"Give People Hope"

Published Apr 27, 2021, 10:00 PM

Mark Morgan, Former Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, and a Heritage Foundation Visiting Fellow, wants to discuss Biden’s address to Congress tomorrow and the likely falsehoods he will tell about the border crisis, along with VP Harris’ comments that we “have to give people some sense of hope, that if they stay, that help is on the way” in response to the border crisis. He also signed a statement on the new Cornyn-Sinema bill,

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All right, Thanks Scott Shannon, thanks to all of you for being with us our toll free number eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean you want to be a part of the program. I can't even believe this is a story that we'd ever have to cover. I can't believe it. Now we have a top Iranian diplomat, you know, the same Iran death to Israel, death to America. You know, something happened in the Trump years that nobody would have predicted was possible five years ago, and it happened for very specific reasons. The Biden Obama Iranian deal, you know, cargo planes of cash and other currency, bribing the Mullas of Iran. We didn't get We didn't even get the right to inspect anywhere any time. No American inspectors were part of that deal. There were no checks and balances, just a big fat, you know, funding for all of their terrorist activities. And you know, thank god President Trump took out Solomani. It's a number one terror state in the world. We know all about Iran. Nobody would have thought that the Iranians would would pave a way for an alliance with the US and with Israel and with Jordan, and with Egypt, and with the Saudis and with the Emirates and others, that they would work together to stop Iranian aggression Iraigni and a geminy in the region and their stated goal to destroy the state of Israel and destroy America. And now I can't believe what I'm reporting. I guess John Kerry didn't really change a whole lot when he told the Senate in nineteen seventy one that his fellow Vietnam vets were a bunch of baby killers and war criminals. That was a big deal when he ran for president. And now Kerry has been caught looks like colluding with Iran by urging secret US intelligence to tip off Iranian mullahs. They're the enemies of this country about covert attacks by Israel, our closest ally in the Middle East. The Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javadzaiev claimed in the recently leaked audio that John Kerry, when he was serving as Secretary of State during the Obama administration, informed him of more than two hundred Israeli operations that were going on in Syria. Now, by the way, let's assume for a second this is all true. We'll get to the veracity of this in a minute. Do you know what that does to people's lives? It puts them in immediate danger. People die as a result of being part of a covert operation, you know, one with plausible deniability. Kerry had previously been accused of klude with Iranian leaders to undermine the Trump administration. Remember, you know, with all the talk about the Logan Act and all the issues that were brought up, you know, with the Trump Russia collusion that never happened. Kerry is now part of the Biden administration as a seat on the National Security Council as a Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Kerry shocked Zerif by revealing that Israel had attacked Iranian targets in Syria more than two hundred times, according to leaked audio that The New York Times and other outlets have at Linda. We've been able to get a copy of this yet not yet boss only in print. John Kerry was literally exposing our closest allies covert operations in Syria directly to one of our biggest enemies in the world, the Iranian Mullus. To the Iranian Foreign Minister, I can't even believe that anybody could betray this country on this level. After the leak becomes public, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson didn't dispute the tapes authenticity, telling journalists that, according to a recording, represented just a portion of a seven hour interview that Zarif gave to a well known economist that was to be held for posterity by a think tank associated with the Iranian presidency. Now you know. Hearing about this, Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan took to the Senate Florida blast Kerry. I rise today on the Senate Florida call for the resignation of John Kerry. He's absolutely right. As a member of the Biden Administration's National Security Council, he said the straw that broke the camel's back with these comments in this leaked audio. According to Iranian's top diplomat, Zerif, if this is true, Kerry should resign or he should get fired by the President of the United States. John Kerry's record now of undermining working families, working against the American national security interests is too much to bear. He needs to go, lee Zelden, you know test if he needs to testify before the House Foreign Relations Committee to address these allegations if he if he leaked information on covert operations of our allies. I mean, it's it's not surprising to me based on you know, him undermining and backdooring conversations, which Americans are not supposed to do. Remember the whole General Flynt issue a raining. By the way, this is at the time Marsha Blackburn said Kerry must may have to resign for colluding against with a ran against Israel. She's right, this is a serious allegation and a serious charge. And by the way, it does raise the question how much did we drop up in those cargo planes full of cash another currency? Was it fifty billion, whatever, the number was, massive amounts of money. Why would we ever give Iranian Mullah's a penny? Now we know that Joe Biden is going back into these Iranian accord agreements, which was the dumbest deal ever in history. And as a result of Joe's appeasing the Iranians, we have American and Iranian warships having a tense encounter in the Persian Gulf earlier this month. We're just learning about it. According to NBC News, apparently the Iranian Navy's still harassing US Coastguard cutters in the Persian Gulf, you know, amid all the turmoil that's going on. The Iranian Guard did so with the Coastguard vessel, the usc GC Wrangel. According to Commander Rebecca Rabarich, spokesman for the Navy's Mideast based fifth Fleet, such close passes risk the idea that ships could collide at sea. And I mean, this just only can happen so many times. You know, remember one point three billion dollars transferred by Biden Obama cash and of the currency after their initial payment. The first four hundred million dollars coincided with the rand's release of American prisoners and used as leverage. Officials have acknowledged, They finally acknowledged it. And this is what we're now learning. John Kerry calls to you know, faces these calls now to step down. He should step down, Dan Sullivan, Rick Scott, even Mitt Romney's called for transparency. Okay, really strong words for Mitt Romney. Now Kerry's denying the allegations, but The New York Times is standing by its reporting. Mister Zerief and mister Kerry spoke constantly when the two were negotiating the twenty fifteen Iranian nuclear deal. The Iranian Foreign minister said in the recording reported by The New York Times on Sunday, and they've got the tapes that mister Kerry had informed him that Israel had attacked raining interest in Syria at least two hundred times. Why did the New York Times, by the way, bury the explosive allegation in its original report. They buried it at best. Kerry shows that, you know, they shows that carries enormously responsibly. It's reckless. He sold out, He sold out our allies and our own interests. Here. Now Rand's foreign minister leaked in the league tape says revolutionary guards set policies, so you have the most radical and the most extreme. Now Kerry is facing calls to resign in all of this. The actual quote is former Secretary of State John Kerry informed him that Israel had attacked a raining interest in Syria at least two hundred times. To mister Zare's astonishment, State Department spokesperson that price on this tape so well, I start by saying, you won't be surprised to hear that we don't comment on purportedly leaked material. What are you talking about? I thought we loved whistleblowers. I guess we don't love whistleblowers anymore. Rick Rannella has weighed in on this, and you know, he said it's in these allegations. I mean, if this is true, John Kerry sold out our national defense. That's what this means. You know. The Washington Post immediately came out to the rescue of John Kerry, blaming conservatives for making this even an issue. Are you kidding me? The same people that pushed the Russia hoax narrative. My I mean, I'm struck by ned Price saying that is public information. You know that Zeif says he was astonished at carry would share this whole thing. Well, that would be for somebody that can't have a national security clearance and can no longer be trusted either. I mean, you bury this deep in the New York Times story. There's an article in the New York Post today that his traitorous behavior is a disgrace. That's the headline. The rather cautious defining feature the Democratic Party's foreign policy back at least four decades is that our friends must be bullied and our enemies must be appeased. He's right about this, Josh Hammer writes this piece Obama encapsulated this toxic ideology, the single minded purpose of a nuclear accord with the number one state sponsor of terror. Many of the leading hucksters whore Team Obama's negotiators with Tehran. It was awful. Why would you ever give iron cargo planes of cash and other currency? Why would you ever do that? Why would we ever what part of them not understanding? If the Iranians are ever able to get weapons of mass destruction and coupling that with this convert or die madness that they believe it based on their history, is the number one state sponsor of terror. It is an unmitigated disaster for the world because that radical ideology coupled with that dangerous weaponry. You don't need to be a brain surgeon to figure out how that's gonna end. It's gonna end very badly because they're probably going to use it, and that could be mass destruct on a level we've not seen since World War Two. It's frightening scenario. I mean, just absolutely. You know, if this tape has verified, Ted Cruz said it would signal catastrophic and disqualifying recklessness of John Kerry, endangering the safety of Americans and our allies, consistent with a long pattern of empowering the Iranian regime. He's right, no other way to put it, There's not there's no other way to put this Tehran, John Kerry. So we'll start calling him, and you know we have to, you know, get to the bottom of all this. This is now a serious, real, clear national security Jim Garrity over at National Review. Was it the official US policy to inform the Iranian government most certainly not an ally about the covert military actions of the Israeli government? Most certainly an ally was the Obama administration's initiative designed to win over the Iranians by you know, spilling the beans on the Israelis? Or was John Kerry just freelancing and blurting out whatever he had been told in classified meetings. If it was a conservative, that conservative would go to jail at twenty five to the top of the hour. This is interesting because I've been telling you that the real Speaker of the House is Congresswoman Alexandria Cosio Cortez. Well, she says in New York she's ready to endorse candidates running for fifty one city council seats this year, but only if they back her leftist the agenda and politicians who want the endorsement, and they've got to fill out an extensive questionnaire that asked if they back slashing the NYPD's budget by three billion, it's only five billion a year, a little over five billion a year. She asked if therefore, abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement completely, a law that would bar turning over illegal immigrants accused of crimes to any federal authorities to be deported, any federal crimes that would even include violent crimes or crimes against kids, anyway of crimes to federal authorities began that want to enforce it, bar turning over illegal immigrants accused the crimes AOC's Courage to Change pack, as she calls it, as if they would accept campaign contributions from real estate, fossil fuel interest law enforcement associations packs headed by profit making entities. And voters see a candidate is endorsed by Courage to Change, they know the candidate is people funded, committed to grassroots, supports policies that prioritize working class New Yorkers and on and on and on. You want the endorsement, you got to fill out the questionnaire by May tenth. Let me fill that out fast so we can get that in as quickly as possible. How does USA today not get called out for literally editing this op ed of Stacy Abrams that she published before Major League Baseball pulled the game. They watered down her support of the boycott seventy seven percent. This is the pollo was referring to in the last half hour of Americans Fox News poll supporting requiring photoid for voting. Okay, that's seventy seven percent. How could it be any other way? Should valid photo ID be required? Seventy seven percent. It's been fairly consistent since twenty sixteen. Even going back, it was eighty percent in twenty twelve. Fox News polled Volder I D Democrats only sixty percent right to support it. Of course, Democrats think it's back. By the way, earmarks are back thanks to Senator Lahey. You know, earmarks funding money, earmarks capped at one percent discretionary spending. Of course they want that congressional's job approval number now thirty percent, thirty percent. That's an unmitigated disaster. I was a little surprised by this announcement. Doug Collins, as a friend of the program, former Georgia GEOP congressman, is not going to run for either governor or for the Senate. So it looks like it's you know, I think Herschel would be great for the Senate. We had, but who was it? Vernon was on He's running for governor against Kemp. That's going to be an interesting primary to watch, So we'll see that. Listen, what's gonna happen in twenty twenty two is going to be the Bellweather of all bell others. Now, they do, in fact think that that. In fact, Republicans five seats away and they will have a majority of the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi will be out. Then Republicans would have to pick who they want to be the Speaker of the House, and then the Senate races. This is a Bellweather in twenty twenty two. You've got Marco Rubio running in Florida. You've got it looks like, hopefully, I think he'd be a great candidate. Herschel walker in Georgia against Warnock. Then you have North Carolina Senator Burr's seat is wide open. Laura Trump's name is mentioned, along with McGrory other people. The Lieutenant governor, who he liked a lot, didn't seem not open to it, but I think he'd do a good job. New Hampshire looks like Governor Sanunu would probably be the likely candidate there who I think would win in New Hampshire. And you've got Ron Johnson, who's probably the democrats number one target in Wisconsin. I'm not sure who's going to run yet in Ohio, but i'd give the nod the edge to the Republicans in Ohio. And then Arizona. I don't know who's going to run out there. I'll have to wait and see. Should be interesting. But you know now it's the biggest choice election ever because now you see the radicalism of the left which we have been exposing every single day. It's like everything Democrats now used to be their old playbook. We'll get into this in the next hour more detail, but everything now. If you support George's voting law, which is far more inclusive than Delaware, well, let's say, Jim Jim Crow two point oh, you're racist. If you're post DC statehood, you're racist. Your post abolishing the legislative filibuster. Some are saying that's racist. If you if you tie anything, if you call it the Wuhan virus, the China virus, whatever, well that that too is racist. I don't know what it means. If you say German measles. Still, there's plenty of diseases. We've covered that in a lot of detail. If you support stop and frisk, which helped Rudy Giuliani in the NYPD reduce murder rates from near three thousand to just a few hundred, well that's racist. Closing the border, that's racist. Building a border wall as racist. You can build a wall to protect congressmen and women. Interesting, they built that one pretty damn fast. Or if you support anything Donald Trump at all, racist, just goes on and on and on. We're gonna get into We're gonna get an update things at the border having not gotten better at all. And of course the battle of the police. I mean, we played this last night. These videos are funny but sad at the same time. You know, hang on, guys, please stop. Yeah, if you don't mind, please stop stabbing each other. Hang on. Let me call Lebron James and see what he thinks, Okay, so yeah, we're in a situation. Well, just trying to get your advice. I would like somebody in the media ask Lebron James if it was your daughter, the girl that was in pink in that Ohio case, pinned to a car, loaded up a knife clearly in this other girl's hands, about to stab your daughter. What do you want the cop to do? Then? What option do you give him? What option? How does he protect your daughter? I mean, you just can't get a straight answer, and it's just sad that so many people just rushed to judgment. There's no apology. Then go docks the cop. There's a drug dealer. I've read this shot by North Carolina Police Department. He had a hundred and eighty pages long a rap sheet. How do you get one hundred and eighty pages long rap sheet? You know? Well that goes to the Nobel madness and insanity. Anyway, an extensive criminal record rap sheet one hundred and eighty pages long. Vehicular traffic rerouted in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Family of Andrew Brown Junior were to be shown a bodycam footage of his fatal shooting. I haven't seen it yet. Myself anyway. African American man fatally shot sheriff's deputies as they executed a warrant described as a drug dealer, had a criminal rap sheet of one hundred eighty pages long dating back to nineteen eighty eight career criminal. Why is he out on the street? You know it just simple questions. By the way, do you see that brawl that took place in Miami? I couldn't believe it. Apparently they had three standby seats only available. The first group of four was at the counter, the next group of three, you know, I witness said. There was some back and forth with the agent. The agent asked first they were going to offer three seats to the four people, but they didn't have it for all four of them, and then offered the three seats to the next group of three that wanted to go. The first group of four people at the counter and the next group of three people exchange words that leads to pushing and shoving and fist flying. I mean, come on, everyone's got a chill out. Interesting, Paul, that came out that I saw CBS, you gov. Seventy percent of African Americans support the police. Tyler Perry made these comments at the oscars the other night, all of a sudden, the clapping stopped. I like to love everybody. And he gets to the police, then the clapping stops. You know, who are you going to call? If God forbid somebody breaks into your house? Who do you call? Yeah? I mean, what are you going to do for yourself and your family? How do you protect your children? How do you protect yourself? How do you protect the loved one? There are important questions. Daily Caller pointed out the Black Lives Matter co founder Jail Reform Group dropped twenty six grand at a luxury malleable peach resort. It's nice. I hope they had a good time. Can't make some of this stuff up, but it's all real. Twenty six thousand had a luxury mallible beach resort. I'm sure they were planning a lot of protesting there. Minnesota Corrections officer on leave after video shows confrontations with protesters, Kenosha police chief pushing back on protesters, mad at return of work, and it's it's just a mess out. Nobody's gonna want to be a company more. Why would you want to be a cop? Why? Elizabeth City, North Carolina under a state of emergency, protesters throwing rocks of police gathering around the DA's home demanding charges. About twenty seconds of the bodycam video was shown to the family of this guy, Andrew Brown Junior. I think the biggest issue here is with that type of track record. Why is somebody with that long a rap sheet a career criminal still on the street. Because that's what we're talking about here. We have to ask these questions and say, well, how did that happen? Somebody? You know, how does that happen? Why does that happen? I haven't seen the bodycam videos, so I can't weigh in intelligently on that. And if you can, even if they even have the entire thing from an angle that you can ascertain what's going on, it's unbelievable. There is some truth being exposed on Biden's hundred days. I love how the Washington Post fact checking department decided to close down because they can't go after Donald Trump. Of course, it's the most partisan presidency ever. Did you hear that Biden now has tapped Andrew Cuomo to lead the COVID conference calls with governors. Yeah, let's pick the guy that did the worst job. Let's hire him for this. You're in charge. He now leads the weekly COVID nineteen advisory calls with the nation's governors. Well, he could have picked Governor de Santis. Just a thought, Why is there not a nationwide stay at home? Oh? Look, I think we're in a position where I think every state is going to have to be moving in that direction. And it demonstrates that it does bend that curve a little bit. It does increase the prospects that fewer people are going to catch the virus. And the answer is, I don't fully know. We've been leaving it to the governor's Thank god, the governors have been moving. You're Governor New York's done one hell of a job. I think he's sort of the goal standard. Yeah, he's the goal standard. Okay, standards are not that high. It's now official out in California, Gavin Newsom will face a recall vote. There are two questions on the ballot. It's a process that now moves forward. The only name so far mentioned Caitlyn Jenner. I got I got a call from Caitlyn Jenner after that big interview with Diane Sawyer and all the you know on when that happened. At the time, it was huge news, and he heard me talking about it on the program, and he can call me. I had interviewed Caitlyn many years before. There's a funny conversation Sean. He goes, you're not gonna believe this. What goes You don't want to know what shocked Diane Sawyer the most? He would think, Okay, at that time, it was very big news. I'm like, all um, no, what chocked in the most? She couldn't believe I'm a Republican and a conservative. Was a pretty funny line. There's a lot of talk about Rick Rnell, also a friend of this program, that he might get in this race, and they basically have two votes, and Gavin Newsom would need to survived the first vote that people would have. Do you think that he should be recalled? They'll send out all these ballots. I'm not sure if I trust what goes on in California on any level. Americans are fleeing these Democratic states and it's given Republicans more seats in Congress. It's all good. Texas, Florida, North Carolina, They're all gaining seats. You know, then you've got. Texas is getting two congressional seats, Florida, North Carolina, Colorado, Montana, Oregon gaining one. Mostly red states New York, California, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia each losing a seat first time in one hundred and seventy year history. California, the most populous state, has lost a congressional seat first time in one hundred and seventy years. I think you can probably blame Gavin Newsom for that. If you disagree with a Democrat, you must be a racist. It's not every two and four years years now. The Democratic playbook that they're expanding it out on everything. We're gonna meet an officer tonight on Hannity too. When we come back, we'll tell you about this other thing. But Dion Joseph, he wrote a letter to Lebron James. It's gonna join it. It's gonna get very interesting. Also, Mike Pompeo and this John Kerry issued Damn Mangino's back, Lindsey Kramlaura Trump, Monica Crowley, Leo two point zero nine Eastern. Oh, good show for you tonight as well when we come back. Also, your calls and the other news of the day, straight ahead our two Sean Hannity Show. Thanks for being with us, toll free on numbers eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. So we've always exposed on this program what the Democratic playbook is. And I know somebody say, well, Hannity, you repeat yourself because you need to know what they're doing. And it's so divisive. What's like the worst thing you can say about somebody, You can call them a racist. And every two years, every four years, we have laid out the history of democrat Republicans got the wrong agenda for African Americans, and they don't even want to count you in the census. Al Gore screamed, or you know when he didn't shift into you know, preacher mode. Okay, so Republicans a racist. What's another thing? You don't want to be called the sexist, a misogynist every two four years. That's what the that's the playbook. That you're homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. Now you can add transphobic to it. They want dirty air and dirty water. Obama actually said their plan is for dirty air and dirty water. Oh my shock, people. I'm a conservative. I'd like to drink clean water and breathe clean air, and we should be good stewards of God's gifts to all of us. And then, of course Republicans want to put grandma and grandpa first. They should for a year in their final year of life, he'd only dog food and cat food. And then some Republican is gonna put him in a wheelchair and throw him over the cliffs so they can die. That's the playbook. But now it's gotten and now and now it's pretty much everything you know. Meanwhile, George's voting law is far more inclusive than Joe Biden's Delaware, which we have covered seventeen days early in person voting. It has it has dropboxes, yes both. And by the way, there's no early voting in Delaware. You need to give a reason if you want an absentee ballot in Delaware. Both states have voter ID laws. How does he call this Jim Crow two point zero? Anyway, if you opposed George's voting law, opposition a DC statehood, opposition to ending the legislative filibuster, or or if you dare to say that it's the you know, I guess we can't say German measles anymore because if if he's ever say, you know, Thai China, the Wuhan virus, the China virus. Oh, that's that's racist too. Stopping frisk as racist. Close the border is racist. You want to build a border wall, that's racist. Drum's immigration policies, it just never ends. So we put a compilation together. Listen, and it's just not right. This is Jim Crow on steroids, what they're doing in Georgia and forty other states. One of my House Republican colleagues said that DC shouldn't be a state because the district doesn't have a landfill. My goodness, with all the racist trash my colleagues have brought to this debate, I can see why they're worried about having a place to put it. Senator McConnell, who was working in the Senate at that time as an intern, if I'm not mistaken, must remember the filibuster being used against a civil rights bill. And to say that the filibuster has no racial history at all, none is to ignore the obvious. We are not behaving well when we talk about, as the President does every day, the Chinese virus, the Wuhan flew and all of these racist descriptions. I think the systematic, I think overtly racist use of stopping frisk was an abject failure. And what's been proven now for years and years. This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria, xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science. And I demand that the President end his temper tantrums and quest for a racist and cinepho big baw. Do you think that people who support precedent from and his immigration policies are racist? Anyone who supports this is supporting racist You're right, he didn't get the facts right on. That was that empty barrels make the most noise, and he was using that. He was likening that to you basically that you're okay, that's a that's a racist term too. I'm thinking about that when we looked it up in the dictionary, because I had never heard of a battle. All right, joining us now we bring back Horace Cooper, co chair of the Black Leadership Network Project twenty one, Reverend heavy Foot cl Brian. I never got a ticket because I convert every cop to Jesus when they pull me over, I get out of tickets by invoking the name of Jesus, our Lord and our Savior. Welcome back, Reverend. By the way, I bet you got a lot of reaction to our last radio program, didn't you. Oh yes, Sean, there's no question about it. And thank you for that. You know, I gotta be honest as a part of me that just admires the hell out of it because it's but I know it's it's genuine. That's who you are. You're that guy that would you know, Officer, I can I pray with you. I can see you doing that to everybody because you've done it to me. I mean, Lord of Godean and hey, listen, there's much hope for you, and there's room at the cross. It's no doubt for you, Sean. Hand Look, I'm one of the Christians that needs the saving part. You know, I'm I'm not the great Christian. I gotta get better and better. I'm the one that needs Jesus more and more. But anyway, we appreciate you both being back. What's your reaction, Reverend when you hear that tape? You know, Sean, the more I listen to the narrative that's going on, the more it makes me angry that they believe black people are stupid enough to believe that Democrats are the answer for them, and they believe that black people are stupid, are too stupid to get a voter id. I don't know anybody personally, Sean, black or white, that doesn't have an idea in this country. And the politics and the racism of low expectations is the problem that Democrats have presented to America about Black people for the last sixty years. They've always wanted to use us as mascots and pat us on their heads and tell us that we can't succeed unless they hold our hands and guide us. They didn't do that to the Italian say Andrew, that to the Jews. They didn't do that to anybody that came here. They want to do that to us. And we're tired of being the poster children for liberal causes. And besides that, Sean, the sixties and seventies are calling and they want their causes back, and because the Democrats are beating them to death, it's a dead horse. We've moved on from that. The past is the past. Let's focus on our future. I believe, Reverend, with all my heart and soul, that God created every man, woman, and child, and that everybody has certain gifts and the difference between the in the human experiences the propensity for good and evil. Like I want to argue that God gave us both a gift or maybe a curse of a big mouth, and you're just better at it than I am, because I've never been able to talk my way out of a ticket like you. But but I think most Americans agree with that. Well, you know, I will all my heart as an aspiring Christian, you know, wanting to be better that that's the fact. Horace Cooper. First, let me just say this, if we had more Phil Briants in America, America would in fact be a glorious place. And if we had more cl Bryants, the speed limit would go up, but we could drive faster legally. Well, you know, here in Texas it is already eighty five, so I don't know how much faster it could go. By the way. That really sucks hearing that, because it's fifty five in New York. It sucks to hear that. Yeah, Well, I find that not everybody is willing to even go the speed limit here enough it becomes an aspirational goal. But let me say this, I don't understand why our president didn't say, instead of talking about Jim Quote two point zero, why didn't he just say, I know Jim quot. Jim Quote is a friend of mine, and twenty twenty one is not Jim quo. Because that's the truth, his record, his legacy. He's the one that needs to be explaining and not telling people who live their lives today that they need to live in the same kind of fear and the same kind of apprehension that existed seventy plus years ago. It's his legacy and his party's responsibilities that need to be re examined, not America in twenty twenty one. I mean, it's unbelievable. And I think Chorus brings up a good point, Reverend, and that is that if Donald Trump had the record of praising segregationists and praising the former klansmen, and partnering with the guy that filibuster the Civil Rights Act sixty four, Voting Rights Act sixty five, and boy, people in the Democratic Party, they forget Lyndon Johnson needed all the Republicans that he got because you know, people like Joe Biden's KKK friend were nowhere to be found. Then partnering to stop integration and schools. Doesn't want our schools to become his words of racial jungle. If any of that happened, would any Republican ever get elected with that history? I doubt it? Absolutely not, Sean. And you know, it's an excellent points you bring up hors because it was Joe Biden and his friend Robert KKK Bird who did in fact no Jim Crowe. I know KKK Bird knew him because he wore the sheet upholding Jim Crowe, There's no question about it. And Joe Biden eulogized him glowingly at his funeral. So the hypocrisy that they are putting and presenting before the American people, particularly black people, is the same old mess that they have been leading us to a place of codependency on them for a long time. What Donald Trump did. He came along and he actually set a tree again because he unleashed American business, He unleashed American prosperity, he unleashed black business in this country. I was on his board Black Voices for Trump. And let me tell you something, there was not a time that I have seen black folks more energized in the entrepreneurial arena than they were when Donald John Trump was President of the United States. Depression has set in again among black businesses, black businessman, American businesses, and American businessman. And it's all because voters. You better not forget this. It's all because of who is in the Oval office. Even though I'm not calling him president. People are gonna go after you for that, by the way, But we allow freedom of speech on this program. You know, let me just say this, And I think this is impartant. I don't think Harris, that government it's going to solve issues. You can see that this is their playbook. You know, if you oppose any policy now, it's racist. Just like every two years, every four years. Now it's like every day. And I think the only way I have this little idea of mine, But what do I know? But you know that, and pastor, you can weigh in on this. You ever noticed, like its cities and towns, they have Christian churches and one church is predominantly African American, one is predominantly Hispanic American. One is predominantly white American. What if the church has adopted each other and they would join each other's congregation like once a month, and well, one month you come to our place, one we'll go to your church. Bad idea, good idea. Let me just tell you, twenty one has already caught up with your idea. And overwhelmingly instead of our separate congregations of race gathering increasingly in America. And when you see the church, the church looks like all of the people that God's interested in. As I said, if Reverend Bryant there were more like him out there, there would be better people in America. There would be fewer polluters, fewer criminals, few are people who are dead be dead because they would understand and accept their responsibility to do the moral enough right thing. The problem here is government often isn't interested in using better people. Government is interested in severer betting more government jobs. But problem solvers in America continue to succeed as long as they can identify problems. When problems get fixed, there's no need for them, and they know it, you know, Sean. Still, the most segregated hour in America is on Sunday mornings, and the problem is that we don't have any problem with Christ. What Americans or what people have problem with is Christians. Christians many times and Gandhi said this, I like your christ. I think he's a wonderful personality, and it amazes me how much you all are not like him. That's the problem is that we waive the Christian banner in this country. We talk about Christianity and how we should be, but people don't have problems with our christ They have problems with Christians, with people who call themselves Christians. And the thing that has happened in the black community in particular, is that black people have been led astray in too many cases by Christian pastors, Black Christian pastors who promised them that the person they should vote for would help them, but that only led them to more bondage. That has been the problem in the most segregated era time in American history or in America on the Sunday mornings, and that is the church. The church stand up, the church, speak up and understand it. From one blood, God made all of us who are here on this earth to dwell upon it where He determined where we would live our lives. I think that's where it's going to happen. Revert. I'm deputizing you. You can lead the effort. Always love having you both on. Horace Cooper, Thank you, my friend, Reverend Clbrian, Thank you, my friend. Eight hundred nine four one, Sean Tolfree telephone number twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I don't know how corrupt your mob in the media is Washington Post one hundred days Biden all his lies that we've chronicled. You know, he got blown over by the wind is my favorite. Well, climbing on a bear force up to Air Force one and then of course it wasn't for emergency COVID relief. I mean, just so many lies we've been told. Biden's education secretary, by the way, pushed teachers to accept this new woke curriculum at his old job in Connecticut as an educator education commissioner. Biden's Education secretary, Miguel Cordona wrote in twenty nineteen and an email that he wanted to take steps to ensure teachers were supportive of the new quote woke curriculum that the state was implementing and that they were tasked with this new this new curriculum. We need teachers behind this wave of our curriculum becoming more woke. I mean, can we just focus on after he teach the kids to read and write and do math and learn computers. Can we then once they master that, maybe a foreign language or two, then can we move to the woke stuff? Because they're inundated with it everywhere. It's unbelievable. What's the name of this Conde nasty you ever you ever shop there? This website? I don't know, epicurious as a food and cook website owned by them. Do you know about that, Linda? Yeah, Well, Conde nast Is is actually a conglomerate of a bunch of different types of travel magazines. Right, So they're banning beef to promote a more sustainable planet. Quill Beef won't appear in their recipes, their articles or newsletters. It will not show up on our homepage, will be absent from our Instagram feed. The website said, why are we attacking beef? You know there are people that I know it's fashionable to say, well, we're gonna stop the pipeline and we're not gonna frack and it's the lifeblood of the economy. Okay, when you want, when you're paying four or five six bucks a gallon for gas and a fortune to heat and cool your home, tell me that this worked out well. By the way, we mentioned in the last half hour, all the examples of attacks. If you disagree with any liberals, you're a racist. It's not. It's no longer every two and four years now, it's like every day over there at MSDNC. Joy read compare run to Santist to George Wallace. Florida's Republican Governor Ron Desantist rolling out his new antique protests law last week. What he didn't say in that press conference is that the new law grants civil immunity to motorists who just happened to hit protesters in the streets with their cars, effectively absolving those drivers of civil liability. Now, when we covered that news on this program last week, I compared to Santist to former Alabama Governor George Wallace. Now it's a comparison that I've made to Donald Trump in the past. But whereas Trump talked a lot like George Wallace, even using violent rhetoric, against protesters at his rallies. DeSantis is actually governing like the former Alabama governor. I mean, how do people get away with us? And then you want to talk about more corruption than the mob in the media, USA Today actually edited out Stacy Abram's op ed published before Major League Baseball pulled the game in Atlanta because and the revision in USA Today scrubs the line I can't argue with an individual's choice to opt for their competition. In other words, Stacy Abram's cost the State of Georgia helped cost the State of Georgia one hundred million dollars when George's voting laws are far more inclusive than Joe's Delaware, which he's represented for close to a thousand years. Apparently, over at Simon and Schuster they published my last book. It was only a one book deal. I had no problem. I like the people that we work with, Lynda, they were great, they were very nice people. Yeah, I don't have any problems. I don't know why they did what they did to Josh Holly. Apparently there are other employees there that have and they've they've had a lot of anti Trump books. They've they've a number of them have been big best sellers. Well it's cool, it's cool to be anti Trump. Okay, everybody wants to curry favor, That's what it comes down to. But these employees are so triggered they're demanding and putting out petitions to the publisher to stop any deal with any Trump administration official. Latest being my penst out to the credit. I guess of the CEO. It in cave this time. By the way, back to the Stacey Abrams thing, there is a Fox News poll seventy seven percent of Americans require voter ID for voting, seventy seven percent. How does USA today? How did they get away? We're just editing out Stacey Abrams support for all of this, and how do they water down her justification for boycott's of her own state? Oh, because it's now gonna hurt her politically. Man. By the way, it's official. The California recall is on. We're gonna interview some of the candidates hopefully soon about that. We'll look to move forward. I mean, it's just we're getting really gets getting bad had out there. I wonder if there will be a backlash. There has to be a backlash to cancel culture you notice what was the actor's name that when he started saying I'm gonna love everybody, and then goes through the list and the crowd is clapping and says, I love the police. I'm gonna love them. It was Tyler Perry. That's right. I actually saw an interview with him. What a powerful, powerful motivational speaker, Christian, great guy. Just refuse hate, don't hate anybody. I refuse to hate someone because they are Mexican, or because they are black or white or LBGTQ. I refuse to hate someone because they are a police officer. I refuse to hate someone because they are Asian. I would hope that we would refuse hate and the clapping stops. Well, there is a poll out by the way, at that seventy percent of African Americans support the police. This was released on Sunday. I mean, why, but you think about it. Who doesn't want to live in a safe neighborhood. Who doesn't want law and order? We want our kids to live in in these cities and towns where you know they're shooting zones every day. Nobody wants that. Nobody that loves their kids certainly wants that. Why would you ever want that anyway. LeVar Burton said he'd like to become the full time Jeopardy host defends cancel culture as a consequence culture. Did you see my interview with Dana White last night? I got a lot of calls about that interview. Yeah, good for Dana White. He brings back, he'd be built Fight Island in Abu Dhabi, so that so he never fired a single worker during the pandemic. Nor did we we went out of Linda. We'd not go out of our way to make sure everybody was okay everybody. Families, okay. We look out for our family here, Yes we do, even though it's a very dysfunctional family. We're gonna be blunt and honest and families are dysfunctional. That's true and good for him, And he said, you know, to the Vegas Reviewed Journal, f off, I'm bringing trying to help you restart your economy. This is a tourist based economy. People aren't going to Vegas. That means dealers aren't working, Chefs aren't working, Waiters and waitresses and bartenders they're not working either. The people to clean the rooms aren't working. There's a lot of people suffering out there and he's trying to do his part. How you're going to kill people? Everybody now knows. Don't give me this crowd. Everybody knows about masks, everyone knows about social distancing. Everybody knows the vaccines available pretty much now to anyone if you're over sixteen. Everybody knows what level of risk they want to take. Look, my attitude is, you know, do your studying know the science to the best that we can't even say we have science involved in any of this because they've gotten so much wrong. The great doctor Fauci has been wrong so often. And the only thing I would ask everyone is to be considerate of other people, especially older people, those with compromised immune systems, comorbidities, Grandma and grandpa, mom and dad. So that if you know, at this point, I would assume that they're probably vaccinated at least have the opportunity to get it if they didn't. If they that's another thing. Why do you have to answer the question, oh, if you've got in your vaccine or which vaccine did you get? How About it's none of your business. How About well, what do you mean you're not going to give vaccine? How About that's a choice between an individual and a doctor. I'm very pro science. I'm not anti vaccine, but I'm also medical. I also am a libertarian believer in medical privacy. It's unbelievable. Everyone wants to know everyone. Now, I'll tell you I probably would have told people my decision until everyone started demanding that I tell them what my decision is. Right, Well, my advice to everybody is research long and hard on everything you can get your hands on, and you can read the medical literature. Then I would look at your special and unique medical conditions, your health and talk to the doctor doctors that take care of you or doctor doctors that you respect in life, and make an informed decision. And that is that. That's got to be an individual decision. And there are there people that have had reaction to the vaccines. Ye up. Should you read about that too? Yes, you should read it all you know. I'm not how do I how can I possibly weigh in on whether everybody needs to be vaccinated? I don't know people's individual medical conditions. That is not my decision. That's your decision. You have the right to make your own decision. You can take whatever level of risk you might want to take. I just ask gently think of other people, and especially those that would be more susceptible for the worst outcome in all of this. All right, quick break, we'll come back more of wokeness and other news. And Joe's ye had disincentive to actually get up and go to work every day. Now, let's get back to this, you know, disincentive to work in America that is now being created with government ballouts, Biden's stimulus checks. You know, have you been following what's happening here? This is pretty amazing. Job openings and postings are increasing. There is an issue with the number of applications. As the labor participation currently stands at sixty one point four percent unemployment or rate of six point two percent, people will apparently now not applying for jobs as they should be, as they should be, as they are collecting stimulus checks and enjoying at least temporarily. Although some on the left have suggested that people get unemployment and perpetuity and enjoying a work free lifestyle. Well, okay, but there are other people actually working hard and paying for that. So you really need to get back to work. If you can get back to work anyway, many jobs available manufacturing trade, transportation, logistics, the professional sector. Latest comments Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City provided a chilling insight into the labor shortage developing a manufacturing firms like in cities like Denver, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Nebraska. Quote, stimulus and increased unemployment. Money are are literally wrecking, not wrecking the labor pool. Low level employees are quitting to make just as much money not working. Yeah, that was something we warned about very early on. That's not a good thing. Now they're about to announce the Biden administration the largest summer food program in US history. Okay, I'm all in favor of taking care of people that need our help, but at some point we got a problem here. You have more people on the cart, then can pull the cart. You know, liberalisms, redistributionisms great until you run out of other people's money. Corn prices now touched an eight year high. Now we're worried about food inflation, worried about energy shortages. Now that we have artificially reduced the supply of energy worldwide by getting away from energy independence that Donald Trump achieved for the first time in seventy five years, and we also in the process laid off tons of people that had high pain career jobs in the energy sector, and they will be more firings to follow. Tell me, tell me why that makes sense in any way, that's a new tax for every American. Every time you fill up the tank, every time you put on heat in your home or air conditioning in your home, you're paying more. You can thank Uncle Joe or allowing that to happen. Anyway. You have one network begging, the coke network, Joe Biden import more foreign workers to take us jobs? Are you kidding me? Larry Cutler said, Biden's assault on investment is greatly going to damage the middle class and stifle the economic boom. It's a very high percentage of people. I'm not a big stock market guy. I'm just not you know, hannay, you got invest in this stock. I usually my eyes roll over. I have friends that have been telling me about bitcoins since day one. I just don't have the appetite for it. But I'm happy that some of my friends have done well. I'm like, wow, that's up to sixty bucks sixty two. I told you at seven thousand, why didn't you do it? Then? I'm like, I just don't have the appetite for it. You have to be of a certain mindset to do this stuff anyway. Eight hundred nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, We're gonna get some calls and we have our News Roundup hour coming up as well. We'll get an update on the border that we'll get to your calls. Eight hundred and nine four one sean is our number if you want to be a part of the program. Hannity tonight, nine eastern on Fox. Coming up next, our final News round Up and Information Overload Hour. All right, News round Up, Information Overload Hour, and your calls coming up. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program, all right, to get an update on the border. The crisis is still continuing. It's actually getting worse, according to our sources on the ground. Every single day, it's getting worse. All of this is going to result in at a time we can ill afford it Americans. I mean everybody that Joe is now, he's not complying with the law. He's aiding in a betting law breaking. That's what sanctuary states and cities also do. And you know, if I ever break the law. If by jay walk I'll probably be put in jail for thirty years. I mean, it's just the way our justice system works. You're a Democrat, you're a liberal, you get away with everything. You're a conservative, you're get in the book thrown at you. It's pretty sad. So Kamala Harris, thirty whatever many days now, she can't wait to get to Guatemala. I'm like, well, why don't you get to the border and take a tour of the border. Over the years, I've done it, you know, thirteen fourteen times, from the Rio Grand through San Diego, through drug ware houses packed Florida ceiling to tunnels, to actually doing interviews and being out there in the field while gang members were arrested. And then also families crossing in the middle of an interview with former Texas Governor Perry. You know, an entire family crossed the Rio Grand, but who are doing the interview? Like, you know, twenty feet away? Eight hundred nine one shun is a number, all right, Kamala Harris. We have to let immigrants know that if they stay, there's there's help on the way. So we're gonna take taxpayer money and try and bribe other countries with massive payoffs so that their citizenry won't make the perilous journey to America. We don't have the money for this, saying the migrant crisis won't be solved overnight, well not at the page. You and Joe role at no, and then blaming Trump for the whole thing. They're the ones that stop border wall construction. They're the ones that ended stay in Mexico policy. They're the ones that brought back catch and release or just release barely catch anything unless you're a kid, then you're thrown in one of Joe's overcrowded cages. Is many daycare center ever look like what we've seen down at the border, kids living on top of each other in the middle of a pandemic. I can guarantee you it would be shut down immediately and the owners and the operators would be put in jail rightly. So joining us now, Mark Morgan, friend of the program, former acting a Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, now with the Heritage Foundation as a visiting fellow. Okay, you listen to Kamala. You see Joe has done nothing. They won't even admit barely that it's a crisis. I've never seen anything like this. Imagine if Donald Trump were building more and more and more cages for these kids in the middle of a pandemic and the images that we've seen, what do you think the media reaction and Democratic Party reaction would be into that, Mark Morgan, Yeah, Sean, absolutely, Look, and I was part of that. I just laughed sometimes when I see the current administration and softball questions. I've been there. I've stood at the departing with the White House, and I can tell you, Sean, you know that we've talked before. There's no way I never had a softball question a lobby. To me, it's absolutely a joke. What's going on? And Vice President Harris looks on there's not at a time on your radio show to unpack the spin and misdirection and blatant lies. I mean when when she talks about that that basically we've pulled out the Northern Triangle countries and that they have to rebuild, So you know that that is a blatant lie. And I can't believe the media is not calling on her. Look, Hope, Hope is not a strategy. We cannot rely on other countries. They even though we have to a partner with them, but we cannot rely on other partners to fix our broken immigration system, to close the loopholes and incentives that this administration is causing, and that our broken immigration system causes. Hope is not a strategy. We're not even close to what will likely be the of this migration into the US, are we, Sean, you're again, you're absolutely right, But we still have about two and a half months of peak immigration season that we normally encounter. But look, this is this is not normal because normally what we're seeing and before the crisis of twenty nineteen, which by the way, we were honest with American people and we called for what it is is now that we're dealing with unaccompied miners and families, is that all season norms are off the chart, and that the smugglers and the migrants themselves, they know what's going on with our policy better than most Americans do, and they know that right now, if you come to the border as an uncompied miner, you're gonna be released. If you come as a family, you're gonna be released. But here's here's what's keyshon, Here's what your luciers need to know it's more than that they're going to be released into the interior United States. That's the front end. We're building the welcoming centers, it's what they're doing. Also in the back end, they've removed ninety percent of ISIS enforcement authorities on the back in. So now everybody that we're seeing their release into the United States, we know that we will never hear from them again, and they're going to be allowed to stay here illegally because they prevent it and prohibited ICE from actually wall will removing them, creating the sanctuary country on the back end. That's where we're at right now. I mean, you think of all the hard work that you and all of the people that were building the wall and all we were able to secure the border and get things under control, and then you see not only that, then you have states like New York giving up to fifteen thousand dollars to illegal immigrants. Now this is on top of whatever services be it they're using the school system or whatever other services they may be using. That as taxpayer funded. I mean, I mean, I think I believe a merit based immigration, but first and foremost, I think the law needs to be followed. Where a nation of laws, if they don't like the laws, they can't ignore the laws, and they can facilitate law breaking. And if you don't like the immigration laws, they ought to change it or at least attempt to. But they're doing it all by executive fiat and by ignoring the law, which I don't think it would work out very well for me or you, Mark morgan Um. But amen, I couldn't have said it better. I mean, it is that simple. Look I've been I've been serving this country for thirty five years, six administrations, Republican Democrat. This is not a right or left thing. This is an American thing. This is a rule of law thing, just as you said. And look, I'll be the first one in line that if Congress does what they should be and if they change a law, then I'll support that law. The look you have, you have proposals like the one Cinema and a Cornin are trying to put forward that doesn't address the root cause of the broken immigration system. It's just going to help this administration a release and process of those of illegal in a country faster and continue to reward them instead of what he should be doing. Is rolling up with sleeves and addressing the more sortable agreement which limits our ability to detain TDPRRA, which says we have to keep an accompanying minor from outside of Mexico, and the Assima process. That's what they should be focusing on. All right, Mark Morgan, appreciate all the work that you've done over the years and also telling the American people the truth. And as we continue, let's get back to our phones. Well hang on them being told we have a special guest calling in. Oh. That could only mean one thing. That has to be the great one. Thank me, God, bless us. How am i Mark Levin? Life? Liberty Levin, Sir? How are you? I'm great? Does that mean if I come to New York I get fifteen thousand dollars? Yeah? But by the way, if you come to New York, you'd actually melt, you, wouldn't you? You literally, your heart pal patations just from the pressure of paying the tax bill would be enough to run you right out of town and away from the border. Now, I here's those things, Sean. There's a lot of people who want to get out of New York and can't afford to get out of New York, or they have a family member in New York. What is happening is so terrible that here in the United States people are actually leaving where they grew up, where they want to stay because of the tyranny of the Democrats. It is absolutely shocking. And we actually have people I talk to them all the time to say, once they destroy the country, where are we going to go? Which is exactly why I've decided to call us what it is, call them what they are, and do a whole book on the whole subject, to be perfectly honest with you. So Mark Levin, and it's not a secret that we're best friends and I love Mark. He's like a brother to me, and he always wants to tell me what he's working on because he's always writing. And you got to go to Mark's house when he's writing a book. You've never seen anything like it in your life. Imagine one of the biggest rooms in your house and every single inch there's not even a space to walk without stepping on a massive pile of research that as I don't know, I mean, you do like to you know, a crazy, you know, brilliant professor. But that's how you write your books. I've watched you do it over the years, and you keep saying, well, I'll tell you, I'll tell you the title of my book, but you can't say it. You can't blurt it out. And I'm like, don't tell me because I can't help myself. I have a big mouth. So that it's not that you have a big mouth that you want to be helpful and you might blurt it out too early. Oh, I just it could come flying out of my mouth. I'll have to dump myself on TV. I can't dump myself. So Mark has been working on this now for quite a while and he's given me little hints about where the direction it's going. Um, And now since we've had a chance to talk about it, you unveiled the cover to me last night. We actually tweeted it out earlier today. It's up on Hannity dot com too, with a link to Amazon. And what you tell me about this book. I think it's it might be. And you've had many, you know, but six number one New York Times best selling books. Now that it might be the most powerful of all of them. And it's called American Marxism with a hammer and a sickle on the cover in your name. Here's the thing. I called it American Marxism. I fiddled around with other titles about decide we got to call this exactly what it is, and that's what it is. And so what I've done in this book, which actually goes on sale immediately pre orders on Amazon right now. It's available July thirteenth, and I moved up the publication data as fast as I could because I want us to save our country. The only way we can save our country is by going on offense. And so the book is the most important and pivotal book I've ever read, which also the longest book I've ever written. It is You Told My Last Night, over eighty thousand words, over eighty thousand words. And then I had to you know, it's a very tough topic. And I get into what's happening to the cops. I get into critical race theory. There's something called critical gender theory. There's something called critical immigration theory. Black crick, it's called I want people to know where this ideology comes from. I want to know how it's people to know how it's spreading. I want people to know what we can actually do about it. The entire end of the book Thousand Words talks about ideas for how we engage and this sentence how I use you know, at the end of the Communist Manifesto marks as workers of the World unite, and I say, Patriots of America unite. And so this is this is this book is scholarly, it's substantive. It's activists because you know, I'm an activist, and I'm hoping it'll catch on fire. Like liberty and tyranny when we had the rise of the Tea Party movement, we need a rise of a pushback movement. Now. We need to defend and save our cops. We need to defend and save our border. We need to defend and save our economic system. We need to confront Black lives Matter, and in TIFA, we need to move them out of our classrooms. And this is what I discussed in the books. And also, as I say, these theoreticians who've been pushing the where's all this occurring? And so far so this has taken me. As you know, Sean, when you call me, I say, I gotta go an enormous amount of effort, an enormous amount of time through do the research, to do the investigation, to write the book. It doesn't come out until July thirteenth, but the reason it's on Amazon today, this is what I wanted to tell you. I don't know, but I'm guessing there's going to be heavy pushbacks and cancel culture and efforts and censorship. So I don't say this just to say it, but the more pre orders I can get up front, the harder it's going to be to try and crush this thing. I'm not going to allow it to get crushed. I have a big platform, we all do. But that's why pre orders are so important here, so people can say, oh my god, this book about American Marxism, because that's what it is. In America. We have the spread of Marxism, not democratic socialism, not progressivism. It's Marxism. So it's up on Hannity dot com right now if you want to get an early first edition copy, and it's on all my social media Hannity dot com, it's at Sean Hannity on Twitter and our other social platforms. And uh, I can't wait to actually read it. I know you're gonna give me an early copy. It sounds like this is it. Mark twenty twenty two Matters twenty twenty four matters and I'm looking forward to reading all I love all your books. I learned from all your books, and uh, I appreciate you sharing it with us. And you're gonna be on the air in just a few minutes. By the way, we'll be listening to you too. This is the precipice we're looking into the abyss. This is the throwdown. This is the thread you're breaking up, bumming us my brother, UM, thank you. It's called right now. You can see it on Hannity dot com. American Marxism. God help this country. I'll tell you that it's gonna take all hands on deck, every one of you. I deputize as a spoken the wheel to save this great constitutional republic. All right, when we come back, your calls coming up for the final half hour the program today and the Mark Show, of course on many of these stations follows quick break right back at twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. So we have now for many, many years, been highlighting the good work of Project Veritas and its founder and it's CEO, James O'Keeffe and I mean, he just I mean it seems with every expose and every tape undercover tape he has, I mean, it just gets deeper and deeper in terms of exposing the absolute corruption of you know, big tech companies, the media, mob and the left in this country. I mean, it just gets bigger and bigger, and it's now taken on a life of its own. People are volunteering constantly and willing to work for Project Veritas Undercover, and it's been incredibly successful. They recently had this huge New York Supreme Court decision that allows discovery in their lawsuit against The New York Times. They announced a lawsuit against at Jack at Twitter, and they just announced today that yep, another defamation lawsuit, this time against fake news CNN. And here's the announcement today. We're filing a lawsuit against CNN for defamation. Just last week we sued Twitter for defamation. All this comes off the heels of our win in the New York State Supreme Court in a historic motion granting us discovery into the New York Times and a defamation action after they called us deceptive. Well, let's get back to CNN and why we're filing suit. On February eleventh, Twitter permanently banned Project Veritas or allegedly quote posting other people's private information. Even Congressman Crenshaw pointed this out in a hearing with CEO Jack Dorsey. Mister Dorsey, in just one example, I saw a video of from Project Veritas that was taken down because they confronted a Facebook executive on his front lawn. But here's the thing. I can show you a video of CNN doing the exact same thing to an old woman who was a Trump supporter in her front yard. All right, James O'Keefe is checking in with us. Why don't you just tell the story of what really happened here and where you are taking this suit, and where do you think it's going to end, And why you believe that the high standard of Times v. Sullivan, which we've talked about now a few times, that actual malos can be proven, which means you can get discovery, which means you can actually win the lawsuit. Why do you think that applies here? Well, thank you Sean for having me on again. Yeah, we just sued CNN and federal court in Northern District of Georgia. What happened was Twitter banned both Project Veritas and myself personally. So this lawsuit stems from what happened February fifteenth, where CNN's Annakabara said on the air that Project Viratas was a quote banned for spreading disinformation. That is not true. Even Twitter said we were not banned for that reason. Twitter said we were banned because we had violated this guy's privacy rights by confronting him in the street, something that reporters do all the time. In fact, CNN's Drew Griffin confronted a private resident in the out of Blaune and didn't blur the number on our house. So Anna Cabrero, a host that CNN said this that we were the Twitter was suspending us because of our spreading disinformation. So Sean, we're suing her and CNN for defamation. And we believe that this is a pretty open shut case to get past this motion to dismiss, and then Sean will be able to depose and go through discovery and a defamation lost it against CNN. And for those of you who think that I'm not serious about this or this is a publicity stunt, this comes right off the heels of our win against the New York Times and getting discovery into the New York Times. Now the New York Times is required by law to bond to our allegations as we barrel towards a jury trial. As historic series of events libel lawsuits against the media, Sean, it's the only way I think we can defeat the fake news. I applaud everything you're doing. And you've been very very clear that you're not in the mode that you're ever gonna settle. You're going to take these cases as far as you can. You have great lawyers now apparently part of the Project Veritas team that are as committed as you are. I'm not gonna lie. I just look at the history. There's only eight times that the courts have ruled that in fact actual malus looks like it could be proven, and your case now is one of them against the New York Times. That is a that is historic in its own right. The idea that you're gonna have discovery with the New York Times, along with Governor Palin. To be fair, her case got the same result. It just shows now that this is how bad they have become. And I think it's important that you be interesting to see. I would assume these tapes are going to be videotape to these depositions, and I think in discovery, I think a lot of things are going to come to light that may shock a lot of people. Won't shock you, won't shock me, but it will shock some people and make them realize that they really are political entities at the end of the day. Yeah, and seaun to your point about the actual malis standard. That is the standard. You have to prove that the statements were made with quote reckless disregard of whether they were false or not, and you can only prove that by going through the discovery process. Anna Cabrera of CNN had tweeted out on February the eleventh that she tweeted out that Project Guerrotas was banned for private information, violating Twitter's rules on sharing people's private information. We were confronting this Facebook vice president in the street residence community. So this tweet by Annacabera shows this malice. It shows that she went on the air and then she said we're a banned for promoting disinformation, which just is false. It's a false statement. It's a malicious statement will get past this motion to dismiss. And the New York Times had said, I'm gonna quote the judge here quote the facts submitted by Veritas could indicate more than standard garden variety of media bias. Remind your audience that what happened in the New York Times case is the New York Times said that I was deceptive disinformation, making claims the evidence, and then Facebook banned our videos because of what the New York Times wrote. And the New York Times defense in that case was that they were making a quote unverifiable expression of opinion unquote. So this is insane. The New York Times is saying that their news reporting is mere opinion, incapable of being judged true or false. And the big tech companies are taking down our videos because of The New York Times's state that they are now saying orn't even true, they were just opinion. So this is just a vortex of propaganda and defamation. And it's high time someone starts suing these people, which is what Project Veritas is doing now against CNN, Twitter and the New York Times. And I'm going going to be dozens of plaintiffs that come out of the woodwork. I just need your own support to fund all this litigation because I won't settle, Sean. I'm going all the way to a jury verdict, and we need your financial support. We're a tax exempt charitable organization, so we take donations to pay for all these legal bills. All right, Project Veritas founder CEO now suing not only The New York Times, Twitter, but now fake News CNN. We'll be following this case very very closely. Thank you, James. Okay, I appreciate it. We wish you the best. Then we'll be following it the whole way. Thank you. All right, let's get to our phones. We have standing by Russells at North Carolina. Russell, Hi, how are you. Thank you for being with us. Thank you, Sean, thank you for sticking my call. Thank you. See at tax all the latest attacks on law enforcement in the one on nine Precinct in Queens, New York. I don't know if you saw that show on Oh I have seen it, and we got another video and we'll show it on Hannity tonight. And you have a New York Police Department detective blindsided in a random street attack and other examples. Now that it's basically a daily occurrence in New York. Thank god you got the hell out of there. By the way, seventy five percent increase in the NYPD officers retiring or just getting off the force. Not wanting any part of this anymore, Absolutely sure. When I retired there with two hundred people filing for retirement. Now you have over five thousand in New York City leaving a job that they love, they love to do. They were there to serve and protect the public. But because of the politicians and the mayor and the politics that are playing part in law enforcement, these good guys are leaving, and it's only going to open the city to the bad people to takeovers. Every cop I've ever known in my life, including family members, it's to them for them almost every case, it's not a job, it's a calling. It's it's it's it is their profession, their passion to do a dangerous job every day. And you know, to have to consider even giving it up because of the the political atmosphere created by the left and by elected officials is so sad, and that they don't have these guys backs. Now they want to take it to the point where every criminal will sue a police officer, there'll be no indemnification, and these cops will have to hire their own lawyers. You and I both know that nobody can be a cop under those conditions. That will dismantle every police department in the country. Nobody will be a cop. It's impossible, nobody will be able to afford to Every criminal will sue every time they're arrested. Absolutely, Sean, I've been indemnified numerous times doing my job. Doing it's a prop away with New York City. Now that they're taking that away, the cops are gonna think twice or maybe three times before they even act to save a life or to save or to save someone from being injured. They're not going to take the job. They're gonna find other professions. And I don't blame them at all. And the shame about it is, these are great people who want to serve, Sean, they love what they do. They do it for a reason. Well, thank you for your service. And everything you say is right on target. Thank you, Russell, appreciate it. Let's say hi to Megan is An, Alabama. What's up, Megan? How are you glad you called hey? Sean? Thank you for taking my call? How are you say? I'm good, thank you good. I'm a correctional officer, and you know, I just keep thinking, what in the world is going on with these people talking about these unning the place and yeah, prisons, I'm like, what are they gonna do? Just release them all and let's just live in the wild wild West again, you know, like, what is going on? By the way, you know, my mom was a prison garden and a corrections officer. Yeah. By the way, it's not an easy job. And when she did it, she was working like sixteen hours shifts, seven days a week. It was nuts. You have a very hard job. I don't know what to tell you. I mean, in a very weird way. It might end up with your job being easier. As you know, they empty the prisons and or if they have these insane no bail laws like they have in New York and they implement them nationwide, God help everybody. It's you're you're right, I mean they look, you know, look, you know more than anybody. Some people are just evil. Some people are They need to be kept from civil society because they're not capable of being a part of civil society. You know, I read this one case. Today, I saw some story about one guy, you know, involved in a in an incident. What the cops had like a rap sheet that is, you know, over one hundred pages. It's not a shock when you let hardened criminals out on the streets. You know, you don't have to be an MIT graduate Harvard graduate to figure out Yeah, that's not gonna work out well exactly. And I work in the tower actually too, so um, that's another part of my job exactly. That was kind o boy. If anyone tries to run, well, but what is the policy if somebody tries to run because I have a pretty I have an image that you have a long rifle with a scope on it and you're probably a marksman, yes, I um, they have to be going through the fence, under the fence or actually climbing over before I can do anything. But this is the other thing, um, And we've been talking about the girl with the stabbing and everything. You know, if if like per se, let's say they're on the Reik yard, if somebody tries to stab another inmate or an officer, I'm allowed you know to do that, so um to shoot, you know, but you would wait till what point. Wouldn't the person have to actually be out of the prison grounds at that point? Well, pretty much they have to be either going through it under or over. Okay, So you don't you don't remember want to do you Have you ever had Have you ever had a moment where you had to do this, because I bet it's something you don't want to do. It's definitely something I don't want to do because obviously they have to take the same precaution. I mean, the same as if somebody killed somebody. You know, I'd have to go into investigation all that kind of stuff. I have not had to do that. However, there's been an instance where you know, somebody was holding like a knife to somebody's throat and you know, all the staff is going to this one. Norman, I'm sitting there like, wow, I actually got the gun out, but I didn't have to pull it. But I thought, if they run out and they're attacking my officers, I'm gonna have to do what I have to do, you know what I mean? So you know you don't want to ever have to do that, and that's what makes it really I'm guessing you work in a maximum security prison. Am I wrong? Well, I'm in about a medium. We kind of have a lot of psychological people. And I'm in Florida too. I live in Alabama. I'm two miles from the state line, so I'm in. You've been to the Florabama once or twice, Yes, I have. Listen, I'm just short on time. Well listen. Obviously, I admire what you do and I saw a hard My mom worked in that profession, and I wish you the best. Please be safe, and I hope that never happens. That's gonna wrap things up for today. Let night your heart be trouble though, Hannity. Tonight ninety easton Hope you say your DVR you're gonna meet a police officer from the LAPD. You actually wrote Lebron James a letter an African American officer. Uh, this is gonna be pretty interesting. Also tonight, Mike Pompeo on this John Kerry situation, Lindsey Graham away in on that, Laura Trump, Monica Crowley, Leo two point zero, Joe Concha, Dan Bongino. All right, so we'll see you tonight at nine as always, Thank you for being with us, and we'll be back here. God willing tomorrow. I have a great night. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow,

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