Joe to spend $30M to distribute free crack pipes.. what is this world coming to...and at what cost?
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Day one seventy eight. Unbelievable Day one ninety one, when Joe promised that he wouldn't stab Americans in the back and abandon him. He of course has changed the page. The medium mob that never talk about it, they've turned the page, and here we stand pretty much alone, maybe a couple of others not forgetting the people are fellow citizens, their families, military family members, thousands of Green card holders eligible to live here legally, and of course the tens of thousands of Afghani allies that we had that we swore we'd never do this too. By the way, good news for any of you that are crack addicts that listen to this show, Linda, did you hear about this? News is very important. Our tax dollars at work, and the Biden administration will fund the distribution of crack pipes to drug addicts as part of their plan to advance racial equity. Washington Free Beacon by saying that they insisting that, well, let me give you the details. It's a thirty million dollar grant program. It closed applications yesterday and will begin in May, and they will provide funds to nonprofits local governments to help make drug use safer for addicts. Included in the grant, which is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services, are funds for smoking kits and supplies, spokesperson for the agency telling the Washington Free Beacon that these kits will provide pipes for users to smoke crack, cocaine, crystal meth, and any illicit substance. Applicants for the grants are prioritized if they treat a majority of quote underserved communities, including African Americans, LGBTQ plus persons, as established under Biden's Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equality or Racial Equity forgive me democratic run cities San Francisco, Seattle. They're doing it in New York now, distributing you know, these kits to residents now. I don't know may Memo fashion. I'm a pretty anti drug person, you know. I'm a very pro medicine, very pro you know, you need drugs to lower your cholesterol or your blood pressure, I'm all for it. Um, you know what, if you need you can't. I know people that take Hamby and they can't sleep without it, and I'm like, okay, that's fine. Just I hope you're not one of the few people that drive their car on it, not that everyone does, but that's been used as a defense. I don't know if it's true or not. And I'm like, why would we help people if you're using metha amphetamine or crack cocaine, guess what, or heroine you're committing suicide? Why would we take our tax dollars and this aid and a bet and assist people committing suicide. He's just committing slower suicide. But you will die if you continue smoking crack, shooting heroin and using method aphetamines on a regular basis, obviously considered assuming you're an addict, um if you're gonna do anything, which you know is questionable too, because once you get addicted to, for example, the opiates, the odds of you getting off them are extraordinarily low. They're not high even with treatment. But the fact is, if you're gonna do anything, why don't you open up a center and offer free drug counseling, you know, or work with alcoholics, anonymous, narcotics anonymous, whatever the groups are, and and maybe fund them a little bit so they can have facilities so they can accommodate more people, and maybe you can even go around where people are shooting up in San Francisco and hand out flyers and say, if you want to get off this crap, this this shift atom shift, if you want to get off it, here's how we are offering free help. Don't why don't we do it that way? I don't know. Doesn't that sound like a better idea? I should be in politics, right, Linda. I think you'd be a wonderful politician and the Washington free Beacon. No member of the nine eleven two thousand and one hijacking team who was stopped before he could help his fellow terrorists slam those planes into the World Trade centers, trade center buildings and the Pentagon and that field in Pennsylvania. Well, now the Biden administration is slated to set free there would be nine to eleven hijacker imprisoned at GIBMO for his role in this deadly attack on Americans that killed nearly three thousand of our fellow Americans. His name is Mohammed l Quantani. I'm sure I didn't pronounce the last name right, nor do I care. He planned to hijack planes on September eleventh, was denied entry into the US. It will be transferred to Saudi Arabia following the Biden administration's decision last week to set him free. He's scheduled will be flown to Saudi Arabia and placed in a custodial rehabilitation in mental healthcare program for extremists. Okay, I can't take it anymore. How dumb can you be? How stupid are they? You know, just like now, Joe Biden is making Putin rich again. Fire keystoneac Sel pipeline workers, fire other energy sector workers high paying career jobs, and give a waiver to Vladimir Putin to make Russia and Putin rich again. You know, any connection to the money the Biden family made personally from Russia and a Russian oligarch and the former first Lady of Moscow. Same thing with China. I mean, how stupid is it that we even Why didn't anyone raise any objections to the Olympics being held in China? Why, by the way, they don't even have real snow. Every bit of snow and this is the Winter Olympics is fake snow. What is, by the way, is fake snow like the stuff that you get in you know, ski resorts. I don't even know what the hell they're talking about with the fake snow. I don't think America has gotten a gold medal yet. Have we gotten one? I haven't seen one. I'll be honest with you, I'm not watching it. I don't think anybody else is watching any either, To be perfectly frank with you, Yeah, honest, well they're not watching it. We've seen the ratings. Nobody watched. Nobody's watching it. It's thirteen, fourteen hours later. Nobody cares you already. You want the results, you can get them right now. But everybody's sick. They got all these reports. They're stuck in these quarantine hotels. They're sick, they're getting crap food, they can't work out. The athletes are being treated terribly. It's it's a hot mess. And Joe just explains it all the way, Well, they have different norms than us. And Nancy Pelosi urging the athletes not to speak out because you ain't get in trouble and everything, and it's they might get mad at you. Unbelievable. Tom Cotton demanding answers from Merrick Garland over a slap on the wrist for this BLM member. This was in the New York Post. He sent an inquiry to Merrick Garland demanding answers regarding a Lenian lenient prison sentence of the guy convicted of burning down a pawn shop in Minneapolis. We talked about this about a week ago, killing a thirty year old man inside during the twenty twenty riots, the ones that we don't have any committee on. And anyway, his name is montes Terriel Lee, Rochester, Minnesota. Sentenced only ten years in jail and followed by three years of supervised release. Why would you get you killed somebody? And he was caught on Zaveillan's camera pouring accelerant around the shop as the buildings destroyed. A second video records this guy in front of the shop saying explative this place. We're gonna burn this explative down. And we find out authorities discovered the body of a thirty year old man in the rubble. Medical Lexaminer's office attributed to the man's death innhalation of products of combustible and thermal injury building fire. In response to the sentencing, you know, how could the government conclude that he didn't appear to pose a danger to society? Because the judge took into account. Well, he was out there protesting for a legitimate reason. You can't make this up, You really can't. Jensaki was asked yesterday during a press conference, you know whether or not the Biden administration is investigating ties between the Freedom Convoy in America's quote right wing and a reporter says the situation on the Canadian border in Ottawa, the trucker's protest. There does seem to be evidence that these truckers are getting support from conservative forces or right wing forces in the US. Why don't they ever refer to the left wing as left wing? What happened in the summer of twenty twenty? Were they right wingers or left wingers? You know what is BLM? What does Antifa? They left wing or right wing? You know? Anyway, is there any kind of involvement US authorities looking at the money flow and where it's coming from that are going to truckers? Well, I would say couple of things, sake circles back. This doesn't answer your question, but I wanted to get this out there too as well on this particular topic that I'll come around. We've been engaged since the outset. Blah blah blah. Hopefully can answer some of your questions, I should say protests. They have been zero impacts on CBP operations, and some shippers have had to reroute. But CBP has been in communication. In terms of an assessment of any other engagement from here, we don't really have any update on that or any investigation to read out at this point in time. Nothing to read out. That's not exactly a denial. That's a little scary. We're gonna do interest rates, by the way, I've already begun their climb. We now have a twenty seven percent increase in our trade deficit in Biden's first year. If you want to look look at inflation. By the way, you love avocados, don't you. I guarante to you love aboca. I had two today. I ask you can put that in that green puke vomit looking spiral leading down and that disgusting orange drink that you you sucked down every day as well. I'm going to live forever and irritate you forever you want. That doesn't irritate me. You want to drink puke, you drink puke. I don't care. I'm not I'm eating meat all day. Anyway. We're now seeing that ten year treasuries are going up, thirty year treasuries are going up, and in nineteen eighty two, when inflation hit thirteen percent, interest rates eventually rose to twenty one percent. Consumer price index now is seven percent, wholesale price inflation rate leading indicators nine point six percent. When not that far away from Jimmy Carter's recession that obviously Reagan inherited and then got us out of with the greatest period of peacetime economic growth in history, something Joe can't do. Um. So it's just this is all coming around. I'm not sure why. Apparently, I guess Kamala Harris's husband was in a schoolyard and was escorted out very quickly by Secret Service. I hope he's okay. We'll watch that and we'll find out. Now what's funny is the media still won't talk about the science of JOHNS Hopkins. Why is that? Jen Saki? She ducked to questions about John Hopkins. And we have a lot of COVID news today. Finally, this cabinet member, doctor Eric Lander, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology, resigned after an internal White House investigation found credible evidence that he speaks harshly and disrespectfully to colleagues. Okay, we'll find out more about that. Now this is interesting too. The IRS has now had to backtrack for a third time. Remember they were pushing the IRS. Any six hundred dollar financial transaction you're involved, and they want they wanted information on it. They remember, they wanted eighty seven billion dollars so they can hire more agents so that you can all get the Hannity treatment, in other words, the way I get treated every year. Remember they you know, all of these different things that they've been out there. Remember they were trying to get amnesty stuck in, build back better at least five six, seven times, you know, or you know, they want speed lights everywhere to see if you're speeding. You talk about a Big Brother nightmare and a lack of privacy nightmare. That that's a disaster. Anyway, eight hundred nine four one sean is a number. We got a lot coming up today, all things simple, man, O'Reilly, he'll join us today. We'll look at the economy with our experts coming up. Look, it's actually funny to watch those Democrats are like they can't get far enough away from Joe Biden. And Kamala Harris. They just can't one Democratic governor from Nevada, Steve Sesola, because that you say his name. Anyway, he said he doesn't know whether Biden should run for reelection in light of the stresses that the president has endured during his first year, in the first year of his term, I don't know if he should run for reelection. In other words, you're a mess, Joe. You're going to screw it up for everybody else. Get you know, you might want to retire Congressional Democrats. By the way, in spite of all these proclamations, they support the police, presidents saying last Thursday, the answer is not to defund the police. He did say during the campaign he'd redirect moneys from the police. Kamala Harris, we know her praising the LAPD for defunding the police, promoting that bail fund in Minneapolis. Anyway, Corey Bush is out there now saying, my colleagues keep telling us to wait. They keep telling us defunding the police and investing in communities won't work well. Their policies keep ending up with police murdering black people. Enough patronizing, listen to the movements that are telling and telling you how to save lives. Bush not alone them the defund movement of course, AOC. Then the list goes on Congresswoman Omar, Congresswoman Pressley, and others and others. AOC is the most influential person in that congress period. It's pretty pretty amazing to me. This is pretty interesting, Linda. We don't care if people fly in private planes, Doe. It's up to them. Of course. Well, when people fly in private planes and lecture the rest of us about the cars we drive, then and we have a right to call out hypocrisy all Nancy Pelosi apparently shelled out nearly five hundred grand for private jets since October of twenty twenty. I don't care how she flies, but don't lecture the rest of America on the need for carbon emissions. Just like John Kerry. Anyway, she a campaign paid an advanced aviation team at four hundred and twenty three thousand dollars. The service is used on ten occasions for a private airplane. John John Kerry really believes, why is it getting on commercial flights? You know, I love the hypocrisy. Gavin Newsom, no mask, the Mayor Garcetti, no mask, but I held my breath Stacy Abram classroom of kids, no mask. This is racist. I'm like, are you kidding me? You gotta be kidding me, She claim racism and of course ignoring the science that they only cling to when it's convenience science. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Democratic governors are now undermining Biden's case for the mask mandates, and he's Biden's been going after several states for not imposing these mask mandates in school. Biden's been out there attacking governors like Greg Abbott Rohn de Santis. More governors from blue states now are joining their red state gubernatorial colleagues and phasing out mask mandates. New Joysey Governor Phil Murphy, who nearly lost, he should have lost. It was so close. Nobody paid enough attention to it. We paid some, we should have paid more. Anyway, he made the announcement same way in Connecticut. In Virginia, the Supreme Court they're rejected a challenge to Governor Yncin's executive order allowing parents to opt out of the school mask mandate. That's a huge win. That is a very big win, and young can noted. Governors in New Jersey, Delaware, it announced and elsewhere that they'd be removing the school mask mandate. At some point in March. You could see what's building here. It's building. This trucker's convoy in Ottawa in Canada is now spreading across the globe. You now see it in Europe. Truckers are leading the way. You see this convoy building. They're going to drive from California to Washington, d C. That's happening as well. They have the support of all these people that are fed up because the government is overreached and they've been wrong on everything that they've told us, as evidenced by the John Hopkins studies. Oh yeah, don't ever consider this these draconian shutdowns and mandates ever again, because it didn't work the first time, and it ended up being more destructive than anybody knew. Chicago area high school students staged to walk out when the principal told them to mask up for class or leave. They decided to leave, and Illinois judge blocked the state school mask mandate there. Now what's fascinating is how this is all impacting Biden. Biden's holding his line and clinging to his precious mask for dear life. Anyway. So he's at odds with governors now from both parties over these school mask mandates. Maybe maybe Stacy Abrams didn't get the memo anyway, So the White House continues, you know, this ongoing mandate for schools. Now, these other all these other states are saying, you know what, you're not dictating to us anymore. We're not taking your your mandates anymore. Here's why. There was a headline in just thenews dot com and it's COVID mandates falling in schools due to political flips, courts and fear of electoral wrath. That last part is the answer, fear of electoral wrath. In other words, they know the people don't want it, but yet they've been forcing it on them anyway and anyway. So the hypocrisy is breathtaking. You know my favorite as Mayor Garcetti. H Yeah. No, when I took the picture at the football game without my mask on, I just held my breath. Is that the new method of being maskless? Just hold your breath and you can take a picture. Biden's health advisor apologizing for spreading COVID disemformation. We have a Biden Health advisor. His name is doctor Ezekiel Immanuel because he claimed that that unvaxed children are at risk of contracting a serious condition from the omicron variant during an interview on MSDNC. With the amicron variant, kids are either going to get the vaccine or they'll likely get a serious condition of amicron. It's just the opposite. This guy's a medical doctor. Oh but they're going to complain about Joe Rogan and what he had to say that he and his doctor decided how to treat their COVID, or that he interviewed the creator or the technology that allowed for the creation of the Faisa and Maderna vaccines, doctor Robert Malone. God forbid we ask him his opinion. He spent his whole life studying these things. And just because he doesn't tell the Fauci Biden line, God God helped this guy. There is a CNN medical contributor, doctor Leanna Wynn, and apparently she's now made a complete one eighty on mask wearing well. Clay Travis had a good point, so Jeff Zucker gets fired. Now their top health expert goes on the network and says COVID restrictions should end, and parents should get to decide whether their kids wear a mask in school or not. It's kind of a good point. And of course Stacy Abrams is getting bashed by everybody, but she thinks it has to do with racism, and I don't think that's the reason. Far left wing radical Congressman Ted lou is now embracing natural immunity. Oh okay, welcome, welcome to the team. Barack Obama was called massless as he was overseeing construction of his new multi million dollar mansion. And I think this was Hawaii's where his next one is being built. I don't know, I don't really care. It's not the most important thing that's going on here is this is a movement that is building and it's it's amazing how things happen organically, it really is. And Canadian truckers now shut down the busiest border crossing in North America, and it's been it's impacting this this side of the border. You know, in Detroit, roads are backed up, etcetera, etcetera. And we now have exposed go fund me as being you know, another big tech thumb on your your whatever points of view. You have. Uh, there's another alternative that's available. It's called gives end Go. I've told you about it. Their founders ripping the authoritarian big tech after go fund Me sees the Canadian truckers cash anyway, after they shut down the fundraising for the Freedom Convoy in Canada, donors flocked to Christian crowdfunding platform go Send Go I'm sorry gives send Go to support the trucker's protesting the mandates in Ottawa, and the founder and CFO of the platform, his name is Jacob Wells, is now calling Alco, fund Me and other big tech for their authoritarian style of social platforms, which he says promote bias as facts and causes further division. I think it was probably one of the most interesting side bars to the Joe Rogan story. Is now apparently got two offers. I've never heard of Odyssey, so I don't know anything about them, but I do know Rumble and they're legitimate, successful so far organization as an alternative to YouTube. Apparently we have a pretty big following according to my team on Rumble, and they offered Joe Rogan one hundred million dollars deal to continue his podcast. If in fact, Spotify caves and gives in anyway, Now you have more are instances of Justin Trudeau calling you know, these truckers names, and I really can't believe how stupid he is. For Republican attorneys generals are going to be investigating go fund me for the removal of the Canadian truck fundraiser there was actually in New York. This was this kind of shocked me. Yet thousands of New York City workers, they're all going to lose their jobs this Friday because of the vaccine mandate and edict issued by the new mayor Adams. He's the mayor on tape talking about crackers. Anyway, Hundreds of those workers marched across the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday while making common cause with the Canadian Freedom Convoy, and I couldn't believe the size of the crowd. It almost covered the entire bridge. I mean a lot of people working for New York City government. That's one way to look at it. A judge has banned truckers from honking their horns for ten days, as Trudeau, who you know, is cowering and hiding and just name calling, you know. Anyway, Canadian judge banned truckers from constantly honking their horns during protests. The problem they're going to have is most of the cops are on the trucker's side. There's been no instances of violence at all, whatsoever, you know, And what's justin Trudeau do he cowers hides and you know, lashes out at truckers and calls them names. Individuals are trying to block our democracy, in our economy and our fellow citizens lives. This pandemic has sucked for all Canadians. He said, everyone's tired of COVID, but these protests are not the way to get through it. That's what he said. And then he even goes after him further. You know, he's back demonizing them ultra right wing crazies. Really Now, this was in I think the Daily Mail, and so they have also denied that they have ties to ultra right wing groups, insisting their ordinary truckers, well, what are they faked truckers? Is this? Are they acting as truckers? Because if you're not trained to drive that truck, you can't actually get it there. It's you know, that's why we send people to drive trucking school. Driving school. It's not the simplest piece of equipment to drive anyway, it's intimidation. Nothing else said. The Freedom Convoy protested and the Daily Mail, but he's calling them racist again and again and again. And it looks like the people still support the truckers and they're not going anywhere they say they're staying, they're not going. In New Zealand. Protesters are blocking streets outside of Parliament. It's happening now. The truckers are organizing in countries all over Europe and of course here in the US. Pretty amazing. What It's going to be interesting to see what happens the Spotify thing with Joe Rogan. I think it's I think there's a beginning to calm down, don't you think, Linda it has to? Yeah. I mean there's there's a new cycle. It's called Neil Young. It's not even that, it's just they're they're seeing the mass support. And the argument is flawed because he killed it, because he didn't try to deny it or he said I was sorry. He said it was taken out of context. But regardless of the context, it should have never been said. I mean, what are you going to say? Agree? I totally agree with you. The only context and it's not in his case, because I've talked to people who have actually gone back. I don't have the time to go back and watch every podcast and every moment. The only contact that if it might have been appropriate if he said anyone that says this word and said it is ignorant and racist and it should never be said. But that's not what happened in his case. But I did believe the sincerity of his apology, And unlike everybody on the left, I'm not trying to get everybody fired. And at the end of the day, the people that can fire Joe Rogan, the people have the most power to fire Joe Rogan are his viewers and listeners, and I don't think they're going anywhere. If anything, I think there's been so much attention drawn to Joe Rogan, he's gonna have more viewers and more listeners to his podcast. You know. The I don't even it's not even a criticism. I don't know Joe Rogan. But my only problem with Joe Rogan and his podcast is he does really long long interviews. I mean, I just don't have that kind of time built into my day to be able to spend you know, an hour, hour and a half two hours listening to Joe Rogan and say, Elon Musk, Now I did watch I'm you. Yeah, that's true. I'm busy doing my own shows, so I don't have time, but I've have spent time and I watched a couple of his episode. I love the one with Elon Musk. I don't know why I'm fascinated with Elon Musk. It was the strangest thing though. In the middle of the interview he pulls out a joint and lights up a joint. Because you know how anti drug I am, and I'm pro freedom, but I'm just like, I don't know anybody that I know that ever. Did you know these drugs regularly they're usually they're usually lost in their head and just you know, pretty useless. But a guy like Elon Musk is a real innovator in our time. It reminds me a lot of the men that built America series, you know, the Carnegie's, the Melons, the Fords, Henry Fords of the world, etc. And by the way that when you get to know their stories, these were ruthless people. I mean they were and they were out to crush each other. There was basically the more things change the more they stay the same. And Elon Musk, I mean, he's an incredible innovator, and I don't know why the left hates him so much, considering he's at the forefront of maybe the newest technology that will give us a car that we would actually want to drive that is electric and we don't have to fill up a gas tank. Now, I would think liberals would applaud that, but apparently they don't like him. I don't why do they not like him. The idea that he's gonna fly to space, or Jeff Bezos flies to space, they got billions. I think it's a pretty cool idea. I love the interest. I love the science behind it. If you will, I love the curiosity behind it. By the way, that was my description of Joe Rogan. That's how I would describe him as somebody who's curious and willing to talk to anybody and ask any question. I never thought I would have been interested in a Miley Cyrus interview, but I found her very interesting and her answers, and she's so out going and very very bright and smart. I know her dad really well. I used to be friends with them, and um, you know, you have an image of any rocker or any musician, and then you get to know them a little bit better. And I felt her honesty was just totally completely refreshing. I don't know, what do you think of her. You've never seen She's had some interesting um moments. I'm not here to judge and joy anybody. You know, she talks about them. I mean, she's like brute. There was nothing she held back. She was just being brutally honest. Well, most people are like that on that podcast because it is long form and it's also you know, it's on the internet. You can listen to it. You can say things you can't say, you know, like us, you know, we're we're controlled by the FCC. We have to be very careful. They don't have to do that. They can speak their minds, say it the way they say it. You know, you find ways around it. Adam Schiff sumb buttons. Stump buttons are the shift show. Yeah, you have to truth be told. The person that gets dumped the most on this program is you truth be told? Oh you know, I get angry. That's what I do. I'm gonna look talk back. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. Okay,