Hidden Trump Supporters

Published Oct 21, 2020, 10:00 PM

Robert Cahaly, Trafalgar Group chief pollster, predicted a win for Trump in 2016, when everyone else said no, and he is again predicting a win for the 45. He believes that there is hidden support for President Trump and that the Democrats are underestimating the American people and their feelings that many have for the President. They know that year 48 will be no different than the first 47 for Biden, why should he get the highest seat in our nation?

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I glad you with us thirteen days. You are the ultimate jury headed towards our ten day countdown eight hundred and ninety four one Sean you want to be a part of this extravaganza. It is stunning to me that Joe Biden, I still cannot get over this guy put a lid on his campaign half the month of September. That means nine nine thirty ten o'clock they send out to the media, you will not be hearing from Joe Biden for the rest of the day. Takes off Saturday. One event on Sunday, but he took a break. He got milkshakes while it was out, one vanilla and one chocolate. Such vital information we all need to know. And he's off Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. It's thirteen days to election day. The most astounding part of this to me is is this is a decision that a presidential campaign has had to make, and they have determined it is in their best interests that that Joe Biden remain in hiding, then to go out to all of the swing states and try and appeal to every voter possible why he should be elected president. And and and it's not even being questioned by the media. Mob. There's something radically wrong if a campaign decides that it's better to hide the candidate and keep them buried in a bunker for the entire campaign. Because that was pretty much the whole spring in summer, and it was you know, half the month of September, and now it's Seva in October and it's thirteen days out. He's still in hiding. Now what do they There's something going on. They must have calculated that the risk of Joe going out and the world seeing that which they must be seeing on their own, would be too devastating to their campaign and their chances of winning a presidential election. It ought to be the biggest red flag the mob, the media, well, they ought to be asking the question themselves if they had any intellectual honesty or intellectual curiosity. But you know, we are talking about a corrupt media here. You know, it doesn't matter. You know, it's amazing to me, Joe Biden. It was just like during the impeachment, when it was all we heard was what did President Trump say on the phone call with President Zelenski. You know, he said, okay, well, I want to make sure you know, it looks like you're hanging out with some of the bad people of your predator in the previous administration. That's not good. We can't have that. And he's saying that to President Zelenski. Didn't demand anything, didn't ask for anything. You get to the impeachment side. We have all these witnesses here, say witnesses and opinion. Witness said, you have one fact witness, one fact witness. That was it. What did the president say? He wanted nothing. He did not want to quit pro quo, That's what the president said. He just wanted them to be honorable. Okay, well, we're giving money to a country, you want them to be honorable. And the same Democrats were willing to just and the same mob in the media. I guess we can now add big tech companies to this this equation as well. They're now out there and they're literally was saying at the time, Joe said, no credible person would even suggest such a thing. When Joe is on tape, you're not I'm leaving in six hours. You're not getting a billion dollars of loan guarantees unless you fire the prosecutor. His name is Victor Schokin. He has a name. He didn't mention it unless you fire that prosecutor. You got six hours. Who's the prosecutor, Victor Schokin? What's Victor Shum? Why does he want Victor Schokin fired? Because he's investigating his son Hunter, who has zero experience an oil gas energy and Ukraine that's still being paid millions of dollars. And the media bought it. They the media didn't care about their breathtaking hypocrisy. The Democrats, it didn't care about the real quid and pro end quot. They don't care about truth anymore. As long as you can bludgeon Trump, it's fair game, even though there was no quid pro quo, and they'll drag the country through impeachment hell, just because they hate Donald Trump. It was the same thing with Russia. It took us over three years to get to the bottom of this this phony Trump Russia collusion story. And what did we end up with. We end up with a manufactured lie by Hillary Clinton that even the CIA warned Barack Obama about as a matter of Hillary trying to deflect away from the Espionage Act violation of of hers and her email server that did have top secret classified information on it, which violates the law eighteen USC. Seven ninety three. And the fact that she took subpoena emails and erased them, and she took her hard drive and she cleaned it with bleach bit, and she busted up devices with hammers and took sim cards. I mean Democrat they care about that. No, she funnels money to a law firm Perkins Coolie. They hire a research firm, Fusion GPS. They hire a former m I six guy, Christopher Steele. Christopher Steele has has his subsource somebody that the FBI had known for ten years to be a Russian agent of some kind. I don't even know the guy's name. But and that person when they interviewed that person in January twenty seventeen, unknown Russian you know, contact up for a decade, they've known it. He said, no, there's no truth to any of the stuff and steals it's old bar talk. But they kept going anyway, and they used the dirty dossier with Russian misinformation to then spy on Trump's campaign, his transition team, and his presidency. Democrats didn't care about Russian interference. They didn't care when Adam the compromise corrupt congenital liars on tape, you know, talking to somebody that he thinks as a Russian and saying, well, you know, what is the nature of the compromise, compromising on mattia dials? What? What? What? What's the compromise? Uh, pictures the naked Tom naked bus to give to the does Vladimir Putino? Busova tells so and so that tells the Vladimir Putin he know about pictures, naked Trump, compromising Mattiaio, He's called colluding with the Russians. It's not truth that matters here. So when I'm talking about big institutions, the Democratic Party, the Democratic Rattle, Radical Socialist Party, they will take on breathtaking lies, a breathtaking double standard, you know, raw obvious hypocrisy, just for their own political ambition. And they've got their trusted allies and the medium mob that will absorb the lies, advance, the lies advance, the libel advanced, the smears advanced, the slander, besmirchment and libel to advance. It's not a matter of truth for anybody here. That's why journalism it's dead. It is dead. They hate Donald Trump. There, they're protecting Joe Biden is in the medium mob Democratic Party big Tech company protection program so that he can hide out pretty much every other day at least and not have to face the press, so he can make one of his dumb errors and been barely coherently string two sentences together. And they don't care if they're gonna if America elects a week frail, cognitively compromised democratic socialist. What do they care? You know, he'll just be sitting there. Okay, what day of the week is it? Where do I sign? What do I mean? What am I siding? Okay? It's pretty pretty dangerous when you think of it, but it is what it is, and um, you know, I don't know what to tell you. We have a lot coming up on the program today, a new video from Project Veritas Bill O'Reilly. Today you'll meet this guy's really interesting guy. His name is Robert Khailey from the Trafalgar Group, and we got some great poll numbers that he's put out there. It's you know, I do believe that. You know, as you even see the media is now trying to adjust their polling to show it's closer and closer as we get closer to election day, because They don't want to be viewed as being that wrong as they have been in twenty sixteen and other times. What we see if you look real clear politics, if you look at the average numbers here, Hillary had at this point in the campaign an even bigger edge than Biden in several key states that would include Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Trump carried all three of them. This guy that you'll meet later in the program, Robert Kahailey predicted the president in twenty sixteen would win Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. He's you know, thirteen days before the election, Biden as an average lead to three point nine in the six battle states of Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Arizona. Hillary had a four point four percent lead in those states at this very same juncture. But I will say this and take this and let this sink in. How close this is if Tfalgar, if the Tafalger group is right as they were in twenty sixteen, and I'm dubious of all. I just don't think you can pull Donald Trump like any conventional politician. I stand by that. But anyway they tell Tofalger group now has Wisconsin Biden forty seven, Trump forty six, Michigan Trump forty six, Biden forty five, Florida Biden, I'm sorry, Trump forty eight four Biden forty six. One. That's two and a half points in Louisiana. Louisiana's a runaway for Trump. In Pennsylvania, it's forty seven, forty six Biden. Why would anyone in Pennsylvania vote for Biden when he and Kamala Harris no, they're not gonna get rid of Frackie, when they've been saying all through the primary, they're gonna get rid of fracking. Ohio Tafalger has Trump at forty seven, Biden forty three. North Carolina tighter than I would like, Trump forty seven, Biden forty six. The one surprise on the map was Minnesota with Biden forty six and Trump forty six. Georgia forty ninety three for Trump, although some polls like the AJC and others had Trump down in Georgia. I don't think the president will lose Georgia. But you gotta, you know, you gotta look at it, you gotta pay attention to it. But just look, it doesn't matter, it's what do you want? What country do you want? Because everything is on the ballot here, law, order, safety, security, higher taxes, lower taxes, more of bureaucracy, less bureaucracy, activist justice, is packing the court, DC, Puerto Rico, statehood, amnesty, open borders, energy independence or dependence, New Green Deal, wasting trillions of our dollars, destroying the economy, you know, weak foreign policy. It's all on the ballot. And if these power grabs, in particular ending the legislative filibusters and and packing the cord and you know, adding two three states to the Union so they get six additional Democratic Senate seats, so there is a Democratic Senate majority in perpetuity, amnesty, fifteen million Americans, and the hopes that, well, if we give you something of value, I'm sure you'll continue to vote for us. Right. I don't know how we recover when you take capitalism and turn it on its head the way they're talking about with everything's free and sixty two cents of every dollar. If you're defined as rich by Biden in Kamala, Harris is going to go just to the federal government and forget your property taxes, forget your state income taxes, forget your sales taxes, forget your hidden taxes. You know you'll be keeping you know, fifteen cents of every dollar as part of everything's free, free, free for everybody, because that's where they're headed. But in the process you destroy something called capitalism, free markets, the greatest well producing system of governance that the world has ever seen. All Right, client, you with us, and there's a lot of state thirteen days to go, and you are the ultimate jury. How do you feel about that? I do like the fact that ultimately you are going to be the person that is going to make the decision. It's not going to be big tech companies. It's not going to be Facebook, it's not going to be Twitter, it's not going to be Google. As much and as hard as they try to prevent you from getting information, the American people have figured it out. The mob the media are abusively biased, corrupt, and one sided, and I think they've learned an awful lot about Joe Biden to it. Just one thing that infuriates me. I hate being lied to Joe Biden going out there. There's no legitimacy to the claim that Hunter profited off the family name. This is a desperate campaign to smear me and my family. Okay, that is an outright lie. But those of you that have kids, all right, all kids get in trouble, right, my kids. Nobody's perfect, you know. I would tell my kids all the time, stop insulting my intelligence. When they would lie to me, they get in a lot more trouble. It wasn't usually what they did, but if they came to me, they lied to me, and I'd be like, all right, what do you think I'm stupid? Of course I know you did it, And they say no, I swear I didn't do anything. I did nothing wrong, nothing. Okay, you're insulting my intelligence. The kids aren't even good at lying, but they would try. It's we're supposed to believe that zero experience. Hunter admits he has no experience in Ukraine oil gas energy, but makes millions of dollars. He's not profiting off the family name or a Russian oligarch three point five million dollars in a wire transfer in a business deal, just like a Kazakh oligarch with a wire transfer to the Hunter Biden business endeavor that they're not profiting off the Biden name. We're all supposed to believe this the hundred thousand dollars shopping spree with a Chinese national, We're supposed to believe they're not profiting off the family name, or the one point five billion dollar deal with the Bank of China with no known experience in private equity, and we're supposed to believe they're not profiting off the family name. How outrageous of people to even bring this up. It is so unfair. I mean, they're lying to you. The mob in the media is protecting the Bidens. They have an agenda. They want Trump defeated, and they want Biden to be the weak, frail, cognitively struggling, half a corpse. They want to be president, and this is their biggest donation and they'll just you know, and big Tech is put all in for all things radical socialist Biden as well. It's insulting or intelligence. I love Obama's comments in a tweeted video, you know, telling young voters that their generation could be the one that creates a new normal in America. You know, in a push for Joe Biden. What's the new normal socialism that you're gonna get. Let's see, free pre k through college education, free student loan forgiveness, free guaranteed government job, free, guaranteed government wage, free, guaranteed vacations by government, free, government guaranteed healthy food, free healthcare, and free retirement. Everything's free. You know. Fifty cent I think said it pretty well. Once he hears it's sixty two percent of his income is going to Joe Biden. I'm not supporting that crap. What it is really, want to say it socialism read distributionisms, STATESM the biggest power grab associated with STATESM, adding additional Senate seats, by adding states to the union, packing the courts so that the courts will back up anything they want done that they can't get done legislatively or done by appealing to voters at the voting at the voting booth. That's that'll be your new normal, where capitalism is demonized, where the New Green Deal runs the day where we'll eliminate our independence. We finally got energy independent, we'll give that up. We'll raise taxes through the roof. And by the way, when they say they're going to raise taxes on corporations, corporations don't pay taxes. They pass that on to us. We pay the higher taxes. You know, how did Biden and Obama do with their own program? Pretty lousy, pretty lousy. Eight years, thirty more million Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, worst recovery since the parties? Who want that? Because that now you're gonna get Obama on steroids AOC. They're talking about trillions in the New Green Deal, retro fitting, how homes and buildings. Who's gonna pay for all this? Unbelievable, All of it is in play, All of it is at stake. You know, the president in Pennsylvania was right last night that this will destroy liberty, freedom of the American dream. All of my book Lived for You or Die, did a whole chapter socialism, its history of failure, whatever name it's taken on, whatever form it's given, it always promises everything. And then some everything's gonna be free, and it's gonna be the people versus the elite few. I never got a job from a poor person my entire life. And then what happens. The promises are never fulfilled, and it ultimately always ends in more poverty and more misery. And then it's a matter of how much of your freedom you've actually given away in the process. And you couple this with the power grab and the court packing and the additional Democratic senators and amnesty for fifteen million Americans and the hopes they'll forever vote Democrat. I don't know how you come back from that. When and where do you elect a Republican after that? You know, I thought it was great the President actually played a clip he brought a jumbo trauma, I guess to the rally and erie Pennsylvania last night, and the crowd going wild playing Joe Biden's flipping, flopping, flailing on fracking. Also does the same thing on taxes. It does the same thing every other day. Is changing his mind on mask mandates and vaccine mandates, doesn't I don't half the time. He doesn't even know what day of the week it is, what a he's running for, what state he's in. That doesn't seem to matter. The media, you know, aiding and abetting Joe Biden hiding like this. This has never happened in the history of presidential politics. And the mob in the media they're perfectly fine with it. They're aiding and abetting and contributing to all things Biden president playing a let's play the let's play the flip flop on fracking. So everybody, you know, everybody in Pennsylvania, this will destroy Pennsylvania's economy when they eliminate fracking. Listen, I am not banning fracking. Let me say that again. I am not banning fracking. No more any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking in a Biden administration. No would, we would, We would work it out, we would make sure it's eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those. What part of the word eliminated? Don't people understand allaharas same thing. It's the same thing which Joe Biden you're gonna believe on one given day, is even going to remember from one day to the next. You think that AOC in the squad that will really be in control and that we'll have the greatest influence on a Biden presidency. You think that he's going to get away with not banning fracking. Good luck with that, because it's just not true. You know, the president citing a report on Biden's tax policy. I mean, it is going to drag this economy. This is not hard to figure out. We're on the verge. You're going to hear next week we will get third quarter real GDP numbers. We expect it to be above thirty percent, I mean, which would be a testament to one of the greatest economic comebacks after the shutdown of the American economy ever in history. We're seeing it in the early housing numbers that are coming out for the third quarter. I have a buddy of mine was telling me, you know, during the summer, I said, oh, I bet things are pretty slow, right because of the pandemic. It goes now just the opposite, because you know, my business has never been busier. Well, now we have car light truck sales are up two hundred and forty six percent annual rate increase in quarter three. That's not a typo, by the way, and real inflation adjusted retail sales outside of the auto sector grew at a whopping forty nine point eight percent annual rate, and spending on services also rebounded, not as sharply, but it's still rebounded. Much of service consumption is related to home occupancy, which it didn't drop in quarter two, so you don't require the rebound and quarter three as a result, now we estimate that real consumers spending on goods and services combined will be at a forty percent annual rate, adding twenty adding to the twenty six point one points in real GDP growth rate. Business investment equipment rebounding sharply in quarter three, bestment in intellectual property rebounding at a more robust, more moderate pace, but commercial construction continued to fall, but housing starts are going through the roof in quarter three as well. This is all good news for the American people. And we now have the therapeutics and we're on the literally right there at the edge of the vaccine, which means that COVID at some point in the middle of next year, maybe early next year, it's over the pandemic. Will we will have it under complete control, thank god, thanks to the medical researchers, doctors, scientists, and the people that have done historic work that they never get credit for anyway. But Joe never profited off his family name. Hunter never profited off the family name. This laptop scandal, I'm just telling you it's you know, Rudy filed and where watching it closely. I have been briefed by some on what is in this hard drive. Although I myself don't have a cob not being able to independently corroborate it, not even sure if I want a copy based on what I'm hearing is in it. But we now confirm this that senior law enforcement officials, Fox News reported and others that the FBI and the DOJ, both concur and the Director of National Intelligence also concurs Hunter Biden's laptop and the emails retrieved from the laptop are not part of a Russian disinformation campaign. As you know, I guess that's a go to on everything that you know comes out of Adam Schiff's lying mouth. And also the same officials are saying that the FBI in fact does have possession of Hunter Biden's laptop in question. We know that Juliani, along with Bernie Kerrick, went to local police in Wilmington, Delaware, to report concerns about child endangerment and sexual exploitation and relation to things that they have picked up on this hard drive. We're watching that very very closely. There is are other reports out there as well that you know. And by the way, the laptop from health scandal, even though they've tried to ban it on social media, it's not working. There's two point five million, five nine million interactions with comments Facebook, Twitter in spite of them trying to spike the story. According to Axios, watching the story about what exactly is on there, but it is everything we're hearing as explosives as people are talking about and it's you know, you just give this a story like this a couple of days to breathe, and you find out and you try. And you know, we had so many stories during our whole deep State scandal that we would check and double check our sources and make sure we got everything right. Now I'm doing the same thing here. That's that's how we didn't get anything wrong, and we're not going to get it wrong here either. You know, it's a smear. Joe Biden said it's smear. Why don't you say it's fake? Then, why don't you say that it's not true? Why don't you just come out and say this is an absolute lie? But he's still out there lying saying that Hunter Biden is not profited off the Biden name. That's just not true. That's not a fact, all right, letting it skinner can only meet one thing. On the Sean Hannity Show, means it's Wednesday and only thirteen days and you are the ultimate jury. But it also means one other thing. A man that proclaims he is a simple man who's probably the most complicated guy that we know. All things Bill O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com, including his latest number one bestseller, Killing Crazy Horse, which is part of a fifteen book series that Bill does. Congratulations again on your success. How are you, sir? I'm okay. But if you hear something in the background, I'm getting my house painted, you know, well, you don't hear painters for the most part. Less they moved the ladders. These guys like are giving each other high fives when they they finished the second coade. I used to paint houses. I used to paint houses. I was great at painting houses on Long Island. So I'm out there given directions now. But anyway, they're all are they're painting the inside or the outside of your house. Side outside. We're preparing for the winter here on Long Island. All right, what color are you painting your house? I'm boring, so it's white. I thought it was going to be pink with purple polka dots or something. I'm just wondering, right, like the hippies paint there exactly with black shutters. This happened about a hundred years old that I live in. That's almost as old as you are, Hannity, all right, why is that you're a little older than me? So let's not go there. Um all right? So with thirteen days out, mister O'Reilly, we've we have a real significant tightening in these polls. We have this guy, Robert Kahali is with us with the Trafalgar Group, and the numbers that he's putting out is he thinks Donald Trump is an elite. He was the one guy that called Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania last time. Now he's saying it's all close, but he is saying that he believes Donald Trump now has overtaken Joe Biden and the lead. Um. Joe was off on Saturday, did one event, Sunday, has been off, Monday, Tuesday, today, off tomorrow until he has the final debate with President Trump. Yeah, and I have an inside thing. He's playing Monopoly all day. Today's a little bit is how he's doing. I think he's drinking hot coco and taking his nappy. What happened in the game Hunter Droid Get out of Jail Free Court. He's gonna he might need it based on what I'm reading. I saw your piece on your TV show last night. I actually turned off the World Series and turns you on with the Trevalga guy, who I've been following because he and Rasmussen were the only guys that called it right four years ago. I think that President Trump has closed the gap a little bit. I don't think he's leading now, but I think he's within striking distance in Pennsylvania and in Nevada, and I think he's ahead in Arizona by a point. But it's so precarious. And what I'm telling my people on Bill O'Reilly dot com and on my radio programs is that, look, if you know people who are supporting Joe Biden, you should have a conversation with them saying do you really understand the implications of your vote? Do you understand the traditional America, the way we are living now is going to change dramatically if he gets in. So it's not really about Trump versus It's not really about that. It's about the United States changing dramatically. Do you want that change? And when I have discussions all over the place. I feel that that tact is very effective, and I'd like to see Donald Trump use it tomorrow night to rather than do the grievance thing, because he's not going to get a fair shake. Everybody knows it. The sixty minutes thing is just another example. He's just not Just look into the camera and say, these people are going to change every part of your life. Do you not understand what they want to do to you? And then real law four or five things. If he did that tomorrow night, he'd win. You know. I think the President should just go in there be himself as always, because nobody's going to believe if he just changes his real identity and really focus in on what his second term agenda is about and make the comparison, compare and contrast. Okay, we'll be energy dependent, we'll have open borders, we'll have amnesty, will have activist justices, will pack the courts with more activist justices, DC, Puerto Rico statehood, it's all on the table. New green deal that will cost trillions and set our economy back in such a way that I don't I don't even see a way to recover from it, and that America has a very big decision to make here because I don't think you can have two more dramatically or fundamentally different philosophies in terms of governance. Look, he's the unpolitician, and I'd like him to be that tomorrow night. I'd like to see him say, look, I feel your pain out there. I mean, I understand the COVID thing. I got it that everybody's life's been disrupted. I got the illness I know. But we have to look ahead. And there's two roads. My road is a vibrant economy, a smaller central government, you have more freedom. Their road is the central government controls everything you do, because that's the goal of what the socialists want. They want the huge central government in Washington telling everybody this is what you can have and this is what you can't have. And we're talking speech, we're talking guns, we're talking take home pay, we're taking all of that. And I think if he gets across that, there's a tremendous danger. And I would use that word because Biden's not going to be able to reply to any of that. Biden he can't, He's just he can't articulate it. And then if he tries, then in the two minutes of the debate format, Trump will be able to go, Oh, come on, look at this, Look at that. It's very instructive that Kamala Harris doesn't talk to the press, that Biden doesn't talk to the press. Because though, when when you first got into television, and you've been at it a little longer than me, who is the president at the time? Carter? Okay, Yeah, it was Carter versus four and I interviewed Carter. I got an interview with him as a young reporter. Yeah. By the way, that was the biggest mistake in his campaign. But go ahead, I mean it didn't help. A mistake. Let's put it. Let's make a checklist to do and not to do. O'Riley, no, don't do it. To stay away quick. Carter story. All right, I'm at Dallas, he gets off love Field, he comes out, I'm there. I'm the only reporter there. I go, governor obviously he was a governor, Georgia. Good to see you in Texas. You know, what do you plan to do here? Over his shoulder, he's got a garment back and he's carrying the garment dag over his shoulder and I go, is that yours? He goes yeah. And then later on I was told there was nothing in the garment back. He wanted the people to see that he was a man of the people. He carries his own bags. But but that would have been great. What's in the garment bag? Oh, I'm nothing serious, nothing, nothing dramatic. I'm just holding it. But that's what politicians do. Let me give you these Trafalgar numbers, though, Bill, I want to go over this. Wisconsin Trufalger has Biden forty seven, Trump forty six, Michigan Trump forty six, Biden forty five, Florida Trump forty eight, Biden forty six, Pennsylvania Biden forty seven, Trump forty six, Arizona forty seven, forty three Trump Ohio forty seven, forty three Trump North Carolina forty seven, forty six Trump Georgia forty nine, forty three, Trump in Minnesota forty six, forty six. I think closer. He told you last night on TV that there are a lot of Trump supporters that don't answer the phone and don't answer the polls. I think he's right, but I think there's a lot of Trump hatred. Two and it's about getting people out and we'll see. But I think you know, election night is going to be so tense, it's not going to be known, not going to be a landslide. And then you got to consider the Senate North Carolina. That Senate Rate Tillis has got to win that because Collins is gonna lose in Maine and the guy in Colorado's gonna lose. A Republican there, Corey Gardner got a tight race with Martha mcsallely, got a tight race with Joni Ernst. You got h you mentioned, and again he can do a lot of good for the down ticket if he says this is the danger from these people the Democratic part. I agree with it. You know he's doing great. Is John James in Michigan as a Republican Senate Kennedy, Yep, he's winning a striking distance with Michigan is controlled by Democrats, and in the states that are controlled by Democrats, is gonna be Shenanigans. And I mean that literally, and you know you're gonna be up late. I'm gonna be up late. Um. Everybody's going to be yelling and screaming and jumping down because a lot of these votes are going to be right. I may just sleep it off and wake up in the morning and ask what happened? Man, I'm going to be you know what time I went to bed last year? You don't feel I didn't go to sleep at all. I did not sleep one hour that night. I don't I am I am a loser. I don't sleep. You're right, all right? As we continue, Bill O'Reilly all things at Bill O'Reilly dot com. His new book out by the way, another number one bestseller, Killing Crazyhorse, number fifteen in his killing series. We're not sure if I'm going to be sixteen or twenty killing Hannity, but at some point that's going to happen. And uh so we got this crazy race. What about Hunter? Now, it's obvious, Bill, if you've read the Johnson report, if you read the Grassley report, if you've been following Peter Schweitzer and secret Empires, and then now whatever we're learning from from this Hunter hard drive which has been authenticated by the FBI, etc. That it's not Russian disinformation. You've got obvious, you know, cashing in on his father's name, pay to play, You got a compromise vice press it in the process, a guy with no experience, nothing but deeply embedded personal problems, making millions of dollars from Ukraine from oligarchs in Kazakhstan and Russia in Ukraine, in Ukraine, Chinese national shopping sprees, no private equity experience, but at one point five billion dollars deal with the Bank of China. We're not talking about small amounts of money here. And now we've got these emails that show that Joe Biden lied when he said he didn't know about any of this, And all Joe Biden says is none of it's true. It's a smear, that's his answer. But it's obvious the US Grant did the same thing with his brother, and it almost killed him because the press then took it seriously. And now that the press doesn't, I think that Donald Trump will bring it up tomorrow night. I'll be tweeting during the debate at Bill O'Reilly, I wish dangerous that yeah, but it's funers fun, Okay. President Trump has to frame it as a Joe Biden issue, not a Hunter Biden issue. It's got to say, look, this guy enraged his family to the two and of tens of millions of dollars by using his positions vice president. Is that kind of guy you want leading the country? Do you really want that? And if he does raise that in a very authoritative way, that's going to hurt Biden because right now, you know, everybody's running interference from Biden on this, from Twitter to Google to everybody else and Facebook and so a lot of people because they don't they're not zeroed in like you and I are in your audiences. They don't know what to believe. Trump has. Really I've never seen anything like it all the years we've been doing radio, TV, never, I've never seen like this. Now we've got big tech companies and their reach is in the billions, the billions. Yeah, they are now aligned against Trump. The media mob pretty much ninety nine percent. You and I are part of the one tenth of one percent that are actually that give a different opinion. But you know, and I would consider Joe Biden because it's the first time in my life that I've ever told anybody who I'm going to vote for. But I would consider Joe Biden if I thought that he was an honest man. And I don't. It is not that I don't, so I just don't as forces against Donald Trump. You know, Bill, let's go back to the Ukrainian impeachment here, and let's go back to Russian interference. We know that was Russian interference with Hillary Clinton. They never cared about it in the media. They only cared about Trump Russia collusion. But there really was a dirty Russian dossier paid for by Hillary, and they knew it was unverifiable, and they used it to spy in a presidential candidate and a president. Then you've got the whole You're not getting a billion taxpayer dollars unless you fire a prosecutor who's investigating my son who has no experience being paid millions was on tape. But Democrats cared about the quid pro quo that never happened with Trump, but they ignored that obvious quid pro quo. It is that blatant in terms of the lying and the covering up that they're doing. It's on such a sophisticated level, it's breathtaking to me. What everybody needs to know is that the Washington Post and the New York Times want to run the country. They're in it for power, they're not in it for anything else. If Joe Biden is elected president, the Washington Post and the New York Times will run the United States because he will do everything they suggest that he does everything, and it's beyond party politics. Now, so I know some people don't believe me, but it is absolutely true. And that's why the press is lined up against Trump, because Trump does not listen to them, is not intimidated by them. Biden will do exactly with the Washington Post and the New York Times tell him to do. Scary times. Bill O'Reilly thirteen days a debate tomorrow, all things Bill O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. Simple man, sir, we'll talk to you next week. Thanks for being with us. Always a pleasure. We've been talking about the polling of the Trafalgar Group there. This is the guy. His name is Robert Kahalli. He got all of the states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania right in twenty sixteen. His predictions for twenty twenty when we come back eight hundred and nine four one sean, if you want to be a part of the program, James O'Keefe has information about Google suppression of speech that's coming up in more straight ahead. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour eight hundred and ninety four one sewn you want to be a part of the program. There were only a few posters that nailed the Donald Trump victory. In twenty sixteen, the mob, the media, Democrats were confident Hillary Clinton was going to be the next president of the United States. I'll never forget the eggsit. Polls came in and it was a slam dunk. Donald Trump won next to zero states, kind of like two thousand and four when John Kerry was going to be the next president. Pollsters get it wrong so often, you know, there were a few people that got it right. Matt Towery, John McLaughlin and Scott Rasmussum are all very close person that called Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, which pretty bold prediction at the time. The Trafalgar Group and if you remember, the media was very confident that this was all going to work out the way they thought in twenty sixteen. Donald Trump just last week he confirmed the National Review that he's again considering a run in twenty sixteen. Do it You'll look brought you account by check you out. Half of this country which doesn't want you to be president, but which Bodley won't suit a run. Donald Trump has been saying that he will run for president as a Republican, which is surprising since I just assumed he was running as a joke. Is the people think that Donald Trump is a clown? Donald Donald Trump is a clown? I mean, does anybody seriously think that Donald Trump is serious about running for president? Donald Trump, it ain't the clown. President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States. Exclamation point at real Donald Trump, at real Donald Trump. At least I will go down as a president's Basically, this is the beginning of the end for Trump, at the beginning of the end. The beginning of the ends is probably starting of the beginning of the end for Donald Trump. Donald, You're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency. The strongest person usually isn't the loudest one in the room. So right now we have Hillary's about seventy five or eighty percent favorite. We have different persons. Hillary Clinton up by double digits nationally, twelve points fifty to thirty eight four way race, clion leading in Florida, built in leading in North Carolina, clid eating in Ohio, but the leading in Nevada. I could go on and on and on. I continue to believe mister Trump will not be president. And so right now, mister Trump, to answer your call for political honesty, I just want to say, you're not going to be president. All right. It's been fun, it's been a great I love you ahead, but come on, come on, bunny. We are a major projection right now. Donald Trump will take co Hixiana projects, Donald Trump will carry the state of Florida's huge win for Donald Trump and Donald Trump, while we project will win in Kentucky with Indiana with its eleven electoral votes, Wrestling Virginia, Colonia, Tennessee, Mississippi for South Carolina, Alabama, North Dakota part with its three electorovos on South Dakota, Texas, Orkansas, Louisia, in the state of Montana, North Carolina, Georgia, Utah, Wisconsin, Arizona, Kansas with its six electoral votes, Nebraska with its five electoral votes, and why you're only with its three votes. Sorry to keep you waiting, complicated business. A lot of people have laughed at me over the years. Now they're not laughing so much. I'll tell you, the medium mob could not have been more wrong, the pundon's, the late night comics could not have been more wrong. One guy that was right was Robert Kahley. He is with the Trefalgar Group of Polling and very much like twenty sixteen. Welcome to the program, Robert. You see a very similar you see very similar trend lines that you saw in twenty sixteen. Tell us why are you seeing things? How did you see things in twenty sixteen that others did not? Thanks for a sean. Yeah, what we see right now is it is very similar end that we had what we called, yeah, the hidden Trump people who aren't comfortable saying there for Trump. You know, four years ago they were referred to as deplorable. Now that's the nicest thing anybody says about Trump supporters. So we see this intensifying and we see a larger amount of hidden vote, and frankly, the polling if you look at the RCP average, which is the only thing you ought to be looking at, it's actually tighter than it was four years ago. So we think that that vote that it's not being counted on the polls, is going to be bigger than it was four years ago, and the racist tighter than it is. So that's why we are so optimistic in our projection. I don't see any passion or enthusiasm as we call it, for Joe Biden. I see a ton of it for President Trump, but I do see a lot of hatred for Donald Trump. So does it come down a love of Donald Trump versus hatred of Donald Trump? Absolutely, I mean it is not anybody. Actually, I saw the pretty funny signs by sending pictures of it said relute for Biden, and it was like the word reluctantly above the Biden logo, and it was in somebody's yard. I think that. I think that pretty much sums it up exactly, and we run into that all the time. It really is. It's a manifest dislike of Trump. But the problem is is just as those who are passionate for Trump are a minority, those who are passionately get Trump are a minority. But the people who like what a Trump economy, like what a Trump America? We still think that's a silent majority. All right, So let's go through right now. In the state of Wisconsin, you have Biden up by a point In Michigan, you have Trump up by a point. In Flority have Trump up by two almost two and a half points. In Pennsylvania you have Biden up by a full point. Arizona Trump up by forty seven forty three, Ohio Trump forty seven forty three. North Carolina you have Trump forty seven forty six. Interestingly, to me, I think the biggest is on the page that I saw was Minnesota forty six forty six, Georgia forty nine forty three Trump. If the president takes Florida, and he holds Arizona and Iowa and Ohio and North Carolina and Georgia and then gets Michigan, he's president, is he Not exactly? It's over. I mean, we look at the states that we think are solid, and we think Florida solid. We think any talk of George as a joke. We think North Carolina is going to be a win, and we think Arizona is going to be a win. And people talk about Texas they need to go to rehab. But at that point, and Ohio is really not close. So at that point you're down to four pass the victory. It is that group plus Pennsylvania win. That group plus Michigan win that group plus Nevada and Wisconsin win that group plus Nevada and minnesot To win. So they are a full clear passivatory right there, as long as you can count on North Carolina in Arizona and we think spitty can. I mean, it's just pretty incredible here. It's just it's stunning to me that there that you go, you buck the trends. Do you see that the Polsters that were all wrong in twenty sixteen doing the exact same methodology as they did, have they not learned anything from twenty sixteen? No, it's funny with a lesson they think they learned as they came out of their big conferences that oh, we need to wait, we need to wait better for education. Well, no, you need to acknowledge that people are not honest with posters. We live in a country where people will a lot of their priests, are a lot of their account that they're a lot of their doctrines. Suddenly they become honest abere on there on the phone with the poster. Come on, are you kidding me? How do you find these these voters that are not going to vote for Trump? How do you get them to talk to you, or how do you figure out who they are if they're not talking to anybody. Well, first of all, we approach it differently. We we don't just use strictly live callers. We use a combination of texts and emails and live calls that have extra capacity to make people feel like they're being anonymous. And we make our surveys much tighter and faster. And these surveys that come in at six thirty at night, your phone rings and your first answer twenty five questions, you're getting people who care too much. Our surveys less than three minutes when we're doing a ballot test like this, and we're gonna get you in and out. We're gonna we're gonna literally let you have that that child in one hand and washing dishes and the other and answer this thing on your bluetooth and under three minutes. Can you do you have in front of you? Give me I've never been pulled in my life, Robert, I'd love to be pulled. Can you pull me quick? Okay, well, we're doing quick research from Figer Research. It'll be less than three minutes of your time. Can you tell us if the election for president were held? Today, who would you mean most likely to support? Okay, we see you. I'm more likely to support. Sorry, now less likely to support I gotta listen to the question. It's like jeopardy. I'd be less likely to support Biden absolutely, and then then we would we would give you some other questions. Now, these other questions we are keeping proprietary this year because we've noticed our neighbor question that no one gives us credit for we introduced four years ago. Now everyone's copying. We're not telling her about what other questions are this year. Oh, you're not telling the questions because you don't want people to copy you. By the way, I have to sometimes hide topics and investigative stories I'm doing because there are other people that try to steal my idea and get it on the air before I do. I hate that. So I guess, I guess. How big a deal do you think Hunter is? And how big a deal is Joe hiding in his basement. Joe took off Saturday, did one event, Sunday, off, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. This week he called a lid on his campaign at like nine o'clock in the morning. Half of the month of September. Most of the summer, he's like never a scene or heard. Yeah, I think I think it goes specifically to this thing we call the strong leader measurement and on the Joe Biden hiding. I mean it is a natural contrast. I mean it's not just the hiding, it's the fact that Trump takes tough interviews. I mean the leslie stall. I mean, you cannot be perceived as a week leader when you embrace people who you know we're going to give you a hard time. And whether it's over it or some somewhat subliminal people are seeing that everybody is treating this guy like he's you know, he eats a little flow, and all of that contributes to this idea of when it comes right down to what Americans wants, a president that are strong, that can deal with situations and with people and doesn't hide, and Joe Biden is providing exactly the opposite image. Now, as far as Hunter Biden goes, that has got to break out of conservative media. I think that when we have a more bipartisan audience during the debate, if the President brings it up, Joe might lose his temper and create a very big issue, and I would encourage anybody listening that that's what ought to happen. You've got to get this thing outside of the conservative media. But there are two stories in one because the hiding. We've never seen this. I mean, when Pierce Morgan is saying that liberals are hiding an issue that they ought to be addressing, you know, there's got a problem. I think they got a big problem. And you know, do do people like it when the president's fighting, say with Savannah Guthrie or Leslie Stall apparently you know how she was giving him a hostile interview? Does that create does that help the president? Hurt the president? No impact on the president? I think it depends on how he handles it. I mean Savannah Guthrie was I mean he was. He killed it. I mean he was so disciplined and so harsh and just clear with her. He didn't let her rattle him. And she's the one who came across the argumentative and combative. And people want to think a president can handle that, because if you know, if you can't handle Leslie Stall and Savannah Guthrie, did we really want you at the G twenty? I mean, that's all a good point too, But I've never seen a guy in hiding the way we see Joe Biden of people. Finally, if a political campaign makes a calculation, and by that I mean they make a political calculation that it's better to hide our candidate than let him the candidate go out to talk to people, doesn't that mean that something really is drastically wrong there? Well, it also could reflect the strategy of make the race a referendum on Trump, not about Biden. I mean, some would argue that was Romney's mistakes. He let the race be a referendum on Romney instead of a referend them on Obama. So I can't blame them for doing their job. All right, stay right there, we'll take a quick break, we'll come back, and we'll get a final prediction from Robert Khelly. He's with the Trafalgar Group. They've been the most accurate posters now and as it relates to polling Donald Trump in particular and predicting his victory in twenty sixteen, all right, News rounds up information overload our eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza, our friends of Project Veritas, James o'key founder CEO has another development breaking as it relates to his undercover Google operation. Something by the way, we already knew but now have confirmed. And you know, there's been a lot of talk about all these big tech companies. Apparently earlier today an article that we had up on Hannity dot com that automatically it gets automatic, right, it gets we posted on Hannity dot com and it automatically tweets out Is that correct, Linda? That is not correct? It is the annual effort effort, all right, So if an article goes up on Hannity dot com, somebody then will put it on my Twitter account, right, that's right, Okay? And then that article apparently was taken down by Twitter when Jim Jordan had made a confirmation as what has a label on it It basically says that we don't believe what is in this article, So before you open it, we want you to know that we don't believe what's in it, so maybe think twice about reading it. This does this happen to any liberal groups? So this is it's really funny that we're having this conversation. And I'm sure James will speak to this as well. But literally today Twitter has enacted these new rules. So if you retweet something, if you go to open something, it'll say, are you sure you want to retweet that? Are you sure you want to read it? Are you sure you want to comment on it? We're giving you one more chance. All we did was report the truth. The truth is is that Congressman Jim Jordan confirmed the authenticity of Hunter Biden's emails. But then Twitter slaps this warning label on the tweet headlines don't tell the full story. Okay, so basically they're saying we're liars, and they get to edit content and they still have liability protection under Section two thirty, which is unbelievable to me. All right, let's say I mean it, just why am I even on Twitter anymore? I guess we have a lot of followers on Twitter? Why are we even there? Why? Model conservatives just say goodbye and move to Dan Bongino's a Twitter. As you well know, change takes time. People are creatures of habit, and until we stop putting money, time and effort into platforms that do not service the American people as one unified country, but instead divide it completely by left and right, we will lose in the right. Tech companies. They've spiked the hunter Biden's story as much as they possibly can. Ironically, it's backfired on them because as a result of their attempts to stifle news and information and editorially favor and choose sides like they do in this. In twenty sixteen, it was Hillary Clinton. Now it's Joe Biden. It's now people are hip to it, just like everybody knows the mob, the media. They're one sided. They're democratic, radical, socialist, and all they care about is hating Trump and wanting Joe Biden as frail, weak, forgetful, and cognitively challenged as he is from ever, you know, if they want him to get the presidency. But anyway, so Project Veritas James O'Keefe joins us now and you have this Google advertising manager boasting that the company can censor they're actually saying it right wing and Republicans, and reveals that he chose to ignore requests for pro Brexit ads on a search engine. You know, you're telling an Italian that lives in London that you don't want to advertise Brexit. It's like, seriously, James O'Keefe is with us. How are you, sir, Hey, Sean, great to be with you. You know, the fascinating part of this, this would normally be considered an in kind donation. When you look at the reach of Google, the reach of Facebook, the reach of Twitter. You're talking about billions of impressions, billions of people that get reached that you know that you can reach through these social media platforms. You can't even begin to in any way calculate how much money that would represent if it was something paid for by a political campaign or monetize that or you know, put the money money value on it would be a better way to put it. Yeah, Sean, I mean, this is this Adriano Amadouzi, who's a who works on the ad division at Google, and he's saying, you can offer free ad credits to democratic parties for advertising. You could potentially censor out news from your search and none of this is surprising to anybody, but the fact that you have demand saying it into the camera is. These are three videos Sean released Google employees, all talking about how they're trying to skew the election, coming on the heels of this antitrust lawsuit against Google filed yesterday. So a lot a lot of information here to unpack about what Google intends to do. So you got this guy, he's a Google marketing technical manager. How powerful is this guy? Well, I mean these are the rank and file management and some some leadership within Google. The technical program manager at Google Cloud. This is where Tesh Lakar and he and he says that, you know, in terms of misinformation, Trump says something, you're going to delete it, but if a democratic leader says that, then you're going to leave it up. And he says, you're playing simple, trying to play god. Is the Google employee saying that Google's playing god. He also says the algorithm is in favor of Biden, and that's why you see a lot of the positive search. So you know he's is he a good guy or a bad guy? I think he reject might be somewhere in between. You know, he's kind of going along with it, but he's also frustrated by what Google is doing. He also says when Trump won the first time, people were crying at Google. And he says this as well, I'm not a surprise, but certainly confirms our suspicions about Google. Sean it certainly does. All right, let's play this tape James O'Keefe undercover Google insiders saying that they can influence the twenty twenty election by not letting right wing groups advertise. He unabashedly says that Google could get involved in our elections here in the United States by quote, actually stopping right wing parties from advertising unquote. How do they determine it's not really a hundred seventy but it's falming that reviewed right by Trust and Safety, So they're the den So, yeah, trust in Safety sets there on the standard for hate speed. Yeah exactly, but they've been blocked. Say it's not an extreme right wing whatever, and I agree with you, you know, if their business to get involved, but they do, and why they dove all the majority of Trust and Safety is extremely leven. Exact, good day or one day you get involved with our twenty twenty election. Yeah, by stopping for the especially starting right right wing party school from hundreds. You know, there was actually an article that came out by NewsBusters, and I think they did a pretty good job with it. How they point out the Twitter Facebook censored Trump campaign sixty five times and leave Biden untouched unbelievable. All right, so it's clear, now, why is that not considered a donation? And go to section two thirty that allows what are supposed to be media platforms where people exchange information. Once they get into the editing business or editorializing business, such protections then should be removed, which is now what a lot of Republicans are talking about. Hasn't happened yet, but it should happen. But is this any different than some kind of in kind donation to these campaigns? James O'Keefe. I don't think so, Sean. I think it is an in kind contribution. I think the question is what are our government officials going to do about it? I think there's a hearing next week in DC. I think it's a Senate Commerce committee, and I mean they should be doing something about this. These Google engineers are clearly saying that preferences are given to one political party. Google is I don't know if they're technically a monopoly, but they're a monopoly on ideas. And it doesn't matter how much money you put you spend on advise. If you're a candidate, you could spend a billion dollars in advis but if Google and skew that algorithm as reratesh Lakar says in favor of Biden's it's just going to make such a difference. So so I think that they should delay these tapes in Congress, and I think someone should should do something about this. I don't know how much more evidence you need, Sean, DM James O'Keefe, there's always surprises coming out of Project Veritas. Any uh, let's say last minute surprises coming before the election. Well, yes, just and just today we just released this. A Google had a global competitive analysis of videotape shows that that that he says, the platforms are influencing you and and people don't know it's happening to them, and they're also promoting Biden ads. So that's the third Google employee released today. And Sean, we're going to be releasing a video almost every single day until the election, as we do at Project Viretas. And just stay tuned because there's another bombshell tonight dropping. All right, James O'Keefe, CEO, founder Project Veritas, thank you for sharing that information. As always A one hundred and nine four one, Sean is our number too. Our phones, we go Coco Ohio. We're gonna need Ohio thirteen days, Coco. How are you glad you called? I'm wonderful, Sean, thank you for taking my call. I had just one question for Adam Schiff, like, how does he think this soap supposed Russian disinformation got on Hunter's laptop. It's obvious it's his. So it's his scenario that this shop owner just happened to have Russian disinformation loaded it on a Hunter's laptop on the chance he wasn't going to pick it back up. What's amazing to me, and you ask a great question, you really do, is that this guy, Adam Schiff, the the corrupt, compromise, congenital liar. The only we do have a tape of him compromise and literally conspiring with somebody he thinks is a Russian and the hopes of getting dirt on Donald Trump to impact the elections. That that's the one where Busva and we met Trump in New York at some point after the twenty thirteen Miss Universe. Yes, absolutely, and she compromised compromising materials on tramp after their short relations Okay, and what's the nature of the compromise, Well, there were pictures of naked Trump, okay, and so Putin was made aware of the availability of the compromising material Yes, of course, Buzzaa shared those materials with sub Checking. Substruct shares those materials with Putin because she's a god daughter of Putin, and Puttin decided to press on Trump um and uh and the materials that you can provide to the committee or to the FBI. Would they corroborate this allegation? Sure? Of course when they were in Ukraine, we got their conversation by the phone where they're discussed those compromising materials. We are ready to provide it to FBI. So you you have recordings of both so check and that's just about you get the point. Coco, he's thinking, he thinks he's talking to a Russian and they've got compromising models on Donald Tom But what's the nature that compromise pictures of naked trumb naked thumb? Did Vladimir's see them? You know? So this guy has been screaming Russia, Russia, Russian. Now we've learned that the only Russian interference in twenty sixteens was Hillary Clinton's dirty bought and paid for Russian misinformation. Dasier that he legitimized daily, and yet this guy goes out there and to him, he sees Russians everywhere. So we've had the director of DNI. Everybody has now set FBI DJ this is not Russian disinformation. This hard drive that's that. They can't be any more clear. How does he say it? How does he get away with it? I don't know, Coco. You helped me out because he seems to just stay with the same sick narrative every time. I don't understand how he does it either. Yeah, it's pretty crazy. All right. How's Ohio looking for Donald Trump? Um? I think we're going to We're gonna have a red wave. It's going to be wonderful. Where I don't see one Biden sign around, and I go from Dayton to Columbus all the time. I don't see enthusiasm for it. There's a bus horse through Dayton today for Biden, the soul bus or whatever that thing's called. I think there's like twelve people there right now. There's a big Kamala Harris's on Twitter today like five people at an event she was at I think in Wisconsin. I forget where it was. All right, Coco, thank you? Eight hundred and nine four one, Seawan told free telephone number. We'll just get your calls in last half hour Hannity tonight at nine, set you DVR. All right, let's get back to our busy phones. All right, The important state of Pennsylvania. If Donald Trump wins the states that we believe is gonna win and wins Pennsylvania, this is game over. Dennis is in Pennsylvania. Dennis wis Pennsylvania headed in thirteen days, sir, Hey Sean, it's a tight race here. Great to talk with you. There's a lot of money being poured into the Biden campaign. They're all kinds of Billboard's ads. I mean, Western Pennsylvania, which was traditionally very democratic, went heavily for Trump last year. We're hoping the same thing will happen again. Sense on the ground, have people warmed to Joe Biden or no? The hardcourt Democrats are still there. There's a lot of wavering in my part of the state. So I'm hoping that people understand what you're nailing down, what is truly at stake. You know, what I'm trying to tell people is your analogy about the football being a touchdown down and driving the length of the field. We can't just put the ball in the ends on and forget about kicking the extra point if we don't win local House and Senate races. Because the Democrat mainstream congressional and Senate committees, they're all these politicians will not condemn Nancy Pelosi, AOC Chuck Schumer, and if they win, there's no punishment for them. The Democrats need to be defeat like the Republicans were after Watergate, where unfortunately for Republicans, the tar of Nixon was established to them. These Democrats have to understand that they're going to have a landslide loss. That has to happen down ballot, House, Senate, state and local races so that Democrats understand that they have to abandon this radical shift to the party or we're done. Because Nancy Pelosi has said that she can impeach Trump for anything if they hold the House win the Senate. I try to think you make it a great point. It's if every person takes it seriously as you are suggesting, and I'm only running out of time, Denis, and every person looks at what the stakes are here, then I don't see how you put the frail week cognitively compromised half a corpse in as president. It's their stated policies would destroy the country. Quick break, right back, wide open phones, final half hour of the Sean Hannity Show, Straight Ahead, five toil the tom of the hour. So my team got this. You know this parody song from a listener to it's actually with the music of Van Halen and the song jump with some Biden inserts in it. All right, I'll take your word for it that you all like it. Let's play it. Play the radio, make sure the television, make sure you have a record player on. Speak softly and carry a big stick. I promise you the president has a big stick. And it happens to be as Brock says the tree letter word jobs, j O job. If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for beer Trump, you ain't black? All right? Sent to us by a listener eight hundred and nine four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, let's get to our busy, busy telephones here. Um, let's say hi to Ron. Has implored to Ron, how are you? How are you? Sean? I'm good? What's happening? Well? I wanted to talk about COVID, which is a subject that Trump gets best about every single day. And so I'd like to say, let's go to the wall the Trump world, which the Democrats were against. Now this wall is kept out. Who knows how many illegals, Who knows how much COVID saving countless American lives. I wonder what fauci is to not bring that up as something good that Trump did. And Biden, who said I'm going to listen to the experts, how about securing the water's joke? So I mean, I'm reading article after article how therapeutics are now. It is not the death sentence for even people with compromised immune systems and underlying conditions. We know better now how to treat COVID. People are not dying like they were at the beginning of this pandemic, as every life being saved. No, but they've made incredible strides, and with therapeutics, incredible we have an incredible ability now to save lives and get people that even struggled the most over the hump and back to good health. Add that to the vaccine that probably will be announced definitely by the end of November. And you know this thing is going to be history after the election. And you know, it would kind of suck if Donald Trump pulled us through all this and it doesn't get the credit for it. But as that evolved, this wall goes back to way before, as things evolving with pharmaceuticals, with Trump stopped on an additional amount of COVID coming into this country, with much more lives being lost. And I don't think that. You know, when all people say they're afraid and people criticize him, it's unfair because he's done so many things that people don't even stop to think about, and that's one of them, and something to talk about it more. Listen, Democrats were impeaching President Trump when he was putting in place his travel ban, his quarantine the first and fifty years, his subsequent travel bans, and building out all the ppe because no state was ready. All these liberal governors were praising Donald Trump. But you know, life's not fair to be honest, Ron and Joe Biden thinking the travel band xenophobic, I think it's a fair question to ask if he was hoping for more billion dollar deals for zero experience. Hunter anyway, appreciate the call. Thank you, Ron Is I'm sorry. Richie is in Florida. Also, Richie, how are you, hey, Seuan, how are you today? I'm good, sir. What's going on? Well? I wanted to get your thoughts about I wanted to talk about a little about New York. You know, as the next New Yorker. Everybody's talking about this election that's coming up, but the next one when they have to vote in New York for governor and for maya, I wonder get your thoughts about. Do you think they possibly might elect a Republican or a conservative next time? Because things are so bad up there, you know, I guess anything's possible. You know, years ago, nobody thought that Rudy Giuliani could get elected. Andrew, his son, is actually thinking about running. Would be interesting if he got in the race, and I think you're right. It was on the heels. Who did he replace? I didn't he replaced David Dinkins at the time, but there had been a lot of racial unrest of the time, and the city was a mess, and Rudy came in as a law and order mayor, vowing to clean it up, stop the violence. He did a great job, got reelected, and so yeah, I think it could happen again. You know, that's funny you mentioned that because I watched and I left New York in ninety one, and right before I left, I vote US for Giuliani. And prior to voting for Giuliani, I had been a Democrat for for many years. I said no, no, no, no, you know, I just changed and that was it, and I never looked back. But it's funny because that's the exact time, and I changed my mind, became a Republican, vota for Giuliani, and I moved down to New York. Well, you better believe the law and order, safety security is on the ballot. You better believe the sixty two percent tax or a fifty cent said now, I'm not voting for Biden with that incredible. That's sixty two cents fed really out of every dollar you make. That the government's going to take. Then the Green New Deal, then everything's going to be free. Then open borders, then amnesty, then the biggest power grab in one hundred and fifty years. Then activist justice is packing the courts. It's all there. You know, how aware are people of these very specific issues. Somebody criticized me, said, Hannity, you keep telling us what Joe is going to do every day. You tell us why, because not everybody's listening every minute of every day. And I want everybody that's going to vote to know exactly what they will do. Their stated agenda will be a disaster for the country and I don't see a way back if it's implemented. And that means the Green New Deal ending, you know, are all reliance on fossil fuels, open borders, amnesty, packing the courts, ending the legislative filibuster, all of these varying power grabs, dc PTO, Rico's statehood. I just see nothing but radicalism all throughout the Democratic Party. What they're saying they're going to do, believe them because if you believe it, it should scare you enough because it will alter the country's heart and soul and ways that I don't in ways I don't think we ever recover Alabama. Doug Next, Sean Hannity Show, What's up, Doug? How are you hey? Sean? How are you doing? I'm good? How are you doing? I'm awesome. I love listening to show. It's a it's great, thank you. I just wanted to say that that, uh, you know, the Democrats are so hard up to to get Trump out of They're throwing everything at this guy, I mean everything, and he's just he's just chucking it off like it's like it's like it's going out of style. And my thing is is why are they so angry? Why are they they're going after him so hard? And I really think that when he gets re elected US, he's got nothing enough to lose. You know. They they can try to impeach and they can do everything, but now they got this laptop. You know, somebody, Eventually, somebody's got to pay the price. Somebody's got to pay the pipe piper for all the illegal stuff they've been doing, you know. And I really believe that if you want that justice, I have advice for you, go out and make sure you vote. That's my advice. You've got an important Senate race in Alabama. I'd vote in that Senate race. Make sure you vote for president. I mean that the only answer is that, Look, these I keep saying, they're institutional forces. You got big tech companies with billions of impressions. You've got the media mob ninety nine point nine percent of them. You've got the Democratic Party, Radical Socialist Party, that they've now become. And then you've got the weak Rhino Republican Establishment Party, which is really just an offshoot of all things Democratic Party. And these are very very powerful forces that have been out to destroy Donald Trump. And I'll tell you what I think it is, Donald Trumps exposed as good old boy and good old girl system that goes on in DC. And he's draining the swamp. And he's been able to do more because he's challenged them in ways that they've never been challenged before. And they can't even keep up with this guy. And they hate the fact that he's that good at what he does, and he lives in their head and he fights and he battles and he battles and he fights, and some people I wish he'd fight less. I have no problem with a politician fighting for the promises they make to the American people, none at all. I have no problem when a president is telling our allies that we're sick of carrying the freight. You got to pay a fair share. I don't have a problem with the president that fights and defeats the Caliphate or Salomoni or bag Daddy or the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. I don't a guy that says he's going to build the wall and has to fight in claw to get the money to build it and then does it. I like a fighter, you know, rather than you know, the Milt toasts ever so polite, you know, cocktail dinner parties, washing and correspondence dinners. You know, I really don't have a lot of interest in those people. So you know that's gonna That's all on the ballot. Their radical agenda is on the ballot. Protecting a cognitively challenged presidential candidate is also on the ballot. I mean, they are running interference in ways that we can't even begin to imagine to keep the public from seeing the real condition of Joe Biden. It's scary, actually, I can only Yeah. I mean, with fourteen days to go, you don't take five out of six days off and not go to work. Never seen that before anyway, A good call, Doug appreciated, John and Florida. John, how are you glad you called? Son? I'm great, Thanks very much. How are you doing today? I'm good, sir. What's happening. I'll just you know, I've been listening to you a lot and just really made me curious about Biden's tax returns. We know that he's manufactured these things for the last fifty years. There of course they're going to be perfect. I'm wondering if we can see the rest of the family's tax don't count on it. Look, Big Tech has already decided that they don't even want you to see the New York Post and what's on Hunter's hard drive? Why would they? Why would they allow the tax returns to ever come out? People rightly want to get it right and be careful and not report false information. So it's a process. We don't have a lot of time, but it's a process. But what we know already is enough to show that the Biden family business was one of patronage and pay to play and you know, using access to enrich oneself and one's family. It's not that hard to figure out. And if the last name was Hunter Trump, I guarantee you there'd be a lot different coverage. We know. Thank goodness, there are people like you that are out there helping the rest of us understand what these guys are really doing. We're trying, but they hate me too. In case you didn't know, a lot of these people hate me. And they hate Mark Levin, and they hate Rush, and they hate you know, the few of us on Fox that have a different point of view. Unbelievable and by the way, and they spent a lot of money to try and get us off the air. Every one of us has experienced this at different points in our career, and it's like a never ending, NonStop funding effort to silence opposition voices. And if this power grab goes through, I shudder to think how bad that's going to get. June in Florida, June High, how are you glad you called? We got a minute for you, June, Glad you're glad you joined us? By mister Hannity, I was just upset because they keep saying how Trump didn't do a good job on the coronavirus. I think Trump did a great job on the coronavirus. Why don't they bring up H one in one and how Cuomo killed a whole bunch of seniors in New York. I mean, why don't they bring that kind of stuff up when they're talking in debate tomorrow? I don't think people know how poorly mister Biden and Obama handled H one in one, And I think that the President needs to let people on TV know because I think that only the people who love him and support him know the truth, and I think other people have to see it. I don't know what we could have done better in retrospect. It's it's so upsetting that so many of the scientists, and it was nothing malicious and nefarious on their part, were wrong. And I think that all the modeling ended up being wrong and the predictions were wrong. And you know, you make decisions based on the scientific information as it's available at the time. But I think people were trying their best. But you know, you're dealing with a the worst pandemic in a hundred years, over one hundred years, it gets a little difficult. And with all of that said, we still were able to within a year, we're going to have a vaccine. Less than a year, we'll have a vaccine for coronavirus that's never happened in human history. We now have even those people that have underlying conditions, older people compromised immune systems. You know, we've now developed the therapeutics that are keeping people that earlier in the pandemic would have died alive. I mean, this is incredible progress. We've made our medical researchers, scientists, doctors, medical professionals, first responders. These guys are great, and they really really everybody stepped up and they do what we always do. And that's that's American exceptionalism and American greatness. Did we get everything right? No, Joe Biden didn't even want the travel band. We'll start there, all right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. We got a busy Hannity tonight, we'll go over the election. Matt bill Hammer will join us. Lawrence Jones LJ outside of Biden's house if he wants to do an interview. Eric Trump will join us. The latest on the Biden family corruption and the millions they made. Senator Ron Johnson, Pete Hegset, Dan Bongino, Mike Huckabee, and Eric Parini say DVR Hannity nine Eastern. We'll see We'll see you then. Thank you for being with us. Back here tomorrow only twelve days and you are the ultimate jury. Thanks for being with us. Four four

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