Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Senator Lindsey Graham, is here to discuss the Human Sources report with the FBI released by the Inspector General yesterday, the testimony over the past two weeks of various participants in Ukraine and United State politics, and the attacks on the President. Senator Graham has confirmed that the FISA report will be released on 12/9/19.
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Right, glad you with us. Wow, it just happened a while ago. We're going to turn it around at some point during the program today and get it to you. Representative Windstruppies from Ohio had an unbelievable moment with Fiona Hill and it was the only way to describe this, and I'll print out the verb et here because it was amazing. It was one of these moments that could only be captured and is just raw honesty, just blunt forced truth, which for Democrats is a trauma. This whole thing blew up yesterday. It's done. It is game over. The case has not been proven. You know. It's so funny because Ken Starr actually was on Fox News yesterday when the transcript first came out and said, oh, this is damning. And we had already known in the transcript audition series that went on behind closed doors that Ambassador Solomon had said repeatedly. The President said to me, no quid, no pro and no quote like Joe. We already know that. So that but just blew up in their face. Congressman Turner Ohio blew it up in their face, followed up by another Ohio Congressman, Jim Jordan, who blew up? What? What? What date did they give this? When did they announce it? Meaning the pro and the quo? In other words, when did they announced that they were doing what they said they thought they had to do and we're being pressured to do to get the money from Donald Trump? What are you talking about, Congressman? No? What what was the date they made the announcement that they're gonna do all these things? They never they never announced anything. Oh sudden they what? Nothing happened? So nothing happened. So no quid or pro or quo none, zero zip. And I'm watching. I won't give you the whole thing. I won't give it away. We'll just we can't get it all in this hours because I got so much to get to, but he talked about it. I'm might voluntarily joined the United States Army reserved because I saw our country under attack time and time again, says Bill Clinton was the president. I didn't vote for Bill Clinton, but he was my commander in chief. Didn't matter that I didn't vote for him. I was grateful to live in a country that gets to legitimately elect our leaders. I've been to places where people don't get to It's not pretty, and he said that. He went on and say, I respect our system. I accept results determined by we, the American people, and it's not pretty. And by the way, he goes on to say, in two thousand and five and six, I was deployed to Iraq, and he said, our system is a results determined by we, the people. I deployed to Iraq and oh five oh six as a surgeon in the army with soldiers in many backgrounds. The most important thing is that we were all Americans first and foremost in our mission. We treated our troops, we treated the enemy, winning over the hearts and minds of people that never knew us because of their dictators, Saddam Hussey and who told them that we were responsible for all the problems. And that was his narrative. And then, speaking of narratives, doctor Hill, I'm sorry I have to say this. You said, based on statements some in the committee did not conduct a campaign against this country is false. That's mister Schiff's narrative. That's where you've heard it. We did a whole report on it, and we did agree that Russia has done this since the Soviet Union days, and they've actually gotten better at it, that's a problem. But at the same time, certain Ukrainians did work against Canadate Trump, some with the d n C talking about this woman Shaloupa And if that's debunk well, why is it mister Schiff has denied the DNC operative to come and testify and come forward and debunk it. You know, some of the dncoh is debunked. Why is mister shipp Why is he denying the operative the opportunity? Was it good for the treat for the DNC and Clinton campaign to pay Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on their political rival? Was a good for America to claim, oh, having evidence of the president colluding with Russias Russians when he did not, costing the taxpayers millions being debunked by the Special Council, And I'd say the false narrative got caught. Was it good for the country for Americans and foreigners alike to attempt to entrap members of the United States presidential campaign, specifically the Trump campaign. Well, I've come to believe through all of this that some in power do think it's good. They think it's okay. Can now we're here at an impeachment proceeding all right, Congress has and apparently even with very partisan rules. But I'm curious impeachment inquiry was announced by the speaker before the whistleblower account was even out. And I'm curious why the lawyer for the whistleblower announced that the coup to impeach President Trump we announced that after Trump won ten days to be exact, I'll add that part that's pretty damny. I know it hurts to lose an election, especially as Americans, we usually get over it. Imagine it would hurt more if you were promised a position in the next administration and lost, and your hopes, your dreams were dashed. And I've seen hatred for political reasons, and specifically on June fourteenth, twenty seventeen, at a ballfield in Virginia. And I've seen the hatred in war, and I know that hatred blinds people. I've been in war, I've studied war, and coups create division. It's time for this phase of the publicity announced and proclaimed democratic coup to end. Thank you for your service for being here. I yell back, Wow, I want to read it to you. I'm gonna play it later. Put it up on Hannity dot com if you want to see it too, and doctor hill Schiff goes, would you like to respond now. I think what doctor Wintrump just said, it's very powerful. She says about the importance of the hatred partisan division. And it's unfortunate that Congressman's Turner and Ratcliffe have both left as well, because I think all of us who came here under legal obligations thought we had a moral obligation to do so, and we came as witnesses. And when I was referring to questions that I heard, it was in the context of the deposition I gave October the fourteenth because I was very worried about the turn in which some of the questions were taking. I understand the point being made about individuals, as you just doctor Weststrop, about these articles lay out taking you know, definitive positions in our elections. I don't think we should be there should be any inference in our election. It's unfair for people to already call the election and make attacks also on the candidate Trump and President Trump. And I know this as he'd put a huge cloud over the presidency but also over our entire democratic system. That's actually why as a nonpartisan person, as an expert on Russia, an expert on Putin and on Russian security services. I wanted to come serve the country to try and see if I can help. And I heard President Trump saying he wanted to improve relations with Russia. Well, I believe we have to. We can't be in this unending confrontation with Russia. We have to find a way to stabilize our relationship, professionalize the relationship, as well as stop them from doing what they did in twenty sixteen and again they'll do it in twenty twenty. That's the crux of the issue that I and others are trying to put across, and I think that you have just put across very eloquently the other matters related to this inquiry. We're here just to provide what we know, what we've heard, and I understand that many members you know here this may be hearsay, talked about things I heard with my own ears. I understand Ambassador son Lene has said a lot of things. I've told you what he told me, what he told others, what others told me. A lot of other people have said things to me again as well, mister Holmes, We're going to hear from you to relate to what we heard, what we saw, what we did, and you know, to be of some help to all of you and really making a momentous decision here. We're not the people who make that decision. And I do again want to underscore what you said, Congressman. It was eloquent, It was moving about your service and trying to bring us all together as Americans. We need to be again together in twenty twenty so the American people can make a choice about the future and make their vote in a presidential election without this crap basically unbelieved a moment. You know, what did we have up until yesterday? Up until yesterday, we had hearsay witnesses, and we had opinion witnesses. None of them would ever be admissible in a court in the law. What they had to say, it is inadmissible hearsay, inadmissible, conjecture, opinion, ideas. I thought, I felt, I wondered, I've two and two. I tried to put to meaningless. The money came out. You talk to the president? What did the president say you? While I asked them, what do you want to exchange the aid? Nothing? I don't want to quit pro Quel. I want them to do the right thing because there's been so much corruption with Ukraine. Seems like everything with Ukraine is corrupt to me. Everything. Then you got now, okay, we got Taylor in homes. They're offering conflicting accounts on Sonlon's call, and you've gotta be kidding me. The guy's on the call tells you what's going on in the call. But no, we're gonna say. I think I heard it through the grapevine. He didn't ever ane speaker, but I could hear his voice. Okay, this is madness, and this is all the same liars, the same people, the same conspiracy theorist, the same people that laid out the hoax, the lies, the slander, the besmirchment, the character assassination, the same people that have been saying over and over and over and over and over and over again, No, Russia, Russia, Russia, Stormy stormy, impeach, impeach, collusion, collusion, It never ends, it never ends. And if this madness is not stopped, there's never gonna be a president then that can survive in office. Because well, I'll give you my opinion on the trans We don't need your opinion on the transcript. There's no quid and no pro and no Joe. There's not there. And to get there, you have to ignore a guy saying you're not getting the billion. You're not getting it unless you fire that prosecutor, the one who's investigating his son. That nu was investigating his son, the son with zero experience, none millions of dollars. Fire him, you get the billion. You don't fire him, you don't get the billion. Oh you got six hours. You have to just ignore that. That is beyond anything. You want to know how deeply corrupt, deranged, partisan, hurtful that is to the country. That's what's on display. You got a compromise, a rough congenital liar who told us for three years they got all the evidence on Trump Prussia collusion, nothing, four separate investigations, nothing, dragging the country through all of this again, and the mob and the media, complicit, allies, willing accomplices in this madness. It's like they didn't care about Yeah, oh, obstruction is terrible, but not Hillary's deleted emails and bleach bit and hammers just like, yeah, it's important to tell the truth, but you can lie on FISA applications and say something's verified. It it's not verify a bowl. It's buying a presidential opposition candidate and transition and then president and then outsource spying to allied countries to circumvent American laws. What kind of country do we want here? Because this is a defining moment for the country. How this ends is gonna matter. I keep saying, you got three hundred forty eight days to decide. Maybe you want to think about registering to vote now. Maybe we're gonna put together an entire map where you live, what the dates are when you got a register, by when you can do your absentee balloting. We're gonna put it all up there so you have no excuse. We'll get the government we deserve. We will reward this. You are, you're contributing to the shredding of the constitution because they don't care about the constitution. Obviously, you have a sixth Amendment, the right to face your accuser. You know. All right, as we roll along, I mean, what do you do when you've got here saying opinion witnesses non witnesses, and they have conflicting accounts on Sanderland's call and on the transfer. What do you do? Then? That's exactly what you had with Taylor and Holmes. They offer exact opposite conflicting accounts on the Solon called. Taylor claims he didn't learn of Holmes account until recently, while Home claims he told him months ago. Okay, who are we gonna believe in that particular case? Hill today, honest and open. You know, do you have any firsthand experience? You aren't involved in any of the relevant activities related to the you know, pause and aid. I was not that is correct? And did you believe that a call was going to be scheduled for the twenty fifth? I personally did not believe it would be scheduled that day. No, I mean, so you have no firsthand information on the issue of the call. Zelensky withholding aid and no disrespect, you know. I look, I see two sides of this ambassador world that I know nothing really about. That's what was kind of comic call. Never I knew nothing about Maria Janovich whatever her name is, still except that she thinks that the four minor mentions on my TV show are part of a smear campaign, when all we did was played the words of a prosecutor general the equivalent of an age in this country, and what that person said about her. That's her problem, that's not my problem that I report the news anyway. Then they all rely on each other's testimonies for their accounts. I mean, I'm listening to that today. I'm like, you've got to be kidding me, because that is irrelevant as anything gets all right, Lindsay Graham, New king Rich all coming up. We got a lot of coverag straight ahead at twenty five downs till the top of the our Senator Lindsey Graham, New king Rich all coming up. In the course of the program, Lindsay Graham announced that, in fact, the Horowitz Report on Faiza abuse will come out on December the ninth, and that Michael Harrowitz, the Inspector Generals but at this well over a year, will be before his committee, that's the Senate Judiciary Committee on September the eleventh. Finally, we are getting somewhere, not bad, not bad at all. What did you want to ask me? What? What? Why are you? I'm just get what about which one? Hunter? Yeah, I'm sorry. So we have a candidate, but then the candidate's son is making some waves yet again. Oh no, no, no, no, no, listen, I mean listen, I understand a man has needs, but you know when you now they got paternity tests, and you know what, I don't care about. Look if I'm Joe Biden with all the other stories about this guy's personal behavior, you know what, I just feel sorry for the guy. There's my honest answer. And you know, Joe Biden can go out there all he wants forget about all that stuff. I never brought up the other stuff before this, or the hurts Rental car or what happened in the military, or you know, any of those stories. I haven't brought up any of that, or the brothers. You know when after the brother died, I stayed away from all that. I'm not making this personal. All I know is there's no other American that's gonna be paid millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars from multiple countries with zero experience. Well he's gonna need It's got some child forty nine years old. How do you and they had time to prep this forty nine year old kid before the interview. They I gotta believe they prepped him. He had to know what was coming because this was all over the place in the news, and for him to say, uh, do you have any background in Ukraine? No? Any experience in energy? No? None, none, no oil, no gas. No. Why do you think you were paid millions? I don't know. You know, I really don't know. You think maybe it's because your your father is the second highest elected official in America and in charge of Ukraine. Yeah, probably, probably that's that. I think you're right. I think you found the answer. I'm like, wow, do you agree with me that that was the dumbest interview I think I've ever seen. I'm sitting there hotel lies for that long. It's very, very hard to remember what you've said. Yeah. And by the way, there were a ton of other questions they could have asked. I mean, then we could have gone a lot further with all of this. But you know, look, I'm just saying that is there enough alone? And then you know when John Solomon got the documents that yeah, Barismo, when they're under fire, they're going to the State Department invoking Hunter's name to get out of trouble. Well, Hunter Biden on our board and Hunter Biden, son of the vice person, and just sitting on our board. What are they doing there? They paid for his name? Obviously. To me, that's what And all I know is that everybody that dismisses this, everyone, Oh, there's nothing. There's no credible person. That's just a conspiracy there. Nobody's definite. No serious person has ever thought discussed at all in any possible way that there might be something wrong with all of that. Wow, what a great gig if you can get it. Millions of dollars, no background, no experience, You just get paid because of your last name, millions and millions and millions. It's pretty cool. You don't do anything. I don't know. That's pretty shocking to me. I did see what you're talking about. I'm not going there right. Look, yeah, to me, this is just too serious. Whatever you know, you want to be a screw up in your life, go be. I don't care. It's none of my business anyway, It's I you know, I have very different opinions about it, but whatever. You know, what I do care about is a billion taxpayer dollars being leveraged and a shakedown. And you know, fire the guy. Well, you're not getting the billion. If you fire him, you'll get the billion. Got six hours to decide, and the prosecutor got fired. Son of them be They fired him. And then the guy does interviews with the Washington Post, ABC. This guy's shoking and and John Solomon, he does these interviews and you know, he's like, Yeah, they told me I'm fired because of Biden. That's why I got fired, because Biden demanded it with taxpayer money and a shakedown, you know, calling whatever you want to call it, bribery, shakedown, blackmail. I don't they all seemed to fit to me. We gave you all the criminal statutes that I think are applicable. If it was Trump, we'd have a million investigations going on in the media going nuts. That's how sick the media mob in this country is. With one voice, they just dismissed that, and then they look at a transcript that said nothing. They never mentioned aid and they bring the country to the brink of impeachment, which they've been doing for three years. This is where everybody's now. You gotta get serious here because this is a madness and a mob mentality mindset that is taken over here, and none of it is good for the country. You can ignore, Yeah, if you had top secret classified information on a private server. I'm pretty sure you'd go to jail if you had subpoenat emails everyone in this audience, and you deleted the emails, thirty three thousand of them, and then you cleaned out the hard drives. Nobody'd ever heard of bleach Bit that I know. Now we all know by the way, bleach Bit should love me. Bleach Bit should be like Hannity's the greatest. Why aren't they advertising on our show because they don't have to because I mentioned them for free. Seriously, No, I've never heard of it. You did that, you'd go to jail. You lie to a fis of court, you light any court, you lie to a traffic court. Good luck. You know. We see what happens. What happened to Cone and and Manaphort, Well they didn't pay the taxes, dumb idea, Hey your taxes and then lying on loan applications. We're lying to the FBI. Is the whole thing about Flynn. What's so messed up about that case is Flynn heat The FBI guys still didn't think he was lying. And we know from Sydney Powell being on this program, who's now as attorney thank God, because she's a rock star and she she knows all about prosecutorial abuse of power. Unfortunately this happens some of these prosecutors. They lose sight. This is now, This is now personal for people. Shouldn't be personal. When you're talking about putting somebody in jail. You should actually hope that it turns out not to be true, you know, unless it's a bad person that we really need put away. It's like everybody, well, we're going to pursue charges against Manafort on the local level, state level, whatever, just in case he ever got up hardened. They want him to die in jail. I didn't pay his taxes. Is that the penalty? Die in hell? Okay? I guess that's that's justice in some people's minds. I don't know the whole thing's just better get to the bottom of it. I gotta give. And Lindsey Graham will tell us more in the program. Not only that the Fiser report is out on the ninth and that Inspector General Horowitz is going to be testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on December the eleventh, but he's also written a letter. He announced it last night on Hannity to Secretary Pompeo, and it is apparently he's given the dates and he knows that the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's office under the fired prosecutor because of Biden, Victor Shokin announced property that was seized from the Ukrainian gas company Baris Maholdings and their founder, and that took place at the guy's home in February twenty sixteen, and that Hunter Biden began following then Secretary Deputy of Secretary of State Blincoln, and meetings took place, and apparently a bunch of phone calls, of flurry of calls started to as all this information came out started to come out, as on the Vice President's son and zero experience Hunter being paid millions. Anyway, that apparently a flurry of calls between Biden and the then President of Ukraine Porashenko regarding demands to dismiss the prosecutor. Now, now that we're all in the business of getting transcripts of phone calls with foreign leaders, I think what the essence of the letter to Pompeo is from Lindsey grahams oh, do we have any documents? Do we have any transcripts? Do we have any readouts. Do we have anything that tells us what happened on those calls? As I doubt the Democratic mob would follow through because they already have it all. This is weird. It gets really really twisted and ugly here. This is where it is very messed up. This is what I'm talking about, bifurcating your brain and compartmentalizing and taking on. You know, you have to disconnect from any objective truth, reason, and common sense. The truth becomes a lie, and the lie becomes the truth or the cause justifies so like the ends justifies the means for them, because you'll ignore real obstruction with Hillary, real crime when you talk about the Espionage Act, Yeah, premeditated fraud on a fis a court using unverifiable information we now know was unverifiable and then standing behind it, never going back as the law requires to correct any misinformation you have out there, or outsourcing, spying, or any of the other stuff that went on. This whole thing stinks to high heaven. And this is what I believe the Congressman Windstrup was talking about in a very eloquent monologue that he gave for like six minutes today. I blew me away and in Fiona Hill's reaction to it blew me away. It's like yesterday the moment with Congressman what's his name from Ohio Turner and Jordan, both of them from Ohio. They're amazing. Yesterday, Well, Adam Shift just went out and said that you said that you knew of a quid pro quo. I never said that. Are you saying there was? And CNN's Chiron fake news here and says no, no, no, it's not true. That was only conjecture. What I can tell you is I talked to the president and I asked them an open ended question, what did you want? He said, I want nothing. There's no quid pro quo. I want them to do the right thing because of all of this corruption that exists. Thank god. I never talked to anybody in Ukraine in my life, Thank goodness. Seems like I want a mess. Never seen anything like this. I haven't even gotten, by the way, to this ridiculous debate last night. Oh Man, here, Joe Biden, I am being endorsed the only African American UH senator female senator community in terms of my support. If you notice, I have more people supporting me. It's in the Black community. They announced for me because they know me, they know who I am. Three former chairs of the Black Caucus, the only black African American woman they've ever been elected to the United States Senate. A whole range of people said the first first, Oh you didn't say the first that's a lie. He didn't. And I mean you got to admit kudos to Kamala Harris. I mean, the look on her face, the laugh was priceless, it was infectious. It was a great moment if you were watching this madness, you know, and then it's you know what Trump, you know, Trump making Solon an ambassador's corruption. I love how the Democrats now they're all turning on Solon because yeah, they didn't give them what they wanted yesterday. They're now mad at him. But you know what was last night about everything's free, wealth taxes, tired of freeloading billionaires, and you know, once people taste Medicare for all, they wanted, Oh you gotta pass it before you know what's in it. You gotta taste it. You've got a hungry days hard to bring in one hundred and thirty five million people and Medicare for all at no cost to them, everybody under the age of eighteen, everybody who has family four income less than fifty thousand dollars, how to lower the age of Medicare to fifty and expand Medicare coverage to include a vision and dental and long term care. And then in the third years, had a chance to feel it and taste it, live with it. We're gonna vote, and we're we're gonna taste Medicare for all. Let's taste it. It's gonna taste great, like keep your doctor plan and save money on don't you taste it? Yeah, I'm gonna build three point two million government housing units and uh and and Trump manufactured crisis at the borderlines. Then you got Joe Biden stumble it all over the place. America has to keep punching at domestic violence. I'm like, oh boy. That was after claiming, you know, the Trump and Putin don't want him to be the nominee. Oh boy, Then claiming to have the support of the only elected black female senator. Oh boy. Then Bernie, in my first week, my administration will introduce Medicare for all, you know, and we're gonna prosecute he hinted at prosecuting fossil fuel companies. Wow. Uh. Then the stupid attack Kamala attacking Tulsey Gabbard, Gabbard whatever her name is, you know. And then poor Andrew Yang gets no time. He's complaining about it, and Corey Booker complains that, well, they thought that Joe Biden was high because he doesn't want to legalize marijuana. I don't even know what to say. I just I don't even have words to say. At this point, I finally called the President. I believe it was on the ninth of September. I can't find the records and they won't provide them to me, but I believe I just asked him an open ended question, mister chairman, what do you want from Ukraine? I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and this and that. What do you want? And it was a very short, abrupt conversation. He was not in a good mood, and he just said, I want nothing. I want nothing, I want no quid pro quo. Tell the Lensky to do the right thing, something to that effect. President Trump never told me directly that the aid was conditioned on the meetings. The only thing we got directly from Giuliani was that the barissima in two sixteen elections were conditioned on the White House meeting. The AID was my own personal you know, guests, based again on your analogy two plus two equals for so you didn't talk to President Trump when Ambassador Taylor says that that's what you told him, is that your testimony here? My testimony is I never heard from President Trump that AID was conditioned on an announcement of elections. So you never heard those specific words, correct, right, but never heard those words. Never happened. They never mentioned AID at all in either of the release transcripts. The invitation from the President to President Zelinski to visit the White House was sent without any preconditions. Three separate times an invitation went out. The Every witness except the one they were taught just we just played Sonlon never talked to the president. Every other witness was a hearsay witness. Well, so and so's, so and so's brothers, uncle's, grandfather's, great grandfather's third cousin's niece said, By the way, no hearsay is admissible in court as evidence. It's meaningless conjecture. Opinion. Yeah, I just assumed none of it means anything, especially if you ever get if these maniacs in the house go through at this madness. Even though this blew up in their face yesterday, because not only did Sonlon say, talk to the president, what did the president? He asked the President an open ended question, what do you want in exchange for releasing aid? Nothing? President said nothing. I don't want to quit proquil. I want him to do the right thing. That means he wanted an end to the corruption. We know from a Ukrainian court and political on January eleven, twenty seventeen, that the d n C had a paid operative go to the Ukrainian embassy to collude with Ukraine, and the Ukrainian court confirmed that they were involved as a country an election interference to help Pillary Clinton. I thought everybody cared about that. And then you have the opinion witness as well. I've read the transmit when you first hear about the phone call and the trail. I read the transcript when the transcript came out, and then I talked to so and so. That's not it. None of them are legitimate witnesses. They could ever even be called at a Senate trial. Now when the Republicans yesterday asked to call in miss Chuloopa, the DNC operative that met at the Ukrainian embassy for the purpose of digging up dirt. According to Politico and the Ukrainian court decision, Yeah, they're not going to allow hun to testify. Nor does Hunter Biden testify. Nor does the non whistle blower here, say whistle blower who had contact with the compromised, corrupt congenital liar who he's lying now, he doesn't. Rudy Giuliani and President Trump would do anything that they could do to get the investigation started, but nobody, ever, there's been no evidence today presented. We do have evidence of Joe Biden. He's on tape bragging. He goes, you're not getting the money talking about a billion taxpayer dollars unless you fire that prosecutor that he knew he had been told was investigating his son was being paid millions by Ukrainie, the Ukrainian gas company Borisma Holdings millions of dollars with zero experience. Buyre him in six hours, you get the billion. You don't fire him. You got six hours, son of him be They fired him. New king Ridge, former Speaker of the House. How are you, sir. I'm doing well, and I'm watching this stuff with a little bit of amazement. I mean, the Shift is a congenital liar, so that doesn't surprise me. But the notion that nobody on their staff, and nobody on Pelosi staff, said, you know, we've interviewed all these people and we ain't got nothing, I mean, it is kind of embarrassing and I think destructive to America to take up this much time, spend this much money. Have the entire world watched this circus event when the truth is is you just walked people through it. They ain't got nothing. There's no proof at any place that Trump did anything which was impeachable, which is a very high standard. By way, it's a constitutional standard. So it's not like we're looking for jaywalking here, although I suspect if Pelosi could get him when jaywalking, she would throw that in as one of the attacks. Listen, I've been making the statement that if in fact Donald Trump cured cancer, he'd be impeached for curing cancer. That's how insane. Let me just explain quickly, because maybe you can help me with this. If you're a Democrat today, you have to care about the rule of law, but only when it conveniently works on your behalf by for kate your brain. And Hillary obstructs justice with being at emails and bleach bit and all that and hammers, then no problem. But Donald Trump obstructed. They're all outraged. They care about Russian interference, but they didn't care anything about the dirty Russian dossier that Hillary paid for. They didn't care that that unverifiab bold document was used as the basis for a Faiza warrant. They don't care that Ukraine interfered in our elections. They don't care about the Biden's quit and pro and quo. That is, we now know it's a slam dunk case. How is that possible? Mister speaker helped me out what's wrong with that picture? To you? Well, look, I mean the thing I'm amazed by is that there are only two Democrats on the entire House Democratic Party. There are only two that had the guts to vote know about going forward. And you would think, as you watch this drag one day after day, there's somewhere in the Democratic Party there would be some people with enough integrity that they would say this simply doesn't meet the constitutional standards for impeachment, and it's an embarrassment. It weakens in America around the world, it distracts us from working on healthcare and education and jobs. And the fact that enough they're either so afraid of Pelosi or they're so afraid of their left wing activists, because I don't believe that there aren't thirty or forty or fifty Democrats who actually know in their heart that this is just a profoundly bad thing, that it's bad for America, it's bad for their party, and that Chef is such a total liar that it's an embarrassment to the country to have him as chairman. And I think he's cham of Intelligence, which means that he supposedly has access to all of these secrets and all the things we're trying to learn about our opponents. I find having watched his performance, I find it amazing that he's chairman the Intelligence Committee and a really bad son. Mister Speaker. He's lied to the country. You're right, I call him a corrupt compromise because his office had cont with the non whistle blower. Whistleblower he lied about that too. But he's been lying to the country for three years, We've got all the evidence to prove that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians for investigations including the Muller Report, no evidence. Well, and I watched the other day and I couldn't you know, I couldn't believe it. And I was a little surprised Republicans didn't go after him harder when when he's explaining we're not going to risk the identity of the whistleblower, which implies that he knows the identity, I mean, is he going to defend every single name in the intelligence community, which is seventeen different agencies, And course not. And I don't think any any responsive, honest person knows the chiff must know who the whistle. Of course, let me remind you, it's not a whistleblower, it's a leaker. He does. This person does not fit any of the legal requirements to be considered a whistleblower. And by the way, even the Whistleblower Act does not prevent people from being named. In fact, I got an email from a person who was a whistle blower, who was named, who suffered no retribution, and it just said that that he's offended by the dishonesty of these people totally misstating the law. Let me ask you this, mister speaker, how does this end? Do you see these thirty one Democrats and Trump dominated districts in twenty sixteen. Are they going to dive off the cliff with this group of incredible you know, the Adams Shift cliff that they're building here. Well, I look, I think that they are in a real bind because to the degree that they vote no, let's say they had the Gutson got up and said I'm going to vote no, every left winger in their district and every crazed anti Trump pater in the country would be sending money to a primary opponent to try to beat them. But let's say that they decide that they're going to vote yes, They're going to have an amazing number of people. And I just know us to poll the day that came out that said that they have been losing ground and that now independence by about thirteen points are opposed as like forty eight thirty five or something are opposed to impeachment. So if they're in a district where they were relying on independence in order to win the seat in the Trump district, they may be writing off their career either way. But I do find it amazing that they don't even pretend to be trying to find the truth. They just hunkered down hiding, sort of like a large collection of Muskoks, hoping that the wolves will go away. And I suspect they must be very uncomfortable. And when you watch the testimony and you realize how often people say, no, I did not see that, I did not hear that, I do not believe that's what happened, at some point it has to erode the willingness of some of those Democrats to vote yes. What do you think of the news today? At a group or Republican Senate is meeting with White House Counsel Pat Sappoloni uh and Kelly Ann Conway and Jared Kushner um and they said they White House agrees apparently to back a full Senate trial if the House goes through with this. Well, I've always thought it would be frankly, very educational to have a full Senate trial. You could start by calling in Hunter Biden exactly, then Adam Schiff's staff if you can't call him, and just staff, and you get down the list of everybody whistle blower has wanted to have come in. You would obviously call in the whistle blower. Frankly, given what we know of the kind of vicious anti Trump text from the whistle blower's lawyer, they ought to call the lawyer in. I mean, here's a guy who da February of last year was saying, you know, it was ten days after the president was inaugurated, sir, ten days tend to right so, and he used the word coup. Mm hmmm, you know so. I actually think it would be very educational for the country to have Lindsey Graham leading honest and allowing the Democrats all the questions they wanted and being you will be a real, a genuine, serious review of all the information out also poses a big question for the Democratic senators running for president, since all of this will be occurring as they should be focusing on Iowa and New Hampshire, do they in fact do their job and stay as members of the of the Senate as a jury. Aren't they required Well, I mean they're not required to the Senate. You know, what are you gonna do? Sanction them? Uh? You know, By the way, I'm in favor of Congress the House and set up being off every day of the year, because it's gonna say that they do less damage that way, Maybe come back every five years to a budget and leave as there right there. Speaker of the House new Gingridge. By the way, his book is out, Trump Versus China, Facing America's Greatest Threat. It's a bestseller. Quick break will come back more with the Speaker Lindsey Graham, who announced last night he's sending a letter about the Bidens to Mike Pompeo to see if maybe those transcripts with Joe and Prushenko are available. And also December ninth, he says, the Fiser report by Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General, comes out, and on the eleventh he will be in the Senate Judiciary Committee. As we roll along, the former Speaker of the House, knew Ingrish with us Lindsey Graham at the top of the hour. A lot of news he's making. All right, So what do you think happens from here out? Do you think they do it? Yeah? I mean, I look, I think they're so out of a limb now that their base would would destroy them if they didn't do it. So I'm assuming they're forced to vote, and I'm assuming that Pelosi can get virtually all the Democrats to vote yes. My Haunshes was with the Republican leadership and the House on Monday and Tuesday for a great event when they unveiled the portrait of a former Speaker John Bayner, and I was talking with him and they didn't think they'll lose a single Republican. I think this has totally failed to convince anybody, even in the House. You think, I'm sorry, even in the Senate, even Romney. I'm starting in the House, Well, I think book, I don't think you lose Romney by himself. I think it's almost psychologically impossible in the legislative body on an issue this big, you know, you have to have I think four or five people come together on something like this to be able to do that. Since there's no possibility and I mean literally, to the best of my knowledge, no possibility that the Senate would would ever convict because that would take I think twenty some Republicans. I think that the odds are the party just pulls together. There's a pointer, there's a pole in Iowa that just game out in the De Moines magister a couple of days ago that in Iowa, ninety four percent of the Republicans would vote for Trump. Now, well, that says to me is he's actually more popular than Ronald Reagan was among Republicans. He doesn't have Reagan's reach yet among independence, but he's doing very well among Republicans. Well, I gotta tell you the Wisconsin he's up winning there. If you look at other election data, you see that the president. Every poll I've seen come out now today shows that the President's approval ratings have gone up. And I don't think this is going to change. How Look, I think the backfiring has begun. They gave it their best shot and there was no quid pro quo that blew up in their face. They thought they had him. They don't. It's another congenital liar compromise shift which hunt and I'm gonna tell you, if it ends badly, it's bad for the country. But mister speaker, thank you. We love having you back. All right, thank you, all right. Breaking news at the top of the next hour, Senator Lindsey Graham. He said, December ninth, we get the Horowitz report on bizo abuse. Harrowitch speaks to the Senate Judiciary Committee. His Committee on December eleventh, and we'll talk to him about his letter to Pompeo. Can we get the transcripts of Biden and the Ukrainian president? Thank you, mister Chairman, and thank you both for being here. You know, in nineteen ninety eight, I voluntarily joined the United States Army in reserve because I saw our country under attack time and time again. Bill Clinton was the president. I didn't vote for Bill Clinton, but he was my commander in chief. It didn't matter that I didn't vote for him. I'm grateful to live in a country that gets to legitimately elect our leaders. And I've been to places where people don't get to and it's not pretty. And I respect our system and I accept the results that are determined by the American people. I deployed to Iraq two thousand and five two thousand and six is an Army surgeon with soldiers from many backgrounds. The most important thing was we were all Americans. That was first and foremost in our mission. We treated our troops, we treated the enemy, winning over the hearts and minds of people that never knew us because of their dictator, Saddam Hussein, who told them that we were responsible for all their problems, and that was his narrative. And speaking of narrative, doctor Hill, I'm sorry, I have to say. You said, based on statements you've heard that some of this committee believe Russia did not conduct a campaign against our country is false. That's mister Schiff's narrative. That's where you've heard it. We did a whole report on it, and we agree that Russia has done this since the Soviet Union, and they've actually gotten better at it. That's a problem. But at the same time, certain Ukrainians did work against candidate Trump, some with the DNC. And if that's debunked, why is it. Mister Schiff has denied DNC operative of Alexandra Chalupa testifying to come forward and debunk it. I asked America. Was it good for the country for the DNC and the Clinton campaign to pay Christopher Steele to dig up fake dirt with other foreign service sources on their political rival. Was it good for America to claim having evidence of the president colluding with Russians when he did not, costing the taxpayer millions and being debunked by special counsel. I'd say the false narrative got caught. Was it good for the country for Americans and foreigners alike to attempt to entrap members of the United States presidential campaign, specifically the Trump campaign. Salley, I've come to believe through all this that some in power do think it's good. They think it's okay. And now we're here at an impeachment proceedings, certainly a right that Congress has and apparently even with very partisan rules. But I'm curious this impeachment inquiry was announced by the Speaker before the whistle blower complaint was even out. I'm curious why the lawyer for the whistle blower announced that the coups to impeach the president. That he announced that right after Trump won. That's pretty damning. I know it hurts after losing an election, especially as Americans. We usually get over it. And I imagine it would hurt even more if you were promised the position in the next administration and lost, and your hopes and your dreams are dashed. You know, I've seen hatred for political reasons, specifically on June fourteenth, twenty seventeen, at a ballfield in Virginia, and I've seen hatred in war, and I know that hatred blinds people. I've been in war, and I've studied war and coups create division, and it's time for this phase of the publicly bounced and proclaimed democrat. Pooh end, thank you for your service, thanks for being here, and I yield back. Could I actually say something, because we've had three doctor, I was going to ask you if you'd like to respond, general suspend, Doctor Hill. You may respond no. I think that what doctor wenster Up said was very powerful about the importance of overcoming hatred and certainly partisan division. And it's unfortunate that Congressman Turner and Ratcliffe have both left as well, because I think all of us who came here under a legal obligation also felt we had a moral obligation to do so. We came as fact witnesses. When I was referring to questions that i'd heard, it was in the context of the deposition that I gave on October fourteenth, because I was very worried about the turn in which some of the questions we're taking. And I understand that the point is being readed about individuals, as you've just said, doctor Wenstrop, and that these articles lay out taking different positions in our elections. I don't believe it should be any interference of any kind in our election. I think it was unfair for people to already call the election and to make attacks also on candidate Trump and on President Trump. And I know that this has put a huge cloud over this presidency and also over our whole democratic system. That's actually why is a non partisan person, and as an expert on Russia and an expert on Vladimir Putin and on the Russian security services, I wanted to come in to serve the country, to try to see if I could help. I heard President Trump say that he wanted to improve the relations with Russia. I believe we have to. We can't be in this unending confrontation with Russia. We have to find a way to stabilize that relationship ship and to professionalize that relationship, as well as to stop them from doing what they did in twenty sixteen again in twenty twenty. This is really the crux of the issue that I and others are trying to put across, and I think that you've put across very eloquently the other matters related to this inquiry. We're here just to provide what we know and what we've heard. I understand that for many members this maybe hearsay. I've talked about things I heard with my own ears. I understand that Ambassador Sondland has said a lot of things. I've told you what he told me and what others told me. A lot of other people have said things to me again as well, and also to mister Holmes. And we here to relate to you what we heard, what we saw, and what we did, and to be of some help to all of you in really making a very momentous decision here. We are not the people who make that decision. And I do again want to underscore what you've said here, Doctor Winship. It was very eloquent and very moving about your service and trying to bring us all together again as Americans. We need to be together again in twenty twenty so the American people can make a choice about the future and about make their vote in a presidential election without any fear that this is being interfered in by and from any quarter whatsoever. Wow, that was a powerful moment that took place today. And I will tell you that between this is all about to hit a major screeching halt and a reversal of fortunes of you will. This is everything that Democrats got on. Thing now left that they have is to use their hearsay evidence, their opinion witnesses, their hearsay witnesses, and go ahead with this impeachment coup attempt led by a corrupt, compromise congenital liar by the name of Adam Schiff. This is what your modern liberal Democratic party has now become. This is who they are. They haven't lifted a finger to help make us safer, more secure, to help the economy, job creation, energy and depend nothing. All they've done for three years is try to undo an election they never thought they were going to lose. It is beyond a temper tantrum. This is now a raging psychosis and madness. I said last night on television. I'm saying it to anyone who will listen. You have to care about Russian election interference and ignore the dirty dossier. Why how's that possible? You have to forget that an unverified dirty Russian dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton becomes the basis of a FISA application after warning, after warning that it's unverified, Steel hated Trump, Hillary had an agenda and paid for it, and they used it as the bulk of information to destroy one guy's life and take away his constitutional rights Carter Page and then a backdoor into all things Trump campaigned, Trump transition, Trump presidency. And that means you you are put on the top of the verified FISA application has verified. You have to say, yeah, this is verified true. When the FBI finally got around a looking at it, what do we find? They found ninety plus percent they proved not true and likely the rest not true either. And then of course we, uh, what are we outsourcing spying? Is that next to Italy and Great Britain in Australia can't wait for that report? But now, okay, well we Mueller, we waited. We had the FBI none, the investigation no there there, Peter Struck even said Lisa Page, we found nothing. Then we have the House Intel Committee nothing, and we have the Bipartisan Senate Committee nothing. The Holy Grail was coming though, and that was that was the Muller report. Nothing. So we'll make it up. We're not gonna waste three years this time. I'll impeach him over this and we'll have hearsay witnesses not admissible at any court. Here's the well so and so's brothers, so and so's cousins, great grandfather's niece's son's third cousin. Okay, meaningless or we have opinion witnesses one after another opinion witnesses. Well, my take on reading the transcript is it's meaningless too when we could read it directly. We don't need your opinion because the president never discussed aid, the president never made a quid pro quo, and frankly was faithfully executing the laws of this land because people for three years told us they cared about foreign election interference, that they care about corruption and quid pro quos, but not with Joe and not with Hunter. Spectacular hypocrisy. This is hurting this country, all of it. This is bad for this country what they are doing now on three hundred forty eight days. I remind you every day you get the final say. We the people get the final say. We get to decide. And if you want to reward this and empower this, I can't help you will ultimately get the government we deserve. But if this is their path to power and it's successful, or if we have a double standard where there's one set of laws for Hillary Clinton Espionage Act, every sub section violated. They cared about obstruction of justice, but not the deleted subpoena emails and the cleaning of the hard drive and busting up devices. Nobody cared or rigging a primary against Bernie. Nobody cared or lying on FISA applications to spy on Americans, or outsourcing spying to circumvent American laws on Americans and on highly powered Americans. And everyone else gets put in jail lying to the FBI and then setting up a thirty three year veteran combat veteran by the name of General Flynn, three star general. It's unbelievable, and bragging about it. Uh, yeah, I did something. I took full advantage. I'd never have done that, never have gotten away with it in the Obama or Bush years. But I did it. Sure, that's after his deputy said the number two guy, the FBI said, no, no no, you don't need a lawyer. Meanwhile, it was an investigation the whole time, a setup. That's we treat our vets really that we don't provide them there that Miranda rites even we just lighted them and set them up. Guy has to sell his house, broke bankrupt, and we're supposed to be happy about this system of justice. This is not what our framers, this is not what they designed. This is what they fought against. And it's now been bastardized and destroyed and shredded. And if it succeeds, we're done. It's over. No equal justice, no equal application. You take your constitution and shred it. Why for the New Green Deal ninety four trillion, no choice in healthcare, Medicare for all? Great, we'll all die together, can't wait. We're gonna confiscate money. We're going to redistributed to pay for everything. Everything's free, but no lifeblood of our economy oil and gas and no combustion engine. Everything else is free. How to keep your doctor plants, save money? Work out? After you testified, Chairman Shift ran out and given press conference and said he gets to impeach the president Night states because of your testimony. And if you pull up CNN today right now, their banner says Solon ties Trump to withholding AID. Is that your testimony today, Master Silon, that you have evidence that Donald Trump tied the investigations to the AID. Because I don't think you're saying that. I've said repeatedly, Congressman, I was presuming I also said that President Trump, so not just the president. Giuliani didn't tell you, Well, Vaney didn't tell you. Nobody. Pompeo didn't tell you. Nobody else on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying aid to these investigations. Is that correct? I think I already testified. No answer the question, is it no one on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying this aid to the investigations. Because if your answers yes, then the Chairman's wrong and the headline on CNN is wrong. No one on this planet told you that President Trump was tying aid to investigations. Yes or no? Yes? So you really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations, other than my own presumption, which is nothing. I mean, that's what i'd under said. So you know what hearsay evidence is, Ambassador. Hearsay is when I testify what someone else told me. Do you know what made up testimony is? Made up testimony is when I just presume it. I mean, you're just assuming all of these things and then you're giving them the evidence that they're running out and doing press conferences, and CNN's headline is saying that you're saying that President United States should be impeached because he tied aid to investigations and you don't know that, correct. I never said the President United States should be impeached. Nope, but you did. You have left people with the confusing impression that you were giving testimony that you did not. You do not have any evidence that the President United States was tied to withholding aid from Ukraine and exchange for investigations. I yield back. You said to the President of the United States, what do you want from Ukraine? The president? I want nothing, I want no quit pro que. I want Zealinsky to do the right thing. I want him to do what he ran on. What did you run on, Ambassador silon transparency and dealing with corruption? Right? That's right. Mister Casser raised another important point. Why didn't you put that statement in your opening statement? I think you said you couldn't fit it in. Is that right? That we might be here for forty six minutes? It wasn't five unpurposeful? Trust me, Ambassador, When did it happen? When did what happen? The announcement. When did President Zalinsky announced that the investigations were going to happen? On page fourteen, you said this was there a quick pro quote. Today's your opening statement. As I testified previously with regards to requested White House call, White House meeting, the answer is yes, that they didn't need to be a public statement from President Zelensky. When the chairman asked you about the security assistance dollars, you said there needed to be a public announcement from Zelenski. So I'm asking you a simple question, when did that happen? Never did? Never? Did? They got the call July twenty fifth, They got the meeting, not in the White House, but in New York on September twenty fifth, They got the money on September eleventh, when the meeting happened again? Never did? You don't know who was in the meeting. Which meeting are you referring the meeting that never happened? Who was in it? You know how people? You know how zalk You know how Zelensky announced it? Did he tweet it? Did he do a press statement? Did he do a press conference? You know how that happened? I mean, you got all three of them wrong. They get the call, they get the meeting, they get the money. It's not two plus two, it's oz for three. I mean, I've never seen anything like that. And you told mister cast that the President never told you that the announcement had to happen to get anything. In fact, he didn't just not tell you that, he explicitly said the opposite. I finally called the President. I believe it was on the ninth of September. I can't find the records and they won't provide them to me, but I believe I just asked him an open ended question, mister chairman, what do you want from Ukraine? I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and this and that. What do you want? And it was a very short, abrupt conversation. He was not in a good mood, and he just said, I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quote. Tell the was Lensky to do the right thing, something to that effect. President Trump never told me directly that the aid was conditioned on the meetings. The only thing we got directly from Juliani was that the barissima in two sixteen elections were conditioned on the White House meeting. The AID was my own personal you know, guests based again on your analogy two plus two equals for so you didn't talk to President Trump when Ambassador Taylor says that that's what you told him, is that your testimony here, My testimony is I never heard from President Trump that AID was conditioned on an announcement of elections. So you never heard those specific words, correct, right, but never heard those words all right, game, set and match right there? And today what do we have today? Fiona Hill confirming a lack of all first hand knowledge can provide zero firsthand knowledge regarding the Zalinsky call or withholding of AID homes, repeatedly relying on other individuals testimonies for his account all day He's going into throughout his deposition, relying on the testimony of other witnesses for information. And what did I say yesterday? Up till yesterday in Sonlin, every single quote witness was either a hearsay, non witness witness or an opinion witness. They gave their opinion about the transcript that we all have an opportunity to read ourselves. Joining us now, he's the Chairman of the House of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator, and I nearly demoted you, Senator Lindsey Graham of the Great State of South Carolina. How are you, sir, Well, I've been called worse than being a houseman. Brian. They're good. Thank you for having me. You're following all of this closely. One of the questions. You are the first person to respond to our tweets. And I think we're like now up to fifty senators. We're going to get back on that. And by the way, even Mitch McConnell's office got in touch with us and they said, yeah, of course the federal rules apply, meaning hearsay is not admissible evidence and any trial if it should get to the Senate, give me your take. I thought yesterday that ended, it died, it's finished. Well, okay, so let's I think I can give you some context here. September the ninth, Sinlon calls the President and says, what do you want? What do you want to get out of this's your bottom line? And the President says, I don't want anything. I don't want any quit pro quo. I want them to do the right thing. And what was the reason. I'm confident the president did not want to quit pro quo because he'd be locked into giving him the AID and he didn't want to give four hundred billion dollars of the Ukraine. Okay, he doesn't want to give money to Lebanon right now. So that's been a consistent Trump approach. What happened on the eleventh? When did the aide start? When did they When did they When did they turn the aide back? On September the eleventh, two days later? Okay, you with me, I'm with him following closely. Okay, So what happened in those two days? Ron j And calls the President says, you know, we need to give them money for the next fiscal year. Slenski's a good guy. I think he's going to live up to his word to fight corruption and he's not on Putin's team. Rob Portman calls the president has a Ukrainian constituency, Miss pros, I mean, we need to give the aid this new guys. Okay. I called the Pentagon weeks before and said what is it with the aid? And Penagon people told me they didn't know the new president, so they're very cautious about giving him four hundred million dollars. Senator Derman had an amendment in the Appropriations markup for September the eleventh that would turn that would appropriate money for the next fiscal year and basically make sure the money flows. I called the White House on September the tenth and said, I'm going to vote with Senator Derman Durman, and I'm gonna bring two people with me, and you're going to lose. In committee. Midnight September the tenth, they agreed to turn the aid back on for the fiscal year. The only reason the President ever did this is because he was going to lose a vote in the Appropriations Committee. I am convinced of that. You know. It's an amazing insight where you're bringing here, you know, And then Jim Jordan's followed in real time, Sean, you can go back to the Appropriations Committee markup where Senator Durban says, I have this amendment. I was told this morning. Last night they took to hold off the aid for the next fiscal year. I don't need to do the amendment. Then he talked about why you know we need to help Ukraine, and I chim b and I said, Senator Durban, your amendment made a big difference. I was going to vote with you. Now that's all on a public record. September the eleventh, all right, so all of that is on the record. The aid was released. Jim Jordan established that there was no announcement of any investigation. So there's no quit or pro or quo. Now there is one with Joe. I mean, oh, you're not getting the money unless you fire a Ukrainian prosecutor who he was told repeatedly was investigating his son who had zero experienced zero, none, zero, and was making millions of dollars. He demand, you got six hours to do it. That is without question. He brags about it on tape on television. I told the son of a bitch that if you don't fire the prosecutor, you won't get the money. And you got six hours. So here's why that's important. Hunter Biden sat on the board of Barisma, right, and the Prosecutor General on February of the second rated the president of Barisma, Zolchicki home and got a lot of damaging information. Solchicki was the former environmental minister and the Yanakovic's administration, and twenty fifteen September our investador in the Ukraine, makes a speech urging the prosecutor generals to be more aggressive regards corruption in the Ukraine. And the person he mentioned to be the baddest of the bed was the president of Burmisa, Burmisa whatever you call the company. He said, okay, so I signed it odd that in twenty fifteen September, our ambassador is urging the prosecutor general to go after the guy that he goes after in February. Now here's where it gets really weird. Once he actually goes after the guy. Hunter Biden kicks in Hunter Biden's on the board of the dirtiest guy in the Ukraine and he contacts the State Department. And between February the fourth and the time the guy was fired in March, the prosecutor, Joe Biden, makes three phone calls and four days to the President of the Ukraine Press the time actually goes over in March and meets with the President. Shortly after the meeting, the president fires the prosecutor and Hunter Biden company is in the clear. Also, Hunter Biden's business partner between February the fourth and the firing of the prosecutor met with John Kerry. I want to know what he met with John Kerry about and I want to know if there any transcripts of the phone calls between Vice President Biden the President of the Ukraine Prushenko between February the fourth and the time the guy was fired. Indeed, he mention this investigation of Erminia. Now, wait a minute, do vice presidents like we now know President Trump, have transcripts of calls? Because you wrote the Secretary Estate today, Mike Pompeo, and I'll let you explain it in your own words what you're looking to find. Okay, what I did is I wrote to Secretary Pompeo, I want to know if you have any readoubts or transcripts of the conversations between the Vice President Biden and the President of the Ukraine from February the fourth, all the way up until the time the guy was fired in March. They were three phone calls in four or five days, and that was unusual. The Vice President had the Ukrainian portfolio a couple of years before, a year or so before, and he usually called once a month. This is the first time he made three calls basically back to back. And the Biden team, between Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and hunter Biden's business partner make a full scale assault on the State Department after the raid on the gas company's president's home, where Hunter Biden said as a board member. By the way, John Solomon said last night that apparently Hunter Biden might have had a place in Ukraine that was also rated. That would be news if true, and I've heard I don't know if this is true. I'm trying to find it that they were that an ally of ours was concerned that Bermus Barmusa Barisma. We're both scrowing it up. Go ahead, yeah, Barisma may have been used by the Russians to line your money. So you got to remember that the president of this gas company was identified in twenty fifteen by the Obama ambassador to be one of the most corrupt people in the current country and urged the Prosecutor General to hold him accountable for his time as environmental minister. Isn't it odd that once the prosecutor general actually went after the guy that he gets fired. He should have been rewarded. Now what happened. The difference is that they went after the gas company president and Hunter Biden was a board member. I am convinced that after the raid of the President's home, the Biden world kicked in in an unusual fashion regarding the State Department, and I just want to know it may be innocent, but I sure as He'll believes, somebody needs to look at it. That is important. I hope Secretary of Pompeo gives you a response, and if that information exists, I believe, based on what we already know, that that would be very damning. We'll take a quick break center Lindsay Graham. He is the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He announced on Hannity last night that the Inspector General Michael Horowitz will be releasing his report on December the ninth and be in his committee to testify on December the eleventh. That's next straight ahead, right as we continue with Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Senator, let's go to what you broke last night on the show. And I've got to be honest, I think I speak for a lot of people being frustrated in terms of, Okay, when is the IG report on Buy's abuse coming? You said definitively December ninth, and that Michael Horowitz will be testifying before your committee December the eleventh. Right, that's what's going to happen, is that locked in now. This is not another So I've been talking to Horowitz about where he's at with there's report. There was trying to get as much of it declassified. You have to go to the CIA to Department of Justice. Anybody mentioned in the report, they get a chance to comment, to make sure that you know they're being mentioned. They could tell their side of the store. Has been a pretty long process. The problem is that he found so many new things. Every time they'd pick up a rock, they'd find something under it. So I told Horowitz, you know, this is important for the country for you to get right. Timely is better, and he told me that he felt like he could have it done December the eleventh in a professional way and that it would be ready for distribution to the public December the ninth. He also indicated that almost everything he wanted declassified has been declassified because he wants you to read it for yourself and not have a lot of black spots on a page. So that's what's happening, and we'll know December the ninth what he found, and we'll hear from him directly December the eleventh. All right, twenty five now before the top of the hour, we continue. Senator Lindsey Graham announcing December ninth is the date the Fiser report of Inspector General Horowitz is released. Senator Graham announcing December eleventh, the Inspector General Harrowitz will appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senator, there's something called the Grassly Graham memo, and in that memo it said that the bulk of information in the FISA applications this is about FISA abuse, that that came from an unverifiable we know now dirty Russian dossier on Donald J. Trump, then candidate, that Hillary Clinton paid for with funneled money through a law firm, hiring an OUP research firm, hiring a foreign agent by the name of a Christopher Steele. Here's my question. We know that the DOJ and the FBI were warned by Kathleen Cavalac Bruce or as many as five separate warnings that it's unverified that Steele had a political agenda and Hillary paid for it. Steele, in an interrogatory said he has no idea if any of this is true. In Great Britain, that means it's an unverifiable document. When the FBI finally got around to doing a deep dive investigation, they disproved over nine of that document. My question to you is is there any other possible conclusion then premeditated fraud against the FISA Court, which denied one American citizen, Carter Page, his constitutional rights, but also provided a backdoor and to all things candidate Trump World, transition Trump World, and then President trump World, because there were three subsequent renewal applications all approved. Well, the Grassy Graham memo was myself and Chuck going to the available documents we had with our staff to paint a picture that the dossier was paid for about political party, that the person who wrote the dossier had a well known bias against the president, and the substance of it is a bunch of garbage, unverified to this day. Why do we have Harwitz coming forward? Does he agree with what we found? Does he if he has for what we found, that would be stunning. What would it mean? It would mean that the FISA Court was defrauded. Rather than me speaking for him, You're going to hear from him December the eleventh, and I would be curious as to whether or not he agrees with our research on our analysis, and if he doesn't, I'd like to know why, and that's why he's coming forward. I've heard it's over five hundred and fifty pages. Now, if to this day anything in the Fiser report, I've learned a lot about FISA applications. On the top of a FISA application, Senator, is something the word verified. So if the information in the application is unverifiable and they were warned it was unverifiable, to me, that would be a pretty slam dunk case. And we do have the infamous words of the deputy FBI director, that would be Andrew McCabe when he said he had no dossier, no FISA warrant. So let's just unpack that, all right, without the dossier McCabe says, or no warrant issues against quarter or page. If in fact that's true, and the dossier is aunt dossier's unverified to this day, then Defiser Court should steel betrayed. Now here's the question, when did they try to verify the docier. It's my belief that they made no serious effort to verify it until after they'd gotten to warrant. Multiple times. Well, Senator, let me ask you, if I presented information to any court, even if it was for a traffic ticket, and I was the information I was presenting to the court, I swore and verified was true, and I had no idea if it was true, or if I was warned that it's not true and it wasn't verifiable and it's not true in the end, why do I think that somebody like Sean Hannity would probably and everybody listening to this show would probably find themselves arrested and likely facing a prison term. Well, if you're a cop and you go get a warrant for a judge and you give him a bunch of garbage, you're in trouble. So there's two outcomes here. If it's clear that these people knew that information they were providing to the files a court or should have known was unreliable in false, and they could be charged with basically violating the oath to the court. The other outcome is they made no effort at all. They were sloppy, they were negligent, they were indifferent, they were careless. That should at least invoke a Reprimand so what we will hear from Harwoods is that the information provided to the court was it such that you can prove that they intentionally misled the court, which would be a crime at a minimum. I think you're going to find that they did a terrible job, a lousy job, and I hope this never happens again, and I hope the files of court will discipline to people who basically misled it. Did you, Senator, have an opportunity to hear the Attorney General of the United States, Bill Barr in a speech that he gave over the weekend. Would you like me to play a portion of it? Because I thought, sir, I thought this was a powerful speech that would never be given it unless the Attorney General had good reason to give it. I'll play something for you. Unfortunately, just in the past few years, we have seen these conflicts take on an entirely new character. Immediately after President Trump won election, opponents inaugurated what they called the resistance, and they rallied around an explicit strategy of using every tool and maneuver to sabotage the functioning of the executive branch and his administration. Now, resistance is the language used to describe insurgency against rule imposed by an occupying military power. This is a very dangerous and indeed incendiary notion to import into the politics of a democratic republic. The fact of the matter is that in waging a scorched ef no holds barred war of resistance against this administration, it is the left that is engaged in the systematic shredding of norms and undermining the rule of law. Senator, That to me means that the Attorney General, I believe everything he said is true and accurate, and we have proven it. Look at the Russia witch hunt, now look at the Ukraine impeachment, coup attempt witch hunt. I believe all of that is accurate, and I believe for an Attorney general to say that means he knows a lot more than little old talk show host Sean Hannity. Well, it was a bowl statement, and I think the fact patterns justified that statement real quickly. Muller was allowed to do his job without political interference. Twenty five million dollars sixty FBI agency issued a very hundreds of pages, and he decided not to recommend any action against the president. I thought it would be over. Now you've got an impeachment inquiry led by Adam Schiff, the most partisan guy in the House and wanting to get Trump since day one, making up an allegation that doesn't hold water. This is the first time a president's ever been teached by a partisan rather than outside council. So it just explains to me that they will never accept Trump being the legitimate president. Did the institutions of the Department of Justice and FBI at the top engage in similar conduct but trying to get a warrant improperly maybe illegally against the Trump campaign? Did they open up a counterintelligence operation against a Trump campaign violating every norm of the intelligence community? By the way, this together its existence. You can't have a counterintelligence investigation senator without the signing off of the Oval Office. That would be President Barack OI. Don't believe this possible for our government to investigate the nominee of the Republican Party without it going all the way to the top. And you should have some rules about how our government can investigate the nominee of any major party. There are no rules. And look what happened after he won. They surveiled his transition team, They surveiled Michael Flynn. You know this is the president to be what are they doing surveiling his team? You had an alleged effort to wire somebody to invote the twenty fifth Amendment. If this doesn't scare you, then you've lost all sense of what it's like to be an American because you hate Trump so much. Listen, I know I'm keeping you much longer than your plan. If you have to go, I understand. I just have a lot of questions for you. You know, Senator, I don't think we've lived in a time like this that we're supposed to care about Russian foreign interference on our elections. But you have a medium mob and one party that will ignore a dirty, bought and paid for Russian dossier. If you're a Democrat, you have to be an eye believer, but you won't. Nobody I believed when the significant serious charges of rape and violence sexual assault were made against the Lieutenant Governor the Commonwealth of Virginia, noe, not a peep out of the eye believers to be you know, you have to ignore a Ukrainian court that said they did interfere in the twenty sixteen elections. You have to ignore that a DNC operative by the name Shaloopa as chronicled in Politico on January eleven, twenty seventeen, literally coordinated with Ukrainians to get dirt on Trump and Manafort and other Trump campaign associates to help Hillary Clinton win in twenty sixteen. And you have to be against a quid pro quo. But ignore Joe who says, fire the prosecutor who's paying my son's millions with zero experience, and you get a billion. But if you don't fire them, you don't get the billion. And you've got six hours to decide. You have to That's how you have to bifurcate your brain. Senator, Well, what you're doing is trying to get it out. You want President Trump to be removed from office or be damaged to the point that he can't get reelected. You want to keep the seat open so that a Democrat can fill Kavanaugh's seat, not Kavanaugh. No rules are going to get in your way in terms of an outcome. The presumption of inncent doesn't apply to Kavanaugh because it gets in the way. So the bottom line here's are seeking an outcome and the rules be damped. Here's what would be interesting for me. I supported Mueller being able to do his job without interference, because well, you know, I thought somebody needed to look at all these allegations. It could not be done through the political process because everybody's so in their camps and I trusted Mueller to be fair. Now, whether you believe he was fair or not, it's now history. He found nothing to charge the president with and his report found no collusion and no actual instruction of justice. Here's what I wonder about Democrats. If Harrowitz comes out and says the FISI Court was defrauded, the FISI Court was misled, the counter intelligence investigation was a sham. Will they care or if they used if they outsource spying to allied countries fill in the blanks. Ye, will they care? And I just ask them to do what I was willing to do. Senator, we already know the answer. They won't care. It's never been as bad, has it. Well, if they won't care about this, that means getting Trump is the goal, and it's okay as long as you're out to get Trump. There's no rules when it comes to getting Trump. The ends justify the means, And if that becomes the way we look at everything done to President Trump is okay as long as they're wanted to get him. Then this is really scary. I mean, I'm trying to tell my Democratic colleagues, look what they're doing to the president. In the House. They're having the hind closed doors depositions. They're selective leaking information. The president's counsel is excluded from cross examining witnesses the president. The Republicans couldn't call a witness until the third day of the hearings. How would you like this to be done to a Democratic president. You're putting the entire presidency at risk. I know you don't like Trump, but let's don't destroy everything that makes America rule of all nation just because you don't like Trump. Senator, you have been and have emerged as a real leader in the Senate. You and I have had our disagreements over the years, they're long forgotten. Amen to and thank you for the important work you're doing for the country. Your voice, your strength, your you know what you're doing is important here. Well, you know what you're doing. You're not talking about, you know, my ideological difference with Democrats. You're actually exploring the fact patterns and of all the researchers on Gable Television I watch your show because usually I learned something I wouldn't have known otherwise. And John Solomon should be getting prizes for his reporting. He's being condemned. Yeah, Senator, thank you. You've been very generous with your time today. We'll look forward to December ninth and December eleventh. All right, happy thing, Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving as well. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean Tolfree telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. We are loaded up tonight, I mean loaded, Oh breakout. Congresswoman Elise Stefanac is going to do our show tonight. Congressman Winstrup rock star today. He's on the show The Great One, Mark Levin. Tonight, we've got Dan Bongino, Horaldo, Matt Whittaker, David Limbar, Ryan's previous We're just loaded up. We've got montages that will blow you away. You're gonna want to record them. Nine Eastern tonight Hannity on Fox. Seea then back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.