Surprise! Inflation has hit a 30-year high! That's not the kind of news to celebrate...Sean covers the latest on how this disastrous news will impact all Americans.
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Day number, Day eighty eight, day one hundred and one. Since Joe Biden promised he wouldn't abandon Americans, and boy he abandoned them. Gladuate with us. We got a lot of ground and covered. Today we have all things. Bill O'Reilly dot com he's going to join us. I am stunned watching this trial of Rittenhouse. This is Kyle Rittenhouse. That's the Kenosha, Wisconsin case. I never thought I'd get as interested in it as I've gotten watching what's unfolding in the court just moments ago. Well, I should say all throughout the day. I mean, the judge has been brutal to the prosecution, and on three separate occasions he literally ripped the prosecution apart. The defense has now put out a motion for a mistrial. That motion is under consideration. Kyle is still under cross examination by the prosecution. Seems to have been, you know, been holding up. This all started to go south for the prosecution when their star witness. Now remember there were three people shot, two died. One name that was shot. His name is Gage Gross Crowds, I think is how you say it. I'm not trying to mispronounce his name. And while under cross examination. Greg Jared had a great line about this. He said, cross examination is known as the engine of truth. If done effectively, deceptions are shredded, lies unravel, and truth emerges. And so it happened in this Wisconsin courtroom, and this is what happened earlier in the week. This is the prosecution's chief witness, and he's admitting under cross examination that he pointed the gun before Kyle Rittenhouse shot him. Listen, that looks like being vaporized. Yes, okay, And it's being vaporized as your point your gun directly at him. Yes, yes, okay. So when you were standing three to five feet from him with your arms up in the air, he never fired. Great, Correct, It wasn't until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him, your gun now your hands down, pointed at him, then he fired. Correct, He aimed the gun right at him. Now, Wisconsin's self defense law allows somebody to use deadly force quote, if necessary to prevent the imminent death or great bodily harm. Now, the jury's got to decide whether or not Rittenhouse believed it was in peril at the time, and whether that belief was reasonable under the circumstances. Anyway, we're gonna get into this later. I'm gonna play the judge's admonition to the prosecution is as well. It's not something you see on a regular basis that I can tell you. I told you yesterday about the tragedy of you know, another nobel person out with a gun violation killing an innocent young man in New York. At statistics in New York by the way, that just came out, subway crime in New York City is now up by eighty percent. This, you know, this defund and dismantled the police thing is really catching on. It's really they're doing a great job. Stores closing in different areas of the country, like San Francisco, because basically thieves have been told well, as long as you don't steal a thousand bucks worth of merchandise, you're not going to be charged or arrested. It's pretty unbelievable. You know, we watch this, We've been watching the unfolding of this January sixth Commission. At the time, I said, we can't have that at our institutions. We can't have lawlessness, you can't have rioting, you can't have We've got to protect our elected efficial I said it. I meant it because I just believe in the rule of law. It's really that simple. Where is the commission? I mean, I knew they kicked off Jim Jordan, and they kicked off Jim Banks, and they put on Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzer. Where is the commission for the five hundred and thirty four riots over the summer of twenty twenty that the media tried to deny and Democrats never talked about, the one that Kamala Harris, you know, promoted the Bell Fund for people in Minnesota. If you remember at the time, after the burning down of the police precinct, so that those people involved in those quote so called peaceful protests that weren't peaceful, dozens of Americans died. Cops were being pelted with bricks and rocks and bottles and Molotov cocktails, Thousands of them were injured. City blocks were taken over, police precincts burned to the ground, and lootings adding up to billions of dollars in stolen merchandise happened. I don't see commission for that either, nor do I see the people involved in the riots of the summer of twenty twenty, I don't see any of them being prosecuted. Why is that, you know, I'm getting it's if we're now going to have an America where we don't have equal justice and equal application of our laws, and we're going to have this dual justice system, then you don't really have the great republic that we think we have because every law is based on that document known as the Constitution, and fundamentally you don't apply it in one case and not the other case, just like a president doesn't get to pick and choose what laws they want to obey in those laws that they don't want to obey. You know, Joe Biden just saying he's not going to enforce the laws of the land as it relates to our borders. And not only is he not enforcing the law, you know, he does have the choice, the option along with Democrats, to change the law if they don't like the law. If they can get that done, I don't think they'd ever get it done. But then he's aiding and abetting in the process, you know, facilitating the law breaking, dispersing people in the dark of night, or as Jen Psaki says, early morning flights or preferential treatments for illegal immigrants, meaning no COVID testing, no vaccine mandate, and transportation to the state of your choice, usually in the dark of night two am, four am, or, as Jensaki says, an early morning flight, and there's no need to COVID test them because they're not going to be here very long. Well, it appears when you drop them off at an airport that they're going to be here for an awful long period of time. So much of what I have to report today I don't want to report. I want this country to succeed. I want America to be great. I want Americans to be successful. And we're now at a point where the Democratic Party is now almost exclusively beholden to this new Green Deal socialism, radicalism, redistributionism, authoritarianism, socialism, whatever is m you want to call it, and the results are predictably god awful. As we see now the new numbers coming out today. None of this is good for any of you listening to my voice right now. We now have inflation has surged. We got October's numbers this morning, now surpassing a thirty one year high inflation. What does inflation mean inflation is well, that means that your dollar that you have to purchase goods and services, it doesn't go that far. Everything now is costing you more now. It gets worse when you factor in the higher price for a gallon of gasoline, the higher price to heat and cool your home, the higher price of every item in service that you buy that you purchase. It disproportionately negatively impacts poor and middle class Americans the most because they cannot afford the extra dollar fifty a gallon. Because Joe Biden cares so much about his New Green Deal, radicalism, socialism, and as we've been pointing out, he even promised to do these things, even wanting to put CEOs of energy companies in jail, but wanting higher prices and stating, so, listen, if we got that, would you be willing to sacrifice some of that growth, even knowing potentially that it could displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers in the interest of transitioning to that greener economy, Then answers yes, yanswers yes, Rod join it. Where with any subsidies for fossil fuels number one, number two holding them liable for what they have done, particularly in those cases where you're underserved neighborhoods and you know the deal, okay. And by the way, when they don't they deliver, will put them in jail. That's what I from. I'm not joking. Hold them liable, put them in jail because they're producing the lifeblood of the world's economy. Now, I don't see Joe talking about putting OPEC nations in jail as he's simultaneously begging them to increase their output. Because he's the one responsible for artificially reducing the supply of energy in the world because he was an he inherited energy independence. This is absolute insanity. It is madness. As as he has this, I guess this this woman listen to one appointment of This woman's name is Amarova. I believe is how you pronounce it, saying that on fossil fuel industry, saying we want them to go bankrupt. Now look at this through the prism of how radical this is? What alternative do we have? You know, Joe doesn't have to beg Texas, Oklahoma, Alaska, and North Dakota. They will gladly up their production exploration and we could fairly expeditiously get back to energy independence that he gave up, and then we would increase the world's supply of energy and not be beholden to the cartel, as Jennifer Graholm calls it opak, and we won't have to beg them anymore to increase production. But listen to this appointee of Joe Biden. People for certain travelic industries and firms that are in transitioning, and hear what I'm thinking about is primarily coal industry and oil and gas in a lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt in short order. At least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change. Right, I won't play it now, but I have the tape of Barack Obama saying he wants higher prices, but he just prefers it goes up gradually. America, we don't need to import a barrel of oil from Opec. We have more resources than the entire Middle East combine. When you look at oil, gas and coal, we don't need it. For example, now, once again, the events that happen in the Middle East, you know, impact the free flow of oil at market prices you know now the straits of a hore moves where the Iranians play all their games. That is now back as a national security issue for US because we now have to import oil because Joe Biden single handedly destroyed the energy sector in the country and every single thing one on a y. Inflation is surging to a thirty one year high, in large part because of energy consumer prices exploding to a thirty year high, Labor Department saying consumer Price Index, measuring what consumers paper goods, and services, increased at the fastest annual pace since nineteen ninety. Inflation also top five percent for the fifth straight month. The so called core Price Index, which excludes the often volatile categories of food and energy, in October, climb four point six percent from a year earlier. On a monthly basis, CPI increased to seasonally adjusted. Blah blah blah. All of this is bad news. All of this could be resolved by adopting Donald Trump's energy independence policies, which you know they're never going to do. It's getting so bad. US food banks are now struggling to feed hungry people because they can't afford to put gas in their car. Heat and cool their home, pay higher prices at the grocery and drug store for everything, and put food on the table the way they're used to. That's how bad it is. And it's all caused by Joe Biden's, you know, marriage to this radical socialist New Green Deal agenda, and of course demonizing fossil fuels every way he can. Fathers build back better tax rate is implemented, sixty six point two percent will be the top tax rate in New York. There's not a single state that will escape below a fifty plus percent type fifty one percent tax rate, meaning fifty one cents of every dollar you make will go to state, local and federal government. That's the minimum in every single state. The worst state is New York sixty six percent. You know, it's interesting. Mansion actually sounded the alarm yesterday after the new consumer data came in because this was actually pretty stunning and shocking and scary. Consumer prices are up more than eight point six percent from last year, and then you pay in higher oil prices, and Mansion sounded the alarm. He said in a tweet that the threat from inflation isn't temporary and it is instead getting worse from the grocery store to the gas pump. Americans, no inflation tax is real, and DC can no longer ignore the economic pain Americans are feeling every single day. Mansion warning. Throughout the last three months, I've been straightforward about my concerns. I will not support a reconciliation package that expands social programs and irresponsibly adds to our nearly twenty nine trillion dollars in national debt problem. He has is the best of his party, led by Biden. They have chosen to bow at the altar of New Green Deal, radical socialism and climate extremism. To this is now the entire party. And then Biden's out there claiming well two thirds of income earning New Yorkers that we're going to be better off if we pass build back better New Green Deal socialism. But then he's also saying it's gonna cost you zero zero, so''re not gonna cost you any three point five zero won't cost your penny. It's all a lie. And twenty five to the top of the hour. You know who predicted these high gas prices under Biden? His name is Donald Trump. Listen, and gas prices you like that? Two dollars gas, right, how about five dollars, six dollars and seven dollars Darling, Let's sell the cards a little bit too large. Let's get a cup back. Biden's plan is an economic death sentence, an economic death sentence. If if these tax hikes go through and you add it and couple it with this inflation and the high cost of energy, well just the tax hikes alone will make America the single highest taxed country in the industrialized world. Because you know this idea that it's free and it's going to cause zero none of that's going to come to fruition. How do you how do you logically make the argument that we're going to spend three point five trillion or one point seven five trillion, or whatever the number ends up being, and it's going to cost you nothing. It won't cost you anything. But think about this. Now, You've got these eleven senators, Democratic senators writing Biden saying, hey, you need to do something about high gas prices. But remember Biden what he said when I played earlier, and that is he wanted higher gas prices. Look, once you buy into the climate alarm ism, new green deo radical socialism, you think you know better. You think you're saving the planet. Now does it make any sense if the lifeblood, If I'm correct, the lifeblood of the world's economy is energy and oil, gas and coal right now are the world's best options. You could add nuclear, but that wouldn't get through with the climate extremists in this country. But now we're gonna now we need more energy and we're begging OPEC. What's the difference if OPEC pulls out a barrel of oil from the ground or if we pull it out? How does how is that less impacting to the environment, which is what they say that they care the most amount. Why wouldn't you give the American people the two dollars a gallon gasoline that they grew accustomed to when Donald Trump drove us to energy independence for the first time in seventy five years. All of this is predictable, and all of it is preventable, just like the border mess is preventable, just like the Afghanistan mess was preventable. I mean, every single thing that he is doing would be easily fixed, but he'd have to adopt Donald Trump's policies to do it, and I doubt that that's ever gonna happen, which means that they will electorally, there's there's going to be the American people are not going to put up with this. You know, we're heading into a schedule here in DC where the US Senate they're only scheduled to be in three weeks for the rest of the entire year. By the way, I prefer they stay out three hundred and sixty five days a year, maybe three hundred and sixty four. Come in, pass a quick budget and get out, because we'll probably save a lot more money if they had that kind of schedule. Anyway, there's almost no chance whatsoever that that schedule can be met. Congress has to fund the government pass December the third. They've got a massive defense policy bill that they've got to get done. They got to finish whatever this reconciliation bill ends up being. They got to get that done. They've got to also potentially maneuver around a US credit default. Each one of these bills could take days, if not weeks, in and of itself. Now you've got Joe Manchin on record who wants to slow things down, and then you've got you know, senators anticipating a short term government funding bill in the in the in the interim, and Republicans say they're not going to help now. They said that's the last time. But at the last minute, Mitch McConnell and ten other Republicans in the Senate they caved and they raised the debt ceiling. I hope they don't cave the next time. Democrats still bullish on being able to close this whole thing out. I just, I just I have no idea what this is going to look like, nor does anybody else. Anybody that says they know how this is going to end doesn't because they don't even know what they're doing. It changes literally by the hour. Nancy Pelosi makes a comment in a trip to Scotland with a suggestion that our military is an egregious polluter. Now we have to fund the military. Now we're going to put we're gonna put New Green Deal climate change standards on the military as China is building up hypersonic missiles that can deliver nukes and we're worried about Nancy Pelosi's top priority that you know, is the military exempt from climate talks, even as it's the largest polluter than one hundred and forty countries combined. We recognize that as well, and added the military as a big user of fuel, but argued that there were many initiatives over time to convert from fossil fuel to other sources of fuel to run the milk. What are they when it comes to protecting liberty and freedom? I don't think short cuts work or experiments work in New Green Deal socialism, So I'm not exactly sure where she's head it there anyway, eight hundred nine one, Shawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. I want to move to some COVID news that we have, because let's see, Nancy Pelosi has been caught yet again violating her own indoor mask rule. Apparently photos of her partying indoors this weekend at a California wedding appeared, and apparently Pelosi officiated the wedding at San Francisco Hall before the guests had to show proof of vaccination, made their way to quote the Getty Mansion with a celebration continue to event also attended by Gavin Newsom and the San Francisco Mayor, London Breed, and all three of them in attendance, hob nobbing with the masculess partiers and revelers. I guess you know at a billionaire heiress as wedding and nobody had a mask on. Now Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green, outspoken opponent of masking and vaccination mandates, was fined Monday by Pelosi or I think a third or fourth time for not wearing a mask on the House floor. How does that make any sense? If you listen to this program and for any length of time, you know that I am an in and out burger nut, my favorite, one of my favorite hamburger places ever. And anyway, weeks after the only in and Out Burger in San Francisco had to close down, was closed down by health officials because they failed to follow COVID nineteen protocols. And they're saying it's not their job to ask people to enforce mask mandates and vaccination mandates. Anyway, Under one of the most sweepy new laws in the country, anyone that visits the indoor portion of a long list of establishments including restaurants, coffee shops, Jim's bar salons in Los Angeles, they're going to be required to show proof of vaccination. By the way, they're now doing this with kids in San Francisco even five years old. And these are the same people that don't want voter id so business orders. This is not our job to be doing this. And it's not just Nancy Pelosi caught without a mask, getting all these people out there without masks, and the hypocrisy is pretty breathtaking. Apparently, Matthew McConaughey's made some news speaking out against the vaccine mandates for kids. He said, I'm not vaccinating my kids now that they're pushing it for kids five to eleven. They say that it's not mandated, although in New York City they're about to make it mandatory if you want to take your kid to a restaurant or into any store. Germany advises against Maderna's shop for young people over a rare heart condition. That was an article that kind of in the Epic Times that I saw, But you got all these liberals. Chuck Schumer, who was spotted maskless dancing apparently in Puerto Rico as the House was voting on an infrastructure package anyways, dancing without his masks Friday night appeared to be an indoor area in Puerto Rico despite a government mask mandate. You know, New York's Governor Hocold slam proposing maskless on Broadway while children are forced to mask up in schools. Congresswoman to leave slammed after saying she's only wearing the masks since she's on camera. It's not about health. I mean, do you see how this works? Rules for all of us, but not for them. Just like you know, why would we why would we want Obamacare? We don't want that. We don't want the worst system ever designed by man in terms of healthcare. The Texas Attorney Generals suing the Biden administration over the federal vaccine mandate. Mass Californians COVID rate is now twice that of Florida. Now, these things go in waves, and Florida dealt with a little bit of a hot period with the Delta variant. And I think very wisely the Governor Ron de Santis, because Delta really brought to the forefront the breakthrough cases meaningfully vaccinated people contracting COVID, and he built out these monoclonal antibody centers. I would urge anybody vaccinated or not vaccinated, call your doctor and ask you doctor if you test positive about monoclonal antibodies and what they think about it, whether or not the right therapeutic for you. It's you know, and then of course everybody wants to hate Aaron Rodgers. Aaron Rodgers apologized. Here's what he said. I understand that people are suffering, and this has been a really difficult time for the last two years on so many people. And I also know how sports can be such a connector and bring people together in times of adversity. And I do realize that I am a role model to a lot of people, and so I just wanted to start off to show by acknowledging that, you know, I made some comments that that people might have felt were misleading, and yeah, to anybody who felt misled by those comments, I take full responsibility for those comments. Now the packers have find them three hundred thousand dollars hit them with fourteen thousand dollars for violating NFL's COVID protocols. You know what I'm trying to understand here is this part of it is and I played the montage I'll played again in a second here, and that is all of these people said they would never do a vaccine mandate. You know, I keep pointing out where where did vaccine hesitancy come from. I believe in science. I believe in vaccination science. I've told everybody to take this seriously. I've seen the worst of it. I know people that have died. It's not pretty. I know people that have survived ventilators and died on ventilators. It has been for many, many people, so painful. Five million plus dead worldwide, nearly eight hundred thousand in the United States alone. That's a lot of people. I don't want anybody getting sick and dying from this. So, but I don't know anything about your health, and I'm not a doctor, and it didn't go to medical school. But I urge you to do your own research, take it seriously, and then of course take into account you're very unique medical history, carent medical condition. One size fits all medicine doesn't sound too scientific to me. Some people have very rare conditions and their doctors advise against getting the vaccine. You know, are we going to make accommodations for that? And then make the decision in consultation with your doctor, your doctors, the medical professionals in your life that you trust, people that know what the hell they're talking about I like to talk to the doctors that have been on the front lines during this, not people like Fauci that flipping and flopping and flayling and frankly was dishonest as it relates to the origins of the coronavirus to begin with. And then at the end of the day, you're going to have to make your own decision on this and live with that decision. But they all told us they weren't going to mandate this. Listen, No, I don't think you should be mandatory. I wouldn't demand to be mandatory. Perhaps the federal government should step in and issue mandans. And if not, are you putting the needs of unvacciinated people ahead of the needs that vaccinated Well, I think the question here one that's not the role of the federal government. That is the role that institutions, private sector entities, and others may take. We cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That's just not what we can do. I am all for more vaccination, but you know, I have nothing further to say on that except that we're looking into those policies, and quite honestly, as people are doing that locally, those are those are individual, local decisions as well. I think you'll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public. Yeah, well, they change their mind, you know. Look in my opinion, having done this now for thirty three years broadcasting, I think it's kind of over in terms of people have made up their minds. They've heard all the arguments, and maybe some people have rare medical conditions made people believe in natural immunity. Some people just have, you know, for whatever reason, they don't want to get the vaccine. What I am trying to come to grips with here is there seems to me that there's a way to balance this better than I hate you. You're not vaccinated, and oh you know, you're reckless and irresponsible, and you're going to lose your job, your salary, your pension, your benefits. And people are willing to do that, like tens of thousands of them for whatever reason. Why don't When Joe Biden mentioned the vaccine mandate, he did say that they'd have the option of getting tested. Why has that option been taken off the table? Why is so little Why is there so little talk about a therapeutic from all that I have read, seems to work fantastically when infused early. That being monoclonal antibodies, in other words, another option. In other words, so you can keep a safe work environment by testing people or people showing that they've been vaccinated if they care to share that information. Nobody seem, you know, people seem a little too willing for my comfort level to just throw freedom out the window, medical privacy out the window, and doctor patient confidentiality out the window. And I'm urging you to take it seriously eight hundred and talk to you, doctor,