David Schoen, Civil Liberties Attorney and former Board Member of the Alabama Civil Liberties Union and Gregg Jarrett, Host of the “The Brief” Podcast, Fox News Legal Analyst and author of Russia Hoax and Witch Hunt discuss the new IG report from Durham, and what we should expect next.
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All right, News Round Up, Information Overload hour eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program we had on Jason Chaffits earlier today, and you know we played Rod Rosenstein and people in the Department of Justice. If you put your signature to a FISA warm, that means you're verifying what it's saying is accurate and true to the best of your ability. Okay, we know that they lied repeatedly. Anyway, as we mentioned earlier, the new IG report shows yeah, in every single case that they looked at, beyond Crossfire, Hurricane, Yeah, the same type of abuse as going on, and nobody's being held accountable. Now it's getting worse and worse and worse. You know. Michael Horwitz found that the FBI investigators didn't make sure that FISA applications were accurate seventeen accuracies, inaccuracies and oldmissions listen. Among the most important are the requirements in the FBI policy that every PISA application must contain a quote, full and accurate quote presentation of the facts, and that agents must ensure that all factual statements in FISA applications are quote scrupulously accurate, close quote. These are the standards for all FISA applications, regardless of the investigation sensitivity. Regardless, I'm sorry, and it is incumbent upon the FBI to meet them in every application. Nevertheless, we found that investigators failed to meet their basic obligations of ensuring that the FISA applications were sculous, scrupulously accurate. We identified significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications, seven in the first application and a total of seventeen by the final renewal application. All right, now, so now you have the first report of Michael Harrowitch totally completely ignored all the low hanging fruit, all the quote referrals for lying, you know, the same type of lying that got you know, pre dawn raids, guns drawn, thirty guys. You know it's it's CNN, fake news cameras. Yeah, that doesn't happen if you're in the deep state. And I'm talking about people that abuse power, that were proven corrupt that he even recommended, you know, and referred for investigations and likely indictments. So probably would happen only if you're a conservative, not a liberal. Anyway, it raises real important questions. We've been discussing this earlier with Jason Chavitz, and that is okay. If you're gonna lie on a FISA application to spy on a political opponent. I can't support a system that has institutional corruption. You know, we went into some very specific detail about how what Wood's procedures are. The Department of Inspector General informing the FISA cord about two hundred and nine instances of unsupported, inaccurate omitted information with their sample of twenty nine FISA applications. I misspoke earlier. The OYG identified an additional two hundred and nine instances within that sample. That's a lot. Now that means that they're not following the law, they're not following procedure, they're abusing power and on the level they used it against Carter Page to spy on Candidate Trump, transition Team Trump, and President Trump. You can see the ramifications. They don't get held accountable. Well, if this is the way it's going to be in the future, I can't support it anymore. Now, the OIG Office of Inspector General did put forward recommendations, you know, established specific policies, appropriate format, maintenance of the WOODS files, which I'll explain legally in a minute, and consultation with, for example, the FIZ accord determine how long it's necessary to retain Woods files to ensure accuracy and oversight. Anyway, let the lawyers weigh in on this now. David shown Civil Rights Liberty's attorney Greg Jarrett. He was part of our ensemble cast, as was David. You know, we spent almost three years of our lives on this. He wrote two number one vest selling books on this, and welcome both of you back to the program. Greg Jara will start with you. I mean, it just looks like the systems corrupt and broken, and they haven't done a thing to fix it. And I don't know what John Durham's doing. The only thing they do is window dressing. During the first Inspector General's report and his conclusions that found widespread systemic mistakes, many of them intentional, FBI lawyer was indicted for doctoring a particular piece of evidence that was used to gain a surveillance warrant on the Trump campaign. But they continue to ignore the protocols that were already in place. You refer to them, Sean, they are the Woods procedures the Woods files. So now Christopher Ray says, what we'll put new ones in place, There is nothing to prevent Ray and others at the FBI from ignoring any new sidures the same way they did with the Woods protocols. So that's just window dressing. When they say will change, they will not, because under James Coomey's watch, he set the standard rules didn't apply to them. Under Komey's FBI, they could do as they please. They could ignore the law with impunity. They were accountable to no one. They were a power unto themselves, and the Komy standard still exists. Christopher Ray at the HELM is nothing more than James Coomy Part two. He promises reform won't happen. Let's get your take, David shown and maybe you can go into a little bit more detail as it relates to the very very specific standards, what a wood file is so people understand it, and how it's associated with the universe of the FBI, AFFIS applications, etc. Tell you do think, I'll tell you what happened here, and I'll tell you why I don't believe it's going to change. Ards came in April of two thousand and one. The goal of the Wood standards is, in their words, quote scrupulacuracy in the applications, the files a court for a files a warrant, the most sensitive intrusive kind of warrant, and personal surveillance that they're that exists. What happened here in three categories. The WOODS procedures require documentation, actual documents for every factual assertion in the application. But they found here is that in four of the files they couldn't find any Woods files, and three of them they weren't sure they ever existed any documentation for the factual assertions in the application. Number two, the report found insufficient factual support in the applications. This might be worse, you might say. The first thing is a technical violation. They don't have the documentation. In the second case, they found out of twenty five twenty nine reviews, the first four we talked about. The other twenty five of them twenty issues on average per application, and they range from five errors to sixty five lack of factual support. In other words, they had documents in the file, but when they matched the documents to the representations made in the applications, they didn't match up the facts didn't support the assertions. Twenty deeper application and then three oversight mechanisms they found they have the mechanisms in place. But this is what Greg was just saying, they're not being used. It's what you were saying, Sean, you can have rules in place, but they're not being used. This is no assessment of compliance. That's the point of Woods. Woods requires supervisory levels, and it's not just Woods. By the way the fives, The Court itself in rule thirteen requires the applicant to immediately correct any misstatement or omission. There has to be a constant review, and that doesn't happen. We know it now. It's part of the same campaign that happened all through this Russian investigation. We know now from the Durham Report and the indictment that the Russian hoaxes Greg's called, many have called it was a function here of a disinformation campaign. Nothing less Perkins cooy Marchelia's Fusion GPS with the Clinton camp paid for it by the Clinton campaign. So that's been exposed now that this was something you know that just then the snowballing. You still see the New York Times saying, well, there is something suspicious about Alpha Bank and Trump and all that. Why won't it change. The number two person in the Justice Department today, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. That's a Weissman crony came up with Weissman, adjunct teacher with Weissman, etc. That's the number two person in the DOJ. Sussman, the person indicted by Durham. His lawyers. One is a Weisman colleague from the Enron investigation and the other with a come assistant. Those are their credentials. These folks are embedded in the system. You know. I'm I'm listening to this what you're what you're describing and Greg's describing as we have to get rid of the Fiser court. And that's sad because that makes this country less safe. The fiser courts necessary because we got hostile regimes, hostile nations, and the government having the ability to listen to these conversations is critical. But if they're going to abuse their power and they're going to politicize it and they're not going to follow the law, both the spirit of the law and the letter of the law, and then Greg, Jared I can see this now a tool for our safety and security goes away. I have argued for more than two years the FISA Court ought to be abandoned. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court is nothing more than a rubber stand of the liars at the FBI that present them with phony evidence. And if these judges on the FISA Court that rotate every week actually cared about the integrity of justice, they would have charged with criminal contempt all of the people at the FBI, all of the people who signed off on those four successive FISA warrants with crimes. Charge them with criminal contempt for Lyne, for deceiving the judges, for defrauding the court. But they didn't do it because they are hyper political. They didn't want to draw attention to their own mistakes. They held no hearings. They simply accepted as truth the lies that James Coming and Andrew McCabe and all the others submitted to them. And so this is a crooked court and it's an incompetent court. Well, I mean, John Roberts never stepped in to fix it, and none of the I think if I was the judge and I know I was lied to, and there's been enough information to confirm that, I would have called them back in and said, how dare you lie before my court and an appropriate punishment? Yeah, of course, which is all the more reason why the FISK, because it's known, needs to be getting gotten rid of, and you know Congress has the ability to do that, and they've sort of waffled on the notion. They've talked big about getting rid of the FISK, but they haven't done it. Now, I'm not suggesting we don't have any federal intelligence surveillance when warranted, when justified under you know, protocols that are well established, but not with this court. Let's create a new court, or let's just do it the old fashioned way, upon probable cause and sufficient proof, go to a regular federal judge. Your take, and do you think this survives David Shong and where's John dorm Yes, I can't disagree with anything you know folks have said, but I'd hate to see this court be done away with for the reasons you said earlier. Sean, Listen, I find most judges to be rubber stamps. I have a case right now which judge simply rubber stamp a warrant took a valuable piece from a person. Anyway, it happens every day I don't know what the answer is. I do know I worry about if Congress has a role in remaking the court. I really worry. Can you imagine if the hate Squad got their clause into what the Fiser Court would look like. We would have applications for relationships only with our allies, not with the countries that will really face a risk from I don't know what the answer is. The answer has got to be a more scrupulous I think they have to have a special office just in charge of this. It's overseeing the overseers. I think the Court has to enforce its rules. This rule thirteen means nothing if there's no teeth to it, if they don't enforce it, if they don't use contempt sanctions. And as you said earlier, Sean, and I think any decent, normal federal judge would feel this way. If the federal judge is lied to by a lawyer or an agent that comes before that court, they must demand justice. There have to be consequences. Look, there has to be at the end of the day. Right, As we continue with David Shoon and Greg Jarrett eight hundred and nine four one, Shaun is on number, we'll get to your calls coming up next, all right on to door. Where do you see this going? I mean to me, just even missing the low hanging fruit that could have been done within the first three months. It's sad that we're at this point. I can't tell you how angry and frustrated I am, Greg Jarrett, and I know you are too. Yeah, Durham's why don't the natti's closing in on additional people who may be indicted? You know, it's crime to knowingly fee the FBI false information to try to frame one someone, which in this case it was Donald Trump. It was Hillary Clinton who invented the clusion lie to smear Trump, and she was using these lawyers at Perkin Coue Law firm to disseminate the lie, and they were simultaneously lying to the FBI about their lie. And so I think you there are a brand new set of subpoenas issue of I Durham, which tells us he's going after others, perhaps inside the firm. Certainly there should be others outside the firm. Fusion GP asked Christopher Steel others who did the same thing. And you know, it's so revealing about the indictment, just how phony. The collusion narrative was all along. People behind it knew it was a fiction. That didn't care. They continue to present it to the FBI and defeat it to the gullible, naive and Trump hating mainstream media. And so sorry, we'll give you the last word, David Show. We have about twenty seconds, did much too slow as your derma is done. He really only now scratching the surface. We know the underlying story enough to know that there should be consequences. One side is called opposition research side accused of obstructing the law. In Roger Stone's case, they kept these reports about the fusion, GPS stuff, CrowdStrike from mister Stone. There were reasons for that. It's abominable. It's happening, all right, Greg Jarrett and David Show, and thank you both for being with us eight hundred and nine for one seawn our number when we get back a live in studio appearance. John and Rassic five for fighting Blood on my hands. This thing has gone viral. It's about abandoning Americans in Afghanistan. It's a powerful and we'll tell you if you're in the New York area, you can see John tomorrow night he's going to be performing on Broadway. We'll give you that information straight ahead, eight hundred at nine for one Seawn. If you want to be a part of the program, quick break right back, driving Liberals crazy three hours a day, every day, The Sean Hannity Show is back on the air, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour. Eight hundred nine one Sean is our number. If you want to be a part of the program. It is amazing. I've been friends with John and Drawsick from five for fighting now for years and years and years. I still have a picture in one of my offices of me him and Andrew Breitbark from years ago. And I look a lot younger. My hair is a lot darker, which, by the way, one's making fun is this is the twenty fifth anniversary week of me being on Fox, and they keep showing these old videos of me, and every time I see it, I get angry, angry here because I look like I'm ten years old and my hair was pitch black. Anyway, But this song that he's written about abandoning our fellow Americans, their families, abandoning thousands of Green card holders eligible to live here in this country, fully vetted, hundreds of tens of thousands of Afghan allies that will die, many are dying already, and all of it's so easily preventable. I'm gonna let him explain the story to you behind the song in a minute. But John is going to sing it right here live in studio now. Gobbler my hand, Gobbler my hand. And I don't understand what's happening. There's blood on these hands. There's still Americans left her the Taliban. He now, how's that happening? Winking, blinkling, can't you look me in the eyes? Willing minutes her me, when did you decide this will defend your SIGRed my soul now means never mind? Hands got blood on my hands, got blood on my hands. The flagger, the Tyler band ev over. Can't stand who General Austin? Is there no honor in shame? Can you spell back room without the lettuce in blame? Did Uncle Joe stick a trip in your veins? Damns? I can't hear her scream if she's not, she's not, she's not on TV. I can't hear him scream if he's not he's nerve, he's not on TV. He too, every Afghan allie that we left behind, every shod who want no freed off, he says, covered and blind us. All this American promise now in the fire hands God nerd on our hands. I just want American d asking what's happening? Wow? What a powerful, powerful song, my friend John and DRESSI great to have you back. How are you, sir? Thank you Sean, thanks for having me in a Happy anniversary, young man, Happy anniversary, young man. All right, I'll take the dig. You know, um, we've been friends. We got out. I don't know why we even got out of touch. I have no idea. You know, probably why because probably I had all my email accounts, I didn't have many emails that in any email account canceled, and then I had, UM, my phone's changed constantly, and people, some of my friends think I'm like, I became a snob, and I'm like, no, I said, when you have you know, fifty some odd pages of FBI three zero two's by Robert Mueller's team on you, and you have thirteen hundred text messages with Paul Manaford, and you private text message is released publicly, you know, your life begins to change, and so unfortunately, you know, some people assume that, oh, he's just a jerk, and I'm not. And I missed some people that I used to be able to talk to more often, but you're well one of them, and we've reconnected. But this song is taken off. This is now a viral. I'd even says it's hitting like an anthem status here. It's gone so viral. Tell me, tell everybody about the whole the whole song, start to finish, you know, Sean, it's it's it's interesting. It's a song I didn't want to write, and the first song I've ever taken no joy in putting out. Certainly, when we saw the initial images out of Afghanistan, we were all horrified, kind of flashback to nine to eleven with some people falling from planes. And but when our troops were killed, our thirteen shoots in one hundred afghan and like you, I was just infuriated because it was preventable, and like many artists, I went up to my piano and started banging on it. Had no intention of writing a song. And then a few days later, after our troops left, I got a call from a friend. And this friend is an amazing woman. She does incredible humanitarian work around the world. And she said, I need a contact and I said, well, what's going on? She said, well, we're organizing evacs of am sits from Afghanistan. And me, being, you know, just the normal citizen, I'm like, what's an am SIT? She's like an American citizen. And I sat there for a minute and I said, are you telling me that you're risking your life to go rescue American citizens that we left behind? And there was silence on the phone, and she said yes. And that night I wrote a few verses and finally the song wrote itself. When the President came out and gave his an Extraordinary Success speech, and I was insulted, but I had hope because Sean, you know, like you, I've spent the last twenty years performing for our military. I have great respect for our military, and I expected our generals, General Million Austin to come out and clarify that maybe it was an extraordinary sense, maybe we should not have abandoned BOGRAM, maybe we should have extended the deadline. I was hopeful for that, but when they came out and echoed the same narrative of what a great airlift we had and everything. When according to plan, I realized this was a political operation from the start, and that scared me and I wrote the song. It finished itself. I recorded it the next day and I put it out. It's intense. It's an emotion and experience I've never felt, even with Superman. There are people, as you said, there are many people who are very emotional. Some are crying, Some are obviously upset, especially our vets. I think they're also feeling grateful that someone speaking their pain. But I think there's other folks there who maybe not initially were excited about the message, but they were thinking about it. And it's resonating because deep down for all of us, every American knows that we have deeply damaged our national honor. We have lost a piece of our soul, and it's so we have accountability for this humanitarian disaster that we see every day, especially for Afghan women and children. I hate to tell you, we're not seeing it every day. Well, almost a full on media blackout. Now, today's day fifty one since Joe's abandoned them. I talk about it every day, and you're right, there are many many heroes that are putting their lives at risk. And by the way, apparently there now being investigated according to some reports by the FBI. Why, I don't know. Our State Department has now said you cannot if you charter a flight with Americans on it, you're not even allowed to land that plane in the US to get people the hell out of there. And if you get a third party country to accept your charter, that's fine, as long as they don't need a sign off from Joe Biden's State Department, because that sign off will not be forthcoming. Those are their words, written words. It's the twilight zone. It's it's unbelievable. I talk to my friend on the around every day at the same time with all this depressing news, The American Promise is not dead. You are going to tell the stories of some of these American military heroes who have sold all their assets, they've quit their jobs, They've gone down to Afghanistan. They're doing operations as we speak to rescue their brothers and sisters. They fought with some that saved their lives. The American Promise is not dead. And you know this song, it's not just about a song. It's about a moral obligation. There's a history of this country when our leaders fail us that we take it on ourselves that we rise up and we do the right thing. And people are doing that. I want people to know that there's hero work going on. We're going to tell those stories and history will judge Millie Austin and frankly the president. They may not have accountability from their own selves, but history will judge them. You know, you told me that in the lead up to singing the song. Now that you're all performing again, you tell a story. You tell the story that you've been telling us, but you also bring up something that is pretty interesting to me that you wouldn't care well who the president was. This is not even a political issue for you, you know. And I've said it in my own way. I've said, if every American that's trapped behind enemy lines, I want even if they're all going to come back to America and try and get me fired. And there are a lot of people that get paid to get me fired, right, I said, even if they're going to try and get me fired, I want them home. There are fellow Americans. We don't abandon our fellow Americans. John, we don't do that. That's not who we are. That's not the country I believe in. You know, we have this malignancy of tribalism, sean, that we look at everything through a political lens. I agree with you. Look, it would have been much easier for me to write this song if Donald Trump or president. You know, I'm sure I'd be braced by a lot of folks that are not talking about this song, that are shunning the song. I'm sure there'd be dozens of protest songs, and there should be. This is a great shame. This is a general rational shame. And you know what, if Donald Trump was president and we were here and I wrote this song and the names changed, but the song remained the same, I believe you would play it because it's not about politics. It's about the fact we left our people behind, we left our allies, allies behind. There's tens of thousands of SIV holders. You know what an SIV is. It's a promise. It's a promise that we will protect you because you put our lives in our hands, and we are an abandoning that promise. And we can't let that go unnoticed. And we're you know, you're keeping it out there Laura's keeping it out there. We're going to do everything we can to get those people out, even if it takes I won't say a hundred years were reluctant, and I've alluded to it as you have. There are brave Americans. There are former special ops guys, Navy shields. Yep. There are very generous people that are paying for these planes, from what I've been told. I asked one person, I said, as any money needed, They said, no, it's a there's no excuse for that. John and I talked to my friends on the ground. They are so frustrated with the State Department. I think they're afraid of having something go bad and having a black Hawk down. But this is American citizens with passports. I was watching the hearings and General Austin was implying that, well, pretty much everyone who's gotten out is out. I had a picture of two American citizens with passports on my computer that we were trying to get out. That I was texting people on the Hill that day, and you know what they got out Art Republican and Democratic Congress Congressman, their senators every day are helping us get people out. I don't understand Sean, I don't know why we're here. That's why I wrote this song. What is happening? What is happening to America? What happened to our honor? What happens to decency? Moral decency? I just don't understand, and that's why I scream it every night, and I'm gonna keep screaming it. Well, way do you see? You give him a permission to take a little editorial control of the video portion of this, Oh boy, And that's probably a risk you shouldn't have taken, but I haven't in writing, so you're you're done. But it's a very powerful, full song. You're an amazing artist and incredible singer, an incredible performer, and I'm looking forward to seeing you on TV tonight. People are going to want to record this nine Eastern Hannity on Fox. John. Great to have you back and look forward to talking to you again soon. Thanks, Beddy. Eightee Shawn is our number. If you're in the New York area. He's gonna be performing and he'll be singing Blood on My Hands as well as all as super hits, The Riddle and Superman and you know, every big hit he's ever had. He's just an incredible singer songwriter. Anyway, it's going to be at the Symphony Space. It's in New York City on Broadway, and we're looking forward. I'm sure a lot of people are gonna be out there seeing you tomorrow night. And we'll put a link on hannity dot com so people can go see you tomorrow and if you're a veteran, you get in absolutely free. Just go to fight for Fighting dot com. Hannity dot com. We got a link as well.