Sean sits down with Andy McCarthy, a popular columnist for National Review, to discuss the latest on the IG hearings and what they mean for the Trump administration. Plus, the Senate is moving ahead with their immigration reform bill which won't work. Finally, Sean reviews some of the promises that President Trump made and why it impacts us all. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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And I'm like, because everything that they say to their audiences, he's shattering every lie, every illusion, every phony narrative, and he's going directly to the audience and they don't want to come off as the liars that they are. And I guess it makes sense because if you're fake news CNN and the President's talking about the fake news media and how dishonest the media is and he says this, and the people react this way. So we've created three point four media new jobs since election day. Three point And I've said before, if I would have said that to you during the campaign, those very dishonest people back there, the fake news, very dishonest, they would have said, he's exaggerating, Yeah, yeah, out, why would CNN I want to cover a real news? And then, you know, think about the headline of this that the President of the United States of America calls out the lying of the corrupt media industrial complex, and the crowd starts chanting they suck and they're supposed to cover news. Well, they don't want to cover the real news. And in a weird way, I kind of understand it, because who wants to be called out for having sucked when your audience is diminished already to a remarkably low level. You know, these shows can't crack a million people a night. They can't. It's like barely. It's it's so bad. Now you have Conspiracy TV. They didn't even try. They just they just stuck with their phony narrative. By the way, and and that's what that's what that's all about, all Right, We gotta lot of news today. We have some incredible deep state news. We have a great article out by Sarah Carter. We're gonna get into that today. Andy McCarthy, I mean, he wrote a blockbuster column how the IG report should end Mueller's obstruction investigation. I think the whole thing obviously is illegitimate and tainted from the get go, and for obvious reasons, not the least of which the people that began it were big Trump paters, and that would render anything they did in the beginning to keep this thing going illegitimate. And I will tell you, I think it's gonna impact every single solitary case so far, and that means everything from oh, the Paul Manafour case, the the Flynn case, probably the Cone case in the end, probably everything you know, if there is a Cone case, you know. But I'm just telling you everything now is tainted because none of this happens but for the corrupt individuals that initiated the investigation, that literally prevented Hillary let and from being charged because they thought they knew better than the entire rest of the American people about what was right, good, justin fair and who should be your president? Who shouldn't be your president. I mean, that's that's pretty corrupt. That's on a pretty high level of the corruption scale. Um. Now, on the immigration things, the President rightly is putting pressure on Mitch McConnell too, to end the filibuster rule. And he's arguing that the parliamentary procedure, which was not always the case historically if you're interested in a few historical tidbits and news facts. But anyway, it's killing Republicans from actually advancing a real agenda. Now I'm gonna get to how the House leadership made the same mistake that they made over the healthcare bill in a second. And what the President is saying is, what's the purpose of the House doing good immigration bills when you need nine votes by Democrats in the Senate and Democrats only want to obstruct, which they feel, you know, is good for the mid terms. Republicans got to get rid of the stupid filibuster rule. It's killing you, It is killing people. And you know what, the House has passed a lot of bills, good bills that the Senate won't even take up. And you know, now the President is saying, Okay, we got an opportunity to fix. What he did yesterday's a temporary band aid fix. It's not I don't even think it's a it's one that would hold up in a court of law. And as I've played the twenty two times Obama said it, he recognized he's not an emperor and that his job is to execute the laws of the land. And in other words, it's what Donald Trump did yesterday was basically circumvent a law. And he did it because, yeah, it's bad law, but it's not gonna hold. The answer, the real answer, the long term answer, the correct answer, the constitutional answer, is for Congress to pass a bill and then for him to sign it into law. And he's pretty much offered everything in any thing to get that deal done. And so okay, the Democrats, if they really cared about children to the extent they seem to care about children, or say they care about children, well they can get their docta fix. They can legally end any chance of separation of parents and their children, although that problem probably will be non existence because if you build the wall, people are gonna be able to walk across the border as freely as they do now, which would solve the problem permanently and then the problem. So it's uh, it's really up to the Democrats. So what I'm saying is is they actually prefer politics over solving problems. And that's a sad state of affairs, especially considering they always claim to have a monopoly of compassion for the poor and for women and for minorities, etcetera. Well, Obama had eight years and thirty million more Americans ended up on food stamps, many of them were minorities, and eight million more in poverty. Many of them too, were minorities. And now Donald Trump and over five hundred days, what has he done. We have more jobs available in this country than we have on unemployment. We now have fourteen states that have record low unemployment numbers. We have record low unemployment numbers for hispatics, African Americans, and women. Just think about that record lows and the president, Oh, he doesn't deserve credit for that. Here's the Democratic agenda. Look, we're gonna start ramping up our coverage of the midterm elections really soon. And the reason is simple, is that this is the most important mid term election in your lifetime. And because we know what the Democratic agenda is, it's very simple, and it's four items. Item number one is that they want to impeach forty five. Now they have pulled into private meanings people like Maxine Waters and others that have been out there leading chance in peach forty five and peach forty five. There's a reason Maxine Waters isn't saying it anymore because Democrats the same magazine. Yeah, we're going to impeach them, But don't tell anybody. That sounds like real, honest to goodness politics to me, Well, that's what your goal is, that's what you want to do, that's what you want to achieve, But you're not going to tell the American people what you really want to do. I think there's another word for that, and that's called manipulation. Lying. Pick your choice, but they're basically lying to the American people. They won't tell you what their real agenda is. But we do know this. We know their real agenda includes open borders. We know their real agenda means keeping Obamacare the disaster that is, and we know they're real agenda. They've actually stated this one in a few moments of honesty. Is what Nancy Pelosi referred to as crumbs. You know, on average, two thousand dollars of family the tax cuts that she wants her crumbs back, and she wants the tax cuts rescinded, and she wants you to pay more. So if you vote for Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats and her for Speaker, they just know you're voting to pay a lot more money in taxes. That's money you can be spending on your family, on your kids, on your future, on your truck, on your house, your vacation, your dinner nights, if you like to go out to dinner. She wants her crumbs back. They want to keep Obamacare, but not for them, of course. They they're not mere mortals like the rest of us. They are way above us. And we know that they're very clear about impeaching the president. We know they're very clear in open borders. So that's what they want to do. That's what they stand for. You know, it's um I'm watching the president last night immediately after our coverage because Fox did cover. It was a momentous night last night. It was jam packed. He was on his game. He was funny as usual, funny. You know. One of the things Democrats are not factoring in is the American people get the president Now, it's not like they're not like the media people, the bubble people, and as much as they feign outrage at every single solitary tweet and every word, and they go on and they feign their outrage and bang their tables and in their bubble they talk about how horrible this man is. But yet the American people now that it's sort of like you got in on the joke. You know that's Donald Trump. Yeah, I know he's saying all that stuff, but yeah, it kind of did get Little rocket Man to stop firing missiles over Japan. I didn't think that was gonna work. But he calls him little rocket Man, talks about fire and fury, and talks about his button being bigger than Kim Jong UN's button, and his button works, and lo and behold, missiles stop being fired over Japan. Missile test sites now are being dismantled. He's talking about de nuclearization of the entire peninsula. He's a leasing American hostages. And all our media can tell us is, well, Donald Trump gave too much. He gave a photograph with Kim Jong Un. All right, I'll take the missiles stop being fired for a photograph. I'll take three Americans for a photograph. I'll take the dismantling of test missile sites for a photograph. Uh, he didn't take a hundred and fifty billion in cash and other currencies and fly it into you know, little Rocketman's favorite airport in North Korea and say here, please be nice because we now know that the Iranians that took the hundred and fifty billion in bribe money from Obama, well they're now ratcheting up their nuclear program and their funding terror and their proxy wars around the world. A lot of good that did. Or Bill Clinton bribing Kim Jong Gun's father, Kim Jong Ill. You know. So, of course fake news doesn't want to carry the president's speech. You know. For days, along with their friends in the Democratic Party, they been in a meltdown mode over reports that children are being separated from parents. You know. But lo and behold, they didn't utter a single solitary word when the anointed One was putting kids in cages, separated from parents and literally prosecuting illegal immigrants to the tune of a half a million, and literally said he doesn't have the ability to change the laws, even if the outcomes of of the laws by the way or tragic. Oh, so he's saying that tunnel. Trump didn't have the constitutional ability to do what he did yesterday, which, by the way, most constitutional scholars and legal scholars will tell you that's a fact, not in dispute. With only a kite, a house key, and wet hempstring, Benjamin Franklin captured lightning in a bottle. 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For example, you're great great great great great great great ant that you never really heard of, can't get in because you happen to kept coming to the country illegally. And then it would maybe allow parents or yet that direct relative, and that would limit the scope dramatically. Um. And I don't agree with all of this. I'm just telling you what the facts are, and that in exchange that after the wall is built, after DOCTA, kids would get their fix, which would be a green card, and then maybe if they stayed out of any criminal activity, etcetera, etcetera, in twelve, fourteen, sixteen years, they might themselves become citizens. This is what the Democrats want, and it would end the problem of separation between children and parents, which we keep hearing so much about. By the way, Melanney did a great job down with the kids at the border today. She was phenomenal. Anyway, long story short, Meadows confronts Ryan Meadows, says, gets in his grill, says I'm done, and it had to do with the fact that Meadows are saying the talking points are not the same as what's in the bill, and that he had actually read the bill. In other words, but this is the same game that you know, this is what the swamp does, This is what the swamp is, This is what the swamp does. And anyway, so Mark Meadows is rightly furious. I don't blame him one bit, and you know saying that's it, We're done. The Freedom Caucus is out. Stop lying to us. Now. This is what people don't understand in the in the era of Trump, And this is what I think is the perhaps will be a lasting legacy and a transformational moment for politicians. If you mean it and you say it, you better do it, and you better do it the way you say it. But if you're gonna come out with cheap talking points that don't represent what you're really doing, and you're gonna play those swamp games the way they play swamp games, and they're gonna manipulate, lie and kind of feed the American people disinformation, those days are over. Nobody's gonna put up with that crap anymore. And now I want to know, you know, where does Steve Scalise, he wants to be speaker. What does he stand on it? Where's McCarthy stand on it? We know where Jim Jordan's stands. Quick break right back alright now until the top of the hour, nine four one. Shawn is a toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Well. J Johnson, former Homeland Security secretary, was reflecting on Obama's efforts to expand the government's capacities to hold families with children and detention over the immigration status and he says, yes, our policy was controversial. Remember, he says, with the spike of them with families, we did a number of things, including, by the way, working with the government of Mexico, obtaining their cooperation and securing the sub them more. A lot of good that Mexico has been so helpful, so helpful, and um Johnson said in an interview, we also expanded family detention, which was I freely admit controversial. We got a lot of heat for it, he said, saying that he made a big deal about it to prove the administration wasn't simply catching and releasing illegal immigrants while they awaited hearings. And then he said that illegal immigration. Migration reacts sharply to perceive changes in enforcement policy in the short term, it reverts back longer term to longer term trends given the underlying condition to the so called push factors in Central America. So that is what Trump and the administration have seen. Of course, Um, you know, they didn't talk about the fact that you had they put kids in cages that their parents. But the media, your corrupt media, doesn't care. It's how corrupt everybody is. People are just liars. These people just don't care. You know. Truth doesn't matter in politics, just like the whole idea. The Democrats are quietly saying to the maxim or shush, be quiet, shush, don't tell anybody the truth. Stop saying in Beach forty five. Yeah, yeah, we're gonna do it, but you gotta be quiet about it. Be quiet. What are you doing giving away our secret? So they're basically saying, we're gonna we want to do something that the American people wouldn't want, but we're not gonna tell the American people in the election process what they really want to do. The sentence moving ahead with their immigration but it's gonna die on the vine. That's not gonna work. The you know, house isn't gonna reach you know, because of what Mark Meadows did. Yes today it's looks like chaos there. And you know Donald Trump is a reassuring supporters, well he's gonna get it done. Well, I don't think. I don't think Democrats want to get it done. To me, the best explanation and the way to get the money is declaring this for what it is, a national security issue. Because I've been to the drug warehouses. I've been down there twelve times. I've seen the floor to wall drugs. The stench will knock you on your backside. It is so bad. You know, watch shows like Trade on Showtime or Drugs on Netflix, and they literally trace the entire process of the opioid crisis in America right back into places in Mexico many times where you know this, you know, bulk of heroin bags are being made and then it's being brought across the border. And yet it's targeting small towns and big cities. We all know somebody who was a family member. It's now hit home. Everybody now knows somebody that is dealing with an opioid problem, either themselves, or their family member. We all know somebody, and it's happening everywhere. And these cartels are literally targeting, you know, specific demographics for their sales. You watch these shows and these dealers and manufact they all say it, and this is what their hope is. That we have an overprescribed society. And that means that you've got more OxyContin and purkose said and vic it than being you know, administered than ever before, more prescriptions than ever before. You know, if you if you want one of these drugs, we have to do Oh my back hurts, Oh it's killing me. And a lot of doctors are gonna write your script because then they're worried they're gonna get sued. And by the way, doctors aren't stupid. They know the people that are doing it just because they want the drugs. Some doctors won't write it. I know doctors that won't write it. They're like, no, I know, doctors, you have surgery. You're not getting more than three pain pills to get you over the toughest hump after a surgery. I personally have never tried any one of those pills. Perkose at, vicodin, OxyContin, oxy code on, none of them, because I'm scared to death of them, and all of you should be scared to death of them also, And some of you gonna say, well, Hannity, you need to try and vike it and probably make you feel better than you've ever felt in your life. I'm like, all right, I'll stick with vodka, I'll stick with Corp's Light. I'm fine, thank you. Because what happens is these drugs are so insidious, the addiction. I know people that have tried one pain pill OxyContin and gotten addicted. And you think, and you think, well, maybe no. These are educated, smart, intelligent and professional people. Doctors are getting hooked on this crap. Lawyers have gotten hooked on this crap. Wall Street buck stars have gotten hooked on this crap. And the problem is, especially with our kids, is all of a sudden, they're, you know, fusing around in the medicine cabinet, maybe granny's medicine cabinet, and they find the pills. They take the pills and start taking the pills. Then they run out of them. Well, then they buy them on the street. To get one of these pills, like an oxy cotton pill goes for eighty bucks. A pill and then next thing they know, they're they're craving that pill and they don't have eighty bucks. Then one of their genius dumb friends obvious contradiction is gonna say, well, you know, try heroin and maybe they'll snort it the first few times. Next thing you know, they're done. They're gone, They're life's done. The recovery rate for opioid addicts. And in that condition you you switch to the heroin bag, which is only ten bucks a bag, and don't misinterpret what I'm saying, a stronger high or a greater euphoric feeling, and instead of paying eighty bucks of pill, well then you're gonna start storting heroin, and the next thing you know, you're gonna be mainlining heroin, and then the next thing you know, you're a full fledged attic and get overcoming that addiction is brutal. I know people that have done it. I also know people that have done it fifteen times, they tried to get clean. Then we all know somebody that died because they couldn't get over it. And the worst part of it all is is, you know, to make the drugs seem even stronger than it is, is they lace it with Fenton al I don't even know what the hell fentanyl is, to be honest, I just read about it, and apparently it just magnifies the effects of these drugs and you know, kids are you know, It's just like when we did the series down in um, what's the name of that city? They hate me. Panama City Beach in Florida. They hated me down there. The bar owners hated me. I mean, we'd send an Lizzie Everhart down there for years. She was remember she was pregnant. One year she's down there with my brother in law and you know, she's on the beach and God bless her. We've talked about it on the air. I mean, these girls were like, they see the cameras that pulling the tops up, and we would not air that if we did. I don't know we I'm sure we pixeled it out. You didn't see it, and she what are you doing? She tells them, you know, trying to help. But the worst part of that story was they had this group of outsiders that literally would descend on Panama City Beach knowing all these kids were there, and they came in God knows who made what drug war We're not exactly talking about chemists here. They're throwing a bunch of chemicals together and they say, oh, this is molly or ecstasy, and then these kids are odeing in some of dying. I mean, it's just horrible, and and the kids are so stupid at the age of you know one, I mean, in all honesty, boys are they only have half the brain forms at that age. It's not until but you know, they just they're taking crap. They have no idea where it came from, and it's an epidemic. And you know, so anyway, fixing the immigration problem, we could do it for that reason. We can also do it because somebody, maybe a family wants a job in America, in a better life in America, which I understand because I've been down there thirteen times. I remember on the border of San Diego to particular points saying, Okay, if you look over here, you see kids that were literally playing in what any of us would describe as a junk yard, tires and everything. And then on the other side you have half million million dollar homes and a big fence wall. I think in that case it was a fence that separated the two. So you know we could do it for that reason, or if somebody wants to cross the border because they want a job, an opportunity, and a better life for their family, I understand it. If you're living on that side of the fence, you want to be on the other side of the fence. And so people are risking their lives. That's why they literally go through the the risk of paying these these quote coyotes and guides. Really they're just human traffickers to walk them through the desert into the United States. And by the way, they don't care if you fall over and drop dead. In the process, they give up every penny they have and then they get caught. They'll never see that guy again. And if they do see him, they're too intimidated to say anything to them. What are you gonna say, because lawlessness is pretty commonplace. Unfortunately, one of the problems is Mexico never never cleans up their own corruption and all these drug car tells of such power that no politician dare take them on because they're gonna get assassinated, which happens a lot. So it's a bit but if we put the wall up, guess what, they're not gonna be coming across the border like they are now, and we can put a door in. I'm all for the door. I'm all for immigration that's legal, but we have every right to vet you, to make sure that you're a good person, that you don't want to bring us harm, that you have the means to take care of yourself and your family, and that you know we're not gonna have to be in the end responsible for your health care and and for your housing, and your dental and your daycare and anything else you need. You gotta be able to you need. You need to be able to take care of yourself. American people, you know what. The burdens on them are too high as it is. You know, yesterday, I think we're the only show on radio or TV that talked to you know, angel moms, the moms that lost their kids that were murdered by illegal immigrants. Why isn't that part of this debate? And one's talking about separation parents and kids. Well, there's the ultimate separation, and there are a lot of them, as you heard yesterday on the program, we never talked about. You know, I sat there in a briefing SID crimes committed against Texans alone in a seven year period. That was the very briefing Barack Obama was supposed to go to and didn't bother showing up at And if anybody thinks yesterday's executive order on family separations means the President is ending, the President is not ending a zero tolerance on immigration. You know, I love how the Prime Minister of Canada is just like you know, the Mexican president has been lecturing us on what our policies need to be. What's going on in the United States is wrong. I can't imagine what families living through this are enduring. He said, no way we do this is not the way we do things in Canada. Well, actually that's exactly the way they do things in Canada, because Trudeau's government is pretty much the exact same policy as we do. And the country with the worst policy and the worst treatment of immigrants in Mexico, they put you in jail or they send you home. There's no trial, there's no you know, worries about separation, and we're getting lectured by people that are absolute hypocrites on this. I showed you the pictures on TV. I'll show them again tonight. Horrifying photos of Obama's illegal immigrant facilities, or the five thousand immigrants prosecuted under Obama, you know, or you know DOCCA dreamers, you know, will put up the crimes that they've been committed, the very people that everyone says we need to show the most compassion for it we ever think about the American people? Or is that too? Is that too patriotic? Flag waivers like Sean Hannity, remember that guy after nine eleven. There it goes on TV. Flag waivers like Sean Handy. Yeah, I'm proud of my country, I love my country. Guilty is charged. So I can't stand all the corruption we see going on. And not one Democrat, nobody in the media gave a rip about children being held in chain link fenced small rooms under Obama. Now it's what Now, it's all it's a political midterm election here. Now it matters only because Donald Trump is doing the same thing Obama did, and none of these media people have focused it on the biggest corruption scandal in our history. And that is a group of highly powerful people rigging an investigation that should have indicted Hillary Clinton. And then they turned their sights on Donald Trump and destroying him. That's a big story. You think they want to cover it. No, they've passed on the biggest story in their lifetime because nor do they want to talk about the economy, nor do they want to tell the facts about the president's success with Little rocket Man. All right, as we roll along, all right, a lot to get to today. New King Rich is gonna win on this immigration hypocrisy, and uh yeah, there's a big battle. There's going to be contempt charges brought by the House Chairman Newness, good Lad and Goudy against Rod Rosenstein and the d o J. And then after that they're gonna impeach Rosenstein. Why because he's not literally complying with congressional subpoenas, which, by the way, if you ever did that, well, I hope you like orange jumpsuits and particular haircuts and handcuffs, because if you do, that's what would happen to us. Mr Horwitz. I want to come back to something we talked about earlier, the disclosure of FBI Attorney one and FBI attorney to you said, I think I'm correct that they did not want that um divulge because they actually worked in counterintelligence. Is that corrects what we were told by the FBI? Okay, but you know who the people are and and and I would say, based on your report, I know who they are and and what I guess I'm concerned about is you know that they don't work for the counter Intelligence Division. Well, two of the agents to agent I'm talking about attorneys. There's one lawyer who's in here. So's there are five people total page struck to other agents that you had a dialogue between FBI attorney one to correct and those two attorneys do they not work for Trish Anderson? Those two attorneys work in the Office of General Council, and so would one of those attorneys be Sally Moyer. Um, I'm gonna defer to what they don't work in counter intelligence. I mean, if that's the reason the FBI is giving they're giving you false information because they worked for the general because that they were talking to the other one, Kevin Kleinsmith, they were talking about the other attorney there that we have text messages here, um, that they were concerned about along with the other two. What we're continuing to find Buck is this is additional information from d o J and FBI that has literally been hidden from Congress's oversight role for nine months and and so we're we're at the point where the frustration has has reached a level that we've got to deal with it. So, uh, you know, issuing subpoenas to compel people to come in and testify, some of them who really I think want to testify. I want to make sure that we clean this up. Uh will be actually forthcoming in in days where we'll get them to come in. And it's all about evidence. It's about making sure that you know, you Crystal and you Buck, you get the same justice than anybody else that has big dollars a well connection, because you know, justice should be meted out evenly. And yet we're finding that evidence could have been tampered. You know, I was watching when Crooked Hillary made and by the way, is it hey, excuse me? Have you been seen have you been watching what's been going on with the Inspector General's report? Want to scam? This whole thing is? Okay? How guilty is she with Peter Struck and his lover Lisa Page. I don't think their wife and husband are too happy about that. What do you think? What? I don't think so? No, But have you been seen this whole scam? Have you been do you believe what you're seeing. How no matter what she did, no matter how many crimes she committed, which were numerous, they wanted her to be innocent with me. Nothing, no collusion, no nothing. And they just wanted to take all of us. They wanted to put us in trouble. And it's not working too well, I'll tell you, disgusting called the phony witch hunt, phony witch hunt. So we've created three point four median new jobs since election, done three point And I've said before if I would have said that you during the campaign, those very dishonest people back there, the fake news, very dishonest, they would have said, he's exaggerating. Yeah, yeah, Yeah, These are very dishonest people, many of them. And we have some fine people to doing that, but there's a lot of very dishonest people. But the media never talks about the American victims of illegal immigration. I know them well, I know so many of them. I campaigned with them. What's happened to their children, What's happened to their husbands, what's happened to their wives. The media doesn't talk about the American families permanently separated from their loved ones because Democrat policies released violent criminals into our communities. We need safety, We need safety. They don't bring cameras to interview the Angel moms whose children were killed by criminal aliens who should have never been here in the first place, not even close. They don't want to talk to the Angel moms. But as your president, I will always fight to protect American families. You know, amazing rally last night from every single point of view anyway, is now former Speaker of the House New King Ridge. You know what Tammy Bruce said after that that rally last night, and you can see it. The President loves the people of this country, the president of the Enemies of the president are all the swamp creatures, you know, Republican and Democrat and and apparently FBI people too. But um, it's amazing the connection that he has with them. And it's like the American people have now gotten used to his rhythm, his tone, his cadence, his tweets, his controversies, and all the feigned outrage in the world is not going to impact their view of him. Well, I think that's right. I remember last night is in Duluth, Minnesota, which years ago it was hardcore Democratic territory, and here he has nine thousand people showing up in a place where no other Republican maybe Reagan at his very peak could have come close, but no other Republican than get that size crowd and that lovel of enthusiasm, And it tells you that the Trump has intuited something profound about where the American people are. Well, I will tell you this, and I'm watching this whole immigration thing unfold here, and you know, I went through a very long monologue about this last night, and the most outrageous part of it is that this was not the president's law. This is the law that he fixed. Obama said that no president has the constitutional authority to do what Donald Trump did yesterday, and I would argue it's never gonna hold up in court, so it's a temporary fixed. Congress is going to have to act. But Congress passed this law, another president signed us into law. And a president doesn't have the right to pick and choose what laws he wants to enforce or or go along with. He does has no choice if we're going to follow the constitution. Well he I do think there's one additional thing that should do, and that is file an appeal to the Supreme Court on the grounds that Americans are being in danger. I remember, this is all the act of one judge. H And I think we ought to get in the habit of pushing hard when one judge is a cuckoo, and not just on manically saying, oh, this is a court decision. Do you know what they're gonna do? They go judge shopping. No, but I said they should write so, so we should get the automatic habit of taking it straight to the Supreme Court and saying you should suspend this decision on the grounds that is threatening the lives of Americans. To me, it's a national security issue. You know, there was a big fight yesterday with Ryan and Meadows on the House floor, And I know what the fight was about because I talked to people that heard it, and it was about basically Meadows calling out Ryan saying you're talking points do not match what's in this bill. And he said I'm done, I'm done with all of this. And how often does the swamp pull that trick on us? Well, it's constant. I mean you you have the Democrats on their side, by the way, did the same thing. They introduced the bill and got every single Democrat in the Senate to sign up to it, and when you actually look at the bill, it would provide open access for the country diversely anybody who wanted to come unto the US. It's basically takes down every border we have. And I think that the Democrats who were in states the Trump carried are going to find it almost impossible to go home and defend why they would co sponsor a bill that would open up the whole country to illegal immigration. You know, it's a really scary time. Um. Andy McCarthy's on at the bottom of this half hour, and I like Andy a lot, and he has written some amazing pieces about the Ig Report and about the Mueller investigation, and the headline of his piece is the Ig Report, It and Mueller's obstruction investigation. But I would argue that now that we know that we had all of the lead investigators in the case investigating Clinton, that that literally protected her from being indicted. I mean, the laws were broken, there's no ambiguity here. The facts are the facts. That's irrefutable. Then they immediately begin the process of the Russia investigation. Now legally, to me, that would render the entire investigation illegitim from the get go. Oh, I think that's right. In fact, I think it auto it auto render. Every single indictment Mueller has brought as poison throat this investigation should never have occurred. The people who launched her were totally prejudiced and clearly so. Uh. It's impossible to read their comments and reach any conclusion except that they were deep bitter anti Trump pro Clinton people, and also raised the question of reopening the Clinton investigation. There's no question that Clinton and are closer states broke a whole series of federal laws, and in any kind of honest process, she would never have been the Democratic nominee because she would have been indicted. Mm hm it really, you know, why is she not now being fully investigated now that we know the whole should be. I asked you, look ahead, I asked you that the other night. No, no, no, don't be sorry, because I asked you the other night you said the same thing. And I'm like, nobody's talking about it, I guess except me, and you know you well. I look, I feel very strongly an Attorney General Sessions has no excuse anymore to accuse himself. This report totally eliminates that excuse. He should take control of the Justice Department, and he should aggressively go after people who have broken the law, and that means going after Hillary Clinton and most of her key people. And in my line, I mean, I don't see any reasonable person could believe that if somebody is using a hammer to break up smartphones and is using bleach bit to destroy the hard drives, that they aren't breaking the law. I mean this stuff, you know, this is the kind of stuff you wouldn't write in a novel because it's too crazy. You know. I love your new book, by the way, and I'm very proud of you, because it's another runaway, huge success, and if it just came out last week and it's a New York Times bestseller already, Trump's America, The Truth about our Nation's great comeback. Number One, you do something that I think I'm the only one that else in the media that's done. And let's tell the truth about the president's success, which is the most undertold story in politics today because it's a transformation. And number two, then go through in the second part of this book, and you give warnings, challenges, admonitions to the president, and these are real threats to his presidency. The fake news meeting. Did you hear him the last night them chanting CNN sucks the crowd? How loud it was. I heard them space force. I did not hear him channing that. No, Well, I just played it. You missed it. We'll let me play it again for the speaker so you can hear. I need to hear this. So we've created three point four million new jobs since election three point And I've said before, if I would have said that to you during the campaign, those very dishonest people back there, the fake news, very dishonest, they would have said, he's exaggerating. And by the way, we're not amplifying the sounds, sir, that's that's amazing. Well, I have to tell you one of my conclusions, having had a chance now to live in Europe for a while, is that we don't need to worry about the Russian propaganda program. CNN does more to cripple America and more to communicate a negative hostel view of America than anything that our opponents are doing. And it is astonishing to talk to people whose primary source of information or internationally is CNN and the totally dishonest view they get. It's someday someone's going to write an xpos A and walk through. I don't know what was in their minds, but they clearly went off the deep end and and have become a culture that is just amazingly destructive. We're gonna take a quick break. More comments and observations. Former Speaker of the House. New king Rich is New York Times bestseller. It's on bookstores in bookstores now, on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com is a great book. Trump's America, The Truth about our Nation is great. Comeback finally some good news. Um, what do we do as it relates to the President and an immigration bill that apparently the Senate doesn't want to deal with? How does he get the wall funding up front? How does he get that money? I would argue he could probably get it through National security means, well, he could do that, but I think also, uh, he could go to the mat for first of all, if they can't pass a comprehensive bill of this afternoon, I certainly hope they're gonna come back with a very narrow bill to solve specifically the problem of separating children and does so in terms that do still protect the border, and then send it from the House to the Senate and let the President and Schumer fight for two or three weeks over like Schumer cares more about politics and he does about children. I think the Democrats will crumble. I think that in the Red States the Democrats are in bad shape on this issue, and we should not allow the elite news media a panic US and any other belief. I think in terms of spending, they've got to get the defense built through, uh and I think that's very important. And if they get the defense appropriations built through, they can then go to the Wall on a continuing resolution and say, look, if it doesn't include a money for the wall, it ain't getting signed, period. And then he's got to be willing to go to the country and make the case as and I think he's been getting more and more effective of making this case. I mean, we're talking about genuinely bad people who are doing genuinely bad things. Nobody ever talks about the Angel moms. We interview them, I know them by name, I mean I'm friends with them. They lost their kids. Nobody ever talks about that separation. Yeah, there was a very excruciating article to the day by one of them who wrote and said I understand the pain of child separation and then talked about it for a while. You're right, I mean the elite media is so dishonest and so one sided that I think it just has you have to take it head on a day after day after day, and then the truth is we're winning. I mean, if you look at the President going directly to the American people is a huge um, well, I won't say a weapon, but it's a huge antitote if you will, to the corrupt media. Um. All right, So where do people go to find you on your book tour? By the way, Okay, well, we're gonna be back doing some more things. I'm actually calling you from the airport because I have to go and be with the investors for the while. Yeah. Your life so hard, Mrs Peaker. Thank you. The one thing you can always count on John Hannity is on the radio. Mr Horowitz. I want to come back to something we talked about earlier, the disclosure of FBI Attorney one and FBI attorney to you said, I think I'm correct that they did not want that, um divulge because they actually worked in counterintelligence. Is that corrects what we were told by the FBI Okay, but you know who the people are and and and I would say, based on your report, I know who they are and and what I guess I'm concerned about is you know that they don't work for the counter Intelligence Division. Well, two of the agents to agent I'm talking about an attorneys. There's one lawyer who's in here. So it's there are five people total page struck to other agents. But you had a dialogue between FBI attorney one and to correct and those two attorneys do they not work for Trish Anderson? Those two attorneys work in the Office General Counsel and so would one of those attorneys be Sally Mowyer. Um, I'm gonna deferred to what they don't work in counter intelligence. I mean, if that's the reason the FBI is giving, they're giving you false information because they work for the general. Because that they were talking is the other one Kevin Klein Smith. They were talking about the other attorney there that we have their text messages on here. Um that they were concerned about along with the other two. The other thing that I would ask you to look into there is growing evidence that three O two's were edited and changed. And it gets back to what Ms. Handel said, in terms of those particular interview sessions and those three O two's, it is suggested that they were changed to either prosecute or not prosecute individuals, and and that is very troubling. And I you back, Mr Chairman, and if I could just mention, Um, we have been getting those kind of referrals, and is often happens when we issue reports like this, we get other information coming to us, and we're intending to follow up on that. What we're continuing to find, Buck, is this is additional information from d o J and FBI that has literally been hidden from Congress's oversight role for nine months. And and so we're we're at the point where the frustration has has reached a level that we've got to deal with it. So, uh, you know, issuing subpoenas to compel people to come in and testify, some of them who really I think want to testify. I want to make sure that we clean this up. Uh will be actually forthcoming in in days where we'll get them to come in. And it's all about evidence. It's about making sure that you know, you Crystal and you Buck, you get the same justice than anybody else that has big dollars a well connection because you know, justice should be meted out evenly, and yet we're finding that evidence could have been tampered. All right. That was Congressman Mark Meadows, the chairman of the Freedom Caucus, in an interview that he did with the Hill Um the altering three O two's. I have now been hearing uh widespread speculation that documents exist that would prove that, and meaning that is the accounts of FBI agents UH during interviews that they have with with witnesses or or any other people involved with things UM. Andy McCarthy at at National Review Online has a couple of great columns out about the i G Report, The i G Report should end Mueller's obstruction investigation and the Clinton emails What the IG report refuses to admit? And Andy McCarthy, now a Fox News contributor and columns for National Review Online, joins us, how are you, sir? I'm doing great? Are you? I'm good? Now? But before we get to your columns, let's go to what Mark Meadows was asking Michael Harowitz if if these individuals unidentified FP lawyers FBI lawyers mentioned in the IG report, whether or not they are counter Intelligence and Michael Harrowitz saying he's looking into whether three O two forms were edited and says subpoenas in the Russian probe of forthcoming in days because of the obstruction by the Department of Justice, I want you to weigh in on all those those three big issues here. You know, Sean, the way you described this, in the way Congressman Meadows does, it makes you think that the historic way the FBI has done its reports really since the very beginning of the FBI may have to change. Uh. Just so listeners know how this process works. When somebody gets interviewed by the FBI, you have an agent in the room who's taking notes. And I always um insisted that it be one agent taking notes, because you don't want even two people trying hard to get it right. If they're taking notes in the same event, are going to have slight differences, which creates problems. But what they do is they take they write notes as the interview takes place, and then they sit down and they they type out what's called the three oh two report, which is the bureaus standard report, and it really gives them a chance to tee up what the report brought out in a systematic, coherent way. So in that sense it's good, but it's also an opportunity from mischief. You know, if you if you record an interview, you have a kind of a um an unimpeachable way or recording or or showing of how it came out and exactly what the person said. And there's no issues as far as that goes. Uh, it creates some legal problems at trial, but you know, it's the thing is at least you have something that's that's recorded that can't be doubted when they write these reports, and it sounds like they play games with the reports and then you hear things like you know, General Flynn, Uh, the agents who interview and think that he's telling the truth, and then months later when the when the special counsel's lawyers come in, they decide that he's not telling the truth on the basis in the same information. You have to really f yourself whether this is really the way they ought to be doing their work. Well, let me let me just ask a question in regards to that, because yeah, you're right, we're talking about Struck and Comey both saying that they didn't think that Flynn lied. But in the time and the way things often work, which I kind of have a problem with, and I think we might have a slight disagreement on this, is that, well, when they offer deals to people, I mean, this is a guy now that has had to sell his house. This is the things you get for thirty years of service to your country and putting your life on your on the line for the country. You know, they say, well, you know you had a business, and you did, you had dealings with foreign countries and your sons involved in that business, and we're gonna have to investigate your son unless you agree to this. Um, why do I suspect that that's probably what happened? And that that frustrates me because at that point, there's not a father in America that's not going to dive on the sword and take the hit for his child included I and I don't think we have the a disagreement on that in this way. I think, having been involved in this for twenty years, in the vast, vast majority of POLEA bargaining cases, that kind of nonsense doesn't go on because there's just you know, there's these cases are not you know, there's not sexy defendants, no prosecutor things they're going to make their career on some case. And most of the time the pola bargaining system works fairly well. If it didn't, we don't have enough resources to try all these cases, so the system would break down. The problem is when you get very ambitious prosecutors and very sexy, high profile defendants. That's where you see these kinds of Shenanigan and power can be abused if you have people who are not fit to wield it. Uh and if they if they wield it in the way that that you've just described, that's an abusive tower. And everybody ought to be able to agree with that. You know, let me just go a step further with us, because I think the last time you were on this program, I didn't I didn't ask you about it. But I agree you can't try every case. Plea bargaining is part of the process. I don't have a problem with it in any way because in the end we probably save taxpayers a lot of money. If you had to go to court on every single solitary case, it would be an impossibility. But I do have a problem sometimes, like look at Judge Ellis's comments as it relates to Paul Manafort. I mean, they're dredging up a two thousand and five tax case with the Ukraine, has nothing to do with Russia. And as Judge Ellis said, I mean, I'm sure that case had been resolved and they just dragged it up for the very purpose of putting the screws to Manafort in the hopes that he would sing, or as the judge said, perhaps compose, which I interpreted to be supporting perjury and basically saying whatever you want to get out of jail free and now Paul Manafort, and for the purpose of prosecuting or or slash impeaching Donald Trump. That's what the judge said. Now Paul Manafort is in solitary confinement. Uh, he hasn't been found guilty of anything. And I'm sure that the hope there is is that he'll say whatever they want. In my in my mind, I'm not so sure, knowing the human condition as we know it and people people's desire for self preservation, you know, while you're facing thirty jail's, thirty years in jail, unlet's just say this, and they get led into saying things that they know aren't true. That's a problem. Yeah, John. Look, if you if you're can have a dishonorable prosecutor, then you have to watch every single move they make on the chessboard. It's not the way they squeeze, It's not just the way they squeeze people who the law gives them the ability to hold prior to trial. It's virtually everything they do if you're gonna play that kind of hardball. And we know that there are people who are involved on Muller's staff who have that reputation for not only squeezing people in very arbitrary ways, but also holding back on information in order be disclosed to the courts. And I think that's called withholding exculpatory well that way a minute, withholding exculpatory evidence not once, but twice. I don't know many people that lose in the Supreme Court nine zero do you send sending meryoral executives to jail for a year. And now people may not like Wall Street guys. I'm not particularly fond of Wall Street myself, but four guys going to jail and that's overturned by the Fifth Circuit, that's a year of their life stolen from them. Yeah, and it's a company that employed a lot of people that got put out of work to the people who worked it. But you know, look, I can tell you as a prosecutor, and I think I could speak to the majority, I hope the vast majority of prosecutors. There's nothing more advantageous to the government and more important to you than your reputation with the court. And the reasons for that is, among other things, if you lose the reputation, if you developed the reputation for being one of these guys who practice UH in a in a really sharp and sometimes deceptive way, then you have to be watched with everything you do, because we invest and in dow the most power we get to anyone. If you were appointed by Mueller, I would give this entire investigation a dramatic degree of credibility because I know you, and I know your work over the years, and I try I think you're an honorable man. But when somebody like Andrew Weissman is hired, and he's the individual we're talking about, he's supposed to be, according to the New York Times, the pit bull of Robert Mueller, and he's hired, and he's the guy that lost to the Supreme Court, he put into some people in jail, tens of thousands of people lost his job. Uh, and he's he's been twice, I think, excoriated by judges for withholding exculpatory evidence. Or he appoints someone like Jeanie Ray, who once represented the Clinton Foundation. I'm sorry, but I have I why did Robert Mueller pick them? And why should anybody trust the special Counsel having picked those specific people he chose them, Sean, I think this is a big problem. You know, from time to time people are very nice. I appreciate what you just said. I've heard other people have said similarly nice things and they say, you know, you should be the special counsel. And what I tell people or work for the Special Council whatever, And what I tell them is I'd be like the least well qualified, even though I think I would do a very good job, I would not be a good person to be on this because I have an opinion and I've weighed in on this and I've said the way I thought, uh it should go. And people the public are titled to think that the prosecutors handling this case don't have an ex to grind and that no matter who is on it that what we're going to get to the bottom of this the truth, not somebody spin on the truth. And for that reason, I don't understand why Wiseman and these other people agreed to be on the case. And then you add to that three three FBI agents and investigators appointed by Mueller were the biggest Trump paters around. And as we continue. Andy McCarthy, Fox News contributor and a writer columnists for National Review Online, just following up on our last discussion, I think it dovetails into your column that the i G Report should end Mueller's obstruction investigation. Um, when you have a team of people that Mueller appoints, their all Democratic donors, the horrific ethical background of Andrew Weissman, Genie Ray is obviously conflicted. Three FBI agents known Trump paters, were at the beginnings of this investigation. Um, yeah, I think the obstructions part of it should end, but I think all of it should end. Yeah. Well, you know, Sean, I'm we're made up of the country Republicans and Democrats other than the you know, the people who were independent. So the fact that they're Democrats and even Democratic donors, I think is is alarming. But what really bothers me about it is that they were, for the most part, officials in the Obama Justice Department when it was conducting not only the Hillary investigation, but as we now know, the the infamous crossfire hurricane. Uh And I think what Mueller obviously should have done here. Uh. Well, Mulla shouldn't have been appointed in the first place, because there wasn't a criminal investigation at the time that he was appointed. But if you grant that you're going to have a special cancel, he should have taken people who were completely out of the government and who were not identifiable with the Democratic Party. Uh And and not under identifiable with Trump. Either. There's a there's a zillion federal prosecutors or former federal prosecutors you can find who aren't politically particularly political, and who would have done a very professional, very fine job on this. And Mueller did this with his eyes open. I do not just standing. He absolutely knew what he was doing here. Andy, We really appreciate your insight and uh by the way, welcome to the Fox family. Well deserved, and we're glad to have you on board, sir. Glad to be with you. Sean, Thanks so much. Alright eight one, Shawn Tolfrey telephone number, News round Up, Information Overload hours coming up next. A big fight is about to emerge between Jonathan Gilliman Danielle McLaughlin. That's straight ahead. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. Donald Trump, without a doubt, it is pure evil. When you played the tapes of Opus heard a couple of days ago in the centers, it's terrific. How can people do that that That hasn't happened in this country since the time of slavery, It hasn't happened in the world's at the time of the Nazis. And Donald Trump is right there with him. This is as if George Wallace had one in night. The one through line here from Charlotte's Ville to this issue is, to use your phrase, a return to the most disturbing elements of white supremacy, white male supremacy, to be p eyes in the national character. Overnight, they've now created criminals. So people are trying to understand what's happening here. That's what happening. You know what Eliezel may rest in peace. What he said to me was he said, you know, the Nazis had it perfectly correct. They declared us an illegal people. That's how it began. I don't want little children ripped from their parents arms. I don't want them marched off to quote showers. And you look at this historically throughout American history, no matter the policy you're talking about, the separation of families has always been something that speaks to a level of in humanity. Maybe you go back to slavery. Yeah, you all right, that's more of the insanity that has been ensuing over the immigration debate in spite of the fact, Yeah, the president actually fixed the problem that Congress created and pasted administrations had signed on to that Barack Obama wouldn't deal with because Obama, we now know and showed you all the pictures last night. Uh, he had kids separated from their parents in cages and deported and by the way, a half a million of them were prosecuted. You know, facts matter. I know the rest of the media doesn't really seem to care too much about it. But now we have Baron Trump being threatened by Peter Fonda. Uh, basically a call for stripping and raping our you know, Secretary Nielsen, and uh, there was a real credible death threat against the President of the United States. This rhetoric is beyond out of control. In that particular case, Secretary Nielsen run out of a restaurant. The restaurant owner, by the way, is fine with that. And apparently one of the individuals involved in that mess was a d o J employee. Really, okay, what does that person do with the d o J is if we don't have enough problems at the Department of Justice? Joining us now News round Up, Information Overload. Jonathan Gillham, author of the newly released book Sheep No More. Danielle McLaughlin, attorney, constitutional expert, thank you both for being with us. You might as well get the friendly out of the way, because it's what I'll ask Daniel hosta at Daniel hostile question and she go, Hi, Sean, It's so great to see you. But it is always so great to see Sean. Are you doing Jonathan, my friend? It is a weapon you used to disarm both me and Jonathan. You've ben to believe it, my friend too against one every week I can take it. I'm just gonna talk like Sean Connery from that one exactly. You never knew we were among you that's that's really good. I'm very very impressed. Mr Gil Danielle has the manners of a goat, and you smell like a dung heap. That's actually true, guys, anyone listening out there, you can't smell me. But it's not pretty. All right, we're gonna play. Okay, Why why do we always talk about the the Corleone crime family, drum crime framily, why are we going to talk about the Clinton crime family? I feel like we talked about the Clinton crime family every single week. So it's really a joy to be talking about immigration as an immigrant myself, as you you may have noticed from the saccent of mine. Okay, did you come into the country legally? I did? Sean? I did you did? Totally? Legally? Totally? Do you believe that America is a sovereign country? Of course, by the way, could our sovereign ty be respected? Absolutely? Okay? Now, did Donald Trump have anything to do with Congress's law that, if in force, separates children from parents? No, But what he did do is make Jeff Sessions, Well, Jeff, he allowed you a decisions to and that if he's responsible for the job numbers, if he's responsible for everything that's going on in the DOJ that people like that. He's responsible for the backs and the DOJ, and he's made it very clear how he feels about the do o J. But that's not the point. He fixed the problem. Donald Trump fixed the mess that he inherited, bad laws he inherited. And you know what, it's Barack Obama that said over and over again, even if the consequences are tragic and severe, my job is to enforce the laws the Congress pass. So constitutionally, I would guess that this order of the president insteady would last maybe three minutes before a judge before getting thrown out. And the real responsibility constitutionally is on Congress and on the president to pass a law and sign a law at Ultimately this has to be a result that comes through Congress. We have had wars over immigration between the left and right for years. Last time we got close with two thousand and thirteen, the Gang of Eight. We didn't get it under Obama. But what I will say as it relates to children separated from their families is this was a policy of zero tolerance at the border. They rested every single person. There is discretion and every part of law and you were speaking with that with your last guest. Not every crime gets prosecuted, not every every person who could get a maximum sentence get some maximum sentence. There's discretion in the law. You have to approach this with head with heart. I'm not saying that Obama did a good job. I've read what a terrible job he did. But Obama was very clear that constitutionally, Jonathan, he didn't have the power to do it. I've got twenty two separate occasions of Obama saying such right, right, But it didn't stop him from maneuvering to to change certain policies. And and the reality is we're looking at two different things here. We're looking at policy that exists within the agencies, and then we're looking at laws that are created by Congress. And when the president gets in there and starts um trying to maneuver things. With Obama, what you saw was that he could make changes. This is something we have to look at very importantly, is that Obama could make changes because, as I talked about when I hosted for you on Friday, Sean, the s c S the senior executive service in the government, not just the FBI, the DJ but across the board is a dangerous entity because they have no overwatch. So I had somebody righte me that used to be with d h S and worked in immigration and said that they had an s c s R that under one of the secretaries that UH passed down. They said they wanted this done and the SCS or didn't want it, so they just sat on it for two years, and then that secretary was gone and a new one came in, and then he held whatever political stance that he had and they didn't change it. So that's what happens a lot of the times is that UH, either politicians are getting in the way and their maneuvering the same way with the FBI and these investigations, they used their SCS a senior executive service or the people that agree with them that are on the ground to do these things. And what I see here happening and all the things that just got listed, is these people are coming over illegally, so you do have to detain a hundred percent of them when they come over illegally, and pretty much or anybody that's coming over that's caught is gonna be arrested and then detained for a period of time to see if they have any type of crimes, or if they're if they've come through across the border multiple times so they can be detained. And what I don't understand or I understand, but what infuriates me are people like Joe Scarborough or Peter Fonda and Robert de Niro who needed, like the three students to be poking the em banging their heads against each other. These people are, and these people that go to this restaurant and do these things are doing a disservice because they are spinning up statistics that they don't even know are true or not. There's no way to measure the majority of these things, and the policies themselves would be so simple to be fixed if people just wanted to do it. No, I don't disagree. I think there's another really I I agree with you, Jonathan. One thing I think that's really important is that we took a lot about the southern border. Right, We took a lot about the southern border. In early two thousands, we had about one point six million of arrests under George W. Bush. That is now down to about three hundred thousand. This is on an annual basis. You know, with the biggest problem we have with the border, it's not it's not at southern border, it's visa over states. We have about seven hundred thousand people per year. That's a two thousand and seventeen statistic. So one of my questions, and I think you have to hold a lot of thoughts in your head at the same time when you're thinking about immigration. Yes, there are gangs, Yes there is MS thirteen. Yeah, there are people who are escaping crime and poverty, and they should at least get the chance to have asylum. We have limited resources, we have to show discretion. We have limited facilities to house people. But we also know that the real problem is actually at train stations and at airports and people who come here illegally and then they stay and they stay, and they would you say that that is a problem, but it's a different problem. You know, every drug case I ever worked on in the FBI that eventually led to the Mexican or Canadian border. And in Mexico, for instance, they have factors that produced barrels like they like they shipping oil, they're shipping in barrels of meth amphetamine, cocaine, um and they do this a lot of the times, using illegals to push this through. They give it to families. It's no different when you go over to Iraq or Afghanistan and they put a child in front of somebody that holds on RPG. Well, they do the same thing. They put drugs on families and they march them through and they have kids. And then what's crazy about this is that statistic never seems to work its way out. Yet the statistic that a kid was taken away from that family is milked in. And now you have these numbers and and there's there's really no way, uh that we not that it couldn't be measured, but the fact that politics muck up these things so much that it's hard to measure these statistics. No, don't disagree. I do know that this enormous amount of contrabastic comes through the border. A lot of it comes through illegal excuse me, through legal ports of entry. So this is a part of the discussion that we have about the world. Do we spend thirty billion dollars to build it? Why not? Well, from times they do and sometimes they don't excuse me, dot, I can't think of an example where where it didn't work and you we are one point five trillion dollars. Well, people, why do people? Why do people build fences around their house? It's sloan catering. Sloan cartering built a wall around it that you couldn't get there to get taken care of. That would be a problem, But building one on our border to keep out, by the way, you know who you need to ask of walls work, Prime Minister Netanyahu, And it works really well for Israel. And if we're talking about what five miles of walls, then you had drones and and and other, you know, more manpower, then we're gonna prevent anybody from attempting to cross the border. And guess what, We're not going to have a separation issue anymore, and we're not going to have as big a drug problem anymore. All the drugs that crossed that board, a lot of the drugs come through legal ports of entry, so wall ones, excuse me. I have been down to that border and in the drug warehouses, and I have seen wall to ceiling nothing but drugs coming from Mexico and a lot of it crosses the border. So and by the way, I was there when a gang member was arrested. So build the wall and you can put a nice door in it and maybe make a gold and put Trump on the front of it. I think, and I think it's a terrible idea. I think we should have drones. I think you should have increased security. And I think it's a big elephant waste of time. I think it's a big white elephant waste of time. But you're still then gonna have separation of children. Those two things are completely sick. Yes they are okay, but you can't assure the American people's safety and security unless you build the wall. But what are you gonna do that? The problem? What are you gonna do it? Visa overstates? What are you do about the nine eleven hijackers who came here on visas and blew up those towers. There's there's a million different ways to deal with all of them. Just because we didn't fix the wall problem doesn't mean we can't fix those problem. We could actually walk and chew gum. We can build a wall and fix the visa overstate problem all the same. It's twice as big as the problem we have talking about it. And as we continue, Danielle McLaughlin and Jonathan Gillham and this debate about immigration. You know, the President's offered your liberal friends Danielle a pretty good deal. They're gonna get Dacca and doctor Fix. They're gonna get also the end of the any problem of separation between parents and their children, which nobody wants them separated. They're gonna get all of that in exchange for his big campaign promise, which is the wall, and ending a visa lottery system and go more towards an Australian or New Zealand method of of merit based immigration. And then the chain migration issues got to go away as well. You can't just because you came in and got in and illegally doesn't mean that you're great great great great great great great great great great greg and can get in as well, which is pretty much the system. Now, why is that a bad deal? Tell me why that's not a good deal for Democrats. I think that the real sticking point for Democrats is the wall. Honestly, I think it's a symbol to their base. And remember we know that Trump has a base with the Democrats have a base as well, and they believe that they believe in more security, they care more about Donald Trump getting a win on the wall than they do about doctor children. That's not true. And he is the one that ended doctor sign the deal well because he let's let's let's get the effect. He into Dhaka, He underd Dhaka. There was something President Obama created because he was concerned about these people. Whould comment. He tried to find up. Democrats don't want to answer, Jonathan, and if they want to make it a political issue for eighteen just like every two four years, Republicans are racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, and they want to poison the air water, killed children, and throw Granny over the cliff. That's there. That's what they basically run on every two years. Yeah, and when you look at what President Trump says about why he wants to do these things with the wall, it is a realistic, uh concept, it's a patriotic concept. It's about protecting the country. You don't hear that from all the Democrats talk about is how insulting he is to people from other countries. But he has been, but he's also been very very truthful by and large, but insulting. Jonathan to Kim Jong and little Rocket Man and a little rocketman is not firing any rockets, and he's dismantling his nuclear test sites and releasing American hostages and talking about d nuclearization of the entire peninsula. And nothing good came from the media about what he did over there. But let me just I want you to think about this. That girl that was from the d O J that was in there screaming and hollerd in that restaurant, right, we have to realize she it belongs to the Socialist Party of America. And that is something that we have to take into consideration that many of the people in government, whether they say it or not, are socialist minded. And they're not talking about security. They're not talking about what's best for the border, they're not talking about what's best for the country. They're talking about what is best for their socialist viewpoints. Running out of time. I gave Danielle the last board in the last segment. Now Jonathan gets the last word, and I'd say, checkmate, Jonathan, good job, Jonathan. Here's what Here's jan I'll be, here's what I'll say. Here's what I say. I think the presson out of time. There's no time to say anything. That's my point. I also I want to let Danielle respond. Oh Man eight nine one, Shawn told free telephone number when we come back, wide open phones. As we continue, we did lots of fighting over issues, so it should be a good show to No, we did not. Oh yeah, don't don't do that. Okay, not on the air. Not on the air. He's trying to hold her hands, Well we can. I ask you a questions. I don't know where are you going. We're engaged. I mean we've been engaged now for liketeen years. Can I do you think I should be able to hold her hand at this point in the engagement with her concern you'll be quiet, I'll hold your hand, And I don't even know what that means. So I could do the news. Why don't I just stopped playing this music because I can't take it anymore? All right, it can't just beat me. I mean it's so cringe worthy, the entire thing. I don't give a flying rip that they're dating each other or worthy, but it is kind of amusing, isn't it it. No, it's it's become the Saturday Night Live caricature. It's like their show is cringe worthy, whether or not they do this though, that's the main problem, Like even if they were just espousing their views, I just I honestly, it's so I don't even know what why I react to it the way I do was just like, oh, puke, I want a puke. It actually had me feeling a little bit bad for Joe, which I thought would never whine because she didn't want to hold his hands. Guys trying to do a nice gesture and hold her hand, and then next thing you know, she's pushing him off and acting disgusted that her what is he or her fiance right now? I don't listen. It's I'm kind of I'm very libertarian. I just don't care. But it's like seeing it unfold on TV the way they it's like it's weird. It's just as something sold bizarre. Hey, man, if you've been together as long as they have, if you're Joe, shouldn't you know shouldn't you know by now that that makes her uncomfortable? That kind of I don't know. I mean, it's I think one of the funniest Saturday Night Live skits I've ever seen in those two Oh alright, I put it up. This is their new theme song. Exactly, come on, come on me to hold his hand. He wants to hold your hands bad. Like. I don't have a problem that they're together, that's their business. I just the way they interact with each other. It's just bizarre holding hands on the air. Come on, that's a bit much. It's that's the way they do it. It's like, I don't mind holding hands on air. It's the rejection, the rejection so much. He's getting, you know, rejected stuff. Having to sit and watch that. That's that's well, that's the other thing. Well, what do you guys think about us? Should we hold hands on air? And I'm like, and the thing is that both like pushing each other over the edge further and further. This is my big complaint about this media bubble. Um. I'm so thankful to God. I mean this sincerely that I don't like these people. Now, maybe that sounds a little contradictory. God, thank you for not allowing me to like these people or want to be a part of their bubble or their little club or their little group, or their little Washington correspondence dinners where they all get dressed up in those ugly suits and pat each other on the back and their little awards ceremonies and they all think they're great. I'm so thankful that they hate me, they and they despise me, and and because I called them out for the flying phony hypocrites that they all are. Well, if we were going to at play by their rule book, wh shouldn't we eat that kid? A whole segment to whether or not they're having marital or pre marital issues like they do to Donald Trump and Melania Well, I mean that is the thing, and I mean they've been really they see what they the way they all in the media feed off each other, and they're just one small, small but not really highly viewed aspect of the media, which is kind of like they're not getting it that they they only talking to each other. And what you have if you look on Twitter in particular, you learn that everybody in the media is part of this little bubble club. And in the bubble club, they talk to each other, and they tweet each other, and they retweet each other's stuff, and then they feign moral outrage over the latest Donald Trump tweet or the latest Donald Trump coming, or the latest Donald Trump whatever. They never talked about his economic success or never talk about how momentous it was when he had the success and little rocket Man, you know, came to the table and pretty much gave everything. They couldn't believe he gave a photo up. I'm like, yeah, look what we got in exchange are a photo op and nothing we didn't I guess they wanted a hundred and fifty billion in cargo cash sun over and then maybe they would have been happy in respected Donald Trump then and they talked to each other, and what they're not getting is they just think they're great. They all think they're the most amazing people on earth. And they feigned this outrage over whatever the Trump outrage of the day is, and they out they try to out outrage each other. He is disgusting. He is so stupid. No, he's super super duper disgusting and he's dufored the dirt, stupider than you think. It's like, this is how they think, and meanwhile the president keeps winning. You know, look at the president last night with the people President loves Tammy Bruce came on perfect observation right after the President's rally last night in Minnesota. It's like he loves being among the people of this country, and he wants to roll up his sleeves every day and go to work for the people of this country. And here's what they're also not getting. You know, maybe in the beginning there was a little bit of shock, why is any acting more like that president of this president? Now it's like, oh, Donald Trump tweeted that that's funny. Oh now people get it. People now get him, and people like it, and people find it refreshing, and his honesty is you know, it's it's it's it's like a breath of fresh air and a sea of political correctness, and they're enjoying every minute of it. And they kind of like, oh, let's see more people, more jobs available than people on unemployment. That's never happened before. The lowest unemployment rate for African Americans, Hispanic Americans and women, the lowest unemployment in fourteen states, records for everybody, And they kind of like, what's happening with their tax cuts? The crumbs that Nancy Pelosi calls it. And they kind of like the fact that, wow, he got little rocket Man to start talking about d nuclearization and releasing hostages and and dismantling nuclear test facilities and stop firing rockets over Japan. You know, they're saying, wow, that kind of worked. You know, we didn't think that would work. Calling him a little rocket man and saying my buttons bigger than your button in ours works and fire and fury. But it worked, and they're glad it worked because it's good for them the future of the world if in fact they can pull the sucker off and get to the finish line. We nobody else got there. And they kind of like that he didn't pay a hundred and fifty billion taxpayer dollars over to you know, Irany and Mullahs that are now saying they're excelerating their their nuclear program. Well, I thought our bribery was supposed to stop that. Apparently weakness doesn't work. And I think the American people like the fact that he said I want to build the wall. Now he's fighting to build the wall. And in spite of all the outrage, now that people finally gotten hip to the fact that Obama did the same thing with kids and and parents, and they begin to realize that the media is a bunch of phony, despicable hypocrites. Say again, you know one of the interesting things last night, uh conspiracy TV, MSNBC. They didn't go to the Trump speech and rally. Now, why wouldn't they go to the Trump speech and rally, because he's calling them out and he's saying everything you just turn all week about immigration is a lie. Let me tell you what the truth is. And then he's going through the record of success that he has and they've never told that story there either. So he's basically about to pop their bubble on their air if he goes on. So we've created three point four million new jobs since election day three. I won't play now said before and then see an end and you want to run it because the crowd started chanting fake news, they're the fake news. Very dishonest, they would have said, he's exaggerating. Yeah, yeah, these are very dishonest people, many of them. And we have some fine people to doing that, but there's a lot of very just honest people. Yeah. Can you imagine being Jeff Zucker and no one do. I just want to carry the speech because they've gotta chant for half an hour. That CNN sucks, so he can't report the news. By the way, that's real news, that's really unfolding in real time. It I just I'll tell you it's these unbelievable times we're living in. They really are. All right, let's get uh And one other thing. If the Democrats get elected in if if you allow that to happen, and I've got plans for after the fourth of July, I'm I'm gonna be all over it because this is too important. This is going to be the most important midterm election in your lifetime. Because the Democrats they've all huddled together and they pulled in Maxine Waters and some others and they said, listen, Macine, you can't lead chance in Peach forty five, and which shush, shush, We're gonna do it, but don't tell anybody anymore. Just shush about it. Shush. You given away our secret. But that's what they want to do, you know, on Peach to him or anybody else. And for those who say to me, you are asking for something too soon and too early, be careful, don't jeopardize yourself. Don't say what you're saying right now. But I continue to say, m page him. So what is their track? So they want peach Peach forty five, but they don't want to tell anybody. Then they want to keep aparmacare they want open borders, and Nancy Pelosi said, she wants those crumbs the tax cuts you got, you know, two dollars of family. She wants her crumbs back. He wants it back immediately. Okay, you're gonna want that to happen because that's your future the day after election day. If Republicans lose this, now, that's gonna mean well, Hannity, my guys a rhino. Um. Yeah, you're gonna have to probably suck it up a little bit and do it for the president, and do it so they don't destroy the country. Yeah, I believe, trust me, and I don't want to. I can't stand these people anymore. Republicans are just as bad most of the time than everybody else. All right, let's get to um our phones here as we say, how to Kim is in Scottsdale out in Arizona. Hey, Kim, how are you? And I hope it's a hundred degrees and hazy hot and humid. I'm not humid actually, but not human. And how are you breathing that weather? Oh? You know what, it doesn't bother me. It's not bad. It's you just get used to it. Here, you do so you undred and ten, like you go out, you take a walk, ride your bicycle, play tennis, or play golf. Actually, I get up early, ride by bike, then go for a swim, and you know, you do your stuff earlier in the day and it's great. All right. So if you're up at six thirty in the morning doing your thing, what what's the temperature then? What is it? Yeah? Midnight? That's not bad. Yeah, I can handle it. It's not bad. I guess you get used to it. I mean, I like, I like like perfect weather. I like I'm I'm more of a perfect weather person, you know, perfect weather, not too hot, not too cold, right in the middle. You know, it's the only place in my life I don't go to the right. Well, we have the perfect weather about nine months of the year. We've got three months of bad and then the rest of it. You know, we can deal with it. You know, you can handle we can handle the hot to put up with perfect the rest of the year. What else is on your mind today? UM? I want me to talk about Peter Fonda. UM, and just make a comment that this man is a pervert and this man needs to be arrested for us for threatening the First Lady threatening the president, kidnapped the sun, put him in a cage, and and put him in there with pedophiles. What a nice hearted discuss, What a nice kind little liberal he is. Well, you know what, there's somebody that makes those kinds of comments about a child. Uh, you wonder this man needs to be arrested. To the man, he needs a psychiatric vow. They need to keep him and and evaluate what kind of a person makes those kinds of comments and and feels like there's no consequence for that. You're threatening the president. You're threatening uh Kristen h Nielsen, So you're you're threatening a cabinet number. Listen. Let me let me tell you something. If you threaten the First family, it's a crime. If you make terroristic threats against people, it's a crime. You can't say to somebody, I'm going to kill you and get away with that. Um, you just can't. All right, I'll give you the last word. I just hope that I hope that the First Lady really pushes this and I hope she says this guy needs to be arrested. Maybe he'll send a message to the Hollywood elite that I think they're all sick, and I just it's just it's it's it's just unbelievable that we have digressed as a country where the people feeling like they can say whatever they want, and it's just it just blows my mind, just blows my mind. All Right, Kim, I listen, these are the sick times we live in. And thank god there are smart people like you that get it because you're the one that's gonna save the country. People like you, in other words, people like they were at that rally last night. Uh, people that work hard in Ohio and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Michigan and Minnesota. Yeah, those are the people who can save the country. North Carolina, California, Arizona. You know what, We're gonna need all of you come November. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Um, we are gonna take on the corrupt media, the corrupt establishment, Republican and Democrat. Uh. Tonight on Hannity ninetiestern on the Fox News Channel, The Great One, Mark Levin Tonight, Greg Jared Sarah Carter are gonna be with us. Also, Janine Piro, Judge Piro, and Sebastian Gorka, Joe Conscha, much more. Media corruption has never been this sick, twisted and ugly. Ever, that's all coming up. Set you DVR tonight, Hannity at nine. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you tonight, We'll see you back here tomorrow.