply a matter of us just saying we're gonna violate the law. That's not our tradition. Al Right, News, round up, information, overload our here on the Sean Hannity Show. There's a lot to absorb here. Now, remember twenty our team became a referendum, give us the Senate Republican said, and we will get rid of Obama's illegal, unconstitutional executive amnesty, which he ended up doing anyway, even though he said that he didn't have the authority like twenty five times. So we've got that in play. If you look at the review, and this is new information out today compiled by a Senate committee. Uh in sixteen, well, what the judge in Seattle said was absolutely false. Well, is there any evidence in nine eleven that any terrorism came from the seven countries in question? Well, we now have a report that revealed that, in fact, seventy two individuals from the seven countries covered in President Trump's vetting executive order have been convicted in terror cases since nine eleven, and that stands as stark contrast to the assertions of both the Seattle Judge Ropart and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. And in fact, now I think they're gonna move forward with a new executive board. I'm not saying everything was perfect, but you get the point of why this is needed and why this is necessary. Just like when I travel to other countries, they vet me before I get to go in, and everybody else anyway joining us. Kasum Rashid is with us, who I know is a national spokesperson for the Amadia Muslim community, and um Ami Horowitz, satirist, documentarian, outright good guys here as well, Kasum, how are you? I'm good? How are you? I'm good? Now? I know the the Amadia Muslim community is a little bit different inasmuch as they've been one of the few areas within the Muslim community that has been more outspoken on terrorism, right yeah, I mean, throughout our hundred and twenty year history, we've been adamant that terrorism has no place in Islam, and we've supplemented that with a proven model in each of the two inter nations. Uh that we exist, our tens of millions of members have never had a single act of terrorism, because this is the Islam that Prophet Mohammad taught years ago. All right, But then there's the little literal interpretation of like neither to take take neither Christians nor Jews for your friends. Well, you know, Sean, I mean, anyone can cherry pick, but what this verse is talking about is when you're being attacked by people, don't take them as your friend. The Koran also goes on to say that make friends with Christians and Jews, and if somebody attacks a church or synagogue, then you, as a Muslim must defend the church and the synagogue. I mean, but I'm saying that you can understand how radical islamis interpret take neither Christians or Jews from as your friends as and when you have the word infidel in there all the time, and you have apostates and you know the penalty for apostasism and many Muslim countries and death. I mean, the word infidel doesn't appear in the Koran anywhere a country. Jihad does. But yeah, jihad means struggle. Yeah, but I mean the word well, does she means struggle or does it mean holy war. It means struggle, means holy war. But jihad just means struggle against evil. And I've always understood it to mean holy war. No, no, No, that's a common mismisunderstanding sean that actually struggle the world literally means to struggle against evil. And just as a KKK claims that are a Christian organization, nobody takes them seriously. Uh, and we condemn their terrorism. But you know, these most psychopaths. You have to agree with me, though most Muslims I think for fear, out of fear that maybe are moderate Muslims that don't want to strap bombs on their own children, promise them seventy two virgins in heaven. You know, most Muslims that think like you are a lot of them. And I think this is a fair statement. Tell me if you don't think so that many are afraid to speak out because they will be viewed as traders or a post dates and and that there's enormous pressure on them to be silent. Otherwise we'd have a lot. I mean, I think it's certain regimes that might be true, but then you have you know, country like Indonesia, which is a beacon of peace for you know, you have your issues there, but it's the largest miss majority country in the world, and it's a relatively peaceful You're talking about like Saudi Arabia or rand and one being soon and the other being ship me, you're not gonna hear me defense Audi the human rights violations. I mean, this is what about. I'm not gonna hear you defend I ran either right, No, of course not, of course not. And I mean this is where leadership matters. You know, the reason why the amity a Muslim community has had a track record of peace is because of his holiness, the true callous of Islam. He's a spiritual callous. He advocates for separation of mosque and state gender equity. He commands us to fight and defend just like let me bring me in here. And just like one General ALCSI of of Egypt spoke out against radical Islamis. It was it was a risky and he may ultimately one to even lose his life over it. Yeah, no, I I agree. I mean I took a lot of courage from to speak out and and talk about what he saw as the internal problems of religion. And I think there's no question that there are internal problems, but there are there are people who are trying to fight against that, who are trying to push against this tidal wave of radicalization which is kind of which is beginning to really engulf a lot of Islam, not all of it obviously, right, I think that when but it is the it is the number one clear and present danger of the world because we see radical Islamic terrorism all around the world now it is, and we see Isis and we see al Qaeda, and we see the Muslim Brotherhood, and we see his Ballad, and we see Hamas and we see you know, all of these different you know, offshoots, and they have declared war against us as evidence in the United States and all throughout Europe, all the different attacks that have taken place. You know, like to keep mind that really the number one export of the Saudi country is not necessarily oil, but really radicalism. If you look at around the world, the amount of money they're putting toward building out uh mosques that are preaching radicalism. Uh, it's it's it's very scary. And I think and by the way, you make that point about about terrorism and the fact that there have been no attacks right by anybody from these seven countries? Do we not forget that? Just last year, last year there were two attacks from two Somali immigrants, one in Ohio State and one at we have we've forgotten about that. I'm not sure what how's that forgot in the calculation. I've gone through all of these in Sudens, you know, and there are sixteen countries where if you're Jewish or have a Jewish passport, there are Muslim majority countries that you can't get in. Of course, So you know, you talk about extreme vetting or a religious litmus test or is a Jewish band? That's that's real. But I want to ask uh, Mr Shed, I want to ask you this. Yeah, I think this is important. So Donald Trump wants to protect the country these seven countries. You know, we have all the Indonesia, Egypt, Jordan's even Saudi Arabia, which I think should be included on the list. You know, all these seven countries, we know our hotbeds for terrorism and terrorism training. So he wants to have extreme vetting to make sure and put the priority of the safety of the American people first. Do you have a problem with that. I don't think anyone is arguing with safety for the country. I think the question is do we do it in a way that our judiciary says as constitutional? Are we gonna go rogue? And I think we can agree that the judiciary decide was constitutional or not. Yeah, I don't think. I don't think you can consider the Ninth Circuit mainstream judiciary in America, especially when they have about an eight percent overturn rate at the US it's still yeah. Well, but but in all honesty, I mean they went they went judge shopping here and the judge they went to this particular court in in Seattle, knowing that it would probably go to the Ninth Circuit, which probably would lean radically left, as they always do. But the reality is when did when did people that want to visit our country get constitutional rights? When did they gather them? I mean, that's there's an excellent law view article in Georgetown Law that UH sites of Supreme Court on numerous occasions that whether someone is a documented or undocumented immigrant, UH, they have the privileges of a citizen by virtue of being on US soil. And when we come back, I'll read you the law. Because the president does have the authority number one as commander in chief, and number two the statutory authority, which is US Code eleven eighty eight U S. Codal of an eight two paragraph half of your entitled to go. So we go look at it right as we continue our discussion about, of course, the president and whether or not extreme vetting is necessary. Let me read to both of you, Amy and Mr Rashid is uh the law which says this is two. Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may, by proclamation and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem appropriate. I mean the law seems pretty clear to me. Yeah, that that is really a vague writing of a law. I don't understand what that even means. No, but like you said, it doesn't matter what the black and white is. You have a an activist Chord in the Ninth Circuit who was looking too over that there was the political move doesn't matter with the laws. They were looking to find a way to overturn it. They found a way which it's clearly would be overturned if we had a Supreme Court which wasn't four to four, so clearly split between partisan lines. I think ultimately he's going to be write the law, He's gonna narrow it, and it will essentially pass well in the law, same clarity. And by the way, I think we should remind people, you actually work with refugees. You I mean, I'm a cel RESC attorney. I broke out side and refugees constantly and know that law of course has to be interpreted by the US Supreme Court and the Supreme Court. Okay, but there's no ambiguity when you heard what I read, right well, But my point is that whatever the meaning of that with those words are still dependent on what the Supreme Court says. I think we can agree on that, right all right, But there's no there's no ambiguity in the reading of that law. You could be a ninth grader or an eighth grader and figure out what it's meaning and intent are. But hang on, hang on, hang on, Imy, you had the experience you actually infiltrated, if you will, the refugee population to all about the Yeah. So when I was in Turkey, I spend time with the Syrian refugees there. I actually saw witness Isis recruiting Syrian refugees in is Mere, Turkey. And then I ultimately I went on that that pleasure cruise on the raft with them over to Germany and spend time with them in Germany. And I want to spend a second really on the vetting process, the great vetting process that they've been talking about, how the extreme vetting of the abadministration. And you know, most people, I haven't heard anybody talking about what this process actually is. It is an absolute joke. The process is. It begins with the u N which picking out who they want to come to the United States, which disqualifies into my mind at the beginning. Then they have a wellness check where they find out they have herpes or not, and then they asked them a series of questions are you a terrorist? For instance? Do you want to blow up America? And then comes the coup de gras, the vetting process. They then ping their names off of five different databases to find their names hit. In other words, if we don't know who they were beforehand, that's the only way we find out their terrorists, if they are raut galized, and Syria during the war, the radicalized, the refugee camps after the war, none of that is involved in this extreme vetting at the U. S has and every single solitary national security top intelligence official in this country said, and as has now the President Assad of Syria himself, that the refugee population will be infiltrated by terrorism. Sean, let me respond to that as well. You know, his holiness, the Sleep of Islam several years ago said absolutely iss is going to try to influction refugees, and we need to have a thorough vetting process. There's no doubt about that. But I think what immy is doing is plenty mischaracterizing. And I worked these refugees. I've gone through these interviews. There's a reason why our intelligence agencies have protected us and not a single terrorist has gotten through in forty years. I think we should I thought that's not true. I just simply not true. I just told you. A review compiled by the US Senate and sen revealed that seventy two individuals from those seven countries covered by the presidents the Sati No, I mean, I read that report, but with all due respect, it is not They're all convictions of real people. I don't know what you're talking about, but I gotta run. I wish I had more time. Eight hundred nine for one, sewn toll free telephone number. Thank you for being with us. All right, when we come back, we'll hit the phones toll free, our telephone numbers eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to join us, we'll take a quick break, we'll come back and we will continue straight ahead, Mold inspired solutions for America. This is the Sean Show till the top of the one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, Uh, we will be interviewing. Uh well, I probably shouldn't give it away yet. We're gonna be back in Washington this week with a really big interview that we're really excited about. And it is as relevant is anything that we have ever done before. All Right, in the meantime, I promise we'll get to the phones. We will do that and say hi to Mike. Is somewhere in New York State that says, where are you in New York? State. Hey John, thanks for taking my call. I'm a college student in UM Upstate, New York. I go to a small private university, about three thousand students. My school's a an engineering school for the most part. We have a smaller business school. But UM usually it's not too political. But I guess because of the election last summer, it's completely changed. And I'm a senior in my fourth year here, and all of a sudden, I've noticed these these drastic changes around campus. UM we have safe spaces on campus. Now all of a sudden, we have bathrooms for everyone that used to be men's bathrooms of women's bathrooms in certain buildings. The bathrooms have become for everybody, so anybody could use UM the bathrooms. But I guess the thing that bothered me the most is, uh, right after the election, we have I'm a part of the club on campus. It's called the College Republican Club. We have well over eighty members. And right after election, it was either some one of the high UM high ranking faculty on campus or the president of the university sent our advisor to us at our meeting to tell us that just because our guy won, meeting President Trump, that we weren't allowed to be hateful or bigoted, assuming he was assuming that that's the kind of people that we are because we were conservative, which really earthed us. Um and I guess he also The president of the university has also gone so far as to President Trump put out his executive order two weeks ago. Let me guess they called it a Muslim ban and a religious litmus test. Then they lied to the students. I'm just guessing, yeah, pretty much. He sent in an email. I have a I have it written down a quote from it. Um, what say the President Trump's executive order banning entry of citizens from various countries is in direct opposition to our history, our principles, and even our ability to continue to drive the national Number One, they're not citizens. Their guests in our country. Number Two. When I go abroad, I get vetted. Number three. You know, I mean it's I we don't mind people visiting, but if you're coming from a country that is known to be a safe harbor for terrorists and and a known terrorist training facility, or there's a lot of terrorist training going on in the country, then we have every right to put the safety and security above the visitors. Inconvenience, and that's all this comes down to. Inconvenience, And if you're a terrorist, the inconveniences you're not getting in. If your person that comes with good intentions, and we can ascertain that, then America is opening its doors to you. So it's it's been blown. Here's my here's what I advise you to do, because you're describing my entire life where I have been despised, hated, mischaracterized. Every single possible evil thing that could ever be written about a person I think has been written about me at some point or another. And you know what, I'm just very relaxed and comfortable in my own skin, and I don't care about criticism. I'm not going to live my life caring what people think about me. You know. I there are certain people in my my life who's whose opinions of me matter a lot more than others. And short of that, I don't care that, you know, a bunch of liberals hate my guts. I really don't. I'm not gonna spend my life agonizing over it. It's life A is too short and be I'm confident in my studied positions about how conservatism works and how vetting is your simple, basic, fundamental common sense. And if you know, if I'm bored, I might take to Twitter and and have some fun and spank them around a little bit if they need it. All right, best of luck, Mike, stand on your principles. You'll never regret it. Chris is in Utah, rod or Ketland k n rs. What's going on? Chris? How are you? How's things in Utah? Mr? Hannity? Thank you for your time, sir. Thanks for let me call in, sir. Um. I was at the Jason chafe Its town hall meeting last Thursday. Um. I was on the second row. Um. I'm an Obama. Obama voter in two dozen and eight and I voted for Trump in two thousand and sixteen. I went there to kind of learn. But what I learned was while I was in line, they were bringing in all these Democratic voters and activists and they were handing out signs and agree and disagree, and they were handing them out the questions. And as I went in and sat down and I got on the second row, I interacted with everybody and was very benign, and they didn't know who I was. And I saw them actually standing in front and moving us all together, getting more people in there. And then when Mr Chafis came out and Congressman shape It's I won't get into it. I posted on Facebook. I'm not a very political person, but it changed my life. If you look at the fifty nine minute mark on the YouTube, on the video of the chafe Its town hall, I got a chance to ask my question. The only reason I did was because I was aggressive and they were trying to stop me from asking. And I told the crowd and God and everyone that I'm a Trump voter, a chafe It's supporter, and Obama supporter. And I looked at the crowd and said, your anger is what probably everyone felt in two thousand twelve, and I asked what can we come to to do to come together? I was yelled at, shouted down. As I sat down, I was cursed at. I was told I should probably leave because someone might come after me. The Brighton School student body counsel was on the front row, and no one's talking about this. These kids heard the most vulgar, nasty things that they probably ever heard in their lives. I left and went outside because I was actually scared, and I walked out to the group of protesters who were screaming bring him out, bring him out, as if he was some criminal. What they want to do, what they want to do, beat him up. And that's what I didn't know, Mrs Kennedy, is that I'm just a regular person. I thought, and I just went there and and um, and I'll be honest with you, I switched. I was always independent. I switched my party affiliation to Republican to vote for Ted Cruz during the primary. I struggle was voting for Mr. Trump. But the Washington Post reporter asked me a very great question, he said afterwards, because he's like, I can't believe you did that in front of everybody, And I said, I wanted to show the difference between us and them. I asked a very loving, kind question and was rejected and cursed at and and he said, um, well, what do you think of the job Mr Trump's doing? And I said, it's been two or three weeks. How can we judge him? I actually think, I actually think it's been a pretty phenomenal period of time. I won't go through the list of accomplishments again because I don't want to repeat myself, but I think it's been great. Listen, I'm I'm just gonna tell you this. A lot of this is what we call AstroTurf, and these organizers, some of them are paid to be there. It's this is now what you're going to see the entire four to eight years of a Trump presidency. It's not going to go away. I talked to friends of mine that do work in the White House. I said, it's not going away. You just you just accepted for what it is and do the job you were hired to do and forget the noise, because this is all noise. And if if people want to disrupt a town hall with a congressman or a senator that is graciously try to reach out and serve as constituents, well that means the people that really deserve the service don't get what what we hired these people for. And it's selfish, self centered. You're right, they don't care about their language, they don't care the kids are there. You know, It's it's just typical. I've seen this my entire life. Especially the left is not the most tolerant. The left does not really believe in diversity because they don't like or can't stand a conservative and God forbid if you're a woman in a conservative and pro life, and god forbid of you're a black American and your conservative. Oh my god, that's like, you know, look at all the names that Tim Scott was called and he read on the Senate floor last week. It's it's pretty brutal. They're vicious, their mean, they're cruel, and we have to just move We we have a job to do and that saved the country and in the meantime, stop it's precipitous decline. Get America on the right track. At our economy on the right track, get our security on the right track, get healthcare on the right track, get the Supreme Court back on track, get to energy independence. These are the big problems we've got to focus on. Anyway, I appreciate Chris, let not your heart be trouble. I know it's frustrating. The best thing you could probably do is call his office and see if you can't get a question answered the way you want. I would assume Jason Chaffitz would would be glad to respond. All right, let's get to our phones. Let us say hi to Jonathan and Henderson Texas. Jonathan, Hi, how are you glad you called thank you, sir, appreciate taking me. Um, I would just like to say, well, first off, I'm a I'm a thirty seven year old rooting contractor in Texas, and I'm very glad that we finally have a president that works as hard as the people do. Um. But what I was wanting to comment on was last week whenever Gorset's made that comment about basically criticism Trump for giving his opinion on something, it was disconcerting if it's true. Now he denies it was said. He denies that it was reported accurately. But I mean, look, we have a right to free speech. We can criticize the judiciary. They're not above criticism. As a matter of fact, the Ninth Circuit deserves it right exactly. That's what I was wanting to say. You know, since when the judge thought of to be thought of it beyond reproach or you know, somebody, they cannot make a mistake. You know, if if somebody like Ashley Judd can stand up there and say the filthiness that she said the other day, I mean she embarrassed the whole country with what she said. No, you know what she did, she heard her own cause because Americ The American people are I am a nast woman. It's just it's an embarrassment, or Madonna an embarrassment, or Meryl Streep an embarrassment, or Ashton Putcher an embarrassment. It's just these people are are ignorant, they don't know much, and they're all a bunch of phony hypocrites. Yeah, and she, you know, talking like that on there. You know, the left will always claim free speech, which they should. I mean, we do have free speeches America, and manet applies also to the President of all people. He has a right to free speech also, And you know what, they want to shut down his Twitter, and maybe it would be in his best interest to do so. I actually have come around on it. I actually think the fact that he I like people that are courageous and fight and speak their mind. And the President is going right to the American people, and I kind of like it. I think it's a good thing that he goes directly to us. And the media is in a total meltdown, freak out mode. And I was watching CNN briefly this weekend, and I just I watched for five minutes, and they were questioning the president's mental health, you know. And I'm like, this is beyond silly. And then Chris Ruddy was on and he goes, yeah, if he's uh crazy, he's crazy like a fox. He won the presidency. Like yeah, good point. Look I know Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a guy that rolls asleeps up. And he he said to me privately and on the air, I gotta do a good job for the American people. And I think that's why he's moving as expeditiously as possible. I called the speed of Trump. I'm telling Republicans in Washington to get their ass in gear and start working like everyone else in this country works, and roll up their sleeves and stop with the lunches and the workouts and the and the cafeteria dining that we pay for, and and start writing the bills on the promises that you made to the American people. And I'm frankly a little disgusted that you guys don't have a replacement bill ready to go after eight years, a consensus replacement bill, and that's so much work has to be done on it. It makes me think, what have you been doing? You voted all these times to repeal and replace, but what were you going to replace it with it's it's beyond frustrating anyway, I appreciate it, Jonathan, totally get it, understand and you can go back Thomas Jefferson for crying out loud Marbury Madison critical of judges. Thomas Jefferson himself the author of our declaration critical of judges, as were many other presidents before. Barack Obama was so insulting to the Supreme Court that he insulted them right in front of them. Member, you were reading the lips of uh sam Alito, not true, not true, and didn't stop the President and then Justice Scalia and Justice Thomas said, that's the last State of the Union we're going to. I would assume when the President speaks, I think it's ony. It's not officially a state of the Union of a joint Session of Congress. I would assume that Clarence Thomas is gonna be there, and that all the justices will be there. We have a lot of work to do in this country. Look, it's this is not easy to fix the problems that we have inherited here. And I'm not spending a lot of time. I've given that to you all last year. How bad it is now. I'm very solutions oriented because I want the country to get fixed. I want to make sure that the country I want him. This is what I want for my country right now. I want I want the country safe and secure from radical Islamis. I want border secured, I want vetting in place. I want to understand. I want a president that understands that we have a group of people that are war with us. Then at simultaneously, and all these millions and millions of Americans in poverty, on food stamps, out of the labor force, that can't buy a home and have the American dream. I want to fix the economy so everyone not only gets a good job, but a career job that will make their lives better and more prosperous. And I want them to live in safe neighborhoods where their kids can play out, but they can go out in their backyards, they can play football in the street, you know, move aside when the cars come by, and not have the fear that so many people in so many cities and communities have right now. And that's what that's that's my goal. It's not personality driven as much as it's driven by my knowledge that conservatism works. Eight years of radical a Lynskyite, you know, leftism of Obama and Hillary didn't work. It hurt us on the national security front, and it hurt us on the economic front. A daily heat seeking missile of information that you won't get anywhere else. Santy's on No.