Dr. Brian Tyson, Board Certified in Family Medicine and 14 years in the ER, with hospital and medicine experience at All Valley Urgent Care in El Centro, California and Dr. George Fareed, discuss the information coming out regarding the origins of COVID-19. Today as the #FauciLiedPeoplDied mantra is spreading across every type of media there is, the White House is doing what they can to find a way to quietly exit Tony Fauci.
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All right, gladual with us. Thank you, Scott Shannon, thanks to all of you. Happy Friday. Right down our tone free number. It's eight hundred and nine for one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. You know, you gotta love how wrong people can be in the news medium mob so often. You know, didn't Maggie Haberman get credit for her phony reporting? What did she get the pullets of prize? I forgot who got it? They got two of them at the New York toilet paper Times over stories that end up being false. When are you gonna return to the pullets of the prize? You know, this whole narrative she've been saying all we well, you know, Donald Trump is telling people everybody that he's going to be installed as president in August. Okay, I read it, and I I said, just more typical medium mob bs. Now even fake news CNN says me. And Trump doesn't appear to believe that he'll be reinstated in guests, which, by the way, just case you're interested in some truth, that's not the way it works. Even if this happened, this happened, and this happened, he doesn't get put in office that's not how our constitution works, legally works, etc. Etc. But I digress. We got a lot to get to it today, important matters. But I mean, when CNN fake News has to correct The New York Times, I'm like, you can't even make this up. You really can't. We've got a lot on fauci, We've got a lot on the economy, We've got a lot on dismantled defund the police, all of which we're gonna get to in the course of the program today. You know, it's yeah, I saw this in the Epic Times, in the New York Post today, How sippy cup your president milky warm? Milky Joe has now banned US investment in Chinese firms with ties to China's military Executive Order, you know, a mending a Trump era band that prohibits US investors from investing in Chinese military companies. Now the new order expands the previous prohibition list, adding you know, Chinese defense surveillance technology firms, etc. Etc. Now, finally, people are beginning to catch on on a couple of things. People and I figured out why because it was deeper than when I originally thought. Because when I called Joe weak, frail, a cognitive mess and sippy cup wore milky and night night and bedtime stories. I'm really making a point and it's not one that I want to ever make, because it's sad and it's scary. A week in America with a week president is not good. And Raspbusin confirmed in their poll this week, Yeah, the plurality of Americans survey see exactly what it is you see and I see that I'm apparently only one of the few brave people to even talk about. And then I said, you know, it's funny because I've always prepared for the mob, the media to come after me on this and say, well, you're saying that the American president is is you know, cognitively compromised and weak and frail. And I'm like, yep, and I got the tape to prove it. Our highlight reel, our long reel that we have, it goes on and on and on and on, and my answer to any criticism is going to be simple. I'm gonna say, here, watch you decide. You see the reason these media outlets they don't want to address it. They don't want to say Hannity's saying these things because then Hannity's gonna respond because they don't show their audiences. Joes. You know, well, let's just call them brain farts, whatever you want to call them. That stammering, stumbling, mumbling, bumbling, weak, confused, all of it. They don't show it. They don't show their adi and says they're just ignoring it, just like they had the Joe Biden candidate Protection program. Now it's the Joe Biden President protection program. You know, he's Look, COVID cases are down, he says today, COVID deaths are up. I'm like, oh my gosh, it is to summon up. Look, COVID cases are down. COVID deaths are up. No, they're not, Joe. We've seen a twenty percent dipping cases, fourteen percent dropping COVID deaths over the last two weeks. But you know, while why let these things get in the way of some facts. Anyway, but back to the point about the executive order with China, and you think about Hunter Biden, and you think about this laptop, and you think about the revelations this week, we now know that Joe lied. We have the tape. Joe Biden said on three separate occasions, No, I had nothing, no knowledge, never spoke once to Hunter about as foreign business dealings. How many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings. I've never spoken my son about his overseas series. I have never discussed with my son, or my brother or anyone else and make him to do it their businesses period. And what I will do is the same thing we did an our administration. Don't be an absolute wall between personal and private and the government. Do you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your son's overseas business Do you think it was wrong for him to take that position knowing that it was really because that company wanted access to you. Well, that's not true. You're saying things you do not know what you're talking about. No one said that. Who said that, I'm saying it. Joe Hunter's laptop is saying it. Joe. Now here's the problem. And we've got it now we have Now we have the pictures. Not only did he talk to Hunter about his farm business dealings, but he was going to dinner with Hunters business partners from abroad and we've got pictures of it. Now is the mob the media? Will they go at that with the same ferocious passion that they have against all things Donald Trump. You know, I keep hearing this stuff about New York and reading about it every day, and a grand jury convened. Did Donald Trump give information on a loan application that was inaccurate? Well, let's say that he had an appraisal that maybe was high or maybe was low. I don't know. First of all, the idea that Donald Trump ever filled out an applications is a pipe tree might guarantee you he has accountants and lawyers that do all that crap. Anyway, but anybody that's gonna lend millions and millions of dollars tell me if I'm wrong, they have a fiduciary responsibility to do their own raisal. And they said, no, this is the appraisal we're using. It's kind of a joke to me. But anyway, I digress. But now that we know zero experience hunters, you know, why did he get the one point five billion dollars deal with the Bank of China. We've not found any expertise experience with these equity matters that he was dealing with the Bank of China and ties to the Chinese military or the Chinese foreign national. Why did the Chinese foreign national. I'm gonna take Hunter Biden's family on our shopping spree and give them a hundred grand Does that ever happen to any of you listening? And then you've got the compromise. So now we're compromised. Now, the question in my mind is now that Joe Joey Sippy Cup as president, and now we know that he lied about talking to about Hunter's contexts, what does it mean for Ukraine? What does it mean? I mean we got pictures of zero experience Hunter with a crack pipe in his mouth. I meant he was a crack addict, and I'm okay. He says he got better. I hope he did. Fine, there we go. But the question is is Joe compromised? Because if Joe's last name were Trump, we all know this would be a big deal. This is why I'm saying, we don't have equal justice under the law in this country, equal application of our laws in this country anymore. We have a dual justice system. This is a great danger and threat to our republic. When you criminalize political differences, it's a threat to the republic. Where's people on the left applying the same standards to Sippy Cup. You know that they would to Donald Trump. The non existent Hunter Biden's business dealings in China serve these strategic interests, the New York Post points, out of the country's communist government and military, and may have imperiled American national security. You know, according to new documentary evidence that they have exclusively been previewed by The New York Post. Quote writing the Dragon, The Biden's Chinese Secrets highlights several deals that Hunter was involved in as a board member of a Beijing based company, BHR Partner's investment firm. Following the founding of the firm was Peter Schweich's book Secret Empires. Hunter's new firm began making investment deals around the world that would serve the strategic interests of the Chinese government. Then, he added, this new firm started making investment deals that would serve the strategic interests of the Chinese military. Do you understand how dangerous this is? Now we have the okay, now we shut down the Keystone XEL pipeline, the stroke of a pen. High paying career jobs wiped out, energy independence wiped out, Anmar wiped out. You know all we're energy independent first time in seventy five years. Gas prices average cost per gallon since Joey's been in office up sixty five cents. They're trying to say, well, it's still below the average. No, it's up sixty five cents, and it's just the beginning inflation four point one percent. Everything you buy now costs more. Heating and cooling your home, filling your gas tank all costs more. Everything you purchase in a store all costs more. You know, before this morning's job numbers came out and it was disastrous by any objective measure. The mob and the media they were saying May's jobs numbers, it's crucial to the Biden agenda. You're not hearing it from the mob today because they didn't get a particularly healthy number, and it was five hundred and fifty nine thousand new that's a disaster. It is forty three percent lower than the nine hundred and seventy eight thousand jobs that were forecast just yesterday by ADP. The media mob before today, they were saying that this is a crucial moment for President Biden's economic agenda. Biden and his Democratic allies are hopeful that strong main numbers can vindicate their calls for patients. After April's disastrous job numbers, these numbers are not good. Another disappointing report Baron's hiring disappointed again in May, as companies across the country struggle to find enough help to satisfy booming demand, even as they raise wages and offer sign on bonuses, just like the McDonald's down in Florida paying fifty bucks if you just sit for an interview. It was a piece out I read. Is Biden's Venezuela style economic agenda on the verge of collapse. It's a disaster right now. And now Joe's got another problem. He's beginning to lose support among his most radical left wing base because he's not you know, he's not forcing an agenda completely through with the stroke of a pen. I mean, it's there are fearful Republicans may take the deal that Biden offered on infrastructure, and now now they want to go back to this whole idea of using the reconciliation process. Well, the Senate parliamentarian through a lot of cold water on that, saying well, you gotta go all the way back and redo the whole thing that you did with the one point nine billion dollar blue state bailout that you called the the COVID Emergency Relief Bill, which it wasn't. Biden's now offering to lower the corporate tax increase to fifteen percent minimum to get Republicans into this infrastructure stupidity. No Republicans should support any tax increase on any corporation, because corporations don't pay taxes. They passed the costs on to we the people, you, the American people. So the left wing, the mob of the radicals that run the Biden administration, they're they're now they're now losing support big time, and it's getting personal. I mean, you see all these you know, MSDNC, New Green Deal, radical socialist programs, Fake New CNN. They're all turning on each other because Joe Mansion and and Senator Cinema. You know, I'm saying, well, no, we're gonna we're gonna have a bipartisan infrastructure build. We're not gonna have one, and they're not gonna go along with this power grab that the radical left wants to use. Now, now the left is furious. A great article today by Kimberly Strass, a little journal how Biden's agendas hit a Senate wall, and the Senate parliamentarian woman by the name of Elizabeth McDonough u took away the Democrats plans to use the reconciliation process just just basically a way to bypass the need for sixty votes for cloture, anyway to expand and whisk through Joe's trillion dollars of expansion of government. And you know, they wanta fired. They literally want her fired, and they want to, you know, lump all these bills together. This is how they passed Obamacare, even though Scott Brown was elected as the final vote against Obamacare. So the entire agenda's blowing up in Joe and the and the radical New Green Deal socialist face. And you know, I don't think Joe knows what day of the week it is, to be very honest, I just I don't see it anyway. So Joe's now having to reach out the Republicans. I'll only raise the corporate tax hiked to fifteen percent minimum. Okay, No Republicans should support that, because that's a tax increase on every product every consumer buys, every service every consumer uses. This agenda is an unmitigated disaster. This is not going to end well. Socialism, whatever form, whatever name, whatever manifestation it takes on, everything's free, free, free in reality. Just like they can't take care and provide a good education for your kids, they can't provide for law and order. They didn't keep their keep your doctor plan and save money promises, and they certainly not done a good job with the lockbox for Social Security and Medicare because they're both headed towards insolvency. You can't believe them. They're lying. It will result in more poverty, it will result in broken promises, false hope, and end with well, how much freedom did you compromise and give up in the name of false security? Will continue twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one. Shawn want to be a part of the program. So I'm being mocked and made fun of and ridiculed by Linda and our team here sweet baby James, in particular because it's not the first time this has happened. But I had to get a new phone today because my old phone. Well, you want to tell it, you want to tell what happened, Go right ahead, you go enjoy yourself. Explain you seem to be losing your grip in your senior years. And I think a big part of it is probably from all of the do Joe experience with you know, mister sense and you're beating the crap out of the trap out of me all week. This was a rough so, you know, and you like to show me your broken fingers, which I would really rather not see. Ever they're pretty, they're disgusting. Your hands are gross, and so you know you've got these mangled hands and then you're you know, you can't stop texting or talking. You're like a thirteen year old girl with your phone and so you know, texting, texting, texting, and then where does the phone end up? I don't have any email. That doesn't matter. You all text it like that because you took it away from me. You're welcome. Well you didn't tell the Costa had enough? All right? It fell in the toilet. Don't you want me to say it? And it's not the Yeah, I wanted you to say it. That's why I left that part just on the toilet. And Jason, do you have the biddat sound? Because Sean has fancy toilets, you know, he doesn't have normal toilet good grief. Is there a bidet sound because I don't know what that sounds, my gosh, no, oh yeah, there's a bid dat sounds. They're like heated seats, so you can get them heated. Uh huh. Maybe if the seat was the seat wasn't heated, you'd be thought on holding your phone like you know, twenty bucks more. And it's you know, it's it's a new invention. It's an hold, a new way of thinking about the hotty toddy, right, you know, I just you know, if it didn't happen like two other times, I'm like, oh again, I did it. First of all, no one drops their phone more than you. You have cracked your screen, smashed your screen, dropped your screen. I've never seen anything like it in my life. But the phone guy's great, I mean, you know, oh yeah, of course he's gray. He's making a fortunate for you. I know. I'm like, I know, and I'm helping apple. Good grief. Yeah that's all. Hey, Well, anyway, we tried, we tried to drop not half one of those connect their phone when you drop them, well they don't work as good anymore. So it just you know, then that slows me down. Once that thing slows down. I'm ready to buy a new one. Anyway, I'm like, this thing sucks and I just get pissed. I have no patience for anything that is technical. I can't stand there or just anything. You could have just stopped at anything. I have no patience for anything. I'm actually very patient. You are what are you patient with? Okay? One ever get fired from the show. No, I'm sorry. The first thing you go to do people get fired from the show. I'm patient. I've only let people or people do their job so you don't have to fire them. No, good grief, all right, can we are you done? I got plenty. We could do this all day. I need to stop bringing it in there. That's the problem. Everybody takes their phone in the bathroom. It's like the new library. It's stupid because they're expensive. I mean, I'm not trying to throw money away. Well not everybody drops it down the toilet. No, I'm not saying that. Oh it would always give me a phone. Every time I saw him is rush. Oh my gosh, yeah Russia always. Yeah, he gave me two and then he mailed me another one. I'm like, he's well, he heard he heard about the bathroom experience at the hand in the household. He's like, but I give him a backup. He's so generous without this stuff love and he'd love technical stuff. I'm like, I can't stand it. You know who else loves his? Mark Simone? Mark Simone's like that is he good? Maybe he can start supplying me with phones. All right, I'll tell I'll let him know. I'll tell you one thing. I'm very angry at this, this waiver for putin in the pipeline. We're gonna get into it later. We have a challenger, Conservative challenger against Lisa Murkowski, the Rhino and Alaska. I mean, this is killing Alaska. This is this is a big part of their People of Alaska get a check from the state every year. They don't pay any state income taxes. They get a check for being a citizen of Alaska. And I love Alaska's the only state I haven't been to, but I love it because I love the Alaska shows. I watched like Deadly is Catch and Life Below Zero and all these these you know, rugged individualists and off the grid shows, and I'm fascinated by it. You know, So Vladimir gets a waiver and are guys that work on our x Keystone XL pipeline, they get a pink slip. Tell me what does that have anything to do with Hunter's relationship with the first Lady of Moscow, the Russian oligarch where you got three and a half million. I mean, at one point does Congress not say Joe lied and not only did he talk to Hunter, he met with all of these people, these oligarchs, these these foreign business dealer dealings. People with Hunter no experience millions here, millions there, millions everywhere. I guess Deutsche Bang, Goldman Sacks, JP, Morgange, Chase, you know, I guess all of these companies weren't weren't good enough. We needed we needed the crack addict to get these one point five billion dollars deal with the Bank of China. You know what, it's suspending oil drilling leases and in Alaska is an unmitigated financial disaster for that state. And by the way, get the ear a peep at a rhino Lisa Murkowski about it. So you'll meet Kelly Chewbacca, who's running against her and has a tremendous support there. I think she's gonna win anyway, that's coming up in the course of the show. But it's so frustrating. It's like, Oh, let's make Russia rich again, Russia first policies, China first policies, you know, let's support Israel's enemies. Unbelievable. But all that's happened. By the way, what's Joe gonna do with Russia now that we've had two Russian cyber attacks, the colonial pipeline and JBS the largest meat producer in the country. I'm sorry, meat prices already going skyrocket even before this, like energy prices are skyrocketing, everything skyrocketing. Let me move on. We've got doctor Fauci. Now Biden has become the chief apologist for flip flop Fauci. Now we'll get into this with our medical experts at the top of the hour, but we now have this understanding. This January thirty first email and February first email sent to doctor Fauci, and that happened to be the same day that Trump put the xenophobic, hysterical travel ban in effect, ten days after the first identified case of corona in the country, and literally Faucci is told in this email high Tony, and it goes on to describe their analysis of the virus, and it can cludes the unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome, so one ask to look really closely at all the sequences to see the that some of the features potentially look engineered. Oh, cain of function. Oh Foucci funded Fauci with new on day ten January thirty, first of twenty twenty, and now Biden's White House. He's been wrong on everything, and he's not been like one of these doctors on the ground. He's been, you know, too busy doing you know, TV interviews and you know, speeches and public appearances. He's never been on the ground. Trump is right. Trump actually, just the News dot Com put out a statement. A lot of questions that must be answered by Fauci. The funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology by his and I each started in the Obama administration ended under the Trump administration. When I heard about it, I said, no way in hell. Donald Trump said, what did Faucci know about gain A function research? When did he know it? Trump's right, just like Trump was right in May of last years. Oh, that's been debunked that there's been any activity in the lab. This lab leak conspiracy theory has been defunct, debunked, and you know, then all the political fact checkers, no, that's a debunked conspiracy theory from Fox News and guys like Hannity. Apparently it wasn't It made sense, didn't it? Because they study coronaviruses in the Wuhan virology lab, they worked on gain a function and Fauci knew it. And Fauci said in twenty twelve, yeah, no, I support gain a function even if it risks a worldwide pandemic. Gain a function is about manipulating viruses to make them more lethal. Even acknowledged that if they've gotten in the wrong hands, it could be a disaster. You know. In another statement, Trump said China should pay a whopping ten trillion dollars. That's probably a low number. Everyone at his beginning to say, yeah, Trump was right about this, you know. Trump also noted Fauci was not enthusiastic about his efforts to rush the development of the vaccine. He said, quote doctor Faucci didn't put an emphasis on speed of vaccine production because he thought it would take three, four or five years to create. I got it done in less than nine months Operation warp speed. In retrospect, the vaccine is saving the world. We ordered billions of dollars worth of vaccines before we knew it even worked. Had that not been done, our vaccines would not have been administered until October of this year. No one would have had the shot that has now saved the world and millions of lives. Just like by the way, the travel van wasn't zo xenophobic, was it. China had their own travel band. Can't leave Wuhan Province to go anywhere else in China. You can't visit Wuhan Province if you live in any other place in China, but you can go from Wuhan to the rest of the world. And now the White House circle back Jensaki, Press secretary saying he's an undeniable asset. No, he's not. What did he do? He's been wrong? Now we find out from the New York Post today the Chinese military researchers were part of a project that created mice with humanized lungs, apparently to test the infectiousness of various viruses. According to a report out yesterday, the bioengineered rodents were developed using gene editing technology mentioned by the Way April twenty twenty study the US government virologists flag for the National Security Accouncil. The twenty three authors include eleven who worked for Oh, the Chinese Army's medical research Institute. Oh, it's in China's best interest to be forthcoming. No, it's not. They've been lying to the world the whole time, and you're helping them in spite of now we know you knew better. It's unbelievable, you know what. And Democrats, Oh, they want they want all sorts of investigations, except they don't want a probe into the origins of the coronavirus. Why six hundred thousand dead Americans, the impact on every single American, the disruption of how many lives, the psychological impact that you can't calculate the cost associated with it, you know. Even the Wall Street Journals said, if Congress doesn't investigate, Biden should establish a commission. Don't hold your breath. Mike Pompeo's on tonight, and he's like saying, Fauci saw everything I saw, so he knows more than anybody. He'll be on tonight. Also, Rand Paul's on tonight because Rand Paul said told you. You know, these days, he's sounded like a Chinese govern from a mouthpiece. It's unbelievable. No, you don't want to be accusatory in tone. Why not? It's a hostile regime. They're even threatening nuclear war against US, saying they're preparing for nuclear war against the US. Unbelievable. Yeah, I guess Trump was right with his travel band. Yes, Trump was right on a lot of things. You know, Faucci arguing gain of function research worth risking a global pandemic caused by a lab leak. How dumb in retrospect does that comment? You can't even make this up. You have emails February first, twenty twenty Fauci's colleagues. They were concerned that the NAH may have funded this Chinese lab and it's gain of function research. You have a new Vanity Fair report stating State Department staffers they were warned early on not to probe the origins of the virus because it could open a can of worms. What in god, what is happening here? You protect the American people, Pouchi's just now repeating Chinese propaganda. Don't sound too accusatory. They might get mad at us and everything no, because he wants to protect himself. You know, one expert sent Pauci an email warning him China's severely undercounting their COVID nineteen death told we knew about this at the time, we reported it at the time, and people that were whistleblowers were disappearing in the darker night, never to be seen again. Pompeo saying the NAH tried to suppress the State Department virus probe, and Pompeos saying Pauci repeating Chinese Communist Party excuses. It's unbelievable. What do we learn? Was Fauci silenced by Donald Trump? Yeah? Well, according to his emails, Fauci had little patience for claims that his statements in the early days were being restricted. I'm not being muzzled or censored. He said, Oh, that goes against what the mob and the media was saying. You know, they just lie constantly, the media, They just never stopped lying. You know, what were the origins? The email show Fauci was warned early that the virus was engineered. The emails January thirty first, This is ten days after the first identified case, the day that Trump put the travel ban in effect. Even Foucci one interview with US. Yeah, I'd probably saved millions of lives. Fucie's boss admits funding the Wuhan Lab. We had, but we had no control over what they were doing. Why are we giving China a red? Why do we give them a penny? How stupid is this country? Unbelievable? State Department stafford warned officials not to investigate what because it would open a can of worms. Wow. One former State Department investigator on the league emails, I don't trust these scignedists about the Wuhan Lab. Doesn't trust them? Why should you trust them? And Rand Paul slamming Fauci His book is science fiction. He's right, he was right, Rand Paul was right, Cruz was right, Graham was right. Senator Kennedy, they were all right. New Intel lending more credence to the Wuhan lab theory as the who pressured people not to talk about it. This is so corrupt. An Hour two, Sean Hannity showed Tolfrey on numbers eight hundred nine four one. Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, it is fascinating to watch the Biden propaganda White House. Remember we found tape last week of Circle Back. Jen Saki, White House Press Secretary. Yeah, what's up with Joe's cognitive stuff? It's weird. Now Jen Saki is saying Fauci is an undeniable asset. No, he's not. He's been a liability. He was even told and the email was too long to read that there are therapeutics that are showing great problems. Remember the two prestigious medical journals that had had pieces published about the dangerous hydroxy clarquin. Yeah, they had to unpublish them. And now we have almost ten studies, starting with the Henry Ford study that shows taken early. Yeah, it's it's been effective in mitigating some of the symptoms and many people. And of course doctor Daniel Wallace the risk is nil. Forty two years largest lupus rhumatoid arthritis practice in the country. He's been dispensing this medicine for forty four years. It's sixty five or seventy years old. The risk is nil anyway, so they're circling the wagons. And then of course you have the flip flop POUCHI, you know, brigaded and I'm only touching the surface here, isn't it just theater. No, it's not vaccine, and you're wearing two masks. Isn't that theater? No, that's not here we go again with the theater. Let's get down to the facts. Let me just state the record that masks are not theater. I am now much more comfortable in people seeing me indoors without a mask. I mean, before the CDC made the recommendation change, I didn't want to look like I was giving mixed signals. Now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks. One mask is good to masks of better In a year or two or more from now, that during certain seasonal periods when you have respiratory borne viruses like the flu, people might actually elect to wear masks is very very strongly leaning towards this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated. So I wanted to ask, are you still confident that it developed naturally? No? I am not convinced about that. I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China. Now we have gone through these emails and we've been explaining them to you. We did it with our fine tooth comb. But here to weigh in on it is doctor Brian Tyson, Board certified Family Medicine, fourteen years in the Er Hospital Experience Urgent Care Al, Central California, doctor George f Reed. They discuss the information coming out. You know, welcome back both of you and doctor Tyson. Perhaps I'll begin with you today if you don't mind, but I Tony, thanks for listening. I saw this earlier today and both Eddie and myself actually quoted it. A great article. But the problem is is that the analysis is not able to answer whether the sequence are unusual and individual residues, except that they are completely off on the and I know I'm going to get it wrong phiogenic tree. The virus looks totally normal, and the close custering clustering of the bats suggest that bats serve as the reservoir. The unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome, and so one has to look really closely at all of the sequences to see that some of the features they look engineered that would be gain a function. If I'm not mistaken, you're the expert, doctor Tyson. Yeah, thanks don for having me. And that's exactly what we when I started doing our research on coronavirus when it first came out, because I wanted to get all the information that we possibly could that two thousand and eight studies showed that they were using the sarth coronavirus of two thousand and three and they were using recombination to upregulate the RFA protein that would attach to the H two receptor in humans. So basically what they were using was they were using coronaviruses from bats, the horseshoe bat that they found out of the south east portion of China. They put those those backs because they carry coronavirus normally, brought them to the lab. They were using those coronaviruses and they were recombinating them with an HIV like virus show and trying to upregulate a protein to see if it could be attached to the H two receptor for human infection. That was accomplished in twenty fifteen, and there's a clear chain of evidence regarding that. And when you go back to Fauci's emails and you see one of his emails has an attachment that says Star's gain of function PDS. So they knew damn well what they were doing. They offshored the research to China, and this coronavirus clearly came out of the lab. You know when he said in twenty twelve, doctor Fred, when he Fauci when he suggested that, well, even if it's such an important work gain of function, that even if it results in a worldwide pandemic, I support it. Now, maybe I'm just a layman. I'm not a doctor. As you know, I don't dispense medical advice on this program. I strongly urge people to research, talk to people like yourself, talk to their doctor, doctors, people that trust in the medical field, to get every opinion possible. Then you make up your own mind. Sean Hannity doesn't know your unique medical condition, nor am I qualified. But I do believe in vaccines, and I do believe in therapeutics, and I do believe in science. Now that we are reading all of this, do you have any doubt that, in fact, this has gained a function, an altered virus that took place in that lab. Thank you, Seanna. I don't have any doubt in that. I doubt this is a virus that came from wasn't in nature. It's what I should say. We have terrible things that have occurred, and unfortunately the face of that is doctor is Fauci that, as Brian has stated that this many things, he was responsible for communicating what he knew in an honest way and helping us avoid the fears of this pandemic and helping us strike out against the multiplication of the virus such that the fatalities wouldn't have developed that they are what we have. The eight hundred pound gorilla in the room is still the deaths occurring. We're getting an average daily death rate in the United States four hundred and that means in a week we're seeing the full component of our number of deaths that we had in nine to eleven. And we knew from the big get go, from the work of Selanco and Rau, that the hydroxychloric would be an integral part of an effect of treatment. Now we combine in additional agents including either mectin or fluvoxamine and monoclonal atibodies. But he's do not He should be stepping into the microphone daily talking encouraging early treatment and say, Okay, this is where I need to stop you. Because both of you showed incredible independence, incredible strength and fortitude and putting the patients. You both read doctor Wallace's I think we all agree he is the premier expert on hydroxy chloroquine in the country and he said the risk is nil. Forty two years experience dispensing it, and neither of you were willing to go along with the back and forth, and you're on the front lines. Between the two of you, you have treated thousands and thousands of patients with COVID nineteen. You did not buy into the go home, check your oxygen and your temperature. If your temperature goes up, take two tile in all and then if your oxygen drops below ninety, then maybe you should go to the hospital when you're dying and to your You know, and you have seen results. Now we have clinical based studies that backup that you were right about these early therapeutics that were mocked and ridiculed and made fun of a prestigious medical journals how to rescind papers against hydroxy chloroquin We now know from doctor Fauci's emails that he was told that it is showing positive effects. This was anecdotal at the time to treat coronavirus COVID nineteen, But you guys went your own way. You did not capitulate to this group thing pressure and your results have been nothing short of I would argue, because we've discussed it phenomenal. Am I wrong, doctor Tyson? No, you're not. You're not wrong at all. And and that's the thing is, you know, every time that were we on the front line start um, you know, treatment with something, we always reevaluate and see is this working as if not working clearly, if it wasn't working, or clearly if it was dangerous, we would have stopped using it. You know, that's what doctors do. You know, We we try it treatment out, We try it therapytic gout. If it's if it's functional and it's and it's working, well, we're going to repeat it. And that's the whole, the whole science preface, which is is what you're doing repeatable And we've done that now with over six thousand patients, six thousand patients, nine percent reduction in hospitalizations and one hundred percent reduction in mortality when used early. Let me let me ask you. Are you saying that that your protocols that you instituted very early on that you if it was if it was started at early, you'd never lost a single patient, not a single one, not over six thousand patients, over six You know, I will tell you this. UM, I don't give dispense medical advice, but I have, and both of you know this referred people that I know to you. And I can tell one case in particular, doctor for Read, that you were involved in. I don't know if that was a life or death situation to me. It seemed dire by the time I got involved in it, and you're you know that was a very very advanced case and very really almost at the point of going on event later going to the hospital, and he turned around within days. Fortune's very gratifying in that regard. Well, I can't thank you, and I mean, how do I repat you for doing You did it for free. I mean you didn't. You didn't say Hannity sent me a case of wine or anything. No, I never do that. I let me just make one point, Sean, and maybe Brian can add to it. Faucci is a face of vaccines, a face of do nothing, ignoring fatalities mounting up that we could not tolerate. And vaccines are fine, they are not the resulting in the elimination of the pandemic, as was hoped by Faucci, they will help. But as a personal example, I have a daughter in her early thirties working having to go to Paris. She would be me and I she even had COVID nineteen previously. She called me crying that she's paused for COVID in Paris. So I got information to her to what to do, to contact the doctors who use the Raou protocol, that the vaccines are not completely effective and they can't the public should know that early treatment would then be instituted and they and we have more weapons though, doctor Fred. Now we've got Regeneron and Eli Lily. You talk about the monoclonial cocktails. We have these these therapeutic Why the hell are they not using them regularly? Well, they're not entirely the whole part of the early treatment. That they are a good part if they can be made available that we we for ten months we're treating without them with the great results, and they will continue to be that. Well, I'm I mean this it's not easy. You know. I'll tell you who else took a lot of heat. Doctor Oz took a lot of heat. Number when he came on my show, he got heat for that. Number two, he too said I know hydroxy chlorican works because I've given it to patients. There was and and literally he says it saved people's lives, but nobody wanted to hear. He's on the he was on the front lines. He was helping people every day. Also, this guy was up like you guys, till three in the morning, calling everybody in France and every other country and finding any anecdotal information he could pass on to people. I mean, you guys are really dedicated to your your craft, your profession, your skill, which is you know, more important than mine. You're saving lives, yes, I mean you have to. You have to understand. I mean, you know, two physicians. That's what we got into medicine four. When you have a parking lot full of three hundred patients and you've got you know, every age group imaginable and they're scared, Sean, they were scared to death. Everybody we thought when they got COVID they were going to die. So everybody. There is a psychological component that I know because trust me, I've passed on the information you guys have been given to me to many many people. And you both have been very generous. All right, I have a one less personal, off off off topic comment here. So Linda takes CBD happy pills. Okay, we have an advertiser. There's CB distillery dot com for people that want natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals. I want her to take her happy pill before the show so she's nicer to me. She doesn't take it till after the show. Would you guys prescribe her the happy pills before the show. I think they're on right side. I think you're gonna lose this one. I am not. Look how quiet they are. They're like, nope, not in the middle. We know better than the met with Linda to Sean, you know this really well, I'm not. I stand here like the loan voice to defend myself. It's unbelievable. Uh, thank you both for all that you've done for the people. You know, you guys are on the front lines. You were in the trenches, and they really quickly. Shan found she had the obligation to verify genetic modification. He and I were contemporaries in nineteen seventy five. I was working on genetic engineering in an animal virus and we had a moratorium that was started at the Issyllamar Conference Center in Pacific Grove with all the best scientists at that time, and we adhered to that moratorium. They should have been heered, tell you what, why don't we Why don't we hit this on the other side. I gotta take a break. We'll have some final thoughts and then we'll get to your calls. Eight hundred nine four one Shan is on number quick break right back I twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program, let me play flip flop Fouci who needs to be fired first? In twenty twelve, warning the dual use research gain a function has the potential for malevolent applications. And then you'll hear Fauci say in twenty twelve, you know the knowledge from dual use research gain of function in the hands of those with ill intend and not exactly good. But then he says, yeah, but I still support it, even if it's a worldwide pandemic as a result. I can't believe he said it, but he did. As you mentioned in your statement, the issue at hand is the ongoing threat of the emergence of an age five N one pandemic influenza and the research that was supported by the NIH to address this threat. The conduct and publication of the results of such research, in the form of the two manuscripts that you mentioned, has focused considerable public attention on the issue of dual use research, name the research that is directed at providing new information critical to the public health, but at the same time has the potential malevolent applications. My written testimony is submitted for the record, and in my few minutes of time, I will highlight just a few important aspects of this issue. Since transmiss ability of a virulence virus was increased, this constitutes dual use research of concern or DIRK, which is shown on this post. If a particular research experiment is identified as DIRK, that designation does not necessarily mean that such research should not be published, nor should it should he even be prohibited in the first place. However, it does call for us, as you mentioned, to balance carefully the benefit of the research to the public health, the biosafety and bio security conditions under which the research is conducted, and the potential risk that the knowledge gained from such research might fall into the hands of those with ill intent. The ultimate goal of the NIH in its embrace of this new policy is to ensure that the conduct and communication of research in this area remain transparent and open. At the same time, as the risk benefit ratio of such research clearly tips towards benefiting society, the public, which has a stake in the risks as well as in the benefits of such research, deserves a rational and transparent explanation of how these decisions are made. Well, we didn't get any of that, and then even going on to suggest that, yeah, even if it risks a worldwide pandemic, And then we have the issue of you know how much money the NIH, your tax dollars went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology where we now believe the gain where the origins of the COVID nineteen virus started, and of course gain of function capability, and that it happened the very thing that he said, and of course then him feverishly is these emails show at least my interpretation is clear. Yeah, they're going to tie it to us. Was gain of function going on with the money we gave him? M Yeah, And then of course then running defense for China. This is this is nuts thoughts, Doctor Brian Tyson, Doctor George fred I'll let you go first, Doctor Tyson. For me, it's the biggest tragedy. I mean when you look at what was going on, what they knew it was going on, they knew it got leaked out of the lab, and they hit it from the world. Um, and then play defense the whole time so that they can make a ton of money out of this through their vaccine program, discounting everything that came out that showed to be treatable. Um. It's it's unimaginable, it's unethical, it's immoral, and it's just downright criminal at this point, especially when you can you can go back and you can trace what we've seen and in how we've been censored for telling the truth for seventeen months to now be vindicated. To me, it's too late. I mean it's it's too late, it's gone on too long. It's it's it's tragic. I mean, it's beyond tragic. And this is beyond dangerous. And the idea that we'd give one penny to any lab of urology in China, a hostile regime led by a hostile actor is unconscionable to me, doctor Freed, you get the last word, Brian and I really well stated U and the just out a few words that the main one being that we were there, we knew what was what could be done, and we were trying to get the word out and sending communications all over our country as to doctors, to President Trump, and to fauci into our local representatives. But they didn't have the really the empathy and the real commitment to come out and meet with us, or meet with other groups around the country and with the real tragedy is that they were still getting censorship that Google has censored doctor Zelenko on Google Docs where he had a terrific present information to deal with the early tree. We um, it's it's just we would call conspiracy theorists. If if you just raise the question, we all knew this This Buhan Institute of Virology studied coronaviruses. We also knew that they were involved in gain A research, gain A function. And yet if you raise the question, well that's where the virus came from. Did it happen in the lab? Oh, that is a debunk conspiracy theory. Apparently not um. Anyway, I want to thank you both. Now I'll give you guys one more crack. Can you please encourage Linda to take our happy pills at nowton every day instead of six pm Eastern? Yes, I shall. I encourage you absolutely, highly recommend it. Right, Yes, it is. It is good for my mental health. It's it's gonna be good for everybody. Yeah, I've not defending herself, which is a good thing. Yes. Well, doctor Freed is a dear friend, and I will take anything he says under considerate. Okay, so you're gonna take you So doctor Fred just said that you need to take your happy pills at noon every day. You're gonna take him at noon? I consider my medical privacy. It suld be just that. Probably ask about medical privacy. You said you would take you see that? Of course I got checkmate, my friend. Yeah, okay, all right, thank you guys. A great job. And you know, you gotta understand people like doctor Tyson, doctor Fred and others. You know, they have to stand up to the entire medical establishment and say your way of doing nothing isn't good. Your way of just ignoring this is it's just not gonna work. And they they they were in the front lines and the trenches. Amazing. What was doctor Fauci? It was too busy doing interviews, emails and speeches and writing a book. Apparently, Sean, can we just talk really quickly? I know we have another guess coming up at just one quick point six thousand lines they saved. That to me is just listen, I lose one person that I got involved in. And by the way, you know I had one horrific case. Yeah it did. And the problem is is that a lot of the doctors on the East Coast, even if they wanted to help, they can't because they're being completely stone walled from the therapeutic Just think of stupid stuff like if you wanted hydrocracy cloric when you had to go into an emergency room. Now, if you didn't have COVID when you went in, you certainly had it when you left because it was dish. I mean, they're a stupid you know. Or the whole nursing home disaster. It wasn't just New York, it was New Jersey, it was Pennsylvania, it was Michigan, it was California. That they all did the stupid things. And and then you know, if you were a doctor that said, maybe a good idea to try these these therapeutics. Okay, we don't have clinical studies, but you go to war with the army you have not the one you wish you had, and the risk is nil. Okay, if the risk is nil, I'm willing to try anything instead of dying and telling people, well, yes, just take titling all off. Your oxygen drops below ninety, you probably should go to a hospital. Then at that point you're done about and you're losing about President Trump, you know, President Trump, you know one of the things that he, you know, heralded was the right to try. Well, why don't we have I mean, it's insanity. I'm like, this is an hole, my body, my choice. Where's all the liberals now? It was promising research out of Israel in the middle of this, and I'm not going to share, you know, and had nothing to I didn't call anybody in the government, but it was I got in touch with the researchers. I got in touch with it because there's one person, very advanced, very severe life or death case and that they had shown promising results. We got to the point they were willing to share it. Uh. For humanitarian and compassionate reasons, and it turned out it wasn't necessary. But can you imagine if it's me, I want the right to try everything correct. I'm ready to go, yet it needs more time to annoy you. Exactly nine four one sewn is our number. We want to update you quick on the border. By the way, our friend Andy Biggs, Congressman Arizona, twenty nine other members of Congress, they are pushing back against the DHS picks from Biden and his comrades. And so today Andy Biggs is leading the effort with Brian Babin and some others and it's part of the chairs of the Congressional Border Security Caucus. And literally they're they're they're trying to get the laws of this land enforced. Congressman, welcome back to us. Specifically, what you're doing. Sound good to be with you. Well, what we're trying to do is we're trying to get the Senate to block the nominees for three very important positions. The head of the Border Patrol, head of ICE, and the head of the uscis the US Customs and Immigration Services. These are three people sean that they have imposed policies and depart either police department, sheriff's department that they've headed, or in the Biden transition team that have given us the crisis today. They support Saintuary cities to support open borders. They don't want to enforce the laws. One the guy that they've picked to be the ICE advice edgn zealis from from Houston. You won't even let the sheriffs participate in immigrations enforced with ICE, and they want to make him the league. This is totally we're trying to get to have a backbone and really step up and help defeat these nominees. You know, it's pretty unbelievable. All right, quick break, We'll come back more with Andy Biggs on the other side, the latest on immigration. Then you'll meet Kelly Chubaka. She's a Senate candidate challenging for the nomination Lisa Murkowski and Alaska. I want to talk about my friends. You know what I got to do it this weekend. I get to go out of my hustle a turf, my newly redesigned for twenty twenty one Hustler Raptor. It is the most fun to drive this mower. They make the best by far, zero turn mowers on the market today. They're built like tanks. You know. Compare a Hustler to any other comparable model out there and in the same price range. There is no comparison, and it's just fun to drive. My professional landscaper has been out of forty years and he saw my Raptor. Then he he literally got the professional models. He got two of them, and you can do. He with his model could actually mow a football cut the lawn including both end zones, in less than ten minutes. Linda has hers. I have mine. It is fun to ride, and it gets the job done. It is the best built, It has the most comfort, It is built to last, it has the best engines, and you're gonna love it. Learn the Hustler difference. Find the local dealer near you. Just go to Hustler turn dot com. A's Hustler turf dot com quick break right back when we come back. The woman that is challenging in a primary, Lisa Murkowski and Alaska will join US Strata HUT. Right as we continued, Congressman Andy Biggs from Arizona now joining with twenty nine other members of Congress to enforce our immigration laws. Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas. Well, I support is for reelection. I think he's done a great job. And anyway, he is now promised that Texas is going to arrest any people that enter the state of Texas illegally. And the other night, when I had him on TV, I said to him, Congressman, I said, well, the laws of the land do not allow people to enter this country illegally. But yet Joe Biden is not only letting them in, he's processing them. Then he's putting the kids in cages that he built in the middle of a pandemic, and the literally living on top of each other, preventing child protective services access even and then he's giving transportation in the darker night, and he's transporting illegal immigrants to all forty eight states, meaning in the continental US. And I'm like, are you kidding me? Because why do I think if I did that, Congressman, that would be called aiding and abetting criminal activity or trafficking. Well, because you think about this rationally, You're exactly right. This crisis. It's in humane in so many ways, it's criminal, and everybody crosses that border illegally has committed a misdemeanor. The first time, most of them, many of them come back the second time. That's a felony, then er twice, and so Biden is basically this is willful, This is intentional. This is not negligence on his part. This is a designed policy and a designed catastrophe. And we can't get the left stream media to coverage. You're doing a great job, so many people conservative. Yeah, it's nervous because in realize that this is a severe crisis. Anytime you have getting quoted, isn't the promise? And we've been doing investigative reporting now regularly on the border, and the message is always the same. Basically, Joe told us to come, and so here, Joe Biden is encouraging illegal activity. People are being aided and embedded in the activity. They're even getting free transportation, and people are dumped into cities and states, and then the cities and states. Well, people need food and water and shelter and an education and healthcare. Well that's all coming out of the American taxpayers. But isn't the idea holding out something of great value? And that is amnesty and the hopes that oh that might become a big voting block for Democrats if we give everybody free amnesty from around the world, exactly right. And amnesty is the draw that brings these people in. They want to come here and become part of our society. By the way, I don't care that they come from study. Yeah, but I believe in legal immigration exactly. I believe in during a pandemic, we ought to have health checks. I believe that we ought to have background checks to make sure they don't have radical associations. And also if we were, if we're going to allow you in our country, you cannot become a burden on the American people. You've got to show that you have the means to provide for yourself. I don't think that's too much to ask. Immigation program, and that's what we should have. And you know what, we've reached a point where you look at it, because it is seems to be intentional in every way, you begin to wonder, quite frankly, I do almost Dailies, is this an impeachable offense? And you start talking about aiding and abetting literally hundreds of thousands of people to enter our country illegally. Uh And and as you say, we don't bet the medequally there to hold the Constitution. All our laws are based on our constitution, but you know what, they're literally aiding and abetting law breaking and facilitating it. Congressman, keep us updated, Thank you, sir, Congressman Andy Biggs, Arizona Quick break right back. Coming up next, our final news round up and Information Overload hour. All Right, News Round Up, Information Overload Hour. Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. As many of you know, I am obsessed with the great state of Alaska. You know, you know Light below zero and oh my gosh, my favorite show, Deadliest Catch, and it's about crab Fisherman and you know, fifty foot swells and the hard work that is, you know, being a fisherman and being out there in the toughest conditions and you just pull them for these guys. I just love it and all these survival shows. I mean, so many people that this rugged individualism that Alaska represents. I just admire it. And it's weird because it's the only state I haven't visited. I've been to every other state, and I need to go there, and I'm gonna go there. I don't think I'm going there in the dead of winner. To be very honest, I'm not sure if I could get through a day with no sunlight at different times of the years, depending on where you're living. But I love the rugged individualism of the citizens of Alaska. You know, And you know we've spent a lot of time talking about the lifeblood of the world's economy. Well, that would be energy. That's oil, that's gas, you know, that's why fracking is important. That's coal. You know, I'm all four. I guess Warm Buffett and Bill Gates are gonna team together and they're gonna build a nuclear reactor. I'm not against it. I'm an all the above guy. You can find me cheaper energy that would lead to energy independence, save the American people money. It's a great idea. I can't understand closing down a war which is a wilderness, and I know because we sent our camera is up in the air to shoot video of Animore. It's a vast wilderness. There's nothing there. And the pipeline that they were talking about building, and we have great oil reserves there that now Joe Biden and his new Green Deal socialist pals have stopped. You know it would be. It would lead to energy independence, it would increase the world's supply of oil, which means we would all pay less at the pump. It's about sixty five cents on average, the increase in a gallon of gasoline and diesel since Joe Biden has been president. And now he gets rid of these high paying career jobs in the energy sector by eliminating the Keystone XL pipeline. Yet at the same time he grants a waiver to the hostile regime of Russia led by the hostile actor Vladimir Putin. And here's circle back. Press Secretary Saki explaining this madness. I know that there's a lot of talk about Nordstream and Keystone, and I'm just trying to help power but help people understand it is well, yes, So how is he urging other countries to take ambitious climate passion and he's letting other countries build nord Stream Two. First, we're hardly letting any country or other countries built Nordstream too. When the president took office, ninety five percent of this pipeline was built. It seemed like there was the ability Bydio's government to sanctions some officials to stop the project at like ninety five percent, But you're not doing in what way were we were going to be able to stop a project in another country that's had been more built, more difficult with the sanctions on some of these officials involved. Joey, Sippy Cup, your president actually granted a waiver from Vladimir to finish the pipeline and allow his energy to flow right into our allies countries. And so the hostile regime of Russia now will be supplying oh West Germany and other countries the energy that we should be supplying them because we have larger resources than all these countries combined. But Sippy Cup doesn't want it here. Now, we happen to have also been the country to reduce carbon emissions more than any other country in the last decade. Joey doesn't talk about that either. Joey went right back into the Paris Climate Accords, and we pay the bulk of that money, while China and India they are classified as developing nations and they pay a fraction a tiny you know, like pennies on the dollar or what we're paying. How stupid does this make this country? Now? The people that have been suffering the most of the people in the great state of Alaska. You know, you got Biden flip flopping on fossil fuels and all over the place. And he has allowed the New Green Deal socialists has nothing to do really with energy, has everything to do with redistribution to take control of his agenda. And Lisa Murkowski, the Senator from Alaska, has been nothing but a huge, massive rhino disappointment to everybody. And as a result of her extraordinarily useless work in the US Senate, she now has a primary challenge. And that challenger's name is Kelly Chewbaca, and she's challenging Lisa Murkowski on these issues and more. And she joins us. Now, Kelly, how are you glad you could be with us? It's an honor to be with you, Sean. My entire family has been hannitized, and we invite you to Alaska. You would have a huge reception with very very happy I need to do a Hannity stop in Alaska. Where would now, what part of Alaska are you from. We're an anchorage. Half the state lives here. We would get the largest stadium for you and it would be packed out. I'm telling you, Linda, we got to go to Alaska. We got come in. I love your Kelly, you got to talk to when the ask her. I am obsessed with every Alaska show light below zero. I mean, I cannot believe, you know, I'm like, I'm sitting there mesmerized at how people there's self sufficiency, their resourcefulness. You know, I love love the guys on deadly as catch and I actually want to buy a fishing vessel and retire, but don't. I don't know if I'll probably get seasick as hell, But what the heck. I love your state. It's beautiful, it's majestic, it's incredible, and actually it's one of the few states because of resources. You don't pay state income taxes. You get a check from the state government. Right, that's right. We actually have a dividend that comes to us from the oil revenue that's made. That's one of the great things about Alaska. We have so much resource in the state most people don't know where, over twice the size of Texas, which is exactly why so many Alaskans are so mad, at least Murkowski and Joe Biden. We have so much opportunity available here and we are just locked off from it because of the decisions that this radical administration's making. We're living without when we should be living in plenty. If we now we had achieved for the first time in seventy five years, energy independence. Under Donald Trump's policies, he had opened to anmoir would have been closed. I think since Jimmy Carter and all of those jobs now with a stroke of a pen are gone, high paying career jobs in the energy sector. How much do what is? How will this impact people that work in the energy sector in your state? You absolutely called it. So Donald Trump opened up access to Anmar for us. This is the concept of this is We've been fighting for access to this for six decades for us. So opening Anmar is like do you think of a picture of a football field. The exploration, discovery, development of resources would be like the equivalent of a postage stamp on a football field. That's what we're talking about. Ronald Reagan couldn't even do this for us, but Donald Trump did. That is why Alaskans are his Trump country up here. We love Donald Trump. It's disastrous news for us, for our workers, our economy, our environment. No one does it cleaner, greener than Alaskans. There's not a single bureaucrat in DC who cares about our environment more than we do. But also for our national security. In Alaskans, we're patriotic up here. We love our military, and we understand that energy and dependence is key to our national security. So we lay this all at Lesa Murkowski's feet because she's enabling this radical Biden agenda. She was the key vote that let Dev Holland through to be our Interior secretary. That's locking all of this down. That's why we got to get rid of Lesa Murkowski. I agree. I think it's time for her to go. Let me ask you this, well, the citizens of Atlaska. Will they get less money annually now because of these new regulations that Biden has put in play. In other words, you have less opportunity to provide energy, the lifeblood of the world's economy, because of his draconian bureaucratic regulations. I would assume every Alaskan can expect a lot less from the share of moneies that you get and you dispense to fellow Alaskans. Right in every single WAHN, not only does it affect our oil dividend and the revenues there, but these oil and gas jobs account for directly twenty five percent of the jobs in the state, and then indirectly fifty percent of our jobs, and then the vast majority of our state operating budget. So we've gone through fourteen billion dollars in state operating budget from a surplus about a decade ago to now over two billion dollars in deficit because of our resource industry coming under such attack in this last decade. That's how much it's affecting us. When I grew up here, Alaska was always in the top ten of the states in the nation. Now we're always in the bottom three. We're at the top of the list for crime. Only three out of ten of our kids can read. We're really suffering up here, and it's because of decisions like this. They're trying to turn us into a national park playground for the rest of the country. And the fact of the matter is there are people up here who love this state, who just want access to our lands, you know. So the Biden administrations trying to lock up seventy three percent of the state so we cannot live here and all we want to do is work an honest job, put a roof over our head. Maybe send our kid to college. Just live an American dream like my parents didn't. We're homeless for a while, and now here I am getting to run for US Senate. It's an American dream story. It's all in Alaskan want Are you the only person to step up the challenge? Rakowski? So far? Yes, I am, and I'm going to be the only legitimate conservative challenger in this race because right now the Alaskan Trump base is absolutely rallied behind this. We all the goal here is to replace Lisa Murkowski. But Sean, we need America's help because we're struggling financially. So if your listeners want to help us, they can help us at Kelly for aka dot com because we're gonna need a lot of help. She's got the DC insiders supporting her and we need financial help at Kelly Freak dot com. Kelly aka dot com is your website. My next question is, and I just my gut sense. Unfortunately I'm usually right. I've been doing those thirty three years. I would suspect that Lisa Murkowski, you know, if she loses, might have sore loser ism disease, and that would result in her trying to bifur kate and split the Republican vote. If she ran independent, would she have that option? So she has the option of running independence this year, And in fact, I think she's going to have to because already the Alaska Republican Party by a large majority, has officially censured Lisa Murkowski and said she's not allowed to run as a Republican in Alaska. They've already put a lot of daylight between the party and her. They say she doesn't represent Republicans anymore, so they said she has to run independent. Yeah, they've taken a strong I don't understand it. I mean, because I mean, this is a state, and I'll tell you I'm so stupid, and I admit it that you know, I'm stuck here because of the contractual obligations in New York. I can't tell you, you know, when I'm having a crappy day, I'm like, why am I not in a ranch in Texas or Wyoming or Montana or Alaska. I just I just I just something about the lifestyle that I'm watching on all these shows that makes me think I'm missing the meeting of life. But and I love what I did almost understand, But I just I look at this and I'm mesmerized by it all. It just fascinates me. You could absolutely relocate. I recommend it relocate. We have a lot of power players. I'm not going to disclose identities because people tend to move up here for a hynanimity, a lot more sudden heat. You've got long winners there, you know, it's a little bit of a misnomer. So again, we train the Olympic skiers up here, and we have some of the best winters. But right now we've got twenty four hours of sun and it is just absolutely life giving. That's pretty cool. That's very cool. Yeah, we're looking forward to watching. We're going to follow your race very very closely. And the people of Alaska deserve better in my view than Lisa Murkowski. He's been nothing but a huge disappointment. You clearly represent the rugged individualism and limited government, pro energy values so that the people of Alaska desperately need and deserve. And your great stewards of our natural resources are God giving gifts, which I appreciate. And uh, we're going to follow this closely and we'll be watching. It's going to be a very important race to watch. Well. Thank you and thank you for your support, and so does Alaska. We want to get our seat back can We want to want to rebuild this state and revive our economy, and it's all about our resource industry. So thanks for your support. Twenty twenty two and twenty twenty four now mean everything. Kelly uh Chewbacca, thank you so much and we'll have you on again soon. Thank you. Why are you looking at me like that? You think I'm a lunatic because I love Alaska. I love these shows. I'm addicted to them. I think you just in like probably a previous life or some kind of like rugged Fisherman or I don't know, I love it these things. You know, I don't really get it by now that you go to your new church which you won't introduce me to or tell me about, or the pastor I can't get his phone number from you. Um. You know, it is pretty fascinating that Jesus chose tell fishermen as his disciples, and you know, because doesn't that represent you know, the the average hard working, great human soul a fisherman. And it's a hard it's hard work, it is. Anyway, I gotta get Mike Roe, got me one of those deadliest catch um posters, and I had it. I asked him if he could get him signed by all the captains and crewmen and stuff, and he got it done for me. I gotta get it from him, please, I want to put it. Put it up in our office. Eight is our number. Quick break right back, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. On a Friday, Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. We got a great show for you tonight. Uh, we expose Fauci. We also have on Ram Paul and Mike Pompeo. They know firsthand what Fauci saw and when he saw it. And we'll blow this wide open tonight. Oh and I don't know if you saw this video. Where do you see this video? We'll show you tonight. It's heartbreaking. Did you see the video, Linda, this woman and San Francisco that this guy that these thugs put this woman's hair on fire? Did you see that? Yeah? What does where does this evil and some people come from? It's a very simple. There's a very simple solution. It's very very simple. We have to arrest everybody. Once we start arresting people and keeping them in jail. No AOC says, we need to release more criminals to lower the crime rate, and we need to reduce the number of people in our jails and reduce the number of jail cells. She says she did she say that while she stopped building more jails, was that while she was driving the Tesla Tesla. I'm against a tesla in a congressional salary when you close down the opportunity of an Amazon and then you complain job, you know, for the community. Donald Trump, what gave thirteen billion dollars to Puerto Rico? And then to say my grandmother didn't get any help, when in fact Donald Trump gave a lot of help. But you know, I would suggest to the real Speaker of the House Congress home on Alexandriacasio Cortez, that you know, she could always sell that expensive car, got a less expensive car and help out a grandmother. I mean, she could set up I wonder how many she made to help her. I wonder. No Chad is in Texas. Chad, You're on the Sean Hannity Show. Happy Friday, sir. Hey Sean, it's great to talk to you on a Friday show. Up for morm down of New York. It's good to talk to you with the radio. Okay, the point I'm a talking about. By the way, I do not have a stick an accent as Linda. No, you do not, and it kicks in when I'm tired, though, I will tell you I notice it myself. I started listening to you ten years ago, at twenty eleven. That's when I'm really going at to talk radio. You the late Great Rush and also live in I wish I would have heard you when you first started, like an Alabama years ago, but I was much younger than But I fall in right now with talk radio seven seventy WUBNN Sean Hannity Show. People make fun of me, people call it and go listen to it. Ye man, Hannity, you Sarah, I'm funny. I'm like me. I don't. I don't talk funny. You talk funny. It was hilarious, But I actually it was the funniest thing because I became pretty well known because everyone's like, listen to this lunatic doing a talk show from New York and being a very successful show. And you start how you finished. But one talking point is Bill O'Reilly was saying a follow up question, Sean. In the past three months, you've been able to do a little bit of travel with your work. Interviewed President Trump of Florida, you interviewed Caitlin Jenery California, all the way across the country, even back to New York at twenty four hours, plus your roundtable with the governors in Nashville. But what have you seen your observation, even though you weren't at those places for a very long with the amount of people on airport and then where you were, do you see now two states are similar, California's different. But if you've seen people are getting back to that individual liberty and freedom and them making their own decisions versus at Dagham government telling them, hey mask, okay, you're vaccinated, plus a mask, you gotta do it. What have you seen in those three states? Two of them similar, one difference. Florida is the most open by Fart's not even close. I mean, it just says, but I gotta give I gotta give a shout out to Tennessee. They've done a great job too, and and they're back to normal. I mean, you had this short period of time, but remember the liberal mayor of Nashville was putting out fraudulent numbers as a means of keeping business as closed. John Rich hit the roof over that rightly, So the United Socialist Utopia of California and New York. I can tell you and report back to you that New York is opening up again, but filing crime is worse than it's ever been. You know, we got to I don't know if you know what the squeegee men are in New York. They're back, and graffiti is back, and garbage isn't being picked up. It's it's just a disgusting mess. Like the pre Giuliani days. These these guys come up to your car when you're at a stoplight and with filthy, dirty water, they squeegee your windshield and kind of demand payment and intimidate the hell out of people. Now, I'm not taking that crowd from anybody, but I know how to defend myself. But you know, for the you know, if you're a woman with kids in the car, it's extremely anxiety provoking and very intimidating. So those you know that, that's what you get with a billion dollars cut to the police department in New York. Now, I enjoyed my time with Caitlyn Jenner. You know, Kaitlyn Jenner has all the right policy ideas, she really does. I think the hardest thing for California is to get beyond question one. Now, there's gonna be a lot of things that happen between now and by the time the recall vote actually gets before the people of California. Question one is do you want Gavin Newsom recalled? If fifty percent of California and say yes, he's out, then you go to question two, and that was okay. If this list of people, there'll be a long list, including Caitlin you know, who would you like to be the next governor? And that that person that gets the most votes there would be the next governor. Now, Newsom is trying to blunt this by announcing that he's going to be basically writing checks to two thirds of the population out in California. I don't know. It sounds like a quid and a pro and a quote to me. But what we'll put that aside for a minute. Then the other thing is they've had another very dry year in California. They don't do simple science, the science of forestry, and it is a science controlled burns, etc. So I would expect wild fires are going to be out of control as usual because environmental extremists, you know, are so shortsighted they don't see the wisdom of following the science. The next thing that is going to happen in California is they gonna have these rolling blackouts all summer because they don't have the energy capacity because of again, you know, with all the money they take in, all the money they have in surplus, you would think they could update their power grid and they don't. So there's a lot of factors. Now, if Californians vote to recall Gavin, who's trying to bribe them with free money, so those are my words, not necessarily a legal term. He's enticing them, let me say it that way, with free money, government money checks two thirds, including illegal immigrants. If they vote to recall him, then California's got the best shot they've had in forever to turn that state around. Now, the problem too is they have a veto proof, but you know, Assembly and sent it out there, so it's not It's going to be a very tough, you know, uphill climb in every capacity. And I think most people in California, just like we see in New York. The reason they've they've lost population and they're losing congressional seats. You know, for the first time in one hundred and seventy one years, the population declined in California. It speaks volumes, it has And I've made several trips out to California by driving in the last year and is crazy to see how indifferent it is. But on my way back to Texas when I drive, it is the amount of U hauls. Now, I could be, you know, taking a video or a picture of every single one that I passed as a California license play. But that's besides the point. One last talking point and kind of you know, you know the cost differential. If you're leaving California to take a U haul to Texas, it's like twenty five hundred bucks. But if you're in Texas and you're willing to take the U haul back to California, you get it for like three or four hundred bucks. You're doing you're doing U haul a favor by take by driving it back. You mentioned that New York is starting to open. It was no more evident to last night the Owners game that Nasau Caliseum they had pretty much a sellout crowd, so it was man, let me don't even get me started. I watched that hockey game. I am so pissed off. Still they had it. They were owning, overtime, owning it. Game game four. Sean, you Saturday night? You want to Saturday night? I believe, Yeah, you'll watch it. And then by the way, UFC Saturday night also, Oh well stay home and watch both. One last thing, Seane, I'll let you go. Uh, we love you here in Texas. Okay, now you come to Texas. You've heard there's an open invitation. Take it to you a ranger game and go have a big juicy, a medium rare New York strip or Rabbi steak that liberals are going to be mad at because it's red meat. You should be eating it. But Sean, we love you in Texas. That's a bunch of crap. I eat meat every day. I love meat. I'm not changing my diet I mean either. And by the way, I am very careful about what I eat. I don't eat everything I want um, except maybe usually one day a week I have my cheat day, But otherwise I'm pretty discipplined. And I and meat is the biggest staple of my diet, and I just try and stay away from anything sweet. I limit carbs as much as humanly possible, and I work out like I don't well, I mean, you know, I'm hoping I might live a decent life, long life, so I can be talking in perpetuity to myself. At some point, I guess exactly, there's good carbs. You can eat those, Sean, Okay, there's good carbs. A back card stay away from this week there's say. It probably tells you a little bit in that as well. No, he hates the way I eat. He doesn't like it at all. Anyway, God bless you appreciate it. Ryan, and California. Ryan, we're just talking about your state. What's going on, sir, the United Socialist Utopia? You know, it's kind of funny. Son. Well, first of all, it's good to talk to you. The last well, I'll give restraint to the point. For first, I just want to talk about FOLICY because it reminds me allowing when I was listening to you in twenty sixteen, and I was listening to thing about Hillary because I listen to service then and everything that came out on a man, well, everybody around me, the service the same things that you know what, she can't escape this, this is impossible. This is everything. We everything if we had done the same thing in her position in a court martialedness stuff, And it's just gonna show when this is all said and done, Like all the doctors and people were talking about Fassi, he's going to slip through this. I'm telling you he is. I totally agree with you. I've said, we had a long discussion with Greg Jarrett yesterday that we don't have equal justice under the law in this country today, equal application of our laws today. It is sad, it is tragic. And if we don't get it back in twenty twenty two, in twenty twenty four, I don't. I have very little hope for the Republic. It's that important. I just kind of look at like Hilary's like that was a national security thing. We're talking about something right now, Sean that rearranged human life as we know it. And he knew that descidents he was making were wrong because of politics. I mean, at what point in human existence people start getting held accountable for like the guests and you'll get held accountable only if you're a conservative or a Republican. But it's like, there don't limit now. I mean, like I said, this is a global thing. So is there ever a limit of how much death and destruction and incarnage that can be ensued in the name of politics, in political gain before people wake up? Because, like I said, you know what I fear. I love the fact that we're the United States of America. I love it. I really I'm beginning to see an alignment and hearing chatter that I really don't want to hear, but may become a reality if we're not careful. And that is people are saying, why why is my tax dollars being redistributed to states like New York and California. Let New York in California have their own socialist utopias, and you know, stop stealing our money through tax heavy taxation. You gotta pay taxes or you'll go to jail. I advise everybody pay it all. And you know, at some point somebody's gonna say, forget it. We're not We're not going to We're not gonna fund your reckless socialist utopia be a dream. And I you know it's it's it's we're almost at a point where the differences are irreconcilable, and that usually doesn't end well. People say, all right, go your own way, right exactly, this is there's one gentleman that I know, I not even had a desk. I think he's a lieutenant governor of North Carolina, a black guy that stood up at a city council meeting and you know, he represented the majority. And that's why I look around. I don't see every day, Sean. I don't meet the people that they say are everywhere, and that's the majority. You know, the people that believe their boy and girl is now a term. It's like not even I mean basically no science involved. I can't even get into that because I'm a person of science and they're basically trying to erase uh, you know, biological signs and it's chaos. But when why do they get the loudest boys? Why is the microphone so lit up? And they represent probably point zero one of human civilization, you know, the oddities in the another. I like Kim Matt mats me at a good point. He's like, all this stuff existed before, these oddities like that, but nobody cared. Nobody cared they've always been around you trans with transgender, needs to be transvestite, all these things. There was a time when nobody cared. It is like live your life, you don't care. But now it's like, no, it's not good enough to be let live and let live. You're going to be forced to change the very rule of biological law in in. I don't I honestly this this this topic. You know, I just believe that I'm actually a believer entitled nine. Can you know that there should be an equal amount of scholarships for female athletes and male athletes? And I agree with Caitlin Jenner's analysis of it in terms of people born biologically male playing in female sports. I know some people honest disagreement, but I'll be honest, it's I want to everybody'd be happy. This is not this is not where the rubber meets the road for me. This is that's personal choice. That's your personal life. Eight hundred nine one shot as our number. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. We've got a great Hannity set your DVR ninety eastern tonight on Fox, Rand Paul Mike Pompale. They have a message for Flip flop Doctor Fauci and gain a function and what many are now seeing as a potential cover up. We also have Steve Scalise, Jason Chaffitz, and Joe Concho, much more ninety Eastern Hannity Fox. We'll see you tonight. We'll be back here on Monday. Have a great weekend and thanks for being with us. You make the show possible.