Heat Turns Up on Clinton - 10.27

Published Oct 28, 2017, 1:45 AM

Guest Host Dan Bongino fills in for Sean and is joined by Congressmen Jim Jordan and Rod Blum to discuss the investigations into the Clinton Foundation's role in Uranium One. The heat is turning up as more information is released. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. All right, So I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep peeling and recuperative sleep that you've been raving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo called Hannity you will love this pillow. All right, Welcome to Sean had any show up? Damn Bongino at the Bongino on Twitter contributing it her over a conservative review in for Sean Today. And by the way, if you've not checked out the promos and the trailers for the movie, Shaun's involved and let there be Light? Do it now? Do it? Check it out? Let there be Light dot com. I know I'm going this weekend. There's a couple of studios, one in Port St. Lucy. By the way, it's funny about Port St. Lucy always getting off tracks. Is my thing, like tangents or my thing. I specialize in tangents because I have a higher order a d h D. My daughter came home and said, PSL the other day. She was talking about a pumpkin spice latte and I thought it at Port St. Lucy. But that's where I'm gonna go see the movie. Go check it out. Let there be Light. I haven't seen it yet. I'm gonna see it this weekend. But the reviews have been spectacular. If you listen to some of the people and their testimonials, they're incredible, So let their be like but I'll be in for Sean today. We got a number of really terrific Guess I'm kind of stoked about Steve Moore coming in. Can you say stoked when you're forty two? Lauren? Is that weird? I think it's totally normal. It is okay, all right. I was just because I was a little worried. My wife sometimes comes home, She's like, you're forty two. You should really not say things like stoke. But he sounds super rad, super I don't even know if rad is rad anymore. Right, when I was a kid, everything was mint everything, and my my locals used to laugh and be like mint that was a long Island thing, and queens you had to say awesome before P. I got Steve Moore coming, and we're gonna talk taxes. Steve Moore has probably forgotten more about taxes than most people know. We're gonna dispel and debunk a lot of stupid liberal myths about taxes, because that's what liberals do. They lie. Five P. I've got Chris han Now, if you've seen me debate Chris Han. Chris is a lib but he's he's a nice guy. I mean, listen, I'm a conservative. I think people can have different ideas. But if you ever seen me and Chris debate on Fox, we usually rip each other's heads off, but we don't dislike each other. But he'll be in a five p for what I promise, uh will be a very spicy debate about the issues of the day. Liberal callers, by the way, you're always welcome to you know what. I like that and five Congressman Jim Jordan and Rod Bloom. So that'll be fun, all right, folks. You know, we've been told for six months about this X files Trump Russia fairy tale, conspiracy theory, collusion narrative. And I'm gonna break some news for you right now about Russian collusion. Deep breath. It was true. If you're a listener out there here, like, wait, what the Russian collusion thing was true? Folks? It was true. Well, it's true the whole time, six seven months, eight months. Turns out looks like four or five years. This Russian collusion thing was absolutely true. But a little wrinkle to this story. Yeah, you were thinking fastball, We're going curve Boy and maybe Knuckler. The little wrinkle to this story is the Russian collusion was a story of collusion between the d n C, Hillary Clinton, and the Obama administration and the Russians the entire time. So thanks to the Democrats, nice job. I have never in my life seen such a stupid political strategy to advance a knowingly garbage, nonsense, made up, fake conspiracy theory about Trump's relationship to the Russians that turns around and boomerangs in your face and turns out to be an an accurate scandal. Just wipe out the Trump porst and get the white out out and put the n C, Hillary Clinton. What a bunch of imbeciles. I think people still use that word, and I'm pretty sure that's FCC compliant. What a bunch of colossal imbeciles. You know. I love Twitter. They have that hashtag epic fail. This is an epic epic fail. Of all the epic fails I've ever seen in political strategy injury, this ranks easily number one or two. I cannot think of a scandal that is so backfired on these dopes in the liberal movement. Then this, this Russian collusion thing, which is true. It is a Democrat collusion scandal. Now I've got a theory on this. I got a lot I want to get to do this. Adam Schiff is at it again. It's just joker in Congress who's becoming a one man comedy act. Right. But I have a theory on this, and you're free to tweet me about it. You're free to call in one, three, two, six, Liberals free to call into I really don't care that. Usually have nothing substant to say, but I don't mind yelling actually once in a while. My theory on it is this, the Clintons aren't dumb. Either is Barack Obama. They're not. I don't agree with their politics, but these aren't stupid people. Folks, don't do you. You're doing yourself a strategic disservice. If you think that I was there. I worked there for those you know me. I was a secret Service agent. Started with the Clinton administration, work with the Obama's. These aren't dumb people. They have really dumb ideas, but they're not dumb people. Okay, they had to know the entire time. They had to know that this Russians collusion scandal when at least the Trump end of it was nonsense, all right, They understood that. They also understood because I don't believe for a second that the Clinton campaign did not know what was going on with this dossier that the d n C. Because I want to just get this down to nuggets, because this is a very complicated case. The d n C and the Clintons were basically paying for bad Russian intel. They had to know they were involved in that. Hillary included, There's I don't see any plausible way Hillary Clinton did not understand that millions of dollars are being funneled to a lawyer to essentially, in essence, pay for bad Russian intelligence from Russians. I'll get it to more of this as the show goes on, but here's the takeaway the thirty thousand foot for you. Here, you should be asking yourself, well, what the hell did they advanced this Trump Russia fairy tale for if they knew the entire time that they were the guilty ones. You know, folks, if if you go into a local bodegar deli and you steal something off the shelf and you walk out, you don't walk back into the delhi or the Bodegan, go, hey, somebody just stole something. Go get them. Let's go look at the video tape. They do the water wolf do the video tape. You don't do that, right, I mean, why would you bring attention to Russian collusion if the Russian colluions the entire time were you. Here's my theory, and I think there's something to this because I know these Clinton people. They are they're they're not stupid. The Clintons had lived through this before. They have lived through intense media scandal before. Whether it was Whitewater, whether it was Travelgate, whether it was Vince Foster, whether it was Monica Lewinsky. They have lived through all this before, and the media has always found a way to cover for them. Clinton left office, folks, regardless of all these scandals, Bill Clinton left office with an approval rating hovering near six because the media painted it as a right wing conspiracy. Ken Starr was the bad guy going after the blah blah blah blah blah. You remember most of you know what happened there. The Clintons have lived their entire life with the understanding that no matter what they do wrong, no matter how guilty they are, no matter how many, No matter literally biological evidence of the act appearing that Bill Clintons was lying. It doesn't matter. The media has always covered for them. Hillary needed after this election, this this devastating loss. She needed a convenient excuse. I don't I'm not sure if she's gonna run again. I know she says she is, and I'm not sure about that. But she needed a convenient excuse to maintain her plitical ump because she's not done with politics regardless, because she can't be, because because she's a creature of politics, she feeds off power. She's like you know that that guy from Spider Man to whatever electro where they feed off electurers. She she feeds off power. They need power and they need a flow of funds. So she needed to reestablish her political credibility the only way she could do that after this absolutely horrifying, humiliating loss where she was destroyed by the Electoral College. Destroyed. I mean, she she was running for the you know, governorship of California. She would have done great, but she got destroyed using our rules. She fabricated from the start, in conjunction with her political consigiliaries, a false narrative to save her image, and that false narrative was that the Russians colluded with Trump to win the election. She they never believed that, they never had any evidence. There's still no evidence, no evidence will appear. It's nonsense. It's a made up narrative. But they needed it. And even though they knew that they had gone into the bodega and stolen the loaf of bread, they knew when they went back in that the media it would help them help them gaslight the owner into believe in someone else didn't even though they were watching the video of them stealing it themselves. They knew the media would advance the narrative. They understood that the entire time, because they've lived through with folks they've lived her with. I'm not I'm not speaking with forked tongue here. I'm telling you the truth they've lived through before the media protecting them from obvious guilt. Not only that Bill Clinton leaving office with a high approval rating, despite defiling the office and and and defiling people in the office. They had always covered for them before. And I think what is shocking to her now, being a creature of old politics, is she stunned. I think at the development of social media and the evolving of the conservative content ecosystem through you know, bright Bard, Conservative Review, Drudge, social media, Twitter, Facebook, and the ability to have alternative voices out there on TV, got Fox News, you have other outlets out there as well. She was blindsided by the fact that the story and the truth would come out. Folks, I'm not crazy because there's only two explanations to this, only two explanation. Number one, are these are the dumbest people in the history of politics. No, I'm serious. They invented a false narrative about Russian collusion, knowing the colluters the entire time. For them, this that has to be the single dumbest decision in political history. And I I don't believe it. I don't believe they're that stupid. I know, I know. I'll get emails and tweets on it. That's fine. I you you're free to disagree. Obviously. I'm putting it out there to to Shaun's millions of listeners. This is what these are not dumb people. I've worked with them. I genuinely believe option too, that they were absolutely convinced the media was going to multiply this false narrative and and and cover for them because that was their experience in the past. All right, And I'm Dan Bongino in for Sean at Dee Bongino on Twitter. If you want to give us a call eight hundred one seven three to six will be Hey, guys, you know how much I love Tommy John's underwear, undershirts and their socks. They are the best yet. You know what, We're getting a lot of feedback from Hannity listeners too. 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All right, welcome back to the Seawan Hany showed Dan Bongino at de Bongino on Twitter filling it for Shawn. That is the song from his movie he's involved with. Let There Be Light. Go check it out Hannity dot com or let There Be Light dot com. You can see theaters that are showing the movie. There's a couple by me in Florida. Like I said, I'm gonna go check it out Port St. Lucy this weekend. So if you're up in around the area, who knows, we may run into each other. But the feedback on the movie has been terrific. And folks, let's be honest, Hollywood has been feeding us a steady diet of death, carnage, and destruction for the last what thirty years. It's time to start supporting movies that represent American values and you know, things that matter to us. Faith, family, freedom. So go check it out. Let there be like, go to let there Be Light dot com or Hannity dot com. Check out a theater near you. I think it's it's hundreds of theaters. So I went on there this morning and it's not hard to find them. Go check it out. There's tons of them in Florida down by me. It's a great part about Florida. Man, And it's seventy now nice. I know Sean's got a place down here. But I was up in New York recently and it was, you know, a little cool. But Florida, this is when it gets sweet. You pay for in August where it's about a hundred and seventy five, but now it is nice seventy or eighty degree. So in the sunsets are just amazing at night. Enough about that. I'm not like the Florida Tourist Office representative anything. All right, Getting back to this Russian collusion story which I told you, which may have shocked you as I opened up the show. That the Russian collusion story is true. It's just the Democrat Hillary Clinton collusion story and the Obama administration. Now here's a comical turn of events that I saw right before. And when I mean comical, I mean like the sad clown, you know, you know the sad clown, right maybe like that penny Wise clown from that Stephen King movie, like the the the Horrifying Clown. To Adam Schiff, who is a one man comedy act up on Capitol Hill, who's a Democrat, you know, Democrats. You know, I always like debate this, like I want to rant, but I don't want to lose my marbles right now, so I'm gonna hold this in for a second. You know what I'm not. I'm just tired of Democrats. Really they are. And I'm not talking about Democrat voters. I'm sure a lot of good people out there. I know there are because I have friends who are Democrats. I'm talking about the establishment wing of the Democrat Party elected politicians. You're a disgrace. You frankly disgusted me. I mean discussed like I read your stuff on Twitter and I have to see it and I'm embarrassed for you. I mean, listen, I can go after the Republican Party when we violate our principles because I know a good number of people up there on the Hill actually still care about the country. I'm wondering outside of like Joe Mansion, are there any sane Democrats left? So, getting back to Adam Shift, who who they're The Democrats are crazy, They're just crazy. You have Shift now, I'm not I'm not making this up. Adam Schiff is now calling for an investigation of Trump, who pulled a gag order on an informant in the uranium one case, who is threatened by the Justice Department over telling the truth about what happened with the Clintons selling signing off on at least Hillary and the Obama administration shot signing off of our uranium nuclear fuel being sold to our adversary in the Russians. Wait, wait, wait, get the pencil. Put it in the tape for you all the folks. Rewind that thing will save some batteries on the tape recorder. Right? Did I just say that? Right? Adam Schiff, a one man walking clown show Bozo the clown himself, now wants an investigation at the Trump because Trump the president of United States. Last time I checked. Although John Lewis wished Mrs Clinton uh happy birthday and said happy birthday, Madam President, I think he missed the election um. Now Trump wants the informant to be able to talk to Congress about the sale of our nuclear fuel to a foreign adversary, and Shift wants to investigate Trump. Folks, these people are insane. The Democrats have lost their marbles. They are crazy. We are It is complete chaos time. It's like remember the Mr. Bill Show, Mr. Barrow Show. This is what it's like up on Capitol Hill. This guy is nuts, Adam Shift. And then you have his buddy Brad Sherman goes on Fox last night. Did you see that? Folks? Listen. I I can lose my marbles pretty quick when I get upset. I've never seen a guy go on television and just make a fool out of himself last night like Brad Sherman, another Democrat on Fox. They're losing their minds, Folks, the right in front of us that Democrats are losing their minds. Maxine Waters wants Trump to be taken out. This is crazy talk. All right. I'm Dan Bungino at the Bungino on Twitter. We'll be right back. What do you think of when you hear the word Lutheran? Do you think liberal women in clerical colors? Gay marriage. Social justice warriors find out how the sixteenth century Lutheran Reformation was really a conservative movement intent on reform, not revel Lucien with the podcast issues Etcetera Issues etc. Dot Net Real Reformation Radio issues etc. Dot Net issues etc. Dot Net. All right, welcome back to the Sean at the Show, Dan Bongino at the Bongino on Twitter, filling in for Sean again. If you haven't checked it out, let there be like dot com, don't miss this movie Sean's involved with. Go check it out Hannity dot com. You can check your local theaters. Folks. We have to support a new type of entertainment ecosystem out there. The one now is nothing put pollution. I stopped going well, I don't want to say I stopped. I want to be disingenuous with the audience, but I almost stopped going to movies about four or five years ago when they did a drastic turn to the left. I'll go occasionally once in a while if I see some doozy that do it where there's an actor I like. But other than that, this is the kind of movie faith, freedom, family, the things we need to support. Go check it out. Let there be like. Their reviews on it so far have been amazing, So go check it out. Let there be like dot com for your local theaters. Like I said, I'll be up in a PSL pumpkin spice Port St. Lucy this week I said, my daughter came home with a PSL as well. Ports Lucy no pumpkin spice a lot day. I'll be checking it out all right. Listen, here's the big deal about this case that I think is escaping um a lot of folks out there. I mean, I say this case. I'm talking about the the the exploding Russian collusion scandal, which is a collusion scandal just with the Democrats and Hillary. Many of you know me, some of you don't. I was a former federal agent. I'm intimately familiar with the process for putting people in jail, prosecuting them with federal crimes, and conjunction with the U. S. Attorney's office. Folks, I've done this before, and you know it's not a pad on the back. It's just a fact. I'm just trying to establish a base level of bona fides. Here. Here's the problem I see with this case, the the Democrat Russian collusion case, which by the way, is again it's exploding in front of every eyes and in my humble opinion, is the scandal of the century right now. Here's why. There are two takeaways from this, and here's the first one. It is now confirmed. No reasonable person disputes that the Democrats, through a multiple vehicles and conduits, paid people affiliated with the Russians for false intelligence on Donald Trump. Okay, that this is where it gets important, folks. The Democrats want that story to stop right there because sadly, but again, let's be candid. If the story stops there, it stinks. It's ugly, but it's not necessarily illegal. The Democrats pitch will be okay, whatever, So we paid for bad information. It's called appo research. Candidates do it all the time. And yes, folks, to be to be open and honest about it, they would be correct. Appo research happens everywhere. It's happened to me. I've run for office three times. Uh, It's it's ugly, believe me. It's stinks when people start digging through every every single facet of your life like san blowers nose in public ones like oh my gosh, they know everything about you. These people appo research. They're right, there's nothing illegal about it. That is not controversial. Okay, So the liberals listen because I know Sean has him, and I know those imbeciles over hip media matters listen all the time. So for the imbeciles over their media matters, this is where the story gets interesting. Try to take the cotton out of your ears and stick it in your mouth for just a moment. Okay, that's not controversial, we get it. Points stipulated, there's nothing illegal about opposition research on a candidate. It's not. That's not the controversy. The controversy is what happened with the oppo research. That's the scandal, Man and woman, that's the scandal, Not that the opo Because everybody, all the liberal talking heads, they're all out there. You know, we got Chris Han coming up later. We're gonna debate and we'll see if he says he may not. I shouldn't wait for him to get on the air. But this is they're like opposition researchers normal. Yes, Points stipulated. The question you should be asking your liberal friends is what the heck happened with the APO? Oh? The opposition research made it into the Presidential Daily Brief and onto Barack Obama's desk. Wait wait, wait, wait, wait, what come again? Please rewind the tape. Let's go under the hood for review. Throw the red flag? Did you just say? Political opposition research? Made it onto the president United States desk and he was briefed by the i C. Intelligence community on fake Russian intelligence that Democrats paid for. Um uh. Now now comes that moment where the fingernails chewing starts, like, how do we weasel our way out of this one? Adam Shift get on Twitter and say we're gonna start an investigation at the Trump about uranium one. This is folks. They are in a panic there. How do you explain this away? Uh? I'm not kidding you. When I was when I was working federal cases for all this reason, I can't give any of the details, but there was one particular credit card froud case I worked. I cannot even imagine using intelligence I gathered from say a source on this. It was a big credit card front case. They were printing bogus credit cards. They had managed to get cvvs and all kinds of card verification value and all kinds of stuff they needed for for fake credit cards. I cannot even imagine walking into court for a search warrant, no less a wire tap on a political campaign that actually happened. Nobody disputes that. Okay, I cannot imagine walking into court on a credit card case with an affid David for a search warrant on a credit card case with information we paid for that had been debunked six different ways from Sunday and came from the Russians. Folks, I'm not kidding. I probably would have been fired, if not potentially locked up for colluding with Russians. That's about a stupid credit card case. Can you imagine, megin that this was done to gather intelligence, fake news intelligence on a presidential candidate who was your political opponent, and the information made it onto Barack Obama's desk that I'm I'm sitting here like, I know there's no camera, but I'm like, here's a me scratching my head. Do you hear that I'm short hair? So? Maybe what so that that? That's only part one of this. This gets better. This is part one. Question one for your liberal friends, How the heck did bogus Russian intelligence make it onto the president's desk? Was anybody doing their homework now I am. I love the guys and the ladies of the FBI. I mean it as It's not me like throwing sugar out there because the vinegars coming later. I'm not doing it. I work with them. I don't know all of them, obviously, there's quite a few, but I've met more than a handful, and I can tell you with you know, no uncertain terms, that they are unbelievably hard working, super smart. They do a great job. I don't think the rank and file men and women had anything to do with this. I think this was the bureaucrats at the top of FBI management and someone in our intelligence community as well that had to have known something really stunk with this information. And if they didn't, why didn't you? How do you not vet this on a presidential candidate? You have information on a presidential candidate. Guys, ladies. When I was in the when I was a federal legion, right, if we had a treasury check case, that was like the lowest case we had. You know, no one wanted to work treasury check cases because every time the tax returns got mailed out right around April, people would have their treasury check stole. Now they do direct deposit in. The Secret Service investigates that. Everybody hated those cases. Everyone, but once in a while, I'm not. This is how it really worked. Once in a while, someone with political connections would call up the local congressman and say, hey, it's you know, it's May and my treasury check refund tax refund was stolen and nothing's happening. We would get a call at the office from a congressman or or one of their representatives, and folks, it was like all hands on deck, like you better go find that treasury check from Joey Bag of Donuts man, because he's really pissed. And he called, you know, congressman Bag of Donuts and and they're pissed too, so you better go find that tea check at work that case. This happens all the time, sadly, everybody. You know, it's all about connections everywhere. I wish it weren't. That was the way it was when I was there, right, that's over a tea check case. In other words, we were we had to go the extra mile when a congressman called because somebody called the congressman's office about a missing tax refund You have information, though, on a presidential candidate with the stature and status of Donald Trump and at one point the nominee, and you do no homework on it, like Trump pete on a bed in Russia. Yeah. Really, let's get that in front of the president tomorrow. Um, did he actually do it? Who cares? Let's just bring it. Bring it on. You got more? You can what else you got? Oh, we heard he did this, but I can't even talk about him because the Family Friendly show. We heard he did this with this and Andy, Andy, he defiled a hotel room. Obama said, whoa, how do we get that to Obama tomorrow? You vouched? You vouched for this. You do no homework on it at all. You don't follow up with the source, or did you? Is that what we're missing? The source doesn't follow up with the source. You don't ask yourself. Hey, um, who paid you for this? Oh? The Democrats and the d n C. And and by the way, I've already know the liberal listeners because they never do their homework. You're saying, well, didn't a Republican donors start Yes, a Republican donor started this. The dossier portion of this, though, which is what we're talking about was funded after the Democrats took over the oppo research file. So yes, a Republican opponent of Trump who's there still remains nameless, did start this The dossier, the controversial portion of it, the information, the false Russian intel, did not appear until the Democrats got involved. That's a fact. Chew on them apples right, you don't follow up, Listen. I know, like I said, I know a lot of these men and women in the bureau. These are not political animals. There is no way that information would have come through to them zero and they would not follow up before embarrassing themselves and putting their name on assigned Affid David. If that was the case, and that leads me to point number two point number one, how did it get into a presidential daily brief? Point number two? Is this God forbid? And I am not using his name in vain. I mean it because I am genuinely concerned. God forbid this fake dossier, fake Russian intelligence that the Democrats paid for actually made it into an Affidavid two wire tap components of the Trump presidential organization. Ladies and gentlemen. If that's the case, you have a scandal. Of I mean, it makes Watergate look like a rent and stimpy episode. This thing is a catastrophe. I mean water Gate, we had a crime. These these these amateurs break into the hotel room at the Watergate and steal information on Democrats and listen, everybody went down for it rightfully. So now you have the Russians feeding intel they're paid by Democrats. That fake intel the Russians provided makes it into a are tapping document for a presidential candidate, and the Democrats are like, nothing to see, your folks, move along. It reminds me of what was it the Naked Gun when Leslie Nielsen that scene where everything's blowing up behind him, the ambo factory, the fire and everything's exploding. It's a Giffy on Twitter. Now I know Jiff whatever I call him Giff, He's don't tweet me about it, and he's like nothing I see here, folks, nothing to see. Everything's exploding, Bombs are going on, guys, ladies, I'm telling you take my word for it. This is the scandal of this century. There is no way around it, and Democrats are going to go down hard. There are I I can't I cannot envision a scenario where careers aren't ended by this once the information is fully vetted and the key like I take a break here in a second, But the key to this, there's going to be the bank records from Fusion GPS. Once they find out who paid them, they are gonna be unable to run away from the from the from the undeniable fact that the Russians played to plant intel at a presidential kiddy. All right, I'm Dan Bongino at the Bongino on Twitter in for Sean if you want to give us a call eight hundred nine four one seven three two cents with you? All right, Welcome back to the Seawan haw Didny show. Dan Bongino at the Bungino on Twitter, contributing editor over a Conservative review. That's always a tongue twister for me every time. Forgive me, I know, I spin it out, Just spit it out, all right, you want to give us a call eight hundred nine four one seven three to six to join the show. Let me get a quick call in here. Let me take Nina, Nina from Virginia. All right, what do you got for us? Hi, Dan, big fan of yours? Really get that on tape, Lawrence send that my way, I don't have any fans three of your books for Christmas? First? Oh cool, well thank you? You only have three so you bought them all? Thank you very much. Okay. Well, um, a lot of my friends are saying this will never happen. So I have three quick questions for you. One, do you really we think that Hillary Clinton will be prosecuted? And if so, who will prosecute with the d O J and SBI so deep in it. And my third question is what if Obama's involved? Who will prosecute an ex president? Oh man, that's uh, that's a lot. Well, let's just get to one because one and two are into related. Will she be prosecuted? You know, I was sure of it. I mean, I'm on video saying it multiple places that the email scandal was and I had a very credible source on that. Um, I know a guy who knows a guy who actually looked at the server. From my best work experience, I was sure, um, she was going to the clink or someone there was going to be a charge for the email scandal. And it didn't happen, which was amazing because every element of the crime was met, which Jim Comey laid out in the speech and every seeded to say and by the way, no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute this case. Everybody was like, wait what, um so, I I don't know. I mean, my heart says, gosh, she's done so much wrong, She's screwed us over so much. There's gotta be some cosmic justice year. But um now, I don't know. I I don't have I don't you know what may just be straighting. I don't. I don't think so. The Clintons have been the teflon Dons of politics for a long time. But remember and thanks for the colony, and even uh even John Gotti, the original teflon Don, eventually didn't get out of the clint All Right, folks, I'm Dan Bungino at de Bungino on Twitter. You want to give us a call eight hundred nine four one seven three two six, we'll be back, all right, Welcome back to the Shawan Hannity Show. Dan Bongino at de Bungino on Twitter, filling in for Sean. And as I've said, make sure you go to Hannity dot com and check out locations where you can see this movie he's involved with. Let there be light. It's an incredible story faith, family, the things we need to support in Hollywood rather than the cesspool of culture we have. Now go to Hannity dot com check out where you can see it this weekend. It's out today, out today, go check it out. Check it out today, check out. I'll be seeing it this weekend. Alright, I'm really excited about this guest. Distinguished Visiting Fellow for the Project for Economic Growth at the Heritage Foundation, a good friend of the conservative movement, Steve Moore. Steve, thanks for joining us. Steve. You know, I um, I feel like I already know you because I've been reading your stuff in briefing and you know, the stuff you've been doing on the Uranium. Oh, thank you has been so first rate. Thank you for what you're doing. I mean it's like, you know, I do CNN now and they I don't think they've ever even covered that story. Yeah, I'm not surprised, I think, given my background is at a federal agent. I'm just really perplexed at how there seems to be a bifurcated system of justice in the country. And it's just disappointing. I mean, if this was the case of a Republican doing this. I I think you and I both would be saying, hey, there's this smells bad. Can we give this a look? But of course, because it's democratically because the you know, the all they talk about um MSNBC and CNN is this so called in a Russian collusion story between Trump and and Puton. I mean, there is a Russian collusion story here, but I haven't involved Donald Trump. All right, That's how I started the show. I said, I'm gonna blow you away, audience. The Russian collusion narrative is true. It's just true about the d n C and Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration. Well, I love your work, and there's an article you wrote. I think it was at the Washington Times, gosh four years ago, I don't even know, but I I've linked to this thing probably twenty or thirty times on my own website because it's such a great piece. And I want to have you on today talk about the tax cuts because one of the points you make in the piece that I I I just wish was out there and and and shouted from the rafters is when you look historically at what actually happens, Steve, like real date, in fact, something liberals have a tough time with. And you look at major income tax cuts Reagan, Uh, George W. Calvin Coolidge, John F. Kennedy that tax revenue afterwards one up and the rich actually paid more, not less in many of those cases. This is just this is accepted by conservatives and know what they're talking about as as fact because it is, but liberals ignore it every time. Well that you know, you're absolutely right and in fact, you know it's interesting. I've been doing a lot of research as as my buddy Larry Cutlow. I know a lot of your listeners know Larry one of our great economists in this country. And Larry has written a great book. I'll do a quick shout out for It's called jfk and the Rake and Revolution. And people, especially liberals, like to forget. They love to forget that. John F. Kennedy was promoting the biggest tax cut ever at that time in the nineteen sixties, and he said, when we cut the tax rates, we will go more revenues, we will get more incomes, will get more jobs. Doesn't that sound like Donald Trump? I mean John Kennedy when it comes to taxes would probably be a Republican today. Uh, and and it worked. You know, we had the boom in the nineteen sixties, in fact, the tax revenue sword after those rate cuts. And of course that's where Reagan came up with the idea. He saw what happened under Kennedy, so we did it again in the eighties. And of course it's just so funny. I mean, I am at the NN and he said, we don't want to repeat the you know, trickle down economic policies of Reagan. I'm like, are you kidding? I mean, that was one of the biggest economic booms we ever saw. We stopped inflation, we had you know, twenty million new jobs. And I seemed to be recalled down that the word policy worked pretty well because Ronald Reagan squeaked by in his in his re election campaign. Yeah yeah, he barely barely won, right and remember he lost Minnesota by only three thousand votes. Sorry he he only lost Minnesota by three thousand votes because it was Mondale's home state. Real squeaker didn't he didn't want to have the slaughter role. But you know it was it was an amazing and people say it didn't work. Well, if it didn't work, how did he win forty nine states. I mean, the American people love that policy and and we can do it again. And and what Trump recognizes is, you know, back when Reagan was president, the problem was our our taxes are high, sky high. Individual income tax rates now our biggest problem. And our tax rates on individuals are too high. But the big problem to me is an economist, and I used to tell Trump about this all the time when I worked with them on the campaign as a senior economic advisor. I said, you know, Donald, our big problem is that we're you know, we've got the highest business tax rates in the world. It's unbelievable. Most people don't even understand or realize that. But we charge our business as a higher tax rate than Japan, than UH, than South Korea, than China, than India, and you know, even even Cuba has a low rate of tames on their businesses. So it's insane. And we we get that rate down. Dan from Trump wanted a fifteen percent rate, by the way, and now they've compromised it to twenty. I hope they don't go one percentage point over twenty. But if you can cut that tax rate down to twenty, I guarantee you, Dan, it's gonna be like a reverse magnetic poll of all those businesses that have left, a lot of them are going to come back to the United States. Instead of outsourcing jobs, ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna start in sourcing jobs. And and and Steve the irony we're talking to Steve Moore from the Heritage Foundation. By the way, Steve the irony of a corporate rate cut is that known let well, I want to call him left leaning, but definitely Democrat administration economist Larry Summers, people like that. We're actually advocating in the past for the benefits of a corporate tax cut. And Larry Summers actually said, it's the closest thing to a free lunch you're going to get because that money will wind up back in the You'll have productivity enhancements to investment back in the company. The corporations aren't going to burn the money, which will enhance wrote worker productivity, which by the way, will give workers a de facto raise. I mean, this was Democrats arguing for this under Barack Obama, and now conveniently they've changed their mind. And I don't know if you saw it, but the Wall Street Journal oup ed where Ksey Mulligan totally called him out on that and said, wait, what happened Larry? You were arguing for this a little while ago. He says, Now that Donald Trump is proposing and he says, it's I'm endless policy. Um, and you know, to cut to the chase here. I believe and I think my buddy Larry Cutlow agrees entirely with this, that that when you cut the business tax rate, that that benefits the workers. In fact, my friend Kevin Hasset, who's now working as the chief economist for Trump, has just come out with report saying that you've got you do this policy and the average middle class worker will get a four thousand dollar increase and they're after tax income. Now, if you're you know, living on fifty sixty seventy thousand dollars a year, four thousand dollars, boy, that's enough, Dawn even to pay for the increased premiums under Obamacare, right, I mean, mass, if you actually got rid of Obamacare and let free market principles and competition, I mean, you could potentially double that to uh, I mean your take on pain, you know, Larry Cudlo makes a great point as well. When he talks about the JFK tax cuts. You know, we didn't say that wrong. The John F. Kennedy tax cuts, He says, listen, folks, this was one of the largest take home pay tax cuts in American history. He cut the top rate from nine to seventy, meaning you essentially tripled at that marginal rate, your your your tax free return returns on that. I mean, this was a massive tax cup by JFK. And I'm glad you brought that up, because it seems like the Democrats forget that. I mean, even Bill Clinton cut the capital gains tame compax there when he did it. I was working for Nuke Gimbridge at the time. We had to we finally got Clinton to sign that bill. And one of the reasons we're able to balance the budget. The only time in the left half century that happened was that when we cut the capital gains tax rate, we got such a surge of revenues. We increased revenues because people started selling stocks and taking capital gains, and we had such a tidal wave of revenues low and behold, we we actually balanced the budget. A tax cut increased revenues and it happened to the Reagan I'll give you an amazing statistic. Then, when Ronald Reagan came into office, the highest income tax rate in the United States, A lot of our uh you know your listeners will remember this a tax rate in the ninete Jimmy Carter Reagan came in. He first he cut it and then he cut it to percent. So the rate went from se down to Now, what do you think happened to the tax revenues. I'll tell you what. It doubled from five billion to nine nine. They doubled. Explained that if you're a liberal. Well, here's what they'll say, which I find ironic. They'll say, well, correlation doesn't mean causation. Okay, I totally get that. I'm I'm an avid believer in the modern statistical method. But Steve, the point is the correlation doesn't You're trying to make the exact opposite argument. You're saying, is a liberal, Oh, these tax rate cuts are gonna lead to decreases in revenue, despite providing no correlational or causal evidence at all. It's almost like silly making this argument. You're right now, I want to ease the mind of your listeners because there's a false story going on out there. If I can have made me on about this tax cut. We just want to make clearer to your listeners. So have you heard about this worry about the four or one case? And in the liberals they're gonna take away your four one K plant. I want to assure every person will listen to this show, we are not going to take away your four oh one K plan. There are fifty five million Americans who have tax free savings accounts. We are in favor of tax free savings accounts. I mean, this is a great way to build up saving and owning America. And by the way, those fifty five million Americans have trillions of dollars in the stock market. You know, the stock market is now up what twenty eight percent since Trump took effect. And I argue with these liberals I've seen and they say, oh, well, that's only rich people benefit when the stock market goes up. And I said, what are you talking about. They've never heard of pension of these millions of Americans have their where do they think they're putting their money? That money goes into the stock market, just like pension funds. Yeah, that's just silly. That's just silly liberal talk. Steve. I got about a minute and a half left here, but one more quick thing I wanted to address with you. Um, the Tax Policy Center, they've been the propaganda leaders on the left here putting out how this is gonna be a blow a hole in the deficit and claiming how we're gonna lose this money. Can you just debunk for that that nonsense for a second, that the Tax Policy Center put out this paper on it without having any of the any of the actual data about who or what was actually going to be taxed? Am I correct? And saying that you are, Dan Um, You're you're in the news media business. Now, So let me ask you this question. Why don't the last time you heard somebody um from let's say the New York Times or Washington Post or CBS News refer to the Heritage Foundation as a non nonpartisan organization? Um never ever ever? But they yet the Urban Institute, which is the most left wing you know, think tank in America, which puts out these numbers because they own the Tax Policy Center, every report you're gonna read. Cause the Tax Policy Center a nonpartisan organization, they are a far left wing group that always gets the numbers wrong. It is a you you described it as a propaganda group. I believe that's a good description. But I get so angry at the media they call our conservative groups conservative, but their groups are nonpart us in and I just it's just it's stunning to me that because liberals will actually use Tax Policy Center talking points and when you say something very simple to them, like well, when they when they scored this this tax cut, what tax rates were they using in at what income level? That well, what we don't know yet. What do you mean you just guessed? Well, basically, I mean, they just won't admit that. And it's just where you do, dan, is they assume in that model that by cutting these tax rates on our businesses and our workers, that the impact of doing that in the economy will be zero. Now, you and I could have an argument about whether it's going to be a big impact or a mediate impact or a low impact, but we do know it's not going to be zero, right right, Yeah, I mean that's the whole Dynamic scoring should be the way we do all kinds of scoring. But Democrats, of course, will never give that up. Steve Moore from the Heritage Foundation. Thank you so much for joining us. You always have fantastic talking points. Keep up the good work. I use your stuff all the time. Thanks for joining Dan. Have a great weekend you too. Alright, Folks, that with Steve Moore from the Heritage Foundation, I cannot encourage you in strong enough terms to google Steve moore myths about taxing the rich and read some of his stuff. It's just incredible. All Right. I'm Dan Bongino at the Bongino on Twitter filling and for Sean will be right back. All right, Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. Dan Bongino at the Bongino on Twitter filling in for Sean. Go check out his movie that it's opening today, Let there be Light. I know he's told you about it, but you gotta go. Check out the early reviews on it has been incredible. Let there be Light opening today. Let there be Light dot com. You can go to Hannity dot com see a theater finder. They find a theater near you. This, like I said, tons of them down by me in Florida. Go check it out Hannity dot com or let there be Light dot com. You know that was a that was kind of like a fanboy moment, if I can say. I know that doesn't sound like so I'm on six one five, but you know I I like academic pursuits and I followed Steve Moore's work forever. So, by the way, it was Lauren's idea for a guess, A huge shout out to Lauren. I didn't even think of that. Um, he's really great, and I was glad he came on Usteve More from the Heritage Foundation to dispel some of these common myths about these tax cuts, folks, which I'm gonna get through. I want to talk to Chris Han about it later on in the show, and Jim Jordan and Rod Bloom as well, that these are just myths that the Democrats, let me be nice, are not telling you the truth. I know it's gauche to call them liars, but that whatever their lives, they're not they're just making it up on taxes, folks. They have no evidence at all that what they're saying is actually true. The Tax Policy Center, which has put out the damning account of the Trump tax cuts, has openly acknowledged that they have no information on set tax cuts. So let me get this straight. You did a mathematic, econometric, rigorous analysis of the tax cuts. What are the tax cuts? We don't know, but we can really guess, and guess better than anyone. And liberals are running around liberal jokers like Paul Krugman who pretends to be an economist. This guy wanted Nobel Prize, Like what was the Nobel Midi doing on that day? They run around saying this is gonna blow a hole in the deficit. Okay, here's the question for our liberal friends. When does that happen? Where tax cuts have resulted in a loss of revenue. Don't tell me about the deficits that was on the spending side. Tell me where an income tax rate cut has happened. Tell me this. Sean's got millions of listeners. Surely someone out there. Here is my open dare to liberals. I'm daring you to call eight hundred nine four one seven three to six. If you didn't have millions of listeners, I'd give you my cell phone to call me. Call me. You know what they did. They call me after they call me, and then I actually meet it this time, Call me and tell me where an income tax cut happened in the history of the United States that led to a long term or frankly even short term loss in tax revenue. Tell me where it happened. Don't tell me about the deficits. That was government spending driven. That was not a revenue problem. That was a spending problem. This is liberals. This has a name. It's called math. You really need to try it sometime. And if you if you call up and you quote the Tax Policy Center or their their left leaning propaganda about the Trump tax package, you're gonna be promptly laughed off the year because my first question to you is gonna be how do you know what the tax package is? Are you? Are you Karnak? Do you have some kind of psychic powers? We don't know about you fools. Liberals lie, That's what they do, that's what they're best. Man. All Right, I'm damn Bongino at the Bongino on Twitter. Yeh, I'm coming. You're drunk. Oh yeah, full of all the basic tenant of Christianity. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't you dare tell me about the love and the compassion that we're so called God. What do you think it does to the voice to take the death of their brother and use it as part of your carnival act. Conically taed in the ends for four minutes a miracle I saw, davy. Now I want to put my arms around them. I don't. You've got the best scientific explanation. It hasn't brought you any comfort. Would you consider consulting a different source. Here is your God and he's holding out his hand to all you gotta do. Now just take it. Jesus gets wicked, right. I've never exactly heard to put that way, but yeah, follow me. This shain't brain surge. Do you believe that God hears? God always answers prayers. Sometimes we just don't understand the answers. That's better be good, That's what I said. I don't want to lose you. So my first question is are you guys ready for the amount of heat that will be coming your way with us? All right, folks, welcome back. That was the trailer for movie Shawn has been involved with producing, called Let There Be Light. I strongly encourage you to go check it out. I haven't seen it yet. I'm going to check it out tomorrow. If you go to Let There Be Light movie dot com or Hannity dot com, there are a number of theaters show in the movie. The preliminary feedback on it has been incredible. You know. I know Shawn's really passionate about it, folks, and you know, we have to support movies that support our values. Hollywood has been crapping all over us for a really long time. You know. I do know Sam Sorbo, though I never met Kevin, who's in the movie. Her and her husband, Kevin, and Sam's terrific. She really is. They're both really passionate about the things that matter to you and I she's great. I met her at a dinner one time and I was really taking it back. She's very passionate person. She's in the movie. Go check it out. Let there be Light movie dot com or Hannity dot com and check out the theater near you. Go see it this weekend. It's out today. Go check it out again the movies. Let there be light that the trailers. You know, people are walking from from what I've heard. I was said up in Fox yesterday and I heard Ainslee your heart said she got choked up watching the movie. So I need a little bit of that. I need to go try and kilo this weekend a little bit so I'll be checking that out up in Port St. Lucy pumpkin spice a lot. Alright, enough for the sorry, inside joke, inside joke for the for for me and Shawn's ten million plus listeners. All right, So, but at last segment, I was talking about the tax cuts, the Trump tax cuts, and how the liberals have nothing but nonsense, garbage, lies, made up fabrications, and propaganda to fight back with. And I just want to start with this question and this premise for our liberal friends. And I encourage all the conservatives and libertarians out there, especially the ones on college campuses, to go to their liberal friends and ask them this basic question I'm putting out to the audience. And by the way, the call on numbers eight nine, one, seven, three to six, Shawn's got millions of listeners. No liberal as yet to call in and and challenge me on this, because they can't. Here's the question. When has an income tax rate cut what Trump iss and a corporate tax rate cut, when as an income tax rate cut led to a loss in revenue to the federal government, Tell me when it happened. Tell me, Come on, lips, this this can't be that hard. You're all the you're the science party, right science? I mean, I gotta this is incredible. I gotta use the dreaded air quotes for this science because they have no science, they have nothing behind them. Surely you can tell us that Reagan tax cuts how the government lost so much revenue? Right, Surely you can produce the numbers. Come on the air, produce the numbers. Show us the numbers. Guys, ladies, listeners, loyal patriots. Do you think I would humiliate myself with Shawn's audience if I wasn't absolutely sure what I'm telling you is true. Ronald Reagan cut the tax rate from seventy It happened over the course of his presidency. It didn't happen overnight. When he entered the presidency, the government raised about five billion in tax revenue. When he left, they raised the nine hundred and nine billion. Let me hold on, as I usually joke with on my should do we need an advocus here, liberals? Do we need an advocus? If five hundred and five or so billion nine hundred nine but I'm pretty sure nine hundred nine billion is greater than five hundred and five billion. Please tell me how that's a loss in revenue. By the way, it's not even an inflation adjusted Lawson revenue meeting. Ronald Reagan cut taxes and in fact government revenue one up. And that's not the goal of it. I'm not arguing for that. I'm not telling you the goal should be for the government to raise revenue. The goal of tax cuts should be for you to raise revenue. Should be for your own take home pay to increase, should be for your own wallet to fatten up, your own business to fatten up, and your own ability to spend resources that you have worked to acquire. I'm asking you, please, please produce some evidence to me. Tell me how the George W. Bush tax cuts, Tell me what they cost the government money, and I will make a fool out of you. I go. But I'm telling you go back to Calvin Coolidge, go to John F. Kennedy's tax cause. Tell me where you want to go. The Bill Clinton capital gains tax cut. YEP, I said that, right? All right, you know what, Let's take a call Lauren. What do you think about taking tim there? That sounds good. They disagrees with me. Give it a shot, all right, Let's give it a shot. All right, Let's go to Tim and Biloxi did they say that wrong? Tim? Well, it's more of a you sound, but but you got close enough. People understandably get very upset when you say the name. I once said, um Oregon, and forget it. I got like five emails to my account the next days. People know my email it's Oregon. So all right, let's let's clear that up. All right, So you disagree with me about this Trump tax plan and revenue, tell me be careful. And I tried to explain to to the call screener. I am a died in the wool conservative, and I think taxes are far, far too high. I'm retired c P A. And and yeah, you had the most tax cuts and capital gains tax cuts, but the last really significant tax cut we had in this country was under Reagan nine eight six, tap for eighty six. Now the liberals will will, I mean, they're gonna pick and choose whatever they can. And at this point, you're right, there's not even a framework of what they're going to be proposing out there for to be picking and choosing that. But liberals are liberals, and so they're gonna do it anyway. And and I'm not I'm not trying to to to in any way downrade your point, if it's a true tax cut TEP eight six. Actual tax revenues to the government did decline in and okay, marginally, very very small. But but what the liberals will never tell you, what the liberals will never tell you is that's not right. That's not right. I'm looking at the numbers right in front of me because I keep a handy dandy pocket reference guide, because I get the I deal with this all the time. That's not right. I'm sorry. But the tax revenue and Reagan got into office was five hundred and seventeen billion five nine nine. It went down one year from a D two to eighty three, from six seventeen to six hundred, but one up every single year after that and never even approached anywhere close to the year when Reagan got in office. In other words, it went up every other than a blip on the radar, It went up every single year and nearly double by the time he left office. That's that may be total revenue to the government, but we're talking about taxes here. That's what I'm talking about. So Tim, just to be clear, because I don't I don't want to get into the wankery. I don't want to bore the audience to that. Just to be clear, the liberal argument on this against tax rate cuts is that it is going to drive up the deficit because it's gonna starve the government of revenue. That is not true. We have cut income tax rates before, and government revenue has gone up and up and up every time from a growing economy. That's the only point I'm making. I'm not making a causal inference. I'm not. I'm just telling you that the liberal talking point is garbage. It is not factually correct. Can we agree on that? We do. We do agree on that. We do agree on that. But you also and this is gonna get wonky, Okay, keep it sure. I can Okay, I can cut tax rates across the board by and give nobody a tax cut. And that is the danger that we're we're facing right now with the establishment Republicans that are in Congress. If if I if I reduced the rates by okay, but I increase I assume me I decrease the tears that with those rates are charged. I can cut the rates and raise taxes. And I understand where you're going with that. I mean there's a number of other ways to do it as well. I mean, there are deductions out there that are gonna way and basically what you may see a nominal increase some people, especially in Northeastern states, of their tag sload if they lose the state local deduction. So I gotta run. Tim. I appreciate the call. Always appreciate a uh. I don't want to say contrarian point of view, but an educated point of view from the other side. But folks, the bottom line is this. This is the point I'm trying to make that your liberal friends simply cannot refute. And Tim was not a liberal, to be clear, is good guy, But ask them this simple question. Did tax revenue go up or down after the tax cuts? That's the only thing. Uh. This is what's so frustrating about being a conservative in this modern media environment where they say things patently false and just unbelievably stupid, and it's parroted over and over again. The liberal talking point is not true, folks, It's not true. It is meaning there is no evidence for it at all. We have cut taxes in the past. I'm not saying it was causal. I'm telling you the tax revenue has gone up. They I don't know how any easier way to say this? What is gosh, what is this Tax Policy Center dot org? Go look at the tax tables I keep in hand. You actually have a screenshot on my phone because I get this all the time. They will torture the statistics till Kingdom come. They'll say, oh, my gosh, no, but as a percentage of g d P and well when you when you adjusted for inflation, it's smaller than the nominal one. Well, of course that's the case. But they cannot refute the very simple question I put out there. Show me where tax revenue has gone down after a tax cuts. Show me, show me the money, remember Cuba Gooding journey, Show me the money. Show me. You can't because you're making it up. Therefore, the entire premise of the liberal talking point is just bunk. It's nonsense. And folks, this is for a very simple reason. This is my explanation. It's it's not proprietary. It's certainly shared by many, I think mainstream economists out there as well. You know Milton Friedman, who was a genius. Freedman had a really elegant way of explaining what happens to money in the free market economy. He said, when you spend your money on yourself a free market, you earn it, you spend it. This is important. Cost and quality matter. Why. Well, it's quite simple, folks. It's your money. So the quality of what you're buying is going to matter. With your money, you don't want to buy crap. And the cost of what you're purchasing matters too, because it's your money. Therefore, you buy hopefully good products and you go and shop for the best and most effective costs, which incentivizes, by the way, providers to provide an effective cost and quality products because that's what people do when they spend their own money. Well, Friedman had this continuum the four ways to spend money, and the fourth way was the government other people spending other people's money on other people. And the reason money multiplies in the free market economy and divides and when the government takes it is because when other people spend other people's money on other people, which is government spending, taking your money and spending it others, neither cost nor quality matter. It's not your money and it's not your product either. So what do you care? What do you care about the cost you're spending taxpayer money. What do you care about the quality. You're not even buying anything for yourself, You're buying it for taxpayers. Who cares if the quality of the products any good. That's why government spending divides money, while free market spending multiplies money. Therefore, when it multiplies money, even at lower tax rates, we are taking a bigger cut of a bigger pie. Folks, this is not complicated. It's only complicated to silly liberals who are absolutely obsessed with the idea that government should control the economy. They are obsessed with big es state tactics, control of your education, control of the economy, control of healthcare, control of the bureaucratic red tape machine. They are obsessed with control. I can make the case to you strongly. Liberals don't care about increasing tax revenue to the government. They care about controlling the tax revenue that comes into the company. How can I make that case to you because tax revenue is gone up after tax cuts in the path. This is not complicated, folks. All right, I'm Dan Bongino in for Shawn at the Bongino on Twitter. If you want to send comments, criticisms, whatever. I take them all. If you want to give us a call, eight hundred nine four one seven three to six, we'll be right back. Let the Bible says, it's so all right, Welcome back to the Seawan had any show? Dan Bongino at the Bongino on Twitter filling in for Shawn. Make sure you check that movie out. That was the song from Let there Be Light. Shawn's producing the movie. Go to Let there Be Light movie dot com, Hannity dot com, and you can find a theater near you. I know I'm down in Florida. A ton of theaters down here, so go check it out. Feedback on the movie has been amazing. And we have to support movies that support our values, not Hollywood values, which is a moral black hole of values, which has sucked values in and jettison them to another string theory universe. So support the movie Let there Be Light. The feedback on it has been tremendous. I was watching Fox yesterday and a couple of the hosts really, really really enjoyed it. Let there Be Light. Go to Let there Be Light movie dot com and go check it out, folks. One more thing here. I'm gonna tweet this out during the break because I gotta I got a minute here during the break. I'm going to tweet out an article I'm gonna beg you to read because the the trickle down thing is going to come up at some point. Oh, trickle down economics doesn't work Trump and the text cuts trickle down. Listen to me, and listen clearly, because I got a couple of seconds left here. There is no such thing as trickle down economics. It's made up. There is no such thing. I want you to read this article by Thomas al Read it after the show. Don't go anywhere, because I got a lot of good stuff coming up. But there's no such thing as trickled down. It is a made up theory. There's no econometric theory trickled down. It's made up. I'm Dan Bungino. We'll be right back, all right, Welcome back to the Shawn Handy showed Dan Bongino at the Bungino on Twitter filling in for Shawn. Hey, if you're just getting in your car, you're turning on the radio or the app or the Apple Car Player or whatever, and you're thinking of something to do tonight or tomorrow with your kids, Shawn's movie is out. Let there be, like, go to let there be, like movie dot com, Go find a theater near you. As I've said repeatedly, because it matters. This is a solid movie, a lot of great positive feedback watching. In an interview on Fox here they one of the hosts said they got choked up watching it. Go check it out, Faith family. This is the kind of stuff we need in Hollywood, thematic stuff. And if we don't have enough and it's all crap, it's all shoot him up, garbage or some superhero thing. It's like a new superhero every week. It's like Garbage Man Part six coming out this week. Check it out, go to let there be, like movie dot com or Hannity dot com, Find a theater near you. Be a great movie to go to. Take your kids, go check it out. All Right with Us is one of my favorite liberal guests of all time. Uh can I call you my friend, Chris Han? Is that all right? Chris? Chris? That's the problem. Damn, we gotta we gotta all be friends. You know, you and I have had some shall we call them spicy debates on Fox. I think we've had some very almost as spicy as some of the cooking I've seen you do on your website. Oh you watched that. You saw that my wife's empanadas. I didn't think anybody checked that out. That's pretty cool. Well now I'm super impressed. Well, listen, I needed someone to come on to passionately defend the Democrat position on tax cuts and these uh, these exploding Russian collusion scandal, and I said, we gotta go get Chris. So now let's put our sparring gloves on, which you and I used to do, and so let me just start with the Russian collusion thing. Okay. So for months, Chris, six months or more, we have been told by any Democrat with a pulse that there was this unbelievable Trump Russian collusion scandal that Donald Trump Junior met with a Russian and it was about APO, and oh my gosh, this was treason, treason. I say, go get them Trump, June, you find them, lock them up, right. And now we find out that the d n C and Hillary Clinton in fact paid for fake Russian intelligence that may have made it into an FBI AFFID David for a wire tap, and we know made it into a presidential daily beat. I'm asking you seriously defend this for a moment as as a liberal, as as why we shouldn't all be in a panic over this. You know you and I have both been are creatures of campaign again research. You do app research, dude, That's how I know about your infanatic I mean no, no, alright, Chris, wait, let me stop you, because I knew you were gonna say that. Matt, by the way, your phone connection is absolutely what do you in the bat cave? Try to move to some place. I'm literally in the parking lot. My daughter's playing soccer here all the time. I can't believe. I can't believe. I'm having a hard time. Sorry about that. It's all right. I'm not gonna let you go because I've been looking forward to this all week because I enjoyed debating you. It's always fun. No, let me just stop you thither. I get it, points stipulated, because I don't want to waste any time of that. Yes, I've done APPO research. Candidates have done APPO research on me. I get it. I am not suggesting APPO research is even bad. I'm trying to get you to comment on the what happened with the Appo research they paid for information we can agree, both agree the majority of which was bogus. It's been debunk Trump was not using golden showers or whatever already. I don't even care what. I don't even want. It's a family friendly show. That information. Chris made it into a presidential daily brief on Baraco by his desk and may have been used in Affid David's to get wire taps for a counterintelligence investigation. That doesn't concern you even a little bit. Well, look, not everything in that uh dossier has been debunked. I mean, I'll give you the the delicious deed proud, but a lot of this stuff tell the things that have been going on that hasn't been debunked, and I think that there's still needs it still needs to be. My bigger problem with the doki A research teams that the to use it with any good effect to get elected. Uh you know, so it is a big problem to me how incompetent that campaign was, Chris. I have a big problem with what you said there though. Listen, I'm just being candidate because again we throw blows all the time here, but this that is a crap excuse And I think you're selling out here. If this was Barack Obama, and god forbid the let's let's just say, um, the McCain campaign for the original Obama elect if the McCain campaign had a dossier on Obama that said he was born on Mars, and that made it into a presidential daily brief, and some component that dossie it was true. They said, like and by the way, his middle name is Hussein, which is true. Not who cares, but that's true. So that's true. But the fact that Barack Obama was born on Mars made it into a presidential daily brief on the desk of the sitting president and was used to then in turn, potentially wire tap the Barack Obama's campaign. Chris, come on, don't don't you know, don't be you know you be kissed. Damn. But I skipping a step here, Okay, I don't think we know exactly why wire taps were issued against Paul Manaport. We do know why. Paul Manaport was clearly in bed with the Russians. He was clearly working for a Russian all our ark, and it was odd how he became all of a sudden the chairman of the Donald Trump campaign. I don't know that Donald Trump intentionally hired guy who was coloting with the Russians. But Paul man was good with the Russians, and it doesn't to hear that Michael Flynn was too. Now I'm not here accusing the president of that. I don't know what the president knew, but what I do know is that there were other things here. So we can't just jump Now, look how opposition research from a popal party that is not necessarily proven, especially for the presidential daily breathing. There needs to be some answers about that. But there's some other things that led to wirecapa and during the campaign. Well, Chris, but that's not true. Okay, Well, you don't have evidence that that Mike Flynn or Manafort colluded with the Russians. You may have some evidence that there were some lobbying and there was some administrative oversight there. And I'm not their lawyers. I'm just saying that you don't have any evidence they colluded. You, how do you know that. I don't think that anybody on the right wants to defend Paul Manafort, and I didn't noticed that nobody on the right is well, Chris I'm just defending the facts. Look, the fact that I know right now Paul Managed was in bed, that's a person case and millions of dollars with Tony Podesta. No no, no, no, wait wait wait, time out of red flag under the hood for review. What Tony Podesta? Who who was, by the way, the brother of John Podesta, the Hillary Clinton consigliari was involved in the exact same lobbying efforts is Mataphors, So you only care but it's Manafort. Come on, come on, what I missed that sor? Is he his brother's keeper? You and I brothers man? But you're making the case that manaforts Trump's keeper even though he fired Mataphor was Trump's campaign chairman and he fired him the Russian and he fired him. But but the fact that Tony Podesta's John Podesta's brother, forget that, that's that's that's sixty two times removed seven degrees of Kevin Baking. He also put Michael Flynn in a position of great national security, uh, knowing that Michael Flynn had some issues. So we have to wonder that's really you know, look, those two things are the things the American people need to understand and I'm not necessarily saying the presidency is anything wrong, but I think the American people need to know how that came about and the people who put the president in that position. The president himself should be hoping that the people who put him in that position are brought to jump. All right, Well, if you want information on that, can we all agree that we should at least get information as well on the trail of money that flowed to Russian intelligence operatives and how that information made it into potential Affidavid's in front of a court for wire taps. Can you you know, you know what's gonna be most embarrassing when we find out that Ryan's previous is the first person who started this death Saucier. That's gonna be the most embarrassing part. Well, we don't know that. I don't know that, And all I know is that dossier part was the Democrats the initial APO. No, no, no, yes, no, I have that. I know the dates, Chris, Chris, don't embarrass yourself. April that at April the the Republicans forfeited the case and the Democrats took over the Fusion GPS file. And it was after April that the dossier and Christopher Steel were hired. That is absolutely true, Dan. It was started by Republicans, not one single candidate, but Republicans. And we're gonna find out who paid for it, and not just on the Democratic side. I think we're gonna find out a Monday. Actually, they're gonna release the information and we're gonna find out who for it. I leave to say I think I know and um on it, but I'll leave that for another day. All right, this because I only got a couple of minutes with it. Might have been it might have been a low energy candidate that paid for it, something like that. I have my suspicions about what Republican was involved in this one. And I think I'm I'm pretty and I know a group of people who get very very nervous anytime I tweet them about it. But listen, I gotta get it you. I gotta get your your take on this as well, because I want to talk about two things. I only have a couple of minutes. I'm the tax cuts. Trump's fighting for these tax cuts. The Democrat talking point are these tax cuts for the rich. There's no evidence for that at all. When we've done tax cuts like these in the past, the rich have actually paid more in tax revenue has gone up. Why do liberals continue to lie about this when they can just research the data themselves. Well, the data is very clear. The tax cut goes to the top one percent eight percent of the dollar value of the tax cuts. Does the top one percent? Well, Chris, Chris, who pays the taxes? I'm not a look, I am not against tax cut. Well no, no, no, no, no, time out. You just did. How can you give tax cuts to people that don't pay taxes? What do you think the percentage of the tax load the top pay is? What do you give me a ga? No? No, no, who do you? Chris? You can't give tax cuts people who don't pay taxes, the people who pay taxes the top what? Wait, wait, answer this question because this will established going forward. What percentage of the tax load do you think the top twenty percent pay? I know the percentage. It is very very high. Yeah, it's so, how can you give a tax cut the people who will pay tax man? Dan, here's my problem. Okay, just be honest about it. Then why the president and the converse saying that this is a tax cut for the middle class and the working class. The guys showing up at the Trump roundy. It's not it's a it's a it's a it's a tax took for you and me. And and that's the problem for for for me, because it's not being honest. I'm not against tax up. I do not want to see the state and local deduction remote. I'm not I'm not for that, And I want to see more of the money going into the middle and working class people who do pay tax. Yeah, but Chris, they are talking about lowering the tax rate from people. No one has the numbers, by the way of the break, so I can't comment intelligently on it, because neither I nor you know what the numbers are yet. But the conversations that have been been happening behind the scenes are clearly a reduction in the rates for middle class earners. Well, I mean, why is that. Well, I do understand where you're doing with this. The President said he wouldn't benefit from it. Is that the president president's middle class. He's a billionaire. The President said he wouldn't benefit from the tax breaks. Now I did the math just on the estate tax, and it seems like he's getting a couple of billion dollars. Well, I don't know his personal finances, so I had he says he's worth eleven billion dollars. So if he's leaving the eleven billion to Dodd Jr. And the others and Avanka and you know, hopefully Tiffany gets some there some money. Right, One last question, So let me because clearly you're gonna go down that right. I dispute strongly that this is a tax cut for the rich, but the wealthy pay the overwhelming majority of taxes. Let me just ask you this question and we'll roll from here. Is I gotta run off this. I'm talking to Chris Han of the Chris Han SHO. By the way, Chris, why does the government why should the rich, as you say, why should the rich give more of their money to the government. What is the government gonna do to it that the people who earned it won't? I look, I want the rich to pay their fair share. Oh, here we go. I want to share, and I want to see working class people see some tax release, particularly from the typical payroll taxes that they pay every single week. I think a large tunk of their salary. Brother, that was painful to hear. The fair share did you have that on an index card. Did you get? You will get? I just told you the top pay nine of the taxes. What's the fair share of a hundred? Dad? Dad? Dan? That is your show to line when it comes to me. You always excuse me the talking point, I do. I I nailed you with that one. I fox you didn't like that, did you? You were pissed at that? I could see it. No, No, I want you to get that right up. I want you to come up with something new. I want you to be a better part. I'll try you, all right, all right. I like you. I get it. You don't like I understand I did. I called you captain talking point or something that was not cool. So you have my on air apologies because you are a nice dude and I like you, and you really defend your position, although I think you are unbelievably this guy in it. So hey, Chris, I gotta let you run. I gotta break. Thanks a lot for coming out as Chris Han and the Chris Han Show really appreciate. I'll talk to you soon. Right all right, folks, Sorry about the connection there. It was good at the end, a little bit chaty in the beginning, but Chris. I disagree with him. I think he's wrong, but I appreciate them coming on defending their position as passionately as they can't always make fun your radio. All right, I'm Dan Bungino at the Bungino on Twitter. Will be right back, Bold inspired solutions for America. Sean Hannity is on, all right, welcome back to the Shawan had and he showed Dan Bungino filling in for Shawn Folks at the Bungino on Twitter. If you want to send me comments, criticisms, whatever, I take them all. You know it's obvious. I'm really passionate again about this tax thing, and I appreciate Chris Han coming on, but I know where the Democrats are gonna go with this. I know there are liberal listeners out there. We actually had a caller before. If you have time, when we may get them back, but um calling it about Kansas and the tax cuts, and kansaying, well, look what happened in Kansas. Number one, I'm talking about federal tax cuts. I thought that was clear Ronald Reagan was not the president of Kansas or a state, uh that Ronald Reagan was president United States. I'm talking about federal tax cuts. The dynamics of tax cuts at the federal level work far differently than at the state level for obvious reasons. Liberals, um, states can't print their own money. Last time I checked, right, Um? Am I wrong? I mean there's no you know, federal reserve note uh you know colon slash New York only right, It doesn't work that way. States can't print money. A lot of them are obligated by their own constitutions to balance their budget. There was a tax cut in Kansas. Long and short of it is this it was designed. There was a flaw in the design that allowed people to recharacterize their income is business income, which wound up in a tax shortfall. I'm not gonna deny at all, just so we're crystal clear on the data and the evidence here that there are states who have come up with tax shortfalls all the time, tax cuts, tax hikes, It's all over the place. No matter how high California raises its tax rate, it seems to always have a short fall. Same in New York State and other places. I'm talking about the federal government because again I find it funny that liberals keep bringing up Kansas and they ignore the positive effects of the Kansas tax cuts as well, like unemployment dropping the lowest level they had in sixteen years, job growth like, they ignore all of that. And by the way, government spending in Kansas did not go down because a bunch of Rhino Republicans and a lot of liberal Democrats insisted on spending the same amount of money they spent before, surprising absolutely no one then that there was a short fall. But that's their thing. In Kansas. They avoid Texas, they avoid Florida. You know, it's just ridiculous. Alright, folks, if you haven't checked it out yet, by the way, please go look at Shawn Stoomer's coming out today. He's a producer on this movie. It's let there be like go check it out and let there be light movie dot com or Hannity dot com. They're multiple theaters, tons of them down here in Florida. I am again Hannity dot com. Let there be light movie dot Com. Go check it out. See it this weekend. Bring the kids. It's gonna be terrific. Go check it out. I'm gonna see it I think tomorrow or Sunday. I'm dan bungee. Don't be right back. Holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress. Okay, yeah, I'm coming. You're drunk. Oh yeah, I'm full of overariz the basic tenet of Christianity. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't you dare tell me about the love and the compassion that you're so called God. What do you think it does to the voice to take the death of their brother and use it as part of your carnival act clinically dead in the end of its four minutes. It's a miracle. I saw Davy want to put my arms around them. I don't point towards You've got the best scientific explanation. It hasn't brought you any comfort which you consider consulting a different sources. Your God, and he's holding out his hand. All you gotta do now just take it. Jesus gets wet right. I've never exactly heard it put that way, but yeah, follow me. This shain't Bryan's surge. Do you believe that God hears? God always answers prayers. Sometimes we just don't understand the answers. This good, That's what I said. I don't want to lose you. So my first question is, are you guys ready for the amount of heat that will be coming your way with us? Wow, that was a really touching trailer. I know I've heard it twice, but I'll be honest me first of folks. The first time, I was writing something down for the first half and I missed some of it. What a gosh. That kind of took me back a bit. What a great trailer. That's Shawn's new movie, Let There Be Light. Uh, really we need more movies like that. I'm a devout Christian, I'm a center like everyone else. But I'm going this weekend and see if folks, if you want to find a movie theater near you where you can see Let there Be Light, go to Let there Be Light movie dot com or Hannity dot com and there's a theater finder in there. You'll see a whole list of them. Go check that out, starring Kevin and Sam Sorbo, two really incredible people. Like I said, I met Sam in the past. She's she's really phenomenal. Go checking out the reviews I've heard on the movie. I've been just incredible. Bring it to your to your eye. Go check it out. Let there be Light. Let There Be Light movie dot com. All Right, it's tough to come back from that. It was a very emotional trailer. Guys, good job there, welcoming to the show. Two friends of the show, Congressman Jim Jordan's and Congressman Rod Blum from Iowa and Ohio, respectively, Guys, thanks a lot for joining us. We really appreciate it. Yeah, sure, absolutely, If I can start out with you, Congressman Jordan's, listen to the the budget yesterday passing was it was a kind of a water shed moment. I think there's obviously a lot of disagreements on spending levels, but at least for the tax reform component of this. I guess my question to you is after the failure to get rid of Obamacare, which I I you know, I know you're really in touch with the grassroots. I've I've spoken with it before. You're a great guy. They were very upset. Please tell me the chances of this tax reform are pretty good? I mean, what's your take from I think they are pretty good. You know, I think if against this House, you never know about the Senate, but I think they've been home, and you know, I hope they've had a little uh uh, come to Jesus moment with their constituents. Because remember, and you know this, six Republican senators voted against healthcare bill, voted against the very same legislation that they voted for twenty months ago, the clean repeal legislation that we put on President Obama's best last INFESTI. And so I don't know how you do that. I know how you vote against the very thing you voted for and what you told the voters you were gonna do, and then when it's time and it really ounce, uh, you vote against it. So I think they they probably got an earful from their constituents, and I think it'll get the tax bill will get out of the House and then over over to the Senate, and hopefully they've seen the lightning under the right thing. Oh gosh, I'm glad you say that, Congress from Blum from your perspective here, now, we've seen some incredible economic numbers since the presidency is transferred from a democratic administration to obviously President Trump. Now the economy has been frankly on a tear. Remember when the secular stagnation people, the Democrats told us we'd never see three percent growth again, and now we've seen it in two consecutive quarters. So I mean, from your perspective, I guess I'm asking you a question you already know the answer to it. Don't you think we need these tax cuts to send it over the edge? I mean, it's good to be an overdrive, but if we're in fifth year, we can take it the sixth or seventh year the economy if we can get these through. What's your take on that? Absolutely, dan that this economy, uh, the eight years of President Obama has grown at fifty percent. Let me repeat that of the post World War two average, we've grown out between three to three and a half percent GDP growth annually on average since World War Two under president of former President Obama, we grew somewhere between one and a half to one point seven GDP growth. So, yes, we need to reignite this economy. And one of the biggest reasons, dan Is are working families in this country haven't effectively had a pay raise in over twenty years. Twenty years. And you know what's increasingly frustrating about this Congressman That Democrat economic advisors Larry Summers comes to mind right away. I have the quote right in front of me, and from years ago it suggested that the tax cut proposals, some of them on the Republican tax cut plan. Now we're quote a free lunch, and we're a quick way to juice the economy. And now you have some of these same set advisors. Now the President Trump is in office saying, oh, no, this is an absurd idea. It's a tax cut for the rich. It's it's it's insanity. I haven't really our time with this. Oh I agree. In the in in the Washington media, Dan, it's fascinating, and I've been telling them this. It seems like there's only one time they care about the deficit, one time to care about the debt, and one time they care about the cost to the federal government. And that's when we're talking about letting working folks keep more of their own money, more of their own take on page, don't worry about it's not it's not a cost to let people keep more of their own money. That's not no. No, It's like someone not robbing you as they walk down the street and then acting like you cost them a dollar. It's like, it's my money. We earned it. So Congressman Jordan's question for you on this up. So yesterday I was I was doing a cable news and I was talking to one of the hosts who was really bright, and she brought up a great point which is concerned me and I know you for a very long time, along with most of the members of the Freedom Caucus. The budget blueprint, we all get it. It's not the formal budget that passed. But you know, I hate to use this ridiculous term kicking the can down the road there there's no road even left anymore. But I know you guys are on this and ladies and the Freedom Caucus over there, But when is the Congress at large, the Republicans out there going to get their arms around the fact that mathematically we are headed down an absolutely certain course to bankruptcy if we don't course correct. Well, let's let's hope sooner rather than later. Because you're absolutely right twenty three dollar debt. But uh, Broadlands to the right the right point, and you know this as well. You can't deal with the twenty treeon dollar debt when you're growing at one and a half one and three quarters percent annual growth rate. You have to get the three, three and a half four Donald's Trump's presidency were on that track right now, hit three. As you said the last two quarters, you can't get that kind of growth rate if you don't cut taxes and let people keep more of their money, lower the corporate all the things that are going to be in this tax bill. So that is part of dealing with this debt burden that we currently have that is that is so high. But at some point, you're exactly right. Once we get the tax code right, we're gonna have to cut spending. We're gonna have to reduce the rate of growth of the government, reduce the rate of growth of spending so that we can deal with it. But you have to grow at a better rate. And helping us get to a better rate of growth is going to be putting in place the right kind of tax code and letting people keep more of their money. But Congressman Jordan, do you do you think we're talking to Jim Jordan and Rod Blum from Ohio and uh excuse Ohio and Iowa respectively. Do you think there's any momentum for you know, forget for a second even about cutting spending. Is there any momentum for even cutting the rate of growth of spending. I mean, that would at least be a baby step forward. Unfortunately, certainly not amongst Democrats. Uh and and frankly, I think they're they're probably too many Republicans who don't want to do that now. But I do think we will get there. But let's let's go one step at a time. Let's get the tax let's get the tax code in place. Rod is at the right. Uh. This whole revenue neutral idea that somehow letting people keep more of their money is the cost of the government is just ridiculous. And in the revenue neutral world, never forget what happens if you function in that world. What it means does the burden says the same. You just shift around who pays what. And in that scenario, what always happens is the people with the big fancy lobbyists and all the you know, the folks with all the political capital, they get a good deal and middle class familis get a bad So let's just do one thing. Yeah, yeah, I mean baby steps. I agree. I mean, after eight years of Barack Obama and Congressman bum As you accurately stated, um sub standard historical growth. I mean, these are not partisan talking points that you can google these yourself. The post World War two rate of growth has been was significantly higher than we saw under Barack Obama. And I think what's really bothering me about this is now, you know, Democrats, like I said before, we were advocating for some of the same policies, are throwing out their disingenuous talking points about these tax cuts, saying their standard old class politics nonsense that this is a tax cut for the rich, when you and I both know that there are mounds of economic data out there showing that a corporate tax cut would benefit in fact, the middle class and not just the rich. I mean that kind of infuriates me. How do we battle this stuff? Yeah, they just keep you keep talking about this is this isn't they out of a textbook, Dan that this is every time, every time has been tried, it is work. We gave a huge tax cuts in the twenties. Revenues to the government went up, g d P went up. Jobs. Kennedy for Kennedy, a Democrat, lower lower the high tax rates created nine million jobs, nine million jobs in the in the next five years. His GDP growth was over listened to this five in the revenues to the government. You want to talk about cost, the revenues to the government went up over sixty or Kennedy. Now, let's passed forward to Reagan. Same thing we had once in a generation tax cuts there twelve million jobs, twelve million jobs created, five percent GDP growth, and revenues to the government for people that want government to grow and doubled under Reagan because of these tax cuts. Congressman Bob, nothing you're saying there was even remotely controversial. Everything you're saying can be easily researched by throwing to the internet. But what's frustrating to me? And if I could ask both of you a small favor. I don't know if this will ever happen, but can someone just go on the House floor with a chart of tax revenue and asked the liberals there to show us where after a tax cut, tax revenue has gone down? Well, I I wonder, and I'll leave this to you. Congressman Jordan's serious question, though for a moment, I'm not trying to be sarcastic or silly about it. Why has no one done that? Why has no one just gone up there and highlighted tax revenue. The government said, here were the tax cuts. Here's what happened to tax revenue. Notice liberals, tax revenue one up. Because the economy, I mean, none of this is hard to figure out. It's just frustrating no one does it. I think hum is going to do that here in the next couple of weeks. You're gonna go on the floor and did just that. If you do that, I will be all over that on my social media. So it would be great, you know. But the class warfare guys, Dan love to talk about the rich. You're gonna get richer and businesses. The benefits are going to go to the businesses. Once again, if you look at the economic facts, Dan, when when businesses get tax cuts, workers in those businesses make more money. Most of the tax advantages that go to businesses end up in workers. Congressman, go up. It was Barack Obama's economic advisor, one of them, Larry Summers, who was the old Treasury secretary, who made that point himself. Like I said, to anyone listening to the congressman who thinks, oh he's a Republican, he's making this up, just google it. Larry Summers a Democrat advisor, economic advisor and the former Treasury secretary made the exact case. Congressman Blum, just me and and Congressman this is what's increasingly frustrating. Facts and data have become partisan. I mean, two plus two is four. Whether you're Republican or a Democrat. Say, you're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts. And the rich have done quite well under President Barack Obama, and Uh, I'd say it's the middle class that hasn't done well. I'm absolutely convinced this once in a generation tax ref him that we're going to end up passing through the House and Senate is going to help predominantly the middle class who hasn't had a Bay race in twenty years. Yeah, you're darn right. Income into quality got worse than the Barack Obama frequently left out of the mainstream meeting or think about a minute left. So Congressman Jordan, I'll throw this one to you. Um, I just wanted to hit on uranium one. Uh do you is this? I want to be very delicate about this because I don't want to do what liberals do to us, which has become a conspiracy theorist, your Trump Russia all that nonsense, but with uranium one and the exploding connection right now between bogus Russian intelligence and this this dossier. Uh, do you think we're gonna see any substantive action on this? And I'm not you know, I'm not getting to like people are gonna be in handcuffs or anything. But this is really concerning a lot of grassroots people has probably know this is this This smells too high heaven and that's why there's investigations that have been announced. I mean, uh, they they paid Clinton taste for the Dassier. The Dakier becomes the catalyst for doing the the the investigation of President Trump. Uh. And we find out when this is all going on, this deal, that the FBI is looking at extortion, kickbacks and bribery and all this stuff, and they don't tell anyone and don't tell the Congress, don't tell the agency's making the decision, and who was running the FBI at the time, and it's all shipped down on Bob Mueller and who was a justice overseeing this whole operation. Ross Rosenstein was was overseeing the whole thing. So this smells as as and and look, it may all just be one big coincidence, but at sure Don looked that way, and that's why there's investigations that started this week and we're going to get to the bottom of it. Well, this is what I always appreciate about about calm conservatives out there, that we're actually willing to get the facts before we talk, unlike this nonsensical X Files conspiracy theory that they made up for six months. It's really disturbing. But I just want to thank you guys. As Congressman Jim Jordan, I really appreciate your time. Congressman Rod Blum, thanks a lot, guys for joining us. We really appreciate thanks for your insight. Thanks guys, appreciate it. All right, Folks again, that was Jim Jordan from Ohio and Congressman Rod Blum from Iowa. Go check out their website, check them out on Twitter as a good Guy's House Freedom Call, because is always fighting a good fight, especially on the government spending issue, which is just out of control. And I'm glad you got to talk about that. All right. I'm Dan Bongino at the Bungino on Twitter and for Sean, We'll be right back now. That Uncle Joe is left up guilty. Maybe we can get back to bringing jobs. Holds, that's jobs, j O b s. This is the Shawn Hannity showy shadow. All right, what a pleasure being with you, folks. Thanks to Jason and Lauren, Linda and the Hannity team for allowing me to sub It's always great sitting in the command here here I am Dan Bongino at the Bungino on Twitter. And that was the song from Shawn's new movie, which you produced, Let There Be Light. Please go check it out this week and I will be there. I'm gonna go see it in Port St. Lucy. And if you want to find a theater near you, here's the website. It's let there Be Light movie dot Com. That's let there Be Light movie dot com or Hannity dot com. There are theaters all over you'll find one close to you. Go check it out. The trailer is just amazing. I was telling Lauren during the break how it legitimately got me choked up. I'm a believer, folks, and I need more movies like that. It's really been a pleasure. Thanks for all the tweets, folks, and thanks again to the team up. There were always putting out a great product. I appreciate it. See you all soon.

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