Mark Simone, Host of the Morning Show in NY on WOR and Joe Concha, Fox News Contributor and columnist for The Hill, touch base on the latest news from the weekend, not the least of which is Barack Hussein Obama’s maskless birthday bash. COVID took a break to celebrate Obama’s 60th birthday:
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Right News round up information overlad hour Sean Hannity Show. Well, I gotta tell you, it looked like a hell of a party on the thirty acre estate in Matha's vineyard. Now, originally it wasna there was gonna be seven hundred people there. Then they said, no, we're only gonna do it one hundred or two hundred because the Obama's were being criticized for the super Spreader event. And to be fair to Obama, I mean that super Spreader event is nothing compared to what Joe's doing to the entire country by letting millions of illegal immigrants into the country, not testing them for COVID at all, but just putting him in his cages that are overcrowded for a period of time, high rate of COVID positivity, and then disbursing them to every state in the country. So not quite as bad as Joe, so by comparison anyway, So after the criticism, we're told, no, we're going to scale it back to one hundred two hundred guests. Now I'm seeing estimates anywhere between five and close to the seven hundred that were originally invited to the party. And I saw some nice pictures, and so one picture looks it looks like Oprah Winfrey. I think it's her dancing with Barack Obama at the party. Looks like a lot of fun, I guess. Then of course the toast that are given. And I saw tables where people didn't look too particularly socially distant. As a matter of fact, they're on top of each other, sitting at a table. Somebody is speaking at the time, standing up, And I didn't see one mask on one person that was there, at least in the pictures that I saw. The Daily Mail they had an exclusive that the party continued, and you know here it is the sixtieth birthday with Oprah and then Matha's vineyard. This was to have I should have said, we should have sent our cameras to the local airport to see the planes as they came in. You know, Dwyane Wade, John Legend, Chrissy Teagan was there, you know all the big stars. Know why Linda Mike looks like my invitation was lost in the mail. I'm not really sure why you wouldn't want it to go anyway. It's a lot of traffic. Can you imagine if I walked in it'd be like friends in low places. You know, I showed up in boots and ruined your black tie affair. That would be one of those moments anyway, you did see um oh, John Kerry took his private jet to Obama's birthday bash. So those very very thoughtful of our green new deals are and our and our environmentals are. By the way, he doesn't have a small plan. He has a pretty big plane, which I don't have no problem with whatsoever, except that he tells all of us, you know that you know, we're the big polluters in the world, and then makes excuses his work is so important he needs to use it. Did you really need to use it to go to a birthday party? Is that emergency use? Is that helping the environment? Anyway? You know? Fauci is yet to speak out about the super at our southern border, and he also ignored Obama's birthday bash. I wonder why is that. Bet if it was Trump, I bet he would have commented by now just my own guests. One New York Times report of facing a backlash over sophisticated vaccinated crowd Now, last week we reported on this program, the CDC director actually said that the vaccine no longer prevents people from getting COVID nineteen oh. Anyway, we have a reporter for The New York Times reporting on Obama's sixtieththday party at Matha's vineyard. Here's that report. What states of precautions are they taking and what are people saying on the island on Martha's Vineyard about this? First saying, well, first of all, to be clear, this party's outdoors. All the guests had to submit negative COVID tests to a COVID coordinator, and we're encouraged to be vaccinated. They were not required to be vaccinated, but most of this crowd is assumed to be vaccinated, so they're following off CDC precautions. The feeling on the island I heard mixed things from people I interviewed. There were people who were legitimately upset that there was going to be hundreds of people traveling from across the country showing up on the island, a small community of summer residents who are nervous about getting together at all. I quoted Rose Styrone, the widow of the novelist William Starring in my piece, saying she really was upset about this, even though she was invited to one of the Obama pre parties. Other people said, you know, this is really being overblown. They're following all the safety precautions. People are going to sporting events that are bigger than this. This is going to be safe. This is a sophisticated, vaccinated crowd, and this is just about optics. It's not about safety. All right, Andy Carney, thanks so much. All right, joining us for their unique take on this six dravigenza. Maybe they had invitations that mine obviously got lost in the mail. Mark Simone, our fellow host on our flagship in New York AM seven ten wo R Joe Concho, Fox News contributor, calumnist for the Hell hopefully the host of his own show on Fox on the Medium Mob one day soon Welcome both of you. Did either of you get an invitation? Mark? You had an invitation? I was busy that night. You were busy that night? You mean you wouldn't have gone if you got the invitation? Yeah, you had too many plans already in the works. You ever been to Martha's Vineyard. That is the dullest place ever, everybody. It's worse than Gilligan's Island. I've never been to Martha's vineyard. I've been in Nantucket once, Paris. Compared to Martha's vinyard, Well, the other day I liked about it. You know, I was like, you know, young adult, I was like eighteen nineteen. I wrote a moped all day. That's all I did. I guess that the party apparently now have deleted their Instagram posts after former president was seen dancing at his epic bash, Joe, will you invited? I had to clean out my salt and pepper shakers at night, Sewan. So yes, I wasn't fired, of course, but you gotta do it. You gotta do sometimes and when we had to miss it. But a couple of things do unpack here, all right? The CDC deemed Dukes County that's where Martha's Vineyard is located. That's a high transmission area that requires mass and the president most of his guests, like you talking about all, I couldn't find one ignored that while dancing inside. Now, remember that reporter for the New York Times told CNN that, well, this is an outdoor to party. No, just because you put the tent up outside, it doesn't make it an outside party. In fact, tense you can make the argument or worse because there's no ventilation, right, I mean, a last inside it, a normal building, a ventilation. This is just this prop up tent that I think is going to host the Super Bowl in twenty twenty five. It was so big. And by the way, if this party was so safe, if the criticism is so overblown, then why did the DJ at the party you put the photos up on social media? Why was the order to delete them? Because that may look like you're trying to hide something. So again, rules for thee not for these as de Yeah, I mean, and I guess we were just talking about this in the last half hour. I mean, Mark, you're missed to New York City. I don't know what the hell you see in that place. I mean, I know now, I know, you know everybody, I understand it. You know, people love you in New York. They absolutely despise me. I'm not sure why, because our politics are not that much different, to be honest, maybe a few nuances here and there, but not a whole lot different. And yet you're you're one of the most loved people in New York and MC so many big events and but anyway, so you know, for example, in New York, all the streets now are covered in these plastic outdoor restaurants. Okay, it's supposedly they're outdoors. They're not outdoors. They're just a it's a it's a temporary plastic indoor room. It's it's total bs what they're doing. And by the way, I don't blame the companies, the restaurants. They got to survive. Yeah, well they're actually all wouldn't now they built these wooden like sheds. It's like you're eating in an outhouse. It looks ridiculous. Boy, that's really that makes everything that much more, you know, appetizing. Yeah, what's the point of going out if you're gonna be alone in this little thing? And all of a sudden and um, but I think you've been way too cruel on Obama. He did cut the get List guest list. They told Andrew Cuomo not to come, and I didn't think about that, didn't see Cuomo there. John Kerry's State the Department saying uh no, no he did not fly and pray he lives there and he took the ferry. Meanwhile, we got a picture of him in a jet. I don't know well to the bottom of the you could see these guys were wiping the handrails on their yachts. They were very careful, very They always come up with these things to explain their hypocrisy. Remember when Al Gore was driving all those SUVs and he said, oh, I purchased a carbon credit. What the heck is a carbon Now? The carbon credit is like cheating on your wife and saying, here's a diamond, honey, good luck. Yeah, it's like I bought a cheating credit to another guy won't cheat on his wife. So I know, it's so dumb. And then they have this this Corona coordinator. What the hell is that? It's a doctor, that's all it is. And knowing them, it was that that ghoul Zeke Emmanuel probably they invited him to cover it. Okay, now we got it. We got our COVID official here just in case. Um. It just is breathtaking hypocrisy. So I don't really think they scaled it back much, if at all. Joe, by the looks and the sounds of it. Now, I don't know if you saw it last minute. Now now everybody that put up Instagram photos, they're all being told to take it down quick, hurry, up, Take it down, Take it down, everybody to take it down. I don't get it. That's supposed to be the most transparent presidents in history. We'll be sharing all this stuff, right and look in our media. I watched the Sunday shows. Unfortunately, it's what I do for a lot. No mention of Obama fest anywhere on any of the Sunday talk shows, but Chuck Todd, who will never be confused with Tim Russard. He then broaches the sturgist biker rally in an interview with the ubiquitous Doctor Fauci, And of course Fauci goes off on the biker rally and said this is dangerous, we shouldn't be doing it, but of course doesn't bring up Obama's mantionalist bagup party, right. So look, that may lead some people to think that perhaps doctor Fauci increasingly sees things through a political prism than a scientific one. But but either way, our so called leaders are not leading by example, clearly, Obama, news Pelosi, Lightfoot Bowser, countless others, all Democrats, by the way, all caught breaking their own rules. And they don't care because they know that most of the media they're going to provide cover instead of coverage. You know, you raised so many good points here, and now the point is, where's fauci on the border? A million people, high rate of COVID positivity? Mark Simone says nothing. Where is the on Obama's super spread up party in Matha's vineyard? But we're also getting reports about three or four DUIs after that party had to be covered up in Can't they call on uber? Don't they can't afford an uber? I never understand this athlete same thing? Okay, wait, Matt, slow it on a second, Joe, you you expect that that that crowd of celebrity a listers is gonna call just any old uber. You don't think every every limousine service on the island was used that day, because I'm pretty certain they probably were all booked, not every Oh yeah, good points. I guess people around they had no other offers. I'll sleep over. The place looks big enough. You can't find the stare room somewhere. There's thirty acres. You could just sleep out in the woods, right wow? And how is the left not slamming this? Like you know? In other words, John Kerry wasn't the only one who took a private jet there. You're a celebrity. You gotta get to that island. It's impossible to get to. I would think that there were the missions and an od zone layer completely blown open as a result of this party. I don't hear anything from aoctate what's going on with that? Oh that's a good point too. Quick break more with Mark Simone, Joe Concha than your calls the eight hundred and nine for one Sean. As we continue on this Monday, right back to Mark Simone, Joe Concha. We have all of this going on with Cuomo. I gotta get your take. Mark Simone. I don't think he survives politically, but I don't think it's as big as worry either. As we were discussing in the last hour, we now have a second woman in this particular case. It was the person known as executive Assistant Number one, the second person describing groping, grabbing, unwanted touching, etc. I watched the interview. She seemed extraordinarily well, very bluntly credible to me, and it was I felt bad for her watching it. Yeah, Well, here's the thing. There's eleven accusers in the Attorney General's report and he keeps responding, and his lawyers keep responding to two of these cases. They never mentioned the other nine. If you go back and watch his lawyers zoom call on Friday, they didn't present any evidence. You got you gotta have what she got the date wrong, or here's an affidavit from the state trooper that they were never in the room alone. They don't have anything. Nothing. Melissa de Rosa, who's let's just say his enforcers, she quit yesterday. That's a bad sign. People think that she's made some kind of deal to be a witness and that's why she's getting out. Now. He's got a less than one percent chance of survival in this. Okay, it's survival, But then I look at the criminal side of it. Obviously, the media is not as harsh against Andrew Cuomo is they would be against any Republican Joe Conscha. But even still, the media can't ignore this. No, they can't, because every Democrat and the state has basically turned on Cuomo. So it's a simple matter of math. And right now they have the votes too impeached if they wanted to, and it'll be just like Nixon. Nixon saw the numbers he saw that Republicans we're going to vote for impeachment as well, and said, all right, I'm going to leave him my own terms, and he resigned. So I say that Cuomo does not get out of the month of August, maybe even all right next week, because there's just no there's no pathway for him. Quite frankly, what I've concluded in this mark someone because Republicans aren't doing this to Cuomo. This is Democrats. Republicans have no power in New York right now. My question is why is he so hated? It seems like nobody likes him. He is the worst guy ever is Every Democrat has told me this. He has no friends among Democrats. Everybody in the democratic world has been threatened by him, coerced into something. Even as Melissa de Rosa, she was famous for when you wanted you to make a statement or do something, you said no, she'd always say, we won't forget, We'll remember that you didn't do this for always always threatening. Besides the me too problem, all that other stuff, they just want this guy gone. It's too much baggage for them, it really is. I don't know if you know. And then, of course, because I don't see any but Democrats standing up for him, and I just assumed watching knowing them. Democrats so often just stick together. That like, whether you like Bill Clinton or not, he was liked by a lot of Democrats. They liked them personally, and that made a difference. Nobody nobody likes Cuomo, it seems on the Democratic side. All right, Joe Conscient, Thank you, Mark Simone. Always great to have you. Guys, appreciate you being with us. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn our number. You want to be a part of the program, Quick break right back, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, as promised too our busy phones, We go as we say. Hi, Mike is in the great state of Florida. Mike is a lot smarter than I am. He's he lives in a state with no income taxes, very low property taxes compared to New York, especially with much better infrastructure, half the budget and you know, the same population as New York. For crying out loud, almost Mike Glada Cault source, thanks for being with us. Hey Sean, thanks for taking might call a long time listener, first time caller. Appreciate the board where in Florida. Are you. I'm in Tampa. I love Tampa. How great? How great is Tampa's sports teams? You got the Tampa Bay Lightning, you got the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Can you guys win any more this? You know year anything else you're gonna be winning. Your baseball team has been doing well well. I'm an Indians Sam, but I'm a I'm a race fan as well. And the Rays look pretty good for this, looking pretty good. Yeah, well, the Yankees are making their way back though. I saw there were five games out. I saw that too. I saw that. Oh good, pay attention because they we're coming back. I'm just saying you did. You did beat the Islanders in Game seven, and you know, and then went on to win the Stanley Cup. And I can't fault youre for that. It was you had a great team. But by the way, that great team ain't coming back next year. You're in trouble. Well, we'll see what happens. We'll see what happens. I love to ready happening. You're losing key players. But anyway, what's on your mind? Hey, listen, I just wanted to give a little positive insight of this COVID diagnosed with it about three weeks ago. I'm battling prostate cancer right now. I'm a severe asthmatic. I had symptoms, you know, three weeks ago, early on a Monday or late on a Monday afternoon, had a severe back pain and it went to my head, and then I had a little bit of a fever, and then I took some motrin and just actually, you know, just fought it for a couple of days. On the other hand, I was diagnosed, you know, two days later, get tested. I came through this basically with flying colors. And if anybody would have a chance of really getting severely ill with this being asthmatic, having a cancer that I have, it should have been neat. On the other hand, my fiance she got it, obviously, she contracted it from me. She was gracious enough to you know, fight through it as well, through a lot of nutritional supplements and so forth. But she did have to get on some breathing treatment and so forth, and she's doing well today. But I just I just want to let me just play one thing, and this is important. The overwhelming numbers of people, you know, it sucks. It's you know, varying symptoms for younger people. Again that's changing a little bit with the delta variant. But you know that their symptoms have been almost all mild and in some cases almost asymptomatic. Um. I know people that have I know person I had a stroke um on dialysis type two diabetes and came through with shining colors. But I said to the person, I said, you know, we'll pray for the best here, but this isn't gonna this isn't this isn't looking good. And sure enough I was dead wrong, thankfully. Um And but uh, now can I ask you how old you are? Sure I'm sixty four, okay? And how bad your prostate cancer? What stage? Well I'm in I'm in the gleas and scales between six and seven. So I haven't done any act of uh you know, rayational treatment or after. You're doing watchful waiting right now, I am. I'm doing watchful waiting. I mean, you know, God as my Lord and savior, He's he's put me through this, you know. Yeah, But don't forget God also, you know, gives gives great doctors great talent. Don't ever forget that part too. Absolutely, I'm not there's a whole range of options short of you know, the surgery. I won't go through them. I'm sure you know all about them. But there's and they've made a lot of progress on it. Um. You know, it's said that almost every man will die with some prostate cancer and in their in their body. I mean it's very common. I know many many men that have had it and treated it successfully and they just go on and live happy, happy, normal lives. Yeah, my friend Allie North years ago and Rudy Giuliani, they had you know, those those radiology seeds inserted implanted, and they had that treatment. There's other treatments, but you know, so you're going to go over all that with your doctor. I'm not your doctor, but um, but at least but having been treated, didn't compromise your immune system? Correct, exactly exactly. I'm in pretty good shape for a guy at my age, and I'm blessed to be in the shape I am. And I'm I'm an nutritional guy anyway. So I think that's how I thought through the whole virus and so forth. But if I could cho did I say just a couple of things about what's going on in a nation right now? Sure? Sure? Last night, so the first time since since I was in the military in nineteen seventy nine. I'm you know, you remember the Iranian hostage situation. I got down on my knees last night and actually prayed for this nation. I think we're at a time to take a stand against the socialistic position we're faced with right now, this divisive identity politics, with the virus, with the mask, with the non mask, with the you know, the vaccine and non vaccine. I mean, we're an atturning point in this country right now. And yes, last night I got down on my knees. I prayed for this nation because they think we need to be we need to wake up as Americans and really really graspful of what's happening right now. You know, with all the things that we're faced with, and there's there's a lot of people out there, Sean, and you know it more than I know that they're being silent. You know, we're being silenced on Facebook, We're being silenced on Instagram. We're being fact checked by this and fact checked by that. And it's a situation that you know, I'm not the sharpest knife in the tool shed, but there's a lot of Americans like me that are not speaking out, and I want to, you know, I want to help those people realize what the heck is going on. Well, you sound like a pretty sharp knife to me. First second, um, let me let me echo your feelings. And I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in God, our Father. Natural rights are all endowed by our creator. And I'm I'm a non denominational Christian. That's how I and a Christian defined as somebody that admits that he needs to be a better person. I don't why everybody thinks a Christian is perfect. Linda is now going to church more than anybody I know, and we know she's not perfect. Us. You won't give me her pastor, I'm so annoying you. Your pastor has every right to yell at me and give him give me his number. It's okay, But in all seriousness, you know, people ask me, so, what are your plans for your retirement? And I'm like, huh what. I saved enough money, so I'm supposed to retire. That's That's not what motivates me. That's not what motivated me to do this in the first place. I'm the last person that I thought would ever be successful in any way in radio or TV, I promise you. And but I believe with all my heart that if everybody like you, Mike and Florida things like you, I can feel a rising tide and an energy moving. And I've lived. This is not my first rodeo. It's very reminiscent of the movement that started in twenty ten and I was a part of it. You know, it's very reminiscent. I was the MC for New Gingridge in ninety four. It's very reminiscent of what what drew me into Reagan's presidency, which drew me into talk radio in my first show is in nineteen eighty seven. It's what drew me to Donald Trump, the disruptor, the iconoclast, and it's what what draws me every day is um. You know, I've had a good life, one that I don't I feel I didn't deserve, and I really feel if we all take the position that we're spokes in the wheel, and that we need every spoke to make this wheel, you know, hump turn properly. And it's not it's not about one of the reasons I'm so supportive of so many of my colleagues I'm I'm not in competition with them because I want them all to do well that that think like us. I am, Linda, correct me, Am, I not friends with almost everybody in the business, except for those rare exceptions. I mean you're a very friendly person. Yeah, well, I mean because what we do. There's too few of us on radio and too few of us on TV. But it really is going to come down to first changing bringing integrity and confidence to our election system. That's that we should all be working on now. Then it's going to be prosecuting the case, which they're they're they're crushing themselves every day with their stupid policies, and then laying out of vision. Elections are about the future and where we show people this is what we can do to save this country and be the greatest to be that's shining city on the hill, the beacon of freedom around the world. It can happen, but it's going to take all of us committed together in whatever capacity to do our best. And we're doing it, you know, not just for ourselves. But I think about my kids now and what country they're inheriting, and if I ever have grandkids or maybe I'm long dead and gone. I don't know, but I want to leave this country better off than we got it. Conservatism, what do we believe. We believe in choice in schools, not teachers unions. We believe in law and order, safety and security, free market solutions for healthcare, not government solutions. We believe in lower taxes, limited government bureaucracy, secure borders. We believe in energy independence, constitutionalists on the bench, free and fair trade, piece through strength. If we just stick to the basics, the things that Trump did, then the America First Agenda, then this country will be infinitely better off. Look at the damage Joe Biden has done in seven months. I'll give you the last word. Well, I just wanted to say that I appreciate your time, and we all of us thank you for your patriotism, patriotism to this country. And I know there's a lot of like minded people out there. As the young man, you know, growing up, my grandparents on my mother's side was from Romania and my grandfather's side, both both Christians, you know, came to this country, didn't speak a word of English and it worked hard all their lives. But they've warned me at a young age that I would be faced in my lifetime with socialism or communism. My one grandma told me that when bread got to five dollars a loaf. I have no idea why she said five dollars, but I'll always remember that. I'll take that to my grave with me. I've told us to my kids and my grandkids, and you know, I pay five dollars for my bread. I buy good bread. And we're just around the corner. I just hope that there's a lot of Americans like myself, yourself, that are paying attention and try not to be silenced and try to do all those all those things that are good and godly, because this isn't about this isn't about left versus right. It's not about Republican versus democrat anymore. It's about good versus evil. And we you know, a lot of time, Sean, I just I'll just finish with this. A lot of times you have to realize you have to go through total darkness before where you truly see the light. Oh. You know, Look, nobody escapes this life without some pain, and that's the way life is designed. And it's a pain that defines who we are as people and how we react to that. Pain and what we learned from learn from probably learn more from my failures and mistakes than any success that I might have had. Anyway, God bless you, Mike. We want you to stay healthy too. Sonja, South Carolina. Next, Hi, how are you? Hey? How are you? I'm good? Thank you good? I'm calling to well. I guess overall, I'm just upset that the medical community is not treating COVID when it's first diagnosed, versus waiting till the disease has exacerbated and people are your death. I am a hospice nurse and I went a whole year without having one patient come on service for hospice not been vaccinated. This past January, I did come down with COVID myself. I went to an urgent care center. I had lost my taste and smell, and they said go home and take tunnel. And then around that seven to ten day mark where patients arey they're going to get better, they're going to get worse. I took a downturn and went to an ear here in town, and they did not give me any of the anti barls in a hydrochloro on a tone of ted I'm sorry, but anyway, Q Okay, what else? Yes? Correct, Well, they did give me an antibiotic and pregnent zone and I did get better. Took me about three weeks. But this past Friday, my daughter's a friend of my daughters, went to the ear. She's a mother of four and for about a week she had been diagnosed and took a downturn and she went to the same ear that I did. Um they did a chest that tray she had pneumonia. She had party of megali, which is an enlargement of the heart, and said that she needs to follow up. And their follow up was given her an oximeter to take home so she could monitor her oxygen levels. They did not give her any steroids, no antibiotic, no anti viral, and she was very upset. And I had, you know, I'm gonna listen to your program and have listened to doctor Fred and doctor Tyson, and there is a doctor in town that my daughter was familiar with, and we suggested that she go see him and he did give her the medication that she needed. But I'm just really it all you're asking me the question I'm jumping ahead. I'm just guessing, is that why don't they use therapeutics more often, and why isn't it standard? I don't have a good answer. We deserve one.