John Solomon, Editor in Chief of Just the and Congressman Lance Gooden of Texas, are here with breaking news about Joe Biden and his lies regarding illegal immiigration and how they are entering the country on the taxpayers dime; with the help of the US government.
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All right, News Round Up, Information Overload Hour eight hundred nine four one, Shawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. In a minute, we're gonna get to our friend John Solomon, editor in chief of Just the News dot com, and Congressman Lanscoden of Texas. There's breaking news about Joe Biden, and we've talked a lot about his lives. Three point five trillion is gonna cost zero cost to zero cost zero if you make less than four hundred thousand dollars, not going to pay a penny, well, paying a buck fifty more for gasoline and a thousand bucks more to heat our home and paying more for everything we buy, and the people getting hurt or the poor in the middle class in America anyway, like kind of like travel agents prepping for customers for a cruise. You have these nonprofits as an investigative reporting by John working with the Biden administration creating detailed itineraries and information packets to help get this illegal immigrants travel to wherever they want to go in the US. Now we've already documented the preferential treatment of illegal immigrants in this country. There's there's no COVID testing because Jensaki lied and told us they're not going to be here very long. There's no vaccine mandates. And then, of course we're finding in every state, usually obscure out of the way airports FBOs as they call them, we see that illegal immigrants are being dropped off in states all across the country in the dark of night. When confronted over being dropped off in the dark of night, Jensaki lies and says, well, no, four am, but that would be an early morning flight. No, that would be in the dark of night, so nobody sees it. Anyway, it's a pretty amazing investigative report. Let me play for you this report from outside to California hotel housing illegal immigrants. Only to hear this, I'm in San Diego, California, standing in one of many hotels that the State of California and NGOs are using to launder federal money and shuttle asylum seekers from across the border and out into the rest of the United States. Behind me is one of those hotels. This is a Wyndham gets shut down if you call, they say they're under construction or close for COVID, But in fact there's a lot of action behind me. There is a wall up. They're very secret about what they're doing and what happens. And what we've seen in the last day or two is a constant flow of buses. Asylum seekers, various immigrants who have crossed the border, get off the bus. They stay for one or two nights, and then they are taken to the airport where they are given instructions for how to get past TSA without going through proper security checks and without IDs, and then they get on the plane of their choice. They're given packets by these organizations with confirmation numbers and instructions on how to assimilate. They're told to put their kids in school and whatever community they end up in, and to ignore the request to show up to a court date. And so what you're seeing is government funded lawbreaking. And if it's so great, why is it so secret. Why do they have these fences up, Why do they refuse to let people in, why do they refuse to answer questions? And we're seeing this all along the border here in California. It's a shame, it's a disgrace, and it's the last stopping point before these asylum seekers, these illegal immigrants who have broken our law from day one are sent to the airport and out to our communities. Now, remember I've been saying, not only is Joe Biden and the Democrats not enforcing the laws of this land, they have the ability to change them if they don't like them. We don't get to pick and choose which laws we like and don't like, and which ones will obey and don't obey. Right, they're eighty and abetting in the law breaking. Listen to what that report just said. On top of that, Remember the first question from Peter Doocey to Joe Biden is a truer administration and it's going to be paying four hundred and fifty thousand dollars per person if they were separated from their families. That's garbage. Why you're reporting that garbage that's never gonna happen. For reports that we're surfacing that your administration is planning to pay illegal immigrants who are separated from their families at the border up to four hundred and fifty thousand dollars each, possibly a million dollars per family. Do you think that that might incentivize more people to come over illegally If you guys keep sending that garbage out. Yeah, but it's not true. So this is a garbage for port. Yeah, okay, four hundred and fifty four hundred and fifty thousand dollars per persons. I was just saying that I was separated from a family member at the border under the last administration. That's not gonna happens. Getstrate, you said everybody coming across the border gets five hundred, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. What you have a pronomberdizory for fining to Okay, now here's the thing. If, in fact, because of the outrageous behavior less administration, you coming across the border, whether it was legal illegal, and you lost your child, you lost your child, he's gone. You deserve some kind of compensation, no matter what's the circumstance, what that will be. I had no idea. Two days later, he's advocating for the policy. I don't know what's worse that he didn't know it was his own administration's policy, or that he embraces the idiotic idea of paying people not respecting our laws, borders, and sovereignty. Anyway, one of these prototype packets, if you will, that you just heard about in that report out of California was provided by a whistleblower to Congressman Lanz Gooden of Texas, which undermines may Orcus the Homeland Security secretaries claim that the southern border is closed. He's lying through his teeth. They've all been lying through their teeth. John Solomon blows this wide open, and a new report that he just put it out. The headline at just the News dot com is welcome. Packet reveals concierge travel service for Biden illegals courtesy of nonprofits and John Solomon joins us now as well as Congressman Gooden of Texas. How are you both great? Thank you for hiding us. Thanks yeah, John, Let's start with your news report. I tried to give a summary. There's a lot more to it. I'll let you fill in the blanks. Yeah, listen, we all remember the commercial after the Super Bowl. Congratulations Eli Manning, you won the Super Bowl. Where are you going? I'm going to Disney World. Well, this is what's happening at the border. Congratulations, you just crossed the border illegally. Where would you like to go to the United States? So I want to go to Louisiana. Well, here's a package. Here's how you get on the plane. Here are free tickets, here's an airline thing, here's some lawyers that will help you fight your deportation. And here's a letter you give to the TSA saying you don't have to go through normal ID check at the airport like you and I do, because you don't have that identification because you dropped it before you came into the border. So we're gonna let you on the airline otherwise. Congressman Gooden has exposed one of the greatest travel thinking operations that have ever curred. Donald Trump solved this problem. He created the Remain in Mexico program so that people how to stay. Joe Biden, despite the court's order, has obliterated that program. Even the court says they need to follow it. And they're letting in these refugees seeking refugee status and they're moving them around like they were a gigantic travel service, really big public service that Congressman Gooden did for this country exposing this. Congressman, let's ask you this prototype packet that you got a hold of from a whistleblower, what can you tell us about them? Yeah, you know, we got this packet and it was almost it was unbelievable. And the packets that they're providing them detail how to get around TSA, how to board a flight, and how to assimilate it. Let me slow you down, how to get around TSA with specific instructions and answers right yes, And it actually has a letter that is in most of these packets that says how this undocumented passenger does not have the appropriate documentation, but they are not a risk, please admit them through security. And in many cases we've spoken to federal air marshals. You know, they board the plane first, they say to the pilot, Hey, I'm on board. I've got a gun, just an fyi. They're supposed to be the first people on the plane, so other passengers don't know who the armed air marshal is. In many cases, these air marshals have boarded and seen these immigrants pre boarded. So you've got a plane full of regular passengers and also immigrants who are aware of who the armed people are. It's totally crazy. I mean, this is Mannus. No. Now we have John solom in a situation where illegal immigrants get no COVID testing because we're told we're lied to and we're told they're not going to be here very long. That's a lie. Then there's no vaccine mandate. You get the added preferential treatment because Americans are forced to get the vaccine if they're working right now. You get free transportation to the state of your choice. You get dropped in the dark of night. But it's called an early more flight. And this is now the United States government, led by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris his borders are now actively engaged in not only not enforcing the law, but aiding and abetting law breaking. What do you think John Solomon would happen if Sean Hannity did this? Oh, I'd be raising a bail fundry because you'd be behind bars right now. There's no doubt about it. Listen. One of the amazing things is we took the packet that the Congressman gave us and we went to the organization, the nonprofit that was in that packet helping that particular immigrant, and they say to us, they tell you, listen, our goal is to get rid of the remaining Mexico policy. It's cruel and inhuman. They actually admit that their goal is to defy the current law of the land and try to circumvent it by bringing these immigrants into the country when they were supposed to stay in Mexico into their asylums were decided and they're working in concert with the Homeland Security Secretary. This is a well oiled human trafficking machine. We've taken organizations in the history of Hu's nice state and put people in prison for human trafficking. Our government and nonprofits are doing it with impunity and no consequence. It's pretty unbelievable. Now that you have this information. What are your options, Congressmen, Well, we're filing legislation, but there's a key point that I want to mention that we haven't talked about. And it's not just the government that's in on this scam, but these nonprofits are being funded by corporations. For example, AT and T their corporate Giving program, they encourage their employees to give to various charities. One of those charities that they can give to is the Catholic Charities and the Jewish Family Association. These are some of these well known charities that people think are great organizations that do good for our community, and eighty percent of the time they probably do. But they're behind this mess in San Diego and across our southern border. And so I think it's important that the American people know that these charities in conjunction with major corporations. Bill in the Melinda Gates Foundation, there's some culprits as well. They're funding this in conjunction with the United States government. You know, you use the phrase earlier, this is human trafficking because you're trafficking. You're helping people that do not belong in the United States, that are not here legally. You're trafficking them into the United States. Now there's human traffickers that sell people into prostitution and even young girls. I've had some of the agents on that have worked in that field for fifteen years. You have drug trafficking, but human trafficking helping illegal immigrants on the other side of the border, referred to as coyotes. They traffick people to the border and help them cross over, and they're paid a fee or they get a mark to pay a feed down the road, with threats to their family usually associated with it. And now this is the government, and now you're talking about charitable organizations organized with no fear of any type of accountability by the law involved in this business. Now, you're a congressman, you're a lawmaker. What happens when people break the law. What's supposed to happen. They're supposed to be punished, and the law breaking is supposed to stop. And so we're shining a light on this. You and I both know who runs things in Washington right now, and there's not a lot of hope with Nancy Pelosi in charge. But I think it's important that people know that Marriott Hotels, for example, seems to be okay with one of their sheratans in San Diego being shut down, funded by the government and run by nonprofits that are trafficking humans. If Marriott Hotels is not okay with that, then why does this continue to happen. I'd love for Marriott to come out and say that they're against this and shut that hotel down. Quick break. We'll come back more on the other side with Congressman Lance good In, a Texas and investigative reporter Editor in chief of justinews dot com John Solomon at nine DM, do you know where your president is? I don't know. Yeah, he sounded asleep in his bed with a lot of care in the world must be nice, Joe, the rest of us will keep working. You are on the Sean Edity Show. All right, as we continue with the editor in chief at just thenews dot com. That's John Solomon and Texas Congressman Lance Goodness with us. John, let's talk more about the prototype packet and the groups that are involved here. I would assume, knowing you as well as I do, that you don't usually start with one story and stop. I would assume that you're probably going to find out which organizations are aiding and a betting in the lawbreaking, and probably you're gonna request an interview with them. I would assume they're not going to want to talk to you. Yeah, you know. Remarkably, the group in San Diego that was a part of this, they did talk to us, and they basically could confirm, Hey, yet we're working with home and yet we're doing that. Yep, they're getting free hotels. Yes, we're moving across the country, and we think this is a righteous thing, and we want to get rid of the prevailing law in the land, which is to remain in Mexico policy that a federal court has told Joe Biden he has to comply with he's still not complying with it. But these groups are helping. They admit they're trying to help it. What we're doing right now thanks to the good work the Congressman Good did. I don't think a lot of people realize this. To protect his constituents in Texas, he went all the way to California at his own expense, with his staff, and he went and investigated and observed and brought this information back to the public and habit he did old fashioned gumshoe working. Because there's a lot of credit. We're following the money. We're going to identify every charity donor to those charities who are part of this, that the American people can see the entire ecosystem. And remember, we just had a tragic case in Florida. A young father died killed, stabbed to death by an illegal migrant who posed because he didn't have identity as a minor. He was actually a twenty four year old man under man. He got into Florida, he got to his sponsor family and they and he killed the father of that family. Everybody in the chain of that person's destination to getting the photos should be held accountable. We're working on that as a project with several reporters right now. Unbelievable, John Solomon, incredible work. Congressman. Please keep us in the loop and let us know any developments you get on your end. We appreciate you bringing it to our audience's attention. Thank you, We appreciate you. Eight hundred nine one sewn toll free number. Quick break right back, continuing to bill the Foundation for Conservative victory. Victory. Now back to the Sean Hannity Show twenty five now till the top of the hour. Kamala Harris is going through a very rough time. Report after report after report. You've got pretty much everybody in the Biden White House trashing the vice president, blaming her for Joe's low approval ratings. You know, say, well, HER's a much lower She's a twenty eight percent. Joe's at a whopping thirty six percent new poll out today, thirty six percent, So he's in the mid thirties. As if he's doing that much better. He's not. And then of course you have the embarrassing moments, the never ending laughter. Then of course she hired a PR couple of PR people to improve her image. That resulted in the disastrous video with child actors and and happy Talk, which didn't go over particularly well. She's done nothing as a border art didn't even go to any important part of the border. It was a disaster in France as she tried her friend j Accent out and accomplished nothing, especially the conflict that's ongoing between France, the US and Australia. So things have not been going particularly well. So now the latest attempt to rehabilitate her image is to go on with the ever so reliable Clinton sycophant, Georgie Stephanopolis over at ABC. And then she acknowledges something most in the Biden administration have not acknowledged, that inflation is real. She's making the lie that economists say, build back better will bring costs down. No, there's a report out today. The reason that they don't want to wait for the CBO scoring of the bill, which Democrats always wanted Republicans to have a CBO score, is because they know it's not going to come back. Oh it's zero, which is the lie they've been pushing. Then when asked about the polls, are they just go up and down? You me? In her case, they pretty much have gone down, and then put all everything is push new Green Deal, socialism, build back better. It's like a broken record. And then asked about the relationship with the president. I don't feel misused or underused, and Joe is absolutely not discussing twenty twenty four. Let me play a portion of this for you, then we'll get your reaction. On the other side. What can you do about these high prices? How long is it going to take? Well, first of all, it's real, and it's and it's rough. Groceries. The cost of groceries has gone up, the cost of gas has gone up. And as this is all happening in the context of two years of a pandemic, that's one of the highest priorities actually for the President and for me. And so we're dealing with this issue in a number of ways. Short term, one of the issues is the supply chain. We're seeing a bottleneck and we need to relieve that bottle. You know, George, Polls, they go up, they go down, But I think what is most important is that we remain consistent with what we need to do to deal with the issues that we're presented with at this moment. And so let's again look at what we accomplished. It's historic in nature, at least the biggest investment in infrastructure in a generation in America. And some of this stuff you'll see in the next few months, and some of this you're going to see in the next perhaps couple of years. We're getting things done, and we're doing it together. So you don't feel misused or underused. No, I don't. I am very, very excited about the work that we have accomplished, but I am also absolutely, absolutely clear eyed that there is a lot more to do, and we're going to get it done. Finally, as President Biden told you whether he's going to seek reelection in twenty twenty four, what President Biden and I started our day talking about, as we normally do, is and bringing in members of our intelligence community to review the Presidential Daily Brief and talk about classified information around star national security and hotspots around the world. After that, we had another couple of meetings, and then I went over to the Capitol because I'm the President of the Senate and broke a tie vote there. And we are focused on implementation of the bipartisan infrastructure deal. So you're not discussing twenty twenty four yet absolutely all right, Kamala Harris with Georgie Stephanopolis. I love Georgie. Remember were you with us when we ran into Georgie at the airport where were we headed? Not only was I there, but my first big interview was getting Stephanopolis on the show back in the day. This is when Obama was running. I asked him, we won't play it. I know you always want to play it because it's priceless. Okay, so clearly doesn't know. So we're deep into the campaign and oh wait, and I'm hammering away. We have done a deep dog. Reverend Right you were the only one on a deep dive into Obama. Look. I sent my staff to Reverend Wrights Church. We got more tapes. They sell them, We bought them, and it resulted in revealing a lot more about Reverend Right now twenty plus years and the pews of Reverend right anyway, So we do what we always do, like in the case of Ferguson and Uva and Duke Lacrosse and Richard Jewell and uh, let's see Freddie Gray, Trey von Martin, George Zimmerman. We actually do research and we did a deep dive when the media wouldn't touch it as it relates to Obama and black liberation theology that he learned from Reverend Right that inspired him to write a book. Uh. We talked about Frank Marshall Davis and his influence on Obama. We talked about the Chum Gang, and you're the only one to read his books where he talks about and we even played you know, white folks, greed runs a world in need, and we would we'd play that taped to death. His friendship and relationship starting his political career in the Home of Unrepentant Terrorists by the name of Bernadine Dorn and Bill Ayres of All Days, September eleven, two thousand and one, the Morning Edition, before the attack on this country, He's quoted in that day's paper saying he wished they did more. Remember they bombed what the Pentagon, I think the capital New York City Police headquarters. And his answers, no apologies, unrepentant, we wish I wish we did more than nine to eleven happens. And anyway, so I bring this up for the purpose that we would do our background and investigative work. Well, the point that you're making is that George Stephanopolis has never been one to do the background research. Clearly you had to hold his hand the first time. So he's about to do this debate with Obama, and I said, are you gonna ask him about Airs and Dorn? Nobody's asked him about Airs and Dorn, And he said, what's that? We had no clue. Now, to his credit, I explained it to him, and he took that information and he asked it the one time. Now, there might have been an obscure interview that nobody heard about where he was asked, you know some liberal groups that he was asked his other time by this comic book writer or whatever it was, the unknown person, and his answer was famous. We made it infamous, and that was He's just a guy in the neighborhood, George. He started his career in the home of unrepentant terrorists, and I kept asking the question, does he know Lewis Farakhan. We didn't find out till after he served eight years. Yep, sure enough the picture emerged that they purposely hit it from the American people. Think about what you covered too. On the day that Obama was sworn in on an inauguration day for him. Reverend Wright was supposed to be there and he was not. No, that was the day of the announcement in Chicago you're talking about, and he was corrected. He was there, he was going to do the introduction. Pulled it, and they pulled it, and they pulled it because of that interview and because the amount of it. They pulled it because I was now becoming a problem. A problem now if you're there for a long time we had the introduction to this radio program, or Obama mentioned me this time, this time, this time, this time, this time, Jason, I don't know. If you, mister put mister Burgess up against Sean Hannity, he'll tear him up. Well, I would have a beer with Sean Hannity. I would have a beer with him. Yeah, sure, do you ever get that beer? I might have to put mister Burgess on Fox News. I'll put I'll put mister Burgess up against Sean Hannity. He'll tell him up. By the way, and this woke day and age that would be interpreted in violence, lence threat, I should probably sue. I feel very concerned. I know I'm scared to death. Mister Burgess is after me. But watch by the way, that's how liberals think at the time. I even said that, I said, there's a look about it when an MSNBC reporter is chasing a jewelry bus that they don't think about it then completely leaves their mind. Yeah, well they're not they're not there anymore or I don't know if you have any more of those tapes, but he must have mentioned me at least like twelve fifteen times. The funny part is, and then somebody told him to stop. No, Remember he said, He's like, we're not staying up at like watching Sean Hannity. I'm like, right, you just say his name at every press event and know exactly what time he's on. But yet, well, there's an even better story that I can tell now, and I didn't know it at the time. This is a true story. I did not know that at one point. I don't know when, but I found out later. My boss at the time he since passed away, Roger Els, who gave me my shot at Fox. He had a meeting with Obama and the meeting was about coming on the Fox News channel, and Obama got very animated. It was in a hotel room in New York and pre or doing while he was a candidate, when he was a candidate. Okay, and the issue came up, Well, you've got a guy every single night on television calling me a terrorist and apparently as a story was told to me by somebody in the room. No, you're talking about Hannity, right, he goes, No, he says that you're friends with a terrorist, an unrepentant terrorist, domestic terrorist. At that line, he stood up, walked out of the room. Now here's here's the interesting part of that. But did not deny. No, he was furious. He didn't want that answer. Basically, what he was looking to hear is I'll tell Hannity to calm it down. Yeah, we'll tell him to stop saying that. I was never told about that meeting until years later he was in office during the eight years or Yeah, I just remember much much. It happened a long time ago. By the time I had heard that happen. How do I not know this story? This is crazy? Well, I mean, one of the things I've been very fortunate in my career. I worked for companies that let me be me, and I say what I want to say the way I want to say it, and I try to be a good partner with the companies, but I'm really kind of an independent contractor in a way. We run our business, our shows, and they know that I'm going to do my work. I come and prepared. I want to win and do the best job I can do every single day. You also do your due diligence. Let's give them a lot of confidence, like we're not allowed to put anything on without five sources. Listen, there were times you yourself, We're angry at me during for example, the Russia collusion hoax, where we had dual sources confirmed, corroborated, and I'd say, no, I want more. I want more because I didn't want to get it wrong, because I knew at the time when we were we were unpeeling the layers of the onion of the big hoax lie conspiracy theory that if I got one item wrong, takeaway the rest of the credibility because we knew we were nailing it because of the quality of sources that we had. What do I always say, nobody in the media knows what I do for a living. Although Hannity is a big mouth on television already. Okay, fine, we do a lot of things on this show. We do straight news, and I can produce thousands of hours of straight news coverage on both radio and TV. No opinion. This is the breaking news. This is happening right now. Let's go to reporter ABC, D and E and I give no opinion. There are of course. Then we do our investigative work. The work we did, I think some of the finest work we ever did was doing a deep dive on who Barack Obama is and his radical associations. We did a really deep dive that went on for over three years with an incredible ensemble cast, and that would be John Solomon and Greg Jarrett and Sarah carter Er and I'm not going to name everybody, so people are gonna piss. I'm gonna stop there. And we got every single story right. It's now all been corroborated. More recently, as the Steel dossier has been totally discredited and the Horowitz Report vindicated our work. I think Durham in the end will take it even further and vindicate our work. And the only media company that has admitted that they were wrong even on that one little issue, which is massive the Steel nassier is the Washington Post. Yeah, it's kind of impressive, actually, that Wappo is the only one. I'm actually supposed they haven't done it suit. They haven't done it fully though, because I agree, but I'll take a little. Okay, they admit that dossier is wrong, but why don't they go deeper into our reporting on carter page the FISA application? You know why? Because they know a civil suit is coming. The word verifiable is at the top of a FISA application. Yes, I still want my combat pay for having to read those Obama books and listen to them. I mowed that, so I think. So we do straight news, investigative reporting. I'm up front. I'm a conservative. I give opinion. We talk about sports, we talk about culture. In other words, what we do. I'm an entire newspaper, and I'm honest about who I am. I'm a conservative. I'm not a Republican, a registered conservative. Okay. All these people that call themselves journalists, their talk show hosts like me, I'm a member of the press. I'm a talk show host. And but so many people have no clue what I really do for a living and don't care. They'd rather just spread the rumors. It's easier. It doesn't matter. They don't care. I don't care anymore. You know what, I might have cared some in the beginning, a long time ago. Whatever chip you're supposed to have that gives an Adam schiff about what people say about you is long gone. I don't care anymore. I care about the people whose opinion matters to me. You also care about the beer that you may or may not get from Obama. That's true. He never bought me my beer. I even offered to pay for it in the name of redistribution. That's to wrap things up for today. Still no verdict in the Rittenhouse trial. Jury is now put it to rest of the day and they'll be back at it tomorrow. We'll have complete analysis tonight. Ari Fleischer, Joe Concha, Greg Jarrett, Alan Dershowitz, Mark Meadows, Ryan's previous Miranda Divine Leo two point zero Terrell. Anyway, we'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. You make the show possible. We never forget it. Thank you for being with us.