How long can the media ignore Joe’s obvious cognitive & competence problems? …finally speaks, slurs, stutters, lies, takes 5 questions, goes back on vacation…media’s “Republicans ban masks in the classroom!” narrative is a complete lie.
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In America, held hostage Americans behind enemy lines, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Russia, China, racing hoping to exploit this any and every way they possibly can. It shouldn't surprise anybody. I'll get into this more deeply as the show unfolds it. There is something radically dramatically wrong with the president. The incoherent interview with George Stephanopoulos leading to today's absolute the lies are just breathtaking, all of them. And I'm going to go through it in great specificity in a second. Here. The you know, no public appearances, staying on vacation. The plan until I think like two or three hours ago, was he was going to give these remarks and race back off to Delaware, back on vacation. But public pressure is now forcing him to sleep at the White House instead of sleeping at home and the come fee of his own little bed. You know, I know at one point I was, you know, we'd play all the Biden you know, gaffs and missteps and flipping and flopping and playing and just confused and confounded and mumbling and bumbling and stumbling incoherence. I mean, there's something wrong with him. This is something America's going to half to deal with. And even not that big a fan of National Review anymore, even they had a piece out today, something is wrong with the President? On the menu today the transcript of Joe Biden's interview with ABC's George Stefanopolos dropped, and the president's incoherence insistence that he was incorrectly brief, denial that he was warned by his military advisors, and oddly low profile in the past week races troubling questions about his ability to perform his duties. What's going on with President Biden? After making no public appearances for four days during a major foreign crisis, Biden read a twenty minute speech off teleprompter, took no questions, returned immediately to vacation at Camp David, held no events on his schedule on Tuesday. On Wednesday, gave another twenty minute speech about vaccine boosters off a teleprompter from Camp David, and again took no questions. He took about five questions today. We'll get to all of us in a second. Also on Wednesday, the President sat for the interview with Stephanopolis. It didn't go well. Nope, even they acknowledge the Biden had had two phone conversations with foreign leaders in the past ten days. Very late in the game, Boris Johnson had apparently now one with Angela Merkle. No public events were scheduled for today except they're beginning to realist, beginning to dawn on them. How dire the situation is that they themselves created. And let me point out before we get to the presser we have, I'll read from the Wall Street Journal, because in spite of what Joe's been saying, well, we didn't see this coming in general, Millie is saying we had no idea eleven days. It's not about eleven days. From the State Department. Wall Street Journal reporting about two dozen State Department officials serving at the embassy in Cobble send them internal memo to the Secretary of State Blincoln and another top State Department official last month warning of the potential collapse of Cobble soon after the deadline, which one is now approaching now. The report is damning evidence that things were dire. But I hate to tell you all the evidence was there for the world to see, and that was the Taliban quickly consuming large portions, geographical portions, of Afghanistan. You didn't need the memo at that point that this was but they had it five weeks ago. And why there was not immediately an evacuation plan drawn up and executed is it makes this the biggest preventable foreign policy disaster, unmitigated disaster in the history of this country. He is still out to lunch, this man, which is even scarier now. So the President comes up, I just met in this today, He says, we've met in the situation room, and you know, I just want to give a brief update. We have secured the airport. Okay. Americans might hear that and think, wow, that's really good. Okay, we have security at the airport, which is not true, by the way, there's not security at the airport. As a matter of fact. Reports today that tear gas we're being fired into crowds at the airport, in the overcrowded airport for the lucky few that we managed to get through the numerous checkpoints around the perimeter. You know, the President talks about, well, the eighteen thousand people evacuated, thirteen thousand people evacuated. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post reporters all evacuated, he claims reports other reports claim otherwise, fifty seven hundred guess today, but we're looking at at least fifteen thousand. Keeps promising that those Afghanis interpreters others that were told and promised that if they assisted American troops on the ground, that they, if this moment ever came, would be protected and we would remove them and they would not end up being killed. There's no way we're getting sixty to seventy five thousand of those people out of there, because right now as we speak, the situation on the ground is the reality. The truth based reality is that the Taliban has gone home by home, and they are looking for and they are brutally murdering any Afghani who helped any in any way the US military or the forces that were in Afghanistan. They're killing them now. Then Joe goes on to talk about you know about Afghanistan, etc. Etc. He doesn't know the exact number of Americans still trapped there. The big problem with his braggadocious we've secured the airport problem is, you know, and it wasn't until the questioning and the last two questions of the five. I think that he took really addressed the problem, which is, well, you don't control the perimeter and the checkpoints, and then he gives this spectacular lie of an answer. We've had no reports whatsoever of anybody having any trouble getting to the airport. That's Carsai International Airport. That is just a lie. We have videotape evidence to the contrary, We have people eyewitness accounts to the contrary, and all the evidence you'd ever want to the contrary. But this is what he said. This is a big lie. And what good is it if you control the airport but you don't control the perimeter and checkpoints around the airport that are preventing Americans from getting to the airport. And even yet again today we've had another memo put out by our own state department, and in the memo it goes on to explain, yeah, we cannot guarantee your safety and getting to the airport. We'd advise you to start considering trying to get to the airport. We can advise you you will get to the airport. The checkpoints keep changing at the airport, and we have offered no guarantees for your safety on the way to the airport. But Joe Biden has seen no evidence at all. Is he reading his own State Department memos? Listen? The military has secured the airport, as you mentioned, but will you sign off on sending US troops into Cobble to evacuate Americans who haven't been able to get to the airports safely. We have no indication that they haven't been able to get in Cobble through the airport. We've made an agreement with the Taliban. Thus far they've allowed them to go through. It's and they're interested to go through. So we know of no circumstance where American citizens are carrying an American passport or trying to get through to the airport. But we will do whatever needs to be done to see to what they get to the airport. It's in their best interest, actually, Joe, No, it's really not. If we're going to be really, really blunt here, you don't have a lot of options because they hold all the cards, because you gave them all the leverage. They have American lives, thousands of them, that's their leverage. So you can threaten them all you want, Joe, but it ain't gonna matter to them because we all know that terrorists don't really care about human life the way the American people do, and they'll have no trouble whatsoever murdering as they are murdering Afghanis on the streets. Now, let's go to the last two questions of this press conference. Thank you, mister President. I just want to follow up on something you said a moment ago. You said that there's no circumstances where American citizens cannot get to the airport. That doesn't really square with the images we're seeing around the airport, with the reporting on the ground from our colleagues who are describing chaos and violence. Are you seeing on equivocally that any American who wants to get to the airport is getting there and getting past the security barrier and to the planes where they want to go. What the question was, how can they get to the airport outside the airport And the answer is the best of our knowledge, the Taliban checkpoints they are letting through people showing American passports. Now that's a different question. When they get into the rush and crowd of all the folks just outside the wall near the airport. That's why we had to I guess. Yet, it was yesterday the day before we went over the wall and brought in how many one hundred and sixty nine Americans. So it is a process to try to figure out how we deal with the mad rush of non Americans, those who didn't help, those who are not on the priority list, just any Afghan, any Afghan to be able to get out of the country. And so my guess is that no matter what, under what circumstances, anyone there's not a whole lot of Afghanis. There's a whole lot of Afghanis that just as soon come to America, whether there are any involvement with the United States in the past at all, rather than stay under Taliban rule or any in any rule. So what I was saying is that we have an agreement that they will let pass through the checkpoints that they the Taliband control invent Americans through, but be given this, given the negotiations with the Taliban, the scenes that we're saying, can you just fully explain why the plan wasn't to go ahead with these evacuations of both Americans and allies before the drawdowns began, before Bagram was closed, looking back several months, because whether it was now or several months from now, there seems to be a broad consensus that the Taliban would make these gains and these would be needed at some point. Well, yeah, at some point. But the point was that although we were in contact with the Taliband and Doha for this whole period of time, that some point wasn't expected to be the total demise of the Afghan National Force, which is three hundred persons. Let's assume the Afghan National Force had continued to fight and they were surrounding bull be a very different story, very different story. But then overwhelming consensus was that they this was not They were not going to collapse the Afghan forces. They were not going to leave. They were not going to just abandon and they put down their arms and take off. So that's what's happened. The biggest part of that lie is we saw the Taliban advancing rapidly. We have the greatest intelligence capabilities in the world. All you needed to do was just look at a map, even some news reports. Because the broad consensus was everybody knew about the Taliban gains last week when they had sixty percent of the country. That didn't alarm you to the severity of the situation or cause you to lift a finger, you know, for four days while you're hanging out at Camp David, but for a ten minute speech written by somebody else telling us everything's okay, and this artical moment when you could have secured the perimeter, we could have saved these lives and not have these lives hanging on a thread in the whim of terrorists, the Taliban, and then this whole issue. Well, even you got liberal news reporters saying, well, our reporting on the ground is nothing but chaos and violence at the checkpoints and around the perimeter and people being turned away, because that's that is the reality on the ground. And the State Department memo from today, Oh latest security of Cobbo Airport is boarding. The airport gates may open or close without notice, advising Americans use your best judgment as you try to get to the airport. We will government The US government provided flights departing Kabbo will continue until the evacuation operation is complete. US citizens lawful permanent residence and their spouses unmarried children should consider traveling Tohamed Karzai International Airport when you judge it safe to do so. US government cannot ensure safe passage to the airport. We are processing people at multiple gates due to large crowd security concerns. Gates may open it close without notice. You can contact us on Twitter or Facebook. That's today's notice. Joe, you're contradicting your own State Department admonition to the people trapped behind enemy lines. The ones that you could probably rightly is the Wall Street journal refer to as US hostages. Will continue all right as we roll along eight hundred and nine four one Sean. You want to be a part of this program. The foxnews dot com website has on it right now. The Taliban is going house to house hanging people that they identify as having work with the US. An Afghan journalists attempted to flee the Taliban. Describing the efforts over the gunfire play tonight on TV. It is chilling. New York Post reporting Taliban fighters dressed as US troops. They've made propaganda videos. Also a report today that they even have a black Hawk United States military helicopter. We have some exclusive video we'll share with you. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tonight. You know, five questions is all Joe Biden has taken during this entire crisis even the mob and the media can't take this guy much longer. So it appears, and we'll give you the we'll give you the real take on what's going on there that you know. Just stay with us. We've got a busy newsday this Friday, the New Sean Hannity Show, talking about what's right for America, with a renewed commitment to keep you up to date on the breaking news stories. Twenty five to the top of the hour. If you missed Joe's press conference, I mean, it's lying on a scale so spectacular it defies all any connection to reality, you know, even even even the five people that got to question Joe Biden. I think it was five, was four or five, six? Whatever it was? Well, what's that, Linda, You can tell me what five reporting, even our reporting on the ground step shows nothing but chaos and violence. Um, there was broad consensus early on that all of this was happening. You know it is. Biden has pretty much been in hiding the entire time, with you know, on vacation, staying on vacation the entire time. And yet we now know and I'll give you more details about how he was warned in pretty dramatic fashion, and his top officials were warned, and yet they said, well, we didn't know. In eleven days it's going to all happen. None of what he said today is true because the Taliban had been taking city after city after city before seizing the capitol, and five weeks ago, two dozen officials diplomats on the grounds sent a scathing warning admonition memo to his Secretary Estate, telling them how dire this situation was becoming and how quickly the Taliban was advancing. And then Joe the week before was telling us, oh, this is one of the best trained militaris on the face of the earth, and the situation on the ground was showing us just the opposite, basically offering zero resistance. The president, you know, so I've talked to world leaders. Okay, you did. You talked to two world leaders, Boris Johnson, but you took him thirty six hours to return Johnson's call and Angela Merkel, and then, as you know, up until today, didn't take a single question on any of this. The interviews, when you remember, let's go back to the interview with George Stephanopolis. The Pentagon, by the way, admits that they still don't know how many Americans are in Afghanistan. The guess is around fifteen thousand, and they have no means or ability to help Americans get to the airport. Now, the President made a big deal we have secured the airport, it's meaningless when the Taliban secures the perimeter of the airport with all of their checkpoints, and all the reporting on the ground from the mainstream media is saying that there's nothing but violence and chaos and people being turned away left and right. So there aren't a lot of good options here. When you know we have control of an airport, we don't have control of getting Americans in any way to the airport, as confirmed by today's memo from the State Department to people in Afghanistan, which I read in the last half hour, which says that ea warning, the airport gates may open or close without notice. You use your best judgment. You might want to start making your way to the airport, but just so you know, we cannot ensure your safe passage to the airport. Oh, that gives me a lot of confidence of i'ming in the middle of this Adams Shift show. Really does? Then? Meanwhile, so this is what the Pentagon is saying, it's a debacles. It's worse than a debacle. It's a dereliction of duty. It shows a man that is not capable of doing his job, with a team incapable of doing their jobs. We don't have the ability. We saw all of this coming. They didn't lift a finger our pet. Nobody can help. That's what the Americans are told, nobody can help. It was so painful. I thought I thought the Stephanoppo's interview was bad. Today was worse. Biden, you know, misled the public in the interview when he stated intelligence reports said the Taliban were unlikely to take over the country. Yeah, but when before the end of the year. That's what they were telling us just last week. The old assessment from the diplomats on the ground was yeah, they'd be there by the end of August. That's how bad it was getting. And why mobilization logistical opts, you know, we're immediately deployed. Nobody has an answer too, because there is no answer. There's no good answer, he asks Stephanopolis. I even bet he's saying, my god, I'll take Donald Trump over this cognitive mess any day right now, because they wouldn't pull this crap with Trump, because Trump would have obliterated them when they moved five feet out of whatever area that they had there was part of the agreement. Wouldn't have happened. He would have acted swiftly and with mighty overwhelming force. We've lost two wars, and recently we lost. We certainly lost the war in Vietnam, and Joe Biden lost this war. There was a way to secure the peace, and you know, the plan to exit so we don't we're not involved in these never ending wars. Has to happen. We can't be the world's police force. I completely agree with that, but there's a way to drawing them down. And the way Trump did it was before they even negotiated, and thinks that I will I will blow you into oblivion and another century if you don't abide by any agreement when we might come to that was at the beginning of their negotiations, as confirmed by Mike Pompeo and confirmed by the likes of Mark Meadows and even the President pretty much in the interview that I had with him this week. Asked about the intelligence assessment you know about the Afghani government would likely collapse. That's not true. I was a lie too. Whether this is an intelligence failure, planning, execution, bad judgment. No, the entire world's you know, the world's watching, and you know, he's even suggesting in this interview that no, well I've not heard of any ally, no questions of our credibility around the world. Everybody's been questioning his credibility. What the hell is he talking about, nod, no indication whatsoever. The people are having a hard time getting into the airport. Just what the news watch liberal news. They are even reporting it. They can't protect him on this disaster of his own making, because that's exactly what this is. Incoherent full of lies. I mean, it is. It's mind numbing to think that this could happen, that there's whatever unfold this way with American lives on the line in Afghanistan behind enemy lines, ostensibly hostages, and you know, with now if there are military opts efforts possible, I'm impressed that the British didn't sent in paratroopers and even help save Americans at this late hour. Every second we wait, it gets more difficult as they gain more control, as with they go door to door, you know, It's funny, Mark Nohler of CBS. This was Biden's what ninth News ninth News interview the other days only that a couple of press conferences with Stephanopolis, Mark and Holler goes at this point in the presidency of Donald Trump had given fifty I don't think Donald Trump would have been silent to the American people, nor do I think he would have allowed it to get to this point, which is the point. Biden is just out to lunch. He's been barely been there since the se the Taliban seizing all of this territory within Afghanistan in their march to Cobble Days of Silence. On vacation at Camp David and the rupts, gives a ten minute speech and heads on home. What is he doing amid this chaos? Biden's claimed that he wasn't warned about Cobble's fall being imminent. That is an absolute lie, As the Wall Street Journal points out, US diplomats and Cobble wrote the memo last month warning the Secretary of State and others of the government of Afghanistan's quick collapse, pending that it could collapse quickly, contradicting Biden's lie, that the US government was surprised by the swift Taliban takeover. Two Nearly two dozen diplomats signed this July thirteenth memo. That's five weeks ago. Five weeks ago, we could have immediately mobilized, set up every logistic necessary, identified every American, and gotten them the hell out of there. Twenty three embassy staffers submitted it through the state departments to sent Channel, a rarely utilized form through which Foreign Service officers were able to raise internal concerns about US policy. One day after the memo was submitted, the Biden administration launched Operation Allies Refuge to orchestrate the departure of Afghan citizens who assisted, but the evacuation florights did not accelerate only until the Taliban had already seized most major Afghan cities. And we're right outside the door of cobble. White House claims that Biden is suddenly laser focused. Up until a few hours ago, he was he was going to Delaware for the weekend, laser focused on getting Americans who want to leave Afghanistan out of the country. That was also part of the big lie today. Any American who wants to come home, we will get you home, But I can't promise the outcome that makestense, that instills a lot of competence and may if I'm over there. You know the seriousness of this hostage crisis because they're ostensibly hostages. They're they're there at the whim of the Taliban. The Taliban will decide whether they get to the airport or not. Not America. We've given up being the masters of their destiny. That is extraordinarily, that is an extraordinarily just what a dereliction of duty at States. So we've evacuated some people. Anyone that gets home, it's a miracle at this point. Australians fleeing cobble met with Taliban gunfire and smoke bombs. Oh more reporting on the ground, Joe about people trying to get to the airport. Apparently you're not reading any newspapers. Why did you ignore Boris Johnson's repeated calls to you and wait thirty six hours? Tried to reach Biden Monday morning, wasn't able to get him on the phone till ten pm Tuesday, five pm Washington time, according to the Daily Telegraph, Why would you wait thirty six hours? Biden administration urging trapped Americans to get to the airport. What we can't guarantee your safety in doing so, and from the Wall Street Journal. Military personnel fired tear gas to control the crowds of Afghans trying to gain access to Kabble Airport Friday, a day after the Pentagon said that order was restored at the site and evacuation flights would be accelerating. Soldiers have also fired into the air to disperse crowds. According to senior Western officials, it is unclear whether the soldiers were American, Afghan, British, and other Western troops also stationed at the airport. No immediate common from the US military. Soldiers are also going outside the airport perimeter, which is surrounded by Taliban fighters, to disperse crowds and clear the way for families struggling to get in. They're trying, They're risking their lives. They're trying. But there's only six thousand of them, not exactly the number I would want if I was president. They Biden administration now is saying that they will need to get permission from the Taliban to evacuate Americans after August thirty. First, the Pentagon conceded that yesterday that it would require additional conversations with the Taliban. Taliban, though, according to Joe, is assured safe passage to the airport, which nobody is reporting that's on the ground from any news organization anywhere in this country, which I ought to tell you a lot. So we're going to need TACIT approval from the Pentagon. That those aren't my words. John Kirby, Pentagon spokesman, there has been no decision to change the deadline, and indicated that an extension of the timetable for evacuations would need TACIT approval from the Taliban in the form of a new agreement between US officials and commanders of the militant group. Until then, we're focused on doing everything we can inside that deadline and move as many people out as possible. Kirby tells reporters just the fundamental factory reality of where we are with that communications and a certain measure of agreement with the Taliban on what we're trying to accomplish has has to continue to occur, So accounting on the good graces of a terrorist organization, do you ever think you to hear this type of reporting it sounds like we're I'm reading from a novel these reports. Wide administration won't let US military leave the Kabbal airport while the Brits and the French conduct rescue operations, So the French are doing it too. France reports that the French military they've conducted similar operations as the Brits, and the Brits sent in two hundred British nationals. They've been able to retrieve two hundred British nationals by powertroopers flying right into the war zone, right into Cobbol and then they're as escorting them straight to the airport. France is reporting their military has been conducting similar operations since Monday. That's President McCrone thanking French security forces for executing a sensitive operation evacuating more than two hundred French and Afghans. I don't see. We have the best military on the face of the earth. Sorry, it's not Great Britain and it's not France, it's us. We haven't done a thing. Joe's been asleep at the wheel. We haven't seen much of him. It's you know, Lindsey Graham. Biden needs to be impeached. If every American isn't rescued. It's not in his control anymore. I hate to I don't even want to get too specific. Well, if this is a very intelligent audience we have on this show, and you know what, I know that that is capable of happening here, Americans are now behind enemy lines and we don't know who they are, we don't know how many, we don't know where everyone is. So you tell me who's in control, and you tell me what great military plan that would be that successful, because I can't think of one, nor can any of the people that I talk to. Will continue