Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin stands alone in a sea of RINO Republicans covering the issues and dealing with the problems the American people care about right now. The Senator joins today to discuss COVID-19, election integrity, and Hunter Biden.
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All right, thanks Scott Channing. Glad you're with us. Eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean you want to be a part of this extravaganza and a lot to get to today. Now this is a big, big, big deal to me, what is going on now? I want to urge. Look, I'm not Pollyannish. I don't want to put out false hope, but I but what we see unfolding is getting very very interesting to me. It's amazing. I don't think any of you are wrong. As a matter of fact, I agree with you what has happened. There's no way we are ever going to get what is an accurate, fair understanding of legal votes that were counted in the twenty twenty election. This is no way. It's impossible now to be able to ascertain the true, correct, accurate number that we have faith in, trust, in confidence in, and that we could say that this was done with complete integrity, because it wasn't. We now know it wasn't. We've heard from enough whistleblowers, We've gone over enough laws that were broken and ignored. We've seen enough evidence. Although the mob of the media there's no evidence literally, you know, under their definition of I guess evidence, you know, anything short of somebody on videotape saying I'm going to shoot you in cold blood with audio and then shooting the person between the eyes, you know, would be the only evidence that they would accept. Meanwhile, the same people were the biggest advocates of the anonymous hearsay whistle blower. That was courageous and patriotic. There's such phony people. I've never met such hypocrites like we have in the mob, the media, big tech, I mean, and they're all over the place, you know, and this is like one of the more frustrating things. And Linda and I were discussing this yesterday. I mean, you know, you go back to us unpeeling the layers of the Russian onion, and we spent so much time on radio and TV. We built this great ensemble cast. You know, who would join the show regularly. I can't mention everybody's name, and everybody dug and dug and dug and unpeeling one layer the other, next layer, and we get full vindication Horwitz report. You know what Durham is doing. I can't even answer. And it just the name makes me angry. Now I flinch when I hear it because it's such a disservice at the lack of quick justice in this case, with all the low hanging legal fruit that we knew was available separate and apart. So I'm not pollyannish, but I am hopeful. And there is one reality that you just have to discuss whether you want to discuss it or not. You know, the way I see John Roberts, our chief Justice of the Supreme Court now as I see him as a political figure year and I think as a guy that you know, like you hear about the Renquist Court, Well, history will probably view this as the Roberts Court and more concerned about I guess how you look through the prism of history than actually just doing the job. The job of a Supreme Court justice is pretty simple. It's obviously complicated. A lot of education, a lot of knowledge of law, experience, etc. Needs to be to go into getting into such a prestigious position, obviously, So I'm not saying it's easy. I am saying this case is easy if you base it simply on law and the Constitution. It's not more complicated than that. Anybody that's telling you it's more complicated doesn't know what they're talking about as far as never trumpers in their analysis, there's nothing. There are so many weak Republicans. I can never be a Republican again in my life. I can't. And I said this long before Trump was elected. They are weak, they're spineless, they're feckless, they are visionless, and they don't fight. And even after Donald Trump has proven that fighting. People appreciate if you stand up for what you believe in. People appreciate if you fight to keep promises that you made. People appreciate hard work and effort. Now there are other people that would say, yeah, but does he have to fight so much? I never quite understood the expectation that the guy that's going to fight to keep the promise of ending the bureaucracy and lowering taxes and fight for the judges he said he'd fight for and fight for the border wall money even when Congress blocked him every step of the way, and fight for energy independence and trade deals and unleash the military to defeat the caliphate and take out El bag Daddy and Solomoni and all these other guys. You know that somehow, you know that person. Oh it is eight thirty pm. Do you know where your turn off switched to fight goes off, you press it, that's that's not you know, human beings are a little bit more complicated than that. And if it's part of your DNA and your nature. And I'd like to see more politicians fight like Trump every day. And I think that's the reason why people were so overwhelmingly enthusiastic for him. Never seen anything like this, you know, shows up twenty five thirty thousand people. I mean there's no guitar, there's no piano, there's no band, and there's no singing, and there's no show. It's just him. I mean, if phenomenon we probably won't see again in all lifetime, unbelievable phenomenon. So we now have chronicled all of this. Poles indicate yeah, like eighty percent of us looking at this as as conservatives or Republicans, depending how the poll question has asked, and they said, no, we don't have faith and confidence in these results. Why should we? And to get lectured by the mob, the media and everybody else. You know, now I love this. You got YouTube and Google that you can't even talk about a whistleblower. You can't whistleblower, couldn't go on YouTube now and post a video because they said, well, now that the safe Harvard data has passed, we're not going to post anything. I'm like, what you know, I've been talking to Damn Bongino, who invested in Parlor, and I said, I said, I just want to contribute. I want to be He goes, well, I could probably get you like a one percent. I said, I'll take it. So I don't know if I'm gonna do that, but I mean, I'm like, because I'll tell you why. Because I wanted to succeed. I want an alternative to emerge. And there's smart people that have put these new platforms together. Literally, did you know Bongino said to me, Yeah, we want you to join us. I said, I think I will if you really do. But now you've been talking to the people at Rumble, they're YouTube ball. Turn to right, Linda, that's right. What have they been saying to you? Well, I mean the bottom line is that you have organizations and big tech censorship and now it's taken over YouTube, which you know, if you're a YouTube person and you subscribe to it and you give them your money, you can no longer see any type of videos that have anything to do with the rampant election fraud than any normal average American is able to say. I don't pay for YouTube, though I have a smart TV if I want to watch a YouTube right now, That's all I'm talking about. So there are people that can subscribe to YouTube, which enables them to cut out advertising because then they don't have to watch advertising. They make their revenue from your view. But you are unable, as a subscriber or as a regular basic viewer, to see anything that has anything to do with election fraud because they deem it's not worth your time. They don't want you to be able to decide for yourself what you can watch. They will now take that down. You know what, that's exactly like. It go back at China. I know exactly what it's like. It's I'm going back to that. But I was specifically going back to Zero Experience his hunter, I mean, and I went back and I actually found and pulled up all of the stuff that that was being said about China at the time. Remember that that was becoming a big story China, China, I mean Zero Experience Hunter, and they wouldn't run the New York Post story. And then they were accusing Grassley and Ron Johnson of spreading Russian disinformation and now all of a sudden, based on Hunter admitting that he's now under investigation. Oh it's really true. I'm like you people are. So it's not even that they're stupid. They are nothing but partisan hacks. It's a mob, it is. I'm right about this. So yeah, I want to see all these these new groups succeed. And you know why don't Why do we even stay on Twitter? I know when when you tweet out for me or our team tweets out for me stuff because I don't have access. I know that I don't even have an email account. I know that when you do that, you also posted on Parlor right, Yeah, because we're using Twitter to direct traffic to Parlor. So we're using right now and then we're hoping the Parlor one day. We know that Parlor will one day get to a place where they have more users that allow more freedom of speech than a platform like Facebook or Instagram or Twitter will ever allow. Because they are all owned, bought and paid for by big dollars, corporate lobbyists and China, they have no interest in allowing freedom of thought and ideas. To run freely. And by the way, and what Dan told me is a dear friend of ours is he told me, Look, you go on Twitter and people beat the crap out of me. Right And by the way, how many times do I say it really makes me laugh? Some of like the memes they put up in all that, Yeah, but some of it's really gross. It's not it's not even you know, I don't care. I don't want censorship. Well what about if they post something that is offensive? I'm like, then don't read it. I mean, but you can't decide with content that you're gonna you know, edit away. You know, a whistle blower, and that's exposing election fraud. But anyway, let me get back to the lawsuit here, because not only did this Texas case get filed, now we've got seventeen other states, and many of these states, six of them now want to actually join Texas in the suit. You got literally seventeen state attorney generals Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana. They're all filing a brief with the court in support of what Texas is doing. Why because the four states Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia are outcome determinative. In other words, do they have standing? Well, the answers yes, they'd have standing because if those four states didn't follow the constitutional process, which they did not, and it's laid out in perfectly in this lawsuit, then that would mean that everybody in every other state that did do it constitutionally has been disenfranchised by them not following the constitution. That's why this is important. And let me be clear about something here. There's no way in hell you're getting seventeen state attorneys generals to put their name and reputation on the line about a lawsuit if it lacked merit on the law and was without a strong constitutional basis of fact, they wouldn't do it. They would not. They wouldn't do it because they liked one presidential candidate over another. That that would never ever happen. You know, we've gone over what this suit is. Article too. Constitution requires state legislatures to decide election policy. That was violated and multiple ways Pennsylvania mail in ballots the deadline pushback. That would be constitutionally the legislature's job. Well, that's not who made the decision in that state. Then Georgia their horrendous consent decree. Well, the Secretary of State had to if we're going to follow the constitution, go back to the state legislature in Georgia before he agrees to a two separate signature verifications, one low standard for mail in ballots versus people that vote in person. That too, was enacted without legislature legislature's approval. Their second argument is about unequal application of the law. Paul Workers, partisan observers written into the law encounter different rules different counties. While you go back to the landmark case bush be gore the equal protection clause, Well, that was violated there. Chris Kolback will join us later and explain it more detail. But state legislatures in Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania could exclude ballots for example that we're counted in violation of state law. Or they could divide their electoral college votes. In other words, they even offer remedy in this lawsuit. Constitutional remedy it is. This is a serious legal challenge. Now the onus is on the US Supreme Court, and as the Roberts Court gonna once again play politics, maybe they'll surprise us and do the right thing. You know, do I have confidence. I can't tell you how. I'm not even gonna venture a guess. Should they Yes, they should, Absolutely they should. They roll along. Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine, Full one shun looks a lot of constitutional remedies here as it relates to this case. It's a big deal now that these attorneys generals are getting on serious legal challenge owners now on the US Supreme Court. I'm not going to venture a guess which way they're going to go if they'll take the case. I hope they do. They really need to. And that's I think one of the reasons why I did not expect seventeen attorneys general to jump on board with this. Now, I'll tell you what has also happened here as well, and that is that the American people see through all of this. You know, there's a pole out Quinnipiac poll out today, and I think it's very very revealing and it shows stuff that you know, we've been seen in other polls. But it's worth bears repeating. Worth sixty percent view Biden's quote presidential victory is legitimate, Okay. Quinnipiac seventy seven percent of Republicans believe, and I agree with them, that there's widespread voter fraud. And that's what the whistleblowers were telling us for two weeks. That's what all those affidavits were all about. And so yeah, that's that is all extraordinarily real. And those are the things that add Those are the things that we need to be paying attention to. Now one other thing, it's like the mob and the media act and like all of a sudden, well, Hunter Biden, really there's some problems here. Well, now we're discovering that the Justice Department's interest in Hunter Biden is way more about taxes. And my sources have been telling me there's been an investigation ongoing since twenty eighteen. That would be, yeah, exactly the year that Peter Schweitzer released his best selling book Secret Empires well more on the other side straight a Hunt. He got on as a sophomore, And now he says that Nancy Pelosi and Adam Shift knew of it. This is a national security threat that the Intel Committee does not meet in normal chambers. They meet in what is called a skiff to protect from people listening in on what they're talking about. They're getting secrets that other members of Congress never are able to see. And now we have Eric Swalwell who has been swindled by the Chinese. But what's even more interesting here is why did he attack the American Director of Intelligence John Radcliffe's report talking about the expansion of China spying throughout he attacks week? Just last week he attacked the Director John Radcliffe defending China. This man should not be in the Intel Committee. He's jeopardizing national security, all right, Now, that was Kevin McCarthy. So let me just shift gears here briefly. You got calls rightly now, I mean if you look at Swalwell, I mean he is a hack, a hack hack. I mean he's right up there with the compromised corruption genital liar Schiff and Nadler and that whole Russia Russia Russia lie stuff. Anyway, so he's on the House Intelligence Committee, is Kevin McCarthy's pointing out. And now we get this report revealing as he was literally connected to with really significant ties to a Chinese spy named Christine Fang. Now she had helped fundraise for his campaigns, help place at least one intern in his office. I wonder if that was a spy too. The Axios report Fang's relationship with two Midwestern governors. You know, she was hooking up with these governors. And when I asked about the nature of his relationship the congressman, well, we declined to comment. They refused to hold him accountable. But yet we got the Russia lies fed by him and every Democrat and the mob and big tech for three years. So it's I mean, you want to talk about corruption, that's corruption. Now. One interesting thing this was on Foxnews dot Com for three days. Congressman Swollwell won't provide any details regarding the relationship with a person we've now identified as a Chinese spy. Axios reporting that the woman Christine Fang, had made inroads with several political figures. Rick Ranello was on last night and says, yeah, there's a ton of these politicians that are tied up and this on my what Now we know Putin's a hostile actor, Russia hostile regime. We know that the Chinese are worse anyway, so they people are asking for details, you know. Now, Swalwell was asked directly about the nature of the relationship with Fang, whether it was romantic sexual whatever they say, they have no comment. Is that the end? Okay, Now we're just gonna take his word for it and allow him to remain on the on the House Intelligence Committee. I don't think so. Now here's another odd fact that we found out. We were posted a good article about this today. You know, now the FBI, you know, outed Swalwell's companion as this Chinese spy. Well, now we discover that Swalwell's family had been in close contact with her up until yeah, recently on social media, and the congressman's father is brother all remained friends on Facebook with the Chinese by Christine Fang also known as Fang Fang as late as Wednesday, even after the lawmaker said he cut off all ties after brief being briefed by the FBI. You see, if you're Donald Trump, you don't get brief You get set up. If you're General Flynn, you get set up. If you pop a doppo as, you get set up. If you're a Democrat, you get Oh, you might want to stop hanging out with the spy friend of yours posing as a college student sits on the House Intel Committee. Won't won't address it, Pelosi, she's out there running interference. She dismissed a question about whether swallows multi year relationship with the Chinese spy posed a national security risk. I don't have any concerns about mister Swalwell. Are we to a point now, after what happened to Easter Swalwell maybe where there should be background checks for all staff in turns before obviously numbers staff you serve on the Intelligence Committee is an armed chervis it's going to have that. Should that be universal? And what are your concerns? What should be universal? Chat on this? Background checks for the AIDS were in turn to foster the word for all of numbers, all staff and in terms of capital, who have concerns about well? I don't have any concern about mister Swalwell. In terms of mister Swalwell, he In the spring of two thousand and fifteen, the leadership of the Conge of the House and the Committee were informed that overtures from a Chinese person was were being made to members of Congress. When that was made known to the members of Congress, it was over. You know, that was the end of any communication. So that's okay. How about we know the nature of the relationship. How we get some details. Now, this is the same Swalwell that accused Donald Trump Junior of meeting a Russian spy. Remember we filed out the meeting of Fusion GPS heads before and after that quote meeting that was supposed to do with the what was it, the mcginski Act, an adoption, That's what they were told. The premise of that, that whole thing and a waste of everybody's time, the only one on fifteen minutes. No sexual relationship anyway. Yeah, so the hypocrisy stands, you know, tall as you. I mean, it's just such a such a double standard. This is how corrupt things have gotten in the deep state. Why didn't the FBI give Team Trump the same option instead of spying on him, instead of setting up General Flynt, instead of doing what they did to everybody Fang Fang or Christine Fang close to several politicians, according to Rick Rernell, is way deeper than anything has ever been published as of now. Wow, well she the spy who loved Swallowell. I think we have a right to know. Plenty of pictures of them. Why they continued contact with his family? What's the nature of the relationship. Back to the election issued. Ted Cruz, by the way, is agreed to argue the Texas lawsuit. Should the Supreme Court rightfully take it up and take on the case, which they should. Seventy seven percent of Republicans think there's fraught in this election. They're right, that's by the way. And three quarters of Republicans think that Trump likely will run in twenty twenty four. That's going to be an interesting question. Trump tells White House Party that if Supreme Court justices have the courage and the wisdom, this is not a complicated case. We've gone over it. We'll go over it later in more detail. He'll win the election. Lesislatures across the country now are planning sweeping election reform. You think it's passed due? I do you know? Then we can listen to the never trumpers like John Kasik that GOPAG suing to overturn are morally and ethically bankrupt. No, you supporting a cognitively struggling week and frail Biden and abandoning everything you've ever said about government your entire career, John, that that description would fit you. Just as a side note, we were once friends. Anyway, I think it's a big deal. House Republicans call for special counsel to investigate the election. The President also joined in the case. All these other states attorneys generals they're deciding if they're going to join the case seventeen already. That surprised me. I did not expect that many. I didn't And Texas does have the right to be heard. There's a great New York Sun editorial about that today. We'll get into some of that a little bit later in the program today, but I will tell you there's a lot going on that you know, this is going to be one of these things that we're going to be really digging deeper and deeper into. Is the days, weeks, months, you know, go by. Then you got, you know, go back to the whole Hunter Biden thing. And now, for the first time, now I can report to you that this is way deeper than just about his taxes, in case you're interested, way deeper. And this has been going on since twenty eighteen. He said, Well, I learned yesterday for the first time US Attorney's office in Delaware, which alarms me. Advised my legal counsel, they're investigating my tax affairs. And one of the reasons it might be taxes is because that gives them more more latitude in terms of where they can take the investigation. But coming out of Delaware, I'm worried now, Biden Harris. They issue a statement, We're deeply proud of his son. Joe is fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks. Remember the media was saying, ah, there's nothing too, this is no this is Russia, Russia, Russia, big Tech deciding not to even let the American people read this in the lead up to the election. House corrupt is that anyway? All this material on that abandoned laptop is now evidence in this probe which has been underway since twenty eighteen and triggered a number of suspicious activity reports. And by the way, according to a document obtained by Fox, Hunter's laptop was filed under a case code two seven two D that would be the classification for money laundering. While Ron Johnson will join us later, this went much deeper than just Barisma, where the millions were paid with zero experience and oil energy gas or Ukraine and quid pro quo. Joe on tape bragging you leveraged the billion tax fair dollars. Nobody said there's anything wrong with that, Yeah, we did. Actually, Then the one point five billion dollar deal with the Bank of China, then the China Chinese national taken Hunter on a family shopping spree. Then the three and a half million from the Russian oligarch, first Lady of Moscow wired transfer there, then the Kazak oligarch and the money's transferred for expensive cars there. And then the whole Ukrainian deal. You know, remember he goes on GMA last year, was asked about China's and I never made a penny. That's not true either. Ron Johnson pointed it out on TV. We'll get into that later. And then also he had his lawyer had to go back out there the next day and walk back those remarks because he also has equity in the deal. Peter Schweitzer believes upward beyond twenty million dollars worth. I mean, all of this money, all of this corruption. Imagine the last name is Trump. The Justice Department interest in Hunter Biden has covered a lot more than his taxes, according to Justice Department sources. In addition to Delaware Securities Fraud Unit in the Southern District of New York, that's a series is prosecuting office scrutinized Hunter Biden's finances. According to the person with knowledge of the investigation, why I don't understand why people don't pay their taxes. Why am I like the only idiot that's afraid to not pay my taxes? Because I you know, I figure as a conservative you get arrested for spitting on the sidewalk or jaywalking. But apparently a lot of people, you know, don't want to pay. I don't know. I don't like it like everybody else, but I tell them I pay it. Hey it, Well, I'm not sure we can take this deduction on pay it. It's every phone, Linda, how many phone calls have you been on that you heard me say just pay it? Far too many, way too many, and all of you get mad at me. I'm like, I don't want to deal with this crap anyway. Then they're looking at the Western District of Pennsylvania conducting a criminal investigation of a hospital business Joe Biden's brother James was involved in. Federal officials they are asking about james roll in the business. I mean everybody in the fim. Well, the big guy had ten million set aside. If you remember the Bob o Lynsky interview with Tucker, and the media is finally covering the Hunter's story after avoiding it before the election. Well, that's because Joe was in the media mob campaign protection program and the big big tech mob protection program there, and of course they ran full interference. Joe never had to answer questions, never even had to show up ninety percent of the time, and the mob would beat up Trump for him for free, his foreign transactions, repeatedly flagged his potential criminal activity. That was in the Senate reporter Grassley and Ron Johnson, who's going to join us later in the program today. Senator Kennedy of Louisiana had a great line Hunter Biden revelations, you know, raised the issue of why media and tech clamped down on the New York Post reporting. You do understand this is an inkind donation. This is them donating to help elect Biden by keeping all of this away from you. Remember Romney was out there, not legitimate role for the government looking at this Biden probe. You admit you stand by that. Today President elect pledge not to interfere in the dj investigations in twenty nineteen. I'm not sure that's going to stand either. Marsha Blackburn, Senate should investigate the cozy relationship between Biden Incorporated in China. You think, you know, I'd like to know with all this money and all these deals and all these countries in Russia and Ukraine and Kazakhstan and China, I wonder what the Chinese have on Biden. I'm wonder and Hunter and others. This could get very interesting. Devin Newness signaling support for a special counsel. We'll see what happens with that. But the Justice Department's interest goes way deeper than taxes. I mean, this is just outright scary because now we're talking about yeah, American security here. You know, it's amazing. You go back, you look at MPR when the story broke in the New York Post. Why haven't you seen any stories from MPR about the New York Post Hunter Biden's story read more In this week's newsletter MPR Yesterday, President elect Joe Biden's son, Hunter says he was recently informed he's under federal investigation. Politico. Before the election, more than fifty former senior intelligence officials believed the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden has all the classic earmarks of a Russia information operation. Politico today, the federal investigation and the president elect, Joe Biden's son, Hunter has been more extensive than a statement from Hunter indicates. Oh a little late for that, isn't it right? Hour two Sean Hannity show, tolfree the numbers eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program, Senator Ron Johnson, who's been all over Hunter Biden exposing the Biden family corrupt scandal, ignored by the mob. Look, it is now December tenth, in twenty five days, twenty six days, whatever the full number is, there's going to be the runoff races in Georgia. I can't think of two more critical Senate seats ever in my lifetime. There has been so much going on in Georgia that has really ticked off a pretty significant portion of the President's base. When the President was down on Valdosto over the weekend, the loudest chanting, and it was loud fight for Trump, wasn't fight for Loffler, wasn't fight for Purdue. Now the president has a lot at stake in this race. In other words, depending on the final outcome of this, if it's Biden and they have the House, and they have fifty fifty in the Senate and Kamala Harris ever ended up President of the Senate as vice president tie breaking vote, we've got a problem. That's packing the courts, that's ending the legislative filibuster, that's DC Puerto Rico statehood, and maybe the process begins to eliminate the electoral college. That's how real it is now is it asked you to watch the people of Georgia get frustrated by Republican politicians like their governor Kemp and their Secretary Estate, who, frankly, constitutionally, I think it's clear cut, had absolutely no right to go into this consent agreement after being sued earlier in the year by the Georgia Democratic Party and the Democratic Senatorial campaign Committee Democratic congressional campaign committees. That allowed the two tiered signature verification to begin. That's the state legislature's constitutional role. Now you got the secretary of state, you got the dope governor, dopey secretary of state, now the dope lieutenant governor. Oh, the election was fair and legal. Well, the problem is in person voting at one stringent standard of voter ID and signature verification in the state database, and then mail in ballots. Well, you didn't have any signature verification with the state database, and as long as an application matched the ballot, then oh, everything was going to be fine. Anyway, here's what the Lieutenant governor said. Do you believe the election was rigged? I don't you know. I'm proud to have worked hard with the Attorney General Chris Carr, with our Secretary State Bred Raeflisberger, and his entire team to put on what is a fair and legal election here in Georgia. We continue to chase down all the little one off leads that we've got another Secretary State. The GBI are working on one off issues like we would probably seen in any other election. But I believe the election was fair and legal. It certainly was close. The person I voted for didn't win, but that doesn't change my job description and we're going to keep working hard. Now. Remember if they if they actually called the legislature back in a session, which the governor does have the ability to do, to fix the problems, well that would be an admission that they screwed it up, something that is viously not something they want to admit. But you know, David Schaefer is the chairman of the Republican Party in Georgia, and they have now been able to break out numbers, and they think they've identified over two thousand felons voting in Georgia on November third, around sixty six thousand, sixty six thousand underage voters. They would be illegally cast, twenty five hundred people who are not on the state's voter rolls, whopping forty thousand who had moved counties but never reregistered as the law demands, and widespread irregularities, including the signature verification issue. Here to weigh in on this important these two important runoff Senate races January fifth, now, by the way, next week in four days now in person, early voting starts in Georgia. Matt Towery, syndicated calumnist Insider Advantages as polling company, the poster, John McLaughlin, McLaughlan and associates, thank you both for being with us. You know here we are now so we got to get Republicans to the polls. This is a These are critical runoff races. And on the one hand, the president's legacy is at stake, his family invest being investigated endlessly is at stake. And yet Georgia Republican politicians, local politicians, governor, secretary of state, lieutenant governor are pissing everybody off. Man, Yeah, they are, and it's become a problem. Obviously in Georgia it's not It is causing people to say, well, why should I go out to vote if my vote isn't going to count because they feel like they're going to have the same problems the next time. I will tell you, Sean, I've detected the slightest bit of a turn in the direction of the Republican candidates in the last day or two. Now I'll know next week as I reveal from polling, But there is a glimmer of hope for these Republican candidates. Part of it may be coming from the fact that both Purdue and Leffler came out and said that they supported the president and they supported Texas and their challenge to Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, the other states with regardless court, that case seems to have some real merit, although it's of course being discounted by the mainstream media because they don't want anyone to think any of these cases have any merit. But I think that that movement on the part of the Senate candidates maybe the beginning of a turnaround and getting these Trump people back involved. Now I'm not saying that everyone in Georgia knows that right now, they're not all following this court case, but I do feel like they're getting a little bit more of a solid footing. But they got a long way to go in a short time to get there, because early voting starts next week. And your take, do you see the same shift at all, John McLaughlin, Because you know, one of the things I know about my friends I lived in Georgia, like Matt had. He's lived there a lot longer than me. He served in the legislature, was a lieutenant governor candidate himself, is that the people of Georgia, they do like Donald Trump, and they I think they realize this impacts him greatly, absolutely, And what they're seeing is in Georgia right now they are being embarrassed nationally and they don't like it. Because we already on your show, we already talked about how even though it's a dead even Senate runoff, and math poles are highly accurate in the general and they're highly accurate. Now everybody knows we're in a dead even Senate race right now, fifty eight percent to thirty eight percent. They want a special session to fix the signature verification. And today as we're on your show, there was a story by the Georgia Star News that says with the runoff election less than a month away, the state nor the counties can produce a chain of custody record for the five hundred thousand absentee ballots placed in drop boxes for the November third election. They are using the same drop boxes for the runoff, so Governor Kemp and Lieutenant Governor Duncan, and Lieutenant Governor Duncan had his own issues with loans during his campaign. But they better call that special session to fix this because right now you have the same kind of tools that And by the way, these drop boxes they're not government they would they were never never passed by the legislature. Uh, they're not basically run by the government. They're funded by Mark Zuckerberg and they were devised by h Ploff. David Plouf, who was Barack Obama's campaign manager, who's the strategist for Zuckerberg and his Committee for a Technology and Civic Life. They were paid for and in UH, I believe in Fulton County it was five million dollars, in Cobb County six six million dollars. They funded the grants of these things. And so it's and so it's not even a government run thing. You've got these private UH initiative from Zuckerberg. So you've got three hundred drop boxes, that's few toys of Democrats and a post post election poul and Georgia that was done before Thanksgiving found twelve percent of all the votes came from the drop boxes and provide and they voted for Biden sent three twenty seven. Those are the live people we can talk about. Aren't they supposed to have a live feed of those boxes and now they're apparently pulling down the video every day in the campaigns. Now have at least access to it and the ability to observe who's dropping off and where and when. Well, you have a live video feed, so you can watch Democrats go up there drop in multiple ballots for who knows who that you you don't verify the signature of the way they did before, and you don't know where they got them. It's a tool for ballot harvesting. It's everything that we're supposed to stop, to stop fraud. But are they doing anything differently than the November third election? Is my question? Not that? Well, let me jump let me let me jump in there. The Georgiana Republican Party says they've mobilized four thousand people to monitor these these pulling locations and precincts. And I have no doubt that David Chaffer you mentioned him earlier. He is an excellent chairman, and I have no doubt that he's doing everything you can to try to up their hands in terms about security this time. But let me get back to the Facebook story that John is talking about just a moment ago, anecdotal, of course, But I live in Florida, as you know, Sean now, have lived here for years, have been voting here for a good number of years. I go on Facebook. Last two nights ago, I just happened to go to my page. I rarely go to it up pops at the top. An official statement. It comes from Spacebook. It says, Matt, if you live in Georgia, it's time you need to register for the US Senate race, and I'm paraphrasing here the US Senate race in Georgia. And then it has two things I can click either check my registration or register now. Now my question is this, we know that these companies know where we are, what we do, They monitor everything that we do. They have all types of sophisticated algorithms. It's pretty clear I live in Florida, So why in the world are they reaching out to me on their own in the state of Florida and asking me, Hey, why don't you think about un voting in Georgia. Maybe you're registered there. Why is it Facebook's responsibility to give millions of dollars to Bolton County, which Moore knows is not known as the greatest area of responsibility of government in this country, in fact, the least responsible to give money to them, and then on their own Sewispontee go out and start asking people in other states if they want to vote in Georgia. I find it to be amazing. Well, by the way that the opportunity the deadline for registering for the runoff was December seventh, so that ship is now sailed. My understanding anyway. So the question is there is this one outlier Poland and we all like and we have a good relationship with Robert Kahli a Trafalgar. And two things stood out in his poll A John will start with you. One is he factored in a three point seven percent likely cheating rate. I'm like, oh, is that how we poll? Now we're just going to assume cheating occurs? And he had law Flower up by five and Purdue down by one. Now that that did that was a bit of an outlier from others. I talked to him about it, and he just made the case he felt that Warnock was too radical and that that had been identified by Georgia voters. He's pretty radical. I don't know. I mean, is he going to turn out to you know, be ahead of the curve as Kelly now surpassing David Purdue in terms of odds of winning. Well, that pole was last high and they've debated since then. Plus you've got all this money coming in there. The bottom line is it's you know, plus one one minus five even that's too close to call in a close election like this in the turnout, so you've really got a dead heat Whomember's pole is out there right now. It's a dead heat. Maybe among honest people that you talk to that you pole, there might be a little more Trump voters coming out right now because the President has been there in helda rally, and the Vice president has been going in multiple times, and the President may come back again, so they're they're coming in. But Stacy Abrams says she has almost a million ballots again with these mail ins and a lot of million ballots request at all or I think now it's over a million. Yeah, and it was one point three in November. So if they're coming again and they're dropping them off at drop boxes, I don't know who's filling them out. I don't know what is your take on that fault. Well, my take is that this is all going to be determined as the degree of intensity these Trump voters have. I have an example of what could motivate them. The president coming is one thing, but there are issues that will get these people out to vote as well. For example, Susan Rice has now been nominated to be in charge of domestic matters in the US under by now the US Senate has to confirm that. Now, I think most people remember Susan Rice from Benghazi, and that's a motivating factor on its own to tell people that if they don't want to see this kind of administration go into effect, they've got to elect both of these two US Senators to stop this sort of action. And there are plenty of other examples that to be used that could draw voters out based on their individual interests. Now, whether that's occurring in Georgia right now, I don't know. I've been critical of the campaigns before because they were using a broad brush of calling people socialists and radicals, and I didn't think that was enough. But we're beginning to see some new stories about Warrenot come up. There's some issues right now having to do with this pass that they're beginning to bubble up in Georgia. I don't know if those have legs or not, but I'm getting the feeling that people are beginning to focus a little bit more on the possibility of losing the US Senate and what the applications might be. And I think from Georgia Republicans, if that becomes the final decision making, if that is the reason they decided to vote, then they win. Well, here we are January fifth runoff Georgia two Senate raises Matt Towery. How is this going to end? Oh, It's going to end in a photo finish. Regardless of what changes are made, if any, in the election process, these candidates are going to have a really tough ride on the part of the Republican side. I think they can pull it off, though, I'm beginning to see a glimmer of hope. But it's going to require a lot of elbow grease and also getting these ballots steered a little bit more. We still need that governor to call a special session. Yeah, I would agree with that. Final thirty seconds, John. I saw the President on Tuesday and he said, you know, they stole this election. I said, I said exactly that on Hannity Radio and he said, keep saying it. And Matti's exactly right. The governor Kemp's office, tell him call the special session. Six to drop boxer. I'm not saying not the call, but calling Kemp is a waste of time. He's useful. I have no respect for this governor none. Well, well, Georgia voters, if they get mad enough, they need to make sure that these votes get cast, and they get cast honestly, so somebody doesn't steal their vote that cancel out an honest person's vote with fraud. So we need to get that six. Because Matt says it's a photo finish. I believe it. And in a photo finish, they can steal it again and we can't let them. All right, Thank you both, Matt Towery, John McLaughlin on eight hundred and ninety four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program twenty five till the top of the hour, toll free. Our number is eight hundred and nine four one sean. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. So Peter Schweitzer wrote the book Secret Empires, and we have the first interview with him when it came out, I believe in early a twenty eighteen, I think it was January twenty eighteen. I mean it's now we've been we have been unpeeling the layers of this onion for quite a long period of time. And then in the Senate, a lot of credit goes out to Senator Ron Johnson and Wisconsin and Senator to Chuck Grassley of Iowa, as they have done what has been necessary for a long time is how is it a guy that has no experience in Ukraine, no experience and energy oil gas, gets put on a board of a what ended up being a corrupt gas company, Barisma, and gets paid millions of dollars with no experience except that his father is the vice president of the United States. And that same person gets on air Force too. Biden is vice president, flies to China and ten days later as a billion dollar deal with the Bank of China, private equity deal, and that later became one point five billion. And then we learned from the Johnson Grassley Report well other money wire transfers had taken place. We learned that there's a three and a half million dollar wire transfer with a woman known a Russian oligarch, the first Lady of Moscow, former wife of the mayor of Moscow. And then you got one hundred and forty three thousand dollars wire transfer from a Kazakhstan oligarch earmark for apparently a very expensive new car. Then of course she got the issue of Joe on tape. You got six hours. You're not getting a billion taxpayer dollars unless you fired the prosecutor that was yep investigating his zero experienced Sun being paid millions. Then you have a Chinese national, and that Chinese national takes Hunter, Biden and family on one hundred thousand dollars shopping spree. And you know, if you look at the summary of all this, it's as clear as day. One of the saddest things to evolve in all of this is at the time, remember the New York Post was breaking the story. Everybody was saying, oh, we can run this. We're not going to put it on big tech social media. Why let people actually think for themselves and decide for themselves. Then, of course you have the disastrous Hunter interview on Good Morning America. In that interview, you have any experience in oil, no gas, no energy, no Ukraine. No. Why do you think they hired you? I don't know, because your dad is in charge of Ukraine. Probably. And he also said I never got one cent from any business dealing with China. This is what he said, and as lawyer had to clean it up the next day and say, well, he does own a lot of equity when they sell this thing. Listen, the president has repeatedly said that you received one point five billion dollars from China despite no experience and for no apparent reason. Obviously, fact checkers have said that that is not true, has no basis in fact in any way. Have you received any money from business dealing at all? Not one cent? Not one cent, definitely not one point five billion. It's crazy. They feel like they have the license to go out and say whatever they want. It feels to me like living in some kinds of Alice in wonderland, where you're up on the real world and then you fall down the rabbit hole, and you know, the president's of cheshire Cat asking you questions about crazy things that don't have any resemblance to the reality of anything that has to do with me. And so here's the answer. No one ever paid me one point five billion dollars, and if they had, I would not be doing this interview right now. Senator Ron Johnson Wisconsin pretty much standing alone among the Republicans and getting to the bottom of this. Now, the revelation yesterday that un our Biden acknowledges that there is a criminal investigation in those taxes going on. Senator, is there anything that he said there that's accurate or true in your estimation, Well, it's probably true that nobody paid him one point five billion dollars. I think that was the at least the goal of what they wanted to raise in terms of a private equity fund that he would be fighting off fees from. But we do know that he got paid more than a cent. He got paid five million dollars a cash transfer from CEFC into his bank accounts for his businesses. We also know in an addendum to our report, about six million dollars flowed into the business or accounts of Rob Walkery, very close business associate affiliated with the Bidens. In some of those emails, Rob Walker says, you know, I really want to be viewed as a surrogate for the Biden family. So, I mean, there's the eleven million dollars, which is certainly more than a cent, but I'll admit it was probably a little less than one point five billion. But again at the one point five billions, well, but that was the deal. It wasn't how much he was going to get paid. But also, as lawyer acknowledges that there's equity that he is yet to cash in. Correct. Yeah, again, we don't know all the financial entanglements that he has with foreign governments. What we do know is troubling enough Again, what I'm trying to get alert people too is think of the company that he was doing, that is making those cast transfers. CEFC. It had reportedly about thirty three billion dollars in some form of income in twenty thirteen. That business just disappeared overnight, along with the its chairman, who was his business partner the apparently had breakfast or lunch with in his luxury apartment. He also just disappeared. The bad individual had ties to the Timist Party China and the People's Liberation Army. These are the people that hunter Biden and the Bidens, and according to Tony Bobolinsky, Joe Biden was aware of that. That was the whole point of setting up the meeting so that Tony Bobolinsky could meet, you know, the big guy. Okay, So no, the Vice President had lied repeatedly about this, and you know Sean was going to me personally, is you know, all the accusations that this is Russian disinformation that Chuck Rassley and I were you know, accepting and disseminating, and that there's nothing to these things. And so here after the action, you finally have the Department Justice admit that there there's something to this, even though they've had this computer since at least December two thousand, nineteen, and I think they've had knowledge of financial transactions being dating way back to two eighteen. Now, remember Hunter Biden. It was in those emails from uh Devin Archer's business associates that's in jail now said you know, they wanted to put a little honey in Hunter's pocket. That was in that Indian that tribal bond fraud. That's stating back two th eighteen. So I don't know what the FBI has been doing sitting on this information. Did they just decide to prosecute the people that weren't fully connected the Bidens and just trying to ignore what kind of connection Hunter had on this. I've got some real serious concerns. And again I've said that, you know, I don't like I don't like special councils, but I am concerned that this is now the US attorney in Delaware, We'll see where the Biden's from. Oh, they're in Delaware. And I've also seen what the FBI has done, for example, in medior exam the skation to Hilly Clinton's email scandal that was not an investigation designed to uncover the truth leading to prostitution conviction. That was an investigation by the FBI, by the corrupt James come McCabe struck FBI that was designed to cover up the truth of Hilly Clinton's email scandal and exonerator. I hope that's not the case of them opening up this case, this investigation conveniently after the election. And now actually CNN I think had a headline about this. They didn't. They weren't doing that before the election, were there. Well, when you really go to big Tech, I call it the candidate protection program that they allowed Joe Biden to hide the whole campaign and between the media, I call it the mob and big Tech they've got their own little mob set up. I mean, it is the single biggest thing kind donations you could ever have, and they're dismissaled. You're right of what you had uncovered with Senator Grassley and what Peter Schweitzer had uncovered in twenty eighteen in secret Empires. All that was was an in kind donation to all things Joe Biden. And yeah, nobody's talking about the Russia connection and how this must be a Russian plot against the bidens because of the reality of what this is. Now the question is, Okay, we've now had this information for such a long period of time, what is the threat that potentially exists for Joe Biden? For example, if his son did make all this money, has all this equity, all these wire transfers, all of these countries. To me, that then becomes a national security threat because I've got to ask a question that pops up in my head, and that is the Chinese, the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Kazakh oligarchs, do they have any information that could compromise Joe Biden if he takes office. Well, if there are other financial transactions, other financial entanglements, the Chinese will know about them. They probably set them up, set up Congressman Swallow. Okay, the Russians who know about that. So that's what we were trying to point out Truck Rasley nine, the extortion and the counterintelligence threat that these foreign financial entanglements represent to a Biden administration. Well, we just might have a Biden administration. That is a serious, serious concern from a standpoint of our of our national security, but from a standpoint of a threat to Joe Biden, and his legal liability here. You know, once if it's if it's an honest and true and detailed and aggressive investigation, you start looking at all these financial transactions. And let's face it, the big guy was supposed to get ten percent. Were their tempt sent dealings to other uh and other business dealings you know? Uh. John Salmon wrote a good article looking at talking to a tax advisor, and Joe Biden listed in his financial disclosure reform about three point two million dollars words of assets the ess since he left the vice presidency. He listened six teen million dollars worth of income. Where did that money go? A financial expert said, you ought to be listening at least nine million dollars of assets, So where did that money go? So these financial transactions, if Hunter was a conduit, if they were splitting off some percentage to the vice president, that will be uncovered in investigation. But again my concern is if they run this thing like they were in Midier exam the investigation Hillary Clinton, I mean, is this really an investigation to just exonerate the bidens? Is that what this is about? Or is this going to be a right? I gotta tell you something. The level. The level of disappointment I hear from people over Durham not getting the job done when the horrow At support was a roadmap to corruption and indictment is mind numbing to me. And as far as I'm concerned, I don't care if if Durham has the ability to be a special prosecutor into perpetuity. There was so many examples of what I believe were clear crimes committed, not the least of which is you know, lying under oath by a number of top ranking officials that we've all discussed, and the same standard that was applied to the likes of Manaport, roger Stone, Papadopoulos, General Flynn, et cetera, was not applied to these people. No. In the greatest failing in Christopher Ray coming into the FBI and his number one task was to restore the credibility and integrity of the agency. The only way he was going to do that would be by being totally transparent, but he wasn't. I had to subpoena him, and he didn't even honor to subpoena. It was like pulling Keith to the information. I've got that one document that we got an email from the GSA completely unredacted if you read the whole thing except the senders mobile phone number, the same document, the same email. The FBI was completely redacted. That's the level of resistance we got from Christopher Ray's FBI. And let's remember, under Christopher Ray, the FBI briefed lied to the Senate Intelligence Committee in March twenty eighteen that the steeldoscity was credible, it was reliable. This is a year, more than a year after they knew full well is Russian just information. So you know, Christopher Rail has Ray has utterly failed at restoring the credibility. And I feel sorry for the line agents, who I'm sure are people of integrity, credibility. They want to do their job, but you know, it's got to start from the top. And I'm just incredibly disappointed in Christopher Ray not restoring the credibility integrity of the agency. I've been disappointed as well. And you know, unfortunately, I know many members rank and file guys that I call him the ninety nine percent, that do their job and risk their lives every day and follow the law obviously and don't abuse power. And they're as stunned as I am that a lot of the things that we uncovered have have gone unpunished, and to me, that's only gonna greatly embolden those that abuse power the first time to just keep doing what they've done. Well, you know, we had an experience some about twenty years worth of experience in the FBI agent testified for our committee, and he's saying the exact same things that there wasn't. There was no credict for the Russian inclusion investigation. There was no predict at whatsoever. There was plenty of predict that to open up an investigation on the Hilly Clinton campaign in terms of Russian interference because she paid for that Steel dossier. They had intelligence that she was trying to set up a you know, a sting operation or trying to stir up a scandal, stir up a scandal against Trump about cluding with Russia that came from the Hilly Clinton campaign. There was the collusion. And of course that's exactly what the Democrats do. They accuse like they've accused Chuck Grassing and I have accepting and as sending Russians information. Nothing could be further from the truth. They do it themselves. They accuse others what they of things that they do. Listen, I know that you're up for re election in two years, and you know you've really emerged as one of the most one of the strongest and more powerful voices to get to the truth and end you know a lot of the corruption and the swamp there, and I'd hate to see you go. You leaning towards going one more time. But I'll make that decision when this election is complete and we know what the set. Would you like to call me first before you make your decision. I'd be glad to weigh in on it. Okay, Well, talk to missus Johnson too, all right, But seriously, thank you for your courageous work. We appreciate it, Senator, and our best to the people of Wisconsin. Always eight hundred and nine for one, Sean is our number. Seventeen Attorney generals now signing onto the Texas lawsuit. Now many states expressing their desire to join the suit. In other words, be a part of it. In other words, sue Wisconsin and Michigan and Pennsylvania and Georgia. Which is pretty amazing. All right, News round up information overload hour. Sean Hannity showed, Look, I went in a great, great detail last night and earlier in the program. Today, seventeen states now have signed on to the Texas lawsuit. This is going to be the outcome determinative suit, probably with the clock being now what it is, and it's really significant, very significant. Seventeen other state attorney general Arkansas, Missouri, Alabama, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, many others filing briefs. But also now these attorneys general are also expressing a desire to be a part of that suit joined Texas as a plaintiff. Now, no state attorney general is going to put their name, their reputation on the line over any case that would lack legal merit or is not rooted in a strong constitutional basis. It wouldn't happen. Not seventeen. And you know, when you look at this analysis, it's it's actually pretty amazing. And Texas now leading the way. This is the case that we told you. It goes right to the Supreme Court. They have asked the state to weigh in on the report. They could have just dismissed it outright like they did the Pennsylvania case, although there's there's more nuanced to that. And I'm going to go into now. One of the attorney generals that got involved, his name Leslie Rutledge. She's out of Arkansas, explaining why they are joining the Texas lawsuit to contest the twenty twenty election. Democrats have absolutely derided this suit, saying it has no chance. But does it? Absolutely it does, And that's why seventeen states are supporting the State of Texas, because we need to ask the Supreme Court. In Supreme Court needs to be the one to decide whether or not this case should be taken up. Those states, the dependent states have to respond today. Yesterday we announced that we were joining with State of Missouri and amicus brief supporting State of Texas because what we can't have are for states illegal votes have been cast in states and essentially deluding the votes of our own states. The votes of Arkansas. I should not be deluded because of illegals cast in other states. Yeah. I think that this case has more support than anybody could have imagined, seventeen states joining Texas. But the Supreme Court just decided not to take up the case in Pennsylvania and it was also about mail and votes, So does that present a challenge with this Texas case? Well, because the State of Texas is suing other states. That is what we call original jurisdiction, and the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction when a state is pitted against another state, and here Texas has sued those states, and the seventeen states are supporting that because all of us, whether it's Louisiana, Missouri, Alabama, all of us believe that the votes in our own states have been deluded. Article to the Constitution states that the legislature should be the one to set the elections. Unfortunately, in these states that did not happen. And that's why the State of Texas has asked the Supreme Court to take this case up. All right, so that is well thought out in every way. We bring back to the program. Former Kansas Secretary of State up been quoting them all week, and I do give attribution on the program Chris Kolbach and Greg Jarrett, of course, a host of his own new podcast, The Brief, author of two New York Times number one best sellers. Chris, I don't view this at all as insignificant, and the fact that other states and attorney generals want to join Texas in the suit speaks volumes also to me, Yeah, it does. And Sean, you deserve a credit for a lot of that because you were the only one calling on other states to come to the assistance of Texas on the air on Monday. And really, kudos to you because that nudge may have I'll be honest, I was hoping for like three or four. I didn't think we get seventeen. Well, and let me tell you something. The amicus brief filed by the seventeen states that says we all agree with Texas. But as you noted, a subset of the seventeen states, six of them Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Utah, are seeking to intervene as co plaintiffs. And that's very important because they are saying, we have we believe our voters are injured to the same extent that Texas voters are injured, and that joining as intervening parties, just like the President also send it now, seeking to intervene gives the case a broader platform. So if, for example, the Supreme Court for some reason said, well, this party doesn't have standing to raise this particular claim, well, one of the other six parties might have standing to raise that claim. How do you say that they don't have standing when it's outcome determinative in terms of the four states that we're talking about in terms of the election. Wouldn't that wouldn't that and again there the attorney general of their state. Wouldn't that render the votes of people in Texas or any of these other seventeen states is disenfranchised? Yeah, it's there's no question they have standing to raise the electoral college claim, and I don't think any serious constitutional attorney would disagree with that. Some might quibble over whether they have standing to raise the equal protection claim, reasonable minds have disagreed on that one in the past. But the bottom line is that with the President intervening as well, all of these claims are on the table. And the other thing people need to know, Sean, is that the first decision the Supreme Court has to make is are they going to take this case in their original jurisdiction, And the standard for doing that the Supreme Court laid out in nineteen seventy two in a case the Milwaukee Cases Milwaukee versus Illinois, and the standard is looking at the seriousness and dignity of the claim and the availability of another forum to settle this claim. And it seems to me that this easily qualifies. You've got seriousness and dignity. Magnify by the fact that now seventeen states additional states are saying we agree. It's also seriousness because the outcome of the presidential election hangs on it. The dignity of the claim is is the value and the merit, the seriousness, the actual arguments that's very well argued, and the availability of another forum. There's no other forum here that can do this in time. It's a multi state claim. The founders of the United States and the Constitution gave the Supreme Court jurisdiction because when you have a state arguing against another state, that's not something that can go to just one little district court in a single state. It takes the Supreme Court of the United States usually to resolve that claim. I think Chris is right on every front here. Now I've got through the entire suit, you start to finish, which probably means Greg Jarrett read of five times. And when you have seventeen state attorney generals joining in and those wanting to also become part of the lawsuit and be playing us along with Texas, I believe that that seventy two standard that Chris referred to is met at a pretty high level in terms of standing. I don't really see a question on that. Your thoughts are, Greg Well, I agree with you. I have read it over and over and over again, and it's a very persuasive and compelling argument on two fronts, violating the elector's clause of the Constitution Article two an equal protection clause as well in the fourteenth Amendment, as supported by Bush versus Court, which I covered twenty years ago down in Florida and at the Supreme Court. But you cannot allow four states Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin to go row and to set up their own rules outside of the state legislatures for determining who won. And those four states that I named did it to the benefit of Joe Biden and did it to the detriment of Donald Trump. And so you know, we vote in all fifty states. It's not just four states who then decide to change the rules. For in Pennsylvania, for example, to count ballots that were received late, the legislature had said no, it has to be received by eight pm on the day of the election, and judges without authority by FIAT changed the rules. And you know, I would encourage people to read Chris's column on Breitbar, which I thought was quite well written, and explain for anybody to understand. That's great. That's the thing. This is a This is not a complicated legal or constitutional issue we're discussing here. No, it's it's quite simple, and I think the Supreme Court should take it. But I frankly, as I mentioned yesterday, I'm highly skeptical that they will. They're allergic to taking cases that are politically charged, and you know, they're still stinging from Okay, but that's not supposed to be a consideration, I know, But it's real life. It's we don't live in an ideal world. In an ideal world, spring Court should take this case. They must take this case, but I'm skeptical that they will. And then that brings us to the remedy which the State of Texas as now joined by these other Attorney generals, is very clear cut. They are telling the Court exactly what the remedy should be, uh, Chris Kobak. Yeah, And the remedy the Court can decide they want to do. The Court could tomorrow, just all of a sudden announced that the summary decision Texas wins or Texas moses, or if Texas were to win or even gain interim relief a preliminary injunction. One thing would be to say that first and foremost is these four states cannot have their electors vote in accordance with those unconstitutional elections. So that could mean preventing them from seating those electors in the Electoral College on the fourteenth. If that happened, then it would be incumbent upon Congress to reschedule the electoral College. Sometimes people think that the fourteenth is set in stone by the Constitution. It is not. In fact, in an eighteen eighty seven act, Congress set the electoral college date for the second Monday in January. So if the Court were to grant interim relief and say, well, whatever happens, it's we can't have these four states casting the electoral college votes next Monday on the fourteenth, then Congress might need to jump in if they want to and say, okay, we're going to push the electoral college back. But hopefully if Texas wins, the four states would have the opportunity in their state legislatures where the Constitution sets the sole authority for appointing electors, the state legislatures in those states could decide what they want to do, and they could assess the results of the election, see which votes were cast on constitutionally, try to determine what the remaining votes yield as the winner. They could split their votes between the two candidates. They could say we give up, we can't decide, we aren't going to appoint electors. They could do any number of things. But this case really is extraordinary because it in many ways it takes us into areas that we've never been with the Supreme Court before. I mean having cases of original juristics and for sure, and having the Supreme Court in the middle of the presidential election. But this particular way the case is coming is new and well by Okay. So if we were to analyze the makeup of the Supreme Court, you got Clarence Thomas sam Alito, and I would argue Amy Coney Barrett, I think they will do the legal constitutional thing. Right off the top of my head. John Roberts, I think he'll align with the liberal wing of the of the Supreme Court. That leaves Gorsach and Cavanaugh. Am I wrong in that analysis? Greg, Yeah, you're absolutely right. But don't underestimate the power of John Roberts as the chief. I mean, Roberts is the kind of guy who he cares. He doesn't really care about the Constitution, care about the law. He cares about his legacy and thus the legacy of the United States Supreme Court. And for the Supreme Court to actually have the courage to intervene here would be criticized by judicial historians and law professors for the next hundred years, and he didn't want that. Do you agree with me that Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas and Amy Coney Barrett are likely to just to follow the law in the Constitution And then where would you guess Kavanaugh Gorsage go. Well, I think they would side with Amy Coney Barrett and and Sam Alito. Alito was seriously considering the Pennsylvania case. In the end, it didn't happen, But maybe this is the vehicle. I mean, the Pennsylvania case is the most egregious of all in violation of the elector's clause. Yeah, now, and then that was literally they bypassed the state legislature, which is a constitutional slam nun and the specific language in the state constitution. Yes one Pennsylvania, but for counting all of the late ballots that came in and ballots that appear to have been backdated purposely. All right, well, we'll watching. We're waiting, and three pm today was the deadline, so we appreciate you both being one of us. Will continue to follow it. We'll have updates on Hannity tonight nine eastern. When we come back, we'll go to the phones eight hundred and nine four one. Shaun is on number. Many of you still not flying commercially yet driving further distances. You need to protect yourself, your family on the road, especially against these expe repairs, all these computer systems and cars today, it's a nightmare if your car breaks down. That's what car shield is all about. Now. Car Shield has helped over a million people already and it will. They have policies for a car. I don't care if your car is five thousand or one hundred and fifty five thousand miles on it. 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All here now, no, all, let's get a quick call in here final half hour, some of the other news of the day and your calls. Linda is in Long Island, Linda, how you're doing. We're getting off first vaccines, all COVID vaccines, and in Long Island I heard I should. I love you, my whole family loves you. And I'm caring because I'm calling because I heard that someone yesterday call you and they were talking about the judges. The judges who are constantly going against the rule of law. I believe they're all Obama appointees. I think every one of them are corrupt. And I'm worried because now we've got an investigation on Biden big deal. If God to anything, if the past is anything, I don't trust any of the law an FBI, the CIA, the Department of Judges, the State Department. So as I'm concerned, they're all filled by Obama and the like to be just against Republicans completely. They want to take over this country. They're a godd is money and power, and I am We're all terrified, but I think it's time more and more people are starting to stand up and fight. But these judges are so dirty, just like that guy Sliban Home written role General Flynn to go free when they told him to the practecutors. Yeah, Linda, I am worried for our country. I never felt worried about America. The corruption is so deep, so wild, and they managed to squirm their way out of everything. But they'll you know, we'll we'll get we'll get tickets and the rested for spitting on the sidewalk or Jaywalkee, I'll give you the last ten seconds. You get the last ten Okay, I just I don't know what we can do about, but we've got to clear out. I'm gonna tell you what you gotta do. Yeah, listen to me. Stay in the fight. Every day. It's a battle. We need patriots. That's why we're begging the people of Georgia right now. Please ignore your dopey governor and Secretary State. Help the president. The President's legacies on the line here. Thank you, Linda, God bless your quick break. Right back straight to the phones other side. Sean Hannity Show, Hannity nine Eastern tonight. Please set your DVR all right twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Now we have Google and YouTube erasing. You cannot even mention on any of these sites about evidence of election fraud. Now we have one whistleblower after another. We can't quote the whistleblowers. You know, I mean, I watched this whole thing with zero experience Hunter, and if you remember, you know what did they do? The big tech companies literally censored the story, the mob and the media. This is a Russian plot? Wasn't a Russian plot? Now all of a sudden, you like people like fake Jake News Tapper over at fake news CNN. Oh, are there really are problems a little late, Jake? You know the same people that never once stopped and apologized for the Russia Hoaks lies they pedaled for three years, or the fact they ignored quid pro quote Joe zero experienced Hunter, all these countries, all this money, all of this corruption. I just want to deal in fact, because there is so much speculation out there and there is zero evidence that Hunter Biden or Joe Biden did anything wrong. Here we should note again you and I've said this in the air many times, there is no evidence that Joe Biden was, you know, involved in any wrong doing. Of course, I want to note that there is no evidence that Joe Biden or Hunter Biden has done anything wrong. I just want to reiterate, and let's be clear for the viewers. There is no evidence Biden did anything wrong. I'll note again because it's important. There is no I repeat no, there is no evidence that either Biden did anything illegal. There has been no evidence, There was no evidence. There's no evidence. There is no evidence. There's not an iota of evidence anything wrong. There's really no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong. If nobody's ever accused that, I mean, there's no evidence whatsoever that Joe Biden did anything wrong. Got that Joe Biden did nothing wrong. Hunter Biden did nothing wrong. Yeah, evidence all over the place. What if the last name were Trump. What if the name was Don Junior, Eric Trump, Avanka Trump, Jared Kushner. What if the name was Baron Trump. You think they'd say, oh no, no, no, no, no no, no, no, no, no no, no, oh there's evidence. Oh it's being investigated. Come on, man, come on man, you're junkie. You're junkie, man, Come on, but please clarify specifically, Have you taken a cognitive No, I haven't taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Yeah? Come on, man, saying you before you got in this program, if you take a test where you're taking cocaine or not, what do you think? Huh? What do you think? Are you with Jodys. Are you a junkie? Go on, man, jeez, I'm laughing, but God help us, oh man? All right? Eight hundred nine for one, Sean is our number. Tom and Georgia. Tom, I'm not beneath begging at this point. The patriots in Georgia, the Conservatives in Georgia. I know you're frustrated with your governor, your secretary of State. I got it. I share your frustration. I'm not I'm very worried. And you know what I think, I'm sorry. This is also about the president's work four years straight, and I'm doing it with Chucky Schumer and company. This is about never ending investigation into every conservative, the Trump family. It will never stop. And this is so much at stake here in Georgia. Do you think your fellow Georgians get it. I hope they do. But to me, these are our leaders of metal the devil where it looks like h and I'm just basically hoping we can do something about that. We gotta try. We gotta try, you know. And David Schaefer, I'll give that guy credit, the chair of the Republican Party, and George has been great. Well, that's the reason why I'm calling because I wanted to do a challenge. Um, you know, only one person only do so much. Trump has been you know, you Trump handed um limbo. You guys, you're a one person. We got set before a million people who voted for this president. That's a powerful force right there. We just get on our cell phones and I get on our computers and start texting and emailing our governors and our senators and the congressman. That's a voice that they can't reckon. They have to reckon with. Look, Uh, there's a there is in this country. There are so many amazing Americans. You know what my fear is. I am really ginning to see. It's almost like in this country we have such a split I'd use the term irreconcilable differences at this point. I mean, you literally have a group of people that really believe in all of this crap of you know that they want full and complete redistribution. I mean they're talking about a fifty thousand dollar loan forgiveness. They're talking about you know, the taxing people. You know Casio Cortez tax the rich sweatshirt she's selling. I'm sure she's making a nice profit on it. You know, New Green Deal madness, guaranteed government job guaranteed, you know, government education pre K through college, guaranteed, loan forgiveness, guaranteed, government wage, guaranteed, government vacation, guaranteed, government healthy food, guaranteed government healthcare, guaranteed government retirement. Now we've gone over and over. Yeah, I mean, Tom, do you have any faith in the government that screwed up Obamacare Medicare can keep their cities safe and secure and can't educate our kids that they can do any of this. I don't. I don't. I'm retire from the military and that's one of the reason why I got out because the president we were hit before this, I was scared of, you know, just be in for him. So it's kind of scared me now. But I have a son and I was in the military, and that scares me because if this next president, if Biden gets in, I fear for him. What's gonna happen to my son. It's gonna be Hiden Biden. You know, the guy's half out of it. I mean, it's scary actually, And I'm telling you right now, Kim Jong un Malo's in Iran President. She putin all these hostile actors that hate us. They're looking at this guy and they're not seeing strength. You know, they're not stupid. A lot of these regimes frankly or even evil, but they're not dumb. Evil, but not Tom. And they're looking at a week in America. And by the way, there are five hundred steps ahead of us in terms of how they plan to exploit it. I'm just I'm telling you none of it is good. Um, I'll give you the last word, Tom and anything else, well, I'm gonna tell you know. I'm a big fan. I've been a following you since your w GST days. You and a camera, the news Monster tim listening. They've been listening to you for a long long time. So I appreciate it. Thank you get getting the word out there out there for us. Here's a question I'll ask you then. Have I changed much in the last since I've been a Fox twenty five years and since I came up here, Have I changed in your estimation? No, I've been And I was explaining this to somebody, said, I have always been a conservative and we always go our own way on this program and in same on Hannity. I'm not letting people you know, I said the other day, but we don't have this program vetted. Oh you don't let your facts. No, I was saying, nobody tells me what to say on TV, and nobody tells me what I can and cannot say on radio. Well, we follow our independent path, and it's not a Republican path. I've had it with the Republican Party, and you know my criticism of Republicans. So but now where Yeah, I came back a little bit. When I came back here, it was a lot less what I left. It was, but I missed the Varsity. What do you have? What do you have? I love the Varsity? All right, Tom, thank you, mam. I appreciate it. Eight hundred and ninety four one sewn you want to be a part of the program. Brian in New joy Z speaking of accents, what's up, Brian? How are you, Sean? How are you? I'm good, my friend. I am a big fan. I've been wanting to talk to you for a long time. I am a former Democrat. I switched ober. My wife's helped convert me in the middle of Obama's term. When I finally saw the truth. I was a locally thirty union roofer. So I was programming to vote Democrat until I, you know, I converted, and I've been on Trump's side ever since, you know, day one, I've been locked on social media silence. But the main reason for my call is is hope. I was calling it to just just expressed the hope that I have. And since we've since I've called that in, you know, we learned that there were seventeen to eighteen other states jumping on board soon, and so I just feel like a sense of hope with with all these attorney generals, I don't think any of them would take on this case if they didn't feel they could prove it. So I just have an enormous amount of hope. And I'm a big fan of yours. I want to thank you for all that you do. Um you know, you're you're you're one of the only guys you know out there that are telling the truth. You know. That actually makes me sad, Brian, and I know it's true. Unfortunately that we got Rush and the Great One and and Me and Laura and others on Fox, but not everybody on Fox obviously, And I'll tell you it's so this is not a lot of us and listen. It's a great honor to do this every day. But I just wish there were more of us. And let me tell you, put yourself in this arena. Now. I chose this life. Don't. Don't get me wrong, every dream I didn't. I never thought any of this, this success of you even want to call it that, whatever it is, would happen. But um, I feel blessed, But I like, look at the landscape. I'm like, man, people don't speak out. You know that whole Russia deep state three year deep dive we did. There weren't many of us. We had our ensemblecast on radio and TV, and a couple of others on radio and a couple of others on TV, and that was it. And maybe, like ten congressmen, we could count on and we and we won and we were proven right. I still haven't gotten the justice we wanted, but we were right. It's you know, I'm there's so much at stake, so much. Um, we've just become this this insane clichade, bumper sticker, believing, woke, you know, politically correct, you know, sewer are all over the place. Thank you, Brian, your words are encouraging. I appreciate it, Zach and Florida. What's up, Zach? I should be down there with you. What's going on? And Hey, Sean, I was just calling and talked about vaccine because I don't think the government's gonna mandate it. But what I'm concerned about our private businesses and airlines requiring you to have some kind of vaccine certificate in order to use their services. And so I just wanted to get your thoughts on that because it kind of be a de facto mandatory, that kind of be a backdoor push to make you get the vaccine. Right. Listen, I'm going to be very honest, Zach. After everything I've read and all the doctors I've talked to, would I would take the vaccine? And by the way, I want it late. I don't want it early. All Right, There's so many more deserving people healthcare frontline healthcare workers, older people, compromise immunes, underlying conditions. You know, there are certain communities had harder than others. They're all way ahead of where I would When they get to my name at the bottom of the list, I'm fine with that. I My gut is to take it now. Half my friends think I'm nut sack by saying that half my friends think I'm nuts that they get a flu shot every year. I've gone over this with Linda. She thinks I'm nuts now, But that's me, my decision. I'm not going to tell you whether you need to get a vaccine or a flu shot. That's not up to me. You know you're you're an adult, you live in a free country. Make your own choice. Will I will respect your choice? Yeah, definitely, that makes sense. I think it's just one of those things where he I want to go to a football game like everybody else, but I don't think a vaccine, so they say, oh, you can't, you can't go in. Look, I can accept for the short period of time as I said into being. I can accept when I go shopping in the grocery store, I got to wear my mask. Okay, I accept that, and I'll be honest, it really doesn't bother me. I don't know why people get so worked up on it about it, but it doesn't bother me. And the reason, you know, I try to think outside of myself in life. If I unknowingly had this stupid thing and I talked to an older I would never want to be responsible for passing it on and obviously not consciously, you know, to somebody else. So if it means I can help protect all other people that would have a bigger problem than I went, I'm actually in pretty good shape. I'm not that worried about myself. You know, we're at the end. Trump got us here, Operation Warp Speed got us here. But you know it's going to be up to people. And I have a problem. If the airlines they could mandate a mask, but I don't think they can mandate that you get a vaccine. There are Americans that just for whatever personal reasons, frankly, none of our darned business. Why they decide whether they want it or not. It's not our business. And now that everybody knows about social distancing and masks, and they want to go to the local bar in Staten Island and they know the risk is not you know, we'd encourage Jim, don't bring it home to Grandma, our grandpa or mom and dad. But you know, at some point you've got them. You've got to do your own risk assessment. In life, flying is you know there's a risk assessment. Riding a car is a risk assessment, right right, Yeah, definitely. It's uh, you gotta you gotta go outside, right. We can't just all hide forever. So um, thank god it was never as bad as the epidemiologists said at the beginning when they said millions of people would die. And I think that's definitely due to Trump's actions to keep us safe. So thank you for taking much. Look. I got college kids, and they got their friends, and they you know, they see their friends, and a lot of them their friends already had this thing. And I'm like, look, if you have to be around dad, throw your mask on. I may not make Linda do I not do that? Yeah, you do it. I do it. I'm such a bad dad, I know. All right. That's gonna wrap things up with today. Hannity ninety Eastern tonight, please set your DVR best anti mob media coverage. The latest on the Texas lawsuit, the attorneys generals that have now joined in other states wanting to join him. We'll update you on all of it, Kaylee mcinaney. We'll look at the law and the Constitution with the great one, Mark Levin, Kevin McCarthy, ways In, Leo Terrell, Tammy, Bruce, Larry Elder nine Eastern. Please set you DVR. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. Thanks for being will us