Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, author of "Trump's America: The Truth about Our Nation's Great Comeback", his latest NY Times bestseller, and he also has a new podcast where he discusses all the news of the day. Today he talks about the President’s meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, which seeks to solidify a path to a nuclear free path towards world peace. While the liberals try to make the world green, President Trump is trying to protect us all and keep the world safe. Today truly is, history in the making.
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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had, Mister Chairman, I have a point of order, you'll say to one of order Rule F Rule nine F of the Committee Rules say that any testimony from your witness needs to be here twenty four hours in advance the committee. And the Chairman knows well that at ten o eight we received the written testimony, and then we received evidence this morning at seven fifty four. Now, if this was just an oversight, mister Chairman, I could, I could look beyond it. But it was an intentional effort by this witness and his advisers to once again show his disdain for this body. And with that I move that we postponed this hearing when of thanks to gentlemen that one of thanks a gentleman got three testimony late last night. We did, and we guided to you all pretty much the same time that we got it. I want to move forward with hearing, mister Chairman. With all due respect, mister Chairman, this is a violation of the rule. And if it was not intentional, I would I would not have a problem. I'm not saying it was intentional on your part. I'm saying it's intentional on his part. Because mister Dean last night on a cable Newton Network actually made it all very evident, John Deane, and i'll quote mister Chairman. He said, as a former committee counsel in the House Judiciary Committee and then a long term witness, sitting alone at the table is important. Quote. Holding your statement as long as you can so the other side can't chew it up is important as well. Close quote. And so it was advice that our witness got for this particular body, and mister Chairman, when you were in the minut already, you wouldn't have stood for it. And I can tell you that we should not stand for it as a body. Mister Chairman. Here we go, Here we go, your first big hearing, your first announced witness, Michael Cohen. I want everyone in this room to think about this. The first announced witness for the one hundred and sixteenth Congress is a guy who is going to prison in two months four lying to Congress. Mister Chairman, your chairmanship will always be identified with this hearing, and we all need to understand what this is. This is the Michael Cohen hearing presented by Lanny Davis. That's right, Lanny Davis choreographed the whole darn thing. The Clinton's best friend, loyalists operative Lanny Davis put this all together. You know how we know. He told our staff, he told the committee staff. He said the hearing was his idea. He selected this committee. He had to talk Michael Cohen into common and most importantly, he had to persuade the chairman to actually have it. He told us, took two months to get that job done, but here we are. He talked him into it. This might be the first time someone convicted of lying to Congress has appeared again so quickly in front of Congress. Certainly it's the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness in the hearing. And there's a reason this is the first, because no other committee would do it. Think about this with mister Cohen here this committee. We got lots of lawyers on this committee. This committee is actually encouraging a witness to violate attorney client privilege. Mister Chairman, When we legitimize dishonesty, we delegitimize this institution. We're supposed to pursue the truth, but you have stacked the deck against the truth. We're only allowed to ask certain questions. Even with that amendment you just told us about role russ is now on the table. You additially told us we can't ask questions about the Special Council, can't ask questions about the Southern District of New York, can't ask questions about Nope, nope. Only subjects we can talk about are ones you think are going to be harmful to the President of the United States. And the answers to those questions are going to come from a guy who can be trusted. You have a history of lying over and over and over again. And frankly, don't take my word for it. Take what the court said, Take what the Southern District of New York said. Cohen did crimes that were marked by a pattern of deception and that permeated his professional life. These crimes were distinct in their harms, but bear a common set of circumstances. They each involved deception and were each each motivated by personal greed and ambition, a pattern of deception for personal greed and ambition. And you just got thirty minutes of an opening statement where you trash the President of the United States of America. Mister Cohen, how long did how long did you work for Donald Trump approximately a decade, ten years. That's correct. You said all these bad things about the president there in that last thirty minutes, and yet you work for him for ten years. All those bad things. I mean, it's that bad. I can see you working for him for ten days, maybe ten weeks, maybe even ten months. But you worked for him for ten years. Mister Cohen, how long did you How long did you work in the White House? I never worked in the White House. That's the point, isn't it, mister Collen, No, sir, yes it is. No, it's not you wanted to work in the White House. No, certain get brought to the dance. Wow, you didn't get brought to the dance. I did this. Remember this day, Glad you're with us. We're in Vietnam, we are in Hanoi. Now it just so happens. It's it's three o'clock in New York in our nation's capital, twelve twelve pm on the West coast, nine am here in Vietnam. I want you to remember this day because this is a defining moment in terms of what the two distinct, radically different visions for the future of this country. Because what do you have today, you have the Democratic Party. At the same moment, the President of the United States and of America's traveled twenty plus hours to meet with Little Rocketman, the North Korean dictator after he made tremendous progress because the bribery of the Clintons didn't work, just like the bribery of the Iranian Mullahs will never work and didn't work. And he is looking to accomplish something that so many people have talked about and has made tremendous progress, to make a safer world for your kids, for your future, for your grandkids, a safer world. So far, we've had a lot of success. No rockets being fired members, like every other week, Oh, another rocket fired over Japan. Oh, little rocket Man is firing threatening guam uh. Oh little rocket Man saying we can reach the continental United States. We can reach Boston and New York and Philly and with real nuclear weapons. And you're thinking, oh, we're in trouble. Everyone was nervous, concerned, worried. President dealt with it like Reagan dealt with the former Soviet Union, evil empire. Mister garbage Hawk turned down this wall just like Reagan. They said, oh, man, go back listen to the tapes they played about Reagan. He's a California cowboy's gonna start World War three. You know it's it's he's gonna destroy the economy. Reagan Omics, Well, the wall came down, the Soviet Union collapsed. We didn't have to fire a shot. He built up our nation's defenses. He created twenty one and a half million new jobs, the longest period of peacetime economic growth in history. And this is what we get under. This is why I am a conservative. Conservatism and conservative principles, economic principles, foreign policy principles work, and I'm not talking about interventionism. Nobody wants to intervene. We can never do another Vietnam again, or we can't send troops with no uparmored hum vs into a rack, banging on door after door after door and getting whacked with IEDs when we know these wars will ultimately be politicized and we will bail out. And victory is not the stated goal. Ever America, God forbid, ever has to fight a war, you better go in and you better win. You know, go back and look at the footage of America that you know there were bombings that took out seventy five thousand people in a shot hire Orshima, Nagasaki. This was not a game when the Allied forces were fighting back and defending liberty and freedom from fascism, Nazism, imperial Japan and communism and all of these things. The same with Trump. He's in North Korea. So far he's gotten. Let's see, hostages have been released, no more rockets are being fired, the remains of American heroes have been sent home. He's looking now to take this to the next level, and that is literally denuclearizing the entire peninsula. And I'm going to get to the details. While simultaneously, in Capitol Hill, Michael Kohone is dragged in not one day, not two days, three days, but on the very day that the President is going to meet with the North Korean dictator in the hopes of making a safer world and denuclearizing the peninsula, they bring out Michael Kohone, who's about to go to jail for lying repeatedly to Congress and also lying on loan applications, which is fraud. I mean, that's like saying, let me money and I'll be able to pay you back, and if not, you get to take this, this, this, and this and this. But you overstate your value, so that puts that lender at risk and in many cases it backfires. Just this is the day, though you you just look at who they are. They are petty, they are insignificant, They are superfluous, they are angry. They have no vision, they have no desire to put we the people and solve the problems of this country before their politics of hating everything in anybody Trump Trump, Trump, Trump Trump every second, every minute, every hour of every twenty four hour day, seven days a week, every week, every month, every year since he's been in office, even before he got into office. This is now, This is who they are. Look at what their plans are. Oh, now I see that Kamala Harris is a new plan. Earlier in last week it was okay, reparations, We're going to add that to the list. And now Kamala Harris is in favor of legalized prostitution. Yesterday they wouldn't support medical care for a baby born alive after a botched abortion, in other words, a human being. They're denying support medical support for that child. We had on a woman who was who survived a botched abortion. It happens, that's where their heads at. And on top of that, we're gonna get rid of all oil and gas, the lifeblood of our economy. In ten years. We're gonna get rid of cars as we know them. We're gonna get rid of airplanes. May take a little longer on that part, cows. And you know, we're gonna have to rebuild every house in America. And we're gonna promise every American Okay, they're gonna get a sustaining way age medical, family leave healthcare for all, But you can't have your own healthcare plan. Everybody's guaranteed a job, everyone's guaranteed retirement, everybody's guaranteed vacations, everyone's guaranteed government healthy food. A childcare is now included by Elizabeth Warren. But don't worry how we're going to pay for it. It is a defining choice that has never been this clear. What are they doing? What are they advocating to stop the drugs that are coming across our southern border, the ninety percent of heroin that makes it into this country. Are they stopping the fent and all that's killing kids coming into this country that they want to stop? The cartels that they want to stop the gangs. What about the young girls that are being human trafficked as sex slaves across that border. Do they stand for that? They did three years ago in the second term of Obama, but not now because Trump's president. Do they really care about sexual harassment? Me too? And mistreatment of women only if it's Kavanaugh and forty years ago, but not a charge of rape against a Democrat a lieutenant governor in the Commonwealth of Virginia and other sexual assaults. Did they care about Dreamers DACA? Do they care about thurloughed employees? Nope, they care more about beating Donald Trump. There's nothing they're standing up for in this moment that represents a better life and better country for you and your family. They're supposed to be our servants, and Trump, like a maniac, fights for everything he wants one to. Why I support Trump. I've supported these policies for all my radio career, thirty years, twenty three years on Fox because these policies work. When you apply conservatism, it works. This is madness that this party has been co opted by hatred beyond anything I've ever seen. And to do this to a president as he's abroad, trying to make the world safer for your kids, grand kids, future generations. It's embarrassing it. They ought to be mortified at what they have become. Quick break smoking is not about politics, it's about people. There are thirty four million Americans that smoke. For me, Jewel was a game changer because you switch to Jewel, It's simple, it's satisfying, and no more smell. I watch people all the time they run outside and the freezing coal you can be grabbing their cigarette. Well, with Jewel, you'll take a quick puff and you're good. That's it now. Jewel is designed which smokers in mind. From its form to technology. It's easy to use, no buttons, no switches, and the goal of Jewel is to impact the lives of adults smokers by providing a satisfying altern Switch to Jewel you'll wish you had done it a long time ago. 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We want to make sure we get the maximum, you know, a'mount of hate out of that week. All right, twenty five now to the top of the hour in Vietnam. Just so happen nine eastern tonight, the President and Kim Jong Un will make their I think, first public appearance. You know, I don't have the news like I do everywhere else, and I am I'm just gonna reiterate this one point and then I'm gonna move on and give you some of the details of some of what has happened here today. This is a defining moment. You get two very distinct, clear, different visions for the future of our country. You see a party that is devolving into the most radical, the most extreme, frankly heartless, and they think they have a monopoly on compassion, duplicitous, dishonest phony, you know, advocating all of the failures of the past, and they have an obsessive, compulsive psychosis of hating this president along with the hate Trump medium mob. It's all on display today because they're loving this, the Democrats, and it's they have no idea. It is blowing up in their faces as we speak. There is going to be massive, long term, irreparable damage to this entire group of people that have lost their minds, you know, many ways, very funny. Donald Trump has triggered something so radical that they feel that this is the only way to you know, we gotta stop we gotta stop Trump. And it doesn't matter how successful he is. Now that's the irony here. You think of everything that a politician ought to be about common sense. Thomas Payne seventeen seventy six. He says, where the guides and dictates of one's conscience irresistibly obeyed. In other words, if you always did the right thing, and you never human beings were perfect, there would be no need for any government lawmaker. That not being the case. A very astutely, very insightfully warned government in its best state is but a necessary evil. And it's more stated in tolerable one. Now you have a vision of an intolerable government. You know, look at what the two years of been about. Just look at the Trump Russia collusion issue. Look at it again, not rank and file, but but the top people with the most power. They rigged and tried to rig a presidential election and felt good about it. Not a lot of them. But just listen Baker and McCabe and and call me and Struck and Page. And then you've got Yates and Rob Rosenstein and Bruce or I mean a number of them. And if we do, if we're gonna save our republic, they're gonna have to be held accountable. If we have equal justice, equal applications of our laws, etc. But come and Struck in particular, James Baker, to his credit, saw the obvious felony of top secret classified information on Hillary server, wanted to indict her, James Comey and others. It's like they ganged up on no no, no, no no, no no, this is why no no, no, no no no, and put pressure on all right, forget it, don't you know? Will use prosecuted? And what did call me say that day? No prosecutor would ever consider bringing charges? Really, what about the deletion of all of those emails that were subpoened? What about the bleach pit and the devices? This party now is so obsessed that that what has happened here today, if I can put it more succinctly, is that these hearings were scheduled today and the only purpose of these hearings were to publicly humiliate and try to damage and hurt President Trump while he's in Vietnam where we are, during his meeting with Kim Jong un. Now, if they if they really saw how profound this could be for the future, if they put their petty politics aside for a few minutes, if they could have just waited a three days, waiting four days, do it on Monday, you know, and just let the president negotiate without the distractions and without this going on, this circus that's going on at home. You know, if they keep putting up Trump is a racist, a command and a cheat. Well, uh specifics, No, a lot of innuendo, a lot of name calling, a lot of anger. The purpose is to do while the president whatever happened to politics ends at the water's edge, whatever happened to the profound implications if we get an agreement that denuclearizes the entire Korean peninsula and the impact that will have for a safer world for future generation, something positive will be done. We've already got a lot of good things, as I said, And then you put together everything that they have now been pushing include today what have they been pushing? Oh well, Kamala Harris now once the legalized prostitution. Last week it was reparations added to the New Green Deal. Elizabeth Warren wants a wealth tax after you've paid taxes on that money for to pay for government run childcare. Well, why don't we just hand the kids over the day they're born, and the government will raise them for us because they have them button in childcare. We're gonna give them breakfast, lunch, might as well go at dinner at this point government, healthy food, dinner. And then of course, now we're gonna not only do we pay more per capita for student, but the unholy Alliance Democrats protecting the teachers' unions because they want their money for elections. We now have more money per capita spend per student and the worst results. Now we're gonna take it a step further. We're gonna we're gonna move our government schools to the next level of college and trade schools, and we're gonna have guaranteed everyone gets, you know, everything, How does everything get guaranteed in the world of Democrats? Everything is a promise? How did the promise work out the last time? On healthcare? But they're not going to allow you this time to keep your own care. You're not gonna be able to have it anymore. You're gonna have to go with their plan. And if you don't like their plan, well too bad, because that's the only plan that will be available. And they're gonna funnel everybody into one system. How did it work out for the VA over time? What we screwed our veterans royally over and now it's only now it's it's in the process, hopefully of being fixed permanently. But then they want to get rid of planes and cars and oil and gas. And I'm like, and we're gonna have high speed trains, Okay to Australia. We're gonna put We're gonna get on a sailboat to Europe. Wow, it's gonna be a long ride back. I'll tell you that depends which way the wind's blowing. Those headwinds might push you back, you know, pretty far. We're gonna give up all oil gas, the lifeblood of our economy, in ten years. We're gonna rebuild every home. We're gonna guarantee retirement. We're gonna guarantee healthcare. We're gonna guarantee certain wages and benefits and vacations and family leave, medical leave, and etc. By the way, eight hundred nine four one sean same number as we continue in Vietnam. This is now a moment take it of clarity of truth. Because Donald Trump's policies have worked five and a half million jobs in two years, America and energy independent for the first time in nearly seventy years. And we still have two pipelines online, and we haven't touched anwar which he opened up hundreds of thousands high paying career jobs on the way. And more importantly, we're not depending on countries that hate our guts for the lifeblood of our economy. We have more energy when you combine gas, oil, coal than the entire Middle East and beyond combined. And now we'll be a neck exporter of energy. Magic. It's not going to be the Middle East anymore with all the political instability there and all of the price fixing over time there. And Americans, you know, beholden to these people that in many cases hate our guts. Corrupt governments like the Saudis. I don't know why everybody wants to take money from the Saudis. Wouldn't take a penny from them, And this is an opportunity. Look at what the president. He's fighting to secure a border from drugs. He's fighting to reverse the damages of Obamacare. He's fighting literally, He's got new trade deals now soon one with China, Canada, Mexico, wants to build the wall to protect US energy independent, biggest tax cuts, originalists on the Supreme Court, and he's hated what are the Democrats standing for this this new deal and hating Trump and embarrassing him on the world stage. This is not. This is not. I am telling you the American people are smarter than this. They see this, this split screen, this this you know their number one witnessed the president denuclearization Korean Peninsula. Democrats Michael Khan. Huh, what's wrong with that picture? Take that in, absorb that and they scheduled it while he's in Vietnam. And imagine if Republicans ever did it, it would be a show all over TV. They'd be going insane every second of the day. How dare Republicans embarrass the president while he's abroad? And by the way, the Cone testament, I said, whoever would let Michael khone three years in jail, go before and testify again lying to Congress? Well, guess what? He now has a criminal referral as a result of his testimony today. Mark Meadows now seeking that referral against Kohne because he violated federal lobbying laws. I ask unanimous consent that my letter referring mister Kohne from violating the farah Oh that would be Paul manaphort Oh does it apply to others for a legal lobbying activity to be entered into the record, And there was an exchange. He's just said you didn't put it on the paper. Why And he said, well, I'm not It wasn't lobby didn't say that. Would you like me to read it to you? What lawyer would put Michael Cone in that position? Why would Michael put him self in that position without objection, replied Chairman Elijah Cummings. Agents Registration Act requires you disclose your work with barign entities. Apparently he had that, you know Cone testifying that you know all these bad things about the president. By the way, nothing advanced the Russia Gate investigation, you know Cone toll. Lawmakers. Questions have been raised about whether I know direct evidence that mister Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia. I do not, and I want to be clear. I just have suspicions. Oh okay, that's sort of like the Democrats. You ever smoke but there's no fire. Heard that for two long years. Michael Khone, who got this barred yesterday. Michael Kohne, who lied before Congress. Why would he put his family through this? He's being used by the radical extreme democratic social his party. And on top of it, he said, well, lawmakers, questions have been raised about whether I know a direct evidences campaign colluded, I do not. And then he said that the dossier was phony. If Michael Kohn had anything that was real, he would have used it as a bargaining chip to get out of jail free. He didn't because there was nothing illegal that we're talking about here. You know, he said, remember BuzzFeed. Huh he told me to lie to Congress? He said, nope, he never did tell me to lie to Congress. Well, did he tell you? He never thought in any way he'd win the presidency. So instead of the negotiations for Trump Moscow ending in January twenty sixteen, had ended in June, and the president would check in, how's the negotiations going? Well? If the president thought he was gonna lose, he wasn't colluding. He was looking to expand his business and use the platform of running for the presidency to build his business. Now I was there during a campaign he wanted to win, badly, Absolutely, with every fiber of his being, he wanted to win. You know, I love when they say you know Khne says that. You know, he never expected to win the primary, He never expected to win the general election. The campaign for him was always a marketing opportunity. Then anything with Russia would have been about money building business innocent of collusion at that point, you know. Oh, and Wiki leaks came out with a statement on Michael Khon's testimony, Julian Osane has never had a telephone call with Roger Stone. Wiki leaks publicly teased their pending publications. Oh, that was another thing ed public information. By the time they're talking about the phone call, apparently with Roger Stone, it was already published by wiki leaks. Now like wiki leaks, don't like wiki leaks. They haven't gotten anything wrong in what thirteen years, not once, not one time? And why didn't if they cared about where the information hacking came from, why didn't they never go to wiki leaks and say where'd you get your information from? Maybe we could have solved that problem with one phone call if they really wanted the truth. So that puts cold water on the collusion issue, on the Wiki league's issue. You know that, you know he's telling no direct evidence. Wow, And that Stone told Trump that Wiki leagues planned to release it was in the public. They had already tweeted it out at the time. And he'll say that Trump implicitly instructed him to lie to Congress. But he never really tells you to lie to Congress. But no, I never did that. He never told me to lie. Where's the credibility here? All right? As we continue, it is four o'clock on the east coast of the United States and one o'clock on the West coast, and it is four am here and Vietnam, where this historic summit has taken place, and we have new Kingrich who's gonna join us in a little bit. Damn, bungee, don't just stepped into our little all custom made hideaway Vietnam studio that we built here. And how are you, my friend? What's going on? I made it? But I ran out of local money. I just come on begging sweet baby James here for the local currency. I just said, I say, James, what do you got? I said, you got some local for me? I can't get back. I haven't even I haven't bothered once to go to an exchange, because everybody loves American money. Well it's you know, it's three o'clock in the morning. There's literally no one. I mean, I hate that words overuse, but literally not a car on the road but me no, there's only a million scooters day and night on the road. Well, I only had five hundred thousand Vietnamese, which is which is like twenty bucks. The cab rive was like fifty cents, So I give it to the guy. He doesn't have changed. I'm like, you know what, my friend, he just keep it so I have no local. Have you given anybody a tip here like American? Like a twenty Yes? Um, lady brought a cup of coffee up to my room this morning while I was doing my podcast, and I gave her a twenty spot right, And I gotta guess she could not have been work greatful, I know. And I had a guy come back to my room. I gave him a twenty right. He brought me something here it's twenty and he leaves and then he came back and he's like, just for me? Is this for me? And I'm like, yes, sir, it's for you, I remember. And then I reached in my pocket again I gave him another one. I'm like, I know how you are with different No, but it's not it's just of them making just feel good. Look, twenty bucks to us is not that you know, it's but for them it's everything. Yeah, and I know some people will tell you, oh, you know, you're ruining it. There's not Listen, I don't care. It's my money. I'll do it what I want. And I like to make people feel good and that's what it does for me. So yeah, it's been great. But yeah, it's I'm glad I got over here. It's been some day. Uh watching all this stuff down, Well, you know, I'm saying for everybody to remember this day, remember this moment. You know, we've all built to this point. Two years of non stop hysteria, breathless reporting Trump Russia collusion with no evidence, the ignoring of the single biggest abuse of power scandal in history. Then we got the New Green Deal and which is now including oh, childcare according to Elizabeth Warren, and maybe we shouldn't have kids, Cassio Cortez and and all of this is unfolding and everything's going to be free, and it's only ninety four trillion, but we shouldn't be concerned about the costs. And twenty four to seven hating Donald Trump and on the day the President's negotiating something is profound as the denuclearization of the entire Korean Peninsula. Look at Michael Kohne, who's going to jail in three months. By the way, he got another criminal referral by Mark Meadows today. Yeah, and I'm like, why would anybody let this man testify and put his life in even further jeopardy? And you know, all of this, this is who they are. Imagine Republicans doing this to Obama, Oh God forbid. You know when he was trying to negotiate, well maybe maybe if he hand delivered one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currencies to the Muller's in Iran. And I'm watching this, I'm like, this is who they are. They're not supporting securing our border. They're not They're not supporting the tax cuts that's created five and a half million jobs. They're not securing supporting energy and dependence, just the opposite. They want to eliminate it. They weren't there for trade deals that got better with Mexico and Canada and now soon hopefully China or NATO and our European allies and the d new little rocket Man stop firing rockets. Remains are back, hostages are back, and this is what they're focused on. We haven't had. Yeah, it's been four hundred days since a MISSI launch. I mean you remember showing four hundred days ago we were this seing the potential for thermonuclear war on the Korean peninsula with the Japanese and the people in Guam. We've come a long way, and the Democrats now were all in on what the police state infanticide. Michael Cohen a convicted liar. The foil effect is incredible. But you know that's interesting. There was a pretty key takeaway from this yearing today. I'm sure you caught it. I heard you talking before he come in. But did you notice that the dossier was completely debunked today, entirely the central tenet of his whole thing, that Michael Cohen went to Prague to arrange this whole thing. He now says, for what the fifteenth twentieth time on the record, never went there. I have never been deprived other words, you know how I know he didn't go there. And this is something you know, when I had interviewed Michael, and we knew him over the years, what we really ever only talked about is both our kids are athletes, yea, and I knew where he was that weekend, his son was trying out for a professional baseball team. Happens to be an amazing pitcher. You know. By the way, that was another lie. I was never his client ever. We He never worked on any case for me. There's never been a retainer, there's never been a bill, there's never been a paid I never asked him a legal question. You know. Remember it's announced in corp. I guess it's attorneys, and I'm like, all of a sudden, my phone's blowing up. It's just before my radio show. I tweeted, he's never been my lawyer. Yeah, we had the hell did that come from? And uh, you know, so it ends up no, no part. So the first person they're looking into storey, the other the second client had some other paid playboy or penils. And then Hannity. All the media is thinking, oh, Colin must have done a deal for Hannity. They go nuts, and I'm like, I never asked him a legal question in my own life. I maybe asked him one question about real estate and it wasn't even legal. Yeah, my neighbor's a doctor. I had a fever once. It doesn't make him my doctor. Because the guy's a lawyer, and he asked, yeah, doesn't make it. Would you ever say, for example, to a lawyer, here, here's a dollar. Here, you know, here's ten buck. Yeah, right now, we have a turning client privilege. So we talk about Donald Trump, but we always said, I keep it between us. That's that's not representing me in anything. Well, but you know why, you know, if he did apologize to me about that, oh well good. But and the reason I didn't want to make a bigger deal of it because I felt like, you know what, I knew his kids were suffering, knew he was suffering, knew his wife was suffering, knew he was in deep trouble. And I and I'm and that's why I'm looking at this, and I'm like, who would allow him to do this? And now he's more legal jeopardy as I predicted he would be. You know, Sean, I can't forgive him though, for the racist stuff. You and I know that's crap. Listen. I don't know the president as well as you know, but I know him, let's say, well enough at this point, and I know people who for him. It is it's total bull. Is that you know I have a podcast. There's no sec But on this one, you know where I'm going with that. Rhymes would hit. That is nonsense, And everybody wh who knows this guy knows it's complete, total crap, that is totally untrue. All Right, we're gonna get back to Dan Bongino, former Speaker of the House, New king Ridge as well us. How are you, my friend. I'm doing well and I'm watching this amazing schizophrenic gap between an American president doing something historic and the elite news media is usual doing anything they can to avoid covering it. Well, you know what's amazing, and I totally agree with you that the Cone hearing was specifically planned to stop the coverage and step on the president what could be a huge success. But mister speaker, you're a historian, you're a professor at heart, and I'm telling everybody remember this moment. This is a tipping point. You know, we've had a big build up here two years Russia collusion, Russia collusion, no evidence. Then we have the New Green Deal. No more planes, no more cows, no more you know, combustion engine, no oil, no gas, and everything's free and it's ninety four trillion. But don't worry about paying for it, and a party of you even abortion during labor and they wouldn't even stand up for infants born and abotched abortion that need medical help and are living independently. What's happened to this party? Where is this going to end? Because I don't think this ends well for them at all. Well, I think next year could be one of the great repudiations of our time and could guarantee that Nancy Pelosi is a one term speaker. I think the number of Democrats who got elected pretending to be moderate who are now lining up an issue after issue as radicals. I mean, when every single presidential candidate in the Senate voted that they would not protect babies, and as you point out, we're talking now about babies who have been born. Senator Sasas's bill is about as clear and definitive as you could be. And every Democratic presidential candidate in the Senate voted for infanticide. To me, that is such an extraordinary change. And by the way, only about fifteen percent of the country agrees with that. So if we end up in an issue oriented campaign next year, when you have case after case after case like this, I think they could be crushed in a way that we'll look back and be startled at how big the gap was. I think so too, But I mean, where does this end, you know, at the end of the day, when the people of this country get to see. And I'm not trying to Michael Cohen, why you ever put himself in this position is beyond any understanding I have, except that I think that Democrats are using him, and they manipulated him, and he now has put himself, according to Mark Meadows, in further legal jeopardy and a criminal referral as now being made as we speak. And I'm like, he's going to jail for lying to Congress, lying on loan applications, and also going to jail for what's the other thing, cheating on his taxes. I mean, but the number one witness. Look look at the picture of who is sitting directly behind Michael Cohen. It's Lanny Davis. And Lannie Davis is one of Hillary Clinton's closest friends. I tweeted a little while ago. The idea that one of Hillary Clinton's closest friends helped write a vicious attack on President Trump by a man who has been convicted of lying leaves me a little bit unpersuaded that I should I should believe in Cohen. I suspected Lannie was one of the people who talked him into doing this because he's a he's a he's a very smart lawyerment. I don't want takeing away from Lanny Davis as a lawyer, but he is one of Hillary Clinton's closest friends, and here was a chance to really get the knife out and see if he couldn't do some damage to the president. In the end, this is no this will go away. I mean, the big story today is in Hanoi, it's not on Capitol Hill, and it is the President States taking courageous steps to try to end what is a sixty nine year conflict and doing so in a way which has the support of the President of South Korea and may well be making some progress. It's a difficult challenge, but as you were pointing out just before I came on the show, we were averaging I think one missile firing every twenty four days under Barack Obama, and now it's quiet, and that's I regard that as a substantial step in the right direction. As a historian, what does it mean to get the remains of Americans from the nineteen fifties home first for us. Look at it. It does two things for us. One is for those families. And my dad fought in the Korean War, so I'm very sympathetic to the families that did not have their loved ones. It's just enormously important emotionally for them have their loved ones come home. For the country, it's a reminder that if you risk your lives and you serve America, we never forget you. That we will always be trying to help, always trying to find a way to reunite you with your family. And I think that's a very important part of being American. It's the exact opposite of what we were just talking about with the Democrats who are willing to kill babies after they're born. When you see and you juxtaposed the two images today that they bring in a guy that's going to jail just to slander the president for no seeming purpose except to embarrass him while the president's on foreign soil. Imagine if this happened under Obama and the president's negotiating the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. Well, I'll tell that says to me the Democrats are willing to tear down America if that's what they have to do to get ahead, and I think that backfires. I think the average American is more of a patriot than that, and the average American looks at this and just says, this is really pretty despicable. And I think that it actually hurts them in the end because people get it. People aren't stupid. You're going to bring in a convicted liar in order to have him. By the way, guy who for eleven years took money from Donald Trump. I mean I was trying to get today and I couldn't get it, but I was trying to figure out how much money did he make from Trump over the years, because all of a sudden he's saying all these mean, nasty things. Well, that's sure wasn't how he talked for eleven years. Well, I mean there was a dramatic change of pace. Do you think there's fallout from this new Green Deal? And how do you think the American people react to no more planes, no more cars, no gas, no oil, no cows and everything's free and maybe you shouldn't have children, and oh, reparations and Kamala Harris wants prostitution legal today. That's a whole lot of different things. Look at M well, well, of course late not just late term abortion, but in fantaside fantaside correct, you know, you know, so let's just get on the list. I'm actually working on a thing on reparations because I think, you know, Kamala Harris is from from Jamaica. Would she be eligible for reparations or not? I mean, who's eligible? Who's not eligible? This whole thing isn't is insane, and I think it's good for us to take it seriously and say, you know, let's let's start with Elizabeth Warren. Who does she think should get reparations? And how would you decide it? And what would the standard be? And you you rapidly disintegrate into just being stupid. I mean, this is this is truly becoming a stupid party because the ideas are crazy. But let's take the provision in the so called Green Proposal. But they're going to retrofit every building in America. I mean, I'm confident um that that AOC does not have a clue how many buildings that is, nor does she have a clue what it cost just to re retrofit one building. Um, and so what you end up with idea after idea, which would be okay if it was a freshman bull session at the dorm, but it's crazy when it's somebody who's an elected office proposing it for the country. I got a break, and I know that. I guess we had trouble connecting within. Sorry, we are in Hannoi, as you know, and the former Speaker of the House, New King Ridge. I think Americans, this is going to be a defining moment as you juxtaposed the president looking for a more peaceful world, impacting generations and our kids and grandkids versus Oh, let's now interview a guy going a prison because he's gonna say something bad about the president simultaneously, mister Speaker, thank you for being with us. Will continue from Hannoi. We are in Vietnam, nine eastern tonight, exact time when they're supposed to first shake hands, and then I'll be interviewing the president immediately after the summit as we continue from Vietnam. All right, twenty five now toil the top of the hour. Glad you are with us. Well, I'm guessing at some point here ce Cortez is going to be questioning Michael Cohen that ought to be entertaining. Um, you know what this is. This is a total show. It is a total shoh, that's what it is. There's no other way to put it. Is a circus. It is an embarrassment that on the that this is. I can't even believe that the Democrats will sink this law in their obsession of Donald Trump. Don't don't put off it can't. We can't put it off. This is so important. You only ask two more months before he ends up in prison, as he said many times today, and now he's got another criminal referral. Great job whoever the attorneys are in this case recommending he did not have to do this. The Democrats purposely designed this day while the President is here with us in Vietnam. Now it's gonna happen. You know, it's gonna be funny tonight to the Resident meeting Kim Jong un exactly nine o'clock, I'm told, according to the schedule of things, go on time, and he'll be shaking hands and we're gonna see the interactions. We're gonna start getting some insight information about Okay, what's happening, what's the next step, and then they're going to go right back to Michael Kohn. I mean snn alder Liar con Man. It kept it up the whole time, not that there's a criminal referral now as a result of today's hearing from Michael Kohne or that Michael Khone you know, or that Wiki Leaks has said, we had released that information publicly ahead a time, you know, and there's even more stuff that came out. You know. It's funny because there are people that now are coming out saying the potential problem CNM panel that I thought Michael Kone has is if he was at I BE wanted a job in the White House. He said no. Dana Bass said our reporting, I know, Pam, you have been told I have been told all of us by the people around the process real time. He very much wanted a job in the White House. Jake Tapper then plays a clip Jim Jim Jordan pressing pressing Cone about his desire to work. How long did you work in the White House? I never worked and I never wanted to work in the White House. And so all of this now then becomes he's under oath. He got up, he was sworn in before Congress again. Remember one of the big charges lying to Congress is a felony is three years in prison. And he's going off and he's saying all this and Mark Meadows now is seeking the criminal referral against Cone, and that exchange just blew me away, and it's like wow, and the Democrats didn't even care that this is their best shot. Lets let's distract the country. Let's continue a two year old narrative when there's nothing illegal. The Cone is even saying, you know the fact that he makes a big deal with Roger Stone, you know, warned the president. I heard it on a speaker phone, and in fact, there's gonna be more emails. Wiki Leaks points out. Yeah, sorry, but Julie and Asan has never had a telephone call with Roger Stone. I think that's something they'd be able to figure out. You're Dan Bungino, you're a former you know about Intel more than anybody. That's something somebody made a phone call, right, Yeah, And you know, Andy mccarthur, that's a pretty solid legal analysis. Brought up a great point today, Sean. If that, in fact was the case that Stone had made contact with the sans and had had was privy to disinformation? Then why does the Mullard charging documents say the exact opposite. The Mullard charging documents say that he couldn't make contact. He was emailing Corsie about difficulty making contact with this. Yeah, he's telling the other people to go. You gotta go see the guy in England. Does any of this make sense? No, I mean nothing screams credibility too about Cohen? Then it convicted liar talking about lying. When Laddie Davis, a Clinton boot liquor who made his living surgically attaching his lips to the butts of the Clintons, sitting over his right shoulder, I mean, nothing screams I'm telling the truth Like that. It was like I'm watching this like if you had to set up right, if guys, if you had to set up a scene to discredit someone completely, you go, let's do this. Let's put a Clinton east the lawyer right over his right shoulder. Let's get a convicted conman up there talking about another guy being a convent. It's a total joke. It was like it was like a Mystery science theater three thousand for me, you know, you know, but the line the Cohen is making, and if you especially look at the Southern District of New York, you know, they said that he made conscious His consciousness of wrongdoing is fleeting, his remorse is minimal, that is instinct to blame others as strong. While he has he's saying, well, I just did it for Donald Trump out of loyalty, and that's why I did it all. That's not why you lied on a bank loan application or didn't pay you taxes, has nothing to do with it. Why you like before Congress and now risks what just happened earlier today is mind numbing to me. And they also said he was leading a double life. You know that. You know, while Colm was submitting letters describing his good nature, the evidence collected and witnesses interviewed in the investigation paint a decidedly different picture, a picture someone who was threatening and abusive and he wanted to get his way. And then Colm wants declaring I'm the guy who would take a bullet for the president. A year later, Kohen is accusing the President of wrongdoing and everything else. So it's you know, you add up that defense of Trump on this very show. At times then and where he is now, and then saying this, and then saying that, I mean, which one do we which one are we supposed to believe? Sean, his credibility is shot. They are mild mannered, cable television newspeople don't even do opinion. Who came out he and said, listen, I've received calls from Cohen that were not very pleasant. That we're pretty ugly as a matter of fact, not only that this White House. I didn't want to work in the White House. Sean. Seriously, every single person you and I know that and knows that story is complete garbage, even CNN. CNN's throwing this. The guy has zero credibility. And he contradicted himself three or four times throughout the testimony that he said the dossier is full of lies, Thank you very much. He said there was no collusion, thank you very much. And actually, I think gave the most exculpatory phrase when he said he never expected to win the primary, he never expected to win the general election. The campaign for Trump was always a marketing opportunity. So if he was asking about Trump Moscow, Russia, it was about, Okay, when this is all done, I want to get that deal done, which has nothing to do with helping collude to win an election. And the real collusion took place with Hillary. She paid for the Russian dossier, she bought and paid for Russia lies, that those lies were purposefully used to get the American people to vote for her after the fix was in, when even James Baker, the Chief Council FBI, said, yeah, she should have been indicted for the Espionage Act. There's never been a bigger slam dune case of obstruction than Hillary Clinton. Want more Russian collusion? Oh, here, we have an FBI informant, William Campbell. He's inside Putin's network that is in America, and he sees and he reports back to the FBI bribery, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering, all to get a foothold in America's uranium industry. Oh twenty percent. Hillary signs off on it and lo and behold. Bill Clinton, prior to this, goes to Moscow triples' normal speaking fee. Wants to meet with the nuclear regulatory equivalent in that country, the hostile regime of Putin, and instead he gets some meeting with Putin himself, and guess what happens. Hillary votes allow on Ocifius board. She pushes forward along with Holder and others. Yeah, they're gonna give Russia twenty percent of our uranium and we don't even produce enough. We import uranium, the foundational material of nuclear weapons, and then of course one hundred forty five million dollars kick back to the Clinton Foundation. Yeah. And on that same trip to Russia, Bill Clinton staffer sends an email requesting to meet with Victor Vexelberg, who is the head of the Skulkovo projects. Shawn this Russian technology sector where they stole our military secrets. Hillary Clinton's team back that project. The Russians use that Russian Silicon Valley project to steal our military tech. The guy who's running it, Bill Clinton's stafford sends an email, Hey, we want to meet with Vexelberg. This is all on the record. While he's getting that five hundred thousand dollar payment from Renaissance Bank. The Russians are stealing our technology, and Hillary Clinton's out there saying, Hey, everybody, tech companies go over to Skulkovo. This is gonna be great. This Skulkovo project. Our own Intel people said it was a theft hypersonic missile. How did aren't we have an FBI informant ignore Putin's network involved in bribery, extoration, kickbacks, money laundering. Turn about Campbell right, yeah yeah. And by the way, that was a paid FBI informant. This wasn't some guy to get paid by the decades of his life. This guy is serious. And I listened Rod Rosenstein is the AUSA on that? And why don't you follow the money in that particular case because they're not interested. I think you and I both know the whole Mauler probe is to hide this thing. One more thing, Sean too, he discredited himself on that too. Remember he said, oh, this was just an infomercer for Trump. He didn't really want to win the election. And then when Debbie Washerman Schultz question, what did he's saying was, oh, he would have done anything to win, including coluding with the Russians. Well, what is it didn't want to do anything to win? Or was he treating it like an infomercier. He can't have it both ways. All right, let's go to audio, and you know this is the Oh this is coming now. Oh I'm going live now to what speak to me? Speak of the microphone? Yeah, all right, let's go to cost Cortez is now questioning call. Let's listen. Thank you, mister chair, Mister Cohen, I'd like to quickly pick up on some previous lines of questioning before getting into my own, so I may go a little quickly and to get it all in five minutes. First, my colleague from Vermont had asked you several questions about AMI, the parent company of the National Enquirer, and in that you mentioned a treasure trove a quote treasure trove of documents in David Pecker's office relating the information assembled from all these catch and kill operations against people who potentially had damaging information on the president. You also mentioned that the President was very concerned about the whereabouts of these documents and who possessed them. Does that treasure trove of documents still exist? I don't know. I had asked David Pecker for them, so you would say the person who knows the whereabouts of these documents would be David Pecker, David Pecker, Barry Levine, or Dylan Howard. Okay, thank you. Secondly, I want to ask a little bit about your conversation with my colleague from Missouri about acid inflation. To your knowledge, did the president ever provide inflated assets to an insurance company? Yes? Who else knows that? The presidents at this Ellen Weisslberg, Ron Liebmann and Matthew Calamari. And where would the committee find more information on this? Do you think we need to review his financial statements and his tax returns in order to compare them. Yes, and you'd find it at the trump Borg Thank you very much. The last last thing here, the Trump Golf Organization currently has a golf course in my home borough of the Bronx, Trump Links. I drive past it every day, going between Bronx and going between the Bronx and Queens. In fact, the Washington Post reported on the trump Links Bronx course in an article entitled Taxpayers built this New York golf course and Trump reaps The rewards were many. That article is where any New Yorkers and people in the country learned that taxpayer spent one hundred and twenty seven million dollars to build Trump Links in a quote generous deal, allowing President Trump to keep almost every dollar that flows in on a golf course built with public funds. And it doesn't seem to be the only time the president has benefited at the expense of the public. Mister Cohen, I want to ask you about your assertion that the President may have improperly devalued his assets to avoid paying taxes. According to an August twenty fourth August twenty sixteen report by The Washington Post, while the president claimed in financial disclosure forms that Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida, was worth more than fifty million, he had reported otherwise to local tax authorities that the course was worth quote no more than five million. Mister Cohen, do you know whether this specific report is accurate? It's identical to what he did at Trump National Golf Club at Briar Cliff Manner. Do you know to your knowledge was the president interested in reducing his local real estate bills tax bills? Yes? And how did he do that? What you do is you deflate the value of the asset and then you put in a request to the tax department for a deduction. Thank you now. In October twenty eighteen, The New York Times revealed that quote President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the nineteen nineties, including instances of outright fraud that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents. Obviously, this is dan has has always been a path to impeachment, and this is Russia collusions falling apart. Now that what we got to get into the finances of Donald Trump. We gotta get his taxes released. Nancy Pelosi says, I'll release my taxes when I'm running for president. Um No, let's release everybody's if you want to release it. But the line, as you can see where this is going, they're just throwing everything they got up against a wall. Yeah, well, they've gone all in on Muller's Sean, and collusions now dead. It's it's it's formally dead. Cohen just stabbed it in the heart today with this prog alligat. I mean, the whole thing is based on the dossier. We know that Andy McCabe has already has admitted as much. You know, Jim Comey had knocked it as salacious and unverified. The cases falling apart. So all they have now, Sean, is the degrading of Trump's what I call political bank account. I'm not talking about money. I'm talking about degrading his political capital with the public. And the way to do that is to put up these salacious, nonsensical charges about Smokey Daniels or whatever her name is, and all this stuff to knock down Trump personally, to knock out his political capital, to make it politically palatable to impeach him. This isn't based on anything other than pure, unadulter rated hatred for Donald Trump. There's no there there, all right, We got to continue. We're in Hannoy, Linda, you get cracked up by Dan Bungee and that's eight hundred nine storey telephone number. We are in Hanoi now, nine eastern on Hannity. We are going to It's about the time they're supposed to meet Jake Hands begin the process the summit. I'll have an interview with the President immediately there after, which is great and looking forward to bring you that. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. In the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show on here, it was very clear that it asked for contracts with foreign entities over the last two years. Have you had any foreign contract with foreign entities, whether it's Navarus or the Korean air Line or Kazakhstan BTA Bank. Your testimony earlier said that you had contracts with them. In fact, you went into detail. I believe it talks about lobbying. I did no lobbying. On top of your testimony. I'm not asking about lobbying, mister Cohen. They are not government. Do you have la traded companies? Do you have foreign contracts? I currently have no. Did you have foreign contracts over the last two years, foreign contracts, contracts with foreign entities? Did you have contracts? Yes, yes, Why didn't you put them on the forum? It says it's a criminal offense to not put them on this forum for the last two years. Why did you not do that? Because those foreign quote on companies that you're referring to are not government companies. It says non governmental. Mister Cohen, you signed it that told about me as being non governmental and right, it says foreign agency, It says foreign contracts. Do you want us to read it to you. I read it and it was reviewed by my counsel and I am a non government employee. It was not lobbying and they are not. It has nothing to do with lobbying. It says it's a criminal offense to not list all your foreign contracts. That's what it says. Well, then I'm going to take a look at it before I leave you. I will, and hopefully I will amend it prior to leaving, because that's not the way I read your document. You know, It's just one more example, mister Cohen, of your skirting the truth. You have a history of lying over and over and over again. And frankly, you don't take my word for it. Take what the court said, Take what the Southern District of New York said. Cohen did crimes that were marked by a pattern of deception and that permeated his professional life. These crimes were distinct in their harms, but bear a common set of circumstances. They each involved deception and were each each motivated by personal greed and ambition, a pattern of deception for personal greed and ambition. And you just got thirty minutes of an opening statement where you trash the president of the United States of America. Mister Cohen, how long did how long did you work for Donald Trump? Approximately a decade? Ten years, that's correct. You said all these bad things about the president there in that last thirty minutes, and yet you work for him for ten years. All those bad things I mean it's that bad. I can see you working for him for ten days, maybe ten weeks, maybe been ten months. Have you worked for him for ten years? Mister Colin, how long did you How long do you work in the White House? I never worked in the White House. That's the point, isn't in mister Cullen, No, sir, yes it is. No, it's not so you wanted to work in the White House. No, certain get brought to the dance. All right, News round up in Information Overload hour. We are in Vietnam. We're in Hanoi. As a matter of fact, the President Kim Jong Un. As we come on the air tonight nine eastern on Fox News nine am, locals, it's all going to be happening. I set it to everybody. Now, First of all, this is an embarrassment the party. Now Kamala Harris now wants legal prostitution, legalize it in America. Then we have the other big bomb. Maybe we should not have children. Acasio Cortez, eliminate airplanes. We're gonna get rid of cows because of flatulence. Everything is going to be free, everything from healthcare, your job, what you get paid, your vacations, medical leave, family leave free healthcare, but you can't have your own healthcare forget about being pro choice on healthcare free, retirement free everything. This is what they're college education free. This is now the new. And then, of course yesterday, what do we have, Oh we're gonna have. We won't even save a baby that is born alive, the Born Alive Baby Protection Act. This is your modern left wing radical democratic extremist socialist party. And I warned yesterday that this is warned now for a long time. Who it would allow, as the attorney Michael Kohone to go and testify. He's got three years in jail now he has now been Mark Meadows has entered a referral for now another criminal investigation into Michael Kohone. Why because the Democrats so hate Trump, so want to distract from what is potentially beyond historic to make a safer world than they roll him out three days in a row. Now he's got a criminal referral as a result of all of this. He got this barred yesterday. If that wasn't enough, And on top of that, I think maybe what it may end up being the most exculpatory issue is when Cone said, mister Trump never ever expected to win the primary, never expected to win the general election. The campaign was always the marketing opportunity. Oh so anything that Russia was about business had nothing to do with colluding. Why would you collude otherwise? Bill O'Reilly is with us. And of course his best selling book is now a well how many weeks now have you been on the bestseller list? Killing the SS in six months? Yeah, we're doing well. But it's interesting because you I'm writing the Trump book now and you interviewe the United States of Trump holiday president really sees America. So when Cohen made that statement today that Trump really didn't want to win or expected to win and this was a great marketing thing and that's why he did it, I knew right away that he was not telling the truth. Cohen. So I have and I think you have two known him decades and Trump has always been engaged in issues like Iraq. He didn't want the Iraq War. He thought it was, you know, ridiculous and whatever. And if you go back and you look at his Playboy interview in nineteen ninety talking about all kinds of policy issues and that he could do it better, negotiate these deals. So when Cohen has said, oh, this guy was just used in the political process to make more money and to get more fame. It's flat out falls and now you're you're in n OI. You don't see this. But CNN and MSNBC have had a commanding air and say, well, that's probably not true. Bigly CNN, MS and mec I hardly know what they're doing. But CNN at a come on and say, we don't believe that's true. That doesn't stack up with what we're reporting. So when Cohen makes that a frontline assertion, then everything else he says, you got to just shrug your shoulders and say, you know, come on, why are we as you this guy for three days? Bill, here's the amazing thing. And look, I'm a conservative and I have so I have more criticism for Republicans than I do for Democrats. Republicans a week visionless, spineless, they don't keep their promises, and they have frustrated so many people, which I think led to the election to Trump. This is profound the president of the United States. Look at the optics is in North Korea. Hostages have come home. We've had the remains since the fifties of American heroes. They have been sent home to their families. On top of that, we haven't out of rocket fired over Japan, no threatening Guam or the region or the United States, the continental United States. And they bring on a guy that has been convicted and is now a felon for lying to Congress, lying on loan applications, cheating on his taxes extensively over many years. He's their star witness. And this is now added to all the things I said. Now prostitution, now reconsider kids. No more planes, no more cars, no more cows. Everything's free. It's ninety four trillion dollars. But we shouldn't think about the cost. What has happened. You like to say you're a common sense I think looking out for the folks. You look out for people. How does this help people? It doesn't. But the key question is the one you just pose. How did this happen? So here's how it happened. Prison. Obama's in office for eight years and the majority of Americans did not prosper. That's fact. Can't abate it, can't dispute it. And a populist comes on the scene and says, look, if you put the Republicans in you're gonna get more of the same. Nothing's gonna change, but I'll change everything, so he wins. That was a bold, fresh move by the American people. By the way, that sounds like a great title for a book, maybe for a speaking tour. I'm just thinking, I'm just so the Democrats and the left progressive see how a guy can get elected president by being bombastic and in some cases extreme, and they say, oh, we're gonna do that too. We're gonna throw off all the stuff we were hiding and now moderation is not going to be a part of our presentation. We're going to be who we really are. Because Trump did it, so we can do it. And that is what you are seeing. The extremism that was hidden for many, many years has now flourished, and the media loves it. They love the far left progressive take, and so they facilitate it and that's why it happened. All right, quick break, We'll come back more with Bill O'Reilly on the other side. Don't forget Kim Jong and the President ninth Eastern as we come on the air tonight on Fox. All right, as we continue with Bill O'Reilly his newscasters on Bill O'Reilly Dot com every day. Okay, so this is now what America has to deal with and what we're facing. And you know, look at the Born Alive Infant Protection Act And like you, I'm sure you have many friends like I do that define themselves as pro choice. I happen to be pro life. I believe life begins a conception. I think Roe v. Wade is bad law. I think there should be exceptions putting. But this isn't an abortion debate bill. This is about not really born alive. This isn't really an abortion debate. This is a party order. This is a party order from Pelosian Schumer. They ordered their people not to give in on any level to the republic ends or the pro life people pull out yesterday, I don't know what he saw it. Maris College took a pole. We talked about it. Yeah, okay, Knights of Columbus paid for it. So twelve percent, twelve point twelve point change shift from people that were pro choice to pro life as a result of this right. So Americans are starting to wake up. So this is a good thing, but it's also a larger indicator. The more Occasio Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris. The more they run around and dream about absurdities, the stronger Trump will get, if he could get by the next two years, and the Republican Party will get. How is and I'll use your term, how are the folks? How are people in this country? I call them the forgotten men and women? How are they going to react to the split screen Trump trying to negotiate the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and Democrats bringing in a convicted felon who lied to Congress, cheated extensively on his taxes, and lied on loan applications, and it's caught in a series of other lives. The folks don't care about Michael Kohen. I'll submit to you, not one independent or casual observer or the political soon even by the watching Michael Kohn. It's a pure demogogic play on the far left, all right, So, yes, you're right, it's a diversion, take attention away from something that's very interesting and that could help the world, neutering this crazy guy in North Korea. Okay, that's the play. But do the folks care about what Michael Cohen says? No, not at all. The only thing you're gonna care about is Themala report Themala Report comes out and has a startling accusation backed up by facts, people will pay attention. If Demuller report comes out and does not have that two days story, it's gone. But Cohen folks don't care. When is the media get held accountable? Bill for never hyping and hysteria never because is controlled by six corporations who don't care what the people think. Now, the ratings for teall television, not just news but everything, they are coming down because a lot of people are walking away and that will show in the bottom line profits. But do Comcast and Disney care what the people think about corrupt people that they run out every day on television. No, they don't. They're arrogant. They don't care. And you know it's blank you. We'll put on a view we'll put it under the ABC News banner if you can believe it, and uh, we don't really care what they say. We know we'll get three million viewers and we'll sell some products and that's it all right. By the way, Bill O'Reilly does a daily newscast on Bill O'Reilly dot com is a six months now bestseller, Killing the ss Well anyway, congratulations on all that. We'll look forward to it. And uh, tonight at nine o'clock, Kim Jongguan and the President we'll first meet. We'll be covering at live nine am here in Hanoi, and I hope you'll join us. Yeah, get a get a condo over there, will you, Hanney? Yeah, well you want to come over and borrow it? Yeah, it looks like you know, you look good. The SHOT's good. There's an interesting culture going on there. It's still communists though. Hey, did you see me on the scooters? That's the most important part. Did you see my scooter? I tell you I saw you with this with the shades and the scooters. All right, I gotta go, I gotta ROLLI thanks for me. All right, tonight nine Eastern Hannity when we come back your calls. I've just been sitting here. I'm new to the committee on not an attorney. Sometimes our answers, you're a competent or r a liar. I think you come in here and you rail on the President of United States, commander in chiefs over and across the Pacific Ocean, trying to negotiate a deal to make this world safer and mister chairman, let's just having this committee at this time. NC mayor chief's out of the country. Is just stick as a new president, all right. Part of the hearings really the circus. This is an embarrassment. And if it was the other way around that during Obama's presidency, Let's say he's personally hand delivering the hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash another currency to the mulas of Iran, and they're having a hearing about something on Obama just to embarrass him and bringing in as their star witness a guy that's just the about ready to go to jail for lying to Congress and lying on loan applications and tax issues and all of the conflicts. I you know, I said, why would any lawyer allow Michael Cone to do this? As I knew, you know, this is what he's you know, when I knew him, Michael always talked about his kids. Why he's already got the three of the most miserable years of his life coming up. And but more importantly, Democrats want this. This is their star witness to them, the guy that they hated, despise, the guy that you know they called a liar, repeatedly, liar, liar, liars. We have played many, many times on TV radio. This is how sick, ugly twisted, psychotic, pathological, this hate Trump, media and mob and the Democrats have become. I mean to think that this is all unraveling before our eyes, and that maybe they're sick, ugly twisted mind. Maybe they think they scored points today because they drew the attention away from the president's summit to denuclearize the entire Korean peninsula, whose policies are ready have stopped Kim Jong un from threatening the continental United States, sending remains of American heroes home from the nineteen fifties, sent hostages home. He's not firing rockets over Japan our ally and threatening Guam and threatening the entire region. Donald Trump got that done. Now we'll find out later tonight, probably when the summit starts. They've had dinner yesterday, But when the summit starts, we're going to know a lot more. And then I'm going to interview the president right after. And this is what they're offering you. They're offering you petty politics, gutter politics, on a day when they ought to be interested in hoping and that the president succeeds, but the world gets to see this circus, this show that's going on here all day. This is an embarrass It's an embarrassment for the country. If they had any sense of what they are doing, they would see the embarrassment for themselves. This is a party that has lost all sense of reality and perspective. Every day it's a new thing, all right. For a couple of days ago, we're going to add reparations to our ninety four trillion dollars. Now, Kamala Harris wants legalized prostitution. Yesterday it was they won't vote to save a baby born alive, living on its own after a botched abortion. I don't know anybody that supports that. I know people that say abortion should be legal first three months, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. I don't know anybody that supports this. Nobody except the Democrats and the radicals that have taken over this party. And seriously, you've got a hundred of them, and many of them the twenty twenty presidential contenders, so that they really want the green deal, they want the airplanes. We got to get rid of them, get rid of gas and oil and cars and cows and rebuild every home in ten years, although the world's gonna you know, explode and implode in twelve not have children. Seriously, think now about whether you're irresponsible by having children. And they're also going to guarantee everything you've ever dreamed of in your life. You know, last night we had Jorge Ramos on the show. You know, when he showed the Venezuelan dictator Maduro, you know, who's put his people in poverty and people are eating out of a garbage truck. He got mad confiscated his tapes. Then they put him under house arrest for a few hours. Thankfully he got out and they have it. There's your socialism, and they should be one of the richest countries in the world. And this is where they take us. This is a low moment. Unfortunately they dragged the country down with them because the world is watching this. The world sees this. This is an embarrassment. Now, whether you like Michael Colon or don't like Michael Colon is irrelevant here. You know, how do you bring somebody that it has now is going to jail for lying to Congress, lying on loan application? You know what that is? A loan application. That basically means he's like saying, Oh, I have all the money to pay you back, blah blah blah blah, and I really don't. That's fraud. And in a lot of cases, although I think Michael said today that he paid all the money back, a lot of cases, that means you don't have the money to pay it back and you're not getting the money back. And when the bank says, well was our collateral, I never had that collateral. I overinflated the value of my net worth or whatever it happens to be. And then cheating on your taxes five consecutive years in a row. And this is their star, this is their star witness because they're so obsessed with a hurting Trump, destroying Trump, finding a path to impeach but whatever way they can. Because Russia collusions, dying, the dossier, Michael own dying, he said, well, get any collusion, not that I know of, dying, the whole thing before their eyes. And so rather than focus on oh, securing our border, rather than focus on helping forgotten men and women in this country and making America so wealthy because we have more natural gas, more oil, more coal, energy, than the entire world pretty much put together. When you add anmar the pipelines and everything else, we've got in store the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of high paying career jobs for Americans that will alter forever their lifestyle and raise them up out of the middle class and into the upper middle class, where it's the difference between a new house and a safe neighborhood and a new truck, Disneyland for your kids or not Disneyland for your kids, get to go out to dinner, enjoy your life more, take vacations, and really really see the fruits of your labor. We're gonna kill all of that, but we're gonna promise you free retirement. We're gonna promise you free healthcare. They did so well the last time, but you can't have your own insurance. They're gonna even promise you they've done so well with K through twelve. Now they're gonna add free college or a trade school. Can't wait for the results of that. And they're gonna offer a guaranteed jobs, sustain wage, guaranteed you know, daycare. Is there anything that they don't want to guarantee? And this is what they stand and don't mind, we don't have to talk about the cost, even though the former head of the CBO estimates go now above ninety four trillion dollars and it's always higher no matter what they say. This party has gone off the ledge. Now the question is, and meanwhile, what has the president done in the economy? Record low unemployment, records. He's shattering records in every category, largest tax cuts in history. Now they want a seventy percent marginal rate. That's going to destroy the economy. Nobody's gonna want to invest in America. They're gonna take seventy cents of every dollar before you even start. Why bother, nobody's gonna boy and enriched people are gonna say like they're leaving New York, New Jersey and Illinois and California. You're gonna say, Sia, we're out of here. And they're gonna send their money overseas and protect it so the government doesn't steal it all, which is what they're basically legalizing, stealing. Hey, your taxes, you know what, you save too much, we're gonna take more. Wow. That really incentivizes people to be wise with their money, you know, and then when you die, you get another forty percent taken away. This is going We're either gonna. America is at a crossroads here, You're gonna make a choice. And look at what you have. Look at the comparison, Look at the green new deal, Look at the phony promises, Look at what how it alters our lifestyle? No oil, no gas, no cars, no airplanes, no cows. And you know it's insanity. Were the greatest wealth producing nation on earth for a reason, because it's predicated on human freedom and liberty and ingenuity. It is predicated that every single person endowed by their creator is born with talents and abilities. And in a free society, if we do the right thing and we water the kids, and we give the kids sunlight, and we give the kids a good education, that those kids are gonna find what it is that they want and then they're gonna produce goods and services. How did we whoever created the washing machine? Genius? Now they used to wash clothes. Remember I grew up. I had a clothesline in my backyard, a little washboard. Can you imagine using a washboard? Oh? You know? Or who created the electric stove, the gas stove, the refrigerator, Oh, the freezer? How many years. What about all the people who take those big blocks Ice carried home. I don't even want to carry a bag from the grocery store home. I'm so lazy. But you know that's the choice here. All right, let's get to our busy phones as we say hi to John Is in Atlanta? John, Hi, how are you glad you called? Sir Sean? How you doing? Uh? It's a good who can juggle all this with for all the different time zones? What a great job. Now listen, I'll tell you how I do it. I stay on New York time. If you go in my hotel room, you'd think like, I'm a crazy you know what do you call those guy? But I would call you a vampire? Well, not a vampire. I don't know if say, you know some loners psych? But I draw the I draw the drap back. I don't want to see night and day. Oh Dracula, I call you Dracula, Okay. And then what I do is I work my regular schedule, and I do what I do what I normally finished TV, and I eat, and I go to bed. I'll usually read and try to go to bed, and then my pillow eventually gets me to sleep but anyway, go ahead, thank you very much. Anyway. Okay, I think you you're underestimating how disgusted Americans are with the dog and pony shoul they're doing with Cohen. Um the little bit I got to hear this morning, in between work schedules, he'd go out, well, I did this from mister Trump. He forced me to do this out, but I will continue to work from mister Trump. Next point, same thing. Well, yeah, I didn't like this, and I didn't, but I still continue to work from mister Trump. Apparently, mister Cohen lived a very lucrative life for quite a while, and you wonder how many of those billions were a product of Donald Trump. And he was fine with that before and now all of a sudden, trying to save his fanning from going to jail longer, he will say and do anything, and especially the timing for this was such an important thing going on where you are right now in Vietnam. America looks at this and they just realize what a goat rodeo it really is, and the Democrats are going to pay for it. We're just done with this, and the tipping point of America getting more and more torqued off is starting to tip, and it's gonna wind up getting very ugly. It just is going to have to do that. Listen, It's gonna get ugly because the Democrats want it ugly. They're designing it ugly, and it's gonna get meaner and tougher than it's ever been. It's already there. And there's so many that salivate, especially in the media medium mob that they just want this president to collapse and they want to drive him out of office. And they've lost any sense of proportionality perspective, and they are not a part of any of this success either. They have not done a thing to make this country better. This hearing does nothing to make the lives of Americans better in Vietnam. This is about safety, security of future generations. It matters. You know, tax cuts matters. Five and a half million new jobs matter. You know, millions of food stamps and millions out of poverty matter. Secure borders matter, Energy independence matters. This crap, these lies, this garbage that we get a tent every second, minute, hour of every twenty four hour day, seven days a week, every week, month, year. It is they're literally feeding the country nothing but junk food, crap, guard bridge lies, misinformation, propaganda, and they're not helping, you know, I don't know. I mentioned the other day that I get I really found great joy here in Vietnam because I give people tips and it's not a lot. I'm not I'm pleased. I'm not patting myself on the back. It's not the point. You get somebody in Vietnam twenty bucks and then near tears because it's more what'ses twenty bucks in dongs? What is up five hundred thousand dong? And it's a huge amount of money for people here. Yeah, because you're giving it willingly, and when you give willingly, it's from the goodness of your heart as opposed to being taken by the socialist I'm so taken. I'm so taken back by the reaction. All right, eight hundred nine four one Sean, the President Kim Jong Un actually meet at nine eastern as we're coming up on the air. You don't want to miss this. I'm sure every other channel will be busy talking about Michael Cones going to jail. And I thought it was a terrible day all the way at the Democratic Party look awful. It is such an embarrassment, disgrace. Just to make a note, mister Chairman, just because someone has a person of color, a black person working for them, does not mean they aren't racist. And it is insensitive that some would even say it's the fact that someone would actually use a prop a black woman in this chamber, in this committee is alone racist in itself. Donald Trump is setting mister chairman. I asked President, I reclaim my time. I asked that her words, when she's referring to an individual member of this body, be taken down and stricken from the record. I'm sure she didn't intend to do this, but if anyone knows my record as it relates, it should be you, mister Chairman. Chammon, I would like to I want the words right. No, I'm just saying that's what I believe to have happened, and if as a person of color in this committee, that's how I felt at that moment, and I wanted to express that. But I am not calling the gentleman um mister Medals a racist for doing so. I'm saying that in itself, it is a racist act, all right. That was earlier Congresswoman to leave tonight. Mark Meadows will respond, We will have full complete coverage both the President and Kim Jong and their meeting. We're in Vietnam. We will be here live scheduled to meet as we come up at nine eastern on the east coast of New York and d C. And six on the West coast, and of course nine am here in Vietnam. Anyway, we also have tonight Lindsay Graham, Mark Meadows. All right, we will see you back here tomorrow. Tonight ninety eastern thanks for being with us, and ninety eastern the President and Kim Jong un