Joe Concha fills in for the vacationing Sean Hannity and Governor Mike Huckabee swings by to talk about his experiences with the Hollywood elites. Did you know that some liberals are so on edge they won't license music to Governor Huckabee's show!
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Goody hell you today, like, what the hell? What's bad dog going on Hannity? No, just an ode to the dog. But this is actually Joe Kunch, Fox News contributor, Media and Politics, calmness for the Hill and a guy who is filled in on this show before We're gonna have some fun. Today kids were on what is this Christmas? No, I'm sorry, New Year's Eve Eve? Right, So hey, it's gonna be a big night tomorrow. Alone in my basement. Yeah, there's Joe Biden's basement and I'm in my basement. I guess, I don't know. We have alcohol, so it won't be too bad. The wife will be around and we'll make it a party. Watch him TUSA hazard reruns who knows who cares? Just not gonna watch that. Dick Clark's rocking New Year's Eve, you know why? Guess who the big special guests are Jill and Joe Biden. Another tough interview, this time with Ryan Seacrest on Crest out. I know, right, give me another come on, man, come on man, thank you. So yeah, we have to endure that. And of course no one's going to Times Square. It's gonna be empty. I don't know, it's just depressing in this year. Obviously can't end soon enough for any of us. Meanwhile, we got this whole Georgia runoff thing going on January fifth. Two Senate seats up for grabs. You've heard the story one hundred times. If Democrats win both seats, it's a fifty fifty split in the Senate. If that split happens, Kamala Harris is your tiebreaker if votes go along party lines, and you're gonna have things like, oh, I don't know, abolish for instance, will be a big theme, like abolish ice, abolish the filibuster, abolish electoral college. And then you're gonna have expansion, but not in the way that we normally think of in terms of economic expansion. Oh no, you're gonna have a Supreme Court that will look like a baseball roster to wipe out the conservative edge, which I guess is five four, because you don't know exactly what to call Justice Roberts at this point, but let's for sen giggles, call it six to three. Wipe that out. They'll expand up by or five six judges, whatever you like, and you'll have Supreme Court Justice Stacey Abrams before you know it, yea, then expand the Senate as well. Okay, you even't put an extra essence. This is the Senate because it's this is a scary because they want to add DC in Puerto Rico as states. I lived in DC a little bit outside of it, in a little town called College Park, and I'm telling you it's like the size of my apartment in Hoboken back in the nineties. DC. It should not be a state. But that means getting two more Senators. And considering that President Trump got four percent of the vote in DC in the last election, pretty sure they're both going to go Democratic. And then Puerto Rico, right, which is like the size of Long Beach Island in Jersey, they get two Senate seats as well when that becomes a state. So any sort of majority that Republicans may have and what was it fifty three forty seven in the last Senate, yet that goes away completely and you'll never have the Senate again. Right, So this is why this particular election is so big, because if you love banning fracking, then sure give Democrats the Senate, because then they already have the House, they have the Senate, they have the White House, probably, we think we'll see most likely. You know, I always hatch my bets on that a little bit because if there's anybody who knows how to throw Hill Mary's, it's it's President Trump. But I again, let's keep the conversation in that mode, just for conversation sake. Banning fracking, reallocation of police funds because things are going so well here where I am, in New York City or near it anyway, where you had murders up fifty percent and you had shootings doubled, and not just there, Atlanta, Philly, Miami, pick your city, in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, it's a train wreck and all these democratic led cities. And that's all because police aren't getting the types of funds and support that should they should get from their mayors. So that's a big problem. Then taxes will be raised. Joe Biden may say that, well, no, I'm not going to raise any taxes. And anybody making less than four hundred thousand dollars, then you tell me how you're going to pay for the Green New Deal, which is trillions trillions, and that's at a very low estimate in terms of like four trillion, and then oh yeah, free college, community college for everyone. Oh, you're gonna forgive everybody's student loan debt as well. And then obviously you're going to expand government through many programs outside of what I'm talking about. No way in terms of actually talking basic math, that you could possibly do all those things and not raise taxes on basically everyone. So that's what's at stake here in terms of Georgia and nuke. Gangridge seems to get this at this point because he is begging literally used the word begging Mitch McConnell, the sent a majority leader to rethink his strategy on the COVID relief bill, because look, I get what he's doing, and it makes sense and it's shrewd on many levels, but we were kind of out of time at this point in terms of trying to put through something in the way he wants to where Okay, he's saying, okay, fine, we'll do to two thousand dollars checks, which, by the way, I love how Democrats are taking complete and total credit for this as if it was their idea. It was President Trump who put a stop to six hundred dollar checks and the one who said we got to get it up to two thousand. Now, suddenly, if you read all the press clippings, it was Pelosi and Schumer's idea. Funny how that works. But anyway, he's saying, all right, McConnell is two thousand dollar checks, no problem. But also we're going to repeal section two thirty. All right, that's basically what gives big tech social media companies liability protection from what their users may post on their sites. For instance, so anybody posted something, you know when saying they can't be sued for it. It's our users, We're not responsible for it. Yet they could control all the content that's on there, as we saw with the hunter Biden's story for instance. So nice deal if you can get it. And Republicans and Democrats are supposed to be aligned on that in terms of repealing that, so that kind of makes sense. And then obviously he wants to look into voter fraud and any voting regularities and everything that went wrong in terms of voting in the twenty twenty election. These are all fair things, and these are things that absolutely the president wants. But here's what Gingridge is saying in terms of how he should go about this cut one go, I really am very worried that if he plays a clever co parliamentary game, it may look good inside of the Senate, but it could cost us two Senate seats and control of the Senate. So I would beg him to bring up the two thousand dollars payment as a free standing independent vote, and I'll have people like Senator Leffler and Senator per do Able to come back and vote for it. Take it off the table as an issue. That's exactly right, New Gingridge on Fox News earlier, and yeah, just all right, go for all these things. Repeal section two thirty, look into voting irregularities and everything they went wrong in voting in twenty twenty. Yes, clean bill, clean bill, two thousand dollar checks, clean bill. This way, at least you get the votes out there, because those races down in Georgia are that tight. And you will have some people sitting at home unfortunately because they think that their vote just won't matter because they think that it was stolen back in November. So that's what's at stake here. I get that if people want to make a stand and you know, put a line in the stand and say, you know what, we're not participating in any elections until this thing gets fixed or President Trump is given a free hearing, so to speak, as far as his claims. But look, your result is a blank check all around. Democrats in the House, Democrats in the Senate House Majority Leader Chuck Schumer get used to that. And then it goes to Joe Biden, even though I don't know if it does go to Joe Biden at that point in the Oval office, because he keeps referring to his vice president elect in Kamala Harris as the president elect. And it's just one of those things that I don't know, is this freudian or is this kind of how things are already cut to go? I took it to a still public confidence in the vaccine. President elect Harris took it. Took curs today for the same reason. Yeah, and he's reading off a prompter, so you know, it's like, Anchorman, don't put that in prompter or anything you put in prompter, or Burgundy will read or Biden will read, I guess in this case, so that the gaff machine continues. But hey, the light night host won't touch that, will they, Colbert, and we hope we can't do any jokes about Biden work can insult our audiences intelligence, and they may have hurt feelings. They may yell at us on Twitter, as shot up, speaking of yelling, Well, this is the controversy of controversies that I can't talk about enough as somebody of Spanish heritage. Now, my name is Joe Conscha, and people assume that since I have a vow that ending my name in an a and that I'm from New Jersey, that automatically makes me Italian Gunscha. No, not quite. It's Spanish Basque. It's like the northern part of Spain, beautiful place San Sabastian. Anyway, like I could appreciate this story, or maybe I can't, because here you have Hilaria Baldwin, who is actually Hillary Baldwin, the wife of Alec Baldwin, who has been saying for a very long time now that she was born. Yes, let's get the Spanish technole huno dos tray quatrio, thank you, Jason. Here you have a woman who has said that she was born in Spain and then came to America when she was just nineteen years old. On her c AA speaker page, he as an agency says that she was born in Spain, She also told a podcast this year that she moved here as a teenager. But then she's also been going on these shows and acting like she doesn't quite completely know English because she was born in Spain and it's kind of like her second language. The problem is she was born in Boston and her name is Hilary. It's not Hilaria. So let's go to let's see Jason cut five here and you'll you'll see what I mean. This is on the Today's Show where she pretends she doesn't know how to say the word cucumber in English. Go, that's great. That is the worst fake Spanish accent ever. I mean, I've heard bad accents before, believe me. I mean, let's take I don't know, for example, Alexandria Casio Cortet's all right, and I'm not saying that she isn't of Latina descent. But at the same time, she went with this other accent when speaking before a conference that was organized by Al Sharpton. And this is something that if you driving right now, be sure you pull over to the side of the road or put two hands on the wheel because you may fly off said road. Cut six, Go, I'm proud to be a bartender. Ain't nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with working retail, folding clothes for other people to buy. There's nothing wrong with preparing the food that your neighbors will eat. No, who knew that wrong was spelled w r aaaa n g wrong. She went like kind of like Valley Girls slash, I don't know, Reverend Wright kind of thing. If you combine all that together, and that's how you get wrong and bah, it's so insulting. And yet you hear the crowd going, yeah, that's right. I know I'd never heard you actually speak like that before, but yeah, AOC. But nothing beats I mean, this is the gold medal by far. You can never play this enough. Hillary Clinton speaking to a crowd in Selma, Alabama, and suddenly she goes from Hillary from I guess we're from Illinois, Illinois to Arkansas to Washington to New York and morphed into road tide flight cut seven go. I don't feel no ways tired. I come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy. I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me. Who's he got her? Bill? You never quite know who the pronoun is in that particular situation. But yeah, boy, it's amazing. She won a Senate seat, she was Secretary of State, and won the popular boat in twenty sixteen. After doing that, you should be canceled. I don't believe in cancel culture. After that alone, that should be the end of your political career. I guess we could play al Gore and Jason the sound guy. It would cut eight only because I give him a little bit of a pass because he is from Tennessee, even though by the time he got to Washington then suddenly that accent went away. But again the insulting of intelligence to Southern folks for speaking the way they speak when you're not really kind of Southern. Particularly Al Gore is kind of on the fence. That let's play it anyway. Go ahead, Cutaco and then glory of the large shall be revealed. Stand with me for the economic empowerment that is the next great civil rights frontier, and then plory of the large shall be revealed. Don't tell me we live in a color bland society. The Republicans know that there's is the wrong agenda for African Americans. That's why they don't even want to kunt you in the census, and then glory of the large shall be revealed. In the glory of the large shall be revealed. Huh, he too won the popular vote. Again, it should not even somehow there has to be some sort of law, a constitutional amendment that says once he starts speaking to people like that, uh, that that's the end. It's over. Meanwhile, I'll just wrap up a put a little with a nice little bow here on this Hilaria. I'm sorry Hillary Baldwin story. The bride that is Hilaria. This is when she got married to Alec Baldwin. Right, speaking of imitations, his trump is the worst in SNL history. All right. The bride war Vntilla, Oh boy. At their New York wedding, when they exchanged vows, they didn't say yes, they said see. They also, let's see hit a pinata. They exchanged Cardier Cardier. I don't go to Cardier. So that's why I mispronounced it rings inscribed in Spanish. Oh this, it just does get any better than this, And later said she And later she said her family quote couldn't pronounce her surname. Her family, her grandfather is from the bride's gun. Uh So, the ridicule here richly deserved, no question about it. I am a hoseek on job filling in for how do you say Sean in Spanish? I don't even know Sean Hannity. The Sean Hannity's show back with more in just a moment. Have you seen this gallipole? It's very, very interesting around the most admired man in America. Play at Jason. We'll give a little preview of who actually won this. Yes, so, after twelve straight three years of Barack Obama being at the top of this list, President, I'll do it in the Gorkha voice, Donald J. Trump has one most admired man in America tops Obama. But here's the most notable part Trump finished first. Obama got the silver. Who was a distant third in this particular pole, Joseph Biden. Now, wait a minute. This is a guy who apparently got eighty one million votes in the Come on, man, twelve million more than Obama. Give me another comment, Come on man, thank you twenty seven million more votes than Donald Reagan in nineteen eighty four, one forty nine states. Wait a minute, and Biden gets six percent of the most admired vote. How is that possible? This guy's a tidal wave, eighty one million votes, yet you can't even get second. That's amazing. But here's the best part. All right, there's a female side to this as well, and Michelle Obama got most Admired Woman. How could that possibly be? We have in a store candidate in Kamala Harris. She's going to be the first female vice president, and yet you're telling me that she finished second with only six percent of the vote. How is this possible? Back with more in a moment on the Sean Hannity's show, we got rand a divine coming up New York Post going to talk about everything and anything that she wants to talk about. That's next. As a teenager, there was kind of a nickname I had called the Handman. But I mean it's a little weird for Scott shannonton know that on some level in the context for that matter, which which you know I was young. You're sad, sorry, Yeah, yeah, well that Scott Shannon. I listened to him on w PLJ are in New York growing up, and there is like as the voice like introducing me. That's that's kind of wild. I still have like severe difficulty believing that I'm on six hundred and twenty five radio stations right now and filling in for Sean Hannity with this many people listening, even on a holiday week. It's it's fun and we're gonna have fun. That that's all I can say. It's it's it's Christmas. I'm sorry, keep doing that New Year's Eve eve. So let's bring in without any further ado from the New York Post, Miranda Divine, who you know? I didn't even do this intentionally. I just kind of found out myself, Miranda. Apparently, even though you're on the Sean Hannity radio show right now, we will be on together by no organization that we did on the Sean Hannity Show tonight, except will be without Sean Hannity. Is all that makes sense, Miranda? I think it does right. Yeah, Hi, Yeah, it's meant to be clearly date it must be the Miranda and Joe show date. I think. So it's good that you put your name first, because clearly you are the star here, and you know a heck of a lot more about it, a lot more than I do. Yeah, Tammy Bruce, I believe is hosting for Sean Hannay to night nine o'clock Fox News Channel. Do tune in. I believe we're at the top of the show as well, because that's where you put the A list guests in the A block. Miranda, New York Post has a story today that I want you to expound on or expand on. I'm not quite sure what word we use there. Headline charge with murder stabbing in New York City under Dablasio, You're free to go? How is that possible? How does that work? Miranda? Well, it's really this is the result of defunding the police, of the bail reform so called that came in on January first, and all the terrible things that our legislature has done to the criminal justice system in New York. And it's basically turning back on all those reforms that were made after the disaster in the seventies and the eighties. Of anyone who was here. I was here in the eighties and the nineties when before Giuliani, before the city was cleaned up, and we know what it was like then, and we know how it's heading now very much in the same trajectory. And here we have in the Bronx, an elderly man was robbed and bashed to death by this Jordan Benjamin allegedly, and then he's let out on bail. And what does he do again? He's arrested just a few days ago with the stabbing of a woman, you know, and again the same judge lets him out again on his recognizance without having to even post bail. I don't understand if we have in New York a Governor Cuomo, right Emmy award winning Governor Cuomo mind you right? And he's being considered by Joe Bien on a very very short list for Attorney General. Didn't he sign into law these bail reforms, as you mentioned, It puts repeat offenders back on the streets hours after arrest, including obviously violent offenders gun violence as I mentioned in the last block as skyrocket in New York. And yet he wants to be the top cop in the country, at least as being considered for it. Yet this is the same guy who never allowed an independent investigation into his order to put COVID nineteen positive patients back in the nursing homes, which I always say is like taking a blowtorch to dry grass. And result in the thousands, thousands of deaths. So here you have yet Cuomo being considered for age. How is that even remotely possible? But then again, this is the Biden administration where the swamp is back in style. It is, and you know, it's sort of opposite day all the time with them. They talk a good talk and they seem to be able to make reality whatever they want it to be. You had, you know, Andrew Cuomo was probably the worst governor of any in the country in terms of presiding over COVID from the coronavirus crisis. And truly New York was at the forefront because of all the flights that came in and because it's such a built up city. But it still does not account for the terrible management of both the mayor and the governor, who fought NonStop. They constantly quarreled. They don't work together, and they Croomo in particular was so arrogant. I mean his nursing home mandate in March, sending COVID positive patients into nursing homes with a death sentence for thousands and thousands of people, and we don't even know exactly how many because he stopped us being able to know how many by fudging the figures. And then he wrote a book and congratulated himself on what a great job he did. And rather than the Democrat Party sort of turning its back on him or being a little embarrassed, they embraced him. They invited him to the convention, They talked about him being a g for by seems that maybe wiser heads have prevailed. But Andrew Cuomo wants to be the president. But he's setting himself up for a run as president. New York's not big enough for him, and his ego is enormous and much too big for this skate. So that's what he wants to do. And he doesn't seem to understand that he's never atoned for the mistakes that he made during coronavirus. He's never apologized. Every leader political leader in the world made mistakes. Cuomo made more than most, but he's never admitted it. He's just patted himself on the back and pretended that he was fantastic. Contrition is a foreign concept with the Cuomos in general. And we're talking to Miranda Divine New York Post. Do you ever think of getting out of New York. In other words, look, it's not safe anymore. Clearly, we talked about murders of forty percent. Shootings are double. It used to be if you went out at night, you didn't really think they're almost regardless of where you were in most parts of the city, you didn't think, boys this a dangerous spot because it just under Giuliani and even under Bloomberg, who continued it, everything was fine. So you felt safe, and you were willing to pay more in taxes, and you know the education system that perhaps you send your kid private because obviously there's problems there if you can afford it. Of course I know a lot of people can't. But the point is that you almost put up with the high taxes because at least you felt safe and the city had such character, and now it just feels like a shell of itself. And if you could work from anywhere, right in other words, you don't have to go to the New York Post newsroom. It's nice if you do, but you could work from North Dakota, or what I would do actually go to Florida or Texas where it's nice and warm. Why not just move there, no state income tax and just do your job from anywhere. I mean, I'm about twenty seven percent there, but I still a family here, so that's what keeps me here anyway. Miranda, Yeah, look, it's really you make a very compelling case. And I have lots of friends who have moved to Florida or who are contemplating moving to Florida, and people I never would leave the city. But you know, as they say, even with rents coming down, the lifestyle, the things that people were here in New York four have pretty much vanished at the moment. I mean there's no plays, no movies, you know, no restaurants, no bars. It's the shell of itself. But look, I think New York's I just know New York's been in downtimes before. And as I said, you know, my parents lived here. I lived with my parents back in the eighties and the nineties and Time Square was a no go zone. You had to be careful where you went on the subway, you know, Central Park. Women were getting raped. So it was a very different city then and it came back from that. So I guess it's going to take a long time, but I don't think you can completely right off the city. Although there is a different element these days, which is that people don't need to live in cities, as you said, they can work from anywhere. So these office buildings around us in Midtown, they're all empty. And you know, the shop, the shop owners, the predamnes and the carts and the places that people used to office, people used to have lunch, they've all folded up their tents and gone away. So you just have to hope that people decide that they are going to come back into offices after the pandemic, and that you know, the people who are paying the rent actually think, well, you know, it's it's worth paying sky high rents and all the taxes that New York pause into us for the sake of having camaraderie or whatever spark comes from people working together in one office space. And I'm not sure that they're going to make that decision. I'm worth you because again, it used to you have to go to an office in the past because well, that's where the fax machine was or that's where the big conference room was, right And now it's like the technology at home is the same as it isn't an office, and commuting is just killer in New York as it is in Los Angeles as it is in Washington. So I could see a lot of companies saying, you know what, We'll still have some people in the office and you could come in sometimes, but they're going to downsize and that will affect then all the businesses that count on people working in big cities like New York. We're talking to New York Post a columnist Branda Divine. I want to get to this because this is appalling quite frankly, and I don't use that word very often because it sounds pretentious, but it's the only words coming to mind right now. Senator Josh Holly all right, he's a Republican from Missouri, and he said today that he will object during Congress's counting of the electoral college vote on January sixth. He becomes the first Uropi senator to back the effort by House Conservatives. So he puts this up on Twitter, and who responds but Walmart, and they say, go ahead, get your two hour debates or a loser. This is a major corporation responding to a Republican senator who's running the Walmart account. What's sixteen year old intern got all of this thing? Oh, it's a terrible reputational damage for um, you know this is the This is not just you know, someone saying that they're Walmart. This is actually the verified Walmart accounts. And and to say to a sitting senator, Saul a loser, it's just so rude and unbelievable that it was put up in the first place, and that it stayed up. And you know this is Walmart, which which if you remember during the sort of FBI love Birds email fest, Um, they were talking about smelly Walmart people. I know Sean Insannity talks about it all the time, treating treating Trump photos as if they were deplorables and smelly people who shopped in Walmart. Um, And that that is the sort of antagonism that comes from the left towards Walmart. And here's Walmart siding with the left, which is abused them and their their shoppers to attack Josh Holly. And it's just so it reveals a lot about that, Brandy, I just don't get that, just from a business perspective for a moment, right, why you would alienate immediately half the country from shopping at Walmart again, because there's other options besides Walmart as far as big box stores. And I love Holly's response. I don't know if you saw it, but it's he did shoot back and basically says, Okay, yeah, I'll do that once you let's see. Or maybe you'd like to apologize for the pathetic wages you pay your workers as you drive mom and pop stores out of businesses that got thirty thousand likes as it should. That's right, As you said, you've just insulted seventy five million Americans. But you know, this is what you get from what corporates if none of it makes sense. You know, corporations should stay completely agnostic and out of politics, and yet they pile on. All of them do. And whether it's Google and Facebook or Amazon or Walmart or Coca Cola or the NBA, these big brands think that they're bigger than their audience, and they so far or so arrogant, they seem to get away with it. But I think, you know, once Americans wake up to it, and I get angry enough and start being strategic about their by you know, for instance, Twitter, after it banned the New York Post story about Sunter Biden's laptop, a lot of people moved that that spawned a big revolution to people moving on to parlor. So when there are going there are going to be these alternative shops and voices bringing up. And those brands which have gone woke will find that they're losing business and soon out of business. Says the old things says, get work, go broke. I love the accent, Miranda. By the way, if you're not saying so, can you say parlor one more time? Parlor? I guess that's a real you know, maybe I'll start posting there a little bit more. I think I have an account, but I don't really go on there too often. But maybe that'll change. Finally, we got about thirty seconds. I'll make it fifteen. Actually, just to hedge my bets on this a little bit. What is your new Year's resolution? If any, Miranda divine year post. Oh my gosh, I don't really have a new Year's resolution. Maybe go to the gym more often if you can go. This year has been hard enough. Yeah, but you know, do something exciting, Do something new and fresh in my career. Oh, I have revenge spending on my mind, no question about it. What I always do. It's a nice little cop out. I just say you know what, I'm giving up Scotch for twenty twenty one. I never drink scotch, but that's what makes the revolution resolution that easy. You know, it sounds good on paper. Anyway. We gotta go, Miranda, but I appreciate you coming on, and I guess I'm going to see you in about something like five hours on Hannity tonight in the Fox News Channel. And thanks again for everything, and we'll talk in five hours. Thanks so much, Jo see you all right, bye bye, And more of the Sean Hannity's show coming up next. We have a big, big, well, you know what, just stick around. Believe me, you're gonna want to hear this story. It's the worst teas ever, but I have a feeling you will stick around. Joe kaschit filling in for Sean Hannity, back with much more injust a mobile and here we go. It is Joe Concha of filling in for Sean Hannity. You want to be a part of the program, toll free number mind, you won't cost you a sent eight hundred nine four one seven three two six eight hundred nine for one Sean spelled the correct way. Se A n apologies to everybody who spells their name that has named Sean Shawn, it doesn't count s EA N eight hundred nine one seven three two six. You want to be part of the program, but first we're gonna make it a party here on New Year's Eve Eve, and that means we're gonna bring in three of the more respected polsters and calmness that you'll hear on any radio show, starting off with Craig Kashisian. Hopefully I'll pronounce that correctly, Craig, but feeling I did. You were educated in Wow, Cornell, Princeton and Yale. Why don't just go to Brown and hit for the cycle one? Don't you? And you served on the White House staff a president Ronald Reagan impressive, Matt Towery syndicated columnist, attorney and polster. And Robert Kahale who certainly made a name for himself before the twenty twenty election of the Trafalgar Group. We want to discuss those Senate runoff schedule for January fifth in the state of Georgia. The whole ball game as it pertains to the Senate. If Democrats win Bull seats, it's a fifty fifty split. And Kamala Harris is your tie breaking vote. I have a feeling I know how she'll vote if she were to actually have to do that tie break. Gentlemen, thanks for joining us. We appreciate it. Hey Craig, did I get it right? Yes? You did, sir, Thank you. Joe. Nice to be a board. It's great to have you. I mean, three Ivy League schools. Jesus, I feel stupid all of a sudden, more stupid than I usually do. It's appreciated all on scholarship. But by the way, I did pull for President Reagan, so and we did all of us get two sixteen right, and the three of us also got twenty twenty right in the congressional gains Republicans made right. So that's the gift we bring to the party. Right now, you ever sit back and just kind of, you know, put yourself like a nice bourbon, And then look at Joe Biden getting eighty one million votes, which was twenty seven million more votes than Reagan did in eighty four forty nine states. And I get it was a smaller population and there wasn't really male and voting, but twenty seven million more than Reagan in our landslide? How was that possible. I mean that does that ever, like, have you paused and say, wait a minute, that that doesn't quite end up? Yes, sir, I have a lot of friends who are professional magicians and they can't even pull that stunt. So go figure, yeah, better than Houdini. Hey, Robert Kahaley, I'm just curious. I'm seeing your new poll out New Wish anyway about out I guess earlier today or last night as far as this runoff is concerned in Georgia, and you are showing fifty point four percent for US off only forty seven point seven percent for Purdue, a very small number of undecided, as we would expect about one point nine percent. And then you even have the Reverend Warnock at forty nine point six percent, slightly leading Kelly Loffler at forty eight point eight percent. She, of course is the Republican one point six percent undecided. What is the change here in terms of the shift, because I've seen your polls before showing slight leads on the Republican side, seems like the Democrats had the momentum right now. Well, it definitely feels that way. One of the things that happened originally we had for dude down a hair and we had left Flert leading a little bit and then and then Produced started to move ahead as we that was our fourth release pole in this this race. But what we saw is a radical change the day the six hundred past and then Trump came out and he wanted the two thousand immediately, Warnock and and as Off said, hey, we agree, want the two thousand, and the Republicans were just slow in the draw. I mean, you know, they were saying something like, well, we've got to look into it, we can consider that, and they just grabbed the high ground. And when we pull this issue, seventy two percent of the voters across Georgia believe that it should be two thousand dollars versus six hundred. I mean, I mean, that's that's like term limits high and so it's a silly place to play. I think it is. They had the chance to vote on a bill to get to get that money in these people's pockets. You know, people talk arbitrarily and in the sense of well, I'm going to vote for what's going to be best for my pocketbook. Well, this is what's best my pocketbook in the next ten days, And you know, I mean, less is more unless you're talking about stimulus, and people won't want wanted this, and I think this was a bad move and the fact that they its stalled in the Senate is a bad news. So Matt Towery is indicated calm and said, how do we also an attorney and poster as well? How do how does the Republican Party uh in terms of purdue and law turn this around. I mean it's hard to once you've had a first impression. In other words, as Robert was just referring to slow to the punch, as far as just not backing what the president was calling for, which would be a pretty easy thing to do. It seems that now that this is the number one issue, it's basically blotting out the sun. I get that there's still seven days until that election or six days, but still the clocks running out, runways running out, and you have to wonder if between this and the fact that there's still maybe and I don't know what the number is. I don't think anybody knows what the number is. But as far as some people just saying I'm sitting out because I feel like my last vote wasn't counted or there was some chicanery that went on with the last election, so I'm not even gonna bother. I wonder if that's enough to push this to the Democrats and therefore blank check all around from House to send it to the Oval Office. As far as Democrats controlling everything, well, it's a concern that Robert and Craig and I all share. For the Republican side, I had the pleasure of serving the Georgia Legislature. I'm a native of Georgia, told there for twenty years. I can tell you the only thing that will save these candidates is Donald Trump. He needs to be in their ads, he needs to be on television, he needs to be in robocalls. You cannot run away from this man because, as I said over and over again, he is not just a political figure. He is a religion in the state of Georgia and in North Georgia, Central Georgia, and South Georgia. If we can't motivate the voters cannot be motivated to return his most loyal Trump supporters. These guys cannot win. What we see right now are the demographics, and we're able to track them every day as they come out. Joe the numbers right now are not looking favorable for the Republicans. They need a massive surge on election day, because as you're hearing nationally that this is the biggest turnout and it's like a general election turnout, it's not. We're a million vote shy where we were in the general election in terms of the total vote figure. These guys need a massive turnout on election day in order to overtake their Democratic opponents. Wise, they won't win. Two point three million have already voted to your point, in early voting, that is behind the general election. But Craig Kashishian, I just wonder will the president's appearance there next week at a rally. Does he have to almost do what he did in Pennsylvania perhaps a few days before the election, where he would hold five rallies in one day throughout the state just to show that he absolutely wants to win that state. Or is the president's heart you think maybe he isn't in this because he still thinks he got screwed in the presidential election. It's a great question. I'm hoping the president will do multiple rallies in Georgia. I think it's going to take more than one rally in Georgia to erase the apathy and reinstill the momentum for Robert is right. We saw this in our own poll, I work with Matt on insider Advantage, and we saw a chilling of the momentum of the two Republican candidates. They were both slightly up and at this point in time, given a forty year track record and pulling along with Matt. You know, usually in an off election like this, the Republican candidate in a runoff usually starts to get a bit of a surge, a bit of a of a gallop. We're not seeing that, In fact, that anything. We we've seen a chilling, maybe even a slight reversal of momentum. And to reignite that spark will probably take the president to be fully engaged in this rate and pour those two candidates. Not a long monologue on the travails and travisy that took place on election night last month, but rather looking forward and at the consequences of indeed a fully empowered democratic government, which could be, as we all know, devastating on all facets of American society. Now, things are already out of hand. In Atlanta, crime is surging. The Democratic mayor made a plead to ask for help on how to figure out the murder rate that's surging. They hired a private police worst to patrol Buckhead. What's Atlanta come down to? These are micro issues that these campaigns should be focused on, you know, defunding the police, a lack of cash, bail, I'm closing down the Atlanta City jail. All of these things affect everybody. Joe in life. I would presume live in Washington, you have friends who are Democrats, Liberals. I'm sure you have to if you live in DC. Everybody is worried about safety and security. They want to be able to sleep at night safely in their own homes. That's endangered now because of the Democratic agenda and the Antifa issues. These candidates are not focusing on that, and the President needs to come home and drill that in. Those are the consequences of a democratically controlled government. Yeah, and he didn't do that the first time he went down there for a rally. He focused on the twenty twenty November election instead of so much the Senate runoffs. And I should clarify for the record, I am actually out of the hills because I write for The Hill and that's a DC publication. Clearly, they let me work out of the Jersey Bureau, which is North Jersey, out of my basement, so I'm any other Joe in his basement. But yeah, I love Washington. I'll put down there all the time. But it's your to your point. Look, we're talking about again. If you have democratic House, democratic Senate, democratic White House, abolishing ice, abolishing the filibuster, abolishing the electoral college, that means you're never probably gonna win an election again. Expanding the Supreme Court to look like a baseball team, expanding the Senate by four seats, so say goodbye to that chamber band fracking, realitate police funds, raised taxes to pay for the Green New Deal, free college, and for giving student loan depth. But besides that, nothing's at stake here, Robert. I'll give the final words to you here. I'll get two final words. Actually on this we'll go, we'll do lightning round. I'll make it three. I'm making this up as I go along. So in terms of the next seven days, and I obviously turn out is everything and the president coming down there is everything? Is there any other sort of X factor that we could be looking for here that could make this at least because remember Republicans don't have to win both races, they only have to win one. It seems like Loffler's in a better position against Warnock, who is a weaker candidate you could say, than ass Off because he's got a little bit more baggage. Uh. Could we see a split election or is that just not possible because it's just totally downvalid. Yeah, I do numbers that show and that's definitely possible. Um. We uh, we see a difference between them. We've always seen the Warnock Leffler race a little uh stronger for the Republicans uh than the Purdue uh oss Off race. We do think that. And as far as the X factor, uh, the weather forecast looks good and that that is a you know, Matt who's lived here can certainly speak to this, and I and I know I've discussed this with Sean about ice torms uh and Georgia, and so I like the fact that it's not sopis to freeze it all the night before during the day. But yeah, I think we could see a split decision. But I'll make this prediction. Whatever we see, is gonna be close enough that there's going to be lots of court cases and stuff. When this above with We're we're not going to have any clearer winner than we did with President. I have a doubt that's going to happen in both races. Wow, I can't believe that we won't know election night who's gonna win. A lot's right. It's a thing now that we never know who's winning at election night anymore. Oh boy, all right, Matt, last word. You got twenty seconds to say whatever the hell you want. Okay. I've known Ralph read since we were both twenty years old, and he has been involved, of course, in the Christian Coalition and his Faith and Freedom Group. I'm wondering, yet, the X factor is Ralph Reid and the Christian evangelical vote that may get that galvanize and come up and save these Republicans in the last minute. So I'm thinking that could be the X factor. Okay, Craig, and you get the final, final, final, ward, thank you. I think I will just add to that. I think the criminal surgeon Atlanta might have suburban folks thinking twice about voting Democratic. Okay, we'll have to leave it there, gentlemen, enjoy your new year. Is most likely not in Time Square, I would imagine since it's closed, so that won't be happening. Hell I would want to go there anyway. But hey, guys, thanks so much for joining us. And you know, we'll see what happens on January fifth and sixth are going to be quite the days in this country as far as that runoff election and then obviously what we have going on in terms of Mike Pence and certification of the election or not on that day. So guys, appreciate it again, thanks so much, and enjoy your New Years. And this is Joe Kanscha filling in for Sean Hannity. We got Peter Navarro coming up in the next hour as well. That should be pretty fun. And your calls as well. Eight hundred nine four one seven, three two six We open up the phone lines next on the Sean Hannity Show. Who the hell chose this music? Like I'm on the Love Boat nineteen seventy seven? Where's Isaac? He is a drink? Who was the other guy? Gopher? Gopher? The best was Doc right because he was the doctor on the ship, which you know, is that really that hard. I'm talking pre pandemic. Of course, this is in nineteen seventies. But basically the guy got the like hook up with like a different pass or multiple every cruise. That was basically his job. I mean, you can't beat that. And then you know, I'm dating myself here. I was very young at the time. But Saturday Night's ABC was Loveboat at nine and then Fantasy Island at ten or again, mister Rourke. I mean what a job, right, basically makes people's fantasies come true. It was invariably of the female variety, and then half the time, like you know, would be a woman like I'm just looking for a man to help fulfill me in life, and they had had a Rourke, it would work as white into it every time, white suit and the tattoo, the plane, the plane. You sound very envious. Yes, that is then the thank you Jason the what do I call you? The producer? Sound guy? What's your fishing title? Jason board up. Yeah, I'm not important enough to have a producer title though. Well, we're going to get you a promotion by the time we're done with this show. There's no question about that. Hey, let's take a call shall we. I want to go down to the Gamecock state, and that is South Carolina. It's Bruce. I have a filling, not Springsteen. Bruce, go ahead, big strength scene fan vote. Hey, thanks for taking the call. Always in Julie, reading, hearing, and seeing you. So I've got that question about these runoffs that I've been I haven't heard anybody addressed in selection day. Okay, I don't understand. I don't understand why McConnell and forty eight Republican senators haven't been all over the results in Georgia to contest the you know, the votes that you know might not be legal votes. So for example, Trump law. So far, they're saying Trump lost by about twelve thousand votes, but Purdue. But Purdue fell short of getting over the fifty percent mark in Georgia by only fourteen thousand votes. Right. That's the thing. There's a lot of these things that you can't quite add up. Bruso and turned to this election, like how do you win Ohio by eight points? But then all those states right around it that kind of go in line with Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania go the other way. And of course all those states started counting those votes only on election day, Like, why couldn't they vote all the do what Florida did? Count all those votes up until election day. Then you have a result that night instead of five days later. Continuing the mission of saving America, as we returned to the Sean Hannity Show, I do my Scott Shannon says, America. It turns into like seven syllables America, Old Scott Shannon. Now, anyway, I probably shouldn't look that up just because I grew up listening to him. I mean that more as a compliment. It's great that he still. Do you hear the voice? It's it's awesome. WPL Jani York. Hey, we got some uh well, you know, I gotta say this is probably breaking news perhaps, but it turns out now you've heard, we talked about this earlier in the show, but it bears repeating the Laria ball Aldwin controversy. Now you're aware of this, right, Alaria Baldwin. Her real name is actually Hillary Baldwin, Alaria Baldwin. That version says that she was born in Maorcis, Spain, which is like this beautiful kind of resortish place over there in my home country. Well, it turns out that she wasn't born in Spain. She was born in Boston, by her own admission, even though for years she has said that she didn't move to America until she was nineteen. Her grandparents, for instance, are from Nebraska to Just to kind of put this all in perspective, and since it's a Baldwin, we have to talk about this. Well, it gets better, ladies and gentlemen, because it turns out that Alec Baldwin used to go by a different name as well. I can't make this stuff up. I'm serious, Alec Baldwin. This is according to the New York Post, page six, so it must be true. I used to go by Alex Baldwin. Alexander's interest. Interesting it is, isn't it, Alec. Do we have Alec on the phone? Oh he's just hung up. Well that would have been fun to talk about. But yeah, Alc Baldwin used to be Alexander Baldwin or even Zanby Baldwin. Again, according to page six in the New York Post. Why can't people just keep their normal names? This is amazing anyway, So with Alaria, she was actually on the Today Show just to tell you, and again I don't understand for the life of me and Jason the Boordop, maybe you could weigh in on this why anybody would fake their ethnic background? Does it make them more interesting? Does that mean they're more cultured? What you got a theory on this? We talked about this. I don't see what the upside is to this, because you're not going to be able to get away with this forever you can. There's no way, there's it's pointless. Why don't we play the clip of Alaria Hillary Baldwin on the Today Show wondering how you say the word cucumber in in Gres cucumber? Now, look, you gotta go the full boat there, all right. You can't just say, how do you say in English? You gotta says right you if you want to be Spanish, you got to go the full Spanish and not bounce back and forth. And that is the worst accent we've heard in some time. And can we just play this one more time? It's it's just too good Hillary Clinton and Selma Alabama as a candidate, and not one person in the crowd says, hey, wait a minute, that's not your real voice. Go ahead, play I don't feel no ways tired. I come too far where I started from Illinois. He told me that the road would be easy. I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me and the chair of all the mayors in the country, Mayor Palmer from Trenton, New Jersey. No, she said, no one said the road would be easy. The road for Chicago too. I guess Little Rock too. I got a wait, twent to school, Massachusetts, real but Massachusetts, two Little Rock, Arkansas. And we have somebody from Arkansas and Little Rock literally joining us in just a moment. I bet you guess you can very well guess who that is. And then to Washington, d C. Then to Chappaqua, New York. Right. Uh, that's the road it never went through, you know, Selma Alabama, where she's trying to sound like she's from anyway. Let's bring in the great governor, the Great Mike Huckabee, who I personally request every time I fill in on this show because he's the only person who gets my yomer. Governor, how are you? The name is mcguel. I just want to show again for let's see Juan Hannity. Oh, that's great Miguel. Uh so, uh, let's see como sta. You know, I threw you off of that French in high school because all the girls were pretty in the French class. Um small. I never really learned Spanish, but you know, hey, I might have as much heritage as she did, and why not invoke it and go ahead and be a cool dude at the party. That's a good idea. So what's your read on these Georgia Senate runoffs, Because you know, I hear from enough Trump supporters on the Twitter social media that say, you know what stopped the fraud? And you know what happened in Georgia and the president lost by twelve thousand, No he didn't and certain votes weren't counted, and all these things, and you just get the feeling that there may be just enough people in the Peach state that may say, you know what, if my vote didn't count the first time, why should I bother going ahead with it a second time? And I don't know if people understand that, if I think maybe they do, and maybe they just don't care, or they're just trying to, you know, make a point. But again, if Democrats control the Senate and the House and the White House, you are talking about the expansion of the Senate, the expansion of the Supreme Court, an elimination of the Electoral College. Just those three things alone changed the country fundamentally, for real this time forever. Well, and look what happens to our relationship with China, where we'll surrender to them again Iran, where we'll go ahead and send them some more palettes of cash. Our Israel, where we'll make them sit and wait, and we'll turn them the other way and destroy what has been a complete realignment of the Middle East. Not to think about let's reregulate businesses so that they are choking and won't be able to hire people back, or raise taxes, and make it so that people can hire individuals and give them raises. There's a lot at stake, and if you're a second amend the person as I am, you've got to be concerned that these guys could run the table and essentially destroy basic fundamental American rights. So I hope that people of Georgia understand it's not just about them, it's about the country. It's about the last firewall. We're going to have to keep the country from turning into a Bernie Sanders AOC socialist playground. And we just can't afford that. It's not just that David berdu and Kelly Leffler would help the Senate maintain a Republican majority, but both John Ossoff and Raphael Warnock are far left of center. These aren't moderate Georgia senators who might vote with Republicans from time to time. They're going to be Bernie Sanders acolytes for both of them. Well, and we're talking to Governor Mike Huckabee. Yeah, I just wonder Governor as far as the way that Mitch McConnell is going about this in the Senate, and I get what he's doing, right, He's saying, Okay, we could go ahead with the two thousand dollars checks, but we also want Section two thirty repealed. We also want to look into voting irregularity as voter for whatever you want to call it in the last elections. So he's basically trying to couple all this together. It's what the president wants, it's what a lot of the president supporters want. But the problem is that when you make something more complicated like this, should he just go ahead? I guess what I'm trying to say is three clean bills, two thousand dollars checks one bill two thirty, repeal the voter fraud investigations in another, and just go about it that way to at least you could get Perdue and Laufler on the record as voting for the two thousand dollars because it appears to be hurting them right now in Georgia. I think I agree with that, Joe, because most people are not looking at a big picture. They're simply looking at whether it's six hundred or two thousand dollars for displaced workers because of COVID. Certainly they need to be careful that they're not given two thousand dollars to people have been getting the government paycheck because they never missed a check the whole time COVID's been going on. I've said for a long time, every public official who helped make the decision to put people out of business and create the lockdowns should not get a paycheck until all these business owners can open up their restaurants and their salons and their spas and their gems. And when they can open up, then the government people get their paychecks. But the one group of people in America who have not lost a dime out of COVID, our government workers, government employees, and there's some thing that is just wrong about that. Well, speaking of governors and government employees, as far as the vaccine is concerned, madeira moderna excuse me or fiser is what we're seeing millennial lawmakers, for instance, like an Alexander Accassio or Kartz and get the vaccine, or maybe someone maybe perhaps a little bit older but still below that Mendoza aligned, so to speak. On the GOP side, Marco Rubio, get the vaccine. And I get what they were doing in this sense where they're saying, okay, it's okay to take this. Y're trying to tell the public and if we can get it, you can get a type of thing. But that seems to be upsetting a lot of people because it seems like, wait a minute, we maybe if you're younger, you could say take it. But also make the point that healthcare workers obviously get it first, nursing home patients, people with underlying conditions, you know, and then down the line to teachers and grocery shop workers, people that work in food plants. All those people should get it first before perhaps some of these folks in Congress, which maybe they had good intentions, but the optics are horrible. I think it's a horrible thing. Period. They're supposed to be servants of the people, let the people stand in line in front of them, and they ought to be the first ones to say please everybody else. And plus here's the reason they shouldn't be getting it. The first people to get the vaccine are supposed to be essential workers. There's not fifteen people in America to think that Congress is all that essential. So, for heaven's sakes, show a little humility. Congress. Nobody has any confidence in you. Nobody likes you all that much. So don't take the vaccine in front of an ambulance driver or a policeman, ICU nurse. Stand back there and take it, you know, when the last people are getting it. And if you really want to show an example, take your mother and let her get the vaccine and let us see how confidant you are. But don't jump up there in front of everybody when you're twenty nine or thirty years old and try to pretend that you're doing it to set an example. We're not that stupid, and we're talking to Governor Mike Huckabee. You get a great interview recently, and it was it was nice to see where you have a Hollywood actor and a big one, one of the highest paid Hollywood actors that are out there, but he was willing to sit down with you and talk about his family and talk about his new book, which obviously is called Green Lights. And that was Matthew McConaughey. And you don't see a prominent Republican like you talk to somebody from Hollywood anymore. The Hollywood person, I'm not going to agree to that in Mike huck could be you know, Fox News on TV. I now, I'm not going to do that. He did it, and it was one of the more thoughtful conversations that I've seen. Do you think he has a future in politics? And when everybody is so tribal right now and so confrontational and so conflict of it, at least it seems that way on Twitter. Hopefully it's not like that in real life. Does he have a path somewhere as somebody who just runs Maybe not so much as a Republican or a Democrat, but as a pragmatist, you know, I really think he might. What a delightful human being, and I so respected that he was willing to come on my show because so many people in his business won't do it, and they're very just blot about it. You know, we can even get licensing for a lot of the music we want to do in the show because the artist or the songwriter says no, not on the Huckabee Show and it's up for sale. I mean that should be illegal to say we will sell the product to a liberal, but we will not sell our product. And even if you pay the royalties, you still can't use our music. What was so refreshing about Matthew McConaughey. First of all, he lives in Texas, not in Hollywood, so I think he still has his head on straight. But he's the same person that he was when he grew up. He has a great sense of gratitude who he is and what he's been able to do, but he doesn't take himself that seriously. And he does have a wonderful story. His life is great. His book is compelling and you read it and you think, hey, this is a regular guy. You know, he's not somebody who has his head so far up in the stratosphere like an Alec Baldwin or Alex or whoever he is this week. He's just a down to earth, a great guy. You'd say, I'd really like to have this guy over for a barbecue sandwich and he would actually be able to appreciate it. And we're talking to the governor, my Huckabee. He is the host of Huckabee on TBM that Saturday nights at eight and eleven pm. Sunday night nine pm. Also, obviously, like me a Fox News contributor, I'm curious a governor. As we wrap this puppy up. Do you do New Year's resolutions? Is that a thing that you learn, you know, when you know you're something like forty six forty seven years old. Now do you just say, hey, this isn't working out, I'm not going to even bother or do you actually try to set a goal at the beginning of every year and do you actually stick to it? You know, my resolution is not to have formal resolutions, but the other resolution is to be able to still have a pulse and be walking vertically a year from now, because once you get to my age, you know, it's really just when you wake up and you say I got a pulse, I can stand up. Hey, this is a great day. Let's keep it going. We've got a streak going on here. That's my resolution. I can't wait till my bar comes down to I just my thumb on the edge of my arrist and say, hey, it's gonna be a good day. I'm alive. Oh, Governor Mike Cockaby, thanks so much for joining us. You're my favorite guest. And hopefully we'll be on together on the other Fox News channel sooner rather and later. And you have a great New Year's in twenty twenty one, which can possibly be worse than this craptastic year we went through. Thank you, Joe, Happy New Year, Happy New Year to you as well. More on the Sean Hannity's Show, eight hundred and nine four one, seven, three two six is your phone number? You're calls and Peter Navarrow on the other side of the hour. That's next. I want the petch Mode and Brian Adams next hour. H kidding, of course, Let's go to Jason the sound board op guy. Let's flip a coin, Deborah and George because I want to talk about Georgia. Deba, go ahead, Hi, Joe, I'm calling to I, hearge with great urgency, my fellow Republican Georgians to go vote. The stakes are way too hard to sit this one out for any reason. You have an obligation to all the other states that can't vote. We need to do the right thing, the patriotic thing. Doesn't matter about the fraud last time. We just need to do the right thing and go vote. Everyone. If you have to crawl, you need to go vote. That's right, Deborah, Always get involved in these things. Certainly with such high stakes. You got fifteen seconds answer this question. When you talk to your neighbors, right, you talk to your friends. Is anybody's saying Nope, I'm sitting this out because I want to make a point. Or is everybody's saying I don't like what happened in November? But you know what, the stakes are too high. No, you know, I must have really intelligent informed friends, because everybody's on fire down here, just like we were from President Trump. There's a lot more people than I think everybody thinks that. Okay, that's good to hear. And Deborah, sorry we had to cut you off there, and sorry about your falcons. I mean, can you blow another game? I mean every freaking flour It's good all right, Joe Kaja filling in four the Great Sean Hannity back with Peter Nabar on the other side of the hour, and much more in just a moment, Joe Conscia filling in for Shaan and Hannity on the Sean Hannity Show on this New Year's Eve Eve, as it were. You may know me from Fox News. I'm a contributor there. I'll be on Hannity Show tonight, ironically enough, without Sean Hannity. I believe Tammy Bruce will be filling in in the nine o'clock Eastern hour. Also an opinion calmness for the Hill on the media and politics front and a frequent guest and friend of the show, as it were, of this particular program. I want to introduce our next guest. And I always enjoy watching and as a media observer, Peter Navarro in any interview, because he just seems like the type of guy that you have a scotch with at some point in your life, because he's a conversationalist, just as much as in other words, you see a lot of administration officials. If I'm talking to any administration, they sound like politicians. So they sound like boy, they rehearse this in the mirror hundred times, and Peter just gives it to you straight and is unapologetic about it. He, of course, is the Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy. Peter, welcome to the program. How are you? Thank you for that high praise from the Master Joe. I always enjoying your key skewering of the media. So let's have some fun today, all right, Kumbaye, I love it. Hey, you have a and I hope you don't mind me sharing this so much. But you're you've written an op ed and it's titled they Stole It and it wasn't fair and square. I'll give the opening graph, which which really brings us home, and then and let you kind of expand on it a bit and then play maybe Devil's Advocate with you for a little bit. It starts out the presidential election was likely stolen from President Donald J. Trump by the Democratic Party. That was a key conclusion of my recently released report, The Immaculate Deception, a playoff the Imaculate Reception of course Stealers and Raiders in nineteen seventy two. That's a conversation for another time, and a new study out by the eminence stat Stitian, and that is doctor John Lott, brings damning new evidence of the veracity of that claim. So the sentiment out there among Trump supporters, mister Navarro, is that Joe Biden is legitimate. Something like three percent of Trump supporters believe that Joe Biden was legitimately elected. That's according to a CNBC poll that came out not long after the elections. So the sentiment is that something very nefarious and bad happened here. The problem to this point, obviously has been in the courts, where it's been hard to get any victories on that front. So I'll let you take it from here in terms of making your argument and what happens now between because we're now at December thirtieth, inauguration day for Joe Biden is a little over three weeks away. So what changes going forward at this point when you compare it to what's happened after the election and in the courts. Go ahead, all right, Joe, let me let me lay out where I think it's the election and regularity chessboard, and then let's end that with what kind of moves it can be made to prevent what maybe an illegal and illegitimate president from being sworn in. Okay, so a background, I think you know this, Harvard PhD. In economics should have done a lot of legal writings as well, so I know my way around court cases and things like that. So well, what I did was sift through literally thousands of documents, court cases, affidavits, declarations, all sorts of firsthand accounts, and I came up with essentially a one matrix kind of worth a thousand court cases. Right, So think of it this way, Joe, you got the sixth battle round states Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Devata, Pennsylvania's Wisconsin. What each of them share in common is very very rasist than biden alleged victory margins. And these are the states that propel him to victory and the electoral college. Okay, then in the and then in the row. What I found sifting through all this research was an extraordinary six dimensions of election and regularities. You know, some of it's outright fraud, that's to mention number one, But you also had ballot mishandling, things like naked ballots, bad procedures, for curing you had all sorts of due process files. This was, for example, you definitely confined voter controversy in Wisconsin. There's all manner of equal protection violations, the worst probably being how observers poll watchers who were Republican retreated in the centers of theft in Wisconsin and Michigan, which was Dane and Wayne Counties, you had some significant voting machine irregularities, not just with the Minion but the Novis and Agilous systems as well. And then there's just some strange statistical anomalies, which this new paper from from John Lott really highlights, where you have precincts where you have more than one hundred percent turnouts. So that matrix you look at that you just go look at the report. Just look at that matrix, and you can see that the number of illegal, potentially illegal votes show is the punchline. The number of potentially illegal votes in each of those six battleground states dwarfs the victory margin at Biden ad Okay, So in or what defines an illegal vote in terms of your the context of your report, is it that signature doesn't match, that votes were received after a deadline, just define that for me, So so the listeners when you working through the sixth dimensions, because because there's so many ways that can happen. But for example, with outright fraud, you have dead voters and ghost voters. A ghost voter is somebody who voted from an address that they don't actually no longer live at, right, So that would that would be fraud. A ballot and mishandling illegal vote would be, for example of a naked ballot comes in without an outer envelope with a signature on, and it gets gets counted. A process foul would be, for example in Pennsylvania where the Democrat counties basically allowed the ballot curing but the Republicans didn't, and it was a shady deal by the Democrat Secretary of State there book Filler. And then the equal protect I mean, I could go on and on, but differ protection, voting machine irregularities, and significant statistical nominates one of the other three. And you raised a good point because one of the big findings of my Immaculate Deception report was there's no like silver bullet here, There's no crack in none of that bs. It's death literally by a thousand cuts or more precisely six dimensions of a regularity. So you know, I looked at that just in the cold clear light of days as an economist as as a legal scholar, and it's like, there's no question and that there's a high likelihood that this was just stolen flat out. Now, enter stage right. John Lott, he's a famous accom edition who wrote one of the definitive studies on Second Amendment issues. But he made a run at this and he had two very interesting findings where he was trying, you know, trying to uncover fraud and Georgia and my report I described it literally as the cess pool. It's probably the worst because it hits everyone in these dimensions a fraud. And so one of the things he did, which is kind of clever. In academia, we kind of admire this kind of thing when we see it. He compared to Jason precincts in Fulton County, Georgia, which is the Atlanta area for their voting behavior, and the null hypothesis was he shouldn't observe any differences, but in the precincts where there was allegations of fraud, he actually had a significant statistical difference which suggests that as many as eleven thousand votes were fraudulent there in eleven thousand, three hundred, to be exact, is just about the victory margin that Biden has currently in Georgia, it was about twelve thousand votes. Yeah. So, Peter, question for you then is the Okay, I was just gonna ask real quick too. Yeah. Access voters like the presence of voters, more voters than you would otherwise think you should have. That's like a short sign of fraud. And he found about three hundred thousand of those across the six ballot grounds. It's interesting, and we're talking to Peter Navarro of the Trump administration and then obviously a Harvard educated economists who put together this particular document of six different statistical and other It's just it's basically just a checklist of outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, full protection clause violations, voting machine irregularity, significant statistical anomalies. In states like Georgia and looks like Nevada have all six of these checked off. Other states like Michigan and Wisconsin have five of six, or Arizona for that matter. I guess my question is given, have you provided this document to the president's legal team, which is the prements legal team. So I would imagine that there's top men on that. Why can't this then be transferred into a successful win in a court because at this point the wins aren't coming in that regard and that seems to be the only place that this election can be overturned. Well, let's segue too, kind of what can be done? You know, what are the final bullets in the chamber that it can be used on this. So in Georgia, this is curious, Joe. Five out of the six states have Republican controlled legislatures in both houses. So in Georgia, for example, you have a governor in Kemp a Secretary of State in Ravensburg are both Republican Xana State Legislature who are capable tomorrow of doing what I believe must be done, which is to postpone that January fifth election percented runoff until at least February to sort all this stuff. So putting pressure on those bodies to do the right thing, which is to take action at the state level, is one key option. The same holds true in Arizona, where you have Doucey sitting there and a margin that is that is only ten thousand votes, where you have ten times that possible. That illegal. So so the bank shot here really is state action. And so we're mounting, you know, a public pressure campaign, essentially a public education campaign in my case, because I'm just like, hey, look at this. So here's the thing, Joe. It's like, we're supposed to be the greatest democracy in world history. This shut this side of Athens an ancient rome, right, but if we can, if we were in an election, you're you're a media guy. If the perception is reality in the media, Joe. And if we've got close to half of the American people thinking that there's something shady about what just happened, that's that's That's not a good harbinger for a solid republic. It's more like going to be a fifty fifty could civil war. Um, that's going to be partisan and nothing's going to get done and when people are going to start hating each other. So, well, that's true. I mean, you're looking at the last two elections, Peter. I mean the twenty sixteen, two thirds of Democratic voters believed that the Russians, forget interfered actually changed voter talies and they believe this. And now obviously in this election, the number is infinitely higher. Ninety three percent of Trump supporters saying that that Joe Biden didn't win fairrett square. And that's scary because any election then moving forward, half the country, depending on who wins or loses, thinks the other guy are galed cheated. And that's that's the most dangerous part about this. And this is why we have to fix these things. I mean, in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania alone, to not count those mail and ballots until election day and you don't get a winner in those states till five days later. That only raises the suspicion that people have around it. You should get calls like we did in Florida and Ohio on election night, and this way you don't have all that time for people to say, wait a minute, something bad's going on here. And that's why I think ultimately that this stuff needs to be fixed. But I'll give you the last sixty seconds. I'm sorry, it's the time went pretty fast. Yeah, sir, Look, we need to get to the bottom of this. And the first thing, it needs to happen is that Georgia election needs to get postponed. The next thing that it needs to happen is a special counsel to investigate this. And I think we need to do this as a as a people and as a republic, not in a partisan way. This thing snakes to high Evan, and I would just simply say, Joe, because you read my report, but the folks to the handyions go out and read the reports on the internet, look at the lot study. I can tell you that there's going to be some additional statistical analysis coming out in the next few days that's going to further reinforce that. And this is this is our republic at stake. I mean, this is much. This is a national security issue at this point, and we got to start behaving. And the media, the media at some point is going to wake up and have to cover was the biggest story in American history. So far, they're they're ignoring it. We've seen a lot of that going around lately. If the Hunter Biden handling of that story in October and now obviously is any indication. But Peter, unfortunately, we're at a time and we're actually a five twenty. So we're let's see, I'm doing the math on this one year a statistician, So you'll appreciate this. Six hours and forty minutes plus twenty four or thirty hours about away from this horrific year being over. I'll give you ten seconds final word. Any New Year's resolution for you? Yeah, let's have Let's have a republic that has fleeing for their elections in twenty twenty one, and let's start by getting a good count, a legal count before inauguration day. Well certainly beats mine to do. Amen, Joe Peter, thanks so much for joining us in our first conversation, hopefully not the last. We really appreciate it. Man. This is Joe Conscent filling in for the great Sean Hannity, back with more in just a moment. Oh, I do love this story, Joe content for Sean Hannity. So, Nikol Bellakos, who is you know, a guy who's been around for a long time if you watch the news going back to like when you're growing up and when you listen to him as a presidential story, and you know he had some gravitas, right, but now you know, like everybody else over the last four years is basically just you know, gone the full TDS, which of course is Trump derangement syndrome. And again, if you suffer from Trump derangement syndrome for more than four hours, see your psychiatrist. That's a playoff of something else about a pill by by Fiser. But but the point is that here's what he tweeted today, quoting Andrew Johnson born today eighteen o eight, insisted that when he died in eighteen seventy five, he should be buried swallowed in an American flag with his head on a copy of the Constitution. All right, pretty good so far. But as lame duck president leaving office, even Andrew Johnson never tweeted heroic videos about himself, there was the eight eight hundred there him. Okay, okay, I mean when you I get that Twitter, you know you can't edit after the fact. But I think you've got a kind of you know, it's it's kind of like if you're in an argument, you know, a debate I should say with your wife, a polite one of course, and you really want to say something that you know you're gonna end up on the couch or maybe worse, the shed or I've ended up in you you count to ten and breathe and here you wait before you send a tweet like that. Well may have heard that Ken Jennings is in the running to be the next Jeopardy host, all like a record amount of money. And look, some people, I'm a media guy right from the hill, and you see me on Fox talking about media all the time. But I venture into this area of the pool as well as far as entertainment's concerned, and Jeopardy is basically entertainment. Right, you can make the argument the greatest game show of all time. Well, Jennings was a great guest, right because he kept winning, But not because he was this great personality or anything like that. It was just the run that he went on. So the fact that he's now going to possibly be the host, I don't know. You're either a good guest or a good host, but you're rarely both like me. That's right, I said it. Somebody else says that. But anyway, the point is that Ken Jennings now has to apologize for y tweets that were very let's put it this way, insulting towards conservatives. Right, And here's the thing again, you cannot have we saw it before, Josh Holly, right, and he was talking about how on January sixth he's going to vote against what's going to be certified on that day and Pence over oversees it and so on. Right, so you have that going on. So Hally says, all right, you know what, Nope, I am not going to affirm the Biden victory in terms of the electoral college results. All right, he's going to challenge the Biden electors to be specific. Okay, so here's the thing. He tweets this, Hally does, and then Walmart writes back and calls him a sore loser, says, enjoy your two hour debate. Not like you know, a person that works at Walmart. The actual official Twitter feed of Walmart and whatever twenty three year old kid has put in charge of that, I guess writes this back to millions of followers. And now this thing's gone viral. Of course, so again, the worst business model you could possibly have is insulting half the country dismissing them. And that's what happened with Walmart. And now we're seeing with Ken Jennings in terms of look Twitter will destroy half the careers of people in this country by the time we're done. I mean, you could go back and look at anybody's Twitter feed except for mine, of course, it's most of the pictures of the kids, and you know, your occasional joke mostly. But again, if you're in the public eye, you got to think about what you're writing, because that is a bullhorn. Whatever you put on there, it lives forever. And even if you're deleted after a fact, someone's got a screenshot somewhere. But I say, honestly, John O'Hurley should be your next Jeopardy host. Do we have any audio? Jason the board op of the of the great mister Peterman from Seinfeld. I'm j Peterman then in the distance side and I began running as fast as I could. Fortunately I was wearing my Italian camp too oxfits sophisticated yet different. We're not making a huge fuss about it. Doc brown capskin leather matching Linnen Van Men's holden half size is seven through thirteen. There's your boy. That is your guy. He's got the voice, he's got the look, and even if he isn't intelligent, I mean he sounds that I assume that he is. I mean it was Trebek like truly truly intelligent or did you just have the answers in front of him. I have a feeling it was a combination of both. And probably you know, if you do that show as long as Alex did, you know that the greatest game show host of all time, in his battle against stage four patriotic cancer was you know, that's the type of thing. There is no stage five. And the fact that he worked as long as he did and gutted it out and tried to inspire people. You know, just he will be missed in a horrible year of so many people and so much celebrity death. I mean quite frankly, I mean it's just remarkable. I mean Don Wells died today, Don Wells, Who's done? Wells? Mary Ann Gilligan's Island eighty two years old, you know, and in the debate, it's one of the great debates of all time. Frankly. You know bo or Luke or Ginger or mary Anne. And you know, Ginger is supposed to be the celebrity, the aesthetically pleasing one, and she was. Don't get me wrong, but you ask any any boy growing up when I did between the ages of thirteen and nineteen and Mary Anne wins ninety four percent of your vote. I'm just saying, so she passed away today. Boy, I'm ending this thing on a depressing note. Why don't we take some calls, kids, shall we? H? Let's go to Carl in South Carolina the Gamecock State. Carl. How are you? I'm great? How are you? Outstanding? Man? Just getting ready for new years of doing nothing in my home, staring at my date date. Not even a college game on that night. I'm sorry, there's not even a college football game on that night. I mean, you would think that that the the geniuses that run college football in the networks will put a game at least for beyond a watch. Now nothing Army West Virginia, four o'clock and I'm stuck with Ryan's secret. I'm a Giants fan. I don't do well down here, but um, God bless America, God blessed President Trump. And my point I'd like to make is I think the Turtle and Republicans are making a huge mistake with this, with this two thousand dollar stimulus because my math, everybody, I'm you know, I'm a retired lineman. I don't get math, but I understand people's thinking and the way I see it is in Georgia, which is it is the critical whether which way we go. The Republicans are going to look bad in this because McConnell is shutting down that two thousand, and it's putting it's actually making people angry because everything's based on two thousand nineteen taxes. Nobody knows what happened in two thousand and twenties as far as work, and you know, we have the unemployment and all that, but there's a lot of people who work three jobs, two jobs, all that they're not in this formula. And I think it's a great statistical financial mistake for them to shut it down. He was going to say he's two cue by half on this one, right, because he's saying, Okay, no, I want the two thousand, but I also want to have in the same bill repeal section two thirty, and we're also going to look into voter irregularities in the twenty twenty election. And by stacking that all in that that's what preventing this thing from going forward. I say, do three clean bills, separate the three out, at least get the two thousand passed and if you get get the other ones past, then great. But section two thirty, yeah, people want that replaced, no question or repealed. But let's not, you know, sink this thing. Because we were talking to h some folks, including the gentleman who runs the Falger Group last hour, and he was saying that there's been a significant shift in polling in Georgia as a result of not passing this two thousand. I mean it's something that people say six hundred, that's too low. Like the President said, he's the one to initiated all this in two thousands a better number. But again Republicans, I get the Republican argument in the sense where the unemployer rates a six point seven percent right now, which if you told me this at the beginning of this pandemic that we would be at the end of the year, considering where we were in March, what was it fourteen fifteen percent that we had this down back below seven percent. I mean, the economy is doing fairly well. There are people struggling in certain areas, but particularly if you work and say the restaurant business, for example. So is the two thousand being targeted to people that need it? Probably not in some cases no, So I get the Republican argument. But right now you've got six days until a special election, and if you lose it, you lose the Senate, then the houses in Democratic hands. Then you have likely going to Joe Biden, say for some legal hail Mary. So that's where we're at at this point, and the country we will fundamentally change. I don't think people understand this quite enough. Democrats will push to abolish the electoral college. When was the last time a president Republican candidate one the electoral college and the popular vote? Anybody want to take a guess. I mean, we're talking about two thousand and four and George W. Bush, and then before that you got to go all the way back to nineteen eighty eight. In other words, the electoral college is kind of the thing that it keeps Republicans from getting elected or getting elected at this point. And then if you expand the Supreme Court, there goes your conservative majority there. And then if you expand the Senate, that's four seats, two for Puerto Rico, two for DC, which is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Why don't we just make I don't know, Jacksonville a state. While we're at it, DC's a state. I mean, it's all a ploy just to get more power. And that's what we're seeing. And I get people who saying, well, you know, got to make a point, got to make a stand, you know, stop the fraud. Well then you're going to hand the whole country over the Democrats. You may never get power back again, considering the fundamental changes that we're looking at at this point. So I don't know, I'm ranting enough. Let's go to Joe on Long Island, popular name around here. Joe. Go ahead, Hey, Joe, how are you happy? New Year? Many year? Fann of yours? Your show? I don't I don't see if my wife loves it too. And then we didn't hear you no more at six o'clock he thought of listening to you. But yeah, that's what happened there. That should probably know the story. But listen pop thing about my head and my pacred. But go ahead, Joe, Ah, well you're fantastic, but fighting. I guess he'll be comfortable in Times Square. It'll be just like his rallies. It'll be empty because no way, he got eighty million votes. You know, the Trump looking creed right. I'm a Trump liking. We never surrendered republic to communist freedom at all. Of course, now, if Pence gets up there and denies the on January sixth, if he denies those state electors, he will be a hero. And Trump lookings will walk through fire and over glass for that man in twenty twenty four. If he doesn't, no Trump looking will come out. Joe and Central Holly. He's a hero to us right now. I will never shop at Walmart against forget it. And every Republican Senate and Condi Christman and Democrat patriots should join him because what McConnell did. Joe, he's a time coote in the deep state because we had a hope because the state elect is in six of those swing states. They sent Trump Trump electors there too, you know, six swing states they wouldn't and he and he came out the next morning and says the electors have spoken. He cut it right out the legs, right out from under us. McConnell, why would he do that? You know, Joe? If if Pence does that, I just want to be clear of what happens. Then the House and Senate have to vote on doing so. And you need a majority vote, and if there's no Democrat that's going to vote with Republicans on that in terms of overturning that, and then McConnell, as you mentioned, isn't gonna there's gonna be Republicans that they'll vote for that either if it somehow gets the Senate what you won't. So even if Pence does that, that doesn't overturn the election. But Joe, you know what I mean, those two would debate and and we the public, we need to see this, and then I should be open, and I think Giuliani and jan Ellis get to present their case that they can, bringing witnesses. If I'm not at that debate, no, I get it. But what democrat is going to go along with it? I mean you see, how could they just stick together on everything? So if you would need something to actually flip, well no they got why At this point it doesn't matter you fight. No, No, you were two third just a majority, you would but go ahead, sorry, take I was gonna stay. We'd rather guy free man and live under Harris's roule and his Communism's coming, and that's coming. Wait till she gets it. By it's just a puppet and wait to what happens when that's why they're all going down here is six to fight. We're not surrendering the Republic to communism. We will not do. Joe, are you saying that the Kamala Harris will be running the country and a Jason you could get this up real quick instead, Joe bid I believe Joe Biden spoke about this just recently. If we could go to that cut there, Jason, I took it to a still public confidence in the back seat. President elect Harris took it. Took curs today for the same reason, President Elect Harris. Oh boy on soft part out loud, Yeah, come on man. Indeed, hey, Joe, thanks for the call, man, I appreciate it. Joe on Long Island, Oh boy, January sixth is gonna be well. January fifty got the Senate run off, and then January sixth you have the contesting of the electoral College vote and has now led by Josh Holly, so he's broken the ice on the Senate side. There's several Republicans in the House side, like Louis Gohmert, who are going to be doing the same. So even if the desired result doesn't happen for the Trumplicans, as Joe called it's it's gonna be one hell of a thing to watch that that that's certainly for sure anyway. Joe Kanscha filling in for Sean Hannery eight hundred and nine four one seven three two six. Katie I said the number eight hundred nine four one seven three two six. We'll finish up with your calls. Joe Kacha filling in for Sean Hanny back with Mornamm. Why is it every song that we come in with. I feel like JR. Ewing is just going to come back from the debt at any moment and just be my first caller on here. I love it though, you know, it's like it's got a southern feel. I went to school. I think down south. I think if you're below Delaware, it's full of the Mason Dixon line. Yep, I did. Anyway, he's tired play that whole thing. Can we please Hillary Clinton, Selma, Elebent, No way, he's tired where I started from, No would be okay, that's enough of that. Thank you, everybody, Jason, the board off and everybody else involved with the show, and show him for letting me take his seat, although I'm in my basement for one day and hopefully I'll see you again soon. Everybody have a happy new Year out there. God knows it'll be the happiest incoming year we've ever had after this craptastic, no good, horrible, ugly pendemic filled year. And again you could catch me on the Fox New Channels to night on Sean Hannity Show without Sean Hannity, Tammy Bruce filling in at nine pm Eastern Time. I'm Joe Conchaf, Thanks again for tuning in, everybody, batter what do you well? Where do you think you're going? Because you have another minute? Here? I have to come on the air until you have another minute? Oh wow, the hell's wrong with you? We'll think you know. There's a happy hour thing that starts at six o'clock in a neighbor's house down the block. We sit around a fire pit and drink a bush light. So I was kind of hoping to get the good seat near the fire the most there. Jason, all right, just pop open in lukewarm slits and let's finish the show. Okay, we still got some time left. I have to admit I do have some perhaps food ribbon that I could that I could be. What's your cheap beer choice? Jason Pbr. When I went to Kyote Ugly, that was my beer of choice. Two dollars beers? How can you beat that? Two dollars beers? Wow? I see three dollars? Okay. There are places in Manhattan where it costs something like sixteen dollars for a drink. I used to get a full quarter keke for that back in college. That shows you how old I am. Ah. There is the get off the stage music, Thank god? How long do I have to into as stretch here? As they say? Twenty seconds? Very good? Okay, Well, thank you to Peter Navarro who was kind enough to join the show, and Governor Mike Huckabee as well. Miranda Divine New York Post at joke Kanscha TV is the Twitter and that's where you could follow me. And I'm out of here, guys. My neighbor Greg listening right now. I'll be there in about three minutes. Thank you everybody. You have a great New year. Bye bye,