Sean is joined by former Speaker Newt Gingrich to discuss the FBI's actions in investigating President Trump's lawyer. The Speaker didn't hold any punches as he equated them to Gestapo tactics. What does this mean for President Trump? Sean and Newt Gingrich discuss. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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The President today has pretty much made it known something that I have been saying is coming, and that is that enough is enough, and the president is not gonna take it anymore. And the President is not going to be a punching bag anymore, and the President is not gonna make himself available anymore on all of this stuff. I'll get into that in a second. Uh, James Comey apparently already did his sit down as it relates to George Stephanopolis. Now think about this. George Stephanopolis, the number one Clinton sycophant in the entire news media, gets James Comey's first interview, and so they're promoting his questions. One of them is about an answer I guess that Comy gives comparing Donald Trump to a mob boss. Listen, how strange is it for you to sit here and compare the president to a mob boss? This Sunday Night on ABC had things that you know, but having said that could damage President Trump. Jeames Comey and to those who say you should have brought Hillary Clinton before grand jury, the exclusive interview, everyone will be talking about his President Trump and starting justice. Should Donald Trump be impeached? Stephanopolis Comy this Sunday night at a special time ten nins Central on ABC. Uh, you know it's always about the Carle family. It's always about the Trump crime family. What what about what about the macrime family. They call me grand family or Hillary Clinton grand family. Why is it all the Trump grand family? You know? I tell Michael I called this businesses and for Sonny yes, Donald Jr. No, Donald, don't get into this business, but they get in anyway. And look at where we are. I mean, is this really what we have? Why are you laughing? I don't think it's that good. I love him, man, it's great. Um, I mean we got Comy now comparing the President of the United States to a crime family. So which crime family you know? Which mobster is it? Is it al Capone? You know, let's see Chicago based, Uh, you know, he has it at the Campone family and and the mafia boss. Let's see gambling, prostitution, boot legging, narcotics, traffic being, robbery, bribery, murder, extortion. Pretty long list for al Capone. So let's compare the President of the United States former FBI director. You know who is most angry at Comey of everybody that I know are people in the FBI. You know who's most angry at Mueller are people in the FBI and in the intelligence community. They think this is so far of an overreach. And what they're now doing is they're creating a constitutional showdown here. And the President's not gonna take it anymore. And I'll get into his his tweets about this in just a second, or maybe we'll compare what are we comparing him? A lucky Luciano? You know, crime boss organized crime nineteen thirties. Let's see, Luciana was sentenced to thirty to fifty years in jail. You got a shorter term, by the way, many people don't know this in exchange for helping the US military during World War two and and part of that had to do with the Navy U S. Navy's plan and it's invasion of Italy. And he used some of his Italian connections, apparently according to the sources. What are we gonna compare it? Whatnot John Gotti, the head of New York Scambino crime family, and it will compare him to him. Let's see, he was charged with jury convicted Gotti of thirteen murders and a slew of other crimes after he had gotten off many many times. And god he received life in prison without the possibility of parole, and he died in prison. Let's see who maybe Frank Lucas. Remember Frank Lucas, Remember Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe. They did a great job in that movie. It was incredible about the life story of Frank Lucas. It was a big He was largely responsible for the influx of heroin into New York City in the nineteen seventies and and bringing it in direct from Vietnam with a purity that nobody had ever seen before, and a drug enforcement agency task force eventually got the best of him. He was sentenced to seventy years in prison. He actually then became best friends with the guy that put him in jail, who became a lawyer, which is an interest seeing sidebar. If you haven't watched the movie, I think it's worth watching. Um. Anyway, so this is where we are, and um it speaks volumes what we're seeing here. If you if you've got a special counsel Mueller who's now going into the president's personal attorney's office, home and hotel room and stealing everything. And then we're just being told just trust us. Really we're supposed to trust you. Well, maybe if if Comey is gonna make this characterization compare the president to a mob family and a mob boss, well then we can maybe we'll start examining the Comey crime family, and we'll start talking about, oh, him leaking privileged information, which is not allowed to do in government information to a professor at Columbia for the sole purpose that is BFF Robert Mueller get appointed, and then maybe we can talk about Comey and the chrome Collmey crime family and and the activities he had with Peter Struck when they were exonerating Ullary Clinton of multiple felonies that we all know we're committed. And then of course, I guess as part of that would be Peter Struck's lover, which of course is Lisa Page. And you got so, you got Comey, you got Struck, you got Paige part of this crime family, the Collmey crime family. And then of course we can add to that Andrew McCabe because you know they had their insurance policy plan B. If God forbid, Donald Trump won, and I guess we could probably add to the list. Loretta Lynch is part of that family. You know, we got the Obama deep state crime family. We can talk about that, We could talk about the Mueller crime family. Look at Mueller is you know here you've got Rod Rosenstein's at the top of that list. Rod Rosenstein, who himself should have been conflicted out of appointing Mueller in the first place. McCabe is a part of both families. I guess then we've got Rod Rosenstein, you know, appointing Mueller. Rod Rosenstein also which I think is pretty funny. Uh himself he's involved in in nefarious activity and God only knows what. And you know we're now getting this is now it So the president has no real option or choice here, and any lawyer that would recommend that he talked to Mueller after the crap that Mueller pulled in in the last you know, a couple of days, is out of their mind. Robert Mueller cannot be trusted. Rod Rosenstein, Okay, the guy that didn't want any information about the FISA abuse coming to fruition none. He ran interference. He's the guy that also signed off on the renewal of the FISA warrant against Carter Page. Trump associate that used what we know now know our Hillary Clinton bought and paid four lies that will put together by a foreign national to manipulate the American people in an election. They didn't tell the FISA judged the truth. That would be Rod Rosenstein, who's guilty of that. And Rod Rosenstein, you know, there's the same guy that slow walks every bit of information about FISA abuse about information involving the Clinton email server, about lying to VISA judges. Oh so, so, I guess he's got his own family. And then I guess we can look at the Clinton crime family, which is at the the nexus of everything, and we're gonna make all these mob connections. Is this is now the language that James Comey wants to use. I guess we can all use his analogy. I guess you know. And if you've got to compare the president to a mobster and a murderer and a drug dealer and somebody involved an extortion and prostitution, the only true thing is he was involved in gambling, but that was legal gambling because he did have casinos at some point in his career. Now, at this point, the president really has no choice. What what has happened here? And everybody needs to understand what's gone on here is Robert Muller was negotiating with the president's attorneys for an interview, and they want to go shating, what the terms, what the conditions would be, what the follow ups would be, what the topics would be. None of it had to do with Stormy Daniels. I can tell you my sources have confirmed that none of it had to do with Karen McDougall, none of it had to do with access Hollywood. And at the very same time Mueller is supposedly negotiating in good faith with the president's legal team, Well now we have him coordinating with the Southern District of New York to go in and raid the files of the president's personal attorney, which means they now have a deep dive into everything and anything Trump. And that basically, and I agree with Dersha which dirshy, which is a thousand percent right. Probably Michael Cohen's constitutional rights were violated just by seizing his records. And I think there's gonna now this is gonna be a long, long, protracted, never ending fight because obviously this has become a runaway trained by a rogue prosecutor that's got an agenda, and the agenda is to literally undo along with his deep state friends, a and a duly elected president and and pushed Trump out of power by any means necessary. You know, I know for a fact that they provided what unprecedented amounts of documents to Robert Muller and his team, over millions of pages documents, dozens of witnesses. They didn't assert a single privilege up to this point at all, and they haven't even threatened to do so. And then while the lawyers for Trump are preparing to meet with the Special Counsel for the interview he requested. While that's all happening, you got literally a raid going on in the home and offices of the personal attorney of the President of the United States, seizing documents on all issues that have nothing to do with Russia. And now they're leaking to the New York Times. While we're looking into the Stormy Daniels issue and the Karen McDougall issue, and we're looking into the access Holly, what does that any of this have to do with Trump Russia collusion. You do understand that the only reason that we are in this situation is because they can't find any collusion. And I do believe that they definitely, you know, want to set this president off so that he ends up firing everybody and then they can say seas obstructing justice. Never mind that the the so called justice in this case is non existent. It's a witch hunt anyway. The President had a lot of hard hitting tweets today, said so much fake news about what's going on in the White House. But things are very calm, very calculated. Big focus on open and fair trade in China, the coming North Korea meeting, and of course the vicious gas attack in Syria. President tweets it feels great to have John Bolton and Larry Cutlo onboard. We're doing things nobody thought was possible. Despite the never ending and corrupt Russia investigation, which takes tremendous time and focus, well now it's gone way beyond what its mandate is, and with the approval of Rod Rosenstein once again, which raises questions about, well, what what can be done about Rod Rosenstein will get to that in a second, anyway. And the President goes on and he says, no collusion, no obstruction other than I fight back, you know, Trey Gaudy one. So this isn't how innocent people act. And I'm like, yeah, that's how innocent people act. They screen they're innocent anyway. So now they do the unthinkable. They raid a lawyer's office for information. Very bad. And then now we have a situation the President tweeted out about Russia now vowing to shoot down any and all missiles that might be fired at Syria and retaliation for the gas attack against that as innocent men, women and children. So now the presidents saying, get ready Russia, because they will be coming nice new and smart missiles is what he's talking about. You shouldn't be partners with a gas killing animal who kills his people and enjoys it. And the President says, our relationship with Russia is now worse than it's ever been and that includes the Cold War. What a statement that is, think about it. And he goes on to say there's no reason for this. Russia needs us to help with their economy, something that would be very easy to do. We need all nations working together and stop the arms raised question mark, And he says much of the bad blood with Russia is caused by the fake and corrupt Russia investigation headed up by the old Democratic loyalists we've been pointing out, or people that work for Obama. The deep state. Mother is the most conflicted of all, except for Rosenstein, who signed the FISA renewal and the call me letter. It's all true, no collusion, So they go crazy. That's about it. No collusion. They've gone nuts, and now we're being of a former FBI director comparing the president to a mom boss. I can't you cannot make this up. But now, what what it's gonna be is this is gonna be a year two years of NonStop war, political war in the country. And by the way, we'll hamper the ability of the president to do his job, which hurts the American people all because a few people in the higher echelons of power are protecting themselves, not handing over documents related to their investigations, and doing anything possible to get anything on Trump to distract from all of the real issues that we know occurred. Well, this is a pretty good sign that something is going on in Syria. Russian warships in spite of Moscow vowing to shoot down any American missiles that might be fired on Syria. Well, now we have a report that eleven Russian destroyers and guided missile carriers have now fled Russia's major naval port in Syria, likely to avoid being destroyed in what has an expected US cruise missile attack in response to Syria's use of poison against Does anyone never noticed that Donald Trump, all the times that he confronts, let's say, North Korea, China, Russia, they always backed down. And that that's something that the left never seemed to understand in their lives, you know, And that's why I, you know, at this point now that you know, call me is viewing Donald Trump as I never wanted Donald Jr. To get into this business ever. It was always to be the carly on My business, not the Trump business. And now he's in and they can't get up, uh now, all right, so we'll use that. Let's see then, I guess we could talk about McCabe and Rosenstein and Baker and call Me himself, you know, all part of a big crime family. And Struck and Page are a part of the big crime fam Bruce Or and his wife Nellie is. Maybe we'll put Jennie Ray in the crime family. And Andrew Weisman is definitely in the crime family. And obviously Mueller's in the crime family. And let's see, who else are we gonna put in this crime family? Oh, Christopher Steele. Hillary Clinton, Well we have a whole separate crime family. The Clinton crime family is the worst. They their tactics are brutal. The amount of blood check twenty five to the top of the air. How do you let Hillary Clinton get away with destroying subpoena emails, the leading them, acid washing them, bleach bit, hard drives the whole bit, hammers devices, and uh, on top of all of it, violating, Uh, you're not allowed to mishandle classified top secret special access program information. By the way, and you know all these foreign intelligence agencies hacked into that mom and pop shop server that means Russia had classified top secret special access programming information. Yeah, the hostile Russia. That one, Uh, China that means North Korea, that means Iran. Who else did Yeah, thank you, Hillary did. But so she gets away with all of that. Come and company, me, the grand family, the Clinton grand family. It's like a bunch of breados. Then nobody here's like. Nobody's like Michael. I never want to don jr Oh Michael to get into this business. I warned them. I said, no politics, this is not okay. Well now it's going this way. House Freedom called this member and Chairman Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan are out there saying, you know what, We're gonna hold these top officials in the Justice Department and contempt at Congress, starting with Rod Rosenstein for stonewalling on the documents, not listening to subpoena's ignoring them pertaining to the FBI surveillance abuse scandal, adding that they're gonna they would back their threat by the House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devon Newness to impeach the FBI Director, Christopher Ray for the same offense. Now they're rating Michael Cohn's home office and hotel room. But yet Congress they get away with not handing over subpoena documents, which constitutionally they are they have to do. So now they have what to day is to save their jobs. This is gonna get interesting. Rohn de Santa say in the House, will pursue contempt charges against the Department of Justice if we don't have documents by tomorrow. A lot of people look, even Joe de Jennifer was saying the you know, all these anti Trumper's Rosenstein Ray, they're they're leading a soft coup against the president. They want to undo an election. I've been telling you and I've been right. I wish I was wrong, and now we've got call me calling the president of mob boss called me. The celebrity Alan Dersho had said it really well yesterday, but he said Tom just stop. What are you doing? Just stop? So we're gonna have to see what happens in the middle of this where waiting and watching. We expect to strike on Syria probably anytime soon, and you've got stuckure we need to protect Mueller. No, we don't. Actually, this is driving the left and sane because there's absolutely zero doubt that the president has the right to fire Mueller. Is it the wise thing to do politically? No, And Sarah Huckabee Sanders said yesterday reminded them that it was the Obama administration Solicitor General Neil Kate Towel, who was one of the authors of the pertinent pertinent regulations that we're talking about here, and it's pretty much a fad to completely. All the president asked to do is take one, you know, executive action, and he can fire all of them, including Mueller and Rosenstein and company. I saw that Dan Abrahams, who runs Law News and Media it he was on Good Morning America with Hillary BFF Georgie Stephanopolis and anyway, he said that if Mike Michael Cohen is likely to be indicted and that the case uh, in that case, the president will certainly pardon him. We all know that the power of the pardon is absolute. I didn't even thought about it till I've read that today. But that's a good point. So we're gonna end up doing this for nothing, and we have so McConnell is actually saying legislation and protect Mueller is not needed. Paul Ryan just has had enough. He said, I'm retiring at the end of this term. Senate. GOP leaders. You have even people like believe it or not, Charles Grasslely pushing to protect Muller. Y Mueller has gone rogue. This is a runaway train. This is off the rails. This is stuff that we never thought we'd see happen in this country. Now this has moved into the Access Hollywood tape Karen McDougall, and apparently Stormy is now a witness for Robert Mueller's special counsel. Alright, so now what the president has no choice. Obviously they don't want to negotiate in good faith. So now he's gonna go to war and will We'll see what happens. And the President ken directly fire Mueller. I don't think he should at this point. That's what they want him to do. That's what they're praying that he does. The only one that seems to have it right in the Senator is Ram Paul that this is a witch hunt and he abused as a thirty. The other person that got that right was Alan Dershowitz, A told old witch hunt and um what does any of this have to do with Russia collusion? I love this headline NBC News Stormy Daniels is cooperating with the Feds producing probing Trump's attorney for Stormy Daniels. They're talking about what an in kind a possibility of an inkind campaign contribution? Is there anything else? Now? They're even talking about taxi medallions. I'm saying taxi manute, what are you talking about? Um? So, Mark Meadows, I think is pretty clear that that Sessions, Rosenstein and should be in held in contempt and Ray be impeached here. And I don't think they're messing around either. How is it we only get information on some crimes? And how does Hillary get away with all the crimes? The double standard is annoying? All right? Chris and Sussex, New Jersey. Chris, how are you? You're on the Sean Hannity Show. What's up? My friend? How are you, buddy? Listen? Being retired from law enforcement, I gathered some intelligence on James Colemey. You see, I happen to work in al in Dale, New Jersey, which is his hometown. And it was interesting because I came across the information that, being that the whole family is unusually tall, they took full advantage of what they call hight privilege by sitting in the front row at church and depriving people in the back to see the priest. And it was very um it was very unkind of them to do that. They could have sat anywhere, and a lot of people had bad things to say about James Collmey just for that reason. You know, the people that now are most critical to James call me and this whole, this whole witch hunt that I know or FBI people, and they feel like they're entire their entire life's work. I know you're cracking up at this guy talking about but Chris, you gotta say it again, it's historical. So people are because he's blocking the priest. Is that what's happening at your church? They can't even listen to the homily because he's blocking the view. He's blocking the view. This is exactly what he was doing. He knew full well what he was doing too. And people actually tried to get to church earlier to obtain the front row seats that he used to occupy by and it just it was closing dissension and the church. We know what the problem is. Comey has so many sins. He's got to get in there earlier. Jesus Christ can't get to them all. That's the problem. You're welcome, all right. I'm glad you two have a great little thing going on here. All right. Chris is in Atlanta News Talk WSP. Chris says, I'm lying. What am I lying about? It says let me? Can you hear me? I can hear your fine? Go ahead, let me let me tell you what you're lying about. You know the truth. There's the truth and has nothing to do with right or left. Let me let me tell you. All right, I asked you a question. Tell me where I'm lying, and stop wasting our time. Go ahead, I'm telling you the answer, all right. Whenever the cop, whenever a cop uh shoot and on our man, or something happens in the side of the cops involving always say don't rush to judgment. Judgment, all evidence come in. Okay, Now wait a minute, but this is a difference. We've now had over fourteen months, in some cases fifteen and sixteen months worth of investigations on this. Can you give me a single shred of evidence related to Trump Russia collusion? Anything? What is it? Investigation? Okay, So again I repeat, sixteen months. Look at what the country's being long on. Look at what the country is being put through. Now we're invading the homes of personal attorneys of the president in the United States, and the New York Times is writing about well Muller is investigating, uh, the access Hollywood tape, Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougall. Do you think there's any information about collusion with any of those people, any information about Russian? Answer you think Stormy Daniels has information about Russia collusion? If you'll let me answer, If you let what does Stormy have on Russia collusion? I am trying to answer. The Russia investigation is not over. Okay, Now you're a broken record. You've already said that. I'm asking you in fifteen months, sixteen months, we have nothing. As a matter of fact, let's don't take my word for let's listen to Democrats saying we have nothing. But Mr Clapper then went on to say that to his knowledge, there was no evidence of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. We did not conclude any evidence in our report. And when I say our report, that is the n s, A, FBI, and CIA with my office the Director of National Intelligence, that had anything any reflection of collusion between the members of Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that in our report. Was Mr Clapper wrong when he said that, I think he's right about characterizing the report which you all have read. We did not include any evidence in our report. And I say our that's n s, A, FBI, and CIA with my office of Director of Nation Intelligence that had anything that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no of that included in our Have you seen anything either intelligence briefings, through intelligence briefings, anything to back up any of the accusations that you have made. They have the documentation that they did the hacking. The hacking and on some of us, you know, put the collusion though illusion. We have not do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign. Not at this time, have you seen anything that suggests any collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign. Well, there's an awful lot of smoke there, let's put it that way. People that might have said they were involved, to what extent they were involved in, what extent the president might have known about these people or whatever. There's nothing there from that standpoint that we have seen directly linking our president to any of that. Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian state a ters at the time you learned of efforts. I don't know whether or not such collusion, that's your term, such collusion existed. I don't know. The big questions, of course, is is there any evidence of collusion you have seen yet? Is there There is a lot of smoke. We hadn't smoking gun at this point, but there is a lot of smoke. There's smoke, alright, I got I can go on forever, Chris, after sixteen months, So all right, now, my next question is those are democrats? And my next I have I have my next question. Tell me how Stormy Daniels is connected to Russia collusion. Go the Russia collusion investigation on Donald Trump. Okay you now, now you've said it ten times. Here's my question. How you said to me that Stormy Daniels is somehow related to Russia collusion? Tell me? How are I got to say? Goodbye? Okay, okay, you know what it is. You want? You want this. You're like the media. You want this to be. Who's so bad? You don't care what it's gonna take to get there. You don't care if you shread the Constitution. You don't care. You don't give a flying rip that that this now is occupying, literally tearing the country apart. You don't care what Greg Jared said about seizing a lawyer's files in an effort. Is that a total affront to the system of justice we have. It's extremely unprincipled. This is so far outside the scope of Mueller's investigation. You sound silly trying to defend that. So you know, at this point, I suspect this is all an effort to provoke the President into fighting against you know, the special counsel and maybe maybe firing him. Anyway, all right, give me, I'll give you one more chance, all right, do you have any evidence that Stormy as any Russia collusion knowledge the Russia investigation? Okay, I didn't lie. The Russia investigation is obviously not over, but it's gone into the weeds. And at the end of the day, I keep saying saying that this is well outside the mandate, and you're proving my point. You know, when the president, you know that this is the most conflicted and corrupt group of people we've ever seen. And that means Muller, that means Comy, that means Mr Trumps at crime Boss. He's a uh. I told him, I said, don't be like freddo be more like Michael. Michael's our guy, don Jr. I never wanted this for you. So when you know that's just the truth, anybody that is watching you have a right to be disgusted at what's going on here. It's not a crime to engage in contact to make somebody go away, or to have a contract with Stormy Daniels. You know, I will tell you that this is now gonna go on for years because I would never recommend that the President go anywhere near Mueller and Weissman and his merry band of Obama Hillary donors, people that have been excoriated by judges for withholding exculpatory evidence. People that have multiple times put innocent people in jail, people that have been overturned nine zero in the Supreme Court, people that have been held in judgments of over a hundred million dollars because of their behavior. Uh, people that lost tens of thousands of jobs because of there there's zealous overreach in past cases. That's the team that they put together, that's the Muller team, and they're doing the same thing that they've always done. Patterns of behavior repeat themselves, and that's what's happening alright. Eight nine one Shawn new Gingrich, he's livid, apoplectic over what happened with Michael Cohen's office. This is pretty amazing. Alan Dershowitz, So he said to me in last Night and Tonight that Robert Mueller's Stormy Daniels swat team had rated the offices of a lawyer who worked for a Democratic president of the the a c l U would be on every network raising Hell, well, not only is the a c l U not complaining about the rate on my Cocoin's office, they're defending it, which is what I've always known, is that the a c l U is conflicted out on all things liberal. Anyway, the American Civil Liberties Union published a you know, pretty bizarre opinion piece by their legal director, you know, and defending the FBI raid, of course, because it's anti Trump. The five forces against Trump I've been warning about the media, the Democratic Party, weak Republicans, never Trumpers, and of course the infamous deep state. I think now people understand what I've been talking about, all right, New King Rich is apoplectic about it. He's next. It's eight hundred nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program and joining us now. And some pretty strong words that I read former Speaker of the House New Gingridge on this raid of the president's personal attorneys, home, hotel room, and his offices. How are you, sir, well, I'm doing well, and I listen. Meant every single strong word that I said, particularly when you go all the way back to Paul Maniford and his wife in their pajamas at three o'clock in the morning, waking up to have the door broken in by folks who turn out to be the U. S. Government. I mean this, this is this is the behavior of a police state, not the behavior of a free country. Well, let's start with where this now has gone. Um if I think you're still in Europe, but um, and you probably haven't seen Maggie Haberman and companies big report in the New York Times at the rate on Trump's lawyers sought records on the Access Hollywood tape. This on top of now Stormy Daniels is now apparently a witness for the Special Counsel in the prosecution and cooperating along with Karen McDougall. I thought this was about Trump Russia collusion, and I don't see. Let me let me be blunt here for a second. This is about Rob Rosenstein totally completely failing to do his job. Failing. Uh, there's no grounds for an independent council looking into Russia to turn around and decide, oh, he has the right to look into everything that There's an old Stalin quote of the KGB agent who said, you show me the man, I'll find you the crime. Well, that's the opposite of the rule of law. And what we're watching right now is a group of left wing lawyers in a department which gave nine of his campaign donations to Hillary Clinton. Uh, who have gone after President Trump and everybody near him in a way which just contrasted with how much they protected Hillary Clinton and everyone near her. And any reasonable American understands that the very concept of the rule of law is under threat now, and it's under threat from the Justice Department, which is out of control and which has refused to turn over documents for four months to the Congress, has yet to release a report that was due in February about the number two guy in Justice who has fired McNabb, has failed to release the document that was due in um in March about Comey, who's about to go off on a self aggrandizing, self serving book tour. By the way, you know today we're supposed to be reasonable and call me is calling Trump a mob boss? Did you hear about that? I did hear about that, and I think it just didn't Let's be let's be really clear here. Comey is a self serving person who we now know and this is a real surprise to me when I read it yesterday. We now know in nineteen In two thousand and seven, collaborated with Chuck Schumer to deliberately embarrassed George W. Bush, who had appointed Comy, and and the National View had an article which, step by step took apart any plausible excuse for believing that Comey is a serious citizen trying to do his job and really outline in a case for which he is somebody who is consistently manipulate, laded his way, and and focused on his own self aggrandizement. Uh. And I think this this kind of stuff. By the way, I will say everywer that Craig Shirley has written a stunning article on the case of of the Justice Department deep state versus Conservatives, going back to Reagan and then to Bush one, and then to Bush too. Uh And and you go through step by step by step, And you mean to realize that there's this continual pattern of the left wing civil servants doing everything they can to undermine and cripple conservatives. Do you have any doubt now that this is an effort to overthrow a duly elected president. No, I think. I think what you're seeing is an effort to have a judicial coup data by a group of people who are so deeply bitterly opposed to the president that they will do anything to get him and by an elite news meet, which is equally deeply opposed to President. I talked to Silver reporters today, and every time I would say to them, show me one time when someone close to Hillary Clinton had their home broken in the three in the morning, Show me one time when we've had the kind of intense persecution that we're getting here and you can't find it. It doesn't exist. People were protected over and over. Here's what we we do know is that we know that Hillary violated eighteen USC. Seven ninety three. She misshandled classified, top secret special access programming information when she put it on that mom and pop shop server in a bathroom closet. We know that if if new ging Rich ever deleted thirty three thousand subpoena at email and acid washes hard drive with bleach bid and beat up his devices where these emails may have gone to h meaning blackberries and iPhones, that you would be arrested for obstructing justice. Uh, but it was called But but then you've got this the same players here, You've got Comey. Now, look at Comey. He's the guy that told Donald Trump that the dossier was unverified and salacious. In January. But in October sixteen, they had no problem using that salacious, unverified dossier as the bulk of information to get a FISA warrant to spy on a Trump campaign associate. And now we see that they were able to get inside the Trump campaign back door. Now they're getting into Trump's businesses back door by doing this raid, as Alan Dersho had said, a violation of Michael Cohen's constitutional rights, and now they'll have access to everything Trump at this point, well, and and then I plant asty for a second, and I thought dershy was last night on your show was just brilliant, And I thought you were doing the country a real service by learning a man of that stature, that background. As a Hartvard law professor, layout I got this is not somebody do you think that normally as pro Trump, But he does believe in the constitution, he does believe in the rule of law. In at least point half, there's a general principle, at least an Autobos reid that if the process of getting the evidence is tainted, the evidence is inadmissible. Well, there were no grounds for Moller to be getting any kind of evidence on the topics for which they're going after Cohen. So when he turns over this information, what's the legitimate ground for this? When? Why? Why is he allowed to do this? Yeah, we're told they'll have a taint team principle. You know, I've been trying to warn people. Everybody if you remember when Comey was appointed, you know, nearly a year ago. Now, everybody is such a good guy. And then I look at the team that he put together, all Clinton, Hillary Obama donors and his pit bull with The New York Times describes Robert Mueller's pit bull a guy by the name of Andrew Weissman. And I've been talking about, Oh, this is the guy that costs tens of thousands of Americans their job because he was over zealous in the end Ron case Anderson Accounting case. Tens of thousands of people lost their job. He lost in the Supreme Court was over turn nine zero. He put four merrial executives in jail for a year that was overturned by the Fifth Circuit Circuit. He's been excoriated by judges for withholding exculpatory evidence. And Robert Mueller when he was working in Boston and his team was working with a confidential FBI informant close to Whitey Bulger. Whitey Bulger was committing murders. Four innocent people went to jail in that case. Two of them died in jail. They were found innocent and over a hundred million dollars paid later. And again we're dealing with exculpatory evidence withheld. So I'm looking. I kept saying, anybody to listen, I don't trust Muller. He's not the man beyond reproach that everybody said, look at the team he hired. Why would you ever hire Andrew Weissman to be a janitor at this point with anything to do with the law. Well, I have to confess that has often happened. You were ahead of me when Mona was first appointed. I tweeted that I thought, given his reputation, people should you know, relax and given the benefit of doubt. And then like you, uh, as I watched he was hiring, I just thought, this is crazy, that this this verge is on insane. I don't think he has a single pro Trump lawyer on his entire team. He doesn't now if if if you know, if Comey had put together and invested investigatory group on Hillary Clinton, that had only hardline conservative Republicans, the left would have gone crazy, and the Times would have gone crazy, CBS News would have gone crazy. But we're watching what as I think, I mean, the president's right to say to which hunt this this president who is in the middle of achieving extraordinary things. The lowest unemployment rate maybe in over a generation, the Chinese beginning to back down on trade violations, the North Koreans offering to to negotiate on nuclear weapons, huge amount of deregulation. Conservative judges attack sets that are fueling economic growth, the lowest black unemployment rate. I think maybe in American history, you and I are the only two people in America to ever talk about it besides the President. What do you think of market, Well, nobody cares. Obviously in the media, they don't say one good thing about the president. They're they're all they're all locked into this obsessive, compulsive hatred that they have for the president. What about Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan's They're now saying that sessions in Rosenstein will be held in contempt if they don't hand over documents, and Race should be impeached. What do you think, Well, I think, first of all, they absolutely are right to hold them in contempt. And I noticed that we also had Chairman nonez uh say, I think yesterday that he was moving towards thinking they should be impeached. Uh. And look, I think you people need to ask a simple question. What is it that the Justice Department has learned that is so terrible that it has to be covered up? And why is it that for four months? Is it because of bureaucracy, slow and stupid? It's because they know there's so much bad stuff in these documents that they're desperate to avoid release him. And and uh, you know, I think I think this is a huge deal. Um. You know, as you know, I've done a course on defending America, and of course I have an entire section of the rule of law, and I cannot overstay for our audience. If we lose the ability to have a genuine rule of law and we degenerate like Venezuela into a country where we have the rule of personalities, we have lost everything that we once thought America was totally agree with that statement. Now I guess the question is, well, the president can't trust Robert Mueller. He can't sit down and talk with this guy. They've been duplicitors in their negotiations. So the only option I see for the president is to hire the best lawyers and fight like hell and use the bully pulpit that he has to combat this. If he fires Mueller, then God only knows what's going to happen in the country. Yeah, I think that would split the Republican Party and lead the chaos. I am. I'm opposed to Farenweller, but I think there are things the president to do that are much more clever than what he's been doing. First of all, his lawyers that have sent a simple letter and all of that says, you know, we're very willing to consider having an interview. Tell us what crimes you're investigating? What what? What is this interview about? What? We Apparently, up until the I heard just before the rate of Michael Cohen that that's what they were all doing, that the president was cooperative. They've never evoked executive privilege at any point. They've handed over millions of documents. I understand it. And apparently there's no good will here on the other side. This is a now witch hunt. Of course there's not. The other side is a lynch mom designed to destroy the president. But I think there's a very powerful question to ask more, what's the crime you're investigating? What what what is it you want to talk to the president? What to tell us in advance? What is it you think as a crime here? Because Muller had a very specific instruction, you're supposed to look into Russia and in the weather or not this Russian collusion. And then idiotically Rosenstein or maybe deliberately, willfully and cleverly Rosenstein added a little clause that says, in any other matter that you come across, ye, all right, stay right there. I have a prosecutor who can who can look at everything in your entire life to find out whether there isn't something that they can get you on. That is the end of a free society. Former Speaker of the House, Now, King rich Um, I'll put this all in one last question. Now, going forward, knowing what we know, what should the president do? Ryan is now out as Speaker at the end of the year. What what should the Republican Party be doing? In your view? Well, those are two very different questions. But let me just say first of all that everybody on the Republican side, starting with the President, should systematically really work on this whole issue of Justice Department corruption, Justice Department cover up, Justice Department being out of control and being breaking the law. Because if we win that argument by September, if it's clear that the problem wasn't Donald J. Trump, the problem was a sick institution who save many of its money to Hillary Clinton, which was consistently protecting Clinton and consistently doing things that were inappropriate to the president. Nined states, I think we were not. We are dramatically stronger in September and October. And then second, I think that that Kevin McCarthy and Steves Police and the others who are going to pick up the banner with Paul Ryan's re chairman, they need to work with the President and with the center Republicans, And we need to have a sixty ninety day campaign starting in probably middle August that draws a vivid, sharp contrast between who we are and who the left is. Uh, just just take the economic growth we should be in every African American community every day pointing out this is the lowest black unemployment in history. Isn't that a good thing? Wouldn't you like that a party that actually brought you jobs instead of the party that brought you food stamps. When we got to have the guests to go to every American win the campaign. You you will remember when I first ran, the year I finally won, I was behind seven in September. When George W. Bush ran as vice president, he was behind by nineteen points in May and one by eight points in October or November, which means one and every four Americans switched their position. Campaign's matter, and we can't wage a six or eight month campaign. There's the elite media hates us so much and they're going to distort an attack everything we're doing so strongly, but we just need to tee up about a sixty to nine day campaign. And you'll remember, because you were there. We did not launch the contract with America until mid September because we knew if we can launched it too early that the New York Times and others would destroy it. So I think good advice. I think we can win the campaign. Alright till the top of the hour nine for one, Shawn told free telephone number, you want to be a part of the program. Now. We're also watching other stories today like oh okay, the President tweeting out, Uh that yeah we've got new weapons, and yeah it's coming and Syria is gonna be punished for what they did to innocent men, women and children. Uh. A lot of the propaganda coming out of Russia has been, well, this has got to be the rebels, and we had a lot of people on last night that countered that saying, well, number one, they don't have the means to deliver those weapons, and nobody was even certain that they even had access to the weapons. And meanwhile, assad has a history of using the weapons. Anyway, what are military options? What's likely to happen? Here? We have Dr Sebastian Gorkas with us, and also Scott Julinger is a congressional candidate for the ninth district in Pennsylvania. Retired CIA operative and Russian intel operations z ex perty knows a thing or two about Russian lies and propaganda. And welcome both of you to the program. And I'll begin with you Scott. Apparently you speak Russian, you worked in the CIA all these years, and UH also understand how the Russians work. Uh. Is Vladimir Putin lying on behalf of Syrian dictator Assan? I think, I think it's highly likely. First of all, we already basically with the use of the chemical weapons. We know that his promise to President Obama in to help the Syrians get rid of their chemical weapons obviously didn't didn't work. It was yet another Russian lie. And so now he's threatening to take down some of our Tomahawk missiles should we decided to launch a strike. So, really, Vladimir Prutin is just showing a typical Russian resolve and an ability to try to hit above his weight. But really Russia is not in the driver's seat in this situation, all right. So the question is, would the rebels have even the means to, or the weapons and the means to deliver those weapons, to launch chemical weapons on innocent men, women, and children, or if you were to give a percentage of certainty, what are the odds that, in fact it was a sadds regime. I think it's extremely unlikely that any rebel forces, as as much in disarray as they are would be able to remotely be able to deploy such weapons. It just it just doesn't seem possible at all. And we have, as you said, we have as odds history of using them before and um So, it's it's highly, highly unlikely that the rebels are responsible for anything like this, And it's typical Russian disinformation to constantly throw out other narratives to kind of disrupt the story. They did this before during the shootdown of the Malaysian airline over Ukraine. And this is something taken from their standard playbook of putting out disinformation to confuse the West. Yeah, Dr Gorka, let me go to you and ask you very simply, what about Moscow's vow to shoot down any missiles that the US fires? Would vladimirn't be that stupid, No, he wouldn't. Uh. Their paper tiger. If you look at the money that they spend on defense, if you look at the size of their GDP, they are literally a shadow of their former selves in the Soviet Union. The last thing they try to convince us that they have a supermissile system, what did they used to convince us? A video and it's almost a decade old, with a cheap animation that's been on YouTube for at least six years. Uh, It's it's a lot of propaganda, misinformation. They may try to do something, but it will be a pathetic attempt at comparison to our capabilities. Here's the president's comments. Dr Gorkery said, so much fake news about what's going on in the White House. We're being very calm, calculated and a big focus on open and fair trade with China, the coming North Korea meeting, and of course the vicious gas attacks in Syria. Feels great to have John Bolton and Larry Cutlow on board. We're doing things that nobody thought was possible, despite the never ending and Russia investigation, which takes tremendous time and focus, no collusion, no obstruction other than I fight back. And so now they do the unthinkable raid the offices of my lawyer for information, which is bad. And then he says Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. He says, get ready Russia, because they'll becoming nice, new smart and you shouldn't be partners with a gas killing animal who kills people and enjoys it. And he said, our relationship with Russia is now worse than it's ever been, and that includes the Cold War. There's no reason for this. Russia needs to help with their needs, help with their economy, something that would be very easy to do, and we need all nations to work together stop the arms race. And then the last thing he said is, you know, there's so much bad blood with Russia caused by the fake and corrupt Russia investigation headed up by all the Democratic loyalists or people that work for Obama. Muller is most conflicted of all except Rosenstein, who signed the feisen Komi letter no collusion. They go crazy, What do you make a ball that he's tying it all in together. I think that's part with the most important thing. And I really hope, you know, we can pick this up and run with this on our side, on the good guys. Um, So, we are potentially in a situation where America is going to take military action because of this chemical weapons attack, and Russia says they're going to shoot down our missiles. What does that do for the Russia collusion? That if Sean, it's a great point. What does it do answer your own question? Right? It just kills it well. But he's already proven that because he's taken all these But so Mueller should resign today if we have the Russian government saying they're going to take military action against the president of the United States, response to that attack, then there can be no Russian collusion. So that's number one. Number two, he's absolutely right in what he's saying. Just look at the fact of who's on the team with John Bolton, with Pompeo still at c i A, with UH General Maddis now Secretary Madis at Defense, with General Dunford, Chief of chaing with the joint chiefs. We have the a team that literally how to imagine a better team to deal with this crisis. So America is in good hands and assad Putin Iran they're going to be having some sleepless nights. I can assure you that short. Let's say it's probably happening even as we speak, Scott, let me go back to you, and let's go back to Putin. Why would Vladimir Putin well really throw his surrogue its more than Putin himself Moscow vowing to shoot down any missiles that are fired. Why would they be defending the use of chemical weapons against innocent men, women and children? And what does it mean? And do you think Putin would be capable of at least attempting to shoot out of the sky at American missile I think that you know Putin is sort have backed himself into a coiner with all of his threats and in over the past several years, the West, until President Trump came along, the West was basically buying into his game at this point. Now he's out issuing empty threats to basically maintain some credibility in front of his Syrian allies. Now he's probably he's gonna be coming up short this time because you know, his his anti aircraft missile systems are going to have may take down some Tomahawks, but they're really at best, but they're not going to be able to blunt an American attack. And plus you have the British and the French possibly responding as well. So Russia is just doubling down on it's becoming a pariah in the international community. You know, they just had the diplomatic um um expulsions of their diplomats worldwide, and so Russia is really having a hard time with his credibility on the world stage right now. All right, So then what does Putin really do? I mean, because Putin's economy isn't a bit of a shambles now and and their number one of the basis of their economy is pretty much energy, and with America now moving towards energy and the pen oh, that's gonna help not only the United States, but it's also probably over time gonna wean Western Europe off their dependency of Putin. If he ever went rogue and shut down, they are turned off the spickets to Western Europe. Right. I think Putin will continue to sound off very loudly, but over time you're going to see as he continues to run up against the President's resolved, he's going to start toning down his rhetoric. And then I wouldn't be surprised if several months from now then they start putting out some feelers or maybe slowly disengaging themselves from the Syrian regime. Perhaps he can't overtly do it because that would be admitting defeat and that would be a major blow to Russian prestige, but I can see him doing that slowly on the behind, on the back lines, you know, you know, secret lines of communication and all, as he continues to be outflanked by the Trump administration. Yeah, um, you know, I I gotta say this. I mean, look at China blinking for example, I mean, nobody pays attention China on intellectual property, China on on imports of automobiles and and so on, and tariffs and so many other issues. The President of China basically gives into the president's demand. Everyone was predicting, Oh, China is uh to. China is never going to give in to the president. This is going to start a trade ward. Well, it's not a trade war. We're gonna get better, free or fairer trade. Dr Gorka. It's really quite stunning if you think about the fact that this is a man who just a week ago voted himself president for life. So he really is, you know, the new communist emperor of Chinists. But as you said, he blinked, He blinked three times, and instead of a trade well, what we have is China understanding that there has been a global reset, not not a badly translated, translated plastic button Hillary Lives gives the Kremlin, but a true global reset when the President announced that we are going to have fair trade and we're not going to continue business as usual in ways that Latin nations like Signer that suppressed the value of their currency, that used underhand means exploit their membership of the w T O that is not going to be allowed to undermine national interests and to steal the jobs in the intellectual property from the United States. So it's it's just the first sign of surrender that the plan of the president to reset the global economic system is already working. Short. Yeah, so it seems like, now, let me go back to your expertise. Guard in your time in the CIA and with Russia. I know that Devin Noon has warned President Obama at the time in hey, Russia has in the past they have tried to create chaos and so discord in the country when it comes to our elections. He warned specifically about Uh, then we had the d n C hack that took place. Um, but I wouldn't begin to tell anybody where all that information came from. When I interviewed Wiki Leagues founder Julian Assans, he said it wasn't Russia, it was no state party. But you know, with Hillary Clinton's email server, you know on this mom in this mom and pop shop bathroom closet, isn't it likely that Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and other hostile actors that they all had access to everything in there. There's no there is no question at all that that absolutely happened. You have to remember, I mean these countries regularly assault are classified email systems that state dot gov, you know, the State Department, or c I or n SCA. They're constantly hacking into very secure networks. So the idea, the concept that Hillary Clinton's private bathroom server would not have been penetrated by at least half a dozen Intel services is laughable. If Apple James Comey and his original exoneration letter before he took it out, had in there that foreign entities had hacked into her server and then protecting her and not prosecuting her. Part of it was that he took that out exactly. And and and one thing you remember, as you said many times, Seawan, you the hard working line officers in the FBI and the CIA, in the n s A trust me, they are outraged at this type of you know, uh bifurcated law. You know, one set of laws for the for the regular people like us, and another set of laws for the higher ups. I mean, we all have the same clearance. We all had the same clearances. And I've known people who were severely punished for violations that were one iota of what Hillary Clinton has been guilty of and many other people in the Obama administration and the rank and file, hardworking people. Now they're furious. Community are outraged. One of the reasons we're learning so much about the deep state and and the abuse of power is because of the good people that work in the FBI and the intel community. All Right, morand Scott Yulinger when we come back. Also Dr Sebastian Gorka, when we get back. Eight one Sean is our toll free telephone number. Sarah Carter David Show will be joining us coming up at the top of the next hour, and your calls as we continue. Glad your willis right. As we continue with Fox News contribut the Dr. Sebastian Gorker, Scott Uhlinger, by the way, who is a candidate for the ninth Congressional district in Pennsylvania. Former CIA or retired CIA operative. How many years were you in the CIA UM It was a total of sixteen seawan and I had some military time as well. So I had a full career at the CIA, and I retired from there as a station chief. Yeah, and so what can you tell us in terms of Russia, because Russia Russia. Russia. I don't know how the Muller investigation went from Russian collusion, how they ignored Hillary paying for Russian government lies to influence the election, and then that phony dossier that was put together by a foreign national, Christopher Steele, that got the Russian lies then presented before as a cord A hold different issue. But what can you tell us about the mindset we keep hearing about? You know, all of all of these you know, I T hackings and robots and discord that has been sown by Russia. How long has this been going on? Russia has been attempting to influence elections worldwide for many, many years. However, know their efforts, their efforts in this past election were relatively pitiful. It's just that the Democrats, because of their crushing defeat, they seek to hang blame for the entire election on this Russian on this Russian interference, which has always existed and there's always been a very minor part of our elections history. So it's just it's just another false narrative that the Democrats like to put out. All right, you guys are doing some events together real quick. I'll give you, you know, twenty seconds Dr Gorka, tell us what you guys are up to. Yeah, so you know, for full disclosure, I'm endorsing several candidates around the country, from Kelly Ward to Scott individuals that I really see following the make America Great Again agenda. And I was very very delighted to what was it, Scott ten days ago give my foot indorsement to his campaign and I'll be traveling to Pennsylvania to spread that message of make America great again. Well, I share your endorsement, and Scott you have mine as well, unless it hurts you, then I'll pull it back. Okay, no, no, thank you. Mun joined the voters, the voters in where I live in Pennsylvania, the ninth District, are very conservative folks, Seawan, and believe me, uh, there's a lot of people listening in right now who are big fans. All right, thanks so much, guys. Well listen, we're gonna follow your campaign throughout and we wish you all the best. Hey, right here for our final news round up and information overload in the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show. Well, I can just tell you that we're not going to just holding contempt. We will have a plan to holding contempt and to impeach, to impeach Christopher A. Absolutely, but there is no discussions, not last week out, the week before that, and not even yesterday about firing Rosenstein. You know, really, at this particular point, I think that it's members of Congress who have a bigger problem with Rod Rosenstein myself included that he's not giving us the documents and he's not doing his job. And if he's not going to do the job, he needs to go and find one that he will do. And so the frustration with the a G and the Deputy a G is probably more a focus of Congress, uh and it it probably makes the president's dissatisfaction paleing. Should adventure you guys hold them in contempt absolutely, I think at this particular point they have not complied with a subpoena, they should be held in contempt. And if they can't get it right, you know, here we are. It's interesting here we are today and I met with the new person that they have at d o J. They can't tell us how many documents that are going to deliver, when they're going to deliver it, how they redact you Those are three questions that they've had five months to answer and they can't answer it. It's appalling. But last night's impeaching Christopher Ray is that's something that's certainly that's that's in the toolbox, and at this particular point, hopefully they will comply long before we have to go that route. But it's in the in the toolbox that we have. They're certainly contempt of Congress is the first step. This rate of the president's private attorney and his office and his home and as he was staying in a hotel. I guess because of construction that you say violated the constitutional rights. Professor, Well, you can't just go and sweep up all lawyer client privileged information and then give it over to some FBI agent or a low ranking um U S attorney and say we'll go through it and the stuff that isn't privileged turn over to the prosecutors. The stuff that is privileged, well you can read it and you can study it, but you can't give it the prosecutors. The fourth and sixth Amendment don't just protect against use of evidence in a criminal trial, they protect privacy. Imagine if instead of going into layal client privilege, they tape recorded a person's confession to his priest or rabbi, or went into somebody's home and recorded conversations with his wife, or conversations between a doctor and a patient. The lawyer client privilege is as sacrosanct as that, and there has to be a very very good reason before any prosecutor should have a right to look at some much material. All right. That was Alan Dershowitz last night about the raid on Michael Cohen, the private attorney of Donald Trump, and saying it was unconstitutional. Prior to that, you heard from Devin Newness. Yeah, he has a plan and he's gonna hold Rod Rosenstein Christopher Ray in contempt and perhaps even get to the impeachment of them if they don't give them the documents they have requested. Mark Meadows echoing that point and Uh, anyway, so joining us now to discuss and debate all these new developments. Sarah Carter, investigative reporter, journalist, Fox News Channel, David Shown, civil rights criminal defense attorney. Uh, let's start on the legal side of of this. Do you agree with Professor Dershowitz and others that I have spoken to about this raid on Michael Cohen's office? And home, and and in his hotel room. Uh. What do you think, David. Uh? Not only do I agree with him, I think, quite frankly, with all due respect to him to his responses for two mild everyone in the country should be outraged by what happen, and everyone considering going to seek the advice of a lawyer should be concerned. Uh. Probably has their rights chilled now as a result of this um. The attorney client privileges the oldest privilege that we recognize in the law. The attorney client privileges at stake here, work product privileges at stake. And I don't know Mr Cohen's continuing relationship with the President. There may be some executive privilege at stake here. But what we do know, focusing on the attorney client privileges, it should deter it will deter anybody else from seeking Mr Cohen's advice, and it ruins him in a sense. But it goes far beyond that. Look, the Justice Department, for a reason, has in its manual a several multi part uh cent of requirements before a lawyer's office can be searched like this UM, very stringent has to have the approval from upstairs. And we know now the New York Times has claiming the rate on Michael Cohen sought records on the Access Hollywood tape accent. So now we've gone from Calloo Asian with Russia, to Stormy to a playboy model Karen MacDougall, and now to the Access Hollywood tape. And I would argue that this backdoor into everything and anything Donald Trump is a fishing expedition beyond anything we've ever seen in our lives. Uh right, right, and has to be emphasized. But I'll tell you this, Mr Trump's lawyers must be proactive on this. Um. You know I made the point earlier. Mr Trump has his privilege at stake here. He shouldn't worry at this point about public relations, any of this extraneous talk from people. He has to clearly stand up for his rights um or risk a waiver. He must insist that there's absolutely no access by anyone in the Justice Department to these documents. And that's been done in the Southern District of New York before in a case where a woman who was representing terrorists, Lynn Stewart, She herself was convicted of assisting to terrorism, but they when they rated her office. The judge in the Southern District of New York, over the objection of the U. S. Attorney, required that the do you trust that that whoever is designated to filter out what is non essential or non related? Uh, make sure that it's not tainted in any way? Do you trust that person? Because I inherently do not have that trust your Is that absolutely right? No? And neither did the judge in the Southern District of Lynn Stewart's case. The Justice Department, the U. S. Attorney is off as they're said, well, we have a tainked team, a privileged team, they'll go through it. And the judge said, absolutely not. You don't look at a single document. You put those documents under steal, You provide a copy to the defendant, to the target of your search, and we're going to point a special master. They appointed the well known criminal defense lawyer at that time, Gary Enough, to tell us to review all of the documents for privilege, make an initial analysis of privilege before anyone in the government looks at any of those documents. We don't know who looked at what. Now, how do they minimize their search, which they're required to do. Did they go through the documents and read them well, Sarah Carter, that raises a lot of issues, but more importantly, you know, dovetail these two issue us together. You know, here you have thirty six hundred documents handed over as it relates to FISA abuse, the exoneration before investigation. We still haven't gotten the i G report as it relates to the the handling of the Clinton e mail investigation. We have a FISA judge led to and we can't get any information because Rod rosen Steina appointed Mueller, who also signed off on the phony uh FISA application with trumped up information, with trumped up lies that Hillary paid for. You know, the whole thing is beyond incestuous here. And I was going to say, you know, it's not only uh Mr Shoen, Mr David Shown and Alan Dershowitz and others who are upset about this in the legal side, but FBI. I can't tell you how many former and senior FBI agents I've spoken with today that our outrage. Some of them who just contacted me to to just complain, to say they've they've never seen anything like this. One of them said to me, you know, I was going to give Mueller the benefit it of the doubt. I was going to give them the benefit of the doubt until I saw what happened with attorney client privilege, until I saw this raid on Cohen's office, And I can tell you now, I am one hundred certain this is a witch hunt, which makes me wonder Sean, I hope the attorneys are listening to David shown right now. I hope they're they're listening to their legal rights of what they can do to protect the president's privileged information with the attorney, which his attorney, Michael Cohen, because this is exactly it. And I've talked to these FBI agents. They know what's going down here. They said there is no way that they should trust them with all of that information. They're not just looking for an access Hollywood tape. If you look at the New York Time story, they're very clear. They collected everything. They collected tax documents, they collected emails, they collected just everything they could get their hands. They got everything everything about everybody's private life, confidential deals, business dealings, everything that it was involved in in every way, shape, matter of form. And now we've got James Comey comparing Donald Trump to a mob boss really, we're gonna now compare Are we going to compare him to a murderer like Al Capone or Lucky Luciano or John Gotti or you know, Frank Lucas. Where do where does this end? Let's talk about the mob. Let's talk about that. Comparing Donald Trump to a mob boss. Well, this is what I got from an FBI agent. He said, you know anything about pre indictment investigations. He compared them to the mob, but worse, they have full control, They have full authority with no oversight over them. He said, Look, you can't even fight back because then the government would accuse you of obstructing them if you fight back in a pre indictment investigation. He said, So that's what you got to just lay back and take it from the government. And then you have an x FBI director Comey, who basically lied under oath, who leaked information information that was government information from his memo to a professor friend to then have it leaked to the New York Times with the hopes and he said this himself of calling on a special prosecutor to go after the president, apparently apparently successful. And that's the point here, David shown is that the deep state has been successful, and I think that Sarah's an analogy is dead on accurate. You fight back and you want to defend yourself, and the first thing they keep screaming, bloody murder is obstruction of justice. You know, people are like Tray Gouty saying, well, this is not how innocent people act. And I'm like, that's exactly how innocent people act. They fight back and defend themselves. You're right, and Sarah's right as always. But the the what's so shocking here is the two sets of standards for everything to do with the investigation of Mr. Trump. Listen right now, you've got even Senator Grassle and Congressman Ryan saying, oh, well, you know, Muller, no one should think about firing Mr Mueller. That should be sacrosanct. You're talking about passing a bill in Congress now to protect the special counsel. Let's be We're about this, and it hasn't been said enough. The regulations regarding the federal regulations regarding special counsel were developed under President Clinton. They were sold to Congress by Holder Reno and a guy named Neil Cadiell. Those guidelines specifically built in the power of the president under Article two to fire the special prosecutor through the Justice Department. So it's the Justice Department functionary who has to do it. But they recognized and they built in and the commentary makes clear the president retains that power. But the way to do it in this case, I believe is, again, as we said before, examine Mr Rosen's team. What is sacrosanct about having this person in this position the executive? The president was elected by the people to be the executive. Article two of the Constitution means something when it says something. These people served in his agencies. Should he find you're you're saying that needs to go? Of course, I mean that's every That's right, stay right there. We'll we'll pick that up when we get back, all right, As we continue with David Shone and with Sarah Carter eight hundred nine one, Shauna is a toll free telephone number, alright. So a lot of this comes down is Rod Rosenstein conflicted out of this. How does Rod Rosenstein us Hillary's bought and paid for Dassier. He's part of the renewal of this phony PISA application that lied to and omitted critical information before PISA judges, and then he also appoints Robert Mueller. How is he even there, Sarah Carter? Yeah, well, we'll have to ask Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Right, We're gonna have to ask people what's going on here, because there's there's a lot more questions than there are answers. And you know, and we know that at least I do from talking to a number of sources, that it was Rod Rosenstein that signed off on this, you know this, this warrant to go after Cohen. Now, I've been hearing a couple of different stories as to whether Sessions knew or not. I have been told that he was unaware that this was going to come down. That concerns me because I think that as the Atorney General, you should be aware. I know there's other concerns with within the Department of Justice, the fact that when they do turn over information to Congress, it's so highly redacted. And they were told that the only things that we're going to be redacted, particularly in those text messages where you know things about their relationship, their family, and then we come to find out, oh no, wait a minute, they've been redacting, Um, the information on Judge Rudy Contraris. They have been redacting names of other players I have heard within the Obama administration that we're discussed in those texts. And now you have Congress, you know, fighting tooth and nail to continue their investigations to get the information that they need to inform the American public as well as themselves about what's going on here. You have a Justice Department and an FBI, by the way, that is struggling to keep that from the public eye and fighting them tooth and nail, which brings us right back to Chairman Nuniz in the House Intelligence Committee, and they're big fight right now to just hit this electronic communication, this less than two page document that's going to explain how they opened this investigation into this alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, which, by the way, there is absolutely no evidence of whatsoever. And that's what this entire Special Council is supposed to stand on. And David, that's such a good point. There's no evidence, which I guess is now while we're talking about, you know, records on Stormy Karen McDougall and on the Access Hollywood tapes. Right listen, if you let anybody dig long enough and far enough to try to make some kind of criminal case out of some kinds of documents. As they said, you can indict a ham Salwich. That's not what we should be about, um in this country. But is it possible to impeache Rod Rosen? State? And should Congress do that? I don't know if Congress should take that action. It's not shouldn't be necessary. The president is but too in business. It's his discretion. Rosen Steve, you think the president should fire Rod Rosen's what's the fallout from that? There's there's political fall up, there's no question, But there's also mueller fall out because Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein. Doesn't Mueller then get go deaf com five? And and I guess maybe he'll look for Donald Trump's first girlfriend money was fourteen? Right? I think what you do, remember Mueller is subject to Rosenstein or to the person in that position, the acting attorney General's um, alright, I gonna have to let this go. I listened a lot more on this tonight. We'll see you both tonight on Hannity. Uh, it is outrageous. And then James Colemy, you know, comparing the president to a mob boss. Now do you understand this is a fishing expedition? Your calls next? How strange is it for you to sit here and compare the president to a mob boss? This Sunday Night on ABC and things that you know but having said they could damage President Trump. Jeemes Cooley and to those who say you should have brought Hillary Clinton before a grand jury, the exclusive interview. Everyone will be talking about this President Trump. It's starting justice. Should Donald Trump be impeached? Stephan Opolis come this Sunday night at a special time ten Nins Central on BBC. Yes, the best friend that the Clintons ever had that was involved in the war room. Let's give the first interview of James Comey calling Donald Trump up mob boss. And let's uh, I never I never wanted this for Michael Sunny Sunnay is odd, but Michael I never understood. Michael is still good for this life. Ah, that's a mom you know. But the mob family, the Trump grand family, we've got to watch out for that. Never mind the Clinton mob family, never mind the come mob family, never never mind the mother mom fever and always come Binn to the Carleon. And it comes down to the Trump grand family. That's all they want to arrest. Nobody else is why are you all laughing in there? What's it's not that good? Moonshine really got? I didn't have any moonshine today. By the way, I'm noticing the moonshine goes down dramatically every single day. Who's drinking the moonshine in there? Listen, there's a lot of Muller corruption and every time Muller says a lie, we drink. So it's gonna go quickly because Mullin never shuts. Apparently everybody, everybody likes the moonshine in there, which is interesting. So let me get this straight. So hold on, hold on? Can I say thank you to them? Can I finish first? Can I? Did you want to host a show? I'm sorry? Go ahead, hold right ahead. I'm reclaiming my time here, go ahead. We want to give a shout out the tiny twiny of the Tale of Robertson Tennessee, mellow moon moonshine? Are they the ones that sent us those day? Sent about twenty eight bottles of moonshine? So thank you? Fine, I only see five, So I only got, Like I said, Mueller has been lying a lot. We've been very busy. So who took the other? You know, two bottles? There was a Muller party, three bottles. I was counting though not okay, so well they took you. They sent twenty eight bottles of moonshine. Being hyperbolic. I'm just kidding. And they and they do have Kentucky Clear, which they have Kentucky Clear. They have a proof. I want to give a shot out to Tiny the master distiller. You also love his overalls and amazing by the way, he could be could be a character on our favorite show, Duck Dynasty. He's got a feather in his cap as far as I'm concerned, he's alright in my book. And we want to send the shot out to somebody who was listening the Southern recipe small Batch. They sent pork rins because Sewan is obsessed with pork crimes. Pork rins, But did you ever watch pork rins getting made? Its disgusting. It's not disgusting. You you need to google how to listen to me. Listen. You've got to google making pork crins because they do the little it'sy bitsy squares and then they drop him and went boom, and they blow up bigger than a kernel of popcorn. It's amazing, an amazing process. In the five minutes of free time, Linda has a day. You want her to go on YouTube and like pork crines. Listen. I love poor crimes and they're delicious and they've got a texture that is to die for. And what they do is they take pigskin and they fry it. That's what they do. So back to my thank you, which was the original points Southern recipe, small batch be adventurous, low carb, gluten free made with some flour oil. It's sent from Mark and he said, Sean, we hope these make your mouth happy. Good snacking Mark, So thank you Mark. Everybody is sending us moonshine and pork rhymes. We're gonna be fat and happy. I look forward to it. Listen. I'm thinking that, you know, now that we're in those war I just can't get over that we have an FBI X director here that is saying and comparing the president to let's see what al capone? Al Capone, it's always the family and the Trump family. It's never the Muller call me Clinton family. Is you being sick? Helping you do this. I'm thinking, if you're if you keep that ravoice, you got another career. Uh is my voice raspy. Still, I can't even tell um really. So we're gonna we're gonna compare gamblers and gambling, prostitution, bootlegging, drug trafficking, bribery, extortion, murder, and and all the like. We're gonna compare the president to that. And that's your former FBI director, you know, the very same guy that literally was involved in so many different crimes himself from you know, releasing information that was privileged with the President seeking the his BFF Robert Mueller to be the special counsel. If I'm Robert Mueller and I'm seeing what Comby is doing, what I'm saying this is a disaster because now people see that this is a witch hunt. Between that and invading the lawyer's offices and home and grabbing every record on Donald Trump they can, and now looking at Access Hollywood, Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougall that I'm sure that Stormy has a lot to offer on Ushia interference. I'm sure Karen McDougall, the former Playboy Playmate of the Year, she has probably a ton of information on Vladimir and I've got to believe the Access Hollywood tape that's gonna reveal everything that we've ever wanted to know. It's unbelievable. This is a witch hunt and a fishing expedition and started in large part by a guy that thinks that Donald Trump is a mob boss murderer. Who. Okay, Well, we're gonna put together tonight something that I think everybody's gonna like. Well, if that's the analogy that everybody wants to use, then let's make it applicable across the board. And we'll put up our chart of the Mueller crime family, the Comey crime family, and the Hillary Clinton crime family. Are you doing a six hour special tonight? Uh, that's how much time you needs. I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try and do it quickly. And let's remember that it was Bob Muller over there that when he was back in his days in Boston didn't want to talk about white bolter, talk about having real contacts to the mob, talk about when literally hide and where the bodies are buried. I want to take a look at his about the four guys that went to jail over those whitey buldr. You know what, that would be a great interview, wouldn't it they ever felt compelled to talk again, I would love to hear what they went through. Why don't we ask those two people that live because two of them actually died in prison. Yes I'm aware, but their family suffered along with them million dollars. Why don't we find that's a great idea. Why don't we find I have to give a hatchet to Ethan on that Ethan had that idea first? Okay, why don't we want Why are we giving credit out? Because that's what we do here. We play fair here on the Sean Hannity Show, unlike Crime Family. All right, so why don't we get also get the four Meryl executives that were put in jail by Andrew Weissman. I'm sure they mull I'm sure Mulla would love to harry all those story. I'm serious. We ought to. Let's put those families on, right, We'll have a little storm of our own. It'll be fantastic. We'll call it. Uh well, that would be the come Crime Family and the Mueller Crime and Manifesto. Let's take a look into it. Clinton crime family. Fantastic. All right. Now it's only about the car Elms and the Trump grand family. What about the Mala grand family. I never wanted Michael to get into this business. I never wanted Donald to get into this Yeah, all right. I think it's the worst invitation of Marlon Brando ever. You actually do a pretty good job. I mean, I tell you, when you think, like when you do that stupid Clinton joke at you're speaking events, it's upsetting. But this is good. What's upsetting I want to talk to don't do it. It wasn't an invitation. Wasn't an invitation. I'll give you a tour back stage and everything on anything. The worst part is you think that joke is appropriated eleven in the morning and I'm looking at you like new stop. And I didn't do it. At the last event you tried, you got real close. I didn't do it. And then you said, you know what, the cliff is looking kind of high. I'm not gonna There wasn't enough drinking in the room by this And Joe Lieberman's wife had four glasses. Yeah, because you knew you you knew the whole speech. You're sitting there and you're like marking off. Yeah, check, check check. That's really all right. Let's go to Marshall, who wants to suck up to Linda and Gainesville, Florida. Marshall, what's going on? Why do you want to suck up to Linda? Everybody does? John? Yes, sir, yes, me irish brother, I am. I am about to regard. I'm about to vomit. Reggitation is out. I don't know how long I have to talk, so I'll try to talk faster. But I'm to the point of vomiting, and I've got to lighten this up. Okay, So to get to the important things first, Linda and Lauren are angels. You need to quit overworking them. You need to put them on a pedestal and worship them. They are angels. We love you, Marcell. Okay, I'm gonna put them on a pedestal and worship them and not ask them to work anymore. Marble, Well, with all due respect you, you have no idea. I treat everybody on my staff very well, do I not? That's a question. Thumbs up doesn't answer that Ethan. Ethan has a really high pedestal. Actually, why not put you? Do I not take good care of you in every way imaginable. Can you just go along with can't you just say you know what, hey washel my boss, shean, He's really good to all of us. Why don't you do that. It's a shame that you try to sound like me because you don't. All right, Lauren is not even gonna defend me. Really, it's one thing to treat us well, it's another thing to treat us like the angels that we are like a princess. Okay. I don't worship at the feet of any human being, thank god. Well, see that's your first mistake. All right, Well that's where I'm staying. Uh, thank you, Marshall. I got it. Oh, crazy surfer Die goes surfing every day out in Hawaii. How are you, hey, Aloha? What's going on out in Hawaii? What you know? I guess you're out there surfing away at this noon part of your day. Oh and actually you would love it. I was diving this week and I fall to eig sharks. Yeah great, that's why I'll never go surface. I thought, if you going like Sarah at these starts, going up for this baseball of fish and I don't think Oh man, Sean would love this, You would absolutely love it, Okay. And how many shark bites take place every year out in Hawaii? You know, they don't really bite divers, so have they, But they do attack people, yes or no, they do. But October is our you know, bite season here because the mama tiger sharks or you know, very spicy then and they tend to bite people in October. So why are you You're really safe in October? Chances are you going to be fine? All right? Quick comments, die, we gotta roll. What's on your mind today? Well? You know, I was very happy to see Mr dersuitg on your show last night on Hannity. Have much respect for him standing up for the world wall and the Constitution rather than being a straight partisan on these issues. You know that this Cohen Rey, it's it's I'm disturbed at the number of of people that are not freethinking and able to use common sense with these issues. Um, they just kind of soak up whatever media narrative is of the day. Um. And I don't think that Trump should by take debate and fire Muller and seen on this either, because I mean it's almost like that's what the media wants him to do, Like, I don't know, you're gonna debate it all day long. I'm sure, but uh, I don't know's just the great thing to do. Everything in the news seems to be a narrative that I'm getting tired of it. Well, I gotta tell you it's gonna be a bumpy ride because now it's basically a declaration of war on the presidency and frankly, the American people who elected the president, um, they're now pulling out every stop, every single thing that they can possibly do to bring him down. All right, surfer died. Thank you, South Carolina. Marios standing by. What's up, Mario? How are you very great? Thank you for thinking my call. I got a couple of three things that I want to talk about. What is Sessions needs to go. Sessions needs to go. He's part of the deep state. He's not representing Trump to where he should be. So what we need is to get his number, give us his telephone number, whether it's in Washington, his home, whatever. We got to get rid of him. And the only way we can do it is we put a plan together, call him and just wear him out and get rid of him. The other one is the bait and switch program that Molapold with the South New York Attorney wonderful game. However, I guess that all of a sudden moves to Comey's deal, and Comey now all of a sudden loses his his attorney client privilege, which would means that we can ask him or go into the attorney's deal and find out what is really going on and get that piece of it done. Let me, let me, let me tell you this, the ship is sailed. And the ship has sailed because you've got an unrestrained, out of control, uh rogue prosecutor that has hell bent on hurting this president and and getting to the point where he can write a narrative of impeachment. And they're gonna try and do it anyway they can, and they're gonna push and push and push. And you know, the good thing is as you've got members of Congress now like Mark Meadows and some others, and Jim Jordan's saying, you know what, We're not gonna take it anymore, and they're now urging you know that Sessions Rosenstein be held in contempt and Brayby impeached, and we got a whole new team in there, which I don't think it is a bad idea. Let them do their job right, thinks they are wrapping up here for today. We got an amazing show tonight nineties on the Fox News Channel. One of the things if if James Comey now on the eve of his big publicity book tour and his I'm arrogant, I was right, uh, and I didn't commit any crimes and I shouldn't be investigated tour. Okay, Well we'll get into that tonight. Because if Trump's a mob boss, to that mean there's the Cally crime family and the Mueller crime family and the Rosenstein crime family, and oh does that also mean that the Clinton crime family exists. We'll get into all of that. Joe to Jenneva, Alan Dershowitzer on tonight, Sarah Carter, Michelle Malkin tonight, Congressman Mark Meadows tonight, Lara Logan of sixty Minutes, Greg Jared Sebastian Gorka. Right, So that's all coming up tonight. The best information you will get. I promise you the mainstream media won't be getting into this because the mainstream media, Oh, they're gonna be talking about Stormy and McDougal and they'll be talking about, oh, the access Hollywood tape, believe it or not, and taxi medallions because that's where their mindset is. You know, what does any of this have to do with Russia collusion? Anyway, we'll see it tonight at nine. Thank you for being with us. Back here tomorrow