Helping China - February 14th, Hour 3

Published Feb 14, 2022, 11:00 PM

Peter Schweizer, Host of the Drill Down Podcast, Head of the research think tank, The Government Accountability Institute and author of his latest bombshell book, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win and Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Contributor, Best Selling author and Host of the Podcast “The Brief,” discuss the developments involving Hillary Clinton, Russia and Durham’s investigation.


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News round Up Information Overload hour eight hundred nine for one Shawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. By the way, I didn't get into this with Eric Trump in the last hour, but it's worth getting into. And that's the information about former Director of National Intelligence Ratcliffe, John Radcliffe telling Durham the intelligence supports multiple indictments in this probe. And this has to do with the big breaking news story. If he thought Watergate was a big story story, this is much bigger. And that is lawyers for the Clinton campaign paying a technology company to infiltrate, in other words, spy on illegally the servers belonging to Trump Tower and then later the White House. I just stopped for a second and imagine if ever any Republican, any person with the last name Trump, had been involved in a scheme, in a conspiracy to pay a company to spy on the servers of Hillary Clinton, and if she was won the presidency the White House servers, what do you think the mob and the media reactions would be. It is unbelievable. Now, the media had no problem pushing the Trump Russia collusion lie. They pushed it again and again and again, and they did it for three long years. I wish I could pat myself on the back and say that well on this radio program on Hannity on TV. We spent pretty much three years of our lives with the most incredible ensemble cast of people, including two that I'm going to introduce to you in a minute, and everything that we reported has been vindicated. We were more right than we ever knew. It was even worse than what we thought. Using Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for dirty Russian disinformation dossier to get a FISA warrant which supposed to be verified, we now know it's totally completely fabricated and it was always unverified bold They were warned it was unverifiable, but they used it anyway. Anyway, here's the media pushing this Russia collusion lie. We are looking at the possibility that the president of the United States and those around him during an election campaign colluded with a hostile foreign power to undermine the basis of our democracy. We're about to find out if the new president of our country is going to do what Russia wants. This is evidence of willingness to commit collusion. This cloud about collusion with Russia will hang over him no matter where he stands, I could certainly say with confidence that there is significant evidence of collusion between the campaign and Russia. I think what it means is that a federal judge found that people in Trump's organization were colluding with the Russians. It does look like collusion. It does look like he's listening to Putin more than he is American intelligence, And frankly, I've never seen that before. Well, then why would Joe Biden if the Biden Syndicate, family syndicate, if they weren't compromised by Russia? Why why did he give Putin of all people, a waiver on this nord Stream two pipeline so he could supply our allies with energy, our Western European allies. Why would well while simultaneously stopping the Keystone XL pipeline. Why would he do that? Doesn't make sense, does it. Peter Schweitzer, he hosts his own podcast, By the Way, Drilled Down. He's the head of the Government Accountability Institute. A new book is out. It's called Red Handed, How American Elites get rich helping China win. It's number one on the New York Times list. Greg Jarrett number one New York Times author in his own right, also his podcast The Brief Eric. Sorry, Greg will start with you, because you will with me every step of the way. It took us three long years. You had two number one bestsellers as a result of exposing the Russia hoax, and now we know it was a lot first of what we thought. And I'd say, this is a watergate. You know, on steroids, human growth hormone at a factor of a thousand. You're absolutely right. It's worse than even you and I ever in vision, we knew that Hillary Clinton had invented the Russia hope. She financed it, directed the methods by which it was circulated to the media and the FBI. She was truly the architect and the designer of the greatest mass delusion in American political history. I never anticipated what we just learned from the Durham indictment filings that just came out that Clinton's confederates her lawyers were paying a tech tech company to exploit their access to non public, proprietary Internet data at Trump Tower and then later at the White House on their servers, sean equivalent to hacking, except the tech company had special access since it performed these sensitive what are called resolutions services to those servers, and the tech cyber experts penetrated those servers at Trump Tower and the White House. They took a nocuous information and then they deliberately peddled it as nefarious. They insinuated that Trump and associates were communicating with Russia. In fact, Sean, it was just routine Internet traffic, mostly computers generated and automated advertising, kind of stuff you and I get all the time. We don't know where it comes from. Sometimes it comes from Russia, sometimes it comes from China and other countries. It had nothing to do with the false allegations of collusion, but Hillary's people sold it to the media and the FBI as if it were and it seems like your Spitzer. Look, you've had now two number one best selling books exposing corruption at the highest level. And that is that in the case of zero experience, Hunter making millions and millions of millions of dollars with hostile actors, hostile regimes and basically cashing in on his then vice president's name. And apparently Joe lied to the American people because the big guy got his piece of it. And not only did Joe know about Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings. He actually sat in on some of the meetings, which you've now confirmed. But here we have this big scandal and this silence. There's nothing but silence here. You expose all of this information about the Biden family syndicate, and the media ignores it except for those of us that care about truth and care about equal justice. Yeah, Sean, I mean, we are in huge trouble as a country because we have a media and we have a government apparatus that pursued for years and pushed for years this imaginary narrative that the Trumps were in cahoots with the Russians. They didn't show any transfer of money, they didn't show any communication, they didn't show any special sweetheart deals, they didn't show any of that. And yet this was the dominant narrative that led to Muller being appointed as this independent council. All the investment in time and money that went into that came out with nothing at the back end. You contrast that to what we know as it pertains to the Clintons and to the Bidens. Let's remember, Sean, we talked years ago about the fact that the Clintons were getting Russian money, partly because of the Uranium one deal, but you had the things she was doing as Secretary of State that was benefiting the Russian government at the same time that her husband was getting happy million dollars speaking fees in Russia, not to mention the Bidens were Again, like with the Clintons, you have an actual flow of money from thirty one million dollars from four Chinese businessmen, each one that you know, I name them in the book, each one with ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence. And yet those stories get no play by the media. So on the one hand, you have no evidence other than rumors and innuendo, but no money trail, no paper trail, nothing, that's the main narrative. But in the other instance, where you have the flow of tens of millions of dollars from Russian and Chinese interest to the Clinton family and the Biden family, you get little if any play from the mainstream media. I mean that to me speaks volumes about where we are as a country today and the fact that we do not have a media that is showing any our honesty or in integrity when it comes to reporting on our political leaders. You know, I'm went all over earlier in the program the entire history of Watergate, and this you know, what we knew prior to John Durham's revelation on Friday, to me was enough that would have gotten anybody with the last name Trump not only arrested, but prosecuted and probably found guilty and probably given significant jail time. And that was that they used an unverifiable Russian dirty dossier as a means to go before the FISA court just buy on a presidential candidate, his transition team, and then Donald Trump as president. Now we have even a far worse and nefarious story, Greg, and that is infiltrating servers belonging to a candidate that Trump Tower, infiltrating the servers of the White House while somebody is the president of the United States of America. And that happened. And are we really going to hold the top people that we're doing this responsible. Well, I see various crimes here. It is a crime to knowingly give false information, false evidence to the FBI or any government agency, especially when conducting an investigation. And if you use additional people to help you accomplish that, it's a conspiracy, a conspiracy to defraud the government. It could also be a violation of the criminal racketeering laws in America because it appears as though Hillary Clinton and her acolytes were acting as a criminal enterprise in order to accomplish their conspiracy to defraud the government and the media. They were witting accessories. They hated Trump so much they didn't care whether there was any evidence to support their accusations that he was a Cremlin asset. They relied on faulty information, anonymous sources that were lying to them. They broke every journalistic rule in the book. They committed the greatest act of media malpractice in my lifetime. They will not now report what is in Durham's latest indictment filings because to do so would expose their own reckless, malicious conduct, and the media doesn't have the courage to admit they were wrong. All right, quick break more with Peter Schweitzer and Greg Jarred on the other side. This is unbelievable the story. Let's see where those goes. Want to remind you, we are hearing the first rate increase. Interest rate increase could be coming any day now, and they're going to go big, is what the reports are showing. Meaning like a half a percentage point. That is a fortune. If you've not refinanced your home at this point, this is your last last chance. 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As we now expose far worse than we ever thought. That's right, Hillary Clinton's minions infiltrating servers belonging to Trump Tower, and then even the White House and the Clinton campaign paying for all of this. I can't think of anything worse than this. Do you believe as slow as John Durham has been, now that he's gotten this far, he's got to know what the real story is here. Peter Schweitzer, the question is do you have any faith or confidence that he's going to finish the job and the right people will be indicted? I mean, to me, Susman is low hanging fruit. You know, if we get to the top of the food chain here, we're going right to Hillary Clinton. Yeah. I think you're right. I mean, look, the thing that has impressed me of the German investigation so far is that it is thorough, It is meticulous, It is detailed that if you go through and read these documents that are being produced, it's it's pretty amazing reading. I mean, for example, this computer executive that was providing this data. According to what Durham has written, essentially he was expecting a job in the Hillary Clinton administration. That was his expectation. When he started doing this before, of course the election of November twenty sixteen. So yes, it's low hanging fruit right now. But I think and I hope that this is really a strategy by Durham to begin at the bottom and work his way to the top. When you've got people that are even close age to political figures that are looking at jail time if they fail to cooperate, that I think is exactly what a prosecutor is looking for. I think, of course, the real question is is what is Department of Justice going to do. I'll defer to a Greg on that, but I have left confidence in the prosecutors. Oh we've got a conflict there, don't we. Greg, Oh, you absolutely have a conflict of interest. And that's Merrick Garland's wife right exactly, Merrick Garland. Merrick Garland's wife, Jill Biden, has an interest in this. So I'm not optimistic the current Department of Justice will take aggressive action. But if I were Merrick Garland, I'd be really worried that if I failed to take the appropriate legal action against those who appear to have committed crimes, that Durham will will go even more public And of course he's been very very private. Now I would expect him to produce a report in addition to indictments, and I think there'll be additional indictments, and that report maybe damning to Marek Garland. And if he fails to take action, so Arlan's in a pickle. It seems to me he has to recuse himself. What about what about his wife's position? Yeah, I mean that just further complicates the matter. And you know, I think that, you know, as I say, I think he has to recuse himself from making any decisions. It has to be somebody else who makes additional decisions. But so far Durham has been authorized to render these indictments first against Kevin Kleinsmith. He has one against Dicor Danchenko, Michael Sussman, and as I say, I think they'll be more. All right, I appreciate all your work. Peter Schweitzer. His new book, By the Way is on Amazon dot com and Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere. Red Handed How American elites get rich helping China win. Greg Jarrett Don't forget his podcast The Brief Quick Break eight hundred nine one. Shaun is on Number Pick Break right back at twenty five now to the top of the hour. You know, I watched the Scott Shannon documentary Worst the first twice, not once. I wanted to watch it again. I liked it so much. Twenty five to the top of the hour. If you miss the Super Bowl is a good game, which is what I always hope for. Um here's some of the highlights. Stafford go to the end zone, reach out and making the grab. Oh Del Beckham Junior staff rolling and throwing caught top top of the screen. You've got Sins with Ramsy on him and gonna toss here, Mixon's gonna throw open then caught. Higgins sucks down on play action finding room going deep and it's caught by Higgins. He goes in for the score pass, got it. Burrow trying to keep it going, get stunned down, gets it away and then incomplete. It looked like tr I'm not about a shot to make the grab at the Rams now running down to celebrate with a deep a play and guess her. I mean, you don't even have to think about it. Do not even have to think about it, pointing to the ring finger. But the Rams were built to win the Super Bowl and they have shield the deal. It's just a great game. Uh, Linda, We're gonna do a quiz. Do you know who played in the game? Now that the game has been played? Well, do you want to hear something really funny? I want to know how you cookies went over? But yeah, I want to hear some cookies were a huge, huge hit. Dip was a huge hit. So this was a huge hit. How about the cookies? Cookies huge, very very big, very popular. I mean a nice sugar cookie. It was nice and soft green, So I did green. Um sugar. It's like candied sugar. And it's the color of you know what's her football related items are on it the grass and then the people were colored sprinkles, non parrels if you will, and then um and then you know the goal post, the field goal post. All right, you're being coached. I could tell I am not you have. I was with a group of people yesterday who were far more excited than I was, that's for sure. But I didn't know who was in the Super Bowl. I'm gonna be very honest. I did not know, you know, so I mean I know now, yes, So I walk in and I'm wearing a white shirt with black and orange. So a friend of my boyfriend's goes, oh, you're for the Bengals. I'm like, who are the Bengals? And he just busts out laughing. He's like, oh my god, you're serious. I'm like, oh God, is it one of the teams. He's like yeah. I'm like, I am not for either, but if I'm in the proper colors from one of them, I'm definitely for that team since I'm dressed already. And he just started laughing. He goes, did you look around the room. So I'm looking around. Everybody's in Cincinnati Jerseys. It was a huge Bengals room, so you know, I definitely got lucky there, but it was hard. I wanted the Bengals to win. Everybody in my head I thought LA would win, and I didn't. I listen, it was just a good game and it could have gone either way. Listen. I'm you know, Katie and I were talking about this on Friday, because Katie's a big football ficionado, and she was like, you know, these smaller teams from smaller towns, like it's so much more important to those cities because it's just that, you know, they could use a little raw raw moment. You know, everybody, I'm honestly every point blunt. I just couldn't support. I hate I cannot stand Los Angeles anymore, like I hate New York City. Disgusting to play literally it's disgusting. And the double tiered system of like how we were just talking all day about Clinton and the double tier justice system. Will we clearly have a double tiered mask system because all the kids in Los Angeles to day were wearing masks, but all these forget about it. It's all the Hollywood elites. We're out there, and none of them had masks on either. I'll tell you I felt the wars for Oh and maybe I'm just identifying whether considering I had my own knee injury or elier this year. But Odell Beckham Junior, uh oh, I saw that. I watched that replay again and again. That's gonna take major work to get him back in shape. But that catchy made was phenomenal. Honestly, I don't know how these men do it. I mean they are, first of all, these are huge people. They're just giant worts and they tackling. But my god, I'm like the same thing. You've got to be big and strong or else. Don't you feel like in hockey as someone who played hockey, like you had more gear on? I don't know, I just felt like more than really don't. I mean, it's pretty much different gear, but it's the same gear. It's very similar. Yeah, I don't know, man, I was watching that game for me with ha oh oh, that looks like it hurt, you know, I mean that was me. How many people ate your dip in your cookies? Well there was not the left of either, so I feel like that's a good test. Well, how many people were there? I don't know, thirty five forty? Wow, you had a real Super Bowl party? Well, I mean I didn't. I was just guess, but I was happy to be there. Neckt like I knew something and bring their appropriate depp and cookies. I felt like I blended for once in minute? Did you bring your your secret you know, disgusting green puke? I had blueberries on my back drink or did you actually know I had food? I had a cacao hemp smoothie and I had a blueberries in my bag. Okay, did anyone see you eating it? I hope you hit it. Like, yeah, I had it in my pocket and I would take it out, you know. I moved on to Teitos and Tonic. Eventually it was fine, Oh this was hope there. All right? Would you do? What did I yeah? Would you do? Would you eat um? First of all, I watched the game alone. I was by myself. The best way to watch it. It's the best way to watch it. I agree with Jason. I've been to Super Bowls. I find it impossible to focus the way I want to on the game. And and I friends invite me over. I just said, you know, I'm good. I'm I got work to do. I was working as I was doing it. I made a steak, and you know, I'm paleo spinach, and then I cook my chicken wings for the week. What kind of steak did you make? It was a Porterhouse good, yeah, medium, rare, perfect at spinach like pop by the Sailor man. I will listen. I will tell the audience. You are a very very good cook. That's something that you do very well. I retimber on the road. You cook from the whole team. You're a good cook. Everybody likes what I cook. You a normal coople. You wouldn't like any of it. No, No, I mean I like meat and fish and stuff. I just don't eat a lot of fried stuff. But yesterday, I mean I tried what people brought. They had a huge spread, people made homead stromboli. They had hot wings and buffalo wings and all kinds of wings. I never had wings. But I don't put any sauce on my wing. I try to stay carm free. Just stay away from bread, I do. I just pop pasta. Won't touch it, rice, won't touch it. I just try meat, one vegetable a day, one salad a day, and that's it. And now you're eating spinach and not iceberg. Oh in my salad, I put iceberg. You know, iceberg has zero nutritional quality. I know. And then I put onions and celery and cucumbers. I don't put tomatoes in. It's too much sugar in it. I hate celery. I love celery. Oh it's disgusting. And then what do you think? What kind of dressing do you think? I use none? I don't. I use mayonnaise. Oh god, really, yeah, absolutely? Why would you use mayonnaise because that's like the most fattening thing ever. You might as well skip everything else. No, it's I take like a teaspoon, just throw it in there and mix it up really good, and boom, I'm good to go. Yeah, that's pretty foul, dude. I think you should take a poll of the audience and ask them afatic mayonnaise is appropriate on salad. I assure you they're gonna side with me. I'm just telling you the fat part is good for a paleo diet. You want that, not mayonnaise. Fat like avocado fat, healthy fats. That's just you like trying to twalk yourself into it. Right, You'll be very happy. I use avocado oil to cook. Oh my god, my onions. I saw tall them avocado oil. I am very surprised why I wouldn't. First of all, you make fun of me all the time for eating avocados. Now you can't stand them. But the oil is good, all right, Okay, I've got zero calories in it. They're changed. Man, Anita Virginia, Sean Hannity Show, How are you, Anita? Well? I am doing fine, Sean and a no on the Man by the play. And it is the honor to seek to you. The honor is all mine. What's going on? Well, I am a truck driver, or as I consider myself, a professional freight relocation specialist. Okay, so you you're a truck driver that drops off crates and brings them home. Yeah, okay, that's a hard job. By the way, Yes it is. I've been doing that for twenty eight years. I'm very proud of it. I'm also an instructor, so I instructor drivers on how to become truck drivers. Um. It is not a racist kind of job. We get all kinds of people that come in from all kinds of nations, nationalities, colors, creed and we train them. But um, I just wanted to point out that this trucking is not an easy job, like everybody thinks this. Well, now now that they're beginning the process of you know, trying to arrest the drivers and pick a fight with the drivers that have been peacefully protesting, and now that Trudeau is light about them repeatedly, and now that he's taken orders apparently from Joe Biden, who does nothing to secure our own borders, I mean, what are they planning to do to the drivers? Well, are they're gonna they're threading to find them, put them in jail? Steal their rigs so they can never work again. Tell me how that's going to work for Canada. It's not because what every everything you were right? You're right, Sean. Everything you touch, everything you eat, everything you wear, everything you even use has been brought in by a truck one way or the other. You know, whether it's from rail to your store or whether it's from the airport to your store. It all has to do with trucks. Let me ask you. Do you own your own owner operator? Do you work for a big company a small company? What do you do? I wasn't own our operator for two and a half years. Um, I ended up losing my truck because I put a driver in it. That kind of raised me over the coals that that was a lesson learned. But I work work for a trucking company now. It's actually Kidworths Sales Company's truck enterprises here in Lunchburg, Virginia. And so I think, and do you have a regular route that you do now? Um? Sometimes yes, sometimes no? Like right now I'm in chill a coffee picking up a truck a tent worth over here and then bringing it back to the d dealership to sell it for a friend of mine that owns a trucking company. Interestingly, he said there's a lot of women that are truck drivers, more than you would know, and that they're usually the better drivers. That I'll not be trying to be mean to my my trucker buddies here, but that he said, they're the most diligent, They show up on time, they pass all the drug tests, and he goes occasionally they run into a more problematic driver. We do. Um. When I first started trucking twenty eight years ago, it was a very hardly didn't see any women in the driver's seat. You basically saw them in the beaver seat. But now they aren't more coming out to where you know, we're being more and more in the driver's seat. And again it doesn't it doesn't matter whether we're black or white or whatever color. I mean, there come there are all kinds of racists that are out there and all kinds of people, and every every one of the truck drivers we got to stick together because you know, we are see we are the sailing ships of the highway. You know, you have the ships out there on the other sins, but we're the sailing ships of the highways. And without us you have nothing, sean, absolutely nothing. I'm the one that's been saying that I think more than anybody, and I recognize that fact, and I appreciate all that you do. And I pointed out many times the heroes of the pandemic have been the farmers, the packers, the truckers, medical professionals, and in the way, I guess this country and Canada is saying thank you to all those people that when we needed you the most were there for us, you know, delivering all the medical equipment, all the food we needed, all the medicines we needed. And the farmers, you know, kept doing their job. And those that were working in hospitals, I mean, would you want to work in the middle of in a hospital in the middle of a pandemic. I don't think that's the most ideal place to work. It's not the best working conditions. But everybody showed up to work every day and most of them ended up getting COVID as a result trying to save other people's lives. Tell you comments says tells you, Hey, I wouldn't want to do that type of job. But when you have a passion for something that you love to do, and I do. I love trucking. I mean, it's been my life. I've learned so many different things, and I've learned about so many different people in places that if it'll just amaze you, you know, on where you could go, what you could do, how you could some of the factories that you go to, and how they put things together. You know, if you just take Oh, if you ever needed and for whatever reason you want to switch companies. My buddy owns a great company, and I'm sure they'd hire you in ten seconds. Well give me his address, because I got a perfectly clean driver's license. Praise the Lord, and thank you for that. All right, Well, God bless you and all our fellow truckers out there for what you do every day. We really appreciate it. We can't make it without you, that's for sure. Hey, let's not forget nine to eleven, two thousand and one, two thousand and nine, one hundred and seventy seven people killed in the worst terror attack on American soil ever. The Tunnel to Towers Foundation they've been supporting America's heroes and their families ever since. When a first responder or military service member doesn't come home and young children are left behind. Tunnels to Towers, they pay off their mortgage and lift the financial burden on that family, bring that family stability, and for catastrophically injured vets and first responders again, Tunnel to Towers they build mortgage free smart homes, enabling the most severely injured heroes to live more independent lives. They have their new operation home Base, and Tunnel to Towers is giving and gifting tiny homes to homeless vets, our nation's heroes, those that risked everything, put their lives on the line for us, our communities, our country. They need your help and all they're asking is for you to join the Tunnel to Towers mission of doing good in their honor, and they're asking all of us to donate eleven bucks a month. They set up a special website, the letter T the number two, the letter T dot org, T the number two t dot org and help out these families that left it all on the line for us. At nine pm, do you know where your president is? I don't know, Yef. He sounded asleep in his bed with a lot of care in the world. Must be nice, Joe. The rest of us will keep working. You are on the Sean Edity show. That's gonna wrap things up at today Loaded up tonight. Eric Trump responds to this breaking these breaking developments as it relates to the DNC, Hillary Clinton authorizing moneys to be spent to infiltrate the computer systems at Trump Tower and the White House. Where's the medium mob's outrage to this? Anyway, we'll have full analysis of that with Greg Jarrett, Mark Meadows, Paul Manafort, Kelly Ann Conway, Clay Travis, also Kaylee mcinanny tonight. And here's something interesting guess we were having on tonight Linda Curtis Sliwa and Anthony Weiner. He's back. That's going to be startin show anyway, set you DVR tonight Hannity Nineties start on the Fox News Channel. We'll see you tonight. Back here tomorrow. Thank you for making this show possible.

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