Florida Faces Hand Recount - 11.15

Published Nov 16, 2018, 12:03 AM

3PM is the deadline for Florida in the vote recount. Some counties have already said they will not meet the cut off.

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All right, even more problems in Florida. Of course, they can't get it done in time. They can't get anything done in time. Down in Florida. There's a lot of breaking news there. We'll get to throughout the course of the program. The Avinati arrest and being charged. There is a big issue that needs to be dealt with. I'm gonna explain all of that in the course of the show. Today. We got a lot of chaos in the Democratic Party. Republicans are actually showing some leadership and strength with I guess now the new Minority leader to be and that would be Kevin McCarthy. Will get to that way. Do you hear Kamela Harris's conte It's gonna blow your mind. She's basically asking, do you know the perception that Ice is the equivalent of the KKK? That exchange is coming in the course of the show as well. We'll get to all of it. Let me just give you an update on Florida because it matters to every American here. You know, we've we've got to get these elections right. And if one more election season is ever allowed to go by in Florida and allow Broward and Palm beach to do what they're doing. We will never ever going to get an accurate number already as it is, you know, we it is mind numbing. And then of course you got activist judges justices. Apparently one decision made by one judge. The wife of that judge is a Nelson donor over the years. I mean, there's so much out there, but you know, here we go again. Another judges stepped in in the middle of this Florida fiasco with a ruling that could impact Rick Scott and the recount. Tallahassee federal judge has given voters now until Saturday to fix ballots that were tossed due to conflicting signatures, extending that extending the deadline now for counties to turn in the final election results, including machine results. Now. The judge said that state law lacks a creep process for voters to challenge county canvassing boards that decided to reject provisional or vote by mail ballots due to signature mismatches. No doubt it's ever going to come near the twelve five hundred and sixty two vote deficit that Bill Nelson has. But this is what Marco Rubio was saying it's like, all right, so you're down twenty four twenty two, you know, five seconds remaining. You kicked the field gold. And now after the fact the lawyers for the losing team come in and want to argue and change the rules. That you that's only worth one point not three. And there is no at the end of this. Let me tell you what it means if it's win by any means necessary. When the lawyers for Gillam and Nelson went in there and said and they said that, well, that person is an illegal immigrant, objection, they want to count that vote. We now have a report out in Politico today most experts say, no matter how many times they recount the votes, Andrew Gillam doesn't have a prayer of ever catching round to say but that, you know, we'll just head right to Plan B and in this case political reporting. Gilham's hope rides on a series of unlikely events. Tied to his fellow Democratic Senator Bill Nelson, filed up a host of lawsuits to broaden the pool of accountable ballots by overturning or changing Florida election laws and rules. After the game is played. That does these are lawmakers, They don't care about truth, and you want to talk about sore losers. All the talk. In twenty sixteen, Donald Trump loses, he's he's gonna contest the honesty and the integrity of our electoral process. Well now it's the Democrats doing it on a spectacular scale. Also happening in the state of George as well on that governor's race. But you know, if if vote I guess enough votes surface, Gillham could still contest the election, filing a lawsuit within ten days after the election being officially certified. That's supposed to happen November thirtieth, So we'll see what happens. By January basically is the end here. But I gotta hope by this time Republicans know what they're up against. When you go from a fifty seven thousand vote lead down to a twelve five hundred vote lead, you better pick it up then. And that you just heard from the Palm Beach from Palm Beach County saying they will probably miss the deadline as the judge gives voters time to fix ballots with signature issues. It's unbelievable. It was one report that we got that Fox News is reporting that it has learned that Karen Walker, the wife of Judge Mark Walker, who ruled the Nelson's favor this morning, has previously donated money to Bill Nelson's campaigns, which would raise questions about whether or not he should have recused himself. Notice it's only Republicans that recuse himself, you know. In the case of Okay, Jeff Sessions, he had no reason to recuse himself. The reason he gave at the time was that, well, I campaign with Donald Trump doesn't mean he can't be a fair, objective earning attorney general. And at Rod Rosenstein he was way conflicted in this because he was the one that wrote the letter about James Comey and recommended the firing, and then he signed the fourth and final FISA warrant and at that point, what else you can't be more involved? He's almost like, well, witness a on both sides of this. So now they're going to give voters more time. We don't have an exact number that they are putting out there in terms of how many people. It's unknown how many discarded ballots are at stake, but it's at least three thousand, six hundred and eighty eight according to election officials. Lawyers for Nelson filing emotion with the Secretary of State to produce the names of all the people whose mail in provisional ballots were thrown out. So I guess we'll find out by one o'clock today that same judge we'll be hearing that and in a thirty four page ruling that relies on a lot of football metaphors, Walker said the Secretary of State most order Supervisors of Elections that the state scheme as it applies to curing mismatch signatures is unconstitutional. Consider the game of football. Football fans make quibble about the substance of the rules, but no one quibbles that the rules are necessary to play the game. And it goes on from there. So we'll find out. It doesn't look like there's going to be enough votes, but at this point, who can predict anything that won't be done to grab this election? If you will, you know, also, Florida Democrats plan to use altered forms to fix mail ballots across the state deadline. Now we're finding that little fact out bins filled with ballots are stacked at the Brower County's Supervisor of Elections office as employees now counting ballots during this recount going on. There but a day after Florida's election. That was the Wednesday after the Tuesday top state races too close to call. Democratic Party leaders directed staffers and ball and tears to share altered election forms with voters to fix signature problems on absentee ballots after the state deadline. That's another law that they've broken here. How many laws have broken before anyone ever gets held accountable. I guess it's just like Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton gets away with anything and everything every single time. So we're gonna watch all of this patiently as this unfolds. Let me go to the issue and we'll get calls, and we're gonna take a lot of calls in the course of the program today. So Michael Avanadi has been arrested for felony domestic violence. He came out last night and I think we have the tape and strongly defended himself that he's never done any such thing. Here's what he said. I have never struck a woman. I never will strike a woman. I have been an advocate for women's rights my entire career, and I'm going to continue to be an advocate. I am not going to be intimidated from stopping what I am doing. I am a father to two beautiful, smart daughters. I would never disrespect them by touching a woman inappropriately or striking a woman. I am looking forward to a full investigation, at which point I am confident that I will be fully exonerated. I also want to thank everyone for their support that is reached out. You know my character, you know me as a man, and I appreciate it well. A lot of people would say they know your character and what he did in the case. Let me let me start with this. I really don't know Michael Abanati. I know he's the big star of cable television, and I actually have the number of appearances in my pile here somewhere. I'll dig it out in a second. Met him once, for you know, one minute at a type of event where I was I don't know, one of the honorees of something. I went in and out. I wasn't there very long. You know. I look at the guy. I mean, he's a street fighter, he fights for his client whatever. Fine, I have no problem with that whatsoever. I just wasn't interested in what he was offering. He tried debate me a number of times. Into debating, I'm just like, I got better things to do. I've got more important issues. I was covering the deep state at the time and anyway, but putting all of that aside, this goes down and it's it's noticeable by the way that when the news broke all these channels that had put him on so often, all of those channels, they weren't really covering it very much. I'll give you those numbers in a second. But here here's the crux of all of this. And even Democrats thought Avanadi undercut their case against Kavanaugh. So on top of other allegations Professor Ford, remember she had claimed there was an eyewitness in the room when Brett Kavanaugh, you know, jumped on top of her. I don't remember the exact allegations. Eyewitness had never happened. Other people said it didn't happen, and there was so there was no corroboration. Anyways, he came out with these single most outrageous charges against Judge Kavanaugh, and his client at the time, who ended up changing her story, was suggesting that almost like on a weekend basis, that you had these young high school boys including Brett Cavanaugh, drugging in the punch and intoxicating with other substances these young teenage girls again in high school, and that the boys were lining up and this was happening regularly, lining up in the halls, waiting their turns to rape unconscious or drugged young teenage girls, and that it happened a lot. Then the story changed. Well, I didn't see him put anything in the punch bowl, but I saw him give somebody a red solo cup, or I saw him near the punch bowl. Well, I didn't see him in a line, so to say, and the story changed. It was so outrageous and he was so passionate that this had all gone down, This has all happened here, And what was missing was any sense of due process or even due diligence on his part getting to the story with his own client. And at the time I think it was Alan Dershowitz who said he may have to take back this whole. You know, he may have an ethical obligation to withdraw the Sweetneck Affidavid. It's now being looked at. We all know by Chuck Grassley has referred to Avanadi and Sweatneck for criminal investigation. So that's going forward. But here's the thing, and we'll get into this more later, is he did not provide Brett Cavanaugh the presumption of innocence a due process. Now, I'm going to say something that I'm consistent on. I don't know anything about what happened in this case with Michael Lavanati, but he, like anybody, deserves due process and deserves the presumption of innocence. I'll get into this a little bit more deeply if I can reach over here while we as the program unfolds. There are so many reasons to be a grateful nation, and in large part, we have our military and our veterans to thank for our liberties and freedom. National Wreaths Across America Day is Saturday, December fifteenth. You can join in the mission to remember our fallen heroes, on of those who currently serve in their families, and teach younger generations the value of freedom. A fifteen dollar donation to Wreaths Across America sponsors a fresh, handmade balsam wreath from Maine with a single red bow. The Veterans wreaths have become a gift of America's respect. The circular wreath with ten balsam bouquets is a catalyst for unity, healing, and an expression of gratitude. What started with America's most hollowed ground at Arlington National Cemetery has grown to ceremonies at close to fifteen hundred other participating locations across the country and overseas. Sponsor of Veterans Wreath today and show your appreciation, visit www dot Reaths across America dot org. That's www. Dot Reefs across America dot org. All right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, I'm back to the point I was making about Michael Avanati and these charges that have now come up against Tim and arrested fellowing domestic violence, confident he'll be exonerated, strong denial, And I go back and all of the people that whenever something happens, that rushed to judgment in his case, the most outrageous affidavit by Julie Sweatneck. He went out publicly this at all happened. She ended up being in viewed, backed off her story dramatically. Witnesses she said, would that would know, didn't know. Never panned out. Now there's a criminal investigation or criminal referral from Chuck Rasley. You think how often this happens, Richard Jewell, Ducal Cross, you think of Cambridge Police, you think of Ferguson Missouri. Everybody was so sure Freddie Gray was a slam dunk. Those six cops were going to jail. It happens so often. And I'm not saying this to be personal. I'm saying this to make a very profound point. Is that Avanadi deserves due process. He deserves the presumption of innocence. In other words, he deserves that which he did not afford and a lot of other people did not afford, and that would be Justice Kavanaugh and his allegation, his client's allegation was the most outrageous of them. I just have to wonder if he feels differently today about it, because he should. All right, twenty five now until the top of the hour, you know, it's I want to just say one thing. I take no glee and in well, just because Michael Avonati happens to be somebody I politically disagree with, oh in the news, and I just I'm just not that way and it's not personal to me in any way shape matter. Reports it's it's too serious a topic like when it was in the Kavanaugh hearing. Look, if you want to call in and disagree with me Ken and what you think about Avanadi charges, what happened with the Kavanaugh hearings, feel free the numbers eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to call us as always, but if you're just joining us. Avanadi arrested felony domestic violence, confident he will be exonerated. You have Vermont Democrats canceled his events just based on the alism. Social media just exploded on this thing. We have Stormy Daniels saying that she these are serious and obviously very troubling allegations, but right now they are just allegations. She's right reserved judgment until the investigation. I agree wholeheartedly with her. He did give a strong denial that he never hit this woman, that he said he would never ever do anything like that. But by the way, so did Brett Cavanaugh. I mean, the guy we saw that testimony. This went to his soul and to his core. These allegations are really really serious, and that's what was so horrible about Ted Kennedy and Robert Bork and the things that Ted Kennedy had said, and all the what happened with Clarence Thomas and his forceful denial, and that we heard the term high tech lynching, and then Justice Kavanaugh and all of these sanctimonious all the stories started to chip away one by one. In some cases there were no details at all, no memory or allegations that, well, I have an eyewitnessed and you asked the eyewitness, I don't recall any such thing ever happening. And the worst one was the affidavid which Alan Dershowitz had said at the time, pretty smart guy, that Avanati may have an ethical obligation to a draw the the Affiddavit after the accuser that that Avanati was representing Julie Sweetnick walked back some of her explosive allegations. It's now led to Chuck Rasley now referring Michael Avonati and Julie Swetnick were a criminal investigation. Now there's got to be a reason that one of the ten commandments is thou shalt not bear false witness, because it's devastating. Take any case, if you talk about Robert Bork, who's passed away, you're gonna remember being borked and what Ted Kennedy said, I think Clarence Thomas has been one of the finest Supreme Court justices in history, amazingly brilliant, smart, and he's that now forever changed his life, Brett Cavanaugh, his wife, his children, It has now forever changed their lives and those allegate with such certainty. He was making the case for a client and apparently didn't even dig down deep enough because in one interview that the client gave his client, Julie Sweatnick, she walked back a lot of the main details that had been put in the affidavit. That's a problem. That's problematic. Now, I just want to add one point to this because this happens a lot, and some people say, well, Hannity, you know, why would you give him the benefit of the doubt, because because that is a core value that has served this country. Well, you know, you have the right to remain silent the miranda case. That is become a core value. You have a right to a defense, you have a right to presumption of innocence, You have a right to due and fair process. Some people, I guess it was Alex Trebeca. I don't even remember this interview. I think I met him once, interviewed him once, and I remember it just being friendly because I was a fan of Jeopardy. Said something like, yeah, I told Hannity I wasn't a full conservative, and he seemed to get mad. I don't think that ever happened. I gotta pull that clip. I just want fundamental fairness what I did. But he complained I talked about Hillary, and I said, yeah, because if you're gonna talk about Russia collusion, you can't ignore the Hillary comparison. You can't if you're going to talk about some very few that literally or writing exonerations before investigations, after pulling the case away from field agents themselves, and having the top people in the FBI handle Hillary's case, and they're writing the exoneration in early May of twenty sixteen, and then don't interview her until July second of twenty sixteen, and then exonerate her with what you've been preparing on July fifth, twenty sixteen. There's a problem. And then the lead guy in that case that did the interview of Hillary, well, he's also the guy that took on the beginnings of the quote Trump Russia collusion case, How do you talk about equal justice under the law if because no one else has treated that way, we know she violated the Espionage Act. There's no ambiguity at all. We know that it is the clearest case for obstruction of justice ever in history. With the whole email service scandal, which, by the way, Lindsay Graham says, well, you guys in the House, you want to do investigations, you're not going to be passing bills. Fine, We're gonna go right back and we're gonna start from the beginning and do what should have been done right. Hillary Clinton never should have gotten the nomination in twenty sixteen. If the law were applied to her the way it would be applied to all of you, we the people, she would have been in huge, massive trouble, legal trouble, jeopardy and would not have been and probably and she should have been charged because the evidence is overwhelming, it is incontrovertible, and it is it's all there for everybody to see. And then then the whole story we're gonna talk about Russian and Donald Trump, and it looks like that is now coming to an end. I want to talk about that. How do you not talk about a phony Clinton Boughton paid for dossier. I want to talk about money and financial Shenanigan's funneled through a law firm, to an op research firm, to an former m I six agent. But I thought far nationals warrants supposed to impact our elections, then Russian lies are produced against Trump and then if they'll leak to the American public to steal an election by influencing them with outright lies nothing ever verified or corroborated. The same documents bulk of the FISA application warrants were that bought and paid for, unverified, uncorroborated dossier that you talk about Hillary, Because it's about equal justice under the law, equal applications of our laws. It's about do we have a two tier justice system under the law, and so it all matters. And then of course you know the fraud on the FISA courts. Then it's used to help circular reporting eleak different things from the same document that Christopher Steele the dossier's put together, and two different news organizations they print it before the election. Why because they want to hurt Trump. They want to hurt them with lies and propaganda. In other words, so they can win and then after the election to get a special counsel appointed, which happened, and again Comey has his own legal jeopardy. As far as I'm concerned, if there's equal justice on the the law, that's what matters. These things matter, and if if you can't compare and contrast, we're treating one group of people one way and another group of people another way. The great lesson I've learned in my career is that, and had learned it in a really deep and profound way. In Atlanta. I've told the story before I was there. In nineteen ninety six, the Summer Olympics came to Atlanta, Georgia. Remember never forget counting down. They had a big clock as you drive through one of the main highways in Atlanta. You know, a thousand days to the Olympics, five hundred days, one hundred and fifty days tend you know. It was actually fun, It was very cool, great for the city. They built a beautiful park, only downside as you got a horrible backdrop of CNN headquarters. Just kidding. But all of a sudden they have the Olympic Park bombing, and this guy, Richard Jewell, who we thought was a hero. Now they put in the paper that, well, he fits the profile of a lone bomber. He lives with his mother. I'm like, Okay, he lives with his mother. That doesn't make him a bomber. What are you talking about? Makes no sense whatsoever anyway. To me, it was absurd and I said it on a radio. Turns out I was the only one with that opinion at the time. It's also turned out that he was listening to me at the time. And then it turned out after it was all over and he actually was the hero. He thanked me, and I went up to do Fox in ninety six and he gave me one of his first interviews. Lynnwood was his attorney at the time, great attorney. And I learned a lesson, learned a big lesson. You know, when would the Duke Lacrosse case happened. All those professors of Duke full Page, you know, ads about how basically how guilty these kids were, Well they're athletes, whatever they had whatever, you know, prejudice, preconceived notions they had. Well, I actually took the time I met. I was covering a story, so I went and met with the family. I took the time, I'm oh, Hannry, you're not a reporter. You're not a journalist. We do journalism as talk show hosts. Yes, we do part of our job with a whole newspaper. And I looked him in the eye and I knew something wasn't right my gut. And so many other people rushed to judgment. Did it in the case in member Trayvon Martin could look like my son could have been me. Barack Obama lawyer. I think he went to Harvard, didn't he He's rushing to judgment, and I talk. I did my own work there too, flew down to Florida for it, interviewed George Zimmerman. Then, of course the case in Ferguson, Missouri, and I didn't rush to judgment there. The people that you know, Darren Wilson's career is over. But the people in the news that were rushing to judgment and interview in these people, Yeah, they shot him in the back and called blood and blah blah blah. That wasn't what happened in that case. And everyone in the media rushing to judgment. Freddie Great another example rushing to judgment. Everyone thought those six cops, I said, and when I did my research and dug down deep on that, I said, Nope, not happening, and just went away. Everybody wrong again. And the literally the road kill of reputations that these people lead behind it is despicable. There's got to be a reason God picked ten big commandments with Moses, and one of them is don't kill, don't steal. You know, we know whatever, honor thy father and mother, and love God with all your heart. They're all good, They're all right. I believe it all. I wish I was better at it. And I know what's right and wrong. I even know what I'm doing wrong when I'm doing wrong in my life. I have since I was a little kid. And then you have a reason not to bear false witness. But all these people that went after I didn't expect to spend this much time on this, All these people that went after Judge Kavanaugh with a vengeance and with certainty and with passion. We have to learn the lesson everybody that says that. Before we even heard a word or even new Professor Ford, so many had claimed I'm with her. I believe her for only political reasons because they didn't like that Donald Trump, who won the presidency got to make the appointment. That's all it was. It was politics, and it didn't matter what happened to Kavanaugh, his wife, his children, his family, his friends, his reputation, etc. And one of those people was having audi with the Julie Sweatnick allegation. Now he's facing he's been arrested on felony domestic violence, and he's confident he will be exonerated. And like I said in the Cavana, okay, I don't have I wasn't there. And by the way, this isn't thirty six years ago. This is in the course of one week. You know. The one quote, if true, if that turns out to be true, that when he said that, well, she struck me first, and another report were told her face was swollen and bruised, with red marks on both cheeks, according to the TMZ, and they were told that the woman was on the sidewalk. I can't believe you did this to me. I'm going to get a restraining order. He pulls up five minutes later, runs in the building. She hit me first, quote unquote, we were told. He angrily added, this is bs, this is blanking bs. But Avanati didn't give the presumption of innocence and due process, didn't even really drilled down on the charges that his client was making that they put in an affidavit. It'll be interesting to see what happens with Grassly's recommendation now to have a criminal referral. He's made a criminal referral for Avonadi and Julie Sweatick. My point is this, I have to wonder and there's there's no antipathy here animous here because I say that Michael Avanadi deserves the presumption of innocence that he didn't afford Bret Cavanaugh. He deserves due process that he didn't do the due diligence that I think an attorney should have done with Sweatnick, all the other stuff he does, all the tvdo. I don't really care what he does, but these are serious charges. He's a real people and real reputations. It's going to be interesting to follow. All Right, we got a lot to get to. We got the caravan issues, Democratic Party in fighting, which is unbelievable. We'll get to all of that in the course of the program today. We also have an update on Florida when we get back. I want to remind you, though, about liberty Safe. First of all, these are the greatest people on earth. It's American made. They're out in Utah, the number one safe manufacturer in the nation. I did my own research long before they were ever on this show. I'm so proud to own all of my eight liberty safes. They are the leader of the industry and technology innovation. They've got the greatest features, even military style locking bars and a heat expanding fire seals second to none. They have installation if you want it, lifetime warranty, and they make an unbeatable product. I have my little handgun safes too, opens with your fingerprinted. It's amazing. You can protect your what everyone's got to protect valuables, you got to protect important papers. If you're a gun person, you got to protect your firearms. Right now, they're even offering twelve months interest free financing and approved credit. It's a great time to get us safe at liberty safe dot com. They're wonderful people, the best service. Every time I lose my combo. Oh hi, mister Hannity, we haven't memorized. Oh I'm kidding liberty safe dot com because I have forgotten it a few times. Liberty safe dot com we'll continue. There are so many reasons to be a grateful nation, and in large part we have our military and our veterans to thank for our liberties and freedom. National Wreaths Across America Day is Saturday, December fifteenth. You can join in the mission to remember our fallen heroes, onto those who currently serve in their families, and teach younger generations the value of freedom. A fifteen dollar donation to Wreaths Across America sponsors a fresh, handmade balsam wreath from Maine with a single red bow. The Veteran wreaths have become a gift of America's respect. The circular wreath with ten balsam bouquets is a catalyst for unity, healing, and an expression of gratitude. What started with America's most hollowed ground at Arlington National Cemetery has grown to ceremonies at close to fifteen hundred other participating locations across the country and overseas. Sponsor of Veterans Wreath today and show your appreciation visit www. Dot Wreaths Across America dot org. That's www. Dot Wreaths Across America dot org. All right, glad you're with us our two. A lot of ground yet to cover today, the Democratic Party crack up, which is getting very entertaining. We'll give you the latest on the caravan as well. Coming up, we'll more on Navanati and all the other news of the day. I want to first go back to Florida, where a judge has now extended the recount deadline. It's pretty unbelievable. Here we go again. Another judge steps in right into the middle of the fiasco down in Florida in a Tallahassee Federal Court judge gives voters now until this Saturday. That's how many fourteen what twelve days after the election, then twelve days after to fix ballots or eleven days you know, tossed because of conflicting signatures. That just extends the deadline for the counties to turn in the final election results. And you know, we did find out that the judge in this particular case, Warren is his name, It weren't massive amounts of money, but his wife had donated apparently to Ben Nelson. You would think that that might be a little bit of a conflict in time for recusal, but I guess not his wife Karen donated to Ben Nelson not much two hundred and fifty bucks, but chose where they are politically. It was a Republican. I guarantee you there would be a huge, massive, you know, unbelief evable outrage viewed all over you know, fake news cable TV all the time. It doesn't matter how many times you recount the votes. In the case of Governor Gillham doesn't have a prayer of catching the santis. We went from fifty seven thousand votes ahead for Rick Scott and Broward County Palm Beach. They come up with another what between them, one hundred thousand votes. It's ridiculous, but still Rick Scott as a what is in terms of recounts twelve thousand, five hundred and sixty two massive amount. And of course Palm Beach can't fix their problems and they try to do a recount, all the machines overheated, so that doesn't work either. Anyway, here for an update on all the latest. Brad Todd is with US senior advisor to Rick Scott's campaign. Brad, what's the latest on your end? Well, thanks for having me on today, Sean. You know, the machine recount in Florida is now complete. Governor Scott's lead over Bill Nelson has widened. He is ahead by thirteen thousand, four hundred and twenty seven votes, give or take. It is now time for Senator Nelson to look at himself in the mirror and decide he wants to be remembered about for all the things he's done in his career that he's proud of, or does he want to be remembered for something he won't be proud of. On the signature on the ruling today by this judge, how many signature conflict ballots were thrown out? Do you know a final number? Well, well, hold, let's let's walk through exactly what it is, because I know your listeners want to be aware of the details. In Florida, if you vote by mail, you can't obviously show an ID by mail. So the remedy for that is you match your signature. You submit a signature on your ballot and the election officials match it to the one they have on file from your registration. If that signature doesn't match, they notify you and give you until five pm the day before the election to come in and correct it. And so that's the procedure in they had to be corrected by five PM before the election. But what news reports today have uncovered is the Florida Democratic Party staff was asking voters to continue to submit those election signature corrections until Thursday after the election, after they already knew what the results were of the election. So in essential way, that's that's in a way stuffing it. Uh. And and they had they had were asking voters to do that using a doctored form that misstated when the deadline was. Again this is the news reports out of the US. I just by the way, I just pointed that out in the last hour. That was one thing I forgot to remind people. Yeah, that's all true. And they extended they gave a phony deadline to change the signature. And I also heard that they were lobbying to get the people there. Is that true. Well, they're contacting them, that's what they're they're trying. They proactively were contacting them. But again this is after they knew what was on the scoreboard, and they knew that the deadline had passed asked, and they knew how many votes they were down. And so what we have here, you know, is a non compliance and I always say that non compliance the shadows of non compliances where fraud goes to hide. And so if you want to have an election that has integrity, you have to have election officials who abide by the law and abide by the regulations. And by the way, sixty five counties in Florida sewn have had no problems. There have been problems in two of them. Sixty five counts. That includes the Panhandle and all the counties that were impacted by Hurricane Michael. All right, that's right. And by the way, Broward County, which was really slow to get started on the recount, did finish in time today. But the margins in their recount, by the way, help Senator Scott based on the versus where they were an election night in Broward County. But Palm Beach County is the only one that didn't complete it. But luckily Florida fraud Protection laws, their election laws have a remedy for that. They let the county revert back to the number they turned in on Saturday, so that if you either complete your recount or your first number counts. So that's where we are in Palm Beach County. I just left the Supervisor of Elections office there. Uh and with the thirteen thousand vote margin, you and I know this is not going to change. Bill Nelson knows it's not going to change the outcome of this election. So the only possible reason, the only other thing that was but there weren't that many ballots that were mailed in that didn't match. That was the point. If every if every mismatch signature ballot was counted, now we the according to the court today, we'd be at five thousand statewide. Say what if every one of them? Uh? And in his order today was limited to those who he says were belatedly notified of the mismatch, he didn't really define what belatedly means. And as a result, so you still win anyway. In other words, you win under every circumstance by thousands and thousands of votes. That's right, that's right, that's correct. Um, any other issues that you're watching that because I mean now that they go ahead, go ahead. Yesterday, the judge and court looked at the Democrats lawyers and said, you know, I feel like you're asking me to rewrite Florida's election code here by myself. And that's exactly what they're trying to do, and you and I know why it is. They want to get rid of all the anti fraud protections so that in twenty twenty they have a better chance of winning the presidential election. And they want Florida to be the wild West. They want to get rid of the anti fraud protections the legislatures put in place here. And that's why they're following these suits. They know it's not going to change the center, right, you know, you know Russia was the first person to say that, and then I heard a number of other people suggested, and I thought more deeply about it, and it makes sense as you go on. It just wasn't my Are they really playing long ball knowing that they can't win at all? Because I sense they want to get this I think, you know, when the judge also when there was an objection when he said, well that's in the illegal immigrants ballot, and the Gillum and Nelson attorneys objected, Judge Goes noted, that's all the judge said. I think it tells us everything that we need to know with now all the laws that we know were broken. And the judge ruling in the first case last Friday, the Florida's Constitution was violated. Then the history of Broward and Palm Beach, that all factors into it, it does, you know, and Broward County's election administration has a very very spotty past. And to say the least, you're being quite generous. Go ahead, and you know the reason we have these deadlines. You know that the first deadline that was missed was on election night, thirty minutes after the polls closed. Every county is supposed to announce the total number of mail and absentee ballots that they've yet to tabulate. That way, everybody on both sides and the public knows the universe. They know the pool of people who will decide the election defined. And we have that statute in place, and it's the thirty minute standard. Is there thirty minutes after the post closing. Yeah, they didn't do it because because that way, nobody knows what the margin is. Everybody knows the pool before anybody knows the margin. And in Broward's case, they continued to change that pool the next day and the next day, and in Palm Beach's case, they continued to change the play. They got fifteen thousand there, I know, last question when when is the whenn't we expect the final final declaration that Scott is elected certified, that Rodde Santa's certified as governor. What's the drop dead date? I heard it was the thirtieth Now it's been stretched out too well. Next next, next Tuesday is the day that the election should be certified. Uh. There is a manual recount underway. Now, assuming Center Nelson does not concede and do the right thing, there's a manual recount underway. It has to be completed by Sunday. Uh. And then on Tuesday who the victor of that recount, which will be Governor Scott and Governor Electa Samas will be certified on Tuesday. Define define hand recount. They only look at under votes and over votes. Now, an undervote is a ballot where the voter did not mark anyone in that race. And an over vote is a ballot where the voter marks two people in that race, which which makes it invalid. Makes it invalid anyway. And if you didn't so and and by the way, if you didn't vote for somebody, and you have a mark all the way at the bottom of the page. And this was at the top of the page. They're going to be arguing that little dot there. I'm sure that was the intent. Well, you've you remember the two thousand recounts. They do it very well, dimpled, pimpled, you know, indented, scattered, smothered, covered. I can remember the whole thing. But we don't have to do this. Senator Nelson can do the gracious thing and concede. His lawyer has told other candidates trailing by fewer votes than this to concede, And so we just have to ask. Oh, Mark Eliots has said that, he said it's never posed beyond a thousand votes, it just never going to be reversed. Well, yeah, he's a he's an attorney gun for hire. Right, Well, I'm sure he's gonna still build through the weekend even if it doesn't change. Oh, I think based on everything we've seen, they don't care if they they're hoping and praying that somehow they're going to get the right judge that makes the wrong ruling and doesn't obey the laws of Florida. You know, I like Marco Rubio's analogy, which is, well, it's twenty four, twenty two, and the team that's down kicks the field goal and the last seconds of the game, and then all of a sudden you bring in Mark Eliots and his team of lawyers, and they want to argue, well, that field goal should only be worth one point, not three, and the losers should be the winners. Right, that's right. The game is over, the scores on the board, and and they're asking the league to reinterpret the rules. All right, No, that's a situation. All right, hang on the line. One second, one question off air. I've got to ask you, Brad Todd is a partner at on Message, Inc. And senior advisor to Rick Scot's campaign. Thank you a lot of information. We appreciate it, and we'll have obviously more on this tonight on Hannity ninetiestern on the Fox News Channel. Unbelievable. I mean when you read all the it is unbelievable. By the way, Republicans are getting a backbone. I'm gonna tell you about democratic chaos in a minute. Kevin McCarthy, All right, so he won his race, congratulations for a House minority leader, and he's making funding the wall in this lame duck session of Congress the top priority. He's introduced his build the Wall, enforced the Law Act. It provides twenty three point four billion for wall construction. That's the full funding, five point five billion in funding available immediately, sixteen point six building dedicated to physical barriers, the rest, technology, operations, infrastructure, manpower, all associated with border security. The hard part is that, you know, how does this pass the Senate even with Mitch McConnell's increased majority, since McConnell refuses to just end the filibuster rule, which he should have done a long time ago. I mean, it's unbelievable the things they get away with, except for judges. McConnell has been great on judges. I will say that to him. All right, eight hundred nine four one sewn toll free telephone number. We'll have the latest on this caravan, and they're expecting another nine hundred to a thousand that have been able to find transportation up to the border, the southern border. So that means we had eighty yesterday now maybe up to a thousand more coming in the next day or two. We'll update you on that coming up. There's so many reasons to be a grateful nation, and in large part we have our military and our veterans to thank for our liberties and freedom. National Wreaths Across America Day is Saturday, December fifteenth. You can join in the mission to remember our fallen heroes onto those who currently serve in their families and each younger generations the value of freedom. A fifteen dollar donation to Wreaths Across America sponsors a fresh, handmade balsam wreath from Maine with a single red bow. The Veterans wreaths have become a gift of America's respect. The circular wreath with ten balsam bouquets is a catalyst for unity, healing, and an expression of gratitude. What's started with America's most hollowed ground at Arlington National Cemetery has grown to ceremonies at close to fifteen hundred other participating locations across the country and overseas. Sponsor a Veterans wreath today and show your appreciation. Visit www. Dot Wreaths Across America dot org. That's www. Dot Wreaths Across America dot org. As we roll along eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, I promise next half hour, we're gonna take a lot of calls. Um, it's not a done deal. But Nancy Pelosi, you have a Congresswoman Marcia fudgib Ohio saying that she's overwhelmed by the support to many of her colleagues have for her entering the race for House speaker. That's a big deal. Now the Democrat's gonna fall in line. I mean, oh, Kristen sent them immediately, who said she wasn't going to vote for Chuck Schumer meets them, falls in line within seconds, which I thought was pretty interesting. But you know, you have all these anti Pelosi Democrats. They're now saying they want somebody else besides her. Many of them actually ran and on the platform saying that they wouldn't vote for her. One Pelosi detractor. This was in the Hill, Kathleen Rice making the case that there are other ways to secure a female leadership at the very top of the party. To those who say this is an issue of gender, that's just not true. I'm a woman, A lot of our new members are women, and they should not be made to feel that they're an anti woman if they don't vote for Nancy Pelosi. We have an enormous number of talented women in the caucus, an enormous number. They have so in that sense, I think she's got a pretty tough you know, I think she's got a hard time. She's saying she thinks she has it, but I'm not sure she does. And you have you know people, I know, James Kleinburne has been out there, Others have been out there, Elijah Cummings and Stenny Hoyer, and they're all trying to help her. But you know, some of the moderates like Tim Ryan of Ohio and Seth Moulton of Massachusetts moderates meaning they're not They they had to say things in that district, but they didn't really mean the most times. But anyway, they're publicly voicing encouragement for another person to run. In this case, Marsha Fudge is supposed to run. Malton is the leader of the resistance to Pelosi, and he said the kind of new leader that we need for this party, and Mulla is now Marsha Fudge is mulling a bid. Several prominent Democrats stepping forward to back Pelosi. Eric Holder now is he's stepped in, and Bobby Rush, Maxine Waters, and Fudge is now saying she's considering it. You know, I won't give myself a hard Friday deadline, but it'll be close to that, or I'll go home for Thanksgiving and talk to my family. It's gonna be interesting, all right. When we come back, a lot more ground to get to. We'll get the inside scoop on what is going on in Congress. Then we'll get to your calls in the next night. Then we're gonna get to the caravan. A thousand more people expected. As we continue, you'll hear what everyone really thinks in DC. This is the Sean Hannity Show bottle line that a leader. Okay, if the election were held today on the House floor, do you have the votes to be elected speaker? Yes, I intend to win the speakership with Democratic votes. If that was your question, that was your question, have overwhelming support in my caucus to be Speaker of the House. On the other hand, here we have our celebrating a great victory for the Democratic Party, but more importantly for the American people. Every place I go, people say, and not even go, just coming in and every means of communication, thank you for saving America. And I convey that gratitude to my colleagues, to the grassroots people who are so effective in getting out that vote and particularly to our to our candidates, Reverend Sharpton, thank you for saving America a hand you know by Democratic friends. If you want to look backward, we're all going to look backward. I want to know why the FBI reached the conclusion and along with the Department of Justice, that Hillary Clinton didn't commit a crime? Was it because a political bias? If you really wanted to stop Trump, how in the world could you indict her? Was the reason she wasn't indicted is because they wanted to make sure that they stopped Trump? And how can you stop him if you indict her? Did the Department of Justice and the FBI use a document paid for by the Democratic Party, research by a foreign agent to get a warrant against an American citizen that was inappropriate, potentially unlawful. We need a special counsel to look at all this, but I intend to look at it. I'm going to look at it. If you're going to keep plowing everything up at twenty sixteen, count me in. If you want to look forward, I'll look forward. If you want to look back, We're going to all look back to everything and everybody, not just Trump. President said there has no intention of firing. It looks like some agreement has been made by the reports I read between the President's lawyers and the special counsel written answers that would mean this is now coming to an end, at least in my mind. Well, this is a manufactured problem. President Trump is not going to fire Mueller. Muller is going to be allowed to do his job. And we need conservative judges on the bench as many as we can, as often as we can get them. I don't know what Senator Grass is going to do. He's been a great chairman of the committee. If I'm chairman next year, we're going to do judges, judges and more judges. And at the end of the day, I am convinced that mister Muller will be allowed to do his job. I've seen not one scintilla evidence of collusion. The obstructive justice thing never made any sense to me. You and fire somebody who works as a political appointment. The FBI director could be fired for almost any reason, and the Democrats wanted to come he fired. So I feel good about everything right now. All right? That was Nancy Pelosi. Oh, every place I go, people thank me for saving America. She's gotta be kidding, and I have an overwhelming support to be speaker. Well, she actually doesn't have overwhelming support. We'll find out pretty soon, Lindsey Graham saying, okay, well, we're going to look into the FBI and the Clinton email investigation. By the way, that opens the door to everything. That's where it all began, the exoneration before investigation, because Hillary should have won one hundred million to zero according to Peter Struck at the time, and him saying that Trump is He's not gonna fire Muller anyway. I just want to get a quick update on what's going on in Congress, and we have with US Representative Warren Davidson. He's with Ohio's eighth District Army. Vett went to the military academy at West Point, then went back to Ohio helping with family manufacturing business. Got his MBA from Notre Dame. Thank you, sir for being one of us. Appreciate it and how you liking things in DC. Well, it's an honor to be here, Sean and Sonora to be on your show, and I certainly would like it, like it more if we were going to be staying on offense. Last year but you know, hey, you got a play offense to stay on offense. Yeah, well you do. So what do you see happening with the Democrats? It seems like they don't have the votes now. It was one interesting little tidbit that the President gave out, and that was, well, maybe you know she's you know, she should she's worked hard, she shouldn't not she shouldn't lose the speakership, and maybe we'll have to get a couple of Republican votes for her. Is that going to happen? Well, you know, if Maxine was up, she might be a tough, tough speaker for Republicans to say no too. But you know, we'll let them fight amongst themselves as to who's going to lead there. If the President called you and said, Warren, I need your help Nancy Pelosi for speaker, what do you say, Well, I think we get the way that's he's baiting the Democrats into making bad decisions for their party. And you know, the reality's Tim Ryan from Ohio knows that Democrats aren't winning Ohio with Nancy Pelosia's speaker. Connor Lamb from Western Pennsylvania knows Democrats aren't going to win Western Pa with Nancy Pelosia's speaker. And so while they have control of the House, if they have any hope of it, they're going to have to turn away from this far left, outside of historical Democratic Party path that they've been on that Barack Obama set them on and turned back to the party that John F. Kennedy led and Americans, some of our seniors think of the Democratic Party, but the reality is the younger part of the party is way left of the historic Democratic Party. Well, I ask you this, and I know your fellow Republican went up against Kevin McCarthy, but I'm now hearing that in fact, Jim Jordan might actually become was being floated for the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. That would be interesting. Minority leader there, House Republicans introducing a border wall bill that can be passed through reconciliation. Now Kevin McCarthy's proposing that. Can that happen? Well, I hope the stronger version of that comes through. We got one hundred ninety three votes for the good Lap bill, and I think we could take that base piece and make it stronger. I look through the language that Leader McCarthy proposed and The good news is he's willing to try to do something, because I was fearing that we were just going to go on out of here quietly into the good night, and of course we're not supposed to do that. We've we're on offense for at least four more weeks, and we ought to play as much offense as we can. And one of the things that stills yet to be resolved is funding the government for the full year, which is one of the key duties of Congress. And we haven't secured the border all the way. And my fear is that we just build a wall that we don't deal with the sanctuary policies and some of the other things. That you could build a wall as high as the stratosphere and as thick as half the state of Texas if you don't deal with the sanctuaries. On this side of it, there's still a big gap between legal and illegal immigration. You're going to have a black market. So if there's a big gap between supply and demand, it's going to be filled. Anyone with the economics mindset will see it. And so we've got to deal with those sanctuary policies too. The President laid out four principles, and I hope he fights the fights to the mat for it. Well, best of luck to you and the Republicans have a lot of work to do from my perspective, from now until the end of this Congress, and they need to get it done. If we can use the reconciliation process to get the other twenty three billion the President wants for the wall, I think it would be a good idea and a go out on a high note in that sense, and then be ready. You probably have to work harder as the Democrats have no agenda except to hate Trump, investigate, investigate, investigate, and do nothing for the American people. So it shouldn't be hard to counter that. But on absolutely all right, I appreciate it. Eight hundred nine for one Sean told free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program, we say hi to Michelle Is in Connecticut. Michelle, Hi, how are you? Glad you called? And welcome to the program. Thank you so much, and thank you so much for highlighting the real costs of illegal immigration. And you do it so brilliantly. I saw you do it the other night. My question, how many are we going to accept? And what do they do. Where did they go we don't accept them? Did they just turn around and walk back? And I wanted to know if anybody really understands how many diseases these people are bringing here. There's POLYOTB Listen. I'm not worried about the diseases. Here's the problem Mexico. You know, they had the ability to offer asylum and ask asylum there. They didn't want it. They want it here. And even Mexico offered some Southern Mexican Mexico work permits for people. They didn't want that either. Mexico, though, still refuses to stop the caravan in its tracks. Make sure everybody turns around. What the fear is is all right, we've had the first eighty yesterday. In the next two days, we're going to have we expected other nine hundred or a thousand. Because they've been able to get some type of transportation, does mean it's going to be ongoing. Here's my great fear. What if God forbid what they did at the southern border of Mexico they do here. I don't want anybody in that caravan getting hurt. And based on what top ranking of shells of Mexico have said and what our own Department of Homeland Security have said, is that a lot of unsavory characters, some three hundred of them, and mixed in with the caravan of people that probably just want to have a better life. All right, eight hundred nine for one, Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program. Jane is in Scottsdale and Arizona. Jane High, How are you glad your cold? Well? I'm fine, son, How are you? I'm good? Thank you. I was schartling to myself about Abanati and how he is such a terrible victim at the hands of this woman because he's wrongfully accused and they's never been a movement, I ser and he's just innocent victim. And how odd that this is the same man that was after Brett Cavanaugh. He's guilty until he's proven innocent. I love the hand of Gods. Well, look, I mean, I'm well, I'm sure there are people and thank you for the call that are taking glee in what's happening. I don't take any glee in this. I just don't. I just you know, if some something horrible like this happened, I hope justice is served. If it didn't happen. I hope that justice is served. I don't think anybody should rush the judgment in these cases. I look, I've given you all the high profile cases that have impacted my life, everything from Richard Jewel, the so called Olympic bomber that he wasn't you know. We saw Duke Lacrosse, We saw Uva, we saw Cambridge Police, we saw a Trayvon and Zimmerman, we saw Ferguson, Missouri, Baltimore, Freddy Gray. Everybody. Everybody thinks they know, they don't want to. You gotta wait, you gotta watch, you gotta look at it, and you gotta see. I mean, I remember that Duke Lacrosse. I actually took the time in a lot of these cases to actually not only talked to, but then go see. I went down to Florida, interviewed George Zimmerman, I interviewed the families. I went to their home in the Duke Lacrosse case, and I spoke to some of the families, some of the kids, and got their side of the story. I try to reach out to the other side to get their side of things. So if you just gotta everybody's gotta take at least a deep breath here, but it is the irony is right there. You're right. I don't wish anybody ill in life. It's not who I am, who I ever want to be, But I do believe injustice. We should have equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws, and I just maybe today he wishes it would be in the best question I think anyone could ever ask Avanadi, Hey, do you regret what you did now rushing to judgment because your client changed her story and so called witnesses didn't exist. One didn't even know your client, and he was out there with a certainty this happened and they were what they were claiming. It didn't make any sense that almost on a weekly basis, weekend basis, that you know, boys were drugging girls, getting them wasted, lining up in halls and taking their turns to gang rape drug girls, teenage girls, and that it never got out, but it happened that often it was. It was a lie on a spectacular level. Didn't make sense that nobody told their mom their dad, or nobody said what was going on, or the police or a teacher or somebody. When you're dealing with kids, usually if they do one little thing wrong. It's around the school in about thirty seconds. Look, this is it, and I've got to tell you about your chance to win the biggest, best trip of your life from our friends at the USCCA, and that they're giving you a chance to win ten thousand dollars for the Ultimate Gun Getaway. Friday is your last chance. You won't hear about it again. And we're about to pick the lucky winner who's going to take home ten thousand dollars and make their dream vacation reality. It's the first time they've ever done anything like this, may never happen again, so don't miss a once in a lifetime opportunity. Don't let it pass you by. Just text the word guns. Remember they defend and protect our Second Amendment rights. They teach responsible gun ownership at the USCCA. They have great stuff on their website. Don't forget to go take a look at it. Just text the word guns to the number eight seven two two two right now you'll lock in your free chance to win a ten thousand dollars Ultimate Gun Getaway. Now, think of everything you can do with an extra ten grand in your pocket. You know, maybe a safari or tactical training academies, VIP shooting experiences. This is it. You can stop dreaming, start doing. Text the word guns to eight seven two two two eight seven two two two, the word guns one more time, the word guns to eight seven two two two. Do it now while you're thinking about it. There's so many reasons to be a grateful nation, and in large part we have our military and our veterans to thank for our liberties and freedom. National Wreaths Across America Day is Saturday, December fifteenth. You can join in the mission to re member our fallen heroes on of those who currently serve in their families, and teach younger generations the value of freedom. A fifteen dollar donation to Wreaths Across America sponsors a fresh, handmade balsam wreath from Maine with a single red bow. The Veterans wreaths have become a gift of America's respect. The circular wreath with ten balsam bouquets is a catalyst for unity, healing, and an expression of gratitude. What's started with America's most hollowed ground at Arlington National Cemetery has grown to ceremonies at close to fifteen hundred other participating locations across the country and overseas. Sponsor a veterans wreath today and show your appreciation visit www dot Wreaths across America dot org. That's www. Dot Wreaths across America dot org. All right, back to our phones, Don Lake ronkonkom a big Don, welcome aboard. How are you, sir? It's been a while, hey, Sean, it has been a well. I still don't congratulate you on your high popularity ratings. And there was a rating. It is done by real viewership, not absentee ballot. Yeah, I know, the real they actually matter a little more. I kind of I will. I will concede the point well said, you have an incredible cruise on TV and radio. But you always know that. Let I don't know, have just that much time. But it looks like Karma has a new name and it's Michael Abanati. And I have to agree with you. He does deserve to get a fair, fair shake. But I'll tell you when I have heard that news about him being arrested, it was it made me so aggravated what he put that poor Kavanaugh family through. Yeah, and in retrospect. If you listen to what he said, and you listen to what Kavanaugh said, you know, two very passionate denials, right, and if somebody's denying it, okay, we stand on that. Then you look at the facts. We don't have to go back forty years. Eventually we will find out an all likelihood who the anonymous woman happens to be and whether or not they are injuries has been reported by some in the press. We'll find all well, find that truth out. But in the meantime, it is an abject lesson for everybody. You know, I will tell you that the Duke lacrosse case was probably the worst you had. All of these professors at Duke full page ads they took out. They thought those athletes, you know, we're gonna put them in their place. These cocky jocks that think they're blank. Doesn't stink. They wanted a camera time, Sean, and they got it, and they were They looked like morons a lot of But the problem is lives get ruined. Look, I actually think there's a reason that one of the big commandments is thou shalt not bear false witness. I really do, because it destroys you. It can destroy people, you know, Clarence Thomas here it is what twenty five years later it was at ninety I forget the year. Twenty five years later and we're still talking about what happened to him and when he had to defend himself. Robert Burke went to his grave Ted Kennedy slandered and smeared and besmirched and lied through his teeth, mister chappaquitto himself. Yeah, you know, all right. Thanks always good to hear from you. Don Lake, Ron Honk, I'm appreciate it. Eight hundred and ninety four one sewn toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. All right, News, round Up, Information Overload hour. I just cannot get over. There is California Senator Kamala Harris asking the acting ICE director if he's aware of the perception that ICE is the KKK to get reaction. We have Jessica Vaughan, Director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies, Jonathan Gillham, former FBI agent Federal Air Marshall, author of Sheep No More. Brandon Judd is the president of the National Border Patrol Council. Twenty year active Border patrol veteran, and thank you all for being one of us. Let me let me start with you, if I might, Brandon and ask you. I've been down to the border about twelve thirteen times. I don't know the exact amount, from the Rio Grand all the way to San Diego, many many places in between. What I've witnessed myself, I've witnessed have on camera, have video of a gang member being arrested. I have video of drug warehouses that are massive, Florida sealed, Florida's sealing drugs that were literally being brought into this country and targeting, I would argue, our children in ways that are unimaginable, though so many of them. And I've seen tunnels, dug and I've seen all sorts of things, helicopter, boats, all terrain vehicles, horseback walking, done at all. My question to you is how do you react to what she said. It's upsetting the mainstream media would have you believe that all of these people that are crossing the border illegally are just poor, innocent individuals looking for a better life. And while some of that is true, I can personally tell you, in like you just illustrated right there, there is an awful lot of very bad actors that are crossing the border illegally. Just a couple of months ago, we arrested in an individual that had his eight year old daughter that had a conviction in the United States for rape and he was bringing his eight year old daughter across the border. Of course, we had to separate those two individuals. These are the types of things that border patrol agents face all the time. And to have to listen to this rhetoric about how we're bad people, how we're Nazis, it's absolutely ridiculous. We have had agents that have lost their lives going into the Colorado River to try to save illegal aliens. We do it compassionately, compassionately, we do it well, and you cannot demonize us like that. I sat through Jonathan Gillum a security briefing. I've played it many times. I won't take the time now. Maybe I'll show it again on TV tonight where in the course of a seven year period, I was with Governor Rick Perry. This was this was the very hearing that Barack Obama was invited to when the Democrats had a very different point of view on immigration during the Obama years, and it's totally shifted and changed to open borders, sanctuary cities now wanting to eliminate ice. And I sat there six hundred and forty two thousand crimes committed against Texans alone, some not severe, some very severe, including murder. So those are their statistics. That's the numbers they had. Nobody's ever challenged those numbers because they're right. This is coming straight from law enforcement. I sat in the briefing with the governor and those that are on the ground. That's a lot of crime coming into the country. Now. We've been warned by the Department of Homeland Security that there are amongst this caravan, and let's say ninety nine percent just want a better life for themselves, their families, their kids, and where the land of opportunity to them. I get it. But among them are some three hundred criminals and dangerous individuals that have mixed in with this caravan. Yeah, you know, Sean, when I was in the Sial teams, I worked in and out of Central South America. I was with sil team for and that's what we did before nine to eleven and the shift to the War on Terror, and we dealt a lot in Honduras, down in Colombia, Mexico, all kinds of places down there where the governments had failed, and all the money that we give to him goes to the governments, and goes to the politicians, and goes to the already wealthy. This has been long debated, and this thing has been coming for a long time where people would start moving towards the border the thing, And I know that Brandon is going to be shaking his head when I say this. The thing about this is that it can be controlled if realistic effect of policies are allowed to be put in place. But from all the way back when I was down there in Central South America looking at this, asking myself, why is this allowed that to happen? Why is this being allowed to build up? We fund these governments that don't do anything to make their countries better, and we don't do anything to secure our own borders. Just putting up a wall would stop the majority of this stuff from ever happening. The war on drugs, a warrante, the immigration issue, it would all come to a quick halt. Now, they would always try to find different ways to get over the wall or under the wall, But those are new challenges that we could face right now, and for my entire life and my career in law enforcement and in military, nobody's done anything. And every time we try it, you get rhetoric like you just heard earlier when you started the show. Well, it's just give others the men. The funny thing is, and I'll play this after I talk to Jessica. Those that have those Democrats sound like Trump just during the Obamas. But Jessica, you study this is what your group does. You study this day in and day out. What is the impact to the American people in any regard you have discovered? Well, there are a lot of different impacts. The first is on taxpayers because we end up providing funds for education, public health. There are public safety costs, are public assistance programs that end up going to illegal aliens and to the families that they start when we allow them to get away with living here. There are also lost job opportunities for Americans who would be doing the work that employers are bypassing them in order to hire cheaper illegal aliens. And there's the national security and public safety risk that we don't know who these people are coming in and right now, our border agencies are absolutely overwhelmed with a number of people coming. There were six hundred and fifty people caught in just the last couple days in the Yuma sector, and they don't have the ability to screen all these people to find out if they're coming to be a bus boy or if they're coming to join up with MS thirteen or some other more nefarious purpose. This is a huge problem, and it's it's an affront to Americans, but it's also an affront to the millions of legal immigrants who are being sponsored by family members, who are waiting in line, and they are the ones that Senator Harris and others are kind of trying to whip up against immigration enforcement. And even though it is the open borders advocates who are making people fear enforcement by telling these tales and equating immigration enforcement with the KKK and Nazis and so on, they're the ones stoking fear. But the truth is that immigrants don't want to live in communities where they're going to be preyed on by MS thirteen, which has gotten in here because of catch and release policies. Or let me just light of everything. Kamala Harris has said, let's play democrats because they sound an awful lot like Trump. And by the way, this was not long ago, these cuts, these statements were made during the Obama years. I voted numerous times when I was a Senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens, and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the US legally. But those who enter our country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law. And because we live in an age where terrorists are challenging our borders, we cannot allow people to pour into the US undetected, undocumented, and unchecked. I think that pretty much sums it up, doesn't it. Brandon Judd, You're a bad guy for finding though you know, I am a horrible person for actually playing them in their own words, you know what, You're right, I should. I'm going straight to hell. I no doubt about it. You are you are. It's crazy. It's insane to think that it was politically expedient a couple of years ago, but all of a sudden it's not anymore, and the border security is is a four letter word is it's crazy to think of this, and it's crazy that we demonize our good law enforcement officers and agents that all they want to do is protect citizens of the United States, and frankly, they just want to protect the people. Not only do they do that, they sacrifice a lot. They probably all would make more money in the private sector. It's a dangerous job. Some of these guys, as you pointed out, get killed. You know, I've I've interviewed too many angel families here on this program on Hannity the TV show that have lost there their sons and daughters. You want to talk about separation, that's permanent separation, Jonathan, that they'll never see their kids again. And in large in many cases, immigrants that have already committed crimes that were protected by quote sanctuary city status that allowed them to stay in the country to commit more crimes and even worse crimes in some cases. Yeah, and you know the statistics. You can't trust statistics that the government puts out. You can't trust politicians. We all know that. And a fine statistic of this is when you know, you say this many people have been killed by illegal aliens. Well, one is the only statistic we really need to know is that one person or one border patrol agent were killed because these policies are not effective. And I'll give everybody a good quick example. You know, we hear every year when FBI comes down they testify about terrorism investigations. They say, we have one thousand terrorist investigations at any given time. Out of all those investigations, only a handful are actually terrorists related once they're vetted out. But that statistic is never told. They say a three hundred out of seven thousand or bad people. We have no true way of knowing that because none of them are vetted at all. That's a scary part. All right, quick break right back. We'll continue more on the influx the caravan or expecting in the next two days another thousand migrants to arrive at the border and they're all going to claim asylum that apparently they've all been coached to do so, and what's going to happen with them from there. We'll continue on the other side of this eight hundred nine for one seawan as a toll free number. We'll also get your calls in final half hour. A lot more on Avanati versus Kavanaugh and of course, watching Florida very very closely. As does the White House need anybody in the press room? Why do they need a White House press room? Maybe they can wait across the street and if the President or Sarah Sanders wants to talk to them, they can wait there. We'll talk about that and more straight ahead. There's so many reasons to be a grateful nation, and in large part we have our military and our veterans to thank for our liberties and freedom. National Wreaths Across America Day is Saturday, December fifteenth. You can join in the mission to remember our fallen heroes, on of those who currently serve in their families, and teach younger generations the value of freedom. A fifteen dollar donation to Wreaths Across America sponsors a fresh, handmade balsam wreath from Maine with a single red bow. The Veterans wreaths have become a gift of America's respect. The circular wreath with ten balsam bouquets is a catalyst for unity, healing, and an expression of gratitude. What's started with America's most hollowed ground at Arlington National Cemetery has grown to ceremonies at close to fifteen hundred other participating locations across the country and overseas. Sponsor a veterans wreath today and show your appreciation visit www Dot Reaths across America dot org. That's www. Dot Wreaths Across America dot org. Right, as we continue discussing another what one thousand now expected to arrive at the border members of the caravan, some that have been able to split off a little bit, it rides up here. We continue with Jessica Vaughan, director of a Policy study Center for Immigration, Jonathan Gillham Brandon Judd Brandon, of course, president of the National Border Patrol Council, and Jonathan former FBI Federal Marshall. So we're expecting all these other people that are going to be coming, and if they go to a port of entry, they're allowed to apply for asylum. Jessica, what does that mean? Does that ultimately guarantee that however many thousands estimates from seven to fifteen thousand people get asylum. It could mean that depends on how the Department of Homeland Security is going to view these cases in light of the fact that they've come a long way through Mexico and had the opportunity to apply for asylum there. What happens is is that people have figured out that if you make it to US soil and say that you have a fear of return, that there's about a ninety percent chance that you're going to be allowed into the United States. But my understanding has always been that they have to apply for asylum in the first country they arrive in. That would be Mexico. In this case, that's generally understood to be what's expected of people seeking safe haven. And I think that well, Jeff Sessions gave some guidance to asylum officers that they should consider that when getting reviewing these claims for asylum, but looked at what they want. They don't really want asylum. They want to get into the United States. Half the people that we let in who claim to fear of return will not even fill out the asylum application form. Half of them will not show up at their court hearing, and if they do, it turns out that only about ten percent of them will be found qualified for asylum. But they just abscond from their proceedings and they don't go home when removed by a judge. The idea is to get here, get into the country, and they know that employers can get away with hiring them, and they'll be able to live here almost indefinitely at joining the larger illegal population. And as long as these policies, the biggest wall is not going to stop these caravans. I wish I can go further. We we are just at a time. Thank you both for being with us. We appreciate it. Jessica, Thank you, Jonathan, Thank you, Brandon. All the best to you. It's unbelievable that we even have to discuss what Kamala Harris had to say. All right, when we come back, we're gonna get to your phone calls. But if you happen to be somebody that is like Linda, Linda, would you say, is this in the top ten mistakes you made in your life? When you bought all right, so you were twenty that's my favorite story? Oh yeah? Is it in the top five mistakes you made in your life? Yeah? Yeah? Is it in the top three? I would say it's like number two, number what's number one? I don't even want to You can't say that working for me, I guess, all right, So don't say that. She goes to Mexico and she's having the vacation of her life. She's twenty years old. And somebody says, well, you can have this vacation every year. You can lock it in right now, just get buy a timeshare and you sit, you talk, You get the timeshare. And however, many years later, let's just say over a decade. Oh, it's like thirty eight years ago. It's a nightmare. You're not that old. You all of a sudden, you're paying every year for maintenance, right, every year? Okay, and you never go back. I don't Brian and Karen keep yelling at me because I'm holding up the process. Yeah, why all right? So Brian and Karen they run a family owned business. It's called loan Star Transfer. Loan Star Transfer dot Com is their website. Okay. And if you're in this situation, you have a timeshare, you're paying all this money, all these fees every single year, and you don't go and you want to get out of it. You want to do it expeditiously, legally. You want to do it with people that know what they're doing. Well, that's Brian and Karen loan Star Transfer dot Com. And don't let another year go by paying all that money. It's killing your pocketbook. They do this every day and a plus rating with a better business bureau. All you have to do is go to their website loanstar transfer dot com, or use your cell phone call two fifty, keyword timeshare, cell phone two fifty pound, I'm sorry, pound two fifty cell phone pound two fifty and keyword timeshare, and they'll get you out of it. It's that simple, quick break right back. Your calls are next exposing left wing media bias. No stone left unturned. Sean Hannity Show is back on the air. If the president was smart, if he wasn't so arrogant, he would see the writing on the wall and he would pull this nomination immediately when I'm talking about him. Mere accusation or allegation. And here's another important point, this isn't going to be adjudicated in one day or even two days. I have never struck a woman. I never will strike a woman. If you read further in the declaration, are far more specific and relating to Brett Kavanaut's conduct towards women in general, including the attempts to drug women by placing grain, alcohol and or drugs in basically the punch of these parties that many of these women ended up gaining rapes unfortunately. I mean, the details in this declaration are specific, they are shocking, but above all else they are true. This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process, but you have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy. This has destroyed my family and my good name. A good name but built up through decades of very hard work and public service at the highest levels of the American governments. Because she has a firm recollection of specific conduct by Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge. And let me also say this, Brett Kavanaugh, in my opinion, has zero credibility. This man is an absolute liar. He's lied about big things and he's lied about small things. I've never sexually assaulted anyone. This guy has lied repeatedly throughout the process. Fox News, the Sdity Judiciary Committee. I've never sexually assaulted anyone, not in high school, not ever. I've always treated women with dignity and respect. He is not a genuine person. He is lying repeatedly about drinking too much. I mean, let me get this straight. All of these women are liars. His friends from Yale Law School, They're liars. The only person that is the only person that's telling the truth. The only person that's telling the truth is Brett Cavin. Listen to the people who've known me best through my whole life. The woman who've known me since high school, the sixty five who overnight signed a letter from high school saying I always treated them with dignity and respect. Does he want America to believe that the only thing that he did until well into his college years was effectively kiss or french kiss a woman. Is that what he wants America to believe? Well, because I don't believe it. I have been an advocate for women's rights my entire career, and I'm going to continue to be an advocate. I am not going to be intimidated from stopping what I am doing. This is a circus. The consequences will extend long past my nomination. The consequences will be with us for decades. I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. You've tried hard, You've given it, You're all. No one can question your effort but you're coordinated and well funded effort to destroy my good name and destroy my family will not drive me out. I am innocent of this charge. By twenty four now until the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one, Sean told free telephone number, you want to be a part of the program. Obviously this has to do with Michael Avanati has been arrested domestic violence arrest. If true, even the ladies of the views say he deserves to be raked over the calls. I'm gonna get to that side of it in a second. I want to just be clear, as I said earlier in the program today, I ran into Michael once. Never was that interested in how or why he was doing his story. That's fine. All the other media just fell in love with him and he was the next media star. It's not about him. There's something far more profound and much deeper in play here than him personally. So I almost want to take him out, although you can't take it him out of it because of what has happened here. He seemed to be suggesting in what he said last night that you know it was a gross misunderstanding. I think that's important. He said, he's never hit a woman. He would never ever do anything like that. His whole life has been dedicated to protecting women. LAPD now telling sources. TMZ has reported that they observed injuries on the face of the alleged victim in this case and have now obtained protective orders that forbid Avanai from going anywhere near this person, who is still anonymous. But and you know it's this isn't some What you've got here is serious allegations, but not from forty years ago. This is the same week, same day, And if the quotes are true, she hit me first and all of that. If that turns out to be true, that is going to be I think pretty devastating to anybody. But I want to take that out of it. The most absurd, obscene, outrageous. When you go back to the Kavanaugh hearings, allegations that were made were made by his client, Julie Sweatnick. And that's where you know that girls almost on a regular weekend basis, we're getting spiked punch, that these high school boys were drugging them. And now the story changed. But then the boys would line up in the halls and they would wait to take their turns and gang rape these girls. And again it happened almost on a regular basis. Now, when the investigation began, well two of the people, one was dead, the other ones that I had no idea who Julie Sweatnick is. And there was never any corroborating evidence. And on the other side of that, you have her story changed. She backed off a lot of her explosive allegations when she was finally interviewed. And at this point, Chuck Grassley has referred Michael Abanati and Julie Sweatneck for a criminal investigation to the Department of Justice. So this is not over by any stretch of the imagination. So what you have and Alan Dershowitz, I remember said at the time Abanati may not have may have an ethical obligation withoudraw the Sweatnick affidavit, especially when she started contradicting her own self here. But the point is he went out in this case against Kavanaugh with a ferocious intensity that liked the Democrats, abandoned core fundamental values. Every one of the allegations was there was never any corroboration. Again, we talk about forty years ago in most cases thirty six years ago, whatever it was and they never were able to corroborate any of it. Many of the stories shifted or altered, changed, or no details were remembered at all. And people that were supposed to be an eyewitness I remember, in the case of Professor Ford, said no, it didn't happen, and the other people there said no, I don't remember anything like this, and you know, bit by bit Now in the meantime, this man's character is trashed, character assassination at a level that nobody should ever have to go to. My argument at the time was that we believe in due process that it has served this country so well, and the presumption of innocence that has served us so well. And I'll say I said it then and I'm going to say it now, and it Michael Avanadi deserves due process, the presumption of innocence, as he claimed in the press conference when he got out of I guess he was being booked and charged in Los Angeles. He deserves it, but he didn't afford it to anybody else. He didn't afford it to Judge Kavanaugh. And in the case of Democrats in general, it was just a crush bludgeon, destroy kills somebody's character anyway, anyhow you need to do it, and there is a massive danger if we go down this road for everybody. I don't know, Michael Lavanati, I don't know. We don't even know who the woman is. We don't have the facts of the case except that he's been charged and he proclaims his innocence. But why it's so important is that this fundamental constitutional protection of ours goes to the heart of our legal system. And I will adhere to that. You know, all my life, I've been and I said this earlier from the Richard Jewel case on I learned such a lesson when the Atlanta Journal constitution. I'd love to see what that payoff was when I think they eventually got sued. Lynn Wood was the attorney, really good attorney down in the Atlanta area, and he took on Richard Jewel as a client, and he fits the profile of a lone bomber because he lives with his mother. That was the whole case, and I said this is absurd on the air. Had no idea Richard Jewel was listening to my show at the time. I was a local radio host in Atlanta. And then the next thing we know is he wasn't the guy. He was the hero, and everybody had gone with it, and they went insane with it and he ended up being innocent. We have seen rush to judgment constantly in the Obama years. That drove me nuts. Cambridge police acted stupidly or Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman or Ferguson Missouri or Baltimore or what Duke Lacrosse was another example where there were a few of us. By holding to those principles, we ended up being right with whole judgment wait for the facts to come in, and I did in every one of those cases. The UVA case is another one. Anymore you can think of Linda, We've done it all the time, you know, maybe a history of this. It's pretty scary stuff. It's scary are stuff. And the thing is, I may not care for Michael Avanati's politics, but he deserves what he didn't give Kavanaugh. And I think people really, you know, because it's him and because of how over the line he went. It's in one sense, I just think it's a very important moment for everybody to stand back, because if it's you, if it's someone you know, if it's someone you love, if it's someone you care about, you are gonna want those those core principles working for you. It's hard, all right, Let's get to our busy phones. Eight hundred nine four one, Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, let's go to Linda Andrews Air Force Base. What's up, Linda? How are you? I thank you, Sean. I am piss. I am so upset. They need to shut the boro completely, shut it down now. They need to shut it down. These people are dangerous. They are saying that they're waiting for all the Carabbeans so they can come through all of them together. And they don't care how many millions soldiers so they won't damash them. They are seeing all kinds of stuff in Spanish in the media is not reported in reporting this. They need to shut the border completely. None of them come in enough, it's enough. This is disgrateful. Well look, I want people to do it legally. I have no problem. I'm you know, all the years that I worked in restaurants, all the years that I worked I'll give you one example. When I was in my teens, there was a place in Long Island called Eisenhower Park. At the time, it was called Salisbury on the Green. It's a different place, had five golf courses and it was like a wedding factory. It was unbelievable. I mean, they do five weddings some Friday nights, believe it or not, five on Saturday five and Saturday night five, Sunday five Sunday night to night ten. Part made a fortune as a kid, at least I thought at the time. And there were plenty of people that worked in the restaurant at the time. I think it's a county owned restaurant if I don't, if I'm not mistaken. And once or twice every year in would come the immigrations customs people, and all these guys that worked in the kitchen, for example, would they be racing out the back door onto the golf course, and you know, some would get caught and others would get away with it, get away and then come back to work. When I work with them, I saw good people, great people, actually doing hard jobs. I don't know what their pay was, but I don't expect it was very high. Wanting what we take for granted, I get it, I understand it, but it has to be done legally. That's that's what we're asking all right, back to our phones. Donna is in Staten Island. Donna, how are you the all new AM seven ten? Wr? What's going on? How are you my friend? I'm good? What's happening? So I find myself scratching my head because I'm kind of waiting for all those women in the Mecho movement and all of the you know, all the left wing people to be screaming about Michael Avenuti. Should I not hold my breath left to turn? Think about all the people that joined with Avanadi and said I believe her, I believe her. I mean, I can do a montage. I believe this one. I believe that one. And it just as a rush to judgment in that case for the worst possible reasons, for pure political gain and nothing else. And you know, imagine if you are the one of the daughters of Justice Kavanaugh, Now imagine that for a second all your life, this will follow you. This will be with you. Names, character, reputations matter, and when you destroy somebody's in this case, there was no evidence to back up or corroborate any of this. None witnesses names that were mentioned said no, it didn't happen, and it was. It's a shame what they did here, but it's not the first time. This is what borking is. Is what they did to Justice Thomas. This has happened far too often to far too many good people. You know, maybe people Look, if I was a total hypocrite, I'd say, oh, maybe I believe whoever this anonymous woman is. I don't. I don't know anything about it. I just know he deserves what Kavanaugh deserved. He deserves presumption of innocence, due process. And that's my point. All right, Thanks for the call, appreciate it. Hey, listen, I will tell you that my pillow changed my life. It just works. I love it. I can't be without it. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. Now my pillow has outdone themselves. They have taken what they do for your head and your neck and sleeping, and they've added to your entire sleep experience by creating them. My pillow mattress topper. You put it on top of your mattress and it is like you are sleeping on a cloud. It's my pillow for your whole body. It's amazing. 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Well, now people on the left where they start saying due process, presumption of innocence, that might be a good change of pace for a lot of different reasons. Can the president say no press? All right, that's nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.

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