Why does America seem to always forget just how bad the Obama economy was? With great news about new jobs hitting the headlines today, Sean is joined by President Trump to discuss his strategy for the growing economy and just why his policies are working! The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.
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Just go to my pillow dot com right now, use the promo code Sean and you get Mike Glendell's special four pack. You get to my Pillow Premium Pillows to Go Anywhere pillows fifty percent off, and you'll start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recrupitative sleep you've been craving and deserve. My Pillow dot Com promo coach Sean moments ago, the number is for America's economic growth or g d P. Were just released and I am thrilled to announce that in the second quarter of this year, the United States economy grew at the amazing rate of four point one percent. We're on track to hit the highest annual average growth rate in over thirteen years. And I will say this right now, and I'll say it strongly. As the trade deals come in one by one, we're going to go a lot higher than these numbers. And these are great numbers. During each of the two previous administrations, we averaged just over one percent GDP growth. By contrast, we are now on track to hit an average GDP annual growth of over three percent, and it could be some stantially over three. Each point, by the way, means approximately three trillion dollars and ten million jobs. Thinking that each point. You go up one point, it doesn't sound like much, it's a lot. It's three trillion dollars. Then it's ten million jobs. If economic growth continues at this pace, the United States economy will double in size more than ten years faster than it would have under either President Bush or President Obama. Perhaps one of the biggest wins in the report, and it is indeed a big one, is that the trade deficit, very dear to my heart, because we've been ripped off by the world, has dropped by more than fifty billion dollars fifty two billion, to be exact, it's dropped by more than fifty Thinking that the trade deficit has dropped by more than key billion dollars, and that's added and adding one point to g d P. That's a tremendous drop. We haven't had a drop like that and long time. You have to go back a long time before you find it. By increasing growth to three over the next ten years, that would mean twelve million new American jobs and ten trillion dollars of new American wealth at least, And that's not including the fact that since I was elected, we've created approximately seven trillion dollars of new wealth for those folks who have lost their job right now because a plant went down to Mexico. You know, that isn't gonna make you feel better. And so what we have to do is to make sure that folks are trained for the job that are coming in now, because some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back. Yeah, they're coming back, some four million of them. Happy Friday. Glad you are with us right down our toll free telephone numbers eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Uh, the President will join us today to talk about these huge numbers in the growth of the economy. And you know, in just a little over eighteen months, it does show that conservative economic policies do work. They always have. It actually was a little slower from Reagan, but things were a little bit different. Um. I mean when Reagan, what, it's twenty one and a half percent interest rates and double digit unemployment and inflation double digits. I mean, it was a mess. And uh, it took a little dip and then the Reagan recovery kicked in. It took about I guess till three when that started happening. Uh, so much other good news. I mean, everybody that said this couldn't be done, I'm gonna explain that in a second as it relates to the economy. Everybody that said, well, what we get out of Korea? North Korea want a rocket man? Well, what happened to that Singapore deal? Well, the President we saw earlier this morning on television. He concluded his remarks about four point one percent g d P and he mentioned that after sixty five long years, American heroes whose remains have been in Korea since they were lost in the Korean War, finally coming home to their families, which to me is a big deal. And uh I, you know, finally these families get some peace, they get to lay their loved ones to rest. Um, it's gonna take some time, obviously, d n A testing and so on and so forth will be a lot be uh involved, But these families deserve this at the very least, and the President fought for it, and he got it. And it's happening on top of no missiles fired over Japan, on top of literally dismantling a nuclear test facility, on top of hostages being sent home, and now we're talking about d nuke aterrization and not one one rocket has flown over Japan since Little Rocketman, Fire and fury and my button is bigger than your button and it works. Did result in something beneficial to the American people on a lot of fronts. That is not one small deal. But we did see that the literally they were in cases draped with the flag of the United Nations because they had that they were there on on fighting on by half of the United Nations at the time. That was the reason, but anyway they were. They arrived this morning on a military plane outside of Seoul, South Korea, and its crew had traveled to North Korea to collect the remains. According to the White House, to transfer the remains from the nineteen fifty to fifty three Korean War had been negotiated during the summit when we were in Singapore, and one of the one of the things that nobody had anticipated coming out of the summit. But the better on top of the good news for the families, the better part of this is at yeah, it looks like Kim Jong un really wants to continue the progress that was started even before the summit in Singapore, So that's all good news. We had the good economic news about Oh, there's not going to be the trade war that everybody predicted. You notice everybody predicts everything and they all turn out to be so wrong so often. Um, but we have this GDP increase, we have the European trade war, Averted I always said, I don't think the president wants a trade war. I don't think that we're gonna have protectionism. I think the President realizes and recognizes that we have trade, and it's we want free trade, but it hasn't been fair trade. And now the President's negotiating better deals and we're doing better as a result of it. It's like everyone was upset that the President demanded that NATO that they start paying their fair share of NATO. We're paying seventy cents of every dollar three point five percent of our massive g d p P seventy cents of every dollar in these other countries. This is about their security. This is there the evil Russian nation, the hostile regime of Vladimir and people like Angela Merkel are literally signing billion dollar natural gas deals with the guy that you know, NATO is supposed to protect them against. It's like making Russia rich again. Part of the deal with the European Union. The president's negotiating, and I'll try and ask him about this today when he joins us in the next hour. Is you know, can we send our natural gas over to Europe? Is there a way to transfer it that's affordable, that's competitive, That would literally wean our European allies, Western European allies off of Putin's Putin's energy, and which would be in their best national security interest. Even if they paid a little bit more, it's still worth it for national security reasons. I mean, all that Vladimir has to do is turn off the spicket and then we can you know, then they're gonna be in big economic trouble all across Europe. We can't have that now. With the four point one GDP number that came out today, one aspect of it largely ignored the wide ranging revision to the g d P versus the national debt ratio released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. And I even't seen anybody report this yet except zero Hedge. But at what it showed was pretty interesting on on a real dollar basis, which is important. The US economy is estimated to have reached an eighteen point five trillion dollar level in the second quarter of eighteen. If you want to put that number in context, the last pre revision number was seven team point four trillion in the first quarter, now revised to eighteen point three trillion. And by the way, this means that this revised number that the US economy, you know, ex they're anticipating to be one trillion dollar higher, which will mean that the US debt to GDP ratio dropped significantly. That's good news for our kids and grandkids. And economic growth is one of the best ways to get out of any debt and and and deficit issues that you may have. I think also one of the underreported stories is what the President has been pointing out that by negotiating better trade deals, that will that helps American manufacturers UH and American factories, and that helps the American worker. And what we learned today also is the trade deficit, because as the President point out, we have been ripped off by the world, even by our so called allies, has dropped by more than fifty billion. And I'm a free trader, but I believe in fair trade, and there's nothing wrong with negotiating better trade deals. But if you don't ask, you're not gonna get a better trade deal. If you don't pressure, you're not gonna get a better trade deal. And yeah, sometime times that means pressuring. Our allies have no problem whatsoever in telling us that they want an unfair trade deal that benefits them. I want to take you back a little bit here. Um, really good catch by Gateway Pundon today, because when you listen, we're a hundred and one days out of what I'm calling the most important mid term elections in our lifetime, and you're gonna listen to Democrats and they're gonna use their old phony playbook because it's all they've got, you know, Republicans of racist, sexist, homophobics, xenophobic is homophobic, they want dirty air water, they want to kill your children, and they want grandma to be thrown over the cliff. And and putting that aside, there's there. We know their agenda this time. There's nothing that they're advocating for to make the country stronger or better economically. Nothing. And their agenda is to impeach the president, but don't say it. Their agendas eliminate ice and open borders in America. Their agendas keep Obamacare a lot of good that's done. Everybody with well, so much for the promise of you know, keep your doctor, keep your plans, save less. Just the opposite happened. They want their crumbs back. This is an amazing thing. They call it crumbs, the tax cuts, but they desperately want that money back because that is the base of their power. And then the last thing, of course, is they want to stop. Let's stop exposing the deep state that tried to steal the presidential election on their behalf. Forget that part. So there's a lot of stake in this election because all progress will stop. You think it's bad now, with the Muller investigation and everything, and with the trials a mataphor coming up blah blah blah. You think that's You think it's nothing compared to what they really do. But you notice this, this good news on the economy today. We went from the lowest labor participation rate in the seventies, we now have the highest labor participation rate ever. We have record low unemployment in fourteen states, record low unemployment for women in the workforce, for Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and for veterans that are looking for work. Thank god, they're getting a good piece of the recovery right now. Well, when you listen to these Democrats and they go out to try and scare you, well, let's go back and take a trip down memory lane. You know, remember Obama said these jobs weren't coming back. It's such a remarkable achievement in a short period of time that this bad news for the Democrats in search of their power. But just before the election, CNN Money was telling you Trump promises four percent growth. Economists said, no way, La Times. If Trump thinks he can get more than three percent economic growth, he's dreaming. Wall Street Journal Trump's three percent growth target looks out of reach the Hill. Trump's growth projections leave economists in disbelief. New York Times Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman, Trump's election means we're probably looking at a global recession with no end in sight, and Obama tweeting what magic wand does Trump have to revive the economy? Usually the answer is he doesn't have an answer. Mark Cuban even said, in the event Donald Trump wins, I have no doubt in my mind. The market tanks you want to put those people back in charge. Let's see, we had thirty million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate in forty fifty years, worst recovery since the forties, fifty one year low, and home ownership. Now we've got a recovery that's real, that's impacting manufacturing jobs are coming back anyway. We'll get into more of this as we continue, and how it impacts hundred one days away. This is important. Why does America seem to forget so quickly how bad things were? How is it even possible that we forgot how bad the Obama economy was. A president that never had a single year, the only president in history three GDP growth in his entire presidency. How is it we forget thirteen million more Americans in poverty, eight on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. How do we forget accumulating more debt than every other president before him combined? A president that basically lowered all expectations, these jobs are never coming back. Rather than fighting for the jobs that have now been coming back, and fighting for the people in these industrial states, Midwestern states, Michigan, you know, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania. All these people now, all these companies, now you get rid of the regulations, you get rid of the burdensome taxation. You you pressured them to build in America, creating a better business environment for them. And you know, if you build it, they will come. And they're coming and they're building, and people are getting jobs and people are less dependent. Millions now off of food stamps. They're now back in the labor force, and our vets are doing better. And if you break it down demographically, women and African Americans and Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans, they're all doing better. This is the forgotten man and forgotten women. And all these liberals can hope for is what that the president fails because they want their power back more because that's their position there in now until the top of the hour. Yeah, it is about the forgotten men and the forgotten women in this country. That's what matters. And the people of millions that are now off of food stamps, back at work and now have better futures, and they're shot at the American dream. And it's all with freedom and ending huge massive government intrusion into our daily lives. It has become an untenable environment for businesses to breathe and succeed. It's hard enough to start business when when when people risk everything they have to try and build a business, and then of course they get demonized by the left. Big business, Oh, big oil, Oh big pharmaceutical, Oh big big pharmaceutical that creates drugs that save our lives, and yeah they make a big profit, or big oil that has to get the oil out of the ground because we needed to heat our homes and run our cars, you know, or big whatever. I'm just it is unbelievable. I don't know anybody in business that ever has an easy time of it. You know, the idea of the good and services people provide them to other people, and you hope and you pray you can build a customer base and that while you're making money, you you're serving other people. Because if somehow that's bad, You dig deep, your work, long hours, you sacrifice your risk a lot and the hopes that you know, things might work out for you and for some it doesn't. Or maybe you just want the job that's gonna keep you and your family secure so you can get a decent house in a safe neighborhood, drive a decent car or truck. You know, go to Disney. You know, when your kids are seven, vacation every other year every year, whatever, eat, go out to eat once a month, twice a month. It's very hard for the average person. Americans have to go in debt, and the government wants more and more and more and more and more, and if you're in business, they make it harder and harder and harder and harder and harder. And finally a president says, enough, clean up to these burdens and regulations, clean up this ridiculous taxation. You know, companies are not stupid. Why do you think these companies parked their money overseas because they can't afford and don't want to pay confiscatory tax rates, so they go to so called tax havens. And then you have trillions of dollars that could otherwise be used in America building American manufacturing centers, American factories for American workers, using American steel, building American cars. You know. And I don't have a problem with trade, but I mean the fact that we just gave up on all of this, and we've we've demonized capitalism, demonized business, you know, missing fundamentally, what freedom is supposed to be all about. If we're free people, then we ought to have the freedom with with not having literally, you know, we're tied up in knots by government, regulation and government. I mean, it's costing business so much that they'd rather just leave. Why do you think these companies have been moving down to Mexico to build their factories because they can't take it anymore? And this president says, you know what, enough of that come back here. I'm gonna fix this. I'm gonna end those regulations. The President is as specific industries, what's hurting your business that the government is doing? You know, what can we do to help you? What can we do to get out of your way? What's what are we doing that's costing you a fortune that you want to build elsewhere? Or the fact that you know, we're patriating trillions of dollars that these companies have parked overseas. I mean, Apple, you think it's spending the President mention today, I forget there's an astronomical sum of money in America. Are we buy a lot of apple products? Americans buy apple products. I mean, why wouldn't we want them to build their products here? Why don't we go into cities of Flint, Michigan, or other cities that have been you know, go to Detroit or any of these other cities that need revitalization after you know, government is just burdened and burdened and pushed them down. It's unbelievable. Everybody predicted this couldn't happen. It's now happening. Remember the speech Mitt Romney gave if Trump was elected. He gave it in twenty sixteen. It wasn't just Democrats, it wasn't just the media predicting Trump is going to be an economic disaster. A lot of these never trumpers never understood why Mitt Romney, who everybody A lot of the people that voted for Trump voted for Romney. We just didn't get it over the top. I think he would have been a good president. I think he's a very good and decent man. I don't know it's that anybody that loses the presidency, I don't know what happens to them. You know, I'd be a whole lot happier to vote for Mitt Romney, you know, but I you know, he was wrong on the Trump economy. You know, literally, you know, if Donald Trump's plans are ever implemented, the country would sink into a prolonged recession. His proposed thirty terrify like penalties would instigate a trade war, and I have to raise prices for consumers and kill our export jobs. Um. I just have known Donald Trump longer than other people, perhaps, but I just know that everything with him, everything is a negotiation. You know, I negotiate the time that he does interviews with me. I'll say, can I have twenty five minutes, and said, I'll give you a tens it? Come on, I'll get a need eighteen. I'll give you twelve. I've had those conversations with him when he was a candidate. I don't get to have him as much as everybody thinks I do. Was he when he's president. But he's gonna come on on the top of the next hour. Um. You know the president wants to get rid of Obamacare. We did get rid of the individual mandate. Would just just a tax because people were forced into having insurance policies that they didn't want, the weren't any good for them, etcetera. Um. Now I want to go into this is a big story of the Washington Times that nobody seems to have picked up on It looks like Hillary Clinton had a lot more direct connection to the anti Trump dossier than perhaps we ever knew um and was previously reported anyway. According to The Washington Times, the dossier author Christopher Steele personally briefed Hillary Clinton's lawyer, Mark Elliots around the time that Steele was trying to get the FBI to use the bogus dossier to launch an investigation into then candidate Donald Trump. Or the Washington Times, it says the Clinton campaign received a steady flow of briefings on it's paid for Christopher Steele dossier. It was unverified, now debunked, Trump Russia collusion charges made their way into a leg should news stories and Clinton talking points. The House Intelligence Committee reports, chapter four, titled Campaign Links to Russia details the Dacier to Clinton flow finding Number thirty nine states that Christopher Steele's information from Russian sources was provided directly to Fusion GPS name redacted and indirectly to the Clinton campaign. Mark Elliots. Eliots is with that law firm Perkins Cooeie, the d n c's lawyer. Their attorneys personally brief by the foreign national Christopher Steele, who himself has said, well, it's wrong intelligence fifty fifty, and then it was used and spread to you, the American people, so that you would believe the lies that they paid for from Russia, so you would vote for Hillary because you believe these things about Donald Trump that were not proven, never verified, not corroborated, and mostly debunked. And by the way, Mark Elliots not just the d n C attorney one Hillary was nominated. He was he became the general counsel to a presidential campaign. Well, that means whatever important information he got, I'm sure he shared with her. When are they gonna bring her in for testimony? Never mind the notes from Trump Trump's Russian translator, I want to see the notes from the meeting where Mark Elliot's brief Hillary Clinton on the things he heard from Christopher Steele. Anyway, Washington Times goes on a person whose name was redacted led regular briefings that contain Steele's information for senior Clinton campaign staff, which included campaign manager Robbie Mook and campaign chairman John Podesta. The report said Mr muk did not respond to the Washington Time shocking and with news that summer. This summer that Russia hacked democratic computers. I'd love to see the servers. Can anyone find the servers? Or maybe see what evidence so Sange has? Considering he put it up, let's find out what he knows have. I assume he would know where he got it from. And by the way, who hacked into her own servers that she had in a Mom and pop bathroom closet. And of course our deletions. Do we ever find the deletions? How did the d n C tell the FBI, No, we don't. We're not gonna hand you the server. We'll hire our own person to investigate. That's a brilliant plan. Sure that's gonna work for all of you when the FBI comes knocking on your door one day over something. No, I'm gonna hire my own person to look over the computers. If you don't mind, sir, Good luck with that. It's like good luck with the leading subpoena at emails, acid washing your hard dry with bleach bit and then busting up your devices into a little bitsy pieces and taking out your sim cards. Good luck with that, you know, with all the news here, and according to one congressional staffer quote, of course they used the dossier. They paid for the dossier, and the people they paid gave the tassier of the press and the FBI before the election. Apparently John Brynn and our CIA director was also spreading it to Harry Reid. So you know that, right there is the campaign using the dossier, their operation, their phony, a dossier full of Russian lies, bought and paid for by them. Everyone's trying to say, well, what if Trump knew about the Don JR. Nothing happened in the meeting, And let me ask a question. You know, Chris Wallace actually made a really good point about this today. It seems to me he says the worst you could say, assuming that Michael Cohen's telling the truth and that Donald Trump lied back in But okay, it's not admissible or admirable. You would hope he wouldn't. But you know what, if you lied to the media, it's not breaking the law. There's no law broken here. And on top of that, there are reports that congressional testimony contradict all of these reports from fake news CNN and Lannie Davis denied it. That was more breathless fake news coverage last night, you know, and I just wonder how many how many politicians in Washington, Senators, Congressman, they got a call. Oh, I got op research for you. We already have a call with of old people. Adam Schiff, shiftless Shiff, who was the biggest liar in America. He took a call from a Russian thinking it was a Russian that had dirt on Trump, and he was all too willing to take it. When is somebody going to investigate that? It turned out to be a prank call and he got totally duped. It's pretty amazing anyway, Um, this will drive some of the crazy news media nuts. President said, yeah, I'm willing to meet with Putin in Moscow. That's great. Well we're dropped. I'm Putin, all right, what do you want? Um? By the way, Matt Gates went after Paul Ryan and uh he called it low energy oversight after blocking rosen Stein's impeachment, they still have a means that they told you yesterday to get it on the House floor. Um. So that's gonna be something interesting to work for. And you know, I gotta tell you, these are very very interesting times. But there's a lot of stake in this election coming up. There's a great piece on Breite part that I thought nailed it. And they basically gave the math of what the GOP has to do to maintain their majority in the House. Otherwise, you know, open borders, Obamacare, impeach the President, and Crumb's going back. You know, they analyze it this way, and uh, I thought their analysis was actually pretty good. And um, what they have is that the GOP must hold on to sixty one eighty six seats a hundred. There's only a hundred of four and thirty five seats in the House that are competitive this cycle. Eighty six of those seats are currently held by Republicans. Republicans want to stay in power, they got to hold sixty one of the eighties six and then flip three of the fourteen Democratic seats that are competitive. Anyway, the outcome would reduce the current number, which is, you know, now currently configured a forty five seat advantage to forty one Republicans. Now have they analyze a hundred and fifty four safe seats, sixty one holds and three flips from Democrats will result in the two eighteen the Republicans need in the hundred and sixteenth Congress. This doesn't happen this is gonna end up being an unmitigated disaster. And you're saying, well, my Republican congressmen of senators sucks these week there are rhinos. I say, it doesn't matter unless you want all of these things that I just mentioned to happen. Democrats have a hundred and eighty one so called safe seats, adding eleven holds twenty five flips from Republicans. Those safe seats would result in two seventeen Democratic seats in the So you got sixty one competitive House seats and Republicans handed, you know, and then we we have a list of them. We're gonna go I'm gonna go through this with Bannon tonight on television. All right, the President's gonna join us talking about the great economic numbers from today g d P. But you know, I don't think if the President cured cancer, if the President gave every American thirty million dollars, I still don't think they're there are people that are just so obsessed with hadium. The amazing thing that we're now seeing to me is that it's like it's like the boy who Cried Wolf. It's like they're just breathless, hysterical, daily minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. It's just it's noise at this point, and it doesn't make any sense and it's not helping anybody. But they just can't even help themselves. It's so pathological, alright. The President of the United States joins US next exclusively Sean Hannity Show. For those folks who have lost their job right now because a plant went down to Mexico, you know, that isn't gonna make you feel better. And so what we have to do is to make sure that folks are trained for the job that are coming in now, because some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back. Moments ago, the numbers for America's economic growth or g d P were just released, and I am thrilled to announce that in the second quarter of this year, the United States economy grew at the amazing rate of four point one percent. We're on track to hit the highest annual average growth rate in over thirteen years. And I will say this right now, and I'll say it strongly. As the trade deals come in one by one, we're going to go a lot higher than these numbers. And these are great numbers. During each of the two previous administrations, we averaged just over one eight percent GDP growth. By contrast, we are now on track to hit an average GDP annual growth of over three percent, and it could be substantially over three. Each point, by the way, means approximately three trillion dollars and ten million jobs. Think of that. Each point you go up one point, it doesn't sound like much. It's a lot. It's three trillion dollars and it's ten million jobs. Right as we continue Sean Hannity Show, there was Obama saying yeah and his own words that some of these jobs in never coming back. The only president in American history never to hit three pcent GDP growth in a single year, and he's accumulated more debt than every other president before him combined, including thirty million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. And we've gone from the lowest labor participation rate in history now to the highest. And that's only part of the economic story of today. Explosive four point one GDP growth Joining us now is the President of the United States, Donald Trump is the president. Congratulations. Uh. And on top of that, I think one of the more underreported stories is that we now have a trade deficit that dropped by more than fifty billion dollars. Well, thank you very much, Shohn, and you're right. That's to me, is so important to your phase two of the question. Fifty two billion dollars drop in trade deficit that hasn't happened in decades, and it's really something very special, and a lot of that is because of the policies that we're putting in place, and it's going to get better shown it's totally sustainable. I look so forward to the next quarter. I look forward to watching what happens over the years. It is something very special that's taking place. How is that the trade is so interconnected to all this? And a lot of people thought you were going to start a trade war with Europe. Uh, well that was put to rest pretty much this week. And you said you found a new favorite word, which is reciprocity. Well, reciprocal is very important to me because you know, we have countries out there shown and most of your folks know exactly what I'm talking about because they'll watch and they'll see we have countries that charge us a tara for tax and we charged them nothing for the same product. Coming into our country. We have countries charging us far more than that, close to three in certain cases. And yet when I say, well, we're gonna at tax them, or we're gonna be typrocal and charge them the same, everyone goes crazy and they say, oh, you can't do that, it's not free trade, which is sort of laughable when you think about it. In other words, they can do it, but we can't. So those days are over, and I think that's had a huge impact, even though it's very early. I've only been doing this a little more than a year and a half with UH. You know, with some of these and the policies, really it takes a while to get him enacted. But it's having a tremendous impact. And if we can straight in that trade, which I'll do absolutely, and it's already happening. You see what happened with Europe yesterday. But as we straighten that trade, we can pick up a lot of points on GDP. To be clear, though, you don't want a trade war. You want free trade, but you want fair trade, right. I want fair trade. I don't want trade that people think is fair and free, but we're being charged. As an example China, UH and I have great respect for President she I think he's a friend of mine. You may not like me so much anymore, but we'll be friends again. But China charges us when we send a car to China to be sold. When they send a car to us, we charged them essentially nothing. They say two and a half, but it's not even collected. So they get we get like nothing, and it doesn't make sense. It's not fair. You can't compete. That's like a baseball game. I give an analogy that's like you're having a big game with a very good team and they score fifteen runs in the first inning, so the score is fifteen to nothing. Now you're going into the second and think it's not looking good. That's what happens when they charge and we're charging two and and not collecting. Essentially, that's what's happening. And we can't do that, and we don't do that anymore. You know. One of my criticisms often a theme on both radio and TV, is the fact that the media is so corrupt and so one sided, and it's like every day they have a breathless thing, negative thing to say about the president. We're a hundred one days away from the mid term elections. I'm I'm arguing in my view that it's the most important mid terms in our life. But if we go back to the Gateway, Pundent actually actually picked up some really interesting headlines that if you would have become president, you would lead the economy off the cliff. I'll read you a few of them. CNN Money said Trump promises four percent growth. Economists say no way. The La Times that if Trump thinks he can get more than three percent economic growth, he's dreaming. The Wall Street Journal said Trump's three percent growth target looks out of reach. Hill wrote Trump's growth projections leave economists and disbelief, and you've got your Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman trump selection means we are probably looking at a global recession with no end in sight, and I can keep going. And Barack Obama, who never reach three percent growth in a year, said, what magic wand does Trump have to revive the economy? Usually the answer is he doesn't have an answer. I guess their predictions were wrong. Sir, Well, we've had the answers during the debates, and I think we were very strong in the debates, and what we want to do and if you look at the predictions, they've all been wrong. I mean, we are far ahead of what anybody thought except me. We can go a lot higher than this. You know, if you look at regulations, nobody talked about regulations. Had my opponent one the Democrats, you would have had an economy that instead of being up close to in the stock market, they would have been down forty or because the regulations were choking this country. And I'm all for regulations for clean air, clean water. We want to have great environmental control. But they had ten regulations when you could have used one. And as you know, I've been cutting twenty two regulations for every new one new new regulation that's put in, which are very few. Because we were totally overregulated. You couldn't do anything. Highways were taking twenty years to get approved. You have a highway, it's really important. It would take from seventeen to twenty years to get your approvals. By that time, the highway system is different than the roads are being built a different way, and you couldn't make changes. Now this is we're doing great, we could do a lot better. The fact is that if I can cut the trade deficit from eight hundred and seventeen billion. Think of that, we have a trade deficit with other countries. That's trading with other countries, eight hundred and seventeen billion. If I cut it at half right there, we'll pick up three to four points. So you could add that to the four or five and so would be at eight or nine. Now, I don't want to say that too much, and I didn't want to say it too much during the campaign because I would have been criticized. People wouldn't have believed it. But now they're starting to believe. And you're right. You look at a guy like Krugman, he doesn't know thing. I mean, the predictions were so they were so bad. A big factor, though shown was regulation, and obviously a big factor was to taxes, but a lot of this really the taxes are going to help in the future. I look so forward to seeing the next quarter because this is so sustainable. This is going to go for a long time. You know, we have numbers that are in now and and all. During the twenty sixteen campaign, I gave statistics out. I did it every day because I wanted people to know what eight years of the Obama economy were and you know, lowest labor participation rate, thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. He took on more debt than every other president before him combined. You now have accumulated your track record. We have nearly four million new jobs in the country. We have the largest labor partition participation rate in history. We have literally nearly four million new jobs created in manufacturing, jobs that people thought weren't gonna come back. Well, that's nearly seven hundred thousand. And then we've got two or three million fewer people on food stamps. Record low unemployment in fourteen states for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and a sixty five year low for women in the workplace. That's pretty impressive. And now four point one percent g d P. I think that we can make a comparison that some economic policies work and others do not. Well, you're really right, and I've heard those statistics from you for even a long time. And now when you look back, it's hard to believe that we put up with it, and much of it was caused by bad trade deals. People don't want to say much of it was caused by regulation and and over tax, I mean, you're over tax. Think of it. In the election coming up in now just a little more than three months. The Democrats want to raise everybody's taxes. They want to give back these massive tax cuts that we got and reforms that are so good for everybody, but the tax cuts. So they want to raise people's taxes. They want to open up borders, they want to get rid of ice. I mean, the things they're doing are so destructive. We won't have a country. So they want they want their crumbs back. They want their crumbs back that they want open borders, they want Obamacare, they want to impeach you, and they want to stop all investigations into deep corruption. Yeah. No, there's a lot of corruption out there, but it happens to be on the other side of the ledger of the Democrats. And if you talk about collusion, the collusion is there, there's no question better. But it's with the Democrats and Russia, because all you have to do is look at what they did and how they participated with Russia. It's a disgraceful situation. But for the economy, we can go a lot higher. And you know, people don't talk. We have twenty one trillion in debt. When this really kicks in, we'll start paying off that debt like it's water. We will start paying that debt down with one trillion dollars, a number that is, you know, unthinkable, but that will go down very quickly because the numbers, with growth and the kind of growth that we've produced, the four point one can actually go higher. I look forward to seeing next quarter because I think that the four point one is just stepping stone. But when we make good trade deal show and it's going to have a huge impact on GDP growth, and the numbers will be so big that you will actually start paying down debt in very large chunks. It'll go quickly. All right, the President has graciously agreed to spend more time with us. Will take a quick break, we'll come back. We'll continue on this Friday. Eight nine one Sean is our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Right next hour, we'll be taking your calls to Nish. Susah checks in as well. Eight nine for one Seawan or toll free telephone number. All right, we're gonna have more with the President coming up in just a minute. An exclusive interview he gave us after these four point one percent GDP numbers. Huge win for the American people, bad news politically for Democrats. But I want to play something that is really important. All these Democrats that predicted nothing but failure and the same ones that supported Obama's eight years of failure, some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back. And when somebody says, like the person you just mentioned, I'm not going to advertise for that, he's going to bring all these jobs back, Well, how exactly are you gonna do that? What are you gonna do? There's there's no answer to it. He just says, well, I'm gonna I'm gonna negotiate a better deal. Well, how what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? Imagine him being in charge when your jobs and savings are at stake. Imagine him trying to figure out what to do in case of an emergency. So it's no wonder is it that Risk analysts listed Donald Trump a Donald Trump presidency as one of the top threats facing the global economy ahead of terrorism. He has no real strategy for creating jobs, just a string of empty promises, and maybe we shouldn't expect better from someone whose most famous words are your fired Trump and Conservatives in Congress or planning a big tax cuts from millionaires and billionaires. To justify it, they're using the oldest song in their playbook, claiming tax cuts on the rich will trickle down to working families in the form of stronger economic growth. Malogney, this isn't just about the unemployment rate. It's about raised wages rising in our country so that consumer confidence is restored, because our economy will never fully reach its UH possibilities unless we increase the consumer confidence, and that can only be increased by the better deal, better jobs, better wages, better future, and lowering cost to families. Frankly, even on the economic front, he got a lot of grief about trade from even fellow Republicans while traveling in the Midwest, So today felt like an attempt, and you could even hear it. He kept veering from his remarks and then going back to the remark marks and extending them even longer, but all in a sense of trying really hard to say, hey, please pay pay attention to the economic story and ignore the all the other stuff. I get it politically he needs to do this, Uh, Savannah, But I can tell you there is a sense of where you overhype something, and there were so many times and that in those remarks that it felt overhyped, and how he was talking about the economy. I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point. And by the way, I'm hoping for it because I think one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So please bring on the recession, all right, unbelievable. On the other side, parts of my interview with the President after today's GDP numbers. Hey, listen, if you want to be a responsible gun owner, and I know most of you are responsible, and you believe in the Second Amendment, and you have a family that lives with you, wife, kids, maybe grandchildren visit, you need to make sure that you do everything in your power to keep them safe, the firearms safe, that is. And that's why Friends of the U. S c c A. They want to give your entire family a free It's a guide. It's an audiobook for complete firearms confidence, I mean safety if you go to defend family right now. It's brand new and it's called Kids and Guns Guide. The Kids and Guns Guide. You're gonna learn the most dangerous mistakes that put children at risk, proven strategies for teaching guns safety to kids the right way, Eight life saving tips to be a responsible gun owner in terms of owning and storing a weapon, and a whole lot more. Now it's never been easier to educate every member of your family. This guide is truly life saving, and it's a hundred percent free. Now It's only available for a few days. Don't miss it because protecting your family is too important to put Because protecting your family is too important to put this off one second longer. Don't leave people vulnerable. Be a responsible gun owner and go to defend family dot com. Get your free guide and the complete peace of mind that comes with it. That's the fen family dot Com. Defen family dot com. Your family deserves this, all right. We'll take a quick break and more my interview with the President right after the release of the GDP numbers from earlier today, the economy, and so much more as we continue, Veterans unemployment is at its lowest level in eighteen years, and that number is rapidly going up. On top of which we just received and one from Congress Choice where veterans can go out and see a doctor if they can't get service, the service that they deserve. Unemployment for disabled Americans has hit a record low, lowest in history. More than three point five million Americans have been lifted off food stamps, something that you haven't seen in decades. Three point five million Americans have been lifted off food stamps. That's because they were able to go out and get a job, and they're gonna love their jobs. Of American manufacturers are optimistic about their company's outlook. And that's the highest level also in history. And that's an old survey've been around a long time. Manufacturing wages are expected to rise at the fastest rate in over seventeen years. Business and consumer confidence has reached historic highs so far this year, American exports are up nearly twenty I've only been here a little more than a year and a half. Over the same period in the year before I took office, we become a net exporter of natural gas for the first time since nineteen seven. When I came into office, one point five million fewer primates Americans we're working than eight years before. We had lost almost two hundred thousand manufacturing jobs under the previous administration, and you know, all know they say, well, you have to lose manufacturing jobs, it will get worse and worse. Manufacturing jobs are obsolete. No, they're not obsolete. They're the greatest jobs. We have. More than ten million additional Americans had been added to food stamps past years, but we've turned it all around once again. We are the economic envy of the entire world. When I meet the leaders of countries, the first thing they say, invariably is Mr President, so nice to meet you. Congratulations on your economy. You're leading the entire world. All right, the president from earlier today, GDP growth at four point one percent. As we continue with the President of the United States, I was with you in Singapore. I was also in London and in Helsinki, uh Now, one of the promises that Kim Jong un made to you, and we still have not had rockets fired over Japan, our hostages were released. We're talking about d nuclearization of his launch facilities has been dismantled. But now the remains of Americans have come home, are coming home, and we saw that earlier today. But also NATO is also paying more money, well a lot of things have changed since I became president. And when I was with President Obama in the Oval Office, which I guess is something that presidents do that have a meeting, and I had a very interesting meeting. But he did say the biggest single problem that our country has is the problem with North Korea. And he was very perplexed that I can understand that and it could have led to war. And I did ask, have you spoken to him? And the answer was no, And I said, you know, to myself, it would be a good thing to speak. We did meet. We had a great meeting, very very great meeting. I mean, I think you could have lost fifty million people more if you think the soul as twenty eight million people, that's right on the border. You know, people say hundreds of thousands, that hundreds of we're talking about fifty sixty million people could have been wiped out and lost. We had a rate meeting, historic and among other things, where the remains are starting to come back. Missiles have been stopped. We don't have rockets and missiles shot over Japan. The hostages. We got them back, even before I left, we got them back. Nuclear testing no more rocket testing, no more. So many things have changed. And you know, one thing, all of their propaganda material and the propaganda which has been up for years, propaganda, the signs, the music, it's all stopped. It's all been taken down. So many positive things have happened. And you know, we have time were there's no rush. I told my people, don't rush. We have sanctions on. We haven't taken any sanctions off, and we hope I look forward to the time when we do think the sanctions off because when that happens, a lot of good things will have happened on the other side. But so we're very proud of that, are very proud of the fact that with NATO they were taken in less and less money every year, but last year, which was at first meeting, they took in forty four billion more because they said, you have to pay your bills. We were paying for everybody else. And this year we raised by at least hundreds of hundreds of billions of dollars. So we took in forty four billion last year, and all of that goes towards protecting most of it towards protecting against Russia. And then they say I'm friendly with Russia. Russia is not happy about what I did with you. Russia is not happy about all of this tremendous amount of money that now is flowing into these countries who weren't paying their bills. I mean, they were delinquent in many cases, and certainly bringing up the pipeline where Germany is paying. As you know show in Germany, nobody brought this up. It was nobody even knew about it. But Germany is paying to Russia billions and billions of dollars for energy coming out of that pipeline. And they said, wait a minute, we're protecting against Russia. You're paying billions of dollars toward Russia. Nobody brought that up at me, and I'm very unhappy about it. And I told them that I hope we can eventually because we have more energy resources than anybody in the in the world. Last question, CircUse I know you, and that was part of the deal I made with the European Union. They're opening up lots millions of jobs for Americans in the energy sector. That would be great. Let me ask you last question because I want to go back to the election in a hundred and one days and I see the agenda just as you described and I've been saying it as well, that they want to a impeach you. We know, they just tell everybody to stop saying it. They want the tax cuts reverse, they want their crumbs back, they want to eliminate ice, open borders, keep Obamacare, stop investigations. I don't think, I don't hear anything that is going to help the American people. Um, But in mid term elections, historically, the party in the White House empower usually loses seats, and I know to prevent that from happening, Uh, you kind of have to buck the trend. There's usually about a fifteen seat loss. Um. What do you say to pull in this audience that maybe, well, you're not on the ballot that support you but don't particularly like their rhino congressman of senator. Well, my endorsements seemed to have a lot of weight. If you look at Georgia, the governor of Georgia, he was down five to ten points and he won seventy thirty, So he won by forty points. Uh, many others. I mean, you can look at your congressman, you can look at all of these different endorsements. And what I told my people just now, I said to General Kelly, I said, to a whole group of people, we have to get a group together. Give me the top congress people that are you know, could go either way, and I want to go out in campaign for those people. Likewise with the Senate, because we're going to fix everything once we have the vote. You know, we really don't have. When they say a majority, it's but it's not really because you lose a couple and people are sick, people are ill, people can't come to vote. So in the Senate we're really to have a majority at all, and very it's a very small In the House, it's a very small majority. So I think we can actually because of a couple of things that are happening. Very special things are happening for our country. You mentioned North Koreare, you mentioned our military is being rebuilt, so many other But look at the economy. The economy maybe the strongest it's ever been in the history of our country. Now you know the famous quote, it's the economy, stupid. Well, if it's the economy, then we should do very well. I just don't know any reason why we shouldn't do well. We're doing well with our military. We knocked out IIS. We've done so well and so many and ISIS would have never been knocked out. Now you gotta keep on it. I don't want to be saying we knocked it that you gotta keep on it. But we have decimated ISIS. So many things have taken place, but the economy is the strongest ever and I think that's going to have a very positive impact. And I am going to work very hard. I'll go six or seven days a week when we're sixty days out, and I will be campaigning for all of these great people that do have a difficult race, and we think we're going to bring him over the line. So I really believe that because we're doing so well as a country and so well with the economy, I think we're going to be surprising a lot of people. All Right, Mr President, I know you're busy. Thank you for taking the time. Congratulations four point one percent GDP growth. Thank you sir for being with us, and hopefully we'll talk soon. Thank you, Thank you very much, San, thank you. We're gonna hit our phones. We have a very special guest today and uh we're very honored to have him. Elwood or his name is really Woody Snell and today is his birthday, born July Twe raised on a farm in Ohio and literally was a hero, went to fought in World War Two for this great country, has an incredible life. And we wanted to say happy birthday to Woody. What do you? Uh, thank you for being with us. Happy birthday, sir. And you're a great American, Yes, sir, thank you very much. Thank you. And I think you're a great American too. Thank you so much. You're very kind. I mean, did you ever in your life think you'd make it to a hundred years old? Well, I never thought about it. I just kept plugged it along, and it's finally. It's finally. When I got up to the n and night and I got to wondering about us, say, and I thought maybe I might make Now you're healthy here is very good. Obviously your mind is very sharp. Uh. Is there anything special you've done to keep yourself healthy and and so strong these years? Well? I tried to walk as much as I can, but just getting shorter all the time. And I'm quite a vitamin freak. I take a lot of vitamins. And I had a wonderful, wonderful wife for six or three years since she took care of me. Let me ask you about this. So you grew up, as I understand it, on a farm in Ohio, and you graduated from high school in ninety eight. I read your whole bio. And then you went to fight World War two. Tell us about it well. I graduated in nineteen thirty six. And then and then I didn't. I didn't go to war to fight a war. I went to the Air Corps to learn how to be an airplane mechanic. I thought that was a coming thing in this world. And then then the war came along, and I was very, very fortunate in the war I was sent. I was finally became a crew chief on a C forty seven and a troop carry outfit. And then and I got to when I got to be a crew chief, I got too flying all over the United States holding different things to different air bases. And then in January January forty three, we were sent over to India and we went into the north eastern area of in Yeah, and we had to fly into China through a valley and the Himalaya mountains called the Hump. And the reason we had to do that was because China was completely blockaded by the Japanese and the only way the fourteenth Air Force could get any material was through this hump by us taking it over by plane. And we did that and we also flew down into Burma. You're a member of the India China Burma Wall of Fame. And by the way, you even got a medal from the Government of China honoring your service UH in World War Two. Wow. Well I got it all those medals, but what I got is called the Air Medal. It's it's a medal from the Air Force. We're find It was fifteen durs and I'm very proud of him. I was a master charging sergeant when I was discharged, and I'm very proud of American and I always being a proud American. I want everybody to know because the high percentage of these planes history and crews crashed and at that time, there was no way to rescue any survivors. There wasn't And that was called aluminum trail. Because when you flew over from India to China or China to India, you could look down there and you could see these crisis laying around different places. It didn't give you much space in there where you were going over there at the time. Well, well, I want to say listen, first of all, happy birthday. Second of all, um, you know you just remind uh mind myself. My dad fought in World War Two. He's been gone a lot of years now, but um, all of the World War Two vets were heroes. Um. And you know your love of of God, family, country shines through you. I wish you another hundred years of good health and happiness and uh and peace and thank you for all your it for us. And happy birthday. Thank you. It's it's a jerry are deeply honored thing to be able to talk to you, sir, very honored. You're a great American. So you're a great American and the honors all mine. God bless you, and happy birthday. I hope you have a great day today and every day. Thank you, sir. Can I say one more thing, yes, sir, I'm very kind of upset about these famous millionaire football players desegrating our flag and our national anthem. I wish I could take one of them guys over there and show him where these people are what they did for our country. But I am so ashamed of these guys that can't even stand up and salute the flags. That really bugs me to death. Bothers me too. I'm not even gonna watch I'm watching college football now. That ought to be the one thing that unites everybody. I think so too. I'm greatly appreciated to be able to talk to you, sir. Alright, my friend, God bless you all is We appreciate all you did for us. And happy birthday, sir. Thanks Woody alright, eight one, Shaun is on number you want to be a part of the program, will take a break. We had a really really special Hannity tonight. We're all over the place tonight, including the President on the good economic News, Janine Pierro Bannon, Roaldo, Jim Jordan's and a little more of my Rosanna interview. That's ninetiestern C your DVR. Hannity on Fox quick Break will continue. Some of those jobs of the past are just not gonna come back. And when somebody says, like the person you just mentioned, I'm not going to advertise for that he's gonna bring all these jobs back, well, how exactly are you gonna do that? What are you gonna do? There's no answer to it. He just says, well, I'm gonna I'm gonna negotiate a better deal. Well how what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? Imagine him being in charge when your jobs and savings are at stake. Imagine him trying to figure out what to do in case of m urgency. So it's no wonder, is it that Risk analysts listed Donald Trump a Donald Trump presidency as one of the top threats facing the global economy ahead of terrorism. He has no real strategy for creating jobs, just a string of empty promises, and maybe we shouldn't expect better from someone whose most famous words are your fired. Trump and conservatives in Congress or planning a big tax cuts from millionaires and billionaires. To justify it, they're using the oldest song in their playbook, claiming tax cuts on the rich will trickle down to working families in the form of stronger economic growth. Blogney, this isn't just about the unemployment rate. It's about raise wages rising in our country so that consumer confidence is restored. Because our economy will never fully reach its um uh possibilities unless increase the confidence, and that can only be increased by the better deal, better jobs, better wages, better future, and lowering cost to families. I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point, and by the way, I'm hoping for it, because I think one way you get rid of Trump as a crashing economy. So please bring on the recession. We lost eight hundred and seventeen billion dollars a year over the last number of years in trade. In other words, if we didn't trade, we'd save a hell of a lot of money. And our leaders said the only choice was economic surrender. They surrendered. And by the way, even the politicians in Washington, nobody wanted me to be doing what I'm doing. The country was doing well, but ultimately it was going to be a very bad thing for our country. So I did it, and I did it when we were the strongest. We're having the best economy we've ever had in the history of our country. This is the time to straighten ou the worst trade deals ever made by any country or earth ever in history. These deals were made by people. I don't know if they didn't understand, or if they didn't care, or if they didn't frankly love our country, but we have the worst trade deals ever made in history. All Right, that was the president. Uh, it's obviously talking about the great economic news. He just joined us in the last hour. If you missed it, we'll have him on Hannity tonight. Four point one percent GDP growth. By the way, it's happened just you know, a handful of time since two thousand and I gotta tell you, it's everything that Obama said couldn't happen. I mean, like, well, these jobs aren't coming back. Uh, these what do you mean these jobs aren't coming back. Why don't we make an environment where they can come back. That's the whole point. Don't tax corporations into oblivion and don't regulate them into oblivion. Let's let's start there. And we literally now have nearly four million new jobs since the presidents elected. On top of that, we've got the largest labor participation rate we've ever had. We have record unemployment in fourteen states, record unemployment for women in the workforce, African Americans and the workforces, Panics in the workforce, Asians in the workforce, fourteen state records. It's unbelievable. And now we also on top of that, I think one of the underreported issues which we asked the President about, is you know, fifty billion dollar reduction in the trade deficit that we have in the country. And on top of that, we have this week and the news that came out that the President, who I said, never wanted a trade war, but he's gonna negotiate for freer and fairer trade. Well that's happened with the European Union. Imagine this. We have more people, more jobs available rather than we have actual people on unemployment today. This is all flipped and turned on its head and just a little over eighteen months. But don't worry, your media will be talking about Stormy or Russia tonight. Anyway. Joining us now Steve Moore. He is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow for the Project for Economic Growth at the Heritage Foundation. Alfredo Ortiz is the President CEO of Jobs Creators Network was responsible, by the way, for getting word out on the President's tax cut bill for earlier this year. And by the way, uh, they have been advertising on our show and I hope you will sign tax cuts now dot com which is their website, to make them permanent because Nancy Pelosi wants are crumbs back. Uh. Steve, let me let me well, not only Nancy Pelosi, you guys are laughing, but she actually said they're crumbs and she wants them back. And by the way, Elizabeth Warren not only wants them back, then she wants to tax everybody. But you know, Sean, I saw the President about three or four weeks ago out at our lago and Uh, as you know, I worked with him with Larry Cublo on my campaign. We helped design the tax platform and and you know, he was in a good mood and I just spoke from for I said, you know, as president, these these numbers that are coming out are better than we even you know, we drew it up on the chalkboard, Sean, and they're coming out better then we flushed. You know, we didn't We didn't think it would work this quickly, this powerfully. But it's great news. And you know you could add to those numbers you're just talking about. Did you see the construction, Uh numbers are the highest they've ever been. Did you know manufacturing is the highest it's ever been in the history of this country. How many new manufacturing jobs? Isn't it between what three and five thousand or more just in manufacturing alone? Yeah. And you know, if you if you look at from the day of the election to today, because the expansion really began the day after the election when people realized that Donald Trump was coming in and businesses are forward looking. So we've created when you look at mining, construction, and manufacturing, those are the three kind of core blue collar, you know, middle class jobs in this country. Eight hundred and fifty thousand of them have been created in those three industries alone. And we lost jobs in each of those industries under Obama. Yeah, and Steve, you know, and the funny thing under Obama, he's the one that said those jobs ever coming back country, We're not coming back. What a joke. I was in Wheeling, West Virginia yesterday with the Vice President and I'm telling you, every single one of those people in that room, they are excited about the economic coming back. Manufactory is coming back, Coals coming back, steels coming back is exactly what Obama said wasn't going to happen. This country is happening right now. He said they're not coming back. Well, if you created a business environment where they can come back, they're gonna come back, and they're coming back. Yeah. Absolutely, Sean one thing you know, there's two things that I know for sure. One is that deregulation works, tactics work, and Trump means business in the end of at the end of the day here, Yeah, well, you know to what extent, I mean, I agree with Steve what you're saying that you know, we didn't expect that to happen this quickly. And the reason you thought that is because you know, when Reagan took over, I mean, it was a disaster. We had double digit you know, interest rates, unemployment rates. I mean, it's just a fiasco. And in the case of Obama, was just no recovery at all. And and finally, now you see the potential. But a lot of it is rooted in the fact that the regulations, you know, we've gotten rid of so many of these burdensome regulations, and the incentive vising of companies, and also the President frankly putting the pressure on these companies build here, you know, stop taking your products to Mexico because if you're bringing back, we're gonna attach you, which I thought was you know what these guys do. And but and for the American people, I'm willing to pay even a little bit more for a carrier air conditioner. If I get a new air condition it's going to be a carrier. Uh. These car companies that building are building all over the country. I'm gonna stay with those car companies. Well, and Sean, I think what you said at beginning to about obomit, he basically declared economic surrender. Right in leadership starts at the top. You don't believe in your own country and what you're working to do, what your people can do, you're done your history. And Donald Trump from day one has believes in this country and what it can do. And it's American work. Yeah, I mean that's the thing. And you know what, the people that are benefiting are the American workers, the forgotten men and women, and which which is what this election was all about. We forget that. There's you know, there's a reason these states, um Alfredo, that they went so heavily for Trump. Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio not exactly the easiest states for a Republican to win. But they got so sick and disgusted over all of this they said, forget it. We've had enough of this. You know, they watched the entire cities like Detroit get decimated and and our industry leaving and Pittsburgh are steel industry. The President was speaking to them yesterday. Yeah, absolutely, Sean, And you know Steve, Steve and I went around the country several times, did a couple of stops together talking about small businesses. Also, small businesses in this country were devastated under the Obama administration between overregulation, right, too much red tape, over taxation, and lack of acts to capital and credit. And this president, this administration has tackled all three of them right, twenty two regulations off the table for everyone, introduced taxes at the lowest levels have been in history, really almost for for almost forty years. And thanks a lot of really Steve's efforts. By the way, if it hadn't been for Steve Moore, this also would not have happened. Um, So Steve, thank you for that. But then also finally addressing the issues that dot Frank created by you know, dot Frank basically limited over two thousand community banks, Shaun, and that now the credit is coming back to these small business owners. And these small business owners they're optimism and sky high, no I think, yeah, go ahead, just a quick point, you know, when when Donald Trump used, as Larry Cutlow and I on the campaign, you know, what do I do to get the economy moving? What are And we used to just say, jokingly but only half jokingly, just look at everything Obama has done and do the reverse, you know, and you kind of look at it, and that's what Trump has done. You know, Obama regulated. Trump is deregulating Obama tax Uhald Trump is cutting the taxes and getting just getting the obstacles out of the way. And the kind of animal spirits of the economy are so powerful. And I gotta tell you, I've so happy to do this interview with you today because I spent all morning on as you know, I'm with I'm with I'm with fake news. Now I have to do and they have the hardest time this morning trying to figure out how trying to put a bad skin on these Austin numbers. It was what were you drinking the day you signed that contract? What were you thinking? Yeah, I can't regretting it, because but it's kind of fun to watch them trying to, you know, say, well, this is one point, guy said, this is really Obama as a fact the Obama I said, yes. The effect of Obama is in president. Yeah, listen well and Alfredo, this is an important question because I know that you're advertising on the show. We really do appreciate your support. But it's an important message, and that is that the Democrats do want to rescind these tax cuts. Their agenda is clear. They want to impeach the president, they want their crumbs back, they want to eliminate ice open borders. That's not good for the American worker either. Uh. And then on on top of that, they want to end all regulation and they want to keep Obamacare. That's all they run on. There's nothing else that they're offering American people. And if we were sending the tax cuts, then we put back the regulations, then there goes all the economic games we've just made. Yeah, shown absolutely, I mean, and that's the craziest part of all your names. Pelos' is promising to repeal the tax because Chuck Schumer's promising to repeal the taxas Elizabeth Warren is promising to repeal the taxes, and frankly, she's saying, hey, F plus is actually pretty decent. I mean, I don't know what kind of world they've operated, but we obviously saw what happened when Obama was in charge, and that's the environment and the overall economic Uh, you know, prosperity wasn't even in the in their vocabulary, and now they are trying to repeal it makes absolutely no sense. And you know, I think this is one of the things that we're trying to get out there on our tax cuts work dot com site is really the knowledge of what's actually happening the real news because you know, Steve, you said your best CNN is struggling and try to figure out how to actually put a bad spin on this. There is no bad spin. The numbers are working, the efforts are working, and what the President has done, he understands how business actually operates, um and he's putting things in place. And and Sean, you know, even uh didn't not ed today that talked a little bit about the tariff, because I know there's been a lot of conversation about that. But you know, the president is acting on the terrorists right now, not for not just for tearist's sake, but he's really trying to fix what was a broken system for years and years now decades in fact, really and and this is the time to do it right. When times are good, that's when a business person invest back in their business. And that's what President Trump is doing, is investing back in our country. And this is the time to do. When you have four point one percent chet growth rate, that's when you can take a little bit of flexibility and invest back by doing these kinds of things that he knows or temporary. He doesn't want tariffs right in his idea of where there will be no terrorists at all. Right, final moments here as we continue on this Friday, eight nine for one, Shawn is our number. You want to be a part of the program. By the way, our friend Denisia Suso stops by the bottom of this hour. But final thoughts as we get from Alfredo or Tease, President CEO of the Job Creators Network, and our friends Steve Moore. There's a fellow, distinguished visiting fellow for the Project for Economic Growth at Heritage. Final thoughts, Alfredo, Sean Bontom, Wayne is in November, we have a very very important election because it's going to be the difference between the type of prosperity that we are seeing today that we are experienced today. When we saw that four point one percent number, Donald Trump and this administration and this Congress understands what it takes to move things forward and to create positive growth in our economy. If we lose control of the House, that will all go away. So we urged put folks to understand what's going on, get out there and vote, and we've got to make sure that we vote for the free enterprise system, which we are seeing working now. Steve, last word, these numbers just make you proud to be an American, don't they. Sean. I mean, we got, as Trump said today and he borrowed this line from the Wall Street Journal, of the American economy today is the envy of the world, and it hasn't been that since the rate of years. And what it really proves, Sean, us that ideas have consequences. Uh, you know you you put in place pro business, pro growth policies and they make a big difference for Americans. Incidentally, this is the first businessman president we've had in a long long time, and it really shows. Yeah, all right, thank you both, Steven Moore, thank you, freda Ortiz, thank you, nine for one, Shawn Denish to SUSA, and yeah, our Florida Georgia line Friday concert series. Put your party light on. It's almost time. It's almost Friday. Although we do have a great Hannity tonight at nine, I'll tell you about that. Next joining us now, we have our friend Denish to SUSA author filmmaker. Uh. He's got a brand new project out. It's called Death of a Nation. What's amazing about this? It's a film and it takes on everything we talk about, which is the left unrelenting campaign to blame Trump literally for everything horrible, all their predictions. We were talking about about the economy, Yeah, that got blown out of the water today. Yet again that's two huge economic uh bits of good news this week, the growth of g d P and yeah, there's not gonna be a trade war with with the our European partners, and yeah they might then all terrorists hold together, which is great for American workers. Anyway, here's a clip from the film. Lincoln was elected to United Country and stopped slavery. Democrats smeared him and went torn against him, assassinated him. Now they're target is Trump. Donald Trump wins the presidency, so help me god. They say he's killing America. There will be a foot shrimpeach. They say he's a racist. This was a white lash and fascist. Who are the real racists? Northern democraft had conspired together with demographs to take away the fruit of other people's labor. Who are the really fascists? Both Mussolini and Hitler set up and ran Worldfare says this is done by the do gooders, the liberals, the people who wanted to improve society. Which party attacks are free speech, on religious liberty, and our personal safety. A nation dies when it's people are not free. We two must fight for freedom, regardless of the price we pay. The stakes could not be higher. We're talking about America, the greatest nation on earth. Lincoln staved America for the first time. It's now optimus to save America a second time. How many times have we set on this program that America's at a tipping point? Well now, filmmaker Denish the SUSA also also an author here to talk about his project Death of a Nation. How are you, sir, Good to talk to you again, showing great to be on the show. I'm excited both about the which is out Tuesday, and then the movie, which opens nationwide next Friday. Both are called Debt of a Nation. Yeah, good for you, Um, you know, I wish it weren't true. I wish that, you know, I didn't have to expose what I what I believe is the biggest abuse of power scandal in history. I spent a lot of time today talking about economic policies is of the last eight years that failed. And yet America seems compulsively drawn back to the socialist appeal because it's and it is based on lies, the redistribution, etcetera, and and government can solve all our woes. And every time we break away from it, we see just the opposite happens, uh, and we get the economic growth and opportunity that really should be defining America. Well, if you think about it, Sean, you know, when was the last time that a major political party, you know, a refused to accept the result of a lawful election be try to destroy the president who won it, and see showed themselves willing to destroy the country in the process. Well, that hasn't happened before in our lifetime, but of course it did happen. In eighteen sixty the Republicans elected a President Lincoln. He was an outsider. The Democrats basically decided we won't have him we're going to break up the country. We're going to try to get rid of him, even if with a fascination of necessary. So all this craziness that has actually not been a part of our lifetime, but that Lincoln would recognize if he were alive today is coming back. And remarkably it is the same political party, the Democratic Party, that is doing it once again. You know, I mean, you go through a history. One of the things that frustrates me as a conservative the most is the narrative we get every two and every four years, and we're getting it again already this election. And I've gone back and I've done the history of advertisements, political advertisements, and it's the same thing. Republicans are racist, their sexist, their misogynists, their homophobic, there's xenophobic, there islamophobic. They want dirty year and order, they want to kill the children and throw granny all over the cliff, and all of which I am saying here has been said, and I just it drives me nuts because that's not who I am, nor is it any conservative I know or whatever. Want to know. Yes, you're absolutely right about that, Sean, and we all know that's true. But but the fact of the matter is that because the Left is so dominant in academia and the media and the whole entertainment industry, not just Hollywood, but the music industry, Broadway, they have most of the comedians, so they're able to put out these narratives that by the way, long pre day Trump, I mean the idea that fascism is on the right that started around World War Two. Right after World War Two, the idea that the two parties switched sides and the Republican Party are now the is now the party of racism that was concocted by the left in the sixties. So these lies are in our text books, they're told on the History Channel, they're on Wikipedia. And so part of my work in book, in the movie is to take these things on dive into the heart of the matter. Uh, not only expose it intellectually in the book, but then put it on the big screen so people can actually see for themselves that we are suckers for a big line. Once we debunked the big lie, I think, Sean, when we take away the left's race card and their fascism card, they have no other cards left. They'll be exposed for the frauds that they are once and for all, once we debunk these two big ideas. You know, I I just say it a little differently than you because I think what the answer is, and there's something that the entire country should be looking at today. You know, the president before us didn't hit three percent GDP growth in his for a year in his entire presidency, and we went from the lowest labor participation right now we're at the highest. And we have millions now fewer people on food stamps. He added thirteen million people to the food stamp rolls. We have four million now new jobs in America, and and it's growing rather quickly and expeditiously. Uh, millions are out of poverty. It's a dramatic shift and a dramatic change. And you know, with all the media and hysteria about Trump every day, the one thing that you can't get beyond is the facts that his policies are working and they're helping the forgotten men and women in this country. And we're now setting records in every category for you know, for those that break things up demographically, for women, for Hispanic Americans, African Americans or Asian Americans, for all Americans, and they're now getting the opportunity that didn't exist for eight years. And I don't think there's any amount of propaganda that's gonna switch people's minds from that truth. In reality, I agree with that. And now this is why I think that the Blue wave of November is going to prove to be. Uh, you're gonna petter her out for sure. Uh. And I to think of my own example. I mean, I'm a non non white immigrant, as you know, Sean. I came to America with five dollars in my pocket. And as I as I stayed here and as I looked at the two parties, I realized that one party, the Republican Party, stands for ladders of opportunity. That's the party that helps the guy who's starting out at the bottom to make his way up based upon his own strength, his own skills, his own merits, and also luck. The other party stands for ropes of captivity. The basic ideas the Democrats are on top of a building. They're letting down a rope. They want you to hang on. They promised they'll pull you up, they'll look after you, but it finally occurs to you. They're holding the rope and if they let go down, you go. So I said to myself, I would much rather be the Party of the I'd rather join the Party of the Ladder than become a victim of the Party of the Rope. All right, Danish, the SUSA. It starts next Friday. It's called The Death of a Nation. It's going to be in movie theaters around the country and the book comes out next Tuesday. Great to talk to you again, Danish. Thanks for being will of us. Always a pleasure. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Letting your heart be troubled, Hannity, Tonight we have an amazing show, uh where a hundred and one days out of this most important midterm election, we're gonna look at all the battlefield contests that matter. You need to know these and get to memorize them, and a battle plan will be drawn. Jim Jordan is running for speaker. We'll talk to him about that tonight. Jeanine Pierro, Heraldo Rivera, and um bore My interview with Roseanne bar The response has been unbelievable. That's all coming up tonight at nine, and then we'll see you back here on Monday. I see it tonight, have a great weekend. See him Monday.