Inflation skyrocketing; border crisis; gas prices rising faster than ever and world peace is faltering everywhere... Sean covers the latest on America's struggles and why November is so important.
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Oh, We're coming to your city, saying you a consciens. We'll all be desire hi than a jail. And if you want a little banging again, ain't come along. We are rebuilding a system that was entirely dismantled. But do you acknowledge you're likely going to see a search We very well could any concerned by vols round here that these migrants will take the phones and just toss them. Do you have a record of people throwing phones away? The hunter Biden's business relationships have anything to do with who should be president of the United States. So I didn't find I don't find it to be interesting. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the Revolution, coming to your city. You want to play, saying you a conciouself? New show, I'm the scenes, information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of the Sean Hannity Show America Trapped Behind Enemy Lines Day number two thirty seven. All Right, Day two thirty seven, Joey Yes, abandons Americans, even military family members and thousands of Green card holders and billions of equipment and nur Afghan allies. Day two fifty when he promised he would never do it. He did it anyway. Um. Anyway, So we got this issue emerging here. Um, and you know, Jen Psaki apparently is going to go work at what MSDNC, I don't know what a role. Maybe she's going to be the filling for Rachel Maddow who's constantly I guess on hiatus in perpetuity doing other projects or NBC whatever that means. It doesn't matter because if you work at MSDNC, probably the one of the one of the main criteria is that you're just willing to lie and spew, you know, conspiracy theories that Donald Trump and Russia colluded no matter what the evidence says, or just no, no, no, The Hunter Biden laptop story is false. It's Russian disinformation. You know, we have a whole series of lies of Jen Saki. You know she's out there. As a matter of fact, I got a montage of it. She's going to fit in perfectly. Let me play and playing it on TV last night, this montage of Jen Saki, And then I'll get back to this in a second. Why should somebody say in Laredo, Texas, or hats or Tucson, Arizona have to have their chance of catching COVID go up because hundreds of miles away there's an open border. Well, there certainly is not an open border as individuals. As individuals come across the border and they are both assessed for whether they have any symptoms. If they have symptoms, they are the intention is for them to be quarantined. That is our process. They're not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time. I don't think it's the same thing. Better will not add a gime to the national days. Correct, it won't. Why why should Americans believe that? Because it won't. It was crystal clear that things were not improving on the Platain. People couldn't get ditchwatchers and furniture and treadmills delivered on time, not to mention all sorts of other things. So why is your tragedy of the short the treadmill that's delayed. You may have noticed this week that your gas prices have gone up. I want to talk to you a little bit about why. A lot of it has to do with Vladimir Putin's broadly known and widely known peter that there was a broad range of Russian disinformation back in twenty twenty, President has made a decision on keeping or keeping the scope of the Space Force. Wow, space force, it's the plane of today. Why is the administration's lying and migrants from the border or to Florida any your in the middle of the night. Well, I'm not sure that it's in the middle of the night. Oh, the middle of the night two am, four am. No, that's an early morning flight. She said. Oh, these guys, there's the illegal immigrants. They don't need to be tested for COVID. They're not going to be here very long here being defined as at the border because they're going to transport it into one of the fifty states. Well, if they're in Texas, they're going to be sent to DC thanks to Governor Rabbit. If they make it to Florida, they're going to be sent to Delaware, just by the way. Pretty good idea. That's just a political gimmick. No, it's actually if Joe is going to aiden to bet the law breaking and he's not going to force the laws of the land, and he's gonna transport people all over the country and force states to take care of people that he's allowing into this country illegally. By the way, with they get preferential treatment because they don't get a COVID test, they have no vaccine mandate, no problem sticking them on a plane and having one of her early morning two am flights that obscure airports. They don't tend to land like if you're in New York. They're not landing at LaGuardia. They're not landing at Kennedy Airport, New York, the two biggest airports in New York City. Now they're landing in Westchester Airport. Westchester Airport is like a private airport. They have a pretty long runway, I guess. But so they're doing that at two, three, four am in the morning, so nobody sees. It was rob Astino that first tipped me off that all of that was was going on. Now the latest lie has to do with COVID. Now not mean this, sincerely. You gotta put aside political differences when it comes to a health issue. Nancy Pelosi tested positive for COVID. We wish her well, we wish her the best. I'm a little angry that while while the rest of us are being told that they've stopped shipments of Setrova MAB, which was very successful against amarchrom ie. That we have amicron ba to the sub variant there there is, by the way, an Eli Lilly monoclonal and a body. They just don't have enough of it. And it's it's beyond frustrating to me because they know that it works, and all they're saying is that that that's atrova mab, which worked for amocron one point or b A one is no longer available because it's quote they say, sixteen times less effective against b A two omicron two. But why not give people the choices considering they have all these doses that have been produced. It makes absolutely zero sense to anybody, especially if you believe in following the science. And now the science tells us whether or not if you're fully vaccinated with a booster and had a previous infection, you can still get COVID. You know, Exhibit A would be Jensaki herself, who got it not once, but got it twice. You know, first they said, if you get the vaccine, you're not going to get COVID. That's what they said. All the science has changed and vaccinated booster previous infections, you're still getting COVID anyway, so they have the Eli Lily version of that is available. I'm not gonna say it, right, bebtel of a mab is one of them. And Murk has one out that's called Malnula purveyor. I can't pronounce that one either, But those are two monoclonal antibodies specific to be A two or omicron two point zero. And so you know, why don't we, Lenda put it up on the website so people can read that and understand it. And at least those are being made available. But here's the problem, they're not mass producing it. Now. The big lie with Jensaki is this the day before Nancy Pelosi tested positive and we wish her well for COVID the day before she's right, she's leaning right over Joe's shoulder and gives Joe a kiss. Now, this is one of the most contagious variants. She didn't have her precious mask on. I think, don't those mask rules still Aren't they still in effect? Aren't they still finding congress people that walk on the floor of the House without a mask. Anyway, So she's around the president and so jen Psaki is asked about the close contact with Nancy Pelosi by that time, she had to be contagious. She had to have already been exposed to COVID, which means the president now is exposed to COVID. Now. They did put out a statement that he tested negative today, and I hope he stays negative. I don't wish ill on anybody. I know liberals, it's a conservative. Oh yeah, Hannity got it. Let's hope he dies. Yeah, you know, I just don't play that game. I believe in human life. But Jen Psaki's claiming that Biden was not in close enough contact, it doesn't meet the CDC guidelines. And none of her even kissing and the interaction with the speaker is considered by definition close contact by the Centers for Disease Control. All right, that is just a crock of Adam Schiff. It's just bull and anybody it's it's ridiculous. It's so ridiculous that you can't even you can't even explain it away. But this is why she'd be a perfect fit at MSDNC. Listen to this, How many guys say that President Biden was not a closed contact with Peter Blows when there is video of the speaker kissing him. Well, Peter The way that it is defined is by the Center for Disease Control the CDC, and their definition of it is fifteen minutes of contact within a set period of time and within six feet. It did not meet that bar. It did not meet that bar. Okay, well, listen, I hope Joe doesn't get it. And now he had recently had his boosters, so maybe that'll give him a little bit of protection. I don't know. Um, you know they're even telling you like the booster gives you like three months now. I mean, it just ever changing guidelines. I don't trust any of these people anymore. Fauci has zero credibility to me. The NIH lied to us. We know in emails that they even released. They knew that coronavirus research and gain A function research was being done in the Wuhan Virology Lab. They knew that they had funded Eco Alliance, which was funding the Wuhan Virology Lab with taxpayer dollars, and they tried to hide it. And you could see it in emails in early January of twenty twenty with Fauci when when it first broke onto the scene, he's frantically trying to find out how much NIH money was spent on the Wuhan virology lab, and they just openly led about it. Because you know, when you combine the NIH's own information, Fauci's emails, the Intercept Project, Veritas's information, and put it all together, it looks fairly transparent to me that they knew damn well that that American taxpayer dollars was going to this lab, and they knew what was going on in that labs. It's unbelievable. I think my favorite moment of the day, though, was a tape we played last night on Hannity of Humpty Dumpty. I don't know what Humpty's role is going to be. Was the stenographer for Jeff Zucker over at Fake News CNN, and with zucker out now, I don't know what role he'll play in the future. Maybe it'll still be the stenographer of this new guy who used to produce Colbert what's his name, Licked, who's gonna take over anyway. So a kid at a forum that is supposedly to talk about a disinformation it's called a disinformation conference. This kid just crushes Humpty. Listen. They pushed the russianclusion hoax, they pushed the Jesse Smillett hoax. They smeared Justice Kavanaugh as a rapist, and they also smeared Nick Salmon as a white supremacist. And yes, they dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop affair as pure Russian disinformation. With mainstream corporate journalists becoming little more than apologists and cheerleaders for the regime, is a time to finally declare that the canon of journalistic ethics is dead or no longer operative. All the mistakes of the mainstream media and CNN in particular seem to magically all go in one direction. Are we expected to believe that this is all just some sort of random coincidence or is there something else behind it? It's too bad time for lunch? Thirty seconds No, I mean there's a there's a cloth that says thirty seconds. But but I think my honest answer to you and I will all come over and talking more detail after this is that I think you're describing a different channel than the one that I watch. But I understand that that is a popular right wing narrative about CNN. That's all he said. Everything that kid said about fake New CNN was a thousand percent true. Every single thing that kid said, how ironic, Linda, how great is this? You can't even make this up a college kid. It was a brutal takedown, you know, humpty and the other one big fall. Wasn't that a great I mean anytime anytime he gets bashed, I'm all in. I love it. He deserves it because he's got this sanctimony about him a holier than now this. This idiot really thinks he's an objective journalist or something. But look at applebaumb yesterday we talked about saying that she didn't think that the Hunter Biden topic was all that interesting. I'm like, well, why don't you answered honestly and say that The Atlantic has a lot of donations in funding and a partial or from the Biden family would be a little bit more accurate. Maybe we should talk about that, Apple, it's a disinformation conference. They get called out, they get nailed by a kid looked like a college kid to me, they are college kids. I mean, it was unbelievable and he had no answer. Let's go to lunch. That was his answer. Oh man, it's embarrassing and honestly, from heaven, I should play that again tonight on TV. It's just worth it um anyway, have you ever played the game? Did you ever play this game? London? Would you rather, for example, would you rather be a dunkey or an elephant? What would you rather be? If I had a choice between being tortured or watching CNN, I'd be tortured. That's the game I'm play. That's a that's a good rather all right, obviously, that's you'd rather be a Republican? I got it. Anyway, Look, if we were all along eight hundred and nine four one sean, if you want to be a part of the program, Moderate Democrats, this is interesting to watch. Moderate Democrats now themselves are lashing out at their own party because they see what's coming, and they now are really scared about what what Joe Biden's out to do to resurrect this deal with Iran. Now we already told you it would free up tens of billions of dollars in cash for the Iranian mullahs to make them rich again. So the number one state sponsor terror reports that it would allow Putin was negotiating the deal, which is madness in and of itself, to build a nuclear facility for them. There will not be any place anytime inspections that was never even in the first deal, So what's the point anyway? And then it would allow the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the worst of the worst, that's the terrorists in the world, that's their elite fighting team, to get off our no fly list that you can fly to America. This is insanity. And then on top of that, they would import oil from Iran. That's even more insane, because like it's insane to import oil from Venezuela anyway. One representative, the Democrat Alained Laurea, said that these negotiations have taken a troubling turn. We feel weak and stay quiet about the unacceptable, deeply troubling turn that these reports have reportedly taken. I've had an opportunity to speak to the Israeli ambassador to the US, and his direct quote was, this agreement plan places a ran in Israel on a collision course. We find a very concerning assessment of the situation. She said her serious concerns about the negotiations in Vienna, discussing lifting sanctions designed not just to address Iran's nuclear activities, but even those addressing its state sponsorship of terrorism. So and then Democratic from Democrat from New Jersey. Josh Gottenmeyer and Donald Norcross from New Jersey opposed the original deal of Obama and then Joe Biden. They're arguing, the regime has proven they cannot be trusted. Why would we ever ever deal with the regime that chants death to America, death to Israel? Why because we want their oil and we won't drive here, drill now and save money. This is what's right with America. You're listening to the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn is our number. If you want to join us, you know, it's if you have Democrats this panic. Ask yourself this. And I found this pretty funny when I was doing my research this morning and I'm looking at what are the news of the day. White House staffers are raiding Political They're going after Politico, which is not a conservative publication. I can tell you that for insufficiently touting historic Biden wins. I'm reading this and it says White House Deputy Communications Director Kate Berner called out Political Thursday for a ledge not touting the Biden administration's historic achievements enough. I'm sitting there and thinking to myself, what historic achievements, Well, they do have them. You know, forty year high of inflation, that's historic. We have the highest gas prices ever, that's historic. Probably working on the worst foreign policy deal ever in the history of this country with Iran, that would be historic. The disastrous pull out from Afghanistan that abandoned Americans and thousands of Green card holders and eighty billion plus dollars and high tech military equipment and abandoning or Afghan allies. That was pretty historic too. You know, having you know, no idea how to deal with Vladimir Putin on the world stage, that's historic. Not knowing what day it is that I guess that's historic. Not having COVID tests. They run out of them around Christmas, a time you'd expect more attack with people, would mean predictably higher amounts of cases and infections. But they ran out of task, They ran out of monoclone lantibody treatments. And their answer at the time was right after Delta, well we didn't see almicron coming, did they see Amicron two is here? Because half the states in this country right now have been ticking up in terms of the case load because of amicron two, which is now the dominant variant in the country. Of course they don't have enough monoclonal lantibodies. But I've been anything that Nancy Pelosi got hers. But it's not that I begrudge her of this, but it should be available for every American, not just for important politicians. Ronda Sant has made it available for everybody in Florida all over the state for free. Once breakout cases started and that he had monoclone, landa body centers and they went out and they promoted it. And then Joe finally discovered it when he gave his vaccine mandate speech, and then he started ashing it to the stage, we're giving you too much of it? Well, what do you mean you're giving too much of it? You give it to everybody that wants and needs it. If people think that is their best answer, why would you deny them the one therapeutic that actually is the one that works the best. And a lot of talk I've never seen people wrote this story by the way that I had. I've been telling people I've remected Linda. Is that not the one thing that I kept saying. It's not a single study that I've seen that shows that it works. The one. It's the one that I've said yeah, and that I've also said on and repeated that the manufacturer of of I remect and said, nah, we don't want to use for off label use for COVID. There's no evidence that it work. But at the end of the day, can we just have an honest conversation about the fact that, well, we've had guests on this program mentioned it is part of their protocol and the anecdotally they say it works, but there have been studies that have shown hydroxy chloric win in fact taken early mitigate symptoms. Right, But also, isn't there isn't there a conversation you're supposed to have with your doctor. Isn't that what you say every day? Doctor? Maybe maybe they think it's I mean, come on, yeah, we both know my speech. But we know the one therapeutic that works monoclonal anti bodies, Okay, Strova mad work for BA one. Well, now let's now that we know there are two separate monoclonal anti bodies that we know work well for omicron two point, why are we not masked producing this eli Lilly and Murk have them Okay, we'll use the ones that work for whatever individual variant we have at any given time. Anyway, So back to this whole political thing. They're angry and berating political for insufficiently touting historic Biden wins. What are the winds? You know? After a political reporters shared their West Wing playbook newsletter, berner is sponsor's a scornful tweet accusing the outlet of not touting enough of Biden Biden administration's historic wins with a jab at the newsletter. They're going after political. I mean, I can understand them going after me because I just call it as it is, and I just tell the truth about them, and I show Joe Biden for who he is. Okay, so they cite Judge Jackson. Judge Jackson now on the Supreme Court. Okay, you can count that as a win. But we have the worst economy with the worst inflation we've had in forty years. We have the worst response to COVID. They have not warped speed in anything. They've one size fits all booster booster booster booster booster. But you can have your beat fully vaccinated with boosters, and even a previous infection still get contagious and still pass it on to others that held until Delta hit the scene, and now I'm a crom brought it to a whole new level. There is nothing good to talk about. That's the problem. It's not Politico's fault. Why are you blaming the people that are just telling the truth. By the way, one of these TikTok you know, influencers as they called them, that was brought to the White House, one of them is spoken out and saying that they feel that the White House was using the influencers as pawns. Of course they were being used. That's the whole point. We want you to We want you to use your influence and tell everybody how great Joe is, even though his policies suck. And anyway, the guy's name is I guess gen Z historian on the app. That's his name on the influencer list of whatever influencers they are. You're laughing because you know, damn well, I don't know crap about this, but anyway, I know what an influencer is like. For example, the Kardashians or influencers, if they get paid, if they wear and promote certain jewelry or clothing or whatever, and they do very well. It's a great business for them. Good for them their entrepreneurs and I hope it worked. But they brought thirty influencers in this zoom call on March the tenth, and the White House enlisted them to help spread their strategic goals, meeting their propaganda with relation to messaging on Russia's war against Ukraine. But this why are they so sensitive to all of this? We'll get into this a lot of this later. We have a lot of woke news out there, and I don't know, maybe we'll talk about it in the next hour. I don't have a lot of time now. But the Health and Human Services Secretary was literally appearing before Congress is asked by Congresswoman Lauren Baubert during the hearing, and well, Americans are entitled on the issue of, for example, funding on gender reassignment for children, gender reassignment surgery for children, and so the congresswoman asked, or well, you know, are we going to fund this? And anyway, the Health and Human Service as secretary goes on to say, well, Americans are entitled to receive healthcare services. They're entitled to receive any of the cases you mentioned, and later in the exchange, the Congresswoman Beaubert asked the Sarah about a document suggesting removing children from homes is on the table if parents withhold gender affirming care for their children and anyway, His answer was, I can respond quickly, Congresswoman. I believe in supporting and protecting transgender youth. I believe that they, along with their parents and their caregivers, will make the best decisions. And I would urge politicians like you to stay out of their business. Now, how young are we talking about? Because they're talking about gender reassignment surgery. My understanding is that's permanent. My understanding is, you know, do we really think that we could take children away from parents? Is they disagree and they have parental authority over their kids till their kids are emancipated or their kids turned what eighteen? I guess they can make any decision they want at that point. You know, do we need a period of time to make sure something so permanent such a radical change. What age are they talking about here, and I'm sure they're going to politicize that too, And what is the role of parents in this society? At this point? Parents have a role and what their young children. Let's say their young children express this desire. Let's say they're afraid to talk to their parents. Is he saying that the government would fund gender reassignment surgery without parental permission, or that they would remove from the home any parent that disagreed with the child's decision at a young age. We're talking about children here, We're not talking about adults. When you're an adult, you get to make your own decisions, and whatever decisions people make in their life, frankly, is none of our business. But giving parental controls to the government, that's scary. And funding it, you know, when we're broke on top of everything else. I don't think American taxpayers should be funding that either, But we'll get to that later in a program. I that's that's pretty unbelievable to me. I will tell you that all more and more people that I'm talking to are really getting involved in the in the midterm elections. They're really starting to focus in. We got primaries now starting the next month, and I think I even think ballots are being sent out now in many states, mail and ballots. I hope your state I warned you in early twenty twenty one. You got to get on your state legislature and make sure election integrity measures are put in place, like signature verification, voter ID laws, chain of custody controls, updated voter rolls every election. Most states have laws that say partisan observers get to observe the count start to finish, meaning anybody from any party on the ballot. You get to have a representative watch the vote counting. That doesn't mean a thousand feet away, one hundred feet away, twenty feet away, six feet away. Now, you've got to be able to see the ballot, make sure that the people counting the ballots are actually counting them accurately. It's just it's an integrity measure. Why is if you have integrity measures, then people will have confidence in the election results and we don't have to question the results. That's just it's a very simple, basic, fundamental thing. Democrats are nervous too, because four times as many Pennsylvanian Democrats are now reregistering as Republicans. Now, that's pretty interesting that that was highlighted by Reuters. That's on track to be the highest conversion rate in at least a decade, and well above twenty sixteen, they point out in their article. So that's surging. Now, we told you about the poll in New York that has Lee Zeldon against the current governor who took over for Andrew Cuomo Katy Hoko. And what's interesting about that is it's within the margin of error for New York. Now, nobody thought that Glenn Yungcan would win in Virginia and the Commonwealth there, and he didn't, by the way, in large part because of this whole issue of involving parents writes and involvement in their kids' school. You know, what I don't understand is this we pay more per capitalve per student with the worst results, and we spend more time talking about what we're going to teach kids about sex and gender identity issues. I don't know, maybe that's the role of parents. I'm a little old fashioned, and maybe I'm a little old fashioned and thinking that, well, if we're coming in fortieth place and we're spending the most money, maybe we need to refocus our priorities on reading, writing, math, science, computers, you know, the basics, so we can have each child get the education in this life. If you believe in capitalism, liberty and freedom and the pursuit of happiness. The latter to success is predicated on a good quality education. You know, I was, I was fortunate. My parents really couldn't afford it, but they sent you know, four kids to Catholic schools for twelve years. That's why I knew my parents didn't have enough money to send me to college, and paid my own way as long as I could until I ran out of money. And and that foundation helped me so much in my life. And and we there's no reason we know how to give a good education, just a matter if we have the will to do so. We have the will to make to break this unholy alliance as bond between the teachers unions that even get to write you know, CDC rules and regulations regarding COVID and schools because they have so much power. Because the power is accumulated by giving and providing so much money to democratic candidates during elections, the systems corrupt. That's swamp, that's sewer, that's Washington, that's that's that's what we hate about politics. Um, just pretty amazing times that we're living in. And we have the latest on this war. We're gonna get to at the top of the next hour. Oh well, actually at the top of the next hour, we're gonna meet in Nevada. We have Senate candidate Adam Laxhalt. I'm supporting some Senate candidates. I'm supporting os and Pennsylvania, i am supporting Ron Johnson. In Wisconsin, I'm supporting herschel Walker, supporting Tim Scott's reelection, Marco Rubio's reelection, and I'm supporting Laxhalt. I'm going very slowly through these candidates because if you look at the states all right, Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Missouri, Nevada, and Arizona, where we're supporting Bernovitch out there. And I'm just making sure that I'm supporting real conservatives that are going to go to Washington and uphold these principles. And I'm putting him through the ringer, and I'm making sure before I say yay that I support you that they're going to go there, hold true to their principles, and fight after the things that they say they believe it. Anyway, eight hundred and nine four one Shaun is our number. If you want to be a part of the program