Holding Them Accountable - 2.22

Published Feb 23, 2017, 2:46 AM

Sean has kicked off his new initiative on radio and TV called, "Holding Them Accountable" which is focused on pressing our Congressional leaders to act on the campaign promises they made in 2016.  Off the heels of Sean's interview with Speaker Paul Ryan, Sean kicks off his initiative by pressing Rep. Dave Brat and Rep. Mark Meadows to speak in more detail about their efforts to repeal ObamaCare.   The Sean Hannity Show is live Monday through Friday from 3pm - 6pm ET on iHeart Radio and Hannity.com.

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio show podcast Okay, Winner is on the way. And if you listen to this show, you know there's only one product that I absolutely rely on when I get a sore throat or a scratchy throat, and that's the delicious Pine Brothers Softish Throat Drops. Now it's the only throat trop that has ranked number one and throat coating action number one. And I mean you can literally feel it that coating of your throat with their gumm acacia, their plant glycerin, and of course they're delicious natural flavors. Now, they're amazing. My favorite is wild cherry and licorice. I also love the honey and liquorice. Now, I've heard a lot of people onto Pine Brothers. You want to know the first three things that come out of their mouth. One, they're delicious, I can feel them coat in my throat and wow, they're soft, almost like a gummy bear. Yeah, I know they're soft. That's why they're called Pine Brothers Softish throat Drops. 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You're gonna separate me away from a family, and I really know what that because I love them so much. You are feared among many. However, you have time to build upon that. Some of my friends are really scared about you building wall and the travel band because a lot of their families live in different places. Well, maybe next time, just sit down in a quiet room fully think about what you're gonna do before you do it. It's not fair for refugees. There's no need to garner so much hate for countries based on the actions of a single group or organization. Darn, Mr President. I want you to know that US kids are not always wrong. You may be the most powerful man in the country, but you are still the servant to every single one of us. Dear Mr President, Dear Mr President, Dear Mr Trump, congratulations on winning the election. In the face of political elitism. You provided a much needed change of Paine. I am hopeful for the economy and the creation of job that you create. I think that on the inside you are a good man. That's not what my friends think. You have banned an entire group of people from coming into the United States. But now who will build this country up from the rubble you will put it under. Not letting immigrants into America is really not nice, so please let them in. Just because of Mexican doesn't mean you can build a wall in the country. Please don't build the wall and don't let people have guns. I am happy for you, but well, you are a president. Please make the world a better place. We are looking to you to serve us. Please for my strict Trump, make America great again. Have a good time, ning President. Sincerely Ida, Sincerely Robert Peterson, sincerely me me ps. Please don't build a wall around Mexico. Pps. Please please don't stop the refugees from coming. Joke, not believe I'm literally about this. Tell myself that I'm not kidding you better right now, I literally am gonna that I need an ambulance proved of the former Soviet Union. I mean, would be so proud of the indoctrination of children. Anyway, glad you with a Shawan Hannity show in Washington, d C. Today. Cpack starts tomorrow and we're here a day early because I can't make it tomorrow or this weekend. So anyway, that's why we hear um, Where do you think that came from? What you just heard? A series of kids basically dissing the president if you want to use kid term here. That was NBC News. They now hit a new load now that we've so indoctrinated. Now we're indoctrinating kids to bash the president. Imagine any school that ever did this to Barack Hussein Obama, they would be labeled a racist. They would be this would be a highlight film. Oh my gosh, what is happening in this country? Racism is now so so widespread? Our children and our our racist because they would criticize Barack Obama. Um anyway, I saw this on CNS news. NBC creates these two videos entitled Dear Mr President, Kids Talk to Trump and Dear Mr President Letters from American Children. Both videos feature these young kids. They don't know anything about Trump. They only know what their teachers indoctrinated these the susceptible young minds to say, and they said what they thought they were supposed to say. They have no idea about the nuances of a wall and why it's necessary. I wonder if they told the kids that six Texans were victims of crimes in a seven year period by illegal immigrants. I wonder if they showed them the drug warehouses where drugs were being brought up from Mexico to this country. I wonder if they know that every intelligence officer, top official in the Obama administration stated that isis will infiltrate the refugee population. Please bring the refugees. Oh okay, And what what happens when they commit an act of terror against the United States? Who are you gonna blame them? You're gonna blame your teachers. Are you're gonna blame the president? You'll blame the president anyway. In the videos, the kids accused Trump of racism. You know, one kid says, you are here attempting to whitewash America. It's like we've got a mini Van Jones school going on here, and NBC News is the propaganda vehicle for these kids, a white a whitewash of America. I guess everybody that voted for Trump, according to Van Jones at CNN, as a racist. Uh. It goes on, I don't like your definition of American because I don't seem to fit within it. No kid came up with that on their own. That never happened. Kids don't think that way. This kid was told what to say, so they indoctrin April, let me use another word for a doctorate, brainwash. A bunch of susceptible kids in their minds what to advance their political agenda. It's unbelievable. Many of the comments weren't even issue ore in it at all. They were just thinly veiled insults and personal attacks. There's no need to garner so much hate for countries based on the actions of a single group organization. Oh, you mean, like isis you really understand the intricacies and the and the details of what a caliphate is and the advancement of the caliphate. You understand Hamas's charter calls for the destruction of Israel. You understand who Hez Bellah is. You understand Islamic jihad is, the Muslim Brotherhood is. You understand the concept of the seven m Moms that are you know, destined that that that Islam is gonna take over the I'm sure you know all of this. I mean this is now who will build up this country again from the rubble? You will put it under? Well, let's scare the living crap out of the kids while we're indoctrinating them as well. Maybe we'll practice them to get under their desks like we did in the fifties in this country. Wow, and I have you know nuclear arm atomic weapon drills. This is insane and this is your all left radical media, and this is how they feel and they feel justified. This is what the left does. They feel so superior, they feel they know best. And I saw Mika whatever named Brasiinski, you know Morning Joe's. It's such a cute couple, aren't they. It's so cute. Anyway, I saw that, you know, she made a statement. She goes out there and this is actually really funny. I couldn't believe she said it, and nobody, nobody even picked up on it on the show. And so Mika is out there saying no, no, no, that's our job to tell Americans how to think. Listen to this. The dangerous you know edges here are that he's trying to undermine the media, trying to make up his own facts. And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that is the job. He can control what people think. That's our job to tell people how to think. What are you talking about here? That's our job? Oh like, really, that's your job in media to tell people how to think. How about your job in media? Considering you're supposed to be. I guess journalists. You consider yourself journalists over there at NBC. How about you tell people all sides of an issue and they decide for themselves and have enough belief in the American people that they can discern truth from lies, etcetera. I don't I don't even know what to say here. It's it's mind numbing to me. But it is the all left radical media reality of life. Um, you know, I was thinking about this in this context. You know, there's four forces at work against the president. You you've got the snowflake forces out there, and that's the these protesters, whether they're paid or not. I've got a lot of news that an evidence that it's beginning to emerge that shows they might might very well be paid and AstroTurf people. But I'd pay attention to it. I mean, I think it's real. I think they're trying to delegitimize the president, as they have since the day has been elected. And that's why the media is there useful idiots in this process, and they just go out there and regurgitate. The media has not spent any time have they talking about what Trump has accomplished in just thirty short days they haven't. I've given you the list. I could go over it again, but it's kind of redundant, and I'm repeating myself. You know, I have a page and a half of fake news stories that the media has been feeding the American people. I have that they're not talking about that either, and I suggest that we put it up on our website. T Beckett Adams this list of everything the media has gotten wrong since Trump has taken office. You know, they're all upset about Russia and their influence. Hasn't been a smidgeon of evidence or truth to back up their claims ever, not one single time, which is kind of mind numbing in my mind, and yet they continue to repeat those lives they've never dealt with. They're the exposure and the collusion and the corruption that we now know existed as it relates to two wiki leaks and what they were able to expose. None of that has ever happened. So there's four forces at work here. You've got a media establishment that has declared war against the President of the United States. They want to take him down any way they can. Then you've got a democratic establishment that want him to fail because it's not in their best interests. They want people dependent on government, so they want him to fail. You've got the snowflake establishment, and then you've got the Republican establishment, which is still afraid of their own shadow and can't get their act together. As a matter of fact, later in the program, part of our new series that we've instituted both on radio and TV, holding them Accountable, we have two congressmen and we're gonna ask how soon they're gonna get repeal and replaced on an economic plan in place, how they can help the president on the refugee issue, in vetting and building the wall, and energy and dependence and education back to the States. These are all the promises they made. If they don't if they don't do it now, they're never gonna get it done. And that's why I went to Washington to interview Paul Ryan. Anyway, we have Congressman Dave brad of Virginia Mark Meadows coming up today, and you want to know how left the Democratic Party is going. I see the Keith Ellison. They have this vote Saturday in Tennessee. I believe he now has an edge over former Labor Secretary Tom Perez two to one margin. Ellis leads with a hundred and five supporters to Perez's fifty seven. The remaining major candidates of less than a dozen supporters each more than fifty d n C members remain undecided. I mean, in December, the a d L, the Anti Defamation League, you know, they came out and they voiced their opposition to Keith Ellison for obvious reason. Is not the least of which a classmate said that he heard Keith Ellison say that Jews want to oppress minorities all over the world. And then of course he supports screwy Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, and back when he was in at the University of Minnesota wrote a paper defending him and saying he's not racist. Well, this is Farikon from this weekend when he walked out on the stage in Detroit at the Louis Armstrong Arena, they were chanting Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, and then he went on to say, I want to disabuse the Jews today of the false claim that you are the chosen people of God, that Israel are Palestine belongs to you. I want to disabuse you of that. I'm gonna tell you in your future, that you that think that you have the power to frighten and dominate the people's of the world. I'm here to announce the end of your time. And then he slammed his hand on the podium. And now the new head of the d n C maybe a guy that supports this lunatic wow fighting the drama liberal media one day at a time, the Sean Show. Alright, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed Just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can too. Just go to my pillow dot Com or called nine zero used the promo code Hannity and Mike Lindel, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you off to my Pillow Premiums and to go anywhere pillows. My Pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my pillow premium pillows and to go anywhere pillows fort off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recuperative sleep that you've been craving. And you certainly deserve my pillow dot Com promo code Hannity, you will love this pillow. All right, as we roll along Shawan Hannity Shore in DC today, let me give you an example. You know, the President says he wants to give regulation all right, Well what does that mean? Well, that means, for example, we can start drilling again. We can drill an Animore, we can drill in the forty eight states, we can drill off all our coast. We can expand coal mining, which he's aralready moved forward with the Dakota pipeline, Keystone pipeline and all these other issues because it creates jobs. We are hurting Americans all the e p A regulations that we burden auto companies with and steal companies with. It makes it cost prohibited from them for them to do business. Philly dot Com has a report out that now the city is two months into the city's sweetened beverage tax, in other words, of soda tax, and supermarkets and distributors guess what they're reporting A thirty drop in beverage sales. People like coke, I like Coca Cola. I don't drink as much as I like because it's addicting. I love it. I like Snapple lemon iced tea. I'd like to drink that. I like to drink this cream and an orange orange cream, like soda that you get at you know, a place like Cracker Barrel. I'd like to drink those. I like them anyway, once you tax it anyway. The city's largest distributors told the Philly dot Com it would cut of their workforce next month, and an owner of Shop Write in Philly says he expects to get rid of three workers this spring. People are seeing sales decline larger than anything they've seen up to this point in this city. You know, so instead of admitting the tax, government intervention because they know what's best for you to put into your body. I don't need to be told not to smoke. I don't need to be told how much I can drink. I don't need to be told how to manage every aspect of my life. And these nannies in government control everything to the point that nobody has a job, nobody can buy what they want, You can't drink what you want. You can't even buy a soda for crying out loud because of the nan state. You know. So the city lashed out by launching the latest fake news campaign. When I questioned the legitimacy of the early figures and predicted that customers would respond to the initial sticker shock by shopping outside the city, that they'd return, I'm like, okay. In the meantime, they're not one of the part. They're not the three workers getting laid off. They're not the people being fired. They're not the workforce that are screwed. And now I have to go find another job, if they can ever find one, because they're competing, competing against nine million other Americans that are out of the labor force. This needs to stop. This is government out of control, in in our face and in our grill to an oppressive level. And that's exactly what I think Trump is talking about. I see more fake news CNN. This time I'm the reporting that Kelly and Conway's absence from TV came as a result of her being off message when talking about Michael Flynn last week. By the way, now to the top of the hour, she has already disputed this untild reporters. She's going to be on Fox tonight. Yeah, that would be my show. And it's been planned for a while to just lie these people. You know, look at all the lives House of represent look at um the tri state election hacking conspiracy, they remember that, the cent foreclosure conspiracy, Nancy Sinatra's complaints about the inaugural ball conspiracy, the nonexistent climate change website perge, the Great mL K Junior Bust controversy, Betsy divorce, the Grizzly Fighter, the resignation's mass resignations at the State Department, the Photoshop hands affair, the Reuter's account hoax, the White House scotis Twitter mistake, the Big Travel Band lie. You know, which is a religious litmus test? And of course this is a Muslim band. Hello, it doesn't impact of the world Muslims and all these majority Muslim countries. We'll call it that anyway, you know, It's just it's I I literally have three pages I could read NonStop here and they just don't care. Or who was right on Sweden? Was a Trump? They had a riot in Sweden on Monday night? Or was it the media saying there's nothing wrong with Sweden? Are you talking about? Well, he was right? Or the AP botching their stories and the New York Times, Oh yeah, and one week they had to reprimand a reporter for referring to the first lady as a hooker, and then the New York Times had to Uh. They also retweeted a fake Michael Flynn account on Twitter. Then they sent out a picture of Sean what's his name? Not Sean Spicer? Um bah bah bah bah bah blah blah blah. What's the guy's name the speech right? Oh, Steve Miller. Steve Miller's had on a spike. You know they retweeted that too. Really wow, pretty amazing. Imagine if they ever have a real controversy, or the Trump threatened to invade Mexico lie, or Trump changed the nick the name of Black History Month to National African American History Month, or that you know. Trump pitched a fit in a phone call with the Australian Prime Minister which ended with the US President hanging up on the Prime Minister, or the claim that Trump managed somehow to keep his Scotist nominee as secret until he made the announcement at eight o'clock. You know, it's I could just go on. Nothing smells right here, and it's like, for them, what are they avoiding? Okay? The President kept his promise on Trans Pacific Partnership and withdrew the US from that, And he hosted the CEO of Intel too and talked about their plan to invest seven billion dollars in Arizona and create tenths and American jobs. That the President is moving forward with his promise of energy independence and sent out a presidential memorandum clearing the roadblocks that are obstructing the Keystone XL pipeline, signed another memorandum declaring the Dakota Access Pipeline serves the national interests initiating the process to complete the construction, and the President signed memorandum ordering that all new pipeline construction and repair work used materials and equipment and steal from the United States of America. Yeah, he's following through on his promise. Remember he signed the legislation block uh, the Steam Protection Rule that was causing a great deal of harm to coal miners and the coal mining industry, Remember the same industry Hillary wanted to put out of business and coal miners out of work. And Trump signed legislation House Joint Resolution forty one to get rid of the costly regulation that threatened to put domestic extraction companies and their employees at an unfair disk advantage. Remember, the President fought to save America's hard earned tax dollars, and he renegotiated with Lockheed Martin for the F thirty five, and he did a review with Mad Dog Maddis, ordering a cost cutting review of air Force one and the next Air Force one fleet. He said He's gonna run government more like a business. And the President working to reduce the threats of crime and signed an executive order to enhance the safety security of the United States by constructing a wall in the southern border and also to follow through the tax dollars won't go to jurisdictions that are sanctuary cities, and signing an executive order that directs the Attorney General to develop a strategy to effectively prosecute people who engage in crimes against law enforcement, and an executive order that establishes a task force led by the new Attorney General to reduce crime. Considering ram Rambo dead fish and people like him in Chicago and elsewhere around the country aren't getting the job done and innocent kids are dying. The President signed an executive order that refocuses the federal government's energy and resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations, in other words, the drug cartels. Wow, he's done nothing. I can keep going. Anybody in the media talk about the President signing and executive order instructing federal agencies to minimize the burden. And they're not going to tax people or penalize people that don't get health insurance as was mandated by Obama. Another promise kept, or that for every new regulation to existing regulations have to go, or the President directing the Commerce Department of streamline federal permitting processes so that domestic manufacturing UH can move forward with reduced regulatory burdens that we're putting on domestic manufacturers. That's good because that means jobs can be created, Factories can be built, manufacturing centers can be built. But he's done nothing. I don't know. All he is is a liar, hitler, a dictator, a fascist. You know that's what you hear from the news. Did anybody in the mainstream media every give you the list that I'm giving you right now, Or that the the President had an executive order expediting environmental review in the process, So it doesn't take fifteen years to drill for oil and it doesn't take fifteen years to go ahead with fracking. That is not uh harm the environment like liberals always claimed it would. Did anyone tell you that, under his leadership, the Department of the Treasury sanctioned twenty five entities and individuals that were involved in a RAN's ballistic missile program, which is against the law. Did they tell you the President signed a memorandum directing the Secretary of Defense to work with other cabinet officials to draw up a plan to defeat Isis that should be on his desk now today, for that was thirty days ago. Or that he called and met with more than thirty foreign leaders. Wow, they didn't leak all the calls from the intelligence community. Did anyone tell you that the President signed an executive order to drain the swamp, establishing new ethics commitments for all the executive branch appointees, putting up in place a five year lobbying ban and a permanent ban on lobbying for foreign governments. So if you're an appointee to the to serve the American people, you can't line your own pockets. Or the President put in place a hiring freeze, why because we have too many bureaucrats as it is, Or that he kept his promise on an originalist from the Supreme Court, from the very list he gave us back in May. Neil Gorsuch. Well, a lot of Republicans were saying that he'd never fulfilled that promise. I remember because they told me personally, anyone go through any of these Or the President and the Canadian Prime Minister launched the U S. Canadian Council for the Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs. Not bad for a guy that's a misogynist and a sexist and a racist. That's a pretty good track record. Oh and he kept the bust of Martin Luther King Jr. Inside the Oval office and it never went anywhere. What a shocker. I'm so tired of these people. They just lie with a bandit. How about CNN leaking questions we discovered through wiki leaks to the Clinton campaign not once but twice. How about Politico and um, how about every major news organization, with the exception of the Fox News Channel. We're invited to John Podesta's house for DINNDN. Isn't that cute? They all sat around a big table and talked about how horrible Republicans, conservatives talk radio, Fox News is and how they're gonna collude and defeat Hillary, defeat Donald Trump and help Hillary Clinton. That was so nice. Katie Curic offering to showcase Clinton's personality in an interview. I wonder if she was gonna showcase Donald Trump's in an interview. I don't think so. Or Glenn Thrush from Political at the Time Now with the Now, with the New York Times and the New York Times both stending stories to the Clinton campaign for approval and helping the Post writer said the outlet wanted to make sure Clinton got elected. That's such. That's so nice of them, you know, And they don't like what I do for a living, which is give opinions. Or John Harwood, even he even hosted a debate, worried that he offended Podesta with a story about Clinton and he also offered advice to the Clinton campaign, and he mocked reporters who asked Clinton tough questions, and Harwood emailed Podesta about questions he should ask Jeb Bush. Wasn't that nice of Podesta to help hurt President Bush or Governor Bush's chances in that election? Or Harwood tried to have lunch with Podesta or CNN a source they're tipping off the campaign a campaign alley about ally about new poll findings. That's so nice of them. I wonder what would happen if I did that. And I'm not a reporter, and I'm not a news I'm a news I think I'm more news than they are. And I want to thank all these people, all these that mainstream, all left propaganda media hacks. I want to thank them. You have made my career, you who have created a void. And because of your laziness and because of your outright advocacy for everything liberal, socialist, etcetera, statis ms, etcetera. Your love of Obama was so endearing, it was so cute. Mr President. What have you found endearing in the first hundred years of New York Times reporter asked him that was such a cute question. Um, I need to really thank these guys. They're so bad that America's choosing who to listen to and watch, and I'm appreciative. You know, if they weren't so abusively biased, if they weren't such a bunch of propaganda provata hacks, I might I might have to sell my house. I'd be out of work. I'd have too much competition. Right now, we don't have any competition. There's nobody but us. It really isn't is talk radio. There's Fox News, and it's not even all the talk radio. Some of these guys have um the shark also. I mean if you watch the intensity and the breathlessness of the reporting, I mean there is a feeding frenzy. We got him, We got him. I saw Rush on Fox News Sunday this weekend. I thought he made a great point. He said to Chris Wallace, Well, the media and an elect Trump, and they can't take him out either, as hard as they try. They're trying hard. They want him gone. How about, for example, uh, Reuters offering to share House Benghazi Committee intel with the Clinton campaign. Wasn't that nice of Routers to do that? I think that was very kind, very thoughtful of them. Boston Globe pumping up the campaign with positive coverage and admitting it. The New York Times allowing quotes to be edited. They want to make sure Hillary gets fair treatment. I've been interviewed by everybody at the New York Times. I've never got that kind of treatment myself. I used to get the crap kicked out of me. And every time I get a call from the p are people of Fox saying, oh, the New York Times, once they interview you, I'm like, great, I can't wait to get punched in the head again. I love getting punched in the head. Univision pressuring the campaign to attack Trump. Hey, just outright advocating, what telling them what to do? MSNBC reporter praising Clinton. Apparently they got in one case questions fed to them. You might want to ask Hillary these questions, and then they asked those questions and that nice. I never did that with Donald Trump didn't need to. I asked them questions that I wanted answer, and I thought the people that I serve, you, the audience, want answered. Campaign bragging about having all kinds of media support. They knew they had these people in their pocket. Stafford's colluding with NBC on an interview about the Clinton Foundation. There's no media bias, there's no you know when I talk about this, there's no no problem. Anyway, Let's go to Aaron Is in California. Aaron, Welcome to d C, The Swamp and the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, Sean, thanks for having me out. It's finally you know great if I'm to talk to you. Um, you know you're talking about Keith Ellison earlier and how horrible like Cannady he is. Well, obviously we all know this knucklehead is horrible. We all know he's an anti Semit. But you know what, why weren't the Democrats Let's let them drive their vehicle off the cliff. Well, I mean, listen, I'm all in favor if they want. If they want to pick Keith that listen, with his background and his history of radicalism, then I will tell you right now. Um, they're gonna they will marginalize themselves forever with the American people. So why getting the way when they're about to make a major mistake. I'm like, guys, this is your party. You do what you want with it, right exactly? Okay. Unfortunately, the Democrats. They have a huge Jewish you know vote. But again, if he's an anti semit and he's pushing those views, you know they're gonna lose that that vote eventually. So let's just let do it, all right, My friend, God bless your eight hundred nine for one. Sean is her number. Sean Kennedy and you alluded to and talked about what is going on with this proposal um that is being pushed by Michael Cohen, the president's personal lawyer who delivered the document, Felix F. Saider, arists associate who helped Mr Trump scout deals in Russia, and a Ukrainian lawmaker trying to rise in a political opposition movement shaped in part by Mr Trump's farmer campaign manager, Paul Mattaford. Can't people see what's going on? Why do you think they hacked into our election? They hacked into the election because they have to make sure that Donald Trump got elected so that he could help them with what I think is a huge deal, not only to lift these sanctions, but to take over, you know, all of these Soviet countries and pull them back into the Soviet Union so that they could have access to all of these resources. It's clear to me, and I just think the American people had better understand what's going on. This is a bunch of scumbacks, that's what they are strong organized around making money. Who who do you mean by that when you call them scumbacks? Who are you talking to? All of these people who are organized with these all and gas interests that's in the administration and friends the President of the United States, this back channeling that you see, these are a bunch of scumbacks. For eight years, you guys had a plan. You kept saying and promising you repeal, replaced Obamacare. And I guess what people want to know is when of these things going to get done. We're exactly on the timeline that we designed for ourselves. Obamacare is coming next, Our bill is coming in March. First, it's regulatory reform because we had this window of time to cancel bad Obama regulations. Then we're doing Obamacare. After we're done with Obamacare, then we're doing our budget. And our budget is what the second budget, which will be tax reform. So we're doing two budgets in one year, which has never been done before. This is faster than it's ever been done before. When I heard repair, my head nearly explode. That's not the plan. The plan is to repeal and replace this law. Like we said, we ran on a plan to repeal and replace it. Tom Price helped write that plan. He is now Donald Trump's Secretary of It is a consensus plan that's now being scored by the CBO. Correct, you're saying to the American people and conservatives that are impatient, including myself, you agree with every item I mentioned, even extreme vetting. Yeah, you could be passed that bill a year ago in the House. I know, don't You can now agree with building the wall? Yes? Are you telling the American people vetting refugees, building the wall, Repeal, replaced, tax reform, all of this is going to be done in two days. Inside the two hundred day window. Is the regulatory reforms we talked about. It's the repeal and replace Obamacare. It's the budget, it's the rebuilding of our military, it's tax reform. Those are the things that we're working on. Any infrastructure, those are the things we're working on in this two dunts in the equation because that's in their edge. Well, we we see that as part of regulatory reform. But in two hundred days. That's you think that's dual? Is our plan? Yeah, and if and if there's any slip, but we'll finish it in the fall and get it done before the end of the year. So if I come back in two hundred days, you're gonna you're gonna go well. I made a promise. We've gotta go well because I think this is so here's what I'm saying. We've we've met this out for two hundred days. We have a plan to do that. We're on schedule. But if if anything slips, because it'll be Preme Court justice, yeah, or or a filibuster on a cabinet nominee, that might slip us. But we're making sure that we do all of this in Okay, let's go to the budget, which is such a big issue the president seven brackets to three corporate rate. I know you prefer twenty because that scores scores. Yeah, I have to get what we can with the With the number that you support repatriation multinational corporations, that will be huge for that's a lot of money that can come back into the economy, about three trillion dollars. Here's my headline of this interview. That you're in pretty much full agreement with with what Donald Trump ran on and number two, in two hundred days from the legislative side, you are going to be implementing every aspect of that agenda that we talked about. And just as a big headline, we have and we have cushion in our schedule if if anything slips, because it's really because the Senate issues, we still have time to accommodate all of this stuff in even field conditions. I have cushions built in the schedule to make sure this all gets done in twenty seven because I believe in case something happens and goes sideways on the Senate, I'm pretty sure that will stimulate the economy, get people back to work, and and get the economy movement again, which I think we need what we're hired to do. All right, you see it? Alright? Our two Sean Hannity's show, Gladual with us from our nation's capital, Sepat kicks off tomorrow. I can't be here then, but we're gonna be doing a live show with a live audience tonight, uh, sort of like our own little town hall. And I'll start the show with a monologue which is really a speech, and in front of the audience. I have not planned a single word of what I'm gonna say yet, but we'll figure it out. Anyway. Glad you're with us, and you said come back that I was just asking Paul Ryan. We've we've initiated a new segment both on radio and TV, and it's called holding them Accountable. They promised in repeal replaced Obamacare. We had a lot of show votes, no teeth in them. They had, it turns out, no consensus plan to replace. And then of course we had the promise that if we got the Senate, we would stop the president's illegal, unconstitutional executive amnesty. Well, now we have the House, the Senate, and the White House, and we need to hold them accountable because probably this is the last shot we have to stop the precipitous decline in this country. Anyway, joining us now to hold accountable Congressman Dave Brett of Virginia Congressman Mark Meadows in North Carolina, and they're both members of the Freedom Caucus, which I consider myself an honorary member. Welcome both of you back to the show. OK. It's great to do with Sean, and you are an honorary member of the Freedom Caucus because you love liberty and freedom, so it's good to be with. Well, did you watch by any chance, either one of you? I know you're busy in your whole life doesn't revolve around my shows, although it should. Um, did you guys watch the interview with Paul Ryan? Yeah? I saw the full thing. What do you think, Congressman Mark Meadows? Well, I think that it's very optimistic to suggest that all those things are gonna get done in the first two letter days. We don't even have a plan yet for replacing Obamacare. And to say that there's consensus, I can tell you I've been talking to a number of my colleagues both in Wait, wait a minute, he said there's a He said there's a plan currently being scored by the CBO. That was a consensus plan. That's what he told me. Well, I understand that, and and uh, it is not a consensus plan. I haven't seen it. Maybe Dave Brad seen it, but I haven't seen any plan at this point that has been rolled down Dave Brad No, yeah, y'all. Second and sewn you you you hit it out of the park in the intro remarks but the key word is repealed, and you had it right, so hold us accountable. We already voted in two thousand fifteen for a full repeal of Obamacare, so there's no mystery at to what we gotta do. And Mark Meadows has been leading on this the whole year with Jim Jordan's and our guys. The two thousand fifteen repeal that passed the House and passed already passed the Senate. Uh, we're asking for that. It's a bare minimum. So thet I went to Washington, I interviewed the Speaker of the House. He said, there's a consensus plan. He said, it's being scored at the CBO. He said that there weren't nine plans, that there's not repaired, that it's repeal and replaced. He said he's working in close contact with the White House on this, and included all the things that we all talked about, which is, you know, personal savings accounts, health savings accounts, portability, pre existing conditions, all the issues that we had talked about. Are you saying neither one of you have heard a thing about this, Well, we've we've seen a brief Sean, We've seen a brief on what are some aspirational goals, But there has been no text at this point, nothing to actually whatever he's getting scored has not come out of committee, has not been presented to the members. And and to suggest, I mean, part of what they're talking about is really that the first legislative initiative that the president would sign would actually create a new entitlement program. I don't think that's what my voters uh wanted or demanded, and it's certainly not what we promise the American people. You're saying that what is being scored as an entitlement program, Yeah, it is on that too. Even worse than a than an entitlement program, which it is, Mark Secky, Right, it's also a federally run program. And you do not want the federal government building a car for you or building a house. You certainly don't want them running your health care for you. And that federal program maintains basically the three legs of the Obamacare stool. Right, there's still the subsidies are gonna stay unless we get rid of them, and we're doing that through the tax package. Right, There's gonna be refundable tax credits for that piece. And then there's gonna be community rating is gonna probably stay, and then we're gonna keep the taxes. And so then the politicians at the federal level are in the middle of running your healthcare, we have a problem saying no, that's why the debt's blowing up, and so we're gonna fund this thing on the backs of our kids again. And so we're against that program. We want to do everything you just mentioned, the portability states, block rants, all that. We want to make sure we got high risk pools for pre existing conditions, you know, a two year transition path to make sure people don't go thrown under the rug. That can all be done with free market reforms. Wow, I'm I don't even know what to say. And you're saying that you don't even think that it's possible at all in any way to get this done in two under days. In other words, he was to look, I went through the whole list. All right. The President will get vetting done. He'll do executive actions that will help get us to energy independence. But we do need work on the economy. Seven brackets to three of corporate tax rate of fift repatriated money at a low rate of ten percent, incentivizing multinational corporations to bring it back, etcetera. Um, so you've got a lot of work to do here, and and he said specifically March was the timetable for repealing, replacing. And now you guys are telling me that you don't even know what he's talking about. Well, I'm I'm saying that there's not a plan out there, Sean, and I agree that can we get it done in two hundred days without a doubt? And we should get it done. Uh, you know, enough with the excuses. But the other part of that is, at this particular point, you know, we were going to have something where we could vote on to have on the president's desk on January twenty when he was sworn in. Then we moved that back to February. Now we're moving it back to the end of March. And you know, we just continue to delay and continue to do a number of different aspects, which actually keeps taxes, keeps subsidies, and honestly doesn't really drive the cost of health care down. Yeah, and autumn that the political component here, Sean is at first McConnell gave us assurances or we heard that at least that the two thousand fifteen repeal was okay, they could get that through the Senate because they had already voted on it. It It would be very hard for senators to switch their vote on that. But then the tune changed and they said, well, you can't just to a repeal. We got to add a replacement package because some of the folks are getting weak knees over there in the Senate, and so the messaging is just switching by the week, and instead of doing what's best than getting a good policy for the American people, were worried about politics. Well, well, I mean, what am I gonna have to do? I mean, do I need to go back to Washington and asked the Speaker to sit down with you guys and Jim Jordan and all all of us sit together on television and do an hour and get this on. Get everybody on the same page. I'm flabbergasted of what you all are saying. Well, I mean, at this point, what we need to do is have a plan, and we need to show the text of the bill that we're going to talk about and vote on and debate, and and we've yet to see that. And so, uh, if if they've got it, they're not sharing it with the members. I don't know of any member other than perhaps just a few in the very top leadership circles that have actually looked at any texts of any particular replacement bill U that I've I don't even know what to say at this point. Was I lied to watch the interview? I watched the interview, and in looking at the interview, I mean I I do believe that the speaker is well intentioned, that this is the plan. We do have a path and in a plan put forward. But to say that we're unified and we haven't an agreement, uh, is is a bridge too far. That's just not accurate based on my conversations with a number of members. Congressman Pratt, you agree with that, Yeah, I agree with For for me, it's always Washington D C. Language, which you know better than any of us. But what is the meaning of the word repeal? And I think to the average person, when we promised we're gonna repeal, it's not too mysterious. It means you repeal the bill. And that's what you said in your remarks, are we gonna repeal the bill? And in the answer, I, I I guess I when I started the segment, which is that we're doing this both on radio and TV, holding them accountable. I had no idea i'd be here today. We'll take a quick break. We'll come back more with Congressman Dave Bratt and Congressman Mark Meadows, both of the Freedom Caucus. Still waiting to fly out all those lips who promised to leave if Trump were elected. Jet is ready. This is the Sean Hannity Show. I heard everything from Obamacare will be done day one to the spring, to the summer, to the by the end of the year. And so it's been all over the map, not just from you, but from other people. I also heard people say it hasn't been all over the map from us, from me, for the press, it's been all over the map from from rumor Mills, but from us here in Congress, we're exactly on the timeline that we laid out for our When I heard Repair, my head nearly explode. That's not the plan. The plan repeal and replace this laws, just a consensus plan that's now being scored by the CBO. Correct. All right, That was my interview with the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan. We continue with Freedom Caucus members Congressman Dave Brad of Virginia Congressman Mark Meadows in North Carolina, both members Freedom Caucus. As I said, and I don't know what to make of this. I'd like to come to Washington maybe next week if if we can set it up and maybe asked the speaker, and I mean in a nice way, if we can sit down and come to some type of consensus on this and understand where we're all coming from here. I don't know, I don't get it. Well, I mean, it is an honorable man. And when when it comes down to it, if he's talking about a consensus, is there a consensus on some principle, Yes, there's consensus on principles. Is there a consensus on an actual plan, an actual bill to repeal and replace? The answer to that is no, and so uh, it's important that we make that decision, hopefully that he He specifically said that the plan to repeal and replace was being scored by the CBO. He specifically said that, well, I can tell you that the CBO is looking at a plan that neither Congressman Brad or myself has actually had the privilege of reviewing. At this point, nor any anybody that I know of other than perhaps the chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee. All right, Congressman Brad, I'll defend just for a hair there, because one of the hard pieces here and white leadership has a huge challenge, is because we're doing reconciliation, right, so you only get one fight at the apple. See, if we just repeal, that doesn't work, right, because some of these guys need to go home to That was the whole reason it needs to But that was the whole reason it needed to be scored because it needs to be revenue neutral. That's right, And so you've got to do the repeal. But we want the two thousand fifteen full repeal of the bill and then we're we're okay with repeal and replace at the same time. If you do the two thousand and fifteen repeal and then and then we'll have to look at the terms of what's in there. But we have to for sure get rid of Obamacare, right. We don't want to be left with Obamacare. Light that's the primary concern. All right, last question, I heard some snowflakes and protesters and agitators were at your town hall last night. Congressman Brad, and you've got pretty good reviews for how you handled it. I know Marshall Blackburn went through the same thing. How bad was it? Yeah? It was mainly a constituents, but you know there was the fifteen of the you know, the kind of the radical type protesters in the back with the pink cards that set up to poo. So I only made it through half the answers, and so they make a big protest and then the fake news comes in the Huffing and Post and the Washington Post and they jet of port knowing all them do all the fake news about where are you, Dave? I had five meetings with constituents in two years, right, I one on that issue, and they come along, see where are you? So I have I I finally have a town hall two weeks. They had to wait for a town hall, a long time to wait, and I get front of my constituents and then they shout me down. So you can't even have a civil discussion. All right, I'm gonna it's frustrating. I mean, but you know what, hang in there, and I agree with you. Show up and and let them, let them vent, and maybe they will eventually calm down and have an intelligent discussion, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Thank you both for being with us. It's part of our holding them accountable in Washington segment that we're doing regularly and updating regularly here on the show. Jevanor Romy, I'm glad that you recognize that al Qaeda is a threat because a few months ago, when you were asked what's the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia. At al Qaeda, you said Russia in the nineteen eighties are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because you know, the Cold War has been over for twenty years. But but Governor, you know, when it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the foreign policies in the nineteen eighties, just like the social policies of the nineteen fifties and the economic policies in the nineteen twenties. And by the way, it would be great if we could get along with Russia. Just so you understand that tomorrow you'll say Donald Trump wants to get along with Russia. This is terrible. It's not terrible. It's good. We had Hillary Clinton try and do a reset. We had Hillary Clinton give Russia of the uranium in our country. You know what uranium is, right, let's think called nuclear weapons. Nobody talks about that. I didn't do anything for Russia. I've done nothing for Russia. Hillary Clinton gave of our uranium. Hillary Clinton did a reset, Remember with the stupid plastic button that made us all look like a bunch of jerks. Here take a look. He looked at her like, what the hell is she doing with that cheap plastic button? Hillary? That was a reset? Remember it said reset. Now if I do that, oh I'm a bad guy. If we could get along with Russia, that's a positive. There you have like comparison that. Of course President Obama, we forgot to play. Hey, Dmitri, Dmitri, it's me, It's it's Brock. Let's the next time you see Vladimir Tom. I'll have a lot more flexibility after the election, a lot more flexibility. I don't want the American people to know this though. Send a secret message to my last leg basically, yes, and that's my len and I have more flexibles. I think this instance the listener and all we hear is Russia, Russia, Russia anyway, joining us now to discuss this and the state of a hyper ventilating, breathlessly reporting bias media is an original insurgeon himself. Patrick J. Buchanan is with us. Uh, you have a headline that's out as a Trump Putin deton dead. You want to answer your own question. Yeah, I'm very I think the president one of the reasons he is president, and one of his best initiatives was to say, look, we got our disagreements with Russian and Ukraine and Crimea and the Baltic and we'd like to work with him in Syria and smashing isis. I'm going to see if I can't work out a motus for Vendi with Russia. And to me, that's a that's a good thing. It's going to take tough bargaining. But I fear that the all the publicity attendant to allegations that Trump is a secret agment to Siberian candidate and all this talk sean that that the Republicans really were aided by Putin and that he's collaborating or his people were with members of Trump's campaign. I think it may have made it almost impossible to sit down for tough, realistic negotiations the way that Nixon did it rychevict and excuse me Nixon did in Moscow and the Altar, and that Reagan did it. Reagan got up and walked off, walked away from the meeting. I mean, that was a pretty profound moment, but it also led to it also led to some there when he walked out and I saw him walked out of that room and come out of the house, Sean, but on the plane, now, I got to ask you to come back. They want to get rid of the the intermediate nuclear weapons you put in EU up and they were going to have it. They want to trade and what was that November they had a deal. What was Gorbachev's reaction when Reagan stood up and said yet and walked out. I was not I didn't see him say that right there. But I saw him come out of the room. And they moved out of Hofty House and went to the car, and Pete Suice, I believe, as a photographer up there, I was in the car right behind Reagan's and Reagan and Gorbachev were saying goodbye, and as Pete talked to he got in my car, you know, and he got in the front seat, and I said, what did they say? And He said, Reagan, what could have what? I don't know what I could have done differently. Gorbachev said something like and Reagan said, you could have said yes. And what ticked Reagan off was that he had been sandbag He really cut a deal, and it was a questionable deal for getting rid of all these weapons nuclear weapons. But then when he went down to the meeting late on Sunday for the last meeting, Gorbatoff said, by the way, you're gonna have to show sd I into the deal, and that, you know, sandbagging, that's what said. He felt he'd been double crossed, you know, he'd been let up the Primrose Path, and all of a sudden, this last minute demand is being made by someone who in effects going to say if if you don't give in, you're gonna have to blow up the summer to give in. He walked away. You know what, it really is a great moment. It's a great moment in a negotiation history. How should the US deal with the issue of Crimea in Ukraine? Now, I mean, it's all said and it's all done. There's been no consequences, so to speaks, the thing, the crimea, You're not going to get it back. I mean, the Russians can't give it up. Putin can't survive and give that up. I mean, if he did give it up, all the support he's got in Russia would abandon him immediately. That's believed to be Russian territory. They do have an Eastern Ukraine. The point is it's a lot of pro Russian elements in Eastern Ukraine that that would like to be closer to Russia and would like to be severed from UH, severed from Ukraine. I think you can work out truces and maintain more autonomy in southeast Ukraine for these folks than Netskin Luhansk Uh. They can't succeed and create a new state, but I think I think that Putin is willing to deal on that. And frankly, you know, we got a lot of troops and missiles and things up there. We're moving into into the Baltic area, and Russia's in Kaln and Grad. I think you could do a deal to sort of you know, cut back on that and then go work together. In Syria, there's I mean, there's all sorts of areas where we agree and earliers where we clash. What do you think of how the media is so vicious and vile and dishonest against Trump at this point. You know, you know the I don't understand on Russia, it's astonishing. I mean, they used to criticize and condemn us back in the Cold War days for being hardliners and looking for a war and all the rest of it, that we wouldn't negotiate with the Russians. They complimented Jack Kennedy when he went to American University said we're gonna have six months after the missile crisis instead, we're gonna have to deal with these folks. So I think this, this hostility, I think it is it is, it is almost mortal. I think they really believe they can take this guy down. They despise him. He let them have it by saying their enemies of the people. And I think it's uh Sean, this is a this is a real political struggle to the end. I don't think any of this stops. I think you've got a president now that is facing a formidable enemy or multiple enemies on multiple fronts. I mean, you've got the total left wing snowflakes that are I would argue and believe, and I think evidence is beginning to show more every day that they're being paid to organize and obstruct and and create as much chaos as possible and create an impression this is the tea Party, you know, liberal redux here. And then you've got a media that is an open warfare with the president. You've got a democratic establishment, you know, from day one mentioning the word impeachment, and a Republican establishment that is weak and timid and spineless and an effect to over the years. And I'm not so sure they have the courage to go through the fire with him, which is inevitably coming on every piece of his agenda. So I think you've got a pretty good description of the balance of forces right now in the in this city. And I think what the president has to do is by the way, I'm in I'm in your city today. I don't really like it here, but I feel like I've been living here the last month. Is my home town, John. I grew up well in the forties during the War with In the forties, every town in every town was nice in the forties. Path the only way you're gonna get nineteen forties or fifties Americas go to Salt Lake city. It's amazing how beautiful it is out there. But the only thing I can say to you is this is, I've never seen it this hostile. And on the good side of things, you know, the media didn't elect Trump and and Trump it doesn't really need them. But cumulatively, my fear is over time it's just gonna wear on the entire American public. I think it is. I think it is, and I think the the American people will they will tire of the of the constant victoring and argument. Again, I think what Trump has to do he's going to have to deliver on on on many of his all of his promises, and I think he's making a conscientious effort to do that. On immigration, on trade, I don't know where they are at. That's probably going to be folded into the tax bill. But the Republicans, I think, have got to get together and deliver, deliver on this fellow gorseuts and deliver on these things and see if it works. And if it does, they're fine. And if it doesn't, I mean, got real problems. But I do believe, as I think I mentioned you many times shown the major thing is and we got three folks, generals in the around him who have been through wars and have seen the mistakes that have been made, and they can't be enthusiastic about any new wars. And so if if they can just stay out of the wars and they can get the agenda, domestic agenda through and people are going to get sick of having people stand up and call Congressman names every time they go home. I mean that I've interviewed I've interviewed Trump enough. Though he does have he doesn't want to be an interventionist, and he certainly doesn't want boots on the ground maybe short of intelligent forces. Um, I gotta tell you, And and maybe we'll disagree on this, and look and good conscience. After Vietnam and after what we saw in Iraq and five thousand kids die in Iraq and Afghanistan and then we pull out because like Vietnam, we politicize the war. Then you have to ask why did we send these kids to fight, bleed and die, you know, when we're not committed to winning a war. Um. So the second question is what do we do if the Iranians get close to getting nuclear weapons? Because for me, it's a simple equation. A squared B squared equals C squared, and radical Islamic terrorists Mullahs in Iran with weapons of mass destruction represents a clear and present danger for the entire world. I believe they would use them, all right. Let me say this, two thousand seven and two thousand eleven again, seventeen security agencies and United States with high confidence that Iran did not have a nuclear weapons program. Since then, they have exported of the uranium. They stopped, they stopped refining it up to they put concrete in the middle of that reactor up in up in the north and they and we've got that bolted down. If they broke out and tried to put together uranium and compile it, we would have plenty of time to smash them. And that would be the dumbest thing in the world. Are you confident that we as Americans would strike them competent facilities? One of the Look, they may be evil, and they're probably the closest that we have to modern day evil today, but they're not stupid. And there's a distinction and not being stupid, but but they hang on. But they built their nuclear sights all around their country. They bury them deep into the ground, they partnered with puttin on missile defense. To me, already, if the if the any military action were to occur today would include bunker busting bombs. It would need a massive coalition that seems to be emerging between the Israelis, the Saudiast, Jordanians and Egyptians, and it would need everything we've got and probably you know, I don't see it leading to a ground war, but I see it leading to a major world crisis. Well, look, the only facility they've got deep underground is four now, and there there are I A e. A guys in there. They are no longer enriching to which they did in that underground facility. And if they kicked the the the guys in there that are covering it, if they kicked them out and start doing this, they're hitting down the road to a confrontation. If the Americans didn't do anything, the Israelis wouldn't let them get a bomb. The Israelis, some of these rails are saying, we think we got a good deal on the nuclear deal, but what happened, Well, I gotta take a break. Hang on a second. I don't know any Israeli that's saying that that Iranian deal is a good deal. Nobody's saying that that I know of. But hang on, Papu Cannon. This final hour roundup is an act. You do not want to miss it, and stay tuned for the final hour free for all on the Sean Hannity Show. All right, as we continue, Patrick J. Buchanan is with us. All right, let me go back to the forces that are battling Trump, the snowflake leftists, occupy Wall Street, black lives matters, the people out in the streets. Then you add the Democratic establishment, a corrupt and biased abusively so media propaganda establishment. And then you have the weak Republican establishment. Now, if I had to guess, my great disappo pointment may ultimately come from the Republicans. I had an interview with Paul Ryan the other night. I don't know if you saw it. I hope you did, And in it I got him to agree he agrees with the Trump agenda, and he said everything legislatively will be passed in two hundred days. He said there are a lot of obstacles, technical, bureaucratic obstacles to repeal and replacing Obamacare. They'll do that in March. Is that timetable fast enough to get it done. And do you see liberal Republican defections that come up the works? Yeah, I do think so. I think, you know, I regret that they haven't moved much faster than they have. But if they get the Obama repeal and replace, and they get a real tax bill through there and it's got a border adjustment tax there, I think those two I can get these big victories in there, and then we're gonna have to see if it works or not. I think that would be a success. And look, as I've said many times, look at that we have our Our survival as a movement and a party depends upon the regular Republicans, conservatives on the hill and the populace conservatives that gave Trump as victory. And you've got to get together and you've got to make a deal there. And then you reach out and get yourself the Joe Mansions and hopefully get these through and get some judges through and get some momentum going. And then of course it's in with the hands of the Lord, so to speak, whether it works or not. But if you can do that, I think that's good news. But as I've mentioned, you know, a war. What the Ward did to George W. Bush. It finished off the party in two thousand six, and we lost the presidency to an Annie War liberal one term senator in two thousand eight. And if I think you get mixed up in some kind of unnecessary war with the Iron, look, if Iron wants a war with us, they can start it tomorrow afternoon. They could have started at any time the last thirty five years. They don't want to mix it up with the United States. They saw what happened next door to Saddam Hussein, who didn't even have any weapons of mass destruction. They're they're tough, arrogant in there, and the leadership is many of the people are wrestling. Team goes over there and gets tremendous applause. They welcome them there. And my hope is Rohani wins this election in May. Even the Ayatolla, I think doesn't want the hardliners to take over again and lose control. See, I think we can avoid a war with them while maintaining our own dignity in our position and our strength and everything we got there. Listen, I gotta tell you, I hope you're right, alright, my friend, alright, buddy eight nine one, Shawn a told free telephone number, you want to be a part of the program. How corrupt is the news media? Well, Cheryl Atkinson, while she was fired from CBS, they wouldn't let her report the truth about Obama. Will get her take on the state of the media today and your calls eight hundred nine for one, Shawn is on numbers straight ahead. This is what got you wound up on the Philadelphia Inquirer front page. Like Hitler, she could not take that nation to the face of or everything. It's a it's a I mean, heb but I feel Hitler in these streets. A mustache traded for a two day Nazis renamed the Cabinet. It was in America First Committee that formed in this country. Hundreds of thousands of people in this country, some of the richest businessmen in the country who were part of it. They were formed to keep us out of World War Two. They were infiltrated by the Nazis and many of them were anti Semitic, part of why they weren't alarmed by Hitler's rise in Germany. The America First Committee um is something that means a specific thing in this country to repurpose it now not that far down the historical path. But I was thinking when he said today America. First, it was not just the racial I mean the I should say racial, the Hitlerian background to it. I wondered since my teens what it would have been like, what it must have been like. We're distant relatives. I will never know to have been a German and to watch what seemed like a strange but evidently unimportant political movement rise up from the fringes of my own society. I have wondered for decades, what would it be like to see my country devolt and deteriorate from democracy to mindless, soulless cult worship. Thanks to Donald Trump, I'm getting the chance to find out. Then he goes to China. They've taken our money and our jobs. It's one of the greatest thefts in the history of the world. That's the way Hitler used to talk about the Jews. Any of the people is pretty far outside the what's the standard Republican playbook of attacking the administrations? Always take take offense when they're criticized and challenge even inside the old Trump excided the administration itself is that just seems kind of beyond the pale. Joe, My question for you is, you know, we all I think most of people this table were alive and and politically conscious at the time of the Oklahoma City bombings. And every time that Donald Trump uses this kind of language, I always worried that it's an incitement to elements of our country that are that might go ahead and do something. When the President United States calls the press the enemy of the people, that they might take that seriously. So, yeah, this is very, very dangerous and and it's one thing to say the press is liberal. It's one thing to say the Ninth Circuit is liberal. But when you start saying that somebody has h is an enemy of the people, then that does incite people to violence, especially if it's coming from the President United States. You know, Donald Trump sounds like a walking war crime. It's this awful polarization that we have now and people see the same reality and interpret it differently. And unfortunately people don't have media literacy. They can't make a distinction between something that's actually fact based and something it's not. It is a dangerous thing when the when the president tries to impeach the entire media, other than Rush Limbaugh Fox News and Alex Jones and some of the people on the fringes in the past when the president is when he was a candidate and he targeted people, say, protesters at a rally. Uh, some people found that an opportunity to take license and uh and target those people. You know what my fear of the administration has it's shaken out so far, is not that it's since of him fascism. It's that it's anarchy anarchy fascism Hitler too. I mean, can you say anything where he's inciting people the violent? What about the words they used to describe him anyway, News round Up, Information overload hour. We have an information crisis in the country, There's no doubt about it. I have a page here in front of me of every single item of fake news and I put it up on the screen on TV last night that we have had to deal with in in a thirty day period, and it is obnoxiously long. This is not the treatment that Barack Obama got. You know, Barack Obama was asked one time about starting his political career in the home of an unrepentent terrorist. One time in the course of a campaign. Imagine if Donald Trump started his campaign his political career in the home of an unrepentent terrorist, gave speeches with the guy, and sat on boards with the guy, and the guy of all days was quoted in The New York Times September eleven, two thousand and one, as saying that I wish I had done more, you think, and the question the one time the question was asked, It was fed by me to George Stephanopolis the day before he was moderating a debate, and George Stephanopolos hadn't heard of Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dorn at the time. I was shocked, couldn't believe it. And then Obama's flimsy answer, He's just a guy in the neighborhood, George. There's so many examples. Then, of course we have wiki leaks and all the corruption and collusion that went on during the campaign that exposed the media not only is lazy but agenda driven. Cheryl Atkinson is the host of Full Measure News, and you may remember the interaction between the her experience as a journalist who was targeted by the Obama administration because she dared to actually report news honestly. It ended her career at CBS and UH launched her into the spotlight, and she wrote a book called Stonewalled, My Fight for Truth against the forces of obstruction, intimidation, and harassment in Obama's Washington. I'm very curious, by the way, welcome back, Caryl Atkinson. I'm very curious for your take on this war now that the media is engaged with engaged him with the president so much positive dissonance. When I listened to those clips and when I hear my colleagues and former colleagues who I'm friends with on social media and I read with their writing, it's just pretty shocking. I mean, they clearly believe they're well founded in their unprecedented behavior, and then shocked when the President considers them to be acting in much the way an enemy would. And it kind of brings me back two years ago when I first started at CBS. For our Goldberg wrote his letter to the editor, I think of the New York Times accusing CBS of having I think it was liberal bias, and I was young, didn't know much, but the reaction inside the company made me think what I'm thinking today. And I said this out loud to somebody at the time. Boy, we can shore the ship out, but we can't take it. You know, do you ever see such whining in a bunch of It's like I feel like saying, put you a big boys pants on for crying out loud and and and you know what, they can dish it out these people, but they certainly can't take it. I'm have friends for posting journalists photos of themselves on social media saying I am not the enemy, kind of like an advocate would or a political operative would, you know, on the basis of some organized campaign. And you know, my computers were hacked by the government, and I just would wouldn't think of wearing a sign and posting on social media I am not the enemy. I should not be the subject of your hacking. You know, there's things that are done, and there's certainly legitimate criticism to be made, but the over the top exaggerations and false information that we are putting out undermines legitimate criticism that I agree with you. I think this, you know, the strategy of throwing everything that they can at the wall hoping something sticks is going to backfire, and I think we're already seeing signs of it because the approval rating of the press. Uh, they're less trusted than the administration. Now that ought to be a wake up call for them, but I think they're so pompous and arrogant and such jackasses that they don't have any sense of self awareness or any capability of introspection. I'm surprised that after the campaign, as shocked as everybody was in election might accept me and maybe you and a few others who had correctly predicted he might well win or would well win, is what I said. Um, I'm surprised that there's been no behavioral changes, and part of that is no personnel changes. I'm not saying you have to fire the people who are wrong, but clearly, if they were that wrong for that many months about so many things, shouldn't there be some new people or some new faces that we listened to on the TV news It might be correct about something, And instead it's sort of like the same play as a digging in their heel, and when they make a mistake and report something irresponsibly false, they're sort of patted on the head and allowed to kind of apologize a little and carry on. I mean, that can year of that would have drums you out of our industry, you can't credibly work as a reporter when you make certain basic mistakes so irresponsibly but now commonly made, and then they just go on or even rewarded with promotion. So you know, I would argue, go ahead. I would argue, go ahead, you go, you go ahead. However, industry, I think we've allowed ourselves to be infiltrated by political operatives in the news and corporate operatives. I mean, they work in the news now as journalists. It's not an accident that views are so entrenched and that these things are being allowed to happen. I maintain this is part of a sort of a long term plan that has placed people inside news organizations as pundits and even reporters, and that's partly why we're seeing what we see. You know, it's very interesting because I'm not a journalist. I'm a talk show host, and know everybody that tunes into my radio show or TV show knows that I have a perspective and a point of view and all honesty. Cheryl, I believe I give more honesty and truth and analysis that's accurate than they do. Nobody ever vetted Obama before he got into office. It was all hope and change. And you know, you should hear the clips that I play, you know, against the song endless Love of a media love fest for this guy. It's it's almost like hero worship, cult worship. And you know, similarly, nobody told the story that he left office and thirteen million more Americans were on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, the worst recovery since the forties, the first president never to hit three percent GDP growth in in all the years he's in office, accumulating as much debt as every other president before him combined. Why did they not tell the truth that Obama really failed? You know, a guy that said nine trillion dollars in debt is irresponsible and patriotic, Well, he doubled the debt. It became impossible. I can only tell you that CBS, which is one reason I worked very hard to end my contract early there. It became impossible to report on such things. They wouldn't put that on television. And that was a relatively new development because in the past there was a ballance. You could report successes, and you could report alleged failures and you could put different views on, and it came to be where, you know, really important things were being ignored or soft sensored as I like to say, or self censored. Um. You know, I like to think about the treatment that President Obama got in many respects. There were lots of the mare who felt equally as strong against some of what he did as they do about President Trump. And yet can you imagine if the media had taken the mantle up against Obama on behalf of those Americans of themselves the same way with the rhetoric and language and vitriol that they're using against this president, it would just never happened. Caryl Atkinson, as well as formerly a CBS News, author of Stonewall, My Fight for Truth against the forces of obstruction, intimidation, and harassment in Obama's Washington, and we're getting her take on what is a huge media bias in the country today. The forgotten man is forgotten no more. This is the Sean Hannity Show. As we continue, Cheryl Atkinson, formerly a CBS News we're talking about the war that the wei media is now waging against Donald Trump. What was your take on the Wiki leaks revelations? I think they were very interesting. I'm not a political reporter. I don't do a lot of political coverage, but certainly to from my viewpoint looking at media, to hear and see directly the interactions between some of the news media and the campaign was pretty outrageous. There have been freedom of information requests, emails that have been returned that have similar material in there. A lot of that's going to be in my new book this year, but it was very enlightening to see the media coordination with political campaign. Yeah, I mean at a very high level. New York Times, Political, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, all the major networks, and some way shape matter reform. What do you think about all these fake news stories? I can spend an hour now reading just the headlines of how many instances have occurred. What does your take on it? I think there are a couple of things going on there, the fake news stories, and then there's something I call the fake news powder propagandist sting operations, meaning it's being put out by the side that you think it's it's criticizing to make you think that an issue is so ridiculous or outlandish that you dismiss it all. When in fact, it's put out by the side trying to make you not think it, if that makes any sense at all, And to be that pushed in the way you think you have to really study this, which I did from fine new books. You know, it's really interesting. I'll give you an example from today's c and then has a reporter to put out an article just today and the headline is Kelly and Conway side sideline from TV after Flynn de backle. Well, I'm in Washington today, Cheryl, and I'm doing my show Speck really starts tomorrow, but I'm doing a speech there today. And guess who I have and we're taping the whole show from seapack And guess who happens to be a guest on my television show out I assumed Kelly and Kelly and Conway. I mean, is that fake news? That I mean? It just seems it's so hostile and it's so out of control. You know, why remind people what happened to you when you were at CBS. What were the issues you were covering and you were told you they didn't want that coverage. Well, the first thing it started I saw with the BP oil spill, and I was the reporter who got that video of the bubbling crude oil released and aired on national television television for the first time. I was asked to jump into that story three weeks in because it was felt at CBS we needed better coverage, and no reporter had asked for the existence of that video before I came along, apparently three weeks into it. And then once we started, it was clear it was being seen as I didn't see it this way, but somehow something the Obama administration perhaps wasn't doing right or may reflect poorly on him. It happened just after he took off it, and all of a sudden they quite wanting to report it after a short period of time, and that became a pad with one story after another that it was perceived by somebody reflected upon the Obama administration, when I don't think it necessarily did, but perhaps if you look at everything politically, it does. Those stories were stock and eventually halted all together, where it was almost impossible to get any on. But not just in terms of politicians. I want to make a point corporate stories. You know. I did a story on the Boeing Dreamliner that was killed when they were having the fires for the batteries. That was very well received and on the verge of airing, and then it was yanked for reasons unexplained. There were a lot of corporate things going on, pharmaceutical company interest controlling the news. There's so much control in my view, and what goes on TV now. That's why everybody seemed to have the same couple of stories. When there's so much news out there, there's only a few stories that are you know, possible to the powers deciding what gets on. I'm really happy about one thing. And I'm thirty years in radio now and I know a look a lot younger in your eyes, right, look great, and twenty one years on Fox and I've never been told what to cover or not cover. I've never been told what to say or not say. I was hired to do a job as a talk show host, and I honestly, I don't get padded on the back when I got good ratings, and I never got padded down when maybe ratings are slower to a slow news period, and they've been great to me. It's not necessarily over. But my colleagues at national print publications as well as other networks complained of the same thing. They're not. We're not necessarily told don't report on that corporation, don't report on that medicine, don't report on that politician. They're just implausible excuse and reasons why things don't air, and you get the message and you start looking for other stories. It's it's like I say, self censorship or a soft pensorship that happens most of the time. All right, Caryl Atkinson, thanks for being with us. When we come back, we'll hit the phones eight nine one, Shawn if you want to be a part of the program. Alright, twenty five now till the top of the hour, Shawn Hannity Show toll free telephone number eight hundred nine for one Shawn in d C today And well, CEPAC officially doesn't start until tomorrow, but I am kind of doing an early preview ce pack and giving a speech because I will not be here on Thursday and Friday because of other commitments. So we're actually going to carry in the first segment of the show. I'm doing my monologue. I'm gonna add lib the whole thing. I'm not nothing. I'm planning uh in front of the audience at the start of the show, and then we've got Kelley and Conway and Sebastian Gorka and some other people from the administration that will be joining us on the early spack stage at the Gay Lord. If you want to come on down. I don't know if this is I have no idea who's going. I just don't and I just know it will be the show tonight on Hannity ten Eastern on the Fox News Channel. Um oh, I've got some really interesting news about Keith Ellison. Keith Ellison now has a two to one lead as it relates in the race for the d n C chair. I mean, this guy who has a widespread reputation for staunchly defending that radical, anti Semite and racist Louis Faracon has now opened up to two to one lead among the Democratic Party delegates who said they want him to head the party anyway, two to one lead over Labor Secretary Tom Perez. Democrats said to Atlanta Saturday and in the lead up to this vote, I'm all in favor of Democrats. Want to go hard, radical left, Let him go all the way all in now. Farakona, just so happens, was speaking at a gathering in Detroit over the weekend. And what were the attendees chanting, we should get this tape. Allahu akbar. As Faracon made his way onto the stage, Allahu akbar, the very words yet that radical Islamic terrorists use when they kill innocent men, women and children at the Joe Louis Arena. And then he went on to denounce people that are Jewish and told them they are not God's chosen people. I want to dis abused the Jews today of the false claim that you are the chosen of God, that Israel or Palestine belongs to you. I want to disabuse you of that, and I'm gonna tell you about your future. You that think you have the power to frighten and dominate the peoples of the world, I'm here to announce the end of your time, he said, slamming his hand into the podium. According to the report that I'm reading from, he blamed the world's ills on white people. For six thousand years, the people of Earth have suffered under a mischief making rule, bloodshed and war, and hatred and strife, all because a man with a new color, or lack thereof thought he was better than all those who inhabited the earth before he was even a thought. But I am here to announce. I don't know if he's suggesting. Is he believe in creation? I don't even know. But I'm here to announced today the end of the world and the beginning of a brand new reality that all human beings will enjoy peace, freedom, justice, quality under the rule of Allah. Akon said he wants to work with Obama to curb Chicago out of control of violence. Wasn't that nice of him to be so considerate? Little late there, screwy Louis. Four thousand people Black Americans killed when Obama was president. Maybe you could have said this in year one or two, not year nine after he's out of office. There's a Free Beacon story that quoted a classmate and people that work with Ellison. They say he traveled with the Nation of Islam security detail, and said classmate said, Keith Ellison said Jews want to oppress minorities all over the world. He backed out of a radical Muslim conference, but Ellison blames bad reporting on past comments praising Louis Farrakhan. After two terms in his state legislator, the Democratic former Labor Party, Minnesota's Democratic Party endorsed him for an open house seat, but revelations followed about late filings, income taxes, campaign finance, finance reports, unpaid moving violations, parking tickets. I don't care about that. Most damaging his claims he's associated with screwy Louis Louis Farakh Nation of Islam, the guy that was getting the allahauak par chance this weekend. And uh, it's pretty interesting when you look at you know what the connections are here. Ellison said he'd never been a member, but he had spent eighteen months organizing for the million Man March and in Minnesota contingent. A matter of fact, we got ahold of this audio. Let's play it. Hey, yeah, they have Lahu Akbar. Wasn't that nice? Now? It turns out that in a response to a piece that was written by a student at the University of Minnesota, Ellison wrote an under an assumed name at the time, Keith Hakim. The other student had written at Louis Farrakhan was no Malcolm X and Keith Ellison wrote, the single most distinguishing characteristic of the Nation of Islam from a black perspective is the nation's message of economic self determination. He defended Farcon against allegations of racism by saying racism racism means conspiracy to subjugate, an actual subjugation, That means planned, social, economic, and political subjugation of whites. It cannot be intellectually argued that the nation of Islam is doing this. In fact, blacks have no history re of harming or uh subjecting whites as a class. That's what he said. Now here's an interesting thing because I have a series of quotes of Ericon over the years. One of the ones I often quoted was the God that teaches me about the white man, that white man is the skunk of the planet Earth. I believe that was from his newspaper, the Roll Call. Then there was the Judaism as a gutter religion term and other things. So if he's got a two to one lead heading in the Saturday, he compared George W. Bush to Hitler after the Rodney King verdicts in the country, and um, you know, he went on to say he was quoted in the Star Tribute saying black people do not live under a democracy. You don't have an obligation to obey a government that considers you to be less than human. You don't have a right to obey the law. He's a lawmaker. Now, interesting, very interesting. He compared Bush just like they're doing out of Donald Trump. This is a frequent attack by the left. Compared the Bush administration Adolf Hitler and his consolidation of power in Nazi Germany. And he called nine eleven the juggernaut that led to war, tolerating torture, increased discrimination against religious minorities. It's almost like the Rice Tag. Rice Tag fire kind of reminds me of that. He said, after the Rice Tag was burned, they blamed communists for it, and they put a leader that in that country in a position that he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted. And he goes on from there, Yeah, that sounds like the Democratic Party. Is that your values? And he now, if such a person was ever elected the head of the Republican Party, I would or I'm a registered Conservative, I would not be a part of that party. That person his views are incompatible with all human decency. And if that's the direction the Democratic Party has headed, well, good luck to good luck to you with that, because you're gonna own Keith Ellison now for as many years as you keep him in that position. All right, let's go to our busy telephones here as we say hi to Joe is in Vegas, k Don Radio. What's up, Joe? How are you? How are you? I'm good, sir. What can I do for you? Well, I've been listening to Uh. I'm surprised that you're on back here in Vegas. Good for you. But the thing is is that you know, you're saying that the press is attacking Donald Trump. Donald Trump attacked the press. Donald Trump is basically they threw it down. He want He's been calling them despicable people since his since his uh, his primaries. So the reality is he hits we hit back harder. That's all there is to it. He's in a spin. His problem is Russia, his associations where he doesn't he doesn't know people, but he does know people. For example, you got give me, give me the give me the proof, give me the proof, because James Tapper, no, no, no, I'm asking investigations. Okay, I didn't ask you about an investor. Stop. Stop, wanta have a conversation. Calm down, take your breath. Give me the proof that the Russians hacked our election. Give me the proof FBI, they have nobody. James Clappers excuse me. James Clapper made a comment specifically saying that there's no evidence that any vote in any way, fashion or form was ever impacted by anybody outside this country. That's why has three FBI investigations. Okay, well, well, so you don't have the evidence. You're so you don't have the evidence, so you're hoping that the FBI gets you the evidence. Why don't you just be honest about it. No, it's not hope's let's go okay, well no, no, No, it's an investigation. Hold on. Investigation has to come to a conclusion before it becomes a fact, just like a hypothesis becomes a theory before it eventually becomes a law. So there's certain truths that are self evident here. And just because you think there's an investigation going on with the FBI, you have no idea what they're actually investigating. But if you have any evidence that the Russians hacked our election and Donald Trump colluded with them to do it, I'd like to see it. Do you haven't? Do you have that evidence you can present on this program today? Yes? Or no? You know something I will get you that information. You will get it. So you don't have it. So the answers the answers, No, you don't have it. So what you said is false. You lied to my audience, and you're no better than all the people that write all this fake news with all your innuendo. You're just like the New York Times. Anyway, I have a good day. I really enjoyed my checkmate on you. That was fun. Uh Let's go to brad Panama City, Florida next. Yes, sir Sean, I want to run somebody. I think Democrats are getting too much air time, and I hope our great President Donald Trump is listening. I think he should reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton so that way we scurry the Democrats down a different paths to Coles, Chuck Schumer is getting white too much air time, and anti policy is getting way too much air time. John McCain is getting way too much air time and lends the Graham and I would just like to shut them up. I understand what you're saying, but that's not his call. The president should not politicize or criminalize political differences. Now, I do believe that this warrants an investigation a grand jury, and frankly, I think based on all the laws that I've examined and the behavior we've confirmed about Hillary Clinton having the server, for example, in a mom and pop shop, in a bathroom, in a closet violated and was designed to violate congressional oversight, which is against the law, and it violates many laws. Similarly, I believe that there is substantial evidence of quid pro que money being paid in back channel to the Clinton's Visa VI speech money at astronomical rates, and Visa VI also the Clinton Foundation that they would funnel money too, So I'd like to see that investigative, but that's gonna be the Attorney General Jeff Sessions called not President Trump's. Well, I hope they do it, because I mean, look, listening to your show every day, I've learned even Obama was in on those emails, and so many Democrats will go down if there was a true investigation into this. Well, look, I think there's legitimate reason to do so. I was frankly a little disappointed when Donald Trump said I don't want to hurt the Clintons, Let's move on. You know, that's not how the rule of law works. In this country. You don't get special access just because your last name is Clinton. Anyway, Brad, appreciate it. Thank you eight hundred nine for one. Shawn will Is in Chicago on the answer when Will how are you glad you called, sir? I'm good shown. It's a pleasure to talk to you. And it's great watching you every night, it really is. And I just said, I just said a question. And by the way, two thumbs up with your all your your you know, your balanced, you know media coverage. I really appreciate that. My question is, Sean, is this is you've talked about how much profit nitor is in lack of objectivity there is in the national media. You couldn't be more right. But the Trump administration knew this was the place you're going into all this and I have had, you know, not the unfortunate displeasure of watching these uh you know, um these conferences and it's ridiculous. He calls on the same people all the time, the MSNBC, CNN, the same culprits day in and day out. And my question you is who else can they bring in? Because for example, there was just a question yesterday where they said a woman asked him, it's just a band aid, not a cancerous administration. And I mean, at that point John Spicer said, does that excuse me? You're suggesting that that the Trump administration is cancerous. There was another question, excuse me, Mr Spicer. Bill Maher said this, to which Spicer should have said, excuse me. Bill Maher is not a journalist. He's not a reporter. He's a comedian. What are we asking here? I just feel like Spicer his tender. He needs to toughen up a little bit. John, And I wish you if you get an opportunity to talk to him, you can say to him, listen, go out there. You don't have to call on these people. There's no there's there's a lot of city to call on these people. So why call on them? For the other Conservatives are objective people into that room, be a skype or wherever, and just ignore these people. Do they deserve any less? Well, look, he's got them, he's got a brutal job. I mean, I can sympathize with him because you know, look, one of the problems he's not the president. He's not in the position to fight back the way the president ken. And he represents the president so he's got to be very careful what he says, how he says it. But you know, Frankly, I think he's doing a good job. It's the same old media. He's dealing with a hostile audience there every day. And he can't do what I just did to the caller before you and check made him. He just can't. It just doesn't work that way. That's why I'm here and he's there, and he can keep his job. I would never want it focused on finding solutions today's biggest problems. This is the Entity Show. John Hannity, all right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Tonight, Hannity ten Eastern on the Fox News Channel, seit you DVR. C PACK officially opens tomorrow. We're kind of doing an early kickoff today for all the early arrivals as I can't be here tomorrow or Friday, so I hope you can tune in tonight. They'll have part of my speech from c Pack. We'll also have administration officials Kelly and Conway, w CNN told us with Sideline from TV magically will show up on the air tonight, so we'll get to that at ten Easter and also Sebastian Gorka other administration officials will take some questions from the audience. We're gonna have a rock and time, a lot of football's and a lot of fun. You'll be able to witness, all right,

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