Congresswoman Victoria Spartz took to the mic yesterday and gave a heartbreaking statement about her native country, Ukraine. The representative from Indiana did not tiptoe around the disastrous handling of the crisis facing the Ukrainian people because of Biden’s feckless inability to do just about anything. His weakness is a green light to the rest of the world. Is Taiwan next?
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Stay right there for our final news round up and information overload. All Right, News round Up, Information Overload, Hour eight hundred and nine for one seawn our number. We'll get to Morrir calls coming up after the news at the bottom of the hour. Yesterday on this program, we played a number of minutes of a speech given by Congresswoman Victoria's Sparks. She's from Indiana, she's Ukrainian born, she is a congresswoman, and she just tore Pooting a new one, calling him a crazy man. He's part of what she said. This is not a war. This is a genocide of the Ukrainian people by a crazy man who cannot get over. The Ukrainian people do not want socialism, so it's union compunists. They want to be with the United States of America. They want to be free people who they want to be with the West, and he cannot get over. Congresswoman Victorious Sparts joins us. Now, Congresswoman, I understand your passion, the emotion behind what you're witnessing unfold. I'm very sorry. This shouldn't happen. This is evil in our time. We're talking about. You're right, a crazy man, a madman who has invaded a sovereign country and is killing innocent men, women and children, and he needs to go. Somebody needs to remove him by whatever means necessary. My position, why don't we start where things are as of today. I read earlier this morning that this forty mile convoy of Russian troops, Russian military equipment, munitions, fuel, etc. They're eighteen miles outside of Keith. That tells me that a major massacre is in the works. That scares the hell out of me. And yes, I give the Ukrainian people that have taken off arms all all the credit in the world. And President Zelinski has shown incredible courage, fortitude, strength, leadership, and he's a lot of other leaders would have gotten on an airplane with millions of dollars that they pillage and gone to a safe, haveing country and they'd be fine. He's not doing that. Good for him. So my question is do you see with what is unfolding? What do you see is coming? Thank you Sean Ah. It's going to be a tough battle. I was saying, it's a David versus Goliath battle. But David prevail and they end. And I think Ukrainian people are going to prevail but it's going to be tough for them. I'll be honest with you. I'm so impressed and inspired by this strength. And you know, I know lot of different people and a lot of people here in the community, Ukrainian community, you know, know me, and so they send me the footage in their trocity that happened in that to you watch this footage when you talk to people, call them and they tell you real stories, how they get in shelled, how they try to save their children, how they see them killing civilians in front of them. You just as a human being, you cannot believe that this is just this is not a war. I mean, this is extermination of people that don't want to submit to a dictator. You know, I showed a video on my TV show, and I'm sure you probably saw it. I think it's since it's gone viral of a six year old little girl, a victim of Putin's thugs. I blame him for the murder of this young woman. And the poor girl's mother is they're crying her eyes out. The medical staff they were all crying and at one point one of the doctors trying to revive this girl, resuscitate this girl. They were not successful. Unfortunately, you know, turns to the camera and says, Putin, you did this. I agree with him. Vladimir Putin did this, And you know it's it's just sad to watch witness and see. But I gotta tell you my antenna is up. I wrote a book about evil and then the last century between Mao and China and Stalin and Russia and Hitler in Germany and Mussolini and Tojo and Japan and the killing fields in Cambodia, over one hundred million people were slaughtered. And I you know, people think it can't happen again. I disagree. It can happen again. And this madman is even threatening to use nuclear weapons. The question is how, what is the best posture? What should the world be doing. My argument is I would bankrupt Vladimir Putin though the one sanction that would work, which is to stop him getting all this money by Western countries importing, including our country six hundred and what seventy two thousand barrels of oil a day. We have got to stop, you know, the flow of money into his coffers and produce our own energy. But that still will take time, but at least it would be effective, and then we've got to provide our allies the energy they need. Your thoughts on that, oh, I completely agree with you if you don't deter, and we already's done a lot of mistakes. I truly believe the president, you know, played the catch up and he didn't really have time to catch up, and that's sad. But just going forward where we are, if you don't deter, you will fight so and you better deter in a strong way. With people like Footing, you know, he's just not like this guy that you can just do a little a bit he had there. I mean, he's a stereost the ground with big ambitions and he was planning it for a while. I mean you saw maybe his interview a few years ago on Fox News where he pretty much said, guys, I'm not planning to defend myself and you're wasting money defending yourself. I have all these new weapons that I'm going to do to attack to make sure you know you get waste your taxper's money. I am here on the attack. And this is his posture. But with people like him, you need to have partials that is meaningful. And if you don't take the key assets and pain for his war, buy an energy from him if you don't make financial section sanctions where you completely get them out of financial system and have sanctions on central bank and to completely get them out if you are common and I mean you don't have a pastentious on some major oligers at the closest to him. I was surprised when I look at that list. I'm like, seriously, I know problem. You know, I used to leave that. I know it's very well known. In fact who the clothes people to him? And we exempted them from speeders of essence And I'm thinking much it's the one sanction that would work. Let me ask you this, what would you like the United States to do now under the current circumstances and what would you like the world to do now under the current circumstances. I think we have to lead because it's important. Europe I think is much better now than before because they understand that threads serious and real, but they still need United States to be There's just too many countries there. Actually, I was impressed in this from the constituentation was leading on That is what surprising to me. But we still need us and lead to have a serious sanction on energy, section on financial sectors and oligarchs. They need to go full speed on that. If he doesn't do cease fire, would a timeline noicease sanctions on You need to start dictated the rules, not reacting on his movement. You make a move, he doesn't, you go forward. You also need to make sure that you have a fast delivery of the legal aid that will promise to these people so he doesn't kill all of them. And it's extremely important and protection gear, helmets, you know, and all these different things that they need to protect themselves, not just talk about it and deliver it in a month. I mean, Ellen mask is able to deliver it in twenty four hours. In our government take some several weeks and we cannot deliver stuff. It's ridiculous. Well, then work maybe with a private sector. That's a great example to show how quickly you know, a private sector can get this done. But also work with our international partners to provide safe passages and humanitarian corridors because a lot of these people that trying, kids and women that are trying to escape are going to be killed. The water is backing up, Poland is getting forward. We have to work with our partners and see how we can help. I think the best thing that the United States can do and every European country could do right now is as quickly as possible is to provide the munitions, in particular stinger missiles, the javelins, the anti tank missiles, so that the Ukrainian people can can at least begin an insurgency and fight back against this massive Russian army that's coming in with with you know, including fighter jets, naval attacks and everything in between. That to me would be the best case scenario. But I fear only eighteen miles out this convoy. I pray to God I'm wrong, Congresswoman, but I see a massacre in the future here. And I understand that people this is their homeland, etc. But I would like every man, every woman, and child to get out of there right now so we can at least protect the kids. And I'd like every man to pick up arms. But they have to have arms to be able to a cup. That would be the best defense I think they would have available over time. I think an insurgency can act absolutely defeat putin if it was done properly. It's not an easy lift. It's a heavy lift. The Mujahadin did it to the former Soviet Union in the eighties with stinger missiles. Between javelins and stingers, I think we could do it. So are we providing enough munitions so that they really can put up a real fight. Well, I think that's a question that I'm still waiting to see from responses from this administration because they say one thing, and you hear different things from Ukrainians on the ground. They keep saying that we need more help, So I think, you know, this administration needs to take more responsibility and either don't understand what it is or will always happening. And I know it's complicated, but ultimately we and our allies have commitments not to help them to protect themselves, and they they're not really not even asking us to go there and fight for that. They just say we will protect just help us not to get flaughtered there, and I think that's something we need to do. But time is of an assence, and unfortunately governments are so slow. So maybe we should be asking Elon Musk to help us out because I haven't seen this administration moving things as quickly as they should be moving by the way I thought Elon Musk's moved to keep communications up and open for the Ukrainian people is an amazing move on his part, and I hope that stays. It's just very very sad. What are you hearing from the people that you know that live in Ukraine and what are they telling you? Uh, you know a lot of horror tourists, people, you know, people being under shocked. Now people are angry, people are determined, and people are united to fight. And it's interesting that, you know, I mean, this is not just one person. Several people I talk with they say, oh no, we're not crying, we are not going to cry. Just give us guns and are going to fight. And this is women that never had guns in their life, held gun in their life. This is actually people that born in Russia that now live in Ukraine. So it's not about Russian Ukraine. It's about an aggression of a madman who couldn't submit one nation. He submitted Russian, he submitted bell Russian and read on loving Ukrainians said oh no, He sent police on them and guess what, hundred policemen any people were killed and a million shop next day. Well to kill millions. Now he sent an army, but That's what shows us how important the Second Amendment is because a lot of these people are now fighting with forks and knife and blankets and it's so important now. And now every Ukrainians is thinking women, we want to have got all women. This is a seventy eighty old women. Help please give us tongue so they don't kill us. But this is kind of reminder for us that our fund and spot us with very smart people when they put that pride in our constitution to protect us from any tyranny foreign or domestic. This is actually what's the very important right then. But they're four British and that's why they want and they understand the values. So I hope it's a reminder for Americans why the Second Amendment is there and how important it is. It's just so sad everything that's happening, and a lot of this I think was preventable, and I really really am angry that a lot of the economic and energy policies that Joe Biden adopted pushed our allies into Putin's arms and they became dependent on his energy sources when they should have been dependent on their ally providing the meeting their energy needs. That's a big part of this story. To me. The fact that the world is still even the United States is importing six hundred and seventy two thousand barrels of oil from Russia today and that they won't implement the one sanction that would be effective is inexcusable to me. But I want you to know this, Congresswoman, this audience is praying for your country, praying for you, and praying for those that are bravely trying to fight back in this as you say, David versus Goliath, struggle for freedom. These are sad, tough times and all of it a my view, preventable. Thank you for being with us, and we'll have you back. Thank you so much. If American people are praying, God will be on our side, because God all is an outside of our time for Thank you so much. Sean, all right, thank you. Eight hundred and nine for one, Shan is number. You want to be a part of the program, All right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. We'll get to your calls here in a minute. As predicted, I said, there would be sycophantic. Wow, this is the speech of Joe's life that he gave last night, and this was phenomenal. Here's CNN Fake News Van Jones on Joey's speech. Listen, I thought totally different. First. First of all, I thought that was Joe Biden at his best. Uncle Joe is back. I thought he was he was being the leaders. Nobody believes in these American ideals more than Joe Biden. It's showed tonight. He had spent his entire career standing for American unity at home. He stood for that and for American ideals abroad. And I thought, I, listen, I have not seen unity in this country like I saw at the beginning of that speech, and I don't want to step on that. It is very, very important that we underscore to the world that every single person stood with Joe Biden to night, every Republicans on their feet, and the Ukraines are not not by themselves. I listen. I was impressed with the energy. I was impressed with If you didn't believe in democracy before, if you've never heard of democracy, and you just looked at the body language of this guy, this guy believed every word he said and I think I'm proud tonight we have a leader like him. I'm proud ton Oh, well I have, but to have just the opposite feeling. I'm embarrassed that he's our president. I think he's His handling of this situation is embarrassing. Nobody wants to talk about the real cause effect relationship here, But let's say hi to Crystal in Minnesota. Crystal, Hi, how are you welcome to the show? You think so? Um, A couple of things here, you know, I'm wondering why US oil and gas companies aren't doing more like ramping up production and operations at a protest. We have a bunch of Americans that are struggling here with the concepts that we continue to purchase oil and gas from Russia, which is, you know, doing genocide in Ukraine. This is a fact in the stop. It's not humane, it's an American it's stage to the world. And then as far as the presidential address went, you know, not surprised, but I wasn't impressed with the response on behalf of the Republican Party. It sounded like a World Hunger commercial. I would have spoken from the heart that's reflective of the core values as Americans and stated exactly what I just said about funding Russia's terrorism. It would have kept it short, sweet and simple that reaches everyone's heart who cares about humans. Identity. Politics is killing this nation. There's no writer left. There's only up and down. As known in Reagan's speech from nineteen sixty four, a time for choosing, which happens to be super pertinent to what's going on in this moment. Well, I listen, people of goodwill, and this is what I've been trying to do by appealing to the people that have access to Putin. And apparently he's extremely paranoid. You know, you see the longest table in the world, and he's at one end, and members of the military that are having meetings with him in cabinet, officials and leaders in Russia, they're all the way down at the other end of this table. I mean, you know, I could throw a football and it would be, you know, a twenty five yard game. It's that far away. So something is really off with him. Clearly, COVID paranoia, I think, is at the root of that. That's just a guess. But it's neither here nor there. Vladimir Putin set his sights on Ukraine, and now he is about to surround the capitol, and at that moment, once that the blitz begins, it's going to probably, and I pray to God I'm wrong, probably be a massacre. And I think Chuck Todd is looking at that forty mile convoy and probably saying, I better hedge my bets. None of this is going to end well, there's going to be a lot of death. There's going to be a lot of destruction. The antidote is not American boots on the ground. I will not support it because every politician that goes ahead, you know, rah rah, we gotta put boots on the ground. We got to save the world. They eventually turn and things get hard, the war gets politicized, and then we end up leaving embarrassed like Afghanistan. If we're ever going to fight a war again, it's got to be fought from an air conditioned building in a place like Tampa, Florida Command Center. And we need to push buttons, and those buttons need to with pinpoint accuracy, take out every single target we want to take out, and we do it with as little risk to Americans as possible. Now, one other thing, Democrats. They do what they always do when they're in power, and that is they defund the military. We've spent, you know, I think how many billions of dollars on social engineering and wokeness in our military. We need to be training them to be killers and fighters at a moment's notice. We need to be We need the biggest, baddest, kick ass military on the face of the earth. I'm concerned that we don't have the hypersonic technologies that China and Russia apparently have. I'm concerned about the amount of money is particularly China has been spending building up their military. China is standing back mostly in this instance, but China finally began to condemn it a little bit yesterday. But I'm sure that the whole wink in or not? Is that all right? We'll let you have a Ukraine, but when we take Taiwan, you're not going to bother us. And unfortunately, I believe that's probably an agreement that they have come to. Can't prove it, but that's where my thoughts lie. Crystal. Thank you. David is in Long Island. What's up, David? How are you glad you called? Show? Are you? I'm good? Sir, what's going on? All? Right? Well, I don't think Biden's caving in to AOC, to the Green New Deal at all. He is just compromised. He's being told what to do. As soon as he got in, he shut out what pipeline down? Jabe Putin has I don't think you are you talking about Biden meant cognitively compromised or the Biden no Biden family syndicate and their business dealings with countries like Russia, China, Ukraine, et cetera. Yeah, I think it's much bigger than we even No. I think we know something a little bit from the laptop. I'm sure you know more than all you talk off to Trump and people that are in the know. No, listen, there's no doubt. I think this is bad man. Keep going ahead. Yeah, so, uh, you know, right off the bat, with the pipelines and everything, Pelosi and Biden a close. I think they loved each other, to be honest. Uh AOC do you think Pelosi sorry bout Pelo both equally dumb to me? But go ahead? Yeah, yeah, she can't stand AOC when she got when AOC won the junior congresswoman, the Uh Pelos you said the Democrats would for less of water if it had a DA in front of it. She does not like the woman. I really do not think that Biden is doing what he's doing because of a sea. I think he wants us to think that. I think it's a combination of both. I think you're right on the Biden family syndicate their business dealings in Ukraine, their business dealings in Kazakhstan, their business dealings in Russia, their business dealings in China. And we know that the Libyans had a dossier on Zero Experience Hunter. They knew he was a crack addict, and they knew that he liked the higher prostitutes, so they knew it all. And if Libyan knows it, I guarantee you the communist Chinese have a lot more than the Libyans do, and the Russians have a lot more than the Libyans do. And do I think it would be compromising Mattia deals at the highest level. I do, and nobody in the media mob will dare touch it except for a few of us. And that's sad. Anyway, good call, appreciate it, David eight hundred nine one. Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Bill is in Montana. Bill, glad you called. You're on the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, Jean, was good to talk to you again. My take on this whole thing is the reason we're in this mess with Ukraine and Russia and all this crap is the fact that Joe Biden puts sanctions on the American people and the American oil industry. And he did that for one reason to appease the left wing climate change whacko and Green New Deal wackos. And bottom line is, whenever you talk to one of these people that types all this climate change, ask him how many electric tractors have you seen out in the fields? Electric combines, or electric construction material building roads and stuff. But the big thing is how many electric airliners have you seen flying around the world, or electric F twenty twos or F thirty fives, or electric B one bombers out there protecting us? How many of those are out there? We're ready for that yet, folks. Listen, I think you should be the energy secretary. I hear by a point here because you know what you're talking about. Now listen, you do a better job than what is it Jennifer Graholm, who's in charge of energy. I don't even know anymore. Yeah, okay, so here's your debt on accurate right now. The reality is this that the lifeblood of the world's economy is oil, gas, and coal. It's energy. Now you ask me, well, Hannity, we should take care of the planet. We should be good stewards of the gifts that God gave us. Well, God gave us the oil, and he gave us the shell technology, h and he gave us the coal, and he even gave us the natural gas. So we have the life blood of the economy and in its present form. Do I believe that some point, at some point down the line, that there will be new technology that might replace fossil few as the main source of energy for the for every economy. I do, but I think it's a long ways off. And I can tell you solar panels and wind farms, windmills are not going to be the answer. So when we get that answer, somebody's going to be a multi, multi, multi, multi, multi billionaire when they figure out a way to get energy that is cleaner and cheaper. But we don't have it now. The thing is sean you know, they're talking about shutting us down and getting this off fossil fuels. And because we don't pollute the atmosphere and we have clean air and clean water, why don't they say that to the Chinese. The Chinese presently have around a thousand coal fired new power plants and they're building one a week, and there's more in the pipeline. You'd raise another great question the Paris Climate Agreement that Donald Trump pulled out of and Joe Biden went back into, and Biden and Obama started. We pulled out for the very reason you're saying. China India are recognized as developing countries and we pay the bulk of money, even though we have reduced our carbon footprint, our carbon emissions more than any other country on the face of the earth. Pretty amazing that they wouldn't have to pay their fair share. But that's typical. America always gets screwed. We get screwed by NATO, we get screwed by the UN, and we get screwed in the Paris Climate Accords. And you know what, this is what Trump meant when he said we are stupid, We're being These are dumb decisions. The one thing that he understood is that Putin is going to look out for Russia, and that president she's going to look out for China, and Kim Jong un is going to look out for North Korea, and the moll is a going to look out for Iran. Who's going to look out for America? If not the American president. It should be the American president that puts America first. This is the distinction. This is the difference between American first policies and American last policies. Anyway, you get the gold Star caller of the day. Appreciate you being with us, Fred South Carolina. Next on the Sean Hannity Show, What's up, Brett, how are you? Hey? Sean, great to talk to you. I really appreciate what you said about the oil that is that is absolutely true and we never should have done the things about done to our oil industry. But the question is, even though our words are saying we condemn the invasion, our energy actions are paying the payroll for the invasion. And the question is how do you keep Zelinsky and the brave Ukrainian moms down to the bunkers? How do you keep them alive this next week? Because they've got courage. They've got enough courage, the export courage, but they need something they don't have. I mean, we're giving them weapons, they're using weapons. And by the way, and answered O'Riley, you know, how is it that the Ukrainians can shoot down Russian planes? Don't they know that the that the Russians have nuclear weapons. They're standing up, they're fighting, and what they need is what we we only they need javelins and they need Stinger missiles. Those are the two best weapons we can ship to the air power. And that's what he's asking for. And you're saying, don't put this on the ground, But Sean here, I have no I have no problem with data airpower they have there, They have fighter jets, they can start using them. They have more right to be there than putin studs do to be bombing schools. Those people roble And this was this would be my advice to women and children, And maybe people think I'm really old fashioned and I'm not politically correct. The women and the bunkers with their children, I would urge them with every ounce of passion I have, please leave, Please protect the lives of your children. For every able bodied man, I would say, pick up arms and go fight for your country. And and if any women want to stay in fight, I would not prevent them from staying and fighting. I have now interviewed on TV numerous women that are have chosen to stay. And my great fear is when I check back in a week, they may not be there. And I pray to God they are. I pray to God that they're protected, because this man will show no mercy because he's it's all about his ego. In my mind at this point, that's sad and we need to pray for them. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, all right, that's gonna wrap things up at today. Senator Mark Rubio tonight, we talked to her earlier in the program. Congresswoman Victorias spart she'll join us tonight. Dan Hoffman, Rebecca Koffler, Russian intel experts Victor Davis Hansen, Mark Meadows, Ari Fleischer, and several Ukrainian MPs that are fighting hard to save their country, all coming up ninetiestern tonight back at a regular time, and we'll see you tonight back here tomorrow. Thank you for making this show possible. H