Sean looks ahead to Hurricane Milton and the storm that threatens to knock out FEMA. Will the Biden Administration be ready for Milton?
And thank you Scott Channon, and thanks to all of you for being with us. Write down our toll free telephone number. It is eight hundred and nine to four one Shan if you want to be a part of the program. It is twenty nine days until election day. Our thirty day countdown has begun. Early voting has begun in many states around the country. We have five more states that we can add to the list. California, Texas beginning early voting today, along with Montana, Georgia, the important state of Georgia, Nebraska, Georgia that's been abandoned, Nebraska, New Hampshire, South Carolina. And as a public service, we put on Hannity dot com everything you need in terms of how to register, when to register. I think I think registration stops in Florida's of today if you haven't registered, by the way, we're watching and by We also put the Walls files in the Kamala files as a public service up there as well well. But when early voting starts in your state, it's all up on hannady dot com, all over my social media. Again, we put it up there as a public service. Today is October seventh, one year ago. We saw the worst terrorist attack in the history of Israel. They lost the equivalent of forty thousand Americans in a single day. And the New York Post actually had a commemorative edition put out today, bring them home. Remember the hostages still held a year after October the seventh. They even have pictures of women and babies. And there's an interview Kamala Harris will play it later in the program today, where Kamala Harris, you know, wouldn't even acknowledge that Prime Minister net to Yahoo is an ally is the same woman that has said, in her own words, we need the courage never to say the words radical Islamic terrorism, to say to have had the courage never to say illegal alien. If you care about the survival it's not just Israel, but it starts with Israel. If you care about the survival of Israel, if you care about not allowing radical Islamic terrorists to ever get nuclear weapons, that reason alone, you should never ever consider allowing Kamala Harris to be president, he says in this sixty minute interview, and again I'll play it later. I mean, she's now made it amply clear. While you know they have a right to their truth. Those people that are chanting from the river to the sea and death to Israel and death to America. These are groups that are dedicated to the destruction of the state of Israel. And if they are successful, it doesn't stop with Israel. He obviously is ignorant of what the caliphate is all about, Convert or die is all about. And if if we can't say radical Islamic terrorists that who attacked us on nine to eleven oh one, who attacked Israel one year ago today?
Who did it?
Because somebody needs to if they get nuclear weapons, we're now facing a modern day holocaust. You got Prime Minister Natano who is fighting a forefront war with with Hamas at a gaza in the south, Zballah in the north, at of Lebanon, the Huti rebels, and then two hundred ballistic missiles fired directly from Iran into Israel. And she won't even acknowledge that Prime Minister Netanya who is an ally because she has to give in to the radicals and the pro Hamas wing in the Democratic Party. The people that said that she claims have the right to speak their truth. We have we have and Burul and anti Semites in the halls of Congress. We have the on college campuses now worldwide on you know here it is October seventh, the most deadly day. And my question for Kamala, which she's never going to get asked, is what part of murder, torture, rape, beheadings, kidnapping do you not understand? That's my question that'll never be asked. And what exactly And this tells you exactly where her allegiance is, and it's not with Prime Minister net and Yahoo to win the war against radical Islamic terrorism, you know, to prove Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to say, well, well, they have a right to defend themselves. What do you mean they have the right to defend themselves because at some point those ballistic missiles will start dropping if they don't have enough of an ability to shoot them out of the sky. That is only a band aid solution. What America's message should have been and should be, is not restraint. It should be win your war, win it quickly against those that are committed to your destruction. Because if the Iranians ever developed a nuclear bomb, they they will they will try to wipe Israel off the map, and it looks like, you know, this is this is where we are now, this is the equivalent of forty thousand dead Americans in a day.
That's how severe this is.
We'll play kamalo later because you wouldn't answer the question if Phoebe's an ally, because we know the answer to that. Now, with that said, what is now the worst federal response in the history of the United States in terms of hurricane response. I say this as we're now on you know, on pins and needles here in Florida, you know, waiting for the next hurricane to hit, and the western seaboard, the western coast of Florida, pretty much all the way from Naples up up the entire coast almost and all the way across the state of Florida is about to be hit with what started out I thought was going to be a Cat two, that a Cat three, Cat four. Now they're talking about a Cat five hurricane. But in light of you know, and Ronda Santis is already doing what he does, I'm sure when I get him on the phone, he's going to tell us this week that he's got thirty thousand utility trucks pre positioned that he's got food and water and medicines and supplies pre positioned, emergency first responders prepositioned, and they're going to need all the help that hey can get. Governor Camp did the same thing in the state of Georgia, and so did the governor of South Carolina. He prepositioned everything McMaster and North Carolina has been abandoned. But Joe Biden and I played this for you last week. Everybody's what hurricane, Well, what emergency?
Well? What storm?
That storm? Heleene.
This is six days after the landfall. We still don't have a death count. There are areas in North Carolina we have no idea people are alive or dead. We still don't know, and we still can't get to these people. You know, FEMA, as Elon Musket said, they're not merely failing to adequately help people, but they're blocking citizens who are trying to help. I Meanwhile, they'd have no communications at all except for him generously donating starlink so that you know, they can get it up and running. And this is what really pisses me off. Think about this. You have entire towns in the southeast that have been wiped out. I know because I'm talking to the people on the ground. I've spoken with Franklin Graham of samaritansperse dot Org. I've spoken with people within his organization, and they are telling me that supplies, you know, and we've seen videos of it. They're being delivered by forces and mules, but they're grounding helicopters in some instances, and they're not even allowing them to go out there. And some Americans are so cut off. There's been no contact with the outside world since Hurricane Helene landed, you know what, ten days ago at this point. And Harris, you know, is spending all her time this week doing podcasts Call Me Daddy, to Call Me Daddy podcast and she's doing Howard Stern. Howard Stern recently said that if you vote for Trump, Trump voters are stupid. Okay, it's not the same Howard Stern he was when I was growing up, because that Howard Stern would have loved Donald Trump and would have you know, the people that listen to him, the firefighters, the policeman, the hard working people, the construction workers in New York, they're not going to be insulted by Howard Stern. So go do Howard Stern you already have his voters, you know, the people that he might be able to influence. Go do the view, Go do sixty minutes and stop wasting our time. But when we learned last week that they ran out of money and they're trying to back off this and they're lying because it's on FEMA's homepage. They haven't even taken it off the homepage. So all these people have been entirely wiped out and abandoned. And Harris is pledging millions of dollars to Lebanon and other places around the world. And I'm not making any of this up. You can't make it up. I mean, if you look at FEMA, as we have been telling you the truth about FEMA from the beginning, and their shelter and services program, and you know, but now they're they're going to spend what one hundred and fifty million dollars that they're sending to Lebanon. You got to be kidding me. One hundred and fifty million. That's a lot of money. And you know, all the all the Kamma seems to be upset about now is that Joe Biden keeps saying that she was he was right there with her.
He was right there with him.
Rather, you know, think of the money that we spend every year seventy billion dollars in total foreign aid. Why are we helping North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Florida nearly two hundred billion to Ukraine just another eight billion in the last week and a half eighteen billion dollars to the United Nations that has been nothing but anti Semitic and anti American for years. It's a joke of an organization. We give eight hundred and fifty million dollars to the WHO per year, which became the propaganda mountpiece. You know, how many hundreds of millions to the WEF six hundred million to NATO every year. You know, Ethiopia gets two point one to nine billion, the Taliban one point three to nine billion, the Taliban Yehmen one point three eight billion, Egypt one point three seven billion, Jordan one point one to nine billion, Nigeria one point one five billion, one point one four billion, South Sudan one point one two billion, Kenya one point h three billion. How many billions are going to the rescue and the help and the support of our own citizens in North Carolina and then Biden's failed FEMA chief is warning you it's dangerous to criticize her agency. What do you mean it's dangerous? On with Georgie Stephanopoulos, you know, saying the false narratives spread online about the agency's handling of the hurricane could hinder FEMA's recovery efforts and as a tremendous impact on the comfort level. I talk to the people in North Carolina and Georgia and the people they're getting the most help from neighbor helping neighbor, their local churches, Damarn's Purse, and other organizations. And she's just upset that she's being rightly criticized for the lack of work and the lack of urgency that they've had. And we were not wrong in our report last week, even though fake news c and then tried to say this to Laura Trump and they just outright lying. You know, remember it was Secretary of Majorcus that said, but FEMA has run out of money and this has not been a busy hurricane season so far this year. And what's infuriating is a billion tax dollars were allocated, you know, to this agency that's supposed to be for Americans for American disaster relief, and they used it for Haaris Biden and they were eleven and a half million unveted illegal immigrants, and they rated a billion dollars of the money that they're supposed to have, that's on them. They did that. And by the way, it's per FEMA's own website. Their Shelter and Services program is providing support to non federal entities to provide humanitarian services to non citizen migrants following their release from DHS. You know that that's there. And by the way, then they have their goals that are stated on their website too. You know what their femas equity planned for emergency Reson's goal one and still equity as a foundation of emergency management, diversity, equity, inclusion cannot be optional. How about you help every American in need and not turn this into a woke agency. Goal Number two is lead the whole of the community in climate resilience. I mean, are you kidding me? I've gone through all of this with you. Every top goal has to do with something woke and ridiculous. Ta FIMA official slamming politicians saying that there's no misinformation. Kamala has vowed to spend over one hundred and fifty million to help the suffering Lebanese civilians while stiffing North Carolina, Georgia and Florida and Tennessee and South Carolina.
And then you got you want to be insulted.
I want everyone in North Carolina, Georgia to hear this because David Axelrod, you know, said that North Carolina's liberal voters in the Blue Ashville area, Oh, they're going to find a way to vote for Kamala Harris despite Hurricane Helene's devastation, while rural Trump voters and supporters who had their homes and lives destroyed, they might.
Struggle to reach the polls.
Oh okay, So I guess only liberal elitist snobs are going to be smart enough to get to the polls. Unbelievable. There's a big fight brewing between Kamala Harris and her campaign as they see Joe Biden as an albatross dragging her down to defeat. No, I don't think so. Something is happening, polymarket. The betting markets have all shifted dramatically in Donald Trump's favor. Now fifty four or forty five for Donald Trump, for fifty five to forty six. Not sure what they're seeing them. Although Matt Towery predicted this would happen, he said he saw this, he was beginning to see this in his polling way. Eight hundred nine point one Sean are prayers with the people of Israel. One year anniversary from October the seventh, we'll get an update on the hurricane about to come down a Cat five on Florida in a minute with Jobastardi. You've heard me talking about if you have problems with the IRS, do not deal with them on your own. You need professionals. They recently at leased thousands of final intent to levy notices. If you put that off, you may lose your right to appeal. Okay, so you need to call my friends, the pros that Rush Tax resolution right now, because the IRS can levy your bank account, garnish your wages, revoke your passport. If you're a business owner you're behind on payroll taxes, they can shut your business down and come after you personally. Now, Rush Tax the only tax relief firm I trust and recommend. Call now eight hundred two nine nine eighty seventy seven. They'll give you a free IRS transcript investigation. Other firms charge up to fifteen hundred bucks for that. They'll only take your case if they know you can they can help you eight hundred two nine nine eighty seventy seven. On the web, it's Rush Tax Resolution dot Com.
Or when fake News gives You Lies.
Annity Supplies the Truth.
Sean Hannity is on right now.
Corry Towns in the Southeast wiped out supplies delivered by horses and mules, and Kamala Harris is on Call Me Daddy podcasts, Howard Stern, The View and Sixty Minutes, and they have no money because they rated the Female lock Box and they have totally completely utterly abandoned in spite of their proclamations to the contrary, like Joe Biden. Oh, people are getting everything they need and they're very happy. No, they haven't gotten what they need. They're not happy. Their lives have been pretty much turned upside down and ruined.
And you're missing an action. I just want you to just this is where we are.
This is how bad this administration is, this is how awful they bet. But remember Kamala wants the Green New Deal. Tamala would eliminate the fillowbuster to get it ninety three trillion. That's Marxism, the end of capitalism as we know it. Tamala Harris, we know, wants to eliminate all private health insurance and have government health care for all. After watching their response in North Carolina, the callousness, the coldness, the absolute lack of urgency I mean or caring at all. It is mind numbing to me. You're really going to trust the government, keep your doctor plan and save money? How did that work out? Social Security headed towards insolvency, medicare same thing. Anything the government does. How's your government run schools going these days? You know, how's your government police department doing these days? What does the government do? Well, ask yourself that question, except for national defense, and even that has gone woke under Harris and Biden, so you know. And then of course she wants no fracking, no drilling, the lifeblood of the world's economy. Then she wants defund dismantled, no bail laws. Then Kamala Harris supporting rioters and insurrectionists in the summer of twenty twenty. Those rioters aren't going to stop. Those rioters shouldn't stop, and We're not going to stop supporting them, she said to Colbert. And then, of course eleven and a half million unvetted Hiras Biden illegals that we now know FEMA, which is going bankrupt according to Mayorcis, we now know that that money was diverted to Harris Biden illegals. And they're trying to say it's not true. Oh, it's true. It's on FEMA's own website. And then you got Secretary of Homeland Security, may Orcus, who oversees FEMA. He was for all of you in North Carolina. I want you to know this, and all of you in Georgia. He was spotted out shopping for high and men'swear. I kid you not, as you know all these people, you have entire towns in the southeast, in North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee have been wiped out. You have supplies being delivered by horses and by mules. Some Americans have yet to be making contact with any rescue workers. And but for neighbor Helping neighbor, and the churches and Samaritans Purse and some other organizations. And I'm supporting Samaritans Perst myself because I think they're the best, and they're giving away, you know, billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars. I mean, it's unbelievable. Now, there was an exchange today. Now, there had previously been criticism of Colleen Jean Pierre after Hurricane Helene, you know, and mixed messages on whether FEMA resources were used for illegal immigrants. They just flat out or trying to lie. But don't worry. Kamala is getting on the case this week. Oh no, she's not. Kamala Harris is too busy doing the Call Me Daddy podcast. Tamala is too busy flooding the media zone with friendly media outlets. Let's see. He's going on Howard Stern. Howard Stern who recently said that if you're a Trump's supporter, you're stupid. Well, the only thing that would make you stupid if you would still listen to Howard Stern, if he thinks that you have political views different than him, makes you stupid. The old Howard Stern that I grew up listening to, and there was no better broadcaster. Guy was great. You know, I don't know what happened. He started going to Polo matches in the Hamptons and started you know, living hiding out and you know, with thirty cats in his Palm Beach mansion. You know, holdall from the entire world freaked out over COVID and now once and now is telling what used to be probably what's probably seventy percent of his audience that are Trump supporters. He's saying, you're stupid. Okay, go for Kamala Harris. Go do Kamala Harris, get a fluffy interview with Howard Stern, and then go do a hard hitting show with Stephen Colbert, who's also going to kiss her ass, and then do a hard hitting show that that hard hitting news show. The view those are those people have audiences that are already voting for Kamala Harris.
It's not going to help her.
And tell the people of North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee to go basically to go to go blank yourself. Frankly, if this is a podcast, i'd say it anyway. Before we get to that, there was an exchange with KJP and Peter Doocy today and then we're going to get an update on this new hurricane about to head Florida with Joba STARTI but listen to this exchange today on.
This issue of funding.
The administration has money to send to Lebanon without Congress coming back. The Congress does have to come back to crew money to send to people in North Carolina.
To have that right. Here's what I'm going to be very clear about.
The President, the Vice president has had a robust hole of government responses.
Hundreds of millions of dollars.
I said it at the top, more than two hundred million dollars that we have directly put towards survivors here for disaster help. And that's because of this President's commitment to make sure that we are there.
For communities that are impacted. We take this very very seriously. Again, we take this very seriously.
And before before the hurricane hit, we prepositions more than fifteen hundred federal folks on the ground to help, and so we have made sure that every state has gotten their storm requested emergency declaration. They requested it and we made sure they received it. We've taken this very seriously. More than two hundred million dollars that we have provided to the impacted areas. But instead people want to do disinformation, misinformation which is dangerous. Which is dangerous because then that when folks on the ground hear that, they may not want to ask for the help that they need, that is there for them, That is there for them.
That's our focus here.
President Biden is fond of saying, show me your budget, and I.
Will tell you what you value.
If he's got money for people in Lebanon right now, without convers having to come back to say about his values, there's not enough money right now for North Carolina.
That's not misinformation.
Wait, no, that is your whole your whole premise of the question is misinformation, sir, what you do?
Yes, yes, it's misinformation. I just mentioned. I just mentioned.
I just mentioned to you that we provided more than two hundred million dollars to folks who are impacted in the area. And I just shared with you that people are deciding not to, people are deciding not to not for the.
Congress, that there's not enough money to help people. We're talking about the SBA disaster loan. That's money for people in North Carolina.
And that's important and people in North Carolina need that.
Wait, this is nothing new, Peter, This is nothing new.
Congress comes together, they provide money millions of dollars for disaster relief.
We're asking them to do the job that they have been doing for some time.
Sometimes and jeffries, the President's letter is not misinformation. Would you agree?
No, the way you're asking me the question is misinformation.
There is money that we are allocating to the impacted areas, and there's money.
There to help people who truly need it.
There are survivors who need the funding, who need the funding.
And it's there.
You don't misinformation.
I said that.
I actually said we have the money available to help survivors of Hurricane Helene and also Hurricane Milton. Now we're now there's going to be a shortfall, right because we don't know how bad it's Hurricane Milton is going to be, and so we're going to need additional funding.
We're going to need additional funding, exactly what I just asked it out and you said it was mis information.
Today, what you're asking me is why Congress needs to come back and do their job.
That's what you're asking me.
Congress needs to come back and do their job and provide it extra assistance, extra funding to disaster relief fund. That's what Congress needs to do, and we're going to continue to urge down. You may not want that, but that's okay. That's what this president wants, and that's what the Vice president wants.
Thanks everybody.
Yeah, what about the one hundred and fifty million they're given his sending to Lebanon. Why don't they send that to North Carolina. They don't have to bring Congress back for that. Or the eight billion dollars that Kamala Harris pledged on top of the nearly two hundred billion that they gave Ukraine, or the seventy billion you know, the eighteen billions of the UN every year, or the two point one to nine billion in Ethiopia, or the Taliban gets one point three to nine billion, but not the people in North Carolina, and the billions to Egypt, Jordan, Nigeria, Somalius, Al Sudan, Kenya.
I can keep going.
Governor Rond De Santis has said, this storm it looks like it's gonna land at a Cat five. It's headed right towards Tampa as we speak, and is going to cover a big portion of the state of Florida, my home state. We're battening down the hatches here where I am and anyway, it's not just a hurricane. It's a major hurricane. He's the chief meteorologist of the Sean Hannity Show. WeatherBell dot coms Joe BUSTARTI, how bad is this going to be? Hurricane Milton on the heels of Hurricane Helene.
Well, Hurricane Milton is going to be the benchmark storm for Tampa. What do we mean by that, Well, it's probably going to exceed what happened in nineteen twenty one, which basically rearranged a lot of the coastline around there. So this is going to be worse than that. It won't be a category five on the Saffra Simpsons scale when it reaches Florida. What will happen is that category five is the wind speed right at the center of the storm. It'll be a much larger storm as far as its winds will spread out, but they won't be quite as strong at the center. A power and impact scale, we have it roughly the equivalent of a Rita or Katrina when it comes ashore. Now, those storms were labeled as category three by the Saffra Simpsons scale, and there's a lot of confusion with that because folks don't understand that that is only a spot wind speed at the center. This is a very very tiny storm right now. Tropical storm force winds only extend out seventy miles from the center. What will happen is when it gets to Tampa, and we're very confident this landfall, this is coming right up Tampa Bay, are very very close. That's going to shove the water up there. You will find that the area of gale force winds that are all the way from the southwest tip of Florida, all the way up probably to Apalachicola, and the hurricane force winds will be much larger. It'll be like Helene, except it's hitting at Tampa, cutting across on the I four corridor and then going out to sea between Saint Augustine and Cape Canaveral. Looks like to me and the storm the way we're telling our clients is it could be as costly as storm as Ian. You could see this pattern setting up for those that follow me on Twitter. September eighth, I put out, I said Techi Governor to sand this is southeast governors. Last week of September into October. These storms are coming because the patterns set that up the same pattern.
All right, let me ask, because we have the good strength of time, if they're in what areas of Florida do you strongly recommend people get the hell out?
I recommend people do what they're told to do along the entire Florida coast. And you know what they did with what they did with the Camille. That's what I would do. I would go to people say, you know, it's your choice what you do with your life, but I want your name, and you're next of kids, and then they'll understand the magnitude of the situation. That probably should have been done in North Carolina two three days before. But if you're told to get out, get out, because this surge is like nothing you've ever seen in Tampa. Remember these storms that hit south of Tampa.
Go by the Helen was about a twelve foot surge. What are you expecting this time?
Well, I think the surge could reach as high as fifteen to twenty feet in Tampa Bay. I never or disagree with the National Hurricane Center. But the thing is still two days away. They've got an eight to twelve feet right now, but the wind will be I don't even know how to say it. You know, folks like if you understand and a lot of people around Tampa have heard the legend of the nineteen twenty one hurricane, you're looking at a storm that will do more damage than that, And of course we've got infrastructure of twenty twenty four, very very bad storm. The worst case scenario for Tampa. You know, we can argue all because it's five. I don't believe it's going to hit as a five could.
What areas on the west coast and in the interior of Florida, you recommend people evacuate just based on what you think.
Forget about what the government says.
I my I never I tell people what the weather's going to do. All right, they're gonna be hurricane force winds into Orlando, They're gonna be hurricane force winds all the way to the east coast. But the east coast of Florida is not going to get the storm surge that the west coast is going to get. You know, you can survive the wind if you have a well structured area. You can't survive twenty feet of water with twenty foot wings on top of that. So if you're in those flood prone areas, and you've got to understand the power is going to be out for for a long time in here. You know, I don't know if they're going to try to evacuate the way they did with Rita in Houston, but it appears to me that we have a much better handle on this storm further away, and the people around that area of Florida should understand that.
All right, jobistardieweatherbel dot com. Thank you, my friend. Our prayers are with our friends in Florida, our friends in North Carolina, our friends in Georgia, our friends in Tennessee, our friends in South Carolina. And it is a disgrace that we're being told everything's.
Fine and and don't worry.
Kamala is very busy, you know, she's she's got important interviews to do this week.
Why Why?
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Did you see the crowd in Butler this weekend? As I was saying. The President said, also the latest out of North Carolina, and much more straight ahead