Senator Al Franken is in hot water for allegations of sexual abuse. Sean has the latest on this story as democrats have turned on Senator Franken. Sean was joined by Melanie Morgan and Leeann Tweeden who are at the center of this controversy to discuss the story. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Go to Tommy John dot com, slash Hannity off your first order Tommy John dot com, slash hannitye off your first order Tommy John dot com Slade Shannity twenty percent off. That's Tommy John dot com slash Hannity. All right, glad you're with us and happy What day is to Thursday? It feels like Monday, Kitty, Like we're starting all over again. Uh eight hundred nine for one, Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. All right, what time are we expecting, Linda? These news conferences were expecting a Judge Ruin is about to speak any moment. We're standing by for that. And there's another. The press conference with the Press secretary from the White House is expected three thirty, so we're standing by. Linda said that not in New New York, for she said a very very quickly. It was very very busy in there. And she just does that and she's aggravated before the start of the show today because there's so much happening last minute. Is that true or false? Pretty much? You can take a press conferences in a half hours. Yeah, no, I know. Alright, a lot to get to today. Uh, big news on the economic front. And by a vote of two and twenty seven and two oh five, they did, in fact, in the House of Representatives, they passed the Tax Cut and Jobs Act. UM. It's interesting now if you look at for example, I'm my my base in the House is the Freedom Caucus. I think they are the most conservative and they are fighting the hardness to keep their promises every day. They're they're grinding it out. And that's Mark Meadows and Jim Dordan and Dave Brad and Louie Gohmert and all the guys that you hear on this program. Because most of the other people don't want very much to do with me at all, and I'm fine with that. Uh. It's I don't really want too much to do with them either. The big challenge now is going to be in the Senate. Senate I assume is going to pass their version of this and then they'll you know, slam it out in UH committee and hopefully, you know, we'll get we'll get this on the President's desk. It's not the bill I want. And by the way, this is a bill that is gonna hurt UH. In my particular case, I'm not paying less in taxes, I'll be paying more. UM. And that is fundamentally where I I just felt that there was an abandonment of across the board Reagan supply side economic cuts for everybody. Let me tell you why. I if I was in Congress today, I would have voted for it because it is a big middle class tax cut. And it also, you know, it's it's very interest the corporate tax. This election was about the forgotten men and forgotten women in America, and the forgotten men and women. The numbers are staggering. Fifty million in poverty, fifty million in food stamps. We've added in the last eight years, thirty million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. It's it's these people. Everybody in this country is suffering. These are our neighbors, these are our friends, these are our family. You know, this is our community. And it's rotting because the United States has become less and less and less and less competitive, and between punitive regulations and burdens, burdens and regulations, business just has decided not to build here. And hence you you saw the slow bleeding out of American businesses, and I mean out of Michigan, out of Detroit, out of Wisconsin, out of Ohio, out of Pennsylvania, and and they're the ones that made the difference in this election. They might say, well, why are you gonna court cut corporate texas? Well, you cut corporate taxas, so you incentivize them to stay in the country. Invest in manufacturing centers, invest in factories, invest in warehouses, so the American worker gets back to work, and then you get people out of poverty, off for food stamps, now getting rid of regulations. The President has done most of this on his own. Now, do I wish this was passed in January? February? Yeah, and I'm look if we still got a long way to go. Ron Johnson already is a no in its current configuration in the United States Senator of Wisconsin. Um, but the corporate tax part of it, the deregulation part of it, and the repatriation part of it, and the middle class tax cut part of it is good. But now you're gonna eliminate state and local taxes that you deduct. Now it's interesting. Let me read, for example, Darryl Lisa's comment. Daryl Lisa, he's a great guy, he's a conservative. Darryl Lisa had to vote no on this bill because he is from California, and he said, California families deserve to see tax relief. Too. Well, the only thing I say that Darrel Lisa and I'm I'm a victim of this in New York as well. New Jersey will be victims of this also, and Illinois will be victims of this also, And because these states have decided that they're going to allow their government to tax them into oblivion. Now with you know, in the state of New York it's a upwards nine point nine percent top income tax on top of your federal tax, so thirty nine percent federal, ten percent state. In California it's thirteen and a half percent state income tax. I mean, it's unbelievable, you know. Representatives Eldon also similarly votes no against the GOP package. And he's from New York. Why did he vote no? Because New York has a ten percent state income tax. Well that's no longer going to be deductible under this bill. And it's interesting because in many ways, the rest of the country has to subsidize those people in those states that elect governors and and assemblies and state legislators and sit state senates that raised everybody's taxes anyway, So when you break this whole thing down, I I understand oura license I didn't come to Washington to raise taxes on my constituents. I don't plan to start today. He said. It's disappointing that the bill approved today will not provide the same tax relief to California as it does for the rest of the nation. Californian families need to are being crushed under the constant barrage of tax increases coming out of Sacramentos tax factory. Well there in he's identifying the problem. And in New York it's Albany. And in New Jersey, where is it, Trenton? It's you know, I mean that this is what you get when you elect liberal governors. You know, how is it Florida in Texas have zero state income tax alright, so the people of Texas they don't get to deduct what money they're paying in taxes to their state because their states are fiscally responsible. And you know, for some states that might have a small income tax, it's not that big a deal. But for states like New York and California, New Jersey and Illinois, this is what's gonna happen. They are third team Republicans voting against the bill, and you know, nine were from New York and New Jersey's Eldon Donovan Peter King, and I don't blame them because they know what's gonna happen, But neither have any of these guys taken the charge to their home states and says, guys, look what you're doing. So if you pay federal income tax in California, you pay fifty three and a percent federal income tax. Then you add your Social Security tax on top of it. Then you add your property taxes on top of it. You know, in New York, I got my extra ten percent. I got a city tax three percent. Then I got the second highest property tax county in the country, which is Nassau County, which is where I grew up. I mean, you're you're you're paying for nothing. I think I'm the only person to ever call the the county executive in my county and I said, please do me a favor. He goes what I said, stop fixing the road. Stop. I don't want the road fix it. I'd rather go over dirt and rocks and boulders so I can so I don't have to go around every single day. It's another hour. And it's gone on for over a year and a half, and I got just listen, I have a request. Stop fixing the road. Stop it. They had some damage going back to uh, what was the hurricane that hit New Jerky Glory, Hurricane Sandy and all right, so they had to fix this one, you know, seawall. Then they end up doing the whole thing. They didn't do anybody any favors like government working by open for the people. We have Al Franken is under fired today. I have known Leanne tweeting for so many I can't even remember how long I have known her and lean tweeting, and I know her husband. They're they're just two of the nicest people. By the way, this is now breaking. Franken could this, this probe of his could lead to his expulsion. If you go to the Drudge Report dot com right now, you will see a picture if you haven't seen it yet if you're not on social media, etcetera. And LeAnn tweeting constantly, it is just the biggest lover. Would sacrifice so much of her time, money, energy, resources for the military, and often we would have her on on Hannity and columns, Hannity and and and I interviewed her so many times over the years. She's fun, she's amazing her husband as a hero. He used to fly. I think C one thirties of my mind serves me well. I remember when she had her first child. It was she was so happy, and you know, I just I just know what a wonderful person she is. And years ago she pulled me aside and the picture you see on the Drudge report. She showed it to me, and I remember, I remember the welling up of anger. And we have a lot of charges of you know, sexual harassment and propriety predators, groping, grabbing, all right, So sometimes it's he said or she said, and he denies. Other times, like in Kevin Spacey's case, or Weinstein's case or whatever. You have the tapes of the police department, there's no doubt Al Franken was grabbing her chest as she's sleeping, as she is sleeping, and I remember the anger that welled up in me. I've never talked about it because she asked me not to. It would not be right to divulge a secret. She showed it to me, and I think it was around the time he was running for senate and I said, if you released this, he probably would lose. And but I remember we just discussed it in the ways. It's not easy for people to do, as I've been saying now for how many days, And this was about eleven years ago it happened. What I didn't know is it was worse, which I learned today, and that is that al Franken, you know, did other stuff to her as well. That you know this is that he wrote a script that featured him kissing her and harassed her during rehearsals unrelenting lee. And when she returned home from the tour, she noticed the photo from the tour where frank had had his hands on her breast, smiling into the camera while she's sleeping. You know exactly what you were doing. You forcibly kissed me without my consent. You grabbed my breast while I was sleeping. He had someone take a photo of you doing it, knowing I would see it later and be a shame, tweeting wrote I'm still angry at what al Franken did to me today. She you know, she's a model. You know, she's been a TV personality, she's been a movie she's uh the news anchor for McIntyre in the morning. I know Doug McIntyre and Los Angeles Radio. She's been a model, you know, she's done a lot of things. She's a strong conservative, maybe one of the most passionate people I know that would go on all of these USO tours. And you know it also featured country music acts and the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and tweet and said she only expected to be the MC of the event, but then Frankin said that he had written apart from Me that he thought would be funny, and she agreed to play along, and it The skit featured him kissing her, what she says she was not happy about, but thought she could play it off in the act, and frank And insisted that they'd be rehearsing the kiss, and then she goes on to say when she agreed, he grabbed her and smashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth. Al Franken. I immediately pushed away with both of my hands against his chest and told him, uh, he'd better never do that to me again. I would, and and so on and so forth. The tour ended, and she saw the CD of photographs from the tour, and she saw that picture of Franket. He said, I felt violated over again, embarrassed, belittled, humiliated. How dare anyone grabbed my breasts like this and think it's funny? You know? I wanted to shout my story to the world, she said her husband she told him what had happened. I wanted to share the story publicly. She feared it would impact her career. I wanted to shout to the world. That was a megaphone to anyone who would listen. But even as angry as I was, I was worried about the potential backlash and the damage going public. Now there is another person that has now come out, somebody we also know, Melanie Morgan. When you look at these pictures, it's pretty despicable. Nine one Shawn also Sylvester Stallone is being accused of harassment today. We expect Roy Moore to speak any minute now. This frank and probe could lead to his expulsion. We're now being told have you ever thought Hillsdale College in terms of impacting K through twelve education? Where they are and they're improving young lives in the process. Hillsdale has partnered with some eighteen charter schools nationwide and more opening every year. Now. They provide curricula, they train the charter school faculty, and I offer support and advice and maybe Hillsdale can help with a charter school in your area. And get this, Hillsdale never takes a penny for any of these services. They do it for free. It's called the Barney Charter School Initiative. It's funded entirely by donors. And you can learn more about this important work. Just go to Hannity for Hillsdale one word dot com Hannity for Hillsdale dot com. There's a video there. It shows you how Hillsdale College is building character and children all across the country, teaching these young people how to live full and flourishing human lives. Hillsdale does all of this without taking one penny of government money and not one penny from the schools. It's all part of Hillsdale's mission to create a better citizenry and to help Americans learn how to pursue truth and how to defend liberty. Go to Hannity for Hillsdale dot com. We'll continue. Uh now We're gonna be joined by Leeann Tweeden and Melanie Melanie Morgan and Lee Will be with us at four o'clock today. Melanie, Melanie Morgan has been also a friend of mine for many, many years. And anyway, she was on politically incorrect. It was on an ABC show that's Bill Mars show. Franklin was on that show that night. They had a fight over o MB's budget numbers and uh, then anyway, she goes on in her statement, she said, I made a statement about the budget numbers and he challenged, He challenged her, She challenged him back, and it was about spending priorities. After the show, Melanie Morgan and Al Frankin wouldn't leave her alone, insisting on continuing the argument. And then he goes on. He approached me backstage angrily called me out on those numbers and insisted he would prove that he was right, and he wouldn't leave me alone. He kept following me, and as a woman, his presence proximity to me felt very threatening and intimidating. I didn't realize his creepy behavior after the show, it meant he would continue for days to come. He approached Carol, the show's producers that demanded my home phone number, clear violation of network protocol. I thought it was the end of the story and was shocked when he started calling my home badgering me repeatedly. I became fearful and called Carol to complain and asked her to call him back and have him back off. He made another call after that, and I thought he might end up stalking me in my home in northern California. Was that bad? By the third phone call, I was outraged and terrified and it was really disturbing. And she said he finally left her alone, but only after she pushed back and threatened to call the police and make a report that he was harassing her. I have a story about al Franken, and it's not done nothing like this, but this he is nuts. One day I go down to see I heard Barry Farber. This is in the Hannity and Combs days. Uh Barry Farber, I heard was in the building, was one of the great radio pioneers. Went down to see him. Al Franken's there keeps interrupting the discussion. You know, what about Rush? What about you? What? I you know? All this stuff to me and I'm like, okay, I'm not here to talk to you anyway. I said goodbye to Barry Farber was getting ridiculous. This nut, this nut just literally followed me out in the hall. Security if Fox called a code, and literally they had to hold him and escort this idiot out the building. I've told this story on the on the air years now, the years ago. It happened till the top of the hour, Judge Roy Moore, the Senate candidate and Alabama stepping up to the microphone, let's take this life. Thank you very much, Janet. It's it's data and honor. When I look at this group of people behind me, I won't repeat their names, but I've known many of them through the years, some ten years ago, some twenty, some thirty, and some forty, but some forty are gone. Um. Many of them have lost their jobs, they've lost their positions, They've suffered the imprisonment, uh jail time that they've been fined, they've suffered persecution, and some are gone like Mr Sickle who dearly loved and respect. Do you know they all have one thing in common which reminds me of a story when I first got into politics. Uh. They said in the court system, they said three things you have to have for be a good candidate. That's honestly, dedication, and experience. So I went to seasoned old judge and told him that and he said, roy, He said, that's that's not really correct. He says, you don't need honesty, dedication, experience. What you need to do is is have eyeglasses. It shows people that you study a lot and read a lot. And I've come to where I have to have glasses when the close range. Now, he said, the next thing is you have to have uh gray hair thinning here well as you can see, mine's been going for a while. And uh. He said, you have to have that to show your age. You have to have be studied and be of an age proper. And then he said, and then you have to have one of the things. What's that, Judge? He said, you have to have hemorrhoids. And I said, Judge, I don't understand that I don't have hemorrhoids. Uh. He said, well, you have to have hemorrhoids. Uh. And I said why He said, well, it gives you a concerned look. I think the one thing that drives these people to come from places all across our country, from California in Texas and Ohio and Maryland and Pennsylvania New York, UH, Florida, Illinois. The one thing we have in common is a concern for our country and concern for our future. I want to thank every one of them individually. It's been a great honor. It's been of a great encouragement to hear them. They know what they're talking about. I think, uh, they know that this country faces rough times ahead if we don't go back to the one upon whom it is founded. I think all of you have come to support me in this campaign. I sincerely appreciate your support and look forward to serving the United States Senate. One thing I would like to see happen in our country, as you city, I said, I wanted to see unity. I never dreamed that I would succeed even before I got elected, but I have unified the Democrats and the Republicans in fighting against me because they don't want me there. As you know, the Washington Post has brought some scurreless false charges, not charges, allegations which I have emphatically denied time and time again. They're not only untrue, but they have no evidence to support them. Two of the speakers up here said words that I caught. One said substantiates unsubstantiated, and another said unproven. Another said they were fake. Oh, that is true, and the Washington Post is certainly not evidence. What I want to do in this campaign is very simple is get back to the issues which some are avoiding addressing. I haven't had one question from press or the media about issues in this case since these allegations occurred. What is important is how we address the future of this country, and by cutting taxes, rebuilding our military military, repealing Obamacare, and putting good judges and justices on the federal and Supreme courts of the United States. We've got to stop judicial supremacy or we're losing our form of government. Many of you have recognized that this is an effort by Mitch McConnell and his cronies to steal this election from the people of Alabama, and they will not stand for it. They overcame three thirty million dollars and voted me in the primary, and now they're trying a different tactic. They even well, the day we got a call from one big magazine that's all recognized. If I say the name, I don't want to say it. But they got a call and said asked me to step down from the campaign. Well, I want to tell you who needs to step down. That's a bitch of a college. There's been comments about me taking a stand. Yes, I have taken a stand in the past. I'll take a stand in the future, and I'll quit standing when they lay me in that box and put me in the ground. I'm proud to stand with people that I see behind me and with the people of Alabama to bring forth the truth to Washington, d C. God just about what we stand for, but what the people of this country stand for. An acknowledgement of God, an acknowledgement of the Constitution, and acknowledgement that we need moral value back in our country and without God we can never succeed. I want to thank you for coming here. I want to clothed, but just saying, May God bless you. That's the state of al Obama and jon States of America. Alright, that's Roy Moore, the Senate candidate in Alabama telling a group of people that he is not getting out of the race. He will be staying in the race and that these charges, once again he has said, are false. Also, we've got other issues now that are facing al Franken has now been accused by two women, Leanne Tweeden and Melanie Morgan. In the case of Franken, it was Molo station. There's a picture of of Al Franken on a USO tour with Leanne Tweeden, and Leanne is is obviously sleeping and him smiling for cameras he's grabbing her breast an assaulting her that way. And then of course Melanie Morgan, I just described her case. I'm gonna be checking in. They'll tell us their story coming up later. Obviously there's evidence in this particular case, and there have been calls by a lot of people, including Republicans and Chuck Schumer, they need an ethics investigation. Well, the investment investigation may end up with the expulsion potentially of Al Franken. But as I pointed out, I would tell you right now off the top of my head that when it comes and I laid out a history of this last night, you know, for thirty years now, when it comes to politics, the issues involving the mistreatment of women come second, especially involving the Clintons. I laid out in great detail last night how all of these women were smeared and slandered and besmirched and attacked and and referred to bimbos and worse and and others surrounding all. You drag a hundred dollars through a trailer park and that went on, and uh, all Hillary would say is oh, that's in the past or a vast right wing conspiracy. And now even the New York Times is jumping on board the saying yeah, I believe I need a little late. Of course, then Monica Lewinsky happened. I don't think anybody really doubted at that point or the payoff to most people. Forget Paula Jones got a settlement of eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars and that he lost his law license and that he was impeached. Everybody seemed to now maybe they would maybe if it was at this time and I was talking about Hillary's acceptance of millions and millions of dollars from countries that abuse women, I mean really abuse women. As a matter of law some of these countries, marital rape is not a crime. Domestic violence in some countries is not a crime. And almost all these countries under Sharia, women are told by men how to dress, it, told if they can travel by there by the men in their life, they are told if they can even leave the house, sometimes you need a male relative just to leave a house. That can't drive a car, many many cases, they couldn't vote, can't vote. And in other cases that of course, the persecution and the killing of gaze and lesbians just because of who they are. That happens. And she's taken money from these countries, millions of dollars from these countries. And gays and lesbians are being hung and throwing off of buildings. Christians and Jews are persecuted with regularity in these countries. You can't build a temple, you can't build a church, you can't build the house of worship if it doesn't fit their state religion. Unbelievable. All right, let's get to some of our busy telephones here. Uh as we say hi to Rusty. Rusty is in Little Falls, New Jersey. What's up, Rusty? How are you glad? You called? Very good? Sir? I just wanted to say other things. Um, such more should be innocence of proven guilty. Why is it that? Why did he know he has to prove his innocence? Um? Well, I think I think what people are I think prudently when something is so outrageous and despicable, which I'm sure you would agree. If a woman claims when she was fourteen and he's thirty two to and he's sexually abusing her, that needs to be fully and completely investigated. You agree with that, right, well investigated, yes, but no. Part of the problem is if one of these allegations is proven false, it's gonna sully the whole. If all the other ones are true, the false one is gonna sully all the other ones, and they get harder for women who are really had in the aviews like that, Well, we don't. We don't know in the case of any of them yet. And I will tell you though. I mean, now we're up to eight women that are have complained against Judge Moore. I understand. But it's, like I said, even one of them, it's untrue. It's gonna, it's gonna that's what they're going to hear. I just think that from my perspective is you know, and I said this last night on TV. I lived in Alabama. I know the people Alabama, and they gave me a warm embrace. They thought I'd talked funny when I was down there and they were right, I do. Um, but I'm gonna tell you it's it's you know, when you grow up in New York, Um, I never had this attitude. And I was just busy working and playing sports. You know, I didn't have any attitude. I lived in my own little world like most of us do. And but when you really as I've had the blessing and benefit of being able to travel, you know, all around this country, it really begin to get a there's a keen difference, a discernible difference between Red State America, if you will, all those counties that have painted Read in his last election and the rest of the country. And I mean, you know, in New York you have the you have the two coasts, you have San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and then you've got New York, New Jersey, you got Illinois up there, and then the rest of this country is you know, largely read and it's it's God faith, family country. But not saying everybody's perfect, but you know, it's a it's just I was just very impressed, honored to call at my home for the time that I did, honor to call Atlanta my home the time that I did. Maynard Jackson invited me uh to the great city of Atlanta. I went on my first day on the radio down there, and I just said last night, you know, getting answers, which is why I asked for answers, is crucial that the Alabama people have the truth when they go to the ballot box. To me, that's a political I think the people need. You know, we've had so many October surprises over the year. You you want to have the time that people can truly honestly know in their heart what's true and what's not true, and discern what is true. You know, in the case al Franken, there's no ambiguity here. We got a picture. We got a picture, and so there's zero ambiguity with land Tweeden, and you know the fact that there's more details it is. I remember when she first showed it to me. This is years ago. Well, Hannity, you never mentioned it to us because I was told not. I was asked not to by her friend. She told me this in confidence. And I'm friends with her and I love her husband, and I may have a great family, a wonder wonderful poul. Anyway, I appreciate the call eight hundred nine four one Seawan is a number you want to be a part of the program. Chris is in Riverside, California. Chris, how are you glad you called? Sir? Listening on k E. I B what's happening? Um, Actually it's ma'am. That's okay. I'm sorry, Yes, ma'am, I apologize, that's okay. My my husband prefers I go by Christina anyway. So, but and thank you for taking my calls and honor to speak with you. And I just wanted to address the tax issue that we're now facing here in California with this uh recent vote here in the Health of Representatives. And I just say thank Aford Darryll, I said, and him voting against it. I'm not in his district, but um, I've lived in California all life and I've never once voted for a tax hike. But because both parties are super weak need on illegal immigration, we have millions here that are voting with their stink takes ideas and it's not they get they just being here and they get a vote. And you know where's vice presidents from this voter front business. I mean, we are eating they understand is that supposed to be a panel looking in all of this, And yes, you have to be a citizen of the United States to supposedly vote in elections. I think, you know, I'll go back to John Funds book, you know, a number of years ago. There's always been it hasn't been fixed. The idea that you know, I have to go to the d n C convention and I have to have a picture I d and uh just to get into the d n C convention pictures and all that, But you don't need a photo ided to vote never made sense to me. R Leeann Tweeden, she was the victim of this harassment of Al Franken. Is going to join us next and uh, all right when we come back Al Franken now an image of him grabbing Leon Leeann tweet and have known forever. On this program, she and mel Any Morgan both speak out exclusively coming up on this program that's coming up next one Shawn is a toll free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program. We also have Jay Sekulo is gonna stop by today as we talked about these new developments. Yeah, the fix was in even worse than we thought as it relates to Hillary Clinton and the private email server will give you those details, Jonathan Gilliman, Heraldo Rivera and much more straight ahead. All right, glad you with us our to Sean Hannity Show. This just breaking, by the way, Apparently now some media Democrats have set a whole lot of uh, have a lot of integrity, which is you know, after the discussion we had last night, thirty years of the sparchman smearing slander of women that because of politics supporting Bill Clinton, it didn't matter what he did, didn't matter how many women there were, didn't matter how serious the allegations were. Anyway, Slate magazine said, there is no rational reason to doubt the truth of Leanne Tweeden's accusations, no legitimate defense of Franken's actions, and no ambiguity here at all. Al Franken should resign from the Senate immediately. And we've been telling you these stories and these breaking news from earlier today and joining us now are the two people that are in fact been victimized by Al Franken. We got the pictures, uh right there on the Drudge Report. Right now, Leeann Tweeden, who's a actress, radio host on KBC in Los Angeles, longtime friend of mine and another long time friend, Melanie Morgan, also a radio host in her own right, TV host in her own right and now running Media Equalizer. Thank you both for being with us, and uh, we appreciate your time. Thank you, Leeann. Let me let me start with you. I have known you for many, many years. I remember where I was a very long time ago when you showed me that picture. You asked me never to tell anybody, and I did not. Um, let's talk about this USO tour and what happened. Tell us, Well, in two thousand and six, you know, I was embarking on my ninth USO tour and that was my eighth one to the Middle East, um, since the nine eleven attacks. And you know, it was one of those things where, um, you know, the troops have always been close to my heart, you know that, and my my dad served in Vietnam, and my husband is in the Air Force and he still currently serves, and um, it was something close to my heart. And you know, usually as the television host and the radio host, I go and I m see the shows, but usually I go when it's a variety type show. I go with, you know, country music artist the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, and so i'm the MC typically because as other people, you know, they sing and dance. So, by the way, how many did you go on lean, I know you went on a bunch of them, sixteen fourteen to the Middle East. Yeah, so this particular trip, um Al Frankin was uh on on the roster with us, and you know, so he doesn't really sing or dance either, but he he came and so he ended up being the co m C. And he had written a couple of skits UM for himself to do throughout the show. And I had never met him before, and then he um actually came up to me when we met in Washington, d C. Before we went over there, and he said, you know, hey, I've got a UM I've got a script that I wrote if you want to play them, mom, you know, we can do a skit together at the beginning of the show for the troops. And I said, okay, it sounds like fun. Yeah sure or whatever. He said, all right, when I when I get to a printer, I'll print it out and then we can go the lines or whatever. And we can do it um for the shows. So when we get over there a few days in before we do our very first show and to wait, he uh said, um, here's our script. And I saw the script and you know it's it's the typical for the boy is. It's kind of full of sexual innuindo and kind of playing. Um. Okay, I'm doing a live radio hit right now, no worries, don't tell whoever it is. I said, Hi, yeah, I'm trying to do a live radio so what you saw it? And I'm sitting here in a chair and they're asked me to put the phone down for one second. Is that okay? Yeah, go ahead, I take your time. Well, we'll go to our Fred Melanie here for a minute. Uh, Melanie, have you talked about this issue with Al Franken before? Yes, I have, Sean, and thanks for having me on your program. You know, I was really surprised to how to hear Leanne's story today. I was, in fact, doing a live television interview when the house asked me if I had heard about the breaking story involving Leanne at KBC, and I said no, and I didn't know her, but I shared my story immediately and as I did um contemporaneously. I knew Al Franken all because I was invited as a guest on the Bill Maher show. It was August nineteen of two thousand. I had no I didn't have a lot of experience at that time doing live television, so I was a little bit surprised when Mr Frankin and I started engaging in a discussion over some budget numbers. It was a relatively mundane point that I was trying to make, and he challenged me, and then I came back over the top and challenged him, but he wouldn't let it go. He kept arguing with me over a really insignificant little thing. So at that point, you know, the show was over and I went back to the green room, where he followed me. He stalked back into the green room and said, I'm going to prove to you that I'm right and that you're wrong, and this went on on, and then he followed me out the door of the green room, and finally, you know, I got in my car and I left, and at that point, Um, I was a little bit ticked off about it, but I let it goes. The next day he calls my house, got my whole phone number from the show producer and started calling me. And this went on for three days in a very aggressive, very intimidating, a stocking manner, and finally, finally, um I threatened to call the police and make an official police report if he did not leave me alone, which at that point seemed to stop him. But I have to tell you it was a very frightening experience and one that I hope I never have to repeat. That is that is chilling. And uh, lean tweeting is back with a lean you're there, I'm here. Sorry, they're cutting me in early here. They told me one thirty is my hit time, and now it's like, okay, oh they can I understand. So why don't we pick up where you left off? By the way, And I know your husband you do love the military, by the way. And and Melanie, I know raised his money for the troops every year. I've I've tried to donate often to her charity. And you went on the sixteen USO tours. I know your husband a wonderful guy. I remember when you had your first baby, was the first baby, you know, four and then the second ones too, I know. And congratulations on that too, and please please tell your your other half I said, hi, um, thank you, And look, just so I know how hard this has been on. What a tough day this has been for you. Walk us through from the point where the skit, which is where you left off you were just supposed to be the m C. He writes a skit and in the skit he puts in a kissing scene between you and him. Yeah, totally. And you know, in my mind, it's like, okay, we're just gonna do this skit on stage. He's going to come in for the kiss and I'm just gonna turn my head or I'll just put my hand over his mouth and it'll be part of the scene. It'll be funny, right, you know, We're just going to play it off. And we're backstage, we're it's literally a few minutes before the first show, and he's like, we need to rehearse the scene because we're we're alone, right, We're in this little makeshift backstage area, and I'm thinking, yeah, no, I just ignore him. I'm like, yeah, yeah, no, we don't. And then he's like, no, we really need to rehearse the scene. I'm like, ot, it's not snl. We don't need to rehearse the scene, you know, And he just keeps badgering me, and I'm thinking, this guy is relentless. I'm like, al, just go to the right. I'll tilt my head to the right, you know, just just trying to be funny and make light of it. And he just continues, and he goes on and on, and finally I'm like, just to get him off, just to get him off me, you know, I'm thinking, okay, fine, we're gonna rehearse just to kiss, all right. It's like he just was so focused on that one thing. And so finally I'm just like, okay, let's rehearse the kiss, okay. And I'm just yea, turn my head whatever. And he comes in and he just literally puts his hand on the back of my neck and he comes in and he just does it so fast, and he just puts his mouth on my mouth and he fits his tongue in my mouth, and it happened so fast on that it's like, you know, when you're not ready for something. And I call him, I call him Fishlets for this day because his mouth was just wet and it was so disgusted. Come off with my hands, and I'm like, if you ever do that to me again, and I just I was like, I had my hands were clenched in the fist and I was like I was ready to punch him. I was so angry, and I just turned around and I walked out of air and I just was looking for a bathroom because I just wanted to wash my mouth out. And I was just mad, you know. I was so angry. And by the way, I had to go on stage and act for five you know, in five minutes to go on and pretend like you know, you know, I mean, it's just let me ask you this. And I saw you said one minute, I'm gonna have to go on. What I want to ask quickly about the About the picture though, that is so disgusting to me. And I remember when I asked you about it and and you asked me never to say it. I never did because we've been friends for way too long a period of time. Um, what do you think should happen? I know they were trying to pressure you in the press conference. Um, does something like that warrant? Does he belong in the Senate? And what do you do if there's not a picture in other words, you have a picture and then it becomes he said, She said, how do we sort through that lead? Um, you know I don't either, Yeah, what I mean? You know what I mean? Like in your case, you look at that picture. Everybody's disgusted and there's so much going on. What do you do if it's if you don't know for sure? What do you advise people? Um? You know, you know what. I'm sorry. They're talking to my other ear so on it's hard for me to hear you. Yeah, I'm sorry, you can I I'll just let you answer that last question and you can go. Okay. Yeah, you know. I'm not calling for him to step down. That's not why I came out with this. I just want other people. If you know, there might be other girls that he did this too. And obviously you have one on the phone right now that's talking with me, and there might be others. That girl called into my radio station today that I need to return a call that said this happened to her from him. I'll let you go. I know you I know you're being pulled. Listen, lean Uh, I'm going back all the best to uh, your husband, your family, the kids for me, Okay, thank you. Uh, and Melanie, let me go back to your story. It's um, he's being pulled in a hundred directions here and UM, you know, I haven't look obviously, it's nothing like what you guys went through. And but one day I went down in the green room with the Fox News Channel and Barry Farber, who you know is one of the great radio pioneers, and I went to see him. This was in the Hannity and Colmbs days. And I'm trying to have a conversation with Barry Farber and Al Franken is in there screaming at me, and I'm like, all I don't want to talk to you. I'm here to see my friend. Um. Anyway, it's finally gets to the point I can't even have it, and I just said, all right, Verry, good to see my friend. God bless you. Give him a hug. And I walked out and he's screaming at me, following me, and the halls of Fox are filled with security guys and literally he would not stop. They called the code and then security literally surrounded this guy. I've told this story many many times on air before. Uh. It sounds like he was harassing you on that this man is unhinged. I've known it for a long time. When he's talking you like this, did you think about going to the police. I did. I was terrified. I really thought there's something wrong with this man. And I told the story at the time on the Lee Rodgers and Melanie Morgan show at KSO and San Francisco, because I thought the only way to really protect myself is to tell this story out loud, because I was afraid. I was terrified that he was going to come to San Francisco and I don't I don't know what. His behavior was so erratic and so obsessive that it truly frightened me. And I remember um telling you this story as well, and you told me your story about being surrounded and yelled at by him, and I had forgotten all about it until I you reminded me. I forgot the whole thing, and I remembered now because yeah, it's look, it was a long time ago. And you know, uh, I don't care Al Franken's you know, just to me, it's just a jerk. But you know, when I want to, I want you to stay there when we come out. I want to ask Melanie Morgan a question because it dovetails into you know, you tell your story. We've got the picture of Leanne. There's when there's no ambiguity, it's easy. I want to ask you about the hard cases when somebody makes an allegation or number of people make allegations, and then the person denies it. We'll get to that, Melanie Morgan. J Secular at the bottom of the hour one. All right, as we continue Sean Hannity Show, toll Free, it's eight one sewn you want to be a part of the program. Jay Secular at the bottom of the hour. Uh, as we've been telling you. Al Franken now accused of sexual molow station on a USO tour of Lee and tweeting. There is a picture of Leanne's sleeping. She's been on all these USO tours and Al Franken they're grabbing her breasts and then she talked about unwanted touching and groping and grabbing and kissing and shoving his tongue down a throat, which is unbelievable. Melanie Morgan had been stalked by Al Franken after a politically incorrect show. He is I know him from my own experiences is unhinged. Um, Melanie, What what do people to think when we don't have a picture, like in the case of Leeann, How do you how do people sort through and get to the truth. That is a great question, and it's one and as a journalist of over thirty years experience I wrestle with every single day. You know, you have to take these instances and these testimonials by different women, and it's usually women, although in Hollywood, as we've learned, sometimes it's men. And you have to look at the whole context in which these allegations are made, you know. I wanted to give Judge Roy Moore the benefit of the doubt because it was forty years ago that he was accused of doing some inappropriate things. I think that the people of Alabama are definitely going to make a judgment on what they think is true and what is not true. I can only speak us to the truth that I experienced, which was a very aggressive and almost obsessive behavior that Senator Al Franken displayed towards me when he was a writer and a performer on Politically Incorrect with Mitt Bill Maher. So I know my truth, and I think that all the rest of us have to to give it our best judgment, read carefully, do our research, and come to our own conclusions. Melanie, one thing in my in my interview with him, in my demand that he answered questions, was that the right thing to do? Because I feel the people of Alabama deserve to know the truth before they go vote. H Yes, the answer is yes. You know, at first I wasn't sure what was what to think about that, But then I realized saw him that you were simply doing your job, which is to ask very tough questions, and you did. Some of the answer as he gave were a little less clear than other answers. And now he has come back and answered most of those questions that you've asked. And I talked to the people of Alabama. Now, well, I gotta I gotta run. Tell people about your military charity quick. Okay. It's called Move America Forward. We send care packages to our troops overseas. Move America Forward dot org. Thanks mel You know President Trump has tried to flip the script and now says the Justice Department should be investigating you. And this way we learned the Attorney General Sessions is considering a special counsel to probe the Uranium One deal and alleged confidence with the Glint Foundation. What's your reaction to this? You know, I regret deeply that this appears to be uh, the politicization of the Justice Department and our justice system. Um. This Uranium One story has been debunked countless times by members of the press, by independent experts. Uh. It is nothing but a you know, a false charge that the Trump administration is trying to drum up in order to avoid attention being directed at them. I mean, even Trade Gaudy, somebody who's hardly a fan of mine, uh said, uh that you know, there doesn't seem to be the basis for a special counsel. Of course there isn't. But if I try to take myself out of it, which you know, it's kind of hard because it's personally offensive that they would do this, But taking myself out of it. This is such an abusive power and it goes right at the rule of law. So you have a lot of experience with special counsels. I mean, how concerned are you about a special counsel investigating you? I mean, is this something that you're preparing for. I'm not concerned because I know that there's no basis to it. I regret if you know, they do do it, because it will be uh touch a a disastrous step into politicizing the justice system. Uh And at the end of the day, you know, nothing will come of it, but it will, you know, cause a lot of terrible consequences that we might live with for a really long time. Politicize the Justice Department. Well, maybe that would be with your husband meeting on a tarmac with Loretta Lynch, or Loretta Lynch instructing Jim Comey, the FBI director, don't call it an investigation, call it a matter, or Jim Comey and and others apparently deciding for themselves that they're going to exonerate her and start writing that letter before the investigation really even started. Now we find out that shortly before last year's election, the FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe he wrote an email on his official government account stating that Hillary Clinton the email probe had been given special status. According to documents released now, and his October email to press officials in the FBI said the probe was under the control of a small group of high ranking people at the FBI's headquarters in Washington, and as I now, as I now know, the decision was made to investigate it at a headquarters with a small team, he wrote in the email, And he said he had no input when the Clinton email investigation started in the summer while he was serving as the assistant director in charge of the FBI's Washington office. Wow, politicizing the Justice Department pretty amazing, bold statement by somebody that's been able to skirt justice in the rule of law, and there seems to be that we don't have equal justice under the law. Jase Secular is the chief council for the American Center for Law and Justice, also Counsel to the President. Jay, what is your reaction on Hillary? Just said, well, look, I mean she she doesn't like the fact that there may be an inquiry into a transaction that the American people are still trying to get their head around, and that is uranium one. Now, what's interesting with uranium one is, and you've reported on this and discussed this, Shaan, is that you had these ongoing FBI investigation which ended up in resulting ultimately four years later, in prosecutions on uranium one. But the concern now is how in the world was this signed off on in light of what are apparent conflicts of interest and that would be in parent conflicts of interests between the then Secretary of State, former president the Rossa Tom the company that end up buying uranium one. So there's a lot of questions that have to be at really answered here because this is just now coming to light. And then you take the special status issue on the investigation on the email server situation, and what is exactly special status? I mean, what does that even mean? Is there a definition within the Department of Justice manual called special status investigations And I'm just not I don't know of one, and and I'm not I've never I've not memorized the entire d o J manual, but I will tell you that something like a special status investigation is handled pursuing to this regulation and that regulation. I just don't see it, so that that whole Comy situation. And I've I've said this on on on your broadcast, I've said it on my home broadcast. I mean the idea that if I don't give you a Republican, Democrat, libertarian independent, here's the fact what James Comey did by intervening in that election was not only unprecedent and violated the Department of Justice on guidelines. And the fact that then whether then he exonerates and he reopens the investigation, he by steps the Attorney General the United States because he felt James Comy felt she was tainted. Now, granted, she should have refused herself. You talk about a refusal, I mean she had a meeting with the former president of the United States who wife was under investigation. But take it a step further. Why did he not go to the Deputy Attorney General or the Associate Attorney General of the United States if he thought that Lauretta Lynch was compromised? Why did he do this on his own? So that needs to be investigating on The Inspector General said they're gonna have an answer to that in their view, uh in in the spring. But would that be something that the FBI or a special counsel should be looking at. I would think so that that's separate and apart from the fact that James Comey leaked versations she's had with the President of United States the third party's for publication purposes. See, if you have this special status that they're talking about here, and this small team that they're talking about here, Well, equal justice under the law I think would dictate that everybody has to have the same status treated the same way, and in reality we know that that's not the case. I mean, when when the Attorney General of the United States at the time, and Loretta Lynch is the Attorney General, and she's telling Comey, the FBI director, not to call it an investigation. Uh, that is in and of itself not only inappropriate, but it reeks of politics in the justice system. And then when she meets with Bill Clinton for forty five minute, they all know what the rules are, and they tried to cover it up. They changed their name, as I understand it as in terms of hoping that nobody would know was them that was there, and and that got revealed. And then of course now we've got the whole exoneration and moving the term the legal standard gross negligence to dream carelessness that that had to have been done purposely. Yeah, although extreme carelessness is gross negligence, I mean that's what you're looking at it. I mean, you're talking about a slight of hand. I mean the statute itself, when talks about gross negligence. To look up the term gross negligence and legal dictionaries and means extreme carelessness. But that's how they thought they were playing cute here, including James COMMI. Yeah, they thought they were playing cute. Now here's the question. A lot of us have been waiting, and I never thought it was the right call for Jeff Sessions to recuse himself as the Attorney general. But he did. My sources are telling me that he did not recuse himself from Uranium one or the dossier issue, or you know, he just recused himself from that particular matter. And then it was Rosenstein who made the appointment. And then you you know, now we get back into you know, whether or not there's a conflict. You know, are you worried that that Vladimir Putin the bad actor? He is the hostile regime of Russia? That they are that the FBI and the Department of Justice had to know. They had an FBI informant that had discovered a network inside the United States obviously working on behalf of Putin, that was using bribery, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering, racketeering. And they knew this in two thousand and nine, This FBI informant was with them over four years and now he has documents, tapes, firsthand experience and emails and so on and so forth. Um, is there any explanation that you can think of why anybody would ever sign off on uranium one? And why why they didn't stop this when they knew a year and a half before. Now I'd like to know if they actually I mean, this is part of them. We've done this in a Freedom of Information Act request that we've put in at the American Serf Lawjustice to the State Department and the other agency's involved with that scipious committee. It was the committee that we're determined these foreign investments. Did they actually meet? Did they actually where they briefed on the situation where they given a status report on ongoing criminal investigations? Was that did that issue raised to the level? In other words, did it get to the Attorney General Eric Holder at that time? I didn't reach it, And and that's the Those are unknowns. So that has to be answered because this is a big enough d where you've got to know the answer to that. So again, none of us know where it ends up going. But the investigators, I think certainly have a prima facia right to look at it. Um how that will take, what what form that will actually take? You know what we'll see. I mean what thede Did they go with an independent council? Do they or special council? Do they think they can do it internally? I think they're the I think the potential to do it internally is very limited here. I mean at because of other people that would be involved in it and how that plays out, and what they're involved with and some of it, by the way, even Sean that would be a conflict adventure is not because they did something wrong, but because they prosecuted the uranium one. Not the uranium one, the they prosecuted the Russian spies and those that were engaged in that. So if that lawyer prosecuted it, Kenny, now who's now in the Department of Justice, can he do this independently? So that's where you look at the actual code, the actual regulations at the Department of Justice and make the determination that this is one of those situations where special counsel would be necessary. What did you think of Jeff Sessions as answer the other day, You're I mean, you're a smart lawyer. You understand this as well as anybody. This has been your business for forty years years. Well, look, I mean I would my answer would have been, I think what he said about it's going through the process, I understand that. I mean, you have to to determine whether you need a special counsel. You need to review the process as to doesn't meet the criteria for a special counsel. I think personally it does. That's my personal view speaking as as Jay Seculo here, Um, that's not the position of I don't know what the position of the Department of Justice ultimately is going to be on that, but I would think that this is a time where special counsel would be needed because it's just the appearance of conflicts of interest here are so great that I think to to to really handle this in an appropriate way, especially and you know Seawan Berry has an on special counsels. You know that I don't like. I like the fact that we have a Department of Justice that can that's supposed to be able to do this with Lady Justice mindfolded, but there are times when it can't, and then this looks like it's one of those times. You can already see what Hillary strategy is oh this was all debunked. Oh this is old. I mean it's the same old strategy. Then they're gonna you know, if in fact all that we have been investigating is now it turns out to be true. Um, and we know crimes were committed on the email server issue. That's it. It's it's a fact. At this point, we know she funded Fusion GPS for Russian lines propaganda misinformation to influence an election. Uh. We know also through Donna Brazilci funded money through the same lawyer, through the d n C that she was really in charge of. So we know a lot of things that have happened to here. And then the question is that what's the nature in which that investigation moved. So, I mean, you lead it, laid it out very effectively, and the question is how does that information go out, How is that processed? How is that investigated? But there's something you said the other night when I was on your television broadcast, we were talking about this, and I think this is the it's getting a little bit lost in all this. If in fact FISA warrants Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants were issued by a FISA court on that fake dust e a that raises a very very serious criminal law issue procedurally and constitutionally. Stay right there. J Secular American Center for Law and Justice, their chief Council Council to the President. One Shawn is a told free tellable number more with J Secular. On the other side, as you know, Sean Hannity on his program has been very critical of the uranium one deal the President, saying with regard to Russia, that's the real story and all of this. What would you say to those critics, I would say, it's the same bologna they've been peddling for years, and there's been no no credible evidence by anyone. In fact, it's been debunked repeatedly and will continue to be debunked. But here's what they're doing, and really I have to give them credit. You know, Trump and his allies, including Fox News, are really experts at distraction and diversion. So the closer the investigation about real Russian ties between Trump associates and real Russians, as we've heard Jeff Sessions finally admit to h in his testimony the other day. Right as we continue, J Suculo is with us from the American Center for Law Injustice. He is their chief counsel. And I want to get back to the issue of what the consequences Hillary Clinton would be facing here are we were? Is there any statute of limitations issues coming up regarding any of the issues involved in the dossier Uranium one or the email server scandal that you know of, Well, I mean, you know, and when you've got a situation where you're talking about statue limitations, you you gotta look at what statue of limitations because crim crimes, a lot of most crimes have a statue of limitation, but normally it's six years in the criminal context. So it would not appear that there would be a statue of limitation issue that has been elevated here. In other words, could could a lawyer argued that there's a statute violation that the statual limitation I've I've speculated on the Maniford indictment that there since there was not really a tax evasion charges, was that because the statue of limitations had expired? Um, So look, in any case, statue limitations come up, and I don't see that as a hum a basis upon which an investigation would not proceed here. Okay, so that's important. Now the question is as Jeff's Sessions as answer, I can't answer that. I can't answer that. He can't tell us if there's an investigation. Yeah, well, look, um, General Sessions. Um is someone I've worked with, as you know shown for a lot of years when he was in the United States Senate, and I have a lot of respect for him. I think he's in a has had a very difficult time, no question, had a very difficult time just two days ago in his testimony. And this to me, if Jeff Sessions the nature he knows what his nature of his recusal is, the question is, does it recuse? I can't imagine. I mean, first of all, you think Eric Holden would have ever recused himself from any of this, No, Um. But look, Loretta Lynch did not recuse herself when she met with President Clinton on the Tarmact. She never actually refused herself. Remember, she'll take the investigation recommendations of her senior people. And then we know that James Colemey wrote the answer to that, you know, three months before he interviewed the witnesses and in fact grant an immunity to witnesses and still written had written his declination letter before. So I think the reality of what we have here, Sean, is that I am not sure at this point where the Attorney General sees himself in these investigations and what role he'll play. I'd be speculating because it's not just not clear for me what he can and cannot do based on his own view of things. All right, frustrating as that is, it is all right, Jay Sekulo, thanks for being with us eight hundred nine one, Seawan told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, uh news round up in information overload coming up later and much more straight ahead. On the Sean Hannity Show, see as a baby, Rob was routinely beaten by his father's car. On a typical night, Carl would slip into Rob's bed, roll him over, swap him down, and say something like, I'm thinking about hiring more Amsterdam to play Buddy Surrell. What do you think? Well. The success of The Dick Van Dyke Show changed things dramatically. Carl started inviting many of his famous friends to son rehets the line and the line leading up to the kiss. We rehearse the line and I'm coming towards him, and he comes up and he grabs me, and he puts his hand behind my head, and he aggressively comes in and he matches his mouth up against mine and he sticks his tongue in my mouth, and as it happens, it happens so fast, and he puts his tongue in my mouth, and his mouth is just wet and slimy. And to this day, I call him fish lips, okay, because it's disgusting. He says, I respect women. I don't respect man who don't The fact that my own actions have given people a good read and to doubt that makes me feel a shame. Um. He's also asked for as as miss McConnell an investigation. So one, do you accept his apology? And to what do you think should happen after an investigation? I mean, yeah, there's no reason why I shouldn't accept his apology, you know, I mean, if that's sure, Um, I I wasn't Um, I didn't come out to I wasn't looking for anything, you know what I mean? And people are like, well, what were you expecting from him? What did you expect from him? If he wanted to apologize great. I mean, look, this has happened. This has been going on for this happened eleven years ago. I saw him a couple of years after that with my husband at a us O gala, and he walked up to me and found me in a room and said hello to me, and I was very cold to him, and I turned right. He found me and you know, with my back to him and said hello, and I was like, hi, Al, and I turned and walked away from him. My husband even said to me last night, He's like, as I recall, Leanne, you left me standing there with Al because you said hello and then turned and turned your back on him and walked away and left me standing there with him. And I'm like yeah, because I wasn't gonna talk to him, you know. So my husband said hello out but no, he had a chance to apologize to me then because he knew he knew exactly what he did to me then, and that picture was out there, so he had a chance to apologize to me. So I wasn't holding my breath would have been long dead by now by then, you know, So um, the apology, sure, I accepted, Yes, I mean people make mistakes, and of course he knew he made a mistake, So yes, I do accept that apology. Um, the ethics investigation. If that's what Mitch McConnell wants to do, Uh, that's that's on them. I'm not calling for that. If that's what he wants to do, Okay, that's that's up to them. I'm not demanding that. I'm not I'm not demanding any of that, all right. That, of course, was Leeann Tweeden who released a picture today and talk about Senator al Franken and his unwanted groping and kissing and uh, of course uh an image when they were on a USO tour while Leeann Tweeten was sleeping, Al Frankin going up and looking looks like he's grabbing her chest and laughing about it. She's sleeping. What it looks like, you know, in in somewhere in a rack. If I'm Lee and tweet and I've known for many many years, I've known about this picture for many years. And I know her and I know her husband, and uh, there's no nicer person in the entire world. And she went into great detail today as to why she felt it was time to explain that, and then Melanie Morgan's same story anyway, here to discuss all of this. Uh. Now, we've got charges of Sylvester Stallone accused of sexually assaulting a sixteen year old fan, and police report reveals a girl claimed the star made him give made her give him and his bodyguard oral sex and threatened they would beat her head in if she ever told. Joining us now is Jonathan Gillum, host of the Experts. He's got an upcoming book, Sheep No More for All the rivera Fox News legal analyst or although let's just get your your general take on all of these things that are now, you know, cascading upon society in a way, and all these developments and all these revelations. You know, Sean, it's a great question, and I've really been, uh, I've been pondering it seriously all day today because there's you know, at what point does it become grotesque and offensive, if not criminal and career threatening or career ending, And at what point is it flirting and normal kind of uh interaction between boys and girls and men and women, you know, when it's not a superior subordinate situation, when it's not someone who's overpowering in a physical I mean, I'm not sure uh at society is going to have to revamp and redraw and redefine these lines. I think that set the Franken is uh, you know, aside from being profoundly embarrassed and ashamed as the wealth should be. Uh. You know, I don't know if it's it's what, but you know, but but there are some cases where we have facts. In this case, you have a picture and the pictures grotesque. In other cases you have uh, an accuser and you have somebody denying it on the other end, and it becomes like in the case of Weinstein, in the case of Kevin space I mean, you know, they're they're all headed out. Oh sorry, I'm going to rehab um. So that's you'll never see Kevin Spacey again. Sylvester Stallone. I'm not sure if the circumstances or how long ago it was with the age of the person at the time of the alleged defense. But these these charges now, and you were really good about it last night, and you've been spot on showing in terms of your moral outrage regardless of the ideology of political philosophy or political party of the alleged defender. And I think that we've got to stick to that. We've gotta we've got to be party blind, ideology and political politics blind. We've got to lay out some rules. Now I've got I've got three daughters, you've got one, you know. I'm society is shaking out now from the old century. It's taken seventeen years since the twentieth century, but we're finally getting over it. Now. We've got to draw some real rules. What's your Johnathan I said last night. I went through a long history and some of it is political, although I think it should be a political But this is important because the length too with which the left in this country went to support Bill Clinton, and all of the smearing and slandering and besmirchment that went on even up to and including last year's election. We're not We're not necessarily going back to the nineties here. These allegations were made and systematically, the bimbo eruptions were dealt with, and these women were slandered, abused. Nobody in the media, you know, said anything nice about them. And Uh, in that sense, I think there is a certain degree culpability on their part. Listen to UH. When I talk about the leftists in this country. I'm not talking about people like Carraldo who you know him, and Rick Onger and other people that are friends of mine that are liberal, that are actual thinkers and look for effective solutions. When I talk about leftists, I'm talking about people to the far left. I'm talking about activists. And when we look at Bill Clinton and the way that that was handled when all that information was coming out, that almost set a precedence for the way these things would eventually unfold because when you add to that the activists on the left that are constantly going absolutely crazy about political correctness, even far past uh, the stuff that we're talking about now this was It's interesting because the left is responsible for all this stuff coming out, and so many people from Hollywood, so many people from politics, they're all suffering from this now because and it's interesting at the same time because it is it is something that we have to talk about on an even playing scales. Not you're like, you're now that it's out in the open. It's now you're gonna have liberals and conservatives trying to trying to to tiptoe around this. They have to say what this is. In the cases when it's a sexual assault or sometime a type of promiscuous behavior. The fact is all this stuff is coming out and it's a snowball effect. And like Haralda was saying, there, we have to start looking at this almost at different levels. Was this mischievous behavior and joking around that was inappropriate? Was it something that there are gonna be times? We don't know too absolutely. But when I look and hear about from a criminal standpoint, an investigator standpoint, when I hear about Harvey Weinstein, when I hear about Kevin Spacey, when I hear what you just said about um about Sylvester Slone, I'm looking at criminal offenses, not something that you go get rehabilitated for. I agree, but sometimes you have the statue of limitations. We gotta take a break. We'll come back. We'll have more with Jonathan Gilham and Horaldo Rivera that's coming up on the other side. All right, as we continue, Jonathan Gillham Horaldo Rivera are with us. Let me play and this is really offensive. I mean, we had Rob Reyner earlier that we played, but you know, this is Al Franken joking about rape and just listen to what he says. Donald Trump claiming the things he said on that bus for locker room talk? Do you have any thoughts about that? I've been in a lot of locker rooms. Um, I you know, I belonged with health Club in Minneapolis. I think you can tell ye and h our locker room banter is stuff like is Trump crazy? And uh so, I don't know what locker room he may work out with Roger L's and would be a different libary. But see as a bait be Rob was routinely beaten by his father, Carl. On a typical night, Carl would slip into Rob's bed, roll him over, swap him down, and say something like, I'm thinking about hiring Morey Amsterdam to play Buddy Surrell. What do you think? Well, the success of The Dick Van Dyke Show changed things dramatically. Carl started inviting many of his famous friends to son, what did your reaction to that? You know my feeling, And I'm glad you asked me that. As I listened, I was thinking that there there is an aspect of of locker room humor, whether Franklin wants it, cop to it or not. That a year ago, two years ago, let's say, two years ago before we went through our own where Roger Rael's trauma at Fox News two years ago, people would have been uh, you know, elbowing the other one and saying, oh, that's funny and not and not thinking of the person making the joke as a particularly predatory monster. Now and and you and I had the debate about this, I said that right now, if Anita Hill made those same charges against Clarence Thomas, he would never have been confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States if that were today. I think the times have changed dramatically. What we have to be cautious of. And I think that this is where you are leading in terms of sharp prudence is let's see where the charge goes. Now, a lot of relationship and unsuccessful. A lot of people break up, a lot of marriages end in divorce, a lot of relationships. Uh, this this great bitterness the property involved. This there's I'm sorry you cannot. Although I want every accusation to be true or truthful, that's not the real world. Now in the frank In case, he has admitted it. Now, what does the Senate do about it? I am positive, having investigated Congress enough, particularly during the Clinton impeachment time, that there are plenty of people, some of whom professed to be uh Christian righteous, uh straight shooting, loyal to their wives, who are on the side going along with a whore's and uh you know what, cat calling teenagers and you know, brushing up against senate interns. You know that maybe this is the shakeout, Maybe this is the time with the real world comes to grips with what's going on. Jonathan, Well, also, you know when we look at the way that we confront these issues. First off, I want to give you props on the the the interview that you did with Judge Moore. I thought that that was a very firm and probably one of the best interviews I've ever heard where somebody's literally questioning somebody. You asked the right questions. That's the way we need to ask these questions. But here's another thing that I want to say, and I don't by and by the way, I've taken a lot of heat for doing what was the right thing to do. You got didn't get Jake tappertelling you it was a good thing. So it's not that it's not that, it's just one I don't rush to judgment and not rushing to judgment. It made me be right in so many cases where others are wrong, starting with Richard jewel And and the Zimmerman, Trey von Case Ferguson, hands up, don't shoot right that Trump can win, right about Ducal across those three kids lives were ruined right about Freddie Gray because I don't rush to judgment. And then then if you don't rush the judgment, boy you're excoriated. Well, you know something, we have to wait for more facts. And then, as I said last night, I got Judge more to answer again. And now the people Alabama, they're smart. I have faith in them. Well, as Haraldo would tell you, you you know, he's done investigations. When you you have to allow time for the evidence to come in, and you have to allow the evidence to kind of lead you. You You can't make let your assumptions lead you. But what I was getting at there a second ago is that we I really want women to be empowered and if somebody does something, I like the way Leone tweeting handled this, the way she went up to him and she didn't or when he came up to her, she didn't want to have anything to do with Alt Frankin. I want women to be empowered, and if somebody does something inappropriate, I want them to be able to say, uh, stop that it's inappropriate, getaway from me. And then if it if it's something like rape or molestation, I want women to be able to say, this is what happened and not fear the retribution. Agreed, And you know, and I understand why some women wait because it is so traumatic and it's such an act of a vile lation. It's violence. I'm gonna have to leave it there, Jonathan, good to see you. Rather you don't need to come in the studio more off and we need to see you. Uh, thank you, Thank you for being with us. Eight hundred nine for one. Shawn told free telephone number when we come back, Wide Open Telephones eight nine. Shan is on number. As we were along Sean Hannity show Down till the top of the hour. Wow, do you think these news cycles will ever slow down? Certainly doesn't look like it. By the way, I've got a question in there for Ethan. So you weren't here in the studio yesterday and they said, oh no, Ethan has a hundred and temperature and he's too sick to go to work. And oh he needed the day off. And I don't believe them. Why don't you believe them? I was actually sick. I really, I was at the doctor. I don't I don't want. I don't want to actually, uh describe how I was sick, because you would not have appreciated if I was here on Monday, really, because I would have gotten sick being around you. I could not speak on Monday. You couldn't. I sounded like a little girl, or I couldn't speak. Linda told you, and I'm like, where's Ethan? Why isn't Ethan here? And of course you got huh. I don't feel And we know she hates germs and she's a germophobe. I'm not a germophobe. I just figured nobody wants to get sick right now. I'm gonna do that tomorrow morning. Do you want me to call on your food right now? Is that what you want? I'm not going near you, but I just think that you took two days off too, as you wanted a couple of days off. I don't think you were sick at all. I would never lie to you. I'm just teasing, all right. I hope you feel better all right, let's get to our busy telephones here as we say hi to Sean and Florida. Shaan, Hi, how are you? And welcome to the Shawan Hannity Show. Hi Son, thank you for taking my call. Um. I just like to weigh in on a couple of things. Um. First of all, Judge Roy Moore, I think it's at the victim of a political hatchet job. What if I told you that right before the election of President Trump, I had a friend who knew someone in the Democratic Party who said that about twelve women were going to come out against President Trump and say that they were sexually harassed or whatever. And he said, Trump is going down. I know, and this is what's going to happen. I think the same thing is happening here because the timing is just way, way too convenient. And why did these women come forward when Roy Moore was running against Luther Strange. No, instead, it's right before the election. I'm not buying it. Secondly, Sessions needs to go. I hear what you're saying. I understand. You know, you always get these October surprises. You never know what they are, you don't know what to believe. It throws every election into chaos. I mean, it wasn't an accident. The week before George W. Bush was running against Al Gore. Oh, by the way, he got a d We got a d U. I what he was in college? Oh? Sorry, we we didn't know until today. I don't believe that. And to derail you know, in the case of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, hold on a second, we don't want him. He's too conservative. We don't want him on the court. And we saw what happened with Herman Kane, and and people are rightly suspicious that this stuff comes out. But on the other hand, when when, when things are so sire, you got to look into it. By the way, how great was Donald Trump getting the u c l a Players out of jail in China? Now I spoke to somebody that knows exactly what happened. So the president hears about this. He's sitting next to the president of China, says, hey, can you do me? Can you let me a favor? I need a favor. They do me a favor. Can you let these guys out if you so desire? Yes, boo, imagine, I really do. I can only imagine. By the way, thank god, these players will let out. You know, they thank President Trump for helping them out. You know, in China, that's like ten years in prison. Why would they go to China and still sunglasses. It's so stupid. You want to pair of sunglasses, I'll buy you a pair. I mean, it's crazy. Anyway, So we're glad they're out. I'm just glad the President got them out of there. That would not have ended well in a lot of different ways. All Right, to our busy phones as we say hi to Larry Is in Wisconsin. Larry, how are you. I'm great, John, Thanks for taking my claw. Yes, sir, what's going on? I'm really troubled by this Judge Moore thing. It's uh, particularly uh when I heard his denials to your very appointed questions, some of them, particularly the first one, the first accuser, very specific, and how he denied it, very flat out denied that anything had happened. The other ones. He starts getting squishy, he starts playing lawyer and parsing his words, and it was really troublesome. And I as much as I want the guy to have a fair shake and think that he's really getting run down the pike here by political forces, it bothers me that he can't man up uh to to take reuh one of these edits seas instead of giving these fuzzy denials. You know, it's sometimes, and this has been my experience and interviewing people for thirty years, sometimes there are people that do not know how to answer questions and I'm just look, I'm just being very blunt here. And you know, when this other accuser, you know, came out and he said he didn't know or look, I'm looking at a lawsuit that has that or basically I guess it's. Alabama dot Com is the name of the company, Alabama Media Group. They operate as a l dot com And they now have been put on no notice by the Foundation of Moral Law that that Judge Moore and his wife are about to file a lawsuit against them. And they talked about the yearbook uh thing that they're they're not claiming it wasn't his signature. You know, how do we possibly know this at this point in time. I mean I looked at I looked at it myself. I'm not a handwriting expert. I don't know those things. And it's it's it's but you know, the hard thing for everybody. And this gets so difficult, is we know Shenanigans. What do you think we call it in October surprise? For call it in October surprise? Because it is designed to create doubt in people's minds, It is designed to shift the votes. It is you know, politics is a mean, down, disgusting, dirty sport. It is a blood sport. And this is what people do. And you know, I think my experience has taught me well not to rush to judgment. But on the other hand, you know, if he says he doesn't know the girl and then something comes out that looks like his handwriting, and then I'm saying, okay, did you do that? I think the people that vote have a right to a very swift, truthful, honest answer because it's too these are too serious of the allegations. You know. The thing that's always been important to me is, you know, I want the people of Alabama to have an informed decision. I think they deserve that. You know, some people got mad at me for asking the questions that came out, but you have to ask these questions. It's just this is too serious. This is something that should transcend politics. And when I said, you know, you've got to answer. And even after the interview, I thought of every question I could possibly think of, because the people of Alabama deserved to know that. Um, we got a thorough, complete answer from him. There's other charges now, but you know, somebody who's lived in Alabama. I just at this point, you've got to put it in their hands and they are gonna make that determination themselves, as it should be, not Washington, not some news anchor, not somebody that's a talk show host, but the people of Alabama. The more information, the better for them. And whatever it takes to get to the truth is what matters in this thing. And and that's all I've done. Look at what President Trump went through in his election, look at what he has dealt with every day since he's been elected. It why any good person ever wants to run for office? Yeah, why anybody wants to be in the public eye today is at your out of your mind. You know, you think that there's such a great you know position, Well, you're a public figure, people ask for your autograph. It's it's not what people seem to think that it is. Um. But with that said, if you love your country, if you see what I see, that the country is on the wrong track. If you see people needlessly suffering because of government oppression, you know you want to do all you can. And no matter what I did and accomplished in my entire life, it will never begin to match the service of one guy that put himself in harm's way and and was taking bullets for his country. Now I take verbal bullets in a sense, you know, I get verbal verbal combat. But it's not getting shot at in the battlefield. It's not risking your life, giving your life, giving your limbs, living with disfigurement. Those are the that's why military are the real heroes. But there's but you know, if they can do all of that, at at least we can do is be called bad names, which happens to me every day, and it's uh, it's the right thing to do. This is a great country, and this great country is on the wrong path, and I want to get this country on the right path. On paper. Anybody that's a billionaire like Donald Trump, he doesn't need to work, he doesn't need he doesn't need this aggravation every day, but he did it for this country. Everyone questions everyone else's motives. You still gotta live it. You still gotta work, You still gotta plow ahead. You know, you gotta grind through it, and life is a grind. Nothing in this life is easy. I can tell you that I don't care who you are, what you do. Life is, as the Road Less Traveled says, difficult. Life is hard. It is an undeniable truth. And once you recognize that truth, it's a divine paradox in a lot of ways. Once you once you recognize that simple, basic, fundamental truth, life actually gets easier because you're not expecting everything to go well every day. I actually expect to get hit on any given day. Nothing shocks me, nothing surprises me, nothing anymore, and not a whole lot phases me in terms of me taking stuff personally. And in that sense, I guess I'm uniquely qualified to take the beat downs that I get on a regular basis, and I don't care, and I fight back. And you know, when I said in the beginning that you know you have to take something like this seriously, you have to because the charges are so severe. Under speaking as a father, I have a sixteen year old daughter, and it's it's frightening because we know evil exists, we know these predators exist. We know what happens out in Hollywood on the casting couch. You know, I've actually one of my friends, one of my best friends, has a daughter that is enormously talented in terms of her ability to sing an act, and she, since she was little, has been the lead role in every place she's ever auditioned for. And you know, at times the girl wanted to go out to Hollywood get an agent. I'm like, don't you dare take that girl. Don't let her out of your sight. You should when if you heard this girl singing, you'd be stunned. If you watched her perform, you be stunned. She's amazing. You know what I'm talking about, right? And uh, I'm like, no, I told my about Keith. You no, don't do it. This is what's gonna happen. This is I am telling you. You're gonna lose control quickly. Everyone's gonna get caught up in fame. Why do all these child actors have get so messed up? You know, it's a little ridiculous. For a guy that is seventy radio stations around the country and on national TV every night, it sounds ridiculous for me to say to you fame is not healthy, but it's just a fact. I see it up close every single day. And I think there's really only two mitigating factors too, at least being half normal, that there's an assumption here I'm half normal. And I think you have to There has to be humility in you, and that you believe deeply in God. You just have to. It doesn't have to be church. You just have to know there's something greater than yourself. Anything you have that may represent, any talent is God given. And the second thing I think that is crucial to all of that is don't buy into it. You just you can't believe all. You can't believe the good of the bad. Anyways, it's easier said than done. Uh, let's say hi to Mela's in Brooklyn, New York. What's up, Mel? How are you glad you called? Hey? Sean? How are you? I want to talk about uranium one and the background of uranium one, which isn't really being spoken in the in the media at all. In the early nine nineties, Congress passed the Non Luger Properative Threat Reduction Act and funded it at over three fifty million dollars a year, and the purpose of that act was to remove and safeguard nuclear bomb grade material from the former Soviet Union. Now, this went on from the nineties all the way through two thousand's. One of the things that happened, and it really should be a movie, is a thing called Project Sapphire, where in the late summer of we flew three C five Galaxy transports into zixtand to remove half a ton of bomb grade uranium. And we did this with technicians from Lawrence Livermore Labs out in California. The only thing standing between that bomb grade uranium reaching terrorists a rogue space was a padlocked door. The former Soviet Union fell. The whole security apparatus around the nuclear facilities, and the whole nuclear industry in the Soviet Union fell apart. Now, after spending billions of taxpayer money to remove uranium and bomb grade plutonium from the former Soviet Union, the Uranium One deal gives it back to Putin, which is ridiculous. It's it's it's theft of government money, of of taxpayer money, and it's also a proliferation treaty that they had with Putin. It allows them to have the uranium that technicians hundreds of technicians and analyst. Defense analysts believe that the former Soviet Union could not safeguard and it gives sit back to them. And this is something that puts the whole world that miss and Obama and Hillary Clinton re at the center of it. Yeah, all right, I gotta let it go there. Look, I I just don't know they undid every Yeah, if we have to import uranium, let me just put it this way. You have to import uranium, then I gotta tell you something. You have no business letting anybody outside entity in any way, shape, matter of form control your your uranium, especially a bad actor like Putin and a hostile regime like Rush. All right, tonight the charges Al Franken accused of sexual molestation on a U s O tour, well of LeAnn Tweeden and her story. Also tonight, we have major breaking news as it relates to uranium one and of course, uh the dossier of the Clinton dossier. We have John Solomon, Sarah Carter, Peter Schweitzer, We got Sebastian Gorka, Tommy larn and, Jessica tar Love, Greg jareded and so much more. That's all coming up. Don't miss tonight's opening monologue, Al Franken, I hope you're listening at nine Eastern tonight, Hannity Fox,