Handcuffing America - March 17th, Hour 3

Published Mar 17, 2022, 10:00 PM

 Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House and host of the podcast"Newt’s World"and author of Beyond Biden, is disgusted by the way in which the Biden administration is deliberately handcuffing the American economy. The efforts that are underway are so severe that if we do not change course, and soon we will not be able to come back as the America we hold so dear. 

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All right, News Round Up, Information Overload Hour eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. We on this program for years have talked about the necessity, the need for energy independence, why it's good for our national security, because then you do longer really have to worry that much about the hostilities that Iran brings to the narrow straits of hor Moves, where a third of the world's oil supply shipped through every single day. You don't have to worry about countries in the Middle East that hate our guts. What they're gonna do in terms of producing and selling energy to us when we have more natural resources than they do it. It's kind of amazing, you know, Sarah palinm what don't you say? Drill baby, drill New Gameridge started a campaign that said drill here, drill now, save money. You can say frak here, frac now, save money. And it was a little bit shocking, but some predictable that yesterday we had not only Elizabeth Warren blaming price gouging for companies for high gas prices. That is not the reason. It's simple supplying demand dictating the price. But there was another vote yesterday in the House of Representatives and once again the Democratic Party blocked an energy independence bill. Now here's Elizabeth Warren playing COVID and greedy companies are to blame for implation. No, be Joe Biden's failed policies, But go ahead. I think the primary cause of this bout of price increases starts with COVID and the fact that we have supply chain kinks and that people rapidly shifted the demand per so that demand for services went down in demand for goods went up. So those two have forced prices up. That's part one. But what has also happened is that now that we live in America where there's a lot more concentration in certain industries, look at the oil industry, look at meat industry, look at groceries generally that what's happened is these companies have said, you know, we'll pass along costs. But while we're at it and everyone's talking about rising costs, let's just add an extra big dollar of cost increases to expand our profits. Think about it this way. If all that was happening was that we have problems in the supply chain, so we're passing those costs along, margins profit margins should have stayed about to saying percentage right, they might have even shrunk a little tiny bit. Not happening. Those margins are increasing, and they're increasing the most where we see lots of corporate concentration. So Part one, yes, very much the pandemic. Part two. Companies that recognize that because they don't face a lot of competition can goost those prices up. They're saying it on their shareholder calls. And by the way, those greedy oil companies that Fox Business is did a great article analyzing this. It shows oil companies are making less money, not more money, in these current economic conditions. Then you've got GENA. McCarthy White House Climate Advisors saying we have to fast track climate solutions available right now. Those solutions are not available right now, but listen. President Biden mobilized every federal agency to tackle a climate crisis. He committed the US to achieving one hundred percent cobbin free electricity, yes Cobbin Secretary Grant Home cobbin free electricity by twenty thirty five, and reaching net zero emissions no later than twenty fifty. But to do this, we have to fast track the climate solutions that are available to us right now, like more solar projects on public lands, like the launch of a new American offshore wind industry, an electric vehicle manufacturing right here in America, and we have seen tremendous progress so far. No, we've not windmills, solar panels. It's the technology, is not there? A cobbin as she says, Listen, every problem we now face Joe Biden running out of COVID tests around Christmas, monoclonal lantibodies around Christmas, that's his fault. You look at the disaster at the border. He caused that problem. We could fix it going back to Trump policies. Same with the environment. We can warp speed monoclonal antibodies because there's a new variant in Europe making its way to the US. The economy energy all preventable, and we can go back to the Trump policies that made us energy independent. What are we going to blame Afghanistan on Vladimir Putin too? Because they're blaming high gas prices and inflation on Vladimir Putin and as invasion of Ukraine, even though we had high gas prices and inflation months before this invasion. Ever, took place anyway, new Ingridge joins us. Now you launched right here on this program. I don't even remember the year. Maybe you do drill here, drill now, save less. If Joe Biden did follow that advice, we saved money right now well as actually with your enormous help. It was early in two thousand and eight and got about a million, six hundred thousand Americans signed up, and by that summer in the Republican Convention, people were saying, drill, baby, drill. And by the way, people forget that just before the economy broke, McCain was ahead by about three points ahead of Obama because the Democrats didn't have an answer to inexpensive gasoline and inexpensive heating oil. And you're exactly right, And you know, I think what people have to start realizing is we are dealing here with a religion. We're not dealing with a political movement. When you have somebody like John Kerry who says that he certainly hopes that Putin is going to be aware of climate change as he invades Ukraine, you're dealing with somebody who lives on a different planet than you and I do. And this is something that Theodore I had warned about all the way back in nineteen seventy two when he said that the liberal ideology had become a liberal theology. And the other night Biden's President Biden spoke to a Democratic National Committee fundraiser. In the entire speech, he references Ukraine and Russia for one sentence, and that sentence is to say that if only we had more green energy, then it wouldn't be as big a problem. That's the total reference to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the middle of the war. The entire speech is pure theology of climate change. In a way, you read it and you think these people like totally out of touch with reality and the answer of courses. Yes, they are totally out of touch, which we have. You know, as I look at all of this, and I look at this handling of Ukraine, which is another mess, did you ever think we'd get to the point where Joe Biden is going to do even a worse deal with the Mullahs in Iran in terms of you know, now we're going to allow Vladimir Putina to build nuclear facilities to the cost of ten billion dollars in Iran. That Joe wants to import oil from Iran. There's still the number one state sponsor of terror. They're still fighting proxy wars in the Middle East and elsewhere. They killed Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan. And I'm trying to understand, why would we ever ask them for any help or assistance and help them get rich again, or help prop up this murdering thug dictator Maduro as Joe sent an emissary to meet with the Venezuelans over the weekend, Or why beg opek any further when we have all the natural resources we could ever want and need, but we're not tapping into them. Well, I think there's a couple of different answers there. One, the Iranian Agreement is really an effort to create a counterweight to Israel. I mean, for everybody who thinks Israel is too strong and Israel has too big a role, Iran is the one country that could be their counterweight. And that's the driving, I think underlying message of why they keep trying to bring Iran back into the civilized world, even though, as you point out, you know they actually have assassins in the United States trying to kill officials from the Trump administration for having killed the General Sulimani, who had been the leading terrorists in the world when we killed him. They actually have this fired missiles very close to the American consulate and Erbio, Iraq. You know, the whole notion. In the middle of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we've asked the Russians to take the lead in negotiating a deal with Iran. And there's a story today that Andy McCarthy, who's normally very responsible and very well connected, he reported this morning that there's actually a proposal that Biden has reassured Putin that most of the sanctions will disappear as part of the agreement with Iran. Now, so you have you're Prutin invading Ukraine. You have Putin engaged in war crimes. Even Joe Biden has used the term war criminals to refer to Putin. And you have you have Biden trying to cozy up to the Russians in the middle of a of a war in a way that I'm with you. I don't think I could have you know, I've written this about seven novels. I don't think I could have thought this one up. I don't I don't think anybody could have thought it up. And and the fact that this is really happening in real time just it shocks me to, you know, right deep in my soul, how stupid we are. We are really this is a very dangerous foreign policy posture that Joe Biden has taken, and it starts with giving up the energy independence that he inherited and America being a net exporter of energy that he inherited. Normally, the Senate would have to weigh in on any treaty, but Obama didn't go to the Senate, so I would assume that Joe Biden is just going to do this deal and nobody's gonna have a word to say about it. Well that they will try to avoid it. There is a provision in law that's not a treaty because a treaty requires an affirmative vote. There's a provision for the House and Senate to vote, but they would have to override a presidential veto. And I think the average American, I hope, will realize this is not politics, this is history. This is one of the most dangerous periods we've seen, certainly in our lifetime and maybe ever in American history. You have. You know, when you have a vice press who is humiliatingly stupid and goes to Poland that makes a fool of herself in the middle of a war where you want somebody who has stature gravits us in seriousness, and then you realize you have a president. If you look at the difference between Zolensk, President Zelenski's passion talking to the US Congress yesterday morning and the sort of dull I guess I have to read this approach that bidenhead in the afternoon. It is astonishing. I'm doing a newsletter comparing those two speeches, and for an American, I think it is really humbling to have an American president who is this timid, this dishonest, and frankly, I think this cowardly cot In a former Speaker of the House, New king Rich. You know, the word fear comes to mind, and we talked about that earlier with Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana. And at this point, you know, I'm trying to understand the logic. I've been making the case that we ought to follow the model of Reagan and the model of Donald Trump, and Reagan's model was to arm the Mujahadeen with Stinger missiles and they were able to defeat. They were willing to fight, and they defeated and pushed out the former Soviet Union. Reagan also armed the Freedom Fighting Contras and they were able to fight back against Daniel Otega and the Sandinistas. Ronald Reagan showed us how to beat the caliphate that grew under Obama and Biden. He bobbed the living hell out of them. He told showed us how to take out a terrorist like Solomani and El Baghdaddy and the al Qaida leader in Yemen. And I keep going over these things. There are ways that we can effectively counter hosta regimes like that of Vladimir Putin's. And remember President she was watching without putting a single American boot on the ground. But Joe Biden won't even sign off on fighter jets for Ukraine, which is inexplicable to me. Yeah, I think that it's one of those things where they create a false sphere. You know, if it's okay to send surfaced air missiles and it's okay to have the arm the Ukrainians so that they can take down Russian aircraft, etc. What's the difference between that and allowing you the Ukrainians, not Americans, not NATO pilots, Ukrainians to fly mid twenty nines. And this whole thing I think has been built up in Biden's head and but but it's but he goes deeper than that. There is a desire in the State Department and a desire in the White House to work with Putin, no matter how bad he is. And even if Biden, you know, under pressure from the news media, says he's a war criminal, he doesn't mean it's He's not going to behave towards Prutin like Putin's a war criminal. If he if he was serious about that, he would kick the Russian out of the negotiations with Iran. But he won't do that because they're so desperate for a deal with the Iranian terrorists for reasons that I think do relate directly to crowding in. You he'd kicked the Russians out, and then he would insist that our allies stopped importing any energy from Russia period and bankrupt him. Well, that's just exactly right, and we could do that. But this administration is so unable to part of his incompetence in part of his ideology, and the two work together in a way that's very dangerous for America. I'm gonna have to let it go here, former Speaker of the House, New Game, which we always appreciate having on the program. Sir, thank you, quick break right back your calls on the other side, straight ahead, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, Linda, I don't know if he's first we got to talk about. You said that your mom figured out why Tom Brady he decided to unretire. It's hysterical. It's you know, they have these things. They have these mom jokes, dad jokes. And my mom says to me today, my mom actually knows about football, so it's funny. And she comes in and she goes, oh, I got one for you. I said, what is it. My mom says, tom Brady, I got one for you. She goes, tom Brady had to go back to work because he's got to afford the gas for his car. Gas prices are too high. And I was like, Mom, she's hysterical. I mean it's true though, right gas prices are so high that NFL players got to go back to work. Tom Brady's huge into bitcoin and ethereum, I think, and cryptocurrency, which flat lately it has it It went to a lower price people that had anticipated it might hit a new high. I mean, it's the strangest thing to watch it. I only put a little bit of money into it, but it's fun to watch. It's hard to, you know, give value to things that are imaginary when we can't even give things, you know, value to things that are real. I mean, our own dollar is worthless. They're thinking about treating you know, oil and gas through OPEC, and well the sadies are on now. I mean it's people are just asleep at the switch. They don't even realize how serious all this is. I think my favorite story though, of the day is the New York Times. They confirmed what we've always known and that Hunter Biden's emails decried is misinformation and basically evaporated off of all of social media. The New York Times confirms that Hunter Biden's emails decried as propaganda and misinformation and fake news. Oh it was real the entire time. And anyway, so what where's the retraction. You know, where's no one's even paying attention. The news cycle is so insane and so fast that you get to, like the third day, everybody forgets already what happened last week. The problem is that nobody even remembers that CNN and MSNBC and all these other jerks reported it wrong. They're not going to correct the they don't care. Now look at it this way. This was two weeks, just fourteen days before the twenty twenty presidential election, The New York Post comes out with this bombshell about Hunter Biden's laptops. Laptop you would think, oh my gosh, this is amazing. It's full of incriminating details of the Biden syndicate family and their dealings with Ukraine and Russia and China. Oh those countries sound familiar, not to mention hours and hours of X rated videos showing the first Sun a crack addict, doing illegal drugs, covorting with hookers, etc. Etc. Anyway, the mainstream press and social media, you know, broke their necks. They looked the other way. They took down anybody who posted it. They labeled it totally untrue. And remember this is an election you can make an argument forty four thousand votes in battleground states and out of tens of millions of Americans cast in their ballots, never heard of about what was on Hunter Biden's laptop. My own lawyers knew it was so true and knew that there was there were things on that laptop that if I had it in my possession, just having it in my possession could send me to jail. And it was a big battle between me and my lawyers. I said, I'm I'm a member of the press. I should have a right to have these, But think about that, you possessing it means you go to jail the guy who did it. They're saying exactly information exactly, So you know, I was downloaded by numerous people that saw it. We talked about it. I asked all the right questions of Miranda Divine and other people and anyway people familiar with the investigation The Times. You know, the real story here is The New York Times acknowledging their role in helping to rig a presidential election and hiding truth about Joe Biden and the family syndicate from the American people. Now, if you look at the Times story, they finally her it's authentication, meaning the laptop, the emails. Twenty three paragraphs into the story, it's not the lead and people familiar with the Hunter Biden tax investigation said prosecutors had examined the emails between mister Biden, mister Archer, who was just sentenced, and others about Parisma and other foreign business activity. And those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cash of files that appeared to have come from a laptop abandoned by mister Biden in a Delaware repair shop. By the way, the poor man, I think is his business has been is going belly up as a result, the email and others in the cash of information were authenticated by people familiar with them and familiar with the investigation. Now here's what's missing. You're right, No apology, no explanation, three short sentences, no indication that there'll be any more. Laptop story is to follow. So The Times is dragged, kicking and screaming into admitting that they were part of an effort. This was a campaign donation. This is what I meant when I said the the you know press, the presidential candidate protection program and evidence like illicit sexual relations and photos and videos, etc. Prolific crack smoking. He got the picture of Hunter with a crack pipe in his mouth as he's fallen asleep, repeatedly using the N word. Imagine if Don Junior, Eric or any Trump, anybody with the last name Trump ever did that. So you have the woke New York Times didn't want their readers to know any of this. Now, would that have made in a difference in the election? I would argue, would have. Miranda Divine reminded us today, and remember she wrote the best selling book The Laptop from Hell that Hunter Biden had, you know, multiple connections to Russian oligarchs and Putin's inner sanctum. You know truck Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson. They first reported that nobody in the media wanted to touch that either except for us. In February twenty fourteen, one of the Russian oligarchs, the former first Lady of Moscow, wired three and a half million dollars into a bank account associated with Hunter and as business partner Devin Archer. But see, I do I disagree with you. I think you give people way too much credit. You're very optimistic. I do not think any of that would have mattered because people had their minds made up and it had nothing to do with Bidenen or Hunter. They just hated Trump, so they hadn't anybody but Trump mindset they would have Maybe. I just don't think. I don't think they can get beyond their own hate it if it was covered the way they would have covered if if it was Trump. Are you saying that you don't think forty four thousand people in swing states that might have persuaded them that families corrupt? I completely am saying that I don't think. No, I'm no, I'm disagreeing with you. Still, I am saying that forty four thousand people still would have voted for Biden even if they had all of the information and they weren't told. Like Ethan and I were talking about this earlier, we have that whole montage of all the left talking about how it's Russian disinformation and this is all nonsense and it's lies and that that. I mean, these people were so in the tank for anybody but Trump that it really didn't matter what you said. They could have seen everything on video. I mean, we have all these video in these pictures of Hunter and these horrible, horrible situations. We have Joe Biden trying to put words together in form a sentence, and they're still saying that he's totally fine to run the free world. I'm thinking to myself, Okay, at some point we all have to have a come to Jesus moment and say that we're bigger than this and to get beyond it. You know, if it was our side of the aisle and that was my president and he was up there doing that, I'd be like, all right, guys, I think you're wrong. I think this easily if they blew it up the way they would have blown it up if it was a Trump, I think it could have had an impact on the election. By by the way, just like they should have followed the laws and the constitutions of states tweetsertaining they want to take energy from Russia. And if this was viral the way it would have been if it was Trump, I think it would have had a dramatic impact on the election. I do, and I also believe. But add to that that states that had laws that required partisan that allowed partisan observers to watch the vote count up close and personal. Uh, those things were missing. And if you if you look at you know, all the other anomalies. The Constitution of Pennsylvania was circumvented by a law. When they have a process, it's called the constitutional amendment. Nobody seemed to care there. Wisconsin, they had the same problem with giving out handing out absentee ballots, which is not allowed by law. Nobody wants to pay attention to that. Those are all the oreguments we made at the time, all the whistleblowers that were out there saying they witnessed this or that or that or this. Nobody wanted to hear from the whistleblowers, and they were signing these half of davids under the penalty of perjury. We put many of them on because you're really willing to go to jail just because you're like one presidential candidate over another. I'm sorry, I'm not willing to do that. But most of them weren't even saying that. Most of them were saying regardless of what side they were on, a lot of them weren't saying that they were for Trump or for Biden, or for either party. They were saying that they were seeing things anomalies that they hadn't seen in their twenty years of working. They were saying that. But also remember the Democratic Party loved whistleblowers. They loved Yeah, they did say no whistle whistleblower because they bludge in Trump. And the oddest thing about the Ukraine issue in the quid pro quote nonsense is Joe is on tape bragging about a quid pro quo. You're not getting a billion dollars. You got six hours unless you fire this prosecutor, who, in interviews with John Solomon ABC the Washington Post, said yeah, I was fired because Joe Biden insists that I get fired before he gives the billion dollars in loan guarantees. So Joe took taxpayer money leveraged it to get his son off the hook at the prosecutor investigating his son fired and you know, son of a bee, they they they fired the guy. Can I say how I think this would have worked? And whinner I would agree with you. Do you remember in the I think it was an O eight when Howard Stern went out and attributed to all of the things that McCain had done to Obama? Do you remember that? I do, I actually remember, and I know exactly what you're saying. Yes, And you know what I'm saying, and they were like, yeah, this is great. I think that's the only way that you would get people to agree is to take all the things that Hunter Biden did and say that Eric or Ivanka or Don Junior did yeah. And if you were able to do that and get them to say in the say I'm sorry, you know I misspoke. That was actually Hunter Biden that did that. My bad. Now how do you feel? And then you'll see the bias it was, and then we know where we stand. That's stuff HAMI her, what's those two? All right? Let's get a quick calling here. Um, let's say hi to is it Charlie in Houston? Hey Charlie, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Thanks for checking in. Hey Sean, how are you? I'm good? Sorry? What's going on here? Yes? I can hear them in the fine go ahead, Okay, Yes, sir. I'm an engineer in Houston, Texas for thirty years in the oil and gas industry and wanted to just bring some light to your show, pup I could please, yes, sir, yes, sir. Some of the callers seem to be a little bit mistaken on what it means to be energy independent. It is true, and twenty twenty we achieved what we considered energy independence. That meant that we were producing as much as we were exporting. Correct, we're actually a net exporter if you add it all together. Other that's a petroleum products in twenty twenty. That's right, correct. But the thing is, the reason we have to continue importing crude or heavy crude, is because the way our refineries are designed, most of many of them now we've been changing, is that the oil we're producing in West Texas or the Eagleford or out there in the Premium basin, et cetera, that's all very light crude. Okay, you are correct again, right, yes, and so you are correct on that point, yes, yes, sir. So we need to import some heavy crude from somebody, and you're right we should not get it from Putin bad guy, right, But we've got to get it from somewhere or we cut back the production in the refineries, think gas practices go up even more. But remember the Keystone XIL pipeline we learned this week from the premiere of Alberta would have been finished by now and nine hundred thousand barrels of crude oil would be flowing into the United States, Canadian crude oil. And remember too, he shut down auctions on federal lands. He also shut down exploration and extraction of energy oil from Anmar in Alaska and elsewhere in the United States. So all these restrictions now resulted in US going from being a net exporter to a net importer, and we artificially reduced the world's supply of oil, and that drove up the price long before Putin ever invaded Ukraine. That is correct about Putin invading Ukraine. But Sean also, you need to say, when Biden took office, the Keystone pipeline was five percent complete five now right now. The projections before Biden was that it would be finished in twenty twenty five. It was projected according to the Alberta Premier. He has a different timeframe than you do. But either way, knowing that it's the lifeblood of the world's to me, I'd get back to building that sucker, and I'd warp speed the building of it and make sure it's up and running sooner. That's right, I agree, But even if we started now, it won't be finished before our next president. You know what, maybe I'll get the premiere of Alberta on the program. I'll ask him because he's the one that said it would have been done by now. Anyway, appreciate the call and thanks for all you do because what you do in the energy industry is critical to all of us. Thank you.

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