Fauci The Fraud On His Heels

Published Jul 20, 2021, 10:00 PM

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is back to pushing Fauci the Fraud on his heels. Will Fauci finally trust the science that he twists and turns every day to fit his own needs?

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Where will come in to your city way our guns and saying you a concocide. We'll all be desire hi jail and if you want a little banging again, you ain't come along. Even if everyone did what they said they would do in Paris, the temperature of this planet will still rise like upwards of two point five or three degrees satigrade. Now, why don't Republicans want us want kids to know how to not be racist? You are why one of the reasons people can't stand the media. Sorry and cracking me up. It's your fault. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Ye have come in to your site you don't want to play our gintis and saying I'm to see his information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. All right, Thanks Scott Shannon, Thanks to all of you for being with us. Height one hundred and nine four one Sean you want to be a part of the program part programming. Note. We will be in Miami tomorrow for Hannity the TV show. We will be joined um by Governor DeSantis, will be joined by Senator Marc Rubio and others. People are welcome, by the way, if you if you want to stop outside. It's the coolest restaurant by the way, it's called Versailles. It's it's probably, um one of the best restaurants in Miami. Great place. And anyway, So we're gonna be there for Hannity the TV show tomorrow and I'm excited about it. I can't wait to see so many people and stand in solidarity with the freedom movement that is CUBID today. Considering Joe thinks or thought that this was only about COVID or wanted more access to the vaccine, No, they didn't, you dope, pay attention, follow the follow the bouncing ball for more than a second. Um. Anyway, So we'll be there and um, I can't wait to be there. It's gonna be a lot of fun. And um maybe we'll see some of you down there. I think that'd be pretty cool if if you can make it. Um I um. Oh. By the way, I heard that, um UFC fighter. Uh mass Videl, Orge mass Videl. He's a he's a he's the real deal. He's coming to the show. Is that where you told me he's not coming? I forgot to tell you. Sorry. Oh, he can't make it, unfortunately, can't make it, he wrote me this morning, but you know he thought it something else was on a schedule. I got moved around. He apologizes, but if you please tell him that I'm a big fan. He's this guy is a warrior. His dad's a Cuban refugee, you know, went through it, and he just has a very you know. It means what's happening is is critical and I just love uf see anyone that's gonna be willing to getting that octagon and go at it. I just admire them. I was disappointed in the McGregor fight. I'm not gonna lie all right, um, let me get going here and an hour will be joined by Senator and also medical doctor Rand Paul. He had it out with flip flop, I'm wrong on everything, almost Fauci as it relates to gain a function issues in the Wuhan Institute of Herology and anyway, so you know, Rampaul reminds Fauci that if you lie before Congress, it's a crime, and he went on to emphasize federal law makes lying to Congress a felony punishable of up to five years in prison. By the way, that rule only applies to Republicans of conservatives. That will never apply to a Democrat. And he said, on your last trip to our committee, you stated that the NIH has not her and does not now fund gain a function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Now Fauci gets his back up, and you don't know what you're talking about. Now. Rampaul's smart. Rampaul's a medical doctor. Rampaul was right when he said, well, no, I'm not getting a vaccine. I have natural immunity. Even if my antibody level goes down, I still have T cell antibodies that would recognize any contact that I might have with the virus or even even one of these variants that have people scared to death. And he says, I'm not doing it. And then they, oh, follow the science. The Cleveland Clinic came out what two three weeks ago. Yeah, if you have natural immunity and you had COVID, you probably don't need any vaccine. They said, study show you don't need it. Again, I'm following the science anyway. So doctor Fauci says, he says, all this, let me play. It's a long this is what worthwhile, and then we'll get ram Paul joining us in the middle of this though, because he Fouchy says, I've never lied to Congress. I don't retract that statement. And the research and question was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gain a function. My interpretation of that is yeah, all my friends that are also probably as guilty as I am. Yeah. And then he said, you don't know what gain of function is, and then he actually reads the NIH's definition of gain a function, which is you take an animal virus, increase transmissibility to humans. That's there, that's in their own definition. Listen to this exchange, doctor Fauci, knowing that it's a crime to lie to Congress, do you wish to retract your statement of May eleventh, where you claimed that the NIH never funded gain a function research in Wuhan, Senator Paul, I have never lied before the Congress, and I do not retract that statement. This paper that you're referring to was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gain of function. What was let me finish, shake an animal virus and you increases the transibility to humans. You're saying that's not gain a function. That is correct and Senator Poll. You do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially, you do not know what you are talking about. Okay, you get an person gain a function. This is your definition that you guys wrote. It says that scientific research that increases the transmility of transmissibility among animals is gain of function. They took animal viruses that only occur in animals and they increase their transmissibility to humans. How you can say that as not gain It is not. It's a dance and you're dancing around this because you're trying to obscure responsibility for four million people dying around the world from a pandemic. And let's let's send doctor fact. I have to well, now you're getting into something. If the point that you are making is that the grant that was funded as a sub award from eco Health to Wuhan created sauce Coovie two, that's where you are getting let me finish. We don't know the lab, but all the evidence is pointing that it came from the lab, and there will be responsibility for those who funded the lab, including yourself. I totally resent the law that you are now propagating, Senator, because if you look at the viruses that were used in the experiments that were given in the annual reports that were published in the literature, it is molecularly impossible. No one's saying those it is as it is molecular los virus caused the pandemic. What we're alleging is the gain of function research was going on in that lab, and NIH funded it. That is not away from it. It meets your definition, and you are obstruscating the truth. Let me just finished. I want everyone to understand that if you look at those viruses and that's judged by qualified virologists and evolution every biologists, those viruses are molecularly impossible. The results are pandemic. We're saying they are gain of function viruses because they are animal viruses that became more transmissionable and human. And you funded it, and you admit the truth, and you are implying that what we did was responsible for the deaths of individual I totally resent that. And if anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you. It could have been. Now there's a lot of interesting things here. When Fauci actually denies that I never lied. I don't retract that statement, and it was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain. Okay. And then he does admit they gave a sub award. What does that mean. That means they took NAH money and they handed it over to the Wuhan Virology Lab where everybody knew. Now we now know that gain of function research was going on. And then he denies that there was any gain of function happening. And that was what Rand Paul was getting to. Not only was gain of function research happening, they also awarded money. So it then raises the question did any of the money from the NIH quote in their sub award go towards the gain of function research with COVID nineteen. And then it was Rand Paul that had to read the NIH's definition of what gain of function is, which is simple. You take an animal virus, you increase transmissibility to humans. That's gained a function by their definition. So Rampaul will join us. This is gonna be a great this is where do you see this exchange tonight? We'll show it to you. Um. Anyway, we do have a lot of COVID issues that have come up here, Linda, I'm trying to understand something here. I went viral last night for something that I have been saying for forever. As it relates to I tell everybody I'm not a doctor. I'm not gonna play one on radio. I'm not gonna play one on TV. Linda, you could give this speech correct. I mean, but how many times have I said exactly what I have said last night? Listen, I'm not gonna lie. It's the most irritating thing in the world. If you work here every day to watch what happened last night. I was texting and saying, what in God's great earth are these people hearing for the first time? They're freaking out? How many times have I said, I'm not anti VAT, I'm from pro vaccine, I'm also tis You've also said I'm also your privacy matters and medical privacy, doctor patient confidentiality. Right, Yeah, yeah, a lot. Okay, I've said this a lot, and last night, for some reason, it goes viral and I'm like, I'm watching this and I Kristen tweeted out on our behalf, my behalf because I don't have access to anything, you know, a response to the stupid stupidity. I'm not going to tell people what to do. But I am telling you I've seen a lot with this virus. I've watched people struggle, and I've used every resource I can get. Every doctor I know that doesn't wait for day ten when your oxygen level drops to eighty before they treat the virus. We now have studies about hydroxychloric win ivermectin. We've developed re generanili Lily's version of our general. They were proactive. There's proactive medicine that I argue is not being used enough. There are therapies that have been developed, there are peutics that have been developed, and then the top of the three vaccines. And I say to people, you need to take it seriously. And I'm I'm serious when I say that we don't need any more dead people. I don't want any one of my audience dying. And you need to do your research. You have a phone. You have access to everything you could ever want to know about COVID nineteen right on your phone. All you have to do is go to Google or go to which one do you like? Someone I've never heard of before being what is it? Duck duck, duck duck. Go Okay, I'll have to add it. I don't know how to add it, but I'd try one day anyway. And I said, do your research, talk to your doctor or doctors and medical professionals you love and you trust, and then you've got a factor in your past medical history, factor in your current medical condition, factor in comorbidities, pre existing conditions, compromised immune issues, and then make your own decision. I said that should be between you and your doctor. And you're entitled to medical privacy and doctor patient confidentiality, but take it seriously. And I'm not but I'm not qualified. I don't know anything about your health condition to tell you. You know, all these people playing doctor on radio and TV and in the media and in politics. I'm like, people don't know what the hell you're talking about, but we see what's happening. And I don't want anyone to die. So I want you to be smart, just like I did. I said I didn't give I didn't really give a rip about where in the mask myself, you know, I just if it makes it go away faster. I wanted to get back to, you know, going to stadiums and concerts and ball games and everything in between. Um, you know, if you look at the real super Spreader events. Oh maybe be that private plane with all the Texas lawmakers. There's now six people as a result of that trip now that have tested positive for COVID. Eight hundred nine four one sewn toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the prog We got a lot of ground to cover today. We'll get to it all. We'll get your calls into eight hundred nine four one, Sean ran Paul at the top of the next hour about that exchange we just played for you, all right, So the Super Spreader event. These Texas Democrats apparently now gone into like full blown COVID cover up mode today, announcing that from now on, when new members of their group test positive for COVID, they're not gonna tell anybody. They'll no longer offer Delhi transparency in regard to the number of Texas outs Democrats who have tested positive for coronavirus. By the way, well, welcome to my club. Because it's nobody's been business. They're the ones that announced that. I don't I didn't announce it. I love it. Everybody that's you know, got any any small, even slightly known entity, even influencers on Instagram. I have to fight. I got corona. I tested positive right now today. Why would you want to tell the world your medical condition? Maybe it's is that me, Linda. I'm kind of like a private person. I don't tell anybody anything. It's nobody's business, nobody's business, and it's a complete invasion of our privacy. And you know, like anything else, you know, you give an inch, they take a foot, and it's just none of their business. Period. You have a Pelosi AIDS tested positive after the super spread or sware with the COVID infected Texas Democrats and by the way, following COVID four and ten, Baltimore public high school students earned below a one point o GPA. A one point zero would be a D. Below a one point zero would be an F. That's on top of the thirteen public schools in Baltimore that don't have a single child, not one proficient in math or science. I mean, just unbelievable times. Anyway, parents in DC have sued the mayor and other officials for allowing miners to receive the vaccine without parental consent. That's going to be a big issue, especially as we head down the road. Yeah, the White House is still standing by this story that Harris got COVID nineteen tests after meeting with the House with the Texas Democrats, and this was a prescheduled hospital visit to Walter Read on a Sunday. Yeah, okay, I'm not believing it. I think it's a lie DeSantis, who we will see tomorrow at Versailles where we're doing Hannity tomorrow night Live. Anyway, he warns he's going to take the legal fight against the CDC's COVID nineteen cruise ship rules to the Supreme Court if necessary, and we'll have that. We'll get and Pulse take on his showdown with Fauci later. Sean's got more behind the scenes information, more contacts than anybody, more friends behind the curtain. Sean Hannity is on all right. Twenty five to the top of the hour. Schumer now has set up a key test vote for this infrastructure bill, despite warnings from the GOP that it's going to be stopped. Schumer would need ten Republicans the sixty votes needed to move forward with this, in other words, a culture vote, which would take place tomorrow. By all accounts, he's not going to get it. This is fascinating though, And I saw this report earlier today that rural Democratic candidates have stopped using party affiliation in ads. Isn't that interesting to think? Why? Because they want to run away from defund dismantle the police, because they want to run away from critical race theory being pushed by the Democrats into every school that they can do. They want to run away from out of control, reckless spending and the New Green Deal socialism. Do they want to run away from open borders? Do they want to run away from the higher energy prices and inflation and higher taxes that are coming One Democrat, Ohio Democrat Tim Ryan, running for one of their Senate seats. He had he released an ad. It's nearly three minutes long. Guess what he never mentioned his party affiliation? Of course not. They want to sound as conservative as possible. Then they get in there, and then there'll be a reliable vote vote for Schumer. That's the way that used he works out. Uh. Still, the fight, the battle over Jim Crow two point zero continues. Stacy Abrams. I guess she didn't really care that she caused her state of Georgia one hundred million dollars because she and Raphael Warnock and Jim and Joe Biden were calling the Inclusive Accessible Voting Rights Bill the integrity Bill in Georgia that has far more accessibility for voting than does Joe state of Delaware. Uh yeah, that that resulted in them losing the All Star Game. She's now saying it's a call to arms. Democracy is under attacked by authoritarian GOP. I'm like, huh. She said it on ms d NC. There's an attempt by opponents of S one to be that's Senate. That's HR one, the Senate version of it, you know, either intentionally or intentionally obtuse is a about a series of laws being passed across the country, starting in Georgia, to reduce access to the rights to vote for inconvenient voters, voters of color, young people, disabled voting. This is all a lie, all of it. Seventeen days early in person voting drop boxes every precinct in the state of Georgia. You know why, because they have voter ID like they do in Joe's states, Joe's state of Delaware, where they have no drop boxes, where they have no early days of voting, where you need to provide an excuse if you want to vote absentee. I'll tell you another thing that's getting a little chilling too. You know, Joe Biden is out there. My hope is Facebook, instead of taking it personally that somehow I'm saying Facebook is killing people, that they would do something about misinformation? Is this communist China now? Where the government? You see? The problem is the reason that Democrats want control of social media and they want them I want them to keep this Section two thirty liability protection is because they know that social media is now on their side, which we saw in the twenty twenty election. I mean, really, we shouldn't. You shouldn't be banned from one platform and not other's banned from everything. You know, Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech. I don't know I've heard them. Did I ever hear that? Linda? Did you ever hear that? Yeah? And that's what they're asking and that's what they want. So Biden had to walk back his comment that Facebook is killing people because he wants Facebook to continue to do his bidding. Facebook took issues with this comments posted a blog entitled moving past the Finger, pointing these are supposed to be forms where there is the free and open exchange of ideas, ideals and opinions and information sharing. Once you start editing, you then lose liability protection. You should lose it, and then you become a news organization because you're editing the news. And that's Democrats want that because they know that they are reliably in support of all things radical, New Green Deal, socialist Democrats. This pole, by the way, is devastating. I got deeper into it. A Convention of States Trafalgar Pole. Sixty four percent of Americans are not confident at all that Kamala Harris is ready to be president. You know, we went through last night on TV. We went through and gave Joe Biden a score on pretty much every issue he's Today is six months to the day that this man became was sworn in him, became the president of the United States. How's Joe doing so far? I would argue, it's a disaster. I can't think of a single thing that he's done that has worked out well for we, the American people. Not one. I just can't think of it. I don't see it. It's like it not never happened. You pick any issue. Inflation, you know what, we have the largest inflation. Now one almost twenty years, price of oil up about twenty five a gallon. Price of everything costs more. Every product we buy, every service we get, We're paying more for everything. Who does that impact the most? Those people that have less money, lower middle class, middle income families, and they barely make an ends meet because of these policies. They're disastrous. Then we're gonna raise taxes on cooperations. They're it's gonna pass those taxes on to we the people again like they always do. It's pretty unbelievable. This is America last, never mind the foreign policy disaster that is China, that is Russia. Vladimir gets a waiver for his pipeline. We fire Keystone Xcel pipeline workers in their high paying career jobs. Oh maybe it's because Hunter got three and a half million from a Russian oligarcs company or the one point five billion from China. You know, Joe Biden is so timid and tempid and so afraid of his own shadow. And it's it's actually a scary time for the world because all of our enemies see what's going on, and they're taking full advantage of this. Look at what they have to do now in California, restaurants are adding fees to address the high labor costs because of all the worker shortages, because of the never ending benefits that is, you know now they've adopted this you know, minimum income standard, whether you're legal or illegal. I mean, the misery index is actually on the rise. You might not remember if you're a young person today with the misery index is, but you're probably soon going to learn it the hard way. It's a measure that was started under President Lyndon Johnson. It's the measure combines the unemployment rate in the inflation rate. And you know now that we're looking at numbers, the index has long been forgot because we've been able to prevent the disaster that was the socialist policies of Jimmy Carter and literally it was as high as twenty one point nine percent. The misery index spiked at the start of COVID, jumping from five point nine four to over fifteen in a month. It quickly dissipated. Under Trump, it rebounded much faster than experts had predicted, and it was only seven point seven percent when Trump left. He'd cut it in half and since then, by the way, yeah, it went up to let's see, in February seven point nine, in March eight point six, and now it's at a whopping eleven point three percent, the monthly inflation rate climb into five point four percent, unemployment edging up to five point nine percent. I mean this is these are all predictable failures. What do I say? What was chapter four? Live Free or die America in the world on the brink? What did I say? Socialism and its history of failure? Whatever name you give it, whatever manifestation, all the promises, cradle to grave, womb to tomb, everything will be taken care of. Daycare is taken care of. Your education's taking care of, free college, free loan forgiveness, guaranteed government job wage, guaranteed government healthcare, guaranteed government retirement, healthy food, everything's taken care of. None of these promises will ever be fulfilled. If you don't believe me, ask yourself, how are your public schools doing in big cities run by Democratic run by the Democratic Party for decades? How's how's it working out in blue states and blue cities with education? How's it working out with law and order? How did those Obamacare promises work out? How's social security and medicare that they promised would be putt in a lockbox? How's that working out? It's not. None of it is working out. You know. Biden's you know, big support for the people of Cuba. I'm really excited about going to her side tomorrow and we're doing Hanniday right from that restaurant with Governor DeSantis. It's going to be you know, we got to show solidarity for this freedom movement. This is an opportunity that is emerged now. People are risking their lives in Cuba, not that they want to be free. They're not looking for the United States. You know that everybody comes they want to fix their country because they lived in squalor and poverty and misery because the promises of socialism failed, just like Venezuela, just like the New Green Deal is promising. These are promises that will absolutely never be fulfilled. Ever. We can't afford it. We'll never be able to afford it. And then then then you'll find out the truth. And by the time you get to the truth, you'll be in more people, will be more poor than ever before, and you'll just have to figure out how much of your freedom you gave up in the name of false security. Homeland security warning for South Florida voters that are planning to take part in a flotilla to Cuba. Oh, it's illegal for voters to depart with the intent to travel to Cuba without a permit. Really why because they're dropping off food and supplies for family and loved ones that are in Cuba that I've not been able to escape the tyranny of this murderous communist regime. You know, Marco Rubio raised a good question. What's Joe Biden gonna do when a thousand troops from Russia arrive in Cuba to help the regime there? What's he going to do? Then, I'm gonna give you the answer. Nothing. Just like China threatens our military basis, he does nothing. He threatens our allied Taiwan and our allies Taiwan and Japan, he does nothing, except, you know, gives in every time cyber attacks. Nothing, cyber attacks from Russia. Nothing. What does he do with Putin? He gives him a one on one meeting where he gets nothing, and then gives him a waiver to build his pipeline while canceling our pipeline. What a dope. By the way, Senate Democrats are proposing proposed requiring women to register for the military draft. Okay, that's great. By the way, Vladimir is a new threat. In case you're interested in follow these things. They got a hypersonic missile that they tested that obliterated their target. That's not particularly particularly good either. I see China's in trouble now because Biden got angry at their cyber attacks. Actually, Biden on Monday issued a condemnation that actually cited China by name. Wow, what are you gonna do? Joe Nothing? And you know what, Joe, they know you're not gonna do anything. You're not gonna lift a finger, and they know it, and they don't care. That's why they're talking about reunification with Taiwan. What are you gonna do? Joe Nothing. They don't fear Joe Biden because Joe Biden, he's not even in charge. You know, even with the medium mob protecting his cognitive weakness the way they are, still almost sixty percent of Americans see that he's not running the show. Do you want a glimpse of America's future? You know, we could always look at San Francisco because you know, it used to be that the city by the Bay was considered one of the most beautiful places to live. After a decade of governance by social justice democrats. Yeah, now there residents are describing the city as a crime ridden dystopia has become unlivable. Shoplifting car brakes in as long as you don't steal more than a thousand dollars worth of stuff, you're allowed to steal and you don't have to be worried about getting you know, in trouble or arrested in Chicago, what you got with mayor lightweight? Oh? Six children in Chicago, we're shot in nine hours as the city's awaiting a Biden strike force. Apparently. Yeah, six children injured by gunshots in nine hours. Good grief. Ninety one children younger than fifteen wounded by gun violence in Chicago just so far this year. LA write aid employee was shot to death as he tried to stop a shoplifter. Good grief. Oh, it's okay. Defund the police. Howd it work out in LA Because Kamala Harris praised the cuts to the police out in Los Angeles, It's unbelievable. By the way, you care about COVID nationwide cases take a jump. As COVID cases are exploding among Biden's illegal immigrants, one hundred and thirty five detainees testing positive the first two weeks in July alone. That's a nine percent increase in confirmed positive cases compared to the previous fourteen months. Great job, Joe. Hundreds of Biden's illegal migrants stormed the border. They have no respect for the rule of law at all. Now they're talking about full amnest for every illegal immigrant. And by the way, they say, you know that number that we often here, eleven million. No, it's closer to thirty million. Yeah, okay, but don't come in by sea from Cuba because you might vote Republican. It's unbelievable. We'll load it up when we when we come back, we're gonna be joined by Rand Paul. He will join us. And Rand had a showdown with Fauci and literally kicked his ass. If you'll listen to the substance of it, will play that for you coming up. We'll also get to your calls. The eight hundred and nine four one. Shaun's on a number if you want to be a part of the program. And the Attorney General of West Virginia is taking on the Biden administration over border issues. Will cover that and more as we continue where we are come in, well, I'll be asire and if you want a little banging, ain't come along. Even if everyone did what they said they would do in Paris, the temperature of this planet will still rise by upwards of two point five or three degrees satigrade. Now, why don't Republicans want us want kids to know how to not be racist? You are why one of the reasons people can't stand the media. Sorry and cracking me up. It's your fault. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. I'm coming to your sent gonta play ours and saying you a consciens. Sean Hannity Show more behind the scenes information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. Our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. So doctor Fauci was brought back before the Senate Committee earlier today, and rightly so, doctor medical doctor and Senator Ran Paul took to getting some answers because we know from these emails that doctor Faucci knew darn well that gain of function research was going on at the Wuhan Virology Lab. Now the only question is NIH dollars did it go towards actually helping to create the virus. It got very very contentious, ram Paul saying you are aware it's a crime to lie to Congress. He said, on your last trip to our committee May eleventh, you said, you stated that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain a function at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Then citing research that was conducted in the Wuhan lab, asking for a copy of the Wall Street Journal article being given to Fauci, and then Rampaul, you know, gets in there and says, excuse me. You know, you take an animal virus, you increase its transmissibility to humans, and you're saying that's not gain a function. Fauci said, yes, he doesn't even know what the hell he's talking about. But listen to this exchange. Shake an animal virus and you increases transibility to humans. You're saying that's not gain a function. That is correct, and Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially, you do not know what you are talking about. Okay, you get an one person read from the NIH function. This is your definition that you guys wrote. It says that scientific research that increases the transmility about transmissibility among animals is gain a function. They took animal viruses that only occur in animals and they increase their transmissibility to humans. How you can say that is not gain of function? It is not. It's a dance and you're dancing around this because you're trying to obscure responsibility for four million people dying around the world from a pandemic. What we're alleging is the gain of function research was going on in that lab and NIH funded it. That is not away from it. It meets your definition, and you are obstruscating the truth. Let me just finish. I want everyone to understand that if you look at those viruses and that's judged by qualified virologists and evolution every biologists, those viruses are molecularly impossible. The results are pause the pandemic. We're saying they are gain of function viruses because they are animal viruses that became more transmissible and human and you funded it. Wow, Senator Rampaul. Doctor Rampaul joins us as well, you know what blew me away in that exchange, and good for you, Senator, it's great to have you back. You know what blew me away is when you pulled out their own definition of gain of function, which literally was the very thing that you were asking him, Meaning you take an animal virus and you increased transmissibility heat. That's their definition. For him to say then that it was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain. What chain head? Their definition of gain of function? You exposed and they did it, Senator, a great job. Well thank you. You know the definition we read was written by an nih. It was a definition of what gain of function is where you take an animal racked me up. I'm like, oh my gosh in the lab you make it more transmissible to humans. That's exactly what they did in this research. But you want to see the level of disdain and elitism. One of our interns took him the paper when I asked them to take the scientific paper by the bat scientists from UHAN to take it over to him, bout you threw it on the floor. So I mean, this is the kind of disdain that this man has. He's like, I've already got the article. And the thing is is in the article they actually thank the NIH for the money they gave them. And in the article they talk about making an animal virus. They make an animal virus more transmissible. So they're dead to rights. Wrong he lied to Congress. And yet interestingly, if you look at this has really become the problem. There are no objective news sources anymore. Associated Press, at one time was thought to be objective. Read their article. They present only one side of it, no mention or quotes of any of the debate over gain a function. It's all given to sort of the vitriol coming back from Fausci. But we have to have this discussion because my concern is this could happen again with a more deadly virus. Now. Fauci told us in two and twelve that this could happen from a lab and that a pandemic could occur, but that it would be worth it because the scientific research is worth it. That is such a terrible judgment. He should not be within a mile of any decision making because he said previously that a pandemic would be okay because the research is worth the still a pandemic. But now we found out that four million people died, and frankly, if you're related to those four million people, you might be saying, really, doctor Fauci was worth the death of my loved one because you think the research was so important. So he's got a lot of ext Well, he said that in twenty twelve that even if it resulted in a pandemic, it was still worth doing, which is dumb. But there's one of the things that we haven't even mentioned here. This guy has been wrong. And to be fair, Senator I tried. I tried to be fair to this guy. I tried to give people the benefit of the doubt because I you know, it's understandable. We didn't know what we were dealing with, and people said things, sure, go on a cruise, now, don't you don't need a mask. Mask isn't going to do a thing. Then it's one mask, then it's two masks, then it's masks in perpetuity on this whole thing. You know, everyone says, oh, get the vaccine. Then you get the vaccine and life goes back to normal, except apparently it doesn't go back to normal and things aren't quite working out the way they told us. They said, he even if you had COVID, you you need to get the vaccine anyway, and you've been resistant towards it. And lo and behold, if you follow the science of the Cleveland Clinic, they determined that doctor Rampaul was right from the beginning. Again, so you've been right more right than him throughout most of this process. To be on a senator, over one hundred billion people have gotten a disease naturally, and it does make a difference. You know, that natural immunity added to those who have been vaccinated, you actually get to the point where we're doing pretty good job of controlling this. Now, if you go to the fearmongers on CNN and MSNBC, they'll say the delta variant, the delta variant. Do you actually watch that crapper, You don't really watch it. I can't watch it for more than about twenty seconds without taking anti knowledgy and medication. But the thing is is that if you look at the delta variant that they're all so crazy over, it is more transmissible and eventually Mike Looker Crooked's going to spread. But the good news, but it's probably one sense to one twentieth as deadly as the previous version of this. So it has mutated and the municating it became more transmissible, but fortunately less deadly. And so what we're finding now is the vaccine plus natural immunity is going to get us to a stage well eventually the virus has no place to go. And the good news is the vaccine works against the delta varian and so does natural immunity works against the delta variant. So all the scare mongering, it's really because they love being in charge of your lives. They love telling you what to do. They love telling you your kids they have to wear a mask. There's no science behind your kids wearing a mask. Your kids should not be wearing a mask. Are we getting any indication at all that younger people are at risk of getting severely sick or potentially dying from this. One thing that does seem to have remained consistent even with the variance is that this says a much great It creates a greater threat for older people. Call morbidities, pre existing conditions, compromised immune systems, and obesity seems to be a bigger factor than anybody knew in the beginning those selling to remain constant. Yeah, if doctor Fauci were honest, I think we could convince some more people to get vaccinated. Your audience is predominantly a conservative audience. I would tell them, if you're over sixty five, without question, the vaccine is safer than the disease, and I suggest vaccination for over sixty five. I also highly suggested for anybody overweight, particularly if you're or forty or over and overweight, you are a significant increased risk from the weight. Weight turns out to be after age, maybe the biggest comorbidity is weight. But for kids under age twenty five, the death rate is about one in a million. They're more likely to be struck by lightning. So if you fear that one in a million, by all means, go get vaccinated. But if you don't, it's your decision to make based on risk. And really people are smarter than we give them credit. For eighty five percent of people over sixty five have been vaccinated, seventy five people over fifty at the people who are at risk have made a wise decision, have chosen vaccines. People were not at risk have maybe opposite decision, and the thing is is the virus has gone down. We're doing better. We should accept good when we see it. I think that's extraordinarily well said. We'll take a quick break. We'll come back more with Senator Rampaul. We'll show you this video on Hannity tonight ninetieston on the Fox News Channel. We'll get to your calls next eight hundred and nine four one Sean, all right, one thing we all I would continue Senator Rampaul, doctor Rampaul, he's a medical doctor as well. His showdown Will Fauci from earlier today. It's funny because something that I probably have said what Lynda a hundred two hundred times on this radio show and on my TV show. I don't feel qualified. I'm not qualified. Let me be clear. I am not qualified to give medical advice. Doctor Paul. You are, you're a medical doctor. I read everything I can get my hands on. I know a lot about this virus, more than I ever wanted to know, nor that I more than I ever thought I would know. And my advice is you better take this thing seriously. My advice is research. As you know, if you own a phone, every bit of research you'll ever want and need is at your fingertips. Do your own research, talk to your doctor, your doctors, consider your medical history, consider your current medical condition, and then, in consultation with your doctor, doctors, medical professionals you know and trust, you've got to make the right decision for you. I don't feel qualified to go out there with this blanket. Oh you need to get vaccinated now, because I don't know anything about anybody's medical condition. I'm just saying, take it seriously, and these are the things I'd recommend everybody do, because I don't want anybody else dying. In a free country, individuals make their own decisions based on their risk, and that's one of the great things about a free country. And you make it an advice and in through persuasion, people will figure it out. But people, you know, the elitists, believe that none of us are smart enough to make our own decisions. But you look at the facts. Eighty five percent of people have voluntarily decided to act the vaccine over age. Sixty five people I think are making a smart decision there and more will take it over time, as long as you don't lie to them. But if you come from the government and say that you're newborn has to be vaccinated, and that's the only way we're getting there. Guess what you're going to convince those who are vaccine resistant and those who may doubt that if their government's being honest with them, they'll be more resistant. So let's be honest with people. Let them know that young people aren't transmitting this much, aren't getting it much, and that frankly, you vaccinated the elderly, and let's keep trying to vaccinate. Let me ask you this question. We have three different vaccines. Two Fiza Maderna are the mRNA vaccine, which is newer science, and Johnson and Johnson, which is more historically more how they would make a vaccine very similar to pass vaccines. Do you have a preference for either or for people that don't know which one to get? You know, I think if you're over sixty five, all three of the vaccine the profile of side effects is much the risk of from the disease, So over sixty five, I think any three of them are good. As you get the younger age groups, it just has to be almost perfect because there's almost no death rates below the twenty five so the standard changes, you know, but above sixty five. I think all three of the vaccines I think are reasonable things to take. But once again, I would only try to persuade people. I would never force people even over sixty five to take it. It's got to be the individual's choice to doing it. But also, if you look at the population statistics, the listing every day of the virus, we're actually doing very very well now. The numbers the daily incidents is up a little bit this last week. The death rate is still very low, and if you look at it in comparison to the numbers as a percentage, the death rate is much less than it was a year ago. We're doing a much better job treating this. And it turns out the delta virus is more transmissible and more infectious, but it's not more deadly. That's great information. And you still believe, as the Cleveland Clinic believes, that if you had COVID, you don't need any vaccine. Correct. Yes, and some of that would be too. So if you're seventy five years old, you've had it and it's been a year, you may say, well, I'm not going to take any chances. I wouldn't begrudge you if you said I'm going to take the vaccine even though you've had it if you're younger, particularly if you're eighteen years old. I think we need to study whether or not the side effects of the vaccine are greater in kids who have already had COVID. We shouldn't just ignore it and say we're not going to examine that fact. If they want to be honest with us, tell us how many side effects occurred in people who had COVID and let parents make that decision, because it might be that you want to check test your kid for antibodies and see they've already had COVID if the risk of the vaccine or greater, but we don't know that fact. But we don't know it primarily because doctor foucine is ill. Don't want to know any truth. They don't want you to think. They want you to be a cog in the wheel. You are supposed to be an automaton and do as you're told. But really that's not why medicine is a scorically been. It has been individualized, with individual choice. We appreciate. I thought this was a beat down. He thought he was clever. You don't know what you're talking about. Actually you do, because you read his own definition again a function, and to me, that was a checkmate moment. Senator, thank you for being one of us. We appreciate it. We'll see you on Hannity tonight. By the way, you'll be joining us. We're gonna show this exchange. It's you gotta watch it. It's unbelievable. Quick break right back. Now that we made some money for our sponsors, let's go back to making the liberals crazy. The handman is back on the radio right now, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one seawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. Woai San Antonio, Texas. Rex is up next. Rex. How are you glad you called? Good son? Thank you for having me on. First of all, I want thank you for your audience. Oh, thank you. First of all, I want to tell your audience that I'm not an anti vaccer. However, I do not make any decisions regarding my health without my doctor's consultation based on my health history. I suggest that your audience does the same thing before getting a vaccine. I'm not suggesting that people do not get a vaccine either. This is a personal decision that your call, that your audience or people need to make on their own. Would that being said, I'm a cancer survivor. As a result of my cancer history, I have a compromised immune system because I lost my thyroid as a result of my cancer diagnosis. For my discussions with my doctor's regarding vaccines, I was told to get immunized against COVID due to my compromised immune system. However, I decided to wait to see which vaccines have the least side effects before making that decision. I held up on getting immunized for several reasons that include the fact that the drug is not approved by the FDA, the fact that my doctor is not prescribed to me the vaccine based on my health history, plus the fact that my doctor is not administering the vaccine to me, which I think is important. Those are three factors that I haven't heard anybody discuss. I'd like to have heard doctor Rampaul or Senator Rampaul's take on that as well. But I will get a vaccine when the FDA approves the vaccine. My doctor prescribes the vaccine to me, and my doctor administers it to me real quickly before I close out. I want to ask this question, would you allow your kids to be administered a vaccine that has not been approved by the FDA outside of their pediatrician's realm, by somebody who does not know your child's health history. Look, first of all, you had cancer, but I'm glad you're a cancer survivor do you You don't have to answer this question. What kind of cancer did you have? If you feel like answering? Yeah, actually, I've battled four types of cancer over the last eight years. So oh man, let's run, don't you. Did you have chemo radiation, the whole bit? Yeah? Well, actually I'll the first diagnosis. I had markers for medullary thyroid carcinoma, which is a cancer of the endocrine system. It's unlike papulary or follicular cancer or if you get to thyroid, remove that. Sit Here's here's what I like about what you're telling me. You you understand your unique medical condition. You understand that your immune system and consultation with your doctor is compromised. You believe in science. You believe in the science of vaccinations. But for the time being, it's not the right time for you to get the vaccine. I respect your decision you give you you don't I respect it because you're giving me a lot of intelligent, informed reasons and a lot of thought and research and a lot of discussion went into everything you just told this audience. And that's what I'm asking people to do, to take it seriously, um actually real quickly, you know, and discussing this with my doctors. If there are side effects, because I have a compromised immune system, I'm going to be impacted ten times as worse than somebody who does have a normal immune system. So it's not an automatic trigger that you just go out and get this vaccine and tell you understand your own health history. And that's that's all I'm stating here. I'm not I don't make I don't make health decisions based on politics. And you know, we had a girl on TV last night, a young woman whose dream was to go to Bringham Young in Hawaii, and Bringham Young made a point of saying, this is not our policy, this is the State of Hawaii's policy and fairness to them, and she went for a medical exemption because she had a prior she has a condition and a prior vaccine that she had received in twenty nineteen. Not COVID obviously wasn't around, and she was paralyzed for a month, and her doctors are telling her she can't get this vaccine. Now, is this rare? It's extraordinarily rare. But they you know, in her case, you know, if everyone else has the option to get vaccinated and she's willing to you know, the mass, the social distancing and do everything she can do to protect herself, why would why would the school or the state really more in this case than I her the medical exemption, you know, And this is why all this pressure that had been brought to bear on me to tell people what to do. I'm not your doctor. I don't know a thing about everybody's medical condition that calls this show. I'm not going to do it, but I am going to tell people what I think. Take it seriously, research the hell out of it, Learn as much as you can. Talk to your doctor, your doctors, and in consultation with them and maybe other medical professionals you trust, make the decision that is right for you. But you better take it seriously because this thing has killed it awful lot of people. I think that's responsible advice. And still I get the crap kicked out of me for giving that advice, which Linda, how long how many times have I said those exact words. We actually have a bunch of cuts today of me saying it over and over and over again, over and over and again. And I've been consistent. And you know what, I was probably one of the first conservatives to say, I don't really give it a rip about this. Well, let me tell you why, because I said it would be temporary, because you were talking about it, and as annoying as it might beat everybody who says you're repetitive about it, you were consistent on the messaging. So last night you were talking about it on your show, and a half hour after your show, I start getting the blings right that you were trending. I heard it was a hot mess and I'm reading it and I'm going, why is this news? This is not news. I'm with you every single day. You say the same thing about the vaccine every single day. I don't know if last night was the night that the liberals got their ears cleaned, they got their hearing aid batteries. I'm not sure what happened. They got a new cable whose but I'm like dumbasses as usual. I've been saying that the whole literally consistent, and we have not that you want to hear yourself, but we have cut after cut after cut today that we put together of you saying I don't want to hear myself saying what I just said again. But anyway, Rex, I wish you well and please stay safe in the interim until you know you can protect yourself fully from this thing. That's my humble advice. I'm glad you survived all these cancers. It's everybody I know that goes through cancer treatment of any kind, goes through hell. And I'm glad you're you're doing better and I wish you're the best. Thank you, Richard, and Tennessee. What's up, Richard? Glad you called, sir, Hey, but thank you for taking my call. I just wanted to keep it short and ask a question. Are they doing any COVID testing on the border at all? Very rare and limited but mostly no. No, those kids that were in Biden's overcrowded cages. No. The high rate of illegal immigrants testing positive for COVID with through the roof, and they didn't want to test them. They just wanted to you know, ship them out to the continental you know, forty eight states and move people all over and then and then forced states to provide food and water and shelter and healthcare and education. So the answer to your question is generally no. There have been some testing, but very limited. Well that's just crazy. I'm here in Tennessee now, where they, you know, have shipped a lot of them, And I've got a friend's wife who's a liberal, and she's upset because everybody won't take the shot. I'm like, well, okay, go into your house, open up all the doors and windows, turn your air conto strawn high, and see how good that works for you. It just look. But remember they told us that if you'd got the vaccine, you were safe. You wouldn't have to worry about what decisions are the people made? Right? Well, apparently that didn't work out the way they told us. As usual as usual. Anyway, I appreciate you being with us. Eight hundred nine four one Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program, quick break right back to our telephone eight hundred nine for one sean if you want to join us. When we come back, we'll update you on the fight in the courts as it relates to Biden, Biden's disastrous immigration policy, and much much more. Eight hundred nine is our number. You want to be a part of the program. Look, wow, we have a stampede going on right now. The message is out. It's like the biggest mass exodus. Trust me. The people that Verizon, AT and T, T Mobile, Yeah, they they hate Pure Talk and they probably hate me for getting the message out too. Why because you get the exact coverage, the exact same service, using the exact same cell towers, except you pay half for the same service, the exact same service, average family saving over eight hundred bucks a year. You know, we got Robert in New Mexico right, So it's dealing with your associates on the phone was pleasant. I recommend the service to family and friends. I wish I would have found out about the service much sooner. The exact same coverage as all the big carriers AT and T, Verizon, T Mobile, And on day one you start getting fifty percent off real money for the exact same thing. How do you do it? Dial pound two fifty on your cell save the keyword save now save money. It's a stampede. It's money in your pocket, real money anyway, pound two fifty on your cell keywords saved now from our friends, A pure talk. The final hour of The Sean Hannity Show is up next. Hang on for Shawn's conservative solutions. Right as we continue back to our busy phones, let's say hide to Nicole is in the great state of Florida, because Nicole is a million times smarter than I am. Because I should be down there in Florida with Nicole and everyone that is smart that lives there. Hello. Agreed, Hello, Sean, thank you so much that part of Florida. You in Panama City Beach. Oh, that's awesome, been there many times. M it's beautiful. Well, well, I'm both property in Florida for like sixteen years, so very familiar with the state. It's amazing. I know I'm an idiot. Say it, Hannity, You're an idiot. You're an idiot. Handy, I'm an idiot. I agree, I can. I can write that on my tomb So now, by the way, you're not the first one. You won't be the last one, trust me. Oh man, I have a question and two things I want to say, So I'll start with the question, and maybe you can help me with the answer, what in the hell happened to hippo laws in this country? Thank you? Great point. Medical privacy, doctor patient confidentiality. Ye, that that seems fundamental to me, you know what, Nicole Um. Yeah, nobody seems to care about that anymore, do they, because now you can hear about hippo until you go to try to get your own medical records forget it. Well, you do know now that Joe Biden has given the okay for companies and schools and universities, you know, to to demand proof of vaccination. And by the way, they mean proof of vaccination even if you had COVID and have T cell antibodies, even if you're the other antibodies have declined that the Cleveland clinics says you don't need any vaccine, So they're not exactly following the science, which they haven't been following the whole time either. We now know. Yeah, No, I would say, you know what, I probably would have shared with everybody what my decision was. I probably once they started demanding I do it, I said, you know what, No, I'm not going to did not. I'm glad you did not, because that is your right. I have two children who each had COVID, neither me norma husband got sick. We had the antibodies, he had an antibody test. Actually he passed his antibody test, and we don't get the flu. So why would we get a flu shot? Why would maybe one day when you know I am I, but I do feel it's important to tell people how I do really feel. Um look, because of I am in a position in my life where friends of mine, family of mine, even distant people in my life that have run into trouble with COVID, and I I'm very blessed. I have an army of medical professionals, many of whom you've heard on this program many times and seen on TV, that I have called upon often to help people out in very, very dire, complicated cases. In every single case, I can tell you that their passion for saving lives has worked, and they do it free a charge. They do it because I ask them. They want nothing in return. They take great satisfaction in knowing that their protocols work. And so the worst case I had was somebody that is very near dear to me, his mother UM a very bad case on a ventilator for forty days. Once you get on that ventilator, your your odds go down dramatically. And they were able to save this woman's life. She's she's healthier than when she went in. I bought her this beauty. She loved this little bicycle she was driving and riding in in rehab, and I got the exact same bicycle delivered to her house. And I am so happy because her odds were a ten percent maybe less, that she'd survived. You're a good man, Listen. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't help. That's what you got to do. That's what life's about. But anyway, I had that was my question. But if I can just um make a comment. The reason for my call yesterday was because I was furiously upset in my car because I heard something on the radio from another radio show. Host's actually a guess feeling in for that host, but basically they said, um, you know what, for you people that haven't gotten and this was a conservative leaning network, by the way, for those of you who haven't gotten the vaccine, just you know what, just hide under your covers, get back under your bed, hide away because you've left, You've read some fringe information about the vaccine, and so you need to just basically go away. I'm paraphrasing. Of course I can't remember, but I was so angry, and that's the misinformation, the disinformation that cannot Well, why would he say to hide under your covers and go away? What does that mean? It means you're scared of the vaccine, so you may as well just hide under your covers, hiding your health. If you don't want the vaccine, you know, I'd love you. I don't. I actually find it amazing that people that have no medical background whatsoever, you know, are giving very specific medical advice to people. You know what, if I would have gone along with the pressure that it was being put on me to tell people what to do and even if you got COVID, you need to get vaccinated, and then the Cleveland clinic comes out, oh yeah, you don't need it. The science says you don't, I would have felt terrible. You know, I'm not I'm not a doctor, but I'm just saying, take it seriously. You gotta don't mess around with this thing. Make sure you're proactive here. That's my advice. But listen, there are a lot of dopes out there on radio and TV. Just just just you're welcome on this show. How's that, Nicole? Okay, staff, your crew is awesome. Yeah, I'm very blessed. I have good people in my life. I really do quick break right back. Even if everyone did what they said they would do in Paris, the temperature of this planet will still rise by upwards of two point five or three degrees cetigrade. Why don't Republicans want us want kids to know how to not be racist? You are why one of the reasons people can't stand the media, Sorry and cracking me up. It's your fault. Height News, round Up, Information Overload hour. We'll get to your calls. Final half hour of the program today, eight hundred and ninety four one. Shaun of you would like to join us, we'd love to hear from you. So while all of the resources of ISISON and our border patrol agencies have been literally focused on Joe Biden's open borders and processing, not even stopping, but processing illegal immigrants, nobody has stopped. Nobody is sent away. The only message that has come is if you come by sea from Cuba, we're going to throw you the hell out. If you come across the border, will process you, will let you in, We'll put you in one of Biden's overcrowded cages, and then we'll ship you out to one of the forty eight states in the continental US. And while all that's been happening, that has created an opening, a wide opening for gangs and drug smuggling and human trafficking at a level we've never seen before. Now we've already been losing what is it, three hundred people a week because there's something that's called the opioid crisis in America. Ninety percent of America's heroine crosses that southern border. You know, we've had on agents that have spent twenty years of their careers just following the human trafficking problem, including underage girls, human trafficking for the purposes of prostitution in America. Now, Patrick Morrissey, he is the ag of the Great State of West Virginia. He now has been battling back against this and he said this about the change in immigration policy and what it would mean to the drug problem, which happens to be particularly bad in West Virginia and places like Ohio and other Midwestern states. As well, listen to change in immigration policy not only affects asylum seekers. We think this could be devastating to the drug problem in West Virginia. You can't have a porst border and expect that the drug problem won't fester in West Virginia. All right, So the West Virginia Attorney General, Patrick Morrissey is with us. You've been a strong, outspoken critic of Biden and his administration and the week in border security. You wrote Monday that you fear that this action is going to continue to increase the amount of fenton all by the way, they had the biggest fent and all bust they've ever had, enough to kill every American five times over, which is pouring into not just West Virginia but the rest of the country. Anyway, So you send a letter to the Department of Homeland Security criticizing their decision to rescind the Trump era policy of remain in Mexico. So what are you seeing on the ground in your a great state of West Virginia. Well, Sean, thank you very much for having me up back on. This is such an important issue here in West Virginia and nationally, and Sean, this is one of these classic examples of utter incompetence in governments. Imagine that you have a new administration come in and there's this rush to reverse everything and all the goods that President Trump did, and you start making these major changes to immigration policies. But then oops, you don't even consider the impact of drug trafficking when you're opening up the border. This is leading to a disaster. We know that fanel numbers had already been rising tremendously in recent years, but what the Biden administration is doing is they're prioritizing asylum and migration, and they've gotten rid of the remain in Mexico policy, and that means they have many fewer resources on the ground to go after the drug cartels in Mexico and to close down the border. So this is an example of incompetent government and its worth, and it needs to change because people are dying by the bucket load. And while there are a lot of reasons people are dying from drugs across America, the last thing we need is an acceleration of this crisis post COVID and to have open borders that eventually will let products flow up through the Southwest border up into the heartland and eventually into states like West Virginia. This is a tough issue. It's rapidly becoming one of the top law enforcement issues in our state. Let me ask you this because now read enough about and watched enough news to see that there are entire towns where it's either OxyContin or heroine or then you got any drug that could be laced with fenton all which is killing so many people. Why are these certain towns, why why is their rate of addictions so astronomically high. There was one town in Ohio, there was one town in West Virginia in particular that I'd read about, you know where the number of OxyContin pills being prescribed is through the roof, like a per capita per person. I mean, you're talking about hundreds of pills, and that's almost mathematically impossible, you know. Showing what we found over the years is that a lot of people prayed on some of the states like West Virginia, because number one, it's a rural state and people are very disconnected from one another and they may not have some of the same support groups exist in other places. Second, this tends to pray when there's a lack of economic opportunity. People lose their job, then they're really more vulnerable to get addicted or if they're a bit depressed. And of course healthcare infrastructure matters as well, and when you're in a rural area, it's harder to deliver some of the services that are needed that can help. So we think that this is a really critical question that you're asking, and we believe that it's the economic, the socioeconomic factors, it's the healthcare infrastructure, and then ultimately, I think you need to deal with it differently in rural states than you do in urban states. You have to have adequate enforcement, and that's just more difficult when you're talking about these highways over rural areas than it is. Another place I noticed in West Virginia, fentanyl overdose debts went up eighty seven percent in your state from twenty nineteen to twenty twenty, the most recent available data. I'm also noticing that heroin overdoses have been skyrocketing through the roof as well. I know they have Narkham, but and then you have fentonyl even being placed into the heroine, which is almost a guaranteed kill shot. Look, Sean, you're exactly right. We're seeing huge increases in fattyl a lot of our counties over one hundred percent. We have one of our counties that the fentonyl overdose rates were not two hundred and forty two percent. And I've been out talking with law enforcement. You meet with the sheriffs and the state police, and what they're saying is they've never seen it this bad. And Sean, the numbers you're citing are correct, and that was from a nineteen to twenty. What I'm worried about is that with the poorest borders over the last five months, you're not only seeing more illegal immigrants coming in to the United States, but just seeing a dramatic surgeon Sentinel, and our law enforcement are feeling it because they think Sentinel is really explosive, exploding, and it's being used and added to heroin, it's being added to math, it's being added to all sorts of products because the supply is off the charts, and much of that derived from the Mexican drug Martels or still obviously the derivative from China that we saw in the past. Have you heard back from may Orcas. We have not heard back yet, And Sean that's why don't hold your breath sentral lawsuit against them, because you can't just change the rules of the game without considering the impact of drug trapping. That's not the way the regulations work. And we think that they'll be very vulnerable to a suit. But I am trying to meet with them over the next week or two and get them to change their position. If not, we're going to be in court and Sean, I think we get a good chance of winning the state and maybe we can shine the spotlight from America on the compidence of this administration. Listen, if I, as a as an American citizen, decided to pick and choose what laws I want to abide by and those that I known, I have a pretty good feeling that I would be subject to prosecution. I'm looking, for example, at the law it is illegal to enter the United States of America without proper documentation and permission. But yet, not only is Biden not enforcing the law, I would argue that his administration is aiding and abetting in the law breaking, because then they're providing housing and food and then transportation to other states. Is that aiding and abetting in a crime? Because if they're not supposed to be here illegally, and you're supposed to enforce the laws of the land, and you're not doing it. Just like a sanctuary state or a sanctuary city that refuses to abide by the law. How is it that all these cities, states, and Joe Biden's administration get away with not following the law. They shouldn't get away with not following the law. And that's why you're seeing more and more Republican ages step up and try to force the administration to follow the law. The president needs to take responsibilities. Is it's something called to take care clause. He's supposed to faithfully execute the laws for our society. He's not doing that. That opens up the door for my state, for other states to assume them and hold them accountable. And showing what you're beginning to see is that the courts are accepting our version of it. You looked at the DOCCA decision from the other day, where here we have the Obama administration a way back, when make up a program from whole cloth, you have what's happening now, let's remain in Mexico policy. We think that's incredibly vulnerable their climate change there. Across the board, they're going in a direction which is leaving them vulnerable in court, and we are starting to rack up victories. If you add up DOCCA, if you add up the recent oil and gas permits, the tax policy case that Ohio prevailed on, I think we're going to prevail on it. We're leading a fourteenth state coalition. You're going to start to see Republican ags step up in a way that they haven't. But it does take some time to work its way through the courts and have that success. All right, We're going to follow this closely. Attorney General Patrick Morrissey, Great State of West Virginia, Thank you, sir, for what you're doing and standing up for the role of law. It's sad that this is what it comes down to, and seemingly no concern at all about what's happening. I mean, it's just you can't even make this up. At one quick other point, If God help, there's one big thing that America has not been focusing on, and that three point five trillion dollars monstrosity that they're considering it. The far left is trying to inject something that's called this clean Electricity standard in that's how Biden's trying to advance his radical climate change agenda. We're rooting on for Senator Mansions to vote it against that, but that would be devastating to America's energy independence. And I just wanted to mention it because hasn't be getting that attention. But I know you care about it, and your listeners do with you. I manage you better start caring about it. I know he's not in cycled in terms of getting being back on the ballot, but you know, I honestly, I don't know where he is on any given day on anything, and the amount of pressure that Democrats are putting on him is enormous. And is he going to represent West Virginian values or is he going to go along with Schumer's values and the Squads values and the New Green Deal values? Because I hope not, but we'll see. Time will tell anyway. Patrick Morrissey, thank you. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shaun is our number. We'll get to your calls for the remaining of the show. All right, we got ninety seconds, so we're going to give it all to Kim in Beautiful Montana. What's up, Kim? Glad you called Oh, Sean, thank you so much. Im first of all, wanted to thank you for saying such wonderful things about our state when you were talking to Matt Rosendale on Friday. That's what prompted my phone call. But I just have to tell you, don't encourage anybody blue to come here. We're I'm a home builder, and we're watching our lumber go up and smoke throughout the Northwest. It's unbelievable how the environmentalists won't let us in. And we're having a heck of a time working with the Biden administration when they start, you know, leaking out that they're going to start putting double tariffs up on our friends up in Canada. And all we want to do is get people into affordable homes, help our generation that are coming out of the basement from mom and dad's house into their starter homes. And we're just bleeding up here. And so I would love to have you come to our state and see us. But boy, do we need some help in getting our lumber down and getting an administration that wants to help us, help us, help our youth, and help our citizens have housing. Wow. You know I will say this, and I've said this about other states too. You know, sometimes I just sit back and I'm like, what do I live in the zoo for? Why am I living in this? Adam schiffhol I really and it really is. And then I hear from farmers, and then I hear from ranchers, and then I hear from people like you, And you know, while we're the Buffalo Rome and people that go, you know, trout fishing and out on lakes and have the best time, I'm like, well, why am I working eighteen hours a day? Now? I tell you what the real reason is. I love this country and we can save it. That's my number one motivation right now in my life. And if I could be one spoke in the wheel and everyone else is spoke, We're gonna win the country back. And but I will tell you, on our worst days, it is tempting as hell. I'm not gonna lie. I really would love to be out there with our friends of Montana. Maybe I'll take Maybe I'll do it. Neil Board did get a Borts bus and just travel the country and do shows from everywhere one day. Kim God bless you. I appreciate it. Uh, yeah, we don't. If you're gonna move to any red state. Don't bring you stupid liberal policies with you. Yes, that that needs to be a rule. Eight hundred nine for one. Sean is our number. A quick break right back. We'll continue your calls for the final half hour straight ahead, I twenty five to the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls. You know it's a little early. I don't want to jump the gun. Twenty twenty two is coming. Republicans can win back the House easily, in my opinion, if they do it the right way. But never underestimate Republicans, the Republican Party's ability to ability to be weak and to be stupid. Don't ever underestimate that. But with that said, they can win the House. And then we've got the biggest Bellweather Senate election in frankly, in our lifetime, and that's Florida is up for grabs. North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, New Hampshire was on at Ohio, Nobota, Arizona all up for graps. And this can happen at the right time, I mean probably early next year. We will begin introducing to you the candidates that we like and support. And it's rare that at this juncture in the election cycle that I would run a campaign ad. But there's really a kick ass ad that made me really laugh, and we just wanted to introduce ourselves to this candidate. His name is Eli Crane and he does this ad. It's more visual than it is audio. But while he's doing the ad, he's getting a tattoo that says we the People is kind of tatted up a little bit and anyway, but it's when it came out great also. But he's getting we the People on his arms and he's announced to run for Congress. We'll tell you where in a second. Let's play the ad. The problem with Washington politicians is they have no scone in the game. It's all about them and almost never about us. Well, I'm not a self serving politician. My whole life has been about service, family and community. After nine to eleven, I served as a Navy seal in the Middle East. Then I built a thriving business that makes badass Bottle of the Nurse and employs Arizona veterans. But the most important mission of my life has been raising my two daughters with my wife Jen. I'm so sick of phony politicians and their lame excuses, and that's why I'm running for Congress. Now more than ever, America needs leaders with guts and integrity to solve problems, securing our border, standing up for law enforcement and our military, strengthening small businesses, cutting middle class taxes, and protecting the integrity of our elections. It's time for we the people to take our country back. I'm Eli Crane, and I'm ready to fight for us. All I wanted to say hi to Eli Crane and you were getting the tattoo while that was happening. I've never heard of him paying commercial that I can think of. It doesn't mean it didn't happen where somebody talks about being badass and actually caring about the people and getting a tattoo that says we the people. How are you, sir, Hey Sean, thanks for having me on the show. I've been a longtime fan. Yeah. We wanted it to be unconventional because that's the type of guy I am, and that's the type of flight I want to bring to Washington. Well, that's rare. Your message is strong. The ad was powerful. One My biggest problem with Republicans so often, and this is especially pre Trump and even during Trump for some of them is that Republicans can be weak and visionless and feckless and afraid and PC and they just, you know, I don't want somebody going to Washington that all they care about is winning their next election. I want somebody that's going to go there and says I am going to fight hard every day to cut taxes, limit regulation, control our borders, make us energy independent. I'm gonna fight for constitutional us on the bench. I am going to fight for free and fair trade, choice in schools, law in order, support the police piece through strength. That's what I want. It's I'm not complicated, Eli, I'm a pretty simple guy, you know, Sean. I couldn't agree with you more. And that's one of the reasons that I decided to throw my hat in the ring. I honestly don't need another feather in my cap. I became a Navy seal at twenty five, and then I started a multimillion dollar brand out of my one car garage at thirty five. The reason I'm doing this is, how did you make a multi million dollar company out of making kick ass bottle openers? That's funny, Yeah, no, it was. It was a total blessing. We had the opportunity to not only provide for our two little girls as I was getting out of the Navy, but then we had the opportunity to go on Shark Tank. We got a really good deal with Mark Cuban and Kevin O'Leary that really helped us get you know, promotion, and we got a lot of support from Americans who loved the product, who loved we were made in the USA, they loved our backstory, and they wanted to support a vetteran known business. You know, Mark Cuban, I've had a you know, we've had some debates together. I kind of like the guy. He's eccentric as hell, but you know, I don't agree with this politics. But he's an interesting guy. That's a great story. And so you made this decision. What made you decide politics? You're the antithesis of the average person running, which by the way, is a complete compliment, no act. You're absolutely right, And the thing is, we if we don't get some fighters into Washington, DC asap. I believe that this American dream, this country that I love and got to grow up in, with prosperity and freedom and liberty, I believe it's done, and I'm not willing to see it fall on my watch. I've lost too many friends in war. I know, I know all the men and women that fought bravely for our freedoms that came before us, and I just refused to let it fall on our watch. And so that's why I'm willing to go do something that I never dreamed about doing that I quite honestly didn't really want to do. I don't want to go live in the most corrupt city on planet Earth. But I'm willing to do it because my kids and the next generations deserve to grow up with freedom and liberty. My understanding is yours is like a plus one Republican district. It's in Arizona. Tom O'Halloran, I guess as the congressman never even heard of him. That's how that's how lacking in any impact this guy's having. Whoever he is right, You're gonna love Ali North's new book, We Didn't Fight for Socialism, Americans Vets Speak Up, And you'll love Leavin's book American Marxism because it sounds like it's right up your ally. But we just want to introduce ourselves. Say hi, We're gonna put your ad up on Hanniday dot com because I really liked it, and as we get closer to election time, we'll have you back on the program. If you're available. We'd love to have you. Thank you, Sean. And if anybody listening wants to port us, they can go to ELI for Arizona dot com. We we're going to need your help. We really appreciate it. Thank you, Sean. All right, appreciate it, good luck and everything, and we'll be talking in the future. Eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Michelle is in New York. Michelle is as dumb as I am. How are you? Michelle? Glad you called. I'm not calling you dumb, but us living here is dumb. It is true. We are done. I called today, Sewan, because I really wanted to talk about when these Democratic socialists are going to be held accountable in New York and how do we expect Letitia James to hold him accountable. He's got all of these women against him, with these you know, all these sexual and harassment complaints. He had the highest number of COVID deaths to any other state. I mean and his shutdowns. You know, my family own us a restaurant. His shutdown nearly lost us our livelihood and everything, our home, our business. And that's just why are we going to hold them accountable for their bad policy. I look, I don't know any of the specifics of the numerous women that made these allegations against the governor. I don't know a thing about it. I have no knowledge whatsoever except for what was in the public arena. UM. I'm going to be consistent. I don't rush to judgment. I believe in due process and the presumption of innocence on that. On that point, we do know for a fact that there was a conscious cover up of what happened in these nursing homes. In terms of the legality, you know, that's not my wheelhouse. UM, I would I if I had one complaint, it was that. Okay, people campaigned on the idea that they're gonna get Donald Trump's business. Okay, that's that. That kind of is a little scary to me. Um. I want equal justice under the law. I want equal application of our laws. I don't want a two tier justice system. You know, I brought this up last night's TV. We were very outspoken. If you remember, remember last summer, all of the different riots that were going on, and the Democrats wouldn't even call them riots, the media wouldn't call them riots, etc. So most prosecutors in most states. The Guardian actually had a great quote on this in most of a dozen of the main jurisdictions where all of those rioting happened. And when I mean rioting, I mean that's bricks and rocks and bottles and molotov cocktails, you know, being pelted at cops. There are nearly three thousand injured cops, lusts. I'm a three thousand, nearly three hundred incidents of quote riots that took place, and these prosecutors have made a decision, even though we have incontrovertible evidence, overwhelming evidence, we have videotapes, we can identify the people that did this and burnt precincts to the ground, et cetera, did not prosecuting those people. Now, I'm well, I'm there of Its frustrating right now. I've been consistent what happened on January six, that camp happen either in this country. It is we have to protect every elected official if they're politics doesn't matter here we've got to protect our institutions. In the case of January sixth, it's our our capital now. According to the one guy that just got sentenced, I don't know anything about him. He was one of the people that entered the capital. He got an eight month prison sentence, got a felony conviction. He did not. They didn't even claim he assaulted anyone. They didn't claim he destroyed any federal property, just entered the illegally. Prosecutors wanted eighteen months. But yet every single person on video that we have pelting bricks, rocks, bottles of molotov cocktails at cops and burning down police precincts or taking over city streets, they get they got to get out of jail free card. That's not equal justice and equal application of our laws. In both cases, laws were broken. And if you're going to go after one group of people, you go after the other group of people, that's just that should be fundamental. Otherwise we have now criminalized political differences. We don't like your riot because of what you believe, but we're going to give you a pass because we agree with you politically on your reason for rioting. There's no reason to riot, period, well, Sean, I agree with you, but I want to go back to my original point about small businesses in New York being many of our friends that own small businesses have had to close their doors. How are we holding them accountable for that and not allowing them to shut New York down again? Because that is my fear of what's going to happen. And I can be honest with you, as a small business owner, we won't make it to another shutdown. Well, what kind of business do you have? We own a small family restaurant, Trattoria Marbella in Ulster County, New York, and it was very hard to be closed down for three months. Oh my gosh, it's terrible. I mean, well, people don't know about the restaurant business. And I spent ten years of my life, you know, washing dishes, cooking, bussing tables, waiting tables, tending bar I loved it. I loved the business. My dad was a waiter on weekends to make extra money. The margins and the restaurant business are so small, and if they do another shutdown, it probably will kill off another round of business owners. I know businesses. I try to support all of my restaurant friends that I know where I live. I mean, I bought food that I knew I'd never I really did. If I ate everything I bought, I'd weigh five thousand pounds, I'd be on you know, The Biggest Loser whatever they name of that show is where people lose weight that have obesity issues. But you know, I feel so bad because you work so hard, and everybody that I know that owns a restaurant they kill themselves in that business, and the margins are tight. It's very hard to make it in the restaurant business. It's not what it was even forty years ago, when probably when your dad was doing it as a side hustle. I mean, it's a completely different business. And another shutdown will effectively close our business. There's just no way around it. My husband and I are aware of that, and I just where's the accountability for us? I mean, Governor Fomo constantly talks about how he's four small business in New York. Does he mean he's foreclosing them? Look, people aren't getting it. What happened to this? Follow the science? What happened. If you get the vaccine, you can you know life will go back to normal. They're not following their ome rules. All right, quick plug, what's your business? And what's the exact location where Trattoria Marbella And we're at one fifty one Canal Street in Ellenville, New York, which is Ulster County, New York. And and what's your favorite dish on the menu. What's the biggest sewer? There's too many. I mean, we have homemade pasta, so that's always going to best. All right. You know what pasta is like evil for me because it is Possi and bread are my two favorite things and I don't get to have any of them. Anyway. I appreciate you being with us, Thank you so much and hanging there. I'm praying that your business survives this. I really am. I'm hoping there's no more shutdowns. Eight hundred nine for one, Shauna is our number. You want to be a part of the program. It's hard. All these people are getting business. It's hard. They put their life, you know, their heart, their soul, their life savings into their business and the hopes that maybe they can make a profit. You know, I've been offered many times to go into the restaurant business, and I shake my head, Nope, not doing it. I've worked in it too long. It's too hard, it's too competitive, the margins are too tight to be able to make it work. And that's gonna wrap things up for today, Hannity. Tonight, nineties turn on Fox News. Senator Ram Paul will play him and his showdown with doctor Fauci, or maybe beat down as a better word. We'll get into the COVID mayhem mess that is out there among Democrats. Lindsay Graham, Joe Concho, Leo two point zero, Terrell. We'll see them back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us, and you thankfully make the show possible. We'll never forget it.

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