Governor Pete Ricketts of Nebraska and Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa join the show to talk about the devestating storms that have left major flooding across much of Nebraska and Iowa. FEMA stands ready to assist but the impact is going to be very severe.
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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had, all right, gladual with us on this Tuesday right on our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, it's eight hundred and nine four one Sean if you want to join us, We're gonna make a stop today at some point with the governor of Iowa the governor of Nebraska. I don't know if you're following the story of the devastation and the flooding that's been going on there. It is. It's devastating. I'll never forget. I was years ago. It was taking my kids to a tournament on a plane. It's in Omaha, and I remember flying over. It just never ended. Miles and miles and miles and miles of homes submerged in water, and the devastation that took place back then. It has now happened again and many, many states are impacted by this. And if your state happens to be impacted by it, our thoughts and prayers go out to you. I know it's it's difficult, you know, it's the hardest thing when you think about it. You work so hard in your life to build up enough money, save enough money. You know, you don't go out to dinner, you don't buy the new car, you work an extra job, you want to get the down payment, you want to get the house. Hopefully that turns out to be a great investment, usually people's biggest investment in life. And then incomes some natural, you know, disaster in this case massive flooding or you know Oklahoma. I will never forget where you know, Oklahoma hammered by these tornadoes or Katrina, or you know what happened to Euston and hurricanes. I mean it just I know, we're not supposed to in life be so connected to our stuff or our things. And yeah, you can always rebuild it, and most people, I would hope have insurance. But when it happens, it's like, oh, well, there you go your family pictures and there goes you know, you're oh my dad gave me that, my grand father gave me that. And people lose so much, and it happens a lot. And the one thing I'll say is we're thinking about our friends in the Midwest and what they're going through, and our thoughts and prayers obviously go out to them. Today we'll check in with the governor of Iowa, the Governor of Nebraska coming up later in the program today. I bet the Democratic radical extreme socialist Party is not going to be happy with this Washington Examiner piece out today because it looks like the Democratic Party's new rock star, Alexandria Casio Cortez is apparently not quite cutting it with voters even in her home state of liberal New York. In fact, her popularity deficit is so bad in New York that even in what is a huge Trump stating state like New York, and Democrats out number of Republicans well two to one in the state, and in the city of New York, forget it, it's like nine to one. Trump has a better approval rating than a Casio Cortez. Trump had the backing of thirty six percent of the people surveyed, compared to Acasio Cortez is thirty one percent. Wow, I thought we're all socialist. Now what the press is now trying to convince us we're all socialist? Every American is a socialist. You know, a big problem. And we're going to dig into the twenty twenty candidates here in a second, and or Hannity watch on twenty twenty candidates. You have now nearly three out of four Americans saying that the Trump economy is booming. How could you say anything other than that? When you break record after record after record, I won't chronicle them. Now we've done it too many times. How do you get to the point where you think of anything else? Anyway? This voters survey from fake news CNN. Oh, by the way, they oversampled Democrats thirty two percent, Democrats sampled twenty five percent, Republicans independence of forty four percent. Anyway, which could foreshadow something that is building towards twenty twenty, and that is that seventy five percent, three out of four Americans now say the Trump economy is booming. So, if anything, the approval rating for the Trump economy is actually significantly higher than what fake news CNN says. Americans give the nation's economy glowing reviews in a CNN poll, and Donald Trump's approval rating may be reaping the benefits. Overall, seventy one percent of the nations of the nations see the economy is in good shape, the highest share to say you know to say so since two thousand and one in February, and the best rating during Trump's presidency by two points. A majority of those respondents give the president positive reviews for his handling of the nation's economy, and his overall approval rating ticked in their poll forty two percent. Most poles, he's up at forty nine and fifty. But they don't want them to be too happy as a result of this. I think one of the biggest developments, the most important developments towards America's future prosperity and growth, and one that will impact the American people that forgot and forgotten men and women the most. Now this comes to us through Hellenic Shipping News, and what they've concluded is the US now has and I've been telling you in different ways, the world's leading oil producer for the first time in seventy years, America is now about to become the world's number one oil exporter. And do you not realize the impact that this is going to have on the global economy. For so many years on this program, have spent time going over and over the amount of energy resources that we were too stupid to tap into. But by ending the burdens and regulations and bureaucracy, Donald Trump single handedly has created this environment where we are now not only energy independent, but now we are going to be the world's number one oil exporter. We're not even talking about the natural gas resources that are similarly available to us. And it goes on to say the US is set to drive global oil supply growth over the next five years, adding another four million barrels per data the country's already booming output, and the Paris based International Energy Agency notes that the US became the world's top oil producer in twenty eighteen and now set to become the world's biggest oil exporter over the next five years, surpassing Russia and even Saudi Arabia as an exporter. Now, so many different aspects to this factor. Number one, why does that benefit the US? And first, it's ironic because at that very moment, your radical extreme democratic socialist party wants to eliminate oil and gas in ten years. So this happens for the first time in seventy years. We've always had between oil, natural gas, clean burning coal. We've always had more energy under our feet than the entire Middle East combined. It's a matter of getting rid of government regulations that now allow these companies to tap into this natural resource. And when you think all the oil countries in the Middle East, most of whom hate our guts, and we've been depended on and how rich they've been come, Why do we think that we wouldn't become as rich as they become have became over the years, you know. And this is where and it's not a trickle down effect. This is this is a reality. To extract this oil and to extract this natural gas is going to take massive amounts of manpower. If you remember the Balkans back a few years ago, when we were aligning ourselves on this program with some of these oil companies and putting people that need new jobs, a better trajectory in their life, a new career, putting them together with these companies. What do we find people that we're making twenty five thirty thirty five thousand dollars a year, Well, they go up to North Dakota, they go to Oklahoma or Texas, they get trained in one job or another. For example, I'll just use the example of truck drivers, and they train them how to drive the truck with the energy inside it. And then after their training, if they work some overtime, they were all making one hundred plus grand year. Well that's just that that is like the lowest level. Now we have two pipelines, the Keystone Pipeline, the North Dakota Pipe Xcel pipeline. Then we opened up a war, and we have a lot of oil in the forty eight States, natural gas everywhere. I mean, we are the world's we have the world's biggest resource source of clean burning natural gas. Literally, what this is saying is millions of Americans will now have the ability to have a new enriched life, one that they never dreamed of. And that is these jobs will become high paying career jobs for Americans that will drastically alter their life for the better. In other words, the trajectory of their lives will shift forever because the number of skilled employees that they are going to need to extract this oil and gas is going to be massive, and these companies are going to be willing to train people. And as long as you don't have some self imposed limitation in your life that holds you to a specific geographic location, if you are willing to move, you're gonna get starting one hundred thousand dollars salary, You are going to get the training. You are going to be able to afford that house you've been dreaming of. You're going to be able to afford the new truck or car you've been dreaming of. You're gonna be able to afford the family vacations that you've never been able to afford before. You're going to be able to alter your lifestyle dramatically. And this is an opportunity for all Americans. Nobody ever talks about it. And you know, I screamed about this for years because this is the right thing to do. By the way, new poll out two shows fifty percent of Americans now see Muller and what he's doing as a witch hunt. Seventy one of Americans say the economy is doing well. Majority credit Trump. Trump has been able to re up his efforts to eliminate PBSMPR and federal funding. Problem with that is we have too many weak Republicans that don't have the backbone that will support him, just like on the emergency declaration, and you know, to see fake news CNN saying seven and ten americans see the economy is in good shape. The single biggest economic wealth producing boom this country will see in modern times will be an energy boom. And that is that we go from we know to think of the national security side of this. We don't need to suck up or involve ourselves in the foreign affairs of people that hate America's guts any longer that America would have the opportunity to also make the world a safer place. For example, our European allies that are dependent on Putin. What a Putin just shut down freedom of speech and quote if he deemed something fake news, I guess you're going to jail in Russia, the hostile regime, the hostile actor that he is. Well, if he turns off the spickeot to Germany or anybody in Western Europe, they're screwed. Not if they have America producing enough oil, gas and energy the lifeblood of every economy, and we now develop the means to get our product, you know, cross the pond and into the into the countries that need our energy because we have it all. And you're going to see Americans that maybe had dead end job and not paying well, You're going to see that futures will begin to open up for them and their families that maybe they hadn't even dreamed of in a long time. That's the answer, that's you know, why we never did this before is beyond any comprehension that I have in my life. It is so dumb and stupid, and it's happening simultaneously. Well, everyone wants to get rid of oil gas, the combustion engine airplanes and cows. And if that wins the day, it's over and would forget it would depending on everybody, you know, we'd have to, you know, literally put wind farms all throughout the state of California and the state of Washington and the state of Oregon. And I still don't think it'll work. Hey, if you're one of thirty four million Americans that smokes, you know what a hassle that can be for me. I'm out playing golf and I come back smelling like cigars. It's the smell on your hands and your breath, your clothes. But now, thanks to Jewel, don't have to worry about it anymore. Jewel is a vaporizer. It does contain nicotine for a satisfying transition. Now, when I found Jewel, it was a complete game changer in my life. I don't smoke any cigars any longer. And Jewel was designed by smokers for smokers to be an alternative to whatever it is you're smoking. So if you're one of thirty four million adults who do smoke cigars, cigarettes, pipe, whatever, well there is an alternative to all of them. Now to discover the smoking alternative that's like nothing you've ever tried, just visit Juul dot com slash switch America. That's ju Ul dot com slash switch America. Now warning, this product does contain nicotine, and nicotine is addictive, all right. Every day that these twenty democratic extreme socialist candidates come out, it just gets worse for them every day, almost all of them supporting the New Green Deal. Eliminate cars, eliminate oil, eliminate gas, and you're gonna have a government takeover of the healthcare industry completely. You can't buy your own private insurance. You're also going to have a takeover the energy industry, and good luck to America, considering that's the lifeblood of the economy. And eventually planes and cows they've got to go to meatless mondays we now have in New York public schools thanks to comrade build The Blasio apparently was in New Hampshire, o Iowa one of them, and only six people showed up. I don't know if that's working out well for them, but think of what they're offering. They're offering to take away every bit of fear anxiety that you have. They're now talking about pre kindergarten, daycare. They're now talking about college paid for, trade school paid for. They're talking about a guaranteed job and salary. They're now talking about minimum wages for everybody, whether you're working or not. They're talking about daycare and healthcare, guaranteed retirement. Ninety four trillion is only the tip of the iceberg. And by the way, capitalism what has created the greatest wealth system for all people of all wherever you happen to be in life, They're gonna kill it off. These promises have been made, these policies have already failed. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine one, Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program. I think I mentioned on the air that sixty minutes for this season has been trying to get me to agree to an interview with them, and you know, basically going through every single solitary person that knows me and tell me no, no, no, Leslie Stall wants to be fair. She wants to be fair. And I had the experience where I did over an hour with had Copple, and he was he works as a correspondent, you know, like with Reader Braver. And I think it's a great show CBS Sunday Morning. I think it's one of the best shows on TV, actually specially suited for Sunday Morning. And Jane Paulie now does it. Charles Carol caroled for many, many years, and so he comes over because I just want to interview, you said, okay. Fine. Of an hour interview, they used a minute and seven seconds. Sean Hannity's television program on Fox as a nightly audience of two point nine million viewer, actually a little higher from the first promoted Donald Trump and highly Apprentice an agenda. Honestly, I think liberalism has to be defeated. Socialism must be defeated in a political sense. This is not a we don't want a revolution in this country. Got the White House. You got the House, and then we have angry snowflakes, and then we've got the democratic establishment. I say, the press in this country is out to destroy this president. We have to give some credit to the American people that they're somewhat intelligent and that they know the difference between an opinion show and a news show. Yeah, you know your cynical look at it. Yeah, I'm cynical because you know, you think we're bad for America. You think I'm bad for America. Yeah, you do. In the in the long haul, I think you on all these opinions. No, you know what's sad because you're very good at what you do, and because you have you have attracted is significantly more. Let me finish your let me finish the sentenlessly. You do that with all doing you, Yes, you have. You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts. Now that in and of itself is a lie that I've attracted people that say ideology is more important than lies. The problem with the interview, and where my beef with with edited fake news like this interview, is that I said, I gave him an answer, so he asked me to let him finish. I let him finish. I answer that that point he makes and that doesn't make air. Now that's the problem with doing one of these, you know, edited interviews with people you're doing edit you know, and then it becomes fake news, you know, edited style, and so you know, so now I'm putting myself in a position. I asked some of my friends, well would you do sixty minutes? They're all laughing at me, he said, Hannity, are you out of your mind? It's never gonna come out fair. It's never gonna be good. They're gonna edit it to death. They're gonna wait till you say something that they think that they can jump on. All they're gonna want to do is talk about you, and what does this mysterious relationship you have with the president that has been written about and the subject of so much speculation of You know what, I'm never telling anybody what my relationship with anybody is. You know, I've explained over and over again what does it mean to be a talk show host? Well, as a talk show host, you wear many hats. Sure, you could say I'm an opinion journalist and advocacy journalist. You can say all sorts of things, But I can also produce hours of radio and TV coverage where we do straight up news, breaking news story. Maybe it's some horrible event at a school, Maybe it's God forbid of school. Shooting, or maybe some time of a natural disaster, or maybe a time of war or whatever. You know, we can chronicle hours and hours of this show, radio and TV of me just doing straight reporting. That's part of being a talk show host. We've done. We do investigative reporting. For two years now, we have been investigating the deep state. We have been able to break more stories that have been ignored by the mainstream leftist liberal media that hates Trump and as they have been fixated on a false narrative and lie without any evidence, in any proof, we have been able to see, Oh, look what we got. They rigged the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton because she was their favorite candidate. Oh, they wrote an exoneration before an investigation, before they ever interviewed her. Oh. And when they did interview her, they allowed two other people in the room, which is highly inappropriate. And they changed the legal standard from gross negligence to extreme carelessness. And now we learn that the former Attorney general under Obama, Loretta Lynch, was up to her eyeballs in making every decision into the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton. That she said, it's not an investigation, it's a matter. After she met Bill Clinton on the tarmac and Phoenix at an FBO days before the decision was coming down, and I'm sure they were talking about their grandchildren. And then immediately thereafter, the same players that said, oh, Trump is a lonesome human being, and the people that vote for them they can smell because they're smelly Walmart people. Well, the ones that gave her the free pass. Even though the General Council of the FBI under James Comey thought she should be indicted for the Espionage Act, they immediately began what became a nine month FBI witch hunt into Trump Russia collusion, which came up empty. And that's before the appointment of Muller, just like the House Intel Committee chair Devin Newness came up with nothing, and they investigate, They saw all the documents, the same as Muller. Same with the Senate Committee under North Carolina Senator Burr, same conclusion. And it's amazing that the very people that think that the influence or Russian influence in our twenty sixteen election is so important that we've got to get to the bottom of it. Well, now that we know that Hillary having been set free because of those that rigged her investigation, any other American would have been indicted for violations of the Espionage Act. You delete thirty three thousand emails, you kill your hard drives and your devices after they've been subpoenaed. I guarantee you're not going to get away with what she got away with. So they let all of that happen, and then she unleashes all of this money that she funnels through a law firm and hires an op research group, and hires a foreign national. And we now learned in just the last week and a half, everybody was warned that Christopher Steele hated Trump, that his sources were beyond dubious, nobody verified or corroborated them, and that Hillary pa for most of it or the money she was controlling through the DNC at the time. You know, all of that happened. Now, what did they do with the dossier? Well, they spread it like wildfire. We learned, you know what, twelve different news agencies, different reporters, and it was disseminated to the American people, so that maybe many Americans actually believed there were two hookers in a Moscow ritz Carlton Donald Trump's room at the time and they were urinating his bed and some people believed that probably didn't vote for Trump because of that. Well, that's election interference, using bought and paid for Russian lies. How does that not become a part of the Muller the Mueller investigation. And then that same dirty Russian dossier that she paid for is then used for you know, Fizer warrants against the Trump campaign associate, which brings them right into the inner workings of an opposition party candidate Donald Trump in the middle of a presidential election year. Well, that's Russian interference too, that they paid for. There's no interest with Muller and his merry band of Democratic donors, or Andrew Weissman the Pitbull, or Genie Ray who actually worked for Clinton. Couldn't find one single Republican donor, not one, but the Muller investigation, and the news ignores all of it. The unbelievable times we're living in. And then after the election, then we now know what the insurance policy was, the bludgeon Trump with this fake narrative that they themselves built. And that's becoming more clear every day. You know the fact that Comey signed off on the first Feizer Warren in October twenty sixteen, he couldn't have verified it because Christopher Steele never verified It's a matter of fact, he distanced himself as far as he could when he was put under oath in Great Britain and an inner rag Tory. And I I am waiting for the Christopher Steel depositions to be released because that's going to be really enlightening and can't I can't wait when the FISA applications are finally released as noon as his committee has said, as the Grassly Graham memo has said, the bulk of information for the FISA applications, you know, came from the bought and paid for Russian dossier. And Andrew McCabe, then deputy director at the FBI, said, no dossier, no lawrants and then they took it even further than that. Now we've been through six hundred and some odd days. Even though after nine months of investigations by the FBI before Muller is even appointed, they came up with nothing. And look at what they're doing in the country in the meantime. How has anyone you know, the president's recently been saying this can't happen again to another president, and maybe he's uniquely qualified that he has the ability to come partmentalize it away and still keep his promises. But the amount of time, effort, energy and distraction is unprecedented for nothing. And then when you have real collusion at the exact same time, how frustrating could that be? Now, what's interesting is Ted Copple now, before he did his little hit job on me like he did the last time, I kind of liked Ted Copple a little bit. I mean, I've done interviews with him before over the years, and I thought he'd at least attempt to be fair. He wasn't, and I called it edited fake news anyway. Copples now saying the New York Times Washington Post decided that Trump is just bad for the US, all right, Actually a little truth from the mainstream media. And he said that he feels the New York Times Washington Post Post have both decided his organizations that Trump is bad for America. And I'm terribly concerned that when you talk about the New York Times these days, when you talk about the Washington Post these days, we're not talking about the New York Times of fifty years ago. We're not talking about the Washington Post of fifty years ago, and he said this at the Carnegie in Dowmond for International Peace. He said, what we're talking about organizations that I believe have in fact decided as organizations that Donald J. Trump is bad for the United States. You know, we have things appearing on the front page of the New York Times right now that never would have appeared fifty years ago, explaining that analysis commentary didn't used to appear on the front page, but times have changed. No, it's funny because I'm up front about who I am and what I do. Just to finish my thought, I can produce hours upon hours of radio and TV just straight reporting on big events that are unfolding. Look at what we did in two thousand and seven and eight vetting Obama, Frank Marshall, Davis Olinsky, eight Horn Community, organizing the Church of gd America, starting his political career in the home of unrepentant domestic terrorists. The media wouldn't touch this. The question about Arizon Dorn got asked once in the mainstream media because I fed the day before George Stefanopolos with the question. Nobody in the mainstream media. After eight years of Obama's rigid ideological presidency, which I predicted, while it resulted in horrible statistics, which I predicted. Also I wish it didn't and that Trump would governor as a conservative said that, Do I also give opinion? Yeah, I give opinion. So we do straight news, investigative reporting. We give opinion. Sometimes we do sports and cultural issues. But if you open up a newspaper, that's pretty much where you get in every newspaper. We just take on all of those jobs, and we're upfront about who we are when we're giving opinion, and you got to give people credited. Now, these other news organizations they say that they're fair and objective and balanced, et cetera. They're not there anything but fair, objective and balanced. You know, if they were, do you think they might vet Beto Bozo or Rourke and his weird fantasies that I told you about yesterday, you know? Or this guy? How about Routers holding back this story about about Beto's renegade online hacking years They held it back for two years until after his race with Ted Cruz? Would they do that to Trump? The reporter for Routers, Joseph Men. So you got the mainstream media democrats working hand in hand together to win elections and people like men and routers. You know, how do they expect us to take anything they put out there seriously? Or look at their rushed to judgment on the BuzzFeed fake news embarrassment or their condemnation of the Covington you know, high school kids Nicholas Sandman, or their desire to believe Jesse Smollett without asking just a few basic fundamental questions. You know Rourke, and you know he's part of the cult of the Dead cow fantasizing putting his foot on the accelerated to kill two kids with his car. Okay, yeah, I'll admit he's young, but it's a little creepy to me. But every one of these democratic radical extremists, socialist democrats, they're all basically on the same page. They have a vision for America. No oil, no gas, no combustion engine, no cows, no airplanes, and we're gonna build high speed trains. I can't wait to take the sailboat over to Europe the next time we have to a trip. I'll see in a month or maybe longer. Good luck visiting New Zealand or Australia or Asia. All right? Eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn is our number. You want to be a part of the program when we come back New king which is going to join us on all of this. I glad you with us our two Sean Hannity show right out our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. All right, excuse me this just in. The Supreme Court has now handed the President a huge victory on border security, hopefully a harbinger of victories to come, as the Supreme Court today endorsed the US government's authority to detain immigrants awaiting deportation anytime, even years after they have completed prison terms for criminal convictions. Now, the decision handed the President of victory is he pursues his border security agenda. Writing for the majority, sam Alito said that it is not the Court's job to impose a time limit for when immigrants can be detained after serving a prison sentence, and he noted that the Court has previously said that an official's crucial duties are better carried out late than never, And he said the challengers assertion that immigrants had to be detained within twenty four hours ending their prison sentence was especially hard to Swallow. It was a five four vote. Conservative justices also were in the majority in June when the court upheld a five four vote on Trump's travel band targeting people from countries that have a population of extremists. Other stats today even Spake News CNA and seven and ten Americans say the economy is in good shape. Interesting liberals are mad today that Trump donated one hundred thousand dollars to the Department of Homeland Security. Half of Americans now agree that Muller's investigation has become a witch hunt. The biggest accomplishment by the way of the president is the deregulation, and then I gave you the numbers before that. In fact, America has now set to become the world's largest oil exporter. Paris based International Energy Agency notes that the US has become the world's top oil producer in twenty eighteen and is now set to become the world's biggest oil exporter over the next five years, surpassing Russia and even Saudi Arabia as an exporter. Former Speaker of the House New King Ridge is with us. You know you don't hear if you turn on the news a lot about the President's successes, and there are an awful lot of them. You chronicle them in your book. How are you well, I'm great, I think if you'll notice that the maybe I'm too optimistic. You know I always said this with great But here we go by the way I'm being set up here go ahead. Oh no, no, no, no, I'm just beginning to think fast to a couple of talks I had with reporters, and you're CNN report just now. Maybe the damn is beginning to break. Maybe the facts are so overwhelming that even the hardcore news media is a little shaken that their version didn't work. And of course you just had, as you pointed out, two historic Supreme Court decision, remember the Colony Clintman one. Those would both have been seven to three or seven to two on the other side. Did you hear did you hear what Ted Compell said? He actually went on to say that he said that the New York Times and Washington Post have both decided as organizations that President Trump is bad for America. He goes on, I'm terribly concerned when you talk about the New York Times these days, when you talk about the Washington Post these days, we're not talking about the times of fifty years ago or the post fifty years ago. He said, we are talking about organizations that I believe have in fact decided as organizations that Donald Trump is bad for America. Pretty accurate. Well, that's see, that's a that's another great example though. Here he is one of the most respected newsmen of his generation coming down. Well, I'm still pissed off at him, but go ahead, judgment. Well, he sandbagged me. I do an hour interview with him, and he uses a minute in seven seconds to make himself look good. But anyway, that's edited. Yeah, you're right now. Look, I am not going to defend Ted Copple sandbag. There's probably a bad week he needed to feel good. Well, can I tell you? But I think it's interesting Copple, even a guy like Ted Copple feels that he needs to speak out. You're you're you're just sensing that the solid wall that condemned Trump is beginning to have leak center. You know, of course, the economy is a big piece of that. But also I had a conversational reporter today about the Muller Report, in which then this is a pretty liberal reporter from pretty liberal paper who just sort of said, well, gosh, if it really doesn't show anything, doesn't that kind of indicate the president? And I mean, this is not a reporter who a year ago could have said those words. So look at what happened with Beto O'Rourke. You want to talk about media bias or the the what are you laughing about? I'm sorry, Robert Francis Beto, I call him Bozo Rourke. Um, but yes, I always talked about Robert Francis O'Rourke. But my newsletter to Mars entitled by by Beto, he's in deep trouble. But the reporter entered in the agreement with Bozo to delay a story about him being part of a hacking group, the Cult of the Dead. How until after he ran against Ted Cruze. He held it for two years. Right, that's well, look, they know Rourke is or Robert Francis over to use his real name is the Kardashian version of the Kennedy's. So think about whatever whatever the Kennedy's once were in a mythical time. This guy is a shallow, narcissistic irrelevancy who was propped up by the support of a whole bunch of people who look at him and go, oh, my god, he actually waves his arms. I mean, did you see him waves his arms? Oh, he waves him he waves his arms. So well, yeah, and you have to say to yourself, I mean, this is a guy who supporters he got to be genuinely dumb. Well, and he's dumb. They've got to be dumb. So here's what's emerging with the twenty twenty candidates. And I'll ask a question about Joe Biden separately. But you have now even during the birth process abortion, in other words, as labor has begun, you're still you're still allowed to have an abortion. We heard the comments of the governor of Virginia. Well, first we'll deliver the baby, and we'll make the baby comfortable, and then the mother will decide whether or not medical attention will be given the baby, which is nothing short of infanticide and murder. But put that aside. But they're also the party that is serious. There's one hundred congressman senators combine that agree with the New Green Deal to eliminate gas oil, and we're on the verge of the biggest wealth producing breakthrough this country has ever had. With what I just pointed out about gas and oil, and we'll eliminate that the lifeblood of our economy and the combustion engine. And while we're at it, we'll get rid of cars and cows and planes, and we'll give everything, everybody, everything for free. And we'll tax corporations at ninety percent and individuals at at least seventy percent, and then we'll have a wealth tax on top of that. Right, how does that work? Of course it doesn't work. It works like Venezuela, it works like Zimbabwe, it works like Cuba. I mean, anybody who has lived and looked around at socialism on the planet realizes socialism is power to the government, leads to corruption, ends up depriving everybody except the elite of everything, and is sustained in power as in Venezuela right this minute, only because the military is the one group that gets goodies. Nobody else in vezue anything, but Maduro makes sure the military is taken care of, because that the only people left to keep in the power. So when you watch these people talk about gquibly being socialist, just realize these are people who refuse, absolutely refuse to deal with reality, and they're living in fantasy land and they want you to join them in their fantasies. So the people that I talked to this seems to be. Although Bernie is leading in a couple of polls over Joe Biden by a pretty significant margin, but people say, well, Joe Biden probably would be the front runner, and I'm looking at I don't really necessarily agree with that. Joe Biden is a gaff machine. He'd first have to run on the failed record of him in Obama, which was a disaster, and I think the comparisons will be so stark that he's gonna have a lot of hard time defending that. And then you think of well, I've come from a slave state, and you think of the other gaffs that, Well, you can't work at a seven eleven or a dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight to a seven eleven or a dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. You got the first sort of Matrican American who is articulate and right and clean and bicycing guy. I mean, that's a man. You don't know my state, My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. My state is aiming from a northeast liberal state. Romney wants to let the he said in the first hundred days, he's gonna let the big banks once again write their own rules. On chain Wall Street, You're gonna put you all back in chains. Can you believe storybook? Man? I mean, here you have the first African American that's articulate and clean. But on top of that, then you've got eight years of a track record. I don't know if America, I think are you better off than you wore four years ago? Will be a pretty powerful line if it's Joe Biden. I've known Joe Biden for a very long time, and Joe Biden is always a good candidate as long as he doesn't run, and I think that he will be a terrific candidate. And if he doesn't run, and every time he starts to run, he makes no sense. Yeah no, And if you listen to him for a little while, he can't his facts are wrongs, since that's just terrible, and his logic is just irrational, and that's why he's run. He collapsed as a candidate, and I think that, frankly, if he runs this time, to collapse. He will not be relevant by oh February next year. What do you think about where Muller is now going? And more importantly, you know we have we have been now peeling away the onion these two years. And we now know that the Clinton bought and paid for dossier after they rigged an investigation to not charge somebody that should have been charged. Hillary Clinton, she was the favored candidate, and then that she buys this dossier. The dossier's disseminated to the American people as Russian lives to impact the twenty sixteen election. Then it's even used to obtain a FISA warrant against the Trump campaign. Is so see it so they can spy on an opposition party candidate and the lead up to an election. And now we're finding out that there was used the same unverified, uncorroborated at Clinton paid for Russian lines were used to bludge and Trump. And it's the exact opposite of what we've been told by the media. And now all the proof is coming out as they begin to reveal these closed door sessions and testimony. Well, all I look, all I can say because I have no secret insight information watching all of his big guns leave quietly, watching the way the news media, who have pretty good sources, are beginning to get more timid. I'm beginning to think that this report may be an amazing vindication of Trump and maybe the most devastating thing ever to happen to the House Democrats, because it may make it clear to the country that any effort to go beyond Mueller is pure vicious partisanship with no public preface to it. I have to tell you, if you and I know because we talked with us for months, if you had said to me six months ago, then we'd be at this stage and you'd be having this kind of leaving the stage with a whimper rather than a bang. I don't know that I'd have believed this. Well, what about the six to eight Democratic committees that have now committed themselves for the next two years not serving the American people, but endless investigations. How does that work for them? Well? Look, I think that Mueller in fact may make them an embarrassment and may give Trump the perfect bludgeon to say again and again to the country, Look, this state spent millions of dollars. He brought in the best Democratic lawyers he to find. He had the full power of the federal government. He couldn't find anything because there isn't anything. And I think that may well work to totally discredit the House Democrats in their effort to engage in this kind of investigation. Oh, it's going to be interesting. So who do you think if you had the guests today, who do the Democrats nominate to be there their candidate this year? Nook, I'm sticking with this on your show for a week after week. I believe Kamala Harris would be the nominee. I believe that if you're an African American woman from California, being from California, lets you automatically be crazy and that takes care of the left wing. She even raised a huge amount of money being an African American woman. There's are huge advantages in the primary. And I don't see who's gonna knocker out. I mean, you know, I think if you know, the one person the Sanders actually can go to the distance, he might get the nomination. That would truly be astonishing. But remember, even Kamala buys into this New Green Deal insanity, I don't see the American people buying this Okay, okay, well they're not going. You didn't ask me how I thought. I'm in the general. Trump will in the general. Will you ask about the Democratic Party nomination and crazy? The Democratic Party right now is just to sign you a good loyal Democrat. So I think I think Kamala Harris is adequately crazy by virtue of view from California. And I think that in the end, if you think about it, while Sanders has a pretty good vote, I think he's about like twenty twenty nine percent. The guy who was one hundred percent name Id, ran before for president and it's probably at his peak. Well, in the end, somebody's going to get to fifty one. I mean the Seman happened when Trump is He kept day by day eliminating his opponents, and one morning he was about fifteen Republican primaries. And I think she is more likely to get there than I think Sanders or Biden. All Right, New King Rich, former Speaker of the House, thanks for being with us. Don't forget to download his new podcast every Sunday. Certainly, by now people across the nation has seen the devastating and catastrophic flooding that's moving across our region. After having the opportunity to tour west in Iowa on Sunday and yesterday, I can tell you that from Hornick to Hamburg, I saw firsthand Iowans coming together not only for each other, but for their communities. I can also tell you they're still in the battle, but their resolve is strong. I have seen and heard stories of heroic volunteerism at each stop. We were invited into damaged homes of Iowans as they were fighting back emotions from the destruction. But I tell you they were still full of pride and their intention for tomorrow. I sat with the people in Hamburg who have lost two thirds of their town to floodwaters. Their water and facilities have been compromised, and the destruction to the egg community just in that small area Loane is devastating. We laid everything out, they talked about what they were facing, and in their next response I heard him say, they've not lost their fight and they don't know how to give up. All right. That is the Governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds, talking about the devastation. Now, this is all throughout the Midwest in America, and the amount of damage record floods unprecedented damage and difficulty that the people of Iowa are facing and what happens next. Governor I'm first, I know I speak on behalf of everybody on this program. We're really sorry about all you've been through and tell us what the latest is. Oh, thanks Sean, I really appreciate that, and I appreciate you really helping us bring awareness of the just the catastrophic situation that we're dealing with, not only in Iowa, but my good friend to the west, Governor Ricketts in Nebraska, is just it's heart wrenching. It's horrific when you see it. Look when I did the flyover yesterday morning along the Missouri I mean, look like an ocean and to see, you know, generational farms that we're we're top to think about communities where I sat down with a mayor and hear that two thirds of your community, your city has been wiped out. We have sewer and water treatment facilities that have been compromised. It's just it's almost overwhelming. But at every community that I was in, the first responders, the emergency managers, the teamwork and coordination, and they all said this from federal to state to local has been phenomenal, and we didn't have a lot of time with this one, so we had to react really really quickly and just getting people evacuated. We had communities that access has been cut off, and we had communities doing rescues are Ye rescue efforts from a boat and uh, you know, it goes on and on, and uh, we're just getting started. We're in this for the long. Let me ask you what is the I know you were pretty successful in the evacuation. What is the long term damage in all of this. Well, we're assessing that right now, but it's it is going to be just significant. And I appreciate, you know, the President's response to this. He has I've talked to his representatives at the White House. I had a call yesterday from Secretary Sonny Purdue. The agricultural impact alone, we have been after, been after ben that is full of grain, and elevators that have a lot of grain that's lost. We have live thought that's been lost. We have just tremendous infrastructure problems, not only with our main interstates and highways, but a lot of secondary roads that are going to be impacted. I've had a call from Administrator Linda McMahon, so we can talk about, you know, let's live to put a strategy in place. We have to see what we can do immediately. Then we have to have a long term plan as well. But just them reaching out to me that say, we're aware of the situation, we know what's going on. Here's I'd received information from the Small Business Administrator McMahon this morning about how we can access grants and fun to help relocate businesses and get people back in their homes. I talked to Secretary Chow this morning as well. There's an opportunity for us to access some early release of emergency funding for from us DOT Federal Highway Administration to get the you know, the infrastructure up and going so we can move commerce in and out of the state. And so it's just and then I pulled all of my cabinet members together too, so that we're steamulessly looking for ways that we can respond and get the damage assessments done, so that we can get the information to the different the different areas to help help pool the resources and really start to rebuild and recover. Well, I know the President tweeted out that his team is staying in very close contact with you, and also local officials managing the floods and supporting the first responders, and long term, you're going to need some support, which, by the way, you know, the American people are the most generous on Earth. I'm sure that whatever is needed, they'll step up and help their fellow Americans out what needed. And you just see it over and over the sense of community that I don't know if I said this, I tell you we've just been I've been going twenty four to seven. But we have Vice President Pence that's going to be in today. I'm meeting him and Governor Ricketts and Omaha, we're going to do a flyover. You really need to see it to really get a sense of how, you know, the amount of flooding. It looked like an ocean as I drove over down Sunday. So, I mean, it's just I can't think the outreach and just the willingness to say we stand ready, you know, to help wherever we can and to help expedite the process. And that's so important because you know, as we tend to look at government and bureaucracy and red tape, we're going to have to figure out how to be innovative and quick in coordinating resources to get this done, to really start the recovery process. So I'm so, well, how do you expect this is going to impact potentially some of the farmland in Iowa, which we as a country rely on so much. Yeah, I'm really nervous about I mean, we're resilient, we'll come back. But just the fact that you know, we've got we've got corn that's not that's gone that this is when they'd be moving it to market, and a lot of that isn't insured, and it's just how it goes. So we've got an issue there. We got to get rid of the water and get the fields back in shape. We have to make sure the roads are okay so that we can start to plant for the new season. You know, that's an issue. I a couple of my farmers down in one of our small counties in southwest ire I always said, this is just ten of dates. So this is one person that's talking about that area. Three hundred and ninety thousand bushels of soybeans, over a million bushels of corn that have been impacted, and we're still assessing it. So but you know what, we've got some of the best farmers in the entire world. We take very seriously our role in feeding and fueling the world, and we're doing more on less and with technology and innovation. We're going to get the sand out of the fields. We're going to rebuild, We're gonna be ready to go. You know, We'll just we just have That's why we've started recovery today. I mean, we have to be sure that we're doing everything we can that when they get ready to get in the field and to get the you know, start the new season, that we can get them there, that the roads are ready to go, and that you know, end the fields are ready to go. And so that's a lot of what we're working on. And also just in our communities, getting people back into housing and getting our businesses relocated so that we can not lose that commerce in these small communities across you know, across the western side of the state. Um, well, I know, the president of the vice president, they'll be all over it, and I'm sure emergency funding will be appropriated as it should be. So I just want you to know the rest of the country isn't you know, You're in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you the best and so sorry this happened. I know how traumatic it can be for people. They're losing everything, their farms, their homes, and things may seem bleak now, but these waters will recede and life will go on. And until then, Americans stand by, ready to hope. Thank you, and we're resilient. We are Iowans. We are tough, that's true, all right then, but you know we New Yorkers are kind of tough too, but we care about our friends in Iowa. Okay, deal, just send our love and appreciated, all right, Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa. We're now joined by Governor Pete Ricketts of Nebraska, and he's here to talk about the tragedies caused by the floods there. You know, the last time Omaha got flooded, it just so happens that I was flying into Omaha. My kids were younger, they had a tennis tournament, and I was stunned at just the magnitude of the floods then. And from what I understand, it's even worse than it was at that time. Yeah, it is, you know, just to put this in perspective, in twenty eleven, when we had the flooding that were so damaging, we had the National Guard out to watch the levies. We didn't do any rescue operations. And in this case, we have had the National Guard rescue one hundred eleven people, the State Patrol of rescued one hundred and sixty three people. We've had our Nebraska Task Force rescue sixteen people. We have in the state of Nebraska never had a weather disaster that has been so widespread as this one has been. It literally has devastated every part of our state from the blizzard to the flooding. We've got two over two thirds, actually almost seventy percent of our counties in our state have declared an emergency. Seventy seven cities have declared an emergency. So this has displaced thousands of people. We actually still have four hundred and seventy five people in shelters right now while we wait for these floodwaters to go down. So this really has been the most devastating weather event that we've had in our state's history. And you know, I was listening to a Governor Reynolds before as well, But what you see is the same thing in Nebraska where the local people are stepping up. We really want to say thank you to our law enforcement, to the first responder, to the volunteers. They've been just doing a wonderful job. And I just want to give you a quick example. I was in Lynch on Saturday, small town in north central Nebraska. The fire chief there. His house had been flooded out, but he hadn't gone home as he was helping other people. The deputy sheriff. We drove past his house, he'd have been flooded out. His father in law was cleaning it out because he was out searching for a missing person. And that's what you've seen all across the stage is these selfless people who are put in the community first and have been working around o'clock and you know, three four hours of sleep at night to help make sure they keep their neighbors safe. Well, you have a Air Force base there, including officers and hangars of what three thousand feet of the base and eleven thousand and seven one hundred foot runway which is massive. It's underwater at this particular point. Yeah, about a third of the base is underwater. The good news is that none of the housing has been impacted, but about thirty operational buildings have been flooded and so that's going to take some time for that to be able to get cleaned out as well. So it's definitely impacting operations there at the base. Now. We were actually in the process of planning to move those planes to Lincoln anyway because they're going to be doing a runway repair project. But it certainly is the impacting the operations to base. I'm so sorry to hear that. You know, my time, I actually went to Omaha many many years when my kids were younger. They were playing national tournaments there, and I love the people of Nebraska and Omaha, and they're great people, and I know how hard they work for what they have and this can be really devastating to them. But why does it keep happening Because it happened the one time I was there, and now it's happening now. Is there anything that the government can do to stop this from happening. Well, one of the things we do is we work on flood mitigation, and that's an ongoing process. I think one of the things to keep in mind is Nebraska is the state's got the most amount of mileage of rivers and streams in the country. So it's actually one of the great things about our states, our water resources, in particular this flood. You know, the ground was still frozen when we had that weather system move in, and so that in part is responsible for why the water just didn't really have anywhere to go, and so it it's definitely one of the things that you know, we just continue to work on to be able to do that mitigation. But man, when you have a kind of water that we had come through our state, there's just no preparing for it. Like this is the worst we've ever had in our state's history. And you know, the people who saw two thousand eleven said, well, we'll never get any worse than that. Wrong by you know, some cases up to four feet. Listen, I was stunned flying over the flood the last time, and the magnitude of it, I mean, it went on for miles and miles and miles. Well, I know the federal government, I know the American people are the most generous on earth, and I know that support is on its way and help is on its way, and you know, we just wanted to give you guys a shout out today and wish you all our best and hope that you can get this receding as quickly as possible and get back to normal life. I'm sure the damage is going to be overwhelming in the end. Yeah, the damage is huge. I mean, if you think about it's about fifteen percent of our state highways were closed at one point, and we still have about two hundred miles of damaged roads that can't be reopened until we get them repaired. We've got fourteen bridges that are out at least, not counting the county bridges and the US Highway bridges. So it's gonna be a significant inputfrastructure. But I just one sure quick story I want to share with you. I was in Fremont at the First Lutheran shelter there on Saturday, and a woman by the name of Brenda came in. Her trailer had been washed away, her trailer home, and she and her kids got in the volunteer line because she wanted to teach your kids that they could still help out she didn't want to. And that's just the spirit of Nebraskans who are just, you know, just so amazing that their resilience has just been inspiring. And it's people like Brenda that are going to help us recover and make this a you know, the best place in the world to live, work and raise a family. All right, Governor Ricketts of Nebraska, we wish you the best. I know the American people will be watching. I know the federal government is on top of it, and we wish you a speedy recovery, and our thoughts and prayers are with everybody. Great well, thank you very much. I appreciate it. You bet eight hundred and nine four one. Sean you want to be a part of the program quick break, We will come back, and when we come back, don't forget our News Roundup, Information Overload Hour. As we check in with our posters, John McLaughlin, Matt Towery, we'll take a look towards twenty twenty and the Democratic radical extreme candidates and whether or not they got a shot against Donald Trump. That and Hannity tonight nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel Straight Ahead. Coming up next our final News round Up and Information Overload Hour. Eric Holder, the former HI is talking about it expanding the number of people in the United States Supreme Court beyond nine to get more progressives on there. Where are you on that? I think we need to fix us him in corner. I think they stole a Supreme Court seat? Can we keep it at nine? Should we keep it at nine? I think I would like to start exploring a lot of options, and we should have a national conversation. Term limits for Supreme Court justices might be one thing to give every president to be abillity to choose three with people holding onto those seats and ways. And I don't think it's necessarily health so I want to face limit. Look, I think we term limits might be a better way to say that we get a two percent tax on the seventy five thousand richest families in this country, we would have enough money to provide universal childcare, universal PreK, universal pre pre k for every child in America and still have two tillion dollars left over. There is no such thing as an illegal human. So are you for or against their trimester abortions? So the question is about abortion and reproductive rights. And my answer to you is that that should be a decision that the woman makes. All Right News Round Up Information Overload hour here on the Sean Hannity Show, Our Hannity Watch on the twenty twenty Extremist Candidates continues as we vet these candidates, unlike what the mainstream media will ever do. Now you just heard from a Corey book or Elizabeth Warren, Kristen Gillibrand, and of course Robert Francis, Beto, Bozo O'Rourke. And we have some polls out today. The first Emerson College wisconsint Pole of Democratic primary voters, Bernie Sanders leads by a comfortable margin thirty nine percent, followed by Joe Biden at twenty four, Elizabeth Warren at fourteen, and let's see Beto at twenty, Kamala Harris at sixteen, and it goes on for there. What's interesting is you watched the positions that they're now taking. Almost all of these twenty twenty candidates have adopted the New Green Deal as part of their top agenda items. You know, you have a Beto O'Rourke. They're answering the question, you know, about third term abortions. How this became a big issue this year, kind of came out of nowhere, but now you have what ten states dealing with it, and the federal government and Democrats in Congress dealing with it. But when they started talking about abortion even during the birthing process and dilation has begun, and the governor of Virginia saying, well, first we'll deliver the baby, and after that we'll make sure the baby's comfortable, and then we'll let the mother decide whether or not the baby gets to live or die, which is infanticide. But that is the radical extreme democratic Socialist Party. Now what Warren is talking about is the other big issues that they're pushing. No one's paid a lot of attention. They want to expand the Supreme Court, and the reason is is that they see that by the time Donald Trump likely leaves office in twenty twenty five, they're not going to be happy at the new makeup of the court. So well, let's just add three liberals. Let's just change the whole system. Forget the electoral college system, which was designed specifically so big states don't get to stomp all over little state because the smaller states obviously have different needs than you know, states like New York and California. So that's been their big push. You have Warren bragging about this two percent tax, but she's going to provide daycare for our kids. We're going to provide think about this, everything is free guaranteed job, guaranteed leave, medical leave, sick leave, whatever it happens to be, guaranteed vacations, guaranteed retirement, guaranteed healthcare, but you can't get your own healthcare. We're going to eliminate oil gas, the combustion engine, cows, and airplanes over time, which will destroy the greatest wealth producing economic system ever envisioned and implemented in the history of man. Elizabeth Warren insisting her career was not advanced behind because of the Native American heritage claim. Corey Booker claiming something that is not true, that he's not a socialist, when in fact he is. And I think Beto Bozo had the worst week of everybody here when you look at his record. I mean, take for example, the latest controversy about him. We learned Friday that one of the reporters from Reuters sat on what was an embarrassing story about O'Rourke's time as a renegade online hacker until after his hotly contested race with Senator Ted Cruz. Now the Reuters reporter who has not been fired, his name is Joseph Men entered into an agreement with Bozo to delay the damning story so long as O'Rourke agreed to the interview anyway, So you got people like him, then you got bud BuzzFeed and their latest embarrassment. What you're gonna watch is exactly what we saw in two thousand and seven. In two thousand and eight, you're going to watch whoever the Democratic candidate is. There won't be any vetting of that candidate. They will be praise and worship and thrills up and down the legs of the extension of the Democratic Party. Media wise, which is the mainstream media. You look over their policies. Ninety four trillion dollars in ten years. That's what they want to spend to remake America into the socialist utopia. Take away all your fears, false promises, socialism, redistribution, statism, call it by whatever name you want. That's what they want for the country. All right, joining us now, we bring in our posters, John McLaughlin and Matt Towery. Thank you both for being with us. Matt, you had an interesting piece I saw this week about something that Donald Trump should do that would help him in twenty twenty, and that's moved to Florida. Well, hey, Sean, how are yet it's you know I'm retired, but I came out of retirement to write this one because I am in Florida now, and you know, there is a certain value that comes being a home home state candidate. Florida's never had a president in the history of the country, and Trump, of course lives here anyway as Marilago. As a home I think he would give him a base. You know. One of his big complaint about states like New York is that you had the nanny state, you have the tax intent spends the state that they're driving people away. And I don't see any reason that he has to continue to call that his residence. I think you could call Florida's residence, be a Florida candidate, and then branch out to these other red states like Georgia, North Carolina, all of which are sort of like Florida. They're on the bubble. This time, they're they're not giving states for the Republican candidates. You know, it's funny, years ago, long before I ever ran for president, I said, why do you base yourself in New York knowing you're gonna save fifteen cents of every dollar If he just moved to Florida or Texas, and he was a little hesitant because I guess he just happens to love New York, feels identified with New York. But yeah, I think you'd save a lot of money. You know, you listen to the words of Andrew Cuomo. I think they're so revealing. Jason will pull this up. Well, tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. Well, we tax the rich, and now they're leaving. And as a result, there's a two point three billion dollars short ball and they don't know how to make it up. We have one of the most progressive tax codes in the United States, which is a good thing, which means the richer you are, the more you pay. However, that presents a very fragile economy because then you are relying on a very small number of people for the vast amount of your tax dollars. One percent of the taxpayers pay nearly half of all the taxes. Tax the rich, Tax the rich, tax the rich. We did now God forbid, the rich leave well, the richer leaving ten a thousand a year in states like New York, New Jersey and Illinois and California. And you see states like Texas, Tennessee and Florida gaining population and the Carolinas as people go to tax havens and see that they get more bang for their buck. And I don't see this trend ending anytime soon, John McLaughlin. Now, and and by the way, I'm like Yushan, I'm still in New Yorker. You grew up in New York. I grew up in now. I don't have a choice. My work keeps me tied to New York unfortunately. Yeah, well my grandkids do so. My wife it's like she's not moving. But the day is It's not just Florida. It's like like match from Georgia. Georgia. I worked for Governor deal Down there. They had the high the lowest per capita taxes in the country. And Atlanta is booming in Florida's economy is growing. And what Governor Cuomo when he talks about And by the way, yesterday there was a Siena poll out statewide. He was forty six approved favorable, forty eight unfavorable. And the New Yorkers, I don't know why why they re elected him. But the amazing part is he was talking about when he talks about millionaires leaving the state, that one percent. The most recent data is twenty sixteen from the tax filings. So Trump wasn't even elected president and they were flocking out of the state. And it's because of his high taxes. And you want to, I mean, Elizabeth Warren, you want to destroy the wealth of the United States. Put a wealth tax in. They'll go to other countries. It's unbelievable. The rich will always find a way to escape the taxes. And in the meantime, the people, they don't get it, all right, So Acasio Cortez and a fairly large majority of Democrats they want a seventy percent marginal tax rate, a ninety percent marginal tax rate for corporations, and on top of that, then they are offering everybody everything for free. But we're going to take away the lifeblood of our economy, which is oil and gas. I mean, we're talking about hundreds of thousands of high paying career jobs for Americans on top of the job creation we have already experienced. And I'm looking at that, and then of course Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax. How is this going to play in twenty twenty, That's the question. Matt Towery, Well, I think John would probably agree if you if you listen to the public that you just mentioned a few minutes ago. Basically, you have maybe one mainstream middle not really middle of the road, the middle of the roads prepared for the rest of them, who has decent numbers, and that would be Joe Biden. Everyone else is to the left and moving greatly to the left. But Bernie's beating Joe on a lot of states. Well yeah, and then Bernie being and Burnie being another one. So my point being that when you add up all the candidates who are getting support who are to way left to center, including Bernie, very little room for a moderate. And I said, my gut feeling right now I had to make prediction is the Democrats are going to go hard left. There's not going to be a center. There's not going to be some come to the battle and eas you even think crazy Uncle Joe is going to go further left. I think he has to. I don't if he does. If he doesn't do that, this is this is not going to be the scenario that we saw last time. This is gonna be two thousand and eight in which you had Hillary Clinton running and she didn't see Barack Obama coming. Okay, but crazy Joe has a lot of problems with the base. You can't go to a seven eleven or nunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. My state's a slave state. You know. Here's Barack Obama. He's articulate and he's clean, storybook man. And add to that some issues that I know are coming out in his position, for example on race issues and bussing and segregation. I mean, these comments, you know, are going to devastate him. That's why I can't win. I think one of these other candidates to the west of him are gonna end up prevailing, and then you're gonna have a very stark difference. You're gonna have Donald Trump on one side and you're gonna have someone to the extreme left on the other. And it's going to be a repeat at mcgovernor. Next to them is a repeat at Mondale Carter. Admittedly all brought into the future. I don't know what yall thinks about that, but that's my gun, is what I've seen right now. John. Yeah, I think we're looking in nineteen seventy two all over again. I think the Democrat Party is going to fracture and you will see a moderate Democrat leave the party and run, and that could be Howard Schiltz right now. But you're going to have a three way or four way race where the President is going to be strengthen because his basis solid, but he's also improving. His numbers are moving up. I spoke to him a week ago Monday, and his numbers are grinding up because his State of the Union speech was great, The policy pronouncements that people heard was great, and the best line in his speech was that America would never be a socialist nation. And what's going on right now is the anti Trump. The range Democrats are having those derby to see who's most arranged, and they're taking these policies that are maybe popular in a room full of socialists, but in mainstream America, in middle America. The idea of repealing the Trump tax cuts, which would raise the income tax rates on nine percent of Americans, raised, the cut the child tax credit hand from two thousand and one thousand, cut the personal deductions down from two thousand and one thousand, massive tight tuts on middle America in contrast to an economy that's growing and in America that's stronger. I mean, the president is really he just needs to keep moving ahead with his policies and showing that the majority of Americans agree with him while the Democrats are going off on this and it's not just economy, it's it's it's you know, abortion. It's all right, So predictions who's going to be the Democratic nominee and who's going to win the general I'm putting you out on alleged Matt towery Oh, if I had to guess right now, Harris will be the committee. Trump wins the presidency. I said it last time, and I was right, Seawan, you were kind enough to quote me on the air the day before the election when a lot of folks didn't. John probably saw it coming. I saw it coming that there weren't many others. I think Trump wins again, but I think he'll probably be running against Harris. That would be just my guess. John Well, I you know, having worked for the president last time in the primary of the election, I'm getting ready to work from in his reelection. He's going to get re elected because his policies are working. Last question, what's going to happen in Israel? We gotta look, we've had one guy on the world stage that has singularly been steadfast on the issue of moral clarity against radical Islam. Islamis, especially those in Iran, that present a real clear president danger to the world. Prime Minister Nett Yahoo's up for reelection in about a month. Where are we going to end up there? Well, as you know, I worked for the Prime minister, so I'll be going back over there. But as of what they did was they've investigigated the guys for three years, harassed them on these about cigars, good grief, right, and they indicted him five weeks after the election. This is a model of how they're trying to get rid of Donald Trump. So the left, it's an international left that's persecuting a successful right of center prime minister who's keeping Israel in the world safe, stood up to Iran, and he's running against a general who favored the Obama Iran deal. I mean, could you imagine being in Israeli and saying it's great to give them one hundred billion dollars. I wish they shot rockets. You know, we telling you last week that were Iranian rockets. Where do you who do you think paid for that rockets? But they've been fighting proxy wars killing Americans and threatening to wipe Israel off the map and America off the map for decades. And that was how foolish the Obama administration was when they dropped one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currency on their tarmac. All right, John, thank you, Matt, good to talk to you. Appreciate you all being with us. Eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, let's get to our busy phones here as we say hi to Dan Is in Michigan, Dan the man, how are you glad you called? Sir? Thanks? Sean, you're you're doing terrific as always. Um. Hey, bid O'Rourke. Um. And you know how they say he's powerful because he almost beat Ted Cruise. Yeah, and in twenty sixteen. Okay, but Sean, well what people are missing? And I hope you kind of bring this up in the future. His Ted Cruise in two thousand sixteen was a never Trumper, right. He harmed Trump in the primaries three hundred delegates down refused to drop out. He kind of got more into his personal desires than than than for the party, and he went in the election with half the Republicans Mad Adam and not supportive of because what he almost, you know, caused us. Now, by the way, Sean, I know you let me correct one thing. Look, Look, it was a hard fought battle and race, and Ted did eventually throw his support behind Trump. And I think Ted, well, he said it on this program not that long ago, that he's been pleasantly surprised that Trump has kept his promises and governed as a conservative. And as a matter of fact, I can tell you from experience that I know that Senator Cruz and President Trump get along great. And you know, don't forget the President went down to campaign for Senator Cruz because he had one hundred million dollars being thrown at him by you know, uh Beto Bozo and you know, and that helped a lot in the race. So okay, yeah, so by the way, you you cut me before I was gonna say I've forgiven him. He's turned out great, you know, backing Trump, You've forgiven him. I think he realizes his own mistake. But my point is when he was running against Beto, he wasn't never Trumper, and a lot of aust Republicans weren't happy with him, and he only got forty four percent of the vote, and that was the big reason that Beto did so well. And the proof of that is the Trump. The big Trump supporter Greg Abbott got fifty five percent of the vote. Now I love Ted Cruise now, don't get me wrong, But so Beto was against a weekend Ted Cruise. You know, he's not that powerful, isn't You got you gotta understand something. This is part of the political process. And when you start out with seventeen guys and they all want one job and there's only gonna be one left standing, usually what happens is a pretty big part of the sixteen that lose or not particularly happy that they lost. But you know what that's you know, this is bean ball here, this is you know, this is a blood sport to quote a phrase, and I think the President understood it. I think that Ted Cruz understood it. I think they both got hot towards each other at different times. And you know, now they're working together and I think they support each other a lot more than you think. And Sean one hundred percent support Ted Cruise now, but you have to admit he was week back then because of being a never Trumper in that and that is why Beto did so well. I like Trump or Cruise now, but Beto did so well because he was you know, I think it was just Look, it's a very difficult cycle the president's first mid term. I've given you the numbers. I mean, in the case of Barack Obama, remember his first mid term, he lost six senators and he lost sixty three House seats. You know, Bill Clinton lost eight senators and fifty two House seats, and Trump lost I think thirty nine to forty House seats and he picked up Senate seats. So you know, historically, anyway, Trump did a lot better than previous presidents in their first midterm election. And I think a lot of it was because of the pure work ethic and force some Trump to get his voters to support some of these guys. Missouri was not an easy race. Indiana was not easy. Tennessee for a while looked like it was going to be much tougher, and the same Look how close Florida was, both for Rhonda Santis and for former Governor Rick Scott. Texas got a lot tougher than we would have liked. I think we could have won Arizona, but it worked out in the end, and I just think that, you know, that's the nature of politics. You know, there are alliances and there are times that you're gonna be against each other. I will tell you one thing. Anybody that I've ever watched run for president and then when they lose, they seem to lose their mind. You know, starting with well, exhibit a Al Gore, He's never been the same, He's lost his mind. Many others show signs of this syndrome. If you will look, it's very hard when you think you're gonna win to lose. And some people also, I've met politicians. I've gone into districts before you know a vote is about to take place a few weeks out, and I'm looking at polls and I will say, well, you're fifteen points down, and he goes, Nah, those polls are wrong. He goes, you should see the crowds. The crowds are not indicative of public sentiment. I tend to believe polls that are well done. I don't think in the day and age of Trump, I don't think Trump is a typical politician you can poll because there are many people that are just going to say I'm not telling you who I'm voting for. That's why I knew the eggsit polls on election Day twenty sixteen. We're not right. I hope that answers your question. Let's go back to our phones as we say hi to Brian Is on the All New AM seven ten wo R in New York. How are you? What's going on? Hey, Sean? How are you doing? As and etch long islander to a long islander. Yeah, I just wanted. I just wanted to say that, you know, we all know that who we voted against Trump, the fourteen centators, but Rampaule's the only one that anybody really knows of. Why has any of Tucker anybody put their faces out there with their names because it's easy to vote, know in the dark, and it's kind of like what they've done. And I'll tell you what, as a staunch Republican, I would love to see them up all the time and say, you know, remind people, these are the ones that voted against them. Don't let them get away, which is voting in the dark. And I know he did it at a principle, And I don't blame rampaul in this particular case. You know, at the end of the day, I'm looking at, Okay, did the president win. They're not going to be able to override the veto. The president won. The President's getting his money, and I know there might be some constitutional agreements with it. I don't see one myself. I've gone over you know, the legislation that allows the president to stop and intervene in drug trafficking corridors and build barriers and lighting, etc. But I would also argue that his role as commander in chief, when you have that many murders and that many sexual assaults, and that many violent assaults, and that that percentage of drugs crossing the borders, that you know, he has a duty that he's sworn to uphold, and that is protecting the American people. You know, I've the problem I as like I said, as a storage Republican, I'm almost embarrassed about some of all legislatures and how cowardly they are. It's a stand up for what we believe, and I just it just I'm not disagreed with you. You're not You're not hearing me praise the Republican Party in general. If the Republicans would just align behind Trump and the agenda that they had openly supported for years. Absolutely, they would be infinitely stronger as a party. But you know, Trump goes to Washington, they had sixty five show votes that they would repeal and replace Obamacare. But when push came to shove and it actually mattered, well, we found out we had about one hundred in the House that didn't really mean it. And in the Senate two years earlier, in twenty fifteen, they had voted just to repeal Obamacare, and then seven Republicans have voted to repeal in twenty fifteen, wouldn't do it in twenty seventeen. It's very frustrated. You know, it's they're week, they're timid, they lack vision, fight backbone, and you know it's what we're dealing with. That's why I like the Freedom Caucus so much. The one thing I would ask, the one thing I look at the Democrats and go, you know what, I wish we had the strength to stick together like they do. We would be unbeatable. But we're not true and that's what a shame? What a shame? Agreed totally, all right, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn is our number. You want to be a part of the program. All right, let's go to Jerry. Where are you, Jerry? I can't see where where you calling from? Flagler Beach, Florida, just north of the Daytona Beach. What's going on? Sorry? I know you're living in paradise sort of kind of. I don't take this the wrong way, but I hate you. Yeah, there's four people in the Midwest are getting flooded. I got we got hit by IRMA in twenty seventeen, So I feel their pain, but I get it. I understand border cross the border crisis is what I wanted to call about. And I have an advertising company and you know, and getting people's minds, you know, turned toward a particular issue is what I do for a living. And I cannot believe how inapt Conservatives and Republicans are at fighting any kind of an issue whatsoever by not using emotion and using similes and whatnot that to point out things. So in nine to eleven, how many people died on nine to eleven, almost three thousand. How many people died of drug overdoses from drug because it came across our border last year it was twenty times more. That's twenty times more families personally affected twenty times more people who died. And look how much of our national treasure went to go over and go to Afghanistan Iraq and fight those people over there. They killed one twentieth of as many people. And this is happening over and over a year after year, and there's no crisis. This is not crisis. Oh, come on, we got the cartels, we've got the gang members of heroin. Now the added burden of Fenton al which is even a stronger drug killer than heroin. We're losing three hundred people a week in this country. Add to that that young girls are being human trafficking into prostitution for the rest of their lives. They're being destroyed. Add to that those criminal illegal immigrants, the two percent I talk about, not the ninety eight percent that just want a better life. And look at the number we had angel moms and dads on this program yesterday. How do you ever recover when you lose your nineteen year old son murdered by an illegal criminal alien that should have been deported but some policy or some you know, sanctuary city or state allowed that individual to go free. At what point do those people that don't enforce the law, Do they bear culpability? Are they not held accountable for aiding and abetting in what happens by keeping such criminals in the country. It's you know, I've never seen people have things so asked backwards and then streaming at the top of their lungs about child separation when we have child separation that is permanent and the person that fixed the child separation issue happened to be this president. Can I give you another example of a can do whatever you want absolutely insanity. If you have a dog Sean and he gets out of the yard and he hurts a small child in the neighborhood, a judge could literally put you in jail and find the living daylights out of you. You could spend much time in jail. But that very same judge can let a rapist, a drug dealer, a gang member out early and then harm more people in our community, and they're not held accountable. There's another example of the double standard that goes on because we have a ruling class in this country, and you know, because we cannot hold them accountable is part of the reason why we're in the shape that we're in. You know, I'm just flat against me all right. I appreciate the call. Thanks so much, Jerry eight hundred and nine for one Sean told free telephone number you want to be a part of the program. We had an awesome Hannity tonight, nine East, and we'll tell you about that as we continue. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. We will have the latest where's the Muller Report, but more importantly, the Deep State revealed more information, will break it wide opens. Also, we're talking about the abusively biased news media in this country now being revealed and people understanding it. And Donna Brazil makes her debut as a Fox contributor, nine Eastern. Hannity Tonight, Fox News. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.