Freedom Convoy - January 31st, Hour 1

Published Jan 31, 2022, 11:02 PM

If you haven't heard about the Freedom Convoy taking storm in Canaday, Sean covers that and more including American truckers' plan to join the mission.

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Where will come in to your city seeing you a cone will all be desire jail and if you want a little banging, ya come along. Personal. I will nominate and that person will be the first black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Courts. It's long overdone. Is there any scenario in which the President would select his vice President Kamala Eras for the Supreme Court? Again, I'm not going to speak to any considerations, preparations lists. The system continues to fail us. We are not safe anymore, not even the members of the service. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Yeah, where I'm coming to your city, going to play our kids and saying you New sewn show behind the scenes information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of the Sean Hannity Show America Trapped behind Enemy Lines, Day number one seventy. They've won seventy one hundred and eighty three days since Joe said he'd never abandoned Americans. Oh now, the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is now writing in a report that they have received credible allegations at over a hundred people who work for the former government, including security forces and helpful in individuals to allied international forces have been murdered. I thought Joe had all the I had all the leverage. Joe Biden actually finally mentioned for the first time one American. He talked about the call for the release of one American, a US Navy Vet Mark Freinis is his name, who has taken hostage where he has all the leverage over the Taliban. So he told us in Afghanistan nearly two years ago, Well, what about all the other Americans you abandoned military family members, You abandoned thousands of Green card holders eligible to live here that you abandoned. What if he couldn't even mention them? Never mind our Afghan allies, never mind the billions of equipment. But of course Joe Biden is a Liberal Democrat, so he gets a pass, as is always the case, a double standard unlike any other These are six times we're living in anyway, eight hundred ninety four one. Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, I don't know if you're paying attention to this freedom convoy going on in Canada. It's pretty fascinating. And now there's talk of a Freedom convoy starting in the US. Well, first there's talk of American truckers joining with there the fellow Canadian truckers as part of this convoy. What's been amazing about this Obviously it's against the vaccine mandate. And what's amazing is the people of Canada are standing with the truckers. I mean everywhere they go, everywhere they show up, there's you know, literally people lining the streets, sort of like a Trump rally. What did Trump have? Eighty five thousand people in Texas this weekend? Unbelievable and they're supporting the truckers. Now here's the thing. Justin Trudeau. Now, at first I read the report he went into hiding. We might have reported that Thursday Friday last week Linder, I don't remember. Now we find out he has COVID. Now this is the point about following the science. Only one's convenient because if you got the vaccine that they said, if he took that, you'd never get COVID. But if you got the vaccine and you followed their protocol, you still got COVID. Anyway, Delta was the first breakthrough variant. Now if you get the vaccine, then they're booster that they keep trying to shove in your arm, one after another after another agains the boosters im perpetuity. You did everything right, as Whoopie Goldberg stead, and she still got it. And you're wear the mask and you still get it. And even natural immunity is not stopping it. Okay, So tell me, at what point here do you not focus on something other than the vaccine that's not preventing people from getting it. And by the way, don't buy this nonsense that omicron is not killing people, because I know it's killing people. I know people dead from omicron. Now we got the super omicron version variant is coming. Are they're gonna tell us now in a month that oh we didn't see this coming. I'm giving them fair warning. It's coming and it's spreading. Apparently it's one and a half times faster or more contagious than the original omicron variant. Anyway, but it's fascinating to watch all of this unfold. And let me backtrack here for a second. What is amazing to me the people that have been mistreated the most. We used to consider the heroes of the pandemic. Remember in the middle of March or twenty twenty in April twenty twenty May twenty twenty. I mean, it was an Adams shift show. Nobody knew anything, and everybody's you know, scrambling, and we find out none of these governors had made any preparations for any type of pandemic style. They ignored their own health studies to have materials gowns and gloves and masks and ventilators available. New York State alone was supposed to purchase fifteen thousand, seven hundred and eighty three of them, they didn't purchase any. New York City alone was supposed to purchase what ten thousand they didn't purchase, but like a two hundred you know that? And then Governor Cuomo's answer was, well, how do we make do with the with the you know five hundred we have? I'm like, okay, you can't. What are we supposed to show or a ventilator? Is that? What? Was that? The plan there? But they didn't want to spend the money anyway. So but if you think I used to say that, everything would have been on a multiple that we can't even imagine, in terms of if farmers didn't farm, they kept farming, if packers didn't pack the trucks, and truckers didn't truck all the medical supplies, all the medicines, everything that we needed, all the food that we all needed to consume to continue to live life, then society would have broken down. And if you think the what when going on? Nine hundred thousand dead Americans? Here Joe's policies. He's from run out of tests, he's run out of monoclonals. He's not warped, he doesn't warp speed anything. He hasn't learned a thing from the Trump administration. So my point is is that they were the heroes of this pandemic. The other group are the people that worked in hospitals. Now, I don't know how you feel about it, but the thought if I had to do my radio show in the middle of a hospital in March or TV show March April, May June of twenty twenty and walk into a COVID Petrie dish every day, I don't think I would have liked it. I know Linda would have loved it, but I would not have liked it. But well, it's true you would have loved it. You know, you would have been able to prove your theory, which I'll never repeat on air. But anyway, but all those doctors, all those nurses, all those orderlies, all those janitors, all those people in the cafeteria at a hospital, they all went in and they worked in a COVID petrie dish. Most of them got COVID as a result. You know, in the end, I'm actually convinced probably everybody's gonna get it, but who knows. And anyway, they were the heroes for a while. And then, for example, how did New York State pay back the nurses and medical professionals that came from other states? Because New York was in such dire straits they needed everybody they could possibly get. Some people, nurses, etc. Hospital workers. They came from other states to help New York out put their own life at risk. And Andrew Cuomo's thank you was a tax bill to pay for state taxes on the money you made while you were bailing New York out in the middle of a pandemic. Yeah, thank you very much. And now then we turn around and we say, oh, all of you people that were diving on COVID grenades every day, now we're going to demand a vaccine mandate. Even if you had natural immunity, even if your doctor doesn't recommend it, even if you have a rare medical condition, there's no exemptions. Maybe have a religious reason exemption, no exemptions for anybody. This is how stupid and rigid and unscientific, one size fits all medicine has been throughout this entire pandemic. It's why nobody trusts Fauci Biden Kamala Harris, Doctor Harris, Seriously, I'm gonna listen to her, doctor Wallenski of the CDC um Nobody, the nih that you know funded gain a function research in a in the Wuhan virology lab in China, and US taxpayer dollars to do it and light about it, or the who to cover it up for China. Forget it. Nobody trusts and nor should you trust any of these people. They got everything wrong. So the mandates the truckers have just said the hell with you. You know, when when we needed these truckers the most, and farmers the most, and packers the most, and nurses and orderlies and doctors and and and janitors and people the chefs that cooked in the cafeteriast, they all showed up for work every day, and they knew damn well, they were putting their own personal safety at risk. And now we turn around and we mandate them, and then we started to fire them. Now, some hospitals learned very quickly that not having all of those medical professionals working didn't work out very well, and they decided to rescind the mandates. Then, of course, the Supreme Court weigh in. Now what's going to be interesting to watch is there are American truckers that are now standing in solidarity with their fellow Canadian truckers and they're on their way that Well, there's two things happening simultaneously. Some truckers are moving their rigs right up straight into Ottawa, right into Canada, for the purpose of standing in solidarity with their fellow truckers. Then there's talk of a convoy that truckers in the US are getting ready to follow the lead of their Canadian counter parts and form a convoy that will travel from California to Washington, d C. They're not going to be able to but they can get very close to the White House. May they can all line up in DC. And you know what's been fascinating about Canada, Linda, You seen this um and we're going to talk to one of the organizers later in the show. Is that all the people in Canada, I mean, they're like rock stars driving past their house. They come out, they're getting huge crowds people supporting them. Now, all those people supporting them, they kind of figured out if these truckers, if they don't get back on the road in two weeks, three weeks, however long these guys are willing to hold out and stay united. Let's assume they hold out for a month. You think we got a supply chain crisis. Now every store you go to, the shelves will be bare. We will be in trouble. That's how That's how critical they are to the supply chain in this country and in Canada, and of American truckers do the same thing. God help us. You know, these are people that are really underappreciated in terms of their impact for the economy. And I have friends in the trucking business and they tell me all the time, they say, truckers, you know, it's it takes. It takes a certain type of personality to be a trucker. You've got to be willing to spend long hours on the road alone and focused and drive safely. And most people that they love to be left alone, they want to be left to hell alone. They got to get drug tested, they got to go through a series of you know, bureaucratic hoops just to take a single job, and all those other stuff. But you know now they're gonna they're saying the other thing. Truckers now are working for smaller companies or going independent because they don't want the mandate. They want no part of it. They've made their decision. I've told you a long time ago, this whole debate vacks no vacks. It's over. People have made up their minds. You're not going to convince anybody. Joe Biden certainly can't convince anybody. I noticed Nova Scotia outlawed support on the highway for the Freedom Convoy. Corporations that disobey the directive face finds up up to one hundred grand according to the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. In other words, if you go out and show support for the convoy, you know, you could be fined up to one hundred thousand dollars. But what is whatever happened to freedom? Now? We've discussed as at length land how many times have I said I believe in science, vaccinations, I believe in all of that a lot. And how many times have I also reiterated I believe in freedom and freedom is paramount, and medical freedom specifically, and I believe in medical freedom specifically. Thank you, You're right and that I also believe. And I guess I'm a rare bird these days that believes in medical privacy. I believe in patient doctor confidentiality. How about it, you know all these people, Hannity, you need to tell your audience. I don't not a doctor. I can't tell my audience. You know, well, what did you do? How about It's none of your damn business? Is my answer. I'm I don't tell you know. I probably would have gladly told people, but you know what, because they're demanding it. No, now, I'm not going to tell you because also, you know what, I don't know anybody in this audience's unique medical history condition. I'm not playing doctor unbelievable. But this is why this is going to be fascinating, will be to watch. We're also going to get to the Joe Rogan issue with Spotify in a minute. We'll talk about that. Everybody in the left media say, oh this is Oh, thank god Justice Bryor retired, Joe Piden can finally get a win. This isn't a win for Joe Biden. You know, he's going to replace one liberal with another liberal. That's basically as not exactly a win. But if that if you want to ignore the borders, you want to ignore Afghanistan, Russia on the Ukrainian border, ignore China and their territorial ambitions. You want to ignore Iran working hard to get their nuke and North Korea firing missiles. You want to ignore the hype probably an energy of forty year high of inflation, open borders, getting rid of energy independence, begging Russia, begging Opec to produce more. You go ahead, you call that a real win for Joe. Good luck with that. I'm glad to other state one hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. You know, this is pretty amazing. I can't even believe that it's something that we would even have to talk about. So Joe Biden is actually trying to figure out, he says, his ministration is trying to figure out why illegal immigrants leave their countries. How about it doesn't matter why, And how about the answer is obvious. They're leaving their countries because they don't have hope and opportunity that we often take for granted here in this country. How About it's that simple. The level of stupidity I can't even believe from this president is still to this day. Can't believe it. By the way, this poll is interesting, based on this freedom conboy that I mentioned, is a pole showing the vast majority of Americans are ready to move on from COVID New Moment poll seventy percent of Americans agree it's time we accept COVID is here to stay and we just need to get on with our lives, including seventy eight percent of those that had already gotten COVID and sixty five percent to say they have not been infected. The main difference in the sense that it's time to move on is partisan. Eighty nine percent of Republicans say time to move on with our lives, seventy one percent of Independence time to move on. Democrats only forty seven percent. I mean, that's pretty amazing. We'll talk about this Joe Rogan controversy on the other side of it, and he has broken his silence on this. It is really unbelievable to me. The one of the people that they most critical of him hamming on is doctor Robert Malone, who we've had on this program. Doctor Robert Malone was one of the main architects of the m RNA technology that created the ability for Fiza and Maderna to create the vaccine. Why are they hating on him? You'll hear what everyone really thinks in DC. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Joe Rogan had to take to instagramm This whole controversy begins with Neil Young and you know, out of touch Rocker And I thought, Rockers, you know, we're all about liberty, all about freedom. You know, apparently not only only group think works for them. I never thought i'd hear Howard Stern ever say, you know, f your freedom. Oh I'm okay, I'm sorry, but I cherished my freedom. And others have been saying the same exact thing. Now, it's interesting since we have breakthrough cases. In other words, somebody fully vaccinated with a booster or even natural immunity. They're now all getting COVID. Some people are getting it for the second time. I know so many people have gotten it down for the second time. And everything that they told us in the beginning, all if you get vaccinated, Joe Biden said, and so many others said, you're not going to get COVID. Fauci said it. That didn't work out well. That didn't age well either, Just like I'll never mandate the vaccine, Jen Saki, Joe Biden, Fauci, Will Lensky name it. They all said it. Then they've then they pushed for the vaccine mandate. That's why you're seeing this push back now, a lot of this. When you do a radio show or a TV show, you don't always put only people to agree with you on plenty of you've heard the show over the years. We've had plenty of people that disagree with me that we've We've tried to bring on a variety of views as it relates to COVID as part of your ongoing education around it. And you know, we have people that they've even criticized Harvard Medical trained doctors like doctor for Reid and where Harvey Reach went to Yale Medical School, and they believe in early treatment, both of them from the beginning, and I think it turned It turned out to be right, And I think the main number one gold standard therapeutic would be monoclone lantibodies. The only one that ran out of tests were Joe Biden after Christmas. Then they ran out of monoclonal antibodies after Christmas. You know, a friend of mine works down in Palm Beach. They had thousands of thousands of doses of Regenera on Now. Okay, they're saying gsk cetrovamb it works better than regenera. But given the choice, I'll take any monoclonal antibody, goat. And why aren't they mass producing the Satrova MAB monoclonal lantibodies if they're better for amicron? Oh, that's right, they said, we didn't see amicron coming. That's what they said. If you want to talk about the people that nobody should trust, I don't trust Biden or doctor Kamala Harris or doctor Lensky or doctor Fauci or the NIH or the CDC. How can you because they've gotten nearly everything wrong. You know, And Joe Rogan made that point when he put out this video. He brings on people with a variety of opinions. What have I been saying? I said, Okay, you've got to study yourself. Take it seriously. You know, Joe Bastardi lost both his parents a week ago, both of them from amicron, the variant omicron. Okay, that's how dangerous it is. And I know other people that are in debated because amicron. I feel like I spend more time talking about monoclonal antibodies off air than I do on air. That's why I made a concerted effort to keep bringing up what if you test positive? What is your plan? I don't know anything about your medical history, pre existing conditions, current medical condition. I can't make this decision for you. I didn't go to medical school four years. I'm not playing doctor on radio and TV. But if you do your own research, that means research the different viewpoints. There are a lot of different viewpoints on this, and you know, should you be more proactive? My personal view is yes. You know the problem with people that say no, I'm fine. I you know, if I get a fever, I'd take two tile at all on my oxygen levels are good, Steve, I've got it four days ago. Okay, what happens on day six when your oxygen level drops and the only protocol your doctor believes in as well? If it drops below ninety or below, go to the doctor. The problem is at that point. Now, now you're in a window where the therapeutics are less likely to work. They work best. Every study shows when taken early, as early as possible. I know people that got delta, very virulent, very lethal variant, and when they got it, they got monoclone lane of bodies within twenty four or forty eight hours, and without exception, they all felt better within forty eight hours, without in a single exception. Vaccinated unvaccinated people anyway. So one of the guests that he had on We've had on this program doctor Robert Malone, an infectious disease specialist, and he gets criticized. You don't have to listen to doctor Malone. What do I say? Research? Listen, you know, even people you disagree with. Then take into account your medical history, your current medical condition. Talk to your doctor so you can ask smart questions. You know, I went away for Christmas. I said, please, if you or somebody you love knowing that it's likelier when people get together during the holidays hanaka Christmas, New Year's that there's going to be more cases. How they didn't see this coming is ridiculous. And then after Christmas they run out of tests and monoclonal's, I mean, why aren't they mass producing and all these anti virals that like FISA and mark that they everybody's raving about them except nobody can get them. So then Spotify, you know, gave into the They said, fine to Neil Young, all right, if you don't want to be on Spotify, fine, then Joni Mitchell, you know, we got these sixty throwbacks, you know, aging old rockers that you know are dictating to Spotify. Okay, you can't run our music anymore. Fine, And then Spotify you could tell they're feeling the pressure a little bit. They, you know, apparently have announced the addition of content warnings in response to Joe Rogan and COVID nineteen misinformation. Well, can we go back and play the tapes We've played him on this show, and I've played him on TV of Fauci and Biden saying if you got vaccinated, you weren't going to get COVID. Can we go back and play the tapes of them saying that they'll never support a mandate. Can we go back and look at all the projections that they made that were false and wrong from the from the get go. Is anybody gonna finally give a rip or an Adam Schiff that Faucci lied about NIH funding the NIH. His own paper show that they knew gain and function coronavirus research went on at the Wuhan Virology Lab and through the Eco Alliance group, they were funding this with your money. And Fauci lied and he knew as early as January of twenty twenty. And you see these flurry of his own emails and the intercept emails and Project Veritas anyway, So that why is Prince I didn't Prince Harry and and what's her name? Megan Merkel? I think Mike and Marco? Okay, why are they expressing concerns to Spotify? Well, why are they involved? Didn't they just get done telling Oprah fairly recently that they want to stay out of the limelight, They want to live private lives. They have a podcast on Spotify, so they don't want to be well quit That's what I said, we'll give back your twenty five million and go in your marry away. This is what I don't understand. Nobody can force you to listen or watch Joe Rogan. If you don't like it, you don't have to watch it. You know. That goes for Howard Stern, don Imus in the Day, Rush in the Day, you don't have to. I can't make you listen to the radio program. I wish I could, but I can't. Just kidding, that's a joke for all you idiots out there with no sense as a humor. Um, I can't force you to watch Hannity. I can. All I can do is put on the best shows I can put on every day. You know. Now we've got let's see Bruce Springsteen and the Eastreet Band right. It's statement on Young's website that they would cut ties with Spotify, urging all musicians, artists, music lovers everywhere to do the same. Why well, now you want to ruin Joe Rogan's life. The guy that he interviewed is the guy that is almost single handedly responsible, whether you agree with his COVID opinions or not, for the mRNA technology that allowed for the creation of those precious vaccines that everybody seems to want to push without a medical license and love so much. Doctor Robert Malone just has a different view about the technology and its level of readiness that he expressed on this program. Now, if it's not for him, we likely wouldn't have mRNA technology, meaning no Fizer shot, no Maderna shot. Keep that in mind. Who that's one of the main people they're mad at for having on. It's unbelievable and I just never understood these people that want to silence any anybody and everybody that they can. And it started years ago with Howard started. He's getting fine left and right by the FCC and smartly and you know he moved over to satellite radio or he can do his show free of this kind of crap. Well, Spotify has the same thing as well. You do you have to pay for Spotify? I don't even know. Do you have to pay for that? Yeah, you can subscribe and they have you know, they have it where it's ad free if you're a paid subscriber, and then they have it where you know you have ads if you're not. Now I've seen Joe Rogan show. I don't know Joe Rogan. I think we reached out to him once for an interview. He told us to pound sand or something. Maybe it doesn't like that at all. I have no it doesn't matter whether he likes me or not. I don't give an Adam shift. But the point is I've watched his podcast he was interviewing, of all things. I got interested in a Miley Cyrus interview that he did. Can you believe that? And you'd ask me, well why? Because I found her to be a fascinating mind. Found it interesting. I saw Elon Musk's interview, like Elon Musk, as brilliant as the guy is. And you know how Antti drug I am lights up a joint. I mean, this guy is like a modern day Henry Ford. He's a genius. You cannot you know, you cannot dispute how smartness man is. And I loved how he had some comments for Joe Biden over the weekend. We'll get to that too, anyway. So now, all right, now they're going to put a content and advisory on Everybody already knows that these are opinions. Everybody knows that nobody has the set answer. That's why I always end my little speech on COVID. Take it seriously. I start with that, and I end with but you gotta ask your own doctor, because I don't know a damn thing about your medical history. How would I know. It's unbelievable. And I'll tell you all they're really going to do in the end is make Rogan bigger and more popular than ever. And it's gonna backfire. But you know, the America and people they it's they're over this. Just like a long time ago. I said, you know what, this whole debate over VAXX, don't vaxx, that debate is done in my view, because I don't think Joe Biden or Anthony Fauci or Walinski or Jen Saki or any Democrat, any elected official, are going to convince people that decided not to get vaccinated at this late hour to get vaccinated. They've made up their minds. Now, I'll tell you the people that you know, we didn't have to mistreat hospital workers the way they did with the vaccine mandate. The heroes of the pandemic. You remember, I can take you back, Linda. Remember every day like New Yorkers would get out with pots and pans and be screaming and yelling at a certain time of day when there was a shift change at hospitals in New Year. Yeah, now they were firing those people until they realized they can't live without them. Now again, the truckers don't truck, the farmers don't farm, the packers don't pack. No medical equipment to New York, no food to the New York. New York died. I and other parts of the country as well. The Northeast in particular at that point was getting clobbered. In March of twenty twenty because we were living through it. I'll never forget the day. There was a single moment in this pandemic. It was in March of twenty twenty and I got a call from a buddy who works in a hospital. He goes Hannity, and I'm gonna believe it. I said, what he goes, We can't handle this. I said, what do you mean, he goes, We have patients up and down the halls, we have people waiting outside the emergency room door. We can't we can't take care of this many people. So I communicated that information to other people and with the intention of hopefully helping, and you know, and then there was a rapid ratching. That's when the Mercy and the two Hospit Navy hospital ships were sent, one to the East coast, one of the west coast. And that's when, you know, remember when Trump went ahead and partnered with the car companies, and the our companies looked at the ventilator and these are the top engineers in the country. I gotta get my name on the list for that new corvette, by the way, but we'll talk about that another day. And they looked at this ventilator thing and they said, this is complicated as hell. We can't just do this in a minute. We can't. These are top guys. It's such a sophisticated piece of machinery. And at that point, anyway, if you want a ventilator, you had a twelve percent chance of living. Now I think it's somewhere in the mid thirties to forty percent chance you're not. Some people are getting off it, but a lot of people don't make it off, and it just sucks. And it's good. If these truckers hold out in Canada and if it expands to America, which they're saying it's going to, now you're gonna have an appreciation by the end of this, for truckers like you've never had in your life, because you're going to realize everything you buy in every store you go to, everything you consume, got there by a truck and a month of them not delivering. Let me tell you something, We'll be a disaster for everybody. But they're fighting for freedom. These were the heroes of the pandemic. Now what now that the enemy really now? Nurses and first responders that most of them got COVID anyway because they were willing to jump on COVID grenades every day. Now that the enemy. You have a doctor that creates the mRNA technology. You don't like the fact that he only prefers it to be used for people sixty five or older, or people obese and under special and different circumstances. Is he not allowed to have a different point of view? You know, we're really gonna condemn and we're not going to give medical care to somebody that decided maybe because they have a rare medical condition you don't know anything about. We're gonna we're not going to give them any medical treatment because they made a different decision. Whatever happened to freedom and liberty, medical privacy, doctor, patient confidentiality. These things matter in this country, especially medical freedom. What's your status? Where's your COVID card? Now? In New York they want to vaccination cards from five year olds to go into a store, into a restaurant. Where's the science behind it? Apparently science only when science is convenience science. Eight hundred ninety four one show on our number you want to be a part of the program.

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