Follow The Money To Biden

Published Oct 3, 2019, 10:00 PM

Peter Schweizer, Government Accountability Institute President and author of Secret Empires and Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analyst and Author of Witch Hunt, discuss the President’s right to inquire about the abrupt end to an investigation involving American citizens in a foreign country. And Ukraine has every right to pursue that investigation again, now that it is clear the initial questioning was halted by a former VP of the United States. 

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All right, gladuate with US eight hundred and ninety four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. It is amazing to watch the insanity of the left unfold the way it is unfolding. You know, it's it is. It's what I said on I think it was Monday on this program. It's like invasion of the body snatchers. It doesn't matter. I don't know if they can't see their hypocrisy. I don't know if it is just raw, pure, unadulterated swamp sewer politics that drives them a thirst, a quest for power. I do believe that liberals look down on conservatives and ways we have no idea. It comes out and odd and strange and sometimes peculiar ways, Like you know, those smelly Walmart Trump's supporters. I can smell them from here. I like Walmart. Walmart has everything, and you save money. It's like I like Costcos, same thing. And I'm not sure why you would denigrate a group of people that maybe just have political agreements like this or irredeemable deplorables. That was a It's a revealing moment when people think and talk like this. Never forget the day that Adam Baldwin, you know, walked out of the studio and me and Mark Levin tag team him as he was trying to get a radio talk show. And you're nothing but a former construction worker Hack, And I'm like, yeah, okay, guilty is charged. I was proud of my work and the fact that I worked my my ass off for all those years when blue collar work. That my belief in God is probably the only thing that's kept me sane in my life. And um, I'm like you, police, don't take yours, thank you very Much're gonna be back with the talented. You are a no talent, ignorant fool from Long on. You should go back to building houses. I'm good luck. Okay, listen, Sean, come back, come back, Alec, come back. They're gone, Alec. Alex, my buddy Brian went in to the studio. Alex. Please, I mean, let's think about that statement a former construction worker hack and go back to building homes in Hempstead, Long Island. I didn't build homes in Hempstead it or I didn't do that work in New York at all. But that's a second their issue. Why let the truth get in the way of a sick, twisted, ugly story like that. Um anyway, look I did. They were revealing moments. Obama had one two, you know with you know these angry, bitter Americans in Pennsylvania that want to cling to their God, their guns, their bibles, their religion. All right, I'm guilty of that too. You know, I'm not a New Yorker, Andrew Cuomo. You know those that are pro life and they are pro assault weapons and anti gay, Well, I'm not anti anybody. I think everyone should mind their own frigging business. There you go, Andrew, problem is not me and the Democrats fit problems themselves. Who are they are they? These extreme conservatives, dreams who are right to life? Who was sold weapon? They are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York citizens. That's not who New Yorkers are. You know, somebody showed me a real estate something or other. I mean I think it was a lawyer guy that I know, and he sent me something about retracted names and stuff like that. Wasn't that he goes? Just look at the transfer taxes in New York and the build nobody's buying anything in New York anymore. You know why, because they're now taking a chunk of it based on what the sale prices. They want another bite at it. And then you got like title fees that are like, you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars in some deals, and no wonder people of fleeing New York in droves. And that's what they want to do to the rest of the country with the New Green Deal. This is about power. But there's something that is really odd, strange and off. Because we'll start and we'll work our way backwards here. Now you everybody listening to this program knows a simple fact, and that is that if the name was Vice President Donald J. Trump, granted he would not like the demotion, and Hunter Biden became Donald Trump and the deal in Ukraine was that, okay. Vice President Trump the year's twenty fourteen gets put in charge of the policy and dealings with Ukraine by President X. And President X says, all right, you're in charge of Ukraine, and then Hunter Biden all of a sudden does a consulting deal with no experience in Ukraine, no experience in oil, energy or gas that anybody can find none whatsoever, and he gets you know, in the end, it's like three point two million. Another nine hundred thousand was exchanged. I mean that's four million dollars. And then all of a sudden, the prosecutor in Ukraine is looking into the oil company that's paying out all this money to the son of the vice president without any experience, and in the process, well, the vice president goes and says, you got six hours. He then shakes down the government of Ukraine, demands the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor and if you don't fire him, then I'm going to take the billion dollars home and you're not going to get it. And then he says, you know, son of a b they fired the prosecutor. Now the prosecutor talked to Rudy Giuliani and John Solomon and let's see ABC News and the Washington Post and even signed a court Affidavid now saying that, yeah, he got fired by Joe Biden basically because Joe Biden demanded it and the country needed the money that we had promised them. I mean, a shakedown with taxpayer dollars. Now, imagine that was Donald Trump Junior getting the four million, and it was Vice President Trump that did demanded that they'd be fired, leveraging taxpayer dollars. What do you think the media would say that? Do you think they would say what they're saying here, that's a conspiracy theory and that there's no evidence whatsoever any place. No, I think we'd get just the opposite. And if we want to stick in Ukraine for just a second, do you think the media that was all jacked up on a foreign nation influencing our elections? Ignoring of course that Obama made his comments to Medvedev to send a message to Putin that he allowed more flexibility after the election. But even more importantly, you know, the Politico defined it Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire. What if these were What if there was a member of the RNC in twenty sixteen that was working with the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on Hillary. Now the Politico January eleven, twenty seventeen, again Kiev officials scrambling to make amends with the President elect after quietly working to boost Clinton. Let's say they were were quietly working to boost Trump. That would be collusion, wouldn't it and Ukrainian government officials helped let's say Donald Trump undermine Hillary Clinton just changed the names, questioning her fitness for office, disseminating documents. This is the Ukrainian government implicating a top let's say Clinton aide instead of Trump aid and corruption, suggesting they were investigating the matter only to back away after the election, and they helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump. What if it was Trump's allies they were helping to get damaging information on Hillary, Well, if it's anything like the Russia hoax, they'd be pretty pissed off. What if it was a Ukrainian American operative who was consulting for the RNC, Because the political piece says the DNC meeting with top officials in the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, quote in an effort to expose ties between Trump, Let's say Hillary a top campaign add Oh, I don't know. Let's say Podesta and Russia. Well, they would be pretty pissed off. I think the media would go nuts. And the Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, forcing Manafort's resignation. What if it was Podesta's resignation advancing the narrative that Trump's campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine's foe to the East Russia. What if, what if all that would happen? I mean, you have Grassley and Johnson and the Senate sending this letter a follow up to a previous letters sent to the AG, this time to bar about the brazen efforts the DNC and Hillary Clinton's campaign that they used the government of Ukraine for the express purpose of finding negative information on then candidate Trump in order to undermine his campaign. I thought, that's what everybody in the medium mob and everybody in the d n C, and the reason we had a special counsel. Well, now we've got evidence of it, and they don't seem to care at all. Nobody seems to care. What about the China deal that Hunter Biden flies on Air Force two, goes to Asia, stops in China, you know, the vice president at the time, Biden, and then two weeks less than two weeks later, he's got a billion dollars going into a company that he and Whitey Bulger's nephew and John Kerry's steps on are a part of. Well, okay, that's the Bank of China, that's the Chinese you know, that's a billion dollars. It became a billion five. What if it was Donald Trump Junior's company. What if it was Donald Trump vice president that flew to China and that happened two weeks later, What would the reaction be then? I think it would be very different than what we have now. You know, everybody's making a big deal about Rudy Giuliani. Rudy Giuliani, Rudy Giulianni. As he points out, and he pointed out last night on Hannity, the timeline is important because the facts and the documents that will go through in the course of this hour today gathered before the Muller investigation. In other words, the stuff with Ukraine would before Muller and well before Biden ever announced he was running for president. And the allegations were brought to Rudy Giuliani after a year of these attempts to bring them to the FBI and DJ they were I had been telling everybody for a year, myself. Don Solomon first brought it to my attention that the Ukraine government was offering proof of collusion with Hillary Clinton and the DNC to our FBI and DOJ. Well, Rudy just handed it off to them after he had been brought into it. And by the way, in November twenty eighteen, this information, he pointed, I was given a hymn. He said. I did the investigation while the Muller investigation was still pending, to defend my client against false charges. I did it before Biden announced his candidacy. And he writes, the Washington media would be attacking me for exposing these allegations of corruption involving the protected class. They couldn't help themselves, and he wrote it, it's become a Pavlovian response, the vast conspiracy. Biden was long protected by the Washington press buddies. Otherwise they would have been hitting on this in twenty fifteen. If they played their roles as guardians of the public trust, the mob could have stopped it. He's right, this is what I mean by invasion of the body snatchers. So then you got the China deal, you got the Ukraine deal, you got the firing and shake down with taxpayer dollars to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor. Imagine if it's Trump and Donald Trump Junior, and the same with the China deal. Now work your way backwards. Imagine that Donald Trump is the Secretary of State and he has a secret server with top secret classified information on it, and that's the illegal, that's the violation of the Espionage Act. And anyway, they subpoena his emails and he decides to erase thirty three thousand of them and then use bleach bit and wipe the driver's server clean. And I'm an aid. Bust up every phone and BlackBerry with a hammer and remove the SIM cards and imagine that it's the Trump campaign that actually paid for well, actually took campaign money, funneled it to a law firm, a law expense campaign finance violation, and they hire, you know, an research firm like Fusion GPS, and they fire a former m I six agent, and you got a dirty Russian dossier that even now the New York Times recognizes was likely Russian disinformation. From the get go, they knew that Hillary's campaign would use it. I would make a good argument that they were boosting Hillary's campaign like the Ukrainians were. Anyway, then that becomes the basis of a FISA warrant. Oh, let's see to spy on What if it was used to spy on Hillary's campaign? What if the unverified documents were used to get FISA applications through that otherwise wouldn't get through. No, no, no dossier, no FISA warrant, you know, just change the names. How would the media react then? What would the level and intensity of the coverage be then? Because we have evidence of Russia collusion and Ukrainian collusion, but the only care about Trump collusion. They don't care about obstruction of justice with Hillary only if it's Trump, even though he was found not to have obstructed and four separate investigations, no Russian interference or collusion with the Trump campaign, And the same thing with you know, bludgeon cabin ought to hurt Trump. I believe, but you're not gonna believe the credible accusations against the Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, phony lying, selective moral outrage up as down, down as up. It's invasion of the bad body snatchers. They look like normal people, but they obviously are blinded by a rage that prevents them from seeing their pure, utter disgusting display. You know, everything you hate about Washington, DC, it's revealed in all of this, and they don't care what they have to do to destroy Donald Trump and his supporters because they don't think much of us anyway. We have an election in a year, but that's not enough either. Look at the cowardly shift. Oh, let's say that was Mark Meadows, that Jim Jordan that did the cowardly shift. Did I think there'd be a different response. All right, So I have a timeline that Rudy Giuliani put out, and I want to go through this because it's key to everything that's happening. Now. On top of all of this, you got the cowardly, shifty shift caught in even more insane lines. Listen, well, we'll play at the bottom of this after the news, at the bottom of a half hour. This guy, Oh, we've got all the evidence. We got it all, irrefutable, incontrovertial, we got it all. There's a fun of evidence. I've seen it. It's coming, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming, and never came. For investigations later, it never came. He's dishonest, deceptive, approven liar, and a low life political hack. And he's leading this investigation. And now we see that he's compromised in the investigation. He actually we have him on tape saying oh, no, no, no ere no con intact with this so called whistleblower. Number one, we have not spoken directly with was like too, but I'm sure listen blower has concerns that he has not been advised. They have concerns because they're advising the whistleblower through his staff. Apparently, even though the New York Times in Washington Post tried to downplay it, they can't, you know, not acknowledge the fact that there's plenty of contact and they're advising, well, you need to get a lawyer, and you need to do this, and you need to do that. Well who else knew about it ahead of time that he got an early accounting of the so called whistleblowers accusations. Then you look how that whistleblower report is written up, especially compared to the text, which I don't think anybody expected that Donald Trump was ever going to release, because you know, we don't need a non whistleblower whistlebow blowers account because we've got, you know, word for word verbatim of the conversation pretty much on that word for word, almost a twenty five to the top of the By the way, big shout out, Happy birthday to our friend Ethan. I've been working on the show. How many years now have you been a part of this extravaganza half my life? Is that really true? Yeah? No, no, I started at about fifteen and a half and I'm turning thirty. So how did you work? First? Of fifteen and a half? The step wife station thought I was a lot older because I had facial hair and I jump in here, so let me just talk about about your age. No, no, no no, no, no, there was no lying. Okay, Ethan looked like he was thirty five when you hang on a second, hold on one second. So he basically withheld information I did you know would have prevented him from getting fired hired? He never did that because he doesn't lie. All right, stop, all right, I'm not asking you. You knew if you told people that you're only fifteen and a half, you wouldn't get hired. Yes or no. I didn't know whether or not I would get hired. I knew you you made it a point not to give your age. I just didn't mention it. No one ever else. I actually think like they have these crazy laws in New York. Now it wouldn't be legal. Yeah, back then it was like, I'm not so sure, but you can't ask people their age. You know. They're sending out these videos for HR departments in the state of New York, and my staff has been I guess having to go through these training things and there telling me all about them. I mean, you can't even say, hey, guys, what's going on? How are you Apparently saying guys is not is not gender neutral. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to keep up with all the terms that they were describing to me. I'm like, I don't even know what that means. And I thought I kind of kept up with it anyway. So he started at fifteen and a half and you got paid at fifteen and a half. No, No, I interned for you and the Great One when I had days off, and then I worked in the summer for Mark Simone and uh yeah, ever since then, I've did you work for Rush for a period? I worked for Rush, I worked at Fox for a period, But I've always been around stuff. So yeah, over fifteen and about fifteen years now. Yeah, wow, and you have a new baby in the house, all right. Look, Linda's like chomping at the bit. You're trying to defend him like you defend everyone, defending him if somebody makes a mistake on this show. And I asked, all right, who's screwed that up? What do you always do? It's my responsibility at the end of the day. And I'm like, okay, I'm asking I didn't ask you what your responsibility is. I asked you who did it? And you try to hide it's irrelevant to go and I have to go around you and use the extra effort to discover who did do it. You should just listen to me and save yourself the effort. You should be praising me for my hard work ethic at the age of fifteen. I give you. I give you huge props for being fifteen years old and finding a way into working for me, the great one Mark Levin Rush and getting into Fox News in the meantime. I mean, that is an unbelievable story. Um, congratulations. Anyway, Happy birthday, And how old's the baby now? He's four months? Don't hear two bits of advice. Don't let the kid learn to walk because when they first start walking, it's step step boom, step step boom, and it's like, you know, it's going to give you a heart attack. So and don't let the kid learn how to talk, because when they get exactly when they get older, they start talking back and you start resenting it, like why did I ever teach you to talk? What's the response shown by the way to you being so skinny? No? Well, no, no, I'm done now, I'm I've lost the way that I wanted to lose because it was just residual, you know, that nagging fat in your your stomach and stomach in your hips. And I got rid of it all. By the way, NJ diet is what did it sponsor in New York? Now? Yeah, no, no, I lost like eighteen pounds. But by the way, it's a hard diet to be on. It's not easy. Yeah, it looks very odd. Yeah, but you know what, it finally worked. And you know how many other diets and how many ways of eating I tried before this, right, and none of them worked. What happens now when Sinse tries to fight you, I mean, do you just fall down or well, I'm actually I had no idea that I had muscles underneath that fat I did. I had no idea I actually have some shape for the first time of my life. But I've been doing you know, two hundred setups a day forever and it's like, if you're doing with that many situps and that many push ups, you actually grow muscles. It's an amazing phenomenon. And I don't I don't use weights, but we do. And I also do the boxing, and you know, we do the mixed martial arts and kempo and Brazilian jiu jitsu and crab magaw and now he ar anymore because you know, you're like see through the latest thing my dojo is because I have the heavy bag. That's that's my workout, hitting bags heavier than you. Well it probably is, it's correct, and but I hit it bare knuckles and you know, one day last week I was doing upper cuts on it and I scraped my knuckles. So I've had the tape them in the last couple of days. And so but we do that training, and you know, then we do firearm, blade and stick training, and I mean I do an hour and a half a day. I don't miss. It's every day and it's the best thing you've ever done mentally. But we've added a you know, the punching bag. Blah da da da da da da da dadda. I'm getting pretty good at it. Ever had that before? I love Rocky, I love Rocky, Identify Rocky. That's my whole life. You can't have him. He's mine. I'm from Philly, all right, it's not that I have him. I mean I've known Sylvester stallone. We know his brother. Sorry I don't know Sylvester right, all right, anyway back to the cowardly Slee's bag shift, the shifty shift that he is, and you know, well, now we know he's he actually his office spoke directly to the whistle blower future whistle blower. There really isn't a whistle blower and reports they recommend it. Oh yeah, you need to hire a lawyer and meet with the Inspector General and file a complaint. And you look at the complaint and it's obviously written and lawyered up to the max and it's everyone. I said, well, we've got to hear what the whistleblower says. Well, will we have the transcript from the call which the whistleblowers supposedly talking about, Although the whistleblower this is not even evidence that they knew directly. This is hearsay. Well, somebody told me. I'm writing up what they told me. So he was given advanced warning and apparently given advice back funneling it to the whistle future whistleblower, non whistleblower. And but you know behind the scenes, you know, you know now he's the nonpartisan, totally legitimate whistleblower complaint, and he's behind it from the get go. You know, the same guy, by the way, who went on MSDNC and claimed we have not spoken directly to the whistleblower. We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to. But I'm sure whistleblower has concerns that he has not been advised as a law requires, sure has been the Inspector General or the Director of National Intelligence just as to how he is to communicate with Congress. I'm sure because they've been already advising the whistle blower. I mean, that's he's lying through his teeth again. Listener, how many times let's go to the Russia case that he kept telling us, they add, all the evidence is in. Oh it's abundance of evidence. Oh yeah, it was so much evidence. They didn't have any evidence. Listen, there is already, in my view, ample evidence in the public domain on the issue of collusion. If you're willing to see it, if you want to blind yourself, then you can look the other way. I could certainly say with confidence that there is significant evidence of collusion between the campaign and Russia. I've been very clear over the last year a year and a half that there is ample evidence of collusion in plain sight. Now bear in mind that meeting a Trump Tower, which takes place after the campaign is alerted that the Russians have these emails. John Junior is told, Hey, at the highest levels, ultra sensitive, we have information incriminated about Hillary Clinton as part of the Russian government effort to help Donald Trump. That looks a lot like collusion to me. Well, certainly, if the Trump campaign went to a meeting with the Russians seeking to enlist or receive the help of the Russian government in getting damaging which is what the trail of evidence and emails suggests the case, Yes, that would be a potential form of collusion. You have an offer of illegal help, you of the acceptance of that offer. You have an overt act in furtherance of a conspiracy. That is, I think, by any rational Americans expectation, the personification of collusion. What about the contractor that meant that the Ukrainian embassies with people from Ukraine for the very purpose of working with Ukraine to undermine Trump. It fits there. Or the use of in the buying of a dirty Russian dossier, I mean it was then used as the basis of a Baizer warrant. It doesn't care. They don't care about truth anymore. I mean, this is what's missing. Have to suspend any fidelity to truth, to reality, I mean to common sense reason, and you've got to just be this pure political animal. And right now between the mob and the media. And I call him the mob for a reason because they were acting like a mindless mob and they just you know, it's like an inside the Beltway thing they all got going on between New York and LA and San Francisco and DC, where well, let let's see if we can all say the same thing to each other and get on the same page, which they do all the time. Rudy's new information, you know, he starts out from twenty ten to twenty fourteen with Ukraine, the high ranking minister and the pro Russia. Ukrainian government of Victor Yankovic granting his company valuable gas exploration permits that's called Baris Beholdings. February twenty fourteen is when Obama named Joe Biden as the point man In Ukraine. February twenty fourteen revolution of dignity took place and Yankovic and his government were ousted. Anyway, they flee to Russia. They also had been taking billions out of Ukraine and using banks all over the world to launder money. This is important again look at the timeline that Rudy put out November eighteen. This information was given to him. He did the investigation while the Mueller investigation was still pending to defend his clients against false charges of collusion. Before Joe Biden never announced his candidacy, but we did have the report, you know, from the very beginning, we had the report that went out from Politico that Ukraine did help and collude with the DNC contractor on behalf of the Clinton campaign and did smear Trump, and they did have an impact on the race, hence Manafort. Anyway. Porashenko is then elected in May of twenty fourteen, and by the way, in twenty fourteen, in April. Well, that's when the at the time, you know, this guy Zlochevsky fly please with Yankovich to Russia. They also been taking billions out of the country about seven billion in Usaide and Zlochevski play places Biden, Hunter Biden, son of VP Joe Biden, and Devin Archer and his partner in former Aide then Secretary of State John Kerry on the board of Barisma. The third partner in Rosemont Seneca Capital. That goes back to the China deal. There's the stepson of John Kerry. Do not have any experience in anything involving energy, gas or Ukraine anyway. Then Perishenko is elected president of Ukraine. Then the prosecutor is this guy, General Victor Shokin. He opened a criminal investigation of Barisma and their payments to the Vice president's son Hunter and Devin Archer. And then the guy that was fleeing to Russia, Jolachsky. He was a fugitive by the Ukraine government. And Biden and Archer remained on the board of this company that would be Barisma and Hunter. Biden meets for breakfast with the Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blincoln regarding concerns about Barismo, So he's actually lobbying to keep his lucrative payouts. Hillary Clinton in October twenty fifteen testified on Benghazi, and according to the Vice President's book, Hillary tells him that she's not going to go after Hunter Biden device if the Vice president runs, but can't control what her staff will do. Remember, Biden was warned by The New York Times that his son was being investigated, and in December twenty fifteen, then Vice President Biden told Poorshenko that he's got to get rid of the prosecutor looking into Barismo holdings and his son Hunter. That would be General Victor Schokin is now on the record five separate times. Why because now Rudy Giuliani had interviewed him. We've discovered last night that would be let's see John Solomon, ABC, Washington Post. They all interviewed the prosecutor, and the prosecutor said the same thing to everybody. And we can add to that and affid David signed by General Victor Schokin, the prosecutor. And anyway, so he gets fired because the Vice president insisted on it to protect his kid and this business deal and Biden and Parishenko talk on the phone in February twenty sixteen, three separate times. How about we released the transcripts of those conversations. In March of twenty sixteen, that's when Biden threatened Parashenko would not getting the billion dollars unless this is you know, in loan guarantees. If it's not executed, they'll go into default. And Ukraine Parliament then has to fire the prosecutors shoken, and then anyway. In May of twenty sixteen, Biden arrived in Ukraine, announced the billion dollar lone guarantee, and Biden called. In April of twenty sixteen, Perishenko us the appointment of a new General Prosecutor General and a new person comes in and the vp praises the appointment of the new person, and that new person in March of twenty sixteen meets with the US ambassador and tells the new prosecutor that he must drop the investigation of individuals and institutions, including apparently an organization run by Soros according to Rudy. And they're also aware of the Biden incident, and Ukrainian law enforcement agency announced they uncovered a massive fraud. Now you just fast forward, imagine of all of this is Donald Trump, vice president and Don Junior who's getting the benefit of all of this protection. And that's when you know Biden in January of twenty sixteen, goes before the Council of Foreign Relations and rags about what he did and had mentioned that his son was a major figure in Barisma's fraud and a beneficiary, and records showed three point two million one hunter Biden through a Cypriot bank and a separate payment of nine hundred grand to the other company'd be one used in the China issue. Rosemond Seneca I was described as being for lobbying for Joe Biden, and in fact we have political even acknowledging that, yeah, they helped Hillary, and that a DNC contractor was meeting in the Ukrainian embassy in Washington about these very issues. I mean, but it's a conspiracy. It's unproven, these long, long debunked allegations. Nothing's been debunked, just the opposite, obvious to anybody with a brain. And I used to see clearly that what went on here for the present himself called on the Russians to assist his campaign by hacking Hiller Clintons emails, was using that office as leverage to obtain dirt, to have another country manufactured dirt on his opponent. So we talk for complements last night. He expressed for for not having been more clear in his wording what he said he said at the time when he was saying that, obviously we now know that they the whistler had approached his staff, but there wasn't one hundred percent certainty that the whistleblower whould approach his staff was the same one who was behind the actual complaint. There's a suspicion it was, but there wasn't under one hundred percent certainty. He also was explaining that he was trying to compel the whistleblower to come testify before the committee when he was saying that. But again he expressed regret for saying for what he said on the initial interview with Morning Joe and said he should have been much more clear about it. I will say this puts him in some trouble. He clearly wasn't being forthright in that interview with us a couple of weeks ago, and he should have been. Uh, he was less than clear. He lied. I mean he just don't right, Well, we didn't have any no, no contact whatsoever, no, not at all before that. It is the cowardly shifty ship and all the false claims. Oh, there's significant evidence, there's ample evirance. We have the evidence on Trump Russia collusion. Same guy, different hoax, different name, same words, same same cast of characters. And again they missed the obvious, the real story. There was twenty sixteen Russia collusion. It was pillarys bought and paid for dossier. And then of course the unverified warrants. This of course after the investigation was rigged into her email server and the obstruction that then followed, then we have the FISA warrants, not verified Russian lies used as the formulation to get the FISA applications, unverifiable information. We're getting to the bottom of all of that. Also the outsourcing of intelligence gathering to allied nations, which would be why Bill Barr needed introductions to Australia and Italy and Great Britain, because that's where apparently the outsourcing went to to circumvent American laws. And now we're on the second bigger witch hunt, which means you have to suspend any fidelity to truth, reality and common sense and believe that Donald Trump in that conversation with the new president of Ukraine did something wrong when the transcript shows no such thing. And in the meantime, you're going to ignore that. We do have direct evidence the DNC, Hillary Clinton's campaign colluded with Ukraine for the purpose of impact in the twenty sixteen election and Hillary's favor. And then, of course we have the Bidens, who have enriched themselves with obvious corruption. Now Rudy Giuliani add him to the ranks of ABC, Washington Post, John Solomon and even signed Affid David of the prosecutor fired by Joe Biden within six hours because his son was being investigated by that persecutor. And any denial is just pure garbage and it's so obvious what happened here. Peter Schweitzer, he first opened up the Biden corruption issue in his book Secret Empires. Greg Jared's new book is out next week. He's also with US Fox News. Legal Analyst comes out on Monday, which Hunt, which is a sequel to his number one bestseller. Welcome both of you. Peter. Let's start with the Bidens, because there is a big story. There is a timeline. The president is correct, this is obvious corruption. The prosecutor fired is now on the record five separate times he was told he got fired because of Joe Biden's pressure and Joe Biden shaking down Ukraine by using a million tax dollars pressuring them to fire the guy looking into his son. That's right, Sean. I mean, here's what we know. We know that when Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States, Barack Obama and this is matter of public record, appointed him on poinca's point person toward two countries on the planet. One of those was Ukraine and the other one was China. And what we know is that Joe Biden's son at that time got massive deals in two countries of all the countries around the world, those same two countries, Ukraine and China. So this is a classic follow the money story. But what's different, Sean is you know, there have been stories in the past about you know, Billy Carter did some stuff and you know, Neil Brush. What's different here is that systematic it involves large sums of money, and we have the explicit fact that Hunter Biden traveled with his father on Air Force two in December of twenty thirteen. We now know because the Chinese executives had admitted it. They were introduced to Vice President Biden by Hunter Biden on that trip, and then ten days later, Hunter Biden's small firm lands this billion dollars later expanded to a billion five deal for private equity. They had no grounds for getting. So this is a classic case of corruption on a scale that I have not seen before. And you know, Joe Biden's stories have continued to unravel on this. First he never talked about it with his son. Now evidence has come out that he does. We even have pictures that show him meeting with Ukrainian executives on a golf course. It's deep trouble for Joe Biden. Before I asked Greg the legal question surrounding all of this, I mean, if anything, it was almost what four million dollars in the Ukraine case. In the case of the deal with the Bank of China, that's a government bank. Isn't there a partially government owned bank entity? Yeah, that's right, Sean. In fact, there are entities in China government run pension funds that we're investing into this. And again, the Biden team has been deceptive and lying as they have tried to spend this. What they've tried to say is that Hunter was just an advisor. It real, the fund really wasn't that big. These all statements from Biden's lawyer. What we've released, what's in the book are actual documents. The documents show he was not advisor. He was on the board of directors of this entity. It's in black and white Chinese corporate documents. We have the documents that show they got a billion five. That's the assets they have, not what Biden's lawyer claims. So you know, it's a question of looking at the facts versus looking at the spin. All right, So that's so, that's a billion five, and it's Hunter Biden, it is John Kerry's steps on Hinz, and it's Whitey Bulger's nephew in the Ukraine case. Correct me if I'm wrong. Did Hunter Biden have any experience in Ukraine oil, gas or energy? And in China? Did he have any experience with China or the issues involving private equity involved in that kind of deal? Zero Sean His job before his dad was vice president. He was a lobbyist and his last gig was representing online gambling companies, so he had no background in any of this. And you know, this is the point that I make when people bring up to me and say, well, what about the Trumps. The Trumps have these businesses. The huge, massive difference between the two is the came into the White House with large, well established businesses. What we're talking about in Hunter Biden's case is literally a couple of months after his father's elected vice president, he opens up a firm where he has no background and gets gigs where he has no background. It's a stark difference between the two. You cannot even compare the two. Greg. Let's look at this from the legal side. What do you say, influence pedaling or at least significant evidence that would justify the Department of Justice opening an official investigation into what Joe Biden openly bragged about, this quid pro quo that is arguably a corrupt act intended to benefit his son by extorting a billion dollars in US tax fair taxpayer funds, unless they drop a case involving Hunter Biden and his company Barisma, this Ukrainian gas company, and also you know he joins Barisma at the same time this gas company. At the same time, his father is encouraging Ukraine to increase their gas production. So you know, Biden is not entitled to a get out of jail free card simply because he's now running for president and that, you know, it seems to be the argument of Nancy Pelosi and their confederates that, oh, you can't launch an investigation of an opposing party's candidate. Well that's what Barack Obama did. His administration launched an investigation of Donald Trump and Trump's campaign during the two thousand and sixteen election. That hypocrisy seems to be lost on the media that continues to pedal the canard that this has all been debunked, that no credible news organization has looked into it. I would point their attention to the Washington Post, which on July twenty second published a story in which they interviewed the fire Ukrainian prosecutor Victor Schokin, and Chokin says, we were closing in on Barissman Hunter Biden, and that's why I got fired. Joe Biden demanded it. So, you know, this is a violation, arguably of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. It could be of you know, extortion it could be bribery, it could be honest services fraud. Biden's explanations are vacuous. The DOJ needs to move on this. Well. The issue here is now. To be a liberal today you have to say you care about foreign interference and elections. Four separate investigations. No Trump Russia collusion. They didn't get what they wanted. There is nothing that I see at all in any way that is nefarious, wrong in any capacity in the transcript of the call with Ukrainian president. But we did have the dirty Russian dossier, and now we have complete evidence proof going back to you know, the political article of one eleven seventeen, and that is that. Yeah, Ukraine admitted that they had worked with the DNC and on behalf of Hillary's campaign. They were colluding to get dirt on Trump, and which is how they got the Ukrainian manaphort dirt. Yeah, and I wrote about it an impact on the Campai, but totally did. I wrote about this in two chapters in my new book, which Hunt. Alexandra Chaloupa, a Ukrainian American, was hired by the DNC as a subcontractor, and you know her goal and her contacts, and they achieved. This actually was to dig up dirt on Donald Trump of the Trump campaign in order to help Hillary Clinton get elected. Now, the media, you know, for some reason, doesn't think that's a criminal collusion conspiracy to meddle in an election, but the accusations against Donald Trump, somehow are, even though the Muther report concluded there was no criminal collusion, conspiracy, abstruction auction of justice was inapplicable under the law and the facts. You know, the media and I write a chapter in the book about the media, It's called the Media witch Hunt, fifty four pages in which I recount all of the biased stories that the fake news media got wrong. They were blinded by their hatred of Trump, and they committed media malpractice on almost a daily basis. Right as we continue with Peter Sweitzer, his book When did You Write Secret Empires? Peter? And by the way, Great Jared is with us. His new book, Which Hunt, full of great new information, is out on Monday. When Did You Write Secret Empires? Secret Empires was written in twenty seventeen, came out in March of twenty eighteen, and was on both your TV show and radio show, and was a number one New York Times bestseller and was largely ignored by the mainstream media, and now it's being picked up again because these issues are resonating, and you know, just to pick up real quick sean on something that Greg said, which I think is so important, is you know, this issue of foreign influence, which is an issue we should take seriously, but nobody wants to take a serious look on the left at this question of foreign influence as it relates to the Biden business dealings. The point is this, why do they think the Chinese are throwing money at Hunter Biden? Why do they think the Ukrainians are paying him eighty three thousand dollars a month according to banking records for a job he has no background and skill set for. He's not being paid because he knows something, because he has expertise. So what's he being paid for is precisely about foreign influence. And the Chinese have written about this that their goal is to sort of buy off the political leadership in foreign countries to get favorable treatments. So it speaks to the disingenuous nature of so much of this discussion on foreign influence. Here's a classic case, the payoff of a favor being given to a powerful American politician that is lucrative business deal for his son, and nobody seems to care about it. On the left. It's remarkable. And if it was the name was let's say Don Junior, and the vice president at the time was Donald J. Trump. Although he wouldn't like the demotion, the media reaction, I think you can bet Greg Jarrett would be dramatically different. The media would be apoplectic with hysteria. You know, it is a crime as a public official to misuse your office to confer a benefit to a foreign power in exchange for either money or something of value to yourself or your family. It's a classic example of a corrupt act. And as I said before, there is sufficient evidence here the Department of Justice to open an investigation. And Joe Biden did it to himself. His hubrious and his arrogance led him to brag about what he did. And you know, I guess he just assumed that, you know, he gets the same get out of jail free card that Hillary Clinton got. Apparently that investigation has been reopened. I just read last week. We'll see. Greg's book is out Monday. You can get it on Amazon dot com. Hannity dot Com bookstores Monday. That's a great book, witch Hunt and Secret Empires, Peter Schweitzer, just two years ahead of its time. Finally they're catching up to us. Peter, thank you so much for being with us. Great work, both of you. Quick break when we come back. How will Republicans in the House deal with the duplicitous double standards, the unfairness, the madness of impeachment? Will check in with the Republican whips Steve Scalise next as we continue. President of the United States and those around him, during an election campaign alluded with a hostile foreign power. So I keep getting asked, are there echoes of Watergate in this? And there are. There is already, in my view, ample evidence in the public domain on the issue of collusion if you're willing to see it. And the President used that opportunity to try to coerce that leader to manufacture dirt on his opponent and interfere in our election. You know, Russia was interfering in the election, and they weren't doing it on their own, and he was in on it. Do you think it was appropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader for help investigating his chief political rival for twenty twenty. Again, go look at what he talked about in that conversation. He was talking about the twenty sixteen interference that happened in our election. Look, there have been media reports for years. Joe Biden himself bragged long before he was a candidate for president that he went there to Ukraine and held the billion dollars back. You know, I'm gonna leave in six hours unless they fired the prosecutor. My good, Chuck. A lot of people have been asking for that to be investigated. You know, the wrong you know the truth behind that. Why are you putting it out there as if it's a oh my gosh, we have no idea what you're what he was talking about? Then, I mean you're taking something that actually happened that the entire Western Alliance supported. This was a bipartisan effort, as you know in Congress that supported the Western Alliance supported leaning back a billion dollars. Of course, there was a lot of corruption. In fact, that's why Zelenski got elected with a mandate to clean up corruption. He and President Trump are talking about that in the conversation. Things that both of them are doing to clean up corruption and drain the swamp. Oh, look all of this stuff with this whistleblower report. There were a lot of things if you read the whistle blower report, that are concerning in terms of allegations that were very partisan. In fact, the Justice Department or the Inspector General determined that the whistle blower does have a political bias. You know, again, let him, let him go forward and make accusations. But hellenic accusations have turned out to not be true. Yeah, and nobody needs the non whistle blower whistle blowers account why because this is second, third hand who knows how many hand information, and obviously written in the most damning way possible, apparently at the instructions of the cowardly, shifty Adam Shift, the biggest liar in the United States Congress. No wonder why now, I guess we know why. He's ducked this show as much as he has, Linda. I mean, we've offered him three straight hours, We've offered him ours on TV. Won't take it, won't come near the show. I'd love to have him on anyway. That was a House Republican whip Steve Scalise on one of those low rated Sunday shows I think it was meet the press. Boy, how far they have fallen from the days of Tim Russet, I'll tell you that, and saying the Framers did not put the power of impeachment in the constitution so he could stop somebody from getting elected. It was duly elected in twenty sixteen. Steve Scalise, Welcome back, Sean. Always great to be back with you. I read I've read this transcript over and over and over again. There's not even a comma is that is inappropriate in this thing. But what we do know is the following. We do know the country of Ukraine that representatives met with a DNC contractor on behalf of the Clinton campaign, and in fact, Ukraine colluded to help elect Hillary Clinton, and they did it in a variety of ways, and it had an impact, as even the Politico acknowledges on January eleventh, twenty seventeen. On top of all of this, we have probably the biggest pay to play scheme or let's say shakedown with taxpayer money, caught on tape bragging about it with Joe Biden and the money that his son Hunter and his friends were making in Ukraine with no experience and energy oil or gas, or no experience with Ukraine and the billions of five they're making in China with no experience in China or private equity than anybody can discover. So while they've in a sense they've done us a favor, but the media mob continues to lie. It's so true, Sean. I've read the transcript multiple times like you. You know, when I went on Meet the Press, the first thing Chuck opened with was saying, you know, the President said, hey, will you do me a favor? And then started talking about Biden. And in fact, it's incredibly misleading because when you read the transcript, if you did, you know that he said, will do me a favor? Look into CrowdStrike, which is the company that was looking into the twenty sixteen interference by Russia and a lot of the things that the Hillary Clinton campaign was doing, like you pointed out, which by the way, we've never gotten the facts on. They didn't even turn that information over to the FBI so that we could find out more about how Russia tried to interfere with our elections. And President Trump is talking to Zelinski about helping root out the twenty sixteen corruption, which I thought the left wanted us to look at and root out, and instead of applauding the president for actually being aggressive at rooting out the corruption in twenty sixteen, which happened when Barack Obama was president and Joe Biden was vice president, the meeting is trying to impeach the president for this. It's yeah, they're going to regret this in the end for a lot of reasons. But number one, I mean, they're trying to impeach a president for doing nothing wrong, and that's not what the standard of high crimes and misdemeanors is all about. Well, I mean this is a witch hunt. Number two, there's no collusion again, but they're not going to waste I guess, almost three years and put it in the hands of a special prosecutor only to be disappointed yet or a special counsel, only to be disappointed yet again. But in the meantime, they do nothing for the country. They've whipped everybody's minds into a frenzy. And I'd love your thoughts on the cowardly shift. I mean, we have this guy lying, We've got the evidence. We've got the evidence, we have it, it's there, it's significant, ample evidence to impeach Trump over Russia, and he lied all through that. Now he's up to his eyeballs himself and corruption because it appears that, Yeah, in spite of what he said publicly, his office had a lot of contact, made a lot of recommendations to the whistle blower that's not a whistle blower, right. There are a lot of real concerns about the things you just raised, and and he said some things again, it's going to be fact checked, and ultimately we're going to get to the bottom of a lot of this, even though Pelosi's trying to stop us from doing it. We're going to. And you look at what Adam Shift said, and it's important remind everybody over and over again. Adam Shift is the same guy who during the entire Muller investigation for almost two years, was going out on every TV show he could find and saying he has more than circumstantial evidence that the president colluded with Russia and there was no evidence because it didn't happen. And instead of admitting he was wrong, which he was, because if he wasn't wrong, he would have shown us the evidence. Sean it never existed, and he was throwing it out there to try to impugne this president who's doing such a great job at getting our economy back on track, at following through on the promises he made cleaning up the corruption that was going on not only in the United States but in all these other countries, including Ukraine. And so instead of just moving on, he goes on to something else, and they just keep making allegations. They're trying to find people. And clearly this whistleblower, even according to the Inspector General, has a political bias, did not get this information firsthand. And oh, by the way, Sean, I know you knew this. They just dazed before the whistleblower filed a complaint, changed the rules for whistleblowers. It used to require firsthand knowledge. They changed it so that it could be somebody who had secondhand knowledge who made that change. We're going to find that out. We have to find that out. This is part of the transparency that deserves to be there. What kind of people are over there in these federal agencies that are trying to carry out a political bias like we saw with the Cohen Like we said at the Mulla Report, where people at the FBI and other agencies were abusing their power to try to stop Donald Trump from getting elected. This is scary stuff. It's stuff the public wants to know about. They don't want to impeach a president who was duly elected just because the Democrats don't like Donald Trumper, don't like the fact that he was elected instead of Hillary. He won the election. I think he's going to win next year's election because is there anything? Is there anything? Is there anything the House Republicans Last question question exit question that the House Republicans can do as it relates to what Pelosi is doing and Schiff is doing. And number one, will you also go after Shift for his lying duplicity in all of this. I don't see how he could lead any inquiry into anything because he needs to have his own inquiry taken place one against him. Can anything the House Republicans can do to slow down stop this madness, even though they're not even allowing Republicans to have equal time like in the case of Vulker, Well, we've got to use every means we can to let the public know what's really going on. Look, Andy Biggs, a colleague Aman, has a resolution that I co sponsored to It's a privileged resolution to call out Adam Shift for the things that he's done. You look at what Speaker Pelosi's done to try to shield her members from a vote on the House floor. Never happened before in any of the three impeachment that moved through the House Committee, and each of those three there was always a House vote, and it was always a bipartisan vote on the House floor. This is hyperpartisan where Pelosi doesn't even want her vulnerable members to vote on it. And go back to the author of the only impeachment resolution that's out there. He said just last week that if we don't impeach Donald Trump, he will win reelection. This is all about not about high crimes and misdemeanors because they were none committed. They don't want Donald Trump to get reelected, and they're abusing the power of impeachment to try to make it happen. They will not be successful, and I think it's going to backfire on him. I think it already is backfire and on him. And we're going to keep getting all this information, getting the facts out, all right. Steve Scalise, the House Republican Whip, thank you for being with us. Eight hundred and nine for one Shawn our number, Adam California, Adam, how are you? Thanks for your patience? Glad called. Oh I'm glad I called two. My concern is this is an opening closed case of textbook bullying. And they've been bullying our president since he took office. And it's not affecting one kid on a playground, it's affecting our whole nation in the way our nation conducts business. Well, listen that they haven't lifted a finger to solve a thing. I mean, you know, for example, in an Obama's second term. Oh yeah, they're all four funding the wall, all four getting a wall done. Now they've what now, they're for open borders, free healthcare for illegal immigrants. They're of course they want everybody to get amnesty. They have sanctuary cities and sanctuary states now that literally eid and to bet even criminal aliens from even being deported. They're protected. Well, what happens when they commit more crimes against more innocent Americans, especially the criminals that are out of just let out of jail, They won't even hand them over the ice. So they've become so radical and extreme and obstruction in a state. What have they done to ever help President Trump, get something done that we should all agree on, like like securing the borders. Nothing. Nothing, But we need to start a class action lawsuit against bullying our president. We just had somebody commit suicide over cyber bullying. He's getting media bullying, cyberbullying, political bullying. We need to put an end to this and they need to be held accountable. He doesn't have a billion dollars to leverage anymore, just other Democrats. Well listen, this is why I say it's an all hands on deck moment the American people. You got to understand the consequences if you don't engage. But I agree with what Steve Scalise just said. This is gonna this is going to backfire and blow up politically in their face, as it should as they abuse their power. Wayne in New Jersey, how are you, John, Great to speak to you, Yes, sir, what's going on? Yeah? I was on a TV show last night and the graphic that came up, same ship, different day got me thinking of two more phrases for you. Yeah, go ahead. One is the ship will hit the fan. Yeah and bullshit. Well it's all true, you know. Look, if it wasn't so serious and bitterly partisan and so absolutely disgustingly hypocritical. I mean, I just can't believe. How is it that not one person that cared about Russia collusion. They never said a word, not a peep out of them about the dirty Russian dossier. Nothing. They cared about obstruction, but not Hillary's obstruction with the deleted emails, the bleach bit, et cetera, the hammers, and you know, same with that. All I believe, but you're not gonna believe it when it's a credible accusation against the Democrat. It is selected of political, feigned moral outrage, and they get away with it. We now know Ukraine was solicited by the DNC for help and support to collude with the Clinton campaign to literally impact the election, and even political acknowledged in January of twenty seventeen, before Trump sworn in that they were successful. All the manifort stuff came from Ukraine. They did all the trashing of Trump and questioning who he is, and as temperaments that a lot of it. They were openly helping Hillary and they were having meetings. Again, if it was Trump, it'd be different if Donald Trump Junior was Hunter Biden, and it was Vice President Trump at the time. I can guarantee you they'd be wall to all coverage of this, you know, the corrupt business dealings that took place here. If Donald Trump as vice president leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars like you know Joe three oh three three h to protect his son from an investigation, I guarantee you they probably end up in jail. And this is now the quandary, the dilemma for the entire country. We're gonna allow them to get away with us anyway eight hundred nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. What exactly exactly Well, I would think that if they were honest about it, that sort of major investigation into the It's a very simple answer. They should investigate dividens because how does that company that's newly formed and all these companies if you look at him, by the way, likewise, China should started an investigation into dividen because what happened to China is just about as bad as what happened with with brain. So I would say that Presidents A Lynsking, if it were me, I would recommend that they start an investigation into the vidence because nobody has any doubt that they weren't poked. That was a crooked deal, one hundred percent. He had no knowledge of energy, didn't know the first thing about it. All of a sudden, he's getting fifty thousand dollars a month, plus a lot of other things. Nobody has any doubt. And they got rid of a prosecutor who was a very tough prosecutor. They got rid of them. Now they're trying to make it the opposite way, but they got rid. So if I were the president, I would certainly recommend that of you, bride, because I'm sure that president she does not like being on that kind of scrutiny where billions of dollars is taken out of his country by a guy that just got kicked out of the navy. He got kicked out of the navy. All of a sudden he's getting billions of dollars. You know what they call that? They call that a payoff. The president that you are running to unsee is potentially being impeached for trying to sabotage your campaign. How how does one deal with that? Mister Vice President with the truth. You know, there's not one single solitary, legitimate outfit here abroad that indicates there's anything remotely reasonable to what he's suggesting. It is way beyond anything that I quietly, frankly thought he would do. The President said, quote and again he said this without providing, as you pointed out, providing any evidence of wrong. I'moing, but he said, quote Biden and his son or stone cold crooked. Have you have you talked to your son about any of this? I talked to my son. I've We've communicated. He lives out in California. We communicated a couple of times. But look, there is zero, zero, zero, zero evidence of any assertion being made. I'm not going to going to Now. Look, the issue is this president of the United States engaged in something apparently that is close to well engaged in activity which the minimum gives a lot of running room for the Russians in Ukraine. And I think we should just focus on He's the issue. Nobody has ever asserted that I did anything wrong except he and what's that fellow's name, Rudy Hoody or whatever, Joan. That's it. Now, let me make something clear to mister Trump. And his hatchet man and the special interest funding his attacks against me. I'm not going anywhere. You're not going to destroy me, and you're not going to destroy my family. I don't care how much money you spend, mister President, or how dirty do you attack scare Well, he's not spending a penny yet. That's well, that's just par for the course. Now we welcome back to the program. Jonathan Gillham, Danielle McLaughlin News Round Up, Information Overload eight hundred and nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, All right, here's the intellectual honesty test, Danielle. So let's take out the name Hunter and Joe Biden. Let's say the Vice president of the United States of America has the name Donald J. Trump. I know he wouldn't like the demotional Let's say that's the truth, Okay. And let's say he gets put in charge of Ukraine. Oh, let's pick a year twenty fourteen. And let's say that just months after his son, who has no experience in Ukraine, no experience and energy gas or oil, gets a lucrative contract as a consultant for a big oil giant called Barisma. Holdings in Ukraine and ends up being almost four million dollars for them. Now that's on the heels of a year, year and a half earlier, Hunter Biden on Air Force two with Well, in this case, let's say it's Don Junior on Air Force two with Donald Trump and they go to China in twenty thirteen, and while he's over in China makes a lot of business contacts and he gets back less than two weeks later, he's got a billion dollar private bank equity deal with the Bank of China. That's right, Hartley stated, state owned, China owned bank, and then it ended up being a billion five. He's in business with let's see John Kerry Stepson and Whitey Bulger's nephew. They didn't give the billion five to Goldman, Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Bain Capital, or any of these other big, you know, groups that have a lot of experience in it. And they had, again, Hunter Biden, no experience with China private equity, no background whatsoever in this. Now, if you switch the names out and you put in the Sun being Donald Trump Junior, the Vice President being Donald J. J. Trump, are you telling me that everybody would be going around saying Oh, there's there's no evidence. There's no proof. Oh no, no no, no, it's like a conspiracy theory. Do you think that would be done by the media or do you acknowledge a truth which is a flagrant, despicable, frankly repulsive double standard by the media mob. I agree Sean heyshawn Hay Johnson. I don't think there should be any children of anyone in the federal government monetizing the office of the presidency or the vice president. I didn't quite ask that question. Would this be handled dramatically different if the names were Donald Trump Junior and Vice President Trump? Well, you know what it's interesting is that we have the Trump DC Hotel, we have Ivanka Trump. Okay, all right, but they were all in existence before. They were all in existence before he became president. No excuse me, trademark since she joined the war. Okay, okay. This has been a business established long before and relationships with a lot of the countries before. Focus on my question, would this be handled dramatically different if it was Vice President Trump and Donald Trump Junior with Ukraine and China, That's a simple question. I don't think, and I think that has been criticism lobbied at Biden for what he did for us, and I think that's right. But I think the Trump, Danielle, would the treatment of Donald Trump and Don Junior be dramatically different. I don't see that it is. I really, I really don't see that it is an In fact, I think more people should be up in arms about any child. I don't care with your demo, all right, Jonathan, don't. I don't think we have to look any further than certain members of the president's cabinet, not even the president, but members of his cabinet who misused a plane or something like that that had that stepped down. They had to step down because of the of the overwhelming media and political veracity that came down upon them. That was just for misreusing a plane. That's not misusing their position to go and withhold funds to get somebody fired in another country so their son could get off from doing something most likely criminal. I mean, I think it's evident, Sean and Danielle. I think it's evident that when we look at politics in DC, by and large, the Republicans are held to a standard that the Democrats are not, and that as I was having a discussion today. It's the craziest thing. I mean, you can look right at Joe Biden's words and then they try to do this, uh, some type of Star Wars mind control where they say you didn't see that. In fact Trump is the one guilty of that. And it's and it's unbelievable how the media pushes this stuff out. And then Danielle, I just don't even see how anybody can, just on the left, can even say remotely say that it's the same on the Republicans side as it is a different I think everybody listening frankly Jonathan and Danielle laughing at your answer, Danielle, because you know we already see the double standard there. There. We had four investigations, no Trump Russia collusion. The very people in the mob and the media that we're after Trump on Russia collusion. H didn't say a word, not a single word hardly about the dossier that Hillary Clinton bought and paid for with funneled money. They didn't say a word about her deleting subpoena at emails and bleach bit and hammers, and nor did they seem to care the top secret and classified information was on that server. And nor do they seem to care. The unverified Russian dossier full of lies was used as a basis to spy on the Trump campaign, Trump transition, and Trump presidency, or the outsourcing of illegal intelligence gathering to allied countries to circumvent laws. Let me ask you, all right, tell me on what page, what paragraph, what sentence that you think Donald Trump crossed the line in his conversation with President Zelinski. Tell me where he Tell me what he said specifically that tells you that this deserves a warrants, an investigation or an impeachment inquiry. Well, I don't have the transcript in front of me, and of course it's not a transcript. It's some memorandum. He does talk very specifically after he talks about missiles to the Ukraine for their own self defense against Russia, which we should be riding. I can read it to you if you would like. The president President he said it today. He said it today. He wants to Here's my question, why Hunter Biden, why Joe Biden? Why not the thousands probably have us excuse me, because because we now we listen, we now know that the d n C colluded with Ukraine for election interference in twenty sixteen. We didn't know that at all. Excuse me, that's a Russia talking point. Let me read from Let me read from Politico, and then if you don't mind, I will actually read from the letter that that cong Senators Johnson and Grassley sent to the Attorney General. I'll read that one first, the quote brazen efforts by the DNC and Hillary Clinton's campaign to use the government of Ukraine for the express purpose of finding negative information on then Canada Trump in order to undermine his campaign. The letter highlighted news reports that during the twenty sixteen election, Ukrainian government officials tried to help hillory An undermine Trump, and did so by disseminating documents implicating a top Trump aiden corruption, suggesting they were investigating the matter. Now, I'll take you to January eleventh, twenty seventeen, the Politico, Ken Vogel David Stern hardly members of the vast right wing conspiracy. The headline Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire. Kiev officials scrambling to make amends with the President elect after quietly working to boost Clinton, and Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office, and Ukrainian government disseminated documents implicating a top Trump eide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election, and they helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers to the Politico investigation, by the way, supported by documents now and the admission by the government of Ukraine that they did do it. You know how we know, Danielle, because there was a court ruling that said they interfered in America's elections. A Ukrainian American operative consulting for the DNC met with top officials in the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, all in an effort to expose ties between Trump, Maniport and Russia, and Ukrainian efforts quote had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort's resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump's campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine's vote to the east Russia. We have a court decision, we have the documents from the government, and we have the admission from the government of Ukraine that they did it. We have manifort, Who is a criminal? Who is who is in prison? Danielle, You're the master at switching topics. Trump, you just told me it was a Russian talking point. Now I'm telling you a Ukrainian court after looking at the evidence. Excuse me? What about CrowdStrike? The President was asking to look into election interference in twenty sixteen because he knew it had happened. Don't you want to get to the bottom of election an interference with Ukraine or no, if it's real and not a conspiracy theory, I absolutely do. You're calling Politico and you're calling a courtroom in Ukraine conspiracy theorist. Danielle? Is that? How is that the new talking point? Why has the President never admitted that Russia in defeated their election? Listen to me. You won't answer the question because the bottom line is the President didn't interfere. We had four separate investigations. I gotta take a break Russia. The four separate investigations we've had Trump Russia collusion, the Special Counsel, the House Intel Committee, the Bipartisan Senate committee, in the FBI, nothing nothing about Russia. Sewan. I look, I think there's something that was an investigation into Russia or oh all right, I'm you know what, It's very frustrating because it's there in front of you and you just I don't know if you do it on purpose or maybe you just or just blinded by your rage against Trump. I don't know, like invasion of the body snatchers. I can't figure it out. All right, As we finish up here with Jonathan Gillham Danielle McLaughlin, I you know, we have a court ruling in Ukraine, Ukrainian government admitting that they helped Hillary, and Danielle says it's a Russian propaganda talking point. Your reaction, Jonathan, I mean, I love you, Danielle, but none of this stuff makes any sense. Like Sean was same points at break about how the left just doesn't seem nobody on the left wants to admit anything that is true when it has to do with Donald Trump or when it has to do with the guilt of the left, and I just I want to say this before we go off. You know, there's no guarantee, Sean, just like we were talking about you remember when we were coming up on the election for the House and before we lost Congress, or we lost the House to the Democrats. We kept saying it's not written in stone, it's not and starting you can't just say that these things are going to happen and we're gonna get it our way. Donald Trump may not win in twenty twenty. You never know what's going to happen. And I would love to see this president go full force who I believe in him very much, but full force in all of these people, the Clintons, the Bidens, the way that all the deep State has conspired to go against him. No more reports about this guy or that guy. Start looking at these people as conspirators, because they're all in it together. It doesn't matter if it's Biden and his son, or if it's over and giving billions of dollars to Iran, or if it's to Clinton's and all the stuff that they did. It's conspiracy and they're all working together, all right. Thank you both. Daniel mcglocklon it's giving me a heart attack. And Jonathan Gillham, thank you. Eight hundred ninety four one sewn toll free telephone number you want to be a part of the program, will hit the phones the other news when we get back. Eight hundred nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program, and awesome Hannity tonight nine Eastern on Fox at twenty five told the top of the our eight hundred and nine for one sean, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, let's get to a lot of calls, a lot of you being By the way, I know Danielle was one of your close friends, Linda. I mean, she's definitely a cousin from Australia or feeling I got it, but I mean, you know, she's saying, that's a conspiracy theory. It's established in a court of law in Ukraine. The Ukrainian government admits the collusion. She was a lawyer, she's an arguer, she's confrontational, she's she's not an arguer. She just changed. She does not answer a question. She's a deflector. She was not answer a question. And I'm like, okay, well, good Democrats, But well that's the point. What is wrong. It's kind of like when I say to her, Danielle, where do you want to go for dinner? She says, well, you know, I had a big lunch. It's not the same. It's like, Okay, there's evidence. No, that's a conspiracy theory. There's an intellectual laziness. And I either it's either that or it's just pure raw politics, which means that you know, if it means destroying Trump and the country gets destroyed in the meantime, just like asking or praying for a recession. Look, you know, we hate Trump more than we want the economy to grow. I mean, how sick is that? So here's the thing. This reminds me of when all of your text messages were released late on a Friday night between you and Paul Manaphort, and I think one of the things that we all found incredibly funny on that night was the fact that people could not believe that your text messages were the exact same thing is what you say on radio and TV. Well, let me remind people because we have talked about about it's Friday and I'm done. I was off that I was supposed to be off. I was off that night actually on TV anyway, all of a sudden, I'm just finished the radio shop and I look at my inbox and it's like New York Times, Washington Post, hving a post, da da da daily be you know, every whatever and they're like, okay, open one of them. And I got the clue. We'd like your reaction to the judge unredacting and releasing the fifty seven pages. Somebody told me it was like eleven hundred text messages between me a metaphor. Okay, and I'm like, great, there goes the weekend. And so I get our crack jack team of attorneys on it instantly, and they literally they gave it to seven attorneys and I'm like, I know this is from whenever twenty sixteen, now, twenty seventeen and sixteen eighteen. I don't even know. And what's funny about it is, I have no idea what's in those text messages. I'm like, oh my gosh, fifty seven pages. So I'm a page forty. They call me back, Oh fine, they said the same thing. It just sounds like you're opening monologues every night, right. But my point is, now that you've explained everybody what happened and where it all came from, is that everybody on the left is just it's like they get an email in the morning, you know, like some people get a daily devotional, they get the daily Democratic talking points. Okay, what are we going to say today, okay, shifts talking trash again. So we ought to make sure that we all stick to the story because shifty Shift has shifts, you know, yet again all right, so what are we gonna say? Okay, so he talked to this well whistle blow and not this whistle blow. Oh he wants to do this story, not that story. But with us, it's different because when you have the truth on your side, you never need to remind yourself of the last lie you told. And that's all they do. So that was an interesting exchange. And I'll be honest, I mean, I'm so busy I fire off these texts. I'm not really thinking, and I don't you know. It's like, for example, tell me, ask me who is on our show here Monday, today's Thursday. I can't tell you even be able to remember first five years. That's true because you were you are not the same person you've been. You were hiding. I was not high totally. You know, you were not the lend that we know today. You just came in every day and we all thought like you never talked, Like all of a sudden, one day she starts talking. I wasn't the best then. Now and then then the New York and the F bombs come flying out every other set, but forget it. Put that as his question getting on hist answer. But one of the parts of the exchange was he was said to me, Yeah, they want me to they want me to flip on the president something to this effect, flip on the president and his family, and I specifically Jared. I guess he might have said, I don't remember exactly. And then he goes, but I'm not gonna do it. I'm like, Holy, this guy's life is over. You know, this is after like solitary confinement, or maybe before solitary come. I don't even know before or after. I have no clue. I don't remember the timeline at all. And anyway, and then he says, but I'm not going to do it, and he goes because they didn't do anything wrong, and I'm like, Okay, well, what would somebody be looking for? And then apparently, like you know, the Special Council psychos like and harassers like Andrew Weissman, who apparently was running the whole thing, was Sean Hannity sending special secret messages to you, like sending secret messages. What do you I mean? What is this? And then the media fake news CNN and conspiracy TV Area fifty one, Roswell, Rachel Maddow's network, you know, they're all holy. I can't believe he believes this stuff. He really believes what he says. I mean, do people fake it? I mean, does that imply that they just do it and fake it? I don't know what does that making it going on? Let me tell you, I don't fake it. I don't know how you can take How do you fake three hours of radio a day. I don't know how you fake that. I'm a figure. I just put Daniel McLaughlin on at the start of every show and get your wrapped up. Yeah, pisses me off. All right, let's go Don Lake, Ronkonkoma, what's up? Don? Welcome aboard my friend. Hey, it's great to talk to you again. Sean. What's going on? I think your shows have been just incredible, both on radio and TV, giving us the facts and figures and the evidence that you just don't get anywhere else. I'll tell you what I did today. So I called a representative Ken Marchin from Texas. He's the ranking Ethics Committee member, and I asked him to uh and I voice might disgust in the aligned conspiracy antics Adam ship and I also asked to ask him. I asked to Stiff to let him know to call him in front of the Ethics Committee to answer some questions. Well, if it was a Republican they would literally be you know, censure and probably motions to get you know, Adam Schiff is such a liar. I mean when we played the montage again, well we made one last night. Oh hied the time and time again. Yeah, We've got all the evidence. Evidence is clear. We have ample, example, significant evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. He just lying and he's lying again here because he No intelligent person could read that transcript and conclude that Donald Trump did something wrong. He did not. And just like in the Russia Russia hoax conspiracy theory, the only evidence we have that Ukraine helped in the twenty sixteen election is we know they helped Hillery at the behest of a d NC contractor and they were meeting and they had an impact. And that's not even my conclusion, that's Politico's conclusion. Well, since there's no mechanism to remove him from the Intelligence Committee, I think it. Why not tie his hands up in the ethics committee. No, all right, my friend, thank you. All right. Devin is in Virginia, Devin High, How are you welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Thanks for your patience. Hey, so I'm living my favorite anchor, buddy. Hey, I grew up a lifelong Democrat, and I grew up the pits of Hey I live in for Jaina. Now, I've seen the exposure since I was young, like, and now all the corruption that they do. Where does the money go? All the houses in the city are bordered up. They don't do nothing with the money. Now that that Trump's in there. In two sixteen vot I voted for Trump, and now that he's in there, he's exposing them for what they are. My daughter goes. I moved them for jam. My daughter goes to a city school now and it's forced to watch CNN for ten minutes. And she took a history test the other day and then the history test is said a radical Republicans. I mean, he sup, we're crazy, man. Um, Well, yeah, so you're a lifelong you're a lifelong Democrat. What do you like about Donald Trump? I like that Donald. He's a true American. He's a patriot. I'll tell you this. I'll tell you what I like the most about Oh No, I like two things the most one. This guy never ever stops fighting. You know, he actually, you know, he gave an interview to Michael Goodwin. Michael Goodwin's a really good columnist at the New York Post and he's worth reading every day because he's got great information constantly. And anyway, so the President gave him an interview and it was in today's edition. And the president, you know what he says, Yeah, you know what, I love it. I love fighting. I don't mind at all because he's he believes in what he's doing. It's really that's not any more complicated than that. And what he really is saying is, you know what, it's it's a load of bull And you know what, it may sound a little nuts to you, but I like to fight. Do nothing. Democrats should be focused on building up our country, not wasting everyone's time and energy on b s. And he's right, that's true. So and that's why I watch it every day at nine o'clock. I mean, basically, your last family sit out and let you Joan Hannity at nine o'clock. All right, Linda wants to ask you a question. Devin, I gotta ask you a question to you. Don't mind it sounds strange to say I'm energized, but I love it. I love it, meaning the daily combat with Democrats on the media. They're so corrupt, they're cons and all they want to do is win in the election. That was powerful. All right, go ahead, Linda. All right, So, Devin, I got a cool question for you. So you said your daughter is forced to watch ten minutes of CNN in her classroom every day, doctor Nation Jess. Yeah, So let me ask you. Have you have you? Yeah? Go ahead, go ahead. You know they just had a climate march. You know. I tell my daughter and don't you listen to that climate say it's a hoax? You know? Now do you find yourself having too? Like is she listening to you or is she like confused and conflicted? No, she's definitely listening to me. Just down and watch Sean Hay with me. God bless. So let me ask you, can you, like, is there any other Republicans like in the class or can you talk to this teacher and tell her like, listen when you wear that crop? I want my kid out of the room. You're not indoctrinating my dog. They're all liberals, But can you pull your kid out or does it make it uncomfortable for your kid? That's correct? What a mess? Well, you got people like a follow Seawan and Candice Owens who is brilliant and goes in these inner cities. And that's what the inner cities need. Yeah, they need education because when they get it, they realize they're actually not them across the Republicans. They just never knew it. Yes, that's how they're doing a brainwashing the kids. Absolutely, they should not do that. Should not have politics or the school should be I had to chase her first. God bless you, Devin. You're doing the hard work. Man. Listen, we've lost the schools. I've given up, I really have. I mean, the indoctrination is now. You know, there's a reason they want, you know, to provide government daycare and pre k all the way through college because they don't want to have to skip a year where they might actually miss the constant never ending or welling and nightmare of indoctrination. And you know, as evidence by you know, how do you make kids watch fake news in and imagine the outcry if people had to watch Sean Hannity. I mean, the left would go nuts. Well, there's probably you know, maybe ten teachers or professors in the whole country that would ever say that's a good idea. Any maybe Fox News should off at ten minutes for free of your show every day to every public school in the middle of it is free. All they have to do is recorded or pull up the day. You have to make it easy. They make it easy, right, all right, thank you, Devin, you're a good man. Um, let's say hi to our friend Patty from Mississippi. What's up, Patty? How are you glad you called? Hey? Sean? I'm just curious, why do I have to keep asking you the same question year after year? And basically, why is it with this particular case, everything that's going on with Biden and Trump and everything. Why is it only the Freedom Caucus guys that are out screaming, you know, right around with their hair on fire. You know, why, where's Mitch McConnell. Where there's fifty three Republican senators and basically we have Lindsay Graham is the only one saying anything. Why is that? You know? I look, I don't understand why more senators and congressmen don't fight. I mean, why do they Why do these people even run. Something happens. I've noticed over the years, and something happens. These guys get to Washington and it's like they change, and I think they like being called senator to congressman a clue. I think, I think, I mean it's something because I think the only real bipartisan thing in Washington is influence peddling. And unfortunately, you know, there's going to be some people that when there are great people put Biden in China and Biden in Ukraine, when when all the threads start getting told that they should be out there fighting like we fight every day. You're right, I mean, we're on this program fighting for our country every day. Because I think this is a tipping point. They win, Elizabeth Warren wins. It's over our system of government as we know it, the freedom that we the freedom society that has built an nation and created a wealth that has never been created in the history of man. An opportunity. I mean, that's all gone. As they'll take control of every aspect of our existence. It's not going to be good. This is worth fighting for and I guess the symbol of that at this moment as Donald Trump. And so if they take down Trump, then they feel the whole systems comes crumbling down. And you know, Democrats always circle the wagons. Republicans don't circle anything, just like they didn't have a plan after seven years to replace Obamacare. It's pathetic, It's just how is that even possible? Sixty five phony show votes? You know, the twenty fifteen vote in the Senate. Seven Republican senators get to vote on the same exact bill, a complete clean repeal of Obamacare, but they change their mind when it's real. Republicans are just as bad. You know, I don't know why do they want to even go there? You know, what's the point of going there if you're not going to fight for what that which you believe in anyway, eight hundred nine for one Shawn toll free number. If that's gonna wrap things up for today, all right, we're going to be investigating all things Ukraine, their election interference in twenty sixteen. The mob's insanity as they they're double standard, is repulsive. At this point, we'll get into the cowardly shifty shift tonight. Great details, Jim Jordan, Greg Jarrett, the Great One, Mark Levin. Tonight, Tom Fitton has some breaking news that is gonna blow open new cases involving the corrupt government that we have. Bongino Haraldo, Mike Huckabee, and Sean Spicer all coming up Tonight, news you won't get from the mob in the media on the Fox News Channel Seat tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow

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