Goodbye Freedom - October 7th, Hour 1

Published Oct 7, 2021, 10:02 PM

Sean highlights the left's ultimate goal...Full control of your kids, your bank accounts, what you read online.

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To day number fifty forty day fifty four Americans their families, Screen card holders, their families, Afghan Allies, their families abandoned by Joe Biden behind enemy lines. Something we never thought we'd see in our lifetime. Joe hasn't mentioned it in what thirty six days or so, now, unbelievable. A lot to get to in the course of the program today, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Senator Lindsey Graham will be on together as it relates to and I don't know why this happened. I really it makes no sense at all whatsoever. So Republicans before yesterday, we're all united. Republicans have been telling Democrats all summer long, you want to raise the death ceiling? You know you know when the death ceiling is coming, Do you raise it. Republicans have been totally isolated, pushed away from any of the negotiations as it relates to budgetary matters, and the Democrats just going it alone, want to ram their new Green Deal, radical socialism right down the throats of this country and destroy the greatest economic system ever designed by man, the greatest wealth creating system ever designed by man, and give us record tax increases, record spending, and no Republican that says they were a Republican that believes in any way and limited government should be a party to assisting in any capacity on all of this. We already had every Republican a green until yesterday, and Mitch McConnell, seemingly out of nowhere, he just caves and comes out with a statement that he's trying to make an agreement with Chuck Schumer to extend the debt ceiling. Now, Democrats can do this all on their own. They're they're doing their new Green Deal socialism on their own. They can raise the debt ceiling on their own. Well, this is to pay for our debts and our obligations and the full faith and credited of the United States government. Blah blah blah blah blah. It would take them three days if the entire process of Republicans may have made them go through the entire process to use the reconciliation process to get this done. The reason that now they probably would do that, except the reason they can't do that is because they're too busy fighting amongst themselves. And you've got some senators like Cinema and Mansion saying three point five trillion is too much. You know, mansion goes from one point from zero dollars to one point five trillion dollars to two point two trillion dollars back down a one point five trillion dollars. I'm not exactly sure where Senator Cinema is. I mean, what you have is the most radical socialist you know, basically communist Bernie Manifesto radicals with New Green Dealism, and they're just a little bit less radical than them. But there are no moderates within the Democratic ranks anymore. They don't exist. Joe Lieberman. I mean, it was the Canarian, the coal mine he you know, when they kicked him out of their party in two thousand, he was their vice presidential Kennedy. This is how radical it's gotten. Now, why is Mitch McConnell doing this. I don't have an answer, but for Mitch McConnell to accomplish this, he's gonna need nine other Republican senators on board to get it done. Now, if I had to guess, if I was doing my own vote whipping, or as they call it, whipped the votes, minority whip, majority whip, I would say that you probably have at Romney, I would assume Lisa Murkowski. I would assume you probably have Susan Collins of Maine. Although Susan Collins actually had a pretty fairly decent idea, we'll help you raise the debt ceiling, but you got to give up on the three point five trillion. Why she would deviate from what was a good idea on her part, even though whether they go along with it or not, she shouldn't capitulate to the spending. And they're going to tell you this is no, we have to pay our bills, and this is about no. This is designed so they can spend the three point five trillion that they will ram through the reconciliation process. If it's not three point five trillion, however many trillions they're going to spend because they're gonna spend the money. They're that committed to this radicalism. So okay, so we got three. You know, I'm maybe Portman as friends. I don't know where Roy Blount stands. I don't know where John Thune stands. I don't know where I know Lindsay Graham is against it. I know Ted Cruiz is against it. Most senators I know Republican senators. They're not going to go for this. And I have no idea what Ben SaaS Ever is going to do, but I would assume even he is going to be against this, that would be my guess. So I'm not sure where Mitch McConnell's going to get these other nine people. Now, as of two days ago, this was not a problem Republicans. They were firm, they were standing strong, they were standing united. No, if you're keeping us out of any negotiations on the budget, you have both Houses of Congress, and you have the White House, and you have the ability to raise the debt ceiling all on your own. Okay, you're acting us out. Don't ask us to raise the debt ceiling to pay for big government, radical socialism that you support that we don't support. You cannot call yourself a conservative, forget it. You can't even call yourself a Republican and support raising the debt ceiling as you know where the money is going. And that's the point now for my message to Mitch McConnell is clear. If you don't believe in limited government, if you don't believe in conservative principles, then get out of the way and let somebody that does believe in them lead the Republicans in the Senate, because there's there's no rationale behind you caving at the last minute like this. There's no there is nothing you can say to me that convinced me that you had any real reason to do this other than to throw a lifeline to Chuck Schumer. Chuck Schumer was in a box. I mean, he had problems with mansion, problems with cinema, They had problems in the house with the squad, and now you're just gonna buy them time so they can fix their problems. That this is their problem, this is their madness, it's not your problem. And Republicans should stand strong on the principles they say they believe in. And this is where I run into problems. Over the years, my criticism of the Republican Party has been consistent. Republicans are often weak and feckless and spineless, and they buckle and they cave and they're visionless, and it's frustrating. Conservatism is a very very very simple ideology. It's not complicated. It can get complicated, you can get into the weeds. But what we believe is conservatives and it's why I'm not a registered Republican. I believe in liberty, freedom, our constitution. I believe in capitalism. We believe in lower taxes, limited government, less bureaucracy, limited government. We believe in law and order. We leave in school choice. You have to have law and order so people can be safe and secure to pursue happiness. I believe in healthcare for all, free market solutions to healthcare that would protect people with pre existing conditions. That's very doable. Healthcare cooperatives is one answer. Healthcare savings accounts as another answer. We believe in constitutionalists on the bench. You know again, these are very simple principles. We believe in law and order at our border. We believe in in secure borders. Donald Chump Trump achieved energy independence for the first time in seventy five years. That's good for our national security and that's good for our economic security. Just reading today, gas prices up fifty percent since January. People in California paying over five bucks a gallon in many places, and it's only going to get worse. Price of energy now at an all time high, inflation is through the roof. We believe in that our allies need to pay their fair share like NATO. Donald Trump accomplished that free and fair trade deals. He did it with our Western European allies. He did it with Canada, did it with Mexico, he did it with China, he did it with Japan. He did it all over the world. And then this principle known as peace through strength, and that pretty much sums it up. It's not complicated. Now. If Mitch McConnell doesn't believe in these principles, then he really is not in the position to be the leader of the Republicans in the Senate. It's that simple. And we'll have Lindsey Graham and Ted cruise on together in the top of the next hour. We'll ask them where they stand. I know they're both you know, they're both shocked by this. I had Ted cruise on last night. I talked to Lindsey Graham today. He put out a strong statement before the TV show last night. It is a complete capitulation. Now you're asking me, okay, Hannity, we thought the Republicans that they were united, Now they're not. What do we do. The only thing I can advise you to do is to call Mitch McConnell's office and call your own senator's office. And I always urge people to be respectful and the simple messages. Stop capitulating, you know, stop caving to the pressure. Well, the Democrats they may not, they may use the nuclear option. Well you cannot allow them to use that as a threat, because then otherwise the threat works if they're going to use it, Make them use it. If they want to go and use the nuclear option. And Joe Manson said even today he wouldn't do it, then make the Democrats do it. Stand strong on the principles of fiscal responsibility, limited government, low taxes, more freedom, secure borders, energy in the penance, less bureaucracy, constitutionalists on the bench, free and fair trade, school choice law in order, piece through strength. Just stick to the basics. Now, if you want to call Mitch McConnell's office, I be respectful, but i'd also call your senator's office if you think your senator might be on the fence and might join Mitch McConnell. And this, this great cave's about to engage in. Urge your senator not to do it. That's the only option I can give you today. Two days ago, this was not a problem. Now it's a problem. It's a big problem anyway. The numbers two O two two two four thirty one twenty one. We'll put it up on Hannity dot Com, and we'll mention it a few times throughout the program today. I'll say it again, two O two two two four three one two one. If I'm counting votes, all right, Romney Kowski, let's see call me out here, Linda, Susan Collins. I'm just assuming Rob Portman before who else might give in on this? I can't, I can't get to ten in my head. Can't we just call them rhinos? Number one, two three four? Do we have to call them? Yeah? All right? If you know that your senators a rhino, then call them yeah for senator Rhino. Don't capitulate. How does mint Romney, based on the principles he ran on in twenty twelve, how does he support this? How do you call yourself a babe support this? Oh? He tried to say it was a conservative. And you know what the saddest part is is people like Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, the Medium mob, they're all writing the story. Mitch Caves, the headline on Drudge, Mitch Caves, And you know what, Mitch you caved in the final hour your knees, just like Republicans sixty five votes to repeal or replace Obamacare. Then when in twenty seventeen, when they had a Republican president ready to sign the bill, they didn't even have a plan, they weren't ready. Those were show votes two O two two two four thirty one twenty one. Stand for fiscal responsibilities. Stop robbing our children, our grandchildren and great grandchildren. Stop throwing a lifeline to people that hate you, like Chuck Schumer. Schumer's mocking you. Democrats are mocking you. And if you don't have the ability to lead, get out of the way and let a real conservative leading the Senate. Eight hundred nine four one, Shaun is our number, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz coming up all right, rolling along, Sean Hannah, each other. There are a lot of Republicans that are unhappy with this. There was no issue here. Now, if you take out your calculator, the average you know you want to talk about the inflation or you can call it the Biden inflation tax, because it's a lot of money. And that is all right. If you take one hundred and seventy five dollars times twelve. What does that show up on your calculator. It's two thousand, one hundred dollars a year. And that's what Biden's inflation is costing us. You know that means extra for food, fuel, housing, etc. According to Mark Zandi, chief economists at Moody's, the government officials have said, well, inflation is a transitory. It's running at a thirty year high. It has been now for months. The number of households that report it's very difficult to pay their usual expenses is up nearly ten percent since early August to twenty six point five. Thank you, Joe. Price increases will continue until the middle of next year, predicted Gordon Hassick. Now, why now, what do you think is going to happen with this new Green Deal? Madness? We're gonna be paying more for energy. That's more inflation. Why did Why is Mitch McConnell caving and capitulating to Chuck Schumer and the radical socialist Democrats when we know this is the predictable result. Call your senator, called Mitch McConnell's office two o two two two four three one two one. There's no reason he needed to do this. None whatsoever, straight ahead twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. We didn't have this problem two days ago until Mitch McConnell got cold feet. The republic were united. They were not going to raise the debt ceiling. Democrats they want to spend all these trillions. They and to do it. They need to raise the debt ceiling. They have the power to do it. They can do it through the reconciliation process. We keep here while we might go to the nuclear option. What are you going to be held hostage to the nuclear threat? Option threat all the time? It's nuts. You know, if you go shopping twenty one hundred dollars a year and inflation costs alone, that's a lot of money. It's only going to get worse. There's a great analysis by Moody Analytics. Biden. Inflation is now driven gas prices to a seven year high. Meanwhile, he's only given waivers to build pipelines to Vladimir Putin unbelieved. What has he said about you know, the the geo political you know those saber rattle of China over Taiwan. I wonder if the Biden's are compromised because if Donald Trump and his sons were making money a billion five deal with the Bank of China one hundred thousand dollars shopping spree, and Donald Trump didn't do anything when China was being aggressive with Taiwan, people would say he's compromised with zero experience hundred three point five million dollars from the Russian oligarch former first lady in Moscow as he compromised, you know, same thing with Barisma, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. Look at how Libya. You know he's tried to, you know, work with the Libyans. I want a two million dollars retainer. Good at unbelievable anyway, Gas prices now, I were paying an average dollar fifty a gallon California, you have the average price more than as now over four dollars and forty two cents, and some counties over five dollars a gallon as pump prices skyrocket. What is Biden doing now that he gave up the energy and dependency inherited from Trump. He's begging OPEC and they're saying, no, we're not gonna head to what one hundred dollars for a barrel of oil. Gas prices that are all time high. Jensaki says, well, Biden believes the climate crisis is more important than skyrocketing gas prices, Well, he doesn't have to fill his gas tank. Plus a hundred gives him all that money, all the money that's set aside for the big guy, Bernie Sanderson. Anyway, on this issue, we have an opportunity to stop this. Two days ago, this was not a problem. Mitchell McConnell got cold feet. You cannot call yourself a conservative or even a Republican. I'm a conservative. He's supposed to believe in limited government. They all were united. They weren't going to give in on the debt ceiling. Now the Democrats could have done it all summer long. They waited. That's their problem. Now they have all the power, all the control to raise the debt ceiling. They can do it through the reconciliation process. And if they want to keep threatening the nuclear option, dare them to do it. But don't involve yourself in this. The top of the hour, we have Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz. We have Senator Mike Lee on the line. Senator am I wrong? Two days ago, wasn't it? Months now? Republicans were united. They were not going to help the Democrats on this. Yes, until about twenty four hours ago. We've been united. We've been united for two solid months. Okay, So what happened. It's been a long time since I've seen us that united on something this big for that much time. I don't know what happened, But yesterday there was a decision made, a decision made to the effect that Senator's Mansion in Cinema were so likely to invoke the nuclear option to break the rules of his women in Joe Mansion said today he wouldn't do it. Exactly exactly he said it today, he said it yesterday. He said specifically that he would not nuke the Filipbuster, even to raise the defiling. He wouldn't do it. And yet this was the argument that we were presented with because they were supposedly going to do that and do that imminent. Okay, now, help me tell me if I'm wrong on this. To make this happen, Mitch needs nine other Republican senators to go along with him. Is that correct? Yes? Yes, Okay, let's assume Mit Romney, Lisa mckowski Susan Collins, you know, walk me through. My understanding is Richard Burrs out of town, so that would be one less vote available. Walk me through the other six people that he might be appealing to us at John Cornyn as it, John Thune is a Roy Blondet, I don't know who might be thinking of doing it. I'm always reluctant to name names when I don't know which people are would join him. What I'm trying to convince my colleagues of is that this is not right. This isn't a wise decision, This isn't a prudent decision. These guys want to continue spending had infinitum. We're almost three trillion dollars in debt, to the point where Americans are starting to feel the inflationary effects of this much money essentially just being printed. They don't even want or need our votes to spend three and a half trillion dollars, which is more like five trillion dollars on this reconciliation bill they want to pass. We should have nothing to do with giving them a blank check on suspending the debt ceiling so they can do whatever the heck they will make, and all of this can they can do on their own. Am I correct? They can do all of this on their own. They just have to follow the right set of procedures. They have to follow the conciliation process under the budget active. But the reason they can't do it then they needed the lifeline from Mitch is because they're in disarray and there's there's this battle within Democratic ranks. That's their problem. Yes, that is in fact their problem. And I'll tell you what, it's not our problem, if not our problem, that they've messed all this up. Nor is it true that Mansion and Cinema were on the verge of nooking the filibuster over this. That is a pretty bold assumption to ask members to make when he's asking us to assume facts not in evidence, in fact, facts that are contrary to public statements made, and ask you this question, is this a fate to complete? Or is it wise from my audience to call their senator, call Mitch McConnell's office and say stop caving. Because the number in Washington is two O two two two four thirty one twenty one. Because Mitch McConnell to do this would need nine other Republicans to make this happen, and I'm hoping that he doesn't get nine other Senators to capitulate in cave like he's caved Sean. It is not a done deal. It is not a done deal until this vote happens, or at least a few hours away from where that vote could even occur. So until it's done, I assume people could remain open to changing their minds, and I hope that they will reconsider. This is bad for the Republican Party. It's bad for the republic. It is especially bad for hard working Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck and finding that everything they buy, from gas to groceries, from housing to healthcare is more expensive because the federal government's printing money. And this is wrong. Well, you know a Senator Lindsey Graham is just hang on one second, Senator Graham, he just called me on my cell phone. He's going to be with us at the at the top of the hour with Senator Ted Cruz. I asked him the same question. I said, is it a done deal? He said, no, it's not. And Ted Cruizing, Lindsay Grammar on your side. You know, we have an opportunity here where we could stop all of this, and all we need is for Americans now to get on the phone and say, don't don't give into the cave of the of Mitch McConnell. I don't know what happened here, you know, Democrats, this will tank our economy. This is socialism we can afford. This is robbing future generations. The numbers two o two two two four three one two one. We'll give you the last word, Senator. What concerns me most about this is that we're not even getting anything in return. Look, we made a commitment, a commitment about what we're going to do it. We should stuck to that plan. But if we were going to do this, if we were in a cave, we should have at least gotten something out of it. We should have at least gotten structural spending, report, some commitment to what they could do with reconciliation. Instead, we got nothing. We're giving them everything, and that's wrong. And anyone who wants to learn more about this can go to Leafer Senate dot com and would love to have thank you for standing st wrong on it. We really appreciate it, and we're gonna follow this closely, but it seems like time is urgent right now. Two days ago, we did not have this issue as a problem. Senator Mike Lee of Utah, Thank you, Senator. And by the way, next time we're in town, I want to Crownburger on you. Thank you, thank you. He Senator Lee was in Crownburger one day and I said, please just send me a picture, and he sends me a picture. I'm like, oh, I wanted this thing so bad anyway, two two, two four, three, one two one New Morning Console Paul asking voters what they think of the child tax credit and all those spending Americans. Now, the more they learn about this, they don't want this spending. This is not what conservatives believe in. This is the This is the antithesis of being a conservative. This is now aiding and abetting New Green Deal socialism. And if the Republican Party, I'll tell you one thing. You might not have liked Donald Trump's style. He cut taxes, cut the bureaucracy. He gave us from the list he promised before the election judges recommended as constitutionalists. He built the board of Wall stay in Mexico, ending catch and release, gave us energy independence for the first time in seventy five years, all these trade deals around the world. He got it done. He tried hard to work on he got rid of some parts of Obamacare. John McCain didn't help him out when we needed him, even though he promised the people of Arizona. You know, the world believed that he would do it. And that's why he beat the Caliphate Solamani Baghdaddy and associates. And look out, the media reacted, and I don't think there never would have been any situation he demanded Americans the way that Joe Biden has behind enemy lines and now held hostage of the Taliban. Look at these times we live in. We now have the Biden administration literally ramping up efforts now politicizing the DOJ further. They did this with the you know, by going after the state of Georgia. Why did they go after the state of Delaware. Why do they go after the state of Delaware where there's no early in person voting, There's there's no drop boxes. You needed an excuse to vote appsentee in Delaware, none of which you need. You have seventeen days in person early voting in Georgia. Drop boxes in every precinct, no excuse, mail in balloting and voting, and you have the most restrictive laws in Delaware. Joe Biden never lifts a finger, but the ag Merrick Garland goes after Georgia, not Joe's state, never lifted a finger to create more accessibility for voting. Now we've got literally for the Biden administration ramping up efforts. What they want to come down on parents that are upset over CRT or the curriculum in their kids' schools, or draconian COVID measures in their kids' schools, and they dare to speak out, and now we're going to go after them, to investigate these parents and refer to them as domestic terrorists and use the Patriot Act. And now even worse than that, we find out that Merrick Garland's son in law is a founding partner what's called Panorama, a multimillion dollars that has multimillion dollar contracts with school districts pushing this CRT agenda. You know, in twenty five percent of our schools so far all around the country, Merrick Garland's family is making millions on this. This is outrageous, Mitchell. You know, we take in three hundred and twenty billion dollars a month in this country. Levin was talking about it last night on Hannity made some really good points. Taxes are paid whether governments are open or closed. You pay your payroll taxes whether the governments open or closed. Three twenty billion dollars a month. The debt service every month is forty four billion. That leaves two hundred and eighty billion left to pay for everything else. The government never shuts down. Essential employees keep working, and what usually ends up happening is people get a paid vacation. That's what usually ends up happening. You know, the fact you cannot let Mansion in Cinema hold you hostage over the threat of the nuclear option. If they're going to use the nuclear option, let them use the nuclear option. Let this be on them. Because this is going to fail. Why because socialism always fails. But we're gonna get free daycare and free early child education and free college, and we're gonna get a government guaranteed wage and job and government healthy food and got more more Obamacare. How did that? The same people that screwed up your school system can't maintain law and order. The same people that rated the lockboxes of Social Security and Medicare and squandered it into insolvency. You know, the same people, keep your doctor care, keep your doctor plan, and save money lies. Now we're going to trust them with three point five trillion, with all these other new promises. Socialism, whatever name, manifestation, whatever form, always ends the same way. False promises of security. It's never fulfilled. There's more poverty in the end, and you give up your freedom in the process in the name of false security. And Republicans are going to help them if you're gonna call now's the time two O two two two four thirty one, twenty one. I don't want to be a broken record here, but now's key anyway, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham at the top of the hour, they're opposing this, trying to get answers from other senators. Did you get an answer from that, Senator? I asked you to call Linda. I did call them, Yes, you know, you did call them. But they didn't answer, did they. They said they're going to get back to me. I said, well, we'll talk about it. I'm gonna get back to me. You know, when I heard he's involved in this, and I want an answer, I'm gonna get an answer. Rhino number five, eight hundred and nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, John Hannity

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