Fauci vs Paul, Round III

Published Aug 10, 2021, 10:01 PM

Senator and Dr. Rand Paul of Kentucky, has been giving the American people the information and power they need to fight back against these vaccine mandates on our lives. Senator Paul has gone many rounds with Dr. Fauci and he has more to say on these terrible vaccine mandates.

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Our two shot Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program. Um, We're gonna get back to the Cuomo News while plenty of time for your calls coming up at the bottom of this half hour eight hundred nine one, Shawn, I want to get back to the COVID issue just for a second here beyond the Obama's super spread event. It is if every American is not angry at what's going on at our southern border, and even our own government officials, their own estimate show four hundred thousand COVID positive cases at the southern border, you know. And then you have more hypocrisy. You have the squad member Congresswoman to Leab caught Masthless on a crowded dance floor at a wedding party on Sunday where she was dancing the night away and hugging all the people around her. And it's it's just everywhere hypocrisy reigns. It's unbelievable. Now you notice DeSantis added teeth to his band on the mask mandates and schools threatening to withdraw salaries, which I loved, and now Fauci has bought into completely the vaccine mandates by saying, oh, we need him for teachers. Okay, Why is Faucci silent on the Obama Party super spreader event and Matha's vineyard? Why is he silent on the biggest super spreader at the southern border? And where's the science behind vaccine mandates? Are you? Are you saying doctor Founcier, I know you saying criticism a few is criticizing science. Are you going against the science of the Cleveland Clinic? Because if you are, I want to know even the people that got COVID that have natural immunity. Serious. You know you have fake news CNN proposing travel bands on states like Florida and Louisiana. Good. You know what, if you're in New York California, you can't go to Florida. Good idea. I might actually agree with that. Maybe not a bad idea at all. That would of course keep me out. They can't. I'm gonna have to apply for special passport. They dumping my own standard. Maybe I needed to think that through before I stated that. Linda, particularly good idea with my future plants hell out of here. I mean as fast as you can. It's only getting worse. I mean, it's complete insanity now. And I played last night this idiot fake news at cost over fake news CNN. It's de Santis variant. Oh, I mean, is that supposed to be funny? You mean the one guy that didn't put COVID patients in nursing homes run to Santa shut down basically all of Florida government from the get go, and mobilized every government agency in Florida for the purpose of protecting the very high population of older Americans. And now he's kind of doing the same thing by by making sure therapeutics are available since the CDC last week stated that, yeah, now that you got the vaccine that we told you would bring your life back to normal. Yeah, when not, Yeah, you can still get COVID even though you took the vaccine. Let me play, for example, a message one guy that's been right every step of the way and has nailed it every step of the way, and as a medical doctor himself, he's also the Senator from the Great State of Kentucky, Ran Paul. He's imploring people to resist vaccine and mask mandates and lockdowns. He's right, just like Ted Cruz on TV was right It's time for us to resist. They can't arrest all of us. They can't keep all of your kids home from school. They can't keep every government building closed, although I've got a long list of ones they might keep closed or might ought to keep closed. We don't have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty, tyrants and bureaucrats. We can simply say no, not again, Nancy Plosine. You will not arrest or stop me or anyone on my staff from doing our jobs. We have either had COVID, had the vaccine, or been offered the vaccine. We will make our own health choices. We will not show you a passport. We will not wear a mask. We will not be forced into random screenings and testings so you can continue you're drunk with power reign over the Capitol, President Biden. We will not accept your agency's mandates or your reported moves towards a lockdown. No one should follow the CDC's anti science mask mandates. And if you want to shut down federal agencies again, some of which aren't even back to work yet, I will stop every bill coming through the Senate with an amendment to cut their funding if they don't come back to work in person. Wow, Randa Paul joins US now, Senator, beyond the idiotic infrastructure bill that some of your Republican weak colleagues went along with, You've been dead right on this from the beginning. I want Fauci to answer this question and maybe you can help me. You're a medical doctor. I'm not, But from all my understanding, the Cleveland Clinic is as a pretty prestigious medical institution. Would you agree with that, Senator? Absolutely? Okay. The Cleveland Clinic has confirmed what you had been saying first, which is now natural immunity, not the antibody levels that you measure in blood if you had COVID that eventually decrease and maybe don't even get picked up, but T cell immunity that last for a lifetime. That is real. And their recommendation following the science is that if you had COVID, like you have stated publicly you had, that you don't need any of the vaccines. Did they not confirm what you had said prior to the release of that study. Yeah, The Cleveland Clinic looked at fifty two thousand employees and several thousand of them had COVID didn't get vaccinated, but then they checked them for reinfection, and then they found that zero of them were reinfected. There's an even larger study out of Israel recently that looked at seventy seven hundred people who just got the delta variant and they found that six times more six point seven two times more likely if you were vaccinated to get the delta variant then if you'd had the disease naturally. Now, this is not an argument against vaccination, and I think a vaccination is a big part of trying to get through this pandemic. But it also is an argument that natural infection is equally as good. And this is important because we have employers now firing people who have had COVID, have natural immunity, and yet they're saying, oh, you have to be vaccinated. That ignores the science. And Fauci, if he will work anything, if he had any degree or semblance of honesty, would step forward and say we should not be mandating vaccines on people who have already had COVID. Okay, but following the science, that's what we're following here. I don't want anybody to get sick. Senator doctor. I don't know if I should call you a doctor or senator and segments like this, but you are a medical doctor. You know. There's been a lot of pressure put on me, Senator, and I've asked you about this before, and I don't feel qualified to tell people what to do. And nor am I going to shame people that make decisions based on their own unique medical history, their current medical condition, the amount of research that they did themselves, their own consultation with their own doctor, doctors, etc. It's really none of my business. I seem to be one of the very few talking about medical privacy, in doctor patient confidentiality that seems to be going out the window with these vaccine passports and cities like New York and states like New York and California. Your thoughts on that, you know, it's kind of amazing how people don't even listen to what you're saying. Often. So I was walking down the hall coming between the Senate floor in my office, and a guy Kimpton said, you know, so and so had COVID and he now you know, he had had it before and he's got it again. That changed your mind on vaccines? And I looked at him and I said, absolutely not. I'm as pro vaccine as i've always been. He's like, what I said, I'm against the mandates. I'm out against the vaccine. I've always said that people at high risk over sixty five and people overweight at almost any age, but particularly over forty really ought to be vaccinated. And even with the vaccination for people who have had COVID, there probably is some evidence that if you're over sixty five, you've already had the disease, that a booster might not be a bad idea. I probably wouldn't take two shots again, but there are some like doctor McCarry out of Johns Hopkins that are recommended maybe taking one. But the bottom line is, in a free society, you make these decisions freely. They're yours, based on your medical history, your allergic history, what your doctor tells you, and you make these decisions. But it's amazing how people on the left don't want to allow you to have that freedom. They think that you're not smart enough to make your own decisions, so they'll make them for you. You know, I mean, that's such a good point. And everybody does have a unique medical history, and you know, once you open the Pandora's box that you need a passport to even get into a restaurant. Now, I don't know why everything we pulled always gets broken down or statistically gets broken down demographically. Let me give you an example like New York City where under a third of African Americans in New York City have been vaccinated. I don't know why, but that's of all the demographic groups out there, they have the lowest number. Um, that's not an issue for me. I'm not getting into telling people what to do. I'm just telling people I've seen the worst of this. Please take it seriously. Please research extensively. Please talk to your doctor, your doctors. There are centers all over New York City. If you choose to get the vaccination, you can get it. It's for free. But that's not my decision, and I'm not qualified to give you medical advice. I don't know anything about your current medical conditioning history. So serious, you know, I've gotten so serious to the vaccine passport in New York. But I've heard Governor Pomo will not even harass you if you have not been vaccinated. So this is a pretty serious. It's a pretty serious state. Am I gonna have to start editing the senators now, seriously, I'm like, it's bad enough I have to edit myself and the team every day. Now I got to edit my friends. Um but but but in all seriousness, what now African americ Americans two thirds of them are going to be shut out of restaurants, They're going to be shut out of bars, They're going to be shut out of sporting events and concerts and public venue. Yeah. The thing is is that it's so much pessimism, so much sturm and drag from Fauci and all these government people. It's actually the opposite. Over ninety percent of people over sixty five now have been vaccinated. That's extraordinary. In a free society of their own free will, people at high risk have chosen to take the vaccine. Nine out of ten. That's an amazing statistic. Over age fifty, it's seventy five percent of people over age fifty. So people have made their own wise decisions, and it's just remarkable. The one thing we could do other than vaccination, which I'm for, But the one thing we could do you'll never hear doctor Fauci say, is he should be on every channel saying if you get sick, and you're beginning to get a bronchitis and you're getting sicker than monoclonal autibodies could save your life, thank you, And you have to get in in time to do it. If you wait too long, they will not give you the monoclonel antabouts. So let me tell you a story about one of my best friends. And this is a friend of mine for years, and he's an engineer, he's an event he was once the inventor of the year. Is a cool guy, smart guy, fully vaccinated, and not this past saturday he did the saturday before he contracted COVID. He was stunned, and I said, and when he went to get tested, he asked. He went up to one of the little duck in the back places. He didn't go to a hospital, but he went, you know where they do a good test. He gets a great testing center. And he asked, well, a lot of people that are vaccinated getting it. And the doctor looked at him. He said, every single case, now, every case. So he went, well, he along with me and people that care for him deeply, that we put our heads together and in less than twenty four hours after diagnosis, he had the infusion of her generon. He followed it up with ivermectin hcq D three C zingquit certain. I don't remember everything else. I can't keep up with all this and as and asteroid. But he didn't need it. In two days he was out fishing. In three days he was riding his bicycle on you know, these wide open trails and felt great. And he's now he's past the point of any you know, any danger whatsoever, and he feels no different at all. He was a little tired a couple of days, but nothing horrible. And those monoclonial antibodies like regeneran eli Lily has their version. That to me, that's the most underutilized weapon against COVID that we've had the whole time, and that we never talk about. Well. And here's the thing. If if you watch, if you make the mistake and turn on CNN, which I don't recommend, but if you do, you'll see doctors on there saying, well, the mask is so much more important immediate than effect in the vaccine. That's malpractice. That'd be kicked off television. In no way, shape or form. Should a mask be your primary choice over a vaccine? They don't work very well. The cloth mask don't work at all. The scene does work. But do you ever hear any of these clowns on CNN saying, well, the monoclonal lata bodies could save your life. They really could, and not on People know about it. People know that the virus has a predilection and is much more damaging, and people are overweight. So I don't care if you're forty. If you're getting pretty sick with COVID, don't wait. I mean, if you begin having a significant cough, you've got to talk to your doctor and see can I get in? And I'm eligible for the monoclonal antibodies because we have whole lot of it out there, but we're not using it because the doctors aren't as clued in on this as they could be, and really nobody's been talking about it publicly. Well you have, we have, and you know we've had a you know, I mean, we've put on doctors with all points of view, even some that I disagree with, but just to give people the information so they can make the informed decision. You've really been ahead of the curve and all of this, and I give you a lot of credit senator also a medical doctor, Ram Paul, and I admire your courage. And by the way, if you can find an injection of courage, would you mind giving it to about eighteen of your colleagues as it relates to that stupid infrastructure bill they pushed. That may be a lost cause, but you know there are primaries out there, so voters need to decide if they want big government Republicans or whether they want conservatives. All right, Senator around Paul, thank you, eight hundred nine four one, Sean Luke. Everybody wants to talk about Cuomo. All right, we'll get back to Cuomo if that's what you want. I am here to play the hits Andrew Cuomo resigning or announcing he's resigning in two weeks. Today, we'll get to that. Our top story and your call straight ahead eight hundred and nine four one Sean. Sean Hannity talks to the people involved in the top stories of the day every day. Sean Hannity is on all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean. You want to be a part of the program, and we're covering all the news today, not just the fact that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has resigned, the impact the aftermath of this, what it's going to mean a lot of people I've noticed on social media brought up but what about Lucy Flores? What about Tara Reid? What about the creepy Joe Biden video? Even even Andrew Cuomo put some of that stuff out. It's it's going to be interesting to watch. Now. It was Biden that said that Cuomo should resign and will probably end up being prosecuted. Or remember, if the investation confirms the claims of the women, should he resign? Yes, I think you'd probably end up being prosecuted too. A woman should be presumed to telling the truth and should not be scapecoded and become victimized by her coming forward. Number One, there should be an investigation to determine whether what she says it's true. That's just going on now, all right? And then all right, what about Joe Biden's creepy comment montage? Remember the sniffing, the touching, the I mean, it's creepy. I don't get this grab somebody's face and kissed them and force them into you thing that Cuomo did. Nor do I get Joe Biden's sniffing hair, stroking young girl's hair. I mean it's creepy all to me. Yes, Senator, I find you very articulate. Mask on the rest is not very good. That's what I thought. That's why. And you guys can sit at the edge of your way if if. I don't want you to have to stand all along. But but it's up to by the way he gave me permission to touch him, and by the way, you know, I sit on the stand and to get hot, I got a lot of I got hairy legs that turned that that that that that that turned blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was trained, and then watched the hair come back up again. Then look at So I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I've loved kids jumping on my lap. Good news is for me, I'm here, the bad news for you as I'm coming back. I'm coming back. I want to see these beautiful young ladies. I want to see them dancing when they're four years older too. Okay, it's just it'll be interesting to see because Biden's been in the Candidate Protection Program and the Presidential Campaign Protection Program. All right, I know a lot of you want to talk about Cuomo. We'll stay with it. Let's say hi to Don and Iowa. Don, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Hello, Hi, Shan. Thank you very much for taking my call. I appreciate it. Thank you, You're very welcome. I just you're you're one of your things. Let not your heart be troubled. Andrew Cuomo still has a career after he gets out of office. I think they're gonna hire him over at CNN. I don't think so. I don't. If it did happen, it won't be for some period of time. I mean, I guess you could point to Jeffrey Tubin and of course the zoom call of all zoom calls, that was a you know, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut because I had a really good line, but I'm gonna be smart for once in my life. My team is now looking at me like, what what tellmo? Tell us tell us I don't really see that happening. Um, but look, Elliot Spitzer got hired by CNN, right, so it's not that far off. And it's, you know, the thing that has been missing in all of this. I don't think he would have resigned. I believe, and maybe we'll talk more about this later, but I do believe that this interview that I watched on CBS with a woman that previously had not been identified as executive assistant at Number one name, now we know is Brittany Camiso. And I watched that interview closely and I just said, Wow, it just the credibility, the sincerity. And then two more people coming out. Now we're up to thirteen, and it gets to the point it's a snowball effect. I knew once, once Schumer and Jillibrand and Hakim Jeffries and Greg Meeks and Joe Biden and Nancy Plos that this part of it was always to me of fate to complete. And now the question is what happens legally, criminally, civilly, you know, down the road with Cuomo, and you know, watch watch the New York taxpayer have to foot the bill for all this. You'll see. No, you're absolutely right, but Jeffrey Tuban is exactly why they're gonna hire Andrew Cuomo. Because Jeffrey Tuban is hired for hands on political and analysis. In his hands on aren't always on his political analysis. And the same thing's going to happen with Andrew Fomo. Hands are going to be elsewhere as well. It's they're going to be eating the team. Um, we'll see, time will tell. Don Thank you, Carvey Kentucky. Next Sean Hannity Show, glad you call Harvey. What's going on? Well, Sean, first of all, thanks for your service as being a conservative voice, and well thank you for giving me this microphone. But it's really all of us together. Don't forget everyone. We're all us. We got to look at it like this. No, not one spoke is more important than the other. We're spokes in a wheel, and we were on a mission, and the mission is to save the country and to get the to write the ship. And together, I think we can do it. I just I know these principles of conservatism work. I've been a steady, solid conservative my entire career, and you know I've made adjustment on some issues over the years, but you know, the core principles that have guided me since I started have not changed. So what else on your mind? Okay? Well, I just feel like the whole Cuomo situation is just poison to conservatives and to Republicans right now. We need to let the Democrats clean up their own mess, and then at the end of it we can grade how well they took care of their own and we need to stay focused on the border crime and opening schools and the other things and not let Cuomo be a distraction. Well, I don't disagree that we've got to pay attention, and but this is not Republicans that have done this to Cuomo. What I have concluded in the process of watching all of this, and I'm going to be very honest, I've kind of disassociated from New York politics for a long time now because I just don't see the point in it because Democrats control everything, Republicans have zero power. And what my conclusion is, and it's just anecdotal from what I can see, I get the sense that Andrew Cuomo has been hated by a lot of people for a long time and this was their opportunity on the Democratic side to finally get rid of somebody that nobody seemed to like. That's my take, and that's that's on him. But what will be interesting, more interesting I think to see is on the issue of law, applicational laws, etc. Etc. Look, I still give due process. Hasn't been convicted, certainly in the court of public opinion, he is. The case is pretty damning and overwhelming. But I said the same thing about Cavanaugh. You don't rush to judgment if people have a right to defend themselves. And as that, those those hearings went forward, and the Republicans were tough on Kavanaugh. The actually did it the right way. They said, Okay, we have these issues, let's deal with them. Let's check the veracity and the credibility of the people involved. And you know them. We saw stories start just you know, falling apart. I like the sweatnext story. You know that he spiked the punch bowl every other weekend, him and other high schoolers, and then the boys lined up in home or gang raping girls every other weekend. And it didn't sound right to me at the time that nobody had told the teacher, a parent, and law enforcement official or anybody, and that this happened again every other weekend. Well and then, well he spiked the punch bowl. I saw him near the punch bowl. I saw him with a red solo cup. Well, he wasn't standing in line, but he was upstairs and there was a line. I'm like, okay, it's things like that over time, as you met these stories. Maybe I'll play it again later. But again I think it was Brittany Camiso, who you know whose credibility tip tip the balance here, And we'll see time is going to tell and whether or not there is criminal charges brought in the case. And you know, those are very difficult cases often to prove in a court of law. Just so people know and your expectations are managed, and it's got to go beyond that, he said, she said, And you know, but we'll sing quick break, we'll come back, and we'll get back to the phone eight hundred and nine for one sean. You want to be a part of the program. Top of the Hour will update you on just what is in this monstrosity of an infrastructure bill, the quote bipartisan ridiculous bill that some Republicans went along with, and then of course the Reconciliation bill, which is trillions and trillions in new Green deal, radical socialism. All right, back to our busy poems anyway. Thanks Harvey, Diane, Long Island, New York. What's up? Diane, how are you, Hi, Sean, thank you for the opportunity, and thanks to your team and the contributors that make all you do possible. I pray for you daily. Thank you. The unvaccinated needs a champion, a voice of reason during this time of insanity. I never thought I'd live to see the day where Americans are being stripped of their freedom and being so complacent about it. What's happening? And I just want to talk a little bit about COVID, not to get off to talk about anything that you want to talk about. Go ahead, all right, thank you for that. I'm allergic to the vaccine. Every time that president gets on the TV and says this is, you know, a pandemic of the vaccinated, I mean, are we going to be treated like lepers? The West? Time I checked, this is an ancient Roman, Nazi Germany or is it? You know, you don't know how it is to live every day now. What happens is when you are stripped of hope, you start to live in fear and there is no one out there talking about what they're going to do for people with disabilities. I have a friend with late stage MS. She can't take the shot we would like to comply because it's, you know, we feels a smart thing to do. Not everybody feels that way, and I can respect that, but you know we're being ostracized. What say you, mister Hannity says mister Hannity that I believe a medical privacy, and I believe that this has to be an individual choice, and I stand on the side of freedom. And I you don't even owe me any explanation as to why. Now. You mentioned you and your friend have conditions that prohibit you from getting a vaccine, that you would get it if you could, and I assume you made that decision after doing your own research and consulting with your doctor, your doctors and medical professionals, and it's I feel bad in the sense for you that if you said you wanted it, but you can't have it, that means, especially with this delta variant, which is way more contagious, you've got to be more careful than ever right now. And I'm sure you're taking those precautions, so you're in a tough spot. But I will tell you the vaccine shaming that's going on. You know, people have been trying to pressure me to tell people what to do. The only thing I can do is because I don't know what I before. I just spoke to you. I knew nothing about your medical history, nothing about your current medical condition or your friends. That's something that you're allowed to keep private. I believe in doctor patient confidentiality. And I'm sure you sound very well versed and informed on vaccines and your current medical condition. I'm sure you talk to doctors about your condition and spoken about it, probably more than you want to, like all of us, and this is the decision that you made in conjunction with your doctors, and you do not need to apologize, feel embarrassed about, nor should you be shut out of life. Also, which in your state of New York is about to happen to you? Well? Next month is my birthday, September thirteenth. As a matter of fact, do you know what's happening in New York City? I was born and raised in Conditional District fourteen, land of AOC. Okay, I'm not going to be able to go back to the old hometown and celebrate, you know, and hook up with people. You know. Where are your papers? He's going to enforce it. By the way, when you say hook up it's got a very different meaning than when I was growing up, just said, and it sounds like when you were growing up. So just just be aware of that little part. But it made me laugh. Go ahead, Oh my god, I gave you a laugh because you gave me a heck of a belly laugh on Friday when you were talking with the Charlie Helloa Blue Linda. Oh God, here we go now, Comrade Deblasio gave me my birthday present. But you are right about this one thing, and you constantly say this. Therapeutics are not being cowted. Why you know we should be using because when you first contracted disease, it lives in your nasal passages. So I'm sure there's things that they could do. I know was surging up in Stony Brook that his daughter contracted COVID and he was flushing out her sinuses every single day. I'll add one thing and you're right, um, look have a plan just in case. Talk to your doctors about all right, I can't get the vaccine, can you take Regenna on to me. That's the most underutilized therapeutic out there that has and I've seen the magic that it has has has made in helping people mitigate the ravages of what COVID can do anyway, Diane god Blusher appreciate the call. Thank you for checking in with US. Eight hundred nine one Shaun is our number. You want to be a part of the program Quick Break Right Back, so

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