Governor Greg Abbott of Texas joins Sean to talk about his plan for those city councils who vote to defund the police in Texas. There is a plan to fight back against this insanity.
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All right, claud you with us seventy five days until you we the people. You are the ultimate jury. And I have an urgency that I keep talking to you about, and that is that everything matters. Everything's on the line. There stated policies. You know they're now saying all of this openly. Democrats used to always hide it. It matters. We have a full election map, by the way, on Hannity dot com. It's interactive, it's informational, and that is okay. How do you register in your state? How do you when does early voting start in near state? Can you believe sixteen states will have early voting already started before Biden and Trump ever debate? That's madness anyway, information you need to know, for example, what about locations we're voting? What about absentee ballots? If you want to if you're voting absentee this year, it's all up on Hannity dot who's running for Congress? Where you live? Is there a Senate race where you live? This year? It's all up there now. It's amazing. Rasmussen has their poll out today is is now you know day three of the Democratic National infomercial? I mean the most, I mean it's I could watch more infommercials. I'll choose it any day over this. It's so dull, so bad, so boring, it's just pathetic. But now they have likely US voters forty eight forty four. The race is tightening. Week ago, Biden was up forty nine forty three, so not exactly a big convention bump that would probably likely get something. There's a brand new poll showing President Trump and a dead heat with Joe Biden in the ultra blue state of Minnesota. I think law order safety security isn't on the ballot. I think people in Minnesota, according to this poll, they watch what happened in Minneapolis, and they're appalled what happened there, to watch these council members spend taxpayer dollars for their own personal security and then defund the police. And you why watching this, You know, Adams Shift show unfold before our very eyes, and they're denying that. They're denying it all. It's unbelievable. Anyway, hang on one one second anyway, anyway, so they got now that's that's in play. That's all in play. To give you an idea just how unusual it is for a Republican even come close to winning Minnesota. NOE GOP presidential candidate carried the states since nineteen seventy six, even Reagan when he won forty nine states in nineteen eighty four. Even Reagan didn't win Minnesota. It was much closer than anybody thought. In twenty sixteen, now, by the way, we the Time magazine put out that African American voters under thirty, you know, might be going to Donald Trump. According to their research American Universities Swing African and Black Voter Project is what they call it. The early data suggests that Black voters under the age of thirty are not only lukewarm on Biden, but they are less willing to see President Trump as racist, more open to a Trump second term. Remember what did Trump say to African Americans in twenty sixteen, What have you got to lose? I mean, that's a hell of a campaign slogan when you really think about it. But what was he really referring to is referring to decades of false promises. Every two four years, income the politicians outcomes, the race card, and what are the results? You know, we sixty four people shot in Chicago last weekend. We've surpassed that the number of shootings in the murder rate of all of twenty nineteen in the beginning of August in New York City. You know, look at Portland, look at Seattle. You know, how come Barrock and Joe didn't have criminal justice reform, police reform. They never set a single record in terms of African American low unemployment. Trump's set record after record after record, opportunity zones, all of this under Donald Trump, record low unemployment, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. And guess what, because he definitely is the candidate for American workers. And you can see it with the jobs. Well, what is partly the argument over controlled immigration all about and securing our borders because well part of you know a lot of Republicans have wanted to cater to big business in cheap labor. Well that hurts everybody in this country. And and right you seemed the transformation. Remember Barack and Joe said, those jobs they ain't coming back. They came back, and now they're going to come back in droves more after coronavirus because it's it's fairly obvious, and that is that what we're taken all of the manufacturing of vaccine, medical equipment, etc. Etc. Would take it aback from China in house. We're not going to allow such vital, crucial materials to be made abroad. We're not counting on the Chinese that lied to the entire world. By the way, this pretty funny story out there about how Kamala Harris apparently when they had their Zoom crowd, apparently they had duplicates of people in different windows. Hilarious. What does that mean. I'm not going to go into it. I just thought it was funny to see it. The DNC accidentally spotlighted Kamala Harris's debated attack on Biden's racist ties. And sometimes you just you know, can't stop it. But anyway, the convention infomercial inadvertently spotlighted Kamala Harris's most effective moment in the debates, when she literally went after Joe Biden for associated with known racist during the early days in the Senate. I mean that was right in the middle of the primetime lineup. DMC featured a young woman wearing a shirt with a photo of young Harris in you know, apparently just young entitled that little girl was me. Well. That came from the July twenty nineteen debate in the primary, where Harris blasted Joe Biden for praising segregation as senators and accused Biden of working with them to oppose bussing. He did. He partnered with the former clansman Robert KKK Bird and absolutely the guy that philibusted the Civil Rights Act, was against the Voting Rights Act, and partnered with Biden even a decade beyond, with Biden to stop integration in schools because Joe was afraid of his kids. They didn't want him going to school in a racial jungle his words. Imagine if Donald Trump had said any of this anyway, it's you watched last night. What was this the launching an assault on Second Amendment rights, La Harris. She actually believes in an executive order that can eliminate whatever guns they decide to eliminate, that would bypass what's called the legislative branch of government. Democrats, you know, all showcasing that an illegal immigrant speaking I need health insurance, I deserve it. Right. It was a video featuring an illegal immigrant brought her disabled daughter into the United States for life saving healthcare. By the way, Conservatives would be in favor of helping people in countries that don't have certain medical care for certain things. I think there'd be a way to put that into an organized immigration program. I mean, I think a few things that we need as a criteria. I guess after COVID we would need some kind of health check. I want to make sure people don't have radical associations or ties when they come into the country. Got to make sure that we're not bringing in massive amounts of people that will compete with Americans for jobs and take away the ability for Americans to get jobs at good wages, something Democrats talk about but they don't deliver on. And ensuring that you will not be a burden to the taxpayer if you're you know, if we invite you in. I think those are all reasonable requests. As Trump used to say, We'll build the wall with a big, beautiful door, Kamala promising that Joe Biden will end this pandemic. Oh, Joe Biden wouldn't have put the travel band in effect either, and untold hundreds of thousands of Americans likely would have contracted it if it wasn't for the Trump travel band that he called hysterical xenophobia and fearmongering, and then the subsequent travel bands, then the first quarantined in over fifty years, you know. And so you got all the all the bumper stickers, all those slogans, etc. Etc. But they're not giving you the idea. You know. It was interesting Michael Goodwin, New York Posts. He's been writing great columns all week and how former President Obama has never been able, he says, to transfer, you know, the gifts that he had to others when he's not on the ballot. That's all true. Everybody forgets twenty ten was a disaster mid term for him and the amount of senators and congressman he lost. People talked about twenty eighteen and nothing compared to what happened two years into the Obama presidency. Want to talk about divisive, Yeah, I think he's been pretty divisive. I don't even see Obama's heart in this. Why did he support Hillary in twenty sixteen over Biden, his vice president? Why was he so late to support Biden? Why did he rarely even talk about Biden in his speech? It was beyond odd. One thing that Brypart had out that well. Former President Obama claimed the President Trump had no interest in common ground. No Trump literally, you know, had far more bipartisanship from a nonpartisan you know, groups of people. What is the Obama Biden record after eight years. Here's the final tally. Thirteen million more Americans food stamps, eight million more poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, and the worst recovery since the forties. That is their records. That is just their record that you cannot get rid of. That we have now, you know, so I know the mob in the media is making a big deal. I mean, they will play this later. We have an extensive montage that you will play later in the show today about how the media mobs they just were they couldn't believe cushing over Obama. It's like everyone had a thrill up their leg all over again. And Kamala Harris accepts there's no vaccine for racism. Okay, I wasn't particularly impressed or inspired by anything she had to say last night, you know, And the President went right back at it and said, but didn't she call him a racist? Didn't she say he was incompetent? Yikes? Why did he refuse to endorse beating Obama slowed Joe until it was all over, even when it was very late, tried to get him not to run. Remember Political quoting Obama saying, don't ever underestimate Joe's ability to f things up, and the network professing love for the so relatable Kamala Harris and her soaring speech she's the most liberal senator in twenty nineteen the US Senate to the left of Bolshevik Berney, which I didn't even think was possible. Now, you know, it is curious Obama didn't talk up Biden in this speech. It was actually a little awkward. I know the mob is they couldn't say enough good things, but the reality is what it is. And so Kamala now has officially becomes the Democrats VP candidate launches an assault on Donald Trump or chaos and competence for lost lives, saying, you know, I know a predator when I see one. Well, okay, well, there's an article by Tara Reid out today about the Democratic Convention and that would have to do let's see, you know, saying that the party is complicit. She said she believed the survivors of Biden or those that made accusation hundred celebrities. Remember how I've spoken, They were on Kavanaugh, all silent on Biden and Clinton. Okay, that's called hypocrisy. Like they care about Russia, but they don't care about Hillary's Russian disinformation dirty dossier, just like they didn't care about her obstruction with subpoena at emails, Just like they didn't care about the real quid pro quo with Joe leveraging a billion dollars to get a prosecutor fired investigating a zero experience son Hunter. Hunter is on the agenda tonight. We get to hear from zero Experience Hunter tonight. Wow, anyway, what do we hear? You got what the moderator calling for gun control to end the epidemic of violence. Oh that's what Kamala says. Beto, bozo's the guns? Are? You have? The moderator, Kerry Washington say, And Joe Biden will take on the climate crisis. Yeah, he's pledging trillions of year dollars and pledging to get rid of fossil fuels, the lifeblood of our economy, and all they talk the Green New agenda. Okay, trillions of dollars we already tried this cylinder anybody, and you know, then saying literally even criticizing Joe for praising the quote hugely diverse black community following the Biden gaff, ouch moderators saying that, yep, it's hugely diverse, and then hit Trump for fighting illegal immigration. There are amazing times where we're living in here. I look, I'm optimistic. I'm cautiously optimistic. I play this game like we're behind. We got two minute drill, we're on our own twenty. We got to march down the field, no timeouts, cross the plane, kick the extra point. That's the urgency I have. I hope you'll have the same one. We'll get the government we ultimately deserve. I Live free or Die discounted forty percent off and I love that. On Amazon dot com. We have a town hall tonight, six eastern, three Pacific if you wanted. That's for signed copies, if you want that. I got some ideas. We'll get to it later in the program. But um, look, what really matters is we've got to win. We've did seventy five days. This matters. I'm talking about. Okay, you've now seen you know what is the most radical, extreme major party agenda in the in the history of politics as I know it, and what they are stating that they will do should frighten every America. Biden is pledging trillions for this new green deal while simultaneously getting us off the light blood of our economy, oil and gas. They are pledging free healthcare, free everything for illegal immigrants. They're pledging open borders, They're pledging amnesty. In other words, we will be the United Sanctuary States of America. They are playing, they are running on and their agendas. Trillions of dollars in new taxes. They've been saying openly they'd like to stack the Supreme Court. They need a constitutional amendment if they would like to abandon the electoral college. That won't end well for this country if they try that. And then you add to the rest of it. No oil, no gas, what I mean, are you kidding me? You have any millions of high paying career jobs or at risk in Pennsylvania, Ohio, all over this country, but they buy into their own madness and you can't even get your own health insurance. Kamala Harris, are you kidding me? Get rid of this gun and that gun, whatever gun they choose by executive FIAT and executive order. Yeah, all hands on deck in seventy five days. It matters stated policies like this will cause irreparable harm to the country. We got it. We owe it to future generations to make sure it doesn't happen. All right, Live free or tie Amazon dot Com. I love forty percent discounts. I love the costco decided to take the book, and Walmart took it. And they don't always take every book. Target took it. They don't take they take so think will be successful and they heavily discount them. I like that. Um, there's actually a phrase for it, is like a they call lost leader, which I love because in other words, you go there and they hope that well, if you're gonna get hand in these book, we'll give you good discount. But look at these other books. Just saying anyway, thank you again, I interrupt, Oh boy, just no, it's good. You know, people need to realize that you also have this audio book. So for the for those of us, that can be called the audio book audio. And is there an awe in audio? Let's send there is when I say it, so, there's an audio book. It's awesome, and it really is all you. So it has your inflections, your tones, what made you angry, what didn't, and you read it all yourself. And I think that that's incredible. And we've talked about it a little bit, but I think that people would really enjoy listening to it. I mean, for me, I was surprised. They mean, they begged me. I'm like, I don't. I've done this twice. I can't. It's too hard. And we've spent ten hours on a Saturday and nine hours the next day on a Sunday. And then I had to do you know, an hour of fixes or two hours of fixes, whatever it was. You did pretty good on the fixes. There weren't that many. There weren't listen. I mean, you know, I stay dialed in. I tried to do it like I do the radio show, except it's hard when you're reading. But I wanted to inflect. I wanted people to hear it and recognize the me behind this. And even though there was a lot of new material, like for example, when we're doing the research and chapter one about was made America Great? And going back to our roots and our founding in Judeo Christian principles. Yeah, it's easily easy to research. Okay, when we footnote about footnoted everything right, and and but then when you have to it's easy to just copy the name and write it. I'm like, how do I pronounce this guy's name? That was pretty funny, but you know, yeah, but it's hard. I mean, we're citing, see the thing that people don't understand. And this hearkens back to how this whole conversation starts. Right, So, people are in the streets, they're protesting, they want justice, they want to be heard, they want to change America from all that it is. And I'm like, okay, so why does everybody want to come here? Then? If it's so terrible, if you're so upset, if you don't like what we're doing, then why do you want to come here? Listen? This country has advanced the human condition, dude. You know what's missing too from this this entire DNC impomercial. I mean, it's so dull and boring and monotonous. It's it's hard to watch. And that's why ratings I didn't get today's Well, that's why Kamala couldn't get thirty people to watch. And that's why they had to double up pictures and circle them and point it out and say, why do you have three? I'm giving benefits of the doubt. Now, okay, Well they had on like a zoom call. You see somebody's face, but you don't see the same person's face, and two boxes and not more than one person. So you know, I got Jen and Jen in one corner, and then I got you know, uh, Katy and Katy in another corner, and I got a Q and Q in another corner. No, no, no, what though, that to me is the superfluous that that is meaningless. She doesn't want us to have private help insurance. She thinks that through executive the FIAT, we can bypass an entire branch of government. By the way the president is speaking, hear Biden's birthplace in Pennsylvania. I saw I saw on Twitter. Somebody sent me the crowds lining the streets. It's like everywhere this president goes. You want to take a little bit of it. No, because I got too much to say today. Well, he's on my TV show tonight, so I'll have it then. I was going to announce it later, but I'll announce it now. He's on Hannity side just before, By the way, how great is this just before Biden speaks? Is that not great? Well, you know we're gonna hear what it sounds like to make a full sentence and then when it hears to struggle through one. So it's good. Well, listen, he's been practicing. He can't mess this up. But he just can't. It was interesting O'Reilly said that he knows he's practicing and his basement bunker, and that some aids are like so nervous about it they wanted to tape it. Well, if he forgets what he's in trouble, we're gonna he forgets where he is tonight. We're in trouble. We're not in trouble. Actually, you know, I think America. Look, I know the mob and the media talks about it privately, and I know everybody that I talked to asked me about it, everybody, and it's like, okay, but the mob protects him. We'll play along montage we put together today later in the show. I can't. I don't have time here, and we'll play it later because it's like they're protecting all of this, but it's just because they hate Trump, so much. You know, it's pretty fascinating that they included the Kamala Harris attack on Joe. It was pretty even more amazing. The DNC moderator last night was I think she's an actress, Kerry Washington, right, and they literally you know, she addressed Joe Biden saying that you know what he said back in the day, that what you all know, most people don't know. Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is incredibly, incredibly diverse community, Kerry washing Hington said, the black community is hugely diverse. Now, remember Kamala went hard about his association with the former Klansman. This praise and by the way, it's not just Joe, that would be Bill and Hillary, that would be Pelosian Schumer. They all praised the guy that filibustered the sixty four Civil Rights Act, was against the Voting Rights Act. And then you know, over a decade later, like thirteen years later, on the late sevent's, Biden is partnering with Bird. You know, remember also that you ain't black, but he's partnering with Bird to stop integration of schools, saying the other one his kids going to school. In his words, what would be a racial jungle? I mean crazy stuff. Then you add the more recent comments. I always go back to what he said about Barack Obama for the first time ever, first time ever, you have a mainstream African American who is articular and bright and clean. All right, what that story book man doubles down on pretty much the first time. And remember, look, Obama knows Joe. This article after article that when Joe would speak in the Oval office, everybody be like, oh no, here we go again. He's gonna he's gonna tell the same story. And apparently President Obama had a lot of patients for him. But listen, he stayed silent on all of this. That's all true. And he's the one that said, never underestimate Joe's ability to f things up. Remember he supported Hillary in twenty sixteen. There's something here, look for. Obama barely talked about Joe, barely talked about him. You know, he rips into Trump by name, saying he hasn't grown into the job. Well, excuse me. He shattered every unemployment record that you never shattered. He put police reform efforts in effect. Barack, you didn't do that, Joe you didn't do it either. The same thing with criminal justice reform. Police reform Opportunities owns the longest largest commitment to historically black colleges with the most amount of money. That was all Donald Trump shattering record low after record low after record low. Unemployment, thirteen million more Americans after eight years, Joe and Barack on food steps, eight million more in poverty, Lowest labor participation rates since the seventies, worst recovery since the forties. I'm going to say it because nobody in the mob will say it, and I want people to understand. You add to that, now the defund the police effort. You add to that, now, trillions committed to this madness new Green deal. You add to that. Kamala you know she was one who sponsored that madness, co sponsored it in the Senate. You add to that she wants met a care for all. You add to that also, Joe Biden, how did Obamacare work the first time? He's like, yeah, we're gonna double down on that, and it'll be a combination probably the two. But we're talking about commitments of trillions of dollars and millions of Americans were lied to, lost their doctors, lost their plans and we're all paying on average two hundred percent more, and almost forty percent of the country has one. Biden Obama Care exchange option and Kamala saying no, you can't even get private health insurance. So I thought liberals were pro choice. Apparently not, you get the same class, envy, warfare, etc. I mean, it's this is playbook one oh one. And you know, I think as America becomes more aware of the extreme agenda, I mean, Bolshevik Bernie wants an outlier in the Democratic Party. He's now writing economic policy the squad AOC. She didn't even mentioned Joe's name, and I thought that was hilarious. You know, she's now the new Green deals are I mean, this is this is radicalism on a level we've never seen before. You know, Um, I didn't really see a full on endorsement from Obama about Joe. Didn't see it. Why my guests made me they're not as close as as they would have you believe at this moment. A matter of fact, I'd bet everything on it. Um. So you know, and of course the mob the most powerful speech ever. They can't help themselves. Ms DNC melting down over Obama's warning of a coming end of America. You know, it's just they've lost their minds. It is a mob mentality in the media, the nine. They lie. It's it's cult like psychosis on steroids and human growth hormone every second, minute, hour of every day. And they were willing to lie. And the mob was willing accomplices to the biggest conspiracy theories and hoaxes. Ever, they never once condemned the abuse of power, the eruption. They never once condemned hilarys let's see subpoenaed emails, deleted and bleached bitten hammers. They never cared so much about Russia. Russia. They ignored the dirty Russian misinformation dossier that she paid for that became the foundation of an unverifiable dirty dossier. They were warned in August at twenty sixty, warned before Comey ever signed the first warrant that it's not not verified. Clinton paid for it, Steele had an agenda. He signed it anyway, says verified on top. Then two months later goes to Trump Tower, is this dossier It's lacious and unverified, the opposite of what he said just months earlier. What a liar? And then he went on to sign other warrants, three of them. As a matter of fact, Comey himself, and you have Sally Yates signing one, Rod Rosenstein's signing the fourth, the third renewal warrant, Blente signing off on this nonsense. And it's like even when they talked to the subsource of Ristopher Stila said no, no, no, this is bar talk. They kept it a lot. They knew that there was no Trump Russia collusion. We see behind closed doors, Adams shift the compromise, corrupt congenital line. That's why he was hiding the transcripts. You know, Saliate, no evidence of Trump Russia collusion. You know, then you clapped no evidence. Clapper, even Comey Paige struck No there there. They all said it. They had nothing. If they kept it up, they were willing to destroy this country and tear this country down because of their view that they know better than us. Understand too, every attack that you hear against Donald Trump is an attack on us. We smelly Walmart, Chopper Trump motors, and I like Walmart. I love Walmart. As a matter of fact. You get everything you want and you save money. It's great love Walmart. By the way, you hear about this cop down and I think Texas on the Blaze today, guy Walker was walking into a Walmart with an AK forty seven and it wasn't a cop it was a vet and says, you're not pulling off what plan here today? Wow, well, courage and he saved probably saved who knows how many lives. But you know, this is this is it. You know, Kamala tout in Criminal Justice Record all these people that spend time in jail and the evidence wasn't even there and they're now speaking out. We'll put some of these people on the show in the days and weeks ahead. I don't think there's any one thing that's going to be remembered from any of these speeches. I think the RASP Music report shows at all. And you've got the most radical agenda ever. Kamala remains a co sponsor Bernie Sanders Medicare for All. She was a co sponsor of AOC's New Green Deal. She was just one of ten senators to want to keep NAFTA. You know, she wants to ban plastic straws, reduced the amount of red meat that we eat. Nobody's talking about that in the mob because they are the biggest donors to the Democratic Party. I mean, honestly, Kamala Harris, you know, not even stopping abortion after twenty weeks. Excuse me, At what point is a life sustainable on its own? I mean, it's like Governor Northrop's madness. First, will deliver the baby and make sure the baby's comfortable, and I want to talk to the mother whether we're gonna offer more medical care to the baby or let it die. I mean it's crazy and okay, so defunding the police, really, you know, police come the enemy. One guy gave an interview, man who spent two decades in prison, said, Kamala Harris ruined a lot of lives and ruined my life. Wrongfully convicted a man who spent nearly twenty years in prison. Wow, including the Pelican Bay, which is not exactly the nicest place on earth. After Harris and his case back to trial. By the way, there were cases others make an allegation she wouldn't even allow the use of DNA evidence. I mean, it's it's crazy. And another guy cleared of a nineteen eighty nine double murder and sending that a case back to that was in the Daily Mail, and you know cleared of it. Eventually, you ruined my life. You ruined a lot of lives, he said. You know Clinton, I mean, Clinton's just pathetic. It's just whatever. She can't get over it. She has John Kasey Guitis. All these people that lose the presidency, they all think they're gonna win. How do I know, because I've interviewed them all except Hillary. But trust me, they just became angry and bitter. Look at Al Gore, look at Hillary Clinton, look at John Kasik, and sadly, even Mitt Romney, who I thought would have been a good president, has become angry. And we'll even just bypass all of the all the things he said he was supporting. I don't like Trump's style. Okay, you're getting it done. He's shattering records that he fights. You didn't fight. You lost, say with the late Senator John mccanney would have been a better president than Obama. He is a moderate kind of liberal Republican in a lot of areas, but it would have been better than radical O'bama. All right, Live for you and die. Thank you again for making it the number one book in the country. This week, even the New York Times they have to print it again. That's got to drive them crazy. Anyway, Amazon dot Com off we have a virtual town hall for sign copies if you're interested. Costco's books a million, Barnes and Noble, Walmart, Target, all deeply discounted. I want you just I want you to get the best price you can on it, and don't buy two, just pass it around. It's about what is that stake in seventy five days, pretty much everything. If these stated plans are implemented, irreparable harm is what I see for the country. New Green Deal, open borders, amnesty, no oil, no gas, no fossil fuels, trillions in new taxes, government promises that could never ever be fulfilled ever. Weakness in terms of foreign pole. I see, you know, corruption Hunter Biden speaks tonight. Just remember quid pro quo, Joe Zero, experienced Hunter with Ukraine, and don't forget about the one point five billion dollar deal with the Bank of China. Um. Well, you know, being on the book tour, you get to I get to reverse roles. But I think one of my favorite interviews so far has been in the podcast of former Speaker of the House New King Rich. We go back to nineteen nineties when we first met. I was the MC the ninety became Speaker of the House. We have a long friendship. He's like family to me at this point. I mean, you had to adopt me. I have tried. We have worked out secret deals to do shows that nobody will ever know about. I'm like, well, if I why don't we do this? If we won't go into the details. He's like, oh, all right, you're the annoying younger brother. How are you, sir? Glad you're back. I don't think as that annoying. Oh man, congratulations, your book has done so well that the New York Times must be considering just closing down. Um. Look, I'm very grateful for that and im and look, I'm competitive, I guess like everybody else, I want people to read it, which is why I spent over a year preparing this thing. But more importantly, I'm I'm very worried. They're stated policies, and I actually my heart was warmed after reading your column that you believe the Biden Harris ticket will collapse between now an election day, and you get very specific factors, three specifics, and I really want you to explain this, Well, look, I just backed out and looked at the big picture. In fact, the number one it is Biden himself. You know, fifty five percent of the country told Restmussen that they do not believe he can serve out four years. Thirty eight percent of the country told Restmussen that they think he already has cognitive problems. That's a pretty big mountain to climb. I just tell people, close your eyes. Imagine the American president negotiating with Jijian paying who's the very, very tough dictator of come this Tanna. Do you want a guy in there who's toft that has rough edges or do you want a guy in there who's pleasant and falls asleep halfway through the meeting? And I think as people think about Biden as a commander in chief, he's just going to disappear because it's impossible. Makes no sense. Second, their real platform is so radical, confiscating guns, tax paid abortion on the last day of the ninth month. Just go down the list, you know, free healthcare for illegal immigrants. There's nothing that open borders. Yeah, tell you so you're down that list, and then fair. I believe that Kamala Harris is the week vice presidential candidate since Tom Eagleton had to resign from the ticket with McGovern in nineteen seventy two because he had been taking electric shock therapy for his depression. And I literally people are going to take that the wrong way. I want you to really explain that. They're gonna say, why are you saying that, You're saying her policies? But go ahead, no, I'll explain it. But I'm saying, I mean, I just explained what actually happened. I'm a historian, you know, and a professor in fact. That's why that's that's that's why Eagleton resigned. Um, I'm not saying she's going to resign, but what I am saying is that this is going to become an enormous burden. And I'll give you three cases. One, she's a bad just a bad performer. She was at fifteen percent last July. By the times he dropped out of the race, she was at four percent. She Biden had eight times as many Black supporters as Harris did. She was living fourth in the black community, and in California, her home state, she was running fourth and sixty one percent of Californians wanted her to drop out of the race. So part one is she just can't perform and she's not a national class player. Part two is that she just lies all the time. Now there's this great video. We're not talking about me Ginglish's opinion. There's this great video where Stephen Colbert says to her, you know, how do you take all these vicious, nasty things you said about Joe Biden and the debates, and now you're saying all these nice things. How do you explain this? When she looks at him like he's crazy, and she says it was a debate, meaning of course you lie in debates, and then she repeats it two more times while laughing hysterically. There was a debate since the person has no credibility in the long one third. And this is really hard to believe given everything that the New York Times and the Washington Post and the networks have done to try to make her seem normal. She had the most radical voting record in the Senate. Now, wan't you think about this one? This means she was more radical than Bernie Sanders, and she was more radical than Elizabeth Warren. Do you know how hard you have to work to be more radical than both of them. But think about it. She is a San Francisco just like Pelosi. She is a San Francisco radical who lives in that environment, believes in that environment, is trying to make the whole country resemble San Francisco. And the result is, I think that she's not going be able to defend her policies, she's not going to be able to defend her character, and she's not a very good performer. So you take all that and you put them together and they say, over the next sixty days, what's going to happen. I think they're just going to fall apart. You know, you make people. I honestly believe that. I agree. You know, there's a part of me. I can give you my best arguments, and a lot of them are the same ones that you just made. Left to Bernie Sanders. That's hard to do, wow, Bolshevicberney no choice for healthcare, co sponsor Green New Deal trillions. You know, to this madness executive fiat, they can get rid of guns and bypass the legislative branch. The attacks you're right on Biden were vicious and which I guess would be a preview of coming attractions with the debate with Pence. But you know, I'm looking at this and then you're right. I mean, America asked the question about Reagan and eighty four, they asked the question about McCain in two thousand and eight. It's a fair question. Does Joe have the strength, the stamina, because he looks frail and weak to me, the mental alertness and acuity to take on the toughest job in the world. I'm sorry, he looks tired and out of it, and when the few appearances he's mad. Now we've gone back and we've been able to count thirty four questions that Joe Biden is taken from the media and since March Trump, you know, two thousand plus now, and it is stunning to me. The mob is letting him get away with that. Well, remember that understands him. He's getting softball questions like do you really like your French toasts with the syrup? They don't go after him at all. I thought it was funny today prison and Trump said, you know, why can't I get some of his reporters? And I think Trump would offer to send the White House Press Corps to the basement and allow the Biden press corps to come to the White House and see what happens. How big an issue I'm sorry, go ahead ahead. How big an issue? We see this all these cities of one thing in common, where all those violence and rioting and looting and arsenist take taking place continuing in many of them now New York City. Sixty four people shot last weekend. In Chicago, including three teenagers in a twelve year old Portland. Wow, we saw the beat down this poor guy over the weekend, and that that's eighty some odd days. Then Seattle, you know, they defund the police police chief, Carmen Best. I felt so sorry for her. She had to resign over this because she couldn't in good conscience allow her officers to go out there and put their lives on the line when all of all of the training that they've had, that those those non lethal tools to disperse crowds were removed, and it's everywhere. The president now is tied in Minnesota with a new poll out today against Biden Reagan. One stay didn't win, right, So my question is how big is law and order and safety and security? Because I view all those liberal cities and blue states no bail in New York, and they're supporting that too as a preview of coming attractions. And I'll add one thing, Kamala Harris, we know support a defunding the LAPD. We know that Joe Biden said police become the enemy and he supported reallocating moneies away from the police. How how big an issue is this because that's a preview of Joe Biden's America. To me, well, I mean, I'll totally what I think is happening. Some things are political issues, you know, I may agree or disagree about standing to the pledge of legions. Some things are about personal values, and some things are about life. So personal value would be you know I really care about, say in my neighborhood, if I watch somebody getting beaten up, or I watch somebody's house getting threeping. Now I start to apply that to me and say what if it come into me next? And what I picked up again and again resently these situations where people are looking at all this and they're really beginning to realize that this is about them. I don't know if you've seen Kim clays extraordinary commercial about Baltimore, The Young Ladies running for Congress down there. But she's the beginning of something very real, because her entire video is in the streets and she's talking about how all these corrupt politicians have betrayed the city and they've betrayed the people. And then the murder rate in Baltimore which is horrendous, and then in a number of these cities, the mayor has been more dangerous than COVID. More people have died from homicides than have died from COVID. And when we need to have a gust to start saying this, this is a policy driven decision. And in my book that Trump nim was the Future out of Shaka that says the Democrats are pro criminal and anti police, and I think that's exactly accurate, and that's what you're describing now. I could tell you it's already having an effect, not just the and soda pole from today. The last week in the Washington state primaries, which are an open system, very unusual, there's a huge surgeon Republican vote everywhere except Seattle. I talked yesterday to a New York coop group by video or by by zoom, and one of the guys was a candidate for Assembly, they said in his district, which Hillary carried by a big margin. They just got a polar in misterday morning. Trump has now head of Biden in that district, and I think the reason is the response to violence. All right, So we have just a short period of time here, you're talking to Donald Trump today, What do you tell him? Your speech next week should be twenty five percent about great accomplishments up to February, twenty five percent of about trying to leave the country to an extraordinary difficult challenge, and fifty percent about why America will be dramatically better over the next four years of you than a Biden. Pretty straightforward, you know, I think it's all true. You know what's been missing. Have you heard anything about American greatness, American exceptionalism in any of this? And honestly, they try to hide the agenda. I mean sixty seconds for a Casio Cortez, and she laid it out, the radical agenda that they are supporting. I thought she was very good. I thought nobody had gotten more radicalism into one sixty second talk in my lifetime. If you actually read word by word what she said, it was so far out that its Verge is uncrazy, but it's who she really is. Of course, you know that's the thing I mean. She co sponsored the New Green Deal, No Choice for healthcare, Medicare for All, co sponsor executive FIAT, take guns away, higher taxes, redistribution, open borders, amnesty. It's madness to me. They used to hide that these were their positions. Well, but she represents a new generation that's proudly anti American and it's quite willing to get into a debate over whether or not we're a decent country, and that sees it as their mission to profoundly changes and in a sense that makes it better for us, because you know, unlike the Joe Biden's of the world who learned to hide it. For that matter, Barack Obama, remember you for your doctor. You got to keep quick question, will you believe America will reject this? And how confident are you? New King Ridge, His best selling book is in bookstore Shakedown. Thank you sir, all right, thank you for getting another week. It's got to be killing the New York Times to have the list to Live, Free or Die America in the World on the Brink is the number one book in the country. But I'll get over it. I'm sure at some point. Um, I want to take some time here and I want to play things for you, And they're longer montages than we would usually do, but I think it's important. The first one, you know, we always talked about the anointed One, Barack Obama, right, we talked about it and you know, thrill up your leg. I mean, we had one of the funniest bits we've ever did on Chris Matthews. If you want to pull from the archives, we can. But the mob and the media, now remember he barely mentioned Joe just a little. Just whatever they go low, we go high. Whatever. You know, they can sit in the back. Remember Obama saying that he was divisive, quite divisive in his years as president. But I just want you to hear two things. Well. First of all I'm gonna play is the medium mob and how they gush over the anointed One to thrill up the leg Listen. I never expected that my successor would embrace my vision or continue my policies. I did hope, for the sake of our country that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously, that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care. But he never did. For close to four years now, he has shown no interest in putting in the work, no interest in finding common ground, no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends. We also saw a truly unprecedented moment the former president of the United States, Barack Obama, delivering a scathing a scathing attack against the current president of the United States, President Trump. This was a moment that we anticipated that this would unfold, but not to the degree that it is unfolded. I've been watching President Obama, for example, says two thousand and four, he delivers speeches. This may have been the most powerful address he ever gave. A president addressed to the nation, not only strongly supporting the democratic presidential dominique Joe Biden right now, but going after the sitting president of the United States. It was an unprecedented speech to have the immediate past president go speak at a convention and talk about, basically, this is a four alarm fire. You have to defeat this guy. President Obama made clear he believes that this is an existential threat and When I say this, he was talking about his successor the man in the White House right now. I mean you almost saw it as a break glass in case of an emergency moment, and he was breaking the glass. These were powerful words from the former president of the United States. He didn't mince any of that, and I think it was truly historian Nieme Linka Henderson, a history making speech from Kamala Harris and really a history shaking speech by President of Obama. Just just an extraordinary speech. This was sort of the new definition of the fierce urgency of now. And I could see him in the Oval Office. It was intimate, and it was chilling, and he was declaring a national emergency and what he was doing was saying, I need you to save democracy. President Obama's speech tonight slaved me. I'm sure people will have different opinions as a different kind of thing from him, but his warnings that we could potentially be at the end of American democracy scared me. And I found upsetting and hard to watch, but just powerful, powerful stuff. This was the speech that Obama has given throughout all the speeches I've read or watched that absolutely did feel like the most of a warning, and I think it was warning about the potential end of America. And I mean that seems dramatic when people say it and people throw around. If we have want former years of Trump, the country will end. But there is a fundamental sense that if you break every institution that made it possible for there to be a Barack Obama, it will end. I mean it's almost They're almost of all turned into Chris Matthews. We used to play this montage all the time. Let's pull up a Hannity classic and this and I had to do. This is one of the funniest bits I think we ever did. Listen to Chris MATTHI feeling most people get when they hear a Barack Obama speech. I felt this girl growing up my leg. I don't have that too often, and that is an objective assessment. I thought it was Hollywood. It was romance is only you in my life? The dance bride, and we should be comfortable and will be with him in such a setting. My first love. It was realism, You're ever you. I felt this girl gowing up my leg. I don't have that too often, And I want to the Oval Office shutting. He's showing that he's comfortable. This is valuable material, this is real, a state of the highest order of the y. I felt this sprig ring up my way. Tell me the guy's done everything he's worth gets fun off he's been a good citizen if he's done everything right here, I felt this is sprill ring up my way. I just had to go down memory lane here. Um, now, I want to do one other thing and then we'll get to calls. And that is the mob and the media. Remember Joe Biden's hiding in his bunker thirty four questions since March that we count Donald Trump just shy a two thousand. Now they hide this guy and the medium mob the biggest contributors to all things radical democratic socialist, you know, the mob that lied about Russia, Russia, Ukraine and Ukraine and Hillary's obstruction, obstruction and everything else the lied for years. Now that watch them protect Joe Biden. Here, the first stream America, who is articulate and bright and clean and myslicing guy. I mean, that's a story. There's a part of Biden that feels more Reaganesque that way. You're like, oh, it's grandpa's uncle Joe. Four kids are just as bright and just as tall as white kids. Oh that Joe moments are part of his political charm. I'm beginning to see why your wife left. Yet. So much of what is appealing about him to a lot of voters is the fact that he's authentic. I got Harry legs, the fact that he doesn't always seem scripted. The kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down. You're a R four changing good. This is not okay Biden. Yesterday she showed the other side of his humanity. Uh. And that is he's a fighter, all right, and some people see that as charming. A candidate is willing to air it out face to face with the guy. This is going to be a net plus for Joe Biden. Ashton Carter Joe Biden, the Vice president was swearing him to be Defense secretary. He waved his wife over and little hands on treatment from the Vice pressure. Well, everybody knows he's a touchy feely guy, and he's just very friendly. He is. He was reportedly comforting her after she fell on ice sid Love, who said Maggie was not uncomfortable at all. You're gonna put you all back in change he's making an historic reference. He may not have been right to do, but it were certainly wasn't malignant. I'm not even sure it had any anything to do with race. Play the radio, make sure the television. Excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night. The fine Still, he is a master of the quick recovery. Make sure the kids here. Words, these qualities are almost endearing to voters. We choose truth over facts. They find him more believable because he makes missteps every so often. All right, Jack, thank you very much. All right, it's christ But anyway, these gaffs are also a part of who he is as a politician. We've never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic is seventeen all the way around sixteen. We have never never let our democracy second fiddle. Way that we can both have a democracy and elections and at the same time correct the public health. It's just like they're complicit, all right, don't forget our town hall immediately after Hannity tonight Sixteaster and just go to Hannity dot com if it's for signed copies of Live, Fore or Die. If you want to sign copy, you can get it tonight Amazon dot Com forty percent discount even now, which I love. And all right, let's go to Paul in Illinois. Paul, Hi, how are you glad you called? Very good? Thank you for having me on the show. I heard a caller yesterday from Illinois. I'm from Illinois, and he was talking about our Senate race here and it sounded like he didn't quite believe that our guy might have a chance for the Republicans, and I wanted to give you some background. There's, actually, because it didn't come up on the call, there's a third party candidate who's an African American multi millionaire from Chicago, running as an independent and running on reparations and that's taking a big bite out of Durban's stronghold of Chicago. And meanwhile, the Republicans are running a twelve year elected caller County sheriff and a guy named Mark Curran. And he's a real law and order candidate, and he's going places where traditional Republicans don't go. He's been to East Saint Louis, he's been on the get A press conference on the bloodiest street in Chicago the other day, and he's traveling around the state with a cardboard cutout of Durban because him, just like Biden, is hiding. No one sees him, not in his hometown of East Saint louis not in Chicago. So he's going there and asking everybody for the vote. And meanwhile third party candidates are spending a fortune against Durban. I think he's got a real chance. And I live in the Kyler counties here and I could have went to a Trump rally every weekend this summer. These people have had it with the Democrats, from our governor to Dick Durban and all these people we never see once they get elected. And I think the GOP is a real chance. With that Mark Kern took win a surprise Senate seat. It's unbelievable down here. Look, I'm not counting on Illinois, and I'm not counting on Chicago. I mean, we all know what Chicago's famous for, even Obama acknowledged it. But look, I could see New York being way closer than anyone could imagine. Now I told you about the poll early in the show today. I mean, even not only a convention balanced, Trump is gaining on Biden, according to Rasmussen. But now the president is tied even in Minnesota. Minnesota doesn't play, and I would argue Nevada is going to be in play, and New Mexico in New Hampshire. And we certainly need that second congressional district in Maine. But we gotta win Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, gotta win Iowa, Arizona. You gotta pick off Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota. I'd make I put them all in play, all these cities and states. How have liberal Democrats done in the decades of rule? And why didn't Barack and Joe set one record after another unemployment for minorities in America? Why didn't they do it? Why didn't they go forward with criminal justice reform? You know why? Why isn't the media mob identifying Joe Biden's praise of a former clansman who filibustered the Civil Rights Actor, was against the Voting Rights Act and then partnered with the former clansmen to stop you know, in the issues of segregation, integration. He didn't want his kids in schools integrated goals have become a racial jungle, those his words. Imagine if Trumpets said that, what has he done in fifty plus years of the swamp nothing. What can you point to? What record did they shatter in eight years despite of the lies that we've been hearing at this convention. Thirteen million more Americans food stamps, eight million more poverty, and the lowest labor participation rate in the since the seventies, and the worst recovery since the forties. That's their record. That's Joe's record, that's Barack's record. You know he didn't grow into the job. Well, that would be Obama, the laziest president that him and Biden didn't do anything and Biden fell asleep, put everyone else to sleep. Why did Obama support Hillary over Joe? Why did he wait so late to support Joe? Because he doesn't, you know, never underestimate Joe's ability to f this up. That's what Obama said was in Politico anyway. We I hope you're right. I really do. Thank you for the call. All right, as we continue Los Angeles, Mike oh one hundred and fifty billion dollars cut and Kamala Kamala Harris supported it. Hey, Sean, how are you to an honor to speak to you? My honor is all mine. Yeah, So my question is this. If I can get a receipt for buying a Sean Hannity book from the Amazon, why can I get not get a receipt after the election? Your vote counted and this is who you voted for, and also from my RN, great point, but you can't. You know, none of this is going to be resolved in what seventy five days? You know this is now the latest cause celebt. That's why they withhold the original funding for coronavirus. I don't trust that they can't run a post office or the DMV, for crying out loud successfully, No they can't. But there is some good news. There's some very good news. I'm here in the stronghold of liberalism, California, and you're starting to see Trump twenty twenty signs. You're starting to see billboards. I hadn't seen that in I've never seen that here. So I mean, we need to just keep pushing and pushing and pushing, because people are not dumb. They actually see what's going on. They're waking up. So well, look, why would anybody, I mean, I hear the sales taxes going into sixteen percent, you have a thirteen and a half percent income tax in California, and California, like New York is bleeding population and New Jersey and Illinois people are getting the hell out. Then they're tired of burdensome government and regulation. Anyway, I gotta break here, though, but I appreciate you calling all right, News round Up, Information Overload hour. It's gotta be killing Linda the New York Times to have to put down yet another week. Kennedy's book number one in the country. I always like to say thank you. I did not. I'm happy about that, I really am. I'm competitive. Of course, you don't spend I mean I spent a year of my life putting a lot of time into this project. It's hard for me because I'd rather talk, and that's why I haven't written a book in ten years. But I'll tell you the win that really matters to me, when that matters is in seventy five days. And because it's all on the line, the stated policies, and this is what I lay out in the in the book. That's never been this radical, this this extreme defunding the police can't restore law and order. These the previewcoming attractions, all these democratic cities run by liberal democrats, for decades New York, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, La, San Francisco. People are exiting in droves in these cities and all these blue states to get away from from, you know, government bureaucracy in these massively high taxes. Spitzpathetic And I just lay out what they're promising will never be fulfilled. You don't believe me. How do they do it? Law order, safety, security, education? And how did those Obamacare promises work out? Anyway, it's all in live, free or die. I love that it's discounted forty percent off on Amazon and in bookstores everywhere. We have our town hall tonight at six one hour from right now less than that. If you want to join us as, go to Hannity dot com. Signed copies of the books are now available. I've been signing away. I wish I could have seen everybody on the book tour. But it is what is at stake, our very way of life. What their stated policies, New Green Deal, no oil, no gas, amnesty, the United Sanctuary States of America, trillions and trillions in new taxes and redistribution, and everything's free. They can't do anything right so far. Look at those liberal cities and so it's uh, this is probably the most important election in our lifetime by far. I've said it before. This is where this is real, irreparable harm if the stated policies are ever implemented. I want to go to Bill Bratton was the first police chief under Rudy Giuliani in New York City. What they did in New York to save lives is they looked specifically, where are the crimes happening, What are the streets of the locations one of the neighborhoods. They identified them. Then they implemented stop and first. Remember about twenty five hundred murders a year was going on in New York. They drove it down way below five hundred. Lives are saved because it's tough policing measures. Now you got a billion dollar cut, and the street crime unit, which was the most effective in the NYPD, has been dismantled. And you can see it is a discernible and scary difference right now in Comrade de Blasio's America. Here is the dire warning that former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton gave us bad news is it's going to take a while. And I don't see that turnaround happening anytime soon. We still have a city council, we still have a legislature, we still have state and city leadership that is focused on re form, that reforms going too far, and now they're in the midst of phenomenal budget crises. In the midst of all of this, the idea of the political hashtags is driving public polity, you know, defund the police. Part of our issue here. It's hard to know what success will look like when nobody is really defining what is success that We're all over the place in the sense of the idea of what do we want? We want reform? What what type of reform do you want? We want? Defunding? Well, what do you mean with defunding? Effectively, we're a mess. Can we get out of it? Yes? Can we get out of it anytime soon? No? Are we in for more bad times? Yes? But New York has remained musician. But this time it's going to be tough. It's going to be much much tougher to come out of this, and a full lot of reasons. But hopefully that before it reaches a point of no return, we began to god effectively start working together to try to figure out what will success look like, what will the new New York look like? Because it will be a new New York. It's never going to look like what it looked like in twenty eighteen and nineteen. I'm sorry, that's it shall be turning to that probably in our lifetime. Wow, not returning to that, not in our lifetime. That's the that's you know, whatever I've been saying, irreparable harm if the stated policies are implemented. Now, Um, I've got to get out of New York one of these days. And I'm really the two states that are probably foremost in my mind to move to or Texas and Florida. And now what I'm saying to people, you know, if you take a U haul from California to Texas, costume around twenty twenty five hundred dollars, depending where you're coming from in California, take it back from Texas, you n a uhole. Go from Texas to Florida, it's four hundred bucks. And you probably can negotiate it down even further because you're doing U haul of favor, because people want to stay in Texas and they're leaving California. The governor of the great State of Texas. Governor Abbott is with US. Governor great to have you back, Welcome to the program. Am. I love what you mentioned. You're seeing what's going on around the country, and now you have told the Austin City Council, now that they've approved one hundred and fifty million dollars police budget cut, that they're not going to be able to raise taxes. Explain well. First, Sean, I want to say congratulations to you on your book. Very well deserved to be ranked number one, with an incredibly important message. Second, I will tell you this, and that is interestingly, during the course of this pandemic, we have seen an increase in the flow of people fleeing California, fleeing New York, coming to the state of Texas. People are coming here right and left, and now this process is going to be accelerated even more because of the policy announcement that I made earlier this week. Our policy is this, we do not want to see in Texas. What has happened in Portland, what's happened in Seattle, what's happened in Chicago, what's happened in Saint Louis, what's happened in New York City about atempts to defund law enforcement. We've seen, as you pointed out, the catastrophes that can occur when law enforcement is diminished and the criminal element is elevated, and we will not tolerate that in Texas. And so Sean, here's what happened. What happened is last week the city Council for the City of Austin, they voted to defund law enforcement in Austin, Texas, despite the fact that over the first half of this calendar year, Austin ranks number one in the United States of America for the percentage increase in murders. The last thing you should do when you're leading the country and murders is to defund law enforcement. So here's what Texas is doing. We are planning a law that will defund any city that tries to defund law enforcement. We will put these cities out of the business of being able to raise the revenue they need for the city to pay their bills if they're not going to be stepping up and funding the most important thing, and that is public safety in their communities. It's their number one job. I actually noticed your Houston police chief is telling all these frustrated laid off officers. By the way, at the top of my list would be Carmen Best, who I think is an amazing police chief, and she just said, I can't take it anymore. I can't, I can't protect my officers, and she resigned in Seattle. But the police chief in Houston is saying, hey, you're laid off, come to Houston. San Francisco's cops aren't waiting to be defunded. They're leaving in mass and it's happening everywhere. Same with New York. They've had to stop cops that have the right to retire from retiring. I'm glad you're doing this, but you're not. You know. All my fear is for Texas is that they're going to come from California or New York or whatever, and they're gonna bring this stupid liberal policies that they supported in the states they left. I'll tell you something answering about that, Sean, and that is everyone in your audience publicly remembers that knockdown, drag out race for the United States Senate between Beto Rourke and Ted Cruz. There was a very effective and precise poll that was done at the time that election took place, it was an exit poll at people who had already voted, and believe it or not, one of the questions in the poll is have you moved to Texas from California in the past five years? And then, if so, who did you vote for? Ted Cruz Wand the percentage fifty eight percent of people who moved from California voted for Ted Cruz, not for Beteau of Work. And the reason, Sean, is this, and that is the reason why they're fleeing California. The reason why they're fleeing New York and some other states in coming to Texas is because they're trying to get away from the liberalism the socialism of these other states, and they're coming to Texas for their freedom. And so we are importing the people who are freedom seeking. People understand this. If you believe in more regulation, more taxation, the last state that you will leave is California, and the last state you'll come to is the state of Texas. We believe in low taxes, low regulations. We believe in law enforcement and the rule of law, and so people know exactly what they are getting when they come here. And hence we are attracting the kinds of people who will keep the Texas Texas. I have friends who have family members that have now moved to Texas, and you know, let me play for you. I never thought i'd hear this from a major political party. Let me play Biden and let me play Kamala Harris applauding the LA Mayor's move to defund and Biden's police become the enime. Listen, Sir, plus military equipment for law enforcement. They don't need that. The last thing you need is an up armer in humvee coming into a neighborhood. It's like the military invading. They don't know anybody to become the enemy. They're supposed to be detecting these people. So my jineering point is that we agree that we can redirect some of the funding. Yes, absolutely. One of the things that we also need to be doing is fundamentally changing the way, and I've been pushing it for years, changing the way we deal with our prison systems. We've got to re examine what we're doing with American taxpayer dollars and ask the question, are we getting the right return on our investment? Are we actually creating healthy and safe communities. And that's a legitimate conversation and it requires a really critical evaluation. I plot Eric car said he for doing what he's done. Wow, I mean I never thought. I mean that's that is a major political parties their candidates for president, vice president, governor by sean that people must come to grips with, and that is this election, we're voting either for safe communities or dangerous communities. We're voting for law enforcement or by the rule of mob, like what we saw in Seattle with the autonomous zone. Your voters very lives and the property. Remember that man and woman, the husband and wife in Saint Louis, They had to pull out their own guns to defend their own property and defend their own lives because the police were not there to help them out and defend them. And so the Second Amendment and the ability to defend yourself and the ability to have safe and secure communities is on the ballot this election. Stay right there if you can, Governor stick with us. Governor Great Abbabot of Texas to tell you what Governor Cuomo said about conservatives like me that live in New York. When we get back on the other side, my Texas Governor Greg Appott is with us. Now, let me play you something that Andrew Cuomo, by the way, the dumbest guy on Corona writing a book now about leadership on Corona. I'm like, wow, that's pretty arrogant. We now had an AP study this week that eleven thousand extra probably people died because of his stupid policy to leave seventy percent of the beds Trump built, manned and converted for COVID nineteen with all the PPE didn't have, and he left them empty. What was seventy percent? And then he sent COVID patients in the nursing homes. They say now as high as eleven thousand or more people died as a result of his executive order. Same thing New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Um, this is what he said about conservatives a while back, Governor, If problem is not memlves, are they these extreme conservatives who are right life a poor assault weapon? It? Hikay? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they had the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York. That's not who New Yorkers are. Well, I'm not anti gay at all. I'm libertarian. I think people should live their own lives. But yeah, I am guilty. I am pro life. I believe in our Second Amendment. Governor, it sounds like I'm not very welcome here and they charge me a lot of money. In Texas well, it sounds like Cuomo is suddenly changing his tune. You may recall last week he was literally begging New York business leaders to remain in New York. He saw them fleeing. And so is people right and left who are fleeing his leadership, the ones who were able to survive what he did over the course of the coronavirus. There is no governor in the United States of America that led more people to their death than Governor Cuomo did by his decision as just making process in the coronavirus that said, there may be no governor in the United States. This does wrecking such economic havoc as Governor Cuoma is. And it's not me saying this. It is the business people in New York who are calling me saying they need to get out of New York and they want to come to Texas. And these are hedge fund leaders, finance leaders, business leaders of all kinds that want to get out of New York because of the type of leadership, because of the taxation, because of the regulation, because of the liberalism that they are seeing, and because of the lack of safety on the streets in New York City. Well, I got to know Governor Perry, your predecessor, well and Bobby Jendall and Rick Scott. You know why, Governor, because they were up in New York every other month, you know, according businesses to leave and guess what they were successful. And I know you have followed up on that trend. But here's how it's changed, and that is I don't need to go to New York to try to get that business because New York leaders are calling me every day. Sean in California also and elsewhere. And I'm sure you saw and you talked about how Elon Musk is shutting down a factory in California and opening up his new Giga factory here in Texas, and he is a searcher for freedom. We're seeing this happen right and left. People realize that if you want to be able to start a business, grow a business, and profit from that business, and live in the land of freedom, Texas is the place to be Governor Rabbit Texas. God bless Texas. Thank you sir for being with us eight hundred and nine for one Sean you want to be a part of the program. Your calls coming up next, And don't forget forty percent off Amazon dot com, Live, Free or Die, and I'm so happy about it. Also on sale books a million, Barnes and Noble, Costco, Walmart, Target, everywhere if you haven't gotten your copy yet, and thank you for making yet again that's the number one book in the country. Quick break right back. Your calls are next, all right, Live Frere Dye. Thank you very much, number one again in New York Times. And that's not why I did it. It's not. I want to be very clear. I am thankful. I'm very grateful. I want people to read this book, share it, you know, get the biggest discount you can Amazon dot com, Costco's books, a million, Barnes and Noble, Target, Walmart, they all have a discounted right now on Amazon dot com off. We're doing another town hall about twenty five minutes from right now. Just go to Hannity dot com. You can click in that's for sign copies, correct, Linda, Yeah, that's a ticketed event. It's a virtual event like all of our others, and it's gonna be you one on one interactive with the folks. They've submitted some questions and we're gonna be answering all of those and people can buy their tickets. Sean Hanny, I know people have wanted these sign copies, so I am. I am signing and signing and signing. I'm so glad because I just sent two thousand more to your house. Handy dot com. It's Bethany Beach books dot com and then Sean hannitybook dot com is where you can find all of our awesome retailers, Amazon on Clasco, Sam's, Barnes and Noble Books and Greetings, BAM. Just really great part to do for people that that would like. We have a really nice book plate. Now. The cup copies I'm signing an hour are the real copies of the book. But we really designed some pretty killer book plates. And you know, anything I'm gonna do if people want, We'll set up in a couple of weeks, we'll set up maybe a place on Hannity dot com. Just say you bought the book and we'll send you a signature so you can add it to the book if you want it. For those that do want to that, I normally what did we plan on. We complete planned on doing a book signing in the parking lot of Crown Burger the events. Yes, Rod Arcat was a huge, huge help with that. Yeah, I mean we set a record at the Reagan Library. Literally the police had to stop people from coming up the hill when we did an event there in the one of the Nixon Library. I was so looking forward to being out there. Of course, I always think food and I wanted to have my in and out burger. You know, I do it veggie style, now, veggie and animal. I have a animal style or veggie style is the lettuce wrapping animal styles the fries no no, no. Animal style is the chopped onions. But I prefer it. It's so refreshing instead of a bun because you know, I don't eat bread, um and I it's so much more refreshing. You gotta try it now. It's messy as hell. I mean you're just the stuff pouring out here and there and everywhere, but I don't care. Just get a lot of napkins and bring it pure hell, which you have anyway and just clean up when you're done. But it is it's like, oh, the greatest burger ever, best fries. It's so cool that it an out burger that they literally you watch them peel the potatoes, slice the potatoes and then put them in. And they change the oil every day. I once worked in a concession stand. We didn't change the oil all summer. They never told me too, that was a really gross story the first time you told that story too, that I had no problem eating the French fries every day. Like then, I could h anything I wanted. And they have great shakes at Crown Burger. They put pastrami and this incredible sauce they got. I gotta find out the recipe. I would think your past life like you were a short order cook and the rocks I was. No. I love the fact that when I was thirteen years old, I was you know, I would be the short order cook at this you were. I thought you were just a bus boy. No, no, no, I was first. I was the dishwasher Friday Sunday and I was twelve. Then just before I became fourteen, I was thirteen years old. This guy Hans, this old chef quit on Thanksgiving Day, the owner by and he's recently gotten in touch with us. Um, I gotta find his number anyway, throws me the apron. It says you're in and I, you know, pounding out, you know, Thanksgiving Day dinners and dressing and everything else. And then then the late night menu would kick in. That was stuff lobster. I mean this, this is pretty sophisticated, you know, late night menu. You'd have burgers and steaks and fries and just all that stuff. And I got good to cooking, and I'd be sweating profusely, and I you have to move. You're spending all over your customers food. Is that what you just told ever? No, no, no, stop all right, but you're in a kitchen, you're gonna sweat, all right. That's every restaurant. And I'd be in there, and I just love the pace of it, you know me better than anybody. I can't sit still for a second. Is very true. All these people friends of mine that say we're going to the beach for two weeks, like, what are you gonna do? Oh no, I'm just gonna lay out. I'm like, huh, two weeks? Lay out? What are you talking about? You know whenever I take my kids down a Florida over Christmas break, I'd go down and I play beach football and then I'd say, I'll see you later. I got the idea of sitting there all day. Now it's I've gotten a little bit better at it. I can maybe tolerate maybe half hour hour, but I'm just not I like, why am I sitting here? Although I do love the sound of waves. That is peaceful. It's almost like signing a thousands and thousands of books. No, I thought I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna tell them some more. Make sure I want to go, I'll do it. I'll send more. So who's hosting tonight? Or is it just it's just you? They just wanted you. So it's just you, and you're gonna you're gonna answer lots of questions and we're gonna be there for like forty five minutes to and now you're gonna be on it too. No, no, no, once was it enough? No? I mean I can if you want me to, but I wasn't planning on it. Listen, you work hard enough, you're good, um, But if you want to, you're always welcome. Let's put it that well, thank you for us. All right, let's go to South Carolina. Uh, Dennis is standing by Dennis. How how are you glad you called, sir? Thank you so much. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. Sean, I want to thank you for being a true American patriot and having the courage to stand up on radio, TV and in print and speak the truths and uh take the criticism. You, sir, are the one with a true, the true backbone like a ramrod. I want to appreciate you allowing me to do this. I do this because you let me. I want to make sure that the people out there, no, they do not have to wait until November third to cast your vote in person. Contact your local board of elections. My local board of Elections will allow me to vote at a machine and socially distance up to thirty days during the week before the election, so that begins on October fourth in my county. Contact your local county. We need to get our word out as quickly as possible. We need to make sure that you vote in person and socially distanced and be safe. But we want November third to come and have our vote already counted. Listen. Fauci said, it's safe to vote again. Social distancing. I've been the advocate of masks. You know, I'll give you some numbers of people in Arizona when about five percent early on with COVID when they tested positive by the end of May, in that particular case that they will fatal five percent, the case fatality rate is half that figure. As a matter of fact, in California, the rate was four percent in May and now it's one point six. Why because a therapeutics two we learned the ventilators were the last ditched effort. We've had now two three studies. Now if you include the French study and the Henry Ford study and the Sinai study that said hydroxy chloroquin is zitromias, and now they're also including this nebulizer and hailer and zinc if given early they all gave positive results in spite of the mob going with a study that had to be retracted. That's the one they quote. So you know, obviously, consult with your doctor and make the right decision. But I'm four masks because I've explained it many times. I saw them work. It was a little weird when Jimmy Kimmel said, I can't believe we agree with Sean Hannity, but I see that it works. Everybody does. Everybody in New York has it everywhere you get. You to be honest, I got used to. It doesn't cramp my style. I'd rather not, but it's fine. It's just I do it because I don't want to get grandma and grandpa sick. Somebody's grandma and grandpa, mom and dad, people that might be at risk. I agree one about wearing the masks when you're in public and around a lot large amount of people. It is definitely a smarter choice just to take that precaution. Whether it really helps or not, I believe that it does help. I think that it is smart to take that precaution. But just for those that are scared or think that they need to wait for a mail in ballot, the sooner we get to those polling places and to our Board of Elections and get that early voting, the sooner our vote and our voices can be heard. I also wanted to let you know that Joe Biden basement Bozo. Biden has a slogan on his Build Back Better, which is really just a shallow hologram hiding his true slogan, which is plagiarized, procrastinate in place blame. It sounds like you're ye, you wrote this out, didn't you not be honest? Come on, man, I know I've thought. I've thought this out. I've thought about it. That's all right, We're making a lot of sense. By the way, I have an interactive election map. How do you when do you need a register by? When does early voting start in your state? How do you do absentee ballot voting? Where? Where are the polls on election day? Who's your person running for? Cargress? Just informational on Hannity dot com. Okay, absolutely, we need we need to vote. Read our whole ticket. We need to. We can't get things done when when different parts of the government are in different hands. Vote for your local report. If you want to have gonna vote for the president, don't don't put handcuffs on him and put Pelosi back in power and Schumer in power. Scary all right, I gotta move on, Dennis, all the best in South Carolina. Thank you, Uh Florida, Kelly, Florida. We need you in seventy five days, Kelly, how are you. I'm doing well, how are you? We're a lot hanging on Florida. We need Florida. We need Florida desperately. You have to promise me you won't get mad at me. I won't get mad at you. Promise. Go ahead, Okay, I am an avid Trump supporter. However, I'm going to have to put cast my vote for Joe Biden. And let me explain it to you. Why. Tuesday night, as I was watching Doctor Jill give her speech, she looked in the camera directly at me, and she promised that if Joe was elected, he would do for all Americans just like he's done for his own family. And quite honestly, I need an eighty thousand dollars a month board, a director seat on a youth ring. You had me I even thinking, wow, well and all I wasn't going to try and talk you out of it. I'm just gonna remind okay, and you need to quit pro quo Joe's influence so you can become a multi millionaire with like zero experience Hunter right, absolutely. I mean I don't know how to speak Cranian or do I know anything about oil, so I'm a perfect fit. You had me set up like a bowling pin. I'm buying a hook line and sinker. That does not happen much anymore. I'll be honest. She had me too. I was afraid, Kelly. I was very afraid gonna be an infommercial for Biden, just like this boring infommercial every night. Come on, man, well man, you're a jokey am. I am getting ready to go online to purchase your book. Well, i'll tell you what. You're not gonna have to, because we're gonna send you a sign copy. Okay, thank you so much. I'm gonna steer it with Mike. With Mike liberal children, I am telling people, don't don't buy two, just buy one and share it. That's all. No, she's got liberal children, she should buy five copies and make them ay for Okay, we'll send you. How many liberal kids do you got? I have three at the moment, all right, four books with autographs going to your family. Okay, you're awesome, all right, and maybe we'll share the audio book. I did the whole audio book instead e books available on Amazon dot com. The audiobook, I did the whole thing right on down the line. Most authors don't, all right, Kelly, you got me good today. Thank you. Eight hundred ninety four one. Shaun is our number. Tory is in San Antonio. Wo Ai, Hey, Sean, what's going on? How are you? Tory? I'm doing good here in the yellow rows of Texas, Alimo City. And I want to appreciate all the work that you're doing, because all the digging that you're doing, all the research you go dat And the thing is is that you give us the full course meal. And I like that. You give us the meat and potatoes. You don't go directly to the dessert. You let us know everything that we need to know. And that's the truth. It's the greatest compliment you can give me this. Two compliments you can get in radio. One is that, Wow, this is useful information I can't get anywhere else. The other one is I was so interested in what was going on, I stayed in the car and I wouldn't leave. I like that too. And three hours a day is all I ask, and one hour at night is all I ask. And you could say your DVR and watch anytime you want, but I listen. I appreciate it. That's my job. Nobody vets Kamala Harris nobody. We're the only one I've seen on TV that vets Kamala Harris, maybe a few others. I don't watch a lot of TV because I'm busy all day, and but I will tell you it is. That's what I think. That's one of the big reasons that the radio and TV show been successful. We get news and information as entertaining away as we can top newsmakers in the way that the Mob won't do it. You know, we spent three and a half years investigating the deep state, abuse of power and corruption. We were right. They were all wrong at ninety nine percent. The Mob and the media Democrats were wrong what they dragged this country through. We vetted Obama. Nobody else vetted Obama like we did, and we were right there too. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up for tonight, all right, Hannity tonight nine Eastern up. Before Joe speaks, President Trump will join us, the great one, Mark Levine will join us. Lawrence Jones was bout on the road with the President all day in Pennsylvania. All right, But the President tonight on Hannity nine Eastern exclusively on the Fox News Channel. We'll see it tonight at nine. I'll see some of you on our virtual townhall at hannity dot com in a few minutes. Thank you, as always for being with us. Let's win for the country seventy five days