ICE vs. Biden - September 24th, Hour 3

Published Sep 24, 2021, 10:00 PM

Kris Kobach, former Kansas Secretary of State and currently General Counsel for the Alliance for Free Citizens, is the lead attorney in a federal lawsuit on behalf of Texas sheriffs and ICE officers against the Biden administration, is weighing in on the current border crisis: and Sara Carter, Fox News Investigative Reporter, who has been down at the border daily covering the debacle that is Del Rio under the Biden administration. 

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Right News round Up and information overload our eight hundred and nine for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program, um, I can tell you this after interviewing the Border Patrol, they have their the union representative that they are apoplectic after being accused by so many people of being racist. We're now seeing that the numbers are we have over six hundred six thousand people not accounted for, more than three thousand, one hundred that we know of that are still in del Rio that are not being sent home. Um, they're claiming that they are sending them home, but then we're finding that they're dispersing them across the country and they've actually been outright lying to us. And then when they're not lying to us, they're they're blaming Donald Trump for Joe Biden's border disaster. Unbelievable. Al Sharpton went down to the border and this is the reaction he got. Ambassador to the South Africa, and you're not missing, Ennis Austin. Kids are being to David Happy Georgian. Why are you not being a voice because of children from Atlanta, Georgia New Birth Baptist Church Tredy. Why are you sism where it does cast off. Why are you trying to come it violent? Why are you violet? Why I became provin it's not a racist city. Now realize a loving, caring communitiot. We don't want your racism and Texas get out of here. Nobody wants to hear your racist wants to screens down real like, God, are you not a boyfriend the Barter voice? You can get out of the barn? All right? That just keeps good, That just keeps going. I remember Nancy Pelosi, you know she said, we're we're on a good path at the border under the leadership of President Biden. Really, Nancy, we're on a good path at the border under leadership of Joe Biden. President Biden. There is It's about three things. It's about restructuring how we do what is happening there because we were in a very bad situation under the Trump administration. It's about a refugee plan. Oh is that what it is? Anyway? Chris Kolbox joining US former Secretary of State and currently General counsel for the Alliance of Free Citizens. He's leading a federal lawsuit on behalf of Texas sheriffs and ice officers against the Biden administration. There's no doubt they're not not only not enforcing the laws, they're aiding and abetting in the law breaking, which would put us in jail for the rest of our lives. Sarah Carter, Fox News reporter, She's been down at the border daily investigating, showing us the images of what's really going on down there. We'll start with the news first, Sarah, what's going on today and what was the reaction to Sharpton and what is the reaction the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's attack on the border patrol. Well, I can't wait till Sean first, thank you. I can't wait until tonight so we can Actually, you know, for everybody who watches your show tonight will also see border patrol agents that are so frustrated that morale is solo. I spoke today with actually Roddy Ballard. He is a trainer of these border patrol agents, recently retired. That's why he was able to speak and use his name. He wanted to come out, he wanted to defend the agent. You know, he trained them. He taught them how to move people along the rio. Why they use these long rains and it's very important for the safety of the Border Patrol agents as well as for their ability to maneuver the horses in this really rough terrain. He could not believe for even a minute. And when I told him what the President had said, that you know, these agents are going to pay for their racist actions, and I showed him the story, he still couldn't believe it. He still couldn't believe it. The photographer behind these controversial photos actually spoke exclusively to in El Paso local station and said that while they were out there taking the photographs on Sunday, they, in no way, and especially him, who had his eye directly on what was going on, saw any racist actions on the part of the Border Patrol. The photographer was explicit he never saw anyone being whipped. In fact, there were no whips involved whatsoever in this maneuvering. The area where the agents were sean is an area where the Border Patrol normally has boats. Those boats that are in that area of the Rio Grande River, for it's a landing spot, are used to rescue migrants, many of whom when they try to cross the river, many times in the wrong part of the river where the water is really deep drown and it's unfortunate. A lot of people have lost their lives trying to come into the United States. It's the greatest nation on earth. But it appears at the left. And this is according to those that I've spoken to, it appears that the left is intent on making this issue a racial issue and putting a story out in the public that is absolutely false. They say, I can tell you this morale has never been lower. There's a lot of concern that people won't want to do their job anymore. The horses are very important in this terrain because it is so rough, there is such thick brush. You can't always get vehicles into those areas. Horses have a better way of maneuvering through those areas and getting the agents to where they need to be. So what I can tell you this listening to Al Sharpton, listening to talking to the people here in the local businesses that have come up to me and said, thank you so much. Will you please tell Sean Hannity thank you for putting the truth out there. People will say, look, I'm Tehano, which means I'm a Mexican Texan, right, I'm of Mexican descent. We are not a racist community. The men and women of the Border Patrol are not racist. This has nothing to do with racist, has everything to do with riding a horse, doing it the right way, protecting both the agents, the horse and the migrants, and being asked to do a job that is actually impossible, shine an impossible job. Chris coleback, Let's go to the legal aspect of this. As I was doing the introduction, I mentioned not only are they not enforcing the laws, but they're aiding and abetting the law breaking. I have a problem with that. Yeah, and Sean I do too. And it goes even worse than that. They are actually the bid deministration is ordering officers themselves to break the law. You know, back in nineteen ninety six, Congress past several statutes to end catch and release, and the statutes say that the immigration officers shall detain certain aliens and shall remove certain aliens. Now, the words Congress gave a direct order to the officers, with the administration is doing is illegally telling ice officers and telling Border patrol officers to break the law and not detain and not remove these aliens. And that's what our lawsuit on behalf of the Texas sheriffs is all about, because when that happens, then it has a criminal impact because criminal illegal aliens are released into the communities all throughout Texas and ultimately into the rest of the United States, and so we all pay the price. When Biden orders his law enforcement officers themselves to break the law, let alone ordering them not to enforce the laws against the illegal aliens, it's extraordinary. And you know, Sean one other thing I'd like to mention is Biden could solve this problem today. He absolutely could solve this problem right now if he wanted to. That is because in another case in the Northern District of Texas, we had last month the order from the judge to reinstate the remain in Mexico policy. Well, Biden administration has been hemming and hanging, say yeah, we'll get around to following that order once we talk to Mexico about it. They could simply comply with that order right now and the word would get out instantly that look, you're not getting into the United States. You're gonna have to stay in Mexico while you wait for your bogus claim of asylum to be adjudicated. It would instantly cause people to turn around and head south. Indeed, as you may remember earlier this week, when the Biden administration made a show of starting to deport just a tiny percentage of these Haitian migrants, suddenly people started walking south back across the dam, thinking that everybody will need to get deported. And so when you actually enforce the law and deport people and detain people and send them back to Mexico, guess what happens. The migrants stopped coming. Yeah, exactly, Walt said, So, you know, all of these policies can be reinstated. They have no desire to do that though, Sarah, you know, I don't know. And then they try to sneak in the amnesty you know, provision and the reconciliation process. You know. I pointed out that countries like New Zealand, Australia and you know, and then smaller countries like saying Kids and Belize and all these other what i'll called tax haven countries, you can buy citizenship. In other words, it's of such great value to people, you can actually buy it. In a case of Australia New Zealand, it takes millions and millions of millions of dollars to do it. But you can, and actually Americans have. And so if you give somebody you know something or great value, I'm sure the thinking is, well, well, maybe they'll vote for us, you know, for the rest of their lives. I assume that happens. I'm for legal immigration, and I don't care where you come from. I want a health check, I want a background check, and I want to make sure you're not a financial burden on the American people. And I also believe a merit based immigration. If we need more doctors or scientists and they want to come, I invite them from all over the world. Sean, I mean, there are ways of expanding and revamping our immigration policy and our immigration laws, and I don't think the American people are opposed to that. What they're opposed to is the fact that the An administration has literally become part of the human trafficking problem. So it's not only that it affects US. It affects our national security, it affects our healthcare, it affects our way of life. But if you really care about the people who are coming into this country, if you really cared about them, you would put a stop to this because the only people that are benefiting from this, And it was interesting, but today we were all sitting out a small diner out here, really local place that everybody goes to law enforcement as well as the farmers out here at Del Rio, and people were talking about just this, just this, that the only people that are winning out here, and the locals know it are actually the drug cartels, the drug cartells, the human traffickers, the pedophiles. I mean, if the Biden administration really cared, they would put a stop to it. So let's be perfectly honest. It was the Biden administration that started this. It was just what Chris Kobach said, you know, this was created by President Biden. This entire situation has been exacerbated by this administration and the fact that you have now first hand eyewitnesses who were sitting there in the river, the people who took the photographs, and they're saying, look, we did not see anything illegal from our perspective and our point of view between the agents and the migrants, and the fact that the President went so far as saying these agents are going to pay for something while there's an ongoing investigation, while there is no proof of any racism whatsoever or abuse of migrants is really telling and really daunting. And a lot of law enforcement officers are very concerned about this because they say, look, if the Vice president, vice President Kamala Harris, if President Biden are making these kind of statements publicly, how is this going to affect us out in the fields. How are people going to respond to us in public. We saw a lot of problems with people retaliating against police officers in the past, particularly when we saw politicians speak out against law enforcement, speak out against immigration and customs enforcement. And I think there's a lot of concern right now that the President and Vice President Kamala Harris have put the lives of our agents, our US Border Patrol agents, our federal agents in danger out here. It's really scary. Quick break Moore on the other side, Chris Kolbach and Sarah Carter with us. Then we'll get to your calls final half hour. I first want to remind you though about our friends at Hillsdale College. Look, you see what's going on in schools across the country. Values you believe in and that are near and dear to your heart. You know, kids are not getting American History and Civics education. It's actually at a turning point. You know, we're going to let the bureaucrats, the lobbyists choose what your kids are going to be taught, or you're going to teach kids the whole, accurate history of this country. Well that's where Hillsdale College comes in. They argue it's time to teach the truth, the whole truth, and they've come up with their Hillsdale seven seventy six curriculum. You can download it for free. We set up a special website, Shawn for Hillsdale. That's Shawn Sea n four Hillsdale dot com. It's available not only to teachers, but anybody, all citizens. You can share it with other concerned Americans. They even have a complete K through twelve History and Civic's curriculum designed to give educators guidance, not mandates guidance. It allows students to learn the tragedies and the triumphs of American history as it really happened. Only through a complete and honest and thorough study of our history can students fully understand the world in which they live. Our children deserve to be taught the truth through a sound curriculum created by teachers, not by bureaucrats, not by people with agendas, and we can uphold the dignity of every individual. America's future depends upon an honest, candid look at our history. So download Hillsdale Colleges seventeen seventy six curriculum for Free Shawn for Hillsdale dot com. That's Sea n f O R Hillsdale, Sean for Hillsdale dot Com broadcasting Coast to coast, Border into Order and all Auramerica. This is a Sean Henny show A right more with Sarah Carter. She's down in Del Rio in Texas. Uh, and Chris Kolback is with us. You know, there's been a high rate of COVID positivity, Chris Kolbach, and you know, I've looked at the numbers and the incidents of border patrol agents getting COVID has been much higher than the general population number one and number two, and that includes a lot of deaths of taken place here. Yeah, that's right. And you know, just to add to that point um on morale of border patrol agents. So let's just put yourself in their shoes. You've you've trained, you've decided that the path of your life is going to be for protecting our nation's borders. You become a border patrol officer, and you learn to protect the border. You learn to intercept and stop migrants from coming illegally to the United States. But then suddenly Joe Biden takes office and instead of protecting our border, you become an uber driver and a babysitter for illegal aliens coming in. And you're facilitating the aliens coming in. And then when when the COVID outbreak intensifies, you're not protected. You're still denigrating. You have to watch people in overcrowded cages that Biden built, Yeah, in the middle of a pandemic. So you're you're you're taken away from your job, you're forced to disobey the law, you're exposed to COVID cases, and then, as of yesterday, you're called a racist for simply riding horseback, as has been the case for over a century. And I don't want you guys to laugh, but I actually when I went with Border Patrol on horseback once, and I showed some of the video last night, that stupid horse took off on me and I had lost control of that horse. And if it wasn't for the Border patrol agents. And I do remember the way they ride and the way they hold this the reins. It is a long rain and they kind of hit both sides of the horse's neck and then we'll actually be able to reach around and hit the backside of the horse as a means of making it move faster, which if it didn't move at their horses didn't move faster, I would have landed on my ass and it would not have been pretty. These guys had to fly after me and they literally cut off the horse, got in front of it, stopped the horse, and I said, all right, I'm done. I'm out of this, all right. But they do a great job. I feel sorry for them because that's not what they signed up to do. It's a difficult job, and Biden now has made it a thousand times harder. Chris Kolbach, thank you, Sarah. We'll have a full report on Hannity tonight at nine quick break right back will continue. I had twenty five till the top of the hour. Your calls eight hundred nine for one, Shawn an amazing Hannity. We got a great show tonight. News you won't get from the mob that I can promise you. Ninety Eastern on Fox. Let's go to Tanya is in the great state of Arizona. Tanya, how are you glad you called? I'm doing well, Sean. My eighty four year old dad passed away last week. And whoa, whoa, you're eighty four year old dad passed away. I'm so sorry. Yes, thank you. I just passed the twenty five year mark when I lost my dad at the end of March twenty five years ago. I think about him every day. I'm so sorry. I know that's got to be painful. Well, the reason I called is to thank you for your show. He religiously watched you and Rush, and he taught me everything I know about politics, which was a lot. He served in the Republican Party in Arizona as a chairman. Anyways, the reason I called us to thank you, but I wanted to share a story. One of the last things that he did that kind of made us think that he was going to pull through was when the doctor come in. They you know, check for cognition and ask you questions like do you know what day it is? Do you know where you are? Do you know who the president is? And his response to that question was, I don'd trump, we don't have one. Well, I'm sure the nurses and doctors are a little shocked by that answer, but it shows you that had a great sense of nick, but some that gave us dirty looks. But it was that's a great Let me ask you a questions as you got older, Um, because I realized now more. I mean, as as these many years of passings, my father, you know, went to paradise, I believe in heaven. Um, I really come to appreciate him so much more. But it sounds like you had the ability because he lived to eighty four, that you really as as an adult. And I had been gone sixteen years crazy, you know, chasing this crazy radio dream. I was only on Fox six months before he passed away. Yeah, and um, and we're on a twenty fifth anniversary. And I guess my question is, I mean I had to bring him great joy that you and him had this connection and same value system and belief system. I gotta believe that. Yeah, yeah, he I mean I knew the things that he liked. One of the things he wanted for his birthday was, um, Micha Levine's new book. And when I was going through some of his things after he passed. He'd already gotten halfway through it and had his bookmark in it. So you know, that's something that I have to cherish it. I'm gonna Mark is one of my best friends. I'm gonna have Mark send you an autograph copy and put a special note for your dad in it, and I'll send you one of my books to a special note for your dad. And I know your heart is troubled. You know, we never want to lose people we love, right, No, I know he's in a better place, and I believe that he's in the loving arms of our savior. I believe that too, And I believe you'll see him again. I really do. And I know, but it doesn't take away the pain, and now, no, it doesn't. And just the only thing I can say is you I felt that this time after losing both my parents, you kind of like, you know, in a state of shot for a while. And you know, I remember times I just reach for the phone and I'm like, I can't reach for the phone, and um, but it sounds like your dad was a great man, and more importantly, it sounds like you had a great relationship with him. You know, one of the things I think I've learned as I've gotten older, too, is that parenting never ends. You know, my kids are older now, my parenting hasn't ended. If anything, it gets more more complex in a way. And that you never you know, your dad had to be so proud of you, so I know this is a tough time. Sounds like what a wonderful man that your dad was, And it sounds like your daddy's girl. That's what it sounds like to me. I bet, I bet if you admitted it, he'd say she's my favorite. But don't say that to your siblings. We all say that. That means your parents did a good job of making you feel special. That's really a good quality. Actually, well, you're in our prayers, Tanya. I know it's a full time, but stay on the line, and I'm gonna have Mark send a book. I'll send a book and and we'll pray for you and your dad and your family. Okay, thank you, Okay, hanging there. I Linda, what is one of the things that I have the most difficulty dealing with. I just, yeah, this is not your sweet spot. You do not like talking about my sweet spot. I mean it's just although for someone who doesn't like talking about death, you do talk about death a lot. The way you want to die and what you don't want to happen when you die in the mausoleum will be building. So there is that if no, that's not what I said. I said that it is exactly what you said. Okay, can I say what I said? Because okay, what did you say? Although there is a mention of Liam in my will, you're not in my will. Liam's mentioned in my wife. I'm shocked to hear I'm not in the wheel that. I'm sure everyone in the audience is shocked too. Yeah. But but you know, I'm kind of like an adopted uncle of Liam. Um. But I would say this, um that I just I never want to be if I ever become or becoming and no, I'm becoming a burden of my family. Done. I want to have a party, say goodbye and then go off, and I want to be remembered as I was alive. That's all I said. That is not that big a deal. It's a little bit of a big of a deal. It is, actually, because that's what family wants to don't particularly like and agree with my views, and I've gotten a lot of pretty harsh lectures about it. Yeah, like all of your family because you're wrong, Okay, they I'm just saying, let me, you are the minority in this debate. Somebody to give me a shower and clean me up. I'm not interested in that being my family. But I'm not saying, can't you just bring in help? You bring in help? You know you remembered. Is this feeble old thing that you know needed somebody else to bathe me. I want to be remembered alive doing this radio showing, a live on TV and a live when we all hung out together. I agree, I agree with you. I totally understand what you're saying. But you know, one of the saddest things I wish in the case, for example, I will never have an open casket now. Being raised Catholic and I'm I'm a you know, non denominational Christian, and I'm a very strong believer. My face gotten stronger than and I even told that to your pastor when we had a very good conversation. And anyway, I have these images of my my parents and when they were you know, they had an open you know casket that those images never go away. I have no earthly idea why we do that. It makes no sense. I actually agree with that. I do not believe in viewings. I do not believe in open caskets. I do not understand the need to have this sort of like I don't know. That whole thing to me is very strange. Well, you don't know. You do know one provision. I try to say this to people and jest that I put, what is the what is the one rule that I have? You know, I want a party after I die? And what is what are the conde crying? There's no funerals for Sean Hannity and my favorite foods and my favorite drinks and canisters of salt and body exactly. And I want people. I want it to be a celebration of a life that frankly was undeserved. That is my That's how I really feel. I think that would be great. I think having a memorial service. I don't want this to happen anytime soon. Really, could you talk about it all the time. You'll probably live to one hundred because you can't stop talking about it. That's exactly what's going to happen. It's no it comes up as a topic occasionally on the show. We haven't talked about it in a long time, as about this is true, this is true. For a while there you were going out into the woods. That got a little weird. I'm glad we've moved on from that now. That's no, it was never really no. It's gonna be like a four seasons resort. I mean, I can afford a better place than the woods. You know, in a tent. You'll be one hundred years old doing your show from the villages. Oh gosh, Sean Hannity Live, al Right, are you done? I love, but you're being such a funny jock. I guess. Rachel and Florida, how are you? I do feel sorry for Tania, though, I know that's that's so painful. She's in our prayers, her in her whole family. Anyway, what's going on, Rachel? How are you? Doctor? I'm doing great. I'm honored to speak to you. Um, I just I wanted to kind of just let my voice be heard a little bit because there's a group of women who were in Florida. We loved the Santis. You know, he's he's backing us up and fighting for us, and I appreciate that being able to go back to work. And UM, A lot of women that UM I was working with, UM their single moms. And that's a hard enough venture in itself, and they all ended up getting covid um. They work at casino called Best Bet. Maybe you've heard of it, UM, But anyways, you know, we're allowed to go back to work, we're masks. UM. Then enough, we all ended up contracting covid um. So we got through that. You know, our time is on record here that you know, we quarantined and we're able to go back to work, and we have natural immunity. And now the company is mandating that we get vaccines. And we're all kind of between the age of you know, twenties thirties, single moms here that need our jobs in order to pay our bills. And it's very concerning to me because you know, these these women are afraid of losing their jobs, so much so that a couple of them went out and got the vaccine because they weren't going to punt the schedule if they didn't. And a long story short, it's it's just crazy to me because if you already have natural munity, we've already all had it. Why in the world we have to go out and get vaccinated and be at risk of losing our jobs. And what's even crazier is many of them expressed like, hey, we want to still have kids in our future. You know, if we end up meeting mister Wright et cetera, and some of the stuff we've read, you know, you cause fertility. We are on yesterday. First of all, I got to give props to Governor de Santis because now that Joe finally for the first time a week and am Ago mentions monoclonal antibodies. Meanwhile, Ron de Santos, the governor, has set up these monoclonal antibody centers all throughout Florida because of and this is for people that are vaccinated or unvaccinated and vaccinated they get to breakthrough cases we had on yesterday. And this is the guy that was responsible, you know, played the largest role in developing the technology that led to the mr n A vaccines like Maderna and Feiser. This is the guy that invented it. He's a medical doctor and you know, very interestingly what he had said to the Epic Times, and I'm not a doctor. You got to talk to your own doctor. But what he what he said is that natural immunity is better than the very technology that he created. He said that and T cell immunity. Rand Paul has been very very strong on this point too. Again, I'm not a doctor. I refuse to play one. The saddest thing that you're saying. In New York with their new governor, they literally saying to nurses many like yourself that have natural immunity that got COVID, all of those that were in the middle of the absolute shift show that was New York in March and April May twenty twenty. And I lived here. I saw it, and there were people it was an unmitigated disaster. And if it wasn't for Donald Trump, New York would have died. And anyway, all these nurses that were jumping on cod grenades every day, if by going to work to save other people's lives. Now the New York governor is saying, if you don't do what we say, even if you had COVID or you have a there's no one size fits all medicine. If you have a rare medical condition, your doctor doesn't think the vaccines right for you. And it's rare. There are cases you're going to get fired and that quote you're replaceable. These are the people that went to war in the front lines and jumped on COVID grenades every day. I mean, if I was a doctor or nurse, I would have hated that job, to be very honest. Um, But they did it, and now we're going to punish them. How about they get tested every week? Why can't they have that exception? I mean, at least as one minor little loophole, you know in the mandates where you can just say, Okay, I'll agree to get tested, you pay for it. I'll get tested once a week, and you can't doct my pay either, you know. I mean, it's if that's what they're going right. A question for you too that we're all kind of curious about. But a lot of the women are asking to say, for example, you know, something happens to them getting the vaccine. You know they rush out to get it just because they want to go back to work, and you know they don't they don't want to leave the job. You know, is the company going to be responsible at that point if there's a negative reaction, Well, they ask you, it is doctor Joe going to be responsible doctor Joe Biden, who has no background. Are all the doctors to play doctor that never went to medical school giving one size fits all advice and they're going to be held accountable. You're asking a great question. Maybe maybe he'll whisper some some calming factors. Well, I really am sorry, honestly, Rachel. To hear your situation and I and I hear where you're coming from. I don't know what the answer is. Talk to your doctor, your doctors, and then I know you're gonna have to Probably it sounds like make a tough decision. You know. I don't know if you have any condition that would prevent you from getting the vaccine, or if it's just in your your heart you just don't want to for whatever reason. But you're willing to be tested. They should be willing to go along with the regular testing. It takes fifteen minutes, you get a rapid test. It's it's pretty accurate. Um, But I don't envy the situation you're and I'll tell you that it's sad to me. And you know, now we're going to cancel large portions of society. No ball games, no concerts, no restaurants. Nothing. Well, what if you have a rare condition, what if you you know, even if you if you have COVID, they say, don't even think about a vaccine for three to six months after you get to after you had COVID. Well, what if you're in that limbo period? What you're gonna at that point? Now you're going to be, you know, cut out of society anyway. Eight hundred nine one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, Look, I can't do what the experts say, and that's consume ten servings of fruits and vegetables every day and can't do it. That's where Balance of Natures comes in, and that's it. They give you literally all of the nutrition from fruits and vegetables in a capsule Balance of Nature. They've made it their mission to get the right amount of daily nutrition that helps your immune system, helps your overall health. 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We know you make the show possible and we never forget it. We'll see you tonight back here Monday. Have a great weekend.

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