First Democratic Dropout

Published Jul 11, 2019, 10:00 PM

John McLaughlin, Pollster and Strategist and Retired Syndicated Columnist and Pollster, Matt Towery, review the polls and the latest information on the battling democrats and the official dropout of the first candidate; Eric Swalwell.  With Kamala Harris abandoning her post in California and making the national rounds, Beto O’Rourke’s bizarre comments on race, and the interview with Joe Biden on CNN, with his wife Jill, there’s no shortage of news on the democratic candidates. 

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All right, clad you with us busy newsday today as we have a lot going on eight hundred and nine for one. Shaun as our toll free telephone number three speech summit going on at the White House President Executive Order on the census question, well, what is wrong with asking a question that you know has been asked so many, so many times in the past. What is wrong with knowing how many people in this country have come into this country and are here illegally that didn't respect our borders, our laws, our sovereignty and having that number as a baseline. I mean, I know people throw out numbers all the time, but eleven million, thirty million, seven million, eight million, nobody knows. So it would be an opportunity for America to get to know. There's no better opportunity. We've done it in past census, and the President wants to do it now. I think it's the right thing to do. And the fact that everybody wants to turn this into some type of race issue has nothing to do with race. You know the president, everyone forgets that he wants to build a wall. But what else did he say with a big door in it? Okay, a big door means that he supports legal immigration, not illegal immigration, and every listen, I don't care where you come from, I really don't. I think, for example, having people I like the idea of merit based immigration, especially for certain sectors, certain fields of endeavor. If, for example, we need more computer programmers, or we need more doctors, or we need more surgeons, or we need more engineers, or whatever it happens to be, whatever the field of endeavor happens to be. Or maybe we need more laborers to work in different construction jobs or in farms around in America. Okay, we have opportunities. We can't fill these positions absolutely. I'm only asking for two things. Number one, that we check you out and make sure you that you are who you say you are, and that you have no intention, no background, no red flags, no indication that you support ideas that are contrary too and contradict our American constitutional system. In other words, that you're here because you want a better life. Okay, once we check you out, we determine you're the person you say you are. There are jobs available for people right now. We learned from the FED that there seven and a half million unfilled jobs in America today. That's a huge amount of jobs that we've got to fill, and we're virtually at full employment in this country. So if we need laborers, or maybe we need doctors, or maybe we need mechanical engineers, or maybe we need computer programmers, Okay, you can make the application. We can expedite the process which has been burdensome and takes way too long. You should pay for your own vetting. If you want to be a citizen, you should pay to be vetted. And by vetting, we do a security background check on whoever you happen to be. And the other requirement I would have is that you've got to be able and prove that you will be able to take care of yourself and not rely on the American taxpayers for education, health care, or any other housing, clothing, whatever you might need. I think that's fair because we only have a limited number of available slots at any given time, sometimes more we have more slots than others, and it's highly coveted, and I think it should be given to people that respect our laws, our constitution, our sovereignty, and our border. I don't think it should be given to people that just decide they want to come to America. The hell with our laws, the hell with our borders, the hell with our sovereignty. It's really that simple knowing who is here illegally, you know. I mean, if we did what Mexico has done up to really recently, Mexico, if you're an illegal immigrant, they would throw you out immediately, or even worse, they would throw you in jail for a significant period of time. Now, one of the things that's happened on the border recently is there is a dramatic slow down in terms of let's see an eighty five decrease in border apprehensions, the lowest level since March. Now, why did that happen? Because finally the President put his foot down, even though some Republicans no spine, no backbone, he said, okay, if you don't stop at Mexico, because you're allowing it to happen. Those people coming from El Salvador and Nicaraugua, Central America are creating migrant caravans, and they're marching straight through your country and you're not doing anything. And you're supposed to be our friend and neighbor. Normally your practice has been to return people, but you've decided to let people just walk right on through Mexico right up to the Mexican border with America. And now we've got a potential crisis going on. Okay, that has to stop. And if it doesn't stop, we're going to slap a tariff on you. And that's what the President has done. And so we'll see. So anyway, the President is going to move forward with the citizenship question. The other thing this freedom of speech form on these big tech companies. You gotta understand something here. If we don't do that. Think of the Project Veritas video and James O'Keefe what was it last week or the week before, two weeks ago, and an undercover video showing the people at Google in a very sophisticated fashion, are programming algorithms. Now we're leaving my area of expert. He's here, so you know, bear with me a little bit. But what they're doing is controlling content. In other words, they want to control the news that people see when they google a particular topic. Now, in the one case, what James O'Keefe did very cleverly, I think, is he said, all right, let's google Hillary Clinton and emails. Well, of course we expect email server. The violation of the Espionage Act and top secret classified information on the secret server, and of course the obstruction of subpoena, emails deleted and bleach bit and the hammers anyway, but it's buried in Google. But you get Donald Trump pops right up. Now that would be well, frankly, it's propaganda. It's not honest. It's a false representation of what the truth is on the topic. And I you'd think Google would want to inform people with the truth. But it's also a camp donation. When you were dealing with Google and the numbers of people that we have that tap into Google every single solitary day to look up information, and you're controlling the free flow of that information. But you're now talking about the ability probably to impact the outcome of a presidential race, a national election. That's a problem because that's the biggest in kind donation ever. Or the same would go for Facebook or Twitter or any of these high tech companies. If they're controlling data, if they're shadow banning people, if for example, they set up algorithms that reduced conservative content but spread virally liberal content, well that's what there's high Tech Summit's about a lot going on in the way House, they got the summit. Then on top of that, then they've got the issue of the president now moving forward with an executive order. As it relates to the census question, how many people are on at any given day or hour. Let me look that up for you. I believe you could find that information on Hannity dot com. You tell me that every time, so I assume you have it at you're ready. Do you know how many? I do? Actually, it's sixty sixty three thousand searches per second? Sixty three thousand? How many in that twenty four hour day? I'm sorry? Do I do? I look like some kind of savant. I thought you said you had it in front of you. Listen by I know one statistic? By what what's one sixty three thousand three per second? That's the one you keep asking me. Yeah, well that's I didn't know how it's coming to Jeopardy today. Hold on, Oh my gosh, exactly. Just slow down the show because you're not paying attention. You're in there talking to Blarney. First of all, do you know what I was just doing for you? What were you doing? Tell you what? I was just printing out? The project Veritas highlights from that video so I could bring it into you so you didn't have to try to, you know, scram through your you know that cobb memory all a brain, you know the cobweb. Wow, getting a little odd under the collar in here today. Exactly right. So what number I was talking whole night, what's the number? Three point five three point five billion a day searches a day. All right, Now, you're going to control the content of that three point five billion a day. And if you're controlling the content to advance a political agenda not another, well, that gives a massive influential competitive advantage to one person, one side of the debate. We don't want that. All right, we'll get back to that as the day on. Folks. Now, this is getting really interesting because behind the scenes yesterday Speaker of the House and name only Nancy Pelosi, Well, it turns out she's telling people like Alexandria Cacio Ortez Cortez that if you have a criticism of me, tell me to my face, not on Twitter. Well, every time she calls out the real speaker, the one that is controlling the agenda, well, Alexandria Cassio Cortez or AOC as she is better known just gives her more of a taste of her own medicine. Anyway, So we thought the spat was bad yesterday, and it got a lot nastier last night after the so called speaker. Pelosi spoke out and said literally suggesting the speakers singling out her and her colleagues, and then AOC said telling the Washington posted an interview that the persistent singling out of newly elected women of color by the speaker maybe more than outright disrespectful. What is she saying? Is she racist? Is that the implication here, by the way, interesting in light of the fact that Nancy Pelosi herself played the race card on the census question just what two days earlier, and AOC court did not rule in their favorite because they said the administration did not give sufficient evidence as to why the census citizenship questions should be there. So they kick the can. And then the administration said, okay, we won't put it on there, and then the President injected himself into this. But this is about keeping you know, make America, you know this hat make America white again. They want to make sure that people, certain people are counted. It's really disgraceful and it's not what our founders had in mind. It's not certain people, it's every person in the country is going to get counted, including those that might be here that we know. We're here illegally, you know, if you have look, I think I speak for most people. I want America, yeah, to be the land of opportunity. We just can't take the world's population. And I know there are countries in the world we have to be build walls to keep them where they are. By the way, I'm looking at this, Oh my gosh, this is Google Live. You see the numbers. Over four billion Google searches today, four billion, one hundred and seventy wait, four billion, one hundred and seventy four million searches so far today. Wow. Internet users in the world four billion, two hundred and seventy seven million people as of today. Over three million, almost four million blog posts today. Twitter tweets today, you have four hundred and seventy two million tweets today. Now, these are powerful companies. Emails today one hundred and sixty one billion. Now, I bet those mega data storage centers in Utah they're pretty busy every day. If they're capturing all of this stuff, is well has been suggested on this program. So anyways to watch now Casio Cortez being so defiant, and I love those people in the media saying Hannity is pushing a conspiracy theory again. He's saying that Nancy Pelosi's not the real speaker, that there was somehow a change in power, but we don't know it because they're hiding it from us. Okay for you stupid people in the medium, mop when I say speaker in name only, I'm saying exactly what happened yesterday, and that is Nancy Pelosi tells the Casio Cortez you got something to say to me, say it to my face, not publicly, not on social media. And what happens. Casio Cortez does what she's done every other time. She goes out, doubles down and challenges Nancy's quote gavel, She's the real speaker of the House, Nanci Pelosi, speaker in name only. That's it she's and by the way, think about it, speaker in name only. Well, this kind of proves the point is that if Acasio Cortes does not care one wit about what Nancy Pelosi says, that's my point. And who are all the twenty twenty Democratic presidential candidates listening to because they've all adopted some version of the New Green Deal. Well, they'd be listening to Acasio Cortez because it's not like Nancy Pelosi actually has any agenda whatsoever. I tell you this, I give a Coasio Cortez high marks for one thing. She's pretty courageous. I love what she's I love this. By the way, we'll she'd be courageous enough to ever do their show. All right, glad you others twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I guess they printed out all of the citizenship sens this stuff without the question. Now it's a question of the president executive order to add like another page or another sheet. And it's not looking good, which I think should be. Well, I don't see anything wrong with asking the question and knowing who Actley is in this country. I don't know why that's even deemed controversial. I don't think I think every American knows fundamentally and instinctively. It is in our character, It's in our bloodstream, it's in our soul. It's in our solar plexus in that we are a nation of immigrants. We have people from over the entire globe coming to this country. Nobody has said that, I have heard they want to end all immigration. I have not heard anybody say that. I've not heard anybody or would suggest, wow, we're only going to take people from here, but not here, and not heard that. What people are saying, though, is what we're asking because look, if we opened up our doors tomorrow, probably half the world's population would want to come right over. We don't have the capacity to take in everybody that wants to be here. We're just asking that you respect our laws, our constitution, our borders, and our sovereignty, and that you follow the legal process, which, by the way, I would be in favor of expediting that process. I'd make a few suggestions. I would say, I do like the idea of merit based citizenship or merit based immigration. It's the same system that Australia has. New Zealand has very difficult to get into those countries, and by the way, their their prime ministers have been very firm on the issue of assimilation. You come to Australia, you're going to be an Australian. You're not going to tell us how we ought to change our way of life and their view of civil society and how they run things. So they've been pretty clear about that. And as far as illegal immigration, well, if you're going by boat, say to Australian and they will meet you in the waters, and they're gonna give you food, and they'll give you water, and they're gonna give you If you needed medical attention, they won't take you to the mainland. If you need real medical attention, they're gonna take care of you. Then they're gonna send you back in the boat. And then said tell you to go back to where you came from. They don't accept the illegal immigration. Mexico of all countries. I mean, it infuriated me because they had some of the most draconian treatment of the illegal immigrants. They'd throw you in jail for however long they wanted, indefinitely at times, or they just throw you back, send you back immediately, you know, do not pass go You're going back, no questions asked. And since the president did his things anyway, I get it. We'll see what happens in the end here. But the illegal immigrant population, you know, according to some surveys, is going to be ten percent. We don't have the ability to absorb that anyway. Eight hundred and nine for one Sean is a toe free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. I want to take a quick break here for a second, in the sense that we have now the southeastern United States all the way from say, Houston through Florida. Now we have a forecast that looks pretty ominous and may even turn into I guess the season's first hurricane. We at WeatherBell dot com. The official meteorologist of the Sean Hannity Show, Joe, but starting standing by what are the biggest what's happening? When is it going to happen? New Orleans, I guess, is in jeopardy of at least tropical storm winds, maybe even twelve inches of rain or more. Who's in jeopardy here? Well, New Orleans is the target that I'm most nervous about. And we have a situation that actually has been evolving for three or four months. The extremely cold winter in the northern plains, the record snow cover, the late snow melt, combined with the enhanced precipitation in the plains means that the Mississippi River is uncommonly high around New Orleans. Now, if that situation did not occur, this is not that big a deal for New Orleans. They're going to get sixty to seventy mile an hour wind gusts they think, and four to eight inches of rain. That's not that big a problem for New Orleans. They've had storms like that before. But because the Mississippi is so high, and because the fetch off the ocean, and you folks to the northeast know about what we call fetch, where there is days of east winds coming in, they pile the tide up. And what happens is that you're going to get winds strong from the east late tonight tomorrow, into the southeast on Saturday, in south on Sunday. That's going to push water, try to push water up the Mississippi as it's raining very heavily and with the rest of the Mississippi flowing down toward it. So the potential here is that out of a run of the mill tropical storms, because of preexistent conditions, that New Orleans could have a bad flood. Now right now, they are forecasting it to be to not breach the levies. One foot below is what they've got yesterday they were a little bit higher. But I'm very concerned, especially looking at the US hurricane models, which are you know, are emblematic of the problem we have in forecasting that they're trying to blow the storm up and take it right over New Orleans. So there's a lot of uncertainty here. And what we are doing is the same thing we've been doing all week is telling people that we believe this is going to come inland and it is a threat for New Orleans, Houston. I don't think you have to worry about much at all. So that's that's a positive that this is not coming all the way back to Houston. Well, when I'm trying to impact and absorb what you're saying about New Orleans, because I know, I mean, we went through Hurricane Katrina. Now you're talking about what rising tide because of the rainfall. Let's say it's twelve to eighteen inches that then breach the levies and that means it gets studded. If they get twelve eighteen inches of rain over New Orleans with the southerly winds, southeast south winds blowing for two two three days, even with the storm going west of them, that is going to be a huge problem. But there's so much variance here, and you know, Sean, in our preseason forecast we issued in April, we said, this is precisely the kind of storm to look for this year. May not be a lot coming off Africa, but the ones that pop in your backyard. You may see something pop in our backyard or relatively close before this season's over. That's the kind of year it is. So you know, we've sort of been waiting for this to start showing up. This kind of system. This didn't originate over tropics. It came down out of the northwest Alicia by the way, for you folks in Texas in nineteen eighty three, that was a Category three hurricane originated the same way. It was a land system that came down over the Gulf and turned west. So what we're telling people is this that there is a lot of potential in New Orleans for some real bad things to happen. I'm not going to sugarcoat that in the best case scenario. I think the best case is being outlined now now in that it will stay below the levees, and they're going to have a tropical storm. The hurricane part of this, because we do believe it will become a hurricane, will head off to Vermillion Bay and up over Lafayette to the west over there. But you've been down there before. You know how low lying that land is, how susceptible it is to flooding. So it is a headache. Well you just you know, I just in my own mind, would think after everything that New Orleans has been through, that they would have built the levees a little higher. Now they got listen. I gotta tell you something. After Katrina hit I wrote a paper called you know about why no matter what they do in New Orleans, the wrong storm is going to flood them. There's a storm in nineteen forty seven shown that came in from the east southeast. It hit West Palm as a category four or five, was only a one or two when it came back to New Orleans. I look at that track, that track back where it makes landfall just north of the mouth of the Mississippi and push is all the water back into Lake Bourne and Lake ponta train. If you had a storm as strong as Katrina take that path into New Orleans. I think a Bill Levy's twenty five thirty feet. It's not going to stop it. Remember Katrina, the storm surge was only nine to thirteen feet back into Ponta Train and it's not like It's not like a kind of storm surge that they had in Biloxi in East Gulfport. The biggest problem here though, is caused by the Mississippi being so high and relative to averages in the summer season, it's not usually this high, and that particular aspect was set up two thirty four months ago. And in addition, it's exactly opposite of what was being pushed in the climate change of agenda that we were going to start seeing droughts all over the place. And so it's amazing because you're seeing people come out of the woodwork high here. It is climate change. This is a run of the mill development in the northern Gulf of me to go. Compounded by the fact that instead of being so darned warm in the spring, it was wickedly cold in the plains. That's set up the battle for heavy precipitation. You had late melting snow and you know it's dangerously close to causing a big problem. Well with this, tomorrow is happening. The official meteorologist of the Sean Hannity Shows WeatherBell dot Com, Joe Bastardi. You've got an encyclopedic knowledge of every storm every year that goes back to the sixteen hundreds. Anyway about all I can do? Though, No, you can lift weights pretty well. Joe's a big weightlifter and bodybuilder. All right, Joe BISTARTI thank you, my friend. Eight hundred nine point one shunk. All right, So you got this. We've got three separate civil wars breaking out. You got the deep State all turning on each other, and by that, I mean you got Struck and Page they're turning. Well, they might be turning on each other interestingly, but certainly they have unitated and pointing the finger at the Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the time. Then you've got Comy. Comey's at war with Brennan and Clapper and there at war with him. Then Comey's battling McCabe, and then Baker's battling all of them. And I think the net result of it is people are starting to talk, and we're now getting finally to the deep dive part and the truth, which is going to be very interesting. Those that are held accountable for this abuse of power and corruption. Then you've got the Acasio Cortez I mean she accused Pelosi literally persistently singling out women of color. It's outright disrespectful coming on the heels of Nancy Pelosi playing the race card against the President and Republicans on the census question. Now, there is something that is happening with the twenty twenty leftist socialist DEFF. They all agree pretty much on some version of the New Green Deal. They all agree that they want illegal immigrants to get free healthcare. They all look agree that borders are immoral. They all agree on pretty much. They all want to raise taxes. They all want to raise taxes on businesses. Does anyone know the corporations pass the increase in taxes onto consumers or if you go to a ninety percent corporate marginal income tax rate, They're gonna leave the country. And if you have any doubt of what I'm saying is true, ask yourself. Why is New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California the highest tax states in the country. Why are they losing population to all the low tax states like Florida, Texas, Tennessee, the Carolinas wherever. Why because of burdensome taxation and regulation. Tax the rich, tax, the rich, tax the rich. We did now, God forbid the rich leave. They're leaving two point three billion dollars shortfall in New York. By the way, Andrew Cuomo can get out of any financial difficulty in thirty seconds. Just sign off on fracking and upstate New York. The best thing you ever did for the state. I don't think he's gonna do it anyway. So now we've got so the leading pack in the field just certainly emerged. It still remains sleepy, creepy, crazy Uncle Joe. Then you've got the worst mayor. Well, he's given Comrade de Blasio run for his money. But you know, you got Buddha Judge mayor Pete, who has the worst track record of a small town mayor. I've ever heard not that South Bend, Indiana small, But it is small, and it's a nice town. It's a home of Notre Dame. I mean it's great. And you got Kamala Harris who scored big points beating down Joe. But then pulling away. Remember, Harris says, there's going to be no private insurance. We're all going to be under medicare for all. Bernie Sanders bragging that he now has brought the entire Democratic Party over to his positions that are a mainstream, the socialist mainstreamer. And then of course Elizabeth Warren. You know, combined they raised one hundred million dollars in the past three months and they share the majority of the public support. Anyway, so now you got Biden says, all right, let me change the topic. He's talking about foreign policy. The same guy that gave one hundred and fifty billion to mullahs that chant death to America, death to Israel. You got Buddha Judge proposing a broad plan to counter what he's calling racial inequality and establish a ten billion dollar fund for black entrepreneurs over five years, twenty five billion in historic for historically black colleges, legalized marijuana, expunge pass drug convictions, reduced the prison population by half, and pass a new voting rights act to empower etc. Etc. Anyway, and comparing it to a Marshall plan, and which is the equivalent about one hundred billion dollars at current value. Then you got Kamala Harris. She decided to team up with Alexandria Acasio Cortez on a housing legislation, and we don't have a price to ticket on that. Then we have the Blasio saying I'm gonna pay all pay female athletes equally if elected president. Well, okay, but I didn't know the government paid athletes, so I thought teams paid athletes. I guess they'll determine that too. And by the way, New York is proposing building brand new jails with a more welcoming experience that will replace Rikers Island. I'll have jails with natural sunlight, space for programming and a children's play area for the prisoners. And that's what they're proposing. And I'm not making this up. Somehow something to do it before two thousand and eight. As if my opponents want to believe, I served from nineteen seventy two to two thousand and eight and then took hiatus the next eight years. They don't want to talk much about my time as vice president. Nine states. It was the honor of my lifetime to serve with the man who I believe is a great president, historic figure, and most important to me a close friend. I was vetted. I was bettered by he and ten serious lawyers he appointed to go back and to look at every single thing in my background, from finances to anything. I had done everything, and he selected me. I'll take his judgment about my record, my character, my ability to handle a job, over anyone else's. I know there many I want this campaign to me by my past, my past, my past. I get it, that's the game. But this isn't a game. Every one of you, no matter who you're for, no in your bones, this election is different, not because I'm running. This election is different. Here we are in Nashville. I know this from my home state of Texas, those places that formed the Confederacy, that this country was founded on white supremacy, and every single institution and structure that we have in our country still reflects the legacy of slavery and segregation in Jim Crow and suppression even in our democracy, ability to vote and participate in our elections. All right. That was Robert Francis Beto Bozo O'Rourke, glad you're with us, eight hundred and nine for one sean. Before that, it was sleepy, creepy, crazy uncle Joe, now, by the way, finally got his footing. It took him three weeks after the Kamala Harris beat down. But now he's come up with the line and he's delivering it with such passion. Anyway, got a lot to get to a couple of things. You gotta know here, Oh, I forgot to mention, you know, Nancy Pelosi is giving illegal immigrants tips on how to evade ice agents. It's just kind of a new low. But sanctuary cities and states kind of do the same thing as you're aiding and abetting in criminal activity. But anyway, in a press conference earlier today, after the real speaker, she's speaker in name only, Acasio Cortez ripped her for pretty much being racist and going after only women of color. Anyway, press conference earlier today, Pelosi actually told the illegal immigrants they don't need to answer the door if ice comes knocking, because a deportation warrant is not the same as a search warrant. I mean, these are supposed to be lawmakers. If you don't like the law, if you don't like the constitution, it just can't make it up as you go. That's not how a civil society a constitutional republic actually works. But I'm sure that that's just new news to her. She probably doesn't even know anyway. So we do have other sort of on the sidelines. We have some other data that has come in for crazy creepy Uncle Joe. Remember Biden and Obama left, and we had thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the worst recovery since the forties, lowest labor participation rates since the seventies, more debt than all forty three presidents and vice presidents before them combined. Okay, and they dropped one hundred and fifty billion dollars, these geniuses known as Biden Obama the one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currencies on the tarmac of Tehron for Muller's that chant death to America. You know, could the convert or die leaders of Iran that have been sewing proxy wars terrorism, funding terrorism for all these years. Yeah, that's brilliant move on the part of creepy, sleepy, crazy Uncle Joe and Obama. By the way, military poll out by the Military Time shows ve Yeah, they overwhelmingly approve of the president. That's not an appeaser. Wow, and by the way, a near record in that particular poll. And on top of it, yeah, what is helping the people that are doing the best? Heritage Foundation puts out a study and with the new unemployment numbers that came out two hundred and twenty four thousand jobs created in June, unexpected, of course like every other month. Now that we're headed towards seven million new jobs under Donald Trump and seven million fewer people on food stamps on the unemployment lines. And of course now we know too from the census that in fact there's seven point five million jobs unfilled right now in the country. But just pointing it out that the people that benefited the most out of this climb and the economy of Donald Trump, when you actually look for it, it is quote the US economy offers new opportunities to people who have historically been left behind. The left continues to push their radic agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Average wages have grown above three percent now for ten straight months, twice as fast as inflation since the tax cuts the largest in history by Donald Trump. In twenty seventeen. Wage growth for the poorest twenty five percent of Americans has now reached a post recession high of four point four percent. Don't forget ten percent of American taxpayers pay seventy percent of the income tax bill, twenty percent over ninety percent. The bottom fifty percent of wage earners pay no federal income taxes, none, nothing, not a penny. So we have full and complete redistribution. Now the question is as the Democrats now begin to lay out their policies without specifics and without costs, and all of them support illegal immigrants. Yeah, healthcare, you're paying for it and everything in between. Now they're aiding and abetting in sanctuary cities, states and everything else. And you got creepy Uncle Joe now given a foreign policy speech. He's the guy that helped the Mullahs in Iran. And you got Buddha Judge proposing one hundred billion dollars in a plan to counter racial inequality. And you got Kamala Harris who says we're all going to be under Medicare for all and no private insurance. How did Obamacare keep your doctor plan and save money work out? It didn't. And de Blasio Comrade Deblasio's pledging to pay female athletes equally two men. I didn't know that the city's mayor of New York was responsible for paying athletes for professional teams. I actually thought the free market determined what a team chooses to pay or not pay somebody. Anyway, here to look at the latest polls. Where we are in this twenty twenty election. John McLaughlin, Matt Towery are with us. Welcome back both of you. And you're doing a great job in retirement. Matt, as I can tell as you're. You come on every time we ask you, and you always have some good recent data to share. But you're not working. We'll just pretend you're telling the truth on that. But at least I'm in Atlanta today, Sean, all right, well, good for you. All right. So here's here's the main question. If you couple the New Green Deal, if you add that to legal immigrants, healthcare being paid for, and everything in between, versus the Trump economy, do these polls even mean a single thing to you? To me, absolutely not. I think right now we're in this time period where tolling these various horse races between the billious Democratic candidates, or even between the Democrats and the president are relatively meaningless. I mean, we saw how quickly being shifted just from the debate where Kamala Harris managed to land that blow to Bide, and everything moved very quickly because of course the media moved in that direction. Now we're seeing some of a little bit of a drifting that Biden's up by eleven points on average and real politics, none of this really matters right now. But what does matter, Sean, and I think it's very important, is that the overall drift of the Democratic Party to the left, which is very obvious from that debate and all the fall out, I think that's assisting the president even more in his approval ratings. Did you recall about three weeks ago when we were on the airs, I said I felt like in my gut that the president turned the corner and that his approval ratings were moving up. And we've seen that happen really accelerate after that test or that speat. Do you see do you see anybody in your review? John McLaughlin and I had this conversation when I was on vacation last week with a number of people. Do you see Donald Trump losing any of the vote from twenty sixteen and do you think with record low unemployment for the demographics such as African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the youth workforce, and youth unemployment, do you see that he has the POTENTI until of gaining new voters. Absolutely? I mean, I mean our strategy back in twenty sixteen, when when ben Donald Trump the candidate, asked me how are we going to win? I said, we were going to excite new voters, and we brought out nine million new voters. Then they had for a record historic turnout of a hundred thirty nine million, and we were able to defy the polls because we brought out new voters. You're going to have the same effect now. And we had sixty three million voters come out and support them for president back in twenty sixteen. The strategy this time is very clear that we've been, as mad As pointed out, we've been grinding up moving up the president's job approval. So even these biased polls, like if you go on the Real Clear Politics average, you'll see all these polls and they'll have his average at forty five for job approval and if and the Liberals are freaking out because you'll have the Washington Post saying we've got forty seven percent job approval and these other ones. But they're registered voters. So that's a universe of two arm forty million people you'll have. Instead of one hundred and thirty nine million people like we had twenty sixteen, you'll have one hundred over one hundred forty maybe arrom fifty million people come out. So the president is actually broadening his base as well as do you see him losing all the people that voted for him in twenty sixteen. Let's focus on three states in particular, because I think it'll make all the difference. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Of course, North Carolina, Ohio, Florida, they always matter, But in those three states, you see anybody that can take those states back for the Democrats gotten this group because his met said, and you've pointed out they're going left. I mean, the best thing we had was that the last series of Democrat debates, I mean the Trump campaign, I wanted to run them as an infomercial and just keep looping them and letting people play. I mean that the one question where the moderator asked the Democrats, would you you know, do you support free healthcare for illegal immigrants? And they all raise their hands. I mean there's people out there in those states of years ago, in Pennsylvania and Michigan, Wisconsin, they can't afford their own healthcare, and now you wanted to tax them to pay for somebody who's here illegally. I mean, the Democratic Party is really going that's the second part of our strategies. Let them go off to on the edge. Now let them I don't know when they're digging a big hole, let them dig it. I do think that they're now locked into these positions that are so out of the mainstream. Matt Towery, how big an impact? Well, I think it's a huge impact. And to John's point, I mean, and I say, the presidents, what could you have someone like John at Boston? Because he gets it. This has to do with John. Why are you sucking up to John? Don't don't who you're I don't have to suck up to John anymore. I've just happened, I know, because you're retired, just like I'm retired. Keep going right, So anyway he would like it to have, but but that haven't been said. It's about turnouts and I think what's going to happen, Sean, and they've been we talked about this before. I think that not only are you going to see an increase in intensity and turn out for the president, I think you're going to see as they drifts further to the left. And I think that's inevitable with this Democratic Party this time. You're going to see states that John and I are not even talking about right now that will drift more towards President Trump. I think again, this is a Nixon the govern type election scenario. I will put one little caveat there. The only states that I'm concerned about are the demographically challenged states, of which one of which I'm at today, which is Georgia, because a state like this has seen a shift in tur and just based on how people vote demographically historically, Cobb County, which of course in our old days, Sean, when you and I were doing the New Ingrid Stain, Cobb was seventy percent Republicans. That would vote sixty five to seventy percent Republican. It is likely to be a Democratic county this next go around, which gives you some idea of the change, and that is a dramatic shift and I was there. I was there when the state of Georgia went blue to red. So I mean you saw the whole thing. So now most people expect, well, the majority of the legislative delegation, which I was a part of years ago as a Republican, is now Democrat in Cobb County. Yeah, all right, I gotta I gotta take a break more with Matt Towery and John McLaughlin, our posters. All right, let's we roll along Sean Hannity show our posters taking the polls every couple of weeks or so. Matt Towery, John McLaughlin, all right, if you had the guests now today, John McLaughlin, what's the Democratic ticket? I think right now he's going to see a battle between Harrison Warren for the nomination. A lot. There's a lot of things that can happen between now and then. But in the past, remember we talked about Biden. Biden has collapsed from May ninth, from forty one percent in the peak of the Real Clear Politics average fourteen points, where he's down to twenty seven percent on the average, and he's gonna collapse even more because they're really picking on him, and there's been a secondary collapse. Sanders has gone from twenty four percent back in March down to fifteen percent now. And you've got Harrison's fifteen to Warren and fourteen six ten Democrat prior voters happened to be women, and a good number of them happened to be African American women. So you're about to see this, all right, fight coming up? Matt, What do you think we got about forty five seconds? Okay? I said two months ago, Harris, I'm sticking with Harris. I think she'll probably be the nominee. The running they would be. I would agree that Warren would be right up there close though, because she's a fighter, and I do think it'll be a woman who's a nominated I'm going to agree right now advantage Kamala Harris, but I think her extreme positions when exposs are going to prevent her from ever winning the presidency. I agreed. I agreed, um, and watch out disagree, Watch out for Buddha judge. What you who disagrees gon bo Buddha judge is ant going anywhere? No, I absolutely, I can't disagree. And you know what, in the end, the winner is going to be Donald Trump. I've been saying this for a while, and you've been saying it, Matt's been saying it, and now you're seeing it come about. And uh, we've got a long ways to go, but the environment here, quick break, we'll come back. We'll continue your calls coming up twenty five now to the top of the hour. Eight nine one Seawan is our toll free telephone number. I'd like it. What has been going on most of the day here? Today they add the free speech summit at the White House, which is all that you're referring to us and our hard work. Sorry, okay, you're doing a great job. And now why is this free speech summit? If if these big massive tech companies, let's let's take Project Veritas and Google and the tape of James O'Keefe, if they have the ability to control the content of what they put up as news on their sites, and they suppress other news, and they they literally set algorithms. Again, this is outside of my area of expertise. I can barely download an app, but I get it done somehow. Lendah my kids. Somebody helped me download an app. Um. But if they get this is the biggest in kind donation ever when you're talking about how many was it every second? Six million plus people on Google? Stan, boy, let me get the boy. Are we waiting for the New Yorker to google it up? Go to Google first of all dot com. I'll be looking on handy dot dot dot com. Yeah, we've been to put the statistics up there. Welcome. But every single time, every second of every minute of every hour of every day, if they're controlling the content, well, and they're doing it to favor one political party, one ideology over another, that is an in kind contribution, a massive one because of the numb right here. And is he you're ready? I'm ready. I'm sorry, it's walking. Go ahead. Google receives over sixty three thousand searches per second on any give and day. Say that again. Google receives over sixty three thousand searches per second on any given day. Wow, that's a lot of searches. So the algorithm. This is why that Project Veritas tape was so good. It exposed their agenda. It all looks strewed over twenty sixteen. Again, it wasn't like people got stewed over. The news got strewed over, like everybody got stewed over, so they were robbing the Jingini is the head of Responsible Innovation at Google Global Affairs. She determines policy and ethics for machine learning or artificial intelligence. What we've learned is that AI is increasingly what Google search is all about. But the reason the entree tells me the people are not putting that line in the saying who were like, well, we are who are going to say it as a bias that the story marginalized maybees who are maybe these who are in power. Our definition of fairness one of those things that we thought would mean like obvious and everybody would agree to the same. People's voting for the current president do not agree with their national harness. Fairness is a dog whistle. It does not mean what you think that it means, and you have to apply double think in order to understand what they're really saying. What they're really saying about fairness is that they have to manipulate their search results so it gives them their political agenda that they want, and so they have to rebias their algorithms so that they can they can get their agenda across, you know, unpack everything that she's saying saying that she wants to be she wants the algorithm to be fair to a handpicked representative of that community. Means that what she's trying to do is she's trying to sell your product that is not objectionable. It's what she's trying to do is she's trying to sell a product that's not objective, that doesn't represent the will of its users, but instead represents the will of a group of people making decisions behind the shadows. So what did you find inside Google that was related to this idea of fairness? What I found at Google related to fairness was a machine learning algorithm called a MEL fairness a NOL standing for machine learning and fairness, meaning whatever it is that they wanted to define as fair. You could actually think of fairness as unfair because it's taking as input the clicks that people are making and then figuring out what signals are being generated from the clicks and which signals wants to amplify and then also, Project Veritas also received a trope of confidential documents from within Google. This document is about algorithmic unfairness. It reads quote for example, imagine that a Google image query for CEOs shows predominantly men, even if it were a factually accurate representation of the world, it would be algorithmic unfairness unquote. Gorov Guite, a Google software engineer, independently verified the thesis of this Documents and fairness teams. Yeah, you need to be Yeah, time modify the substyle. It's kind of balances out. This is a confidential document, correct, Yes, which is not a document that Google has come out and admitted that this is their process. That's correct, And in this document it says I'm going to read from it. In fact, in fact, if you brought this up, I thought the document, they would say that this is a conspiracy theory. Wow, So they wouldn't admit this publicly. Who would never admit this publicly? In this document, it says in some cases, it may be appropriate to take no action if the system accurately affects current reality, while in other cases it may be desirable to consider how he might help society reach a more fair and equitable state via product intervention. What do they mean by that? So what they want to do is they want to act as gatekeepers between the user and the content that they're trying to access. And so they're going to come in, They're going to filter the content, and they're going to say, actually, we don't want to give the user access to that information because it's going to create an outcome that's undesirable to us. Does Google have an editorial agenda? Does the company make news decisions? Is that what I'm seeing in this document? Yes? Um, this is describing what's happening within the Google News. Would Google have a problem if people saw this document? I think so? Why wouldn't Google want people to see this document? The reason why is because um, right here, Um, in some of these boxes, they're applying editorial, their their editorial agenda onto the news sources. And if you were to expand that, you would see that there's a machine learning fairness within these algorithmic checks. And they state right here that it's for callability and extractability, but in reality, it's it's it's doesn't fall in line with their um, with their agenda, and if it does, it it pops the top, and if it doesn't, then it gets buried. Google's really thinking and they won't say in public, but she just said, you know what a lot of us see and know to be true, and you guys just got her and she was just she said the truth. They're not an objective piece, They're not an objective source of information. They are a highly biased political machine UM that is bent on never letting somebody like Donald Trump come to power again. Twenty certainty, on top of my old organization, on top of mind, they've been working on it since twenty sixteen to make sure the game we have there pretty unbelievable. All right, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, If you want to be a part of the program, actually, you know what before we do that, Oh boy, I think that we should know this is a good thing. I think we should remind the audience of what James O'Keefe discovered, you know, just a little bit, not like a lot. I'm not going to take away from the coalism saying say something, you're you you're It gets thicker, It doesn't get better, it gets thicker. Should I talk like you golf? Say golf, Say golf the way you say I say golf. And I want to have a gulf off wolf walk. I'm calling it a golf off. Is that what you call it in sports? Well off? No, there's no such thing as a gulf off, no such thing as like wolf off. But isn't there a thing in sports how dance off? Oh you know what, that is what I'm thinking of. Ethan's right, I love dancing. Let's see that, Sean, Let's sayut dance each other. No, bo, he's I've already been I I've already been humiliated. Actually, out with you at the Redneck River, you weren't humiliated. You were revered. They were like, oh my god, Sean actually has a friend that can shake it. Oh thank you. No, that's not what it was at all. So we're there with our entire crew and what was the audience knows a story and they're on my side. Okay, we're there for. We were there for everybody was there for a very Psalmber sang, Oh that's right. Remember okay, So did you want me to finish you? Okay, now please take it by all means. I don't want it at all. Why would I love being interrupted? Go ahead interrupt me. So anyhow, we were out there for a very somber event, which was the one year anniversary of the deadly shooting in Las Vegas for all of those folks that went to the country music festival, and John Rich came out there big and Rich, and we had this amazing sort of like charity event. It was like a tribute and it was really beautiful. But afterwards, John Rich has a redneck Riviera whiskey bar on strip, so him and Kenny got up and they actually did a very impromptu set. It was fantastic. Sounds is in there spot on and so you know, I decided to take where the rhythm moved me, which was the dance floor with many other people. The only difference was all of you and the rest of your staff were too stiff and too incapable to join me, So I had to dance with strangers, which was fine, Okay, it was a little weird. And Lair and I saw this and we're like looking and Stanger was there, and sweet Baby James was there and everybody's looking like she's dancing on the dance floor by herself. Yeah. And then Finland I dance too, Remember I remember that. And I remember Lair saw me in Finland. He didn't see me in Vegas, but John Rich saw me in Vegas, and John Rich gave me a big old thumbs up. Well you think he was on the stage playing with Big Kenny, And I don't think he saw you in the crowd. I got a major shout out from the stage. He was like Linda from Hannity in the house, what what? Yeah, okay whatever, And that happened. I remember me sad, sweet baby James and everybody else like, oh my god, this is gonna hold up the wall. I can't do it on its own. That's exactly That's what I'm doing. All right, right, let me get to the phones. We'll say hi to Jerry and Missouri. How are you, Missolie. I'm just kidding. How are you, Jerry? What's going on? Oh? Pretty? Something fun when you're not working. I'll make this asked. I am so tired of the double standards that both sides are practice in regard to the Epstein matter. If Secretary Acosta is going to face consequences, and maybe he should, then so should the Clintons, because they were even Clinton was there well, I mean twenty six times on the Lolita Express, and by all accounts, on most of those trips, you have these young girls. You know, I was talking to somebody I forget who yesterday and and I don't know what was going on, but I'm like, I'm sorry, there's too much smoke here and I have sirens blaring all over my mind about all of this. But you know, one of the things that Alexander a Costa said, and I didn't really think about this last night, Pam Bondi was on and she made the observation that she has tried a lot of these sex crime cases there. I mean, these these are there are these predator pedophiles out there, and remember remember to catch a criminal. Remember that show that went on they would catch all the pedophiles and it was actually catch a predator, all right, So I would watch these things. I mean, it's so disgusting what they do and how they literally they're predators. They're out there and they are trying to lure teenage kids to have sex with them. In other words, they are the embodiment of evil. You know, look at the hierarchy in prison. You could be the worst murderer and you'll you'll get along with the prison population. If you're a predator pedophile, they don't want They even have a line that you don't cross. And I'm talking about the worst criminals. But what Pam was saying, and what a Costa was revealing and saying, is that the lenient deal happened because a lot of the accusers were refusing. And by the way, I'm not judging the accusers. If you come out and you make an allegation and you got to be cross examined and you're fourteen years old with braces, as the Daily Mail article pointed out in one case, and those defense attorneys are going right at you. I don't know that. I mean, now you have to relive the trauma again and again and again. I don't know. If a kid doesn't want to do that, you can't blame them. And I all but two apparently refused to testify. According to former prosecutor Solomon Weisberg, he was on Fox News last night with Laura and based on allegations from two of the accusers, it was not a slam dunk, especially since according to reports that you know, there were people willing to testify that, oh, he was actually a great guy. I don't know. I mean, it's it's a little more complicated, but I'll tell you this, my gut, my siren, my instinct is it's reeling in my head

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