The media is seemingly celebrating the drop in the DOW. "This is called an adjustment," explained Sean, "Winners start taking their winnings; the market has gone up 8,000 points and now it has dropped 1,000." Sean continued, "If you're going to invest in the market you can't do it with money you'll need in the next ten years." The economy is correcting itself and will "fly like an eagle" again. Funny enough, Sean has former NFL great Herschel Walker on the show to discuss his NFL career and just how significant Philadelphia's Super Bowl win over New England was. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Surprised that she is guaranteed to love when it comes to Valentine's don't settle for anything less than my rose authority one eight hundred flowers dot com now to order twenty four multi colored roses or upgrade to twenty four red roses for ten bucks more. Just go to one eight hundred Flowers dot com slash Hannity Order today Flowers dot com slash Hannity. Hi, gladuate with us right down our toll free telephone number at eight hundred down down today after it's drop of six sixties six an ominous number, I guess from Friday. Um, you know I'm watching them actually brought in Anderson Cooper for their big coverage of the Dow going down. Um. Look, the Dow had gone up what eight plus nine thousand points since President Trump was elected. It's called an adjustment. It's an Look, this is why I don't like the dow. This is why I don't like people. Winners start taking their winnings and it's a lot like gambling. Now it's down a thousand as it goes from here. You know, this is the problem with Wall Street people, people that don't know what. I'll give you an example. Everybody that started getting into bitcoin like last week and last month. In the last two months and three months, you know, everyone's like, I gotta get in a bit. I'm like, I was heard about bitcoin when it was next to nothing. It's when you finally hear about it. You got to not believe the If you're going to invest, just be smart anything that you put in stocks. This is the standard rule of my my guys over at gen Hunseler down in Georgia. If you're going to invest in the market, you've gotta you can't be investing money you're gonna need in the next ten years. You invest money because over the course of time you're gonna see appreciation slowly but surely, with the EBB and flow, the ups and downs, the swings as they go along. But you know, when you have such a large percentage of uh of an increase, there's gonna be in bound to be an adjustment as it was what crawling towards twenty seven thousand, Now it's down one thousand, forty two anyway, so this will be a part of the correcting process. I don't think that much of it, and it's not the biggest news story of the day, in case your interest did um. The response to the House Intel Committee memo is as predictable as the day is long. Here's where we are today. There is a new memo out. I haven't noticed anybody in the news media following it today and it too, like the House Intel memo of Devin Newness is blockbuster. We also have have discovered the dossier author Christopher Steele wrote another anti Trump memo that was fed info by Clinton connected contacts UH and the Obama State Department. We're gonna give you all the details of that coming up in a few minutes as well. Now, I told you on Friday that this is only the beginning. Now, the first memo came from the House Intel Committee and it was released on Friday. Well, now we have another memo released by the Senate Intelligence Committee, and that includes Charles Astley is the chairman, and the and and Lindsey Graham also on this memo, and we have new developments on that. We've also identified who the visa judge is in this particular case. And we've got new information from Sarah Carter, who's going to join us in the course of the program here today. And I watched as little TV as possible. I don't even watch it. One of the good things is I actually get a service that gives me so I don't have to see these people because I don't like most of the people in the mainstream media anyway, and their egos are so fragile. Down you want me to keep going with us? Down? People? Are you know what happens? Then the dag goes down to thousand, everyone starts panicking and I still still now bick do it now? Still still? Soll let's go hurry up. I'm not a big investor in the stock market. How many years have I said on this program, Linda? How many years have I said on this program that I am not a big stock market person because I don't like this. If you want me to talk, yes, I wanted you to. I don't want to interrupt your flow. You're in a great flow. Okay. Are you done being angry? Are you sure said you gave up your hate list and you're starting? I owe you money from the super Bowl? Just yes, many many years. I've been saying it for years, many many years, many many many many for like an eternity. Al right, down here we go, rocky, very long time, doom and gloom. It was just below I was making a slight recovery. You're not supposed to get in the stock market unless you are prepared to stay the course. You must course, you must be ready for the EBB and flow. That's correct, and I've been saying that forever, You're welcome. All Right, So, last Friday, this story breaks about the memo and the House Intelligence Committee, and what did we learn last Friday? We learned some things that raises real, real legitimacy and legality issues involving the d o J and the FBI and their interactions with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, and a real breakdown of what the legal process established that are designed to protect the American people from fi abuses now FISA. Just to break it down simply, is is your government spying on you? And the secret Court they've got to be able to present information that is compelling and overwhelming enough so and probable cause that you are involved in something that is a danger to the United States of America. Very high bar. By the way, going after Carter Page, who doesn't even work for the Trump campaign is ridiculous at the time, but we'll put that aside. Now. The amazing thing in this that we learned on Friday, the dossier compiled by the former m I six guy Christopher Steele in the memo last week, we learned that he was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and passionate about him not being president. We also learned that neither in the initial application for the FISER warrant in October, nor any of the renewals it was renewed every ninety days. You after renew it three times, did he ever disclose that it was at the bottom of the chain it was the Clinton campaign in the d n C and a political party funding Steele's efforts. And remember we also learned that Deputy Director McCabe testified before the committee in December, no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steel Dossier information. And then we also learned a few other things. Remember in the hearings, we found out that Glenn Simpson fusing GPS, Glenn Simpson never verified Christopher Steele's information. And then we find out that they never disclosed to the judge that it was the Clinton campaign. Now, remember the money was funneled Clinton campaign through a law firm. The law firm funnels at the Fusion GP. Yes, then they funnel it to so Christopher Steele whatever they're paying him in here. Now, the initial application, you know, doesn't name Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, who was paid for by US law firm Perkins Coy representing the d n C, representing the Clinton campaign. The application does not mention that Steele was ultimately working on behalf of them paid for by the Clinton campaign in the d n C. Now there's a big deal today, Well let's release the Democrats arguments. I know for a fact and people that have actually read this, and I never give my sources away that in fact, it was only a footnote. They never mentioned Christopher Steele. They never mentioned that. I'm sorry, they never mentioned mentioned the Clinton campaign. Pain for all of this, it might have a political taint to it. A footnote. No, this was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton, her campaign and the d n C US finances she controlled. So the initial application, you know, was working for a named US person, doesn't name Fusion GPN, doesn't name Glenn Simpson, doesn't tell the whole Steer story that the guy to put the dossier together, that it was an un verified dossier. So you have an opposition party candidate in an election year funding you know, a dossier on the opposition party and getting a warrant now to spy on that campaign and an incoming president. That's what we learned and they used deceptively. They use an article by Yahoo News and Michael Iakov that came from the same source, Christopher Steele. In other words, they're acting as though they're two independent, corroborating sources when it was only one. That is, that is a fraud before the fires a court, and it's a fraud to get a warrant to spy on an opposition party, and it's a fraud on the court so they can spy and literally undermine an incoming president. Now there's more information about this. Remember before and after Steele was terminated, well, he still continued contact with the Department of Justice, and they had jorney Deputy Attorney General Bruce Or, a senior d J official who worked closely with UH deputies Yates and Rosenstein. And shortly after the election, the FBI began interviewing or documenting his communications with Steele, including Steals, you know, being desperate that Donald Trump not get elected. At the same time, Bruce or his wife was employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of that op research that was never verified on Trump, and Or then gave the FBI all of his wife's op research paid for by Clinton. In the d n C, but they never told the judge this, And then of course the Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testifying that no surveillance weren't would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier. Well, now we've got a new memo today, and this one comes from Charles Grassley's committee, and he goes into great detail teaching us things. For example, it's, as you know, Christopher Steele hired by Fusion GPS to gather information about the links between Russia and Donald Trump and pursuing too that business arrangement. Steele get this prepared a series of documents styled as intelligence reports, some of which were later compiled into a dossier and published by BuzzFeed in January of On the face of the dossier, it appears Mr Steele gathered much of his information from Russian government sources inside of Russia, and according to the law firm Perkins Coy, Mr Steele's dossier related efforts were funded through Fusion GPS by the law firm on behalf of the d n C and the Clinton campaign. So they're paying and it was unverified. Now, the fact that you're so thick headed by the way that was only down eight now things are better, getting better. It was down to much. No, it's recovery. You gotta put the happy music in happy days to hear again. Now. We also learn in this new memo that is released today that um it appears in litigation that Mr Steele was involved in Great Britain that either he lied to the FBI or the British Court on the classified documents reviewed by the committee containing materially false statements. A lot of this is redacted, so I can't give you all the information. In response to the Committee's inquiries, the Chairman and ranking member received a briefing uh from then FBI Director James Comey, then they redacted it. Similarly, in June of the FBI Director Comy testified publicly before the Senate Committee on Intelligence that he had brief President Elect Trump on the dossiers allegations in January. This is when he did it at Trump Tower, and Comey described it as salacious and unverified. Here's the problem. In October of it was Comey signed off on the FISA warrant. So he's basically saying to Trump thing that it's salacious and unverified. But you can't produce to a pis a court anything that's unverified or salacious that has as we now know, Russian lines paid for by Clinton and by the d n C. It gets complicated, and there's evidence suggesting this is in the Senate report that Steel materially misled the FBI about a key aspect of the dossier efforts, which pairs on his credibility. And then it goes on to say, with public reports and followings, information of terms obtained by the committee and witness interviews and the course of the investigation, that Steele provided dossier information to a number of media organizations prior to you know, when they first put out the PISA call and it Steel sworn court filings and litigation in London. He admitted he gave off the record briefings to journalists so called journalists about the pre election memorandum. In other words, just like Glenn Simpson said he was. Simpson admitted that he was collaborating with the Clinton campaign to give dossier information to the press. And then they tell exactly who it is. They talk about, Oh shocking, The Washington Post and the New York Times and Yahoo News and the New Yorker and CNN fake news. You understand this is beyond the pale. We have two memos and another dossier. We had the first memo from Friday, a memo today. I'll give you more of the details when we get back. Sarah Carter is gonna break this down for you, and we also will check in with Greg Jarrett, Sydney Powell and Herschel Walker stops by today as we continue by the way down down A thousand will continue one Shawn toll free telephone numbers. Alright, I know this is now getting confusing, all right, Dows made a pretty significant recovery. Dow is now down eight eighteen forty. I mean, you watch this stuff and you guys are going insane in there. You're like watching it every second doesn't mean a thing to you because you're not in the process of getting your retirement accounts out. I understand why. You know, everybody's all happy when everything up. What do you think what goes up doesn't come down? You know how many times have I said in investments, it's something I want to feel it, I want to be able to touch it, I want to know I own it. I just feel very differently about because I I personally have this feeling that Wall Street is a little bit rigged. In other words, the people that work there that have all the inner knowings in are going on. Now, there are some people that do real, genuine research and then they figure out, Okay, this stock is gonna go up, or that stock is gonna go up, or I believe that this category of investment is going to be great in the future. Like if I had a guess right now, I would say I like oil because I think moving America towards energy independence. But on the other hand, and you got to think it through, Well, if we bring more product on the market, supplying demand, criss cross and dictate the price, you got a think through it. But maybe those companies that get the oil, maybe those companies that get the coal, maybe those companies that are involved in natural gas production and fracking. Now that might be a good investment, at least on paper in my mind. Now, you know what, the last thing I'm gonna do is called my financial guy and go I think you should put X dollars in this. It's not how I I operate. I just urge a lot of you Just be careful. Money is too hard to come by by the way that was making a big recovery down quick break. We'll come back and we'll continue. I'm gonna explain this new memo. I'll explain what's in the Democrats memo, which really isn't anything. And then we have a new dossier that nobody knew about. Straight ahead all right till the top of the hours watching somebody on with Chip and I actually believe I should have wrote his name down. Is it's very counterintuitive what's happening now? I think his analysis was dead on because the Obama economy was so weak all of these years. We had just artificially cheap money. Now what's cheap money cheap money? Cheap money is when you can borrow at ridiculously low rates. The era of cheap money at some point has to come to an end. And the government is artificially the Fed is artificially kept the price of money down and uh in the price of borrowing down. And now that's gonna come to an end. And if in many ways it represents Ashley Webster's name in many ways, um, it's a sign of the strength of the economy more than anything else. I'll give you an example of this. You know it looks like, you know, Wall Street hit their bumped today, but we could be on the verge of long and long expected correction t as normal. Main Street, on the other hand, is moving right along. The Atlanta Fed today is predicting GDP growth for the first quarter, not three which Obama never had a single year of three GDP growth, the only president in history, and by the way, not four percent. The Atlanta Fete is predicting five percent GDP growth five point four to be exact, which would be you know, spectacular. It's Reagan style growth. So I think the underpinnings of the economy are so strong now that the adjustment is coming because I think a lot of people understand that cheap money uh is no longer going to be available, but there will be more money available ironically for investments and so on and so forth. By the way, the only thing that means to you, if the only advice I would have for you, um is I would suggest to all of you that if you haven't locked in your mortgage rate at a low rate yet, you better do it because that's gonna you know, that's not gonna come to an end soon. Um Now, let me explain what this new memo is from the State from this is from Chuck Grassley's committee. You gotta understand another thing too, and I want to get this information out. There's going to be a series of other memos. As a matter of fact, we're expecting somewhere in the neighborhood of five more memos from the House Intel Committee alone. Five. In other words, the you know, it looks like Friday's bombshell, Today's Senate bombshell released to the House Intelligence Committee is only the tip of the iceberg. Anyway, Republican sources close to Newness say that he's assured them that there's much more to come. And anyway, the Intelligence Chair and his team have told members and associates that they found other examples of politically motivated wrongdoing across various agencies, including the FBI, the Broader Justice Department, and the State Department. Now, Republicans close to Noonat say there could be as many as five additional memos and reports on wrongdoing. I remember, you can't go to a FISA court and give a FISA court what is essentially an opposite Asian party bought and paid for dossier, unverified, proven now to be full of Russian lies as a premise to get a warrant on an opposition party in the lead up to an election, and then to spy on an incoming president elect. Republicans close to Newness now Nuness will be on Hannity tonight. They say there could be as many as five more of these memos or reports of wrongdoing, and this is only the first step, and what is a lot more to come. Our Republican briefed on Newness's investigation, said there are several areas of concern where federal agencies use government resources to try and create a narrative and influence the election, and some have suggested coordination with Hillary Clinton operatives, said Blumenthal and Cody Shearer to back up the false narrative, which I'm getting to in a second here, And Newness ended at what's coming next in an interview Friday with Brett Bear, and I'll ask him about this tonight because Bear asked Newness it more memos are coming out, and he said, yes, so this can This just completes phase one. This completes the FISA abuse portion of the investigation. And then he said, we're in the middle of what I call phase two of our investigation, which involves other departments, specifically the State Department, and some involvement that they had in this names. You're gonna hear a lot of should not surprise you. Bill and Hillary Clinton, in other words, Sid Bloomenthal and controversial activists Cody's Share. The Guardian has also reported the FBI reviewed the second Trump Russian dossier with Share and ally of Bill Clinton's White House back in the nineties. Believe a Reins by the way, Hillary Clinton's closest aid for more than a decade decades said, oh, you never heard a Share. I don't think that's true. And uh, I've heard of Share. Hillary Clinton's longtime spokesman certainly knows who the guy is. I don't believe that. Now Here's what we're beginning to see in this next part out released by the Senate today. You got a top Obama Justice Department official whose wife work for Fusion GPS, Bruce or Nelly or and was paid for by Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. Fusion GPS is anti Trump project was paid for by both the Clinton campaign and the d n C. I think about that, Just like Andrew McCabe's wife is getting fundraising help from the Clinton's best friend, Terry mcculoff. Anyway, as Nellie Or's husband, top Obama Justice official, Bruce Or direct directly benefited from his wife's Fusion GPS income, doesn't that race staggering questions about whether or not Mr Or accepted Clinton campaign cash in exchange for helping derail the President's election, just like you know, what was what was Andrew McCabe thinking when his wife is getting seven grand an astronomical amount of money from the Clinton's closest Ally, now, the Dailey Caller had a piece under a contract from the Clinton campaign. Fusion GPS is firm is paying the wife of senior Department of Justice official as part of their efforts to gather op research on Trump, and then he's bringing it in visa v the the FBI. Unbelievable, you know, knowledge of this relationship has raised a lot of questions, which it should have to the extent you know, to which the firm may have paid for heightened access to the criminal justice system, and whether they would have hired Nelly absent dispousal connection. Anyway, Declassified memos said that Bruce Or his wife was employed by Fusion GPS assisting in the cultivation of this op research which turned out to be false, which led to a FISA warrant against Donald Trump. And then you've got Bruce Or meeting with Christopher Steele both before and after the election and then reporting back to the FBI. And he's using his wife's research to give to the FBI. This doesn't sound a little too incestuous to you. And the money sweetened the pot for the oars personally made it easier for Fusion GPS to get the dossier to be used before the court if they made payment to Bruce Or's wife. Anyway, this is pretty unbelievable. Now Fox News is now reporting and Sarah Carter will delve deeper into this in the top of the hour. That's certain Clinton associates, and that's the term being used by two top Republicans in the Senate Judiciary Committee. This is memo to the one that came out earlier today in the Senate and Chuck Grassley's memo that to Clinton associates were involved in feeding anti Trump information to Trump dossier author Christopher Steele. Now, and those if those Clinton associates are who we think they are, you know that would be you know, the same henchman and enforcers who Hillary used to cover up, you know, during the height of impeachment and and everything else, and people involved in you know, going out there and with the Bimbo eruption days for crying out loud. You know, this whole deep state scandal is about to get very ugly because the Clinton associates were feeding allegations to former British spy Christopher Steele. Oh so, I guess we could trust Sydney Blumenthal. What are you two looking at? You're up to something, texting something to each other. I can tell what all right anyway, But Sydney Blumenthal now is involved in this. There's never anything good coming out of that. So the Senate Just Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley Lindsey Graham had asked the Justice Department in January to investigate Steel based on evidence they say suggests that he lied to the FBI about his contacts with the media or the FBI misrepresented Steele statements. The lawmakers are now asking the FBI for an emergency review of their criminal referrals so it can be made public with limited redactions. As a ton of redactions in this memo because the memo from Grassley and Graham, which is now public for the first time, provides insight into steel circle of contacts during that time. But anyway, it says, the memo states that Steele had received information that came from a foreign subsource who was in touch with redacted, a contact redacted, a friend of the Clintons who passed it to redact it. Now Sarah Carter is reporting, and we'll get more information from her at the top of the Hour that it could be Jonathan Winner and in fact, said Vicious Blumenthal that are part of the redacted people in all of this. So we'll get that information sooner than later when we started the top of the Hour. But it's pretty troubling enough that the Clinton campaign funded Steals work, but now we're discovering that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Steel allegations. You know, did they feed the Russian hooker story for example? What part did they play in all of this. I'd like to know when a said Vicious going to be put under oath one or other people that were involved in this gonna be put under oath. Anyway, they're feeding Steel allegations. We know it's unproven, we know it's not verified, all in a in an effort to feed the deep state from within the Clinton campaign. Clinton's buying and paying for it. Why not have her closest friends and associates feeding false information to the guy that hates Trump that's writing it. And don't worry the people of Fusion GPS. They said they never looked into the veracity of it, but then it was still used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on an opposition campaign. By the way, rightly Newness has blasted Adam Shift. Adam Shift he now has he is auditioning for his show on MSNBC and anyway, apparently, Devin Nonas said today there's nearly a hundred leaks by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee related to the Russia investigation. And after President Trump blasted Adam Schiff in a morning tweet, Newness and Shift his outset. Shift is out there spreading the false narrative about him and Republicans coordinating with the White House. That never happened. Now, it is interesting that I have information about the Democratic Memo, but I couldn't get any information about the Republican memo that should give you a little hint into who my sources are. And I'm told that in the Democratic memo they don't dispute in any way. And this is the big part of this whole thing. They know that this was bought and paid for. They never They can't prove any truth to the dossier, but they never told the judge in this case that it was paid for by Clinton and the d n C and it was funneled through a law firm. The closest they got to that is a footnote that says, well, there might have been a political taint to some of this. But the problem is the FBI knew at the time. They absolutely a percent new that this was Hillary Clinton bought and paid for, and they knew it wasn't verified. Remember pack in January, long after this warrant was issued and Comey signing off on it. It's the same Comy that goes to Donald Trump at Trump Tower and says it's delacious and unverified. Why didn't they tell the court that when they were obtaining the warrant. Peter King says that there's more evidence that Hillary colluded with Russia than Trump did. He's right. Anyway, he's the former Homeland Security Committee chairman, and he said there's more evidence that Hillary colluded with Russia then there is against Donald Trump. He says, I've been involved with this now for eighteen months. I have not seen a single bit of evidence of any collusion at all between the Trump campaign and Russia. He said, there's more of a possibility of the Russians being involved in the Hillary Clinton campaign. So many Russians have paid money to build Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. That begins to now begin to hit home doesn't it. By the way, nice of CNN to hire Homey's ex assistant. Unbelievable. Of course they want to be in the inner circle, don't that They also hired who do they Clapper? Who's the other guy? Clapper Um, the other intelligence as this guy I beens with a B no b B b um. I don't know he's involved in this stuff too. That's Allly Case said. Look, I know this gets hard and gets confusing because now we have the memo that came out on Friday, and we have a memo that came out today. Then we have four more memo, most at least coming from the House Intelligence Committee. Then We've got information of a new dossier today. And by the way, Donald Trump's approval rating is holding steady at forty nine. And I've got to believe at the end of this, I want to know who's gonna go. Who's gonna go to the FISA judge, Judge Rudolph contraris is his name. Who's gonna go to him and ask him if he feels he was lied to her they purposely misrepresented uh to him in an attempt to get a FISA warrant. Because if I'm the judge in that case, I am one piste off judge. And you know what you don't want to do in life is piss off a judge. It's a bad idea. Yeah, and what about the Flynn recusal? It's another good point nine for one. Shaun is our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, and uh, let's see. Oh, so we have Sarah Carter, She's got new information coming up at the top of the hour. Then we'll check in with Sydney Fowell and Greg Arratic going to join us. We have an amazing Hannity tonight. Just keeping this information straight. As a full time job, all right, so we have the first memo Friday. Now we've got the Senate memo today. Democrats want their rebuttal memo released. I'm told it does nothing to justify the position that was taken. Other words, they don't they they can't even say, oh, we we told the court that it was funded by Hillary and by Democrats. Uh, they can't say that all it is is a footnote. Well, there might be a political tinge to that. And nobody has disputed the FBI saying that everything in the Republican memo is true. If they if they look, if they want, I say, go in redact things that need to be redacted about sources and methods, and then let the American people dig into it all themselves. You know, they say, well, Devin Newness didn't read it. Well, he wasn't the one that was appointed to read it. That was Tray Gouty, because he's a lawyer, a trained lawyer. Alright, One Shawn Sarah Carter has two articles out all of this. You'll break it down for us, including the Clinton connection. Right, Jared Sydney Powell joined us and the one and only Herschel Walker will check in with us today as we continue the Shawn Hannity Show. Glad you're with us one Shawn is our number. Well, the chairman is wrong. Now the chairman also hasn't read the underline materials. But for example, the argument that the Yahoo News article was circular reporting because it was based on something Christopher Steele said, that's not what the article was cited for. And if you read the application you would know that's not what the article was cited for. But the whole point here is not to be accurate. The point is to be misleading. Um. The Democrats didn't even get to read the memo until minutes before it was voted out to the House. If they were truly interested in getting to the truth, that's not the process that they would use. Instead, they used a vehicle that has never been used before in the history of the House to release this very one sided memorandum. Uh in terms of enemy Cabe, like the memorandum itself, they cherry picked selectively in what he said. Now, while I can't go into the specifics of his testimony, I can tell you what he said was you have to look at the five application as a cohesive whole. All the parts are important, and the suggestion that the chairman makes there and others on the committee had made also that the entire dossier was included in This is just playing false and the court was notified political actor was involved, and that's part of the misleading nature of the fives application. No, the only misleading part of all of this is what Adam Shift just said. Welcome back, glad you with us eight nine one. Shawn is at free telephone number. All right, So we have the House Intel memo which came out on Friday. Now we have the memorandum from the Senate and that would be Charles Grassley and Lindsey Graham's memo, and that adds a lot of light to what we learned. Then we got this ten page rebuttal memo if you will, coming out of Adam Shift in company. What I have been told by people in the know, and I can confirm this now, is that when they talk about identifying to the five is a court specifically whether or not there were political actors, they totally downplayed it. The FBI knew at the time that the people paying for this or Hillary Clinton and the d n C, and they only added a minor footnote that there may have been some political actors involved, but they knew otherwise, they knew who the actors were. It's it's beyond deceptive, along with everything else. All right, here to a basically go over all of this these new developments with a Sarah Carter, Uh, Sarah, welcome back to the program. So now we have another memo, this one from the Senate. I've been reading it with a fine tooth comb. There's a lot of redacted material in here, but it does raise a lot of new information for us. What is your take? It raises significant information, Sean, because what it states is that there was this other dossier floating around, other information within the State Department, that persons in the State Department we're actually involved in collecting politically motivated information on President Trump then you know, and the campaign, uh, and then President elect Trump. So here you have another set another set of information pouring in to the State Department then being funneled back to Christopher Steel from members closely associated with Hillary Clinton. What I can tell you is this, it is true. Cody Sheer, I have been able to confirm he was a former journalist who went to work for the Clinton's in the nineties. He is very partisan was involved in this. What's even more interesting is that Jonathan Winner, who is with the Libya Desk at the State Department, and this is important. He's on the Libya desk, he still works there right now, was also involved and connected to Christopher Steele and the State Department during this information overload. I don't know if you remember, but I recently wrote a story on Sydney Blumenthal and remember, ah, yeah, so I wrote a story about Sydney Bluementhal and how Sydney Bluementhal was connected to the dossier. When you look at this and talking to the sources that I've been speaking with, Jonathan Winner on the Libya Desk, Sydney Bluementhal sending emails to Hillary Clinton and being actually asked by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton very intense and very poignant questions on Libya. He was directly involved in Libya. Also, then you have Christopher Steele, the Western Intelligence official. Now a lot of people speculate, and we haven't been able to prove this yet, that the Western intelligence official in a lot of the emails that Hillary Clinton actually got from Sydney Bluementhal, was that he was actually referring to Christopher Steel. So now we see all of these connections and all of these players involved in the same purpose, which appears to be a very partisan and a very direct attack on what they thought then was the incoming you know, president of the United States, President Trump, and they went after him prior to the election and even after the election by members of the Obana. By the way, as if you go to the Grassley memo and we'll put all of this up on the screen tonight, it actually says talking about Christopher Steele, hired by Fusion GPS, and his purpose to gather information about the links between Russia and then presidential candidate Donald Trump. You know, this is when we get into the hookers and all these other ridiculous stories. Again, none of this was verified, as was in the House Intelligence memo that came out on Friday. But then it goes on to say, and they've got new information that Steele gathered much of his information which we already knew, but to put emphasis on this from Russian government sources inside of Russia. So in other words, it's really Hillary and the d n C paying Fusion GPS, paying Steele to get Russian government sources to influence the election and at least misinformed the American people, and then it gets used to get the FIS warrant. That's correct. And so when you look at the evidence on its face, and this goes back to them trying to find collusion between Trump and Russia. There was no evidence. And yet they have not been able to show one small bit of surmountable evidence of any connection between a collusion between Trump and Russia. But here you have overwhelming evidence that they used the Russians to build a dossier against President Trump and his campaign. So the evidence is overwhelmed. Why do you call it a second dossier or a second memo? Because what it was was a second memo apparently put together by Cody Sheer based on foreign intelligence sources which people believed to be Russian and foreign Western intelligence. Was this also given to the FISA court, was also given to the FISER court to get the warrant or we don't know that yet. That's what we don't know yet. We don't know yet. What we do know is that the second dossier was certainly leaked parts of that dossier to the media. So remember this, This is the reason why Senator Grassley is so up in arms over Christopher Steele and sent a criminal referral because Christopher Steele, while he was working apparently with the FBI and giving the FBI information that was in his dossier, was also leaking to the media and this was the disinformation campaign. Now, the FBI then decided not to pay him. According to my sources, they were getting ready to pay him over fifty dollars for his information, but then they found out he was leaking. That was in the House Intel memo. Let me go to another part of this. There was substantial evidence, this is in the Grassley memo, that Steele materially misled the FBI about a key aspect of his dossier efforts, one which bears on his credibility. So you know, the FBI knew all of these connections, they knew where the money was coming from. And go back to the first, the first FISA warrant attempt when they used the original dossier, that they purposely didn't tell the court in spite of what the tent page memo suggests. They just put a footnote because they know that they never mentioned this was paid for, bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton. They just said as a disclosed which should have been had to be disclosed. Yea. And what about what McCabe and what McCabe said, Apparently I've had five people corroborate is that McCabe did say we wouldn't have even sought the FISA warrant without the dossier, that is correct. I have spoken to sources as well who have emphatically stated that during the closed door hearing, and maybe we'll get an opportunity to see this, maybe we will get to see the testimony of McCabe that during that closed door hearing, cabe was specifically asked about the Steel Dossier and the use of the Steel Dossier in order to obtain the FISA warrant, and he made it very clear that without the Steal dossier they would have not been able to obtain the Let's go back to Charles grass Les memo which came out today and it talks about the new information obtained by the committee witness interviews and the course of their investigation indicated that Mr Steele provided dossier information to quote numerous media organizations prior to the the attempt to get the visor warrant, and in Steel sworn court filings and litigation in London. He admitted that he gave off the record briefings to a small number of journalists about the pre election memoranda UH. In other words, in a sworn filing, he stated that journalists from the New York Times, the Washington Post, Yahoo News, Michael Lizza Coop which his article was leaked by Steele. That becomes a part of, you know, the original attempt to get or the second attempt to get the visor UH warrant against Donald Trump. Um. They were all briefed about all of this, and we learned in testimony from Glenn Simpson. Let's not forget that he was coordinating getting this information out with Steele. He was coordinating with the Clinton campaign to advance their propaganda. Well, and that's what that is exactly what Glenn Simpson has done in the past. Remember Glenn Simpson, and a lot of people forget this, but Glenn Simpson was working actually with the Russians Prebazon Holdings and others, was working with the Russians in order to fight against the US law, the Magnitsky Act. So in effect, this is something that's a pattern for Glenn Simpson. He would leak stories to his friends in the press. He would try to send out disinformation to change the way people fell, to sway public opinion on specific issues. One that I just brought up the Magnitsky Act, which was the ire This is, I mean, this is but there's two levels of deception here. Level of deception. One is it is Hillary Clinton bought and fade for but it's hidden through oh, fusion GPS, hidden through quote the law firm. Oh they didn't pay steal after all, Then let's not mention to the FISA quarters really paying for all this. And then the next level of Steel is trying to take his phony Russian lies to manipulate the minds of the American people to rig that election. And then on top of it, then it's used to spy an opposition candidate in an election year. This is getting scary. It's getting very scary. And you can see Steele's extraordinary bias in the memo. I mean, he told Bruce or that he did not want to see President Trump elected. So Christopher Steel himself was extraordinarily biased. He was not looking for information as an unbiased intelligence officer just collecting data. He was looking for whatever he could get his hands on to implicate Trump in in in the most outrageous story. Here's one other thing right now, as far as the president, in the grass Lely memo memorandum, the new one, Mr Steele admitted he received and included in it unsolicited and unverified allegations. I mean, so he's admitting he's he's just basically I'll just make it up and put it out there, or he's admitting he's just taking disinformation from the Russian and he doesn't care. As he said, he had a political agenda that he wanted to fulfill and that was not sound like a good intelligence officer. To me, that sounds like a political operative. It sounds like a paid for political hack hit man. Absolutely all right, one Shawn told free telephone number. As we continue to unpeel this onion, it's getting more bizarre by the day. We've got Greg Jarrett, Sydney Powell coming up at the bottom of the hour, will have all of this on Hannity tonight. Nobody else in the media is reporting what we have today. I've been watching all day. Nobody has it. Nobody knows what's in the Democratic tempage nonsense response. Nobody, nobody seems even want to care about these these blockbuster developments inside of the Grassle memorandum, a second dossier. All right, we'll get to all of this. Sean is our number, and as we continue with Sarah Carter, Fox News Investigative reporter. Okay, so now we have the second memos coming out, and then we've got the Democrats. They're they're dying to push out their rebuttal memo to the Newness memo, but I've already got enough briefing on it that there's no they're there at all and they cannot refute either, McCabe saying, well, we wouldn't have had the FISA warrant without the dossier. Now we have from the Grassley memo. Oh yeah, they knew that, even Christopher Steele knew that the dossier was unverified. And also, which I think is a very important point, Um, they knew when they went to the FISA court that in fact, Hillary was the source of all of this funding source and they never told the court that. Well, and they're going to continue to try to parseward words and um push at their agenda despite the facts. But I think as long as the American public gets the facts, they won't be able to overcome it. I'll give you one example. You know, Representative Adam Schiff has been out there in the media. You played a clip of it saying that the Chairman Chairman Nunia has never bothered to go read the underlying materials. He says it over and over again. It becomes a talking point of the Democrats. What they failed to tell the American public was that in the January twenty letter um the Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd specifically states that only two people, two ranking members of the committee, were allowed to see the five application documents. The committee decided to let Trey Goudy review all of the documents because he has a legal background and is able to discern what's in those PHIS applications and shift with the other member. Each member was allowed to bring only two people with them to conduct this review, so nobody else was allowed to review these documents. And remember, they spent nearly a year fighting the Department of john and then they fought to the last minute. Rod rosensteained begging not to release them. What do we know about Judge Rodolphe Contreras. Yes, and I mean, look, we need to hear from the five s that judge. We can't make assumptions because looking at from what we're reading in the memo, in the memo itself, we are under the impression based on what the committee has said, that the judge was not well informed. So we don't know. And remember, Sean, a lot of these five applications, because they are so detailed and they require so much work, are automatically just given a green light. I gotta let you go. Unfortunately, we just we have so much to get to. Uh. Sarah will join us tonight on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. I can't believe the media is ignoring what is now another bombshell memo. They just kind of trying to ignore it because it wasn't publicized the way the House Intel one was all right, we'll take a break, we'll come back one. Shawn Sydney Powell, Greg Jarrett will get there. Take next and then yeah, football legend herschel Walker is going to join us. Looking forward to that straight ahead. Jeffrey, you've read the memo. What do you think it might the FBI be in trouble. No. I think this is an absolute disgrace. I think this is a dark day in American history. This is an embarrassment the Republican Party and it's and the enablers of the Republican Party, basically with President Hannity over at Fox News hyped this thing into the sky. The first rule of politics is always under promise, over deliver. They turned this into something where they had people believing that today you would see Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Jim Comey, Susan Rice marched off in handcuffs, and instead you've got people laughing at at at Devin na Is like he's Tommy Wise. Oh, this is an absurdity. This thing is is the weakest sauce I could have imagined for those of us at a certain age. And we remember the big nothing burger of Horaldo and al Capone Safe, and so this memo is like al Capounds Safe and Hiralgo. It's a big nothing. I think that would go beyond what what what Jeffrey just said, and I think I mean it's it's pretty much a dud. I mean, Sean Hannity on Fox News has been sort of uh flogging this idea that this document was going to be bigger than water deg This is not the destroy Trump, Hate Trump liberal left wing group think media, glad you're with us. Right down our toll free telephone number. It's eight nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. I know this gets complicated. It's really simple, but it gets complicated on some levels. It sounds complicated. And then you've got everybody in the media wanting to, you know, muddy the waters and come up the waters a little bit. You know. The the level of fury that exists in the media towards people like myself and others that were in the forefront of breaking these stories. I mean, it's like they're dripping anger, hoping one thing we get wrong. They've been wrong for an entire year, pushing a phony narrative with no evidence, and now we've got not one memo. Well, now today we have a second memo, and we find out there's a second dossier, if you will, you know, we got a House memorandum came out Friday, we got the Senate memorandum came out today, which we just went through with Sarah Carter. And then we find out that there really was a second dossier. In other words, dossier author Steele wrote an anti Trump memo that was fed Now we've got Clinton connections involved in in all of this, you know, as as Sarah just laid out here from this guy Jonathan Winners and and said, vicious Blumenthal is back in the mix. I've known for some time now that he he he has his fingerprints over this and it's never pretty. Not a nice human being. And uh so we're in that aspect in in all of this. And Adam Schiff and all these Democrats are lying. They went on TV from Friday on out all weekend long saying, well, because of course we told the there was a political connection. Now the FBI knew Clinton bought and paid for it. They knew it, and a footnote at the end of the application that well, there may be a little political taint to some of this, just so the court knows. No, that's not the same as saying Hillary Clinton, the other candidate and the d n C paid for the entire thing, and then it's didn't. They didn't say it was unverified either, and they used all of it for McCabe to say that there is no warrant without the dossier. You can say, no, we don't know the mind of the judge, but the judge certainly had to be impacted by it, because otherwise, how can you say, no dossier, no FISA warrant, And that's fired Deputy FBI Director McCabe, And it's it's it seems like a lot to take in. You know, I have so many friends in the FBI. I want to address them. You know, I remember, as a Catholic when the whole church Mala station scandal was coming out, I was just disgusted. And I'll be honest, I I I'm I consider myself a Christian. I believe in the Catholic Mass. You know, there is evil waiting like all around us. Every single day evil happens. And the fact that it went so high up in the hierarchy that it institutionally became a massive cover up and I couldn't go back. That doesn't mean I've met some wonderful priests in my life, people that really have dedicated their lives to God, much better people than I can ever be in life. They're wonderful people. They shouldn't be tainted by the actions of a few, or actions of maybe even many. This is in no way, in my mind, is my impression of special agents and FBI. I've always admired them. I come from a home of law enforcement. My mom was a prison guard. For crying out loud, that's pretty law enforcement ish, you know. My dad worked in family court as the in probation. I loved the police. I nearly became a cop myself. I've never I rarely talked about I was. I took the NYPD test, then I took the physical. Somehow I even passed the psychological and I was appointed to the academy. But about a week before I said, I'm not sure I want to do this yet. I was working my way in and out of college. I was kind of lost at that point in my life, not sure what I wanted to do. I had no idea i'd ever get into radio. I just knew at that point I love radio, but I had no thought that I'd ever get into it. I love these guys, and the FBI had cousins in the FBI at a number of cousins. A matter of fact, you'd see these cousins and they never look the same on any given day. They'd have beards, they'd had they'd be dressed like bums. I mean, you'd never think these are special agents. But these guys all put their lives on the line to make our community safer, and they're they're dealing with the worst of the worst. They're dealing with the mob, they're dealing with drug dealers, they're dealing with terrorists, They're dealing with the worst of the worst. I'm not one of these broad brush people. But with that said, when you have the highest level of people and we can count them, it's probably at most a dozen fifteen people involved. That doesn't represent the FBI, that doesn't represent the Department of Justice. Fully, that's not representative of the intelligence community and those that respect and honor the powerful tools of intelligence we give them. In this case, you had people that had a political agenda. We're so high up the chain, thought that they could influence a U S election because they thought they knew better. And their arrogance is spectacular to me. And then the threats that well, they'll get you six ways in Sunday, and oh, we'll win. Don't worry, we'll win. We've been around longer than Donald Trump. What does that mean the FBI wins? Is this a fight? Is this a contest? Is this a sporting event for you? It's about the Constitution and the presidency all right, let's get to our busy telephones here as we say hi to Della Is in Oklahoma. Dela, Hi, how are you? Glad you called? Thanks for taking my caution on. How are you doing? I'm great? How are you? It's very well. I got a question about Christopher Steele. Okay, I'm listening. Okay, everybody's making a big deal about the comments that was in quotes that he was desperate that Trump not be elected and passionate about him not becoming the president. The Steel isn't even a US citizen and he's a brit Why was it so important to him personally that Trump not be elected? Well, one day maybe we'll get the answer to that, but we do know this. I mean, he was pretty passionate about remember he said he was he was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected, and he was passionate about him not being president. That's why, you know. For for all of his unverified, salacious information, unproven some up, many much of which proven false, bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign, fed to a corrupt news media, and nobody's asking questions, then used as the basis to get a warrant to spy on a campaign and a president elect, and then it keeps getting reauthorized. I'd like to know why they reauthorized that Carter page was it wasn't even a part of the Trump campaign at this time, exactly, you know I and I'm telling you what it is when we get to the bottom of this, that we are gonna see a coordinated effort of some people that thought they knew better and thought they they had whatever some superior knowledge, and that they knew better than the American people on who they wanted to be president, and they worked on that person's behalf. Similarly, you know when when you give Hillary Clinton a pass for known felonies mishandling classified information, destroying classified information, destroying subpoena documents and emails, uh, and going so far obstructing justice by a bleach bit, acid wash, busting apart hard drives and and or or devices and blackberries. Let me tell you something, that's a lot of effort to obstruct justice there and if any of us did any of these things, we would be put in jail and we probably never get out anyway. Good called Della, thank you. Uh. Let's say hi to Jack is in New Joysey. What's happening, Jack? How are you, my brother? Hey Sean? Thanks him. This this ficy court. This is the United States of America. This is not a Banana Republic. And why aren't these judges coming forward and clear this thing up right now? This culfortability obviously at the highest levels of our government. Uh, this is a constitutional issue for god six, Why is on the Fiser courts stepping forward and straighten this thing out? Well? The Fiser courts by their very design, And this was the fear of Rampaul and a lot of people. We now know the identity of the Visor judge. We know a little bit about him. His name is Judge Rudolph Kntreris is his name. And Uh, anyway, he's responsible for issuing the Fiser warrant. And he was appointed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by Chief Justice Roberts in the midst of the election. He was sworn in May nine, and he would go on to issue the authorization to spy on Carter Page. And the Page wasn't a part of the Trump campaign at that point, and I don't think he was ever paid by the campaign. Um, I'd like to hear. I'd like to hear from the guy. I think I think he was like to, I think it was purposely mid misled and that's a crime. If that's the case, Shawn, Okay, then there culpability at the highest levels of our government and they need to pay the price. I cannot disagree with you one bit. And the thing is is, you know, you watch the media. They're now so angry at me for being right. They can't stand that they were wrong, that there never was Trump Russia collusion. But it's the biggest story in their lifetime, and it's right before their very eyes if they just opened them. But in fact, you know, the media is now so corrupt that they are nothing but an extension but the radical left wing Democratic Party's agenda. Truth doesn't matter anymore. Media is dead, It's very Journalism is dead. There are a few remaining people out there. And how ironic we do more journalism on this show and on Hannity of the TV Show than these people ever dreamed of. All they do is live in an echo chamber and regurgitate back to each other the same talking points. It's pretty weak, al right. Eight nine one, Shawn Tolfrey telephone number right back to our phones. Chris is in Alabama, what's up, Chris? How are you well? Mr Hannityum, thank you for taking my call. I was curious. I've been in the army for twenty four years in a fairly strong conservative and I'm having a hard time understanding what's the big deal about the fights and memo really is. I've gone through when I've read it, Okay, it just seems like it's more information that's been Let me give you the you want me to give you the Well, it's not propaganda is because I even know it's in the tempage memo that's supposed to come out. I have my sources, which I'll never reveal. But if if you have an application for a FISA warrant and in part the information is based on a bought and paid for opposition party dossier, a dossier that was never verified, and you're not telling the court that key information. Now, let's let's let's let's make this attempt at a warrant again. It's you, and let's say that your worst enemy in the entire world is funding opposition research that's full of salacious lies about you. And then that information is brought to a court but they never say where the funding for that for that opposition research comes from. They never say to the judge that it isn't verified either. You're gonna tell me you think that's fair? Is that the United States of America to you? Oh, absolutely not. I guess so there's the information that's it. I realized that. But my issue is that it appears from this memo that they haven't really put out where their sources are. They haven't really said where they're getting this proof. To me, it just seems like they just rum Actually the proof well, you know, the point is, it's like unpeeling layers of an onion. But anyway, in the initial application, remember this was a summary. Remember I've also said this is only ten cent of what's coming. But in the initial application or any of the renewals, did they ever disclosed the role of the d n C funding Clinton campaignund funding opposition research. They never disclosed that it was never verified. And by the way, even Glenn Simpson said it wasn't verified himself when he went before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. He said he didn't know. He never looked into the verification of veracity of it. And it turns out that it's full of Russian lies because we know that, in fact, Christopher Steele uses Russian sources for everything. So basically basically comes down to this. Hillary Clinton's twelve million dollars with the d n C that she's controlling funnels to this money through a law firm hiring Fusion GPS, hiring Christopher Steele. Christopher Steele has an agenda. We have unverified information making its way into a FISA court and being presented before a judge, and it's all being done to spy on an opposition candidate in an election year and then undermine an incoming president. This goes to the highest levels of power in our country. You know, the elections are supposed to be about eve the people. It's not supposed to be about the few chosen hierarchy that think they know better than us. Okay, thank you very much. I appreciate it. Very welcome. I bust you alright, quick break right back. We'll continue a lot more coming up on the other side. This is the Sean Hannity Show. They think there are grounds for a second Special Counsel, because I don't. I'm not a big fan of special council, but I see no other remedy. And that's why six months ago Mark Meadows, myself and several others we called for a second special counsel. Then I think now more than ever it is certainly warranted. The one thing I always say, though, is don't have to be someone from Washington like Muller and his team all the Washington insiders have it be a judge of retired federal judge from somewhere in the middle of the country, some somewhere outside the swamp. Haven't put together a team, then go do the investigation, and then whatever conclusion they reached. I think there's a much better chance that the American people will accept that conclusion if it's someone from d C. If it's Mueller who tries to expand, I think that's a problem. If it's if it's Attorney General Sessions who's recue used himself, I think that's a problem. So I see no other remedy but his second special counsel. I never felt that I was involved in something nefarious the whole way through, from the beginning to the end. So you can understand the frustration of the President when he's told he's not an investigation. I think you know the story of Andrew McCabe that walked into my office, shut my door and basically told me that the New York Times story that was in the paper that first came out in February that said there are constant, constant contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians. With the door closed, looked at me and said, I want you to know that this story right here is total b s. It's overstated and it's not true. This is the deputy director of the FB. I didn't know who he was. It's the middle of February, and so everyone's in the everyone's in this world where we're being told one thing and sort of operating in this other world of constant of Russian by the media. Congressman Gaudy said, they now have concerns about the State Department. Do you serve there until recently? Do you know what he's talking about? I don't. I look forward to to hearing what he's talking about. I will tell you, though, Margaret, that during the Ukraine crisis in two thousand, fourteen and fifteen, Chris Steele had a number of commercial clients who were asking him for reports on what was going on in Russia, what was going on in Ukraine, what was going on between them. Chris had a friend at the State Department, and he offered us that reporting free so that we could also benefit from it. It was one of you know, hundreds of sources that we were using to try to understand what was going on. Uh. Then in the middle of July, when he was doing this other work and became concerned the dossier, the dossier, he passed UH two to four pages of short points of what he was finding, and our immediate reaction to that was, this is not in our ProView, This needs to go to the SBI. A lot of breaking news today, YEAD. The dossier author Christopher Steele, wrote another anti Trump memo that he was feeding to the gullible in the news media and in fact was fed in fed information by Clinton connected contacts, which Sarah Carter just laid out UH in the last half hour of this program. Here so understand, we have the first memo that came out on Friday, This is the memo from the House Intelligence Committee, and with it, while we learned a lot of information that is extremely troubling, not the least of which is that to obtain this FISA warrant that it was never disclosed to the FISA judge in this particular case, that there was Clinton d n C funding or any party campaign funding involved in Steele's efforts. And what they thought they cleverly did is they put in there as apparently as a footnote in the FISA application, Oh, there might be some political connection of some kind. No, they knew. The FBI absolutely knew at the time that, in fact this was funded by Hillary Clinton and the d n C. Matter of fact, twelve million dollars worth of funding, so they had a lot of funding. And don't forget that Glenn Simpson, you know, mentioned and this was before the House Intel Committee when he testified that he was trying to coordinate getting this unfverified information out to the news media anyway he can. Now we have a second memo that actually describes in detail. This is the Grassley memo that came out this morning, describes in detail how Christopher Steele was pushing this to everybody in the media on behalf of Clinton. And we can't forget that he has a big anti Trump bias. He was quote desperate that Donald Trump not get elected, was passionate about him not being president. And on top of this, then we also have the issue and the problems of the FBI knowing that this was only in its infancy in terms of being verified. Well, that's a big problem. And then or you got you know, in the case of Bruce Or Deputy Senior d o J official worked closely with Sally Yates and later Rosenstein, and shortly after the election, the FBI began interviewing or documenting his communications with Steele, and Steele admitted to or his feelings about the president which were very negative. And during the same time period, Or his wife was employed by Fusion Gps and she was active in assisting and cultivating the research that nobody verified that was then used for a FISA warrant against Well then a candidate Trump and later an incoming administration. And according to the head of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division, the corroboration of the Steel dossier was in its infancy, so they never had verified it. So they're giving a court something that's not verified. They're not telling the court who's paying for it. They did pay for it different levels layers deep. Yeah, Clinton and the d n C paid for it, but then they paid Fusion GPS that hired Christopher Steele, and they funneled the money through a law firm. Both the d n C and Hillary's campaign using the same law firm. I know this gets a little bit complicated, but it's not. But the corruption is pretty clear for everybody to see. The deception before a fight as a judge is breathtaking, to be honest, and at some point I got to imagine this judge is gonna come out, and this judge is gonna be pretty piste off on a lot of levels. Joining us now with their reaction, we have Greg Jarrett, Fox News legal analyst and Sydney Powell, federal appellate attorney, former federal prosecutor, author of the book License to Lie, Exposing corruption in the Department of Justice. I want to set one thing straight. I talked to an FBI buddy of mine, a special agent friend of mine, this weekend, and I said, what's the feeling among the rank and file? Remember this case was taken away from rank and file. The Hillary email service can remember it was given special a special category, and then they wrote the exhoneration before the investigation. I said, did you ever know a case for that happens? And he laughed at me. He's like, yeah, you're serious. You know, really, that's not how things were, and even said, we don't know up until the last person we interview. Last person we interview may open up a whole new you know, area of investigation. You don't write an exoneration before investigation. Said, um, we're hitting you know, people like Comey and Rosenstein and these people really hard because I think what they did is is to basically try to influence an election in a major way and really undermine our democratic system. And he goes The sad part for him and his fellow agents is that, you know, they have such great honor and integrity within the FBI. They love their jobs. And they said, no, this is gonna hurt our agency because of the actions of a few. And I said, in terms of the minds of the American people, I said, no, that wouldn't be fair. You know, you have one bad priest or one bad preacher or one bad cop. Doesn't make all cops, preachers and pastors bad. I said, we have a few bad actors here, but that does not represent the rank and file in any way, or the rank and file in the intelligence community anyway. Have you had a chance yet to read the second memoranda. And now it looks like we have a second memo that was prepared for Christopher Steele. Yeah. You know, there are a total of sixteen different UH dossiers that compose the final product and um and all of them are on their face a fabrication. They're you know, they're quite laughable when you read them, because they're based on romor in hearsay and innuendo and speculation and no direct evidence. And the fact remains that even if it was the dossier that got the FBI's attention, that's not legally sufficient under the law to launch a criminal probe of anybody, much less a political un I am told that they would have you believe that it was the Papadopoulos conversation in London. Well, that's not sufficient either, and neither is the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian lawyer. None of these things justify under the law launching a criminal probe of Trump. But they never tell it. They never told the court. And this is even in the ten page Democratic memo. My sources are very clear they never explained where the money came from. They never explained that this was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton. Any judge that would have had a profound impact on them. Uh, and they tried. It was a fraud on the court. Sean, it was an absolute fraud on the court, and it was obstruction of justice by the seat. Okay, So then let me ask probably any number of other federal offenses too. Let's call it the Papadopoulos pretense. Explain why that wouldn't be legitimate, because apparently the Democrats talk about, no, this really began with Papadopoulos. Well, they're they're just grasping at straws. There was nothing about the Papadopolis conversation. I mean, he was just a hanger on at the farthest length to the campaign, trying to ingratiate himself with anybody and everybody who I was around the campaign, I never heard of a Papadopolos. You know, for the year and a half I was there. I think about what the FBI had here, An unidentified person in Moscow tells a professor he has dirt on Hillary. Professor tells Papadopolis, he tells an Australian diplomat who tells the FBI. And forget the fact that the professor has denied he ever had the discussion. You know, this is a chain of chatter. It could have been a liar, an exaggerated We'll go back to this again, explained Papadoppolos, because this goes to the heart of the democratic response, if you will. Uh so, you have somebody that nobody's ever heard from. The President doesn't know. I don't know. I was up to my eyeballs in this campaign. I know everybody in the campaign never heard of the guy. So he is he gets his source from who, Well, he gets it from a London professor or professor in London who got it from some unknown, unidentified person in Moscow. I thing gets passed along to Australian diplomat by the name of Downer, who then two months later, when he hears about hacked emails, he says, oh, maybe there's some correlation. I'll tell the FBI. And according to the New York Times and the New York Times, was completely used by people in the FBI and the Department of Justice who were trying to now after the fact, conjure out of thin air some justification for their criminal probe of Trump other than the dossier, because they know if it comes out that it was the dossier. It's an illegal probe, alright, So they've got absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing. If they had anything, we would have heard the corroboration by now. They never corroborated anything. All right. Let's go to the the the Grassley memo that came out because at one point, they say Steele gathered much of his information from government sources inside of Russia. And according to the law firm Perkins Coy, Mr Steele's dossier related efforts were funded through Fusion GPS by that law firm on behalf of the d n C in the Clinton campaign. Now, if it's only put in a FISA warrant as a footnote and doesn't mention that, all it says is it might have political taintings of some kind. But the FBI knew otherwise. They knew it was Clinton that funded it. Isn't that lying to a court to obtain a warrant? Yes? Absolutely, any any respectable judge in this country would be absolutely livid. What about the timeline information like that? Alright? So we even worse Sewan because Carter Page had left the Trumpet campaign to whatever extent he had anything to do with it in the first place. He wasn't involved by the time they got the first warrant. That's unbelievable. So in the in the Grassley memo that he put out today, Greg says that look look at the timeline. The FBI director in juneen testified publicly that the to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence he'd brief President elect Trump on the dossier allegations, and he said then they were salacious and unverified. Well, wasn't he the guy that was arguing in fact that they were verified and signing off on this. Going to the fis a court to be used. In part, when you sign off on that, you are vouching for its credibility, its reliability to a federal judge. Uh. To sign off on a warrant to surveil to spy on an opposition campaign and an incoming president, it's even bigger. And you sign that under penalty of perjury. So an omission of a material fact like that is the equivalent of a law. It's perjury and it could be abusive power. Also under the federal statutes. Wow Sydney went away in on it. I think it's clearly obstruction of justice under Section fifteen twelve and it's definitely false statements. All right, we'll take a word and we'll take a break. We'll come back more with Sydney Powell, more with Greg Jarrett on the other side. Right as we continue, Sydney Powell and Greg Jarrett are with us. Did you guys see this. Remember a while back it was Chucky Schumer goes out and Chucky Schumer says, you better not mess with the Intel community. Messed with the Intel Committee community. They got six ways and Sunday to get back at you, you got the CNN guy Phil Muddy said, well, the FBI's ticked at Trump over you know, all of this, and and but they're gonna win in the end because they've been around a lot longer than Trump. Doesn't that sound like a threat? And uh, it does. And you know, honestly, I don't think Phil Mudd knows what he's talking to. I don't really think he's talking to the same people I'm talking to. I talked to four former FBI guys in the last three days, and they tell me that the rank and file is upset not at Trump, not at the Intel Committee. They're upset at the high ranking partisan officials who launched a fabricated in false probe and got caught, and they're disappointed in their own leadership. Those are the villains, all right. I really appreciate both of you. Will have a lot more breaking tonight on Hannity. Uh. And the news media literally think that what Adam Schiff and company is putting out there actually answers questions it does not. And now we have the second memo on top of the second dossier, a lot more information at the top of the hour. Also, herschel Walker is going to be joining us. Uh. You don't want to miss that. He, by the way, is a big m m A guy. We'll get his thoughts on the game yesterday, A much more hey game yesterday. Uh. For those of you that don't know, Linda grew up in Philly, so she was all excited. I lost a bunch of money, which I will be paying tomorrow. I didn't stop by the bank today. I pay off my debts. One of the greatest football players of all time is with us on our Newsmaker line, and I hear he's into mmmm dying to hear about that. Herschel Walkers. He's a Heisman Trophy winner back with the University at Georgia and if you remember, he played for Donald Trump's New Jersey Generals at the US Football League, and then he also played for the Cowboys and Vikings, later the Giants. How are you, sir, I'm doing well. How are you doing today? I'm doing great. I've been a fan of yours forever. One of the greatest athletes of all times and all time. And if you ever put your rushing numbers in the USFL with the NFL, you're in the top ten among all NFL running backs. A pretty amazing career and a Heisman Trophy to boot. Oh yes, I tell you, I've been very fortunate. I think I've had great coaching and great players and and uh, it's it's been wonderful. I've had a great time. What do you make everything that's been going on with the concussions in in the NFL and some of these players and all the headshots that they were taking. There was one Patriot that blindsided with a helmet to helmet shot yesterday. It wasn't on purpose, but I mean, how many times has your bell been run like that? Really badly? You know, it's been wrong, It's been wronging a couple of times, so I don't think it's been wrong. The guy was wrung yesterday. I think I was very fortunate. But at the same time, I think the NFL is trying and they're trying hard to get a hand on it. But at the same time, I think also you gotta have the right uh, I think the right tools and the right professional to dot know. So a concussion compared to other things, because you know guys that are retired, some of those guys, I'm a saying that they've had a concussion. That's the reason certain things that are happening in our lives. And I don't think all that is true. I think the concussion of a big, big part, But also I think there's other problems also that I think we gotta acknowledge that is going on. Yeah, No, I think that we are, and I think we're making improvements. Look, things were different. I ride my bicycle now and I see everybody else riding a bicycle with a helmet on. I mean, when I grew up, I was I was big into ice hockey. I played a lot of ice hockey as a kid, and we didn't wear helmets, and you know, I wanted to be Bobby Clark and he didn't have any teeth, and uh, you know, it's just a different time and error then. But I think if we have the ability to I love this because it's a warrior sport. You've got people, you know, trying to kill each other and and the best team is gonna come out on top. And it's it's both mental toughness and physical toughness on top of it. That's why I love the sports so much. Well, you're right, I think it's it's a tough sport and I think there's a lot of I think companies now he is trying to come out with Betty equipment that can help protect the players. And at the same time players are getting bigger, they're getting fastest, or the collision is a lot tougher then my time then when I was playing. But I think we also got to have the right tools to dot knows wus a concussion and we have for guys had a concussion, how long it takes for him to come back. I think that's one of the most important thing right there. Well, look, any time you're taking multiple hits to the skull like that, you know you run the risk that literally a brain begins to separate from the skull and then it becomes very you know, it's like it's like getting into an auto accident. I think I read the average player like had many high collision crashes or the equivalent thereof over the course of their career, so it's pretty severe. What do you think of the game yesterday? I thought it was a great game. I thought it was a great game. And if you hear some of the things I said earlier on, I thought, phil it will win the game. You know. I think my hat was always off to the Patriots because they are very well coached, the great people in the front office. But I thought, feel it it was their time. I thought that the peeling was gonna play, and they played and they didn't give up. You know, when it came down to where Brady could win the game, you didn't see the defense of Philadelphy give up. That just shows are tough people there and feeling that's the way, you know, I played in philip There's some tough people there. There's some great people there, and I tell you what, they're not gonna give up. And and I was happy to see it, you know, I was happy for Philadelphia. Yeah, it's great. Listen, they had one one for everyone hates Brady because the you know, I mean, the guy's one enough that to the average feeling, and they don't like. I didn't think that the flake Gate was such a big deal, but uh I read that you're into m m A. Now is that true? That is true. I've had a couple of fights and and I've been working with BELOTOI as well Scott Coker uh as ambassador doing things with Belati and you know, I've told people I would fight one more. I love this sport. I've been in mar Shalts for over forty years now. Wow, I look, I'm only in like my sixth year. And it's a it's sort of an eclectic blend. I know you have it with You're a fifth degree black belt in taekwondo, um and you've you've done other things too. Didn't you once compete as an Olympic Pop's letter. I did? Uh? You know one of the things that I tell people is herschel Walker is an athlete. You know. I think sometimes people get quoted as being a football player. You know, I ran a trick with some of the fastest guys in the wall. Uh. Yeah, I've done a lot of things. And the reason I've done that is I tried to tell all the young peopa there, guys, don't just pigeonhold yourself to one sport. Do a lot of different things. Find out what you're good at and that's what you want to go to wars. I don't think if you want to be a football player, maybe you're not a football player. Maybe you're a tennis player. And me play tennis. Go that's a great sport as well. And you know that's what I've always dined. I never classified myself I as a great football player. But I can't say I think I'm a great athlete because you are a great athlete. But you know what, you know what happens. I mean for the kids that are to get good in any sport. And it's a big push for college scholarships in every sport. You know, at some point you got to make a decision and go all in on one because the competition is so severe. And with my kids it's the same thing. Um, do you really do still about two thousand push ups to day? Ups a day? I do. I'm doing about push ups, about thirty or five sit ups, and and you know, I tell people that The reason I'm doing it is not to impressing anyone. I do it because I'm still competing and I'm not a weightlifting you know, you have guys I benjing men's pressing five hundred pounds and all that stuff, and and I don't do that. I don't do I do my isometrics and uh. And I'm still competed on a on a world circuit. But I tell people this was so funny. It works for hershel Walker. I'm not saying it's gonna work for me. But you gotta believe in what you do. If you don't believe in it, it's not gonna work. Listen, I think I'm doing a lot when I do. I do at least a hundred push ups a day, and I do at least a hundred or more set ups a day. And I trained five days a week for about an hour, hour and a half. And what I do is a little different. It's an eclectic blend of tempo and problem of goa and jiu jitsu. It's basically street martial arts at self defense. I do firearm blade training and stick training. We do a lot of different things, and I I love it. I don't lift either, I do more bands because I got a bum shoulder and a bum elbow. Um. But well, that's good. I think that's great. I think one of the things that people forget about is lifting weights are good for you, but at the same time, you want to have flexibility. Don't give you flexibility with your bills straight. And that's what I've been trying to tell people all the time. You're stronger when you have flexibilities and muscle, not when you're bulking that muscle. Look I I'm I'm fifty six years old. I'm not looking to you know, look great on the beach. That day has passed a long time ago, uh for me. But I'll tell you this, if I didn't start doing this six years ago, I can I can only imagine what I look like today. You know, I was, I was always a good athlete, but I never bulked up. For the first time in my life, I'm building like serious muscle just by doing those types of that type of work and that type of training. It is a lot of core building, and it's a lot of you know, for an older guy, do a lot of work on the heavy bag, a lot of work grappling, which you know is exhausting, um, and it's got me in great shape. Well, I think you're You're like an example that I've been talking about with a lot of people. You know everyone, I'm the fat old guy that that changed my life around. That's right. Yeah. Well, and at the same time, you know you're not using that excuse as you're getting out doing it. So you work hard. You know, I've seen your show and you work at stream the hard, but you're still working out. You're still doing the things you need to do to get to feel better. And I guarantee you have more energy. You have absolutely energy, and you feel better. And that's why I try to tell people sometimes working out it's just not about getting in shape, but it makes you feel better. Your health is better. So I look that you're not kicking our soccer ball. There there are days I wake up I'm like, I don't feel like doing it today, But you feel better after you've done it. Also the discipline of doing it. And the third thing is is I'm mentally tougher because of it. I mean, I feel you feel better, Yeah, you do. You really do feel better. I mean, I I know I feel better about myself. Look, I never want to ever have to use what I know against anybody. But I feel confident in my skills. You know that that I can defend myself and and defend my family and defend my friends. Well, you know, people don't know. You know, I grew up overweight. I was a fat letter kid. I started at a speech impediment. But I was very fortunate that I had a high food coach that took me and he started working me out and be calling him working me out, making me feel better about herschel Walker. I became valid toward my class. I got all these scholarships to go to college and stuff, and and that's what I tell people. Sometimes working out make you feel good about who you are, and I think that's the most important thing. I think today people are not sure what they want to do and what they want to feel. Like everyone want to be Stephan Curry, but they don't want to pay the price to do it. And you have to pay the price if you want to do that. Isn't that the big you know a little secret in anything that you do that you've got to work at it. Like I've never felt like I'm the most talented radio or TV guy, But I think I work harder than anybody. And I do all my work behind the scenes. I mean when it comes showtime, well that's the easy part of what I do. To be honest, well, I tell people that all the time. I tell you kids, you know, you can't make the hundreds in your classroom and not study. You've got to go to the library. You have to study. You have to sacrifice. You know, you can't be going out if you want to be an athlete, you can't be going out party and all the time. You have to put your your your craft in by going out tright to say, you know, I've done hundreds of thousands of millions of push ups. You know, people think that I just do it. I said, guys, I'll do it because I'm competing and I want to win. Now, I'm tired of thinking that everyone's supposed to get a ball because they strike out and to make him feel good. You know, this is a tough. Life is tough, and you got to realize instead of getting a ball for striking out, go to the bed cage, work on practice them, because that's how you're gonna get better. By giving things to people all the time. I think it's hurt in this societyst So why why why is it that you're Because some people are self motivated like you, and I would argue many ways in my life I'm self motivated and extremely competitive. You know what, when did you notice you had this quality and that it was different from the guys say that you were playing with. Maybe they were even people more talented than you. I don't know, but but they didn't want to work at their talent. Well, you know, I got beat up when I was in the eighth grade. I got beat up by this kid and it was funny because I remember going home and I said, no more. I said, what what would happen? Now? Is no one w ever out work personal worker. You know, you maybe have more talent, you may have more skills at it, but I can guarantee you want out work me because I will work. I don't care what it's to be. I'm gonna out well. And because of my work at it, I don't think you can ever beat me in a thing that I set out to do in It's awesome. I'm gonna work at it. Such good advice for everybody. By the way, I want to thank you. I know you're a huge advocate for the U S Military and first responders, and and I know you've been all around the world speaking for those who serve, and you recently partnered with Rocky Ridge Trucks and you're launching and a giveaway contest that's gonna giveaway. And I have the picture of it in my in my in front of me. Here it's a hand painted, completely American made eighteen Chevy Silverado. It's fourth eighty grand. Uh. You're gonna give what to a US veteran or first responder and the winner is going to be announced in March. How do you enter the contest? Well, not just the US veteran, but we're also given it to an active memory as well that we hope to give away more than just this one. But you can enter the contest by going to rocket Ridge Guild dot com and register your name, or you can read for anyone you know that has been in the US military are active in another terry. And we're gonna have a selection in March win this truck. But that's not all I do for the military. A lot of people don't know I'm at a base once a month all over the world, and I mean a program that we treat almost five thousand soldiers a year. And the reason I do that is because of them. We're the best country in the world because of our United States military. And I'm sick and tired of even our Congress forgetting about them, and because I said, the reason where the condor we are because our military is on that world for us every night and every day, doing great things for us. But they're the ones that sacrifice for all of us. What was it like your experience with Donald Trump when you played for his team? Well, I love Donald, and it's sad to me that, you know, I don't think a good part of the Congress is not uh, you know in Donald's corner. You know, he wanted this election fars square, you know, through election system that we put in place, and I think they should have given give him an opportunity to govern. Right now, this country was made on laying or orders and right now I cannot believe some of the people in our Congress are not going by what they created. And it's sad because I know he's a good man. I know he's not a racist, that he's trying to do what he can do, but he can't do it when you have people uh trying to fight him at every every every place. And what's said about that he's not just having to fight against North Korea, having to fight against all these other countries isis he's got to fight against people in our Congress. They didn't want to get they didn't want to give him one day. They've been underminding him from day one. Herschel Listen, it's an honor for me to talk to you. Um, if you want, you can give out the website again and we'll put it up on our website, Hannity dot com. And it's free to register for the for the Silverado. Everything that's free. Just go to Rocket Ridge Guild dot com and read her to win a nineteen two dollar and eighteen Silverado, a beautiful truck. And I just wanted to thank you to all our first responder when something happened, they show up, military veterans and our active members, because uh, thank you for giving me the trivite to have that freedom of speech that everybody's been talking about right now. But also I want to use that freedom of speech to thank them for everything that they're doing. Amen, Rocky Ridge Gives dot Com. I'll link at to Hannity dot com Herschel's in honor to get to know you. Can't wait to meet in person. I'm a big fan and uh, I hope you'll come back again. We really appreciate you. Ben Willis Hey, thank you for having me on. And I must say I'm a big fan as well of yours. I've watched you uh at night now with everything going on with McBeth so close to Donald and I'm crazy for all the great things you're doing for him and saying the truth. You're saying the truth and that's what counts. I appreciate it. Herschel means a lot coming from you. Really does have been a fan for many, many years. Thank you, sir. At Hannity Tonight nineties on the Fox News Channel. Now we have a second memo and the Democrat rebuttal which is meaningless. Sarah Carter breaking new news on the new memo and the Clinton's involvement, Also the great one, Mark Levin, Gregg Jarrett, Pam Bandi, Sebasta Ging Gorka, Tom Fitton, and much more Hannity News you won't get anywhere else on the Fox News Channel. We'll see you tonight at nine and we will see you back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us